THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , MAY 5. 1887 SPECIAL NOTICES ; Advertisements underfills head , 10 cents per Ino for the Ilrst Insertion , 7 cents for couli sub sequent Insertion. andl ! > Qn llnu per month. No advertisement tiikcn for loss tlmn 25 rents forlho Insertion. PMUII words wll Jbo counted to tint line : tlii'y ' must run consocii- tlvolv mid mint bo paid In ndunco. . All ndvor- tlsotiicntM mint bo handed In but 01 o 1 ' . 'M o'clock . in. , nnd tinder no circumstances will they bo aken or dl conllnurd by telephone. I'nrtlus advertising Inthesc columns nnd hnv- Inir tlto answers mldrf'ni'd In euro of " UK IIKB will please imk f or u check toonnblo tliein to ( rot tliulr loiters , in nonowlll ho delivered except on presentation of check. All nnswrrs to ndvcr- tlButnents should ho enclosed In envelopes. All ndvcrtlscracnts In thei o column * nro puln Untied In l > oth morning nnd evening editions of The Urn , the circulation of which aKgrcgntes morn tlmn 14,000 pnpcrs dally , nnd gives the udvcrtt'cr the liennflt. not onlj of the rlty circulation of The HKK hut nl o of Oounell Illulfa , l.liicnln , nnd other cities nnd towns throughout this pnrt of the west. MONEY TO LOAN. ONKY to Loan , flr t mortgage notes M bought. H. E. Cole , 310 fi. lr th , room 4. 2rxmo"loan on renl estate. Apply to C. B. Keller , Ifi05 1'arnnm st , city. 015 mlO * XJiooOtoloanatO per cent , Harris 4 Pamp- $ son , 1510 Douglas st f 7 ( ) " 50oinoI ) TO l/AN nt o per cent Mnhonoy $ & Llnahan IK/J Fnrnam. 6Q'l ON KYTO TOAN-O. F. Davis * Co.real estate nnd loan agents , 1505 Farnam st 671 dJDOOflOO To lonn on Omalm city priiperty at 0 P percent. O , W. Day , s. o. oor. Ex. Bid. 073 ONHY TO LOAN-On city nnd farm property - orty , low talcs. Stewart & Co. , Boom 3 Iron bank. 074 ONKY to lonn. cash on dolny. - , J. W. nnd II L. Sijulrc , 14U Farnam st , f ftxton hotel building. 075 MONLV 1'lrnt mortgage notes. The Douglas county bank will buy papers secured by first mortgage on city realty. 070 MONEY TO LOAN on improved real estate ; no commission charged. Leavltt Burn- bam , Koom 1 Crolghton Block. 877 61'Llt CUNT-Monny to lonn. Gregory & lladlay. Rooms 1 and 3 , lledick block , 320 S. 15th Bt , 678 MONP.NV to loan on collaterals. Long nnil short time ulty mortgages and con tracts bought. K. S. Howley , 314 Soufh 15th at < j7H mil rpd LOAN Money Ixians placed on irah JL proved Teal estate In city or county foi Now England Lonn ft Trust Co. , by Uouglai County hank. IBth antl Chlrago Btl. C79 TITONKY to loan on Improved rlty propnty nt JTL o per cent. Money on hand ; do not have to wait Have a complete set of abstract book ! of Douglas county. I. N. Watson , abstractor Harris Heal Estate nnd Loan Co. , 320 8.15th st , 60 MONKY LOANKDnt 0. F. Heed & Co.'s Lonr Ofllco , on furniture , pianos , horses.wngons personal property of all kinds , nnd nil other ar ticles of value , without removal. 1119 S. 13th , over lllngham s Commission store. All busi ness strictly confidential. 881 6 PKIl CENT Money. U. C. Patterson , 15th and Harnoy. _ MONKY UO LOAN-bytho undersigned , wti < has the only properly organised lour agency In Omaha. Loans of $10 to $100 mad ( on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons machlnary , Ac , without removal. No delays All business strictly confidential. Ix > ans M tnailo that any part can bo paid at nny ime.onct payment reducing the cost pro rnta. Advancoi made on fine watches and diamonds. Person ! Should carefully consider who they nro dealing with , is many now concerns are dally coruln < Into oxlstonco. Should you nnod money ral mid see mo.S. . IL Croft , lloora 4 W'thncl ' Building 15th and Harnoy. 63 ri HK Omaha Financial Exchange , N W. cor J. nor of Harnoy nnd 15th sts. , over Gtatt National bank. I * nropnrod to make short time loans on nnj avBlluliloa ooiirlty , loans mndo on chattels , col laterals or real estate. Long time latins mndo on Improved real cstnt < at current rales. Purchase money mortgages negotiated , so ourod notes bought , sold or exchanged , Short tlmo loans made on second mortgage according to marginal Interest , at collntora rates. i Heal citato to exchange for good Intorcs ' Uonornl financial business of alt kinds trans Acted promptly , quietly and fairly. Money always on haud for approved loans o : any kind , without deUy or unnecessary pub llclty. Corbott. Manager. 186 BUSINESS CHANCES. _ "ITOK SALE A cimh ( T'ocory store doing . * . ' business of $ ,000 to $7,000 per month : ar vly at once to I'ouron , Cole & llobertbon. 310 h 15th st 816 4 _ FOK SALE or trade for olty property A ma stock ot jewelry and elhoiwaro. McCu loch & Co. , 1503 Faniam st. 7486 _ FOKTKADK-Several hundred acres of spier did land , or nny part of it , in Cedar Co , Nob. , for n slock of general merchandise wort from $ .1,000 to $5,000 , Enquire of Plorco & Keg crs. 1511 Dodge St. _ _ IM 4 FOK SALK or Trade , n first-class stock gen oral merchandise. In n lively country town k fame hands 6 > ours. Sale last year $20,000. In voice about 11,000. To the right party H cast' 1ml. In one year on approved security. J , II Illalr & Co. , Itoom 6 , 127 South llth st , , Llncolr Neb. f.83 4 _ _ T710K SALE-Aolgnr. tobacco and fruit Stan Jon a good street , doing n good buslnesE Small capital required. Address M 54. Be olllce. 631.5 * _ T71OK SALK A fine drug stock Invololn X1 $2,700 Is offered tor sale on very f nvorabl terms Only a small cash pay m out Is roqulro < bal to suit purchaser. The location and bus lies * Is excellent. Address A. C. Spandnv Urafton , Neb. _ 615 8 * WE have some very desirable lots to e.i clmngo far any kind of morclinnillso ; U N151httl-2 blKnP. O. Marr&Toft. 54 FOIl BALE OK TKADK-For Omaha olty rei estate or Nebraska lands , u two-star brick store , with a complete line ot staple dr Kooda nnd notions , groceries , crockery , glasi ware , and n small assortment of hats and cni all bought for cash and discount saved in llvo Nebraska town , countr seat , and doing rood cnih biiBlnosa : The second story rents f c $25 per month , nnd now contains tint-class toi nuts. On the Union 1'arltla K. K. . and su rounded by the best class of farmers an farms in the stato. Tire grain elevators nro li Acati'dat the station , and top all tne surrouni ' 'ingcountry. which brings In a great deal t outside trade , and Is one of the best grain ma kots In the state ; It also hasonoof the large : flouring mills In the west The above property Is first-class In every n iiiect and the stock Is now and desirable. O. , " Canan. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 852 1710K SALK One-half Interest Intho Nebrnsk X1 Signal , the largest circulation of nny coui try weekly newspaper In the state ; large Jo oilier in connection. Tor full particulars ai dross or call on E. C. Sawyer , Admr. . Fal mom. Neb. fat _ tITHH SALK 01 Exchange A now 35 hbl cor J ? blnation mill situated on Llttln Illi river , near Hebron , in Thayer county. Will o ohaiiRO for wild or Improved lands or llvo stoc For further particulars address First Nation Hank. Hebron , Nob. CM PERSONAL. 'l KKSONAL-jTwIllTniy oTiodo7on"soTld Mo .L lean silver ten spoons at Mood's Cdli : More , 10. ! North 16th t. ; will wear longer thn nny other spoons made ; another lot just r ooiyoiL _ W7 i "fjEllSONAl. The bo t refrigerators Tn tT J- market nt prlrcm lowur than tlm lowe n d on easy terms at Moody's China btore , 3 North 16th it. KM 4 _ _ M1W. DUKAN r-Clnrlvoyant from Boston , reliable In all affairs of life , unites soparati lovers. 322N. luth it , room 1 t'Jl m2i > j _ _ Ncot and tasty all-wool lius ness suits $7.1K ) . Fine blue diagonal drc aiitts , $10.75. Call and see them or write fi samples. L. O. Jones V Co. , Amerlci Clothiers , 1309 1'arnnm st. , Omaha. JW m IT ijKlFsONAL-FrTvatoTiorae for lfldTos durfi J confinement , strictly confidential , infnn a-lomed adilrc-s K42 , Bce ofllco. 8I-JJ2 * "Dr. Nahnis V. Warn clain'oynnt. Medical and business Medlu Boom No. 8 , 121 North 16th Bt .Omaha , N b- esa ' LO3T. T OST Brotvniha loTiFarnain ttrcot no J-J bushier college. Iteturnto313 8 15th i IOST Pug dog sU months old with loath J collar. Finder pleoso leuvo U1221J fault arc and get reward. _ TO i ) OTKAVED OK STOLKN-Ono black mare V3 hands high , two hind fi ot white , l.lbei \rewardwlllbepald to tinder. 1C. A. Brow Iho cash ttroctr. liQ N. li.ui st. 7i 4J STOKAOE . UU11ST-CLAS3 Stornco at 119 N 13th ft ftC37 t tffci/l - First-class storage for nlco furniture STOKAOE niture or boxed goods , at 1513 led et. . C-SS MISCELLANEOUS. rpo I'HOI'KUTV Owners-It you want to cell JL your property send full description with price nnd terms to Hurt's Great Western llenl Kfltntc llnrenii , Crclvhton Illock. We Imvo cus tomers for every bargain that Is ollornd. liiMl 811 _ _ _ _ rpo the Ladles 1'rumpt nttentlon paid to all J kinds of dressmaking ; silk , satin nnd vcl * vet dresso cleaned hy the Trench drying pro- coss. I'rtoo f rom 11.61 to $1.00 , Ale gloves , laoos nnd plumes , I8lfl Farnam st ' { * > OJ C 1EHS POOLS , Rinks anil vaults cleaned , odcr- process. H. Kwlng , hot X'7 , city. CF F Olt RKNl Squiiro I'lano $ J monthly. Hospo. 1613 Douglas. i 'J TO parties having houses for rent , Hontnl ARi-ncy. nenawn&Co. , 15st. , opposite post- office. Wo have turned over to them our rental list. We recommend them. McCaguo llros , gjl FOR KENT Organs , fa per month. Hofpo , 1613 Douglag. BW * nitKhSMAKINl-Mrs ( , K. C. Sconold. par- Jlors 1822 St. Mary's avo. Ladles coming to the olty for one dny can Imvo their dros < made while waiting. U75 m 14 O ) . C.-HOUBO furnishing goodi. all kinds ; ca h or installment ; lowest prices at J , Homier , 1315 Douglas sU _ BOO T71C W irirKST tqu ore littno. | < montntr. A -C Hosno. IBUDougUs. OSD XF you wnnt to buy or sell furulturo. go to J. Ferguson's , 715 N. 18th. C31 FOBB ALE MISCELLANEOUS. _ _ _ " 171OII SALi ; Onotiew Ciimoron & Ambnrg 8 -L drawer letter cabinet ; lock doors. 1'rlco , f25. Address O 13 Ileo olhue. OU 4 < | 7U > UHAii-Goda : fountaincheap utlJUl Doujr JP las street 815 5J OK SALE-AM kinds of building stone at the Lou Isvlllo quarry , lowest prices possi ble. Address 0. Motzgcr , Louisville , Neb. H2.I IS * III SALE New light sidobnr buggy. Cole 316 8.15th. Koom 4. 761 7 FOK SALE Or exchange $2,000 cqlty In Omahu and Kansas real estate to exchange for same amount In merchandise , groceries preferwd. Addressiilokly. | Caimlchael Bros , , Hiawatha , Kntisas. SMIft * FOIl SALE Pony , young , good to ride or drive. Charles TulUeld , 27th and Lnka. 8Mi-lr ; bond tlnn milch cows nnd FOIl spilngcrsBiit Military llridgu yaids , t/'iiiu- Ings Rt. Crone & Jotter. U3110 * FOlt SALK A good milk dulry , consisting of i 1W first class cows , n good delivery wage team and hnniuss. milk cans , t\c. , horse power corn mill and hny cutter , and corn sheller , In cluding ( Irat clans milk routn , Immndlato pos. session given. For terms , etc. call at 217 S llth st , Omaha. 741 FOH BALK Span horses , double wagon and double harness for $ . ' 00. Also u lot of podts cheap. C. J Ciinnn , K 1 F' IOH ' SALE lor" horses. 1 spring wagon , 1 buggy , cheap. A. Hospo. 781 ml.i FOlt SALE Cheap , the Abstract Books of Seward County , complete to date , Safe , Blanks , Office , Furniture .good line of Insurance Companies , Lonn nnd lieu ! Kstato Business. The only sot of Abstiact Hooks In Scuard County. Address , Hamlln Bros. , York , Neb. 4-.1 m HJ F OK SALE Safe , nearly now , medium size , Inquire 21 Fron/or blk. , opp P. O. 357 SALK Square piano , $150. Woodbrldgo llros , 215 Oporn house. l < 04 FOlt SALK The best line of carriages , phaet ons , buggies , real estnto waeons and deliv ery wagons. Columbus Buggy Co. , 1113 Harnoy. 3U3m9 FOK BALE Fresh milk cow and calf. In quire s. w. cor. 15th nnd Castolhir , Mrs. Callahan. 904 Uj OKSALE-Brlok. T.Murray. 6i > 3 CHOICE LANDS $5 per aero. $ H ) makes 1st years payment on 16) acres. Write for Information - formation W. F.l'ulno. Sidney Neb. 2i2niayi FOB SALE 17 hood choice bred Shortnorn cattle ; also a 450 aero stock farm In Holt county. J. B. Callings , Ponder , Neb. fcO.1 may I3j WANTED VALE HELP. WANTKD A respectable young inundeslrca to correspond with n lady of moderate wealth object , matrimony. Address 018 , lice office. 834 7j WANTDD 50 men for R. K. work. Apply at H. Jacobs employment ofllco , Council Bluffs. | 04l 7 WANTED 20 good carpenters. B. ST. Nich' Olson , 908 N. 22d st. 930 7J TTI-ANTBD-BoyOmaha Shirt Factory , : 8 V > Kith. 910 0 TTITANTED Boy at 804 N 10th , OinahaCrook TT ery House. 912 4 * \\TANTED-Caolnet makers and 1 ci T steady work. Slmmonds , Koovos * Co. 1TJO and 17J2 S 13th. 911 9 VV ANTED Kitchen Fireman nt Mlllard hotel 890 4 WANTKD Partner to enlarge mill water power. Business Immense. Bare chance Capital required , $1,000 or more. Address V , H , Gibson , Atkinson. Nebraska. 8S5 7 * WANTED 2 good hardware men , 2 bnkors 0 dining room girls.4 female cooks. : laundresses , 4 short order waiters , 2 men cooki and 75 girls for general housework. Onmht Employmcnt Bureau , 119 N 16th st 870 4 WANTKD A smart American boy. 18 or a yours , some knowledge of bookkeeping good address ; wngos small to commence. Spcl man A Pierce , 1212 Douglas st tfll 4 W ANTP.O-2 or throe carpenters , 311 S lit ! st. In the forenoon. John Hamlln. 8,18-5 w ANTED Cook ( male ) at Emmett houso. \yANTED-A good reliable man to solicit or T T dors in city , for colfco and ton hou o , i good place for the right man. AUdru.-s M c ; Ileo otllco. 7Js WANTED-A good moldcr. John C. Ktlnu ; York , Nob. O.J7 4 WANTKD-Cam-assers In every city nni town In Nebraska and Ion a. L. H Watts , room 3 , Ifllo Furnam st. 779 W ANTED-B bridge carpenters. Albright' Labor Agency , 1120 rarnam. 043 W .ANTED A partner In good paying nu l ness , oompctant to take full charge o office nlTnlrs , $2,000 capital required. Address box M. 18 , Bee office. 3M ANT15I > Laborers tor railroad work. E.S Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam. Stt ! W ANTED Canvassers In Omaha and Doug las county for Platform Kohoos , by Join ILClotiKh. The best selling book of the day Call on or address , L. II. Watts , Uoom 3 , 1111 I'lurnum St , Omaha , Nob. 27 WANTKD 20 blockmakera for Colorado must bo experienced and hgvo tools , f re iss. Mrs , llrogn & Son. 31U 8.15th 81J 4 ] ANTKD Canvassing agents. Apply be tween 12 in. and 4 p. m. Acme Mnnfg Co.jll28. 10th st. 60t ANTED A young llohumlan drug'clorli who can speak English and Gorman. Ai dress O 3 l.'eo olllce. 8M 5 ANTBD-Mon , Women , Boys and ( ilrls fo a light and profitable employment N picture business ; no humbug. Send lOofor valuable paokage to commence on. Only a foi bundled will be distributed. Address Alban Supply Co. , Albany , N. V. 812 J2 W ANTED A good reliable man to driv fiirnlturo dollvory wagon. Must undoi ftand his business hnd furnish city loforoncc Prefer married man. Apply 017 S. 13tb st. 85 WANTED-An active partner with nbou $ VX ] cash to Invest in a well paying bus ness. Inquire of A. U Uiuleland i. Co , IV ; Douglas st. room 1. 8,0 0 WANTED-Clork. gentleman or lady fo cmckory and glassware 9toroaddress ; O 1 Boo oltlco. M3 6J W ANTED-Partner with $10J In ono of th best pacing business In Omaha , Ladyc gentleman. Mrs. Brcga , 316 South 15th st. WANTED-Partnor In an established real e : tate business. Should ha\o horse an buggy. Address O 15 Bee oltloe. 9.50 5 WANTED-20 block makers for Coloradc Must DO experienced men and have tool : Free pass. Mrs. Uioga & Son , 3iB South 15th. 91314 \\'ANTiD-lloy : ! ' ' gUo good relcrunue. Apply to Edliolm Alken. U20 4 \\7.\NTEI ) Five persons to Instruct In bool T T kecphiir. No riiy until situations are fu nlslieil J.ll. Sniltli , 161UChlcnK st. VOdOJ TV"AS TKI-AgentsTcTthVrTox. fora noyolt that Utnktng Clilcago by storm. 2 < WOC fold in tlila city. J. It. I'mre , & Co , Chicago. Bit 5j \VANTEI > Uootltoiraster : must be marrlei ' > live lit the vicinity of 17th and Chlo * oac be nMu to board two men. AUdrusa O 6 B < oUicu. . 67 i * \I7ANTKD First-class dross goods salesman TT Immediately ; permanent position ; mint come well recommended. Address C Lincoln ofllco Boo 878 4 * _ WANTED FEMALE HE pT " \\7ANTr.Il Woman cook , Viomia restaurant , 1017 Howard st _ KW 5J _ \\7ANTKI ) A few more shirt nnd pants TT maker * . Apply at once. Goo. Stile * . HOT Leaven orlh st , OU 11 -rirst class sowing girl 513 P. 14th st. B7J5J VirANTIID l'leasant sociable woman n3 T T housekeeper In country hotel , good wages. Mrs , llroga.ins south 15th. H75 4J _ \VANTKD A competent girl for general IT houtexork af'u 1'artiani st i > t 6 WANrKD Lndy hotiBokecper for widower with throe children , references given and required. Mrs. Bcrgn , 310 3.15th. NW 4J \rANTKD-TttO dining-room girli at 1003 Davenport st BJO 4 V\r-\N I r.I-Olrl lor gcnornl house > orK. 1417 Cass S1J-4 * VrANTr.D Kltohon girl nnd two dlnttitf room girls. 1001 No ICth et. U03 Xt'ANTED Immediately , 10 wnltro soi nnd TT cook for section house , thrco house- copers nnd M girls for general housework. Irs. BieirnaiO S. 15th. 810 4J V\rANTii-ClinmberinulJ. ; colored. Call lit TT lAllCapital ] avenue , bctwenn 1 nnd 2 /clock . 731 0 * " \\rANTKD-At once , T flrst-clnss chninbcr- TT maids nnd 1 scrub girl. Apply at the " ? O77CI1S. 9.1'J ' WANTIID-A chambermaid at the Windsor hotel. 910 0 WANTKU Olrls for hotels nnd prlvnto fam ilies. Apply nt II. .Iniobs omnlnytncnt Mice , room 0 , opera house , Council BlulTs. UJ7 Oj WANTllD-lluttoa hole woikers , 1112 Far- nam. P03 0 j \\7ANTED-Glrls , glrls.wlrls , I can supply any ' number of gh-ls with nlco places In prl- ate families nt good wages. No ollieo cos. Mrs. llrega ille S 15th. 9176 * WANTKn Good elrl for houjowork. 441 Convent. 11035 \ V"ANTIHIn family of 3 , first-class girl for TT general housework , IWii ratnntn Ul'iflj V\7"ANTI2D A good female pastry cook nt TT Arrailo hotel. Must ha\o references , ' ,215 , Douglas st. 215 OJ WANTIUJ At once , n woman to do witching ntldlS Su'lth n. OJS5J WANTED Immediately , 2 chambermaids In llm-cluss hotel. Mrs. Bregn , . ' 110 South 5th st. OJ35J w ANTED : T\vo chambermaid ? past 45 years of ngo. Knsywork. 15 per week. Apply ras 14th St. , on Wednesday and Thursday bow - wcon 2 nnd 4. 850 \\rANTKD-A good girl for general housework - work , must bo n good washer and ironor. 2106 Fttrnnm st. 725 \\rANTRD-Twcnty-nve table girls , from H TT to2" vcnrsof ngo , who can bring good recommendations as tochnractor nnd ability : well educated nnd uhlo to dross neatly , anil of good personal nppenranoe.Viitfos f ii pnr week. Apyly to 1513 Douglas St. , room n , 907 4j \VANTKD-Lady cook , must bo first claos , aoply to Thos If. Hill , proprlotoi1 Park hotel , Fremont , Nob. 722 0 * TyANTHD-Good girl , 1707 .Cuss. 623 WANTED An experienced girl , at n o. cor. 13th and Leavcnworth sts , 710 fl ) "V7"AN1UDAcbnmbermftld at U12 Douglas T T st. 475 ANTT.D-Good girl nt 503 Virginia nvo , good wagon paid. 231 WANTKD At once , piano player , colored woman urelerreJ Apply 112 8. 9th. 343 WANTKD-First Blrl , 1013 Capital nve. 54 mlj \\rANTKD-A good prncticnl woman as T housekeeper ; wntros $ per week. Apply between the hours of 12 and 3 at 012 Douglas st , MS \\7"ANTED Liulics to work lor us nt tnelr i i own nomos ; $7 to 10 per week can bo quietly made ; no photo-painting , no canvass ing. For full particulars please address at once Crescent Art Co. , 10 Central it. Boston , MUM , llox.5170. 902ol5 | * SITUATION WANTED. WANTKO-Sltuatlon by n Hnely educated eastern man , competent to run drug , book or stationery store wants position In r healthy town or on the road. Can kcop hooks Uost of references. Address "Cnmbus Indira,1 Marshall- town , In. 9J2 7 WANTED Situation ns housekeeper , by t pleasant , practical woman of : I8 with bo ) of 15 , Is an excellent cook and good innnagor In fact ft troasuio for somebody. Mrs. llrogn 316 South 15th. 0165 * WANTED Sltitatlon for No. 1 woman pns try cook. Wages , $ J3. Mrs. Hregn. 311 South 15th. 1U ) 5j " \\fANTKD-A Position bv n thorough no T > countant. Host of references. Addrosi OU Hoc office. 613 \\TANTRD Situation for running a station ' * ary engine. Uontlomau will son.l oidei orspoclnl terms on nddress. Box 07 , Mlllnrd Douglag county , Nob. 832 0 * I AM well acquainted with the grocery tradi of Nebraska , Ulnck Hills , also otty trade open for a situation , Address 0 5 , Ileo office HISOELLANEOUS WANTS. " \X7"ANTED Furnished room , or room ant TT board In family where theio are no ch II dron , by n young ninn of good hnblts and char acter who can furnish roteruncos If required Address , stating terms , etc. , O U Boo ollieo. 887 4 * WANTKD To buy a barber shop In n towi ot yXX ) or 1,500. Address J ck Box 4 ( Walnut. lown. 811 6 * \\7ANTED-MerohantB m dry geode , clotn > Ing , boots ami shoes or general morchan disc wanting to ( ell their stock , can find casl purchasers by addressing H. N. Mcdrew Omaha. 511 mBJ \\7ANTED-Toams for railroad work , $3.50 i TT uay , Albright's Labor Agency , 112 Farnam. Jt I "I "IS/ANTED A newspaper , imylng circnliuioi IT guaranteed from the start , for partlou lars address Bank of Valley , Valley , Nub. 696 FOB BENT HOUSES and LOTS. lIKt ! BENT-Good barn , suitable for fou J-1 horses. Inquire at U17 s. 13th st trn FOK HKNT Or sale , creamery and dwelling everything complete. Address J. B Hen shaw , Manning , la. COT 5j FOK KENT-Thrco-room houses 1017 Nort 20th st. 869 FOK RKNT Store,0 rooms and basement 01 16th st Apply i > 13 N Mth St. 7U78 FOK KKNT Window , good locality for lei clor or real estate. Apply to 3M n Iflth. 5'J3 OK RINT : First clnss location for barbc shop. Shaw & Co. , 510 South 10th. 424 FOK KKNT A store. Inquire 1412 S. 13th si Goo. H. Peterson. bU9 FOKIir.NT-Waroroom cor. 13th nnd Call Ifornln on Bolt Line. For particulars enquire quire nt Union Nat bank. 183 TJ10K KENT-Brlok yards , T. Murray. 443 FOK RENT-Frnmo store building , 20x50 with llvinr 4roomson Phil Miorldan fitwi ; Improve ; put basement under store to suit nn legitimate business Wm. Flomlnj & Co. . 1W Douglas. 870 TQIAIIM to rent. T.Murray. FOlt KENT House ; furniture , carpetsAc forsale. Apply 1609 Farnam. 213 TJ1OK KENT Store and living apartments 01 JL Cumlng near Saunders st Apply at Uarrl Bcal Estate and Loan Co. , 34) ) 9.15th st 097 FOB BENT BOOMS. TT10K KENT In now homo , newly furnlsho X1 rooms , south and east front , ono with ba window and alcove. C22 Georgia avenue. IGIOK KENT A well turnlshcd front rooi -L' and board forS men or man and wlfo at 3 : N. 17th st. Ml 4J OK KENT-Suitablo ( for parlor orofflcefr dentist or doctor ) Nicely furnished fior room with bed room adjoining. Apply at rooi 8 , 80T 8.13th St B31 4 T7IOK llENT-Niculy furnished rooms at 19 ( JC Farnam st. Oil KBNT Nicely furnished rooms wit board If desired. 1413 North 23th st 815 FOR BBNT-Dcslnble suite of rooms , luri l h d,25JS8t Marr'tave aU modern coi TSdenco , with board va 7J FOH KENT Largo cast front turnlshcd room with closet , for 1 or 2 gentlemen or 2 ladles employed during thffUBy.terms reason able ; apply 1110 north lath. > 1 > Odl 4J FOK KENT Two or four gentlemen can hnvo two elegantly f uriilshud jidlolnlng front rooms , nlM > _ Jrst-class bo f' reference ro- quired. 1919 Dodge st. | T7WK KENT furnishcd rKoms single or In -L suite , for gentlemen. All modern conven iences. 315 N. 17th st Hosvo. lleforonco re quired. 628 S FOK KENT Fine room , city water , gnu. bath , streetcar , convenientJohoap. Apply2500 Douglas st * - li24 FOK HKNT Front room for gentlemen , 1724 Douglas t , * 81H5' I/lull ItKNT Furnished room with prnate family , with or without board. S.TC ) Charles at cor Saumlors. iM6 * Foil KENT Two plcasnnt rooms with gns und bath. 1011 Howard st. third lloor. B'Jl ' 7j FOK KENT-Filriil hcd rooms fiotn $7 to $15 , 2nd Hoar , old Browne ! ! hall , South 17th st , 8.15 4J T/10H KENT I'urnlshel room with privilege J-1 of sitting room tor ladv. Object , company for lady \\hkiso husband Is gone part of the time. 5018 20th. 8SO FOK KENT IHegantly furnished front room for gentlemen , f > blocks from I * . O. All modern conveniences * 323 North 17th st 833 4J 1011 HI'.NT-No. Ml a ISth St. , storeroom nnj basement , now bilck building. An ex , ccllont location for either wholesale or retnl busltiojs. Pnitlsen & Co. , room H Itcdlck block , ! HB _ FOK KENT Two o'lloos spaces on ground lloor In room 150) Farnnm st. Knqulroof J. S. Klchnnlson , In rear olllce , 343 ni'il TTIOK KENT-Furnished room at 1810 Dodge st. J 9E8 TTOK KENT-rurnlshcd rooms nt 1810 Dodge Bt OS3 OK KENr-ruriilshod room. 1015 Dodge st. 831 FOlt KENT-2 furnished rooms forgcntlmen with gas , bath and other coinculencos,2000 Dn onp rt t. h71 4J FOH KENT Pleasant furnished rooms , suit able for 4 gentlemen : nice grounds ; bath. Hefcrcnccs rcijuired. 1910 Webster st 8485 * FOK KENT-Pleasant front room , 1(115 ( Cass 762-4 * "I710H HKNT Very pleasant newly-furnished JL room near business center , Ritltabo for two gentlemen , all comci.ionces , private Intnlly. 11)15 Capitol nvo. 877 Oj FOR llhNT Desk room In Jrood location , rent reasonable. Apply nt Hooin 17 , No. 1509 Fnrnnm st. 651 4 * F OK 11KNT rurnlshod room for gentleman. 537 Plonsant Bt. C47 0 FOH HUNT Two nicely furnished rooms. 2218 Farnani st. 713 6J FOH HUNT Two elegant furnished front rooms , onst fiont buy windows , modern Im provements , also slnglo room , 003 N 17th st G73 F OH lir.NT-Nlcoly furnished rooms cheap. 509 South 18th street. Upstairs. 9J5 FOH KENT Desk room nt 314 South 15th street , room3. Insurance man preferred. nasoj POll ar.NT-Desk room. Enquire Young & Blackmail , 214 S 15th St. 540 "ITIOII lir.NT Throe room houeo west of North -L1 nth St. , between Chicago find Cass. C'.W F I OK KENT Elegnnt oflicl ) rooms , best lo cation In Omaha. 31G South 15th Bt. 635 FOK KENT--Thlrd lloor , 22x80 , of brick build- Ing , 1108 Fnrnam street , use of elevator. Inquire above number , upstairs. C61 POR KENT Furnished rooms. 714 N. inth. : Ol'Jm'Jl * T71OK KKNT A plonsnnt front room , modern -1 conveniences , forono or two gentlemen ; terms reasonable. 2113 23d , et : , near Farnnm. 07J- EOK KENT-OIHC03 In Hodman tiiilldingcor. Farnnm and 1,1th sts. , in suites or singly , Tor prices , diagrams and information apply to S.A. Slouian , 1513 Furnam st. - Boom 2. FOB SALE HOUSES LOTS. rfOH 8ALE- JJ Sniindors-Street Bargains. By J. L. Hlce & Co. , over Commercial National Bank. 03 foot fiont , corner $ 6,500 03 foot front , corner alley 5,500 120 foot front , corner 12.000 IM foot front , corner 12.000 Wl foot front , paved In front U,50fl 70 foot front , paved In frontv . - 16,000 142 foot front , corner , Improved 20,1100 liO loot front , Improved 8,750 87 foot front , corner , Improved 8.70C 112 foot front , near corner Lake 13ooc 40 foot front. Improved , Lnko 7,000 40 foot front , vacant , Lake. , ' 5.00C 41 foot fiont , corner 3,751 60 foot front , corner , 7,500 18 foot front , Insldo 4.50C 22 foot front , near corner Lnko 2,10(1 24 foot front , corner 3OOC J. L. lllco' & , Co. 856 7 TKVEN8 PLACE is where to buy. Stevens Bros. , 1513 Karnam. 874 HOUSKS nnd Lota. 1 line lot and 8 roomed bouse In Tdlowlldo , Full'lot and ono 8roomed house , $5,000. Terms onsy. This is In Nelson's addition and Is cheat ns dirt. Lot and small house in Isaac's and Soldo n't addition.f4,500. Kusyteiras. Lot nnd 6 roomed house , barn , otc.Shlnns 3d ndd , , $ 'I,2.V ) . Best oiler vet. 2 story seven roomed house and full lot , well , cixtcru. barn. otc. , $ ,1.000. Terms easy. Full lot , south front , nice house , etc. . Ir Omaha View , $1,750. Terms easy. CO foot lot , ono 7 nnd one 3 roomed house , oto. price , $3.1100. Terms easy In Omaha View. One elegant south front lot in Kount/o Placi $2.000oay terms. : 'choice oust trent lots In Ambler Place , $ SO ( each ; n bargain. 2 nlco lots In Atnblor Place 1 n cor. for $07 ! each. U ) lots In Orchard Hill , $750 to $1.000 each. 2 south front lots in Orchard Hill on Hamil ton'.st. , $ > XJOenci. ! 1 Duo lot on 3lst Bt , In Oman a View , $ VOO ; t bargain. 1 choice corner lot In Mayn < 9 Place , $3,000. One elegant lot In Burr Oak , $1,500. 1 lot In Burdctto Couit , $500. Hlots la Bedford Place from 1750 to (951 each' . fine cor. lot on 15th nnd Lcavonworth ; i bargain * A big bargain In Washington Hill : good nevi 7-roomcd house , barn , wall , cistern , etc. for $3.000. ' tioddard & Moore , 211 Norlh Kith street t-C'J S SELECTS , nro the carefully listed bargains hunted down by Cuke it Billings. Oursam plocase : ' 66x140 ft on Kith street for $5,500 , part 1 nnd : jear.q. 4 lots , Meyers Ltflldon's add , cash needed onlj Homo lot In Plalnvlew , only takes , cash , $500 , Picked In Sherldim Placo.only $1,300 for $1,5'JC lot 2 lota with 2 houses , J. I. ilodick's sub , onlj block from stieot car line , 10dxl2J ft on ; streets , big money hero for you. Beauty of Bartlctt. fruit trees , fine view onlr $ IJjOO cash needed. Cheapest South Omaha stuff on the market. Como , over 101 , corner Dodge and 15th , anf we'll make It pleasant and urontnblo for you. Lit B- " FOIl BALK-Dodgost.twQlots In Kllby place fronting on Dodge street , 125 feet. Twc blocks lie > end the lots have inld for $2.000 , thi same prlco wo nsk for thcso. Only $1,200 cast required. Shaw & Co.,510 916th st. nro UK agents. -K- 196 TTIOKSALE-llyJ. K KIce4& Co.o er Com -L inorclal Nntlonnl Bank. 3 modern 8 room houses , south front on De catur st$4ooo enuh ; M cashU 1 modern x room house , east front on Kin ; St. , J4r nO ; Hrnsh. 4 4 room house , good barniiy ll and cistern ' Lot50x127. Just on crude. 'South trent 01 Hamilton st ! S mile from postoltice. Onl ; $2.N > 0. ' v Klogant modern resilience , finest In Otaaho on Dodgi st Only $ 1U.OOO ; K cush. Choice Washington souar - > | o : , south front $3.r . worth $4.Wa Washington square lots- ono a cornn fronting on Sherman avenue and paved st- 3 Washington square , Sherman avenu frontscorner MadNon avenue , $15,000. Business block on 10th street , $30,000. J. I Rice & Co. 8337 STEVENS PLACE Is noitr Plalnvlow , whor lots are selling uoublo the price. Steven 1 lire * . . 151J Farnam. 874 LIST your property with Wro. B. Leach"l50 rarnam. 7C5-1 HOUSKandlot In Movers , Klchard * ATI don's add , tliM. This Is n bargain an don't you forget it. Come and gft terms &o o L H. Watts , Hoom 3,1010 Farnam bt 8-t ) 1ST your property with VN'm. B. Leach. 150 I Farnam. 765-4 STKVKNS ITjVCE Is near Kountzo Place where there will lie 0i ) houses built thl summer , costing from flM ) to $10,000 oaol : Btevons Bros. , 1513 Farnam. B74 BF.ST oorcor 4n ShuH'sind add. $2 00. $70 cnsh , balance 1,2 and 3 > oars. Will bo wort 83.0U ) before the snow L. H. Watts , root 3 , lOig rurnaw St. 829 $ (0,000 ( will buy property ' bringing an annual rental of $7.314. b'hnw & Co , , 510 S. l < Uli et CJ7 FOK SAtE A corner lot , lxl32 , on ! Cuinlne st , one ot the best locations In the city for u wholesale house , with waterworks and sowcraeo. Apply at promises , Tims. Sin clair. nil m 2IJ _ F OK SALE Lot on 7th and Lnko sts , with noiifu i ] rooms , kitchen , pantry and good brick cellar. Apply to the Omaha Heal Kstnto and Trust Co. , or Win. Fleming , 1 Ith and Doug las sts. Will runt to irood parties if not sold Immediately. _ 871 LIST your property with Wm. II. Loach , 1509 Farnam. 7fi.V4 LIST your property with Win. 11. l.eiich , 1509 Farnam. 705-4 OPl'OUTt'JflTV-Lot In Kount/e 1'lnco AN $2,21)0. ) John Gallagher , 317 S. Uth St. Ml 8 w Klm\o R largo list of choice Insldo rest- donee and business property nt bottom prices. Wo hno property Tor snlo In nil parts of the city , Taxes pntd , rents collected , con veyancing and transact n general real estnto bti9lne < sln all Us branches. Wo solicit corro- pondento nnd business front non-residents ind will give same cnreful and prompt alien- Ion. To buy or soil cnll upon us. J , A. Griffith , 'enlestHto , roomsM and 21 , Holhnnn nlk. Oil rpBNTH Street business property with trnck- JL ago $ I'd per foot , cheapest ground on the street. I'nttarson & Moore , Oinnhn National llunk. 4TJ Il BALE-tly .7. L. lllco * Co. . on I.nko street nnd car line , fronting on two fO-foot streets : Corner lot , I.nko nnd 2."ith el ? , KE1 foot onJth > t,4S feet front on Lnio st,4utceton Ersklnu st : ill for n paltry $ ) ,000 , worth double to Im prove. Hi feet front , corner on I.nko nnd SS'li. ' $ V 03. fronting on II , 110 foot streets. : 46-foot front on I/iko and ErsKlno streets , 13,010. ITf-footfront on Lnko st , amo on Krsklno st , $7,51)0. ) J.UHIcoicCo. K > 0 7 S ECor 13th mid Douglas. L. THOMAS-lIns the choicest lots DKXTEK in Lincoln Placo. 2 cor. acres In Soloman's ndd $700 each. 3 lots In block r > 9. South Omaha. Also D , block r , ) , and lot 2 , block 85 , 7 in 89 , 2 in " 7 , cheap. HO acres by Central City to soil or trade. 1,120 tici os In a body near Stanton. 4SO acres near Wlsnor. Also lots in Bedford Place , Dolonos addition , West Cumlng , Kcstor's add on Cumlng st The boss lot In block O Shlnn's addition. Also large lots In Shlloh. 5 acres on Amos' avenue. Also tracuiiL'ocheap on Holt Line , for salt or 0 largo lots on Broadway , Council Bluffs. Lot 3till : 0 Inipiovoiiiont Association , 05x18 ? , "iTot8blk7 , sumo add , same sl/o , corner , $4.000 , & .C. , &c , 1 own the above and can make forms to suit Some and sno. Doxtcr L. Thomas , room B , Croighlon Block 75'J TLAC1 ! is north , wnero the boom STKVKNS Is growing , and there's whore you want to buy , Stevens llros. , 151:1 : Farnaru. 874 ll SALK-By S. Kutz & Co. , 1511 FarnamsO Corner Tarnam and Jlst , 1'MilSi . . . 17.Kt ( ) Corner DouKlas and 12th . STi.OOO Coi tier 1'lerte and Wth , 140x88 . lfi.000 Corner 10th and Martha , 03x140 Corner 18th nnd llurt . . Coiner l.Hh and California. 14 lot . 2fi,00l Corner Capitol nvenuo aadtuin st . nr > oO Choice residence lot , Summit 11111 . il.60) ) Choice lot , rarnam near SStli . 3,000 Corner Saunders and Hurt , 104x51 . 7,009 Cholcolots Wnlnilt Hill . 1,000 Choice lot , Vlrirluln nvo . 3,750 Choice lots on Farnam st . 2,600 Choice lot. Dodge and 27tn . 3,000 Choice lot , 13lh joining Cosmopolitan. . . 3,500 63 fret fronting on Cnmlng and llurt , 5 houses . , . 15,030 Lot flSJixlM , Just north of Cummif.fl-roora house : n great bargain . 3.800 300 fnet frontngeon 17th nnd 18th sts. . In the heart of tno city .with 5 houses . 20,000 03 feet front onJ st. Just north of St. Mary'snvo . 5,500 New 8room cottage , choicest location in thoclty . 4.500 Full lot on Franklin st . 1,350 Call in and see us nnd wo will make > ou money. S. Katz& Co. , 1511 Farnnrn. 237 THVKNS PLACH is on Amos avo. , the most S' popular drive In the city , between Saunders dors and State streets , and Is the prettiest piece of ground In Omaha. Let us snow you the nroperty nnd vou will buy , Terms onsy. Stevens Bros. , 1513 Faniam. 1874 \ \ O. SHIUVKK , Special bnrgnlns-Slghtly VV lot , E. front Kllby Plnco $1,8M. Corner 00x112,1 block olT Bed oar line , can build 4 cottages. $ . ' .500. 2 lotx , west side , E. front , 57x110 each , $1,003. Full lot , 2bth and Webster. $ .3,000. Full Iot23tn nnd Burt , $2,000. Good lot in Denlso sndd. , $1,700. Beautiful E. front lot on Georgia avo. , 200 ft S. of Loavenworth , $5000. 8. front lot on Burdotto near 26th $2,000. 2 full lots s front near Saunders on MaplOj $2SOO. 60x140 ft on Cist near Qraco , $4.000. Full corner lot on Cumlng and 31st , $4,000. Lot on Cumlng near Lowe ave , $1,600. 22 , 41 or CO ft Iront on Snnnders near Hamil ton. ton.Lots in Shrlvcr place $450. lli of the finest lots in West side , lies within 1 and 2 blocks of the now street car line , s fronts , price low and very easy terms. Improved Property. Cottage and corner lot , 63x120 on Saunders nnd Burdctto sts , $0,000. 2 cottages andoo feet east front on 29th St. , near Douglas , $5,700. 60 tcot on Park avo. and an 8-room house , $8.000. 01 feet and two now G-room cottages on 19th , nonr Luke , $5I.00 lU-rooin uousoon24th St. , near Capitol ave. , $0.000. 5-room cottage2. " > th nnd Parker st , $2,500. Cottage nnd two lots (120 ( foot ) In Lowo's add. , corner , $1.000. 1UO.XI50 ft corner on Virginia nvo , 5-room cot tage , barn , Ao. , $7,500. Now 10-room house , east front , Hnnscom place , $ T ,80i ) . Full lot and 5-room cottngo In Shlnn's 3d add , $3,000. run lot and 7-room house In Walnut Hill , $2,700. fl-room house , full lot In Nelson's add , J3.WJO. W. O. Shrlvor oop. P. O. OOJ FOK SALE-By J , L. Klco * Co. over Com merclal National Bank. 0 choice lots In Corclls ndd to Crclffhton Heights $375 each. 5 beautiful lots In Institute Place $000 each. Will trade for house and lot. 4 north front Institute 1'laco $475 each. Bar gain. 2 north front Institute Place , fenced , $50C oach. 2 elegant Crcighton Heights Boulevard lot ! $750 each. 4 splendid lots In Hllltko's first ndd ! 4 mile from fair grounds $ .175 each. n lots on ICth st , Hilltke'e first add $430 each 2 lotH In Crelghton Heights $400 each. Thrsolotsaro gilt edge suhutbntt proportj within the throe miles circle. Will bo bold ot : easy terms. J. L. Hlco & Co. solo agents. 83(5 ( 7 FORSALK-Corlot , 00x132. on i.apltol Hill , must bo sold soon. Call at 22J2 Davonporl 3.U WHOLKSALKKS and inanufacturors-llMilii : comer , close to whoicsulo center heavy 3 story brlcK , 50x132 , nnd other buildings tracks , equipped with engine nnd machinery Sell with or without machinery , T. J. Hook , 1500 rarnam. 897 5 FOR SALE-Out lot2C9Flornnco containing' acres. Will soil cheap forcush. Address Ol' Bee. Olfi 6 ] TJ10K SALR-Hesldenoo2410 Pierce Btroot.niiw J. house , containing 10 rooms. Includlnf bath nnd laundry rooms , heat by furnace. * o terms apply on premises. l > 21 10 * 10 BAKOAIN In Kllby Place , lot KxIW. 01 Benson street cur line , $1,675 , just the thing for a home. Albo , Thornlnirjr , east frontat $150 loss that It Is worth , $ Hlfl , und less than ! cash. Thesi nro facrlllcos to secure some money. Currlagi to see these any time. ParrottJt Williamson , up-stnlrs , corner 14tl and Douglas. W.'l B' TIWO beautiful south front lots In A S. Pat rick's add , $1,000 each. Kasy t orm s. Two line lots In Wilson's add , to Kountzi place , near Saunders st , $1.500 each. Splendid lot In Ilanscom place , on Vlrslnli av.i only $19V ) : $ DW cnsh. Lot In Raundors k HlmebnuKh's ndd.nortl frontonly $ TiOC ; $175 each. Tno line lots In Orchard Hill , $950 each ; V block from Hamilton st. Four lots In Clifton Hilltwo corners , 725 each Two lots In Kountzo place , 81x124 , on 22nd st , onlrfl.OX ) ; $ ! ,0. casu. Full lot and 2 houses on division ( t noa Cumlnif , only $4,200. Full lot and 4 room house In Hitchcock's add $1.400. $150 cash. These nro bargains and nlc little homes. Call and look at our list of Orchard Mill prop erty. The cheapest property on the market Mitchell & Lcyonmnrck , 151J ( Dodge Bt 8 a 4 1 83XIJ3 cor 16th and Plorco. $30,000. L 107 ft on Cumlng st , $4oiJO. } HOIIHIS nnd Loti. Orchard Hill$2.200,23d st $3'700Davtinport si a corner , $ . * > .000 , Dodge 8t $13/XJ. John Oal Ugber.aUB. 13th St. 7470 FOK SALK Furniture , and 6 room homo fo rent , about 8 blocks from the poetolllco : bariraln. Apply to K.F. WUIUms 4 Ca. ICtl and Chicago sts. 121. HAT have you to trade for n five < $ 0 ( hundred dollars equity , In two cholc South Omaha lots. Address at once , L. F. M lock box 907 V29t FOH 9ALR-SO acres 3 mlles from the city Ilmlt soiithwe t , beautiful land with con. Mwit supply of water. Apply to Omah * Koal Ustato and Trust C . , or Wm. Flomlng. 8,1 AVKNPOKT Street lots $1,200. M cash , nno lots , Patterson V Mooro. 471 4 Foil 9ALK-Buslnes3 property , nw corner 13th and Dorcas sts , wit 133 foot , with a Inrgo homo nnd other Improvement ? , nt n bnrgnln. For silo , 317 acres of land In Nuokolls Co. , Neb. , within Ui miles of Superior and It. K. depot. For particulars call on M. Hodlngton , lV3S8.l3th8tOmnhn. ( pTjlmnyflj $200 cash nud $ .M per month buys n now six. room house , city water nnd gas , 1 mile from . postolllctprleo $3,50J. Patterson * Moore , Omaha National Bank. 471m4 TPOK SALK Agood farm In Dlxon county ; A' well Improved , For particulars apply to Omaha Heal Kstato nnd Trust Co , or Wm. Fleming. 14th and Douglas. 871 NOTn poor lot In Conkllng plnco ; e\ery lot high nnd sightly and level ns n lloor with n : nagnltlccnt view In all directions , T 1ST your jiroporty with Wm. 11. Leach , 1509 AJ Farnam. 7fi5-4 KIL11V PLACE Lois $1,000 to $1,300. one- fifth down bala nco 4 annual payments. Pot orsoti > V Moore , Omalm National llnnk. 471m4 STF.VENS PLACK on Ames avenue , near State nud Saunders streets , and a contin uation of Sherman tnvcnuo , the flno drives if the city. Stevens llrofl , 151J Fnrnnm. 874 > 1ST your property with Wm. B. Loach , 1509 ' Fnrnnm. 7 5- | T 1ST your property \\lthWui B. Loneh , 1509 AJ rnrimm. 15.4 READ this splendid list : Qlbson , Aylcsworth A Bonlamln , _ . , , 11121'arnam st. For fi dn > s only we offer the following 2 lots In Brlggs place front son Harnoy and n on Fnriiam. 1 lot In Hnwthorno 4'xlM. ( cor Sid and Daren- ; u > rttlroom house , Ac , prlco $3,3JO. Kasy erins. Lot nnd house In Lowo's 1st aildCOxl20 , $1,750. 120 ft on St. Mary's ave with 2H-room houses pas and water. Will subdivide. $ , r > ,0 > X ) . Warehouse or huslnusj property In block 192 , $45,1100. Busy terms. Lot on Douglas street , 40x133 , with 8-room liouso , $5,100. Full loton Dodge stieot , 3 houses , rent for $801 , prlco $ ; i,200. 5-room hou < o on N. 17th St.good well and cis- orn , $0,000 Wanted 3 good business lots Two or more lots with trackage. Gibson , Aylosworth.Sc Benjamin. 1512 I'urnam st. MI2 SPECIAL NOTICE-Houso of 10 rooms , olty water , sewer , gns , steam , barn etc. , largo lot , 1'nrnnm street near24th. Only $ lfir > 00 and very nnsy forms , this price for 10 davs only. Van llourcn , Douglas and 14th sts. 6.KIMO STEVENS IPLACE lots sell themselves ; nil they require Is nu Inspection. Slovens Bros. , 1513 Fnrnnm. 874 SALK 50 choice farms less than 20 FOK miles west of Omaha. Address J B. Sllvls , Heal 1'Ktato Agent , Klkhorn , Neb. C41 m28j irj'Ollf ! buying anything in the real estate 1 line go and BCO Shaw A : Co. Wocnn sell you no } thing to suit vour pookot-book , all the wny from $ .JOO to $10,0011. Houses and lots for sale In all parts of the city. Wo are head * quarters for sat o Investments. 6UI B. 10th st. Is our ofllco. 853 BAKOAIN Ono hundred foot front on BIO South Eleventh st corner lot , only $5,000. Farton time. V. L. Vodloka , 520 South 13th st 899 A P. TUKEV , 1321 Furnam St. , makes Investments - vestments for non residents a specialty with guaranteed Interest or share ot profits , and takes full charge of property ; reference given. 300 100cash will secure lf > 0 acres ot first class farming land In eastern Nebraska balance Tory long tlmo and no taxes for 20 years. The O.F.Davis company , 1505 Fnrnam st /CHICAGO St lots $1,200 , t { cash,3 blocks from \J streetcars. Patterson Ic Mooro. 471m4 IVHING VAIiLBV. J Our now addition. Acres $4W to $ ' .00 per Mr * . Near South Omaha , And Sydicate HI1L Marshall * Ixibaok , 77S 1509 Karnam. SOLD We Imvo sold all but a few of those Lonvonworth street rnsldeuco lots. These wo have for our patrons nt terms nnd prices that beat any list In the city. We moan It nnd will prove it to you. Wo have nlso these moneymaking ey-making chances ; The prettiest place In Plalnvlow for the money , and only 1600 cash , If sold soon. "rho Apple of My Kyo , " homo only M block off St. Mary's ave car line , convenient to busl- r.oss , built "not fora dny but for all time. " Bargains In business property. List with us for wo put them where they keep hot. Cake & Billings , over 101 South Uth st 647 TTOR SALE-By J. L. Rice & Co. 4' Fnrnam Street property. 40 foot corner 27th , $12,000. 40 foot inside bet 22nd and 23rd , $12,000. l.'IO foot trent * -V ) per foot. 131 foot front $22i per foot. RO foot front $300 per foot 100 foot front , $11.500. Each and all arc extra bargains sure to double In 12 months. In our judgement. Call and got our reason for such a statement see iropertv ) got prices nnd terms. J , L. Klco & Co. , S. E. cor 13th and Douglas St. a" > 5 7 FOK SAYi : Lot In Kllby place , $900. 4 room house 18th near Paul st , $3,500. Lots 1 and 2 , block 20 , Walnut Hill , wltn 5 room house , barn , etc. , only $2,200. H. W. Huntress , 1509 Furnam st , B09 7 * OUH LIST of Bargains. Koumz place , Sev eral lots at a bargain. LakoHt,25 tcot lor $ 800 Snunders st , ! l lots , each 2,000 Sanndera Rti'i ; ' acres opposite Konnt70 place. IBth St,60xl50 6.000 Farnam st. corner , 60x123 ll.OUO Karnam 8t , , ' ! lotsoneh 3tiOO Lowenvo.oast trent 1,750 Vlrglnlnavo 1 00 Georgia nvo , 75x150 2,600 ( Jeorgla ave 2,510 Twenty-sixth st , nonr Popploton. . 2,30) ) Fnclng on Park 2,000 Hamilton st , Orchnrd Hill 1,203 Orchard Hill,2 fine lots , each 725 Truckage lots 50x125. . . , 350 Truckage lots 50x147 2,250 Lonvonworth st , 114 feet coiner 3,000 Residence Property. Wo have n largo list of residence property In nil parts of the city nt very low prims , Stevens Bros , 151J 1'arnam st. 775 "M EW 4 room house with lot corner 30th nnd -L > Franklin , Heed's 2nd add , only ; $2,200 , terms very easy. A flno residence property on Wodstur street , choice location , 10 and 11 room bouses. Bar gain. Good 8 room house with lot , near U. P. do- pot. 12th st , north of Mason , only $ .1,500. North Omaha , near l'ort.2 houses nnd largo lots In Central Park , only $1,500each. Bargain lots In Mayno Place , Creston , Illll- eldo , South Oniahu , Bush & Solliy's nnd nil parts of tno city. Fowler Bros. & Co. , 1512 Dougiau street. OJl 4 T\7Enro solo agents for the following bar- TT gains : 2 lots In Lowo's first one n cor , $1,400 and H.WO. 8 lots In Bedford Place , $8W to $1,000. 1 east front In block 2 Kllly Plnco. $1.600. 2 lots In Hillside No. 1 , ti.OUU and $ J.A 10. 2 lots cast fronts Hunscom Plnco $ . ' ,000 nnd $2.500. 1 east front Burr Onk 100x150. $4,500. 0 beautiful lots in Windsor Pluco , $2,003 to $7,500. 2'lots 111 Potter k Cobli'g 1st and 2nd add , to South Oiiinhu. t'.OO to t 0 25 acres m city limits , west , $ ? 51 per ncro. W acres In Brookllno , $2.100. Wu have nlso listed with us bnrgnlns In nil parts of the olty nnd suburbs Including the following bargains ; . U lots In flaw thornn , $1,200 to $1,650. 6 lots In Shulla add , improved , $ ' ) , 'JOO ' to $4,500. 2 splendid lots In Hnnacora Place , for both only $5,000. Potter & Mcleod , ISO } Fnrnnm St. 009 5 16T your property with Wm. U. Loach , 1509 t Farnam. 7iV > .4 I,16T your property with Wm. B. Loach , 150S i Farnom. 705 4 BI7TTEB see W. II. Green , 215 South Uth st , ubout the following or anything else you wnnt ; IHJxUOon South IRth st , $11.000. MX HO on South IMIi st , $0noo. Wxl25 on South Kith st , good bouse , $11,503. 120x110 on South Uth st , S7.0 W. 50x140 on South 1Mb St , $3OriQ. liOxUflon South 15th st , $2.000. 4)1x100 ) on South 15th sc , cor on Williams , Im provement ! on this cost $ Im Good Liidlnesj cor , $7/W. ( U Iots6)x220 east fronts on South 20th fit , Those arn first-class , bettor come up nnd eoa nbout the-o. Wxl32on l/Bvenworth ) Bt , good house , for $70 per front foot , property selling" blocks beyond - yond In n hole for $9u , One of the best corners In Shlnn's ndd. with good houeo and other liuprovomcnts for $3,5iX ) , $ tKVcnshbal 1,2,3 years. KD'xlM east front on Virginia ave 81i.S)0. ) 105x150 cast front oor Vlr/mU uvi $ i,503. 21 of the lineal lots In Haiiscom plueueH9l and wet fronts on Park ave und \en fronts 01 Catncrlne Bt. This la the cream of the place ami the lint tlmo they over wore on thu market , Small cash payments and ouoy terms , 110 of the bc t lots In Went side left laying dl rectly on car line and only $ Y > 'i for Inside ami $ WJ for torner. 11'S cash. bal. to suit W. H , Green , 115 South 13tb t , . C01 ' ' 'i " in i iiimriiniiitfr" Bt'SINiaSPKOPEKTV. Wholesale lot. 66x113 ; track ; big bargain li.OO Full loton Jones st , npariith : , Ifl.iX * Ktogant cornorG8tlJ3 on . . . . , . , . . , . . > , OX ) Corner on Douglasst 35,000 4UU1 on Hartley near llth St. , $000 per foot. Truck corner 10th and Mason st 13,050 Comer on 10th and Williams , . 6 story Wholesale track warehouse : largo front on Loavenworth near Mtn st. . . . . 60 ft on South Iflt list , 20 percent loss than adjoining property P4 ft n corner ou South Itlth st n,001 itl ft on filming n ar 20lh 7.0)0 ) 40 ft on 12th st. near Dodge 15,000 SO | ft with storehouse on Sheridan bet I.oarpnworth and St. Mary's axe 6,000 41 , W , Maud l.t ! ft on Lonvanworllist . . . . MT'track ! ! lot on lard st ; tracks now In.flJlOi ) List your real estate for nlo with T. J. Hook.lW. ) 1'arnam , 897 5 THE TROTTING STALLIONS , DR. ARCHIBALD ( Standard No. 2015) ) Sired by Alntont Nn " " Stnndard No. 5813. ; t , ntut "Hesistor , ( Sired by Tramp No. U08. These stalllona will iuiko : thu season of 1837 attho Coun cil HlutVs Driving Park. For particulars inquire , of or address , WADK OAKY , Council Bluffs , la. C. B. ALLEN , Enpeer urveyor apPublisher No. 11 North Main St. City and county maps , of cities and counity | n western lown , Nebraska and Ks > nsas.fl CROCKERY , LAMPS , GLASSWARE , AND FINE POTTERY. Frlfdt Very Low , W. S. HOMER & Co. , JVO. 23 MAIN ST. , COUNCIL It LUFFS , : I I A. OFFICER & PUHEY , B-A.3STICER.S Council BlulTs.Iowa. Established 1SST. REAL ESTATE , Vacant Lots , Lands , City Residences and Farms. Acre property In western part of olty. All soiling cheap to make room for spring stock R. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , Room 6 , over Officer & Pusoy's Bank , Couna Bluffs. " CHICAGO 0 NORTH- 1 WESTERN RAILW. The only road to take for Dos Molncs Mar- ehalltown , Cedar Ilunlds , Clinton , Dlxon , Chica go , Milwaukee nud all points east. To the people ple of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho , Nevada , Oregon. Washington and Call- fornlu , It ofTnrs superior advantages not possi ble by nny other Hue. Among a few of the numerous points of su II periority enjoyed by the patrons of this road bat ween Onmtin and Chicago , nre Its two tralnt a day of DAY COACHK8 , which are the finest tlmt humnn art and tagenulty can create. Its PALACE BLEEPING CAHS , which are models of comfort and elegance. Its ! A HI/OH DHAW- INO KOOM CABS , unsurpassed by any , and Its widely celebrated PALATIAL DlNINO CAHS the equal of which cannot bo found elsewhere At Council Bluff * the trains of the Union I'aolfla Bv. connect la Union Depot with those of the Chicago & Northwestern Ity. In Chicago the trains of this line make close connection with these of all eastern lines. For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincin nati , Niagara Falls , Buffalo. Plttabiirg.Toronto , Montreal , Boston , Now Vork. Philadelphia , Baltimore. Washington nnd all points In the east , ask for a ticket via the "NOKTHWESTBB.N. " If you wish the best accommodation. All ticket agents sell tickets via this lino. u. HuaHirr , v. p. WILSON , GcnL Manager , OonL Pass'r Ajenl ' CaB ° ' " ' W. M. BABCOOK.0 'L H. BOLLES. Western Agent , City Pass'r Agent , Omaha , Nebraska. THE BANK OF COMMERCE 1ftW Norlh Ifilh Street , Paid in Capital , . . . . $100,000 GEO. E. BAKKEK , President. ROUT. L. OAKLICHH , Vlco-Prnsldent. F. B JOHNSONCashier. DIKECTOKS ; BAMurt.IL JOHNSON , GEO. E. BAitKcn , KOIIT. L. GAHMCIIB , Wu. SKIVEIIS I'.O. JOIINBOX. A general banking business transactor Interest allowed on time douoslts. Union National Bank OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capital $100,000 Authorized Capital 500,000 W. W. MARSH , President. J. W. UoDBi'i'.K , Casliiei Accounts solicited and prompt attention given to all business entrusted to Us care. Pay 6 per cent on time deposit ? . No 200 Masonic Building , cor.Capitol Av enue and IGtli sts. Telephone .Vo 812. . Door anil Window 7 We make a p rlnltyuf all klndiuf Scrocnf. Klxural and fnnit ui ( > a Hcro'ni fur duon n < J window * . Alt" Kitentlun Koreoni of ill deicrll tlmn. fctatlonorr unil nioreabloicreen > , t tlio Uiiuiliu Screen and Cabinet Miilciiig Co 21 H. Kith SrccU 11UCKLKV ,