Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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Thompson , Belden < fe Co. . 1319 Farnam-St
Call attention to a few Special Bargains which cannot fail to be of interest to intending purchasers. We reach your approval
through low cash prices.
Can be found ;
Men's Unluundricd Shirts , inndo
from 1)wight Anchor Cotton ,
and Have linen fronts , at 50c Each
Men's Fine Dross Shirts at 75c Each
Men's Gauze Shirts , fine qunl-
quality , at 23c Each
Men's Jouvin Kid Gloves , opera
shades , at 50o a P ir
"We keep the celebrat
ed P. & M. Brand ,
In Kutln anil jjroH grain Kll l on ,
and liavo added largely to our
line of colors which contains
in any new Mimics sultablu lor
Fnncy Work.
Also Lace Stripes & Two
Toned Ribbons ,
[ Main and IMcot
I Send for samples. We prepay all postage and express charges On goods ordered by mail. I
An Auction Sale at Lincoln Which Might
Bear Investigation ,
Omaha Indian Chiefs Hold Council
With tiio Nebraska Executive
The American District Incor
porates Capital News.
The nticlion sale of unclaimed { roods
by the Wells Fargo Express company
has boon in progress for a number of
days and is largely attended. An im
mense number of packages have boon dis
posed of , in the greater part of no prac
tical value. Tiioro are a great many
complaints over this sale and the man
ner in which it is conducted , and Ihero
ds an opportunity for the reform city ad
ministration to see whether or no this
> sale is being conducted squarely and
fairly , or whether the sale is lixed with
I stuffed packages , as some complainants
allege. A prominent citizen , who docs
not blto at such auction schemes , pro
nounced it , after watching the move
ments of the auctioneers and their mis
leading talks , as the most preposterous
swindle to catch the greenhorns in ope
ration in the city since tiio days of the
coQco man , who was promptly arrested
last summer and 11 red from the city by
an administration making no loud boast
of pttvTiuatiou. Whether this citizen is
correct in his conclusions or not , the fact
remains evident to any man who attends
the sale that thu auctioneers conduct the
business in a manner entirely out
side the contemplation of the law
in such cases made nnd provided ,
and many a poor man has been inveigled
into paying f 5 or f0 for worthless pack
ages , containing old almanacs and worth
less bundles of papers. Total ignorance
of the contents of any and all packages
is represented by thu sellers , but , if re
ports are true , some very misleading ac
tions over alleged jewelry packages are
gene through with to trap the unsophisti
cated , who are drawn into the presence of
the auctioneer ami his assistants.
The section of the statue covering unclaimed -
claimed property says that a notice must
bo published four weeks in a newspaper
describing the property , the evident in
tent of the law being to give to any and
all purchasers a knowledge of what they
are buying , but there is no such know- ! ,
edge atloat in this salo. The section of
the statue reads as follows :
In case any such property shall remain un
claimed for three mouths after Us reception
as aforesaid the person having possession of
the same shall cause a notice to lie published
once each week for four consecutive weeks
in a newspaper published in the same
county if there bo one , and if not ,
then In some paper published at the
seat ot government , describing such
property , and specltyliiR the time when It
was received , nnd stating that unless such
bo claimed within throe months
rout the iirst publication of such notice ,
and the lawful charges paid thereon , the
same shall be sold according to tno statute
In hiicli cases nuule and provided.
The question whether the company
has complied with these provisions ,
especially the ono requiring n descrip
tion of the property , is ono that might
engross the attention of the authorities
and save many a dollar to poor men who
now are caught by the seductive schemes
of the auctioneers and led to nay some
thing for nothing.
Governor Thayer enjoyed a visityester-
day from a number of chiefs of the
Omaha Indians who came down from
the reservation lo shako hands with the
big mcdlcinu chief , as they called tiio
governor. The chiefs comprising the
delegation wore Pa-la-nung , Pa-sho. Pa-
liuug-mong , and Ta-wa-hao-zin-ga. They
wcro an interesting group and were ac
companied by William Trymball , inter-
prefer. The chiefs arose in turn and
grasped the hand of the chief executive ,
making oacli for himself u speech ,
the burden of which was that
they feared they would bo taxed like
white men. It is well known that an
Indian dreads death , but ttiis is the first
record of their making a pilgrimage on
account of dread of taxation. So anxious
were they on the taxation question that
they insisted on the governor writing
down a promise not lo tax them. Tim
the governor did , and with smiles of
satisfaction they departed on a street
oar behind a pair of diminutive mules
nnd paid no faro on entering the car.
A. 1) . T.
Articles of incorporation of the Ameri
can District Telegraph company of
Omaha were yesterday tiled in the secre
tary of stain's oflico. The object of the
corporation is to build and acquire lines
and operate them in towns in the states
of Nebraska. Iowa , Missouri , Kansas.
Colorado , Minnesota. Wisconsin and
Oregon , and in the territories of Utah ,
Washington , Wyoming , Dakota , Idaho
and Montana. The authorized capital
Block of the company is 1100,000 , divided
into shares of $100 , and the same may
bo increased CO per cent by a
majority vote of the stockholders. The
stock is due at the time of subscription
and to bo fully paid up before certificates
of issue ii made. The highest indebted
ness allowed is limited to $25,000 , the cor
poration to commence business on the 1st
day of May , 1837 , and continue for fifty
years. The business is to be oonduota4
by a board of tivo directors and thq incorporators -
corporators of the company are John J.
I ) ckey , Ix > uls H. Korty , Lewis M.
Rhfiom aud James Donnelly , jr.
The board for assessment of railroads
was in session yesterday at the auditor' *
ollicc , thn principal lines of railroad in
the slalo having their representatives
before the board to present their views in
the matter of assessment. In addition lo
Iho rcprcsenlalives mentioned yesterday ,
Mr. C. D. Dornmn , of the . is M. rail
road , nnd Mr. J. H. Uussoll , of the Union
Pacific , were in attcndaiicu yesterday.
It was noticeable that comman people
had no representative present pleading
their case.
The board of publcc lands and build
ings arranged at their monthly meeting
lo advertise for bids for the construction
of now buildings at tlm Norfolk hospital
for the iusaue , at the Kearney Industrial
school , aud at thu Beatrice fe'ublo minded
institution. The question of the selec
tion of papers for advertisements was left
with the secretary of stale.
The board of lands and buildincrs al
lowed an estimate of $0,000 on the eapi-
tel building construction for the month
of April , the amount being for work
done and materials furnished.
Dr. Gerth and Major Hirnoy started
yesterday for a tour of inspection to the
points of entry along the Missouri river ,
and Commissioner Abbey has gene to
Hastings for local work in Adams
The salt well is down to a depth of 1740
feet and work has been temporarily sus
pended on account of a breakage in the
ongino. The last _ 700 foot have been
through magnesia limo stone , and it
looks as though the 3,000 foot limit
would end in rock instead of salt or coal
or gas or any matter ot value.
Adjutant General A. V. Cole , of , Tu-
niata , is in the city and may be found al
his ollicc on the third floor of the capitol
building. Mr. Cole linds an immense
amount of business accumulated and re
quiring immediate attention.
The sewer strike was apparently at an
end yesterday , a number ot the striking
men returning to work in company with
some sixty new men secured from Kan
sas City. The striking men who refused
to work wore , in a number of cases ,
taken up by railroad contractors and sent
to the front on railroad construction
work where they receive $1.25 a day and
board , a better figure all around than the
wages received hero. Tiio contractor ,
however , has not yet nearly so large a
force as before the strike and is taking on
all men who seek work at the wages
Tuesday night a man named Avery , re
siding in the southern suburbs of the city ,
at Sixteenth and South streets , was
awakened by two men who entered the
house and demanded something to eat
Avery furnished the necessary food in
short order und the two plunderers then
proceeded to slug the man and rob him
of some $200 in cash and a few minor ar
ticles. They then look their departure.
The police were notilicd , and in Iho morn
ing hours they wore looking for clues to
Iho whcrcabouls of Iho thieves.
A row at Hiloy's lunch counter caused
the arrest of two parties and many loud
words. The prisoners were taken to po
lice headquarters , but no charge was
preferred against them and they wcro
The man Marvin , who had his head
cracked with a hatchqt , is thought to bo
mending and will , it is stated , recover.
The preliminary hearing against his as
sailants has been postponed to the com
ing week.
The demand for city water is on the
increase and the total permits to date
number 834. The last month has noled
a very largo increase in demands for
The decorators aud artists who have
had the finishing work at hand on the
inside of St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal
church are nearly douo and the room
will present a decidedly handsome ap
It is nndrstood that Mr. H. T. Clarke ,
who has recently purchased the grounds
and foundry formerly operated by
Soalon & Lea , is perfecting arrange-
monls to have the works again in opera
tion in the hands of a competent man.
Mrs. Henry McShano , a well known
and old citizen in Saline county , died in
this city Tuesday and was taken to Dor
chester yesterday for burial.
"A Slight Cold , " CoucliH. "
Bronchial Trcc/ics"givo / Immediate relief.
Surf bathing at Long Bench. Los An-
coles county , California , has begun for
the season nnd is enjoyed by hundreds of
Scott bar , Cal , has the tallest post
master in the United Slates. lie stands
over seven feet in his stockings and
weighs 280 pounds.
All at Ic Per Dozen.
Tells All lie Knows and Some Things
Ho Doesn't Know About Oliver
Waldcinar G. Uuflington , Now Mouia ,
Nebraska , writes under the date of
March 10.
"Will yon kindly give a brief but concise -
ciso account ot the early life of Oliver
Cromwell , in the Sunday Globe ? 1 have
been told by some of my friends to avoid
the chaniut'jristics of Cromwell , while
others lull mo to emulate his examijlo.
So 1 shall have to suspend further action
in that line till 1 .near from you through
the Globe.
" \Vill you answer as soon as possible ,
and also tclt me what would bo a good
troaso for a voting man to get married
in ? "
Oliver P. Cromwell was born at Hun
tingdon April 25 , 15 ! ) ! ) . As soon as ho
had rested himself a little , ho begun to
look about him ami prepare to sock hrs
mir.scm into a niche in history. Ho was u
on of Kobert Cromwell , and grandson of
Sir Henry Cromwell.
Ho entered Sidney Sussex college at
the tigo of 17 years , and began at once to
yet solid with the president. At college
Mr. Cromwell was noted for his devotion
to his studies and the length of time ho
could wear his linen without being
mobbed. It is said of Cromwell that ho
managed to save enough out of his laun
dry expenses to buy himself n nmtraicu-
lion and a house and lot on the day of
his graduation. '
In 1050 ho married Elizabeth Ilourchier ,
on which occasion ho and his wife re
ceived a triple plated bultur dish , three
card receivers and a photograph album.
They then settled down.
Cromwell was a member of parliament
for eleven years at one pop , and only
madn a short speech during all that time.
Is it any wonder that Cromwell was beloved -
loved by Iris constituency ?
I trow not.
Cromwell was not regarded as a lluont
speaker , and once when ho had just made
a brief address , in which iio had success
fully called for the previous question ,
Lord Digby inquired of Hampdcn who
"that blovon was. "
Cromwell wont into the army in 1043.
Ho soon became a colonel , and in 16-11
commanded the left wing which was so
victorious at Marston Moor on July 2.
He did not write an account of it for
publication , with a largo portrait of him
self on a snorting war horse , with red
nostrils , however , and thus he continued
to endear himselt to the people.
Colonel Cromwell allied himself with
the Independents and against the Presby
terians in the great dissension which oc
curred at this tiuio.
Charles II. resigned as king in May ,
1C 10 , owing to brain fag , ami in order to
secure much needed rest ho * surrendered
himself to the Scottish army , which
turned him over to parliament. For a
while Charles seemed to bo on the road
most of the time.
Cromwell was down on the Presby
terians from the word "go , " a * Alacaulcy
has it , anil in 1048 ho tired forty-eight
Presbyterian royalists out of the parlia
ment , Colonel Pride doing the ejectment
act under Oliver's orders. This was
called "Pride's Purge" for many years ,
and you can still read on some of the old
fences around hero ,
Cromwell was a member of lh < j court ,
which , in January , 1019 , tried the king
and condemned him , giving him sixty
days , together with a line of | 5 and
trimmings , with the order that ho stand
committed till the fine and costs wore
fully paid.
He then went to Ireland to suppress n
small but very hot rebellion , of which
Ireland was at that time passionately
The Scotch now espoused the cause of
Charles II. , and it became a contest be
tween the Cromwell Close Communion
Baptists , who wish to immerse the land
in gore , and the Royal Presbyterians.
Cromwell was now made commander-
in-chief , with $200 per month and a horse
to rido.
At Uunbar General Cromwell engaged
the royal forces in a hand-to-hand conllict
on the ; M of September , 1G50 , at which
time ho took 10,000 prisoners.
In April , 1053 , ho dissolved the long
parliament , commonly called the rump ,
tolling cacti rumpist that his services
would not bo required any longer , and
that ho had bolter go homo and hoe Ins
corn. A now parliament was'then sum
moned , and Cromwell became the lord
protector of the commonwealth , with an
oflico over the First Notional bank.
Ho was offered the job of king on the
( lay shift that fall , but ho said no , ho pre
ferred the position ho then occupied , for
ho hated the trappings of royalty. It is
sold that ho took the ermine oil' the
edges of Charles II. 'a reigning robe and
made car tabs for the poor , but this may
bo untruo. Still ho had a great contempt
for royalty , never having published a
boolc on that plan.
Cromwell was stigmatized of course by
the royalists , but ho never lost a day's
work or a meal's victuals on that ac
count , as Carlyle puts it. As soon as he
found that ho was stigmatized ho would
put a moist chew of tooacco on the place ,
take a largo drink of Scotch whisky with
a little ginger ale on the side , ana you
wouldn't know that ho had over been
Ho was long regarded by historians as
a man of cruel temper and mediocre
talents , but it is now thought that ho was
extremely otherwise. Colonel Cromwell
hod his fallings , it is true , and by many
ho will ever bo regarded with loathing ,
aversion , and other things of that kind ,
but ho was not what might be called a
mediocre man , by any moans.
On the contrary , bo thought the world'
of his wife , and invariably spent his
evenings at homo.
Cromwell dipc' ' on the third day of
September , A , 1) , , 10T 8 , and people came
for thirteen miles and brought their din
ners in order to attend the funeral and
see what kind of a tarcophasrus ho had.
' Regarding your "Irosso , " I will say'
Children * ' White Lace and Em
broidered Bonnets ,
At 20c , 25o , 30c , 40o , 50c and
They arc splendid value. Look
at them.
Oriental Laces ,
At lOc , 12c } 15c , 20c25c ! and up.
4O Inch Oriental FlonncliiK * *
75c > , $1,81.25 , 91.50 and 1.75
In cream , ccrn and I wo toned.
that you probably could not have gone
to a poorer place to ascertain what is in
regie for a young .man who is about to
expose hinihclf to matrimony.
My advice would bo to select some new
clothes of a dark shade , as near your size
as possible , and see that they are paid
1 insist on this , because it looks moro
luxuriant than to wear a suit which has
been charged.
Still , there are men who have fought
their way to tiio front rank in literature
who were exceptions to this rule.
I know a poor boy who was married in
a suit of clothes which had been placed
on the book , and yet ho won the respect
of his wife and soon rose to afllucncc ,
paying for the first suit and another one
in rapid succession. In ten years from
that time he had been postmaster and
justice of the peace , and assistant fore
man and active hook and ladder com
I will write the name of that poor boy
on a slip of paper and mail it to you , for
I did not wish to use it in this article , as
ho might not like it , and know his wife
would not like it , for she told me so not
five minutes ago. BILL NYK.
"Whalebone Jack , " since the death of
Rabbitt Hole Smith , isthe most promi
nent Stockton , Cal. , citizen. "Juvenile"
Toilet Soap , made by Jas. S. Kirk &
Company , is the most prominent on the
Pacific slope.
Transfers Filed May 3 , 1887.
Jacob CDenlse and wito to Hannah
John Jones , lot 1 blk 2 Denises' add ,
wd 5 550
John M lioppor and wife to .fennio Li
Carlgun et al , lot 4 blk 11 Waterloo ,
Chns M DlHsmoor and wife to Bessie
A Wass. unUlv M int in w X lot 11
and o 5 ft lot 10 Koyes' dlvl lot'J Cap
itol add , wd 5,000 ,
Jas J Johnson to Marlon Foster a 8 f t
o w55fto oOOft of lot 3 blk 23
WcstOm , qc 50
Augustus Kountzo et nl to Fred'k H
Davis , 45.87 acres in 4 , 15.12 , wd. . . . 45,000
Luther A Ilarman nml wife to C M
Mend , lot 13 blk "B" Bedford add ,
wd 850
Francis U White et alto John E Klnpr.
25137V ft com 155 ft oof nwcor of
blk "O'1 Shinn's add. wd 3,500
John E King to Francis K White etal ,
lot 5 blk 3 Forman's subdiv of blk 4
liyilo park , wd 850
Omaha and Florence Land and Trust
Co to Robert W Cowan , out lot 25'J
Florence , qo 1
W 11 Remington and wife to GottllPb
Store , lot 0 blk 15 Patrick's 2d add ,
wd n 500
" " '
Chas B. 11 or to u ami "wife "to'Mnfg-
earctho K. SclmefTer , lot 14 Kees
placowd 0,000
Luther A. Harmon and wife to II. T al
and et nl , lot 18 blk "A" Bcdtord
add , \vd 850
Louis E. Welly and wife to Rasmus
Rasmusson , lot 22 blk 20Vilcox lid
add , w d 2,500
Sanil. 1) . Morcnr and wife to Kosotto
S. Stuart , lot 10 blK 14 , Walnut lllll
wd 450
Egbert E Frencli and wife to Belle 11.
Dunham , lot 11 blk 4 , Central park ,
wd 1,500
Christian llartman and wife to Dr.
Saml. T. Bnldridce , lot 84 blk 5 ,
Kilby nhico add , w d 1,000
Jas. S. Gibson and wife to Airs. Ida
MaeBaldrldso , lot 35 blk 5 , Kilby
1 place add , w d 1,300 ,
D. L. Thomas and wife to Aicher Eke ,
lot : i and a 80 tt lot 4 blk 0. Improve
ment association add , w d 3,300
Henry Brown jr. anu wife to Henry
Brown sr. , lot 11 blk 2 , Lowe's add ,
w d 800
Cora H. Slotuan to Sabina Heyn , lot 1
blk 11 , Briccs nlaco , w d 3,000
Celostlno E Wood and wlto to Edltha
U CorbetUot 1 blk 11 , South Ouiaha.
qc. . . ' 100
Ada B Toft and husband to John T
Dillon , lot 7 subdivision of blk "A. "
Reservoir add , wd 1,850
John T. Dillon and wife to A. W.
Fliolps , lot 7 subdivision of blk
"A , " Reservoir add , w d 1,500
DeVer Wholes et al to Lizzie B Totter ,
lot 0 , Sunnysldo add , w a 2,400
S K Spaldlnu and wife to Catherine R
Kuhn , undivided K lots < and 5 blk
0 , Kllbrl > lnce.wd l.COO
Susan V llardln to Olifvia Toft ,
lot 7 blk 11 , Hanscom Place , w d. . . . 5,200
Thus Brenuan et al to Saml 0 Me-
Cluskoy , lots 2 and3 blk 2 , Bionnan
Place , w d 3,200
Julia F Easton nud husband to Saml
C McCluskoy , lot 20 blk 21 , Washing
ton lllll , wd 2,050
O K Scoliold and wife to M F Do-
( iralf et al , nf lot 4 blk bO , South
Omaha , wd Jf 1,200
J nines Klchards and wifp to Martin
Calm , lot 3 and west twtcet lot 2 blk
2- > , West Omaha add''to ' Omaha ,
w d .V. . ' 8,000
May 2. 1887 :
Elinor S Clark ot al to Mason B Dav
enport , 20 acres in 7-15-ljJ , w d S 1
Mason B Davenport to Elmer S
Clark et al 20 ' in
, acres' 7-15-18 ,
w d ' ' F. 1
West Side Bulldlne Association to Ira
B Mappes.lota blk lO.Uatfscoui place ,
w d \.i 2,000
Frank Fernandes to Win ? JiMaxwoll ,
lot 13. blk 5 S weesey's ndU , w a. . . . 5,200
May K Powell and husband , to Chas
W Martin , lot 21 blk o | Albright's
annex to South Omaha , wd 1
Thomas .F Fitzgerald and\wife to
Esther Horwich , lot 0 blki , Shull's
add.w d 3,050
Jos Barker and wife to Chas Prfeke ,
lot a blk 457 , Oraudvlew , wd 250
Wilson T Graham to Lizzie B Sam
son , lot 15 blk 8 , Brigga' 1'laee ,
w d ! 2,000
Wm F Doolittlo and wife to Wilson
T Graham , lot 3 blk 4DelIono's add ,
w d 603
Lizzie H Samson and husband to Wil
son T Graham , lot 10 blk 3 , O'Neill's
Hubdlvlslon of lots 1 , 3 and S ,
Lowe's .Second add. wd 2,000
Charles W Lymau and wife to John
F Murphy , fotlO bile 7 , Lyman place ,
w d 500
U Chandler to Henry Malchln , lots
12,18,14 , and 15 blk 6. Meltoso lllll ,
w d j.oOn
Collins F Newton and wife to Won-
dall Benson , sX lot 5 blk 8 , South
Omaha , wd 1,400
Wendell Benson and wife to Charles
O Roomer , eX of s % lot 5 blk 81 ,
Sot in Ornal ; , w d 1,000
Tor Saturday Morning , Muy Till'the Greatest Bargain or Iho
Season In
Ladies' , Misses' and Infants' Hose ,
Ait Importer * ' line of * ntnplr from the celebrated maker * ,
Hermann Starker and E. U. lilnierlh | of I'lII IMTZ. They are
full regular made and range in quality from heavy cotton to the
line-it FANCY MSL.C . AX1 > SO TWO IMIKS AMIkU. They will
be put Into it lot * , an follows :
1G dozen Infanta' JFoncat 13ca pair.
Ji't iJnzcn Mt.tscn' Jfosc at ff > fc a pair ,
1 iloscn Ladies' Hose at dOcapuir.
Do not miss this sale and come early for first choice in this case is worth some
thing. Look at them in our window. T/ioir ; > .s-oi ) , JJclilcil tO C'o.
SpeelaTKaT afnTlirrim
Albatros , at 500 per yard ,
Light and Navy Blue , Cream , Light Pink , Cardinal , Light Heliotrope and five
shades of Tans. They arc excellent vnluc.
ChatlPsO Roemor to llaury C Van
Gicdou , oK of sK lot C blk 1 , South
Omaha , wd . 2,000
Wcndnll Benson and wife to Marc A
Upton , wy ot sK lot 5 blk 81 , South
Omaha , wd . 1,200
Henry J Abrahams to Max Abialmms
otal , 148 square rods of land In 5H-1I5-
18 except 'J rods oil' west side , also
25 > jf by h'J feet commencing at sw
corner ot lot 4 blk 215 , Omaha , also
lot 4 blk 4 , Credit Foiicior add ,
w d . 4,000 ,
Alex B Charltou and wife to Martin
Cannon , lot 2 , Hawcs * add.w d . 1,500
Alonzo 1' Tnkoy et al to Christopher
Lvman. s K ot lot 7 and n % lot 8
blk 9 , Kouiitzu's Fourth add , w d. . . . 1,050
Georee Armstrong and wito to Noils
C Anderson , lot 2 blk 5 , Armstrong's
Second ndd. w d . 42,100
Henry C Moran and wile to Gee R
Bticklln et al , CO by 120 foot com
mencing at sw cor of lot 4 , Raeau's
add , w d . 1,400
Sophia Lehman and husband to
Edwin 11 Shnrwood , lot 4 and w > ff
of lot ! ! blk 77 , Omaha , wd . 40,000
Ellen S Brodt to Goo W Masson , lot
11 blk 0 , First add to South Omaha ,
w d . 1,000
Anna M G McCormlck et al to Georco
Liebcrknccht , lot 4 blk 5 , Deer park ,
W d . 1,000
Franklin J llotchklss and wife to
Fmlerlek Maim , lots ft aud 0 , block
1 , lots 18 , 10 , 'M , block 2 , L 1' Ham
mond's add , w d . 4,000
Charles A Baldwin aud wife to Frank
Northrup , lot 12 , 1'atrlck's Saratoga
add , wd . DOO
Sovmour M Sadler and wife to Louis
Lougproy. lot 10 , block 15 , Walnut
Hill add , wd. . . . . 3,000
llpiiry W Yatcs aud wife to John F
llelin , east 5r feet of north ia : feet
of lot 5. block 0 , 1'Aik Place , w d. . . . 4,500
Lomuol H Case and wlto to John A
Dodge , lot 0 , block 0 , S E Rogers add
w d. . . . . . . . . . 3,000 ,
Byron Heed and others to Anna M
Lewis , lot \ates it Heed's subdi
vision of lot 7 , ot Ragau's add , w d. . 300
John C Ilofsteadto Arthur ! ' Javkson ,
lot 3 , block 1. A S Patrick's add w d. . 2,500
Charles E Uoitcr and wife to David S
Burromihs , lot 12 , btock 14 , 1 Ian scorn
Place , wd . 2,150
Mary MIchal and husband to John
Hochstrasser , east % of lot G ,
Kountzo's 2d add , w d. . 4,000
Nathan Shclton and wife to Anna B
O'Kielly. east of lots 21 and 2-3 ,
block 18 , HanscomPlaco , w d . 5,500
Henry Ambler and others to Nelllo
Ambler Campbell , lot C , block 10 ,
Ambler Place , w d . 700
Henry Ambler ot al to Fannie Ambler
lllgley , lot 7 , blk 10 , Ambler Place
w d . ' . . 700
lleury Aniblor et al to Louie Ambler
Janes , lot 8 , blk 10 , Ambler place , w
d . 700
Henry Ambler et al to to Glaucus S
Ambler lot 10 , blk 1C , Ambler place ,
wd . 700
Henrv Aniblor ot al to lone Ambler ,
lotO. blk 10 , Ambler place , w d . 700
Henry Ambler ot al to Kato McClary ,
lot 4 , blk 10. Ambler place , wd . 700
Henry Ambler et al to Francis Edna
Osborn , lot 1 , blk 10 , Ambler place ,
wd . i. . 700
Itenry Ambler ot al to Mary E McClary ,
lotS , blk 10 , Ambler place , wd . 700
Franklin C Brayton and wife to Ma
tilda S Ross , lot 2 , blk "F , " Shinns
2nd add , wd . 4,500
Henry Ambler et al to Azeto M Mc
Clary , lot 2 , blk 1C , Ambler place , w
d . 700
Cecelia J Willis and husband to Oscar
F Davis , 1 acre btw 10 and 15 , in 15
13q c . 1
Low W Hill to Christopher E Wurtelo ,
lot : > , blk 1 , BogKs and Hill's 2nd
add. wd . r. . 3,000
Chas T Taylor and wife to Samuel
Katz , lots 13 and 14 , blk 0 , Jerome
Park , wd . . . 0,000
Sarah J Hey and husband to Chas W
Hey , ni \ lot 14 , llascall's and
Rogers' sub dlv of lota GO , 57 , 58 ,
Okuhoma , w d . 500
Albert S Billings and wf to Jos Book-
waiter. lot 1 Billlnes sub ot lot 2 bk
17 west Omaha , W D . 900
Anna M G McCormlck ut al to Carl
Nelson , lot 5 blk 5 Deer Park W D. . 1,000
Ell/.aboth Baker and hits to Mary L
GlacomnI , lot 1C blk 1 Plalnvlow add
W , 1) . 1,440
A P Tukoy and wf to John S Catillield
lots -4-5-C-7.S-bIk 17 Wilscoxs 3
addQO . 700
Lewis A Groir et al to the public N in
ft of S 25 ft lot 7 blk 3 for an alley Q
H Kva'NattVnirer and 'h'lis'to CliristVna
Vallnn , W X lots and E 5 lot 0 blk
SSIiullslstadd. WD . 2,000
Chas R Armstrong to Arthur L hpear-
man , \ \VMlotUscol-15-ia D . 217 50
C C Hotisnl and wt toLucy ALuceE5'J
nnd 2-rds : ! ft ot Iot7 llousols subdiv
of lot 2 Capitol add , W D . 6,900
Sally U H Lowe to Jas A Ilawley , lot
4blk2I2M 0m , QO . . . . . . . 1
Henry Rlttcr and wf to Jas A Haw-
ley. lot 4 blk 22H Om , wd . 2COOO
S Om Land Co to Marie Brlbou , lot 13
blk78s O w d . . . 225
Superintendent Whitlock issued build
ing permits yesterday as follows :
J. H. Taylor , IK story frame dwel
ling , Leavenworth and Belt lino. . . .5 1,500
J. C. A. HeinplH , frame addition to
dwelling , 20th near Leaven worth. . . . 350
E. Kullor , brick addition to store , 1123
Dodzo . 350
M. Knntit , 1 story frame cottage ,
Twenty-seventh and Burdette . C50
F. P. Fowler , 1 story frame cottaue ,
Lake near both . 950
Barker Bros. , 5-story addition to ho
tel , 013 South Thirteenth. . . . 15,000
A bald eagle killed reccatly near Santa
Rosa , Cal. , measured seventy-eight
inches from tip to tip of his wings and
its tallons , when opened , measured sovcn
and a quarter inches.
An I injiernmo Necessity.
What pure air is to an unhealthy
locality , what spring cleaning is to the
neat housekeeper , so is Hood's Sarsaparilla -
parilla to everybody at this season. The
body needs to bo thoroughly renovated ,
the blood purified and vitalized , the
crcrms of disease destroyed. Scrofula ,
Salt Rheum and all other blood disorders
are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla , the
most popular and successful spring
Uuena Vista John , A Piuto Wiggins ,
says : ' 'Mobbe heap , hot pretty soon.
Sugohen heap dance now and squirrel
ootno out Ins hole. Mcbbo no no moro
cold , no moro snow. " ,
Display at tholr warerooms , 13O5 and 13O7 Farnam Street ,
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highest class and medium grades , including
XVr-\X % Jt Itlf * ,
Vi twi ,
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with their most
liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible
defects In materials and workmanship.
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The largest stock. Price * the lowest. Repairing a specialty . Work warranted.
Corner Douglas and 15th streets , Omaha. Licensed Watchmaker for the Union
1'aciflc Railroad Comoany.
The G. E. Mayne Real Estate and Trust Co ,
N. W. OOB. Iffth AND HABN 7 , OMAHA.
Property of every description for snlo in all parts of the city. Lands for sale in
every county in Nebraska.
Of Titlosof Donplas County kept. Maps of the city , state or county , or any other
information desired furnished free of charge upon application.
In Gothic , Cole , there are now
only twelve inhabitants , eijjht men and
four women. The daily paper has sus
The railroads of Colorado pay 20 per
cent of the taxes and employ 10,000 men ,
who support 50,000 of the population.
The sporting fraternity of Virginia
City , M. T. , have u man who they tliink
can break Sullivan's jaw at the first clip.
He has cleaned out everything within
In the mountains of California roads
are being broken from town to town by
moans of horses mounted on suow shoes.
A Word About Catarrh.
"It Is the rnuoous mombrnno , tlmt Hundorful
somi-iluld envelope surrounding the delicate tis
sues of the ulr and food pnesugoj , tlmt Catiirrh
makos'lts stronghold. Oncn cBttUilIshod , U oats
Into the very vltnls , and rondora llfo but n loni ;
drawn bruiitli of misery nnd disease , dulling ; the
Eonso of hearing , trammelling the power of
speech , destroying the faculty of smell , tainting
thu brciith nud killing tiio rxllnod pltmsurcsof
taslo. Insidiously , by creeping on troin u sim
ple cold In Iho atsiiultHthoinotubrtinoiid
lining and envelops the bones , emlim through
the delicate coats ami cmiMiiK Intluminatlon ,
slouching nnd death. Nothing short or total
crmlicntlon will secure honlth to the patient , mid
all allorlatlves nro simply procrastinated suf
ferings. Icudlnz to H fatal termination. HAN-
KOIID'H lUnic'At. Cum-- inhalation and
Cumliy by In-
tornnl administration , ban never fulled ; oven
\vhon the dluoaso ban made frltrhlfulinroadg on
diillcato constitutions , boarlng. snioll anil taste
bavo boon iccovurod , and the dlsoaso thor
oughly drlron out. "
B.N KOI i n'B It A in c vi. CuiiK oonslitfl of ono bottle
tle ol tlio \mc\i.CUIIKono box Cvin uutiiu ,
Bor.vKNT , nud ono IMPROVED INIIAI.KII , neatly
wrapped in ono pnoUago , M Ith full directions ;
price,11.00. ,
POTTEII Diiuo & CHEMICAL Co. , Uoston.
. Worn out with pain , but etlllcompell
ed by stern necessity to stund up to the
i work-bofore UM and bear the pain. Ui :
"A.NTi.l'AlNl'l.AFTBiiforthoachlng sides
and back , tlio weak and pHinf ill inusclei )
ttio sere cheat and bucking cough , and every
pain and nohe of dally toll. Klogant. new , orls-
liiiil , speedy and Infallible. At druggists , ' * . :
five for IliK ) : or , postage frco , ot 1'otUir Drug
and C'homlcal Co , notion.
and all akin diseases. A new method of ora-
| x > un < 3m Tar. A Cure cuarantood , or monty
refunded. Hold by drucqluu , and at the office of
TAK-OID CO. , 71 UIHllUlt. MIUU. ITIeti ! ,
Mention Omaha Ueo.
By Dr. Rnndlkar'i method. No operation ) Mo Palni
No Detention from famines * . Adaotod to oblldroa
dwell m croirn potfplo. Hundred * ot nuVogruon
Iii > ii lull on Olo. All butlnoil llrlc'.Ij cvuflil *
RoomO , 1QUDouglas St. , Omaha , Neb.
We arc ofTcring special value in lllacll
Rhailamcs at
$1 $ , $1.25 $ , $1.50 $ and $2 $
You will find upon examination ttiat thcet
Rhailamcs arc extra value and will sava
you 25 per cent on every dollar's wortfe
you buv of them ,
Colored Rhailaines in all similes at the cx
treiuely low pi ice of $1.
Colored Surah Silks
In all the evening Miadc.1 , taus and all the
newest and dcslrnble shade : ) at (1. Ask to
see them. We sltow goods with pleasure.
Warranted to neither break down or
roll up In wear.
loni Gtnntni without K1DO itioprd ou Inildt of tenet ,
t If t M
iaf eure 1 do not inen rnroly lo § lop i
tlu aniltb nh > r < thtmrotin ) again , I uw n arulie curt.
I h o made tha dlxu * of VJTU , kflLKI'HY or FAI.I4NU
KIUKNKsa IKo lone ibiilr , Iirirrant mjnmtif to euro
th worst CUM. B taos0 utnm likro fnll a U no reuon for
not now recvlTlng a ear * , feeml fct OUCH fur a lratua ana &
> r * BottH of raj Innlllbllt roruodr. filv > Frpreil and Po k
OUU * . K CMUTOII nothing fnr a trial , nml 1 wlUrurayoq.
laan't Pr , II U HOOT. 1(1 l' . rl Bk MtwTork.
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis Mo.
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado ,
Of the Missouri Stale Museum of Anatomy ,
St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi
tal , London , Giesen , Germany and New
York. Having devoted their attention
; . Chronic and
More especially those arising from impru
dence , invite all so buffering to correspond
without ilc I ay. Disease ) of infection and
contagion cured safely and speedily with
out detention ( rom business , and without
the use of dangerous drug * . Pa
tients whose cases have been neglected ,
badly Ircated or pronounced incurable ,
should not fall to write us concerning their
symptoms. Allletttr * receive immediate
And will lie mailed FREE to any addrest
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. ' 'Practical '
Observations on Nervous Debility and
Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added an
' Essay on Marriage , " with important chapters -
ters on Diseases of the Reproductive Or
gans , the whole forming a valuable medical
treatita which should be read by all young
men. Atldrei * ,
. 1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado.
1707 Olive St..St. Louis , Mo ,