Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1887, Image 1

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    ' '
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Viismic Shocks in the Southwest Followed
By Fiery Eruptions.
kofiy Poaka Leveled and Others nn-
hroudcd In Smoke and Flame
Dried Up
Mother narth Upheaved ,
TUC ON , Arlr. , May 4. An earthquakeoc ;
tnrreif at 2rl3 p. in. yesterday. No one w.n
Injured. Oonsldciable damage was done to
buildings. Goods were thrown from the
shelves of stores and many houses were
cracked. The shock was accompanied by a
tumbling sound. Many clocks were stopped
In ( tie city and HID entire population lied to
the streets terror stricken. The court house
cupola swayed like the mast ot a ship In a
turbulent sea and the building seemed as
though It were toppling over. When the
shock struck Santa Catallna mountain , great
Bllces of the mountain were torn Irom Its side
and thrown to its base. Vast clouds of dust
rose above Its crest 7,000 feet above the sea
level at three dlllerent points , from thrco to
four miles apart. It was believed for
pome time that n volcano had burst
out at the crest of the mountain.
One towering peak , known as the Old Castle ,
n prominent land mark from Tucson , has
entirely disappeared. The extent of the
damage cannot bo told for several days. Tills
was the first earthquake ever experienced In
Tucson. Shortly after the earthquake a vol
cano broke out twenty-two miles south of
this place in the Total Wreck mountains.
The sky Is brilliantly Illuminated.
It Is believed that a volcano was In active
operation in the San Jose mountains or on
the border of Sonoiu , Mexico , about seventy-
five miles west of here , yesterday afternoon.
A black , curling smoke was plainly visible
all lost night. The fires were intermittent ,
bursting Into bright light and then appar
ently dying down , only to burst out
again. The true state ot affairs is not
known hero yet. From a private telegram
from Fort Huachuca this morning It was
tin - learned that General Forsyth , commanding
the post , would head an Investigating expe
dition heading from Pantano. Total Wreck ,
Crittcnton , Globe anel elsewhere show that
the earthquake has been general throughout
southern Arizona. In Tucson no serious
damage was dono. There Is no part ot the
city but shows Use-fleets. It will bo some
time before'tko full direct of the earthquake
In the Santa Oatalina mountains can be
' learned , us , tlm ratt o Is one of the most
rugged and difficult of-toeess in the territory.
BUNION , Ariz. , May 4. flux volcanic erup
tion is pronounced geaiiine from Whetstone
mountain , Parties on * the train last night
report that the tire was Been coming from the
mountain. Lava ; \nd smoke can bo seen
from the streetufbf Benson , nearly twenty
mtlas from the dtaUutbanco. No one has yet
personally InsMctcd the marvelous dls-
' covcry , but parties are arranging to
go there Infjprlvata conveyances , when
the particulars wfllibo learned. At first it
was thoughtrto be woods on fire , but the con
stancy of the burning and the appearance al
nlnht Indicated It Is a volcano caused by the
enrtrfemake esterday. Another volcano is
Bald to btfTn existence In the Catallna nioun
tains. Smoke Is now pouring forth from tin
Whetstone. Authentic news this momeni
coires from Wlllcox that another volcanc
made its appearance in Winchester moun
tains , about forty-live miles from hero. Sl >
distinct shocks ol earthquake have been fell
here since this morning.
TOMIISTONK , Arli , May 4. A severe shoe !
ot earthquake occurred yesterday about :
o'clock and continued to shako furiously fo :
forty seconds. This is the first occurrence o
this kind experienced in this territory fo
twenty years. Windows were broken , build
ings cracked and injured , but no person
hurt. Ten miles from the city a lake , covet
ing an acre of ground , was completely drlei
ui ) In twenty minutes. The embankment
along the Now Mexico & Arizona rallwa1
was moved from their former positions , li
many Instances as much as twelve inches.
GUYAMAS , Mox. , May 4. At 12:45 yostcr
day afternoon two earthquake shocks wer
felt horn with short Intervals , lasting altc
gether n few seconds. The direction wa
vast to west. No damage Is reported so fai
though all clocks stopped running. Slmlla
shocks were felt along the line of the Senor
The following Is from the agent at Terre
station : "One minute after the lirst quiver
ing sensation , the highest cliff of Chlvat
mountain fell , causing a cloud of dust to ria
like smoke from the explosion of a lare
amount of powder. From the station It ha
the appearance of a volcanic eruption. "
Ai.miQUEiiejUE , N. M. , May 4 , This clt
experienced two distinct shocks of cart )
quake at 8:13 : yesterday afternoon. Clock
in all parts of the city were stopped and cot
in Blderaolw window glass broken. The pcopl
k \vero crcatly excited and rushed out of dooi
for safety. No damage was done.
CKNTIIKVII.I.E. Cala. , May 4. A hoavi
earthquake was felt hero yesterday at 7:1'J : ' i
in. The direction was from north to soutl
The shock was preceded by a heavy rumlilln
NooAi.Kfl , Ariz. , Mav 4. The first eartl
quake ever experienced in tills place occurrc
yestcrdiiy afternoon , lasting about one mil
lite. Buildings tumbled and people rustic
into the street. Thu excitement tor a tin
was Intense. The railroad at Torres , Senor
reports that the highest ell IF of the Chua
mountain fell , causing a deafening noise ar
the clouds of dust v\cie seen for sever
Ail Anti-Anarchist Honored.
CHICAGO , May 4. To-day , the first anr
versary ot the Haymarket bouib-throvvin
was made the occasion ot a significant actlc
by the German-Americans of this city. Eve :
Chicago banker , manufacturer and pron
nent business man of German extractlo
Joined in the presentation ot n costly si
American ting to Kdltor Michaels , of t !
Frele Prcsse , In acknowledgement of h
services in fighting anarchism. T
donors , to the number of COO , accompany ! !
the gift with an address signed by them vl
oiously denouncing anarchy and repudlatli
all connection with the "fiends" who ha
preached it. Mlchaelts anel his property , t
cording to evidence in the anarchist trl ;
Were markcfd for destruction In thn outbre :
a year ago to-day , nnd only escaped becau
of the cowardice of the group that was t !
tailed to accomplish the purnose. Since tl
trial he has been exceptionally outspoken
demanding that the sentence pronounced I
carried into execution.
A Wrecked Htoamor.
ST. JOHNS , N. F. , May 4. The ateamsh
John Knox , from Glasgow , laelen with liqiu
brick and rolling stock , was wrecked Mo
day night on the reefs near Capo Ray. .Tl
captain and fifteen ot a crew of thirty we
rescued. The steamer was only 400 yar
from shorn , but the boats could not live
the terrible gale and surf. Cries of distrt
by these on board could bo heard on shoAt
At 'J : : a. in. , two hours from the first alar
the steamer went down. At da > break , wh
tne storm had abated , boats were sent n
and the name ot the steamer was then d
Lake Shore HtatUtlci.
CI.EVEI.AND , May 4 , The old board of
rectors of the Lake Shore road was re-elrd
to-day. 'Iho funded debt was dccreas
8260,000 during the year , leaving the to
funded debt to bo 545,093,000. The gr <
earnings were SlfiH.WooO ; net earnings , t !
123OUO. Deducting hxea charges the surp
carulngi for the year were 12,415,000.
Slluionarr Faiaport * .
PEKIN , May 4. The government has <
dered that every foreign missionary In Chi
must hold a passport from his own gove :
went , iu order that his nationality may
known. All other passports art ) declai
rold ,
Ono Unndrcd nnd Fifty Victoria
Mlnnrn Imprisoned ,
VICTORIA , H. C. , May 4. The Colonist's
Manlamo special says a terrible explosion
occurred in a shaft of the Victoria Coal com
pany last night. One hundred and fifty men
are believed to bo In the mine. At midnight
twelve bodies were recovered. Some were
dead , and others seriously or fatally burned.
There are little hopes of rescuing alive any
of those yet in the mine. A rescuing
party went down , but owing to the black
damp were unable to do anything. S. Hud
son , one of the icsculng party , died soon
after coming out. The mtno Is now on fire.
The scene around the shaft is most heart-
lending. A special train with surgeons ar
rived at 2 this morning from Victoria.
NA.VAIMO , U. C. , Mav 4. A terrible ex
plosion of gas took plica last evening In No.
1 shaft of the Vancouver Coal company
mine , In which there were upwards of 150
miners at the time. The tirst intimation
these on the surface had of the explosion was
a terrific shock , followed by an outburst of
thick , black smoke through the air shatt.
Thu first explosion was quickly followed by
a second one , stionger than the tirst , carryIng -
Ing pieces of wood , miners' lamps ,
etc. , hundreds of feet TtP the air. In
a lew minutes llames commence , to Issue
through tha air shaft with a lound. roaring
noise , lu a short time the tan house caught
tire anil was eiaickly consumed. In the
meantime nine white men and four Chinese
were brought nn through No. 1 on the hoist
ing shaft. R. Gibson miraculously escaped
from the lowcrslope by following his way to
the stables , where ho was met by a rescuing
party. Rescuing parties continued to at
tempt to reach the entombed mlncis.
but were nblo to rescue only
fifteen up to this hour. They
were overcome with after-damp and
had to bu rescued by others of those noble
rescuers. Samuel Hudson succumbad to the
effects of the after-damp. The scenes around
the shafthead Is most heartrending , The
friends of those Imprisoned below are look
ing for the missing. At this hour (2 ( p. m. )
but little hopes are entertained for the
safety of the Imprisoned men. The fires are
still raging , but it is thought will soon be
gotten under control. A rescuing party will
again attempt toco below.
Among those saved are Gcoree Davis , John
Smith , .1. Jones , James Stoucs , John Lynn ,
Jules Michael.
Among the dead are W. Craven , W. W.
Davis. W. Watson. J. R. Glllson.
The fire Is still burning and It will bo Im
possible to attempt a rescue before morning ,
If then. The probability is that all the im
prisoned miners , numbering about 1"0 , will
be sulTocatcd.
nialr's J v Administration.
Hi.Ain , Nob. , May 4. ( Special to the
Bnc. | lllalr's now or newly elected
city o Ulcers created somewhat of a
furore among the saloon men at their regular
meeting Monday night , by their doferlug the
consideration of applications for licenses for
two weeks. They had been elected by the
"boys" with the strict understanding at
least that they would grant licenses at the
old price , SGfi , ' , but It was discovered that
there was a determination of a majority of
the council , with the sanction of the mayor ,
to raise the license to 81,000. This would
have to bo done by a now ordinance , and the
passage of the now ordinance being objected
to , they votcet to lay the applications over
until the next regular meeting. Ono day's
prohibition , however , brought the "boys"
around with propositions to call a special
meeting at once anet they would pay the
1.000. So to-day lilalr has the saloons In
full blast , although In less numbers than
Mayor Walters is serving his third term
and is giving general satisfaction. He r-
appointed Dr. Taylor city physician , and W.
11. Farnsworth city attorney , and has ap
pointed J. L. Edwards city marshal.
Blair's system of water works is said to be
the best In the state , and the revenue de
rived from it now must bo nearly sulllclent
to sustain it.
lilalr has no boom to speak of this spring ,
but Is quietly and steadily growing and
Farmers say that small grain sown Is com'
ing uu and bids tatr to do well. Corn plowIng -
Ing has just commenced.
Fremont's Street Railway. .
FRIMONT , Nob. , May 4. ISpeelal to the
UKK.J A short time ago a move was madi
In Fremont to ; the organization of a strce
car company. Other business claiming tin
attention of the projectors then the matte :
L has laid dormant until last evening. A meet
Ing was hold and articles of Incorporatini
9 were adopted , the Incorporators being E. H
Barnard , L. M. Keene , L. D. Richards , Con
> gressman Dor. ey , Ray Nye. C. H. Toncrai
3t end Fred Meyer. The capital stock is fixe :
t ) at 323,000 and the authorized S-r > 0OOC
1 The subscription books were opened las
1f night ami by noon to-day every cent of th
f stock was pledged. The city council wll
authorize an election and grant a franchis
3 as soon as can bo done by law. The line wilL
be about three miles in length.
Successful nuildinn Association.
COLUMIIUS , Nob. , May 4. ( Special Teh
gram to the UEI : . | The Columbus Land
Loan and Hulldlng association held Its fire
annual meeting last night In Fltzpatrlck'
music hail. Tno old officers were re-olecto
as follows : J. N. Taylor , president : J. H
Murnock , vice president ; Gus G. iieche
treasurer , and Harry llockonbercer , secr <
tary. The past year's business was mos
gratifying to the shareholders , the profil
netting 20 per cent , scries A all being take
and there being a demand for more share
It was resolved to organize series 1 } of ? bOOOi
Prlnco IjeopoId'H Journey.
LINCOI.V , Neb. , May 4. [ Special Teh
gram to the Bun. ] Prlneo Leopold , gran
nephew of Emperor William , of German }
passed through Lincoln on the Burllngto
road to-day on route from ( San Francisco I
Chicago. The prlnco and his friends on U
trip occupy ono of the Central Pacific pala (
cars , which has been placed at his dlspos :
across the continent. Prlnco Leopold wt
at Yokohoma , Japan , a month ago and Is o
a pleasure trip around the world.
Killed ny the Cars.
LAWIIKXCE , Neb. , May 4. A section 1
borer named John Hipp , while working o
the B. & M. a few miles west of town , w
struck by a locomotive and almost instantl
killed yesterday. The coroner's jury return *
a verdict of deatn from wilful carelessness e :
the pait of the deceased , Hipp was a natli
of Germany , forty-two years ot aio , ar
leaves two daughters.
Boodlers so Bo Ousted.
CHICAGO , May 4. The boodle wardens i
various county Institutions will bo remove
from office next Monday , with all the othi
county employes under Indictment for co
rupt practices. Heretofore , by means of a
eight to seven combination in the coun
board , the boodlcra have been successful I
resisting every attempt to eject from offl
any of the ring. To-day Conn
Commissioner Peter Tertune , wl
is generally Accounted personal
honest , was persuaded by the seven refer
members to aoandon thn boodlers' side at
elgn a resolution decapitating all the Indlcti
county employes , huh or low. Monday tl
county board will doubtless adopt the resol
II- tlon by A vote of eight to seven.
II2d The question of setting aside the entl
2d of boodle becau
array jurors In the case
Ddal Improperly drawn was argued for hours t
al day before Judge Shupard without result ai
ss will bo taken up by the opposing lawyers t
aus morrow.
Miner * ' Wages Raited.
COI.UMIIUS , o. , May 4. The inter-sta
board of arbitration of miners and operate ]
comprising the states of Indiana , Illino
an Ohio and Pennsylvania , in'sesslon here t
n- day , unanimously agreed to grant an advan
ot S cents per ton. commencing May 1 , f
the present , and give the miners a chance
bring operators holding bock up to the 6caJ
Criticisms on His Conduct in the Austro-
Russian Negotiations.
Mnydny In Vienna Scenes of the Ccl-
obrntlon IlcauUfiil Inidles Not
able Costumes An Ameri
can Queen.
1'tUrlntf * and Pnnslnvlits.
\CopuriaMcil \ l.W by JuniM ffoiito i JJm rifll.l
VIK.V.VA , May 4. fNisw York Herald
Cable Special to the IJKn.J Who killed
Cock Robin to many people seems an Imper
tinent query compared with the question ,
who arrangad the Austrian occupation of
IJosnla-lIerzgovlnla which lutsjust caused
such a lively little three-coiuored quarrel bo-
tvvcen Dlsmarck and Rassy KakolT , yet It Is
an Interesting ono. The most cneilshcd Pan-
slavlst theories were knocked on the head by
.Nordedoutscho Algemaino Xcltuuu's reve
lation of the private Anstro-
Itusslan negotiation which preceded
the occupation and the Berlin treaty.
It destroyed the legend that Germany had ,
from hatred ot Russia , persuaded Austria to
secure the provinces. It showed up the
double dealing of the Panslavlsts. Katkoll's
furious denials went for nothing against Scr-
vla'sofllclal assertions. JJIsmaick's mouth
piece and Andrassy's Intervention gavea
now turn to the quarrel. pV.fter posing so
long as a patriot and antMjranslavlst It was
naturally disagreeable forthe ex-chancellor
to be Intioduced to his touchy Maagynr
countrymen In this now and undesirable
character. It would liavo been fatal to his
reputation In Hungary to let the sentiments
of the ftordcdcutschc pass unausweiul. , In
the article , evidently inspired by Andrassy ,
Pesterlloyd denies there was any secret bar
gain with .Russia before thn occupation of
the two provinces. He refuses even to admit
lie had any Intercourse with Obrutscheff , the
famous Russian emissary. There are more
ways than one , however , ot nego
tiating with foreign agents , and as
I'estherlloyd acknowledges Andrassy In-
toruicd .Russia before the Turkish war
began , Anstrla-IIunzary would regard tlio
Invasion of Uosnia-Ilcrzgovinai by another
power as a cnsns belli. The contradiction
between his version of affairsand Bismarck's
Is thus less real than apparent , and the Pan-
slavists who In 1877 were all powerful In St.
Petersburg liavo still to disprove that they
themselves and not Germany arranged ,
or at least agreed , to the occupation they
afterwards denounced so savagely.
The latest explosive la an Russian Inven
tion. According to the description pub
lished hero It Is noiseless and smokeless and
has ten times the force of gunpowder. The
inventor , an engineer named PakschelT ,
thinks this Invention equally usotul for In-
dustral as for warlike purposes. Manufac
turers anxious to give It a trial will not all
speak at once.
Sunday was a great day here. All towns
turned out on foot or in carriages for the an <
nual "Malfest" or May festival In the Pratei
Viennese thoequlvalontof what once was the
Paris promenade. Do Loncchamps. Had the
weather been liner the display of toilets and
number of carriages would doubtless hive
been finer. Despite the heavy skies , how
ever , nearly four thousand vehicles llllad the
broad haupt allco with life. The
brilliancy of half a dozen couri
carriages and several dashing
four-in-hands , notably an English one , gave
an artistic touch to the spectacle , but as usua
the chief attractions were the pretty bonnet ;
and tastetul dresses of the fair Viennese.
The Longchamp Itself , though It may havt
had a moro brilliant dlsolay of toilets , nevci
showed more beautiful faces and figures
The Viennese fashions will leave the l.idlci
plenty of latitude for Indulgence In private
taste and caprice. Most of the cos
tumes , though nominally toilettes < 1
promenade , would have done equally wel
for the drawing room. Sharply contrastei
hues seemed in great favor with ladles of al
ages. The bonnets were of showy colors
osoeclally red , blue and yellow gold belni
the ruin , while the trimmings Include' '
Jlovvers , feathers , lace and passementerie
often almost hiding the straw structure
beneath. ? One lady made a sensation In
voluptuous pale blue dress loosely fastenei
by a golden girdle and she carried a sunsliad
embroidered In gold and palm leaves. A ) '
other striking novelty was a so-called bl-j
maludo dress with white stripes on whlc
were embroidered designs in gold and stce
Many ladles had sunshades attached to thel
arms by golden chains and jewelled armlets
Princess Paul Kstorhazy were a blue an
white striped moire dress , a gold straw , ci
pete trimmed with lace of pink flower :
Countess Zicny carne out In an airy pale bin
voile do noune striped with ree
putted sleeves , while crepe do chine Jabo
round palo yellow straw bonnet trlmmc
with palo olue and crouie tulle. Princes
Metternlch appeared In a rich but sombi
black lace dress trimmed with jet and moll
d ribbon , black lace , bonnet to match , relieve
with yellow field ( lowers. Baroness Roth
child wore a dainty pearl grey silk costun
with dove colored cashmere tunic an
tabller , white crepe do chine jabi
enriched with lace , grey sllK girdle and
charming capote to match. Mrs. Paddh
ford , an American beauty , attracted muc
attentlod In an eccentric grey suit , trimme
with ilovvers of a crepe creation. On d
Mrs. Paddlotord , so well known In No
York , Is anxious to follow the footsteps i
Mrs. Langtry and Mrs. James Brown Po
ter. This may interest New York dudes.
The Tories Trying to Get Around tli
Dillon-Times Cane ,
LONDON. May 4. Right Honorable W. I
Smith , first lord of thn treasury , announce
in tlio commons this afternoon that the go' '
eminent had resolved that the allegatlo
that the statement by the London Times th
Dillon told a falsehood while speaking In tt
house of commons and that paper's utte
ances concerning his alleged relations wi1
bherldan , the Invincible , was a breach
pilvllege , was not sustained by precedes
Mr. Smith said It would be against tl
dignity ot the house to summons the Tim
to the bar without previously inquiring In
the circumstances. The government , feellr
It to be their duty to endeavor to solve tl
question , had Instructed the attorney ere
oral to prosecute the Times for libel on Dl
Ion , who was at liberty to select such couns
as he saw tit.
In commons to-nlelit Dillon said he aldn
consider the ordinary tribunals of Englan
In the present state ot political feeling on tl
Irish question , falrlv open to members of tl
Irish party In the house of commons. 1
therefore maintained ho had a right to I
hoard before the committee. For six yea
to the Parnellltes had been held up to the publ
odium as criminals. Some ot them , in tl
meantime , had been Imprisoned. Enouj
had been done and sa'd In these six years
prejudice tha minds of any English jury
was possible to empanel , lie must declli
to take proceedings la civil actloi again
the Times because ho believed he hi
no cuaneo ot obtaining verdict. If <
the other hand , the selection of members of
the house should bo'appointed to hear his
case , ho would bo contented. It should bo
so constituted as not to Include a single
Irish member. iChoete.J
Gladstone Intimated that In the event of
the adoption of Sir 1'dward Clark's motion ,
he would move an Amendment to the mnln
question to the eltect that an Inquiry be
made by it committee into the charges ot
wilful falsehood , In a speech delivered In
the hoti o ot commons , brought In an article
by the Times , against Dillon. [ Cheers. |
W. H. Smith asked If Gladstone would
make that motion at once.
Gladstone said ho was surprised at the sug
gestion , coming as It did from the govern
ment leader in the house. For htm ( Glad
stone ) to make such n motion at the present
time would ho only making confusion , and
It would tend to obscure the Issue if the
course suggested by Smith was followed.
On motion of Dr.idlaugh the debate ad
journed. ]
T. P. O'Connor ' condemned the govern
ment's proposal. HoFald he commiserated
the government on their humlllatlnz and de
grading position. Thslr proposal was really
for collusive action at law made by Valer of
libel. Do Lisle , conseivatlve member from
Leicestershire , arose to a point of order. He
said ho had heard Tanner , home rule mem
ber for Middle Cork , say the "conservatives
were a d d Jot of cads. ' ( Irish voices ,
"So you are ) . " )
.Speaker Peelo : "Tho clerk of the liottso
will please see that the words are taken
down. " Tanner denied that ho had used the
word "d d. " lie repeated , however ,
that the conservatives were a lot of cads.
The speaker said he must withdraw the ex
pression and apologiKe.
Tanner said ho would do so. Sir Harcourt
denounced the eovanunont's proposal.
Clarke , solicitor general moved an amend
ment to the government's proposal to the ef
fect that the house ] dld not consider the
Times' statement concerning Dillon a urcach
of privilege. y
The Watch ffn the Ithtnc.
PARIS , May 4. Th % Dix N'leuverne Slecle
dismisses as ficttytng the ostensible reasons
Riven by the Gernnftiiress , for General Wal-
dersee's tour along Be frontier of Alsace-
Lorraine , and saysrl "Everything warrants
UB In thinking that He Is solely studying the
best points of concentration for German
troops in pioximlty to our eastern frontier.
We are surpilsed that the Gemmn papers
.should seek to mislead us In regard to the ob
jects of his journcv. "
Russian Conspirators.
ST. Pr.TnnsBUna , May 4. Seven prisoners
condemned to death far connection with the
recent plot to assassinate tiio czar , arc all
men. The others convicted of complicity In
the plot , received varla'iis sentences to penal
servitude , the most { severe being ( twenty
yeais. All prisoners except the student
OuIlnanolT behaved quietly during the trial.
It Is possible that the czar may mitigate some
of the sentences.
The Czar \Vlll Journey.
ST. PKTEitsuuiio , May 4. Thoc/.arand all
the principal members of the imperial house
hold will depart on the 15th Inst for Novo-
Teherbask , the capital of the Don Cossack
country. The visit is to bo made for the pur
pose of witnessing the grand Don Cossack
military paiade and war games , and to enter
tain the Don Cossack notables. Troops are
already being dispatched to take position
along the line of the railway to be travelled
by the Imperial party , so that the entire route
will be guarded.
Franco Will Suppress "Lohengrin. "
PAIIIS , May 4. The French government
has decided to suppress the performance ot
"Lohengrin" In the future in Paris If it con
tinues to bo accompanied by anti-German
demonstrations. ParliTpapors generally con
demn the popular opposition to the opera.
Thov say It Is absurd to confound art with
An Editorial Rn * nnd a HIIRO Ijlbel
NEW ironK , May 4. ( Special Telegrotr
to thn BEI : . | Caotalp F. W. Dawson , cdltoi
of tbo Charleston News and Courier , arrlvei
in this city yesterday from France , where hi :
family is at present sojourning. Ilowa :
met by a reporter at the hotel. The captair
was very much annoyed by the follovviiif
editorial paragraph which appeared in Man
day's Sun :
"Who that didn't know the fact woule
suppose that not moro than a dozen yean
ago F. W. Dawson , editor of the Charlestoi
News and Courier , was the seedy suppllcan
and pensioner of tbo South Carotins
thieves. "
Captain Dawson said to the reporter
"These vicious and \vanton attacks upon mi
by the Now York Sdn have reached a phasi
when 1 must act. As'an old newspaper man , :
can stani ! n good deal in the way of inaliciou
and even bitter attack , but when it comes ti
personal villiticatlott of this horrible type
there must be a settlement between the Sin
and mo which shall decide my fights in tin
matter. I have just yen my attorney dl
rcctions to bring sulVfor libel against tin
Sun at once , laylnw" damages at 8100,000
This paragraph is ihe last straw , but It I
a pretty heavy one. Mid , as all my friend
know , without a shrpd ot justification. "
\erus ago Dawkon smashed a corrun
printing ring in.Sooth Carolina , and out o
revenge , the rlngston printed a lot of prlvat
letters distorted so AS to make it appear tha
Dawson connived Jit their rascality. Tin
Sun this morningsiys : "Captain Dawson'
npwspnpcr protondM to represent the decen
people of South Carolina in their struggle t
frto themselves jiud their propert
from the cliitcW of an Infamou
ring of carpct-bfl . adventurers an
natl-'e scoundrels Mho owned the negr
vote. At the sauni time Captain Dawsoi
was In secret correspondence the agent
of Scott , Moses , anff John Paterson , solicil
Ing thiiir patronage and offering for a fe\
dollars to promote their brigand scheme !
Ho was willing to puff or crush according a
ho couM best serve ths rascals Columblr
All that ho asked was the state printing n
exorbitant figures. To secure this he wa
' f to pay to the officers of the governmeii
ons If that Is a proper word t
. . _ _ . . . . . .inntlne to forty per cent of th
audited bills. This excellent democrat an
most estimable gentleman still honors th
journalistic profession and assumes to pri
nounco upon the ch'mcter of the Sun. "
The Marshal 'Nor Bones.
TIIIKD CHEEK , N < 0. , May 4. fSpecii
Telegram to the Ugfc.l Several promluei
physicians of the ( ( Salisbury section , son :
time since , decided"tp exhume the remains <
Peter S. Ney from Ujelr ( crave near thlsplac
for the purpose of cfeertalnlng whether the
are those of th < 9 fkmous Marshal Ney , <
France. 'Iho gentleman who nursed Pet *
Ney , and was wlth-'H m in death and at h
burial , said to-day teat Ney was perfect !
conscious at thn tlMe of death , and that h
talked about his 'ifo and children , an
stated several lira * while on his deatl
bed that he w $ ! Marshal Ney an
repeated It not i hour before his deatl
In dressing him fc burial they found th ;
ho had been wounoed on the thigh , neck
side and wrist , andk d a largo scar like
saber cut on the hM. When the grave w.-
opened to-day nothlpf was found except
few of the largest bones , some coffin nal
and a small remnant of one plank. Tl
physicians In charge reported : "We foun
some of the bones only , and these in such
state of decay that we cannot state positive !
whether the skull hod ever been trepannc
or not.'We made diluent search for the bu
lets said to have bean lodged In the body , bi
found none. All tie bones were returned I
the grave. " &
"Weather Indication * .
For Nebraska : Local rains In eastern po
tlon , fair weather In western portlou , vai
able winds generally northerly , ellg !
changes In temperature.
For Iowa : Threatening weather and rain
variable winds , stationary temperature.
A Jewelry Firm Falls.
CHICAGO , May 4. The Jewelry firm t
the Rosenkrans & Weber company made t
assignment to-day , The liabilities are es
mated at 970,000 , The assets are not know
It Causes Great Indignation Among Some
Members of tbo Cabinet.
The I'refildcnt Denounced For Ilan-
quetinea Ncurcss A Falling Off
In Canadian Trade National
Capital NCVVP.
Cabinet Oflloers on Color.
WASHINCHO.V , May ( . ( Special Tele
gram to the BKII.I President Cleveland Is
conlroiited with the color line In his cabinet
In connection with his proposed dinner on
Friday evening to ( Juecn Kaplolanl , of
Hawaii , now in the city. The queen has the
color of a full-blooded necio. Her hair Is
cilmp and her features every ono of the
African type. As soon ns these were dls-
covcied by two or thrco members ot the cabi
net and their wives , there was a protest
against this elaborate recognition of her
highness. Ono cabinet officer , reported to bo
Secretary Lamar , Is quoted as saying that ho
could not maintain ills respectability and sit
at the table with a negrcss , and thnt he will
not attend the dinner. Among the cabinet
ladles who called upon the queen this after
noon Mrs. Lamar was not. Others are re
potted to bo very Indignant because the
president and Mrs. Cleveland are making so
much of the ruler of Hawaii , while hundreds
of lesser lights In official circles , all from the
north , arc making a hubub over the matter ,
and ate denouncing every ono who sympa
thizes with these who are doing the courtesy
tothovueen. They declare It Is pandering
to position , and that Ihe qileen of Hawaii Is
no better than a scrub woman In the depart
ments or these on the plantations In the
south. Were It not for official patronage ,
President Cleveland would bo denounced by.
these persons In a public wav , but as It Is
they are content to talk in half suppressed
tones. However , their feeling is very ap
parent , and the outlook for a very loumil
dinner and forced attentions at the white
house on Filday evening affords some topic
of conversation everywhere to-night.
Talk of Elehty-Elcht.
WASIIINOTO.V , May 4. ( Special Telegram
to the lir.K.J Prominence Is given In this
evening's Star to an Interview with an un
named republican congressman , whoso utter
ances have been endorsed by many who do
not hesitate to speak over their names. He
says that up to about the tlmo congiess ad
journed he had accepted it as a foregone con
clusion that Mr. Blaine would bo their next
nominee. Since then ho has become doubt
ful. Shernah , ho says , has niado some big
strikes of I a to , and there seems now to be a
close race between them , with It very doubt
ful which Is In the lead. "It looks moro like
Sherman , " ho says , "than It over did before ,
but it may bo that neither will got it. What
ever we may say publicly , we all know that
It is not going to bo an easy thing to beat
Mr. Cleveland. We will liavo no show In
the fight If wo enter It handicapped with In
ternal differences. The party leaders recog
nize the fact that the whole party has got to
pull together to win and that individual
pieferences have got to bo sunk for the good
of the whole party. They are trying to effect
harmony and the claims of individuals will
bo set aside for a time. The question is who
will best hole ! the entire ic publican strength ,
and an effort will bo niado to nominate.
a man who will do this. This makes it a
little uncertain about Mr. Blaino. It may be
that neither Blaine nor Sherman will get the
nomination , but that borne outside man will
bo called. It Is claimed for Mr. Blaine that
ho will draw moro democratic votes than ho
will lose republican. It is certain that he
would get more democratic votes than any
other republican could , but the question is
whether it is well to trust to this. Many of
the best party leaders hold that the fate of
the party must be with men of Its own faith ;
that the strongest candidate is the man who
can carry the whole party. This will all bo
carefully considered before It becomes a turo
thing for anyone. There Is no doubt in the
world that Mr. Cleveland is well liked by
many of our best republican statesmen. Some
of the best men of the paity wont with him
before , and the probability that he would got
still more of them it wo should nominate
Blaine must be considered. Wo must not do-
colvo ourselves. The Conkllnc clement Is as
bitter against Mr. Blaine as ever , and the
hatred of Mr. Edmunds tor him Is Intense.
This must nil ho considered. Wo must use
our forces to the very best advantage to beat
Mr. Cleveland , and the wisest council will
have to be followed. I do not mean by this
that Mr , Blaine may not be the choice of the
party , but that he will bo is by no means as
certain as It seemed to bo a few months ago.
Ho will not be nominated as a mere matter
of sentiment. *
Among the Military.
WASHINGTON , May 4. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE.J The war department Is In
formed of the death of Captain Rezln G.
Ilowell , Second artillery , at Little Kock ,
Arkansas ,
Army orders : The following chances In
the ordnance department have been ordered
to take effect July 1 : Captain John C. Green ,
relieved from duty as chief ordnance officer ,
department of the Missouri , and command
of Fort Leavcnworth ordnance depot , and
ordered as chief of the board for testing
rilled cannon , with station at Now York :
Captain Charles- . Whlpplo. relieved from
duty with the oriiiauce board and ordered a <
chmf orduanc , > fticcr , department of the
Missouri , andprfttt-'ho ' command of Furl
Leaven worth oralce department ; Captain
Charles C. Morrison , relieved from duty al
Watortown arsenal , Massachusetts , am !
ordered to duty with the ordnance board
with station at New Vork.
Captain Victor Blart , assistant surgeon , I :
granted a year's extension of leave for sick'
Fiist Lieutenant H. L. Bailey , Twenty
first Infantry , Is grauted four months' '
leava. .
Major B. E , Fryer , surgeon , lias beer
ordered to appear before the army retiring
boarel at San Francisco for examination.
Captain William A. Klderkln , commissar
ot subsistence , had been ordered to Inspeci
certain recruiting property at Cincinnati.
The leave of absence granted Captain H
B. Pcrrlne , S Ixth cavalry , lias been extendce
three months.
Captain James M. Marshall , assistant quar
terms ster , has been ordered to Inspect cer
tain recruiting property at Philadelphia ,
nt'aptaln H. W. Wessels , Third cavalry
Captain J. Q. Adams , First cavalry , and Firs
Lieutenant WinamBairdSlxth | cavalry
3 _ _ _
have been appointed a board of survey
anilno into certain clothing deficiencies am
excesses at Jefferson barracks.
First Lieutenant James V. S. Paddock ane
First Lieutenant A. U. Maconib , Fifth cav
airy , have be n ordered to exchange stations
First Lieutenant John Baxter , jr. , Nlntl
Infantry , has been dtUlled as military pro
fessor at the Ohio Normal university at Ada
First Lieutenant Charles II. Grierson
Tenth cavalry , has been relieved from re
crultlugdtity and ordered to Santa Fe to joli
his regiment.
Major William S. Stanton , corps of engln
corf , has been granted Ulteen days leave.
Pensions Granted Westerners.
WASHINGTON , May 4. ibneclal TeU
cram to the BEE. ] Pensions were issued fo
Nebraskans to-day as follow * : William C
Clary , Nebraska City ; James Schofield , W (
verly | Andrew Johnson , Cambridge ; W. I
Pruitl , Arapahoe ; Nathan Gllck , Rlverton
Lucius It. Rlley , Walnut Grove ; Willlai
Mapbo , Emerald ; Benjamin Chamber !
Pensions f or lo wans : Minor of Thoma
II , Hart , Eldon ! Mary , mother of George 1
Bankhead , LOCK Bridge ; Agnes , mother e
Theodore Grant , alias Charles Eddy. Di
corah ; Charles A. Downing , Marshalltowr
Recompense Stansbmy , Blrmlnglian
GeorgoW. Illggi , Elruck ; ; William 11. Lli
coin , Now Hartford ; Danle't Carl. Blakes-
fourc ; John S. Darngrover , Odel ; Thorn. K.
Sargent , Centervllle ; Georco D.
Waitkon ; Isaac Glllam , Footo ; Benjamin S.
Fisher. Centetvlllo ; George A. Sanford ,
Runnels ; John M. Wulck , lies
Molnes ; Andrew G. Cunningham ,
Washington ; lletny P. Coltnn , Liv
ingston ; Perry Moses. Sully ; Jacob Cor-
neK Davenport ; Gustaf Alstr.ind. Fort
Dodge ; Hcujnmln F. Van Horn , llellovuo ;
Luclnda Wood , Bedford : Larkhi Pickering ,
Now Providence ; Silas Cook , Rlppey ;
ChaUes W. Marshall , Charlton : George
Kent , Hnzolton : Alexander Smith , Mahaska ;
William Cunningham , Berwick ; Wllli.uu
Conway , Montlcello ; David S. Reajun , Col
Canadian Trndo I'nllliiR ' Off.
WA HI.\ITON , May I. Thn stftto depart
ment has lecclved and ti.uismlttod to the Interstate
ter-state coniiuotcc commission a letter from
the United States commercial aecnt at Lon
don , Ontario , relative to the etTe-cts of the
intcr-statocnmmoicol.iw on trade between
the United States and Canada. The letter
declares thabjilnco the law went Into oner.itlon
the Impoitsni Canada from the United plates
have greatlv fallen off , and that England is
securing the trade thus lost , owing to
the Inability of American stiinpeis to
know what through rates are. The Cana
dian railways cannot yet glvei a thiough late
over their own and connecting American
lines and shippers aio consequently unwill
ing to let their goods go to the frontier , not
knowing what further dellveiy to Inland or
seaboard points will cost. The letter says : "A
settlement must shently bo arrived at or our
commcico will receive such damage
thnt It will take years to regain the lost
tiado ami prestige which wo now enjoy In
this country. To exemplify , a case lias ju > t
come under my notice of a Canadian mer
chant who tried to make a purchase of Cali
fornia goods amounting to about 510,000 , but
had to give It up on account ot the inability
of Ameilcan railvsavs to make his freight
rate , and consequently purchased else
where. "
A Musical Row.
WASHINGTON , May 4. [ Special Telegram
to the Br.K.J There Is a row among the
bands which competed to furnish the music
for the national drill. The union rate for
band imKichns in this district is 5 a day.
It w.ns generally believed up to to-day that
the National KI lies band , which is very line
and popular , would furnish the music at the
regular rates , but with an eye to economy
the managers ot the drill a tow days ago in
dicated that they would receive proposal from
first-class bauds in any part of the country.
The Fifth regiment hand , of Baltimore , bid
54 a day for each of its members , who only
want to make expenses. The musicians
here threaten to c.ill them to account lor vle > -
lating the union rates and a general rumpus
Is threatened.
Now Civil Scrvicn Kulca.
WASiHNOTe > N , May 4. The civil service
commission will to-morrow place before the
picsldent for his approval a revision of the
civil sarvlce rules and regulations which will
explain the question of promotion In the sev
eral departments of the government , upon a
basis of excellence , to bo determined by com
petitive examination , which will be con
ducted by a board of examination .selected
by the commission. It the new rules meet
with the approval of the picsidoiit , they will
Immediately bo put In force In the war de
partment. The other elopartmcnts will bo
niado subject to them as rapidly as the boards
of examination can be organized.
Sovereign and Servant.
WASHINGTON , May 4. ( Special Telegram
to the BKE. | Queen Kaplolanl called on the
president at noon , accompanied by members
of her suite. Later In the day Mrs. Cleveland
and the cabinet ladles returned the call.
Justice Wood , who has been spending the
winter In California. for.hlsthnalth , has re
turned. ' Ills conditionals IHlKtajry serious.
He is nimble to see friends , and th ere Is very
little prospect that ho will ever sit on the
bench again.
A Northern I'aclllo Coinmlnslon.
WASHINGTON , May 4. The piesldent to
day appointed J. W. Doane , of Chicago ;
William K. Carlisle , of Wichita , Kan. , and
Isaac J. Cox , ot Ellenvlllo. N. Y. , commls-
mlssloners to examine and report upon thir
ty-four miles of Northern Pacific railroad.
General Itos.scr's Advice to Residents
or the Shcnandoah Valley.
WINCHES ! nit , Va. , May 4 , [ Special
Telegram to the Br.E.J The Win
chester Times of to-day prints a letter from
General Thomas L. F. Itosser to Major
Holmes Conrad , concerning the report that
General Sheridan contemplates another ride
up the Shenandoah valley. Rosser says : " 1
had hoped that our beautiful valley should
never again be desecrated by his foot-prints.
Cold , cruel and brutal must bo the character
ot this soldier who fondly cherishes niomoi los
of the wild , wanton waste and desolation
which his barbarous torch spread through the
valley so that now a crow cannot lly over
this valley without carrying Its rations.
Sheridan has done nothing since the war to
atone for his cruel barbarism during the war.
Now 1 say to you , my elear major , anel to our
gallant comrades who are now In the valley ,
that I hope you will allow this mau to make
his triumphant ride up the valley In peace ,
but have him go like the miserable crow ,
carrying his rations with him.1
CHICAGO , May 4. The Dally News' Wash
ington special cays : General Thomas R. Ros-
ser , the well known contederatu leader , now
living in Minneapolis , has written a letter
which appears In the Winchester , Va. ,
Times of to-day , In which'ho makes an at
tack upon General Sheridan. The letter is
dated May U , and Is addressed to
Major Holmes Co mad , of Win-
cheitcr. General Rosser says : "I have
seen it reported recently In newspapers , that
General Sheridan contemplates at an early
day another ride up the Shcnandoah Valley.
I have hoped that our beautiful valley should
never avnm be elesecrated by his foot prints. "
The writer then declares that General Sheii
dan laid In waste private homes throughout
the valley and that ha hut done nothlnn
since the war "to atone for his cruel bar
barism during the war. " General
Rosser also says , "I have feirglvor
the brave men of the union army whom I
metln honorable battle and who dually tri
umphed over us , " nnd declares that many ol
them are now his warm Irlends , but contend !
he erxnnot class General Sheridan among the
number. Ho clones as follows : "I hope yoi
will allow this man to make his triumnhan
rldo up the valley in peace , but have him v <
like a miserable 'crow , carrying his ration !
with him. "
Camden Withdraw * .
CUJLTU.ESTON , W. Va. , May 4. A meetlni
of Camden democrats was held last night
when Senator Camden otfered , it seven bal
lots were taken to-day , and ha was not elec
ted , ho would withdraw , when the factloiw
could select a man who could be elected
Senator Lucas will contest before the Unite
States senate if a choice Is made.
Seven ballots were taken for United State
senator in joint assembly without result
Senator Camden Ims withdrawn.
Colco Workers on a Strike.
PiTTSiiuito , May 4. A coke worker's slrlk
for l-4 cents advance In wages was Inaugi
rated this morning. Over 13,000mwaaro idl
and not one of the 12,000 ovens MB % Cot
nellsvlllo region is in operation. Tm.stnij
gle promises to be protiacted andblttc
Everything is quiet.
A Narrow Kscnpo For the Guesii
MINNRAPOI.IB , May 4. The Journal
Bralnard , Minn. , special says : The Vlllai
hotel burned to the ground this mornln
The guests barely escaped with tlielr live
The notol and contents wnre owned by C. 1
Kindred and the First National bank. Los
804,000 ; Insurance , 8asoou.
Fntherlngham'H Caue.
f BT. Louis , Mty 4 The trlnl of Bxpre1
Messenger Fotherlngham was dismissed t
JueTge Normlle to-day for want of jurlsdi
tlon. The case will now bo carried to fc
Louis couqty. ' ,
Oonvontion of Kentnokians For the
of State Officors.
A Ilrd lint Platform-Cleveland
jilaudoel For UN Vuloes The War
XnrlfT Jlcneumucd Winter *
son's Flowrry Speech.
Kentucky's Domocratlo ConvnntlorW
LotMhvii.i.i : , Ky. , May 4.-Tho domocrAtti
state convention assombleel here at noon ana
was called to order by Colonel J. Ktoddard
Jchtison , ehalriTian of the st.ito coin *
inltlce. Over seven hundiod elelegates wera
present. A temporary organisation was cf'
fecteil by electing Honorable E. Hill , of
Stall'oid , cluluuati , whoapppointeuitho regular - >
ular committees. While the committees were
out calls were made for a speech , and Mr.
Wattetson being escorted to the stand , said
in substance : Raiely in the history of thn
nolltlcs of the countiy has there been agroatol
need of some vltall/tng current in denux
cratlc councils , and where shall wo look to
find It If not in Kentucky' . ' The only dis
tinct line of democratic policy which at thin
time awakens the enthusiasm of friends
and cvcltes the denunciation of fees ,
is everywhere described as the "Kentucky
Idea. " ( Cheers , ) And what Is the Ken
tucky idea ? It Is , i > o far as 1 am able to In
terpret it , n steady clinging to the idea that
the government belongs to ininy and Is not
the exclusive property of a few. ( Applause ) ,
an obstinate Instance that this Idea shall bo
carried Into every administrative and legis
late air.ilrs , and applied alike ) to the self-
annointed of the great unwnshed. ( Laughter
and applause. ) The air is lull ot nostrums.
There is the protectionists' wotidui fill iron
tonic for making men rich by taxation.
( Great laughter. ) Theio Is the mugwump
civil service ) elixir for purllj ing Uio system
and perpetuating liberty by the erection ot
an aristocracy of office upon the ruins ot
leprosenUtivo government. tCheots. ) There
Is the fraud's own p.uipor patiiollc liniment ,
which proposes to exterminate vagabonel-
age by making every tramp a pen
sioner ( cheeis ) , and which we should
have actually had administuied to us but for
the IIy which Grover Cleveland dropped Into
the fust box of ointment-submitted to Ills In
spection. ( Cheeis. ) Mr. Wattersoiuoteried.
In like manner to the educational bills and to
the prohibition movement , and said : "I
am against every and all of tlioso
quack icmedles , and against the
man who U In favor ot any ono
ot them , and more particularly against him it
ho cl.iluis to bo a democrat. ( Loud applause. )
I have followed the morning .star of democ
racy trom the noon-day ot secession through
the darkest hours of the midnight of recon
struction , and witli the dawn of peace ) and
lonson have scon It shine over a united people
ple ( applause ) as bright and clear as the star
of Bethlehem , which presaged the coining ot
Christ ; and as truly as 1 believe that
God reigns and orders all things for
good , elo I believe that this morn
ing star ot democracy , which hai
returned to Its meildlan and shines once
more above the white house at Washington ,
presages the final tilumph ot fieiedom and
tlie leign forever and a > o ot the people's sim
ple majesty. ( Prolonged applause. ) It is be
cause I believe this that 1 am unwilling to
yield one inch of the people's grounu to tl e
encroachments of innovation and
hold these Innovations more dan
gerous when tliev come clad In the
raiment and Hying the llav of spurious de
mocracy. ( Cheers. ) I had rather meut fifty
enemies on the open plain In an honest fight
than ono single enemy disguised ad a friend.
( Applause. )
A number of other speeches were made.
Mr. Cat lisle was made peimaneut chairman
and made a brief address. At midnight
General Simon Bolivar Hacklier was nomi
nated lor governor by acclamation. General
Buckner was sent lor anel escorted to the
stand , where he made a rousing speech that
was applauded throughout.
The platform was wiittcn and eliawn no
by lions. John G.Cailisle and Ileuiy Wat-
terson. That part which is of national in
terest and which was adopted Is substantially
as follows :
We declare our confidence In the integrity
and conscientious devotion to duly ot Prehi-
elent Giover Cleveland , and congratulate ) the
country and party upon'tho accession of n
democratic administration , national , eco
nomical and clean , and wo particularly ap
plaud the president for the fidelity and cour
age with which ho has piolected the treasury
from pillage by his exercise of the veto
power. Wo fav'or honest civil service rc-
lurm , aiiel aie ) oppe)3cd to lite ! tenure , a civil
pension list , and all other appendages
of a bureaucratic system foreign to thn
genius of our institutions and people.
Wo declare the honest money of the constl-
tiition.irood enough lor the people , as expressed -
pressed in gold and silver and paper conveit-
able into coin on demandanel , aie opposed to
all Miinptunrv laws. Wo sympathuo most
cai neatly with the people ot Ireland In their
'struggle for local self-govei nmenr. Wo view
with alarm the glowing tendency among cer
tain classes of citizens to seek thn aid ana
bounty of the general government , and as an
inclelont of this tendency to enlarge the pow
ers grauted and to multiply the powers never
. ontcmiitnted by the Constitution , and we re
assert the time-honored democratic doctrlno
that all powers not delegated to the United
States are reserved to the states respectively
or to the people. We denounce the present
war tarlfi , laid to contuse as well as to harass
thi ) people , as a mustcipleco of Injustice , In
equality and false pretence. Finally , we re
assert the constitutional and demociatlc doc < v
trine that taxes should l > a luvtekl exclusively
lor public purposes , and limited to the ie *
eiulremcnts of the government economically
administered. ,
Hon. Pres. Taulbco obe-cted | to the clausal
relating to President Cleveland's vetoing ]
pension bills , and pending the discussion th l
convention iuljourned until to-moirow atv
a. in.
For the Trannfor. '
DKS MOINKS , la. , May 4. [ Special Tele
gram to tha Bui : . | Acting on the orders of
President Cable , of the Rock Island road * . .
Superintendents Given and Glluiore , of this *
city , bejjan to-day to make an Inventory oC
the property of the DCS Molncs & Fort Dodge
road , taking account of rolling stock , mild-
age , sidings , shops , etc. , preparatory to tl)9 )
transfer ot the load to the Rock Island com-
pauv , which has obtained a long time leas *
of It. It Is understood that the Rock Islanefj
will take formal possession Juno 1 and'
operate the road then In connection with the )
main line ot the Rock island. Superintend'
ent Gllmoie. now of thn Fort lode ) , will
have charge of the road under the new at-
Hlnux City's l/nhor Trouble * .
Sioux CITY , la. , May 4. [ Special Tele
gram to the UKE. [ Contrary to general ex
pectations , a compromise between the con
tractors and the striking carpenters was not
reached last night , and to-day the contrac-
torb derided not to acceed to the demands of
the sinkers. Some union men are still at
work , receiving nine hours' pay for n I no
hours work.
The tallois unit work to-day at noon In nil
shops except one. The union presented n
new schedule of prices to the merchant tall *
ors , which was not accepted.
Tvvelvt ) Men Killed.
BIIIMINOIIAM , Ala. , May 4. Men working
on the ( loexlvvater extension of the Georgia
Central nillio.ul bring news of a frightful
accident on that lo.ut In the Coosa tunnel.
Oiut white man and Miventeen negroes wera
at work in the tunnel , when a blast prema
turely exploded with terilhe force. Twelva
out of the eighteen men were killed. Fiva
bodies have I icon mcoveieel. The white man
escaped death.
Itn Correctni'bs Dnuhtnd. ,
HALIFAX , N. S. , May 4. Nothing further
Is known relative to the reported wrecks al
Sable I bland. Many persons doubt the cot *
rectncgH ot the renorU t