Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1887, Page 8, Image 8
ft THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; WEDNESDAY. MAY 4 , 1887 , PICKED UP ABOUT THE CITY The Various Local Happenings of Election Day , * PULLMAN VESTIBULED TRAIN. Young Girl Hctraycd and Swindled Her IJyo Injured Postal . NotoH llrolca His Log Other Ijncnl. Pnllninn'f ) Trltimiib. The Pullman vestlbuled train , rolled Into the Union Pacific depot yesterday morning , from Kansas City , over the KanssaCity , St. Joseph & Council lilufls , having on hoard the following Pullman Cnr company nnd railroad ollicinls : T. II. Wiekcs , general superintendent , Pull man Pulaeo Car company , Chicago ; Cnptttin George M. Gray , general ticket Agent , Chicago ; C. A. ( inrcolon , di vision superintendent ; . S. lialdwm , general agent , Chicago ; W. II. Hartley , commissary ; W. II. Fry , mechanical in- jpector ; E. A . Ford , general passenger igcnt , PemiH.ylvania lines west of Pitts- burg ; C. W. Adams , assistant passenger agent Pennsylvania company , Chicago ; J. M. Chosbroiigh , assistant general pas- jpnirer agent ofthosanio line at St. Loui.s ; E. W. Monroe , secretary to Mr. Ford , unit W. 1) . Wctherell , bpccial passenger Agent at St. Louis. The trayi was in charge of Conductor Keysor. It con sisted of ono composite , one ilinlng and three sleeping cars , the last being named "America , " "Franco" and England. " The dining car is styled the "Poneo do Leon" and the composite one contains the library , bath rooms and barber shop Is called "Esper- nn/.a. " Asulo from the richness and ele gance of the cars themselves , the most noticeable feature is the vestibule. These are formed by enclosing the plat forms. Their structure is primarily a broad , thick frame of steel , extending from platform to roof and supported by strong clastic pressure derived from springs. When two cars are con nected these frames press tightlv against each otherforcing back the steel spiings. This gives close coutaet throughout tlio entire surface of the frames Mibtaincd by high pressure. The personal conven iences afforded by the vestibules are numerous. In the interior they are car peted nnd furnished. Sheets of rubber , arranged in folds like those of an accor- dcon , cover the points of contact , and by stretching while the train is rounding curves maKe the entrance of wind and dust impossible. Cut glass doors that are barred while the train is in motion open out on the steps. The vestibules , therefore , serve as hallways leading from one car to another , relieving the passenger from the annoyance of the whirlwind of the open platform , from dust in summer , from snow and intense cold in winter , and from btorms in all Reasons. The roomy Interior of the dining car is provided with tables accommodating nbout forty persons. The French oak finish , myrtle green plush , china and sil ver table service , with cut flowers and tastefully prepared menus , form a tempt ing sight. The composite car , "Espor- an/a , finished in .English oak , contains n baggage room , card rooms , a spacious smoking room , fitted in olive brown , with easy cushioned rattan arm chair , library and well cauippod writing desk , in the drawers of which is fine linen paper with the engraved name of the train , free for the use of passengers. This car also contains a barber shop , . with all appliances , and a bath tub. The uniform motion given the train by the vestibules renders safe and pleasing thn praotico of the barber's art while the train is at full speed. The other vcstibnlcd trains , exactly similar in construction and all appoint ments to that described , will till the schedule of the Limited Express of the Pennsylvania lines between Cincinnati , Columbus , Chicago , Pittsbtirg and New York , beginning about Juno 1st , 1837. The train pulled out from the depot yesterday at 3 o'clock nnd crossed the river to Council Ulufls , where it remained for some time , during which it was in spected by a largo number of neoplo , when it started on" to Minneapolis. MIL SMITH'S SUOCESSOH. Of course General Manager Potter will be called upon to appoint the man who is to succeed S. T. Smith as general manager of the Union Pacific. It is probable that the appointment will not DO made until May 15. Mr. Dickinson , it la thought , will bo the lucv man. For the present that gentleman wfll attend to the duties of general superintendent. THAT NEW UOAD. An Oregon paper has this to say about y the building ot the now Oregon & Washington - * ington Territory-railroad , of which W. P. GrlllUta is vice president : If "Tho Oregon & Washington Territory i. ( railroad company , composed principally it Df Pendleton capitalists , haVe commenced ? , work in earnest , and the bnildiug of the road from Wullula to Pondloton in time lo move this year's crop is now assured. The funds are secured. An agent is in the East buying material , nnd several hundred men and teams have begun work in Vansicklo canyon. A branch road from the head of Vansicklo canyon lo Contervillo will also be built this sum mer. The main line will bo forty-live miles long and the branch about fifteen. Uoth will pass through an almost con tinuous wheat field and will take , this rear , over a million bushels of wheat to - Wallula , as no shipping that can bo [ avoided will bo done at Pendleton or other points on the line of the O. tt * & N. , owing lo excessive freight rates. The president of the company is Jacob Fra/cr , a wealthy and reliable fanner nnd capitalist of Pendleton. " The Mo. Paoilio and Northwestern have submitted propositions for bonds which will bo voted sure. J. 1) . Hiloy , the real cstato broker , has great bargains in busi ness lots and aero tracts. Oawos & Foss' Addition a specialty. Rooms 4 , 5 and 0 Opera llouso. Cottage colors ready for use in now and desirable shades. Alabastino in various tints , the original and only per manent wall finish. Supersedes calci- niino for beauty uiul durability , and is easily applied. Paints , Window glass , brushes , etc , , largest and most complete Block west of Chicago. Cuiuwings & Uullson , lllSFaruam St. TUB OIiO STOUV. How a Voting Girl Was Betrayed and Swindled. Mrs. Clark , of the Buckingham , has under her charge n pretty Swcdo girl named Sophia Swant > ou , who is in a dis tresslng condition. Her story is not a particularly now ono , though in some re spools it is out of the "common run. " She was led astray , under the promise of marriage , by n young man namoi John Hruner. lie not only wronged he in this way , but Ho actually confidence ! her out of sums of money at dillbren tituos. which amounted to a total of f 30 er | 35. The girl was working as a do nestle , and could ill afford to lese thii money , as her wages , o course , were small. When the ' condition became apparent Sin's runor loft town , telling the girl to eomo to Sioux City , where ho would moo her and take c'aro of her. She followec him to that place , but , of course , failed to ad him. Pawning her watch , she man tCcd to raise enough money to got bad to Omaha. Since her arrival here she lu been cared for by tbo Huckinghtin die * . County Attorney biiueral , who was consulted as to whether Hruner ceuld bo brought batik to Omaha to inswcr to ,1 criminal charge , has decided hat tinder the law , ho cannot be. AVIiere Kconotny In Vital. Editor Omalm HF.K : It was through ho agitalion at DIM Moines , In. , of the turning of slack coal in lien of lump that inr attention was llrst called to the sub- ect , and wo recognl/o the great public lenelit likely to accrue from the thorough nnd public spirited manner in which your > apcr is calling attention to this economy. From even a pure sclllsh standpoint it s a mistake for one to imagine that it is o his benefit lo keep from publicity any narked saving lie may have secured by ho use of cheap fuel. That so many well uiown and leading concerns have pub- lely seconded your article is gratifying , mil we feel it a pleasure , as well as duty , o add what wo can. The expenses of all well managed clcc- no light companies , with the exception of one item , will average about the same lorcontago. That ono item might bo ormcil thy first mortgage upon tlio busi- less , it is the fuel bill , our business being ilerally tiirnjiig coal into light. That so ow electric light companies make a pro- liable return upon Iho necessary invest- iiunt , is proof of Ihc fact , that every economy is vital in this business , so hat the impottance of any of ho numerous Suggestions drawn out by the different corrcipondi-nts on your article , such as correct boiler set- ing , approved machinery , etc. , wo don't ese sight of , and anv device that will on- iblo us to run with slack coal , oven hough everything else is perfect , can not be ignored by an electric light com- iany. You cannot readily understand , hat in such a business as ours , wo are lot slow about investigating any , oven lo-callcd improvement , therefore upon earninir that slack burning was a pro- lounccd sueceis at Ucs Moines by the iso of a new form of grate , wo iravo it consideration anil found tlio principal concerns there accomplishing it. by the ise of llie "Dorranco" grates , which wo uloptcd without delay , and can endorse all that has been said in their favor , as vn now generalc sulllcient steam easily vilh slack , whereas formerly used lump , ho did'erenco being in favor of slack , as hewn in your article , "Slack vs Lump Coal. " Omaha Thomson-Houston Electric . .ight company. company.J. . C. RERAN , president. MIXOT TimtKLL , manager. PUKTIIhlt KVIUKSCn. Edilor Omaha liin : : Have heard so nuch about this burning of black coal , hat wo recently made a change for thai itirpose in our' grates and are highly ilcascd with the results. Wo trust you may bo rewarded for the > ains you have taken in calling public ittontion to so important a question and ive to see Omaha the great manufactur- ng center of the northwest. M.M.MusiiALL , Manager Omaha Barb Wire Co. ' AMUSEMENTS. SAItAII IlKKNHAItDT. A conspicuous dramatic event of the cason will bp the appearance at the opera house this week of Iho world-re- owned French aclress , Mine. Sarah ternhardt , in thrco of her great omo- ional roles. She has recently coma rom gieat dramatic successes in South \nicrica , and has created a decided sen- iatlon in the largo nastern cities. Omaha s fortunate in receiving a visit from tin's rnly great actress. She plays under the nanagcmcnt of Messrs. Henry E. Abbey ind Maurice ( jrau. Mine. Bernhardtwill appear on Friday ivoning in Victoricn Sardou's four-act Irama , "Fedora. " Sardon in writing liis play designed aa ho expressed it at ho 11 mo to represent every one of the moods and conditions of a brilliant , aristocratic and passionate Russian wo- nan. The character is in itself almost mrbaric and at points throughout the mrration and the elegance which Pari sian society is supposed to have furnished very nearly falls short. Sarah Bern- uirdt has already been accepted by the critics and public of all civilized land as ncomparablo in everything pertaining to dramatic art of the modern kind in its lectio and feverish phases. During the ive years which have elapsed since she appeared hero Sarah licrnhardt has ihanged but little in aspect or in method , lor peculiar thinness which has furnished o the wits of the time so frequent an oc casion for an idle jest has given way to a imall extent to n loss meiigro contour , tint her eyes Hash with their ola bril liancy , she is as graceful and us supple as over , she has abated nothing in taste and skill and her energy is still pro digious. Although seen in Now lork in the very manv parts which constitute lier repertoire is much to bo doubted if any ono of them has furnished her with so favorable an opportunity for the dis play of tier abilities as does the hapless and vengeful "Fedora. " It is not neces sary to dilate on the excellent art , the trained judgment or the line skill which distinguish tins artiste and have given her a fame quite international. As res pects thcso no chance of importance is to bo noted , except that with constant playing she has become mellowed in this part. In act first Sarah Ucrnhart ap pears in a white evening dross the garni ture of which is roses. In act second anothhr costume reveals in delicate har mony white and gold. This third cos tume is a blue plush , and the fourth and last an elaborate modesto study in rose color. " At the Saturday matinee the well "Camillo " in known emotional drama , live acts , by Alo\- Dumas , jr. , will bo pre sented with Mmo. Uornhardt as Mar- guorilo ( iauthior , and Philip Gamier as Armand Uuval. The play is a familiar and very popular ono with Omaha. It wdl bo chiefly interesting at this time in affording an opportunity in comparing Mmo. Hornhardt's methods with those of other noted dramatic artists who have been seen in the same part. Saturday evening the last performance will take place when Sarah liernhardt will enact the character of Gilborla in 'Frou-Frou. " "NANON. " Another good-sized audience turned out to the presentation of "Nanon" by the Carleton opera company. Fanny Rico as Nanon aclcd with a degree of vivacity anil tiaivo pertness lhat proved her well adapted to soubrotlo parts. Alice Yin- cent was cast for tlio beautiful Ninon Do L'Enclos and dressed and looked.the pa'.t as nearly as possible. Charles H. Drew was the lifo of the performance. He made Do Marsellao an Irresistibly droll part. His nimbloncss is a considerable adjunct to his success in amusing his audience. Carleton , as usual , was equal to every requirement , but showed an excess of good nature in answering encores. His alacrity in responding to the slightest approach tea a recall suggested the thought that the accomplished baritone overlooks the fact that ono can gut too much oven of n good thing. There was too much repeti tion throughout. The opera itself if founded on an ever-recurring wait ? , and except for a rather clever libretto is mcro froth. The costuming was unex ceptionable and the chorus singing exact This afternoon Erimnlo will bo giver and to-night the Mikado , "by spociu request. " VEOI'LK'S THEATEIt. OAnothcr good house greeted tbo Specialty Company at this theater last night. The people arc all clover in their business and give a very nica entertain incut. The songs are now and the differ ent acts are laughable. The performance anco concludes with a burlesque on Pinafore , which is laughable in the ox tnnno , Those who have not witnessec this entertainment should not fail to dose so , _ J. D. Riley , Real Estate Broker. Hast ings , Nob. References : City Nat'1 "bank and Adutus County bank. > Her 1C jo Injured , Yesterday morning some person on clthcrt ho third or fourth floor of the post- otllcc , immediately above the rooms of Collector Calhouu , threw a glass down on the sidewalk. When It struck the walk it was broken into a thousand fragments. In Us descent , il narrowly missed hilling a lady on the head , and when it was shat- : cred some of its fragments lodged in ind cut ono of the same party's ovo. Do- 'ore she could bo Identified she was taken } .y friends lo an occulist. The Indigna- ion of some of the occupants of the Building over the carelessness displayed jy one of their number was intense. Tlio Master Workman , Master Workman Powderly will bo in ho city on Saturday next and will tie- Ivor an address in the oyonlng at the ox- losilion building. A general invitallon s extended lo all who are Interested In ho great organization which Mr. 'owderly represents , and in the object of hat organization , lo ba present. It will ) o impossible for Mr. Powdorly to remain onger than Iho ono night , as ho has ar- anged to bo in Denver on Monday next. A man without hands was charged in Now York a few days ago with stealing a box of Kirk's ; 'Juvenile Toilet Soap. " s'oxt thing wo know a leirli'ss man wlil be arrested for kicking a policeman , and a blind man will bo aecusi'd of winking it the drug clerk behind the soda-water ountain. Died Away Kroni Home. Dl ) . W. Pryor , a young man from Paincs- Hie , Ohio , died Monday night , after a hort illness , at St. Joseph's hospital , lis remains now lie in Harrett & lloafy's inderlaking rooms awaking an answer rom his mother at tlio place mentioned , is lo what disposition shall bo made of hem. riroku Ills IIOR. A carpcnlcr named William Wood , Aventy-ono years ol ago , while working it A. T. Kenyon's book store on Douglas troot yi'Storday morning , fell from a Icplaudcr and broke one ot his legs. io was sent to St. Joseph's hospital. 1'oital Notes. Postmaslcr Gallagher has appointed ilatthew Fitzpalrick to succeed Mr. Me- \lahaon \ as clerk of the newspaper post ] ige. Miss Ivrutli of Iho present force in ho post ollico has h'jcn appointed Miss ( chill's successor at the ladies' window. DlAllDS , WATCHES , JEWELRY , BRONZES AT- Importer's Prices MAX MEYER & BRO. CONSCIOUS WORTH. "My John says I'm too neat a girl by all odds for this house , and he's right. The idea I A house where they don't uao Sapollo 1" Everybody knows our old friend SAPOLIO , and 'tis said truly , " A well known friend IB a treasure. " Sapollo Is a solid cake of Scouring Soap. Try It In house-cleaning. No. J. [ Copyright , March , 1887. ] EVELYN COLLEGE. For young women , Pnnceion , N. J. Prospectus , full particula is , sent cnp- plicaton to J. II , McElvaine. MORTTH- WESTERN RAILWAY. The only road to take for DCS Moines Mar- lhalltown , Cedar Kaplds , CllnOn , Dlion , Chica go , Milwaukee and all poling cunt. To the people ple of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming : , Utah Idaho , Nevada , Oregon , Washington and Cali fornia , It offers superior advantages not possi ble liy any other lino. Amonir a few or the numerous point * of su periority enjoyed br the patrons of this road bet ween Omaha and Chicago , are Its two trains a day of DAY COACHES , which are the finest tlmt human art and infronultr can create. It * PALACE 8LHEHING CAItS. which are modeh of comfort and elegance. Its P.MILOK DllAW. 1NU HOOM OAKS , unmirpnsspj by any , and Ita widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CAHS tbe equal of which cannot be found elsewhere At Council Bluffs tbe trains of the Union Puciflo KT. connect In Union Depot with those of tlm Chicago It Nortbweitern Ity. In Chicago thr trains of this line make close connection with those of all eastern lines. For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincin nati. Niagara Falls , Buffalo. Plttsburir.Toronto , Montreal , Boston , New York , Philadelphia , Baltimore. Washington and all points m the If yon wish th * best accommodation. All ticket Menu Mil tlcketi Tla tbu lino. B. RUQHITT , F. WILSON , Qaal. IfBfiiwtt , fleal. PMO'I Aff 6Q | CblCAKO. IlL W. M. BABOOCK. UR.BOU.K3 , WMtoro Ai [ nt , City PMt'r A m , OBM * , Ntbraska. . . i . ' This powder never \ > aric . A marvel o purity , sticnuth and wholcfoniencss. More economic than the ordinary kinds , and can not be sold in competition with the multi tude of low cost short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans Royal Baking Powder Co. , 100 Wall-st. , Ncr York. GEORGE A. CLARK , SOLE AGENT. The BEST nnd MOST Thread of Modern Time * . BEWARE OF I31ITAXIOMS. Sold at wholesale by Kllpulrlck Koch Ik Co. , Dry CootlN < > . , M. E. Smith A. Co. Paxfon , CliiilliiKlicr & Co. Ami by all ItctalUDcalcrs. ABSOLUTE PERFECTION IN BAKINGi AND AIL MEATS ROASTED IN THEIR OWN JUICES , BY USING THE WIRE GAUZE OVEN DOOR FOUND EXCLUSIVELY ON THE MARVELOUS RESULTS LOSS IN SHRINKAGE OF MEATS , . loin until made inlho roanunginmauoin imevapo. ration otthaJuice. which lithe VITAL PAST or UEAX Effect oiWte SOLID OVEN Door. I TEN pound olrloln , medium or well done , will be .DUCEDIO six poundiand tour cancel ot Itoattea ' . ' rlngalostof threa pound * and twelTeouncoi of juice. While tbe Ion U OTK percent , of the total VTBIlintt it how * the enormous I LOBS or i'lrxx 1'iB CtHT. Or TUB JP1C . Effect of WIRE GATJZE OVEN Door. A TEH pound Sirloin , medium or welMlone. lll tM Tednced to nine pounds and eight ouuoeiof lto > tcj innat. nowlnga lo of eiubt ounce * of Juice. Whll thimloMli rite per cent.of the total weight , itlbowt tbe verr small LOBS or UUTHE.YEN rtR CINT. or Jmct SEND FOR IUUITUTEO CIIOUURS AND PRICE LISTS. CHAETEE OAK 8TOVE3 and BANOE8 are BOLD IX KEBEASKAas followi : MILTON ROGERS & SONS OMAHA. P. KENNEY. GonooN. DALLAS * LETSON , HA-ITISGS. E. C. IJREWER , IlAvSrxiscs. H.AIRUftCO , NFIRASKACITT. W. f. TKMPLErON , NILIOK. j. B. STURDEVANT &SON ATKINSON. 1. K ASS ft CO CHADKON. KRAUSB , LUI1KER& WELCH.COLUMBUS. OLDS BROS EDGAR. TANNELL&SWr.ENr.V FAIKBURT. GETTLE& FACER FKANkiiN. N.J.JOHNSON , NORTH BKM > . J.J. McCAFKERTY O'NEiu. CITV. R. HAZLEWOOD , OSCEOLA. J.S. DUKK PLATTbMOUTII. PEARSON SrKRUNG. j G. GREEN STKOMSHURO. 1. A. PADDEN &SON SuptKloK. TIMMTRM ft-VKAKEIi VERDOM. FOR TH Chronic & Surgical Diseases Suteen jrrnrS'nosuual ' an8 lllvate Vractlco We have the fncilHIn , pp rttu and rrmwller for the succctsfnl trestmectef ettrf form of dl * i ate rt-au Irl UK either nied ical or > rglcal trMtmct.t , nnd iovlto all tocnmo And lnTltlttu fur thtmiclrc * t corre ponrt nlth u . I.OB * ei | . rlcnre In trtit Ing cues by letter rouble * to treat many ca M cicnttnc ly | without frtlnf.thcm. WHITE 7OR riHCUI.AH oa Deformltlet And nrncep , Club Fuel , CunraturM of tbe Spine UiSEAill or WoMPir. I'll * * , Tnmnrs , Csncer > , Cattirh , Broucliltlf , IuhilitUn , Electricity. I'arai- jrrli , Kpllruiy , Kidney , Ejr ,1Eir , skin , liiood auj nil surgical optratlons. llatterleii , Inhalers , Hmoee , Tru ri , nn1 Ml kinds of Medical and Surgical App'iiucei , taan- ufactured and for tale The enl > rollsble ulsdleal Imtilute miking Private , Special fJNrioiis Diseases ' rA Bl'ECIAI.TY. ALL CONTAGIOUS AND BLOOD DISEASE * , from httuvcrcauie nroducrf. uc.ce fully treated. \Ve cm rcraoTe Sypnilltlo poliou from the sjrttun without mercury. Naw rsitorttire treatment for loss of yUl | powsr ALL COMMUNICATIONS CONFIDENTIAL Ctll sn > ) cooiult us or send nmo and poit-of&rc nJdron plainly written enclose stamp , and \TC will lend you , In plnjn wrapurr , our PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MErT upon PKIVITI , SricuL > xu iaroui Dinitn , WrAKKItl. HraRHATOUBllOli , lurDVSK- cr , BrrRius , UonoaBHis * , OLXKT , ViaicociLr , STBICTURI. AND ATI. I > I A > BI or THE GUMTD UKIXAKT OUUAKS , or iscd hlttory of your care 01 sn opinion. Perioni unable to tlilt n > may be treatel at their homes , by correrpondeace Medicines and Initru- ments sent bv mall or ipr B2CUJIELY PACK RD FROM marks to lndlc t contents or sender. One peraonal InUrvlew pre fened ir conicnlMit. Fifty rooms for the a-conv tnodallon of puticut * . Board and attendance r rcaiontbls piiccs. Adilreo ll Letters to Oflniti 'Medicalind Stirgicil Institute , 4MslUka.aatCuiUIAia.QIUHA.IUI. . . THE ONLY METHODS Which we employ to gain patronage , are low prices for good honest goods. The neople are quick to recognize this fact and our success so far shows it. Our salesmen do not need to use much per suasion to sell goods ; our prices speak loud for us and convince the customer every time that WE HAVE NO COMPETITION IN THAT LINE. Last week we received 200 more of our popular $5.75 Mens' Suits. We have sold over 300 of them already , and everv one sold is making for u'4 a dozen new customers. Thev are strictlv all wool cassimere , of a nice , stylish brown plaid color , serge lined and well made. We will sell them at same price , $5.75. Thev cannot be duplicated bv other dealers for less than $8.5O. WoDstill have a fair assortment of Spring Overcoats. Two weeks ago thev were marked down verv low , but as we are very crowded and need room for our constantlv arriving summer goods , we have put the knife still deeper into them. Thev must go. The weather is not vet so warm that vou can safelv dispense with a light over * coat. Here is an opportunity to get one at less than half price. All goods marked in plain figures and at one price. Company , Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha. OMAHA RUBBER CO. , O. H. OUKTIS , Pres. - J. HURD THOMPSON , Sec. 3& Treas Wholesale gi > Retail. WE I2ST STOCK 'Tlsh Brand" Coats , Bulbs , Douches , JlnlrCrlmpers , Nursery .Sheeting , Speculum ? , Air Pillows , Brushes , Drill & Duck , Hair I'ins , Navy Bags , Sportsmen's Goods , Air lie J , Brewer's IIoso , Door Main , Hilts , Oil Clothing , btnmps , Air Cushions , Caps , DrciS Shields , Horse Covers , Packing , Stationer's Gum , Anil Haulers , Cnpcs , Drinking Cups , Hose , It. II. .t P. C'o.Palls , Syphons , Aprons , Carriage Cloth , Elastic * . Hands , Hose Couplings , Perfection Box 'lingt ' , Spit' , Atomizers , Cartridge Bags , Klastlo Stockings , Hose Pipes , Pencils , Kwlnimlnp Jackets. Hands , Cathotars , Krascrs , Hose Kcrls , Penholders. Syilngei 'Ptiltction BoJ Ilantlagc Gum , Clothing , Face Ha i , . Hot Water UottlesPcs8nrlcs , Thimbles , Iiantlsmal Pants , Copy nook Sheets , Finger Cots , Haversacks , Piano Covers , Tliront Bags. Halls , Carpeting , Flower Sprinklers , Ice Hags , Pipes , Tublnir , Hath Mats , Cement , Floor Uciniioig , IMS Cnpo , IMnn Mcnin. Bath Tubs , Clothes Wringers , Folding Prills , Ink Stands , Plant .Sprinklers , Toys. lied Pans , Coats "Fish Urand" Foot Halls. Invalid Cushions , Pure Ilubbcr , Toeth'pninftsAPnas , , , , rants , Tobacco Pouches. Bed Sheets Ooinhs Force Cupn B.D.&P.Co. Belting , Comb Gleaners , Fruit Jar Kings , Lined Hose , Pistol Pockets , Trotting . Itolls , Belt Hooks , Corks , Funnels , Lace Cutters , Itattlcs , Urinnls. Bellows Cloth , Cork Screws , Gas Tubing , Life Preservers , Hubbcr Dam , Umbrellas , Bibs , Curry Combs , ( iloves , Mackintosh Goods , Itulcrs , ' VenttlatliiR Soles , Blankets. Cuspadors , Gossamer Caps , Match Boxes , KepairlngCloth wagon Aprons , , " Cloth , Mnrtlngala Kings , Khaft Itubbcrs , Wagon Covers , Boots & Shoes i ignr Cases * . Boys Caps , ChalrTlpei Buffers , " Coats , Mats , Shoes.1 Hoots , Wagon Springs , Boys Coats , Diapers , " Waterproofs , Matting , Sink Scrapers , Weatherstrips. Bougies , Diaper Cloth , Gaiter Straps , Mirrors , Scoops , Webbing , Bracelets , Dolls , Gun Covers , Mittens , Shooting Coats , Wading Pants , Breast Pumps , Doll Bodies , Gutta Perchn , Nipples , Bllng shots. Water Ttotllcs , Hreast Shields , Doll Heads , Gymnasiums , Nursing Bibs. Soling , Window Clcnncrs. Buffers , Door Bauds , Hair Curlers , Nursing Bottles bpongo Bags , Wringer Kolls , Boston Bcltlnc 'Co's. Kubbcr and Cotton Belting , Packing nnd Hose. Sole agents in Omaha. leather llcfilng- ; Pure Oak Tanned. Manufacturers of "PERFECTION 15OX SYUINGES. " Manufacturer * of "FISH BRAND JiUBIiJSR GOODS. " OMAHA RUBBER COMPANY , 1008 Farnam St. , OMAHA , NEB. Mall Orders Solicited and will Kccclre Prompt Attention. ia C ding Co , 13OS EACH PURCHASER OF GOODS TO THE AMOUNT OF "Will Toe Presented , -witla. a Ticlret THE NEW YORK AND OMAHA CLOTHING COMPANY 1308 FARNAM STREET. TAR DID PILESmi "ftHEUH and all akin dlaeflsea. A new method of com- poandina U-ar. A Cure cuaranttod. or money rcfandeif. Bold uy dniCKl'ts , oiul at the ntllcu of TAR-OID CO. , 71 laKNirMST , CMICAQO. l'rl , ! . Mention Omaha lieu. OCEAN STEAMERS. A TRIP TO EUROPE. Send stamp for spring and summer pro grams , j ust it ued. Tnos. COOK & SON , mar3-2m 235 Clark St , Chicago , 111. CDCC TDIAI - rntt InlALia KELIABLE JEWELER. Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The largest stock. Prices the lowett. Repairing a specialty. Work warranted. Corner Dotig and 15th streets , Omaha. Licensed \Vatchm ker for the Union I'acific Railroad Company The G. E. Mayne Real Estate and Trust Co , N. W. OOR. 15th AND HABN 7 , OMAHA Propurty-of every description for snlu in till parts of tlio elty. Lands for sale lu every county in Ncbraskn. A COMPLETE SET OF AHSTKAOTS Of Titlesof Douglas County kept , Mnps of the city , state or county , of any other information dcuircd furnished free of charge upon application.-