Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Hio May Wheat Deal Still the One Over
shadowing Tepid
flio Market Finn nt Hotter 1'riccH A
Liberal Business Dorm In Corn
1'rovlslonH Generally Lower
Quotation * ) .
CIIICAOO , Mnv n. [ Special Telegram to
llio Uii : : . ] Tlio taking of the cash wheat and
Jin paying for It by tlio cllrjuo Is the topic
Hint overshadows all the other } In specula-
lion now. Traders whoso views have been a
little upset by this denouement to tlio May
tpcrations arc sceklnjr to bnllttlo the fact ,
md can easily do It. 'Ihcro were Just enough
liieer Incldeuts to the transfer of this big
Dlock of property to glvo go ! p an oppor-
lunlty for all sorts of sensationalism. It Is
iruo that wheat was not all paid for yester-
lay tip to 3 o'clock , anil It Is true that checks
luirht to have been around In settlement by
11 o'clock , and It Is true that onoor two largo
holders were requested by ono of the clique
bouses not to del Ivor for a day or so. Hut
what did these things mean more than that
iho payment out of cash to the amount of
18,000,000 in checks , big and little , was a vast
undertaking ? One of the linns got badly
mixed up In the receipts of wheat , but that
was not remarkable , cither. The receipts
were for several million bushels ot wheat ,
and were sufllclont in number to make up a
dictionary. Kershaw & Co. are credited
with taklns 4,000,000 bushel ; , ot wheat. It Is
reported on good authority that the llrm had
14,000,000 to pay for its wheat , and that tt
consequently did not get quite as much as It
expected. Maurice Koseut'eld Haid this
morning : "Wo did not try to put out any
receipts at all yesterday. Wo shall deliver
out a little wheat to-dav. How much will
wo pay for anil keep' . ' Well , more than any
body has credited us with , so far as 1 have
heard. " The truth ol the matter Is that the
clique now controls the cash wheat. There
will undoubtedly bo .somo shifting around as
the iccelpts nro sltted out , and perhaps
to throw the old time mystery around
the manipulation. Armour and tlm clique
have thociish sluir , n significant fact , per
haps nod perhaps not. The outside mar
kets were more iilli-cted to-dav than Chicago.
tit. I.ouls was up about a cent a bushel nt the
start , and New York and Milwaukee
were both higher. The outside mar
kets , which have nil along tur-
nibhed the most cogent bear ar.ument ,
have apparently started with a lush up
toward Chicago. The bear argument they
furnished may havii altogether disappeared
by another foitnlght. Juno opened at Sc ! ,
advanced to M3 and rusted at Ki e. July
opened at & % e , eased off to ! % < > advanced
to Sic and tested at t3 c. May sold % c
under June.
Corn again displayed considerable buoy
ancy In the speculative market. Outside or
ders weni larger than for days past ,
nnd there was a liberal business done fov
loom trailers. Piumlums wt-ro narrowed
down n little , tlio dilTerenco between May
nnd . June belli. : cut down to IXc , and be
tween May and .July to .1J < C'Wc. { The fluc
tuations were not wide , .lunosold up Irom
liU'rfc nt the opening to'iKi'ffc nnd July from
41 ' .fc to 41K'1. ' both options closing nt outsliTe
Jit-urea nt 1 o'clock. Seller May closed nt3y4'c.
Oats were fairly nctivn dining the morning
liouis , but a quieter feeling pievalli'd later ,
nnd thcro WHS no Important change In thu
situation. Juno oats worked m > to 2SX@2Xc ,
nnd July to2 ! ) . ! c. which was the market nt 1
o'clock nnd an Improvement of } ic. May
was about ljc / discount flout June.
In the provision pit the day was passed in
n rather uneventful manner. In lard and
short ribs tlio active articles the opening
was quite stiong and at about last night's
closing llgnres , out it became apparent bo-
furu imuinumi mul progressed far that the
wlleis outnumbered the buyers , anil tor both
lower-prices were witnessed. The receding
movement , however , was somewhat
Jnr. tliomrn It was well maintained up to 1
o'clock. when lard showed an actual decline
of fitolUc and short ribs of 12V < . ' ( < i > 15c.
AKTIJKNOON SKSSION. Wheat was steady
anil linn. May sold at 82(2S2 ( c , closing at
Me ; Juno sold nt b3ftfby ( : < c , on tlio split to
84c sparingly , closlni : at K.J ! < ( < t > lc ; July sold
at & % ( csS4c , closing at SlC'C 4c , with n few
trades at 84c. Corn was lirm. May sold at
38iYri383Vfr , Juno sold nt : ! ' .iK@siKc : ; , closing
nt3y { iai'.ikc : ; Julvsoldnt 4(34lMc \ ( , split
to 41 > i@llc , spf'U closing ntia. } . Oats
were Urm. May sold at 2kr , Juno sold at
c. closing nt BU , ' < c bid. Pork was offered
for May nt 823.25 , which was also the nomi
nal quotation for June. Lard declined 2l c
nnd closed Ht 80.80 for May , M.b H tor June ,
$0.07) < f for July , and S7.07)f tor August.
CHIOAOO , May 3. | Special Telegram to
the BKK. ] CATTLE Everybody voted tliu
market n dull one , and as most of the cattle
sold lost money for the shippers , of course
nobody was satlslicd. Trices were quoted
6@15e lower. Again some 1538 Ib cattle , n
large lot .sold at 84.85 , which certainly
seemed low , but the seller would have been
glad to take the price of yesterday , ns he had
the cattle all day without getting a buyer intc
the pen. There were other ' lots of cattle ,
Botno heavier and some lighter , but all good ,
which have been In the pens since Saturday
without a bid which salesmen felt they could
accept. There was as nearly m
market for bin cattle as was ever known
Prices to-day were 16wor than last Friday or
the most desirable little cattle , while blj
cattle and rough nnd thin were30 ( < JlOc lower
There were some largo lots of heavy cattli
which could not bo sold even ata40c dc4no (
and many were left. It was not uncommoi
to sen fat 050 to 11..0 . Ib steers outsell 1400 t (
1500 Ib beeves. Some fancy 11 < > 'J Ib Ncbraskt
Bteors sold at 84.85 ; some 1025 Ibsteers soli
at 84.70 , nnd Wt Ib steers sold at 84.50
\\-hllotIierowcrogoodl400to 1500 Ib cattle
that could not be sold nt 84.50. Sliloplm
steers. 1S50 to 1500 Ibs , S4.MKTrii.lO ; 1200 tc
1350 Ibs. S4.40@4.85 ; 050 to 1200 Ibs. SM.OOGi
4.75 ; stockers and feeders , . 82. 754.80 : cows
bulls nnd mixed , 83,35(4 S4.UO ; bulk , 83.00 < < j
3.15 : slop-fed steers , S4.0U < < 4.70 ; Texas corn
led. 84.00 < a4.30.
lions To-day trade was only fairly active
with values rather weak , In some cases i
good nickel lower than yesterday , iiinKlng i
decrease of 20@25c since Saturday last. Tin
market was quiet , with quite a number It
tirst hands and In the hands of speculators
Light sorts were not saleable oven at a de
tlluo , as thov could bo bought cheaper In St
Louis. IndlanaDolis aiid Kansas City
Mixed sold nlS.ViXiJS.abest ; heavy. In
rludlng butcher weights S5.S7h@o,45
Yorkers , S5.15Q5.25 ; pigs , S4.COQUK ) .
NEW YORK , May 3. ( Special Telegrar
to the HKK.I STOCKS. Stocks opened
Btmdo higher this morning , but almost itn
mediately began to decline. Western Unlo
and New England were especially weal
while the trunk lines and grangers wer
about steady. Fancies were active and li
most Instances higher. Fort Worth & Der
ver , Colorado coal and cotton seed oil mad
notable gains and held their advance wel
London prices were fractionally hnrher , bi
the sentiment of the top of the room tradei
was strongly bearish. There was , howcve
no great pressure of long stocks. The bull
were Inclined to think that In view of tt
lack ot supporting orders , and the perslstet
hammering by thu bears the market had he I
remarkably well. The fact that little Ion
stock came out on the declines was taken I
indicate that the market was In strong bant
and would move up quick when the hull
were ready to give It a lift. It was reports :
that the Lake Shore's statement for the p.ii
year would show a surplus of 8',500,000 abo\ \
nil charges and some favorable dovelopuien
were predicted in regard to It within a fe
days. New England sold as low as 55 , froi
which figure It quickly rallied. The ai
nounceuicnt of the decrease of Si 1,000 I
Jtock Island famines fur the month of Apr
weakened grangers , a break ot about X P' '
cent being scored. Missouri 1'acltio was e
.pecially weak and failed to rally with tl
real of the Ibt during thu last half huui
* 1lbKJ.t ] . . .
The shorts covered freely towards the close ,
causing an advance of UjiJ4 ( per cent. The
market closed quiet at n shade under the
opening Hgums. Tlio total snlcs were nbout
GovKii.vstr.NTS Government bonds were
dull but steady and weak ,
U. S. C'fl 100 1C. AN. W 120' < f
U. S. 4's coupon. 129 do preferred..14 * V
U. S. 4M'scoup .110 'N. ' Y. C 112'f
Pncltlc irs ot ' . * . . 12 K O. H. it N 101
Canada South'n. . m < O. T. M * (
Central Pnclllu. . 40) ) < PaclhcMall MW
Chicago * Alton.115 P. , I ) . * E lf
do preferred..lX ( ) 'Pullman ' Pnl.Car.14S
C. , B.itQ 147H Heading 44 4'
IX , L. & W 137'ij Hock Island. . . 120
) ) . i\H.U \ 3U > bt. L. itS. F. . . . 37'V
Erie 34 I do prefeired. . . . 77U
do preferred. . . . 72J < ; C. , M. A St. P. . . . OP/
Illinois Central..133 do preferred. .
I. , H. .t W 2IJ4St. P. it O
K. it T 'l"f ' | do prcti'ruuL.
LakuSlmiu ' . ' .Mi Texas Pnclliu. . . .
L. it N 07 4 I'nlonPacllic. . . .
Michigan Cenfl. . OP , ' U' . . St. Lit P. . . . . . . ,
Mo. Pacllic 101 I clo preferred. . 35 ? (
No. Pacllic 2HK W , U. Telegraph 'W
do preferred. . . . Ol > 'e ' |
MO.VKY o.v CAi.r. Easy at 4' < @ 7 per cent ;
last loan 5 percent ; closed ottered at 3 per
STKIII.INO ExritANnr. Dull but stronger
at 84.SGJ { lor sixty day bills , 8 . & 7 f for de
Chicago , May i ! . Following quota-
UOIIH are tlm 2no : closing ligures ;
Flour Steady nnd lirm Winter
wheat. Hour , 84.2(34.iO ( : : southern , S4.10fc
4.20 ; Wisconsin. S4l2Ki ( t.iO : : Michigan soft
scrlne wheat , S3.7004.So : Minnesota bakers ,
S3.7iJ(4.X ( ) ( ( : ) ; patents , S4..jO4.8J ; low grades ,
Sl.S'V ' < J2.y5 ; r > e Hour , quiet at 83.25i33.40 ; in
sacks and barrels , 83crf3.70.
Wheat Opened > * c above yesterday ,
closed % @lc above yesterday ; cash , b2c ;
Jutii ) and July , St 15-lic. (
Corn Fairly nctlvo and llrm , opened } i@
? c higher and closed about ifc above yes-
leiday ; cash , ! tec ; June , ! i'JJ < c ; July , 41Jfc. (
Oats Heller froliii ! ; prevailed , cash and
near futures ransed about li6c. higher ;
cash , B7' ' < c ; June , 2Sc ; J uly , 2'.i , ' e.
Kyo Dull at 5'c. ' !
Harley Xomlnnl at 57c.
Timothy Sci-d-Pilmp , S1.04KS1.C" .
\Vniskv-Sl. Ib.
Pork Moderntnly active but easier ; cash
Laid - Moderalflv arlive , nnd 5@10c
higlu-r ; cash , SG.fcO ; June , S0.b7 > s ;
Hulk Meats-Shoulders , S5.DOii0.00 ; short
clear , S7.)0@7.i5 ! ) ( ; fihoit libs. S7.X : ) .
Butter Steady ; creamery , lb@23c ;
Ohi'CM ) Slcftdy ; full cream chrddnrs , 12H
@ 13c ; Hals and Voting Americas , ii@i : : ) > jc ;
skims , i
lIilc'S"Uiieliangtidhpavy ; green salted 7 c ;
llshttlo , T C'iSc ; salted hull Indus , Cc ; gieuu ; dry Hint , 12 ( 313e : dry calf ,
13fJ81lc : clenfons , 40ceach ; dry salted , lOc.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , 4c ; No.
2 , 34'c ' ; cake , 4jc.
Hernlnts. Shlpmcnls.
Flour , bbls . 10.000 7.000
Wheat , bn . KH.OOO *
Corn , bu . ! , ooo ( i2ooo
O.U ? , bu . 100,000 73.000
Kyo , bu . 2,000 : i,000
Bailey , bu . 15,000 10,000
Now York. May : ! . Wlioat Heco'pts ,
213,100 ; i-x port" , 7,000 ; spot ' { ' © Kc nnd op >
tlons J < ( H > ? ( j higher , closing lirm ; ungiadt'd
red , b.X ! < ' ! M < c ; No. : iicd , ( Kliic : No. I red ,
9Sc ; No' 2 red , ! > 4c In store : 0jfc In ele
vator , ! )5ic ) lieu on hoaul , J > OJjiu7c ( deliv
ered ; June cloied at IM' c.
Corn Ki'ceipls , 13,000 ; nxports , 27,000 ; spot
K@ c and ( iptions ' ( ji ) ' higher , closing
lirm ; ungraded. 4b 4'C't5Uc ; No. 3 , 4SH ( 4 ! c
in elevator , 5tJc ) uvllveied : Juno closed at
Oats Receipts , 20,000 ; exports , 13,000 ;
moderately active ; mixed western , 34jrc37c ( ;
whlto western , : is@i42c.
Petroleum Firm ; United closed atCfl c.
Pork Dull and moro or less nominal ; old
mess , 815.50(3410.00 ( : new mess , 817.00.
Lard Lower and uulcjt ; western steatn ,
spot. 8T.yOVc47.33.
Butter Firm nnd In good dmnand ; west
ern , 12@24c ; Klgin creamery , 25c.
Cheesii ( julot and steady.
Rags Steady , with fair request ; western ,
tyesh , 12 f@13c.
Milwaukee. May 3. Wheat Strong ;
cash , 80c ; Jnnn , Sl c ; July , SJjtfc.
Corn Steady ; No. 3 , 3Sc ,
Oats bleady ; No. 2 white , 30 } c.
Kyo-Kasier ; No. 1. 50Ki' .
Harluv Firm : No , 2 , &ic.
PiovisloiiM Weak. Pork , Mav , 815.00.
Cincinnati , May 3. Wheat Kasicr ; No.
2 red , b2@b3c.
Coin Strong ; No. 2 mixed. 43c.
Oats Oulet and steady : No. 2 mixed , 29K
live-Easier ; No. 2 , f,3@r,3c.
1'ork-Stpady nt S17.00.
Lard-Quiet nt SO.W.
Minneapolis , May 3. Wheat Dull nnd
hut little doing ; No. 1 hard , Mny.77c ; June ,
7UJsc.luly,80c ; : No 1 riorlhetn.cnsli , 70 } < c ;
Juno , 78c ; July , Tti t/u / ; No. 2 northern , cash ,
75c ! : Juno. 7flXc ; July 7Se.
Flour- Patents , 84.2551 4.40 ; bakers' , 53.30 ®
3.50.Hwelnts Wheat , 11S.OOO bu.
bhipmiiuts Flour , 30,000 bbls.
St. Louis. May 3. Wheat Steady und
hiirhor ; cash , 83K < u.S4o : June. 8IJ4e.
Corn Higher ; cash , 3 , > , ' /.Wc ; June ,
Oats-IHgher ; cash , 27 @ 20c ; May , 27Xc ;
June , 3Kc.
Pork Dull , 810.00.
Lard-Nominal at 80. SO.
Butter Kuslor : choice creamery , 20@22c ;
dairy , 14@30c.
Afternoon Board Wheat Firm nnd V < a
KO better. Corn Dull and unchanged.
Oats No sales.
Kansas City , May 3. Wheat Stronger ;
No. . 2 red cash , 69c bid , G'c asked ; June ,
- 7U4'c asked.
Corn Stronger ; No. 2 cash , 32J c bid ,
32&c nsked ; J tine 33) < fc bid , 33 c asked ; July ,
ar.iic asked.
Oats-Cash , 29 c asked.
Now Orleans , May 3. Corn Quiet ;
mixed , 4S@4'Je ; white nnd yellow , 4Ug50c. (
Oals-SU-adv nt 3 XS37c. (
( 'ornmeal Firm nt 82.20.
llou Products-Dull : pork , 810.75.
Lard Helined tlerco 87.00.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , 80.50 ; long clear
and clear ribs. 88.02 .
Chicago , May 8. The Drovers' Jour
nal renurt- follows :
Cattle Kecclpis. 8,000 : lower and dull :
shipping steerx , 84.00@5.10 ; stockers nnd
tecdcru , S2,75 < 34.30 : cows , bulls and mixed ,
S2.25i4.00 ( ; hulk , SS.Ot'Q'J.lS ; corn fed Texans -
ans , 84.CO ( < $4.40.
Hogs Uewipts , 15,000 ; opened strong and
closing lower ; rough and mixed , 55.00(0) )
5.35 ; packing and shipping , S5.30@5,50 ;
light , 8i.70 < § 5.30 ; skips , 83.00@4.50.
Sheep lUcclpts , 3,000 : slow ; shorn. S3.0C
@ 4.ap > ; wooled , 83.5035.40 ; Taxans , 83.25@
n 3.70 ; lambs , r4.50Q5.75.
a The Drovers' Journal special cnDle rnrr
i- from London quotes cattle supplies vcrj
in light The market was weak and the price i
shade lower. Best American steers an
< , quoted at llc dressed.
en Nationpl Stock Yartln. Raat Ht
n Ijonli. III. , Maya Cattle-Heceipts , 1,700 ;
i- shipments , 50 ; easier and lower ; cholct
ile heavy navive steers. S4.70Q5.00 ; fair to gooc
shipping steers , 83.80024. .5 ; butchers' steers fair to choice , S3.504.25 ; feeders , fair tci
it good , 83.10@4.00 ; stockort * . fair to good , | .U (
rsr Hogs Rwelpts , 5,000 ; shipments , 3,000
Isle steady at a decline ; choicn heavy and butcli
ors' selections , 85.i5M5,50 : ; packing , fair t
le good , S5.25@5.40 ; VorKers , medium to prime
it S5.00ij5.20 ; pigs , common to good , 84.2Uc (
Id '
'Kanaan City , Mav 3 , Cattln Uecelpts
4,300 ; shipments , lk)0 ( ) ; slow , weak nnd 10
to lower for all classes except stockers and feed
Is ern , which were about steady ; common t
Is e , S3.75i i.50 : stockers , < j
Isst 3.35 ; steeis , : i.X)33.00 : ) ; cows , 82.2
HOBS Hi > celpts , 14.300 ; shipments , none
slow , weak nnd I0v ? l5c lower ; common t
tsw choice , 84.41X35.10skipaand ; pigs , | 2.504.2 :
in OJ1AH .U'i : STOCK.
uIn Tuesday , May .1.
InII Cat 11 P.
IIer The of cattle tha
er run win heavier to-day
for several days past. The market oixjne-
vcrjr dull with the buyers making very lo\ \
hiils , which the salesmen would not taki
Very llttlo business was done before noot
Later tliore wvs ; more life In the market nnd
good cattle sold nt a decline of lX ( < ? 15c. The
market wa prolonged until near 0 o clock
before the buyers all left the yards. Thcro
were twelve loads left unsold.
Hngq ,
The receipts of lines were also heavy.
Thcro was very Illtlo done In the market In
Iho morninc. The nacUcis were not rtnxlons
lo buy on account of having n largo supply
on lianil. In the afternoon they took hold a
lltllubi'ltor , but the market was dnuirmir ,
Thu bulk of thu sales were made late In tlm
iilternooii and the hoes were not till welshed
up until after G o'clock. Hefora thu market
closed they were nil sold excepting two lomH
held over nnd three shipped out.
Thcro were several loads in but none sold.
Cattle 1,4on
UOKS 4,500
Sheep M)0 )
Prcvnlllnir Prices.
Showlnc the prevailing prices pild for live
stock on this umikct :
Choice steers , 1300 to 1500 Ib3. . . . 84.30ft . 15
Choice steers , 1100 to 1'l.VO Ibs. . . 4.25il.4 ( ! ( )
Knt llttlo stt-er 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.75 1.20
ICxtrachoicocowsandliulfers. . . . 3.50C' 3.bO
( Jood to choices corn-fed cows. . . . 3.00W3.10
Common to medium cows 2.7.y < (2..K )
Good to cholcn bulls aftOi'rf : . !
Light nnd medium hoi 4.70fif
Good to choice heavy 11033 4tOf ! :5.00 :
Good tocholco mixed hogs 4NM4.1K )
Choice sheep , 90 to 120 Ibs S.153.75
Itcprcscntntivo Hales.
Sliowltnjtlionuiii'jr ot ntttlo. lion airl
shuupsliliipM Irom thu v.inls ilunii , ' t.i.Mliy.
No. cars. lit. Dcst.
4 . Mil . Chicago
14 . U. . I ! . * Q . riilciun
8 . 11. 1 . Clilc.iio
4 . .N.W . Chicago
3 . N.V . Chicago
hiuii' : : .
2 . K. I . Chicago
Showing the number of hojfs bought by the
lemlliiK buyura on to-day's market :
Anu'lo-Aniurlcan 1'ackliiKCo . 2,400
T.J. Lliiton . , liOi : (
0. 11. llanimoiid & Co . 472
Total . 4,178
Left over . iso :
Shipped . 1 . llrj
All sties or stock in this market are made
perowt. 11 vo weUht unluas otliurvvlsu st.tto 1.
tead hoes soil at KC l > sr Ib. tor all weitjlits.
"Skins , " or lie s weUMiins \ > ttiiin 10J Itis.
n oval no. I'ra nant sows nro tlocknj 43
by tlio nu'Jlla
Livestock Nutoa.
Heavy run.
Hogs 10u lower.
A sundown market.
Cattle 10@ 15C lower.
Hogs averaged 07 to the car.
Twelve loads of cattle held over.
The general average of the hogs was rood.
Lee Love , of Votk , was In looking over tnc
P. Brett was hero and sold four loads of
Tnvlor it Wcyani's load of hogs topped the ;
Patrick Murphy , Sclniler , was hero with n
load of hogs.
Mr. Stoddard , Wood It i ver , was in with
two loads of sheep.
Win. Bays , Valparaiso , was in and mar
keted a load of hogs.
Mr. Kynp , Wood Hwrr , was here and mar
keted two loads of cattle.
Tteknll & Beahm , Cortland , had in eight
loat's of very good cattlo.
Although the market was dragging a good
deal of stock changed hands.
Jim Frazler , Columbus , was In with three
loads of cattle from Wood Itlver.
Hon. Watson Tyson , Blair , a well knowr
stockman and politician , was In with stock ,
Mr. Heaton , of Clark , Hraton & Co. , wel !
known shippers of Wcstou , Neb. , was in will ;
E. W. Black. Plattsmouth , a heavy .ship
per , was in with two cars of cattle and ono ol
J. W. Doyle * , Ceiesco , Neb. , was at the
yards with n load of hos ; which sold on ihc
P. A. BarrettVeeplng Water , was nt the
yards and maiKuted a load of corn tic :
Hon. Sam Barker , Plattsmouth , a we )
known stock man , was among the visitors r. <
the yards.
Mr. Taylor , of the lirm of Taylor & Wyant
Silver City , la. , was here and marketed two
loads of hogs.
N. B. Beregreen , Wahoo , was In with tw <
loads of cattle and one of hogs and A. L
Berggreen with two loads of cattle.
Lindsay Brown. Papillion , was in with 3 :
head of corn fed cattle , of his own feeding
which averaged 1382 Ibs and brought 84.50. tin
top of the market. 11 u bought them lien
last fall when they were very poor. Mr
Brown Is ono of the most successful feeder :
in the srate.
General Produce.
Tuesday , May 3.
Thcfollowinn prices are for roitiul lot oj
produce , cis tola on tne market to-oai/ .
EOOB The market Is steady at lOc.
BUTTKII-There Is an occasional packae
of fancy butter that sells above the quotation
given below. Chlce country , IBQJOc ; falrti
good , 12@ir > c ; common , H iOo.
CHEKSK Full cream choddarsslnile,14Kc
full cream flats , twins , UXc ; Young Ameri
cas. 15c ; fancy Swiss , 18o ; Swiss. 1m
porled. 25c ; Llmburger. 14c ; brick. I5@l6c ,
LIVK Poui.Titv Chickens , 83.00(33.25. (
OAMK Ducks , mallard , prr do8200(7 (
2.25 ; ducks , teal , per doz. 8l.501.75 ; ducks
mixed , per doz , 81.50(31.75 ( ; geese , per do/
83.00(33.50 ( ; brants , per doz , 82.00 ; tnlpc
perdoz , S1.2C , rlo\ei Sic.
POTATOES Homo grown , small lots , fron
store , G5C'475e ; new potatoes , per bbl , S4.75Q
5.00 ; sweet Jerseys , 80.00 ; sweet southen
queen , per bbl , * 5.00@.50 ; sweet seed , 85.00
sweet yams. 4.004.W.
Osro.vs Old onions , per bbl , 34.50(25.00 southern , per bDI , 85.00.
CAIIDAOF. There is very little on th
market. Now California stock sells at 3 } { ( <
3)fe perlb.
AITI.ES The market Is bare and there I
no stock of any account.
NEW VEOETAIH.KS Spinach , per bb
11.7592.00 ; top onions , per dozen bunches
SO : radishes , per dozen bunches , 30W35c
lettuce , 30c ; pie plant , per Ib , 4c ; Horn
grown asiiacus , per do51,00 ; cucumben
perdo n , 81.00. . .
BK * .Ns-lnferlor iock.7.VcSl.oOKOod { ; clean-
country , 31.00 itLilfmrMlum , hand picked ,
S1.40Q1.GO ; hand plpXeji. navy , S1.M1.GO. .
I'novitio.NS Ham. 12Kc ; breakfast
bacon , rib. 10 > c : breakfast bacon , plain , lie :
dry salt sides , 8 < @ 3j/cMrletl beef , reRiilar , 10
Qilc ; dried beet , ham nieces , 13c ; lard , W-ll )
cans , 79 < i : : 20-Ibcann. Kalrbatiks , 7 ( c ; 10-lb
cans , Fairbanks. 7T q ; 5-lb cans , Kalibauks ,
TXJ : 3-lbc.ius. Fairbanks. 8 'so.
LP.MONS Messina , choice , per box , S4.U )
0. ( W.
OiiAXOK' California , Lo1 ? Angolp1' . per
box , a.OO ; Mediterranean sweets , SiUiOtri
: t.75 ; Messina Imiiorlal , fancy. 5.N ) : San
( labrlt'l. slnslL' bolota , ' S3.w ; San Gabriel ,
5 box lots S2.M. ,
S i it.uviiKiiiiiKS Per quart , r o.
BANANAS Lareebuuchcii , per bunch , $3.oO
(21.00. ( _ . _
. .1 * Medium , in bbK 53.00 ; do , In
half bbls , 81.50 ; smill , In bbK 3H.OO ; do , In
half bbls. 85.00 ; gherkins , in bbls , 510.00 ; do ,
in half bbls , S3.'x > .
powdered , Oj 'it'c.
CoFPKK.g Ordinary grades , 15'VfiUc ' ! fair
Itfjtio fc ; prime. Wy'ilic ; choice , ln iiJlT (
fancy grci-n and yellow. 17 < jil7 ac ; old eov-
ernment Java. 20jjCJOc ; interior Java , lG > ic (
JOc ; Mocha , Wi.wic ; .Arlmcklo's roasted
2l'ic ; McLaUKhlln'AXX \ roaslod'Jl > 4c ;
Dtlworth'8.2l'jc ' : lied Cioj , 21'4c.
CANNF.ilioi ( > ' - ' tandardporcasn ,
SH.lG < it3.2 , " : strawbi'rrles ' , 2 Ib. per case. Si : ) ;
raspberries. 2 Ib , p"r case , 82.25 ; California
pears , per case , 84.50 ; ajiricots , per casj ,
84.00 : poaches , * " case , 35.00 ; white cher
ries , per oast55.00 * ; pmms. jiPr case , S .r. ) ;
blueberries porcaso , 81.85 ; OZK plums , 2 Ib ,
per cast1. 82.SO : plneapnlns ID , per case
83.305.73 : 1 In niau'kerel. per doz , 81.40 ;
1 IbRaltnon , perdoz , Sl.SOcal.S" . ; sin , goosu
berries , perca p , 81.75 ; 2 Ib string Deans , per
case , Sl.'i ; 21b llmnbiMiis , per case , 81.00 ;
2 Ib marrowfat peas , purcaso , S2.50a2.003 ( ; Ib
early June peas , par case. 82.75 : 3 Ib toma
toes. S3.5Jc ( 2.iiO:3 : Ib.oorn S2.40$3. ' > 0.
MATCHES Pcrcaddle , BXS ; aquaro cases ,
81.70 : mule square. 81.20.
SviiuiNo. . 70 , 4-gallou kegs , 81.2Vi51.23 ;
New Orleans per gallon 3840c ; mnnlo syrup ,
half bbls , "old time. " PIT gallon , 7 > ) c ; 1 gal
lon can.s , PIT ileA 810.00 ; hall gallon cans ,
per doz. 85.50 ; quart catH , S3.w. (
CANDY Mixed. 8 > < ; ( c llc : stick , 8 ; < (39l-4c.
CHACIIIIS ( iarneau'3 soda , butter and
picnic. 5 > e ; creams,8 } c ; pinger snaps , } $ c ;
cltv soda. 7k' .
brAiicii Mirror gl'iss. i Ib , Cc ; mirror
gloss , 3 Ib. ftifoi mirror glo , Gib , oKc ;
( Jraves corn.l Ib.o'- ; Kingsford's corn. 1 lu ,
7c : Klncsford's gloss , 1 ib. 7c : Klnirsford's
closs , 0 11) . 7J < c ; KinsH-foid's pnro lib.Wo ;
Kingsford's ' pure , 3 Ib , 5Kc ; Klngsfords
liiillc 4c
BOATS Kirk's savon Imperial. S2.70 :
Kius satinet. 83.00 ; Kirk s standard , 83.05 ;
Kirk's white Ilimlan. 84.00 ; Kirk's whlln-
cnp , ( ) ; dom's 83.M ; washboard , 83.10 ;
white cloud. 83.75.
\AnMsiiE. Daiiols , per cation ; i > urnl-
tuic , extra , 81.10 ; furntttitf , No. 1. 81.00 ;
coach extra , 81. W ; roach , No. 1,81.20 : Da-
mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; osplmltum ,
extra Wo : liclhio , 93.50 ; hard oil linlsh ,
IIKA.VY HARDWAUI : iron , ratci S2.SJ ;
plow htt-ul sneclai cast,4 } < jecrinibIosteol ; : , ' > Xc ;
cast tools. iKi. 12'i iy ; ; wagon s pokes , pet sut ,
2.00aaf)0 ( ; hubi. per set , $1.25 : lelloes.
pawed dry , SI. 60 ; tongues , each. 8.'c ' : u.\t-N.
each. 75c : sdiiaiu nuts , par Ib. Olffi71e : cell
chain , porlb. 0 * 1 'o ; malleable. Xgl' ' ' * : ; Hon
wedges. Cc ; prow.iiars , Cc ; hanow teeth , 41'c ( , ,
spring steel. 7iyc ( ; Durdon's horse shoes ,
fr4.18 ; Burden s mule shoos. S"5. Harbpd
wire , in car lots , S4.0) ) per 100 Ibs. Nails ,
rates , 10 to } . S' . 0 : steel nails. S3. ! ) ) .
ShotSl.i5 : ; buckshot , Sl.'V ' ; \\\t. \ \ \ "d powaor ,
krgs , ! r5.X ( ) ; do. half kegs , ? 2. " ; do. quarter
kegs , Sl.r.i ( : bliistmu. ki-gs , 52.1 1 ; fuse , per 10
feet. C5c. Lead bar. SIS . . , ,
Duvl'Ai.NTs-W.hite l 'ad , 7c ; Kronch/.inc ,
12c : 1'arli whiting. 2Ve ; whiting , uildors ,
9fc ; whiting , coui'l , l ! o ; lampblack , ( ler-
manstown , T-'c ; 'lampoiack ' , ordinary , 8c ;
Prussian blue,55c\iltr : inarlnu , l c ; vaudyic-
brown , Si1 ; umber. ' burnt. 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ;
sienna , burnt , 4c : sienna , raw. 4o ; Puns
green. Kt'iiulnu. ' " 'p. ' Paris erpcn , com
mon , 22rhromo : ireon ! N. Y. . 20c ;
vermlllinn Ainoncan. 18c : inaian
rixw and biimt umber , I ft cans , i2c ; raw and
burnt sienna , I2c : Vandyke brown , We : relined -
lined lampblack l2o : coach black and ivory
bine' ' : , H5c ; drop black. 16c ; Prussian blue ,
40c : ultramarlno black. I8c ; chroin irroon.L. ,
M. & IX. 10c ; blind and shutter groon. L. . M.
& D. , lOo : Paris grenn , ISo ; Indian red , Iftc ;
Vt-netlan red , DC ; Tuscan , 22c ; American
vermllllon , L. * ! > . , 20o : yellow ochre , 2c : L.
M. & O. O. . ISo : eood ochro. ific : patnin
drver , 8ceratnlng ; color , light oas , darkonlr ,
waluuU chestnut and nsh. 12ft
UuufiSAND MIBMICAI.S. Ao d carbolic ,
' 0C ; acid tartarie , 52c ; balsam copaiba , per
H > , f,0c : bark sassafras , I * * * , 10c ; calomel ,
per ft , 78c , rlilnciionldla. per oz , 40c ; chloro
form , per tt ) , Co ; Dover's powders , per Ib ,
81.25 : ppsoin salts , per B > , "We ; clycoilue ,
pun ; , per Ib. 3iclead , ncetato. per a. 2ic ;
oil , pastor , No. i , per uhl. , 81.50 ; oil castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , Sl-40oil ; olive , per gal. , 81.40 ;
oil orlirannuin , 50c ; opium , 81.50 ; qiiininn ,
P. & W.and H. AS , , per , oz. ' , PC ; potassium
whitn load St. Louis , pure , c ; Mar
seilles , grpfln. I Ib cans. 2c ; r'rencii zinc ,
crcen seal , 12c ; l-'roncli zinc , red seal. Uc :
French zinc , in varnisli asst. 20o : K neli
Klnc.75c ; Termillion , Kngllsh , in oil , 75u ,
red. 10c : rosn p'.nK. He : Venetian red , Cook-
bon's , 2 i'o ; Venetian red. American. iKc ;
red lead , 7Kc ; chrome yellow , gnnulnojOc ;
chrome yellow , K. 12c ; ochre , rochellu. 8c ;
ochre , Irench , 2'ic : ochre , American ,
IKc ; Winter's mineral. 2 > < p. ; Lenigh blown ,
2Kc ; Spanish brown , 2c ; iTinco's rclnoral ,
3c HIDES ( Jreen butchers , 5K@Oc ; Rreen
cured. ? c ; dry flint. llWl-'c ; drv salt , eojlOc ;
creen calf skins , hj < c ; damaged nides ,
two-thirds price. Tallow Stfc , Onsase
Prime white. 3 < cyeOW ) | | oi c. brown , 1J {
blueeo Pelts. 25ffl75c.
BPIBITS Cologne spirits. t88 proof , 11.17 ;
do 1C1 proof , 81.18 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , 81.17 : do IBS proof. * UO Alcohol.
188 proor , 82.20 per wine gallon. Uodlstllled
whiskies , 81.00&1.50. Ciin , blended .509
S.OO ; Kentucky bourbons , 82.00 ( 0.00 , Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , S2.00i.40. 50 ;
Qoldeii Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies ,
S1.V ) < 3I.OC. ; DrandlPs , Imported , 85.00@8.50 ;
domestic , 81.30,33.00. , ( iins. Imported , 84.50
< ao.tiO : domestic , Champagnes ,
AND &KINS-THO following prices
nre tor primp , well handled skins : Heaver ,
prime , clean per pound , Sl.50@ii.uu : fallS1.2ri
( < ? 2.00 : meatvana inferior. 81.oo@l.25. Bear.
blown and grizzly. § 5.00 a * OJ ; pubs nd
yearlings. S i.tKV .OO. Dadger , MC ) # > Oc. Cat ,
wild , 20 lUc : domestic , black. KXiil.'ic : do
mestic , htindrv colors , 5@hc. Fox. red , 31. OC
@ 1.25jK'nis.s , $2.00@4.0U ; grny , 40c < J50c ; silver ,
810.00(3 ( 10.00. Fisher. S i.oofad.oo. otte r.S4.oc
gfi.OO. Martin. 81.00@175 , Muscrat , win
ter. largo. Idc : fall. 5c ; kills , Mink , large
dark , 3.x 40c ; small and pale , 15@20c. Kac >
poon. largo prime , 40r4VJo ; small and inferior ,
2u@ioc. : Skunk , common , 15@2. " > c. Wolf ,
largo cicy , 81.fjOQ2.50 ; coyotn or prairie 75@
80c. Doer and antPlopp , winter , per pound
15c ; lull and summer , per pound 20j.
lry Ijtiinhcr.
12ft lift 16ft lHrt OU 2US4ft
17.50 I7.H ) 1J.50 18.50 19.50 22.50 U2.5I
Sz . 17.M 17.W 17.50 18.50 19.50 22.60 22. ot
2x8. 17.6B 17.WJ J7.H ) 18.50 19..V ) 23.501
17.56 I7.rfl 17.50 18.50 10.60 ! .50 2S.N
. . VI . . . ' . .
2x12. . . 17.51 ii.iiuai.iM 18.50 ID.BOiK..MK2.H
< -t-8lS. 18.00 18.i)0lg.00 ) | 19.00 a.OO'gJ ' fiffe.5 (
No. 1 , com , s 1 8.1- . . . . 810.51
No. 3 , com , 8 1 si.- . 17..V
No. 4 , com , sl3.t. 13.51
No. 1 , 4&6ln , 12 & 14 ft. rough 810.01
No. 3 " " " 1l " "
, 15.
A , 12 14 and 10 ft . SS3.0I
U.l ! " , " . 20.51
C. ' " . . ; . J5.0
I ) , " " r" . 13.0
1st com. , ' { In White Tine CellliiK . $34.0
Clear , % in. Norway Pine Celling . 16.O
A . 6 inch , whlto pine . S35.0i
C . 29.U
E " " ( Sol Fen's ) . 19,0
. STOCK BOARDS. . 845.0
No. i , com. 12 In a. 1 s. , 13. & 1.4 . 20.0
. ICift . 19.0
No.3 " > ' ' 12 & 14U. . . . . 1S.O
' IflU . 17.0
lattndSd. clear , IWTincA , B. 9i . | 50.0
3d , clear , 1 Inch , s. J s 5 < r ) IIK. ! . 2 in 45.0
13 clear , 1 Incli , s. a a 30 ; lXl > i,2ln 37.0
White Cedar , 6 lu. . Ms. 12c ; 0 ln.qrs..Uc
Qulncy white lime ( best ) . 81.0
Akron cement . l.G
ilalr . 3
No. 1 , plain , 8 and 10 in . 119.0
No. 1 , pliila , and 10 In . 17.0
O. G. Baits , 2 > v In. . 70c ; Xxa , s. 1 s . 4u
rickets , Dan * U flat. . . . . ; . . . . 131.0
Ten KnUrO'ids , and tnoro uru cumins. I'M Tralnt
State University. Wcslpynn Unlvcrsltr , State Capi
Uo tof the Ilutlne' ! , Lots have doubled In price In
the ! iit 12 nionthn. Aero-land , within 2 miles
ot the city .increased over two
hundred per cent.
Lincoln Is the grMtoxt Hullroad CentJr of Ita npe
In the world. Hrlik hlnck pay 8tn20perrcnt. Vacant
lotihaveaveriiied 1UJ per ci'nt per annum on Ur.t
C > t , for l'i yeara.
Llnmln Is n ifrcat ill trlhiitlnB point. Some whole-
'ilPitHnler > havuniido princely fnrtnnei.
Knlld nv < K lnu iiplnnll dlrectloni. llililne fan-
crHllynnod. Hunkers , retail morcbantti , niechanlca ,
etc. , nettli BrtUi.
Itooiii .11 , RIcliardH Block ,
eaf Estate Agents & Loan Brokers
Ilavr for rale brick block i , buimcis lots , all klnd of
real rttute. 1 , 'i , 5,10,2J , 19 , 80,330 und IUO aero tructa
farms and cheap lands.
UKV KHKNCKS-Klrit and Lincoln Nation
BankMlo-uniorTn H er , Juclue Cobti , Itev. Dr. 0.
Crul lil on , I.lnro e : Henatur H. M. Culloin , Illlno
ndUeneral lien , llurrlion , Indlunn
ChicagoMilwafcfiStPaul , , H
Th Btt Route from Omaha and
Council liluffa to
Two Traini Daily Between Omaha , Conn *
cil Bluffs
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapids ,
Rock Island , Freeport , Rrekford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , MadUon , Janesville ,
Beloit , Winona , La Crosse ,
And aU other Important points last , Northeast
, and Boulhouet.
For through tickets call on the Tiokot Agent
at 1101 Karnam street , ( In 1'azton hotel ) , or at
Union Paollo Depot.
Pullman Hleopors and the finest Dining Cars
la the world are run on the main lines of tbe
and every attention Is nald to vaieeovcrs br
courteotu employes of the company.
K. MiLi.mB , Qencrnl Mana er.
J , . TCGMK , Asslitant General Manager.
A. V. K. CAJU-BMHB , ( JratrsJ Pawonxer aid
Ticket Agent.
Oco. B. HiArroHD , Aislttant O n ral Fat-
longer and Ticket Agent.
J. T. GLAKK.Qcperal uperlutendut.
Omaha Jobbers' ' Directory.
Agriculiural Imp/cments.
Who1etal IraUrln
AfirrlcuKnral Imiileiucnls ,
ci auJ IliiL'Eli1 * . Jcnrf ttrevt , Islncou ( tb
and lUlhOm > ha , N b.
Wngont.Carrl gf . nugtlf ( , lite. , Wholesale , Omiha.
Jy/Jl ? , fill ED cO CO7
Jobbers of Ilanlwaro nnd Nails ,
Tinware , Sheet Iron. Ktc. Aitvnt * for Hews Hralti ,
and Miami 1'omlcri o.Omuli < .Nfli.
\VliolC9n1tt Dralrrt In
Itnnleruents ,
fTiKoni and HueslP . ! C1 , MlVJ \ and 1U7 , Jones at
Artists' Material.
A. JIOSl'E , , IJi. ,
Artists' Materials , 1'ianog and Organs ,
IJI.1 Doimlan 5trJ > Pt. Oinrlm.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
ll chanlca'Tooliand Ilutralo Hral > . UOJ Doiglai U ,
_ Oniaha , Ni'b.
Uanuracturtrn and Wholnala JN l r § la
Hoots and Shoes ,
Complete Mock of Uubbcr Uooilt alwari on h&nd
5U S. 13th ( . , Omaha , Neb. A. T. Auitln , Agonl.
W.'r. MOUSE c co.
Jobbers of Hoots nnd Shoes.
1111 Farnaui it. , Oinaba , Neb. Manufactory , Summn
Mrect. Hurtdn.
Wholesale Habbar Bootj and Shoes
Itublior rviul ( lIH'il uUUIiliiK "lid Ki'H llooti
and ahoes. Southeast Comer 14th nod Uougms.
Agt. for Anheuser-Hiish Krcwhif ; Ass'n
Special ttrandi. Faust , Iludweltcr and Erlnngpr.
Lnper lleor JJrowers ,
1W1 North 19ih Hlroct , Omaha , Neb.
Butchers' Tools.
Kntcliors' Tools and Supplies ,
Scusugo CusInK * "f nil kinds nlnayaln'lock. 1215
Coffee , Sp'ccs , Etc.
Onuilin Conco and Spieo Mills.
Tca , Oofr < 'e < , Splcr < . Iliiklnx rondcr. Flnvorlnij Ex
tracts. Laundry lllue. Ink. Ktc. 1414 ItlUarrey
Street , Orniiha. Neb.
John Eponctcr , Prop.
Manufacturer of Galvanized Iron an I Cornice. 83
Dodge and 10.1 and 100 N , lOtli at. . Dmaua , Neb.
Unnufactiirera of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Window * , Klna'n.MctallcbkjIlgut.ctc. ' 3108.
lit'i t. , Omnha.
C. Specht , 1'rop.
Qnlvnnbcd Iron Cornlcen , ctr. PnccfulmproTcd Pat
ent Mi-tnlic kTllllllt. KH and 61UJ * . r.'lli Bt.liiinlm.
Jobbers ol
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Rues ,
Mnolrnms , Mattlnca , Ktc. lilt Douf'as atrect.
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattlnft , Curtain (1ood , Etc. 1U3 Kurnam Street ,
Omaha. Neb.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for tbo Manufacturer * and Importer * of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lampn , Chimneys , etc. Office , 317 South Itth it.
Omiiba , Nub.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and dobbin ? .
Batter , Kites and 1'roclucu. ConalKnmems solicited.
Ucailqimrtprs for Htonownrn. lltTrj Hosrii uuti
Urnpo llnikiMi. HI4 IWJtPtlrccIUniatia.
Commission Merchants.
Fruits , rroduco nnrt Prorlilons , Omaha , Neb.
Storage and Commission Merchant.
Specialties Nutter. Egg * . Cbeeie. Poultry. Game ,
Ujritera , Etc. . Ktc. 112 Soutb lub street.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Butter , Oame , Knilti , etc. 230 S. Itth it
Omaha , Neb ,
Coal ana" Lime.
Pri-a. C. K.GoonmN , V. PIBI.
J. A. 8UNUIRI.AKD , 8oc. and Treaa.
Jobbers of Hard nnd Soft Coal.
309 South Thirteenth Rtreet , Omaha , Neb.
, T. ,1. JOHXSON C CO. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And Shippers of Coal and Coke , Cement , Planter ,
IJmo , Hair , Klre Brick , Drain , Tile and Sewer Pipe.
OOU'O , I'uitmi Bol t. Farnam St. , Oiotiha , N b.
Telephone 811.
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers ot Fi ults , Nuts and ( 'l ais. 1211 Karnam BL
Cigar * and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Ouna and Ammunition , 315 to 223 8. lllh it. , 1QW to
] ( Ki Karnam at. , Omaha , Sah.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wboleiale Dealers In Leaf Tobaccos , Nos. 108
and 118 N. Mlh street , Onahs.
Dry Goods.
M. E. HMITH C CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods A Notiona
1101 and 1104 Donglm. cor. lltb St. , Omaha , Neb.
Distiller * .
Distillers of Liquors , Alcnhnl and Pplrlti. Importer !
and Jobbers of Wines anU Liquors.
CO. and ILER < CO. ,
Importer ! and Jobbert of Fine Wlnei and Llqnon.
Dole manufaoturtrsof Kennedf'a Kait India Bit *
ters and Domestic Liquors. Ill ] Hams ; Kt.
Drain Tito. Etc.
A. It.BAt'KH.Pres. J.W.nrnronn,8ecATre s
K. J. CAHBOK , T.l'rei. and flupt.
Office 213 P. 14th it. . Omaha. Neb. Machinery aod
tiupplles for ilnpufnc luring Cement Drain Tile.
" * "
' s , . . . 1) ) . B. niiiHm"
vi'i i I in Vint l > r
Jobbers and Storcrs oi Grain.
blpmoius < . i ijii4
iruiirantcecl , ( Jinhaa Neb.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
Furnarn t. . Omaha. Neb.
Furniture , Iledding , Upholatery ,
Mirrors , etc. ! , 1208 and 1710 Farnam at. , Omaha.
Omaha Jobbers' ' Directory.
Groceries ,
rAxroxfA \ i/LAG7iEtt \ cor
Wholesnlo Groceries nnd Provision * ,
Koi. 7a.-i.tgr. TO nd71l ? . loth St. Omnlm. Neb.
, JUtADY , CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
1'tn niut I , nrcnnnrtli ft,0m li i.
ir. , r.
Hcnvy HardwiuT , Iron ami Sfccl ,
, \Vncon Muck , llonlwnro Lumber , etc. 1101
nd Ull lUrner ot. , iimnlm.
Wholesale Iron mul Steel ,
ami Tiirrlaiifl Wood Htnrh , Heavy llnn1w rtL
iic. : I.'IT and 1319 l.tivermurlli ft. , lin ) li , Nob.
Stovp.s , HniiffpFi , Furimcps' , Tiles ,
JJnutlei , Urnte , llrm Gtxvln , insi i.d KO3 Kiiraa
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
and Tat Iron Building Wort , Iron
Itulllnir. neann and ( ) lrder , itieatn EnKliu > i , llrmi
\Tnrk , OMifltal Pouniirj , Mtcliluw and lllarkirolth
Wet * . umce aJWotk.U. f. Ky.niul ITl
HiiniifnolurPM of
ire nnd Iron KnlltiiffH , Desk Rail * ,
Window ( luaidi. Vloner MnmKVr : Sl n , lt
th. Urdcri br mnll pruinptli uttendcJt * .
Doalo ? . . All Kinds of
inr Matorlnl nt Wholesale.
13th Htrttet and Union I'nctfla Track , Omnha.
I.OU1S Hit Alt FOll I ) ,
Dealer in Immlier , Imtli , Uine , Snsh ,
Doori.Ktc. Ynrdi-CoriiprTlh nnd Uouglnii Corner
Bllmnil Doiulns.
Wholesnlo Lumber ,
8H P. lull uroet , Omaha , Neb. r.Colpctter , Man K r.
Iflth and rnllfornla ClroctB , Omaha , Noli.
En jr. Git AT ,
Lnmber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor.Ctb and DOIIHUIS iti. , OmaUa. Noi.
To Dealers Only.
OAc , 1403 Farnam BtrectOmaha.
JIardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpcta and Parquet rtoorlog. 9th and Donglaf
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Iliportrd and Aincrlrnn 1'ortland Cement , Rtatl
Agent forMllniiukce IlT.lmullr C'cmcnl utul le t
tlulnuy Wli IIP Mine.
Live Stock.
Of Oniaha.
Limited. John F. Boyd , B'jpcrlnterdent.
Litft Stock Commission.
3f. liURKE C SONS ,
Live Stock Commission.
O o. Iturke , Manager
Union Stock Tarda , B. Omaha. Telephone 682.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Shipment * of nny and all klnda of Block
Union Stock Yanln , Oniaha , NeU
Millintry and Notions ,
Importers and Jobbera of
Millinery and Notions ,
1113 and 1215 Harnej Pt.-eet , Omaha , Neb.
Wholeialo Dcalen In
Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
40:1 : nnd 405 8. Tenth Kt. , Omabn.
Manufacturers of Overalls , '
Jeans Pants , Sblrts , Ktc. lift and 1104 Doiijlm Stresfc
Omaha , Neb.
Paper Boxes
J. L. WILK1E ,
Manufacturer of Paper Boxes ,
B.14that. , Omaha. Ntbratka. Orilen br raailn
lltlt4aaii wlllr tlT r l aUeaUoo.
Printing. \
Job Printers , Blank Book Maken ,
And Book Bludert. ll > > and 10R South Fourteenth
treet. umaba.Mcb.
Anxiliary Publinhers.
D lerilnTjpo , Pronn and I'rlnteri'Suppllei. Ml
Bouth Tirelfth htrect.
Mnnufacturcra and Ilcnlrra In
lioilurs & ( ieneral Machinery
Bhuet Iron work. Steam I'unipr.Kuvr Mllln , Aome
Hhaftlnir , Dnclice Wood split I'lilloyg , lleltlnir , elo ,
Alio wngnni , ncrapori , and bale tlea. 13LH216 Le * .
Tcnwortli t. Oiunlm
Wholesale Hardware.
W "t rn agents fcr JelTerion Blcel Nulls , An U
I'owdtrt'o , Kalrbanka ftandnrd Hcalea , Corner
10th and llarney. Omaha.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , FittiiiffS , '
Btoamand Water Supplies , lleadquartera fur IlMl
FoastCo'aUuCKls. lilt i'arium st.tmaha. ) Neb.
HallidnT Wind MIlis ; nteam and Water Rn > pllM
Wumbinit Hoods , lleltlncIloie. till and VM far.
nam at. . Omnlm. H. K. Kelton , Uanacer.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines.
Steam , \Vator , Itallwar and Mllllim Xt
m , DWand KM Karnam at. , Uiiiahu. Net. _ _
Safes , Etc.
Affents for Hall's Sufo & Lock Co.s'
Fire and llnrc ar Proof Safai , Time lxck , Vault *
.ajd Jail Wort. 1WI Karnnra utreft Oinalia , Neb.
Onmlni Safe Works.
Uanufncturc-riof I'lroand liurclnrl'ronfRnfrs , Vaull
Douru , JH | | Workhliutvra nnd Wire Work. Cur.
lull mill Jackn.n . hill. , Omtbu. Neb.
Sash , Doors , Etc.
W.'A 'DlSItlTim CCO ,
IVIioloule tlnnufjctureraof '
Sash , Doni-H , Jtllnds mid Monlijlnfi'8 ,
ll'nncli o.lice , 121U and lir.rJ H3.JciSb.vh.
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doort , Blinds ,
Moulrt'/im.Hlalr ' Work and Interior Hard Wood Flnbt
Just vufu d. N. K. for. 8th und LcuTenworthHI * .
Omaha , Neb.