r ' ' . . . ' ' . . . ' . ' ' THE OMAHA. DAILY BEJS : TUESDAY. MAY : V'iS8V , : ' THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS , HO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Dcllrticdiy rnrrler In nnypnrtof the city ui twenty ctnts per w k. il. W. TILTO.V , TUI.KI'HONE * : BcprNTPfOrncr. No. 13. NIOIIT Klin on No. S3. MIXOU M v N. Y. Plumbing Co. Now spring goods at Ke'tnr's ' , tailor. DAdditional Council Oluil'ti local on pajjc fccvon Henry Meyer was yesterday lined foi being drunk. 1'ho popular resort H the Manhattan 418 liruudwiiy , Hudlu te Yonawino. A diop of nearly fifty decrees in th < thermometer made many sliivur ye&tor luy. luy.Jakn Jakn Slioun yesterday paid the Den Jilty for indulging in liis pcrlodica Bproo. Tim Dodge light guards will be inns torcd in this evening. There arc forty three curollud. heave to marry was yesterday granted to II. S. Jordan , of Crawford county tuiil Lillian Allen , of this county. For Uout I'lio store building knowi us 501 ! Uioadway , next door to a I'acilu house. Inquire of Hudio & Ycnwinc. Mr ? . Hello Main lias boon taken to the countv jail , her mind being t-o unbal anced as to make it undesirable to havt lier roiiming about. The police department now 1ms oppor tuntties to furnMi homes to girls lit would like to have a chance to work foi their board and go to school. Little Harry James , aged seven years died .Sunday evening at his home 01 North Kighth street , of rheumatism. Tin funeral occurred yesterday afternoon. Albert Ferguson was yesterday sen tcncud to thirty days in jail for larceny He is the young man who was found will a new satchel and one too many pairs ol pantaloons. The jire on Sunday afternoon was nol J. H. Hieo'a property , as was reported , but was a barn , luiy.stack and outbuild ings belonging to the Allen place , or Wood bury avenue. The young people of IJroadway M. K church will give a supper and entertain ment in the parlors of tlmlr ohurcli Thursday evening , May nth. Suppoi will bo served from 0 till 10 o'clock. J. \ \ . Caughcv yesterday purchased ol J.I ) . Kdmundscn * through thu agencj of J. ( ! . Tipton , lot a , block 1 , Hayliss fcccond addition. Mr. Cuiigliey proposes building upon it a residence at once. Justice Shurz was routed out of bed Sunday night to ISMIO a warrant for A D. Styers , who was cra/.y drunk anil making tl o air hideous in the vicinity of the canning factory. Yesterday Sty ers was lined * 5 and costs. The little .son of Mr. Carlin. who w.i1 burned by his eiotliing catching from 11 bonfire two weeks ago. died Sundaj night. The funeral will take place from the family residence , on South Kightli street , this afternoon at 4 o'clock. WIN. J. U. Medlar , whoso husband it in the employ of the Chicago , Unrlingtoii & Quiney , died of congestive chills at hot home , No. 1-1W I'leas.uit .street. Slit leaves three children , besides her hus band. The funeral services will bo belt ! this afternoon at l ! o'clock. The dropping out of a ligure " 2" makes some difference sometimes. In noting the number bapti/.ed in the the linptisl church hern during the past year tlu J5EU placed it at 8. It should have beer 23. To thus " 2" is drop out a too , too nml it is gladly corroded. The churcli is growing more rapidly than the lirsl statement indicated. Annie Christiansen , the unfortunate girl who came here from Dakota , is hav ing a serious hunt for some place of rcf ugo. She went over to Omaha , but find ing no place there where she could b < oared for , returned hero only to start oul yesterday for Sioux City on a like mis Bion. There seems to bo plenty ol chances for a man who yields to tempta tion , or who tempts a woman to sin , but for a woman every door is barred. Grovcnor , who was recently brongh back from Kansas City on a charge ol embezzlement , had u hearing befon Judge Ayleaworth yesterday. For semi reason the county attorney did not thin ! there was enough in the case to warrant i prosecution , but the Omaha linn whomadi the complaint secured private counsc and ( Jrovenor was bound over to awai the action of the grand jury , bail boiui fixed at $800. The partner of Grovenor Uesser. waived examination and was alsi bound over. Personal Paragraphs. J. F. Record , of GlcnwooU , was in tin city yesterday. Hov. H. L' . McMenomy has gone to Col ( ax for needed rest and"recreation. . M. HolbrooK and T. O. Carlisle , o Missouri Valley , made a Hying trip t the city yesterday. Superintendent J. R Kirk , of Bethany Mo. , will again conduct the teachers' in Btituto here this season. Drs. Hanchctt & Smith , ofllco No. 1 Pearl st. Residence , 120 Fourth st. Tele phone No. 10. _ Kid gloves , cream , only lOo , Goldberg's Money to loan on real estate. Counc Bluffs Real Kstato Loan and Trust Cc Room 0 , Everett block. Take a ride over the Lake Manaw railway line , then go to F. J. Day's oflie and buy an aero or a lot along or nea the lino. It will make you mouoy. Contractors and builders will find it t their interest to cot wices on linn cement , plaster , hair , etc. . from Coune Bluffs Fuel company , 03'J ' Broadway Telephone 130. Now pattern ? in Moquettos , Bodv am Tapestry Brussels just received at Conn Cil Blurts Carpet Co's. Ofllco of Mulholland & Co. , removed t In under the Citizens' bank. Tolophon No. 102. Leave your orders for ice. Will open now China Mattings Moi ilny morning. Council Blull's Carpi Company. Miss Mollfo Corcoran , dressmaker , 71 Mynstor street , between Seventh an Eighth. Latest Improved gasoline stoves at N < 604 Main btrect , \V.A.\\ood. J. G. Tipton has good houses to rout. Cheap storage in either small or ca load lota at No. 23 , 21 and 20 Pearl strce J. H. Snyder. The Ladles Choral society will moot i the Presbyterian church this afternoon t 4:30 : to rehearse for the concert of Ma 12A full attendance is requested. Ill choir door entrance. M s. D. II , DUSIINELL. A Now City Doctor. At the meeting of the board of la evening L > r. F. P. Soybort was unan niously elected as city physician.U Lucy's term having expired. The dank and decaying vegotatlon < regions newly cleared of timber , expose to the rays of the sun , is sure to brcc malaria. Dr. J. H. McLean's Chills at Fever Cure , by mild and gentle actlc wtll radically euro. 60 cuuu u bottle. MEN , Tbo Annual Eeport of Their Asaociatiot Shows Progress. THE NEW HOTEL PROJECT riromc-n Get Hot and the Invention- tlou Asked Tor Model Itosltlcncus Contracted to bo Iltillt nt Once City i'nrllnment. Annual Itoport of tbo Y. M. C. A. Another year has passed away and wi feel glad when called 11)1011 ) to give an ac count of our stewardship. How well 0111 talent ? have been used may bo t-ceu by i careful perusal of this brief report. The good l.oid of the harvest h : < s sc.31 lit to shower abundant blessings upoi our labors and to Him wo lift our heart- and voices in praise This has been by all odds the most prosperous porous year in the history of our assoeia tion. Kach year wo grow in knowledge of the work , assoll as in more practica mcfhods of how to carry it on. The greatest step in advance wa prob ably taken when the Sunday afternooi gospel service ( mixed ) was changed 01 January 1 to a meeting for young met only. Long wo had contemplated mak ing this change , but never saw the waj clearly until the above date. Sineo thoi there has linen u decided improvement there being miicli more freedom on pan of the .Miting men and more positive dc eisions to lead Christian lives. A workers' and training class has hcor established and promises to be one of tlu leading features of the ttork. In this class arc taught methods of doing Chris tian work , how to deal individually will ituiuircrs , and a bird's-eye view of Hit Bible as a whole , also of the different books therein. In the bojs1 department many bright , active lads have been enlisted , and somu of the oldci ones have become regular attendants at the religious and literary meetings.Vt lave great faith in the boys and realize that in the near future our most earnest workers will bu graduates from the boys' ' > r.anch. Literary and social work that was sus pended for a time for lack of room has jeon resumed , special arrangements laving been made to close the gymna sium on the evenings the meetings occur. These meetings are held on Tuesday .veiling of each week. A programme of .itcrary and musical exercises is pre pared and at the intermission the social element is cultivated. Large numbers of strangers attend and an effort is made to see that they all become acquainted with : ho workers ami are made to tee ! at ionic. Under the head of literary exer cises are given essays , debates , readings , recitations , general talks , character sketches , conversational , methods of conducting business , or organizing com- wnies , etc. The rooms of the association are kept open each week day from ! ) a. m. to 12 in. , from 2 to 5:20 : p. m. , and from 7 to 10 n the evening. On Sunday from 3 to 0 p. m. There is a goodly supply of pa- > ers and magazines on lilo in the road- ng room , and a number of games of skill are almost constantly in use in the > arlor. Through the kindness of our lady 'riends our rooms have been covered with velvet and brusscls. The ladies uivo also furnished us with provisions 'or several sociables and suppers. On New Year's day members of the issociation , aided by lady friends , kepi open house , and a largo number ol young men called. The Daily press Nonpareil , Glebe and Herald , of this city , and UKK and World of Omaha have aided us materially by publishing free notices ol our meetings and by donating their pub lications. Some of the best scientific , ind religious publishers have also sent us regularly free copies of their papers , Never have our citizens contributed so liberally to the support of the work as they have this year. More than $2OOC have been wisely spent. This money did not come in without earnest sohcita tion but when men have been approached in a manly way and asked to contribute the majority have willingly done so. Om aim has been to do a work that the pee pie will approve and wo know that the money will come when asked for. Tc our contributors wo desire to express oui thanks and at the same time to ask their to continue in well doing. . The secretary has kept on hand a list of good rooms for rent and suitable boarding places for young men , and lias given information of this kind to thirty- two persons. Employment has been secured cured for cloven young men. Some o : those have been sent to positions of considerable siderablo responsibility. In summing up results wo would saj that the religious department has beer well sustained and has produced excellent fruit. Fifteen young men have decided te lead Christian lives and in the workers r marked dcvelopemcut can bo seen. Th < young men's meetings on Sunday after noons at 4 o'clock are meetings of spintua power. Socially wo are reaching a multitude of young men whoso keen intellects bespeak speak for them a future of promise , am they are taking hold with a vim tha means success. Our great need now is a building. I wo had a thoroughly equipped homo o our own with plenty of room and attrac tions , this organization would bo of un told benefit to tiio city in a financial a : well as in a moral point of view. Plans are now being laid which \vi hope will develop into a substantia brick or stone structure. Such a build ing should cost not less than $25,000. I that amount is secured in the next year , i means that some must give largely am that all , friends and well wishers , as wel as the members of the association , mus go down deep into their pockets and hell all they are able. Our prayer now i that the Lord will open the hearts am pocketbooks of our benevolent , philan thropio and public spirited citizens ant cause them to bring forth the accumula ted treasures of ages , or inspire them t write checks payable to the treasurer o the association. Such a building mus bo erected before wo are fullv prepare * to do the great work in this held am before the otlicers and managers will b content. STATISTICS. Membership active C Associate nml gymnasium U Total . 2C itui.mious Mr.KTi.vns. No. held. Av. All Uospcl service ( mixed ) . . SJ 07 Uospt'l meeting ( yomiic men ) 10 63 After meeting ( joung men ) 28 21 lilble stiuty ( young men ) SO 15 Training class ( youuu men ) 17 0 Hoys' meet ins , ' 18 25 Requests for prayer 20 UTKHAIIY. Literary and social ( mixed ) 20 48 Debating club ( young men ) IS 11 llAimv Cuims. N. P. DOPOK , lien. Sec. President , Hustling For A Hotel. The move for a largo new hotel to co 1200,000 is fairly under way and wit good prospects of being a successful om The parties who proposed originally t put up such a building agreed to do so the citizens would ralso f20,000. The wanted the right to select their own loc tion and buy such a site as they saw bos The citizens who have taken hold of tli matter prefer to have something moi dcllnitc In regard to the site. The com. mtttco found that many objected to giv ing anything unless they know whore the hotel was to bo located. Other * preferred ono location to another and would give more if it was located on a certain site than if it was located on somu other site , It was therefore deemed best to have the givers offered a chance to i'\pre sa pref erence. The committee yesterday re ceived proposition- * from those "hav ing sites which they wanted to sell for this purpose. The syndicate who re cently bought the I'acllic house property for 530,000 proposed to sell it for * 40)00 ( ) if anyone would put a $200.000 hotel upon it. The corner lot , owned by W. I1. Sapp , can bo had for * 10,000 for this pur pose. The Pacific house syndicate ) also proposed that if the citi/ens would give them a if 10,00 bonus they would build a $200,000 hotel upon that sito. The Pa cific house property has a frontage on lirondwayof iu ; feet. What is known as \Voodbury property , corner of Pearl street and First avenue , has a frontage of ninety feet on Pearl street and run , back leO feet. This can be had for hotel purposes for ? : r ,000. Another silo is on moadway , cornel of Seventh street , owned by Colonel Sapp , who proposes to let it go at $200 a fiont fee ! , which would bo ! * 30)00 ( ) for the to ( ) foot front dc-ired. John Keller proposes to sell his Fourth street property , next to the Masonic tem ple , for $20,000. He has ItOfcoton Fourth street and 211 feet on Uluff street. The committee was yesterday securing subscriptions and meeting witligood .suc cess. There are many who will give lib erally for a hotel on "any site in the cen tral part of the city. Others will nat urally give moi o for one location than another , and i-an afford to do so , as they own propel ty which will bo more bcne- littod by having the hotel in one place than in another.Vii \ \ the most ot the citizens the hotel will bo as much benefit lo them in ono place as another. A mini- jcr of citi/ens have started the subscrip tion with $1,000 each. There will bi a goodly number who will give i)00 each. With Mich sums there seems no reason why whatever is needed cannot be raised it oueo United , earnest effort , with a inblic spirit which will not allow an on- : orpnse to bo stalled on a mere question of location , will readily secure not only this improvement , but many others which are greatly needed here. The committee ) on subscriptions have selected Mayor William Groneweg as rusti'o for the subscribers , with J. D. "Mmundson , J. Bercslienn and NP. . > edge as assistants , and these gentle- nen are so well known that no greater issuranco could be given the people that heir interests will be looked after wisely xnd honestly. It is the strongest assur- nice possible that whatever is given will 10 so handled as to secure the purposes or Which the money is to bo paid. Attend the glove sale at Goldberg's , Hot Firemen. There is a little Hurry in the lire de- > artinent. When the alarm came in Sunday noon Pete Kuykendall , the Irivcr , was at dinner , and Foreman Neil Vorhis was in charge of the house , there icing another of the boy.s thcro also. Neil , on receiving the alarm by tele- ihone , directed that the team be hitched ip , while ho went up stairs to send the ilarm to the other houses. Wlnlo doing so Polo came rushing in , jumped onto ho seat and away ho How to the fire , caving Vorhis behind. On reaching the ire Chief Temploton made a roar because - cause Pete left the house without Vorhis. Pete was hot and did not think ho had to wait for anybody. It was his business to ; et to the lire , and as ho thought that Vorhis was sleeping up stairs , he did lot fcol it to bo his duty to stop to awake him to attend to duty. There was some hot talk about the matter , and it is baid that Kuykendall so far forgot himself as to talk very inso- cntly to the chief , and to strike at him once. The chief yesterday laid him off duty , deeming that was the lightest pen ally which could be atlixed for so grave x breach of discipline. Kuykondall at once demanded an investigation of tbo aflair. Ho did not think lie hud done enough to warrant any such action on .ho part of the chief , and he appealed to : hc tire committee of the council. They were examining into the affair some yes- Lcrday , and their report will bo watched For by the fire lads with much interest. There has been little trouble under the chieftunship of Tomploton , and the affair is quite a surprise. Ladics'lislo thread gloves 8cGoldbergs. Thn Intcr-Rtnto haw at On awn. Mr. Christian , of Onawa , who ships considerable stock , is puzzled as to some of the charges made under the now intcr-stato law. Ho recently shipped some stock to Chicago , on which ho had to pay $37.77 n car , whereas it used to bo $70 a car. What puzzled him still more was to learn that stock shipped from sta tions further distant by twenty miles , only cost $70 a car. The difference seemed to bo in the instructions given agents in regard to taking shippers' weights. In regard to Ibaled hay , which was formerly shipped nero at $13 n car , ho states that it now costs double that amount. There U naturally a roar among such shippers at the increase of rate. The discriminations complained oi will doubtless bo presented to the com missioners for adjustment , unless amica bly settled otherwise. Four button kids 35c , Goldberg's. Silk mitts 25c , GoTtTborg's. For acre property , residences and busi ness property call on W. C. Stacy & ( Jo. , No. U Main street. J. WK. . L. Squire make beautiful abstracts of title , and deserve the suc cess they are enjoying. Children's gloves 5o at Goldberg's. . . It ( ft Ui4 ! > YIELDS TO EVERY MOVEMENT OF THE WEARER. Owing to the UUOOiUL IUSTICITI of th cloth ( which our luttvnU covfr etcluilvely ) will nt iM-rfM-tlv Itrmi time worn. Itnjulrci no breaking In. BOIKI BrrlR&Itt by sollrrafti'rbdnjf wnrn tfniUy lf not fuunit thpmoxl pKurKtrr riTTiftu , HKALTIIFUI , nd rnmfurlMble Concl ever worn. Hold bjr all tit-clasi ) deulpri 4JKOTTY BKUH. , Cblca o , III. i ) . II. McDANBLD & CO. , [ KitAbllsbod 13C1I No. HO Main Street. t i t Council Blum , COMMIShlOX MERCIIAMTS , AM ) lie A LLlia IN HIDES , TALLOW WOOL , ETl FINLEY BURKE , Attorney at Law. 504 Broadway , Up Stairs , .Council Bluflj. WASH This season's display of Wasli Fabrics , in- chiding Sateens , Ging- li a m s , Seersuckers , Chambrays , Prints , Pecales , cheviots , etc. , eclipses anything we have ever placed be fore our customers , and the prices at which we are offering these desirable goods are in many cases away be low the manufacturing cost. Special Sale in all KMS of Wash Fabrics This Week. special Sale of White Goods This Week. Special Sale of Parasols and Fans This Week. Special Sale of Laces and Eibroideries This Week. Special Sale of Ribbons This Week. For want of space we are unable to enu merate prices. All we have to say is , come to our store this week and we will surprise you with the greatest bargains ever offered over anybody's count ers. & CO. Nos. 314,316,318 , , & 320 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. N. B. Special atten tion given to all mail orders entrusted to us , also orders for samples cheerfully famished by return mail. SPECIAL NOTICES , STOTIOIE. PpcclV. mlvcitlfoments , such ns Lost , Found VoUnti.l'or 8 lt' , To Hcnt , ft ants , Ilonnllnir , do , nlll lioliiforto I in thl * toHimn nt Iho low ratuofTKNCC.NTSl'UltMNUforthonrct huer- Ion nn J h'lvo Cents I'tu-1,1 MO for e uli HUlisu iiiotil in ortkin. 1,1'iivo nJvuilUoincnts nt our ofltca NII. U IVnrl strcit , nc.ir Uroiulwur , Council tilting. WANTS. FOPNO Uut moiling , n pookHbool : con- tiilnlnir \ itltinblo ] mtcr | nnil inonov. 'J IK ; ovMiori'iiu | IR\O ttio sumo by | > n\lny for thle nutlci * . urn ! | iro\iuir proputty , liy applying tu J. T llinl < \ , No. 1"I4Vi"it llrontluny , oi at the trinsfcr " \\rANTr.D ( looil cnnva crs to sell thu litrht iminliirf SuiKor mituliltii' . Apply No. a'l Ilroiiilnuy. it SAIiU-OrTrmlu-Slv seuloin of irooil liinil In l.lni'olti rounty , Ncli . on I . 1' . lallwiiy. ( 'nil on or iiillici4 ( Udoll tlios. > V Co , U > ! I'unrl st , Council IlluttX IOlt AM-Cotnt : > lcte plnnt and uiinmm | > iit . for H. It. lirliliie work , coiHsllntf of 7 pllo ilil\oi , iiirpcntiTo tooH , tent" , luulilltiK and boiinlltiK outllt for l.Ml ini'u. I u jrond re- p.Ur. No" stnrril at Cheni'tmo , W. T. For In ventory nml toniH niUlnss.No. 13 , N. Minn fct , Cotnn.ll IllullJ , lowii , House ( J is to bo done by nearly till the ladies in the ) ) riiir. } Now is the rijylit time to do this. For ladies , it is a ( lisagrecabln but unavoid able work , anil wo make the oiler to do the most troublooomo work of all , that is TO CLKANTI1K CAlUMvTS. Wo clean the carpets , velvets , moitiottc | , brusiul.o , or any other kind of carpels * , without taking them up. Wo guarantee THAT Tin : c.Mirr.rvu.i , UK i-hitm ILV ( I.KAN' , THAT Till : ( 'OI.OKS AUK lil'MOIHM ) , and that no dust will bu loft in thu cur- pet. We guarantee our work and refer to prominent parties in this city. Send us a postal card and wo will call upon > ou and explain in what wav our cleaning takes place. C ! . A. KISIIKK. Horses ยง Mules For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail and in lots. Large quantities to select ( torn. Several pairs of fine drivers , t > ingle - gle or do-ible. MM WISE , Council Bluffs Star Sate Stab/es and Mule Yards Uroadwny , Council lllulfs , Opp. Dummy Depot e II f. _ Horses und mules _ kcpt constantly on hand , for siiiu r.t retail or in car loads Orders promptly lilled by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission. SUM ; I-KU & UOLEV , Proprietors. Telephone No , 114 Formerly of Kcil Sale. Stables , corner 1st. avo. and 1th street. TME TROTTING STALLIONS , DR. ARCHIBALD ( Standard No. 2915) ) Sired byAlmontNo HI ) , and "Kcpistor. " ( Standard No. r.812. Sired by Tramp No. 808. These stallions will make the season of 1887 at tbo Coun cil Blutts Driving Park. For particulars inquire of or address , WADE GARY , Council Bluffs , la. C. R. ALLEN , JVb. 11 Forth Main St. City and county mnps , of cities and count loa | n western luwn , Nebraska and Kansas. 9 CROCKERY , LAMP J ASSWARE , FINE POTTERY. Prices Very Low , W. S. HOMER & Co. , NO. 23 M/l/A ST. , COUNCIL KLVFFS , : : I A. OFFICER dS PUHEY , Council BIufTs.Iowa. Established 185T. Announces that Ills stock of Finelmportcd SpringMillinery In Choice Shapes ol Hats & Bonnets , TOBother with a LaryeLlne of Novelties In Fancy Ma terials is now Itcady for Your Careful Jnpectlon. 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha , JOHN V. bTONK. JACO11 SlUd STONE & S/MS , Attorneys at Law , ractice in the State and Federal Courts. Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-lieno Block. COUNCIL BI.UFKS. E. S. BAltNETT , Justice oi the Peace , 415 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Refers to any bank or business house in the city. Collections a specialty. 11. JtlCE , M. D. Cancers and other Tumors Removed without the knile or Drawing o Blood. Over 80 vears Practical experience. No. 11 Pearl St , Council Bluffs. HARKNESS BROTHERS ! Headquarters for Good Goods ! We are still to be found on the Old Camp Ground Broadway , Council Bluffs , la With the largest and best selected stock of Carpets ever brought to this city. Our stock of Dress Goods comprises the finest fabrics , and also the most substantial but less costly. Those wishing good goods and as represented "J sented will not fail to give us a call."J SAMPLES AND PRICES SENT BY MAIL. Don't Forget the Place , No. 4O1 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. A. n. RIVE . E. W. 11AYMON& RICE & RAYMOND Real Estate Brokers , No. 13 North Main Street. Lower Floor First National Bank Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa. TELEPHONE NO. 239. GARDEN HOSE , Steam , Gas and "Water Pipe NEW YORK PLUMBING COMPANY , No 552 Broadway. - Council Bluffs , Iowa Mall Orders Shipped Promptly. O. J" . OOLIBT. , Real Estate Broker and Dealer Connt'll Blitffr Oillco , BInnoiilc ' Temple. OiiuilmOlllceNo 111 -r North lOlli direct. I'nrtleulnr attention given to In venting fund * for non - reftl- ( leiiti * . Special bargain * In lot * & iiere property In Omiiliu & Conn * ell IlliiHM. CorrCNpondciiec HO lic it c < l. Swanson Music Company , No. 329 Broadway Council Bluffs ESTEY PIANOS , GAMP & CO.'S PIANOS , ALSO PIANOS OF OTHER MAKKS. Estey Organs , Gamp& Co.'s ' Organs and Western GottageOrgans A few comments regarding the Kstcy Pinno * . In every clvili/.eil country on the clobo the name of Kst ( > y is a household word with lovers of music ; it is : i ciiariintaa for thu exquisite quality of tonu in musical instruments . , bearing thu name thut com mands confidence , admiration and enthusiasm. REAL ESTATE , Vacant l.ot , Lands , City Residence * nnd Farms. Aero property In western iiart of city. All selllni ; ihcnp to roako room for sprlnK block B. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , lloora 6 , over Officer A Pusoy'a Bank , Couno Ululli. ir. L. UIGGS , Justice of the Peace. No 004 llroadway , Council Ulufl'u. FllAXK. S. HICK , CIVIL ENGINEER , Design * , eiflmatcB and report ! on vladuutH , foundation ! nnd Blue print * of liny elio and iiuuntltr. onicoNol3N. Main St. , First National Uanta jv. scnujtz , Justice of the Peace. OHleooMir Anierlrnn Express. ORESTON HOUSE. The only Hotel in Council Bluffs Having a Firi Escape , V ll And All Modern Improvement * . ' ' il " 215 , 817 and 319 Main St. MAX M01IN , Prop.