THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , AFHIL 29 , 1887 ; THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OFFICE , NO. IS , PEARL STREET. Delivered by carrier In nny pert of the city at twenty cents per wuok. II. W. TILTOX . . . Manafcr. TKr.r.pnoNr.3 ! BCSTKTPS OrncE , No. 43. NIGHT EDITOIt No. 25. 1MINOH M13NT10.V. N. Y.Plumbing Co. New spring goods nt Rotter's , tailor. Gcorgo . Thompson &Co real estate Some of the Ramblers expect to join in the tournament at St. Louis May 1. The popular resort is''The Manhattan , " 418 Broadway. Rudio & Yeiiawino. Herman Kclloy's now marble shop on North Main street is about ready for oc cupancy. Tlio business men's club will organize at the Ogden house to-morrow evcuing. Thcro should bo a full attendance. Tor Rent The store building known ns 500 Broadway , next door to I'licilio house. Inquire ol Rudio & Yciiawiuc. Marriage permits were issued yester day to T. R. Smith , of Omaha , and Carrie Jane Danieln , of this city : Charles 11. Snook andKli/.a S. Hume , both of this city. city.Jim Snoddcrly is said to have taken up his residence in South Omaha. IB it pos sible that this accounts for the troubles which arc being aired up so freely just nowv A. A. Lane , hailing from Chicairo , had the distinction of being the only one brought before thu bar yesterday for ivnving that prohibition docs not pro- libit. Fred Zollor , nged fifteen months , son of Jacob /oiler , died yesterday morning. The funeral will take place at the resi dence. No. 1U3 Broadway , this afternoon at 8 o'clock. The policemen's ball is to take place at the temple hall May 5. The citizens should buy tickets , whether they can at tend or not. The boys merit a rousing benefit and tlio bull is only an annual. An information was filed m Justice Schurz's court yesterday charging Fred llink with trespass. Fred is said to have gene upon land belonging to T. J. Evans and hauled away about f 10 worth of sand. All who arc interested in the growth of Council Bluffs should bu present to-night nt the mass meeting called by the mayor , nnd it is to bo hold in the opera house. Matters of importance are to bo pre sented. A large quantity of provisions , bread , groceries , etc. , was loft over from tlio least Wednesday night. It was divided among some of the poor of the city , the Cottage hospital and the Homo of the Friendless. The Grand Army committees would re quest that parties having cooking uten sils , baskets , crocks , etc. . containing do nations to the dinner , will call immedi ately and get them , as they do not know to whom they belong. Married , by Roy. D. H. Cooley , April 28 , nt the residence of David Daniels , in Garner township , Thaddeus R. Smith , of yioronce , Neb. , and Miss Carrie J. Dan- iels. The bride is a nlcco of the late Gen eral Gcorgo B. McClollan. Charles Pfeiffcr , of St. Joseph , who had the contract for the cut stone of the new court i"'j use , is in the city. All of his part of theVork was long since completed ex cept the cleaning down. Now that the weather is favorable that will bo pro ceeded with. Tress of other business demanding his attention , Mr. C. H. Judson has tendered his resignation as general manager of the American District Telegraph company of this city. Though he leaves the ollicc , bo still retains his interest in the concern and remains on the board of directors. The Cottage hospital will realize over | 200 by thn entertainment given by the veteran. * . The hospital is doing a most worthy work and necd.s funds to carry it on. Besides helping so worthy an insti tution the contributors and participants had a full return for their donations and money by the merry time which resulted from the gathering. In making the tower in the center of the now court house arrangements arc being provided for the hanging of four electric lights iivn foot above the topmost part , no that no shadow mav fall to any distance. Tboro are stair ยง 6y which who ever is to attend to the lights can reach them without any very dizzy climb. The ling staffs for the building arc being put upon the corner turrets. There is a strong disposition * on the part of some business houses , which are fortunate enough to have n frontage on Pearl street and also on feMaiu street , to use tlio Pearl street side as if it was an alloy. Boxes , barrels and rubbish are placed on the sidewalk with a reckless disregard to the rights of pedestrians , or the looKs of the street. The city marshal shonld take u business trip along Pearl street. Cole & Cole are furnishing A number I of the heaviest contractors with all thcii I Bupplios and tin work. This enterprising firm can figure closer than the eastern wholesale tlrnis who work for western trade. Officer Slovens was nuiotlv married in Omaha yesterday to Miss Llbbio Brown , of Crescent City. The event was a sur prise to his friends hero. For aero property , residences nnd busl ness property call on W. C. Staoy'o. . , No. t > Main street. Joking a Joker. Gcorgo Rudio of "The Manhattan" is c good deal of a joker himself. Not sc much of a ono , though , as what ho has been. Ho has a serious cast in his eyi now. A young business man , A friend and patron , came in yesterday forenoon will a bundle. "Say , George , I want to get some cigars. You can keep this pair of boob for them. They belong to Frank , and when ho comes in after them you make him pay for the cigars before you giv them up. lie played that kind of a tricl on me once , and I want to got oven They're his best boots. " Gcorgo smiled at the prospect of fun sot up tlio cigars , nnd concluded he migh AS well siuoko himself , too , on the boots The package was laid behind thi counter , and there were several man smokes charged up to the boots , as thi boys got hold of the joko. Yesterday afternoon Frank came in Ho had heard that his boots were there lie wanted them , Couldn't have then until he paid the charges 91.00. Hi wouldn't stand It. Got hot. Swore tha Gcorgo might kcop the boots. Wouldn' Bay anything. George finally opono ( the bundle to see what manner of boot they woro. They proved to bo an eli pair , long since post the point when they were worth patching even. I began to dawn through George's jell ; brain that Frank and his comrade'ha < been working the house , and had got i day's smoking on the strength of a pal of old boots , not worth throwing awaj George Is wiser , sadder. Miss Mollie Corcoran , dressmaker , 71 Myuator street * , between Seventh an Eighth. Office of Mulholland & Co. , removed t in under the Citizens'bank. Tolophon No. 103. Leave your orders for ico. Official scores of all- league base bal games will bo posted at "Tho Manual tan" each day , > . , THE MAMWA MOTOR LINE The Enterprise Assured and To-Day All Arrangements Will Bo Made. NO HOME FOR ERRING WOMEN Tlio Sale of tlio ClarlndA Drnnoh of the AVnbaoli Not to Take IMuco ToDay - Day Tlic Gl.itulorcd llnrao Cuso nits of Bar News. The Mnniuvn Ilnllwnr. Yesterday nftcrnoon the Lake Manr > wa railway company held a meeting at the parlors of the 1'acilic house. Mr. J. K. Graves , o ( Dubuque , a well known cap italist , was present , and It was to confer with him , and close arrangements which have been pending , that the meeting was held. As a result the announcement is made that the enterprise is practically assure' ' ! , and thai , tlio contract will bo closed at onto , and work commence forthwith. The road is to bo bu lit by Mr. Graves and Air. J. J. Brown'of this city. The citizens give them < v bonus fo-r build ing the road , and this bonus .has been all pledged with the exception of $500. To day mi attempt will bo madn to secure this amount , and that it will bo readily raised there is no shadow of doubt. The citi/.ens cannot allotil to let a few dollars stand in the way of tlio speedy starting up of this enterprise , and with the plcdg- inc of this $500 there is noUiiug to pre vent the work going right along. The road is to bo a motor one , to run the year around , and will cost nearly $50,000. Mr. Graves yesterday purchased a handsome tract of land on the proposed route of the road , and will by thus be coming interested in the city not only secure for himself a goodly return on his investments , but will prove a valuable addition to the ranks of those who are working for the interests of the citv. The citizens have an easy gap to fill tins morning between the probability of a , line to Manawa and its absolutecer tainty. The gap will be filled with the $500 before the suu gets noon high. Erring Out Human. A few days ago Olliccr Unthank was approached by a Danish girl , who said slio was anxious to find soiuo place to work. She was a stranger in tlio city , and came hero from Dakota. The ollicer asked her why she loft there , whether she could not got work there , etc. , and the only reason the girl assigned for thus coming hero was that she felt that it was this much nearer Denmark. The girl was evidently homesick and worried , and the kind hearted officer took a little pains to lind her a homo. Ho secured for her employment in a family on Avenue A. It did not take the lady long to discover that the girl had duo cause to feel worried. She is in such n condition of health that will soon unfit her for do ing any housework , and with no homo , and no friends to care for her her condi tion is deplorable. The family with whom she is now stopping cannot keep her , and the girl scorns to have no plaee to go whore she can bo properly cared for during her illness. An attempt was made to get her taken into the Cottage hospital , but there is DO room for her. An appeal was made to the Homo of the Friendless , but she could not be taken in thcro. The county has no poor house now , and so the outlook ia rather dark. The case is one which presents an excel lent chance for thn showing of practical charity , and it is to bo hoped that some kindly hearted person may urovido soiuo chance for the girl. Undo Ham's Doings. Judge Love was expected hero soon to finish up some business of the term , but yesterday Deputy Clerk Hunter received word from him that instead of coming hero ho would finish the matters at Des Moines on the 10th of next month , and directed the clerk to report , thcro with the necessary books and papers. It is expected that a decision will bo then given in the Wabash cases. The sale of the Clarinda branch of the Wabash system has been advertised to take place at noon to-day. It is expected that the sale will bo postponed for a month. The Other Side. The squabble which has led to thu ar rest of two men , Taylor and Dyer , for soiling a glandered horse to Elmer More- house , of this city , has several sides to it. The Ilarrlbon County News elves the fol lowing details of the affair as viewed by the Morohouso side : On Friday , of last week , one Elmer More- house , of Council Bluffs , came to Jlomlmnin. accompanied by the city marshal of Council Ululfg. They had In their possession war rants for two of our citizens , namely John Taylor and William Dyer. They hunted up our city marshal and broke the news gently to him , assuring him that they had no desire to take the above named pentfemen from out midst If they would only put up money enough to satisfy their claim. Our marshal referred tbem to Constable Watts , who would conduct tbem to the residences ol their victims. This done , they lost no time in trying to effect a settlement with the pris oners , assuring them they very much pre ferred to settle the matter and let them go , offering at first to take 3250 and cnllli square , but finally reduced the amount to 8125 , and in lieu of money would take a good note. One of the prisoners , John Taylor , became very much frightened at the prospect of being carried away from home and cast into prison without a friend to assist , and was actually scared Into the act of ilvinr a note for Slir , and attempted to have Mr , William Cllnkenbenrd , his father-in-law , sign with him aa security. Mr. Clmkenbeaiu however , refused , and sent word to the pris oners to stand trial first , and then If thej owed anything bo would assist them In pay. ing It. Mr. Cllnkonbeard , however , did not understand that the prisoners were to be taken to Council Bluffs to bo tried for lack ol the necessary funds to settle the matter. The grounds upon which the nrrusts were mntlc are , aa near as could bo ascertained , as fol lows : Some six or seven months ago Tayloi and Dyer were down to Council Bluffs ant Omaha working with others from this place or public works. During this time Dyer , one of ttio'prlsoncrs , traded a horse belonging t < the other prisoner , Tavlor , to the aforesaid Elmer Morchousc , of Council Bluffs. It nov transpires that tlio aforesaid Morehouso has come to the conclusion , at this late day , thn the Taylor horse for which ho traded Is clan derod , and on the grounds that It was slan dered when he traded for It he holds Messrs Taylor and Dyer criminally responsible foi having disposed of the anlmnl to him , a cas < which , If the parties are guilty , can bosettlei by no terms which the prosecution ma ] make In the matter according to law Messrs. Taylor and Dyer were taken tt Council lllutls , gavn a preliminary trial with out any witnesses and bound over to appea there for trial , May 0. After trial they wen committed to jail until balled out by Mi Wm. Cllnkerbcard and Mr. Shepard , o Council Bluffs , and returned home Sunday In the meantime a warrant was Issued fo Mr. Morehouso , and Constable" Watts let Saturday evening with his prisoner. More house Is held for the crime of extortion b making malicious threats to prosecute thi parties for a crime of which they were no guilty. The case was continued several day to enable defendant to secure good couuse and the end Is not yet. Onawa Oratory. The following specimens of orator , were captured ns they foil from the lip of an Onawa attorney at n recent scssioi of court : "Tho heart ia locked in tn depths of the caverns of the human bodj the umd is enshrouded in a bulk of 1m man Hcsh ; the soul has taken its ov'ci lasting fligbxto realms of bites , butwoul the witness toll a lie * Gentlemen of the jury : When your feat for tlio hist time tread the sacred place whore your bodies now He entombed , and you reach the gate of that Celestial city , then will you say under your oaths , gentlemen of the jurv , that thorn horses do not belong to the intcrvcnor. " IIc Don't Honrc. Judge Connor recently received a letter containing dlro threats , with pictures of skull and cross-bones , and blotches of red ink , to indicate blood. Ho smiled , and laid it aside with other curiosities. Grand Army Hoys. The committees of the Veteran legion and Grand army posts of this city wish to return hearty thanks to all the generous citizens who in any manner 'aided in the entertainment of the 2th inst. , and particularly to the ladies of Cottage hospital , and all others who ren dered such invaluable services , and gave uch lavish supplies of provisions , bo- ides giving time and labor in the enter- ainnictit and supper. Also to the Ha- varian band for their generous help , and 0 the Glee clubs , and Miss Nellie latcher , for their kind assistance on that evening. They feel that the dinner , supper and ball was a grand success for 1 most worthy object , and all will ro- oico in the solid bcnelits rendered the Cottage hospital. Personal I'arncraphs. Judge hanborn , ot Malvern , is in the city.A. . A. S. Harvey , of Logan , was among hose at the Pacific yesterday. Mr. Buiitty and George Bollon , of Dmv City , were at the 1'aeilic yesterday. II. 11. Obcrhnlzor has so far recovered rom his illness as to bo able to bo out. Mayor Strockor , cf Logan , enjoyed limself hugely at the gathering of vet erans. Ira Grason is sulVunng from a sprained inkle , caused by too speedy a jump out of Ins delivery wairon. Ex Alderman Henry Drvwson and laughter , now of Mnryrilio , Mo. , arc visiting old friends here. Mr. McCullough , of the Richmond fire alarm company , is hero , making head quarters at the Ucchtclo. Mayor George E. Cole , of Pacific June- Jon , was among the most enthusiastic attendants at the camp firo. Robert Mingus and Will Midilloton , of IMS Vegas , N. M. , arc visiting relatives icro. icro.Miss Miss Norma Thompson , who hns been visiting her brother , Gco. W. Thompson , returned to her home in Kockford last evening. Fred \Vcstrup \ , the ynrdmastcr of the Jhicago & Northwestern , is rapidly get ting the better of the rheumatism. He will soon bo on duty again. Mrs. O. W. Butts and her son of this city , and Mrs. J. W. Nadlchofler , of Joliet , Ills. , who have spent the last six months in southern California , returned yesterday. Charles Bray , son of Theodore Bray , who is book-keeper for the contractors , J. J. Brown & Co. , with headquarters at Cheyenne , is reported as lying quite ill lit a hotel in that city. Marshal Turley is able to drive out on pleasant days , and it is hoped that ha will live long enough to read many timeo ; he obituary notice with which the even ing papers favored him some months igo. igo.Mrs. Mrs. W. II. Taylor loft vestorday for a visit 19 her old home in Marseilles. 111. she will probably bo gene two months. ' ) u her return it is probable that she and icr husband will take up their residence in Hastings , that point being moro con venient for him in reaching the trade of the territory over which ho travels. J. WE. . L. Squire make beautiful abstracts of title , and deserve the suc cess they are enjoying. Drs. Hanchctt & Smith , office No. 12 Pearl st. Residence , 120 Fourth st. Tele phone No. 10. Money to loan on real estate. Counci Bluffs Real Estate Loan and Trust Co. Room 0 , Everett block. Contractors and builders will find it to their interest to get prices on lime , cement , plaster , hair , etc. , from Council Blufl's Fuel company , D39 Broadway. Telephone 130. Mass Meeting Friday Evening. There will bo a mass meeting of citi- xons of Council Bluffs in Dohanoy's opera house on Friday evening , the 29th , at 8 o'clock sharp. The object of this meet ing is to take into consfdcration'mcasurcs of vital importance to the city of Council Bluffs. A special invitation is extended to every lady and gentleman interested in the future of the city to attend this meeting. W. M. GKONEWEQ , Mayor. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special advertisements , inch as Lost , Found /oLoanFor Bale , To Rent , Wants , Boardlnir , etc. , will be Inserted Jo thii column at the loir rate of TEN CENTS PER LINE for the Am loser- Ion and Klve Conti Per Llneforoach subsequent insertion. Leave advertisements nt our office No. 13 Pearl street , near Broadway , Council Bluffs. WANTS. BALE-Or Trade-Six sections of good FOK io Lincoln county. Nob. , on U. P. railway. Call on or nddrvas Udell Uroa. & Co. , 103 Pearl St. , Council lllutTn. Two Oral-class waist makers and WANTED maker. Mrs. l > . P. Harden , Mo , 728 First avenuo. SALK-Comnlot * plant and equipment FOK R. R. bridge work , consisting of 7 pile drivers , carpenters tools , tents , bedding and boarding outfit for 1M men. In good re pair. Now stored at Clienenno , W. T. For In ventory and terms oddrcssNo. 13 , N , Mam tit. , Council Uluffi , Iowa , OFFICER dJ PUSEY , Council Bluirs.Iowa. Established 1857. JOHN V. STONE. JACOD SIII3 STONE & SIMS , Attorneys at Law , ractice in the State and Federal Courts. Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Beno Block. COUNCIL BLUFFS. CROCKERY , LAMPS , GLASSWARE , AND FINE POTTERY. Prices Very Low , W. S. HOMEK & CO. , JVO. 23 MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , I t I A. FINLEY BURKE Attorney at Law. 604 Broadway , Dp Stair * , ' . Council BluflAr EISEMAN'S Greatest Sale Begins Monday , April 26tli. SPECIAL SALES Id EVER ! OE- Rend Every Word of This and Re On aland Tor Your Share of the Hosiery Sale , 600 dozen good Balbriggau and fancy striped Hose in nil sizes ; misses and children's sizes from 4 to 8 } , and Indies' n sizes 8 } , 0 , 0 } , nil at 3 pairs for 25c. Others sell these ut 15c to 25c per pair. 800 dozen ladies' , misses and children's , all sizes and colors , Ingrain , Lisle Thread and Balbryrgans , full regular and fast colors , 25o per pair. Never before offered for sale less than 40c. 200 dozen best Lisle Thread , opera length , ladies' Hose , 81 to 9 { , in hair line itripo , fancy plaids , now ecru shades , all best quality , COc per pair. Always sold at $1 per pair. One case Ilockford Mixed Gents' Half Hose , 4 pairs for 25c. One case Gents' British Half Hose , 2 pairs for 25c. ! 8 cases best Gnnts' C. G. French , Hal- briggan and British Hose , in plain and colors , at23c , regular price , 5flc per pair. The above arc without doubt the best values ever offered at any special sale. Handkerchief Sale , For Monday ONLY wo offer 1000 dozen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs with fancy borders , 2 for 5c. Usually sold at lOo. 1 case fancy Hemstitched Handker chiefs at lOc each , or 3 for 2oc. Usually sold at 20s each. 1 case Linen Hemstitched Handker chiefs , in plain white and fancy borders , at ICc , Usually sold at 25c or ! JOe each. 1 case assorted fine Shire Linen Hand kerchiefs , hemstitchedwith embroidered corners , at 25c. Sold elsewhere as high as ? 5c each. This Handkerchief sale offers extra bargains and-ouly lasts during Monday. lace Sale , We offer as special sale Oriental , Tor chen nnd Silk Laces during the week ; also Flounces to match. Elegant new stock to select from. Special uttcntion'is called to our largo and complete stock of Chantillas , Lscurials and Spanish Laces in black and cream. Embroideries , Will bo sold thls-weok at lo , 3o. 5c , 7o , lOo , 12c } , 15o up to 2Go per yard. Just one-half their former prices ; iUao-15-inch llouncing with narrows to match at grcutlyrcduceJ prices. Special attention given to all of dcrs cntruHted to uo by mull. PEOPLE'S STORE. 1105,314,316,318,320 Broadway , , , , , COUNCIL BLUFFS. REAL ESTATE , Yucant Lota , I-miJ.a , City Residences and Fnrnis. Acrd property la > voatcrn part of city. All solllutr chcup to mtku room fur spring stock B. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , ItoomD , over Olllcor & I'usoy's Dank , Con no FJtAXK S. It WE , CIVIL ENGINEER , Designs , citlmntos niirt reports on lirldiros , viaduct * , foutiilAtlons tind pcnonil enKliiccrtnff. Blun prlntH oT uiiv slfco mid muuiUty. onico No 13 N. Hnlu tit , , First National Dante Block. Justice of the Peace. Otllco over American Express. ir. L. BIGGS , Justice of the Peace. No iiOi Broadway , Council Bluffs. Horses i Mules For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail and in lots. Large quantities to select from. Several pairs of fine drivers , sin gle or doMblc. Council Bluffs Star Sale Stabfes and Mute Yards llroudwny. Council Uluffs.Opp. Uuniiuy Depot DepotS caw w 3 Horses and mules kept constantlyon hand , for sale at retail or in car loads Orders promptly filled by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission. SHLDTKK & BOLKV , Proprietors. Telephone No , 114 Formerly of Keil Sale. Stables , corner 1st. ave. and -Itli street. TiE : TROTTING STALLIONS , DR. ARCHIBALD ( Standard No. 2916) ) Sired by Almont No 33 , and "Register , " ( Standard No. 5812. Sired by Trump No. 308. These stallions will mnko the season of 1887 at the Coun cil Bluffs Driving Park. For particulars inquire of or address , WADE GARY , Council Bluffs , Ia. 1 will l > e at the Pacific IIotelCoun- cll Bluffs , every Saturday forenoon. OmahaDcntal Association removed to Ilcllman Block , cor. 13th and Farnam. Best sets teeth * 0 , fully warranted. All operations rendered painless by tlio use of our new anesthetic. Dr. Haughawout , Manager. Announces that Ills stock of Finelmported SpringMillinery In Choice Shapes ol Hats & Bonnets , Together with a LargelAnc of Noveltlesin Fancy Ma terials Is now Ready for Your Careful Inspection. _ 1514 Douglis St. i Omaha. _ OEESTON HOUSE , The only Hotel in Council Bluffs Having a Fire Escape. And All Modern Improvements. 215 , 217 and 210 Main St. MAX MOIIN , Prop. O. R. ALLEN , No. 11 North Main St. City ana county maps , of cities and counties In western loirn , Nebraska and Kansas. LATEST NOVELTIES lu Amber , Toi toincShcll ctc.Hair Or naincnts , as 5- , , well us tlio 'I newest nov Celtics in hair goods. Mri.C.L. Gillette 29 Main street. Out of town work so licited. D. H. tti . .NELD & CO. , No. MO Main Street , t i i Council COMMISMO.V MEKG'IIA.Vi'S , AMI DCALrilH IX HIDES , TALLOW WOOL , ETC ELECTRICITY ! r- DR , RICHARD'S ' Electric Bath Rooms and Office Ko , 607 Mynsiar St , , Council Bluffs. One Square North of the P. O. Building. Treatment and Baths Given by Mrs. Dr. Rich ards on Tuesday , Thursday & Saturday. Electricity is a remarkable natural agent which has long been known and utilized as a remedy for disease , and continued experience lias enlarged its sphere of usefulness - ness and improved its appliances by which it is employed until its utility and virtue has become second to no other known remedy , in the treatment of certain forms of disease. This agent is employed here in all its most serviceable forms by the aiil of large batteries , static machines , electric cabinet baths , electric water baths , the elec tric chair and electrodes for treating all parts of the boily. We arc prepared to do all that can be done with these great remedies , in cases of Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Paralysis , Spinal Irritation , Rectal Diseases , Nervous Diseases in females arrising from Uterine disorders and many other chronic and subacut troubles. It stands at the bead of all known remedies or methods cure. A thorough study of it for years and the successful treatment of thousands of cases , after all other remedies had fail ed , is sufllcient evidence of its great worth and perfectly satisfies us with ils good effects on the diseased body. In the great hospital and sanitarians of America and Europe , electricity is leading nil other methods of treatment. In all leading colleges the professors arc teaching electricity as one of the potent * remedies and a special chair is appointed in inDiiy of them. 'Many of the ablest physicians of all schools are making a specialty of clectricitv to the exclusion of almost everything else. This great remedy has often fallen into disrepute by being recommended and used by persons , and physicians , perfectly ignorant of its properties and powers , who would advise and use the wrong currant as the right one or depend upon it in diseases for which it is not adopted. We are sure that when the people become ed ucated in the use of electricity for many diseases with which the body Is afflicted and find the great gaod therein , the medicines and patent righted nostrums upon which they now rely will grow old and dusty on the shelves. Electricity is nature's great remedy and to fully understand and skilfully apply it is our effort and aim inFer For further information call at the office or send for de scriptive and illustrated pamphlet on Electricity and Electro Thoropeutic Baths , by DR. RICHARDS , 607 Mynster Street , Council Bluffs , Ia. GARDEN HOSE , Steam , Gas and Water Pipe v NEW YORK PLUMBING COMPANY , No 552 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , Iowa Mall Orders Shipped Promptly. O. J" . Real Estate Broker and Dealer Council Bliifft Ofllec , Masonic Temple. Omnlm OHlcc , No 111 North JOth street. Particular attention given to In venting fundM for non - rent- dentH. Special bargains In lot * & aero property In Omaha V Coun cil lilufltf. Correspondence solic ited. Swanson Music Company , No. 329 Broadway . Council Bluff * ESTEY PIANOS , CAMP & CO.'S PIANOS , ALSO PIANOS OF OTHEU MAKES. Estey Organs , Camp& Go.'s Organs and Western Got tags Organs A few comments regarding the Estey Pianos. In every civilized country on tha globe the narno of Kst < > y is n household word with lovers of music : it is a guarantee for the exquisite quality of tone in musical instruments , bearing the uamo that com * A mands confidence , admiration and enthusiasm. A. 17. SICE. E. W. RAYMOND , BICE & RAYMOND Real Estate Brokers , No. 13 North Main Street. Lower Floor First National Bank Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa. TELEPHONE NO. 239. FARM LANDS CHEAP Farming Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from $5.00 to ? 10.00 per aero. School and htato lands In Minnesota on 30 years' time 0 per ent interest. Land Buyers fare free. Information , etc. , given by 3 ? . 3P. -CTSTIVr.jrE' , No. 555 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Towa , agent for Freidrikscu & Co. , Chicago. < Sc ( Successors to ) HAYS & GLEASON , Commission and Produce Merchants , Dealers in Croccrtcs and Provisions. Satisfaction Guaranteed , No. 11 South Main Street. E. S. BA11NKTT , Justice oi the Peace , 415 Broadway , Council Blull's. Refers to any bank or business house in the city , . Collections a specialty4 It. ItlCE , M. D. Cancers and other Tumors Removed without the knitc or Drawing M Uloocl. OvcriW vears" Practical experience. No. 111'ear ) St. , Council. Bluffs. . - .