Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1887, Page 5, Image 5
Wrb THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : .MONDAY. APRIL 25. 1887 , 5 ECAN HELD IN niCll ESTEEM No One in Lincoln Believes ! the Tory Charges Against Him. STRONGLY ENDORSED AT HOME. Gossip About Potter's Resignation From tlio liurlliiRton Stout 1'itr- clmRCs tlio Capital Hotel A. City Hospital MoTciucnt. IFKOM TIIEnKK'S MS COf.M nUItKAU.l The recent prominence given to Patrick Kgan in the bitter debate in the English house of commons has attracted much attention in Lincoln , where Mr. Kgan is well known anil greatly esteemed. When Patrick Kgan , to escape persecution and to save his shattered fortune , left the land of his birth to become an American citizen and selected Lincoln as his home , were nonu at the capital city but accorded him a cordial welcome. The past four years' resilience in the city by Mr. Kgan has only the more strongly cemented the friendships thus formed nnd there are none in the capital city but feel the aspersions cast by the tory press and government against him as false and vicious falsehoods. Said one of the most prominent and in fluential citizens of Lincoln , and of the ntatc as well , who traces no Irish blood iu his lineage : "Tho repeated attacks in England , and the assertion that Mr. Egan i ? , or ever has been , an associate with criminals and murderers , is an out rage that citizens of every nationality in this , Mr. Egan's adopted home , would bo only too glad to resent. " To those acquainted with Patrick Egan , socially or in a business way , there arc. none but realize how thor oughly ho is in earnest in his efforts for his native country , and they know equally as well that he is in every way a vigorous opponent to every measure pf redress outside the pule of tlio law. The 'letter of Mr. Kgan's to the under secre tary of Ireland , published yesterday , is a fair index of the willingness of Mr. Egan to meet the charge of being n criminal. If , in the course of this procedure , Mr. Egan should go to Dublin to face the criminal charges the English government are prcfenng against him , his going from Lincoln would bo with a bauking of which any one would bp proud , and his return would bo an ovasion. Mil. rOTTKll'S UKSIUNATION. The news of the resignation of General Manage Potter , of the Burlington route , created a ripple of Sunday excitement in railroad circles at the capital city yrstcr- day. Judging from the few opinions that could bo gleaned yesterday , tlio res ignation will not cause any extensive regrets - grots among the Burlington people in tbis vicinity. Lincoln people nave al ways regarded Mr. Touzalin's connection with the Chicago , Burlington & Qrumcy system as of particular favor to this im mediate place , and Mr. Potter has never tilled the vacancy in the view of old rest- dentcrs. People who are posted have recognized the fact since Mr. Potter has been at the head of the Burlington sys tem that ho was not the man to Nebraska that Mr. Perkins or Mr. Touzalin had been. Mr. Potter's position has been re garded among railroad men as not of es pecial interest to Nebraska in the estab lishment of permanent improvements. Under Mr. Potter's management the mileage in Nebraska of the Chicago , Burlington & Qulnoy system has quad rupled , and a prominent and observing citizen of the state , only a short time Ince , was commenting on the fact that in this great increase of mileage under the Potter management but little if any additional outlay had been made in Nebraska in in the increase of shops for construction and repairs , or in the increase of tablished manufacturing and repair shops. It has been understood , to the contrary , that the policy of Mr. Potter bos been to throw all manufacturing work for the Nebraska- lines eastward to Aurora and Burlington , instead of doing this class of business in the territory where the work was needed. The BKK representative yesterday , in convent * tion with a B. & M. man looatod at Liu- coin , was informed that in the opinion ol thidgentloman the procedure in this re- garu would bo changed , and that under the management of Mr. Perkins some important plants would bo located in No braska. Mil. STOUT THE Saturday afternoon the cash and papers passed hands which transferred the Capitol tel hotel building from the ownership of Kitchen Bros , to W. 11. B. Stout. On the 1st of May Mr. E. P. Roggon , the lessee of the house under the new ownership , will assume control as landlord , and tlio always popular hostlery will undoubtedly remain as popular aa ever. Mr. C. W. Kitchen , who has owned and managed the hotel the past year , is much esteemed by Lincoln people , who regret that the sale will take him from the capital city. Where Mr. Kitchen will locate is not stated , but it is understood that an advan tageous offer awaits him at Pueblo , Colo. MOVING Foil A HOSPITAL. A decided movement has set in of late for a city hospital in Lincoln , and the agitation of the question iu the press of the city has brought favorable responses from a ) great many prominent nnd pro gressive citizens. The many lines of . railroads centering in the city bring a great many of the victims of accidents to tliis point for treatment , and often it is a struggle to secure suitable accommoda tions and attendance for those. The city has also now , according to the en thusiastic boomers , a population of 40.000 people , and the argument is truth fully made that no city of that magni tude should be without a city'hospital. NOT A NEW COUrOKATlOH. The American Loan and Trust com pany asks that a correction bo made of an article published n few days ago as to the articles of incorporation of this com pany. The articles published were amended articles , the company itself having been in business for the past two years , nnd the amended articles wen ; tiled to allow the company to increase its business and handle more than was contemplated at its lirst organization. The amended articles , as tiled , were signed by the president and secretary. who are , from the company's printed list , only two of a largo number of stock holders loentcd at diuorent points in and outside the state. MOVING KOIl A COURT HOUSK. The question of room has become an important one at the county oflices nnd the commissioners have been agitating the question of leasing the new Italian- non block iu order to secure room sulli- cient in which to comfortably transact business. However , they have at their last session taken n different stop entirely trotn leasing and have decided to call an election on the 80th day of May to vote upon the issuing of $200KX ( ) in bonds to erecH a county court house upon the block in the city reserved for that purpose. The question of a new building has been but little discussed , but it will evidently re ceive a generous amount of talk in the next thirty days. AVhrtro the Profits Come From. Two merchants are discussing a bar gain. " ' 1 hat's too dear , " says one ; "you might knock off something ; you know we've always been on friendly terms. " * > " 1 Know it ; but , then , no one ever gets a chance of making money out ofhis enemies. t > o what is ho to do but make it out of Ills-friends ? " Use Kirk's "Juve nile" Toilet Soap , the friend of all , ' \ Little IjcnTnn LionTcnont the \Vliolo Ljtimi , A dlsoaso In one part of the body will ovcntnally 111 ! the whole body with dls- cnse , Kvcry year or two somu part of the system fjrows weak ami bctrlns to decay. Such part should bo removed at once and now matter ho allowed to take its nhtcc. There's no need ot cutting it out with the surgeon's scalpel. 1'urjro away the old diseased and worn out parts with UUAN- DitK'iH'a PII.LS. Then the new body will take care of itself. Tlio time lias como when our people are beginning to look ahead and make sure preparations for a homo for them selves. Now , boys , if you will put your money in lots in South Umaha you will find in n short time you riots will bo paid for , you will bo out of debt and your wives will bo happy. Kciuembcr that C. E. Mayne sells these lots. A circus bill-poster decorated the vil lage church at Fieldsbooro , N. J. , with his gaudy prints. If the liver nnd kidneys are sluggish nnd inactive , Hood's Sarsaparilla will rouse them to prompt and regular action. Take it now. Men arc every day buying property to which they have no title , and are consequently quently jeopardi/.ing their money. The title to South Umaha is clear and free from incumbrance , Parties can safely buy nnd be sure that they get what they puy for. C. K , May no has salesmen who who will take pleasure in showing tl-is property ut all times. SV. \VebbTof Now York , offers ? 300 annually as a pri/o for the best landscape by an American artist. Thorn are many cheap cosmetics of fercd for sale , which claim to contain nothing injurious to the skin. This is all boshnil , or very nearly all are com pounded from the most deleterious and poisonous drugs in the materia medica. They destroy tlio vitality of the skin , making the consumer imimaturoiy with ered and old. J. A. Poz/.oni guarantees his medicated complexion powder en tirely free from all injurious matter , and will gladly pay $500 to any imietical chemist who can find upon analysis the slightest trace of white lead orarsenic.- Use none other and you will never regret. Prien 50 cents and $1.00 per box. Sold by all druggists anil perfumers. The time has come when our people are beginning to look ahead and make sure preparations for n homo for them selves. Now , boys , if you will put your money in lots in South Omaha you will find that in a short time your lots will be paid for , you will be out of debt , and your wives will bo happy. Remember that C. E. Mayno soils these lots. Els7.aboth Akera Allen , author of "Rock , Me to Sleep , Mother , " is n handsome - some woman with a fresh face and gray hair. hair.Uso Use the sureit remedy for catarrh Ur. Sage's. Men are every day buying property to which they have no title , and are consequently quently jeopardizing their money. The title to South Umaha is clear nnd free from Incnmbrance. Parties can safely bny nnd bo sure that they get what they pay for. C. E. Mayne has salesmen who will take pleasure in showing this property at all tunes. The Terry family of Cuba will build a largo theater in Ilavana and divide the profits among the poor of that city. Men arc every day buying property to which they have no title , and are consequently quently jeopardizing their money. The title to South Omaha is clear and free from incumbrnnco. Parties can safely buy nnd be sure that they got what they pay for. C. E. Mayno has salesmen who will take pleasure in showing this prop erty at all times. Senator Platt , of Connecticut , has an old lady's weakness for tea , which he al ways takes iu weak doses at his luncheon. The time has como when our pcoplo are beginning to look ahead and make sure preparations for a homo for them selves. Now , boys , if you will put your money in lots in South Umaha you will find that in a short time your lots will be paid for , you will bo out of debt and your wives will bo happy. Remember that C. E. Mayne sells tncso lots. Good Kesolutlong. The resolution passed by the South Umaha Land Syndicate is just what both the poor and the rich man have been looking for. Read it in another column nnd you will bo convinced. There are inducements thrt will prob ably never bo offered again , lustcnnd ol paying rent you can own your own prop erty and never miss the small amount that you will pay for it. if you will call at the ofiico of C. E. Mayne you will bo satisfied that the South Omaha syndicate is iu earnest and mean what they say. Truth ! Immortal. In every metropolitan city the majority of business men live in the suburbs , and even miles in the country. Now , while wo know that Umaha is the "Queen of the West , " and a most desirable place in which to dwell , wo yet realize the fact that only the "favored few" are able to bur m the city , consequently men who are seeking homes are going to the out skirts. Such parties will consult thoii own best interests by looking at those lots in South Omaha. Drop in at ( J. K. Mayne's and he will tell you all about them. Transportation Facilities There are still some very desirable lots in the original plat of South Umaha for sale at low prices and on easy terms Don't forget the transportation facilities that will be afforded by the varioas rail roads , street and cable car companies this summer , and that will surely war rant an increase in the scale of prices. Secure these lots through t ! . E. Mayno , sole agent , and double your money be fore others bike advantage of Omaha's advancement and rapid growth. George Bancroft , the historian , has gone to Nashville , Toon. , for a few weeks to visit Mrs. Polk and gather historical material. MOST PERFECT MAOR aNd with ( Met HealUifiliMM. Dr.r no Am.nm.uj.Un > Alum or I > lu phatM. Dr.Prif1 * Closing Out , Owing to Lease Complications and othur reasons , the entire stock of General Dry NOTIONS And in fact everything kept in a first-class dry goods store will be sold Regardless of Cost ! To Insure a Speedy Sale. This is only a Chance in a Life Time Way under value. Show Cases And other Fixtures for sale at a great sacriQce , Sale to begin Monday , April 25 In the new Kennard building1 , cor. IGth and Douglas streets. HAYDEN BROS. Canetr of the Tongue. Mr wife , aome three or four yean ago. was troi. bled with in ulcer on tlia tide of her tooitue ne r thetliroat. The pamw ncei ntc < iim * of sleep and pro-luring great nervous prostratlo . Accompanying IMS trouble was rnenraatlsrn. U had passed Irom ttt moulders nnd centsred m tbe . wrutot one band , un almost losing the use of It. Between theeudcrmg of the twoWe had Brown burdensome. Bj the two of a half do n " "H : Hied bottleaof 8wiff Spec nc , Bhowas entirely rcllerM snd restored to health. This was three jears W , and there ha. been notgmnjoftjj- * spirta , Ga. , Jane 5,1886. . Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. . , , Atlanta , Ua. Tn swirr 8r ecirio Co. Drawer 8 16T W. ad St. , N. V. DIAMONDS , WATCHES , JE WEL R Y , BRONZES * AT- Importer's Prices MAX MEYER & BRO. PENNY ROYAL PILLS "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " Tli Orlglaal < § Only ' OMAHA 13th St.Cor. Ctpllol A CHM TOH TBI TMUTWENT OF Alt Chronic It Surgical Diseases BUtJn jean' Ho i > lL l ftntl Trltau JvacUc. Wu h ro the facilities , apparatus nJ ina.Jlw for the enctcufqt trritnipct ofcmry form of dls- lAsa requiring either mcJIenl ur surgical treatment , and ttulto All to come and Inrttllgata for thcmiclvw iv carmponrl with ni. Long experience In tout ing eiuti hr Utter cnnbleiua to trett rainy caiM icienUflcnUy without ft\ng \ them WRITK FOR rlUGULAH on Doformlrlw and Dracet , Club Feet , Curr&tarei of the Spine DitiB : or WOMBN. Pile * , Tumors , Ctnctri , Catarrh , Bronchitis , Inhalation , Electricity. Tarsi- y li , Kplluuiy. Kldntr , Kjt , Ear , Skin , Blood and all ( urzlCAl operations. llattcrln , InhcUr * . Xlracti , Trnucs , n < Ml klnda of Medical and Surgical Appltaucei , nau- ufactnred and for tile. The only tillable * Mleal IniMute making Private , Special $ Nervous Diseases rA BPECIAI.TY. ALT , CONTAGIOUS AND DF.OOD , frnm "rhntorercauae produced , idccrMfulljrtreatf J Wn on rcnioTo S/phllUlo poison from the ijrittm without mercury. Now re toratlr treatment for lom of Tltal newer ALIj COMMUNICATIONS CONFIDKNTJAI , Call and coniult ui or Bend Damn and pod-offlcc nddrcts plainly written enclose itamp , ani wo will ncnd yon , In plain wrapper , oar PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO ME * uroN I'm vim , grzcui. AM > K'unrout DI ISI > . * , SmrNAi. WIAKIIM. SPIHMATOURIKK , IMPOIEN rr , BrrniLis , OoNcaniniit , OLEIT , ViRicocnr.r. . 8TIUCTIINI , AHD AM , TtP > R Or THE OgmTO URINARY OBUAKI , or lenil history of your cote tor an opinion , 1'emoni unable to tl lt us may ho treated at thslr liomea , by correspondence. Medicines and Initrn- m nt > sent by moll or eiprcie SKUURRLY 1'ACIC HI ) FROM mark * to Indicate contents or tender , One personal iiiUrricw pro fcrrcd If conTcnleiit. Fifty rooms for llui a"cjm raoclatlon of patients. Doard ami Bltendiinoo r. ' reasonable ptlccg Address 11 Lottcru to Omaha Medical and Surgical institntn , Car. 13th St. anfl CaolloUva. . OMAHA. t > C Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Paid up Capital $250,000 Surplus 40,000 H. W. Yato.s , President. A. K. Toti/.alin. Woe President. W. II 8. Hushes , Cashier. DIHECTORS : W. V. Morse , John S. Collins , H. W. Yates , Lewis S. Reed. A. E. Touzalin. BANKING OFFICE : THE IRON SANK , Cor lath and Farnam Sts. A General Banking Business Transacted , FRANK G , HOLLINS & GO , , llembers New York Stck Kicliangc. IIL'V AM ) Slll.l , ONrMMUlIN-i , STOCKS AND BONDS , Gainr and Provisions. 24G Clark Srcct , Clilcauo. ( ( irundl'ncincJIIHOII Private wire to'N w York. Correspondence invited br'mtll or telegraph. DRS.S.&D.MYIESON . . . 1707 Olive St. , St.'rLouis Mo. 1742 Lawrence St , Denver , Colorado , Of the Missouri Slate Museum of Anatomy , St. Louis Mo. , University College Hospi tal , London , Giescn , . Germany and New York. Having devoted their attention SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF Nervous , CliroDic and DISEASES , More especially those arising from impru dence , invite all so suffering to correspond without delay. Diseases of infection and contagion cured safely and speedily with out detention ( rotn business , and without the use of dangerous drugs. Pa tients whose cases have been neglected , badly treated or pronounced incurable , should not fail to write us concerning their symptoms. Allletttrs receive immediate attention.JUST JUST PUBLISHED. And will be mailed FREE lo any address on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. "Practical Observations on Nervous Debility and P'.iyfcicil Exhaustion , " to which is added * n ' Essay on Marriage , " with important chap ters on Diseases of the Reproductive Or gans , the whole forming a valuable medical treatise which should be read by all young men. Address. DR8. S. & 1) . DAVIESON , 1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado. 1707 Olive St..St. L"tiis. Mo. BALL'S ' CORSEIS BONED WITH KABO. The ONLV COItaKT made that ran be'returned ' hr Us purchaser after TlIKUE WKK. ' WKA It If not found | / TSRFECTLY SATISFACTORY In everr rdipfct. and Iti prlco refunded by seller. Made In a variety of ntylcii and fricfi. Hold br r t- rlaM dealers CTerywhore. Ilenare of worthiest Iml- talluns. None uentilne without jlall's name on box. CHICAGO CORSET CO. , 102 FRANKLIN STREET , CHICAGO. Oroadtray , X w York. \ f Embody lite higlifft extelltn- . ties ( nihai > rllHrironi fort and * R dtirablHti/amlarellterrlonlng ) * farorlleiitfathtonableelretc3 , ! a OurnamcU ) J.AT.COUSIN , oa e\erjr tole. ) NEW YORK. AN EXCELLENT JUDGE Of clothing remarked last week that our prices were too low. May be they are. The cheapness o ± some of our goods make buyers sus pect the qualities. The secret is our stock is all new , bought very low , and we can sell cheaper than others , besides we want to build up a lar.sre trade , and are therefore offering extra inducements. A glance at our show window will give you an idea how we sell goods. Step into the store and examine quality and make of the garments ; you will not be urged to buy. Prices are marked plain on the goods and there is only one unalterable price for all no deviation the poor est judge can buy as safe as the best. If you can find other'gar- ments better made or cheaper elsewhere , bring ours back and the money will be refunded to you. Our Furnishing department is well stocked and prices throughout equally low. We mention today , particularly , our line of medium and light weight Underwear in all colors and all grades. We will present , this week to each customer , in our Boys' and Ohildrens' department , with a handsome set of dominos. All goods marked in plain figures and at one prices i Clothing Company , Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha. OMAHA RUBBER CO. , O. H. CUKTIS , Pres. - J. KURD THOMPSON , Sec. 2& Treas Wholesale m Retail. I2ST STOOIC S TJBBEK/ "Fish Brand" Coats , Bulbs , Douches , Hnlr Crimpers , Nursery Sheeting , Hpocnlun * . Alrl'lllowB , Drill A Duck , Hair Pins , NaTTllaga , Sportsmen's Coofls , AlrlledD , lUovver'n Hose , Door&lMs , Hnti , Oil Olothlug , fitnmps , Drew Shloldg , Horse Oovon , Packing , Stationer's Gum , Anti ItatlleH , Cnj > us , mlnklut ; Cnpi , Hose , B. 11. A P. fo.l' ll8 , Byphous , Apron * , Carriage Cloth , Klastlc Hands , Hose Couplings , Ptrftctian Box Syrn ! t , Spittoons , Atomizers , Cartridge llag , Elastic : Stocking * , Hose Plp a , I > cuclls. Bwimmlng Jacktta Hands , Cathctvrs , Erasers , Hose Keels , Pen holders. Svilnjei'PtiUction Box , ' Bandnge Gum , Clothing , Face B K . Hot Water Bottlei.Pcssarles , Thimbles , Ilaulituml runts , Uojiy Book Shecti , Finger Cots , Haversacks , 1'lauo Covers , Throat lings. Halls , Carpeting , Flower Sprinklers , Ice Bags , 1'lpes , Tublnr , " ' Jlath Mats , Oeracnt , Floor Scnpers , Ice Caps , no Steins , Tumblers , liath Tabs , Clothes Wringers , Folding Palls , Inkstands , 1'lant Kprlnklcrs , Toys. Bed Pane , Coats "Fish Brand" Foot Balls , Invalid Cushions , Pure Itubbcr , Teeth'gRliiKsftrad * , Bed Sheets , Combi , Force Gups , .Legging * Fants , Tobucco I'oncbci. It.It.A I'.Co. Belting , Comb Cleaners , Fruit Jar Kings , I < lnod Hoae , Pistol Pockets , Trotting Itolls. neltltookn , Corks , Funnels , Lace Cuttera , Rattles , Urlnnls. Bollo\v4 Cloth , Cork Screws , Gas Tubing , Life Preservers , Kuuuer Dam , Umbrcllts , Bibs , Curry Combs , CJloToe , Mackintosh Goods , Kulors. Veotllattng Soles , Blankets , Cuspadors , GosiamorOap * , Match lioxes , llepalrlnr Cloth , Wagon Aprons , Boots ft shoe ? , Cl ar Caaen , " Cloth , Martingale Itiiigs , Bhaft Kuuhera , Wagon Covers , Boys Caps , Chair Tips * Dnffers , Coats , Mats , Shoes & Boots , Wagon Springs , Boyi Coatd , Diapers , " " \Vaterproofi , Mattlngr , Sink Scrapers , Weatherstrips , Bougie * , Diaper Cloth , Gaiter Straps , Mirrors , Scoops , Webbing , BrncrlcU , Dolls , Guu Covers. Mlttena , Shooting Coats , WadlngPanti , Breait Pumps , Doll Ilodlcs , Gutta 1'ercha , Nlpplos , Bllng-shots. Water nettles , KreaitShleld * , Doll Hcadi , Gymnailnms , Nurilng nib . Soling , Wlndorr Cleaners , Butlers , Uoor Hands. Hair Curlers , Nursing Dottlas , Spongs Bags , Wringer Rolls , itoston licltinc JCo's. Iubl > er nnd Cotton Belting , Packing nnd Hose. Solo agents in Omaha. Leather Hefting ; Pure Oak Tanned. Manufacturers of "PERFECTION BOX SYWNGES. " Manufacturers of "FISH BRAND RUBBER GOODS. " OMAHA RUBBER COMPANY , 1008 Farnam St. , OMAHA , NEB. Mall Orders Solicited and will Hecolfe Prompt Attention. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. Stylish , Durable , E&ay Fitting. The txul SJ Khoo in tlio World. W. L. DOITUI..VS $2.150 SHOE equalitno S.1 Slmos ntlvcr- tUed by other flrnu. Our $2 ItlOK FOn DOTS giro * ( treat tatliractlon. AU ilia ithorii are made In nutton , Concri ( i and lr , all Ktjrlm of tor. Sold by 2.0OO dealer * thoughoiit tlio If. 8. If ymir tie iler doe * not keep them , wml nama on potUl to W. tt. DOU.GLAS , ttrni-ktun.Maiia. BEWARE OF FRAUD.kiinwi"i8oc"t"i . ( t omo unacrupuloiit ilealrrs or * offerliiK oilier goods as mine , and when adlfd why mjr sbtrnp la not mi tha hoes. RUte that I lia/e dlxcoutliiued ll/i use. Til lit IS FALHK. Take none irprenonted to bn tha "W. L. Uouglu bhoM , " unlcsa nnnu > , warruntm and | irlr are tnmiMil nil Irattom of eacU ahoe. AY. L. DOUOLAS , Brockton , Mass. For sale by Kclley , Htlger & Co. , cor. Dodge and ISth-sts. ; Hanry Sarpeut , cor. tiewtml and Saunders &ts. TJSEB o.N nr. GEORGE A. CLARK , SOLE AGENT. The BEST and MOST POPCLAD Revrlag Thread of Moderu Tlmeo. BEWABE OF IMITATIONS. Sold at wholesale by Kilpatrick Koch Drv Goods Co. , M. E. Smith & Co. , and by 'all retail dealers. On * Agent ( atrrnanl otljt wtrt d In urtrr town for * We are solllntr four times M many "Tnnslll's Punch" BKalnstunjr other oitar and have only bad them m the cae a week. J , A. TOTiiKii , lruKl ( t , nrockport , K. V. IDDRESS , R. W. TANSILL&QO.m&\ \ 3 The"SmokeBaH"Overrides Disease , I | "S\vorn Evidence Verify our Claims. jgrj irettdticJte , Colds , Etc , OMAHA , NKU. , April IS'.li , 1887 , Carbolic Smoke Ball Co Gentlemen . I have used your Smoke Hall to crcat ail- vantace for headache , colds and catarrhal afFcctionr , from which I have been a sufferer - ferer for a considerable period. In every cas.e relief has been promp , and today I am entirely'free from such ailment ? . For buch causes the Smoke IJall is all you claim for it. Yours truly. C. W. SMITH , 511 South 12th St. State of Nebraska , County of Douglas , ss. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 10th day of April , A. D. 1887. [ SEAL ] HIRAM A. SiUROES , Notary Public. Catarrh and Bronchial Affections. ST. Louis , Mo. , March 1 , 18S7.'Carbolic Smoke IJall" Co. : Gentlemen. I have administered your Carbolic Smoke Ball to my twochildren for Catarrh and Bron chial aftection , with gratifying results , speedily curing both diseases. J. T. DRUMMOND. President Drummond Tobacco Company. Bubjerlhed and nworn to before me this 9fi dsr of Slarch. 1687. WAllT1Nola'r rubllo. The only unfailing remedy in Catarrh , Abthma , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Neuralgia , Croup.Calarrhal Deafness , Whooping CoughSore Throat , Headache , Coldsetc. AT ? ! ? T7P7 T'lH'CJT B'vt" ' to al1 callers at our Ladies' and GcnU1 Par- JXJUrli X C.O 1 ) or , Room 11 , Creighton Block. I2 * Our "Debellator Package" for purifying the blood , should be used in connection with the Smoke Ball in all chronic cases. Smoke Balls sent on receipt of price , $2 , and 4 cents in stamps. "Debellator" , $1. CARBOLIC SMOKE BALL CO , , Room 11 , Creighton Block , 15th nt. , Next to Postofllce , Omaha , Neb. Not for sale by dritf/gMn , canv < iHncrn or peddlers. ISAAC W. OAHPKNTEn.Pres. 0. FHANK CAHPKNTKH.BOJ. JA8. A. CAHPKNTKlt. Vlco-1'roa. C. I * CAItl'l'.NTUn , Trcau Carpenter Paper Company , Wholesale Paper Dealers Carry a nlco new stock of Printing , Wrapping mid Writing Papur. KHjiccIal Attention given to car load orders , M'lilcliwlllbo Hlilppcd direct from mills , all orders will receive personal attcatlon. We piiiirantoo good j ooils at low prleci. CARPENTER I'A PER CO. , . fill-land 1110Douglasatrcut , Omaha.