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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1887)
SfF RTf - 1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY. APRIL 25.1 1887. FOH HKNT An eight room hoiifo centrally located , on thu corner ( if two good streets. I.nqtilro nt Conmock's real estate lOiJ relghton block. [ 87 KENT-UrlcU ynrds , T. Murray. flOH KENT A rtno hotel of 2J rooms nil fur nished rendy for biinlnc s ; rents for $00 per month : In n food thriving town In Ne braska. Kequlrcfl $ .Viq cash to payfornlher- wurn and pupplcla. llcnawn iV Co , , 15th st. op posite P. O. 223 29 FOK KENT-Waro room eor. 13th nnd Call- Ifornlaon llelt Line. For pnttlcularo en quire at I'tilon Nut. bank. IM TO A KM to rent. T. Murray. S& jlOll HENT-Ono of tlio bc t pin cm-room Jllnls In tlic city , fiirnltiiru for sale , on time iiMtnciil * . Addr > ro call on Dajton A ; Vorls , Honin I , IJfil Douglas st. ! ( H 23J TOOK KENT Twelxo room lint , filrnlturu fo > - JL ? ( ale , Hnrochanco for renting rooms. Ail * dreM or cull on , Onton & Vorls , room 1 , HOI Douglas st. : UI.I * FOIt HUNT lloupoof 7 rooms Rii'l bnin In Omaha Mow. Lawrence A fc . -1-1 N If.tliM. JJ 2J " 1JAOI1 HUNT Nlcu room , modern , street enr , J1 flu. Cheap U&JO Douglns St. _ 2i,2 , 2JJ F OK HE.ST House : furniture. cnrpcts7&o. , fqrsnlu. Apply lUOltl'iirnnm. 31J IlOltltENT Store nnT living apnrttnoiiH on ruining nciir Siiundors t. Apply at Harris Heal EMato and I.onn Co. , , iteQ S. l&th st. 752 FOK RENT BOOMS. . . . . HUNT Two nicelyftirnlshoil culle or single. Inquire at 1S2 _ " , ; St. Marj's nvo , upper Hat. 903 2.1- FOK KENT May Ut , Miitu nt pleasant fur- nlMicil UIOIIIH , milliiblo fur I gentlemen. Nlco gioiinils. Hath loom. HcferencpH it- quired. 1910 WcbMcr Bt. 4l5 27. TOOK KENT Pleasant finnlshcd fiout room -T 1612 Cass. UI2 25J TO ° K KENT Two rooms , corner 15th and JC Hnrney fats. Gregory A. Hndlpy 320 So. liilh Kt. 427 TOOTF KENT 'I HO nicely furnlsheil rooms. JP 330 N llth t. | li > 27J FOK KENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping ntul one hcdiiinm for two gentlemen , Apily | loom 3,607 S. 13th fct. 40126 FOIl HUNT Two olliocs spaces on ground lloor In room 1509 Fnniiuii st. Kmiulrcof J. S. lllchnrdion , In iuar oftlco. 348 mill HUNT Furnished room sultablo for2 gents. 22u Wl 20 | F I OH KENT Itooms , ono for 2 gentlemen , I for 3 or 4 , apd 1 for man and wife. Call boloru 8 p. m. , 1410 Chicago. 101 HENT-Kiirnished room at 181(1 ( Dodtro st , FOH W8 FOH HUNT A plensant front room , modtrn conveniences , for ono or two Kontlomcn ; terms rennonablo. 2113 2klst. B7J- H HUNT Thrco room houeo west of North IHh St. , between Chicago and Cass. 09 F I OH HENT Elegant otlico rooms , best lo cation in Omaha. 310 South 15th st. 63.1 TOH HENTNIccly furnished front room , JP 1823 Dodge. 29227 * FOH HENT Hoora , to gentlemen only. 211 S. KM St , 934 FOH IIKNT Third lloor , 2-'jt80. of brick build Ing , 1108 Pariium street , use of elevator. Inqulro nbovo number , upstairs. bOl FOH KENT Furnished rooms 1707 Cuss 13) T710H HUNT Nicely furnished rooms at roa- JL1 sonablo roten , one tilock from court houeo , MXJ So 18th tt , north St , Mary's a\o , up etalrg. 679 Foil HI3NT A Hue newly furnished front chamber , gat , and bath , 501 S 20th Ht. 31 " 171OH HI3NT A small room for 2 gentlemen ; JU front room for silting room , with board , $4 per week ; reference required ; day board $ j. 321 North 14th street. in I 23j 1/Olf HENT-NlcolTTurnl&Fcd "room , 10I2""S JT 18th St. 31 > 8 25 POH KENT I'.lcxcn nice unfurnished sleep ing rooms , separate or all together , In build , ing 310815th st. 399 THOH HUNT Elegantly furnished rooms for JL ! gentlemen only , ( .28 S 17th Bt. 400 25 * F I OK HENT-Furnlshcd rooms. 714 N. 10th. ' . FIOK RENT Hoom. iiiodi'rn convcnleiicoB and board. 708 South lath street , : OO 27J FF F ! OH HENT-Newly furnished room In new house. 19.1 Dodge st. 393 HENT-Furnlghod 537 Pleasant Bticet. 377 25 " 171011 HEN T A neat suite of odlce rooms. In- JL1 quire at P. J. Crcedon , architect. Office , Hoyd's Opera houso. 380 25 F I ° iV KENT Newly furnished rooms. 701 S. 17th street. 381 26j FOH KENT-Olnc-VH In Ilellmau tiulldingcor. Farnam and 13th sts. , In suites or singly. For prices , dlngrnms nnd Information apply to S.A. Slomnn , 1613 Farnam St. , Hoom 2. FOR BALE HOUSES LOTS. rplIE great Ambler Plneo sain Mondny nnd JL Tuesday. Harrlbon , Ambler k Woolloy , 418 S 15th St. 30923 ONDAY and TuuMlny $100 discount will b given on the first 150 lots sold. Prices for those days , $700 to $1.000. 309 23 LOOK at the lots In Ambler Place Moiulay and Tucbday , and remember that street cars rrlll bo running by thcro in sixty days. U0923 WE hn\o4 lots 40\bO each ono block from Lake and Suunders Bts. , only $1.500 I * each $ .175 cnvh , bal 1,2 , : i years. s * Some splendid bargains In Orchard lllll. Eight 4-rooin houses In Hitchcock's add. , only f 1.400each$150 cash. Huy a lot in Wiloon'B ndd. to Kountz's place , ono block from Saunders , Lnko nnd htioot cars , cheap and on easy terms. Mitchell .V Leyon- Kiarck , 151ft Dodge si. 411 20 r / \NE of the choicest residence portions of the rr \ - ' city Is in the southwestern part of the city r and A'nbliT place Is on the highest ridge over looking all that part ot the city. Btn-23 ONDAY and Tuesday $100 discount will bo gh en on Iho first 1JQ lots sold. Prices lor those dais $7UO to$1,000. 309 2J E LES'EN new houses to bo built In Ambler Plnou utouce besides thirty already built. 36923 rpllKgreat Ambler Place sale Monday and L Tuesday. Harrison. Ambler k Woolloy , 418815111st. 309 23 a rush for lots In Ambler Place will QUITE place Monday nnd Tuesday , the as surance of attrcet car Hue In sixty days is the lucent he. 369 2J VKItV Soun the struct cars will be running by Ambler Place , then lots will double in value. 309 23 THE great Ambler Place sale Monday and Tuesday. Harrison , Aniblcr k Woolley , 11K3 15th St. 369 23 * r > AHGAlN In ti lot on Luke Bt , $2,200 , Graham. JJ 1E5 2J rplIE great Ambler Plnco said Monday and L Tuesday. Harrison , Aniblcr & Woolley , 418 815th St. 30923 ET GADD & CO. . Heal Estate Hrokcrs , Lion Farnam Mr cot Special bargains are offered for next week. In the old plat of South Omaha , xvhero every lot U full KJxIH feet ; no commotions , w.OOO square feet In each lot. Wo can sell you property there , for from $750 to $10,000. Dwelling nouses , business houges , * notols with or without furniture. Try UB and prove us. Also properly In all additions thereto. Property In the city of all kinds , lluy of ug and w w ill do you good. 1WJ Farnmn street , nt the old stand , first otlico ut the lo't of enntrance. E , T. Gadd Arfo. mi DOl'IILE ' j our money by investing In Ambler Plttoo next Monday nnd Tuesday. 30923 TVONDAY and Tuesday $ lbTdiscount will be J.H given on tbo llrst 1M ) lots sold , Prices for thosu dB s , tTUO to $1.000. J1B92J DOUHLEyour money by Investing In Ambler Place iic t Monday and Tuesday , 389 23 BUY a lot In Ambler Place Monday and Tues day and you will get n special discount , 36J23 Sorm front on Lake st , bargain at $2.200 Graham.Crclghlon blk. 15 SI ' . free from the office of Harri son , Ambler * Woolley lo Ambler Place next Monday and Tuesday. 36C 23 7SNK of Iho choicest residence portions of the \J elty Is In the southwestern part of the city and Ambler place Is OB the highest rldir * o\er- looking all that part ot the city. S03-23 ONDAY and Tuesday $100 discount will bo gh en on the first 150 lots sold , Prices for those dayi$700 to I HMO. 38923 INVBSTIn Ambler Place next week If you want to double your money before tlio summer Is half ( one. Harrison , Ambler A W policy , 418 S. 16th 6t. 36 Z3 llf ONDAY and Tuesday $100 discount will be 111 glyen on the first 15U lots sold. Prices for those dan ( TOO to $1,000. 2J CATCH ON Choice corner on Dodsrc , sultn- able tor tenement row , tottth and oii t front , a most dcslrablolocntlon , improvements worth $2.00) ) . prlco $9.000. Oirneron lncao. ! two hou e worth $15,000 , but for sale nt HI.'iOO , Only S c h. Vnlunlilo lot with t n street frontages , well located for Hats , close to sti eel car , improve ments north $1,500price$0,500 Howard , near 20th,60x1 W , two bouses , 5 nnd 8 rooms , $10,000. Hare Imrgnln In Idlcwild. HOUEO , 0 rooms , llt.cly furnished Insldu , well , cistern and bain , worth lO/M , for s ilo nl $ iUO. Full lot. house , stnblc , utc. , Inside two mlle limit , $ l.00. Knst front , full lot , on cable line , 20th st , , IVroom house , a bargain nt $5,500. Over 13 per cent. Interest frnm rent of prop erly on S loth , lot ' .0x141 , east front , two 2-story house ? . $ < SWitIMck _ It un. " 1'ull lot. hou > , p of 7 rooms , property well Im- proud. on Lnke ft. , imixr turn tnblc of giccn nnd red enr lines , $4,5nO , $2VOcaMi ) , llnn ciin ) Place , V-ioom bou e nnd Irirn , west front on Georula Avenue , $1,000 , fl.UOQ cash , bal 1,2 and 3 jenrs. Popplttnn Avenue. r/0\lW > , pouth front , cot- tngp with tirlck bnsemcnt , burn , elty wuler iind istern , nouly lilted up throughout , line lot i city home , $1.0,10 , $1,000 cash bat. to suit. Omnha View , tOxl2i ) , two houses nnd bnrn , niyi 12 1 percent fiom rents. $ ,1.500. $1,100 cash. lled Iford Place , cholcu south front , house of 4 is , wull nnd cistern , $1,500 , $100cnh. Hiio lot In Claiendon. iiPW.Vroom houjp , lot lone wcnth price of all , $1,075. Good house In Orchard Hill , all modern Im- rovemnnts. oak stnlrcnso , closu to Hamilton , heap at $1,000 , Two lots , one a corner , Kendall's ndd , $ I'JOO , 050 cash , bal l,2nild.l jeur : chenp. Hluu lot In Oak Hill..171 , $101 cash. Two choice lots McCormlcks ndd , $ IV)0. A corner lot Ambler pluco , south ami cast i out , only $ suo. A tmrg.iinin Hnwlliornc , $ lr00onl > nvenpoit trcct. I'nstnr'fl add , two of the best Iota , $4,000 Windsor Place extension , pontli Iront,11,200. Hedfoid plnco , J'OO , one of the choicest. Kixogooil lots In Highland PuikIJ75 for the iiinch , $ ' > . ' 0 cash Ciestou , full lot t o ttructp. fiontngcs , chcnp nt $1,500. Two good lots Orchnrd hill , ono n corner , M.OV ) for both. A whole block,26 lots , in Shrlver plnco. con- -lns.1 iicie9on now sucet car line , a bargain or three dajsoulv , $10,000 , $1,000 cash This s n simp , as each lot Is worth at least t.100 Lincoln Place , two choice lots , south 1 routs , 1.000 for both. Hawthorn , east f rout , $1MO. Clifton Hill , 3 Miuth flouts , each $7W , I.eavonwoith Tei race , a cornerMO. Sheridan Placu. good lot , cheap , $75'l. Huinboldt Plajo , the best coiner , $6H ) . snnt > . Four choice acres In Washington Hill , only 1,5'k ' ) per aero , a bargain. Leavunworth street , ten acres $1,110 per acre. Twenty acres sultablo lor platting at n pi leu vhlch will make jou buy. Hndfotd Heights. We can sell at n bargain nil the lots In this addition , nt propeity was purchased when irlccs wore low. Eastfiontsat $40) ) , those on Amos avenue $600 , west fronts $ ,175. These n Ices nre nt lenst $100 below the prices of sur- 'oundlng property , and lots are of good slro. Money Invested hero will double In K ) davs. See is. let us show the property , nnd xvo will pell oyoii. Call on us nt our new olllce , on the ground floor. Hlunt k Impoy , 418 S 15tl , st. rclcphono314. 15.123 nAHHISON , AMIILRK k .WOOLLF.Y. 418 S , 1.1th street , will give jou a bargain in Am bler Place iota Monday. 30J 21 rplIE great Ambler Place snlo Mondny and JL Tuesday. Harrison , Ambler & Woolloy , 418SitbBt. 309 23 _ _ _ DOl'llLE jour money by Investing In Ambler Place next Monday and Tuesday. 3GU2) ) ONE hundred nnd twenty-six feet on Satin- dors M. , corner , $100 per loot. Graham , Crolghton Ulk. 18.1 21 HAHHISON. AMHLEK k WOOLLEY , 418 S. 15th street , will give you a bargain In Am bier Place iote Monday. 309 23 D OI'HLEyour money by Investing In Ambler Place next Monday and Tuesday. 3tit > 2) ) rpHE great Ambler Place enle Mondny nnd JL Tuesday , llainson. Ambler i Woolley , 418815th Sl. 303 2' ) rpllIHTY houses nlrendv In Ambler place , 1 eleven being built , and n scot o of others a ; soon us the stieel cars nio In opeiatlon. 309234 WITH $ . ' 00 cash , $100 In 0 month nnil bal unco In 1 nnd 2 xcars , you can M'cuio n lot In Ambler Place. 3032 ; ) P HICKS ot lots In Ambler Place will double In sixty days when the bticcl cars nro run nlngbylt. 3b9 2J rplIE great Ambler Place sale. Monday nnd JL Tue-ulny. Harrison , Ambler & Woolloy , 418 8 15th St. 309 2J M'V u lot In Ambler Place Moiulnv and Tucs- > day and you will got u special discount. 309 2J /"lAHHIAGKS tree from the ollico of Hiirrl vV son , Ambler Ac Woolloy to Ambler Plnoo next Monday nn > l Tuesday. 38123 LOOK at the lots In Ambler Place Monday nnd Tuesday and remember that street cars will be iunning by there In sixty days. KNOWING ones predict that , the Omaha Southwestern street railway will advance property west of lianscom park to Ovo times Its present value. M 23 rplIE great Ambler Place sale Mondny am' JL Tuesday , llairiaon , Ambler A : Woolley 418 S 15th St. ! UiD 2.1 S' THEBT CAHS to Ambler place In sixty dajs VKHV Soon thn street ears will bo running by Ambler Place , then lots will double. In value. M 2.1 UNPlirJUDICED patties admit that Ambler place will be the lines ! rtsidenre part ol" the city when the street cars aierunnlnir ny It 30'J 2:1 : B U V n lot In Ambler Pmco Mondny and Tncs day and you will get a special dlseounu rplIE great Ambler Place sale Monday and X Tuesday. Harrison , Ambler & Woolley , 418S 16th bt 369 2U /1AHHIAGES free from the office of Hnrrl- VV son , Amblir k Woolley to Ambler Place next Monday and Tuesday. 3 ( > 9 2J FKEKearrUgosnext Monday and Tuesday to Ambler place , from thoolheoof Harrison , Ambler & . Woolloy , 418 S Pith Bt. 30'J 23 rpIIK great Ambler Place sale Monday and X Tuesday. Harrison , Ambler k Woolloy , 418 B 15th St. 3iiT 23 D OUULEyour money by Inxostlng In Ambler Place next Monday and Tuesday. 30'.l 23 / lAHHlAOKS free from the onico of Ilnrrl- v > son. Ambler k Woolley to Ambler Place next Monday and Tuesday. 3t9 ! 23 STHEET CAHS to Ambler place In sixty days. 3I.92J FHEE carriages next Monday and Tuesday to Ambler place , from the otllce of Harrison , Ambler A ; Woolle > , 4188 15th st. 30J 23 U will rales It If you don't buy a lot In Ambler I'lnco Monday or Tuesday , for street cars will be running by thcro In sixty days. 309 2,1 LOOK at the lots In Ambler Place Monday and Tuesday , and rumembor that street cars will bo running by therein sixty days. 309 2J BUY alot in Ambler Place Monday nnd Tues day and you will get u special discount. SH92.I I NVESTIOATE THIS-Corner on 2Jtu and Lake , 12''xll8 , call fin-price and terras. Patrick's add , Iot2 , blk WxIfiO , $2,010. Walnut Hill , now bouse , 0 room9 , stable , cistern and city water , lot 50x150 , on grade. $ J,200. Unrkur k Hurr. IMJ Farnam st. l-4 2J O1M es. We have more tarms , more land' , more city lots than all the balance of the inalvetato fraternity combined , to exchange for horcescattle hogssheep , notesuiul moil- Wo want stocks of rcorcbnudlsoof all kinds for which wo will give you m exchange good impnncd farms or wild land In Iowa or Nebraska anil city lots. Our list of choice msldo business lots , us neil as residence propcity In all parts ot the city , comprise ) some ot the best In the market , Snapbargalns on hind at all times. Come and see us or address If you wnnt to trade at Swan 4Ca , I5.'l Dodge , so corner Hith. KNOWING ones predict that tbo Omaha Southwestern street railway will nvaneo property west of lianscom park to five times its present value. 'Mi 23 LOOK at the lots In Ambler Place Mondny nnd Tuesday and remember that street curs will bo running by thcro In sixty days. 309 23 KNOWING ones predict that the Omaha Southwestern street railway will advance property westot Hanscom park to Iho tunes Its present value. 36J 23 1VITH $200 cash , $10) In 6 months and bal- t v mice In 1 and 2 years , you can secure a lot in Ambler Place. 369 23 rpHIRTY houses already In Ambler place , X eleven being built , and a score of others as soon as tbo street cars are In operation. 36 S3 HICKS of lots In Ambler place will double in slxtr days when the street earn are run- nmg by ft. 309 23 "VTO Oner placu exists than Ambler place.when i- > the street cars are running by there In the next sixty days. Ma 83 VT ° flntr Plc exUU than Ambler place.when -L the street can are running by there in the next slity dajs. WJ S3 lrndld new nine-roomed lieu e , small barn , elty water , etc , houiu beauti fully finished , lotMvl.W , If told by Monday next the owner will tnke $1,300 , cash $1,000 , balance 1 , 2,3 nnil 4 years. Wo lm\o n Hist class rpitniitnnt for tnlo cheap. Cotton , Ia : tinan & Wlnslluilpy , 12UN 1.1th st. 341 21 "WITH $200 cnih$100 in 0 mootn nnd bal Ti mice In 1 nnd2 jenrs , jou can s.t.nru n lot in Ambler Place. 309 23 Of'ITi : n tush for lot * In Ambler Plneo will , . take pl cu Momlay nnd Tuesday , the as- cuinnceof nstrotcar line In sixty dn > s is the Incentive. 303 21 "VOL' Vi III ml s It If you don't buy n lot lu J- Ambler Plnco Mondny or Tuesday , for street cars will bo running by there in sl.xty dnj d. 3C'i 23 OTT't K n rusirfor"lo7irin"Ainblcr Plnce will % tnkn place Mondny nnd Tuo dny , the ns- sin unco of a sticut cnr line In slxtv dn > Is Iho Incentive. 3'JH2 : ) "I/THY Soon the stieet cnrs lll be runnlnir > by Ambler 1'lnci , then lots will double In xaluc , 3S'i ' 21 OI'ITE n ruph for lots In Ambler Place wllj , . , tnkotilaeu Monday and Tuesday , the ns. in nncc uf n street ear line In sixty davs Is thu iiceiitl\o. 3o9 ) " \7"OL'Will miss it If jou don't buy n lot In J Ambler Place , Monday or Tuesday , for licet curs will bo ruiitilng by there In vuty n. 3IVI 23 BAHGAINsitihnii P4 and lots , 100x110 a cor ner In \ \ mdsor Place , with a good seven ooin house , all papered up In elegant Rhnpe , nnl Dtidded , splpiidid fence , good bnrn , n llrst lass homo mid cheap at $ ' 1,00 i. 3sxl40cnst front , brnnd now eight-room house , inth , clstoin , ynid soddcil , and Is offered for Jfcwdays at f l.tujO. COxlO * So. front on Poppleton Ave. with eood VP room house , elty water , shade , sticet or- orod gradnd , and will lirliif JJ.OW before full , 'ilcp. $ ) , OCO until May III t 50x110 with a geol house lying Just n'.ove ' ' rndc , street now graded and lor u baignln nn't bo boat at $ JtOO. 50x15' ' ) , an eleeant cast front In Hnnscom 'lace , with ngood house ot eight looms on irrmlp mid Is nwnyup bargnln nt $1,200. Four other choice residences In llnnseom lace , the supurb losldenen portion of Oinulia , .t prices nnd terms within the reach of alU Also houses In Shull's Add'u , the comlnp choice residence portion of the city , nt special Induce ments to those Peeuklng homes or lor invest- ncntsonly. Cnll on Sholes A : Crumb , lliW Tnr- iinin SI.Oip. | Pnxton. 2i ) _ FOH SAIiE The beautiful aero known as lot 3 ( Use's ndd. , optioslto Kotirt/o placu , cov- red with large miiplo trees , hns been Mib- : livided and placed on the nmrkut Onl > a "owlotslcft. J. L. llico &Co , , fcolo Atronts , f09 I AT. TTKEV , 1321 Farnam at. , mnkcs In- vestments for non residents n specialty with guaranteed Interest or share ot prollts , nnd takes lull charge of pioperty loloreneo given. 3 % TVEXTEH I * THOMAS Tins n pony , phnoioii U nnd harno lor $90.00 , nUo mules nud icrses for sale. 421 28 INVEST In Ambler Place next wooklfjou wnnt to double jour money before the summer Is half gone. Hnrri on , Ambler A : Woolloy , 418 S. 15th st. 569-2.1 rplIE great Amhlor Plnco snlo Mondny nnd JL Tuesday. Hnrrison. Ambler k Woolley , 419 S 15th st. 3 ( ! ' ) 2.1 BUY a lot In Ambler Place Mondnv nnd Tues dny and you will got a special discount. 30' ' ) 23 ONH of the choicest residence portions ol the city Is IM the southwoHtorn part of the city and Amhlor plnco Is on the highest ridiroover- looking all that part ol the city. 303-2J JUST as soon ns the street cm * nro running lots In Ambler Placu v. ill bo worth nioro than double their present valuu 3(1) ( ) " ,1 "VTO liner place exists thnn Ambler pli-co.whcn -L > lh streetcars are miming by there In tlio ne.xt sixty dnys. 301 23 'pHlltTY houses alrcndy In Ambler place , JL eleven being built , and u score ol othuiMas eoon ns the sti cut cars nru In operation. 3G'i ' " 1 rpIIE great Ambler Place pnlo Mondny nnd J Tne'vdiij' . Huirison , Ambler k Wooley , 418S Mthst. 30921 I > HI'ES of lots In Ambler plnco will double In slxtvdnya when the ftroet card are run ning bj It. ' 181 2,1 great Ainblor Place galp Moiulay and uesday Hnrrlsun , Ambler k Woollcy , 418 S 15th Et. 509 2,1 SOl'TH trent lot In O'Nell'n sub , " , blk Irom Cnmlngstcnr line and pavement , ( irn- 1mm , Crolghton blk , 1K > 23 rplIE great Amoler Place snlo Momlay nnd JL Tuesday. Hairison , Aniblcr & Woollcy , 418S loths-r. ! JC9 2:1 : TOOK at thi lots In Ambler Plneo Monday J nnd Tnesdnv , nnd roinomber Hint street cars will bo i unulng by there in sixty days. H09 2.1 NO WING ones predict that the Omnha Southern street railway will advance property west of lianscom pnikto nve times Its present valuo. . 309 23 ATTEND the great sale of Ambler plnco lots Monday nnd Tuesday. DM 23 ELEVEN now houses to bo built lu Ambler Place nt once besides thirty alrcndy built. 3 > ! 9 2) ) JEAVENWOHTH ncie , south fiont. fJ.WO. Grahnm.CrelKlitonblk. If5 2.1 , TTEND the great snlo of Ambler place lots I. Mo.ulay and Tuesday. . (1.9 ( . 2.1 D AILS nnd ties for thu street cnr line nro now JLt being unloaded along Park s-trect west from Hanscom Park past Ambler PI ten to Eek ormnnn. 'M' ) 2.1 G IVKourattentlon to tbu Halo of lots in Ambler Place Monday and Tuesday. 3G9 2. ) BAHGAlNS-Graham , CreiKliton Block. Lot on Leavenwoith , two blocks fiom Park a\o. S3,500. Milltaiy Hond. Just across the licit Line , 52 ft. front , $1,0-HI. Lot 17 blk 5 Place , $ . ' ,500 ; $30Jensh. Corner , and one next to it.Dcland'sndd , $1,4X1 for both. Flvolotson Cuming st , Walnut Hill , 91,500 cneh. Hurt st , lot next to corner of Drown stJ,003 : l-3cah. Full aero on I.eavcnwoith,500. . 120 tton bauudeis , corner , $103 per front foot. l.ot on corner Fnrnnin nnd Lowe ave , B and o front , $3,500. 185 23 ELEVEN new hollies to bo built In Ambler Place at once besides thirty already built. : ! / . ! ! 23 S THK17T CAHS to Ambler place In slxtv dajs. 300 23 UNPHUJUDICKD parties admit thnt Ambler place will be the finest residence part of the city when thu street cars are running by It. 3 Jt ) 23 OU Will rohs It If you don't buy a lot in Ambler Place Mommy or Tuesday , for street cars will bo running by there In sixty days. .TO 21 FHEP. canlagea next Monday and Tuesday to Ambler plnco from the ollico of Harrison , AmblorV Woolloy , 418 S 15th Ft. 20' ) 21 rplIIHTEENIotslnClovcidalo will sell nt n JL bargain , cull for pi'lce. Grnham , Crolgh- ton blk. 18523 U NPHEJUOIOEI ) parties admit that Arnbipr place will bo the llnest residence p.irt of the city when the street curs are running by It. 309 j KNOWING ones predict that Iho Omaha Southwestern street railway will advance property west of Hanscoin park to live times Its present value. ui > 9 23 THEgieat Ambler I'lnco sale Monday and Tuesday , llturbon , Ambler k Woolley , 4183 ISt&St. 34923 _ CAHHIAGEB frco from the olllce of irr son , Ambler .t Wool'ey ' to Ambler Place next Monday and Tuesday. 36)23 UM'HEJl'DICEO pnrtlos admit thnt Ambler place n 111 bo the finest residence part of the city when the street cars are running by it. 30923 FREE carriages next Monday and Tuesday to Amlor place.from the otlico ot Harrison , Ambler k Woollcy , 41S s 15th st , 30'J 23 " \7BHY Soon the street car * will bo running byAmbter Pluco , then Iota will double in value. 509 23 rpHlHTY houses alroaly In Ambler place , -t- eleven being built , and a sooro of others us soon ns the street cars ure In operation. 30923 STHEUT CAHS to Ambler place In sixty days. 30923 XTO finer place exists than Ambler placowhen -L the ttrcot cars nro running by there In the next sixty-days. iifcfl ga ELEVEN new houses to bo built In Arabler Place at once besides thirty already built. 38923 rpIHKTY houses already In Ambler place , X e'even ' being built , and a score of others as soon as the street cars are In operation. B6J 23 pltlCES of lots In Ambler Place will double in -L sixty dayt , when tire street cars are run- nmg by lu 383 23 THE great Ambler Place sale Monday and Tuesday. Harrison , . Ambler * Woolley , 4188 llthst , 34823 ET.CDD.V ? SON , IV Turn n in St , Special Hmgnln" , Soith ) Omahn , Price. Cn < h. Ixit I2blook3lcdrncr . . . > $ t,2J ) $ 'i75.00 " II " . .i . 1,10) ) 6.V ) W " 1 " 35 corner . ii ) f.70 00 " 2 " " . . . . . . 1,140 WOO ) . . u u corncr ; . | , ifu ; : itl.W " 11 " ' . 1,050 237.50 " 5 " 81 . . . . 1,000 : tU33 " 3 " . 1,000 mi.3.1 " U " 113 . . . . 1,10(1 ( 3(10.08 ( " n " . . ; . LIDO 3w.r. ( " 14 " U1) . 77.-I ii'iVOO ' " 4 " 85 cornar. . ( . . . , . 2.50 ( Cnll for terms " 3 " J . . . . P50 20).00 This Is the cheapest lot In Pouth Oinnhil kl o lots In blocks 10 , 1,1 , 4'.l. 12 ? , 4 , Nl , ! > 7 , 78 , h ? , I , 01 , UI , W , IU , 60 , IW. 70 , 11,1,24,2:1,7 : , 8 ntld .l1 ; . 'nil nnd pen us at IJ-Vi FnruKin tt. , nflcr May 1 , I. T Gndd , \ . t-on. 4.TO 27 _ " ' . lendid" l t ! J V Gibson , Aylcsworth \ . llcnjainln , 1512 I HI ini in it. lot In Imp. Ass'n , 47x111 , with 2 email hou es . $ 3.00J lot in Hawthorne , 44x10) , cor 3ld ana Davenport , \ \ Ith 0 room house.elstern , veil , ete , very easy tonna . 3.VX ) lot In HIIUIde2d add . 1.80) ) ! ut In llodlniil Place , r ) xl2s . 73" . lot luHltchcook'sKt ndd. MX 123 . . . 70) ) 'i lots In Shlnn's 1st mid , \12'4 , , Caldwell - well st . 3,700 lot In HodlcK's add , 5Jxl22 , Half How ard t . 3,303 2lot < In West Side , 5)xU3 ) , barn and fruit trees . . 2,100 room IKIIHO iin.l lot N , 17th St. , good well nnd cistern . O.OW ! Count7e 4th ndd , lot 8 , block n six room hou e , well , cistern barn , \n . . 4,000 Ilmcbnuith & Patterson still lot 10 , block U , contract . uw 20 tt ouSt. Mary's nvo , with 2 0-ionm house- , gin and watpr , will subdlvlne. 3' .OW jOfton St. Mary's nvo bet , 19th and 2Jth l.'W ' ) L'holco lot In Omahn View . I'M ' ISJ It on Pith st. near rarnam . TO.OJO 2lot ,0)x27. I.owo's add , 4-room house , cellar , well and OMoot bnrn , price . . . " .000 Warehouse or buslnoss pioperty In block 191 , $15,000. cii y terms. Kt'stnurnnt mid lot 2Jxl.lJ fur sulo. 5 rooms , good pa ) Ing business , In Wocpiiiff Water , f-,6J ) , 'erms easy. Lot HI in Anlsllcld , $ " . 13 Hoifso 4lxl.H,0 rooms nnd lot on Douglas st , 'or Milo. $1,10) . Sml'h ' add. ono lot btlxISJ , $5,000. I'lirm of 8J ncies , splendid house , bnrn , prnn- nry nnd all outbu tilings In Caas Co , ,1 miles N ot Wet plnir Water. $1,20J cisi.l | , riOO , eiy tpriu > - . Full lot on DoiUo st , 3 houses , rents tor $ SJO , $5,20tl , 'i ' eiihh. Gibson , Ajlosworth & Ilcnjnmln. 257 I OH SAL1J We Imse the cheapest waioliouse pioperty oDoied in thecity Prices from $ J.XOto.2'iO ( } : l-4ca h , bal I. 3 nnd 3ears. . 'leiinwa it Co. 15th st. oppo lte P. O. 4'I7 " (1 ( BELDEN'S IIAHGAINS-Husliicsf pioporty 4'i leet cor. 10th and Yiitcs , very cheap. V12 feet trontaire on I.envonuorth ncnr 20lh. Kllby place , lot on Lowe avenue oust fiont at $1.500. l.encnwoi th Tori acn lot very cheap. Orchniil Hill lots $773 to $ I'IOO. 40 foeton IGth-t. near Hickory street , $121 per front foot. Two lots in Clifton Place on Mason ft. , 2'i ' blkH from car line at n bargain. House nnd lot cor. St. Mary's live nnd 20th nt t .IJO. House and lot on 25th nrcnuo opposite the Paxton Squat e , nsk tor juices. 2 Hue lots in Carlhn/e. $00) ) each. House nnd lot with all Improvement" , good barn , on Catherine street very desirable , with in I'j blockH ot llnnseom fiirk Ono lot In Htley's subdivision of Oklahoma , $1,500 , terms ea. y. Ono Irt In Highland Place , $1C50 , $700 cash THO lots In Thoinburg , east flouts on l.owo nvp.SlUU 4122i ( KESIDKNCI3 bnignlns. Cotton , tubtmnn & Wiiistanlcy. 120 North 15th ft , Two lull lots with tcn-roonieil house , every convonieneo , Arni'-lrong's addition , $10,000. A glowing piece of lnpro\pd | property , pay ing 10 per cent on oor ? 20U)0 ) , lor $25,000 this eok. Tci ins easy. I'.legant ten-roomed brick house , beautifully fin lshedp\ cry convenience , $ 10,000. 50xUO. Hcdick's subdivision , splendid nine loomed bouse , modern , n bargain , $8,000. ; ' 5x-40 | , Park nvonuo , handsome ten-roomed house , every convonieneo , $0,000. < U\Kfi , Ni'1-on'b audition , flno twoho roomed house , b irn , city watcrutc. , n great biugain , S4.2ITO. rnsyteims. Elegant llvc-roouipd cottngo Just off Saunders - dors st. , $3,0.0 , cash $ WO. tOxl.'iO , new nine-roomod house , splendid loca tion , ; : i.V)0. ) Easy terms , 50x15) lianscom place , elegant nine-roomed house , every convenience , $0,6 K ) . 1X1x140 eight roomed house , cellar , bath loom , citv wntor , etc. $7/00. rovUOsix loomed house , PauUcii's addition , cltv water , etc. , $0,000. tl.'xl'W Nelson's ndditlan , wit two cottages , $4,000. full lot and live roomed cottage , cellar , barn and well , $ 1,70) . Five loomed cottage with ntiontTOO worth of good furniture , lot : Wxll ! > , $1,200. 50x140 , sex en roomed houso. Just ofT Leaven worth , 50 foot alloy at icar only $ -,500 'I onus . Millard & Csldwells ndd , nvo roomed cottage In good repair , well nnd cistern , $3,000. 50x142 , llnnseom place east Iront , with ele gant ten roomed house , good barn.alley at roar $7.00. ) . 2.1x150 , Campbell's add , 4-rooraed cottage , cellar , w ell , cistei n , $1 ,000. Five-ioonipd cottage , with cellar , city water lot 3JxH ) . $2.000. 50x1.1 J Millard place , with 7 room house , barn and alloy at rcar$5,50 < ) . If you do not see anjthliur In above list to fitilt you cill at ourolllco , as wo have Bovernl others In all parts of the city. Vnenut Lots. 132 foot square , coiner Twelfth nnd Jones , $40,000. 132 feet Rqiinro on Eleventh street , close to depot. ? S.iii ) : ) . 132 feet on Lenvcnwortn , n tmrgaln. $ M,003. M ! feet on Snunders street , $1V ) n foot , 2 leet on Dnvonpoit street. $1,000. OOx ' 32 coiner 19th and Chicago , $15,000. 52 feet square , 9th street , between Douglns nn Dodgo. $10,000. 155'SxSOfcot ' , St. Mary's Avenue , $10.000. Splendid lot In ll'cnnHii I'lnco , $ iV > 0. Kirkwoud.UHx'GO , $1,000 , eush $400. Kllby Plnco , 2 lots for $2,100. Hcserx-olr ndd , lot 7 , $1,400. Knkwood , 40x100 , $1.20J , cash $503. Clarendon , splendid south trout lot , $1,700 , Park nvonuo , tno onst front lots , $8,000 both. Hanfoom Place , splendid south front , facing paik , f 1.000. Hawthorne ; two east front lots , $1,100 each. Corner Vinton and Nineteenth , 2 feet on Vinton street , 4 foot on Nluoteonth street , $0,000. South Omaha. r > 1\120 , facing park , $130. Diakc'R addition , south liont , corner lot $2SOO. Ilovd's nddltlon , lots $050 to $ fOO. List your pioperty tor quick snlo with us. Conveyances nlwnj s ready to show property. Cotton , Eastmnii & Wlnstauley , Heal Estate and Loan Agents , l-'O North 1'ifteonth street , .TI4 23 HIGHLAND PLACE-SY.OOO cash will buy lots 7 and 8 , block 19 , southeast corner 88x 140to alley J. W. Hell. Address P. O. box 4 3 or Omahn Loan & Trust company. 2J' ' 30J SA. BLOMAN , Heal Estate Hrokcr. 15U Farnam Street. . Farnam street , cor. 18th , 00x132 , H casb. $ wOX ) Fariuirast. , near llth,22x1 li.lmprovod. . 35,000 Farnam Bt.ncar2JtbHOxlU $4UO per loot rarnam St. , cor. 31st st. 130xUJ , south andeastfront 17,000 Farnam st. cor. 41st. 4S < n. , s and e fronl I1/-00 Douglusst. near 23d , 00x132 fi.OOO Dodgest. nottr23th , fiOxl.UK 2,000 Dodge st. noarZSth. 40xlS7. luiprovra. . . 3,000 .lonesst cor. 15th , 60x1 lift 24,000 Loavenworth st. cor. 21st , 132x111 , Im proved 18,500 Leavonworth st. cor. 2oth , 140x142 , Im proved 25,000 14th st. trackage , Pnddook place , 60x112. 2.50) Parkavo. opp. park.50x150 l.MO Georgia avo. near Mt. Pleasant. 50x150 , . 2.80) ) 20th st near Dorcas , lOOxluo , improved. . 4,500 20thst nenr Douglas. 3 0j , improved. . 8,00) 15thst.cor.MarthiioixlJJ.itnprovod. . . 4,50) ) 29th st. cor. Snwardo.lxl.,3 ) houses . . . 4.500 Plerco near 20th.0. ) foot front , 2 streets. 6,300 Hamilton st. near llelt line , nnpiovua. . . 1.500 3.1th St. , nenr Uuvcnport. lOOxlJO 2soa Seward , nonr35tli , BOXJ57 1,1V ) 10th st , near Castollar131 ' feet front. . . . 4.500 8lhst , near Martha , 61x151. corner. . . . 1,000 Hurdcttost , noar2fth ) , 5nxl.U , on cnr line 1,900 Hurt st , near Ixiwo ave. 61 l-2xJO ! 1,100 25th , cor , Popploton , KlxMO , Improved. . 4.001 20th , near Poppleton , 50X127 , Improved. . 6.000 Orchnrd lllll , lots $760 to 1,001 Ilrown Paik , lots $500 to 850 Hedfonl flace , lots $650 to BOO Highland Pare , lots ouch-cash $08. . 10 Wakelyadd. Icts57xl10. ruch 400 25 acres near Fort Omahafinely Inproved II.VSO Ccutor st. eoxl'H. Improved 1,200 I-arnainbt nearlljth , 4,500 Nicholas st corner Irnokage 4,500 Park ave , facing Park ? 50x150 4,000 S 16th st , nonr vladuet , 40x102 6,000 SulphurBprlngs add. Just opp , 16th st,60 124. . . * . . . . . . . , . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 Learenworth st , near Relt Line , 100x127. . 2,700 SaunaorA st cor Hurt 102x51 R mid o front 6,501 Leavcnworth st cor 21st b8x32 | Imp 12.5O ) Furnamcor inth $ .1,000 38,000 H. * M. Park lots , $51 each Hcllman'sndd lots , $150 each Jerome Park lots , east trent , on grade. . . 2,00) Farnam et a corner s and w front only 3,500 56 _ S , A. Sloman , 1512 Farnam st. "C10H SALE A "fine roslcTonco property cen- - itrally located , homo of 9 rooms , hall and buttery , good collar , good well , barn and other out-buildings , good fence around lot , lot Ux ) 120 , fruits and ornamental shade trees , and title perfect. Within ono block of square nnd one block of M. E. church , ono block of Uaptlst churchono block of largo school houso. Will sell real cheap for spot cash. Make mo a fair offer. Address look box 300 , York , Nob. Cor- rcspondence solicited. 254. 2SJ LAKE STHBET 48ixl29 , corner lot , good house , cost $ J,600. all for $30 ; $1,700 cash will slng this , and It will make the buyer good money , Tue naked ground Is worth the money. Clark&on k Ucutty 219 bouth 14th st. SELPCTS , nro the carefully ll trd bargains hunted dOTTii by Cake \ Hilling * . Our sam ple cafe ; 06x110 ft on Ifith street for $6,500 , port 1 and 2 jenrs. 4 lots , Meyers & TllJcn's add , cash needed only $000.Home Home lot In Plnlnvlowj only tnke . cn h , $ iM. ( Picked In Sheridan l'l ceonly $ lr'MO for $ IMO ot 2 lots with 2 houses , . ! . 1. Hcdlrk's sub , only lock from tticot cir line , 109x12) ) ft on 2 treets , big money here for you , Hrauty of Iliirllett , fruit trees , flue \ lew , lily $ l. 00 cash needed. Cheapest South Omnnn stuff on the market Come , o\rr llil , corner Dodge and 15th , and we'll make It pleasant and profitable for sou. ATTEND the great sale of Ambler place lots MotulR } BlidTllesdny 3dU 23 lIE great Ambler Place pale Monday nnd Tuo dny. Harrison , Ambler \ Woolley , IS S 1.1th St. 369 21 ONH of tlie choices' residence portions of the. cltv Is In the southwestern part of the city and Ambler placu Is on the highest ridge otcr > coking nil that part of the city. 36J-23 TVE your attention to tho"5nT < UTTotfl7n Ambler Plan- Monday nud Tuesday. 309 23 LiHE great Amhler Place silc Monday and Tuesday , Hnrrlson , Amblur & Woolley , 18 S 11th st. 301 SI FlTElTcnrrlintesTiext Monday "iiniT"T7iMny to Ambler ptrtc" , from the ollico of llnrilson , Amblur & w oollcy , 118 S 15th. ,16U 2J AHHISON. AMHUl * WOOLI.rY 41Ss llth btrei't , will glvoyou a bargain In Am- ilcr Place lots Monday. 3W ) 2J 1 JAILS nnd ties for flic street cnr line nre now It lielng iillloided | alniiir I'nrk street west Irom HantcomP ark pu-t Ambler Place to Eclt- crmaiiu. 'Mi 21 HAILS and t'es for the sticet car line arc1 now being unloaded along I'mk stieet west rom Hitiidcoin Park past Ambler Place to Ecu- 'rntanii ! MU 2) ) TII1IEE lotaln Crp'lon mid , on Pleasant st . $1,50.1 c.l h Graham Crolghloii Illk. 181 2.1 OtTlT. a rush for lots In Ambler Plnco will lake pint u Moiul'iy nnil Tuesday , the in- siiinmoot n street cir line lu sixty ilnys Is tlio 'neentUo. 309 22 \rOU Will miss | | F you ilon't buy n lot In I Ambler IMuoo Moiulay or Tuesday , for streetcars will be running by thcro In sixty days. 369 23 ELEVEN nen' houses to bn built In Ambler Place nt once besides thirty already built. 300 2.1 M IMTAHV ron'l lots 40 ft front nt f750 rach Ornlmm Crolchton Illk. Its 21) ) HAHHISON , A.MHbEH \ WOOM.IIV. 418 S. 16th < tiect , will K\O ! jou ntinrKnin In Am bler 1'lnce lots Monday. 30'J 2. . ) llEKrciit Ambler PlHce Rale Mondiy nnd Tuesday. Harrison , Ambler & Woolloy , 418rfI5tbtt. 3tW 23 FOH SAlE-IUfcot , south f ron DoiJiic , bet 12th and I3lh. Call iiulok. O F. Klsastcr's , No. 318 H lOthst. OJO Bid HAHfJAIN Ono hundred feet front on South Eleventh nt , corner lot , only Ji.OOO. Part on time. V. L. Vodlcko , 5JO South 13th st. 834 rpHIKTY lots two blks from new depot , South JL Omaha , * 4r > 0 it sold before the 16tb. I'lcrco \ IIOBors , r > , Aninirton blk. 117 \\7Hha\csomc \ery desirable lots to exT - T i clmiiRi ) for any kind of merchnndl c : 120 N 15th st , 1-2 blk n P O. Mnrr \ Toft. 3.V4 FOKSAI.r.-Corlnt , G0xl32 , on i apltol HIM , muat bo sold soon. Cnll at 2222 Davenport Donor. STIlKin' IU feet on Oodgn by BO on Ninth Micet$25,000 , it cash , Inclildlnir Im- nrovomrnlB It sold at once. ( Jieory ( , V lladlpy , Rooms 1 and 3 , li-'O Sontli 15tb street. 020 OH SALK DodKo st , t\\olot3 In Kllby place , fronting on Dodtfii Ptrei't , 125 foot. Two blocks bejond thu loth have old for 12,000 , the fame price wo ask lor these. Only fl/JUO cash required. Shaw \ Co , 510 810th st. mo the agents. 190 DO 1)013 bTKUUr 1 C- feet on Dodco by l-fl on Ninth btM'ct , J,00) ! ) , H cash , Including Im provements if solil at once , ( iiepory St Hndley. Itooms 1 and 3,320 tioiitli 15th street. 92U FOH SALI3 2 blocks from Drownoll hull on 10thst,2flno bargains. CullatCl.F. K sassor's. U28 1'KK CENT moitKaKPl taken as part pay' memoil Uoul Kstalo. P O. Box 714. tK8J9 ! < < " 1JAII.8 andtle for tlio street car line arc now 11 boliiK unloadtd nlonv Park street west from llaiibcom Park past Ambler Plauu to Kck- ormanu. 38H 29 LOOK over this I'lt nnd then call and let us show you the property. Matter HoulKstnto Agency. Painvlcw , Saunders Bt front $2,000 Plalnvlow , a tlnenorner , onlr l,2oO Oxford Place , 2 lots , only 600 Davenport's subsouth front > . 1.500 Dnvonport's sub , Bnundors st , 87.U23 . . . . 8,500 Hood's 4th , a splendid business corner , 122 on 2ytb by 148 on Lake 10,000 Foster's ndd , Snundnrsst front f > ,009 I.owo's add , 2 fine lots , a corner 2.SOQ Ione's ndd , Scvvanl st , n hnrirnln . . . . 1,203 Orchard Hill , Hamilton bt , block } , a bly barvAin , only l.tOO licservoir add , a corner , on Humilton. . . 1,000 lleservolr ndd. 3 tlno lots , only 1,200 Kllby place , line cast front l.MW Potter's iido , 2 One lots l.tiOO IIiKbliind Place , rnrnam Bt. coiner 3,500 Hanscom pluco , barviiin 2.IWI Han cora place,2.1 lots , f 1,600 to 4/KX ) 1'ratt's 8ub.n beautiful acre 2.000 Pratt's sub , 4 flue Ittson Oroof st 800 Fifteenth bt. near Vinton 1,500 Sixteenth st. near Vlnton 1,500 A lartfo list of Improved property In all parts of tlio city , Iluslncss property nt bottom prices. Call on us. Molter Heal Kstntu Agency , 1513 1'arnam t. , Tol. 8I" . 2P5 25 FOH SALE A corner lot , f.GrlliJ , on 15th and Cumins st , ono of thu bent locations in the city for a wholesale house , with waterworks and sowcrneo. Apply at premises , Thou. Sin clair. 31 lot 21J FOH SAl-n Lot on 7th and Lake bts , with nouso o rooms , kitchen , pnntiy nnd good brick cellnr. Apply to the Omaha Honl Kstato and Trust Co. , or Win. Fleming , 14th and Douir- laBts. . Will rent to irood parties if not gold Immediately. 871 LOTS for sato. A great bargain for a few day only. Lot 6. ' ( Uses ad-i , n w corner Samulori and Cnssius 8tioet , will subdivide to advantage , nearly ono aero of land , * 12,00 , ) . Lot 100 , ( Use's add , JR.000 , Lot 71 , nine's add , SH.OOO. Illock No. 1. Hoyd's add , $10,003. Terms , not lets than 1. ) cash , balance 8 per cent , semi-annual Interest. Homlnirtoii & McConnlck , 921 220 Sonth 16th street. LOTS with houses Lowe's addition $ J,0001 Improvement ARSotlatlon < 2IIO ( , Omaha View $1.700.M nearCn&s $1,100. Dodge st. C | v- ftol hlll ! 3V : Hurt st. near 20th $8,500. Huit near 22d , $9r,0) ) , McCormlcK's S houses , 4,000. Ixite. 24 lots In Institute place from HOI to $650 South Omaha from $ * M to $ li > 0) ) , Hillside No. 1 $ lsoo , Kondtill's $ ( (21 , Meyers i Tllden's $ b50 to $ KK ) , t-aundersiV HlmcbaiiKh'a Highland park $ . ' 2'i , Washington hill fMI to $46Hedford ) pl.ico $ hUO , 1'ai k Porc t 101) ) , Omaha View $ l.7f ! to tl'tr > 0 , State st. lots $ lnTQ , ralrmount IWIto $ lt50 , Poppleton Park. 2 lots on l.owo avenue one a corner , $1,40,0. Chlcngo st. WJxl41. $4,000 llrcnnun place $ l0t ' ) to $ . ' , riOO , Hnwcs' addltioi $1,8-,0 , ; Walnut Hill. $1,000. Some bargains In acres nnd bushiest prop- nity. A business lot on Dodge PI. that Is n "snap" for somebody. John ( ialluKber.317 s llthst , 3JJ27 FUAHRfcTT * rO.- Wxl2 south front I'elham place $1,1X1 ( rOxlJ4 In PlHlnviow with new house . 1,000 79 foot south front on Hrlstol at near Saundois . . . . . . . 2,200 rortounsEccF. Unrrett It Co. , 314'i ' S 15th. :127 : 2J FOH SAl.KbyF Harrrlt A Co..31411 Slfith The nicest south front lot In I'elham place , $1,300. 3-J7 28 TIKACKAGn-Cheapcit track propcity In the market , prices ranging from $ . ' ,00' ) to $2r > 00 Lots ti5tltn. Those lots are right In town and It H easy to Judpo by the corpora tions who hnvo already miulo purchases hero that this property is the cheapest and will be the best trackage In Omaha , fiicgory & Hadley. Hooms 1 and 3 , 320 South 15th st. 318 INBIDE PHOPKKTY-Wo have some good In- side property at n bargain , Plorco k Hog- ers.1511 Dodge street. a'to DODOE STHKUT 135 feet on Dodge by CO on Ninth ttrect , $ , ' 5.000 , ' , ' cash , Including Im provements if sold at once. Gregory It Hadley , Hooms 1 and 3,3JO South 15tb street. 02(1 ( rnilR great Ambler Place sale Monday and X Tuesday. Harrison , Ambler & rVoollcy , 418 8 15th St. SC9 2:1 : NO tlner place exists than Ambler plntoTwhcn the street cars aio running by there in tlio next slJtvUajs. UOJ2I rpIVHlotaonCumlngst In Wulnut hill. $1.100 J each. Graham , Crclghton bile. 185 21 MMIK great Ambler Place sale Monday and X Tuesday , Harrison , Ambler & Woolley , 4188UthBt. 36921 JUST as coon as the wet cars are running lots la Ambler Placu will be worth more t ban double their proeent value. 30'J 23 HAVK you caught on totho followlnir snaps ? 2 lot * In Catalpa''nd adil , $ < .Vcnch ) , 3 lots in Kllbr I'lacr , each $ l , < ( > 0. Hot In Plain View. $1,500. 1 lot In S & H Illghlnnd Park , $7,1 cn h , $275. 5 lot ? In S \ H HUhhiml Paik , I'M cajh , $1,400. 1 lot In HlllsldoNo2. $2,10J. 2 lots the choice of Lowe's ndd , for both , $ J.KiO I lot on 18th "Ircrt , $1f > JJ. M lots 111 Omaha llrlnhts , one-fifth cash , $ .V > 0 o $4'iU. II ncro lot in Cote Ilrllllnnt trotn $ . ' 50 to $ IV ) . A choice corner lot In blk 17 , In Kount/o Mace , not compelled to build , $ .l.XK ) . A lioueo and lot on llth st , near .Inckion $4)00. A house and lot on Walnut Hill , tt,0X ) cash , f3,500. A tuniso nnd lot In Orchard Hill , $7.500 A house nnd lot on 17th st , ni-ai , $ : , f > .V ) , 30 feet between St. Mai ) ' * nnd l.pairnworth on 27th , Ith n rood building , will rent lor $76 per month. $5tKio. 120xUO on corner In Hlalnn llu lncs Place , (2.COO. ( A house and lot on Georgia at cnuc , $ 1,500. A lot In Hlniflbaiigh 1'liu e , $2,100. A lot In Paddock I'laoo. $ ' . ' , ( ) Hi. 3 lots In MH ) ne'o ndil , ench fi'M. 3 lots In Vlnlon I'laop.i'heop. Also man\ more jou wllinnd by calling on ludklna \ MaMie , 140Dodge. . Wo nre amply picpntud to show propeity nnj ticri' In the city. 417.5 'PIIK great Ambler I'lnco sain Mondny and .1 Tup-May. Han Until Aniblcr \ Woolloy , 418 S 15th ft. .WJSI DUXTI.H U TIlOMAS-Ilas the choicest lots In Lincoln I'l.ioo. 2 cor actt's In > olomnui' ndd $710 each. 3 lots In hlock 60MMith Omaha ANo H , block CO , and lot 2 , block IA , 1 ItltU , 2 In " 7 , clieap. Nl acres bv Central City to ell or trade. l.U'Oiicics in a doily near Staiitun. 4bO iiercit near Wisuer. Alfolotsln Itrdtord I'lnoe , lelonp nddltlon , Wc l Cnmlng , Kcntcir'o add on Cumlng M. Thebes bos lot In block ( ' , Ai' , Ac. I aw n the nbo\ and can make terms to cult. Come and see. Dciter L. Thomas , room " , Illock < ' Crclglitaii - - ACOHNLH nnd three linldo Ion In block 4 , Orchard lllll , iifxt to Hamilton ! ! . , nt liO. Terms oniy. PlPico A llogcrs 117 45 ACIir.S north nl U. P. nhopi Hi $2ilJ per acre. Terms to hint Daxiil M Connnll agpnt,313 llthst.opp Paxton hotel , or 0. K. Crnllo , 141SI Dodge st S' ' 7. FHSAIU Good farm In NebrnsUactipapfor cash , or will exchange for saliiblo pioporty. Addtossiit oiipo Arthur C. Ciossman , Atkinson , Holt Co , Nob. 108 M Tlho great Ambler Place pale Monday nnd Tnendny. Harrison , Ambler A Woolloy 418 S 15th St. 3M.I 2.1 _ HlAKKtTuicakc. CnUe A : Illlllngc. Krai i : - JL estate hot eal.cs. Oor 101 South 15th st. Sample Ginger Hnapit. Onu hundred and ten foot on .tones and 14tb flu. halfcaoh. bill. 1 , 2 , 3 years , $17,600. I'lfty by itIO feet for trackage for buslnes.near Stock Van In. Ten selected lots near Swift's packing house site. 918 POH SALK nirnlture , nnd 0 room house for rent , about 8 blocks from the postolllco ; a bargain. Apply to F. F. Williams A-Co. . 10th and Chicago hts. 121. BAHOAIN-Knst front lot on IHth t. near Castellar , 54\iJ3 , corner , on 20-foot alloy : 4-room house , Imrn , etc. , all for $2i > 00 , SUOO cash , balance 1,2 and3 yonrs. Gregory i Had- Icy , Kooms 1 nnd 3,320 S 15th st. 782 fPHH great Ambler Place nlo Monday and -1 Tuesday. Harrison , Ambler \ . Woolloy , 41HSl5thst. 3092.1 DODGK bTRUBT LOIR on Dodge between 12th nnd 13th , only $000 per front foot. GiciroryiJ Hadley , Hooms 1 and3 , 320 South 16th fell cot. IKS ) FOK SAI.13 llusincss property , nw corner 13th nnd Dorcas sts , xl32 leet.wlth a large hoiibo nnd other Impioxements , nt baignln. For sale , 317 acres of land In Nuckolls Co. , Neb , within IS tnllos of Superior nnd H. H. depot. For particulars call on M. Hedlngton , lGJSS.13tlist.Oniahik 97.lmayfiJ rpllFgroat Ambler I'lnco sale Monday and J Tuesday , Harrison , Ambler it Woollcy , 118 S loth ht. Mil 2a INVnsTln Ambler Place next week If you want to double your money before the summer is half gone. Hnirison , Ambler A- Woolley , 418S. 11th st. 3t > u 2:1 : FOH 8AL13 A 0-ioom cuttnge. , within the mlle circle , one oik from struct cars Price $3,000 , ' , on time. Inquire No. 3.4 N 17th st from8to 10:30it : m. ! < 08 iWJ Donoi : SI'HiKT-Lotj : on Dodge bctwcon 12th and Ilith , only $0.10 per front foot. Grngory& Hadley , Hoonts 1 nnd 3 , 3-'J South ISthSticct. 920 DODGI3 STHKr.r Lots on Dodgn between 12th and 13tbonly $ UJ per front foot. Gregory Ac Hndley , Uoomsl and 3 , 320 South 15th street. VM A TTI5ND the great sale of Ambler plncolots W Mondny and Tuesday , 31,92. ) SHAW 4 CO ,5108. 10th st. Among tbolr many other attractions offer you a house and lot In Shlnn's nddltlon lor $ .1/100 ; a line oust front on Georgia avenue for $7,800 ; a line lot It Hanbcom place for $3,000 ; an elegant corner on 20th st. for $2.500 ; a desirable bouse and lot on Ibth st. for $2i ( < )0. ) Come In nnd look over our list. Wo nre head quarters for safe incctmcntl. . 153 ONI ! of the choicest residence portionsof the city is In the southwestern part of the city and Ambler place Is on the highest ildgo over looking all that part of the city.30ri23 rplIE gieat Ambler Place gale Monday and JL Tuesday. Haurison , Ambler ft Woolloy , 418 3 13th Bt- 30U23 INVRSTIn Ambler Place next week If > ou want to dnublo jour money boore ! the summer Is h-ilf gone. Harrison , Ambler A Woolley , 41b 8. isth at. 309 2J OT 17 bik 5 , Ilanscora place , $2,100 , $ SOO cnsh J Graham , Crolghton blk. 185 2J G IVE jour attention to the rale of lots In Amble r Place Monday and Tuesday. 36 ! ) 23 McOAVOCKi-O'Connor , 310 South 13th - , will offer for ono week , a few bargains out of the ninny whlun are in our list : Z lotrt on Siiunders St. , Improvements worth $1,510 , prlco $ 8,000 22xlU : corner on 14th st , rents for $253 per month 25.00D 7oxl32 comer on St. Mary's ave , with 3 houses 31,000 13Jxl K corner on South 10th at , south and cast front 10,000 Aconier und6-room coltngo on 10th st 7,003 120x118 , a corner south ol viaduct on llth bt 6,200 2 vacant lots on S. llth st , cheup. WxllOiind an K-room cottage , a corner S. 15th st 0,000 A beautiful residence lot near 13th si. cars 1,700 . Iniiunid , If you want desirable property either for speculation or for a homo , call and pee the large and carefully selected list of Mc- Gai ock k O'Connor. 310 S. 1,1th st. 190 100 cash n 111 secure Id ) acres of first class $ farming land In eastern Nebraska balance Tory long time nnd no taiPS for 20 years. The O. r. Davis company , 1505 fnrnnm et. 021 m 15 _ _ _ r1EN acres of land sultablo Tor piontahlo JL gaidcinng purposes , ll\e miles from P.O. This property will pay for Itself bv piopcrcul tlvatlon In two year$0,000. . $ . ' ,100 down , bal aneo I and 2 years. City will built around it nnd it will pay for platting. Choice of the ad dition. Call on WoodbrlJge Hro9,215S. 15th St. Opera boiuo. iOS ) PLAIN VI EW-No lcor lot In the addition than this one , with now lioiife : till for $1,500. I1 , llurrett i Co.,314'/ ' 1Mb. , f.7 2S HoTES - " Elegant H room house worth f I.HIO , on a south and oust I rent corner ll.'xlill. on ht Jlary's avo. Ona of thu nicest boiaes In tlio city. Can soil on easy terms , $ . ' 0,00' ) . I'liio H room house , bath room , hot and roll water , gas. mantles nnd grates , h IMco ling hnrd coal furnace with rogliter In every room 11 toot cellar , well lighted. Good Imrn for , vehicles and 5 horses , city water In ham , lo GOxU- . $10,000. Finest east from lot , Georgia live betwoei Lcnvcniworth and Jackson st , 7r > xHOwtli ! gooc 7 room cottage , burn , etc. , $ . ' ,500 Is fair valua lion for Improvements and the lot alone is worth $7,500 $ KVK ) . Coi ner lot , 52UXI21) , east nnd nottu front , ' . blocks from Cuming and one from Saunders st 2-story , b-ioom house , city water and gas On Park ave , north of Le.tvcnnorth bt , Tix 140 , 8-1 oem house , complete In nil respects , u nice home , $0,0)0. ) Fust front. 50\151 , on Gergla nvo near Pop- pletoti uve,9-ioom house , city water , barn.lo n little above Bt grade , $1'K . West trout , 50x16' ' ) . on Georgia ave , oear Poppletou nve , 7-room house nnd barn , $1,50) ) . I'nst front , 50x181 , on 3Jd st near lUnacom pnrk , 7-ronm house and burn , $5,200. East front , fi' ) < 171 , on 32d st nrar Pacific , I1/ story bouse , 0 rooms finished , Z rooms unfln Ished.gnod riarni,700. HOIISCH and loin In all ( .arts oftbecltya pi Ires ranging from $1,0X1 upwnrdH. I'm chutes can In n.any Instancoi be made with only n snmll cash payment and the bul unco In monthly payments. payments.Gregory & Hidloy , Itooms 1 nnd 3 , LUJ South 15th st Telephone 8M , 317 _ T\ODGB STHElTl' Ixits on Dodge between .U l.'th and llth , only $00) ) per front toot Gregory k Hadley , Hooms 1 and 3 , tf.'O Soutl street. 820 _ DO you want a cheap homo ? John Gallagher 317 S nth m , can toll you of n fine 4-room collage In Hhlnn's addition , lot UO.xl- ) , that can bo bought for $2,800 , easy urins. ' 1 bis Is on of the bett bargains in Omaha * 390 2J riMlE Omaha HeM Estate and Trust Co. , P. d IIlliiichnugii , PIP * , , AlMttSaumof.Sco'yM ! offer the following bargains ; ( I lots In M ) r . Hlchnrd Tllden's ndd , $9CO. oiuh , ouo IlflhcnMi , balance totul-utinunl pay- * incuts. Lots 1 amis block "A" Snumlers * lllmo- bnugh'smld$1,000 each ; one-fontIh cnsh , bn | 1,2 and ,1 j ears. These are latgo choice lots oa Mllltaiv a\c. Lot 15 block "A" Saunilers * lllmebaugh'B add. J750 , bnlatico c-nsy pajmrnts , fills is M bargain. Lot ft block fi Mjcrs.Hlehnrd oil \ Tllden's add , fl.WA ) ; oiiiM'outlhca'h , hal. I , 2 nud ,1 jears. This H n nice corner on SlMlo M. litit 3 nnil 4 block 1 Sauiuleu It Illmchnugh'si add to Walnut llllllth More buildings nnJ ll\c-ioom Uatu abo\o , $1,7W cuolit bnliiuioeiy easy pnj ments. Corner lot. 4 Chorrv Garden , 70 feet on Lenv- onuorlh nud 112 on l'lnn antonly $ t.fc . per Iroufl toot ; oiio-tlilrd ca h , bnl to suit. 'Ihlsls a bar. gain , ns pioperty opposite Is hold at $80 prr1 liout foot. 4uuth front lots In block I Saundcis X Illmo-M bnUKh'sndd$7lH ) each ; one-fourth cnsh , bnli j nncul nnd2eais , Thc-onru choice loU \\IIU. ' 1 houses on ell her side , ' J One lot on Farnam st In West End , * , VOOoiis ; > . third cash , bal I ami 2 j ears. ' . ! Housu and hall lot on .Mi list , near Clark , j J ' 2.000 : onc'-fnuith cash , balance 1 and 3 jpnrs. ' i Jnblc UUP lu I Mint. j < Mouse and lot on N 20th H , nenr Spruce- ' t S4.1KO : ono louith cash , bal 1 and2 jenrs. , -I Homo and lot on Spruce si tipar 20th , JS.OO1) } i otiP-tour'.h I nnd 2 jenis. 'i 120 leet corner on Miundcrs st , $12,000 ; on ' ! bird cash , tin ) 1 nnd 2 j ears. j Onueoinur lot \\f\-hliiKtmi squiiic , south J mil east tiont with nllcj In rear , $1,600 ; one * J bird cnsh , mil In 1 nnd 2 j car" . " 4 south fiont lots In Washington squnrc , [ ,1,000 ench. One lot In Washington squnic , $2,31)0 ) ; $ DV ) > i n h , bal I , 2 and 3 j cars. 2.1 feet on I'lirimm st near 20th , $ " ,000 ; ono-s ! fourth cn h. bill 1.2 nnil3 years. 1 20 ncres for phittlng , only ( i ) rods from cnrt I Inn to llcti'on , nnd It ! , ) rods Irom elty llmlto , I tl,2lO per aero ; ono-lltth cash , bnl I nnd 3 } I ' ears. U nerpMirnr the ttcnf Mute liiMltutr , $ l,500 icrncru ; ouu-loiuth cash , bul I und2)oan > . 100choice lots in Oinnhn holght $2.'iO to $550 ; one fifth cash , bal to suit. 0 line icRldeiicn lots in 1'i ' miles from po U otlico,1'1'lockH ! tioin cnr line. $1.575 to $ IHX ) , . 'Kintlng on 3 Ktroets ; one-third enah , bill 1'A' ' iiul 3 years. ; IJ fee-ton Phil Pherldiin nv , between bt. Marva ( nnd Lenveuworth sts , $1,030 ; one-thlid cash , jal 1,2 and 3 j ears IWJaeies in Dlxon Co. , 0 miles from Poncn , Bounty scat , $ JI peracie , one lialf cash , bal- iiuo2jpiiis. Highly luipioved , trult , timber , running springs , etc. One lot In Hull I'lnen 12,000 ; $375 cnsh , bal- ineo I nnd 2 j ears. House nnd Kit In Hull Place $2,750 ; $150 > cusb , balr.ncc t and 2ears. . O. H. I' . .V T. Co. , 1501 , Inrnnin St. F OR SAI.K acres II mlhn from the clljrt , limits southwest , beautiful land with con-1 slant supply of watbr. Apply to Omaha Heal , I'stato andTniFt C . , or Win. Fleming 71 H AHNKVst , $ bO ft front , two house * $8lJOOfi xerychenp. Graham , Crclghton Ui great Ambler Place snlo Monday and Tuesday , Harrison , Ambler Woolley , 418 3 15th st. M a SALE New 4 room houeo nnd lot tj FOH mile from poslolllco price $1,50. . ) , easoK $ BOO. H. McDowell. iiOfl 1 : Hnrnoy IN fl ) 2,1' J " S" CAHS to Ambler place In sixty your nttentlon to thu ealoof lotslii GIVE Plnco Monday nnd Tuesday. 3o 2j [ f t'STns soon nstno street cars niu runnln * tl lots In Ambler Place will bo woith moreS thiin double their piescnt value. ilO'l ' 2) -iNVHSTln Ambler Place next weeklfjo' ' J want to doiiblo jour money bcfoin th summer Is lialf gone. Harilson , Ambler Woolloy , 413 S. 16th st. : U' < .l-23 rpHK great Amhler Plauo gnlo Mondny an * JL Tue day. Ilarrhon , Ambler k Woolleyr 4183 15th St. 3WI2.I ITII $200 eaMiT $1007ir"0 inonthR niltml- | aucc 111 1 nnd2)oarsyou can secuiu at' ' lot In Ambler Placo. 3 23 _ _ * TVI3 | rnur attention to tlie sale ofTola la J Ambler Place Monday and Tuesday. 38J2 * JUST as ROOII as the street cars are runnliifr Ills In Ambler Place u III bo worth mrre > than double their present \nluo. ilflfl 2i Ni > ltK.irDICI3I ) parties admit Hint Amblep place will bo the finest residence part oC the city when the street cars are running by It. ' 2. ) VKHY Soon the ktrrot cats will bo running byAmlilcr Place , then lots will double la vnlue. 309 3 TUST ns soon ni the streetcars nru running tl lots in Ambler Place will bo worth mora than double their present Tillne. ! ! 0'l " 'I OAIL3 nnd tlos for the f-treot car line are noiw JLt boltrK unloaded along Park Mi cot west from llniibcom Park pnst Ambler Place to Bckc crmnnn. . 30'J 23 i HK great Ambler Place Bale Monday an < v Tuesday. Harrison , Ambler & Woolloyi 418 Sloth st. 31192,1 S IPH1NU VALLEY , , Our new nddltlon. j Acres$430 to $ WJ per aori. r Near South Omaha , { ' And Hydlcate Hill. , . _ ft j Marshall * Lobock , , < 1 778 I50'J Farnnm. T\OIOn ) STaKBT-iaj feet on Dodge by fiO or 9 \J Ninth street , $ . ' 1,000. 'j unsb , Inelndlng lin- piovcmcnts If bold nt once. Groyoiy It Iladle ) , Hooms 1 and 3 , : i South 15th street. FOH SALE A good farm in Dlxon county ; I well Improved. For pirtloulitrs apply t i . Omnha Heal Ehtnie and Trust Co. , or Win. I 3 Fleming , 14th and Doughi ? . 871 \ HAHHISON , AMULEK k WOOLLEY , 41R 8. , f 15th strout.wlllgUu you a unignln In Am i bier Place lots Momlay. 301) ) ffl FOH SALE Good farms In Nebraska cheip . for cash , or will exchinxo for salable mor- . chandlso. Address at once Arthur C. Cross * 1 man , Atkinson , Holt Co , Nob. 10330 f. \4\OH \ \ SALE-Hy S. KntV Co. , 1511 Pnnmin sl ) | ( JL ? Coiner Faruain and 31st , iWxiU : ; . . . $17.00 , ) Corner Douglas and 12th iU.Odgj Comer Pierce and 19th , HOxOJ I5,00i , i Coi nerltith and Martha , ! ) ? xl40 H.O , ) . . Corner 18th mid Hint fl.SO , , , Coiner 13th and Callfoinln. Ui lot 25,00j , Corner Capitol HVimiie mid 2ti.-i st n , ' > < \ \ Choice i esidonce lot , Summit Hill 'l/iOj Choice lot , Fainnm near . ' ! ' u : i,001 ; CoinurSaun < lor > and Hurt , lAlxrit . . . . 7,00 Choice lots Wftlnut Hill l/v > Choice lot , Virginia a\o ' ' ' > Choice lots on Fainam Bt 2iW * Choice lot. Dodge and 27tn 3,000 Choice lot , 1'ltb Joining Cosmopolitan. 3,500 68 ( cut fronting on Cuming and Hint,5 bouses 15,0:0 Lot 62ixI01 ! , Just north of Cuming.O-rooia house ; n grout bargain 3.NOO ) frontage on 17th nnd l th tts.ln the heart of ttioelty.wlth 5 houses . . . . 20,000 00 feet front on 22d Bt Just north of ht. Maiy'saxo 5,600 New 8-room cottage , choicest location in thcclly. . . . . . 4.HJ3 Full lot on Franklin st 1.35J Cnll in nnd bee ua nnd wo will makojou mouey. B. Katzi. Co. , 1511 Farnnm , 227 rplIE greiit Amhlcr PlnccTiittJo Mondiiy und JL Tursilav. Harrison , Amblei k Woolluy , 418 S 15th Ht. 309 23 ATTKND thu greal niie of AinDlcr plneo lot ) Monnnj and Tuesday , 3 ( < 9 2J WITH $200 caih , $100 In C Month * , and bal ance in 1 mid : ; j cars , jou cun M-euro a lot In Ambler 1'lucu. 'Ml 21 I'S of lots In Amcicr place will double In slvty dayi when the stioet cars are run- nghyft. 30)21 ) Notice. rpo Stephen A. Delor , mlo heir at law to JL Henry P. Delor , dei iiiiced , Vou am heicby notified that the undorslgned. llueodlslnteipotiid fieeholdors of the. ( Ity of Omaha , ba\n bren dul ) appointed by Ilia miMor , with Iheapiiroxnlot ilio I'ltv Council oC saiil cllj' , to assess the ilaniHgu lo the owncia lespoctlMily ot the pioporty declaidd by oidi- nancu nul < s ry to bo nppiopilatcd tort ho lisa ot liuid city , tor Iho purpose of widen ugId ttiifl on ea t line of propeity below described. Vou nro further notltled , that Inning ac cepted bald appointment , and duly qualified nu required by law , we will on Iho Ibth day of May , A. D ! Bb7 , at thu bom ol U o't lock In the fore noon , nl .loir W , Hudfoid'K coal olllce , wMhlu the corporate limits of hald city , meet lor the purpose of ton ! dni Ing nnd miiKing thu assen- nieut of damage Id the owners rctpectlxily , otf biild property , by the n n un of such takingum ! appropriation thuroor. taking Into conslduru * lion special Ijcnefils , I ) any. The property belonging lo you proposed to bo appropriated as aforoalil. ami which has been declared npcesintir by the council , liy oi < ll > nunce , to appropriate to thu use ol the city , ho- Ing Kltuutud In bald elty ot Omaha , In the county ( if Douglas , and Mate ol .Nebraska , la described us lollot.3 , lo.wll : Commencing at the a I' , coinorof lot 27 , lludlik's Sicond uddl- lion , thence imst 30 tecl , UIUIILO i-outli 200 lust , thence wei-t 30 feet , thence north 21K ) fi-pt to th pluco of beginning , and being 'M leet off the cant sldqof tax lot 31. m t no city of Omaha. Vou are notltled to bo present at the liino and place aforesaid , and mnko any objections to , or ktnteniviiti concerning , said proposed gppio- prlution , or Hvesiment ot diifnages , ason mujr co HHider proper. JBI'P. W. HEDrOHI ) , MAHTIN Dl'NIlAM , THOrt. bWIFT. Osiaha , Neb , , April S3 , lt7.