Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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Substantial Prosperity of David Oily and
Butler County Recorded ,
Bolltl ( Jrowtti of Teknniali Improve-
incuts jnt Grnnd Inland I'liolps
Coiinty'H Itnlli-oad 1'roHpects
1'ronpccts at liny Springs.
Dnvld City's Showing.
DAVID CITY , Neb , , April 23-tCorrc-
Bpondcnco of the Bun , ] There arc
booms und booms ! Big booms ami little
booms ; booms of value and booming
' 'winds. " Every town is indulging in u
boom , but the town having the biggest
boom is not always the best place to Hud
n good business location.
There is ono town in this state which
lias not been boomed or often mentioned.
Jt is David City. The town is located
very nearly in the geographical center of
Uutlor county. Uutlor county was or
ganized in 1808 with hixty-ono votes. It
is in the third tier of counties west from
the Missouri and its county metropolis is
Just sixty miles from Omaha on an air line ,
'and the same section line. It is u county
peculiarly riclt in the character of its
Boil , winch will produce every variety of
cereal or grass kn own to cultivators ol
this latitude. Tlio county comprises a
total of 377,000 acres of land , of which
18-1,000 will bo under cultivation this
year , hence , is yet only half developed.
Its population now reaches 10,000 , an as-
miranco that It is capable of sustaining b
future population of 130,000 people.
David City is a town of 1,500 popula
tion , free from any debt for exclusive
city purposes. She has a graded school
Vith a building 105x15 feet , two stories ,
nnd employs a principal and seven as-
fistants. Arrangements are being made
for two additional buildings for primary
She has six organized church societies ,
viz. . Congregational , Methodist , Baptist ,
Catholic , Lutheran andCampbellite , The
four first mentioned have places of wor
All the loadinc secret orders have or
ganizations established hero.
This town is the best furnished of nnj
other town in the state outside of Omahn
and Lincoln. The Omaha & Republican
Valley , from its Lincoln and Omaha junc
tion at Valparaiso , enters the southeast
corner of the county and goes out of it on
the west. On this line is located Brain-
nrd , nine miles southeast , and llising , ten
rules west of David City. The Lincoln
& Northwestern branch of the B. & M ,
enters the county on the south and goes
out on the north , terminating at Colum
bus. On this road is Ulysses , fifteen miles
south , Garrison eight .miles south , and
Bellwood ton miles northwest of David
City. The Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri
Valley , a branch of the Chicago & North
western , is now in course of construction.
This line of road will enter the county in
the extreme northeast , traverse twelve
Wiles of the beautiful Platte valloy. ovoi
the table lands , aud thence out at the
southwest corner , after crossing the
lovely Blue valley. On this roud will bo
located four new towns lirst , Linwood ,
twenty miles northeast , and a now town
ton miles northeast ; ulso a now town
eight miles southwest , and Surprise , iu
. the Blue valley , sixteen miles southwest
of David City. The Union Pacific survey'
ors have just finished a preliminary sur
yoy from Columbus , which will be called
itjje Columbus cut-oil' . This completes
connection with the Union Pacific bruncti
Sines running into the northwest part of
the state , and now terminating ut Col'
Airnbus via David City over the Omanu &
Republican Valley railroad. These lines
also connect with the Missouri Pacific ul
Lincoln , and again with the Wabash at
VSt , Louis , ana all the Gulf und Missis
'flippi lines comprised in Gould's southern
system. This road will be built this sum
ancr. This line will locate but ono towi
tin the county , which will bo twelve mile :
> ( northwest of David City , in the rich unc
fertile Plat to river valloy. With thi
Hastings branches , northwest branches ,
Lincoln nnd Omaha branches , David Citj
in most beautifully located for divisior
' .headquarters. . The Northwestern is build
Ing another line on the east side of the
county from a junction at Linwood
"JChoy cross the Omaha & Republican Vul
ley railroad at Bralnurd , thence througl
Seward and Fillmore counties. Tin
icompany will locate two new towns H
'tho ' county on this lino. The B. As M. i
now building a branch line from Ashlam
to Schuyler. They lay about twelve mile
of track in Butler county. They will onlj
locate one town in the county.
There will be 150 miles of railroad tracl
in Butler county before the end of 1837
At the present assessed valuation of road
Of their class in the state , the total assess
Able value of this property will umoun
to about three quarters of a million del
lars.There will bo a total of fourteen mat
kot towns in the county , nil in dircc
connection with David City. Whil
these numerous towns furnish gooi
mail and other facilities for the convenience
vonienco of tamers , the very excess o
them entirely obviates all possibility o
nuy of them oven becoming rivals o
David City , the county scut.
With such surroundings and convpn
iouces , no ono will bo justified in snyin ,
that David City Is not happily situutei
for either business or social attractions
There is no place of importance to whic
n citizen might wish to go but that th
train will bo along some time during th
day to take him there. These Severn
roads crossing as they do , is equivulcii
to seven railroads.
All the town needs is capital and enterprise
torpriso to develop intp one of the hand
aomost nnd thriftiest little inland cities ii
the whole state of Nebraska. Some c
its citizens have nerve us well us ftutti
M. J. Jones , ono of its oldest citizens rr
contly purchased seven lots , which ar
upon to bo ornamented with substantir
b'rick store rooms. W. M. Bunting
George Schwcsor and F. W. Paddoc
have demonstrated their faith before thi
by putting up handsome brick blocks.
-Like every other town or city on oart
David City has her "claimsr' follo\v
who don't want any boom ; who want tli
earth all to themselves , but the strange
who means business , with a big "B" an
B rustle ut the cud of it , will Und lots c
friends , and not lack for customer ;
Those hunting homes will find 0x091(01 (
opportunities , as the various addition
are so controlled that no one individui
or sjmheato owns a monopoly on built
iijg sites , even was any such the apparci
1" design of any of our lot owners.
' " Not canvassing the needs of this tow
from the standpoint of muc
desired manufactories alone , good , sul
I- Btnntiul briok storerooms und ollict
* 1 * need not go begging long for occupant
Ono grist mill with four sets of rollers ,
crowded nil the time to Its utmost cupai
UY and the time for another is now rip
A good substantial hotel is a matter i
most urgent necessity. The demand i
this direction is increasing daily.
The coining in of now railroads hi
made n porcn.tlbVpchange already in tl
rites charged by our old railroads. Th
is a very satisfactory departure from Ion
established usage , especially to furrno
who aru getting two and u quarter con
n bushels more for corn than they otho
wise would.
Any live man looking for a good bus
1 ness fyoutlon , will not bo disappointed I
bu search if he should put David Cil
. tfl * mil- *
down among the other points in his list ,
which he desires to visit in his pilgrimage
among Nebraska towns , C ,
Hurt County's fjttccn City.
TKKAMAH , Neb. , April 23. [ Corre
spondence of the BKE. ] Tckamah is the
county seat of Burl county , a city of the
second class , and by far the largest city
between Omaha and Sioux City , with
the exception of Bla ir. The great num
ber of brick residences , together with its
immense wealth , show that Tekamnh
stands on a solid rock , and the number
of new and substantial buildings contin
ually being creeled foreshadow Tckamah
as the future great and queen city of
Hurt county for all time to como. The
improvements that are being madein
town and country are of of a substantial
character which surely indicates the
prosperity of the town and country. The
citizens arc always on the alert to push
anything in the nature of public improve-
meiTts. The business men arc enterprising -
ing and carry largo stocks of goods. The
city lias one largo and commodious brick
hotel , the Merchants , which affords lirst
class accommodations for its many
guests. The hotel would be a credit to
anv city.
Ono brick school building accommo
dates the COO pupils and the young ideas
are taught to shoot by nblo and compe
tent instructors
The Baptist , Methodist , Lutheran and
Presbyterian denominations a > : o well rep
resented hero.
Hurt county is ono of the most produc
tive counties in the state , and is peopled
by a thrifty and comparatively wealthy
class of farmers.
The canning factory of this place ,
which was established one year ago. is
proving a great good for the city and
surrounding country , and its capacity is
to bo doubled this year , so as to meet the
great demand for its products. This is
the only ono in the country. The civic
societies are well represented here. A
board of trade is being somewhat agi
tated and no doubt an organizatiod will
bo effected in the near future. The city
has two newspapers which represent the
two great parties of the country. The
Herald , democratic , is a newsy shoot
and reflects well on its editor. 'Iho Bur-
Ionian , of coiuso republican to the core ,
the oldest paper iu the county t is in n
most nourishing condition , enjoying by
far the largest circulation of any pupcV
In the county. The able management of
this paper is seen on every hand and
commendation for it is heard from nearly
every voice in the county.
A source of delight to all Tekamahites
is her character , in a moral sense of the
word , also her law-abiding , intelligent ,
liberal nml hospitable people , who aru
always active in the interests of the town
and county. The great wish of every
one's heart iu Burt county is a compet
ing railroad , an east aud west line. Sev
eral surveys have been made through our
county , and no doubt ere long the iron
horse will bo seen coining into Tckamah
direct from Chicago.
Tckamah has : i great deal of capital
and no doubt will oft'er largo induce
ments to different manufactories not al
ready represented.
Gratia Island' * * Grist.
GUANO ISLAND. April 21. [ Correspon
dence of the BEE. ] The United States
Investment company , of this city , has
just been organized and articles of incor
poration filed with the secretary of state
for the purpose of making loans in Ne
braska. The incorporators arc II. A.
Koonig , A. II. Baker , O. B. Thompson ,
William. Hoprgo , O. A. Abbot. C. A. Von
SVasmor and Gustav Koohler. The insti
tution will be a strong ono.
Senator S. N. Wolbach is putting in a
icw front to his mammoth retail store in
this city that will improve it very much.
By the change Mr. Wnlbach keeps up
with the many line improvements being
made on the principal business street.
The iron is ordered for the street rail
way company and it will be started in a
few days , and pushed forward to com
pletion by July 1.
The insurance companies have just
paid W. 11. West , boot and shoe dealer ,
$2,600 , loss on stock damaged by the re
cent lire.
The lese on thoSchaupp's mills , burned
last summer , has been paid , wo under
stand , by all the companies except the
Home of New York , which still refuses
to pay. It was an honest loss and should
have been paid , The company has re
ceived thousands of dollars in premiums
in this city and jts policy is short sighted
and creates indignation and distrust iu
the insurance business generally.
W. H. H. H\rrison , the newly ap
pointed judge for this new judicial dis
trict , has dissolved partnership with
Representative Kief , who will carry on
the loan und insurance business alone.
Judge Harrison will have his time fully
occupied by the duties of thooQicc is the
reason for the change.
The brick manufacturers are doing
their utmost to keep up the supply ol
this product for the building season , and
owing to the unusual demand will find
( lilliculty in doing it. The Grand Island
Pressed Brick company are shipping lanrc
quantities out on the new line of the 15
& M.
Now and extensive improvements arc
being made in the Scarlf block for the
new Bank of Commerce and they will
have ono of the finest outfits in tins city
Work on the now four story hotel u
being pushed rapidly and it will bo com
plotcd earlv in the season.
A largo block" of land has been pur
chased just cast of this city by West &
Schlotfoldt. It is to bo platted and mudi
an addition to the city.
Phelps County Jubilant.
HOI.UUEOE , Neb. , April 31. [ Corre
opoudonco of the BEE. ] The central am
northern parts of this'county are jubilan
over their certainty of u railroa.l at last
Some weeks ago the Kansas City d
Omaha railroad company submitted :
proposition for bonds in aid of said com
puny through the townships of Audersot
and Center , to a point near the old towi
of Phelps Center. In Anderson town
ship the bonds carried by a vote of CO t <
20 , and in Center township by a vote o
08 to 0. This insures Phelps county i
third railroad and n grand boom thi
coming summer. No less than eight ;
men are now at work on the B. & M
cinder pit a short distance from Ho'.drogi
making ballast for the roud bed ot the B
& M. railroad , and it is expected that i
large force will soon bo at work on thi
round house and shops to bo erected her <
this summer.
A forty ncro addition to Iloldrogo 1m
just been laid oft'adjoining the town 01
north bv the Kmsol Bros. , and the lot
nro selling rapidlv. Twenty of then
wore sold the first daj they wore on tin
market. Holdrcgo real estate is raputl ;
Increasing in vtiluo and new building
nro going up in all parts of the city.
J. U. Patrick , one of our lending youni
attorneys , was married to Miss'Lulu Bal
lard , of Hastings , the past week and the ;
will take up their abode in Holdrcgo a
The B. & M. company has laid a sid
track on their main line about sovei
miles cast of Holdredgo , and n now towi
situ will belaid onthere soon. Suporin
tundent Campbell has been in the city
number of days recently , overseeing am
directing movements proparitory t
buildings to bo erected here at once.
Most excellent rains hare fallen her
of late and the ground is thorough !
soauod. Farmers nro all jubilant an
hard at work , llearostate men .have a !
j i1''i * 1 1 rttiMIti , ' iSu. inu * i
hey onn do to tnko cnro of now comers
who are -coking hotucs iu tills tfniuil
country. _
The Sticrtdnn County llooin.
HAT Si'itisos , Nub. , April 2J. [ Corro-
sponilcnco of the HEK. ] The Shoridnn
county boom continue. ? with unabated
vigor , Hccunt rains have greatly in
creased the buoyant feeling among farm
Two moro churches are under contract ,
making total of four in a town less than
two yours old.
A roller mill would bo n. big paying in
vestment at thU poliit. Thousand * of
icrcs of small grain are In the ground.
1'ho attention of mill men is invited.
A dully mail from Hay Springs is being
oudly demanded bv the 15ox Hutto pco-
iilo , and petitions looking to that end
lave been largely signed in the country
A militia company has boon organized
n Hay Surlngs , and application made to
tbo governor for its mustering into tlio
scrvico of the stato. It is generally tin-
lerstood that Representative McUann is
to command the now regiment.
From twonty-livo to lifty loatled teams
and numbers of cattle leave this point
every day for the south , west and south
west. During a storm Thursday night
sixty Hex Hutto teams , waiting hero for
Tcitrht , found shelter at ono of the largo
livery barns.
Tlicro were eighty-six cars of onii-
irant movables side-tracked at llav
Sprjngs during the past month , a"s
tgainst ( > lghty-cight at all points west
uul north , including all the towns on the
iiatn and the Ulack Hills branch. It is
cudily seen from tlin nfoovo that Hay
Springs is the principal outlining point
n the northwcbt.
A $10,000 brick school house is among
.ho probabilities during the present year.
An energetic , intelligent , Christian pco-
lie have taken possession of this great
lorthwest , and church and school facili
ties equal to Iho best in order settled
states will greet the pilgrim in search of
i homo on our boundless rolling prairies.
Like the older settled portions of Ne-
jraska , Sheridan county will make a
meeialty of corn antl hogs , and when
lie returns from the liclds como in this
all we will make a showing that will
surprise these who think Sheridan county
"too far north for corn. "
E. 11. H.
The Many Advantages.
South Omaha possesses advantages
that many of our neighboring cities would
jludly exchange for , having packcries ,
itock yurdsand other large industries that
lave come to stay , bringing a small city in
liemsclvus in the way of laborers aud
heir families , and applications for sites
'rom other such enterprises coming in
every few days , all of which cannot be
lisputed will increase the value of prop
erty in the vicinity and draw people de
sirous of locating in a thriving corumu-
lily. Why delay when yoh nave such
llorious opportunities ? Call on C. E.
Muyno , northwest corner of Fifteenth
nnd llaruey t > ts , who is solo agent , and be
convinced. _ _
The Very Latest.
Parties who think of buying lots in
South Omaha will please read the follow
ing resolution :
Resolved , That any ono building a
dwelling house and having the same com
pleted by the lirst of January , 1883 , shall
nave a credit on their last payments as
Follows : For a house costing not less
than $501 ten per cent of the purchase
price of the lot. For a house costing not
less than $1,000 fifteen per cent. For a
lituiso costing not loss than $1,500 , twenty
per cent , mid for a house costing not less
than $ jGOO , , twenty-live per cent. This
arrangement to expire January 1 , 1883 ,
and lo apply to those lying west of the
Union 1'uciiio Railway tracks and north
of the Stock Yards. "
The above resolution , passed at a meet
ing of the land committee of the South
Omaha Land Company , held April 22d.
This is undoubtedly ono of the fairest
offers over mndo to the people of Omaha.
Now is the chance for the laboring people
ple to make good home. Now is the
chance to saVb oxhorbitant rents. Own
your own homes , and every dollar that
yon put in this property will bo like
Abroad cast upon the waters. " .Only one-
fifth cash ; balaeco on ousy terms ,
C. K. MAVNE , Solo Agent.
Uontl Resolutions.
The resolutions passed by the South
Omaha Land svudicuto is just what both
the poor and the rich man have been
looking for. Head it in another column
and you will bo convinced.
There are inducements that will prob
ably never bo offered again. Instead of
paying rent you can own your own prop
erty und never miss tno small amount
that yon will pay for it.
If you cull ut the otHco of C. E. Mayno
yon will bo satisfied that the South
Omaha syn'dicato is in earnest ana mean
what they say .
No Wild Cut.
The now addition to South Omaha just
placed on the market by the South
Omaha Land Syndicate ana placed in the
hands of C. E. Muyno , corner Fifteenth
and Harnoy sts. , as sole agent , its west
line lays just GOO feet from the Exchange
hotel. The prices on these lots are as
low as these offered in Wild Cut addi
tions lying two miles farther' south ,
\vhich will not possess the accommoda
tions offered by the street car lines which
will bo in operation thi summer , passing
through this now addition. The induce
ments offered by the Syndicate people to
builders of homes , are such us will be
eagerly sought for , having ; a lemlcncy to
encourage houses of a nature that will
enhance the value of property in this vi
cinity and bring dwellers who will take
pride in making their homes attractive.
The Many Advantage ; ) .
South Omaha possesses advantages
that many of our neighboring cities
would gladly exchange for , having pack-
cries , stock yards and other large indus
tries that have come to stay , bringing a
small city in themselves in the way of
laborers and their families , und applica
tions for sites from other such enter
prise coming in every few days , all of
which cannot be disputed will increase
the value of property in the vicinity nml
draw people desirous of locating in a
thriving community. Why delay when
you have such glorious opportunities if
Call on C : E , Maynu , northwest corner of
Fifteenth und Harncy streets , who is sole
agent , and be convinced.
C. E. Mayne , always on the look out
for good and sotlnd improvements , iu
which the poor can have unequal clmnco
with the rich , has the solo agency for
South Omaha lots , and his salesmen take
pleasure In showing them. A man with
half an eye can see to u glance that the
packing houses and1 manufacturing es
tablishments to bo located hero , in the
near future , will send prices up a hun
dred per cent.
Good llemiliitIOIIR.
The resolution passed bv the South
Omaha Laml Syndicate Is just what both
the poor und" the rich man huvo been
looking for. Head it in anntlior column
nml you will bo convinced.
There are inducements that will prob
ably never be oifured again. Instead of
paying rent yon can own your own prop
erty and never miss the small amount
that you will pay for it.
If you will call at the ollice of C. E.
Mayni1 , yon will be satisfied that the
South Omaha Syndicate is in earnest and
mean what they say.
Now Is the time to invest your spare
cash in u sure thing. South Omaha lots
are going faster than hot cakes , und
why 1 Hucauso every one knows that in
a few days prises are to be advanced.
C. E. Mayne is sole agent for these Jots.
The Omaha Land syndicate lias platted -
ted a now addition to bniith Omaha , and
for the next few days will make special
terms to purchasers. C. E. Mayne , solo
ngont for this addition , has salesmen al
ways on hand with first class convey
ances to show these lots.
OMAHA. Neb. . April 51) , 1887. There
will bo u meeting of the Fourth ward re
publican club at ? : ! JO Monday evening ,
J5th inst. , at the city hall. Business of
great importance will como before the
club and a full attendance is requested.
JOHN H. WIJHTM-H , 1'rcs.
No Wild Cut.
The now addition to South Omaha just
placed on the market by the South
Omaha Land Syndicate und'pl"'ed in the
hands of C. E. Mayne , corner Fifteenth
and Harney sts. , as .sole ngont , its west
line lays just IHWfcot from the Exchange
hotel. These prices on these lots are as
low as these offered in Wild Cat additions
lying two miles farther south , which will
not possess the accommodations afforded
by the street cur linen which will bo in
operation this summer , p-isMiig through
this now addition. The inducements of
fered by the Syndicate people to builders
of homes , are such as will be eagerly
soiurht for , having a tendency to encour
age houses of a nature that will enhance
the value of property in the vicinity , und
bring dwellers who < , will take pride in
making their homes attractive.
The time has como when our people are
beginning to look ahead and make Mtro
preparations for a homo for themselves.
Now , boys , if you wjll put your money inlets
lots in South Omaha you will find that in
u short tlmo your lots will bo paid for ,
yon will be out of debt and your wives
will be happy. Remember that C. E.
Mayne sells these lots.
The South Omaha Land company have
appointed ( ' . E. Mayiosole | agent for the
sale of their lots. Hoiwill show the prop
erty and furnish all desired information
upon application.
( .Signed ] W.A. TAX TON , President.
Men are every day buylna property to
which they have no title und are consequently
quently jeopurdi/.ing their money. The
title to South Omaha is clear and free
from ineumbrance. Parties can safely
buy and bo sure that they got what they
pay for. C. E. Mayno lias salesmen who
will take pleasure in showing this prop
erty at all times.
Sol/.o Upon a Fortune.
Take the tide at the flood and increase
your capital bv investing in South Omaha
lots. C. E. MAYNE , sole agent.
AN Worthy as Kntcrprlslnc.
This has been truly culled "tho pro
gressive ago , " and among t'-e ' progress
ive men in real estate wo would like lo
call your attention to C. E. Aiayne , cor
ner Fifteenth uud Harney. Through his
influence the South Omaha Land syndi
cate has consented to place a new addi
tion on the market. This addition em
braces tlio most desirable property that
has yet been offered to the public , if
yon really want a profitable place in
which to invest your money , cull on Mr.
Mayne. It is only a pleasure for him to
show these lots.
Capitol Avenue hots.
I have for sale on Capitol avenue in
Hriggs place two choice lots never before
offered. They join the lots on which
Jcdgo Vaughan \yill build an elegant
ruMuonco this spring. C. E. MAYNK.
The time has come when our people
nro beginning to look ahead und make
sure preparations for a homo for them
selves. Now , boys , if you will put your
money into lots in South Omaha yon will
find that in a short time your lots will bo
paid for , you will bo out of debt and your
wives will be happy. Remember that C.
E. Mayno sells these lots.
Men are every day buying property to
which they have no title , anil are consequently
quently jeopardizing their money. The
title to South Omaha is clour und free
from ineumbrance. I'arties can safely
buy and be sure that they get what they
pay for. C. E. Mayne has salesmen who
will take pleasure in showing this pro
perly at all times.
A Conundrum.
"Why stand yo hero all the day idle ? "
Why not go around to C. E. Ma.yno's and
buy onn of these beautiful lots in South
Omaha and double your money ?
Sidney Wollott , the elocutionist ,
'to have memorized , moro than 300,000
verses of poetry.
That Tired Feeling
l X 4 9
laio general at tills season that erory ono knows "lly son suffered from si'rljii. debility nna lost of
what la meant by the expression. Achanso of sea appetite , and was restored tj health us aoon as bo
son , climate , or of life. Inn such n depressing effect began to take our favorite medicine , Hood's Barsa-
upon the body that ono feels all tired out , Almost parllln. We ruconimond Itit All our friends. " M us.
completely prostruteJ , the appotlto Is loit anil tlicro THALIA K- SMITH , hclplovlllq.N. V.
line ambltlontodoanjtblnz. The whole tondcdcy "I Mirrored comldorablyy'wJlnif for nearly a year
of thosystem Is downward. In this condition Hood's ) troubled Hltli InOlgestlon,9 I dm now on my , fourth
BartAprtUllals just the medicine needed. It purifies liottlo of Hood's SarsaparlUJ. imd norcr felt better
Inmyllfo. It has madaaraw ) man of mo. " II , M
the appetlte.ovcrcomcs the tlroil
the blood , ibarpcns
HILUIA.V , I ) js rialnes btrwiLTollce titutlonChlca < o ,
feelinn , and InyUorates every function Qt .the body. 111.
Trjr It the Weak Strong
Hood's Surtuporllln.
"Two months ago I commenced taklnz Hood's Bar-
"For manjr months I nuffered greatly. My whole , Baparllla ns an experiment , as I had no appetite or
system seemed to be entirely run down , my ambition trength , and felt tired all the tlmo. 1 attributed mr
wai gone , had palm In ray back , and a fceltnu of las- condition to scrofulous humor. I hid tried several
lltude whlcli I could not throw off. 1 was treated un different kinds o medicine , without receiving nny
successfully for kidney trouble. One day at my benefit , ilutai I luil taken half a buttle of
brother's 1 saw a bottle of Hood's Sarsipnrllla and 1 food's S.irsjpar ppetlto was restored , und
determined to try It. Before the first bottle waj tak- my stomach felt b huvo now nearly
enlrancandldlysaylwuirellered. Iharoused the three bottles , and I ne or was so well In ray lite. "
medicine otr and on ever since , and recommend It for Mua.Jk.ssiE F. DOLIIKAHE , I'ascoag , It. I ,
kidney or liver complaints. Mils. W. 11. bllliNU , A peculiarity of Hood's Sanapirlllla U that It
W7 Atlantic Arena * , Urookljrn. N.Y. itrenutbcnt and builds up the system while U crad | .
N. 11. If you have made up ynur mind to nctllood'a catei disease. Now Is the time to lake it.
artaparillu du uot take nny other.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold by all dugsti. SI l : sir for I 5. Prepared by C. f Bold bv alhlruirarUls. tl : sU for 15. Trep&rod L
1. HOOD & CO. , Apothecaries , Lowell. Mas * ; ' I 0.1. HOOD 4 CO. , ApothDcarlci , Lowell.Maaa
1OO Dose * Ono Dollar J 1QO DoiCK One Dollar
_ _ _ _ _
| h 2,001) ) to loan on real cmtnto. Apply to C. It
g ) Keller , iWj ra r MR m t , city. (115 ( mlO
$500,000 to Innnntn per cent , lltirrU A Sump
son. 151(1 ( jloiiglns it. _ fiM
$ rUroo TO LOAN at fl per ccntTMnbonoj
A Llimlmn 1509 Knrnnm 121
MOXP.V TO t.OAN-0 r nnvl * To .real
estate ami loun agents , 1305 I'urntun t.
ONKV to lonn nn renl esUto und chnttelH
S Katz & Co. 1511 rarniun st , , ground Moor ,
$500nW ( To lonn on Oiiinlm city prupoity nt6
per cent. 0. W. Day , s. e. cor. MX. Illd.
_ _ _
MONHY TO LOAN-OB city umffHriiT | > rop.
crly.low lotos Stewart ft Co. , lloom J
Iron bunk. _ 75'j
" \TONEY to lonn. cmOi on ntuul.tio delay.
tfl. J. w. iinil i : . I , . Sqiiliu , 14U Karimm M. ,
T'niton hotel bnlUllne. 700
MONKY I'lrst mnrttrniro notes. The Dougla'
county bunk will buy papnts secured by
first inoi tjf RojDit Cty | roiuty. 701
_ _
MONKY TO f.OAN on ttmirovc'l ' ienl state ;
no commission clmn't > il. Lonvltt Iliirn-
liiim , ( loom 1 Croluhton Itlorlc 752
Ol'KH CBNT-Monny to ioiuii
Grepory & Ilmlley ,
Rooms 1 and 8 , ItcihcK clock , 330 B. 15th 6u
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ < _ _ - _ 70J
MONT.N'Y to lonn nn callatrrnla. I.onir uiul
short tlino city morttfuues nncl con
tracts uoitglit. K.S. Kowloy , ! ili South loth at.
ti'H nill
_ _
TO LOAN Money Ixnins plncod on Im
proved rosl estnto In city or county for
New Kiih'lnml Ionn & Trust Co. . by Doiitflna
( 'o u nt yjm nk. ICth nnd Hilcngo st . _ 70t
MONKY to loan on Improved city property nt
fi per cent. Money on hand : do not hnvo
to wnlt Hnvo n complete set of nlistrnct booki
nf Donirlns county. I. N. WnUon , ntistriioloi-
Harris Heal Hstnto and l/onn Co. . . ' . ' 0 S , 15th st .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 5.
MONT.V LUANKDnt C. P Hood Ic Co. 'a Ixmn
Oflico.on I urn It nro , plnnos , lioi-scx.wnpoiig ,
pernonal property of all kinds and nil otlier ar
ticles of value , without romovnl. 319 S. l.'ith.
over Illnphnm s foinml slon store. All bnsi-
nesa sttlclivcoiinOeotlal. 71,0
PKifCKyFT * onoy.
_ ll.C. _ 1'iUtcreoii. 15th nr.d Hnrnoy. _ TjV ]
MONliY TO UMN-bythonndorslKnoil.wlin
1ms the only properly or-dnl/tM loan
njroncy In Onmhn. Losn-jof * 10 lo $100 nmdc
on fnrnlturo , pl.inos , ort'ims , horses , wiurons.
miichlnury , ic. without rcmovr.l. No dulnyn.
All business ctrlctly conndcntlul. Loans so
inndo that any part cnn bopnld at any imo.ench
payment rcdnclnir the cost pro rnta. Advances
inndo on line wiilL'hos and diamonds. 1'erson.H
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , ns ninny now concerns nrn dally romlnir
Into existence. Should you need money call
and PCO mo. W. R Crolt , Itootn 4 WMhnell
llulldliiK- Kith and Hnrntir. 7 < H
riMlHOnmhi Kiminrml r.Tchnnijo , N W. corner -
. , nor , Pr ' "nrnoy nnd mil SIR. , over Stnto
Nntlonul bank.
It nrepaied to mnko short tlmo loans on nnv
avnllnbles ecurity , loans made on chattels col-
lutnuili or estate.
Iiotig tlmo Innns mniloon Imitrovo l real Chtnto
at current rnfo *
1'urchaso money mortunges negotiated , so-
ctirad notes bonjjht , sold or oxeliniDted
Short tlmo loans inndo on second innrtimea.
ooconllntr to mnrRlnal Interest , nt collateral
Heal estate to exchange for good Interest
bonrlnir paper.
( Jeneral tinanclal bualness of all Kinds trans
act oil promptly , quietly nnd fairly.
Money always on haud for nppinviM loans of
nnv kind , without delay or imnecussary pub
licity. forbott ) , Manngcr. 1M5
SAI r.-lntorost In "iiinnTrfacrurltiK' bus !
nous. I'rotlts b'g ' , and no other factoiy ot
this kind In the west. AildriHS. name In full. II
T. . bll North Sd st. Itoucons lor selling going
to leave. 4.15 iO
FOHSAI.K-A sloe * of p-rugs Inhe host
county scat In southern Nebrnskn. Tor
pnrticiilais address , M. 1C. llou ollice , Omaha ,
IilOH a few hundred dolUrs I cnn got you ono
of the best paying rcsuuirants In the ntnto.
For further particulars nddres A. K. Altkun ,
Kearney. Neb. 21 ] ; ; jj
F OH SALE A nice small mentmiirkot , doing
n good btmlnoss on a paved street , Addtosd
' IjU7'Mloomco 20J ' . '
_ _ , _ 'OJ
F OU SALK OirritAIK-I--orOmnlin elfy real
estate or Nobrnskn lands , n two-story
brick Ktoro. with a nompluto hnu of staple dry
good- ) and notions , groceries , crockery , glnss-
ware. nnd n small nMsortraont of lints nnd caps
all bought for cash and discount saved in u
live Nebraska town , county seat , nnd doliu n
good cnih business. The second story rents for
$ .i'i pi-r month , and now contnlns flrnt-clnss ten
ants. On the I'nloa 1'aolHo It H. . und nui--
lonndcd by the best class of farmers and
farms m the Mate. Two grain elevators nro lo
cated at the station , and tap nil tno surround
ing country , which brings In n irrent deal of
oulflldo trade , and In ono of the best grain mar
kets In the atate : It aKo hns ono of thn largest
( louring mills In the west.
The above pi opcrt > vjt < llrst-class In every re
spect and the stoclc Is now and desirable. C. J.
Cumin . KiS
TjlOlTsAIiK-M.noO stock of drugs In good
J town in Houthern N'eb. on n. & M. rnllroad ,
dolm ; u $7.000 cash business. Good reasons for
selling : n rare chance for the light man. Ail-
dross Kraus k Foster , 1110 so. loth St. , Omaha ,
Nob. li ! ! > 25
FOIl SALE A Complete cigar stand outfit.
Gate City Heal lit-tuto Co. , 1U30 Uouglrts at ,
EOH SALIC Ono-linlf Interest In the Nebraska
Signal , the largest circulation of any coun
try weekly newspaper In the itato ; largo Job
olllcp In connection. For full particulars ad
dress or call on K. C. Pnwyer , Admr. . Fair
mont. Neb. 733
BUY n Mayfleld lot on West Cnmlngs street ,
KKO , JOO down nnd 110 monthly. C. J ,
Canao. 7KJ
FOH 8ALK rrom date to Oth of May. the en
tire livery belonging to the r-statu of the
late O.V. . Ilomnn , In part or whole , consisting
of fine carriages , latutiuie , buggies , vehicles ol
every description , line sots of harness , robes
etc. The ll\ cry Is ono of the finest In the city ,
and parties wishing to piirchuso fine carriage
horses , single or double , will do well to call at
Homan's Llvory Stable , 1113 South Thlrtoentli
street. H. A. Ilnnmn. ass : ! 8
BALK or trade Fine ranch and farm
well situated In TdXdS. Addreis M 21
Boo ofllco. : i7H 20 *
FOU SALE 01 Ilxchango-A nuw 3T till ! conv
blnnlion mill situated on Mttln Illui
river , near Hebron. In Thaynr county Will exchange -
change lor wild or Improved lands or live stock
For further particulars address First National
Hank , Hnbron. Neb KJ5I
_ _
" " "
\ \ , ANTin-\gontT""Ts : orld Typo Writer 110
> > Hnpld , simple , easy to use. Writing
to (100 machines , ( tig profits. Send for clrcu
lars. Iay ) & Luster , 33 Murray St. , Now York
_ _ _
ITAOU SAI.K An A 1 lunch room , also part
X nor wanted In the business , raio chance
Address or call on Dayton i Yoris , Itoom 1
1IUH Uonglus htioet. IJ 2.JJ
WANTKU-donornl ngont for Nebraska foi
World Typo Writer J10. Hnpid , simple
easy to uso. Writing equal to (100 machines
A gooi business for live man. Address Day
Lester , a3 Murray St. . New York. 3i'.i 23J
WANTKD-l'artnor , by a young man , Indj
or gcntluman , In a well uatabllsbod am
good paying business , necessary capital about
(1,000. A good chance fur the right party. Ad
dress M , 4 , lloo onico. a6'i 3 *
AUAHK chance. A small complete drui
stock for sale In city , btore for runl. /
bargain if tukcn noon. Unouiroof Dr. Walker
room G , Gruonlg block. 215 I |
T710H SALE or trade , for city property. Mod
-L of dry goods , clothing , boots and shot-K
also store In good location to rent and flxturci
f o r sale. Add i oss L III lloo ollice. 177 ! MJ
\\7ANTKD To find good , llvo business moi
> > with stocks of goods to move to n grow
Ing town where , money can be made , I will as
slat the right kind of people In building , en
Will pay good big bonus to anv ono that wll
start n canning factory , or. in fact , any kind o
a factory that omplojs handd. We Hunt iirtrm
More , fnrnlturo utoro , grocery more , a doctor
a practical painter right awny. For particular ;
address Hank of Yalley. Valley' ' Noli. 4'4a ! ;
pKUSONAIr-Noat and tasty all-wool bus !
-L ness suits (7.00. Vine blue diagonal dres
suits , (10,76. Call and sio them or write fo
samples. L. O. Jon us & Co. , Amoricni
Clotlueri , 130J rarnam St. , Omaha , m m 17
US. C , R. llltr.OA , late of Denver , CoL , ha
opened a flrpt-ulafis employment office , fo :
malorand female help. Motels , restaurant *
boarding houses.laundrlcs and nil publloilnstltu
tlons supplied with both male and femulo luili
free of charge. Male help furnlihod free * to all
Orders solicited and satisfaction gunrunteeJ.a
318 South 151h St. _ BJO ! HJ )
TVflW. DUHANT-Clarlvoyant from lloston.l
liMollablo lii allatTalrsof life , unltci8op ratoi
loyora. B23 N. 10th t. room 1 _ ( UOaM
bar ! m l'ou o . furalihed or un
furnished rooms to rent , cnn always flu
BilmlrabUMennnt by catling on V. II. Boutoi
iiCo.Ulp3. mUrooMi. OBlce open ttHO P-UJ
T > KllSONAtl'tlvato homo for ladle * during
J rontlnemont , strictly confidential. Infants
ndoptod , addre s K tl. lli-e olllco. _ ra'JaJiiJ _ _
> lH.-'ONAIi-8. H. rrcshold hm lelt South
i 12th. Inquire lor htm. aiaN. liUh. ! k > 02.1J
Ii-TiMlio hullo * utOmtilin Iho
Omaha Rmploymont llnrcau Is fituile'i '
ing a majority or the bt < st liimllle. * of
this city with fumnlo help Wo can
furnish joit on short notice with tlr t
class lu'lp. A trial lll convlneo toil that wo
nro not boasting II'J N IKtli it , Croiinso block ,
! H.2.1
- . nr. Nnnnio V. Warren
PKIISHNAif-Mrs. , and buslnoBS Medium
Boom No. 3 , U'l North 10th u .Omnlia. Nob.
! ' Wiille bull dog with collar and tax ta * .
LOS of ( tutor retinti to I' , lioeco k
Co , cot nor 14th and Dodge. MSI S.IJ
' OST A bny horjc , siimll ntnr in foiehond ,
J' J both hind feet uhlto , blnck imino and tall ,
nhout l.'i hands high , 7 or 8 yc.irs old , a new
lentlicr head Moll halter nnd no .shoes. Ho
broke the snap nnd got lee o Thursday , April
21 , nt 2 p , in. , nt Ore-hard Hill and as last seen
oii-Tth and Hamilton st < , going cast. Any Information -
formation or his whereabout * or return will bo
paid for. C. C. FliMd , s ecor Hurt nnd .Msts.
TjllHST-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th nt.
A. 728
rir t-clas9 Moiago tor nice fnr
S nlturo or boxed goods , at 1J1J Dodge-sj. :
OMAHA Storage Warehouse Corner 13th
and Uaid Ms , , for Morugo of household
Eoods and general merchandise at low rates.
Advances inailn ; l.mui warchousn receipts. It.
II. switch at the house. Olllco filfl South IHtli
Btrcctand 13lis , 1310 and UI3 Izard Bticet. Tele-
phoueGOM. . 8. Goodrich , Mgr. TOS m3 *
KKAL KSi'ATi : MKN mid others take notice.
All lots In UnlMn'N .enlxllvKloii of Mayllold
nndallothor lots listed by mo aio withdrawn
fiom the market. April20 , 18H7. C. J. Catmn.
fWUHKNl-Sq-.mro I'lano J monthly. A
Iloripo , 1M3 Dougini. 770
A practical cutter and tnllor of large cvpcrl-
once , wishes to outer an ciiffapement with
n good firm Iu n city , M here n gooil college ex
ists , In this Htnte or Colorado. Hofer to Mr.
Geo. K. Kramer , Kearney. Neb , Address Trod
Yollenmcldpr , Hustings , Neb. 312 23j
ri HI ! coinmlltco on oiitni-lninmont of the
1 1'iesbyterlan nsscmlily which meets hole
May K'tli ' , desire to cot places lor tioatiltng A
nuniber of commissioners at bonrdlnir 01 pri
vate house's. Any who hnvo rooms with or
without board will please notify the committee
the terms on which they will tnko delegates.
P. L 1'orlno , I'.O'i Fnrnntu it. ] : > ! 23
| ? OH SALE-Socond hand harbor chair nnd
Jv polo , good us new. Chctip at 70J S. 10th st.
! e42 j
] " JLANTM nnd Cufnowuia ol nil klridTsTiir sale
at the xoiith sldo of Douglas at. between
14th nnd 15th , ut Homo Itestnurnnt. II. Hans.
27. ) 23
BICYCLK for snlo. Columbia light expert 54
in cnumolcd wheels , balanvo nlcuoled ,
KirKtmtrick saddle , long cranks , hollow rlms.iii
excellent eider , pvlce $90. C. W. Northrop ,
Arlington , Nob. 205 2JJ
TIO parties having houses lor rent. Itontal
Agi-ncy , llciuiwa ft Co. , 15st , opposite post-
offlco. Wo have turned over to them our rental
list. Wo recommend them MeCajrue Ilros.
BLAKT/S 1'remliim Short Ilnnd ,
and Typewriters' Institute.
ThoroughSpractlcal und
Hollnblo instruction.
Write or apply to L. .T. lllakc , principal , cor.
ICth and Capitol uvo. Omaha. j eb. C5.I myl *
TTlcutltKNT Organs , (3 per month. Hocpe ,
JD 1B13 DouffldR. _ 770
DlfKSSMAKlNT-Mrs. ( B. C. Soonelrt. par-
lors 1K2J St Mary's nve. Ladles coming to
the city for ono day can have their dross made
whllo waiting. 075 m 14
17c Housofurni8h7nVgood , nil kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowest prices nt J.
Itonnor , 11115 Douglas fit. POO
F OK KKMT square Piano , ( t momnir.
Hoipo. 151.1 Don.las. 770
I"F you want to buy or sell furniture , go to
L J. Kor-uson's , 715 N. 10th. 771
FOH SALK Horse , buggy and harness , (22 , > ,
casli. Cull or address , 11 T.S11 N 22 < 1 st.
4'J1 26'
FOH SALH Ono pool nnd two billiard tables
with cues , racks und balls , llriinswlck-
llnlko standard , cheap. Address Tlios Carr ,
92il I'st. , Lincoln , Nob. Kit 23J
T7HH ) SATAlldrso cheap. Inquire Nou ,
JJ Marble works , 212 N 15th St. 25K 23 *
"C OH SALK-Largo barn and wagon sheds , to
X1 be removed. Inquire on premises , N. K.
cor. l.lthnnd Howard.or Bovm No. U Iron Hank.
LF.j > heely. 375 23'
FOH SALK 24 head of cattle , tnnm , wagon ,
milk cans , and route. Henry Hoist ,
Saundorsst. 277 S.l
SALK Team of mules , cheap for cash ,
lOTfl Soulh 23J. 271 2.1'
OK SALK Or trade fiOO hand Rro extinguish-
ors. A bonntua forsomoagont. Address
M. 20 , lloo ofllco. 416 2flJ
TpOH SALK Tinoo counters and show CMC.
J ? 317 S 13th St. 3i-3 2a
Tf OH SALK Safe , nearly now , medium sl/o ,
J1 Inquire" ! Fren/er blk. , opp 1 * . O. 357
FOH SALK Tine < > awnings , each about six
feet wide , used only ono season. Amor.
I'rass Association , 1110 and 1112 Dod.e St.
423 27
FOH SALK Cheap marhlo Soda -Water
Fountain , cottage style , nil complete.
PeyckJiroB. ; v.t 2il
"IT/OH SALK Twonty-fl\o One horses. Parcel
J' DollvoryBlablos , 1711 Wobstor. iliaarj
OH SALK-'ood ! combination lock flro
proof eafc , cheap. Welshuns Pratt ft
Halncs 20th and Pierce , telephone 343. 314
TI10H SALK-Squ ro piano , (150. Woodbridgo
JL1 Orosi , 215 Opera house. ; M
OH SALK 2U hand orgau. Woodbridgo
Ilros.,215 Opera house. 30J
T71OH IlKNT Square pjuno $4 a month.
X ; Woodbrldge Ilros. , 215 Opera house. 302
8ALR 2 million brick and upwards ue-
sides dally out put of 30,000. inquire
on promisor , cor Dorcas and 2nd fits. Omaha
llrfok nnd Terra CotU Mfg. Co T74
IJIOIt 8ALK-1 or2 horses. 1 spring wagon , 1
-t ? buggycheap. A. Ilospo. 7HI ml3
FOHSALi : TmTbost line of cnrrlngcs , phaot-
0119 , buggies , real estate wagons nnd deliv
ery wagons. Columbus Huggy Co , , 1113 Harnoy.
1OK SALK A nocond hand spring wagon , two
seated , polo and shafta , cheap , nt the Col
umbus lluggy Co. . 1113 Harney st. JUKI
EOHSALK-Urick. X. Murray.
G HOICK LANDS-S5 per ncro. ( H ) makes 1st
years payment on liviucioK. Wrlto for Information -
formation W. F. Paine. Sidney Nob. 252may7
FOH SALK-17 head cholco bred Shorthorn
cattle ; nlso n 4r > 0 acre stock farm In Holt
county. J. B. Ceilings , Pt-nder , Neb ,
KO.I may I3J
FOH SALK on easy terms.
Saddle pony . $ 3.5.00
Saddle pony . 40.00
" . 75.1X1
Team of ponies . ' . . 75 uu
" " . 100.00
Tenms of draft Ioi8cs . 2.Y1.UU
Good g\7r \ > bay driving borso , sound , young
ntidklnd . IM.OO
_ W. T , Seaman ,
Tomer Tarnam and llth sts. , ngont lor Stu-
Hugglos , wagons , carriages , oto.
For sale or exchanges IKO ml
'ANTF.D A flrst class Croud and'cako ba
ker. 1900 Cumlm ; st. UU lj
\\rANTrID-A boy ot about 12 , good penman
T T and collector. No fresh j oungMer need
apply.Add _ bo run. City _ . 2f.l Si * '
\iTANTiD-Atrentl : to Hell tlin only I < uwii-
* > Hpi Inkier that can bo moved about without
shuttlngoll thouutur or walking In the wet
grais.'solUntHlght. Addrcw Stephen 1' . Trust ,
US , 100 andlOJ liandolph btiect , Detroit , Mich ,
| VK 3'
_ _
WANTI1D A partner In ( rood paying busi
ness , compctant to take full charge of
ollioo ntfuirs , JZ.WX ) capital required. Aildrcss ,
bor M. , lloo olllco. _ &VI
\\MNTKD-ioo < roaiivaHhor for oil | > ortralt
painting. An enorgetlolady or.cntloinnn
can make money. Koom AU2 North lilth Bt.
aiogfi *
_ _
Ihroe pants maker-i ; also Ihroo
WANTKD . Frank J , Knnige.
_ 22U 20 _
WA NTKD-Canvnsslnif Agents to nandlo n
rpeclalty , ono to throe Hold In every bouse.
Apply between hours of I'J in. ana 4 p. in , Acme
ManilfaoturliijrjJM,6l2H.IOth ; , t. _ ftVJ
7ANTKO laborer * for riuTroad work. M.H.
> T Albrifbt'fl tabor Aeoncy , UK ) 1'arnnm.
WANmn-A flr < t-oln jnwoler. Must tin-
dorstnnd coloring , innltliiir , diamond set
ting , cic. C 1. . IIi-iOliNon A. Co. , L'lu N nth t.
A VAN I'Kli ' < )80lierr iiifeliluiifiiioii [ ofooit (
' nddrpM to try ilOo inciil at NorrlV res.
tnuriuil. IWaiOtlist. 77.1
VVANTKlJ-AllroiHitM , tellnblo , wldiTnwiikTi
liiriiltiirulcsmmi , none other need
nppty , .M. P. MnrtlliJil7 Sotllli lStli _ t 167
A\rAN I'llll-A peed pnstry eooli nt tluTWliid'
' * ser hotel. M7
\ \ ANTiD ; l > n try rook and glrrioreliumbor
wotk , Tri'inout house , Lincoln , Nob.
ghl.1707 Cn .
Il > 7 23J
\\rAN1 KD 8 iuirrii'ticcil | fiiUHlmllos , onn
turthc KloM'depurtmont ' wliiiiiinlerttniiiM
mtltiir Apply to 'lliouipBon , lleUien A Co , ,
Ulli rurnuin . JIM ai
_ _
WANTIID-Sewltiff ut City Stenni Iniia-
dry. ; NI su
\\rANTKll -Plr t cla wnl ri\nil < klrt Imn.TT .
TT ulA ) n Klrl tlnit wntitu n homt < Mm.
DnvU , liill llowHiil < U 'M ai
"IXrANTl ! ! ) DlnltiK room itlrl , I'tilon rrstnu-
< T itint , Iliirnoy et. , $ ! ; < purinoiith. ' "is JJ.1J
\\r.\N I'lII ) A tfooil oooTtvii9lior anil tronorT
T t Kooil wngas , No. ! TJ2I uoilRO ? t , WO S.I
" \\7ANTKD Ituinoilliitoly 11 cooil plrT "to iio"
cooUlnit nml itotieral liolisowork , opply
ntJ1J rnriinni t. SOIJ3J _
\\'ANTI1 ! > - tilrl tor Kdiurul hoiixuvrbrk.
' llest wages to eompotcnt erson. No
other need apply. Mrs. ,1. It. Harris , 10 :0 :
Catherlno 424
VVAs"-'l'-t ' cl ss second girl 2127
T > Bt. 3M
\\ANTI'D :0 : good girls for genorul IIOUKO-
> work In private famllloi. No charge for
places. Mrs. llrega , : llil S Ifilh. upstairs.
_ jrtl 25 *
" \\rANTHD-A girl forgenorul honnewoik. In-
T ? ijulto W. II. Huz/ard , care 1'aycKo IIro .
303 24J .
\ \ TAlsTi5DCook , lonink1 , 813 N. Itlth'sT ;
T > -Ml 27J
_ _
\ \ T A N TiD ; Throe laundresses uTTh o Ooz
> T 70I1B. _ _ 2 ' 7 _
A\rAN'l iil-l-lrst'0lrts : cook , launch cg.s'mul
socoml gltl. Apply 202 N. ISth si. Mrs.
tlcCorinlcik. " " _ . _ _ _ ; no 2SJ
\\r"AN"Tii ; 15 shirt maker2t ) pant mukor.s ,
i' nnil2.inrnll makers , ulna 2 laundren-
so > ; permnnent and paying positions. Goo.
Stilt's , 1400 leaven orth street , 2nd lloor.
XfiT 2T
_ _ _ _
* "
\\7ASVI I ! if A girl forlfe"ucrai iiouioworki
V > 501 S20thst 240
" \\TANTKD-fiO girls furnlshoil good homes
T nnd good pay. No charges 1W N lath
t. 214 irtj
WANTl'.D-A girl to work in kltcheu'nt 422 8
_ 18th BSO
\v T ANTlHJ-Clmiubonnald who iv 111 wait
tnlilo ut OcclJoiitnl. 1H)9 )
w - wnshor und dlnlOK
room girl. 10 CinnliiK t. 171 LMJ
WANTl'.ll Good girl at 60S Virginia live ,
good wages paid. 231
ANTED A neat spry girl for general
house woru , I41" > Jones St. ; N4
W 'ANTKIJ Lady canvasser. Apply to 303
N. lUth st. 103
D At onca , plnno playor. colored
woman proft-rrttd Apply 112 8. Uth. 34.H
\VrANTKIl-Ladlesto work for us at their
T own noinos ; (7 to 10 per week can be
quietly made ; no photo-painting , no onnvaan-
ing. For full particulars plunso address at
oncoCrcfloopt Art Co. , 19 Central it. , Boston ,
MUM. llox.5170. W
W'ANTKO-SUuatloii by an expert t > o6k-
keeper. Heat city roforuncos. Address ,
Mn _ , jlooolllco. 278 23 _
" \\7"ANTr.D Situation by a competent suloa-
TV man. 13 years' c.xporlemo ; speaks the
Gorman and Scandinavian languages ; heat of
references. Address M H , Ilco ollioo. 30S23J
AN I'litt Sltiiatidn b y" nn eTp'erToncod
bookaeopor In Mist-class wholesale house
or oftlce ahout May lit. Good city loferencefi.
Including present emplojers. Address "M. K8 ,
care Ueo olllco. 424J.0
\\rANTKU A position as oashlefor"copyist
by n young lady residing with pnronla.
Writes n good baud. lcst ! ol rofeioncos given.
Address M2 t this omco. 418 25 *
\V"ANTKD-Situation by nn ozpnrlenced and
TT riillablo clerk In a dry goods stoic. Ki-
perionco 5 yours. Address , Jt 22. 367-2U *
TirANTfiD-Situation by young man ITyenrs
T ' of ngo as olllco assistant. Wages no ob
ject. Address L 71 oo olllco. 238
\\r"ANTKIJ SitTmtloiTby middle aged lady in
' ' housekeeper. Inquire room 7 , Atlantlo
hotel. 271 5
tTANTFO-Slitintlon B8 baker. TirNortli
> 18th t. 28 ! Z7J
\\TA STKD-Situation about a bouse or na
> coachman by joung man who can furnish
best of city references. Address M 14. Doe of-
flee. 3111 3'i
T\TANTED Situation ns housekeeper by n
' womnn who has a baby. Would llko to
go to the country. Inquire , City llotol. lci ; : ! 5 *
\\7"ANTEI-Sltuatlon ai book keeper or
T onshlorby ayonng Indy. llest of refer-
cuccs. Address L. 7 lloo "Mica. 3U7
WANTED Largo , pleasant room with board
by gentleman , wile and baby. Must bu
In good locality , and ilrst claas roforencim ex
changed. Address M , 20 , lloo ofllco. 42U27
Orders for faun hands and rail
road laboiers Lots of men applying.
Orders filled piomptly and free of nhnrue. C ,
K. llregn's omployinont olllco , 310 South l.'ith
street. 4322ft
WANTKD Hy two gentleman , pleasant
room and ( rood board In private family ,
central location. Address L , 1'uxton hotel. U.'l
\\7ANTKD-A driving borne In exchange for
a lot In I'oppliiton pink , llulldlnir asso
ciation. C. J. CaMYOll , room 19 , Iron bank.
: LV 2CJ
" \\rANTKD-Harnoss nnd phaeton In part
> payment on n piano. Woodbrldge llroa. ,
215 Opera house. 305
VifANTKD-itooni and bourd In small family
TT for lady and little boy flvo years old , lady
to bo gone during day. Addrc ° i Scars Ac Co. ,
1424 DodgoBtroet. 38926
WANTKD By .limn 1st , 3 unfurnished
room ! with city water , for light house
keeping , cential locution and respectable
neighborhood. No children Address M 25 ,
Ueo oincp. 378 25 *
'ANTKD Two unfurnished rooms for light
housekeeping. AddiessM 10 lloo ollico.
2S723J *
"IXfANTHD-Kifty yoiniK mon to correspond
T > with fifty yotinir Indict. Scud 111 cents gll-
vor for the list. AilJri'Sj box 100 , ClnrkaulirK ,
W. Vu.
SUHPHISK to the publiu-First-class day
board (3.00 per week ; ulnglo moula'-Oc. 1.111
Capitol avenue. It. U. I'oluy.SiJr'L ' -
WANTKD Kvory lady housekeeper in llm
city to t'y ono of West's Poioolatun for
making good ten und cotlee. No otpenslxo
patent cofTou or teapot to buy but an artlcln
ho slmplo nnd cheap that any novlco can uiakn
n cup of ton or colfeu tlmt will bo a joy to them
selves nml win the admiration of their trlenils
andguc.st9. For sale by Jas. J. Uurr , IM N Mth
fct , orjiis jigci.ts 182 2SJ
YY 7ANTKD Good driving team ui part l iy
mont ot lots or housns. P. O. Hot 711
987 20J
Y\AANTii : > To rent u lioiuu of I ) or 7 rooms
I .Modern convnnluiicos doslrod , Ittapoasl-
bio pnrly. Addroi-i l < 8 lloo olTlcn. _ _ 197 _
AyANTniJ-UiifiirnUhod room Inritii onoiiwli
T t for 1 or milto of rooms for slooliii ( !
pnrtmonts , Incontorof city , Addrosi K W ) .
lieoplllue. gtfl
\\7ANTI5D A noMBpnpor , nuylntr rirculfttlon
T T KUHrantocd from tlio stnrt , lor piirtlcu
lara fuMruss Uunk of Valley , Vulloy , Nub
WANT13D To liny for rush old houses to liu
removed Irom tlioir present ultn-i , Apply
to C , II. lodifO.-OI7 Boiilli iilh : ft. )
\ \ TUD Firbl ohus day boarder * at 17 ' )
Cuss it. 211 21
\v ANTHD-To lease ground In nny part of
the city , not ovnr 10 blocks from post-
olllco. Addn-i-ii ( I. W. Cody , box Ml. city. HI3
"I71OK II1INT If younro sick of paying icut ,
. * wo will build jou u lioueo to nll , and glvti
ion u lot , on n Hinull cash puyinenl :
balance monthly or iiinrlorly i one block from
iticctcnr. Cullen A. 1' . tinltko , ItllU Hoivuiil.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IlKNT 1'lrnl clanH location for burbcr
shop , bhaw A Co.10 Koulli Ifith. 424
T71UU UK N'T A lloro. Inquire 1112 U. Mtli BU
Jj ( ioo. II. I'olorson. KU _ _
Foil HUNT riirnlahod IIOIIKO for the Bum-
inur. CriitnU locution. Mead & Jotnlesoii ,
aiSfi. i.lth. IM ) _
1710U KKNT I'raiiio store biilldlnif , tOxfo"
-L with llvlnr 4room , on I'hll fhorldati t. ; wili
Improve : put lii oinont under etoro to suit any
leRltlnmto biulnosi Win. Flotolnf 'A Co. , 14011