Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1887, Page 8, Image 9
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNBAY. APRIL 24 1887.-TWELVE PAGES. BENiNISON BROS , MONDAY , Wo Have Got the Goods and They Must Bo Sold. PRICE NO OBJECT WITH US. The Coming Week Wo * Offer Homo Great Values Coino and Sea 't What We arc Malting > ( ; Nolso About , We will place on sale Monday , for one day only , 200 dozen Ladles' very fine Im ported Japanese Colored Border Hand kerchiefs at 5o each , really worth 20c. Colors Guaranteed Fast. Don't ask for them after Monday at uc. Monday Only 1 case Cream Crinkle Seersuckers , 18 yards for $1.00. Monday Only 1 case Fancy Slrlpo Seersuckers , 15 yards for $1.00. Monday only. 1 case 3D inch Bleached Muslin. 14 yards for 1. Monday only. 1 B.ilo Unbleached Heavy Muslin , ! IO Inches wide , 10 yards ' forfl. Monday only. 1 Bale JW-Inch Brown Mualin , 25 yards in each piece , $ 1.70 per piece. Next week we will place on sale 100 dozen Gents' 4-ply Linen Collars , at 12Jc each , worth 20c. Monday only. 1 case Standard Prints-lo per yard Monday only GO dozen Ladies' 5-but- ton Embroidcricd back Kid Gloves In Tans , Browns anil Grays , 08c worth 11.75. Monday only 25 do/on Gents' Em broidered Back Driving Gloves at $1.00 worth $1.00. Monday only 50 dozen French Woven Corsets , l)8o worth $1.75. We will place on sale Monday 100 dozen elegant Turkish Towels In beauti ful colors at 25o each , worth COc. 60 dozen fancy Turkish Tidies ! J5c each worth 75c. Don't forgot the place where yon can always get more than your money's worth at the popular store of BENNISON BROS. 1510 and 1521 Douglas St. Homcthlng Krorjrhndjr Want * . Two lots in Kount/o Place ( one a cor ner ) only fl',500 , $2,000 cash. Motter , 1518 Farnam. 2 choice lots in Plainview near Saun- deru st. , | 1,500 each. GATE CITY LAND Co. , 208 S. 14th st. Talk Is Cheap But values toll. South Omaha is destined to be Tiih booming town for time to come , and the most valuable addition to the same Is the new "First Addition" to South Omaha just laid out. Over 35 lots of this addition already sold nnd going daily at tremendous rate. And pray why not ? This addition is only thrco blocks east of Hammond's packing houses and Belling at the extraordinary low prices of 1200 to $050 each. Lots are full size , 50x180 , with GO foot streets and 20 foot alleys. Just the thing for invest ment or home. Title perfect from Union Stock Yards company. Sole ntrent : Jo seph Kavan , No. 420 South IJJtli'St. , Mor rison's oflice , where maps can bo seen any time and teams ready to take out purchasers. Terms : One-fourth cash , balance in 12 quarterly payments at 8 per cent in terest. The workingman's home , Van Camp's addition , Ono of the most beautiful ad ditions ever laid.out to Omaha. Finest view on Missouri river , overlooks Coun cil Bluffs and ten miles of the Missouri valley. Only 3 blocks south of Murray's brickyard , north of Park Forrert and wcstofB. & M. track ; about 100 feet above Missouri river nad covered with beautiful shade trees. Lots are full size , 50x120 to 130 feet , streets 00 feet nnd alleys 14 feet. . Prices from $350 to $000 and terms'very easy , none such can bo had anywhere : $50 to $100 cash and bal ance 15.00 monthly or to suit purchaser , 8 per cent interest. These are the last lots that you can buy on such terms near city forlhomcs. borne choice lots left in Brown's Park from 24th street to the railroad track in South Omaha. This addition has been lets advertised and there were more lots sold there during last six months than in any other addition. That tells. Values are rising continuously and money is made fast by those who invest. Make hay while the sun shines , and be fore the price will bo raised come and ice the plats , maps , etc. Have also sev eral plats of one , live , ten , twenty and hundred acre tracts , very close to South Omaha , suitable tor platting , real genu ine bargains. Come and see them at Joseph Kavan's , 420 South 13th st. , Omaha , Morris Morrison's office. Teams always ready. Something Kvery body Wants. Two lots in Kountze Place ( one a cor ner ) only $4,500 , $3,000 cash. Motter , 1013 Farnam.- NOTICE. B. ft M. Park Addition. The deferred oxournion of last Sunday to B. & M. Park will leave the 11. & M depot at 10:30 : Sunday morqing , May 8 ram or shlno ; and give the promised op portunlty to the many who desired tc avail themselves of the last Sunday' ; chance of buying any of the lots at $5i ench as after that date prices will bi f 100 each. 8. A. SI.OMAN , 1513 Farnam st. , KAUFMAN Uiios. , 207 s 15th st. , 8. KATZ & Co. . 1511 Farnani st. , NEDU'H KKAL ESTATE EXCIIANOK , 1400 Fnrnam st. C. P. BRNJ.VMIN , 1513 Farnam st. , C. H. TOSCUAY , Fremont , Neb. Something Rreryhndy Wants. Two lots in Kouutzo Place ( ono u coiner nor ) only $4,500 , $2,000 cash. Mottor 1513 Farnam. A flnn 0 room house and full lot in Wa ! ntit Hill. House well built. $3,500. $1,00 caah. Balance in 5 yearly payments. JUKINS & MAYNE , 1403 Dodge. Finest first water diamonds at Ed hoi i * Akin , The Reliable Diamond Merchants. | iOxford Place Two tiuo lots only f& I * eich , worth tOOO to-day. | Motter lleal Estate Agency. OMAHA , Nob. . April 23. 1887.-Thei Will bo a mooting of tbo tourth ward r < jbubllcan club at 7IO : ! Monday cvonlnj wMh init. , at the city hall. Business ( 0rtaat importance will come before tl lub and a full attendance is requested. JOHN It WKUTSEK , Pros. Horace Tur Hnle. Some extra good roadsters , young at lound ; also heavier work horses. WM. PKKSTON & Co. , 010 Pierce Strcot , Omaha. Grand lalnntl. 1'ho great manufaeturinir , jobbing ai railroad center of Nebraska oilers uo < iaducomcnts to mannfaoturcrs , jobbc M4 Intestors , Wo mean business. A ireM C. W. ScAitKf , Secretary Hoard of Trade. , , JDiteM making by Mrs. Keen , 404 Nor Mxtoenlfa Btreot , third floor , Kslabroi MILMNEHY. MILMNKUY. 152O DotiEltiHtrrct. . Honnets and llata in every grail * and quality. MOVKWIKS. All the very latest styles. HATS , from 50c to $ . ' 0. ( toll nnd inspect prices. BVKIIVTHINO TO MAKE A LA1HE81 .Toi- I.KT COMI'LETE. \\'B IIAVK AN EI.EOANT DISPLAY OK HATS , HOXXKTS , GI.OYIS : , SUITS , Wu.vrs , UI.&TKKS AND JKKXBYS. Otnt noons AUKCIIOICK AND CIIOSBN FltOM Till : LATEST F.ASTF.KN STY1.K9. WK HAVE A KlltST CIAS9 TKIMMKItVIIO CAN ASSIST YOU IN OHOOSINO IIKCOMINU AHTI- ciis. : M. A. DKULIX. 15-20 DOUGLAS STJHIT. : Nearly four thousand people heard the famous McOibnoy tanilly at the exposi tion building , St. Louis in one day , and thu press of that chy glvo them elegant notices. They appear at lloyd's May 13 and 11. _ Something ICvurylioily WantH. Two lots in Kotiutxo Place ( ono a cor ner ) only fl.tOO , $ . ' ,000 cash. Hotter , 1511 ! Farnani , IotiliiH Addition. The county commissioners , as real es tate agents , are a genuine success , for their addition is indeed one of tlio tincst and Its location not only central but very desirable for residence purposes. The auction sale of Douglas addition takes place next Wednesday and thu rush for the lots will be groat. This is , as every one knows , the best purl of the poor farm. A map of Douglas addition is pub lished in tins issuu on the ninth page. The South Omaha Land company have appointed (3. E. Mayno solo agent for the sale of their lots. Iln will show the prop erty and furnish all desired information upon application. LSjgncd ] W. A. PAXTON , President. fcfc- When Ynti Clean House Get new Furniture of Howe & Kerr , No. 1510 Douglas street. Hitchcock's add. Why not ? AVannmakor'ft Merchant Tailoring made in Philadelphia , largest selection , lowest prices , satisfaction guaranteed. 1511 Douglas , up stairs. Architect ? and Superintendent ! , . Hvdtjson & Son , 20 iron Uank , Omaha , and 3LI A'ii. ni-c. , Minneapolis. When You Clean House Get new Furniture of Howe & Kerr , No.'iniO Douglas street. Tipton Place. Ituy Bnrentna. " Many Hitchcock add lots have been sold two and three times at handsome profits. Quite a Surprise. The entire stock of Dry Goods recently opened bv Hayilen Bros. , in the now Kennard Building , corner Sixteenth and Douglas street will bo closed out at once on account of lease complications. When You Get Mnrrled , Got your furniture from Howe & Kerr , 1510 Douglas Htrcot. A man entered u store the other day and began to' warble "Sweet Violets. " "What the dickens are you making that racket here for ? " cried thn proprietor , picking up a club and advancing threat eningly toward the singer. Why , I see in your window some goods labelled , .Goiii" for a song,1 ami 'Swcot Violets' is ho only song I know. " Kirk's "Juve nile" soap goes koops.going. Hitchcock's add. Why not ? To Bo Suld Out. Owing to lease complications the entire stock of Dry Goods just opened in the new Kennaru Building , corner Six teenth and Douglas streets will bo sold regardless of cost. Fixtures , etc , at u great sacrifice. Sale begins Monday , April 25tu. UAYDEN Bitos. Wanted Business Property Wo want business property , either im proved or unimproved on Farnani. Doug las , Dodge. Cuming , Saunders , Leaven- worth and St. Mary's avenue. Call or send particulars to Brown & Creighton , S. E. corner 10th and Douglas. "Whon You Get Married Get your furniture from Howe & Kerr , 1510 Douglas street. When You Go to Housekeeping Get your furniture from Howe & Kerr , 1510 Douglas street. They keep line goods. When You Go to Housekeeping Got your furniture from Howe & Kerr , 1510 Douglas street. They keep line goods. A largo 13 room house , to bo moved oil of premises , for sale cheap if taken soon , JUKINS & MAYNE , 1408 Dodge. A Short Llveil Affair. The whole stock of Dry Goods latclj opened by llayden Bros. , in the new Kennard Building , corner Sixteenth ant Douglas streets , will be closed out al once owing to some misunderstanding , Sale begins Monday , April 25th. Wo Can Sell You Ono lot or a half block of lots in West Side ai prices tliat will insure you a handsome return on your money in a short time We will take you out to see tlio lots. I will pay you to investigate this. It is t gooU opportunity to make some monoi on a small investment. Also lots in Ambler blor 1'laco. 1. N. PIEUCK & Co. , 1500 Douglas street , Ground Floor. Hitchcock's Addition. Cheap , sightly , easy terms. J. B. Kvans & Co. , Sole Agents. Tipton P.laco. Must lie Hold. An elegant nine-room house , full lot south front , on Hamilton street. On ! | 3,000 ; t cash , balance 0 per cent. WHHIHT & LASBUUV , Under Paxton Hotel. Tipton Place. Hitchcock's Addition. Cheap , sightly , easy terms. J. B. Evans & Co. , Solo Agents. C. A. Piekons. who died from an ovei dose of inorplitne , will bo buried fror thu First M. K. church Sunday aftcrnoo at 8:30. : Cnpltnl Avenue Ix > t8. I have for sale on Capitol avenue i Briggs place two choice lots never befor ottered. They join the lots on wtitc Judge Ynnzlmn will build an elegar residence this spring. C. E. 'MA v.SE. I have live lots on Fiirnam st. on ! 10,000 each , easy terms. Farnam strui will always bo good. See uiy special ai D. Li. THOMAS. Iluy Uargai | > . Many Hitchcock udd lots have bee sold two and thro times at handson profits. Tipton Place. Dictrick & Guth architects , and supe h intcndents , Room 15 Creighton block. ik Tipton Place. JONES"A MIND READER , A Rival of Bishop , a Resident of Omaha , Discovered on Farnam Street. Astounding HcTolatlonn or the Phc- nominal 1'ower of Mind Head ing A Bco Man Ascertains What Ho Want * . It was the merest accident that led the BEE reporter to the discovery that a rival of Bisliop , the great mind reader , is a prominent and much talked of resident of Omaha. Following a "pointer" a call was made at 1309 Farnam street , and the victim , evidently anticipating an inter view , failed to greet ye scribe with his usual genial smile , and the following conversation ensued : "Mr. Jones , what do you know of mind reading ? " "Why , who told you 1 know anything of mind reading ? " "Well , I understood you had some power in this direction , and I thought the read ers of the BEE would like to hear some of the particulars. " "Well , it was ten years ago that I took mv first lessons in this art and demonstrated that I could dis cover names and numbers that persons centered their thoughts upon and other things of more or less interest. " "Did you continue the experiments ? " "Only as they relate to my business , and in this I find great advantage. " "Do you consider your rapid growth of business due to this faculty ? " "Yes sirl to a considerable extent. It assists mo to buy goods at the very lowest prices and enables mo to show a customer what he wants without delay. You know "time is money" and Omaha people don't want to spend nn hour or two buying a suit of clothes , so by being able to show them what they are looking for the first thing they are pleased and our sales increase in magnitude. " "Do you get any sport out of your mi nd reading ? " "Well , yes ; occasionally [ do , when a prominent judge comes in ostensibly to make a purchase , but really to show his railroad passes and to borrow our last year's dross suit to wear to the opera , wo smile at his long head , and when a prospective bridegroom calls to select his wedding outfit and is so afraid we will discover his secret that he acts as if ho had a nest of hornets in his inside pocket , there is considerable fun in know ing his thoughts. " "Can you read my thoughts at this mo ment ? "Yes , you are about to leave your order for a spring suit. " Just hero the reporter concluded ho had better desist , and bid the great cloth ing merchant an an re voir. Thn Last Chance. The last chance to get a lot on Farnam street at a bargain is in Brijrgs' Place. I have ten choice lots on Farnam street in Briggs1 Place , which I will olVor for sale next Monday , April 25 , and they will remain on sale for four days unless sooner sold. The Farnani street car line will bo ex tended past each of these lots this spring. Farnam street will be graded a milo beyond Brisrgs' Place this spridg. Farnani street will bo pared nearly to Briggs' Place this season. Please call and get prices on these lots and take a free ride to see them. Take a map and figure it out for your self. self.We We will sell these lots and give the deed on a small cash payment , and give long time on balance , as wo regard the secur ity nmplo. It takes no eloquence to convince an Omaha man or woman of the desirabil ity of Farnani street property , and it will take no more of a notice than this to sell these few lots , so I advertise ns the last chance. C. E. Hitchcock's add. Why not ? Tipton Place. Hitchcock's Addition. Cheap , sightly , easy terms. J. B. Evans & Co. , Solo Agents. Ladies wishing good girls can be sup plied with first-class help by calling on Miss Kate Kennedy , 210 N. 10th. To those who want a home. Wo have a few nice 7-room houses for sale on a small payment of $300 down and balance in monthly paymcntsof $25 each. Wo also have some choice bargains in vacant lots that will only be in the market a few days. BAY & FITCH , Real Estate , 218 S 15th st , Hitchcock's Addition. Cheap , sightly , easy terms. J. B. Lvaus &Co. . Sole Agents. Tipton Place. _ We have 3 choice lots in Cotncr & Archer's add. for sale cheap. GATE CITY LAND Co. , 208 S. 14th St. Hitchcock's Addition. Cheap , sicrhtly , easy terms. J. B. Evans & Co. , Sole Agents. Tipton Place. . Fine Business Property A corner lot on Sixteenth. Seventeenth and Clark sts. , 00x180 ft. , only $18,500 , worth $25,000. Mottcr Real Estate Agency. Buy Many Hitchcock add lots have been sold two and three times at handsome profits. Millinery ! Millinery ! Mrs. Hickman , having returned from New York , with a full line of elegant styles , selected after Easter.will be pleased to Jiuvo ladies call. 1-114 Douglas st. Hitclicock'H Addition. Cheap , sightly , easy terms. J. B. Evans & Co. , Sole Agents. Tipton Place. 5 beautiful lots in Saunders & Hlmo baugh's addition. GATE CITY LAND Co. , * ' 03iS. nth st. Hitchcock' * Addition. Cheap , sightly , easy terms. J. B. Evans & Co. , Solo AgenU. Tipton Place. A fine lot anil house of 0 rooms in Hur baugh's 2d add. , on 10th st. , f 0,000. GATE CITY LAND Co , 208 S. Uth St. Buy Bargains. Many Hitchcock add lots have beet sold two and three times at handsorai profits. _ LAWN MOWEIIS ! LAWN Mowuusl ! AL STYI.KS All sizes from 10 inch to 10 inch and at PIIICES within the ability of all A good mower tit $3 and upward , a EVANS' SEED STOKED Don't forget that the new wall pape firm ot Beard & Otis carry elegant good and guarantee prices as low , and wor as line as any house in the country. Ai unusually line Hue of Window bhndei Give ns 'a trial and wo will please yo both with work and price , BEAUD & OTIS , 1317 and 1310 Douglas Street. < - - SOUTH OMAHA. T'ho Now Church Uaitfs nll Dummy Trains NWef. * The corner stone of tHc Flrst Methodist church , of South Omahu , ' will bo laid with the usual ceremony UMay at 1:30 : p. 111. The pastor , Rev ? f . B. Hilton , formerly of Chicago , .has been using every elVort to push forward the work , nnd the people of SoutlrOniaha are dp- ing all they can to encourage him. The now churcn when completed will bo a very neat structure with n capacity for 250 people. IIASE HAM , . Thn employes of Fowler Bros. " packing house have challenged tlio stock yards men to play : i game of ball for $50 n side. The gutno \ to take place this afternoon near the rendering house at South Omaha. DUMMY TIIAINS. Owing to the fact that all the details , for thu new dummy service , have not been comuletcd the Dillon Pacific man agement has decided to run trains the same M in the past until the first of May. The tram will then run from Council Blurt's to South Omaha on very nearly thu same time as they now run between Omaha and Council Bluffs. There will bo two trains and four crows. Mondolaaohn Atlmwrlo Vs the County Commissioner * . OMAHA , April 33. To the Editor Omaha UKK : Will you kindly penult us to say a few words In reply to the remarks of County Commissioners Mount and O'Kcefc , iiuu- lished In your paper of last Monday evening , In relation to tlio county hosplUl plans. Mr. Mothit , there , takes occasion to admit his agreement to stand by us , "all tlilnus being eiiiml , " but ho slunally falls to say wliuioln things were not equal. Mr. O'Keote , there , states that lie had been In favor of Mr. Mgurs' plans the last time as well as the lirst , because he considered them the best. In making this statement , tliogon- tlemaii stultifies hiuii-clf and shows his IK- mentnblo Ignoiance of the subject In hand. The former plans presented by Mr. Myers were unlike Ills latter plans , as finally adopted , and they weio condemned by n committee of ph > sicli\ns as being unsuitable. for hospital uuruosus. And yet , Mr. O'Keofo conslduicd them thu best. If Mycis' plans were the best in the lirst vliice , why did lie change his iieneral desluns to conform , ns near ns could bo , to the Corhrane and Mendelssohn ideal' And If Mr. O'Keefo considered My ers' first plans the best , why did ho lipld the same opinion niter they had been radically and totally chanpcd ? These centlemen take occasion to say that our pavlllion plan was Inferior to Myers' and was nothing but a tire-trap. If inferior to Myers' plan , why did Myers , in the second competition , adopt our general design ? If the commissioners had availed themselves of the opportunity and examined our plans and speculations , ( still In their hands ) , they would have found that the floors are to bo constructed with Iron beams and terra cotta arches covered witn cement floors ; that all exterior and main In terior walls were to be ot brick , and continu ous from bottom to top , and the minor parti tion walls of hollow tcira cotta tile. Thereof roof was to be of wrought and cast Iron cov ered with slate. Nowhere was wood to be used , save for doors , window-sashes and floors in trie administration building , and there it was optional ns between wood and cement. Our plans called for a bro-proof building in every particular. These gentlemen say that upon their return from th cast , they were satisfied that none of the irfans should be ac cepted. In what manner-were they so satis- lied ? They stalled with IH plans , with the names erased , for the nvowed purpose of itoinir east to New York i nd other points , and submitting them to experts and obtain ing their opinion upon tliem. The fact Is they went lo Chicago ami l > etroit. When they reached Chicago , the plans were locked up in thn hotel sale uutllitlio commissioners were ready to leave the city , and in Detroit the same thing -was agmln done. If these plans were submitted to experts , will the commissioners please dvc tbb names aud addresses of the experts ? Messrs. Mount and O'K e.fe say that inas much as our plans were entitled to only second place In the lust competition and we had not materially chanced them. It follows as'a matter of couise , tlioy-wero still entitled to second place In the second competition. In the lirst competition ? onr- plans weie awarded a place second to Coclirano's , not ileyfirs' , and if , ns the commissioners say. leyers had greatly Improved his plans , and .his Improvement had been brought about by conforming to the general design of Cochrano ud Mpnaelssohn , why can Mr. O'Keefe say hat the Meyers plan was best on the lirst ompetltlonV In the first competition ochrane's plans were preferred to ours be cause more extensive and more expensive. TJio pavlllion plan Is everywhere regarded as one of the gieatest protections against lire. aving adopted the pavlllion style , and hav- ng made our buiidlni : tire-moot in Its con- tructlon. will tbo commissioners kindly ex- ilaln wherein our plans call for a lire-trap ulldlne ? They say that Mr. Meyers frives a pnd of 80OOO.Ou. . We agreed to give a bond B any amount the commissioners would name to make our building lire-proof within ho estimated cost. . , These Bentlcmen further say that our nol- : ow tile partitions Invite dirt and filth. Will ; he gentlemen explain in what way -terra cotta tile , which Is of superior clay and harder than brick , and closelv sealed and nlnsteied on both sides , can possibly Invite illth of any kind ? Kvery ono who has traveled or Investigated the matter , knows that terra cotta Is reeoumml as the best lire- proof material by all lending architects. All prominent buildings , lately erected , are con structed largely of that material. .One feature of this competition has , per haps , not been made public , and It Illustrates fully the position of the commissioners In regard to this matter. They came to us while the plans were under discussion and said Hint wo had provided no scheme for heating and ventilation , and that Myers had sub mitted an excellent system. Now , It so happened , that the commis sioners , find , by accident , placed our speci fications for heating nnd ventilating with Mvers' plans , and were eulogl/lng them , believing them to belong to Myers. When they ascertained their mistake , onr achumo of heating and ventilating took n tumble in their estimation. . . . . Will Mr. O'Keefo please explain how ho satislied himself that Myers' lirst plan was the best , when lie was Ignorant , personally , of the matter In hand , and when such nhy- hlelans as Mercer. Summers , Leo , Oraddv. Avers and others had considered them ? Messis. Mount and O'Keefo give the cost. per patient , under our plans at SOOS.O , and under Myers' plans at 5574.30. Let us see. Myers provides for 105 patients at a cost of 8113,000. Divide 8112,000 by ! ' . . and you find the cost as stated by the com missioners. WtMirovidoil for UOO patients nt a cost not to exceed SliW.ouo. Divide 81W.OOO by 200 , and thu greatest possible cost per patient under our plans would be only S750 per patient , and not &W9.0J , ns stated by the commissioners , and the actual cobt might have been much less. Why do they lind It necessary to nils slate the facts ? If the hun dred reasons they profess to have for their action are no better founded than their lie- arcs , they certainly would" carry little weight with the tax-payers. The public now undenttaM that Myers has elven.a bond In S'JO.oao to complete this hospital , and to make ita-ilre-proot bulli ing with no wood but doors.tcortplcte In nil Its details , rendy to be 105 patients , atacostorsil2ooo. & LAWIIIK. Bishop's Marvelous i3ttfd Heading. A number of ladlus-and gentlemen at tended the reception1" of Washington Irving Bishop , the famous mind reader at the Paxton house yesterday attcrnoon After a short introductory , in which ho expounded tlie nature of his calling , he produced a formidaW * looking dagger and approaching Hov. Mr Copolam handed the weapon to ihim "as the most murderous looking" personage in the gathering , asking litm to enact a mock murder scene. Mr/ Bishop was then es corted from the parlor in charge of Mr. Grcgorv , of the llopublican , and Mr John Francis. Whllo these were absent Mr.Copeland suddenly reached over Dr Merrlnm and made a tragic ungo at that gentleman. But the dirk did not enter the person. Mr. Copeland then hid the dagger in the parlor grate Mr. Bislop was then recent noted blindfolded , to the parlor , and with hu hands slightly touching those of Mr Copoland.lio proceeded immediately tc Iho grate , picked up the weapon and then led Mr. Copelanrt back , ana standlnc in front of IJr. Mcrrmni enacted the sairn See the Houses. A Dozen Houses are at Present in Course of Construction in the Handsomest Addition tojmaha , namely Hitchcock'sAddition ' Beautiful , High , Sightly. Lots can still be had for $400 to $600 , on Very Easy terms. J. B , EVANS & CO , , Sole Agents bloody scene which that gentleman had taken part in. The last test was discovering a scarf pin , which a committee , consisting of llov. Mr. Copcland , Lr. ) Murrlam , Gen eral Smith and Edgar Snyder , of the Excelsior , had hidden in a drawer , be hind the counter in Max Myer's store. Mr. Bishop was blindfolded , a white band holding cotton bolting closely over his eyes. Over his head he wore a black hood , which rested upon his shoulders and breast. lie led the commltteo to a carriage in waiting and droyn the team cast on Farnam street , stopping at Max Myur's. He led the commltteo into the store and found the pin where it had been placed by them a short time before. A largo crowd of admiring witnesses ap plauded the achievement. Mr. Bishop appears to-night at the ex position building. COUNTY SCHOtiAKS. Four Thousand Children Added to the Roll in One Year. The county school census for 18S7 , ns tabu lated by County Superintendent Hruneris as follows : Contracts For Anhcuscr - Busch's Kulldliif ; . The work on tbo new buildings of the Anlieuser-Busch Brewing company of St. Louis which are to be built in this oity , will bo commenced immediately. Henry Voss , tlie architect , who has been en- rusted with thu management of the same , returned yesterday from St. Louis with approved plans for the buildings in question , which are to bo among the most b&uitiful and substantial in the city. Mr. Voss has been authorized to let nil the contracts for the buildings in juestion. During his absence Mr. Voss' jirthday took place , and on his return ; hit : gentleman found awaiting him a handsome easy chair , the gift of Ills em ployes , under the leadership of Mr. Bur- dick. _ Illtclicock'M Attention. Cheap , sightly , easy terms. J. U. Evans & Co. , Solo Agents. Important Religious Meetlncs. Omiiha is to bo the place of holding two very important religious meetings this year. Mention has already been made of tlio meeting of the General As sembly of the Prenbylerhtns of the United States , which will bo held in this city commencing May 1 ! ) nnd closing May HO. This meeting will bo followed by u meet ing of th < ! General Synod of thu Lutheran church. Over 200 delegates will bu pro- sent. The meeting will convene Juno 1 and last ten days. Fitly BarcalnH. Many Hitchcock add lots have been sold two and thrco times at hand emu profits. Inspector Kind's Report. Postal Inspector King is not hero , as erroneously reported , to consider the delivery of mail in the city , but to report upon the increase of the clerical force in the postolllce , Ho has been called awa > temporarily and will return in a few days. Postmaster Coutaut says there is hardly any doubt that ho will recom mend an increase of four clerks. The 1 T I * . O. The Ladles' Afternoon Luncheon club met at the residence of Mrs. Leopold Holler.710 South Eighteenth street , last Wednesday. Those present were M s dames F. Adler , M. Goldsmith , A. Heller , Louis Heller , M. Hellman , G. Hoyn , L Mendelssohn , A. Meyer , Max Meyer , Morit/ Mover , B. Newman. I. Oborfcldcr A. Polack , H. Rphfcld , Seligsohn , Itau and Grotto. A. O. II. OOCH to Council niuflk. The two divisions of the A. O. H. in this city will meet to-day at 12:30 : at their hall , Thirteenth nnd Jackson streets , to attend in a body , the laying of the corner nor stone of the Catholic church of tha place. They will leave on the 10 o'clock , dummy. m According to tlie St. Paul Pioneer Press It takes the average party manager longer ito learn anything than U does any other man qn eijrtu. CHURCH Notions. To-dny'a SorvlcfS nt ttio DtfToi-ciit ClitirulicH Throughout tlio City. Calvaiy Hatitlst Church Siunilurs street. Hev. A.V. . Clark , pastor , bervlcos at lOi.'JO a. in. and TliOp. : in. Sunday school all'- ! o'clock. KcKulnr pr.ivor meotliur \VetIncs- - day livening at 7:80. : All uro cordially In vited to the services of this church. Iteth-Kilen Hautlst Church Services nt 4:15 : p. in. at St. Mnry's avenue Congrega tional church. Prcachinc by Hev. M. J. Sulli van. Sunday school at : i n. in. Prayer meetIng - Ing Thursday evening at 7JO. : ; All are wel come. German Ltithetnn Church 1005 S. Twen tieth street. Services every Sunday at 10 a. m. buiutay school nt 'J p.m. li.J. 1'rese , pastor. First United Prosbvtcrlan < H2 fXoith Klehteenth street. Kuv. E. li.iCralmui , pastor. Public worship at 11 a. in. and 8 p. m. Unity Church Corner of Seventeenth und Cass htrcets. Services at 11 a. in. aud 7:4" : > p. m. Sunday school at 12:15. : Itev.V. . E. Copeland , pastor. Subject of sermon this morning , "Our Troubles. " Subject of evening lecture , "Aro Unitarians Chris tians ? " Come to the Cynthia chapel. Walnut Hill , Omaha , next Lord's day.urll 24 , and hear the following subjects discussed : Mornlntr , "Man or ( Joel ? " Evening , "Heaven. " Hev. A. H. Sawyer , pastor. First BaJHIst Church Fifteenth street , cor ner Davenport. A. W. Lamar , pastor. Sub ject at 10 : : w service , "Our Progress Limited by Our Faith. " Sublect at 7:45 : service , "The Attempts of the World to Account for Clulst. " All seats free. Strangers cordially Invited. Presbyterian Church Corner Dndiro and Seventeenth streets. Services at 10iUa. : : m. and Up. m. .MornhiK ItfiV. W. U. Hender son , pnslor of the North Presbvteriun church , will preach. The pastor. Kov. W. J. Hurhlm. will preach In the evenlui ; . Sunday school at noon. Young people's meeting at 7:15 : p. m. North Presbyterian Church , Snumlers Street Hev. William R. Henderson , pastor. Services at 10l0 : ! nnd S o'clock. Sunday school at noon. Young people's mectlneat 7p. m. Hev. W. J. Ilarshnand Mr. Henderson will exchange pulpits this morning. This evening the pastor will deliver the third lec ture on "Tho Life aud Times of King Saul. " Strangers made welcome at all services. CUNOREOATIONAL. St. Mary's Avenue Hev. Willard Scott hopes to preach both mornlug and evening , at 10:30 : and 7:45. Evening sermon In tlio series upon "Joseph. " Prizes will bo given In the morning to children who havn been present every Sunday of the year. Sunday school at noon. First Christian Church. Twentieth and Capitol avenue Rev. Joseph 11. Foy. LL. U , , nnstor. Services to-dnv nt usual hours. Morning theme : "The Kull-Oibed Gospel. " Evening theme : "The Test of Character. " Seats free. You are Invited. First Cnncrecatlonal Church , Canltol ave nue , near Eighteenth Services at 10u : ) a. m. and 8 p. in. Preaching ns usual. Evenlne , i short Kospel service with singing. Sab- mth school at noon. All are welcome. Southwest Presbytealnn Church , corner lieavenworth nndTwentieth streets Preach- ng by the pastor , Hev. David R. Kerry , at H a. m. nnd 8 p. in. Sabbath school at ! ) p. in. Young people's praynr meeting at 0:45 : p. m. The Park Avenue Presbyterian congroga- lon will meet In the Park Avenue United Presbyterian church at 5 p.m. , when the Hov. lohn Gordon , of Pittsburir , will preach , A commission of the presbytery of Omaha will organize the church Monday evening , and regular morning nnd evening services will commence May 1 In Trolel's hall , near the corner of Lcavcnworth and Phil Sheridan streets. The green car line passes the door. NOTES. Pastor Lamar will deliver a sermon on Sundav night at the First Baptist church , specially to young men. on this subject , "The Attempts of the World to Account tor Chribt. " A 1/AUGIG EKTABLlBfl'MENT. llnydon Bros. , an Eastern Firm , Opoti a First Class Dry Goods Store Next Week. The new brick building on the west side of Sixteenth street near the corner of Douglas has been leased to two good firms , Kennard Bros. , with paint , oil , etc. , nnd the remainder to Hayden Bros. , who will open in a few days a first class dry goods store. Hayden Bros , are well known in the cast as lirst cia s men and they will no doubt keen up their past record. The stock is now being put in place by n largo force ot clerks who are working like beavers so that they may be able to open up the lirst part of the week. Hiiyden Bros , have the reputation of being straightforward business men who have had a loner nnd successful ex perience in the dry goods trade and come to Omaha highly recommended. The advent of a new dry goods house Is always an event of interest to the ladies , ajid from a casual glance at their largo store and crisp new stock , neither the ladles or anyone else will bu disappointed in the new store of Haydun Bros , which will bo opened next week. They will oc cupy two double floors and the basement with thuir stock. ICxpoHitlnn nulldlnt ; Stock For Sn'lc. The earnings of the exposition building during the fourteen months since it was opened have been , in round numbers , $14.000. Thn cost of the main building ami the annex was about $ ( W,000. The stock now issued amounts to $15,800 , which compels tlio carrying of u Moating debt of about $10,000. The directors do- sii-o lo sell ? l.r ,000 of stock , and they feel assured , judging from the income up to the presiint time , and the very Haltering outlook for the future , that it will be a dividend-paying investment from this time forward. Proposals for stock should be addressed toMaxMoyer , president , or I. W. Miner , secretary. PEOPLE'S ' THEATER ONK WI'.hK , COMMENCING MOXDAY AVIII ! * X > th , J887 , Tlio Klni : I.-iiuli.J'MlarR itli's ' Swiss Bell [ lingers Comic Concert G'J. , and fit ,1i > inlinc JfamptlJtunifttii Ti'oiiiMi The oldest and oft'.nIt'nd In tin : world , -I Great CtwdlaiiH. 1 % d Art MM , apju-ai'lnu In a Grand 1'ronrainine , coimlstlnu of character ( / , dance * , tiwlna JMl Itlnylnu , etc. Mirth , Mnlc. and J / / / rcr// / 1'ointlar Trice * 2Oc , Xoc and J5c. Are h If/her. Closing Out. Owing to Least ) Complications and other reasons , the entire stock of Gen Dry NOTIONS And in fart everything kept in a first-class dry goods ' store \ \ < ll be fold A of Cost ! To Insure a Speedy Sale. This is only a Chance in a Life Time r y V To UOUlKl Way umler value. Show Cases Ami otbcr Fixtures for sale at a prcnt sacrifice , Sale to begin Monday , April 25 [ n the new Kenntml bnihliiiR' , cor. 16tlu and Douglas streets. H AYDEN BROS , , AMUSEMENTS. BOYD'S OPERA HOUSE ; ONE NIG HT OXL F , Saturday , April 30th , . of Omnha'H Favorite Come- tly. CJtnn , If. Laughing Success With MR. FRtlfK DANIKLS In. His Famous Creation of OLID SIFOPIT Supported by the Original Company Grab It Quick. Popular Prices EXPOSITION BUILDING Sunday Evening , April 24 Tlio Miirvcl of tlio Century , MR. WASHINGTON IRVING TlioOrlnlnnl niiJ WotU Hmuiwnod MIND READER. The Cai'taln of the Mind Uplifted ThnNowVorkllernlil. Feb. 28. lfT. fny rrgnrillni Mr. HlHliop'n reni. rk'ilil . IMIHI-MI 'Ciuniilelrly ti > - wllilircclniicl cliiiruiBl. . llevrnrdc'il nltli clieeri uua tliunrtcrlaviipplnii'i' " WHAT MR. BISHOP WILL DO. . A Mock Murder Re-enacted , The Mind Unveiled , Concealed Property DUcoveredi Mental Victuies Delineated , Endearing Names Ri vcalcd , The Great Bank Note Tebt , Old Times and Old Friends Recalled. The Most Stnrtliiur Entertainment- Ever ( Jiven , Adinli loii2.VmnJ.'Oo. lleiervuil cats can be e- . cureil ui Jlui Mojrvr'i. PEOPLL THEATER _ One Week , Commencing MoiiJayiApr. 10 , s//oir , GRAND HIBERNIGA Tha lifit orunnUiitlon nl the kind In eilitence.e- li b Hug UicKriiniHuUtonery e er ltnc d In A Grand Tom-Through Ireland1 ItSpecial ArHntH M , Comedians 0 , U Great Novel , llelhicd , Neat. . .