Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1887, Image 8

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Tha Oliquo Arranging to Gather in tlo
Oaah Wheat.
J lie Decline of the Early Port of tlio
Week in Cattla Kcgalnctl--
Iraclc In ilogtt Active
CIIICAOO , April * ! . [ Special Telegram to
thoUKi : . ] May wheat was still pegged at
84c by the clique thls nornlng. If It Imd not
bccnJLwould Imvo pot under that figure ,
because of liberal receipts and because of the
pretty Rencral realizing ; of the crowd on
Juno that option fell to feS c at once. Thp
clique Is bald to bo arranging for the cash
wheat In a j > ccullar way. They say to old
nnd original carriers , "Do you want to keep
your wheat If you can make fair * Interest on
your moiipy. " There Is only one answer to
Hint qiii'stloii. Of course tlio carriers don't
want to go out of business. The clique then
proposes to them to put up margins , to cive
them a commission and to give them May op
tions. This ptitj the old "carriers" In the at
titude oTbrokeis or commission men to the
bull cotcrlo. It 1ms this advantage : It
partly disarms the suspicion ot ttho crowd ;
I rolluvtis the cllipio of the odium Hut would
bo heaped on It If cash wheat was gathered
together in a great block and loaded up. Uo-
sldus it puts Chicago banks in hot
ter temper nud makes them
more Inclined to advance liberally
on wheat A licet starts out of Chicago to
night with over ; i,000,000 bushels of corn
aboard. About 750,000 bushels of this has
been taken from elevators within the past
week. The straits are open , letting through
the "up licet. " Tills will empty out perhaps
2,000,000 bushels more corn , as elevator men
nrc HO anxious for room that they are mak
ing a n-tnto of ll c a bushel to shippers.
This will be all the mom there will be needed.
Tin ; receipts oflieat are not large not
nearly so largy as expected and there Is no
.wheat of nny consequence coming down hero
from Milwaukee ami Dtilutlr Halt of the
men \\lio-\vero vehemently talking about
bringing millions of wheat lieio from Dnluth
uru now over on the bull Hide themselves.
As for Armour , low ot the mon who wore
curtain ho would pour about 8,000,000 bushels
of cnsh wheat upon the clique are certain
now that this Is none other than an Armour
deal. This shows how the sentiment
olmimes. Mershaw & Co. to-day must have
bought nearly 750,000 bushels. They
yiok ono 200,000 bushel lot from
Matthews , anU several lanro lots
from Lester and other houses. Yesterday
"pt'gglnwas done by Irwln. Green & Co. ;
the dny before by Kosenfeld & Co. The gos-
El ) s were busy making estimates on the situ-
utloii of the market so far as clique holdings
are concerned. It is figured this way now :
Kwslmw & Co. have 15,000,000 bushels ;
Irwin , Orenn it Co. , 12,000,000 bushels ; Ros
en feld & Co. , (1,000,000 ( bushels : George C.
Walker & Co. , : i , < > 00,000 bushels ; boss. Strong
& Co. , lf > 00,000 bushels ; George lialdwin < te
Co. , 1,000,000bushels ; Hensley Bros. , 1,000,000
bushels ; making a total of a'J.600,000 bushels ,
all bought lor May delivery. Them
are , It will be seen , three now
names In the clique cotcrlo now.
Koss. Strong ite Co. are said to have been
tnken In so as to get "Diamond Jo" ffiish
whent. There was a little curiosity to know
the whereabouts ot Green , of Irwln , Green
& , Co. , and ot' C. J. Kcrsliaw , of C. .1.
Kcishtiw & Co. , the two men who
have boon the lending cllquo operators.
The anxiety of thn crowd because these two
pcntlemcn were out of town shows how much
worry the clique Is causing the market just
now. May went to S4 > c , broke off to KiJ < o ,
liclu there for only a momoiit and went to
8-4Jf@SIM'cat the close. Corn was a llttlo
linn , while provisions were unchanged.
CHICAGO LilVIfl STOCK. , April 33. ( Special Telojram to
the BIK. : ] CATTLE " \Vhon \ buyers go out
to Halsted street to moot sellers who have a
load or two of cattle It indicates a pretty
good market , much bettor than any wo have
had In mouths past , " s.ild a dealer. How
ever , It must lie remembered tlmt thcro were
very few cattle on sale , really not enough to
make a market. There wcro a few orders
notllllod yesterday , and this was why some
dOHlrabtttcattle sold lOc higher. The decline
of the rally part of the week has more than
been rcngalned , however , and the market
for the week closed strong. Shipping steers.
1,850 to 1,500 Ibs , S4.80 ( $ > 15 ; 1,200 to 1,350
Ibs , SI.5UJJ4.75 ; 050 to 1.200 Ibs. S4t50@4.C,0 ;
stackers and feeders , S3.UOQM.10 ; cnws * , bulls
nnd mixed. S2.awi.00 ; bulkS2.70 : U5 ;
slop-fed steers , * 4.40@4.75 ; coru-fcd , 83.80 ®
Hoes Trade was active with an up turn
of 5e on nearly all grades , the market closing
linn with but few lots or oilris and ends left
unsolil. Common mixed sold at S5.20@5.25 ;
good mixed and packing sorts , $ r > . ; tr ( g5.r > 5 ;
best and closely assented heavy , also butcher
well his , S5.fXg5.C5 ) ( ; llirhtborts , S5.30Q5.40 ;
plKS , 84.70@4.05.
NKW YORK , April 23. ( Special Telegram
to the BKE.I STOCKS. There were no sen
sational features in the stock market to-day.
At'Uio opening there was some selling on
fear ot political troubles In Europe. The
London market for American securities ,
however , was higher all around , and this
gave a reassuring tone to the dealings on till ?
side. ' New England was again rather weak ,
t lie JJal emnn party being conspicuous sellers.
8. V. White and ; hls following bought cbal
stocks and strong bull points were out an
Lackawanna and Delaware & Hudson. A
good dual of Interest attached to the bank
statement , which was regarded as quite
favorable. Western Union exhibited more
strength than for a long tlmo und the point
was out tlmt people who had been accumu
Intlng the stock for some tftne were about tc
glvo It a lift. Late London advices reported
a better fooling abroad and good buying ol
American stocks. The railroad earnings foi
the third week in April were In every In-
stancu favorable , showing good gains as
compared with the corresponding period lasl
year. At noon the market was steady , sale ;
to that hour aggregating 104,000 shares ,
During the latter part ot the day the onlj
feature to the market was the firmness Ir
dealings. Oroiton Navigation moved up 5
per cent and Oregon Transcontinental ad ,
vanccd In sympathy. Rumors were current
tff a'blg bull deal In Union Pacific and etroris
parties were said to be quietly absorbing It
St. Paul was the weakest-spot In the market
and In spite of the strencth of the genera
list U dragged henvlly under 03. The closing
prices were thn best for the day. . The tola
sales were about tO\000 shares.
ClovKHNMKNTs liovernnu'ut bonds wen
dull out steudv.
U. S. t's 100 1C. &N. W 1
U. S. 4'scoupon. 120W1 do preferred. . . . !
II. S. 4U'scoup .llOtfN. Y. C 1
PacltioiPsot'10..125XO. It. & N 103" .
Canada South'n. . . -j\ .
Central Tactile. . 40 IPaclticMall . 50
Chicago & Alton. 145 I1. , D. &E . 35
tlo prefertetl..lOO ( Pullman
C. , H. & O. 144K Reading. "
D. . L. & W 138 Rock Islqnd"l20' : ; ; ;
D * R.0 30 f St. U&8.F. . . . 37 j
Erie do preferred. . . . 77j
d i p re f t rrud. . . . Till C.M.SP. . . . . .
Illinois Central..1R4 do preferred..119) ) .
trXf It . 11 _ ' St 0 w
t ! * iv if ! P. &
K. &T. do preferred. . ! 12 > ;
Lake Shore S > < Texas Pact lie. . . .
1 * AN. . . 67K UnlotiPucliio. . . . ( VJj
Michigan Cent1 ! . . \V..StLAP. \ . . . 20 > j
Mo. Pacific do preferred. . 85
No , Paclllo. . W. U. Telegraph 70
do preferred. . . , 61.
MONK VON CALL 4 ( < t5 per cent ; closed of
fered at 4U percent.
at W < * 6 per cent.
HTKIU.INO KxcnANflE Fairly actlvo am
tetky alS4.SO > for sixty days , v fo
Chicago , April 23. Following quoli
Jlunsarutiio 2'JU : closing Ugurcs ;
Flour Steady and firm. Winter wheat
Hour , 54.3.fiM.30 : southern , W.104.20 ;
Wisconsin. H.'JtXct-i.n * ] ; Mlchlcan soft sprlnc
wheat , fa,704.30 ( ! : Alinncsota bakers. 83.71) )
C < * 4.W ; patents 84.oOC44.bJ : low eradus ,
9I.M9-.W : rye Hour , quiet at , 83.35(33.40 ( ; In
Barlcs and banels , 8-V < ta.70. *
Wheat Dull ; trading unusually llRlit ;
Slay lluctiiatcdyltliln a % c raime , closing Ifc
liiRliur , and Juno closed H'e higher than yes-
tttiday ; uasli , S3U-10c ; May , 815-lCc ; June ,
Corn Dull , oulet , but stondyS opened n
shade higher llian yesterday , lluctuated some
and closed VC'1 ' " above yesterday ; cash ,
&HVc ; May , ai IMOc ; June. 40 3-Kx ; .
Oats-Uull ; prices rrmalncd wltljfester-
day's range ; caali , 27fc ; ; May , iiS iTr June ,
Jtyo Quirt at r,7c.
Jinrley Dull at .I'.tyTOOc.
Timothy Seed Piiiiii' , 31.CI.
Klax Seed-Si. 03. '
Wnlslcv Sl.l\
Pork Dull , quit ; ! , luit steady ; cash , S20..V ) ;
May and June , S'J0.7 : > .
hard A llttlo stronger and averaged a trine
higher ; cami and May , S7.1 7.12 > f ; June ,
E7.20S17.2-JK. (
Hulk Meats Shoulders , SG.OOa < UO ; short
clear , SS.10JW.15 ( ; slioit ribs , 87.7r ) ! 7.bO.
Butter Finn ; creamery , 10 ® ; c ; dalrj ,
. . .v.Steady : full cream Cheddars nnd
Hats , l8 < 3t3Xc : Young Americas , lo > i@
13 c-sklms ; , DQOc.
Kggs Lo crat llQUJfc.
Hides Steady and ilrm ; heavy gwen salted
lie ; silted bull Indus , Oc ; green salted calf , S'c ' ;
dry salted , IOc ; dry Hint , 12C < 5lSc ; dry calf ,
liW14c ! ! ; deacons , 4ite each.
Tallow Steady ; No. 1 country , 4c ; No. 2 ,
3lic ; cake , 4i c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 10,000 4.000
Wheat , bu 110,000 0.000
Corn , bu 08,000 17,000
Oats , bu 811,000 80,000
Hye , bti 3,000 none
Hurley , bu 10,000 1,000
St. Louis. April 23. Wheat May ,
lower , others steady ; cash , 80 < 3SU)4c : May ,
80iCcJune,80Xc. ;
ijiiui iiuimiim .11 si.uu.
Whisky-Steady at 81.13.
Mutter Steady ; creamery , 20@24c ; dairy ,
17U20c. (
Afternoon lioaid Wheat Unchanged.
Corn Firm but dull. Oats Unchanged.
iCartBAs Olty , April 23. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 red , c.tsh , r.8Jc . bid , 70c asked ; May ,
70c bid , mc asked.
Corn Stronger ; No. 2 , cash , 325/c ; May ,
32c bid : i : > 'c asked.
Oats Nominal.
lilvcrpool , April 23. Wheat flair demand
fall , holders offer spailncly.
Corn Steady ; dpiuaiid fair ; now mixed
western , spot 4s per cental.
Now OrloaiiH , April 23. Corn Un
settled and lower ; mixed , 4'Jc ; yellow and
white , 50@51c.
Oats Steady at 37c.
Cornmeal Quiet and weak at S3.15.
HOK Products Dull and a shade lower.
hard 87.00.
llulk Meats Shoulders , S3.37 } ; long clear
c ear ribs , $8.25.
New York. April 23. Wheat Ko-
colpts , 38,000 ; exports , 725.000 ; snot a shade
higher ; options advanced } i < S ? c ,
closing atSJc.
Corn Spot and options a shade hlchrr ,
closlnt'steady ; receipts , 0,000 ; exports , 233 ;
unuradcd. 4l > @ .VWc ) ; No. 3 , 49 > c ; In eleva
tor COX dellvered.May closlnt ; at 49c.
Oats Shade stronger. Jtecolpts , 2POO ; ex
ports , 20,000 ; mixed western , 35@37c ; white
western , 38@42c.
Petroleum Steady ; united , 63 < c.
Eftgs Kasier ; western , 13c.
I ard Shade hlKher ; western steam , spot ,
Pork Steady and more active.
Uutter Quiet but generally steady ; west
ern , 12@'J4c.
CheesR Quiet but firm.
Minneapolis , April 23. Wheat Firm ;
track wheat a turn dearer ; No. 1 hard , cash ,
7 < yfc ; May. 77 > 4'cJuno : , 78 > < ; c ; No. 1
northern , cash , 75 ? ; May , 7t ! c ; No. 2
northern , cash , 74c.
Flour Firm ; patents , 84.30 ( 4.45 ; bakers ,
n r,350
Roceiots Wheat , 03,000lm. ; flour , 150 bbls.
Shipments Wheat , 45,000 bu. ; Hour , 15,000
Milwaukee. April 23. Wheat Firm
Cash , 70K ; May , 7fc
Corn Nominal.
Oats No.3 white ,
Rye-No. 1 , 020
Jiarley No. 2 , ouj uijfc.
Provisions Cash April pork , SID.50.
Cincinnati , April 32. AV heat Stronger :
No. 2 , red. 88@83 > * c.
Corn I air demand ; No.3 mixed , 41Wc.
Oats-Firm : No. 2 mixed , Sic.
Rye Strong ; No. 2 , 03H@05Vc ,
Pork-Dull at 810.25.
Lard-K.xsr at 87.05. .
WhlsKy-Steady ; § 1.13.
Ghlonito , April 23. The Drovers' Jour
nal teuorts as follows :
Cattle Receipts. 3,000 ; strong and IOc
hlchcr : shipping steer ; , $4.15@5.15 ;
stockrrs and feeder * , S2.904.10 ; cows , bulls
and mixed. 2.25@4.00 : bulk , S3.70Q3.15 ;
Texa-o corn-fed cattle. S3.80@4.25.
Hogs Receipts , 7,000 ; market strong and
5c higher ; rough and mixed , 55.05 5.40 :
packing and shipping , 85.40@5G5 ; light ,
84.05@5.00.skips ; , S3.00@4.50.
Sheep Receipts , 200 ; strong ; shorn west
ern , SS OQSOSnatives ; , 83.75(34.80 ( ; 1lambs ,
Nation ? ! Stonk Yards. Kast Kt.
Ijonls , 111. , April 23. Cattle Receipts.
200 ; shipments , 400 ; offerlnes consisted
mainly of stuff hold over , stronger ; choice
native steers , S4.bO@5.30 ; fair to good ship-
pln steers , S4.00ffl4.75 ; butchers'steers , 53.70
@ 4.40 ; feeders , S'J.20@3.15.
Hogs Receipts , 0,00 ; shipments , 15.00 ;
stronir ; choice heavy ana butchers' selec
tions , 85.55@5.70 ; packing. 85.35@5.60 : York
ers , $5.15(35.30 ( ; pigs , S4.4034.90.
K u 8 City. April 23. Cattlfl Receipts ,
3,500 ; shipments , none ; market ac
tive and lOc higher ; common choice nhin-
pine , 83.75(3 ( .fiO : stockers , S'J.no3.25 ; feedIng -
Ing steers , 5S-o@3.W { ! ; ) ; cows , S3.2.X33.80.
Hoes Korelpts , S.OOO ; shipments , 1,00 < J ;
active and 5c hleher ; common to choice ,
4.80@5.45 ; skips and pigs , 3.00@4.00.
Saturday , April 23.
The receipts of cattle were very light and
only half as many as yesterday. The market
was a little stronger than yesterday , but
slow with little doing.
The receipts of hogs worn light , as usual.
on Saturday. The market opened active at
yesterday's ptlces.t verythinx was sold early
In the day. _
There were no fresh receipts.
Cattle. . 200
lies _ . . . 1.10C
Prevailing Prides.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
slock on this market :
Choice steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . . . * 4.40Q .00
Choice steers , 1U to 1350 Ibs. . . 4.20 H.45
Fat little steer 900 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.8-Xgt.30
Extra choice cows and heifers. . . . 3.50 < u > 4.00
Good to cholcs corn-fed cows. . . . 3.00 3.40
Common to medium cows . 2.
Uoodtocholcnbulls . , . . , 3.5ttt.ur >
Light and medium hozi . 5.0u
tiood to choice heavy nos . ii.20 ( 5.o : ;
Wood toeholce mixed ho n. . . . . . 5.10 ( 5.2) )
Choice aheep. 80 to 1'JO Ibs . 3.1-X 4.UO
Ileprcsontative cutlet.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
SI. . . , tt J4.00 14. . . .12:17 : S4.-M
3. . . .1103 4.20 18. . . .1150 4.3.1
13..10WI 4.20 17. . . . 1433 4.60
I'J . . .1000 4.25
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
U..9SO 82.75 3. . . . 1005 $3.50
1. . . . 1170 3.00 3..V15 3.50
No. Av. Pr. No. AT. Pr.
1 . . .1380 S3.M 1. . . .17UO 53.00
1..1530 3.00
No. Av. Shk. pr. Nn. AT. Shit. Pr.
7o.Ji so S-vai in . . . 'J04 sori.2o
77. . . . 205 340 6.10 ( W..2S4 100 5.20
77. . . .1111 120 5.15 71. . . , (40 320 5.20
80. . , . 1W ' 40 5,15 ( KI , . , ZX. 40 6.2.'i
71 . ' . . .230 120 5.20 07. , . . 870 , YSO
75. . . . 317 120 5.M ! 07. . , . 2TS 200 a 0
AlUilei of stock m tuu uav axe made
iiercwt , llvo welzht unless otherwise sUtC'l. '
Dead hogs sell at Kc PIT Ib. for all welghti.
"Sklns"orhos weUhlnic ! OM tlim : 109 ID ? .
fiovalua. Pri-gnant sowsara ducked 4'J ' luj.
and stags 80 lu-t , by the public Inspector.
lilvc : Stock No tea.
Cattle reached S4.GO.
Cattle strong.
W. K. McCloud of the firm of McCloud &
Love , has gone- homo to spend Sunday.
W. I * . Patterson , Aurora , ono of the pioneer
neer shippers , was in with six loads of cattle.
General Produce.
Sattirday , April 23.
The following prfcw are for romul toll of
pratiicc , ( M soltt on me market to-tiay.
Knot The market Is steady at lOc.
IIUTTKU There Is an occasional package
of fancv butter that sells above the quolations
given below. Chlce country , 20Cti2Jc ; fair to
good.jriQlSc ; common , 12 jl4c.
Dui sEi ) Poin.Titv Tlio weather Is too
warm for handling dressed poultry , but an
occasional package is received , Iced , which
sells at about 1-c per Ib.
hm : PoL'i.TUY Chickens , S3.flO@4.00.
CHEKSK Full cream cliedditrsslniilt'.HJ c ;
full cream Hats , twins , 14i'e } ; Young Aniuil-
cas. ISc ; fancy Swiss , 1st ; Swiss , im-
uortod , 25c : LImbiirger. He : brick. I5@i6c.
Br.ANS Infeiloi ! tock.7. " ( ( ! 31.00m'ood clean
country , 8l.0di/iil.2. > ; miulium , hand picked ,
81.401.50 ; Hand Dlckctl. navv , S1.50@lfiO.
Pi'.ovisio.Ns llam , l2Ke : bri'aktast
bacon , rib. lOXc : bre.ikfast bacon , plain , lie :
dry salt sides. 8U@be ; dried beef , regular , 10
Be : 3-lbcani. Fairbanks , 8
CAIIIIAOK The market is well supplied.
California cabhago , choice , pur lit , " > c.
Arpi.Ks The market Is b.iro and there Is
no stock of anv account.
OVSTKIW Horse shoo brnnd.3."c ; stand
ard , 2 c ; selects , 30c ; extra selects , 35 ; N. Y.
counts , 4op
NKW VKGKTAIII.IS : Spinach , per bbl ,
S1.7.3.00 : top onions , per dozen bunches ,
10&20 : radishes , per do/en bunches , 40c ;
lettuce , 40c ; plo plant , per Ib , RCrtrt ; Home
grown aspagns , peroi ( \ , Sl,00l.fX ) ; cucum
bers , per do/en , 51.40.
IjKMosfl Mussina , choice , per box , 81.50
@ 5.00.
OiiA.vons California , Riverside , per box , '
31.8534.00 ; Calilornla , Los Angeles , per box ,
S2.7ij'.00 ( ! ; Medlteruinean sweets , 33.50fi
3.75 ; Messina Imperial , fancy , 5.50 ; San
Cabriel , siiiL'lii box lots , ? 3.00 ; San Gabriel ,
5 box lots , 2.85.
SmMviiKiiniKS Thu receipts have been
quite liberal dining the week and the market
lalrly active. Thn bulk of the stock has been
from Mississippi and ho ilsiana received by
the way of Cjilcngo. Arkansas berries are
beginning to come In now direct and the
maikct Is a little lower. Strawberries , per
quart , 25c.
MALAGA. GRAPES The supply on the
market Is not heavy. Regular size casks ,
85.00 ; largo slo casks. 85.50.
BANANAS Largebunclujs , per bunch , S'3.00
@ 3.00.
Grocor'4 filnt.
PICKI.F.S Medium , In bbls. 3 .00 ; do , In
half bbls , 84.50 ; stiwll. In bbls , S9.00 ; do , in
half bbln. S.1.W ; gherkins , In bbls , 810.00 ; do ,
in half bbls , So.-'JO.
SUOAII tiranulatcd , C'0 } c ; conf. A , fi@
Ok'u ; white extia C , 5Jjr , 5iic ; o\tra 0 , 5 , (3 (
5Kc : yellow C , 4.Ji@4 ; u : cut loaf , Oj @Gic } ;
powdered , BK < il > Tc.
COFPRKS Oidlnary grades , ti lrtc fair
r@ir J4c ; prime. 10h l cehoicel.i@i7 ; ic ;
fancy green and yellow. ijJ17 : ( , c ; old cov-
CANNET > -UystersHtandanlpercaso ,
SS.15f3.2' ( > : strawberries , 21b. per case. 8i.KO ;
raspberries. 3 Ib , per case , 82. 'r ; California
pears , per case , 84.5'J ' ; apiicots , pur casj ,
84.60 : Deaclies. per , 85.00 ; white cher
ries , ptr c.ise , S'i.OO ; plums , per case , SS. . " > > ;
blueberries porease , S1.85 ; ois plums.- Ib ,
per case , S2.50- pineapples , a Ib , per case
83.20(83.75 ( ; 1 Ib nihjkerel. per doz , Sl.-lO ;
1 Ib salmon , pci doz , 81. SO al.oj ; 21o , gooseberries -
berries , per case , SL7.i ; 2 Ib strins Deans , per
case , 31. ; Ulblliuabeaus , per case. Si. 00 ;
MATCHES Per caddie. 3 > c ; squara cases ,
$1.70 ; mule square. 8
Srnur No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , S.2j51.3s ) ( ? ;
New Orleans perealloii 3SQf 5o ; maulo syrup ,
half bbls , "old time. " per gallon , 70c ; 1 gal
lon cans , ner doz , f 10.00 ; hall gallon cans ,
per doz. 85.50 ; quart cans , 8 : ) . ! * ; ,
CANDY Mixed , Wfflllc : stick , S QO c ,
CRACKF.HS Oarncau's soda , butter and
picnic. sl , < o ; creams,8 > ic ; ginger snaps , HJ c ;
city soda , 7k.
bTAiicii Mirror gloss. 1 Ib , Cc ; mirror
ploss , 3 Ib , 5 > fc : mirror gloss , oib , fl c ;
( Jroves corn , 1 Ib.OJ o ; Klngslord's corn , I lo ,
7c : Klncsford's gloss , 1 Ib. 7c : Klngsford's
gloss , Olb. 7ic ; lilnusford's pure llb.iSKo ;
Klngsford's pure , 3 Ibr > Kc ; Kingsfords
bulk , 4c.
SOAI'S Kirk's savon Imperial , 83.70 :
Kirk-s satinet 83.00 ; Kirk's standard , 83.05 ;
Kirk's white Rtisalan , 34.00 ; Kirk's white-
cap. 80.50 ; dome , 83.85 ; washboard , $3.10 ;
wliito cloud. 83. 70.
General Market * .
\ARNisHEa-lJairels , per gallon ; furni
ture , extra , 81.10 ; furniture , No. 1. 81.00 ;
coach extra , 81.40 ; coacli. No. 1,81.30 ; Da-
mar , extra , J1.75 ; Japan , -70c ; asphaltuin ,
extra & 5c : shellac , 5S.50 ; hard oil linlth ,
tiEAVY llABDWAitE iron , rate 83.80 ;
plow steelsDccUl casf,4j ccruolblestool.'i ; > tfc ;
cast tools , d-o , J3H < o ; wa on spokes , pel set ,
S3.00@ > 3.50 ; hubs , per set , SL'-iv. felloes.
sawed dry , 81.50 ; tongues , caobv. 80c : axels.
each. 75e : square nuts , per Ib. OtiOTic : cell
ehaln , per Ib. 0 * 1 'o ; malleable. luo ; iron
wedges , 6c ; crowbars , ,60 ; harrow teeth , 4 , 0 ,
eprlng slotil. 7@t'c ' ; liurdon'a liorso shoos.
$4.75 ; Burden's muleshoes. . $ " > .75. J3arbBd
wire , In car lots , S4.00 per 100 IN. Nails ,
rates , lo to 50. SUO : steel nails , . $3. ) .
Shot , 81.35 ; buckshot , * UMi ; Hiiznd powaer ,
kegs , JS.OO ; do. half kegs , S3.--5 ; do. quarter
kegs , 81.50 : blasting , kegs , S2.1i > ; fuse , per 10
feet. G.VJ. Lead bsr. $ \ *
Dnv PAINTS White lead , „ ic ; French zinc ,
12c : Par ! ; whiting. 2Kc : whiting , gilders ,
Jfc ; whiting , com' ) , Ike ; lampbiack , ( Jer-
tnanstown. 12c ; lampbinck , ordinary. 80 ;
Prussian blue,55o ; ultramarine , We ; vandyfc-
brown , 8c ; timber , burnt. 4o ; nrnoer. raw , 4o ;
sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , -in ; Paris
green , genuine , w I'arls green , com
mon , , 23o ; chroniP green. , , N. Y. . 20c ;
TermlUion Amoncan. IN : : inaian
raw and burnt umber , 1 a cans , i2c ; raw and
burnt sienna , 12c : Vandyke brown , We ; re-
nurd lampblack I3o : coach black and Ivory
black , 16o ; drop black 16c ; Prussian blue ,
40c : ultramarine black. 18c ; chromo eroon.L. ,
M. A D. . lOc ; blind r.nd shutter groan , 1 , . , M.
< k D. , lOc ; Paru green , 18c ; Indian red , 15o ;
Venetian red , Oc ; Tuscan. 22o ; American
vermllllon. L. & D. , 20a ; yellow ochro. 2c ; ! „
M. He O. D. . Wo : good ochre. IGc ; oatnnt
dryer , Sc ; graining color , light oafc dark ° * K'
walnut chestnut and sh. 12c
DJIUOS AND MIKMIOAI.B. Ac d carbolic ,
(0c ( ; acid fcxrtarlc , 52c ; balsam copaiba , per
H > , ; > 0c : bark sassaf ran , per Ib , lOc ; calomel ,
par tt , 78c , chlnchonidia , per oz , 40c ; chloio-
form , per ft , iOc ; Dovers powders , per ft ,
1.25epiom ; falls , per tt , Ko ; glycerine ,
pure , per -Ib. JOe ; lead , acetate , per ft , 2io ;
oil , cantor , No. 1 , per KM. , 31.50 ; oil castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , 81.40 ; oil olive , per gal. , t.40 ;
oil oritrannum , 50c ; opium , .SO ; quinine.
P. A W. and R. & S , . per oz. 7Cc ; potassium
Iodide , per ft , JH.50 ; sallcln. per oz. 40c ; sul-
nbate morphine , per ot St. 6 ; sulphur DOT
tt.4c : strychnine , ceroz. ' *
IMINTS i.v OIL White lead. Omaha.P P. ,
O' n ; white lead , St Louis , pure. , c ; Mar-
eellles , green , 1 Ib cans , 2c ; r'rtncn imc ,
srroen seal , 13c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ;
French jino. In varnish .ant , 200 ; Kench
rlnc.75c ; vermllllon. English , In oil , 75c ;
red , IOc : rose pluK , I4o ; Venetian red , Cook-
son's , 2fo $ : Venetian red. American. iKc ;
red lead , 7Ko ; chrome yellow , genuine , We
ehroiae yellow , K , 12c ; ochre , rochello. lie
ochre , trench , 2Kc : ochre , American ,
IKo ; VVinter's mineral , 2 ; Lenih _ blown ,
2Kc ; Spanish brown , 2X0 ; Prince's mineral ,
3c HIDES Green butchers , 5i < @ 0o ; green
cured. 7c : dry ttlut , ll l''o ; drv salt. 0 10c ;
, . , nides ,
tw-thlrds prlca Tallow-SXc , Grease
. SPIBITS Cologne spirits , isa proof , SLIT
do 161 proof , S1.1S ; spirits , second quality
101 proof , 5UU ; do 1& proof. 11.10 Alonhol
188 proof , 83.20 per wine irallon. Redlstlllet
whiskies , 8l.0oai.50. Gin , blended. 91.50 $
& < * > : Kentucky bourbons , $3,0000.00 ; Ken
lucky and Pennsylvania ryes. * 2.00x tfl.50
Golden Sheaf bourbon , and rye whiskies
Sl..tOJ3.0a ( . Brandies. Imported. S5.00OH.50
donicstle , S1.30W3.00. Gins. rBBOrted. l.SO
(40.00 ; domestic , SL2.V aoO. Cliarawunies.
" ' Aracnen
runs AND QKIMH The .following price
are tor prime , well bandied skins ; lieavrr
prime , clean per pound. 81.50(83.00 ( : fall.Sl.i
@ 3.08 : meatraua Inferior. fl.009l.2A. Bear
blown and grizzly. 15.00 ( 8,00 : rubs NIK
C t ,
- . S4.00J.OO. ( ! Otte r,84.00
GO.OO. Martin. 81.00 175 , Mu cratvin
r , large , | : * , 5c ; Icltts , Mink , largo
lark , 3. > @ 40 < fJall ; and pale , l&a-JOc. Rac
oon. largo grflTO , 40fci50c ; smalt and Inferior ,
- . Stilnj , common , Jft'i e , Wolf.
argo grey. jn.riOQj450 ; coyote or prairie 75 ®
We. Deer and anlelopo , winter , per pound
5c ; fall and slimmer , per pound 2J&
ry Ijtitnlicr.
\K \ ft u ft ie rt is ft 20 ftp ft
14 . ri7.K ) 1T.M 17.M ISM "iMO JIso 23.89
X8 . - l7.Wii7.M : ISM I'J.M M.6U JM.30
17.W117.W IS.B ) I9.f,0 Xl.M ) S2. JO
JlU . 17..V ) . . . 10.50 . ' . ) i.SO
17.MI. 17.ryill8.fjO 19.M JS.M ) 2&60
18.D3 i .oom.oo-'g.oo ; a aor..50 ;
No. 1 , com , si fl. . : SlO.oO
No. 3 , com , s 1-8 17.50
No. 4 , com , sis 1"0
No. 1-lit Gin , 13 & II ft. relish SW.OO
No. 2 , ' ' " if.oo
A , 12 , 11 ami 1C ft $82.03
II , " " " 20.53
C , " " " 15.00
D , " " " 13.00
1st com. , 5f In White Pine Colling $34.00
Clear , % In. Norway Pine Celling 1(5.00 (
A 0 Inch , white pine S35.00.
C 211.110
E" " " * ( SelFeti'it ) 19.00
A12 Inch s. Is 841.00 *
No. 1 , com. 13 In s. Is. , 1'J. A14 20.00
10ft lU.Oi )
No.3 " " " " is , t 14 ft 1S.OO
" " " " 10 It 17.00
st and 3d , clear , Ijf inch , s. 3 3 . 850.00
d , clear , 1 Inch. s.J s $4 i Jf , l } # , u In W.OJ
JJ clear , 1 inch , s. 2 s : : o ; iif , IK , 2 In oT.10
Vhito Cedar , 15 In. , > .s , 12c ; 9 In.qr3..11o
1.1 MK , KTC.
) nncy ! white lime ( best ) . SI. 00
\kroiicemcut . 1.G5
lair . no
sun1 LAP.
No. 1 , plain , Sand loin . 310.CO
N'o. 1 , plain , and 10 In . 17.00
souTiinn.v vr.i.i.ow PINE.
yom. 4 andO In. llooilng . S18.0
Hear % In. ccilititr , . 2t.O
Clour Win. partition . ar .o
Mcar iu , partition . ; . B2.5
Clear , tinlsh , 1 and l In. s. 2 s . 29.0
" corrugated ciilling , 4 In . 25.0
) . 0 , Halts , 2K in. . 70c ; Xx , s. I s . 4Uc
Pickets. I ) and 11 tint . 521.00
XX clear. . , . S3. 00
* A * standard . 2.75
* A11.U.A U . 8.50
51u cl . 1.75
Oln , clear . 2.00
No. 1 . 1.50
Lath . 8.50
About Demons and Devils
Among ChrlHtiann and
Satan stood
Unterrlfied and like a comet burned
That lirus the length ot Oplilncus huge.
In the Arctic sky , and from his horild hair
Shakos pestilence and war.
[ Par.idlso Lost , llook II. , 707-11.
Whoever or whatever the devil may bo
bo is u most important personage , ilis-
lory , poetry , romance , mythology and
tirt'till furnWJ iUmndaiit evidences of the
truth of tWsi.tUitomunt. Tlio grandest
of epics , the greatest of paintings , the
most lamoufe of theatrical plays , all have
hiin as the ! * Cojitral figure. Not to speak
of his notable Achievements as tolil in the
book of Ijookfe , " which have been the
theme of theological discussion from time
immemorial , liia acts , or acts imputed to
him , arc reeorflt'd in countless volumes.
Tlio devil made Milton famous and
contributed , iinjno small degree , to the
renown or Shrtkspeare ; MoplnstopllclcH ,
who was cither the devil or his agent , is
the hero of Odblbo's lhastorpiece ; while
the place'Where1 tlm devil was supposed
to abide was''tb Virgil anil Dante the
foundation upcm which their muses built
a structure "morn enduring than brass ,
more splendid than gems of the Orient. "
"I wish1 said a down-town bookseller
to a reporter thu other day , "that the
devil would follow the example set by
some of our public men , and write hife
autobiography. Any publisher would
give a liberal sum lor the copywrigli
and a handsome royalty on every volume
sold. Wo know nothing about the devil
that is , nothing definite. His history
would be one of the most entertaining
ever written , Who would not like to
know when satau was born , whohis
parents were , how he passed his boy
hood , what were the achievements of his
riper years , and all the other facts that
make up a standard biography ? Defoe
was the only writer who ever attempted ,
such a work , and he could scarcely be
considered an authority on the subject.1
The theme is a vast one ; but any author
( exeept his Satnniu Majesty himself ) at
tempting the work suggested would be
bewildered at the outset by the necessity
of solving a number of dillicult , ques
tions like the following : Is there one
devil only ? Is ho omnipresent , omnis-
cent , or is he limited to his own domain
and restricted in his powers ? In short ,
who'aml what is the vdeil , and what is
his nature and diameter.
We have the best , of grounds for be
lieving that the devil was once respecta
ble. At least he kept good company and
was not described as a mischief-maker.
"Now there was a day , " states the Hook
of Job ( chap. I. , vi. and vii. ) , "when the
son of God came to "present themselves
before the Lord , and Satan came also
among them.1 ' Ho was asked whence ho
came" and replied , "From going tu and
fro in the earth anil from walking up and
down it. " That is , ho was a tramp. Ho
couldn't have followed the road long or
his companions would certainly have
Leeu ashamed of him.
Job was a rich man and maintained a
magnificent establishment ; he was nlso
upright and honest. Satan tried to con
vert him to his theories , but Job could
not bo moved to cither swear or lie , and
though his patience was mightily trjed by
the adversary , he grow both m wisdom
and strength' and lived 110 years after.
The satan of the old testament docs
not appear to have been a being of
great power. Ho was lirst a servant ,
then , a prosecutor , then a cniilidence
man. Popular ideas of his character are
drawn from Milton's terrible picture of
him , and notfrom the scriptural record ,
Tlicro wcrootiior devils than Satan , how-
over. The la ran- appears lo have been
accorded tftoiposition ! of chief of the
tribe ami ruler lot the realm nf darkness
as soon as hii had demonstrated his
capacity foBtheipluco. The ditto of his
accession tdibbwX'r la not at hand.
Mcsos rcGoruVtlint idolatrous people ,
even in his time , "sacrilici'd to devils anil
not to oWhother all the devils of
the earth wirilHlcscendcd from one com
mon ancestor or , not , some future his
torian mustulctermine. The term devil
in this artici i3U8ed ! as IJurns used it ,
to dcsignatv tfco thief of leading spirit
the evil oud. _ nr
O tlinu 1 Whatever title suit thee.
Auld HajnWj&atlii , Nick or Clootie ,
Wlia , in A-on cavern grim nnd sootle
* Close * ! under hatches
Spalrios about the brimstone cootlo
To scaud poor wretches.
Possibly poor Durns , deceived by the
superstitions of his country , libeled f ho
poor devil. Certainly , spattering seeth
ing brimstone , this way and that , ap
pears like a very undignified occupation
for a personage of the devil's ' reputed
wealth and power , nnd wo all agree with
the uoet when ho-says , in cftect , that
scalding poor chaps "to hear them
squeal" must bo very dull amusement lor
Old Nick.
, 'f he devils 'of the Now Testament were
demons or evil spirits , such 03 have ex
isted from the earliest times among all
peoples. ' Those which were cast out of
Mary. Migdulcu , aud VUoic ' of the man
whlcli caused ( ho swlno to com *
mltsuicide , wore more f c.rvants or hups
of Siitttn. lint It was tlio nlfisti'r devil
who trim ! for forty ilays to jiet tin * Savior
nto Ills power , us Is recorded In Luke ,
chapter iv.
iMoncure D. Con way , the only inodorn
writer who has attempted anything like
n history of duvlls , says that dunions uro
older than the devil. The word demon
dalnipn ) sienlilcd a divinity originality
tml hns boon degraded , oven us the
characters of demons nnd devils have
degenerated. Thus in heathen countries
.hero . sprang up demons of lire , htiticer ,
thirst , cold , fever , darkness , etc. ; ghouls ,
which fed upon the dead , nnd vunipyros ,
returning from the dond to teed ution the
iving. The demons of evil became so
much more numerous than the good
spirits that the word at last camn to sig
nify only what was bad.
The serpent is the most commonly
accented typo of a ilov'tl in both Christian
and heatlion countries. There are , however -
ever , scarcely any living animals , birds
or fishes , wliosp characteristics are well
\nown , to which some tribe or people
las not attributed at some tlnlo or other
( i demoniacal nature. The Caucasians
mint the devil Llacittho ) ; African noirroes
mint him white , and in the Mo/.nmbiqno
. ' ' Wicked
anguago his came eignllles.'The
White Man. " Doubtless UK ; slave trade
tas something to do with the origin of
this term.
The number and multiplicltv of devils ,
lemons , dragons , hydras , Titans and
monsters of every sort that have existed ,
'rom ' the earliest times down to our own ,
s astonishing. Kach country lias its
lovit or devils still , and if one prince of
farUness prevails ever all , ancient and
nodern alike , one would think ho would
lave his hands full , and no time to med-
lle in the alVairs ' of this world. There
ire devil worshipers , devil charmers and
nagtcians , whom devils aid in their feats
H the world to-day , as there have al
ways been. Savages believe every death
to bo caused by demons or their influ
15utof the devil of Christian countries ,
'that old serpent , which is the devil and
Satan , " ( Rev.x 8) ) , who knows Ins origin
and history ? Hml who could not echo
: he book-seller's wish. "Oh , that mine
enemy would write a book. "
The devil has his good qualities ; ho is a
gentleman ; ho always keeps his prom
ises ; he is punctual and polite ; lie pos
sesses skill surpassing that of man in
many things beside mischief. And yet
Wherever ( ! od erects a house ot praver
Theclovll alwavs builds a chapel there ;
And 'twill bn found , upon examination ,
The latter has the larger congregation.
Yes , he oven climbs into the pulpit , for
10 "hath power to assume n pleasing
ihape , " and can'also "cite scriptures for
liis purpose. "
* Except Sunday. 7 :13 : am to : S5 am
tConnecta with S. C. * * 8 :15-m : 7:85 : am
P. at Council Bluffs. 9 ; 25 am
II Connects with O. B. & ' 9 :43 : am 18.-40 am
O. , C. & N. W. , C. M. & # 10 :87 : am * 10:00am :
St.'P. , C. H. ! . & P. at It :47 : am 11.10am
Council Bluffs. 1 30pm * lJOpm : (
Connects with W. St " 2 37 pm 2:00 : pin
L. A P. at Council HliiiTs. 3 ; ! I7 pm J2:20pm :
( Connects wlt'iall ' even4 :37pm : 300pm ;
Ing trains for Chicago at C ; 50pm # 4:00pm :
Council Bluffs. Trains 0 ; 43pm D:00pm :
Icavo Omaha at , Union 7 :10pm : 5:80 : pin
Pacific depot , lOth and 7 :43 : pin 10:10 : pin
Pierce streets. 8 : .r)0 ) pm 7UOpm :
10 :47pm : 8:15pm :
Notice to Builder * and Contractors.
lllds will bo received by the trustees of the
Xntirnxka Wesleynn University for furnlaUlmr
imitttHal and constructing a university liuIlilliiK
ttccorillmr to plans , spcciflantlnns uiul dnialls to
bo KOCH on and attor April ! , 1BH7 , In tbo oflieti
of ( ' . A. Atkinson , Rocretai-y.
Ilids may be for said building complete. In
cluding plumbing nnd heatliiir. or for any or
all of llio Bupnrato Items as follows :
Kxcnvatlon.atono vrorx , brick work , plaster-
Intr. crlas , plumbing , heating , painting and
Thesnld trustees rcsorvo tUo right to rojcot
any nnd nil blUd.
Illdd will be rrcelvod until Mar 13,1837 , at 7
o'clock p. m. , and to bo gent to tho.Bocretarynt
Lincoln , Neb. Uy order of snld tnictooa.
April 10,1837. Lincoln , Neb.
J apr9 < Ut
_ _ _ _
Br Dr. Snedlker's method. Ko operation ) No r ln :
No Detention from builneu. Ailauted to children
m well u grown people. Hundred * of aulozrapb
teitlmonUlion alt. All bmloeu iUloOjoauaaa
RoomO , ICUDpuglas.St. , Otnahn , Neb.
wtliiM < l7i Utf < IaD4itm > UrD aT rull p rtlcui r
Mnyor's Olllco , .April 13th , 188 * . . ) _
BV vlrtuo of tb RUthnrlty In mo ra tml , I ,
.lamud K. lloyd , mayor oftlio cltv or Oinn-
lin , doboroby pi-noliilin to the quiillrtoil rotvrt
of said city , nnj the rtxpcotlvo wurdj theruof ,
nrirt votlnr dl trlotn tliori'ln , that on
TL'KSDAV. TUB ! ! d AV UK MAV , A.I ) . 1RS7 ,
Iho Konoral city election for said city of Omii-
hn will be licld lit tbo tollowlug places In mild
city , to-\Tlt \ !
nim WAIU .
Voting District So. 1-At S , W. Cor. Tenth
Voting District No. 2-At N. E. Cor. Sixth and
Vnllnif District No. 3--At Klovouth St. No. 4
Ungliiu House.
Voting nistrlot No. t-At S. W. Cor. Sixtoontb
ami I.cnvonuorth St .
Voting District No. 2 At N. K. Cor. Sixteenth
and ViiitonSts
Tiiiun WAIIP.
Voting District No. 1 At 917 Cnplto ) Avcnito.
Voting District No.-At30S South Twelfth
rot'itTit WAnn.
Votlnpr District No. 1 At IMnntors House ,
Dodge SI. . Lii'lwcoti IGtli nnd ITlh f ta.
Voting District No. : At 1SJ3 St. Miiry'a
A von no.
Voting District No. 1 At MO North Sixteenth
Voting District No. 2-At X. 15. Cor. Sixteenth
and l/.unl t-t.
Voting District No. 1-At 1013 SmmdoM St.
Voting Dlitrlot No.S AtS. W. Cor. tiiuindora
St. und AincsAvantio.
Voting District No. 1-At N. W. Cor. Twenty-
ninth AVUIIUO mid Woohrorlh ft.
Voting District No. Z At Qucaly'g School
Etnnxit WAIIP.
Voting District No. 1 At - 017 Cnmlng St.
Voting District No. a At SMOlCumlng ; St.
Voting District No. 1 At store of Cbns. J.
Johnson , Twenty-ninth nnd I'arnam.
Voting District No. 2 At Hcrt/mnn Illock ,
Cor. Werner Avontio end tiir ! l < u t.
Tbo poll * ot oald election will bo open at tight
o'clock In the morning an J will continue open
until lx o'clock In the afternoon , and at enld
election tho'Iollowiug olllccru will bo balloted
for , to-wit !
MAI on ,
I'oi.iRii Juoao ,
TllEASUrtKIt ,
CoMITIlOLI.lfll , f
Said olllcers to bo elected by a plurality ot
( no votes cast at said election for tbo terms of
ollk-o us prorldod by law.
1 do further give notice and proclaim to the
qunllflad voters of the SEVKNTH Wnrd ,
UIQUTH Wnrd , nnd NINTH Ward , nnd th
Bovoral Voting District" therein , thivt a COUN
CILMAN for each of snld war.Is will bo balloted
tor and will bo elected by a plurality of the vote *
e st In ouch of said nui-ds , respectively , for the
shoit term , ending Junniiry , 14b9.
1 do further ( rive notleo and proclaim that at
the time itnd places nbovo ruontlonod the fol
lowing question nnd proponltlon concerning
tholsiuo of I'Avisn IIONnsof-tho city ofOmu-
Im , In the sum of $75,000 , will bo submitted to
said oloetois o ? nldolly , to-wlt :
Shnll bondfl of the city of OmitDa bo issued by
said city m the Hum of sovcnty-llvo thousand
clollHrn. to bucoino d'lo In twenty yonrg trom
the dnto thereof and to boar Interest payable
soml-tmnually nta rate not oxoeeding super
, jont per annum , upon luteiest coupons to be
Rttno.hccl to said bonds , to bo called Paving
Bondi , series elx , and to bu Oiued during the
year 1887 , and not to bo sold for loss thnn par'
and tlio proceeds from the Bale of said bonds to
bo utoil for no other purpose thnn paying lor
the snld cost of paving , repavmg or macadam-
iMng the intersections of streets nnd spaces op
posite alleys , or paving In front of real estate
not subject to assessment or special taxes for
paving purposes ?
An votes "Yes" on gnld proposition shall bo
rognraod nnd considered as authorizing the
Issue of enld bonds , nnd all votes "No" shall be
roardod and considered as against issuing
mid bonds.
1 do further give notice and proclnlm
that at the Unto and places above mentioned ,
the followldg question and proposition con
cerning tbo Issue of BEWEII HONDS of said city
In the hum of (100,003 , will bo submitted to Eald
electors of said city to-wlt :
Slmll the bonds of the city of Omaha bo is
sued by Bald olty in the sum of ono hundred
thousand dollnrs ; Bitty thoubnml dollars of said
amount to bo expended In the construction of
mnln sewers in that part of the city drainIng -
Ing Into the Noith Omaha crock , and forty
thousand dollars in the construction of main
sewers in South Omaha. Bald bonds to become
due in twenty years from the dnto thereof , nnd
lo boar interest payable semi-annually at a rate
not exceeding six per cent per annum , upon
Interest coupons to bo attached to said bonds ,
said bonds to he issued during the year 1637ond
not to bo sold for leas than par ; the proceeds of
laid bonds to be divided as above specified and
placed to the creditor two funds to bo known
ns the North Oinnha Sewer Fund nnd the
South Omaha Sewer Fund , nnd the money In
such fund Hlinll not bo diverted from the pur-
IIOHO for whlcli ther arc to bo issued ?
All votes "Yes" on said proposition shall bo
regarded and considered RS authorizing the
issue of said bonds , nnd all votes'"No" shall bo
regarded and considered as against issuing said
I do further give notice and proclnlm that at
the tlmo und places above mentioned the fol
lowing question nnd proposition concerning
the Issue of CiTr. Hu.i , DONUS of said city in
the sum of f300.0JO , will also bo submitted to
said electors of eald :
Shall bonds of tbo city of Omahn bo issued
by onlci olty In the sum of two hundred thou
sand dollars to become duo In twenty years
from the date thereof and to bear Interest pay
able seml-nnnually at a rate not exceeding ilx
per cent per annum , upon interest coupons to
bo attached to said bonds , said bonds to bo
called CITV HAM. BONDS and not to bo sold for
less than par , nnd the proceeds from the saloi
of said bondd to bo used for no other purposes
than paving the cost of construction of a city
hall for the use of the city of Omaha. The said1
bonds for thopurpo < o aforesaid , to bo Issued as
follows : during the year 1887 , the sum of
f7fl,000 , during the yonr 1838 , the sum of $125-
3M ( , or so much ns slinll bo necessary to make
payments required for such construction , and
tbo balance not Issued , if any thorO be , during
the your 1W9 ?
An votes "Yes1 on said proposition shall bo
regarded nnd oonsldoied ns authorizing the
Issue of snld bonds , and all votes "No" ahall bn
regarded und considered as ag.llnst Issuing said
I do further giro notice and proclaim that at
the time nnd places above mentioned the fol
lowing question nnd proposition concerning the
ranting of a franchise to the Oinuhii Horsa
idlwHy Cable Company will also bo submitted
to said city , to-wlt : ,
"Shall consent , right of way nnd authority
bo given tlio Omuna Horse Itallwuy Cable
company to construct , malntnln and operate *
tttt'ot ridlway with cars propelled by electricity ,
compressed air , horse power or citilo , or by
suoli other motor as may horonftor bo shown to
ba pranllc.ihle , except steam locomotives ,
tor the operation of street railway ? ,
with suitable turnouts , connections and
turn-tunlei , In the olty of Omaha , on anil
throtitfh the following streets in mild city , viz ;
Vlntoa etreoi Irom Eleventh street to
Twentieth street , Ureoti street Irom Twentieth
sheet to Pearl street , ld ? Crcighton nvonuo
fiom Twenty-seventh street to Thirty-sixth , Woolworth nvonue from Twenty-fourth
street to Tutrt-second street , Popiiloton ave
nue from Twentieth street to Thirty-sixth
street , 1'aclflostreet from Twentieth street to
Ihlity-slxth street , Howard street fiora Ulghlli
-truest to Seventeenth struct , bt. Mary's uvenuo
from Seventeenth street to Twenty seventh
street. Capital nvonuo from Klghth street to
1'wontletb street , Qr.ioo street from 'I lilrteonth
iticot to Twonty.tourth street , llrlstol street
from Twenty-fourth street to Thirtieth street ,
llownrj street from Twentieth street to
Thirty-sixth street , Hamilton street from
Twenty-fourth street , tiuward street from
1'wetity-soc.ond street , 1'uiker struet from
Vwenty-fouith street , Lake street from Six-
lonth struet , Iloulovurd avenue from
1'nirtieth street , 1'ratt street from
Sixteenth sticct all to thirty-
slxtli street , Ninth street from
Davenport street to Msirey street , Tenth street
Irom Chiciigo street to llancroft
street , Eleventh street from CIINS
Street to liitncroft .street , T , ' 'oirtli
street from California street to Williams street ,
Thirteenth street from Hurt street to VinUm
stiejt , Fourteenth street from Nicholas street
to CrutoIIar street. 1'ltteooth street from Web
ster street to Valley street , Hlxtonnth street
from Commercial street to Vlnton stieetv
Snvonteonth street-from Uiaco street to Cas.
lollar treet. Klghtceuth street from Ohio
ftreetto Vlnton stieet. Nineteenth street from
Ohio street to Vlnton street , Twentieth street
trom Looust street to Vlntnn etreet , Twenty-
fourth street from Commercial street to Ureon
street , Tewmy-gjventu street from Kurniun
street to North street , Twonty-olKht street
trom Pnmam street to Dupont street , Twenty-
ninth street from f'arnam street , to Moccalh
street. Twenty ninth menuo from I'arnam
street to Kd Crelyhton avenue , Tlilrtlolli
street from I'ratt street to Woolworth avenue ,
Thirty-first street from Davonpoit street to
Louvenworth street , Thirty-third street from
Illondo Htrect to Park etreet , nnd Thirty-sixth
street from Illomlo street to Pork street , and
to such polnla beyond tld termini as the nbovo
named streets muy hereafter bn extended tel *
AH voles "yen" on said question nnd proposl.
tlon ehnll bo regarded mid considered as In
favor or granting said frnnchlso , nnd all votes
"no" shall bu regnrdod and considered as
ftiralimt granting fxld frpnehlfo ,
I do further givu notice nnd proclaim Hint at
tlio tlmo and plnciis above mentioned tbo fol
lowing question und proportion coiicernlnv
the granting ot nlrmicluso to theOmnlm Cable
Tramway comunny will also bo submitted to
said electors of snla city , to.wit :
Af lor the Omahs ( Jablo Tramway t'omp'iny
of Omaha shall bavo constructed complete-
least six ( < ) continuous miles of Cublo Train
way , including the purchase nf necessary
irrnuads for power with buildings thereon , und
suitable and ample machinery therein In nncr-
ftlon , then shall consent right of way nnd nu
thortty be given to the Cublo Tramway cum
pany of Omaha to construct , malnt/tln nm
oporete * Mtoet railway with sultablo turn
outs , connoclioiu and tMrn-tables , with c ri
iirooerod Ur eloctrclty.oomDrois ! d alr.or horse
p ewer , or by such other motor except ! *
oeomotlvo as may hereafter bo shown praotl-
able In the olty of Omahn , ever nnd across. In
and along the following streets In the city , vlst
I'ouith and Pierce e. t to Scveuth , north
'ovriitn to Jones , Jonrs to Highlit , Kltnth to
Iirney. llnrney to Tcutn , Tenth to DnTOnvoft ,
Duvenport to cliy Until * . Klocntnnnd Cnts to
Ma on stri'ot , Mason to Tenth , Tenth ti > o'ty
Imlts , Klghth and Howard to Sixteenth , Six-
exnth tu city limits , north nnd south of
.athrop nnd Vinton street * . Twelfth anil Call-
'ornla south to l.onvonworth and wo.1t on
.cuvonworth to city limits , louilcunth and
'nllfornlit south tnelty limits , rirtoonlh and
'nuilng to Capital avenue and Howard to city
units , Seventeenth undUrac3 toulty limits ,
lilithtoe nth and Capitol nvcnuo to city limits ,
Nlnutctnth and olty limits to Martha , Tit nlteth
and Ornrv to city limits , and south from liar *
neytoclty limits , Twunty-sooond and Doilgo
icrtli toclty luntts'rwont > fourlh and Cumins :
south to olty limits , Tuoutv-fourlh and Bownrii
o city limits , T onty-blghth nvcmio and
Dodge to city limits. Twenty-ninth ux'enuo nncl
Dodge to L'ullfornlit , Twenty ninth nvenno
nnd Dodge eoutli to Kd urolghtou avrnue ,
1M Crotiihton avenue to Thirty locond
nvonuo : Ttihty-stvond nvenuy from IMCrolRh-
ton uvenuo. south to city limits , Thirtieth aru-
me nnd Dodge north and south to city limits ,
Thirty-third und Hurt to city limits , Thirl v-
seeond nvtmuonnd Furnam north to city Ilinlli ,
Thlrty-fecond nvonuo from Kd. CrcUhton nt -
mo north to Woolworth nvcnuo , and on Wool-
loiili nvonun to Thlrty-Fooond nnd Ihonco
north to Pnciflo streotTlilrty- streut nortb
toclty llmtu , T\\ elf tli nnd Cnllfornla to Harley -
loy , llnrnoy and Twelfth lo Twentieth. Hickory
mst Irom Eleventh to city limits , llrlstol and
Twenty-fourth to Thirtieth and Kinmett , Tlilr-
loth west to city limits , lloulcvnrd avenue and
riilrtlethtoThlityslxth , Cnsslus nnd Twenty
fourlh west to Thirty-second nveiiuo , Culilor-
ila ninl Sixteenth to Thirty-sixth , Duilvn nnd
Twentieth to Thirty-sixth , Dntivlus nnd aUlb to
riiliiy sixth , llnrnoy and Twentieth to Thirty-
l\lh , Popploton Bvonne nnd Twentieth to
i'hirty-slxth , Wllllnin nnd Tenth to Union Pn-
otnotrncks , Woolworth ivenne and Twenty-
ourth to Thirty-second avenue , Cnstcllnrond
Twenty-flrst to Seventh , lluneroft andTbir-
ounth east to the river , Thirteenth and Vlnton
oclty limits , Vlnton nnd 'Thirteenth to Tenth ,
Ohio rim from Twentieth to city limits , Spruce
nnd Twentieth east to city limits , ( Jrnco north
rom Twentieth to Twenty-fourth , Illondo and
Twenty-fourth west to Thlrty-Urst , Clark and
Sixteenth to Twenty-fourth. Paul nnd Kl h-
ccnth to Twenty- fourth , Hamilton and Twenty-
ourth to Thirty-sixth , lluit nnd Sixteenth to
All voles "Ves" on snld question nnd propo
sition shnll be regarded and considered as In
nvor of grunting snld f rnnchlso , nnd si ! votes
'No" shull bo regarded nnd considered as
ngntnst granting sold franchise.
I do further elvo notice nnd prorialm tlmt at
hotline nnd pliicos above mentioned the fol-
owing queitlon and proposlllonconccrnlng ; the
rrantlng of a franchise to thu Omaha & South
) mnhn Street Hallway company will also bo
submitted to said electors of tald city , to-wlt :
Shall consent , right of way and authority bo
Rlvontho Omaha & South Omaha Htroot Hail-
wuy company to construct , maintain and opbr-
ate a street railway with oars propelled either
by electricity , compressed air. horse
> ewer or cable , or by such other tao-
or , except steam locomotive , as may
lereaf ter bo shown practicable for the opera
tion of street railways , with suitable turn-outs ,
connections and turn-tables , In the elty of
3m hn , on and through the following streets
n said city , vU : On Vfnton street
from r.lovonth to Twentieth street , Ureon
street from Twentieth street to Pearl street , Kd
Jrelffhton nvonuo from Twenty-seventh street
to Tnlrty-scoond street , WoolwortU avenue
'rom Twenty-second sweet to Tuirty-socond
avenue , I'opplotou avenue from Twentieth
street to Thirty - ixth street , Pacific street from
Twentieth street to Thirty-sixth street , Leaved-
worth street , Harney street. Farnum street ,
Doutrltti street , Dodge street , Davenport strtot ,
L'hlcago street. Cats street , California street ,
Hurt street and Cumlng structall from Eighth
street to Thirty-sixth street , Howard street
From Eighth street to Seventeenth street , St.
Mary's avenue from Seventeenth street to
Twenty-seventh street. Capitol avenue from
Uigbth street to Twentieth streot. Grace street
From Thirteenth street to Twenty-fourth street ,
llrlstol street from Twenty-fourth street to
Thirtieth streot. Howard street from Twen
tieth street to Thirty-sixth street , Hamilton
street from Twenty-fourth itreet.
Hewurd itreet from Twenty-second street
Parker street from Twenty-fourth street , Lake
street from Sixteenth street , Charles street
from Twenty-second street , llancrott avenue
from Thirteenth street , Pratt street from Bit *
teenth street-all to Thirty-sixth street , Ninth
street from Davenport street to Maroy street.
Tenth street from Chicago street to llaneroft
street , KlaVouth street from Cats street to Ban
croft street. Twelfth atreot from California
street to Williams street , Thirteenth street
from Durt street to Vlnton Etreet , Fourteenth
street f rom Nlcholno street to Cnstollur street ,
Fifteenth street from Webster street to' Valley
street , Sixteenth street from Commercial
street to Vlnton street , Seventeenth street
from Ornce street to Vlnton street. Eighteenth
street from Ohio street to Vlntnn street ,
Nineteenth street from Ohio' street to Vlnton
street , Twentieth street from Locust street to
Vlntou stroot. Twenty-fourth street from Com
mercial street to Green street , Twenty-seventh
street from Farnum street to Nortb Street.
Twenty-eighth street from Farnnm s'reot
to Dupont street. Twenty-ninth ' street
from Karnam street to Megeath street ,
Thirteenth st. from Pratt st. to Woolirorfk
venue , Twenty-ninth avenue from f arnam at.
to Kd Creuruton avenue , Tblrty-Orst , st. from
Davenport st to Leavenwortb st , , Thlrty-ioo-
end st. from Pnolflo st. to Woolworth avenue ,
Thirty-second avenue from Woolworth avenue
to Wright St. , Thirty-third st. from Illondo. st.
to Park st . and Thirty -sixth st. to from Illondo
st , to Park st. , and to such points beyond said
termini as the above named streets may here
after be extended to ? ,
All votes "Yos" on said question and propo
sition slinll be regarded and considered as In
favor of granting said franchise , and all Votes
"No" shall bo regarded and considered M
agolnst granting sold franchise.
I do further give notice ana proclaim tnat at
the time and pianos ubovo mentioned tbo fol-
owing question and propositionooncerriing
: hegrantlngof a franchise to the Omaha Motor
Railway Company will also bo submitted to sold
electors of said city , to- wit :
Shnil consent , right of vray ana authority bo
given the Omaha Motor Hallway1 Company to
construct , maintain and onornto a street railway
with oars propelled by electricity , compressed
air , MorsO power , oable or suoh other motor ,
except steam locomotives , as may be practi
cable for the operation of street railways , with
suitable turnouts. connections qnd turn-tables ,
upon nnd through the following streets In laid
city , namely ; Commencing at the Intersection
( if Twonty-tourth and North streets In snld city ,
thenoa running north on Twenty-fourth street
to Loavonwortn street , also commencini OB
Twenty- fourth and Leaven worth streets in said
olty , thence running east on Leaven-worth
stioot to the Intersection of Fifteenth ) arid
Lenvenworth streets , tlienco runnier north on
Fifteenth street to the Intersection of Fifteenth
and Howard streets , thence running east on
Howard street to the -center of Klghtli street ,
thence north on Rlgluh to Furnam street ?
All rotes "yes" on eald question and proposi
tion shall be regarded and considered ftsln
favor of granting said franchise , nml all votes
"no" shall bo regarded nnd considered , M
iwilnst granting snlil franchise.
I do further give notice nnd proclnlm that Sit
the tlmo and places above mentioned the fol
lowing question and proposition concerning
the granting of n franchise to' the "Ouiahu
Southwestern Street Itailwny company" .will
also bo submitted to said electors Of said city ,
to-wlt : .
Shall the city of Omaha grant to the "Qmnhn
Southwestern Street Unllwny company" the
right to build and maintain and possess the
right or way for street railway purposes on and
upon the following ill cots , together with such
turn-outs , switches , turn tallies and connec
tions as may bo by so Id company found conve
nient or necessary , vi < ! : West on Park street
from 'Thirty-second avenue to city limits : Thir
ty-sixth street north from Park street to olty
ilmlts. Thirty-second nvonuo. north from Pnrk
street to Woolworth avenue , Woolworth avenue
from Thirty-second avenue to Twentieth
street. Thirty-first street from Woolworth nvo
nue north tn Leavenworth street , Twenty-ninth
avenue ( or Pnrk street ) from Woolworth nve-
.nuononn lo I.oavenwortu street , Twentv.sor-
ontb Htioct (1'hll ( Sheridan street ) from Woql-
worth nvimno north to Leavenworth street ,
Twentieth street from Woolworth venue
north to city limits , Louvenwoitlt street from
Twollth street west to olty limits , Howard
street from Klghth street to Sixteenth street ,
Dodge street from ICIghth street to
Twenty-fourth street , California .street
from Twelfth street to city Ilmlts ,
Ninth street from Leavenworth street to Dodge
street. Twelfth street from l.nnvenworth street
ta California etreet , Thirteenth street' from
WrliMer fouth to city limits , Hlxtopnlh direct
and Sherman avenue from Leavqnworth street
north to city Ilmlts , 'Twentieth street frrtrn
Woolworth avenue south to city Iltnits.-Orace
street from Sixteenth street west to Twenty-
fourth strnet.Twenty-fourth street from ( Jrnco
street north to olty limits.
All votes "Yos" on said question and prppos-
Itloifshnll be regarded nnd considered ILI .In
fnyorof grunting said franchise , and all Votes
"No" shnll bo io ardnd and considered 'a *
against granting said frnnchlse. '
In witness wherfof , I bavo hereunto -
: . : unto setmyhand andonused the
ISEAL : seal of said City to b nflUod ,
! . : the dny and year llrst abcyo
Attest ; J. D. SOUTH UID. Mayor. .
_ City Uorn. _
rpni. Norlollc Street railway < vll < receive pro
-i. posals for tlio Immediate construction and
aqulpincnt o [ one und one halt inllus of street
railway In the city nf Norfolk , Nebraska. Pro-
posala received nt the otllcu of the rnorctary of
company at Norfolk , Nebraska , until the "jtu
day of April , 18H7. H , C. IIUO.MK ,
apr 7 to- , " ) Secretary ,
Send Mamp for spring and summer 'pio ' *
grams , just Utued. Tuos. COOK BON , '
_ 35.Clark St , Chicago , HU
. . . -I