Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1887, Page 6, Image 7

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Delivered by farrier In any part of thocltjnt
tWf nty ci nil per week.
H. W , TII.TON , . . . Manager.
TitKr : > HONES :
Btf JKrPf Ornci , No , 43.
NIOIIT EniTou No. 23.
311.NOU MKNT10.V.
N. Y.Plumbing Co.
New spring goods at Roller's , tailor.
George W. Thompson ( SsCo. . real estate
The popular report is ' 'The Manhattan , "
118 Broadway. Rudio & Ycnawino.
Permit to wed was yesterday given to
Hclnrich Hanson and Caroline Hagel-
Btcin.Jboth of llardin township.
Dr. Copha ( , ' . Hall , of New York , is intending -
tending to locate in the city , for the
treatment of diseases of women.
For Runt The store building known
as 500 Hroad way , next door to Pacific
house. Inquire of Uudio & Ycnawlnc.
W. A. Siicnccr , formerly of the Herald ,
will on Monday move his family to
Omaha where he has been located for the
past year.
The funeral of the infnnt daughter of
Mr. Hosbaok took place from the family
residence on North Twenty-eighth street
yesterday afternoon.
Rov. Father Halqy has gene to Des
Moincs to preach in place of Rev. Father
Nugent , of tliat city , who conies hero to
attend the laying of tin ) corner stone.
J. G. Tipton yesterday received by ox-
prcbs from the nursery at Waukeegan ,
111. , 1,000 evergreens to be used in beautt-
King the Island Park lake f.trni of Hoary
It is said that Architect Maxon is
quietly preparing plans for a now hotel
With a frontage of 150 feet. There is some
conjecturing as to where the hotel is to
bo located.
Sol Ferris , R nursery man , in jumping
onto a street car hero yeiterday , dropped
his pocketbook containing $1-10. Ouo of
the merchants' policemen found thu
wealth , and through him it was soon after
returned to the unfortunate , and yet for
tunate owner.
The case of Knupp rs. the Sioux City &
Pacilic was triad hero some time ago , uid
resulted in a verdict against the company
for JrlOJO. ! Since then the battle has been
going on in the higher courts , and now
the judgment is confirmed , thus putting
the hnish to the case in tlie favor of the
injured engineer. Sapp & Pusey as his
attorneys have made a strong , liurd light
Cor him , and have named the victory.
Henry Ames is in the city greeting old
friends , and looking after some of his
business interests hero. Ho is now per
manently located in Hoxe Kansas , whore
ho is striking'tten , every week on the Senti
nel of that place of which ho is the editor
and ono of the proprietors. Ho has
driven his stakes there to stay , aud has
chosen well. Mr. Ames was for year ?
connected with the railways here , but is
at homo in wielding the editorial pen.
J. G. Tipton lias the finest list of busi
ness property in the city at a baigain.
Contented Conslgny.
MaJ. E. A. Consigny , of Avoca , was
strongly supported us a most worthy
man for the honors of department com
mander of the Grand Army of Iowa.
Though ho and his friends are naturally
disappointed at his not securing the do-
lired pruc. ho shows an excellent spirit ,
nnd pens tne following card to his G. A.
R. comrades :
To the ( ! A , Jt. of Iowa : 1 wish to con
gratulate yon on the election of the "hero of
UoUelson , " Oeneral Tattle , an department
commander. 1 wish especially to do this ,
being one of the defeated candidates at Dubuque -
buque , for that honorable position , ana to
add that no Iowa soldier will moro lieartllv
iccond and support all the efforts oftils ad
ministration and make this " "
, help a "jubilee"
year for our association. The rally should
DO "all nlon ? the line , " and this year ought
to be the best In the history of the G. A. R.
in Iowa. Youis in F. C. , and L. ,
J. G. Tipton has ono business site that
will make the purchaser a fortune.
Sherraden is still making cabinet pho-
at S3 per doz. , best finish. Crayon or
India ink life size pictures only $10. By
F. M. Woodard , artist.
Ihe Church Chimes.
The event of to-day will bo the laying
of the corner stone of the new Catholic
church. If the weather is favorable
there will bo a large crowd. The services
are to take place at 3 o'clock this after
noon , aud will bo very interesting and
impressive. All of the societies will join
in the parade. The mipils of the boys'
chool and St. Francis Academy will also
join. There is a largo delegation ex
pected from Omaha on the 3 o'clock
dummy train. Tbo band and two socie
ties of the Crescent Order of Hibernians
of Omaha will bo in attendance. Itishop
| 'i ; O'Connor , of Nebraska , aud Bishop Cos-
I- grove , of Iowa , with other distinguished
prelates , will be present und join in the
services. The event is one which has
long been looked forward to , and the
work of building will then bo pushed for
ward to completion , it will bo one
of the finest churches in Iowa.
The foundation of the building was
completed lust year at a cost of 110,000.
Thu building when completed will cost
130,000. It IB 00x120 feet aud is to be of
brick with atone trimmings. The ser
vices at the old church to-day will con
sist ot mass at 0 , 8 and 0 o'clock ; high
mass at 10:30 : o'clock , when it is expected
that bishop Cosgrovo , of this diocese , will
preside. The bishop will also preside at
the ceremonies of laying the corner
stone at 3 o'clock in the afternoon , und
bo assisted by Dishop O'Connor , of
t Omaha. Rov. Father Nugent , of Dos
f Moines , will preach the dedicatory seri -
i man. The procession will form at the
f old cathcdrol church and march to the
t lite of the new ono.
Preaching by the pastor at 10:30 : a. m ,
and 7:30 : p. m. Subject for morning ,
"Tho Teachings of Spring ; " for even
ing , "Lying of Anniua and Supphira. "
( Seats free.
Sermon topics to-day , morning ,
"Friendships" evening , "The Univer
sality of God's Blessings , " Hours of
service , 10:45 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. Holy
communion 10 n. in. , every Sunday ex
cept the first Sunday in the month.
Toplo this morning , "Tho Believer's
Privilege. " Children's meeting at 4:30 :
p. m. , young people's meeting at 0:45 : p.
HI. , revival service in the evening.
Rov. J. L. Pierson will preach at the
rey United Brethren church on Tenth ave
ir iiue this evening at 7:30 : o'clook.
[ X Services at Uniou chapel , Harmony
Kv ? street , to-day nt 3 o'clock , conducted by
[ 2 Rev.J. Flak. Text , Prov. 8 : 17. The
' \ ' - young Invited. Prayer meeting Thurs-
ft * day evening at 7ttO o'clock. Topic :
Lf "Exportation to Unity , " Eph. 4th chap.
i" ; Social to-morrow evening at chapel.
Services as usual to-day. Preaching
tSs by the pastor. Morning subject : "Hon <
if oring tltd Savior , " Evening : "The Gift
R ? of God. " All who come will bo cordially
twelcomed. .
U Sale o ! corsets at Goldberg's , No. 16
i Main street commencing to-morrow ,
k MO corMts , 100 boned cortcu 33o. Kegu
L < lar priM | 1. dee Dr. Warner 83c , IOC
I tapUxUo. J. G 14b rg'i ,
The Merchant Police Force Arrested Tor
Stealing the Nets.
_ _ _ _ _
Laying oftlio Catholic Corner Stone
To-ilny Ijocat literati Decide Who
Arc the Twelve Greatest Men
lilvlnir ConslRney Bears
Ills Defeat Well.
The Klshlnjr Question.
Judge Aylesworth's court room wa ?
crowded yesterday , the drawing card
being the fishery question. Thcto was a
large attendance from Crescent ; the
friends aud neighbors of the two ar
rested fishermen , Brewer and Johnson ,
being out in full force. Colonel Daily ,
the county attorney , and Mr. Ware , ap
peared as attorneys for the state , or really
for the Fish Protective association. The
defendants were represented by Mynstcr
& Lindt. The feeling ran quite high ,
higher than it ought. The blood was up
on both sides. It seems foolish to excite
so much bitterness over so small an af
fair. It is a grim determination on the
part of the association to put a stop to
the fishing with seines. On the other
hand , there are many farmers who like to
got a clianco to buy lish of these Fisher
men , the facilities for getting fresh
meat not being as good in tlie country as
in the city. The sympathy of the com
munity about Honey Creek lake is natur
ally with the fishermen. It seems to the
neighbors ns if thu city folks were trying
to control their affairs , and they evP
dently feel like telling the city sportsmen
to mind their own business.
There has been much indignation over
the manner in which the arrest was
made. The defendants feel sore , and not
without caiifc , because the otlicers placed
irons on them as if they were ferocious
criminals , instead of treating them as
citizens who 'were only charged with a
misdemeanor , and liable only to a line ,
even if found guilty. They also feel hot
because they were brought in irons to
this city , and put in jail until their friends
could come hero and give bonds.
All thcso irritating circumstances have
conspired to make sweet revenge desira
ble. It appears that the officers had no
authority beyond that which they have
as merchants' police. Being boyniul the
city limits this did not avail them much.
They not only made the arrest , but they
captured the seines and brought them to
this city. Thjs circumstance cave occa
sion for the tiling of a complaint before
Justice Dunkle , in Crescent , charging the
otlicers with the larceny of the nets.
A constable from there was hero ycstor-
ay. Ho served the warrants on Captain
\nderson , Martin and Thomas , who were
n attendance as witnesses in the superior
ourt. Justice Duukle was also hero as
witness. The trio of ollicors prepared
0 file bonds , and thought it would bo
uito handy for Dunkle to approve the
ends hero , so as to avoid any necessity
f going out to his otlicp in Crescent
ntil the day of trial. While the bonds
vere being prepared , Dunkle slipped outer
or home. Then the constable suddenly
ocame anxious to have the merchants'
force go with him us Ins prisoners.
1 was evident that nothing would satisfy
lie Crescent folks but to have the otlicors
ut to us much trouble as Brewer and
ohnson had suffered.
Colonel Daily Bought to have Judge
\ylesworth prevent the constable from
axing the officers away until they were
lirough with the case in which they were
vitncsses. Judge Aylcsworth said ho
enow of no power which ho had to do-
tin the men , if there was a warrant for
liem. An effort was made to have the
jonds of (300 approved by Judge Aylcs
worth , or some ono here , nut this was in
vain. At lost the oflicers yielded to the
emands of the Crescent constable , und
were seated in a wagon and started for
ho country. Some of the Crescent folks
asisted on having the o Ulcers ironed ,
deeming this a fair play , as the otlicors
lad ironed the fishermen. The constable
lid make a faltering demand to
oarch the two ollicers before they
got into the buggy. The constable
ipproachod them with this request , like a
blushing school girl , nnd tne officers
[ iiickly complied by searching their own
jockets. They turned over a revolver
md a billy to Marshal Gugnellu. and this
iroceduro being successfully gone
hrough with , the constable will bo able
o square his record with his constituency
> y telling them that he not only arrested
no ofliccrs , but searched them like ordi-
lary prisoners.
Captain Anderson and Martin were the
only ones taken out to Crescent. Thomas
managed to make himself scarce about
ho right time to avoid the unpleasant
rip. Thu ollicertt took the bond with
hem , but it was predicted that Dunkle
would refuse to approve it , and thus keep
ho otlicurs there until they had played
more nearly even on the score of annoy
There is of course no show of Gliding
ho ollicers guilty of larceny , for it is ad
mitted by all that the nets were not taken
vith any intent to convert them to their
own use. It is understood that as soon
as the oflicers arrange the bonds in the
case they will bo next arrested for
carrying concealed weapons. It is
claimed that while inside the city limits
they have the right to carry revolvers ,
rot they were only ordinary citizens in
Jrescent and had no such right.
Crescent is evidently bent on making
as much trouble for them as possible ,
and thus far is succeeding well.
In the case of the two fishermen the
attorneys sought to have the case dis
missed us soon as the state had rested its
case. The motion was made to dismiss
on the ground that neither the. informa-
Jon nor the testimony , showed that
Honey Creek lake was a body of water
over which the state hud control in this
matter. For all the papers of the evi
dence showed it might bo owned by the
government , or by private parties. This
notion was argued at length by the at
torneys , nnd the game of talk took most
of the afternoon.
The motion to dismiss the case was
overruled by Judge Aylesworth , and the
cases will go on to-morrow in his court.
The cases of the otliccrs are sot also for
to-morrow at Crescent.
A Dlitlnjjulsliort Dozen.
Each member of the Fortnightly club
was asKed'to bring a list of twelve great
men now living , men who would live in
history. The mooting took place last
Monday evening and what follows is the
result of tun count.
Gladstone and Bismarck stood at the
head each with 16 votes. Next came do
Lessops with 13 , while Stanley and Kdi-
son followed him with 13 each. Then
General Sherman aud Tennyson ap
peared with 11 votes , while Von Moltke
followed them with 8 , and after him
came Maine and Bancroft with 7. James
Russell Lowell , Herbert Spencer and
Spurgeon make a charming trio with 6
naeh. Verdi gets 5 votes , while Parnoll ,
Whlttler nnd Huxley have each 4.
Scblicmann , Rubensteln , Oliver Wendell
Holmes. John Bright , Meissomer and
Raskin have 3. Those who had two each
were Cyrus W. Field , Fred Douglas ,
General Phil. Sheatdan and Phillips
Brooks. .
But the lint of men who had one vote
apiece is the longest , and among the
number are some great men. though
many of them were severely challenged
as they were rahd in the club. Kvery
list had the names Gladstone and Bis
marck on it. { Those who bad one eacb
M.M.tollowi : I _
sj curlM | Lubbook |
Joseph Cook , Blcrstadt , Castollar , Pope
Leo XIII , Tnlmago , General Lew Wal
lace , Rev. Henry C. Potter , Jr.y Gould ,
Henry Irving , Booth , Salvlnl , Tyndall ,
Henry George , Bartholdi , Grovy , Km-
ncror AMlliaui 111 , Mark Twain nnd
After n most delightful and successful
scries of nicotines , the Fortnightly club
adjourned la t Monday evening to mcvt
again no\t October. The club has a
largo surplus in its treasury and an in
creasing membership ,
J. G. Tipton has bottom lots , hill lots ,
residence lots , and building lots ,
Drs. Hanchctt & Smith , ofllco No. 13
Pearl st. Residence , 120 Fourth st. Tele
phone No. 10. _
For Cheaper Coal.
It has been predicted that the inter
state commerce bill would cause coal to
be at a hltrlmr price here for next season.
A move is now on foot , the preliminaries
being arranged quietly , to have coal
brought up the river In barges. Those
who are looking into the matter feel con
fident that arrangements can be com
pleted by which a largo sunplv of coa
can bo landed hero by the water route seas
as to make the nrjco cheaper than over ,
The scheme is being developed quietly
nnd good results are promised.
O 111 co of Mnlholland & Co. , removed to
in tinder the Citizens' b-ink. Telephone
No. 10:3. : Leave your orders for ice.
A Card.
To the Public : Having made arrange
ments to connect with city water mains
and to put in service pipe as formerly ,
persons wishing work done in that line
will ao well to cot my linures before
placing their orders. J. C. Bixuv.
On the Borderline.
The pharmacy commission Imvo a case
on hand which they are watching with
great interest. Dr. I. W. Crawford , ot
I'le.isanton. Decatur county , has been
running a drug store without being reg
istered as provided by law. The com
mission filed information against him
and ho was indicted aud warrants Issued
for his arrest. 1'leasantoii is situated on
the boundary between Iowa and Mis
souri , and this doctor hurriedly moved
his goods over into Alissotiri betoro the
warrants could bo served. The ofliccrs
arts waiting now for him to cross the
street into lojva so they can take him.
It Causes Changes in the Fibre of
Metal ntul Weakens it.
Philadelphia Record : Since a passen
ger train on the North British railway
plunged from the great bridge over the
Firth of Tay into the dark waters below ,
one stormy December night seven years
ago , carrying every living soul upon it to
certain death , there has Seen no railroad
bridge disaster thai has excited so much
public attention as that which recently
occurred , on the Boston and Providence
railroad at the Bussoy bridge near 15oj-
ton. In both , the cause appears to have
been a structural defect. This may
be said of the Ashtabula accident , whoso
horrors , however , were increased by the
tierce work of flames and the inclemen
cies of a bitterly cold nighi.
Bridge accidents are considered by all
railroad men as incomparably the worst
to which travel by rail is exposed , and ns
among the most difficult to guard against
absolutely. One source of danger was
shown when the peculiar effects of n lo-
comotivo's hammer blows upon a track
were explained. The theory was ad
vanced that a girder of the bridge had
broken beneath the engine's drivers ,
whose pounding upon the defectively
lonstructed bridge was thus primarily
ho cause of the accident. This brings up
a phase of railroad and bridge accidents
wiiieh is at present receiving a great deal
of attention. Crystalization in the ma
terial of iron bridges is an clement of
lauger now so well recognized that the
Pennsylvania railroad company has
id opted the definite policy of substitut
ing stone for iron bridges , and the same
plan is being followed by other railroad
The lifetime of an iron bridge is from
twenty to twenty-live years , and con
stant euro is necessary to insure its
safety. The Ashtabula bridge was thir
teen years old , and at the time it fell bo-
leuth the weight of two engines and a
icavy express train , the theory was com
monly advanced that crystallization
had impaired its original strength. The
two great moving causes of crystallization
ore vibration und the hammer blows of
the locomotive , which gradually by re
peated impact , turn the libro of iron or
steel into a mass of crystals , needing
only homo unusual pressure or blow to
cause them to break apart. Add to this
the oscillation caused by the passage of
trains at a high rate of speed , and it will
be seen that an iron bridge is exposed to
peculiar perils.which can only be guarded
against by rigid inspection aud constant
renewals. ,
Crystallization was one of several
theories advanced by Park Benjamin , aNew
Now York engineer , to account for the
Tay bridge accident. Ho said :
"General indications go to show that
the cause must be sought in an abnormal
condition of the structure , or rather one
which did not enter into the calculations
of the builders. Such a condition would
be the deterioration of the metal by its
change from a fibrous to a crystalline
state under repeated vibration. That
this occurs in railway bridges has been
vigorously disputed by rnunv well known
engineers. On the other hand , many ex
amples are quoted by different authorities
to support the theory. Appropos 19 this
particular accident , a distinguished
French engineer and iron founder now
in this country informs us that ho has
known bars of iron mudo by himself
from Scotch pig to change from a tough
fibrous to a brittle crystalline structure
in traveling by rail only from the north
of Franco to Paris. This is , of course ,
an extreme instance.
"Again , recent research has demon
strated that because a structure with
stands a large quiescent load that fact is
little proof of stability under repeated
shocks und vibrations. Metals are be
lieved to have a 'life. ' A bar. for exam
ple , may stand a million vibrations and
break down at the million and first , and
yet the last shock may bo lighter than
the preceding ones. Attempts , however ,
to reduce this law to practical applica
tion have elicited an abundance of con
flicting evidence ; but , nevertheless , it is
well settled that in no department of
mechanics is an extended course of act
ual experimenting moro urgently needed
or for graver public importance.
The strength of the Tay bridge at the
time of its building was such that it was
pronounced "perhaps the most remarka
ble structure in the world. " Engineering ,
a British magazine , speaking of its test ,
when live engines , weighing 300 tons ,
were placed on a single span , said : "Tho
result is the complete establishment of
this fact ( so important to the public ) , that
the bridge is strong out of all proportion
to its possible necessities. The load
which the structure is calculated , to
carry is six times greater than that to
which It was subjected.11
And vet this great bridge , which cost
$1,750,000 , collapsed within a few months
after it was finished , the accident being
the only one in all railroad history in
which no survivor lived to tell the tale.
Tbo theory of crystallzation put for
ward at the time ot the Ashtabulu bridge
disaster is now accepted as accounting
for many railroad accidents , and seems
peculiarly applicable to the full of the
Buisey bridge. Vibrations and hammer
blows would seem to have crystalled
some portion of the structure and pre
pared it for a fall when at lust the ' life"
of a girder had .been exhausted , and il
broke beneath the eugiaa'a tbumpiug
driving wheel * .
Greatest Sale Begins
Monday , April 25th.
Rend Every Word ofTlilw nnd ISc
On Hand for Your Share of
the Pudding.
Hosiery Sale ,
500 dozen good Balbriggan and fancy
striped Hose in all sizes ; misses and
children's sizes from 4 to 8j , and ladies'
n sizes 8i , t ) , 1 , all at 3 pairs for 25c.
Others sull these at lee to 2. " > c per pair.
3t)0 ) do/.en ladies' '
/ , misses and children's
ilose , all si/.es and colors , Ingrain , Lisle
Thread and Balbnggans , full regular and
'ast colors , 20a per pair. Never before
offered for sale less than -iOe.
200 dozen best Lisle Thread , opera
length , ladies' Hose , 81 to 9 } , in hair Hue
stripe , fancy plaids , new ecru shades , all
jest quality , OOo per pair. Always hold
it $1 per pair.
One case Roekford Mixed Gents' Half
[ lose , 4 pairs for 20c.
One case Gents' British Half Hose , 2
> airs for 2oc.
3 best Gents' C. G. French
cu : > i\s , Bal-
jriggun and British Hose , in plain and
colors , aty.jc , regular price , 0c ! per pair.
The above are without dcuhl the best
values over ofl'ered at any special sale.
Handkerchief Sale ,
For Monday ONLY wo ofl'er 1000 dozen
[ Iimislltched Handkerchiefs with fancy
Borders , 2 for fie. Usually sold at lOc.
1 cusu fancy Hemstitched Handker
chiefs at lOc each , or 3 for 2oc. Usually
sold at 20a each.
1 case Linen Hemstitched Handker
chiefs , in plain white and fancy borders ,
it lOc. Usually sold at 2ocov iiOc each.
1 ca o assorted flue Shire Linen Hand-
jcrchicfs , hemstitchedwith embroidered
corners , at 2oc. Sold elsewhere as high
is 70p each. '
This Handkerchief Halo ofl'ers extra
) argains and only lasts during Monday.
Lace Sale ,
We oiler as special pale Oriental , Tor
chen and Silk Laces during the week ;
also Flounces to match. Klcgant now
stock to select from. Special attention is
called to our largo and complute stoolc
of Chantillas , Kscnrmls nud Spanish
Laces in black and cream.
Embroideries ,
Will bo sold this week at Ic , 3c , Cc. 7c ,
lOc , ISJc , l/3c / up to 25c per yard. Just
one-half their former prices ; also 45-inch
louncing with narrows to match at
greatly reduced prices.
They Wore Worse 'limn the Confi
dence Moti ut' To-Day Their
Bold Methods.
New York Mail and Express : "I doubt
if the confidence man of the present day
could hold his own against the sharper of
lifty years ago , " eaiil an old Now Yorker
to a reporter. "In those days , the oppor
tunities for open swindling were greater
than now , and the methods employed
were fur moro tricky. Who would think
of comparing the modern bunco-steerer
to the sleek and suave mock auctioneer ,
for example ? He was the pcbt of the dry
goods merchants of olden times. His
methods were open enough , but wonder
fully successful , nevertheless. One
of the most obnoxious of these
pests had his store at the corner of
Wall and Pearl streets. A red Hag such us
auctioneers display could always be seen
Hying over the entrance of ins place of
business. Several well-dressed men
promenaded the sidewalk in front , await
ing the first chance to "run in" an un
sophisticated passer-by. When this had
been accomplished , they would not enter
with then- victim and commence bidding
against him , until the articles for sale had
been run up to a fair price. Tne cus
tomer was generally swindled by substi
tuting goods of an inferior quality for
those actually displayed for sale. Tno
sawdust man subsequently used the same
method in perpetrating his cheats Ire-
member an Incident which happened
there which will show how shrewd these
men were. A merchant came from Vir
ginia to lay in a supply of dry goods. Ho
chanced to wander past this mock
auctioneer's establishment aud was in
duced to enter. In his note-book he had
marked down every article he desired.
As ho was referring to it one of the
sharpers attached to the place
looked. over his shoulder and took
down a copy of tbo list Oilier attaches
of the place were dispatched to neigh
boring stores to purchase the required
articles , while the gentlemanly fellow
who had furnished them with the list
kept the victim engagt-d in conversation.
Finally the auctioneer mounted the ros
trum , and to the surprise of the mer
chant , commenced to call off the very
articles he required. He was moro as
tonished to tlnd the pricus so cheap. Be
fore ho left the place ho had purchased
everything ho wished aud ordered them
to the store of his New York agents ,
Messrs. Mygatt & Conkling. Hero the
goods were unpacked , and U was found
that the veriest trash hade been substi
tuted for the articles i displayed at the
auction sale. Through' Me. Conkling's
efforts some of the money was afterwards
recovered. i
"Another famous inock auctioneer
had an establishment at the corner of
Tine and J'earl streets A gentleman
entered his store ono day and purchased
a watch for $100. Afterward he showed
it to Air. Samuel Drown , of Samuel
Drown & Co. , remarking that ho hud
made a great bargain. Mr. Brown in
formed tlin gentleman that he hud been
swindled , and that if ho would go with
him the following Monday , ( it being Sat
urday ) to the place where he made the
purchase ho would try to recover the
money. It was agreed. On Sunday , cs
the gentleman was in the reading room
of the hotel where ho was stopping , un
elderly man approached him and en
gaged-in conversation. The merchant
Incidentally spoke of the watch ho had
purchased , remarking that he feared that
he had been .windled , 'Let mo look at
it,1 said the other. The watch was
produced and examined , whereupon the
elderman said : "If you think that watch
is not worth f 100 you can sell it to me
( or that price. " The bargain was
clinched and the merchant pocketed the
money. Not long afterwards a w.alk
was proposed 16 n site up town , where at
thiil time an extensive view could bo
had of Ixing Island sound. NVhilo they
were admiring the project a large , ini-
Genuine Sensation
Will Be Caused By Eise-
mn & Go. on Mon
day , April 25.
They Will Plncc on Snlc In Tliclr
DoiticMlf C oniU Department 50
C'HNCS nnd BalcM of Xe\v liondu
Opcuctl Saturday. The
Sale In on
5 cases good prints nt 3clc and Gc per
3 cases Ginghams at 5c per yard.
C cases Seersucker at Oc and 8c per
3 cases best Dress Ginghams at 8c and
lOc per yard.
2 cases Sateens nt lOc per yard.
3 cases Crinkled Seersucker at Oc per
2 bales peed Cheviot Shirtings at Oe per
2 cases best Percale Shirtings at Oc per
0 bales yard wide Brown Sheeting , fie
per yaid.
2 cases Lonsdalo make Muslin at CJc
per yard.
1 case Turkey Red Table Linen , 20c
per yard.
Also Table Linens , Napkins , Towels ,
100 pieces Toweling , 18 inches wide , 4o
per yard.
150 pieces Lawns at 3c per yard.
100 pieces Victoria Lawns at 4c per
170 pieces India Linens at Oc per yard.
70 pieces Nainsook sit Oc per yard.
Wo also offer thousands of Remnants
of Silk , Velvets , Dress Goods , Blaek
Dress Goods , Surges Plaids , Ginghams ,
Percales , Prints , White Goods. Linens ,
Cheviots , etc. , at special sale , Monday
only. The entire center aisle of our cor
ner btoro will bo devoted to display of
thcso remnants.
fepcchil attention given to nil
orders entrusted to u * > by mail.
m & civs
Hos 314,316,318,320 Braafay
, , , , ,
l > * WUillyllj ISI WTWHfi . .
posing-looki.ig man came forward and
accosted the other. A general conversa
tion followed , during which the stranger
Kpoko of a wonderful safe he was about
to have patented.
"Hero , " lie continued , 'is the model. '
"Ho took from his pocket a small iron
safe , which ho opened with a spring. A
small roll of paper fell out. Apparently
ho hud not noticed the occurrence , for he
turned around nnd bet his comrade $100
that there was n roll of paper in the
" 'Bet him I urged the merchant as ho
pointed slyly to the roll of paper on the
" 'Very well , 1 will then , ' replied the
other. 'I have just $100 in my pocket. '
Then ho began fumbling in his pockets
but could find no money. 'Oh ! I remem
ber ! I bought a watch from you this
morning. Just lend mo that $100 until
we roach the hotel. ' The merchant com
piled nnd was made stakeholder. When
the money had been put up the stranger
nonchalantly took the safe from his pock
et , touched the spring , and behold ! a roll
of paper dropcd into his hand.
" 'How did you do it ? ' exclaimed the
merchant in astonishment. 'That is the
secret I Intend to have patented , ' replied
the stranger as he coolly pocketed the
money and walked away.
"It is needless to .say the merchant
never saw his $100. It was a neat piece
of swindling and originated m the very
mock auction shop where the merchant
had purchased the watch. It appears
that the proprietors had found out that
an Investigation was to bo made and had
resorted to this device to escape trouble.
Prices Vert/ Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
NO. % 3 MAIN ST. ,
Designs , citlmatog and rejiorts on bridges ,
viaducts , foundation * nnd ucnornl engineerlnir.
Blue printfl of nny slzo nnd quantity.
OIKceNul3N. Main St. , First National Bank
The only Hotel in Council Bluffs Having a fire
Ami All Modern Improvements.
210 , 217 and 210 Main St.
MAX MOHN , Prop.
Justice ot the Peace ,
415 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Refers to any bank or business house in the
city. Collections a specialty.
Announces that HlsstocU of
Finolmportetl SpringMillinovy
In Choice Shapes ol Hats & Bonnets ,
Together with n
LargeJAnc o/Jfovettleain Fancy Ma
terials < * MOM ; Jteatlu for Your
Cure f til JHupcctlon.
1514 Douglu'St. , Omaha.
Headquarters ( or Good Goods !
Carpets and
Dry Goods ,
We are still to be found on tne Old Gamp Ground
* ;
Broadway , Council Bluffs , la
With the largest and best selected stock of
Carpets ever brought to this city.
Our stock of Bress Goods comprises tha
finest fabrics , and also the most substantial
but less costly.
Those wishing good goods and as represented -
sented will not fail to give us a call.
Don't Forget tlie Place ,
o. cr.
Real Estate Broker and Dealer
Council Bl nil's Ofllco ,
Temple. Oitialiu Otllrco 111
Nor Hi lUlli tit-eel.
Par ! Ictiliir uflcnlloii given to In
venting funds for nun - rctl-
tlciil * Special biirguina in . lot * &
aero properly In Omaliii & C'ouu-
11 lilnffr. Correspondence nolle-
Steam , Gas and Water Pipe
No 552 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Mall Orders Shipped
A. a. JUCE. E. w.
Real Estate Brokers ,
No. 13 North Main Street.
Lower Floor First National Bank Blocli : ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Swanson Music Company ,
No. 329 Broadway Council Bluffs
Estey Organs , Gamp& Co.'s ' Organs and Western Cottage Organs ,
A few comments reganllns thn Estey Pianos. In every civilized country on the
globe the nanio of Kst-y is a household word with lovers o ! music ; it is a Kuarantc-o
for the exquisite quality of tone in musical instruments , bearing the name that commands
mands confidence , admiration and enthusiasm.
Ppecla ! dvertlieiuenti , such i test , Fo ind
7ol/mn , For Balu , To Kent , VtnntH , llonnllnir ,
etc , will tieln ertod la thla column ut tlie low
rmtoorTENCKNTSPRIl LINE forilienrtt finer-
ionanii i-'ivoCentirerLInoforeachsubsequent
insertion. Leave advertisement * i\t our olfiuo
No. U Vearl Itreet , near "roadway , Council
MOUND A Iftdr'B breast pin. Owner can
" secure sumo nt Ueo oittco ,
PANTKD A brick moulder. Apply to C.
W Straub , Soutb avenue. Council lllutlH.
HUNT A large from room , flrM lloor ,
FOIl now , suitable for two Konlle-
men. Located In the control p.irt of rlty.
Water and . Addius W , lice offlco , Coun
cil Umffa.
. - plant and oijmnincint
FOUSAI.K-Complotf work , consisting of 7
pile drivers , tarponlurs teen , lonti , tedding
and boarding outtlt for IK ) mrn. In ( rood re
pair. Now stored atCliencnne , W. T. For In
ventory and tormi addr:3sNo. 13 , N , Mam tit. ,
Council lllufft , Iowa.
_ JV.
Justice of the Peace.
Otttce over American Kxpress. . , .
Vacant Let * , Lands , City Itoslileiifj nnd
Farms. Acie property in .vojtern Mirt of ully.
All eellinjf cheap to malce'room for * pring Block
Real Estate & Insurance Agent
ItnomS , over Officer Jc PuBoy'a Hank , Cuuno
Council UIuITsIowi. :
HfUbllsbed 1DST.
Attorney at Law.
004 Broadway , Up Stair * ,
Council Uluffi. ' .