Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1887, Page 5, Image 6

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) The Last Legislature's Expenditure as
Shown By the State Auditor ,
, A Stormy Effort Being Made to He-
tain lilcutoiiant Dudley at the
( Btnto Unlvcrglty StAte
Capital Newa.
. nr.K's LTNCOI.X nuniiAu.1
Tlie fttuto auditor has compllsd the
statement of appropriatlonfl made by the
last session of tlio legislature. This state
ment covers the appropriations of every
kind nnd character and foots up the
princely sum of fJ.TiJ-.SOo.SO. If any
.member of the last so slon was con-
fronton by tlio query "What are we hero
for ? " ho would not hr.vo to bcarclv the
atars to read the answer. These figures
state with the greatest eloquence that the
members were present to make appro-
priationY In round numbers the in-
cresao in the appropriations made by the
last session of the legislature exceeds by
over § 1,000,000 , the amount appropriated
by the preceding legislature. Jn exact
figures the appropriation of tlio present
it fa.TSi.SOO.SG and the exact ligurcs of
the appropriations two years ago were
$1.078 , 700.1 ! ) . In all this astounding in
crease of appropriations there is a study
in political extravagance that will un
doubtedly occupy the attention of a great
many thinking taxpayers. Such nn in
crease in appropriations is undoubtedly
without n parallel in Nebraska or any
other state and the following exhibit
shows the purposes for which this volume
of appropriations were taado. luey arc
of more than ordinary interest :
General fund . S l.
Capitol building ( estimate ) .
Tempoi ary university .
Institute for feeble-minded .
Live stock indemnity .
Hoform school ( general fund ) .x'
Normal school , Interest . 2S.100.00
Total . 38,7B,880.M !
For what appropriations were made :
Completing main capltol build-
Normal school addition. . . . . . 6,000.00
Penitentiary , now bulldlnes and . . . . . . . .
repairs . . . . . . . . . . o-.uou.uu „
Hospital for Insane , Lincoln ,
„ „ „ „ „
buildings . 0,000.00
Hospital for Insane , Norfolk , now
buildings . . . . . . . . 01,700.00
Institute for blind , new build- .
inns . 40,200.00
Institute for deaf and dumb , new
OuildiBKS . 23,000.00
lleform Hdiool , new buildings. . . . 48,000.00
Home for the friendless , now . .
bulldlmc . - . . 0.000.00
Institute for feeble-minded , now
buildings . 2Q,894.Cj
Nebraska industrial home , site . _ „ . - .
andbulldlnns . 15,000.00 ,
BoldieM and sailors home , new
buildings . , . . 80.000.C01
for Incurable Insine .
Asylum JS'SSS-S0
State unlversity.-two bulldlnss. . . 70,000.00
Mlscollaneous claims . .S-SK'XI
Legislative expenses. 20th session lb-J.000.00
Judiciary and state library . I'MMS '
Bxeciitl\e departments . 144,532.00
Incidentals , Including costs ol
s maintaining state Institutions ,
f two years school , land expenses.
capitolexpomes , revenue.books ,
state prluilnr , county treasurers
fees , etc. , ote. . . . . 1,318,003,08
Grand total 52.723,830.86
The following letter has been for
warded to the war department at Wash
ington in relation to the efforts to retain
Lieutenant Dudley at the university the
coming year. The letter embraces the
resolutions adopted by the board of re-
cents , and accompanying this was an ad
ditional personal letter from Governor
Tliayor to the secretary of war.
Following Is the letter :
u.LiNCOLN,1ieb. , March 18. IRST.-Tlia fol-
llSwmir are copies of resolutions adopted by
ftho board of resents of the university :
* Whereas , It Is , in the opinion of the board
f regent * of the , university of Nebraska ,
-A nulte Important that Lieutenant . S. Dud
ley , professor of military science and tactics ,
'be ' retained until tbe expiration of tbe next
1. That there'be no Interruption In the
studies and drill iu the midst ot the session.
I U. Because ills desirable that'he should
continue In charge until the bulldtntc for ar-
ouory and drill room that Is expected to be
erected from plans prepared by him , may be
completed before the university is deprived
of bis valuable services.
S. Because of. the value of his services In
the organization of thn militia of this state.
Kosolved , That the board respectfully re
quest of the war department If It is not in
compatible with the good of the service to
extend the detail of First Lieutenant K. 8.
Dudley , of the Second regiment. United
States artillery , as professor of military sci
ence and tactics , until the close of the uni
versity year , bept. 1,1888.
We , ttio undersigned , heartily concuring
in the above preamble aud resolution , re
spectfully request the Nebraska delegation in
congress to use all legitimate means to se
cure the extension of detail asked for ; nnd
In view of Lieutenant Dudley's work In con
nection with the armory building , and also
. In connection with the organization of the
state militia , wo request that the detail maybe
bo extended nutll the 1st of September , 18& > :
John M. Thayer , sovernor ot Nebraska ;
William Luiw , attorney general ; 11. A. I5at > -
cock , auditor of public accounts ; 1J.
J ane , superintendent public Instruction ; G.
J , . Laws , secretary of state ; Js. Scott , com
missioner public lauds and buildings ; C. II.
Wlllaid , state treasurer.
Lieutenant Dudley has received the
following letter from Colonel Fred Grant
in reply to a letter written informing the
colonel of the action of the Nebrask
legislature in creating the Grant Memo
rial hull At the university campus :
NEW YOIIK. April 17 , No. S East Slxty-
Blxtli street. near Dudley : Your very kind
letter of the 2d Inst , has been received by me.
All the members of my father's family are
crntoful to your and to the old soldier * of the
Nebraska legislature for the "Grant Memor
ial hall. " The perpetuation ot my father's
liame and deeds is to mo almont a religion ,
nud 1 believe that every monument or me
morial erected to the memory of U. S. Grant
U a testimonial al&o to the bravo men ho led
to clorlous victory. In future jcars the chll-
a .TJ rtren will point to these works and sav with
* iiitdc , my father fousht with Grant at Hel-
inont , Donolson , Vlckaburir , or some other
great battle , lain , and always will be glad
iu tear fiom you , my old classmate friend.
Vours faithfully ,
The Hastings building association with
n capital stock of $50,000 has iilcd articles
of incorporation with the secretary of
state. Tlie shares of stock are fixed Ht
100 each , the paid in capital to bo in
vested in the purchasing and improving
of real estate ; business to commence on
j the Ibth of April , 1887 , nnd to continue
for twenty years. . The incorporators are
J. P. Hallingor , T. E. Forrcll , C. II. Deit
rich , C. L. Jitono , M. K. Lewis , G.V
Wowrey , A. U. Cramer and II. IJostwick ,
Bonds voted in Clay county In aid o
the K. C. & O. Uy. , were yesterday reg
istortd at the omco of thn .stutti auditor ,
These were precinct bouda in the follow
ing nmounts. Sutton precinct fi'J.OOO ,
Louo Tree precinct $12,000 , Lewis pre
cinct rtt)00. ) School Creek precinct 5,000.
Theio bouda arc blraight six per cent.
, ruunlog tweuty yours from date , of
T. /ollaru was in tbe city yeiterday
iu the interest of this Anglo Novwla in-
miranr * company 'of San ? rancisco , of
wbifU cowpanj ; b U the itoueral ngciit.
Mr. Zolliirs called at the auditor's ofhco ;
and fili > d-ta > e * ary paper * allowing
oil company to Iraaiact busitteu iu the
tatv. . '
| iany of L'liiladolphia ha complied with
the state law and been admitted for tJio
transaction of business In N'ebrasKa.
Judge Ham M. Chapman , of Platts-
mouth , Senator Conger , of Loup City ,
and Judge William II. Morris , of the
"Fifth * district , were at the capitol yester-
da iy.
Land Commissioner Scott was at Rear-
ney yesterday.
GovcrnorTliaycr will arrive home from
Grand Island Monday.
Ex-Governor Dawes , of Crete , waa in
the city yesterday.
Hon. J. Sterling Morton , while in Lin
coln over Arbor lay , was n guest of
Mayor Sawyer. It was known that
Arbor Day was the fiftieth birthday of
the ccntleinaii from Otoe , nnd a number
of his admirers nnd friends of longstand
ing embraced tlio opportunity In connec
tion with the ttay to present Mr. Morton
with a very elcirant gold-headed cano
that was appropriately engraved. A
larcro number of friends were in attend
ance at the presentation , which it is re
ported was a very pleasant event in
every particular. *
SMALL Bunor.Anir.s.
Two men named M. McCarty nnd
Tom Kelley were arrested yesterday
charged with entering a room over the
depot hotel and abstracting therefrom
clothing belonging to ono Harry Yok-
mnn. They were also charged with
stealing a watch from William Kingcr ,
which they sold , and it is claimed tried to
sell the clothing. Their hearing was sot
for yesterday afternoon.
Two lads , named Phiny White and Ed
Mann , were up in police court yester
day charged with stealing pocket knives
from Jones' drug store. The police
judge held them for appearance in tlio
county court as proper candidates for the
state reform school.
The appearance in Omaha this week of
Mr , Edwin Uooth will bo an event of
great interest. He will bo seen in three
of his most notable impersonations ,
namely. "Richelieu , " "Hamlet , " and
lago m "Othello. "
Manager Hoyd announces that during
the Booth engagement the doors will bo
open at 7:30 : p. m. , and tbo curtain will
rise at 8:15 : , thus giving ample time for
all to bo m their seats before the per
formance begins. Those coming after the
rise of the curtain will not bo shown to
their seats until the end of the ( irst act.
Of the company which opensnoAt
Monday , to-morrow , at the People's thea
ter , the Lincoln Journal said :
Among the many cntei'tainmonts for
amusing the public a comic concert is
certainly out of the usual line. There
fore , the amount of fun the Swiss Hell
Ringers succeed in furnishing is perhaps
a just criterion to judge of their claims
to recognition. While , judged by this
standard tfiey are worthy ot high com
mendation , it should be remembered that
they also furnish a musical entertain
ment of superior excellence.
"A Rag Baby" with Mr. Frank Dan-
lela and all the original company will re
turn to Boyd's on Saturday next , April 30
for one night only. The popular farce
comedy is too well known to all onr
amusement going people to need any extended -
tended notice. At its Jut appearance
hero it was greeted with packed houses.
A Trip to Europe.
Miss Minnie J. Wood of tbi.s city has
arranged two excellent vacation tours in
Europe , each commencing on the 2nd of
next July , which will doubtless bo appre
ciated by people who desire to go abroad ,
with bnt reasonable expenditure of time
and money. The is a trip to Liver
pool , Stratford-on-Avon , London and
Paris , including first class travel , hotel
accommodations , carriages , fees and all
necessary expanses , occupying thirty-live
days and costing $340.
The second comprises a visit to Eng-
and , Belgium , Germany , the Rhine ,
Switzerland , France , under tlio circum
stances specified , occupying sixty days
and costing $400. At all the points men
tioned sufficient time will be afforded
tourists to visit every sc no or structure
of note and interest , ami on all visits the
party will bo accompanied by competent
interpreters. For bach of these tours , it
s understood , a number of Omaha people
have already signed , and a most agree
able tritt to the other world may certainly
bo expected. Miss Wood may bo ad
dressed or consulted at 1113 N. 18th st.
The Maytio Hnt.
Nine of the gentlemen who arc con
nected with C. E. Mayno's real estate
company surprised him last evening by
walking in , "Inpun file , " as George .
Jones of Wyoming pronounces it , and
politely saluting him with high still' hats
of exactly the same shape and alylc.
Mayno was non plusscd for a minute and
then went down to Frederick's , whore he
learned the tiles were obtained , and was
soon ornamented with oao himself. Tlie
incident and thn bat are tlio
outcome of a joking remark made
by two of the Mayne household
who went Into Frederick's after head
gear. They were Jones and Harry Potter.
Frederick tried to soil them white "keg"
hats , and they rejoined that if ho would
get a C. E. Mayno hat of the same style ,
they would take a do/con. Frederick
wasn't to be bluffed , so ho ordered them.
When they came , the boys were notilied
and had to take their hats and their
medicine. The name and the style of
the hat are both taking , and Frederick
has had so many inquiries during the
last two or three days that ho has sent
for a number. The Mayno hat promises
to become a fixture.
Police Court News.
O. II. Rothacjker , the thug charged with
assault with intent to kill , will be ar
raigned before Judge Stcnberc on Tues
day. Ho will probably waive examina
Two women of not doubtful reputa
tion were arrested last night by the offi
cers for the respective offenses of drunkenness
onne-ss and indecent exposure. The intoxicated
toxicatod woman is in jail. The other
dobositod her lino.
The patrol wagon was called out at 1
this morning upon an alarm of burglary
nt the corner of Capital avcnuo nnd
Twelfth street. No ollk-er or burglar or
burglarized place could bo found and
Conductor Crawford came as near swear
ing as ho over did , nftor ho he had driven
around six blocks and found nothing.
lie started the wa < : < > n statiouward again
and rumaikud , "Darn ill"
All proltihitioiiUK are requested to
meet at the room * of the Y. M. C. A. .
Monday , April 2a. at W p. nt. Important
business. C'ou.s rv CKNT'L COM.
Old Mun Ford.
Nathaniel Foid was arrested this morn
ing on the complaint of Mra. Ford , the
woman owning the grocury store in
winch Kerr shot Way yesterday. She
olin w > that Ford kicked down her door
last night and caiiMJil her to fear bodily
danger. Mrs. Ford claims to have been
divorced from Nathnnlcl , but the latter
is unwilling to admit it , and wants to
live with her. which she will not permit
The accused was brought before Jndgq
BorKa by Coustablu King , this afternoon ,
and agreed to leave the town. He is the
same old fellow who wax arrested for
burning a house in South Omaha last-
summer. His story of marital infelicity
is aousationnl if
J > r. U U KauFwaua. UUonlors of a
delicate nature and ohroulo oomplainU
ooaidt * allyU a wl. U 4 iwom 10
i iff MMth Uth ttn *
Good and Honest Work By the Convention
Yesterday ,
liroatch Tor Mayor Hack For Treas
urer Iionc for Comptroller
Derka For Police Judge A
Strong Council Ticket.
Republicans In Council.
The republican city convention assom-
jlcd yesterday afternoon in the council
chamber at , 2:10 : o'clock , aud was called
to order by Chairman Gray , of the cen
tral committee.
Ralph Brcckenrldgo was nominated by
ice Estclle as temporary chairman. S.
S. Audi Mocdy was nominated as tem
porary secretary. Both gentlemen were
sleeted and expressed their thanks for the
lonor. Mr. Rreckcnridgc said that as
here was more before this convention
ban before any previous city convention
believed the proper thing was to pro
ceed at once to business.
John Clark moved that a committee of
liree on credentials be appointed , nnd
hat the committee recoirni/o no proxies
sxcept those held by persons residing in
ho wards from which the proxies cainc.
Several amendments to this motion
were interposed , and the last ono , mak
ing the membership of the committee
nine , was adopted. The original motion
.lieu carried unanimously. A motion
ay Mr. Lindsay , that no person bo al-
'owed to hold moro than ono proxy , was
iKo adopted.
The following committee on creclon-
.ials was appointed : Messrs. Clark , Ks-
: elle , Morrison , Maul , Redman , Kamuicr ,
Sholcs , MoConnoll and Needham.
During the fifteen minutes recess ,
which was taken to enable the commit-
: eo to examine tlio credentials of elected
delegates and the proxies , the council
chamber was a busy scene of caucusing.
S'o little excitement prevailed and above
the loud hum of voices the two names
which were attracting moU attention
wore heard Broatch and Strung.
The committee on credentials returned
nnd presented a report showing that fifty-
live delegates were present as having
been elected and also eight represented by
proxies , as follows.
Lee Estclle , William A. Kclley
Fred Ptlacging Sam J. Borgslrom
Ed O'Sullivan J. B. Aycr
Morris Morrison Frank Dvorak
John W. Butler John Bo\d
Fred Bohin Christ Specht
Anton Francl.
Thomas Curalni ; M. O. Maul
lolm Campbell Charles Wehrer
[ ' . J. WUliams Albert Dufour
I'rlca Sauders
Fiank Mooies O'Cricn
It. W. Hreeklnrldge John Clark
J. A.-Woodman W. K. Gurloy
Ed. Parmalee B. F. Redman
11x1 u wAiin.
8. S. Auch Moedy Win. Morrow
Louis Kiunmcr B. C. Smith
Juarlos Howies K. L Chouoy
SBVnSTII WAlll ) .
J. W. Kller U. C. Aikea
lames llensel J. U. I'iper
rouis HerKa D. V. Sholea
1 , N. Pierce
P. S. Bolen .lames \ , . Ulack
A. H. Parker J. II. McConnell
Peter Peterson CadetTaylor
John McCuue
M. S. Lindsay S. 1 > . Meicer
K. H. IJaber 1 > . L. McGuckin
Jharles Needham C. J. Ryan
Charles J. Johnson
JohnsonPROXIES. .
John Hodman , of the First , represented
jy I. S. Ilascall , proxy.
Gus Anderson , of the Fourth , r pre-
bonted by Pat O. Hawes , proxy. ,
James Wilson , Fifth , represented by
James Young , proxv.
Wm. H. Butler , Fifth , represented by
Joseph Redman.
James Rhodes. Fifth , represented by
John McDonnell.
Mr. Counsman , Fifth , representing J.
J. Brown.
D. A. Mercer , Fifth , representing John
A. Smlloy.
Joseph P. Fooshce , Sixth , represented
by J. R. Rowlos.
The report of the committee was
Mr. Buticr moved that the convention
proccod to the nomination of a candidate
tor mayor , whcrouuon some enthusiastic
democrat in the rear of the over crowded
hall , shouted , " $30 to Slff that Broatch
don't get there. " The bet was either Im
mediately taken or the noisy individual
was hustled out of the room , because
nothing further was heard from him.
The tirst ballot , an informal one , re
sulted in presenting the names of J. W.
Broatch , E. Strang anil C. A. Fried. The
ballot was declared to be irregular on the
ground that there were moro votes cast
than there wore delegates , and the sumo
was true of the succeeding ballot when
05 votes were oast. On the first ballot
the Ninth , Fifth nnd Second wards voted
solidly for Broatch and his total vote was
'M. The Eight ward voted as an unit for
Strang and his total vote was 21.
After the second ballot was declared
the chairman announced that it was void
owing 16 there being 05 votes for 03 dole-
gates. Thereupon n scene of great ex
citement ensued. Mr. Clark declared it
an outrage that slxty-threo men could
not vote without someone stuffing the
box. P , O. Hawcs said thr.t twice had
Mr. Broatcli been declared the choice of
the convention by a majority vote a'nd
ho moved that ho bo nominated
by acclamation. ( Applause and counter
manifestations. ) The chair's decision to
take another ballot was finally sustained
and the vote resulted : Boactli 43 , Strang
21. Mr. Boatuh was made the unanimous
nominee ot the convention.
Messrs. Morrow , Clark nnd Moonj
were appointed as a committee to wait
upon Mr. Boatch , and brought him for
ward amid a furore of applause . He
said :
Mr. Chairman nnd Gentlemen of the Con
vention : I need hardly say that I feel very
thankful to you for this nomination. 1 con
sider It. coininif as It does from the repub
lican party of this city , equivalent to an elec
tion , uud if elected you can depend upon mo
conducting my share of the city pivcrnment
upon the siuuo business principles upon
which 1 manage my own affairs. I camn to
this cltythlrteen years ajo with but little ,
and by hard labor and economy 1 Iiave accu
mulated a comuetence. Omaha Is a prosper
ous and rapidlv cronlnpclty.niul Itscitl/cns
dom-ind that Its tUfnir.s shall be so manaund
that there shall be no extravagance whilst
continuing an extensive s- stem of Impiove-
mcnts. Ido not know that there Is ant thing
else that will more fully express my thanks
tlmh that I consider It a verv great honor.
cirv Titr.AsuitKu.
John Groves , John Rush and Mr. Go-
latte were placed in nomination for city
treasurer. The informal ballot resulted :
Groves , 27 : Rush , 27 ; Golattc , 9. The
foiiual ballot resulted : Uiub , 44 ; Groves ,
IU. Mr. Uu-h's nomination was then
made unanimous. Upon being intro
duoed , ho said :
"Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the
Republican Convention : This is the fourth
time I lisvvu been nominated byyou either
by acclamation or almost unanimously.
Three of these times the party ticket
upon which I'liafo run has Wen elected
l y im overwhelming majority. This
time we go Into tbe light wish tlia demo
cracy of lac city actively ntfgressjvc , if
we do our'duty' , the tipkut , victory
'agHiu wilt , rawi our , baau rs. In
protuiaing l do a j duty , " I'cuitoi
promise that t will do more toan the
ontlemin wild H kboul to Uy down the
pen , which I shall take tip. ( Applause
and laughter. ) I concede nil prntso to
an honest democrat. If 1 do as well as
J'ruman Buck , has done , that is all I shall
have honed for. 1 thank you for the
honor you lutvo ilone me.1 ( Applause. )
E. K. Long- was , upon a motion , do-
elated the unaiiiipnus choice of the con
vention for tlioollice , of comptroller.
Upon being called upon he said that ho
had been a republican for nineteen years
and never had ho seen so bright a pros
pect for success of the republican ticket.
roi.iCK | JULKJE.
Over the nomination of police judge
a lively but entirely good natured con
test arose. The names presented were
D. II. Mercer , Louis Bevka , Leo Holies-
ley. and D. B. llauck. On the informal
ballot Mercer obtained 8 votes , Berka 23 ,
Hclleslcy 21 , Hauk 10. The formal bal
lot brought out 10 for Mercer , 3.1 for
Berka , 18 lor Hellosley , and 1 for llauck.
Berka was nominated on the next ballot ,
receiving 32. while Mercer held 18. and
Helleslty la. Mr. Berka's nomination
was made unanimous. Ho briefly
thanked the convention. 1) ) . 11. Mercer ,
one of the defeated candidate ? , was then
called upon and in a minutes speech clue-
titled the convention. Ho said : I cer
tainly feel proud of the testimonial I
have received this afternoon. You
have acted widely. You have
nominated : i man whom 1 can earnestly
support. You have added mngniliecnt
strength to the ticket which , 1 trust , will
receive u magnUicicut majority.
Upon the nominaiious of councilmen
at largo there were but three contests. were froTn the First , Fourth aud
Eighth wards. In the First war I it was
between Mr. Goodman and I. S. Ilasrall ;
in the Fourth between W. J. Welshans
and J. A. Woodman ; aud in the Eighth ,
between Loavitt Biiruham and A. J. Ilor-
old. The following were the nominees
of the convention by wards :
First ward l aac S. Ilascall.
Sccoi'd ward C. B. Strycker.
Third ward Dr. Hort/mann.
Fourth ward J. A. SVoodmun.
Fittli ward Jacob N. Counsman.
Sixth ward Francis E. Bailey.
Seventh ward Michael Lee.
Eighth wardLeavitt Burnliam.
Ninth ward Charles Unitt.
All of the nominees made speeches of
acceptance. That of Michael Leo was
tewo and stirring. Ho said : " 1 have
come from a new territory , and before I
thank tile convention , I must thank the
citizens of the Seventh ward. I am in
favor of progressive , intelligent , public
improvements. We should build for the
future and not for the present. Wo
should make improvements for a half
million inhabitant * . "
As soon as the ciiair had announced
the nomination of Mr. Unitt as couucil-
man-at-largo from the Ninth ward , some
delegate exclaimed : ' 'Mr. Chairman , I
nominate John T. Clarke as chairman of
the central committee for the ensuing
year. " The nomination was seconded ,
aud the chair , put the question , which
was carried. Thernupon arose some
confusion. LcVEstello said that the con
vention had ben ( ) 'waiting ' for Mr. Unitt
to speak , anduSiiul inot known what was
before it when the question was put.
Ho nominated Mr. Jurley as chair
man of the ' central committee.
Finally , throhgh1 the pacific talk of J.
S. Ilascall and others , quiet was
restored , andafter Mr. Unett had spoken ,
D. H. Mercer jwott. [ nominated as chair
man of the central committed and unani
mously elected. .Mr. Mercer made a
ringing speech full of republicanism.
Ihc full central .committee was then
made up as follows :
First Ward-fWilliam A. Kollny , Lewis
Webster and A.J. Hobon.
Second Ward John F. Benin , M. Mor
risen and Anton trancl.
Third Ward-M. O. Maul , Charles
Wehcr and P.'J. Williams.
Fourth Ward P. O'Hawes , R. \ \ .
Fifth Ward B. F. Redman , John \ \ al-
lace , E. A. Parmi'lco.
Sixth Ward W. B. Morrow , Joseph
liowh's , R. S. Cheney.
Sovnnth Ward-II. C. Aikcn , J. B.
Hen- I , J. N. Pierce.
Eighth Ward-J. J. Savillc , Peder Pc-
dor on , M. F. Swiglcton.
Ninth Ward-C. P. Needham , C. J.
Johnson , D. L. McGuckin.
The convention then adjourned.
Meetlncof the Central Committee.
As soon us the convention adjourned
the central committee met and organ
ized , with D. H. Mercer chairman , Frank
Redman secretary and and J. J. Brown
treasurer. Another meeting will beheld
to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Call of tbe Republican City Gffhtral
There will bo a meeting of the republican - '
lican city central committee at the coun
cil chamW Monday. April 25 , at 3 p. m.
A unanimous attendance is requested.
D. H. MintcEii , Chairman.
B. F. REIJMAK , Secretary.
Transfers Piled April US , 18H7.
lilmer O dates to Julia F HerriacK ,
n Iot4blk7 Klrkwood add , w
d 5 3,000
Stephen B Hathaway aud wife to
Walter II Bradley ct al , lot 101
Nelson's add , wrt - . 7 , < o ?
Louis I ) Holmes anil wife to Clias
E Moore lot 2J Washington Set.
add , w d 2.0
Clms K Moore aud wife to Jos A
Joulan.lot .JJ Washington So , add ,
n c 2c > 00
Grow Looinls and wife to Wal
ter Ct Phelps , lots 1 , : t , 5 , 7 , ii.15 , IT ,
W , "Jl , iKJ , blk 3 Loomls' ' - > d sub .
dlv.wd 4 , X >
Jdcob SeUluci-k and nvlfo to Julius
Nasile. n X lot 1 blk 7 Kount/'a 8U
add. 50xlWtt , wd 4 , - >
Gee B ChrUtlo to Itnbt ( Ullhaiu ct
al , yt lut In laud 00x95 feet , com
fiC ft n of nw coi of 30th and liar-
neyst , wd 7,475
Rlrliard McDonald and wife to An
drew Hosewater add Jos Anb , the
rlzht of wav for seweraito near o
line ot aud across 44 tt lot 4 blk
111 , wd . . . . . . . . . / . 1
Moses Horwlch'aud ' wife to A .1
Frledlauder , Jot r * elk B bouth
Omaha , wd. . . , . . . , v-v ; ; 8CO °
Chas E Moore and wife to Dt'tinN 11
Andrews , loU 6/O Davenport's
subdiv , wd 0 , X )
Wm ( iaslln jr to Louis Morgan , lot
9 blk 0 , Mycrfltlcliards and Til-
densaadk w d ow ; m
Oaulel A Farrcll and wf to l-.d-
ward Richelieu , lot 0 blk 15 , Bedford -
ford place , wd..7 1,00000
Oscar t > Hoffman a d wf to Jas H
McCnllointh. lot 6blk | 10i Oin w d 1,700 00
Peter Freiuer and \ ito \ ILirriet N
Havnes , lot iPblk 1 , Dcnlse add
wd. . . . 1..1 2,00000
Win Gnsllu Jr to Evorctt r.IIIK lot
0 blk 0 , Myers Uiahards ATlldens
addwd 70800
Win II Kllxmrn- Ueo ( i Wallam
and Alex O Cttrhon , lots 10,17 Pel
odd toOm. w d , . 1-500 OD
Isabella Johnson et al to Pott-r
O'Mullcv. w yt lot 15 Wk 5 , fawee-
soys add to Om. W d .uOOOO
Martha A Redman and hus to Al
bert S Billing , nil of tax lot W
Ijlnf ? wet w line ot Ball liner of
w , w d 8,50000
Ma-y A tlawley audhus toVlfrejl
fre < l B UuLoiu and , John W
Smith , lot 7 Ulk 0 , Uillsdalo add
No I , w d 00000
John P Thomas to Kd 11 Waltrro w
M an ? f ft of n US ftot lot H blk 1
Part place add. wd 3,10000
Albert Uouerstetn et id to Win K
Clark , n X lots I , 2 blk S , Shulls
l t add.wd I 3,00000
Anna L Moore and husband to Lar-
uion P. Pruln , s K lot IB , Nel-
on' * add to Omaha , w d ' . . 3,00000
Maiie K Hammond and hmbsnd to '
. II C Metcjdf , Iocs 0 , T and 15 , Bel * _
t > y'tMhMB.wd.r. . 1,200
JUrl MMwwt wd IttutoiB * to Hoc-
' Being the N , E. [ of the S. W. 1of 1- See , 30 , T. 10 , N. , ami of K. 13 E. of Otk P. N. The
latest and best addition to North Oiualn , will be placed on sale , Monday , Morning ,
April L 5th.
Oc O . A . Jv o si fp Iv v J'j < T , - . _ . 0 _
These lots are olUer d for $ " 50 eich , wlilfh is MUCH LESS than is paid today for small
letof ! ordinary size in adjoining addition , ad these are
To parties buying a ssction cf 4 acres.we will mike a special allowance. Terms are easy ,
r cash , ba'a'iro to suit purchaser. Ccim and see us at once , a the prarerty , being
cheap , will be sold quickly.
I. F. DAVIS COMPANY , Sole Agents ,
1505 Farnani Street.
ie Omaha C olliing Co ,
± sos
"be Freseztecl - T-itDn. a , Ticfeet
nceCMotcalt , wjlo 3 , blk W ,
Omaha , w d . . . . . 7,40300
Lottie T Waliaco and husband to
W O ( Uinhhi aud John Conner , o
JilotlO , Him Held mid , w d . 1,05000
Jas K Winy audlf to C K West-
ren tt al. lot 15. J P. UUey's sub
div of lots W and 55 , S B Uoois'
platot Olclahoiii ; , w d. . . . . . . . . . 1.-00 03
Uobt J Saxe et at to Win II V'-wk- '
well , lot 9 , bile 2 , Oxford 1'lace ,
wd . * " * w
South Omaha land co to Jas O'Con
nor Ulshop , lot 1 , blkBU , S Omaha ,
Liiclus"l'siieVry 'to Sarah * J' Walker
lot 1 , blk ItO , Florence , n c. . . . 1 00
City o Oinnlui to John H turny.
SsxCrtii feet beginning at s > e cor ot
loto , tilkS , Arnistrontt'd 1st add ,
vd . HJ Ui
Cltv of Omaha to John U Furay , as
, at so cor of lot 5 , blk .J ,
Aruisli OI.K'S . l"l add , ilced . . . 3 1 12.WT
City of Omaha to John B Fnray. $
xiiOK ft beir at se cor of lot 7 , blk
n. Armstrongs 1st add , deoiL. . . M2.07
Union I'acllierrCoto Wm It LI-
aton , of ? , ne'f , 17 , 15 , 10 , 40 aercs ,
w d. . . . . JKU.UU
Frank II Ifoiton to Louisa Van
Cott , s 50 tt ot lot a , blK 5 , J 1 1U-U-
Ick's sub-dtv , w d- . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Omaha Laud Co. to Herbert D
Hicks , lot a. blk 10 , South Onmli ,
\v d .
Uerbcrtl ) lllcks to Fred W Koet-
ter , lot 3 , blk 10 , South Omaha ,
W d . r . n -v < 0 ( X )
South Omaha Linrt Co to Win Jl
Meiiuk et id , lot : ! , bin 80. boutti
Umnhn. w d . ! " 5 00
Win U Meniiln to I'heba K Wrlulit ,
nyt. Jot ii , blk fan , South Omaha ,
w U . 1 , w 00 I
Kllzn llmuu to iiien : S Ueall , 120x i !
yyo ft bi-K GfiO ft s of no cor of setf , !
0,15 , 1:1. : wd . . - 1 00
I'licbe K Wriht and bus to Wm Ii
Mrnnlr ( , lot'J , blk bO , Soutli
Omaha , wd . 1,50000
C E Alavue nnd Wf to Albert Ed- ,
helm , lot V blkS \ , Uelvldere , W d. . 500 00
Francis S Blayuey to Clayton W
Da Laraatre , , lot 3 Ta.bor plaje ,
wa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,00000
Frank Colpttrer and wf to Isaac .
Brown , w 3 ft of lot 10 blk 2 of
suSdlv , of lei ft C Pltalmddr w d 000 i
Mattlo Uoicen and bus to JuiiB U
Butler , w Jtf lot 0 Kotmt/o's 2nd
add , w d. . . . ,000 00
Jas P Knu'lish et al to Mis Mnrv
Nolan , wSO ttofnUOHof lot 8
and n 20 ft of n 140 ft of lot 0 , blk
5 Park place , w d MOO 00
Jacob Croiuhs nndf to Adulnldo
Bradcnbury , undlv "iioths bolus
! K ids rom at ne cor of blk1
Kloienco. w d..l 2,000 00
S Om Land Co to Sus-ui Mnckoy ,
lots5-0-7 blk 20 , SOm , wd l.feOO 00
Frank K Cutler and wf to Alfred
Porman , lot it : blk 'J Creaton. w d l.iiOO 00
Jerome Ii Pairett mid wf to Thos A.
Scott , lot 15 blk' ! Miorldan place ,
wd TOO 00
Jerome 11 Pnrrottnnd Wf to Thos A
Scott , lotWl54 blk 1 S.inndcrs *
Hlmebaujrlis add to SValnnt Mill ,
wd ' 1,10000
Union Stock Vaids Co of Omahn to
Clinton S Fletcher , lots l-'J bik 'J
1st add tnbOm , w d COO 00
Harriet J Chanpmioy and bus tn
Anroton Porchiil.lot 10 blk 4 I'ark
Forest , w d 30000
Kdward O. Merrill and wife to K B
Coin , lot 14 , blk 231. Saiuulero &
lltmebaunli'hadd , wd 1,000 00
D.ivid Kiiutman. tiustee. to Hello I.
Cox , lot 3 , blk 1,1st add to 1 ! & M
park , wd W 00
Wm 11 Mottor et 1 to the public ,
pint ol Tipton pluro supplement
arylotVJ.8. 4 , ft , U , 12 , 1C. blk a
Wul Miib-div of no X nwtf n , 15
and Hi , tl.'dlc.ulou
Win O.islln Jr to John Uall irlicr
JoLs 0 nnd " blk 10 Muen , Rich
ards A : 'I'llden's add w d 1KO : 00
Low W Hill to I'rantlska Kuboveu
lot 10 blk 7 Park Korest w d 200 00
Arthur.S I'nttiiret alto J Oliver
Staple- , lot ( ! . blk 0. Potter and
ColiiiS il add to South ( Jiiinli.i.
wd , . C'r. 03
Arthur h Potter tn et al to James U
MelkliUiiMi'i' , tut 3. blU ( I , I'ot-
tj-r nnd Cobb'i 2d add to South
Oiiiahavil f. . . . . . . . . MO 00
( SfoC Homier and wife to Krfd W
Perkliisi et al , lot'i. ' bk ! C , Lowe's
Jas OHiilev'Vnd"wife"t < V'eo"8 . ;
Coit. D K .lot ii : , McCaudtlah
place , wtl , r. .1,000 Oy
Sell" " Chase to Ui-o It ( iiciiu. lot "B
i l > " of LliMel's sub dlv of lot 9
. of / { &c X 'ft. 13 , ' Ul , w d , * , V * 00
Martin T Murphy and wife to i
Michael J U.irrutt , lot 3 Murphy's *
add wd ! XWOO
Frank K Cutler and wlfa to John L
Curson. lots land 'J , blk 2 , Oi-
chard Hill , wd , 00 OJ
F M Phillips nnd wlfo to Homer H
Jlanoy , oS ft of let.'i , blk 2WX ,
Omaha w d 8,75000'
Frank Murphy to'luirlcs Dullalt ,
lot 2.1 , Nelsori's mid 11 c Q CO j
Ojjla Koclmeman nnd husband to ' *
Wm U.inihtll ahd Davis S ( Inlld ,
UK" ! blk 20 , WestOinalmwd. . . 2U.OOSO )
Xiichnrinh Thnmns to ,1ns Hlcli nils ,
lot : i mid w IK ) U of lot 2 , blk 2-J ,
West Omaha , wd G.CCO OJ
Ijlfo Hontcnuc ,
Troy Budirot : Aniontr tlio petitions for
jiaidon pending before Governor Hill in
one for the release of Michael Gorman , H
whitu-liaircd , iean old man tit Mug Sirjr ,
who lias already served thlrty-ono venrj
of a life sentence the longi st term .of :
imprUonmont over snrved in Now 1'ork ' 3
Rlato. Gorman was convleUd : of iiiimlur.
Whun Im was a young fellow he was : i - ,
teamster in Brooklyn. Ono nigh * ho } .ot ]
drunk aud went to sleep nn a hidowulk.
Two brothers named Johnston awaKened 1
him. Goi man drew a pocket knife and >
slew ( hum both in a drunken fury. In '
his dufeuco he deolariid tlmt ho believed ;
the inon worn trymj ; to rob him. Ho wan j
tried bcsforo .Judj o ( Jllbort JJean , and wn '
convicted of mtrder in the llrst degroo. >
( Jovei nor ( JlnrK HI\V : enough in the ci- | *
oumstances to him In clwutliig
the death sonteueo to Imprisonment for >
life , and since his incarceration the pris
oner's , father , mother. Misters , Drotbor * ,
and friomi-s have nil died all except ono
filoud. Through nit these veari * a jrood-
liiirted : : court olllcer of Brooklyn ban '
stuck to ( iorrnau , and r.our. attached to ,
the npnllration for uanlen U the olllojr'n 4
lioml that if Gorman IK rnleaned Im will
support tlm convict the rcnialndor of hid ,
lifo. Warilen Brunh favors the panlon. "j
aud says that Gorman has led u blmuo-
less life smco his imprKonmeiH , uevr. *
once having been reprimanded.
Thr > overland train was an hour Ul
last evening in depnrlliif. t