Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1887, Image 4

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    * '
. V Mr * . Dr. Nannie V. Warren
clairvoyant. Mf'llcnl and business Medluua
Boon No. 8,121 North loth it .Omaha. Neb.
IOST A bay horse , small star in forohcnd ,
J both hind fcot white , black mane nnd tall ,
knout 15hands high,7 or 8 years old , anew
leather head stall htiltcr and no shoes. Ho
broke the snap nnd got lee e Thursday , April
21 , at 2 p , m. , nt Orchard Hill and wns last seen
en 27th and Hamilton sts. going rnst , Any In
formation ot his whereabouts or return will bo
paid for. d C. Field , 8 ocor Hurt and3.'d sts ,
: rro
OMAHA Storage Warehouse Corner 13th
and Iznrd fits , , for * torago of household
poods and general merchandise at lownites ,
Advance ! nmdo ; Issue warchoui > o receipts. IL
It. twitch at the house. Ofllce 619 80 ntli inth
Itrcct and 1308 , 1310 and 1312 Iznrd itroot. Tele-
jhone663. M.B. Goodrich , Mgr.
AGENTS Diop everything and try our Del
lar Btylofrrnphla Pen , on which you doublu
your money. Humplo by mall , 7r > ci per do/on ,
10,00. National Supply nnd Novelty Company ,
4 and 6 West Hth it. NetsVork. . Bond for Ken-
oral catalogue. Ucrbort D , Ulckoy , Mnnngor ,
OMAHA laundry , G04 N l th st , shirts 10
cents , collars and cuds Do. Ladles fancy
dresses and family washing cheapest In the
city , flrgt class work. 3B1 24J
REAL ESTATE MEN nnd others tnko notice.
All lota In Calkin's subdivision of Mayllold
and all other lots lifted by mo arc withdrawn
from the market , April 20 , IbST. CJ.Cnnnn.
_ | _ _ J _ 210
yjOOMKHB and table boarders , COS Colfnz St.
fjlORItRNl-Square Piano | j montBlr.
X ? Rospe. 1613 Douglas. 770
TO parties having hou oi for rent , Itcntal
Agi-ncy. Ilennwn St Co. , 1531. , opposite post-
office. Wo have turned over to them our rental
list. Wo recommend them. McCague Ilros.
BLAKE'S Premium Short Hand ,
nnd Typewriters' Institute.
ThoroughpruCtlcal ( and
Itellablo liiHtrnctlon.
Wrlto or apply to L. J. Blake , principal , cor.
10th and Capitol ave. Omahn. Nob. ft'il niyl *
F IOKKKNT Organs , 12 per moatn. lie
1613 DouL-las. 770
MAKING -Mis , E. C. Sec-Held , parlors -
lors 182J St. Mary's avo. Ladles coming to
the city for ono day can have their dr < ? fis made
while walling. 1 > 75 m 14
O ) . C. House furnishing goods , all kinds ;
ca.ih or installment ; lowest prices at J.
llonner , 1315 Douglas sL VOO
F [ oil IlKN'r Hquaro Piano , ( momnlr.
IlOBUO. 1613 Douirl'ia. ' 770
f/llUST-CLASS Storugo at 110 N 13th Ft.
you want to buy or sell furniture , go to
J. Fnrmison's , 71r > N. IBth. 771
Klrst-chiss storage tor moo lur-
I nlturo or boxed goods , ut 1513 Dodge-st.i
17Olf SALE HorEO , buggy and lmrno < i * , $225 ,
-I ? cash. Cull ornc'.drosb , H T.811 N''dst.
4'U 20 *
F IOH SALE Three awnlngc , each about six
foot wldo , used only ono season. Amor.
Pro"3 Association , 1110 and 1112 Dodge St.
428 27
TOH SALE $5.00 , Hamlet tickets for Booth ,
f Balcony. InijUlro Denver K Kls serHW
cor 14th on Farnam. 418 24
neil SALE 3 horses , Dr. llnncliott.
450 24J
FOR SALE Or trudo 000 hand flrooxtlngulsir-
ers. A bonniua for some agent. Address
M. 20 , llconnioc. 410 26J
FOR SALE-Good gentle family horse , now
bugtry nnd harness , very cheap and must bo
gold at onco. II. B. Scydel , 1014 California st ,
IMMt 3ALK Good horse and buggy ; cheap.
In'iulrent ' Jus. 'Stophenson'a barn , Geo.
Crnmor. 87U-24'
IjMll ) HAI.i'Iliixo ; countcis and show case.
L1 317 S 13th st 33 ! 29
171OII HALE-'Fiirnituro nnd Icaso of a very
. doslmblo 7 room flat nicely furnished ,
with all modern Improvements , centrally lo
cated. For particulars cull at J307 Lcavenworth
tt : tsn 20
K > OII SALE Safe , nearly now , medium size ,
inquire 21 Freiuor blk. , opp P. O. 357
FOIt SALE Cheap marble Hodn Water
Fountain , cottngo style , all complete.
Poyck Bros. HOT-gU
TilOR BALE Household furniture and car-
.V nets. S. E. corner Farnam and 2)th sta.
_ _ J 34724
] rOR HALE Twonty-flvo flno horses. Parcel
. Delivery stnbloa , 1711 Wobster. 313 27J
Foil SALE Good combination lock flro
proof safe , cheap. Welshans Pratt &
llnlnc. " , 20th nnd Pierce , telephone 343. 314
neil 1 SALE-Squaro piano , 8150. Woodbrldge
Ilros , 215 Opom house. : W4
F ° B 8AI.E-2d hand organ. Woodbrldge
Ilros.,215 Opera houso. 303
TTlOIl RENT Square piano (4 a month.
-E Woodbrldge Bros. , 215 Opera houso. 303
OR 8ALE-Furnituro of flat of D rooms
or two Hats of 12 rooms , suitable to rent
fnrnl.ihod rooms , In , best locality. Address
L R7 Hoe ortlco , 144 24J
FUR BALE 2 million brick and upwards ue-
sldes dally out put of 90,000. Enquire
on premise. * , cor Dorcas and 2nd its. Omaha
Brick und Terra Cotta Mfg. Co 774
FOR SALE 1 or 3 horses. 1 spring wagon , 1
buggy , cheap. A. Hospo. 781 ml3
OK HALE The best line of carriages , phaetons -
ons , buggies , real estate wairons nnd deliv
ery wagons. Columbus Buggy Co. , 1113 llarney.
1OR SALE A second band spring wagon , two
X ; seated , pole and shafts , cheap , at the Col-
urn DUS Buggy Co. . 1113 Harney st 399
TCTOR SALE-Brlck. T. Murray.
HOICK LANDS-85 per acre. $ M ) makes 1st
years payment on lin acres. Wrlto for Information -
formation W. F. Paine. Sidney Nob. 252nuy7
TjlOR SALB-17 bead cholco bred Shorthorn
tlJ cattle ; also a 4V ) aero stock farm In Holt
county. J. 8. Callings , Ponder , . Neb.
_ 803 may I3J
"ElOll SALE on easy terms.
J ? Saddle pony 8 35.00
Saddle pony 40,00
" 75.00
Team of ponies 75IX )
" lOttOO
" " 125.00
Teams of draft l.orsos 250.00
Good nl/c bay driving horse , sound , young
und kind 1UJ.OO
W. T. Seaman.
Corner Farnam and llth sts , , agent tor Stu-
Bugglos , wagons , carriages , etc.
For sale or exchange. 320ml
ANTED-Doynt the Misfit T'arlors. 1119
Farnam bt. 44024
WANTED-Mun and wife for private family ,
alto good rook for two In family out of
city. Mre.Ilrctm.316 South 151h 43124 *
\V-ANTED-60 stone block makers for Color-
v ado. Digram & Russell , Labor Agency.
1007 Farm m st. OHIeo open Sunday. 39724 *
WANTED A first-class jeweler. Must un
derstand coloring , melting , diamond setting
ting , etc. C. L. Erickson * Co. , 212 N Itlth st.
_ J 371 25
\17ANTRD-A t Grand Island by the Grand "
YY Island Prosed Brick company , one brick
setter and ono good brick uurner. Both
must bo practical men. 874-24 *
ANTKD-Apcnts to sell the only 'Lawn-
Sprinkler that can bo morod about without
shutting off the water or walking In the wet
grans ; soils at sight Address Stephen F. Tro it ,
M , 100 and UK Randolph street , Detroit Mich.
87839 *
WANTED-Praotlcal , sober tnd reliable
printer , for general work In country
offlco. Address , ut unco , Argus , Plaite , Center ,
Neb. 3J1-24 *
WANTED A partner In good paying busi
ness , com pet an' to tnko full charge of
offlce affairs , 12,000 capital required. Address ,
box M. 18 , Dee office. 356
WANTED-Four good coat and two vests
makers at oneu by Barnes Bros. , Hast-
Ings. Nob. 358-24 *
\\7ANTED-Goodcanvas8eri for oil portrait
Y > painting. An energetically or gentleman
.tn make money. Room A , 3 i North 16th st
B30 85 *
ANTED-For railroads east of Council
Bluffs In Iowa , a Irst-class tea and cigar
salesman. To the right man bur Inducement !
etTcred. Call ? n or address Kennard * Miller ,
H. Joiopb. Mo. M884
ANTKD-Three pants makers ; alee three
vest makers at once , frank J. a ge.
WANTED-Mfntocutwood. T. Murray.
4fX ) 2) )
ANTKO-Cunvas .liig Agents to handle a
f pcclnlty , piio to thtoo sold In every house.
Apply between hours of 12 m. and 4 p. in. Acme
Manufacturing Co. . 612 S. Kith ? t. I'M '
\V ANTED Good rout and pantaloon
YY mnkcrs. John Tampion 4 6on .Kear
ney , Nob. 173 2IJ
WA.Vl ED Laborers for railroad work. E.S.
Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Tamom.
ANTED 60 sober , Intelligent men of good
address to try a lOo meal al Norrls' res.
taurant. 104 a 16th at 775
ANTED A ilrstclnss reliable , wide awake
furniture salesmen , none other need
apply , M. F. Martin , 617 South 13th st. 107
'ANTED A good pastry cook at the Wlnd-
eor hotel W7
WANTED-Girl for general housework.
Host wages to competent person. No
other need apply. Mrs. J. It Hums. 10-0
Catherine. 434
ANTEDDressmakcrc , No. 318 North ICth
4'KS 24 *
WANTED A good laundry girl , steady
work and good pay , at Omaha laundry ,
604 N 16th 8t. 3J2 24J
ANTED-l'Int class second girl 2427 Dodge
Bt. 368
WANTED-15 first clnn skirt nnd waist
makers , nt parlors 4 and 5 .Incobs' block.
Capitol uvo. , and 15th sis. , up stairs. Maude
Rcece. 335-24
WANTED Good girls utall tlme for house
work. Call nt Miss Kate Kennedy's Em
ployment oflico , 219 North 16th Stroet. 3J6 ! 24
WANTED Womnn pastry cook and dining
room glvl for Kearney , Neb.2girls ! for
ranches near city ; 6 for boarding houses , cook
for school. Lots of good places ut Mrs. Brcga's
310 S 16th , upstairs. a',3 24 *
\VANTED SO good girls for general hoiiBe-
YY work In private families. No charge for
plftccs. Mrs. Brega,3lO S 16th , upstair * .
Ii51 25 *
w ANTKD 2 good dining roomgfrlsnt the
Vienna Restaurant , 2JJ24 *
WANTED A girl forgonoral housework. In
quire W. II. llazzard , csro Peycko Bios.
VfjTANlEDCook , female , 813 N. Ifith st.
WANTEIV-Tlireo laundresses ut the Coz
7.0118. 297
WANTED First class cook , laundress nnd
second girl. Apply 202 N. 18th st. Mrs.
McCormlck. 310 25J
W ANTKD In family of three n good cook ,
washer and honer , wages ? ! per week.
180 ! Fnrnam st. ! f.8 24J
WANTED 15 shirt makers. 20 pant makers ,
und-'Jovoiall makers , nlto 2 laundres
ses ; permanent and paying positions. Geo.
Stiles , 1400 Leavcnworth street , 2nd lloor.
267 27
W 'ANTED A girl for general housework ,
501 S 20th St. 240
WANTED-50 girls furnished good homes
nnd good pay. No charges. 122 N 15th
gt. 244 2fiJ
XyANTED-A girl to woik In kitchen ut 423 S
\ITANTKD-Chambormnld who will wait
YV table ut Occidental. t'8J '
WANTED-Cook , dish WBbher nnd dining
room girl. 2 10 Cumlng st. 174 24j
WANTEU Good girl nt 60S Virginia ave ,
good wages paid. 231
WANTED A neat spry girl for general
bouse worn. 1415 Jones St. 334
TlTANTED Lady canvasser. Apply to i DOS
> V N. ICthst 16B
WANTED At once , plino player , colored
woman prolt-rreJ Apply 1138.'Jth. 341
"lAT'ANTED-Ladiosto work for us at their
f T own homes ; * 7 to 10 per week con be
quietly made ; no photo-painting , no canvass
ing. For full particulars please address at
once Crescent Art Co. , IV Central It , Boston ,
Muss , llox.5170. wa
ANTED Situation by an experienced
bookkeeper In first-class wholesale house
or office about May 1st. Good city references.
including present employers. Address "M. 2S , "
Crtro Bee olllco. 424 20 *
"VSTANTED A position as cashier or copjl-t
VV by a young ladr residing with parents.
Writes n good hand. Best of references given.
Address M2U. this olllco. ' 413 25 *
VyANTED-Sd Cook nnd Baker , Barker Hotel.
WANTED-Situation by nn experienced and
reliable clerk In a dry goods store. Ex
perience 6 years. Address , M 23. 367-20 *
WANTED-Agoud girl at the St. James ho
tel , opp U. P. depot. ' 37U 24 *
WANTED-Situation by young man 17 years
of ago as oftlce assistant Wages no ob
ject. Address L 71 Boo office. 228
w ANTED Situation ns bookkeeper or assis
tant , have had several years buglnoes ex
perience. Address L 31 , Bee olllco. 7W3 34"
\Jl7ANTKD-Sltuatlon by middle aged lady as
VV housekeeper , Inquire room 7 , Atlantic
hotel. 271 25 *
WANTFD-SUuution ns baker. 911 North
18th st. 28 i 27J
117ANTEDSltuotlon ubout a house or
> V coachman by young man who can furnish
best of city references. Address M14 , Boo of
fice. 31l ) 2i *
TVTANTED Situation as housekeeper by n
Y woman who has a baby. Would Hko to
go to the country. Inquire , City Hotel. 133 26 *
WANTKD-Sltuatlon aa book keeper or
eashlcrby ayounir Indy. Best of refer
ences. Address L. 7 lleo llloe. 397
W ANTED Large , pleasant room with board
by gentleman , wlto and baby. Must bo
In good locality , and first class references ox-
changed. Address M , 26 , Bee office. 42927
WANTED-Ordors for f mm hands and rail
road laborers. Lots of men applying.
Orders filled promptly and f reo of charge. C ,
F. Brogn's employment olllco , 316 South 15th
street. 43226 *
W ANTED By two gentlemen , pleasant
F w room and good board In private family ,
central location. Address L , Paxton hotel. 321
\\7ANTED-A driving hurso In exchange for
u lot In I'oppleton park. Building asso
ciation. C. J. Caswell , room 19 , Iron bank.
325 26J
WANTED Harness and phnoton In part
payment on u piano , Woodbrldge Bros. ,
215 Opera bouse. 305
WANTED Good horse or team as part pay
ment tor cheap lot , 1125 N. 17th St. 224 2IJ
WANTED-Room and boHrd In small family
for lady and little boy flvo years old , lady
to bo gone during day. Address Bears * Co. ,
1421 Dodge street. 38925
ANTED By Juno 1st , 3 unfurnished
rooms with city water , for light houio-
keeping , central location and respectable
neighborhood. No children. Addresi M 25 ,
Den office. 378 25 *
w ANTED Every lady housekeeper In the
city to t'y ono of West's Percolators for
mnklng good tea and colfeo. No expensive
patent coffee or teapot to buy but an article
to simple nnd cheap that any novice can make
a cup of tea or coffee that will be a Joy to them
selves and win the admiration of their friends
und guests. For sale by Jos. J. Burr , 113 N 13th ;
st , or his ager.ts. 183 S9J
W ANTED Clstreus to build. Orders tole-
phoned to Downey Si Duffoy's store , 16th :
and Webster , will receive prompt attention.
" 1X7ANTED First class day boarders at 1720
YY Cass st. 231 25
WANTED Good driving team as part pay
ment or lots or boustis. P. O. Box 714.
037 29 ]
W ANTED To rent a house of 6 or 7 rooms.
Modern conveniences desired , Reiponsl-
ble party. Address L BO Bee office. 187
w 'ANTED Unfurnished room large enough
for 4 or sulto of rooms for sleeping
apartments , In center of city. Address K 6J ,
li o office. . 848
WANTED A newspaper , paying circulation
guaranteed from the start , for particu
lars address Bank of Valley , Valley , Neb.
WANTED To buy for cash old houses to bo
removed from their present sites. Apply
to 0. H. Dodge. 617 South 13th st. SJO
W'ANTED To lease ground In any part of
the city , not over 10 blocks from post-
office. Address O. W. Codv. box 633. city. It19
17KH RENT If you are sick of paying rent ,
* - wo will build you a house to suit , and give
you a lot , on a small , ouh payment ;
balance monthly or quarterly : ono block from
streetcar. Call on A. V. Spltko , 1613 Howard ,
TJHR RKMT-Flrtt clasa loeation for barber
Shop , MukwCtMfcUU Mtk , 04
FOR RENT-riea antly situated cottage
with furniture for sale , near business ecu *
ter. M 17 Boo offlco. 3J9 24J
teI IOIl RENT Butcher shop with fixture * com
Fp teI plete , apply at 1560 North gOth. 1K6 24j
FF I Oil RENT Large store and flvo room * , , np-
ply 1MB N. 20th it. 820 24J
F fifuBNT A ( tore. Inquire 1412 S , 13th st
Goo. II. 1'eterfon. 9-J
F IOIl RENT-Furnlihod houpo for the sum-
mor. Control location. Mend & Jnmlcson ,
FOirilENT-Frnmo store bulldhur , MxV > .
with living 4roomson Phil Sheridan . * . . ; will
Improve : put basement under store to suit any
legitimate business Win. Fleming Si Co. , 1401
Douglas , NO
"P1OR RUNT-Brlck yards , T. Murray.
FOIt RENT An eight room house centrally
located , on the corner of two good RtrocK
Enquire nt Comstock's real cstiilo
10 , Crclghton block. 167
FOB RENT A flno hotel of 22 rooms all fur
nished ready for business ; rents for COO
per month ; In a good thriving town In .Ne
braska. Requires 8500 cash to pay for slh cr-
waround eupplols. Bcnawn&Co. , Uth st. op-
poslto P. O. 22323
FOR UENT-Ware room cor. 1,1th and Call-
Ifornln on Belt Lino. For particulars en
quire ut Union Nat. bank. 16A
F OR REST-Houso : furniture , carpetsAc. ,
for snKj. Apply 1009 Famam. 21J
TjlOlt RENT-Storb and living npartmonu on
E Cumlng nonrSnundersst Apply at Harris
Real Estate r.nd Loan Co. , 33) ) S. 16th st. 752
OR BENT May Int. sulto ot pleasant fur-
nlshcd rooms , suitable for 4 gentlemen.
Nice grounds. Bath room. References re
quired. 1910 Webster st. 4)6 ) 27.
0II III'.NT 1'leasant furnished front room
1612 Cass. W2 25J
RENT Two rooms , corner 15th and
FOR Sts. Gregory & lladloy ir.'O So. IBth
St. 4'- '
T71OK HKNT-Two nlcoly furnished rooms.
JL1 830 N 15th bt. 419 27J
F OR RENT Fwo furnished rooms for light
housekeeping and ono Imlroom for two
gentlemen , Apply room 3,607 S. 13th St.
40 1 20
IOH RUNT Ono Iar o room,27th and Cum-
Injf. Suitable lor ono or two gontlpinon.
RENT Two offices spaces on ground
FOll In room 1609 Fnrnnm st. Ktuiiilroof
J. 8. lllcharilfon. In rear olllcu. 318 iniit
FOll HUNT Furnished room suitable for 2
gents. 22TJ Dodco. t3i 2fiJ
FOR HUNT Rooms , ono for 2 Kcntlomen , t
for .1 or 4 , and 1 for man midwife. Call
before H p. m. . 1418 Chicago. 105
niOR RENT-rurnishcd room at 1810 Oodo st.
roTTRKNT A pleasant front room , mo d trn
convenience ? , forono or two gentlemen ;
terms reasonable. 211 S 23d st. 73-
F Oil RENT Neatly furnished loom , two
blocks fiom P. O .private house , for ono
ort ivo gentlemen. Address A care letter car-
rior 24. . ; 170 21 ]
IOIl RENT Three room houio west of North
F llth st , between Chicago and Cii'S. 61 > 3
F IOIl RENT Elcirant oftlco looms best lo
cation In Omaha. 816 South 15th St. 63- >
Tj'Olt RENT Nlccly furnished front room ,
f 1023 Dodge. 2ri2 ! ;
FOll RENT Room , to gentlemen only. 211 S.
rSdst. 914
POH REN'T Third lloor , 2.'x80 , of brick build-
Imr , lIUSFnrnum btroct , use of elevator.
Inquire above number , upstairs. till !
F 1OR RENT Furnished rooms 1707 Cuss.1J1
FOIl HKNT Nicely furnished roonn at rea
sonable rates , ono block from court house ,
608 So 18th st , north St. Mury's ave , up etuirs.
RENT A fine newly furnished front
FOIl , gas and bath , 601 S l.'JUl st. 31
POIl REN'T-A small room for 2 gentlemen :
front room for sitting room , with board , $4
per week ; reference required ; day board 83.
331 North 14th street 83t i5J ?
OR RENT Front or back parlor for man
tnd wlfo or two gentleman , 310 N 15th.
RENT Nicely furnished room , 10128
18th St. 33325
FOR REST Eleven nice unfurnished sleep
ing rooms , separate or nil together , In build-
ins 316 S 15th St. 399
FOll RENT Elegantly furnished rooms for
gentlemen only , 28 8 Uth st. 400 26 *
FOR RENT Elearnntlv furnished fron room
for gentlemen. 0 blocks from P. O 323 N
17th st ' 3J7 24 ]
F'OR JIBNT Furnished rooms. 714 N. 19th. ;
XT OK KENT-A suit of newly furnished
1- rooms also a room for single gentleman.
Enquire nt 1807 Farnum , west of the court
houso. 333 24 *
F IOH RENT Room , modern conveniences
nnd board. 708 South IMIi street 330 27J
F1 R RENT-Newly turnishod room in new
house. 1921 Dodge St. 393
TJUMl KE'NT Furnished room , 637 Pleasant
J ? street. 077 25
FOR RENT A neat suite ot office rooms. In
quire at P. J. Creedon , architect. Ofllco ,
lloyd's Opera houso. 380 25
FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms. 701 S.
17th street. U81 20J
TTIOll HENT-Offluos In [ tollman building cor.
-L Karnam and 13th sts. . In suites or singly.
For prices , diagrams and Information apply to
S.A , Blomun , 1613 Furnam st , Room 2.
WE have 4 lots 40x00 each ono block from
Lake nnd Saun lers sts. , only (1.600
each ( ' . 175 cash , bal 1,2 , : ) years.
Some splendid bargains In Orchard Hill.
Elifht 4-room bouses In Hitchcock's add. , only
(1.40Jeach(150 cash.
Buy a lot in Wilson's add. to Knuntz'a place ,
ono block from Saunders , Lake and street cam ,
cheap and on onay forms. Mitchell & Loyon-
mnrck , 151(1 ( Dodge st. 411 21) )
FOR SALE Ono nero on 16th st , IK miles
from P. O , , cheap.
Two lots In Lake View , terms easy.
House and lot In Orchard Hill ,
llouso and lot on Park nve. , all modern Im
provements , ! i block from street cars. Currio
& | Vollum. Imposition building. 41024
BARGAINS In houses and lots , 100x140 a cor
ner in Windsor Place , with n good seven
room house , all papered up In elegant shape ,
yard sodded,1 splendid fence , good burn , u ttrst
class homo nnd cheap nt (0,00 1.
t front , brand now eight-room house ,
bath , cistern , yard sodded , and la ottered for
ajf ew days ut (4.0UO.
60x164 So. front on Popplcton Avo. with good
five room houso. city water , shade , sticct or
dered graded , and will brlnr $5,000 before fall.
Price , (4,0(0 ( until May first
150x140 with a gooj house lying Just above
g rado , graded , and fora bargain
can't bo beat at ( VOX
60x150 , an cloviint east front In Hanscom
Place , with agood house ot eight rooms on
grade und Is away up bargain at (5,200.
Four other cholco residence ! In Hanscom
Place , the supurb residence portion of Omaha ,
at prices and terms within the reach of all
Also houses in Shulljs Add'n , the coming cholco
resldonco portion of the city , nt special Induce
ments to those seoeklng homen or for invest-
merits only. Call on Sholes & Crumb , "MM F'ar-
nam Bt , Opp. Paxton. 40620
3 i > E'lN VESTMENTS "
5 Hnrney street near 12th , 44x133 , 828,400.
Hitrncy street near24th. 60xl3J , 811.0M ) .
Corntr on Lake and 2ith , 122x148 , 810/XX ) .
Corner In Kount/o place , 84x124.
Corner on Dodge and 3Sth st , liUxl77 , 81,000.
Corner on Dodge and 39th st , 100x155.
Corner Bedford place lots 1 and 3 blk 9 , lOOx
133 , n bargain.
Lous and V , blk 2. Hatisoam place , 100x150 ,
Ixit 4 Terrace add , east front. OS 1-4x150.
Lot 3 blk 10 , Patrick's ndd , 51x150 , 82,030.
New 12 room house with heater , bath. Ac. ,
Just west of Or * Mercer's Ine residence , 100x150.
Cunnlnghbm's add tbo finest trackage prop
erty on the market , It will pay you In look this
up. Particulars nt offlce , 1509 Farnum , Barker
A Burr. 40784
T71OR SALE The beautiful acre known as lot
! 3 Glso's add. , opnoslto ICountze place , cov
ered with large maple trees , has been sub
divided and placed on the market. Only a
few lots left J. U Rico & Co. , Solo Agents ,
BOYD'S ADDITION-20 lots on very easy
terms and low prices , adjoining property
selling much higher , prices 8 50 to 8750. H cash ,
bal 1. Z and 3 years. Clarkson * Beatty. tin j
Uth st. 23424
A P. TUKEV , 1324 Farnam st , makes In-
ret * vestments for nonresidents a specialty
with guaranteed intorett or share ot profits ,
nnd take * full charge of property ; reference
given. 3U8
DEXTKIt K THOMAS has a pony , phaeton
and hkTBOM for 8CO.W , also .inulos ejii J
tiU M
E T. umiir r-v.i.
; 1W1J Fn'rnnni St.
Special DargnliislSoIJtli Omaha.
I Price. , C h.
Ixit 18 block 34 corner . . . .8I.2M ) 8575.00
" II " " I .11 . . 1,10 ! ) 630.W
" 1 " HI corner 1,1 57000
" 2 " " 610.00
. , . , . . 1,150
j *
corncr j 250 341.65
' It . . ' . ( . . . . 1,050 297.60
11 6. " 61 .
.J 1,000 10.103
" 3 " " , , .i 1,000 3.1103
" 12 " 113 , . , 1,100 fi8.6fl
" II " " . , 1,100 880.60
" 14 " 120 775 SIO.OO
" 4 " Kicornor. ; 2.6CO Call for terms
' 3 " 3 P50 200.00
Thin Is the cheapest lot in South Omaha.
AKo lots In blocks 10,13 , 4 . 128 , 4 , Kfl , 87 , 78 , 8 ? ,
64 , 01 , l , 3fl.1,60.IW , 70 , 113 , 24,23,7 , 8 nnd 39.
Call nnd 100 us at 15i' > Farnam St. , after May 1 ,
K.1' . (1 ( add A Son. , 4,1027
READ this splcmlldlM : , .
Ulbson , Aylesworth 1 Ilenamlo ] ,
1512'Fatnain ! st.
1 lot In Imp. Ass'n , 47x111 , with -'small
houses . f 3,000
1 lot In Hawthorne , 48x10. ) . cor. 3Id nml
Davenport , with o room hoiiso , cistern , _ _ _ _
Dot In HllUldpSd Hdd 1.80)
llotln llodford Place,50tl24 735
Hot In Hitchcock's 1st add. TOxl' 700
li ! lot * In Shlnu'8 1st add , 75x12'i ! , Culd-
well 6t 3,700
llotlnlledlok's add , rvxl2.S ! , Hnlf How
ard st 3,303
2lols In West Sld ,53x129 , barn nnd fruit
trees 2,100
5-room house and lot N. 17thst.KOOd
well and cistern 6,600
Kountze 4th add , lot f , block 0 six room
house , well , cistern bnrn , Ac 4,000
Hlmobatifth * Patterson sub-lot 1C , block
" .contract 6oO
120 ft on St Mary's ave , with 2 9-roora
house" , pas and water , will subdivide. 3"iOM
40 ft on St. Mary's live bet , l th nnd 30th 1-.0M (
Choice lot In Oinnlm Vlow * >
IMfton Idtti st. noari'nrnam 70.0J )
SlotsOlJx27. LOWO'H ndd , 4-room house ,
cellar , well nnd 60-foot barn , pnco 3nOO
Ware house or business property In block 102 ,
f45KX ) , ensy terms.
Itestniiraut and lot 33x1.13 for sale , fi rooms ,
good paylmr buslnosg , In Weeping Water , (2,60) ) ,
terms easy.
Lot 19 In Anlsflcld , t.riO.
House 4ixtn,0 : rooms and lot on Douglas ( t ,
for snlo , $1.100.
SniUh adil. one lot BOxliB , $ " . ,000.
Farm of 80 acres , splendid house , barn , gran
ary Hiid all outbuildings In Ouss Co , ! 1 miles N of
Wet-pin ? Wntor , C1VOO cnsh , $1,50easy : term * .
Full lot on Dodxo st , 3 houses , rents for f 8'X ' > .
* 5COO , > 5 cnsli. , , . . ,
Olbson , Aylesworth A Benjamin.
FOH SALM Wo have the cheapest warehouse
properly ollored In the city 1'rlces from
f3OUOto'iiO ! ! : 1-4 cash , ball. 2 and 3 years.
llenawn .V Co. I th steppe lto 1 * . ( ) . 4'17 2(1 (
BKLDEN'S llAHCAIXS-Uuslness property
451rctcor. Kith nnd Yiites , very cheap ,
lit ! feet Irontuirit on l.efivonuortli near JOth.
Kllliy place , lot on Lowe lU cnuo can front nt
Leaven worth Ten nee lot very cheap.
Orelmnl HIM lotH fi7i > to * t.'IOO.
4U teuton lOUi st. near Hickory street , $125
per fiont foot.
Two lots In Clifton Place on Mnson St. , 2 ! $
blkn from cur line at H barpiiln.
Hoiii.e nnd lot cor. St. Mary's ave nnd 20th nt
llouso and lot on 23th nvonuo opposite the
I'axton Siiuare.ask for prices.
ii Duo lots In Carthasro. f > lO ( ) each.
House and lot with all Improvements stood
burn , on Catherine street very desirable , with
in IH blocks of Iliinscom Park.
One lot in lllluy's subdivision of Oklahoma ,
Jl.fiOJ , terms rusy.
one lot In HlKhland I'liice , tl. M , f7f,0 cash.
Two lots In Thornburg1'iibt 1 route on Lowe
AVo.flrCO. 412'0
LAKE 8T 121 feet on Lake st close to Snun-
dors , 8J.500 snap. Clarkson & Beittty , 219
8. 14th St 334 24
A VALUABLE list of property for sale by C.
\Vell ? , 15th and Vnrnam.
Lot 3 blk J Annstronir'B 2d ndd.
Lots 67 and 53 Itnrr IMt , each { 1,600 ,
2lots in liai-tleu place add. , each ? 5.COO ,
0 , 7 and 8 Block,7 und 17 and 18 in block P nnd
7 in nlock 8 Bedford Place. Price , 5850 oauh.
1 nnd 2 block9 Bedford , ench 8S25.
5 lots Baker Pinco , t'.TJ to 865.X
1-ot.s in Oak Hill , $ .175to J4M.
Lots 15 and 10 , ' 12Sici3M feet Clark's add , nl o
2ix2a tro'ii btroet to sttcet. right In the heart of
the residence part of the city , on car line , and
can bo bought at | UfOO ouch.
You will never got u better bargain or n
nicer place for u homo than lot 4 In Courtlund
place nt 87.03J.
Lots In Donlso's add at * 2 200.
Aero , lots In Fnlrvlow. Jl.OOJ.
Inllanscom Place :
Lots 13 nnd 14 , block 1 , each 83,000.
Lot)2blojk9,8.VOO. )
Lots 11 and 12. block 3 , 87.203.
Lots 8 , 7 , 8.18,10 and 2U , (2.000 to83,500.
Lot 17 in block 10 , f2r > 00.
Lots 8 nnd 0 In block 2. each ? 2OCO.
Lots 2 and 8 in block 16 , tl.COJ and IISOO.
Lots 10 and 14 In block 20 , each * 1,75U.
Lot 2 In block 1 , $1,600 ,
lot 23 und 24 In block 4 , both 7POO.
Lots 17 and 18in block In , oncti (2.600.
Lot 17 in block U , 82.S60.
Lot 20 , block 2 , Hnnricom Place , with 10-room
cottazo. A very valunhld property , $0,030.
Lot 5 In 7 , Hanscom Place , with house of 10-
rooms , t5,800.
Lots 11 and 12 , block 3 , ICountze Place , 83.WO.
21.22 and21 , block 2 , Hawthorne , each 8JOO.
70 feet S. E. Harnoy and 2'ith , $14.000.
Lots 3 and 4 , block 1 , C.ipltol Hill , on Corner
Harnoy and 2'lth , ? 2 ,00a.
120 foot on I.'oage , opposite High ichool ,
Lots 1,2,3 nnd 4. block 3 , Cnpltol Hill 850,000.
Lots 10,11 and 12 , block 4 , Illleko add , each ,
40 foot of lot 4 , block 7 , Klrkwoo.l , $ lU5.
1 ! ' , lots In W. A. ItoJIou ndd , 82.KK ) .
5 ontho blocks in lloyd's ndd , also 20 lots in
lloyd's , very cheap. If you want to Invest thin
is the plnco und now Is the time. A sure and
sato inostrncnt. .
4 lots In McCormlck's 2d , eaoh 8850.
llouso and lot In Bo/g * & Hill's 2d , $1,800.
20 lots , Hitchcock add , will build 4 room
houses and sell corner * nt $1/100 nnd inside
nt 81.4110. Terms 8100 cash and balance 815 per
nWIll builds 4 roomhouseiln Wlso&Parron-
loo's ndd nnd sol ) from 81.600 to 82,0JO. Cash
8160 , bnl 820 monthly.
Lt > rl5 , block 1 , Clarendon , 81.700.
Lot 13. blocks , Clarendon , with house of 6
rooms , 83.500
Lot I , block E , Saunders It Hlinobaugh'a ,
Lot 9 , block 9 , Horbuch'a Second , 83,600.
2 lots In A. S. Rodlck'8 , $3,100.
16 lots In Orchard Hill. $ ? S'J to 81.630.
2 lots In Reed's Third , very cheap , at 81,530
Lot's In 11 , Reed's add. . J5.000.
Ixit 4 In 5. Drake's add. , W. ( * * > .
Lot 15. block 0. Roger's adil. 86,000.
I ts 13and 13 , blocks.on 16th , near Vlnton ,
81 ° 000
" '
i"d lot's In J. T. Rcdlck's subdivision , 83,250 to
C. Wells , 1502 Farnam. 584 24
HIGHLAND PL ACE-Y.UX ) cash will buy
lots 7 and 8 , block 19 , southeast corner 88x
140 to alloy J. W. Bell. Address P. O. box 4SI
or Omaha Loan A Trust company. 349 SOJ
SA. BLO"MAN7 Real Estate Broker ,
1512 Farnam Street.
Farnam street , cor. 18th , 6dxl3J , H cash.8 M.OIO
Farnumst , near 14tb,22xl3Mmprovod. . 35JJJ )
Fmnam Bt. , near2Jttj.imxir.I $10U per
Farna.iiBt. , cor.31st st. 136x132 , south
and east front 17.0W
Farnam st cor. 41st. 48x13 ! , a and e front. 3AX )
Douglas st. near 23d , 6 > ) xl32 8.030
Dodge st. noar2)th ) , 63xl52i ! 2,600
Dodge st. nonrJiith. 40x127 , improvra. . . 3,000
Jones st.cor. 15th , ( Wxl'IJ 24,00)
Loavonworth st cor. 21st , ISixllI , im
proved 18,5)0 )
Leavonworth it. cor , 25th , 140x143 , 1m-
Droved 85,000
14th st trackage. Pad look pla-jo , 6 xll3. 3.50)
Park ave. opp. park , 5Jx 150 1.8JO
Georgia avo. near Mt Pleasant. 60x159 , . 2,80)
90thst. near Dorcos.100xlnO , Improved. . 4,53 ]
20thst near Oouglai.34x41 , Improved. . 8,0) )
ISthit.oor.Marth'i.Mxri-.improved. . . 4,60)
2 tb st. cor. Snward.63xl3J,3 houses. . . . 4.W )
Pierce near 30th , & ) foot front , a streets. 6,3)0
Hamilton st near Bolt line , immovor ; . , . 1,600
a h st. , near Davenport. 100x136 2,200
Howard , near 35th , WX157 1,1 3n
10th it , near Castellrtr. IM feet front. . . 4.500
8th Bt , near Martha , 61x151. corner. . . . 1,000
Burdette st , near 26th , 60x133 , on cur line 1,933
Burtst , near Ixiwoave , 611-2x139 1,101
I5th , cor , Popplbton. 63xl < > 0 , Improved. . 4.6)J )
26tbnearPoppleton.Kxl37 ) , improved. . 6.030
Orchard Hill , lots 8740 to i.OD )
Brown Patk , lots 850 ? to 850
Bedford flace , lots 88V ) to 900
Highland Pnr ; lots > ech-cash 8 8. . 33
Wakelyadd , lcts67xJ.V ) . rach 400
25 acres near FortOranha.flnely Inprovod 11,250
Center et. 6Hxlt3 : , Improved 1,200
Farnamet nearlHtb1. 4,500
Nicholas st corner truckage 4WK )
Park ave , facing Park , 63x160 4,003
S 16th it , near viaduct. 40x103 6,00) i
Sulphur Springs add.1 Just opp 16th Bt , 60
xIZi i'j. . . ; . 2,000
Leavenworth st. near Delt Line , 100x137. . 2,700
Saunders st cor Hurt 163x51 s and e front 6,50) i
I avenworlh st cor 21st 66x133 Imp 12.500
Fnrnnmcor 19th 83,000 39,000
B. A M. Park loU , 81 each
Hellman'sadd lots , 8150 each
leroino Park lots , east front , on grade. . . 8,0)0
Farnara st a corner s and w front
only 3,600
858 _ B , A. Sloman. 1513 Farnam it.
FOR BALK A flno residence property cen
trally located , house of 5 roomi , hull ana
buttery , good cellar , good well , burn und other
out-bull lings , goo I fence around lot , lot COx
130 , fruits and ornamental shade trees , and
title perfect. Within ono block of square and
ono block of M. R. church , ono block of Baptist block of largo school house. Will
sell rea. cbeap for spot ca b. Make me a fair
offer. Address lo k box 360 , York , Neb. Cor.
rcipondcnce solicited. 854 25J
AKE STREET 48xl29 ! , corner lot , good
houie , cost 81.600. all for 83JHO ; 81.700
I cosh will s lng this , and It will-make the buyer'
I iruod money. Tat naked ground Is worth ibo
I money. Clarkson * BcaUr , Xl 'Vautt. w-s n.
SELECTS , are thn cartfullv IIMcd bargains
kT : hunted down by Cake .V Billings. Our sam
ple cafe :
I'ly MxHO ft on Idh street for 15,500 , part 1 nnd 2
yenrs. <
4 lots , Meyers .V Tlldcn's add , cash needed only
Homo lot In Plalnvlcw , only tnke * . cnsh , f-'OO.
PIcKed lu Sheridan Plaee.only Jl TOO for 8I.00 .
2 lots with2houses , J. L Rudlck's cub , only
block ) from Hi cot cnr line , 10 x121 ft on 2
streets , big money hero for you.
Beauty of Bartlett , fruit trees , flno view ,
only $1/-CM cash needed.
Cheapest South Omahn stuff on the market.
Come , over 101 , corner Dodge and 15th , and
we'll make It pleasant und profitable for you.
. 801) )
"C10U SALE -Houso ot (1 rooms with tx ) foot
JC lot In Shlnn'sadd for 84,60) . 8VW cash , bal
ance 8-5 per mouth. Bonnwn A ; Co. , IMhst ,
81OJ P O. 311 24
77 < OH SALE-3lfeot , south front. Dodso. bet
-1J 12th nnd 13th. Cull quick. Q. F. Elsasscr's ,
No. 318 S. 10th St. 6J.1 .
BIO BAIlGAIN--Ono hundred foot front on
South Eleventh Rt , corner lot , only 85.000.
Fart on time. V. U Vodlcka , 5M South l.lth st
niHIRTY lots two blks from now depot , South
JL Omalia , fl' > 0 If sold before the Kth.
Pierce & Kogcrs , 5 , Atllngtonblk. 117
WE have some very desirable lots to exchange -
change for any kind of merchandise : 120
N15thstl-2blknP. O. Mnrr&Tott. 354
FOKSALE-Corlot , 66x113 , on l apltol Hill ,
musl bo sold soon. Cell at 2223 Davenport
ODOK STHKITT fU feet-on Dodge by W on
Ninth street , 825,000 , Mcnsh , Including Im
provements If sold nt once , Gregory St
Dudley , Rooms 1 and 3,3-0 South 16th street.
FOR 8ALE-Dodgost.twolots In Kllby place ,
fronting on Dodge street , 125 feet. Two
blocks beyond the lots have sold for 82.000 , the
sumo price wo ask lor thcso. Only 81,200 cash
required. Shaw & Co.,510 S 16th St. are the
agents. 1WI
TTOH SALK-ChoIco lots In Hilleko's first ndd ,
K only U mlle from driving paik , 1350 to
f460oaeli , on Kith , 15th and 14th street * . .1. U
lllco & Co. , solo agents. 220 21
DODGE &TBBET 133 foot on Dodiro by Ctt on
Ninth street,85,00) ! ) . M cash , Including Im-
piovoincnts If sold at onco. Giouory &
Hadley , Rooms 1 and 3,320 South 16th street
F 1011 SALT3 2 blocks from Brownell hall on
lniist.,2fliio ( bargains. Call at G. F..K1-
sasser's , _ C26
8 PER CENT mortgages taken as part pay-
menton Heal Estate. P.O. Box714. W s
D ODGE St. , Cable
CorOllxMI. 8 5KX ( ) .
Corner 8(1x131 ( , $54. , )0. )
ln"idnnxi20 : , f Ki.ixiO.
All of the above are bargains and will make
purchaser money. Clarksou A : llcatty , 2IU B
J4th st. -M 2i
TJAILS anil ties for the gtrect ear line are now
IV being unloaded along Park street west
from Hnntcom Park past Ambler Place to I'.ck-
i maim. i0'J ! 20
SPliCIAL A timber claim In Cheyenne
county of 100 acres of line hlgn table land ,
200 will buy It. % ceres In Hyde Park for2.noO.
75 lots In Carthaire on easy toims , 8 lots In
llrown Park , South Omaha , cheap ; 15 acres to
Biib-dlvldu in North Omaha , 5 acres In Tuttle's
sub , 2 cnst front lots in Ambler Place fronting
on tno county road , at a bargain ; 4 lots In Kirk-
wood , 60 lots In Omaha View , 3 lots in ltoo-1's
3rd ndd , 1 lot on Franklin street for J'uOO00 ! :
cash , balance in or before 6 years , corner
CfixlM one mlle from postolllco f3HOO ; 125 lots
in Clovordalo from Jl'fl to (700 , examine the
city map and find the location of Clovordalo
and then compare prices with adjoining prop
erty , then comu down and buy us many as you
want. Wo have n very select list of all kinds of
Omaha property and before buying you would
find it to your Interest to ROO us. Parties hav
ing property to dispose of or stocks of mer
chandise would do well to list with us. Remember -
member the place.
Frank F. Williams * Co. .
10th and Chicago sts , rear Douglas Co. Bank.
. * 3.5 ; 21
LOOK over this lilt and then call and lot us
show you the property.
Motler Real Estate Agency.
Pninvlcw , Saunders tfront 82,010
Plalnvlcw , a tine corner , only I--10
Oxford Plnc , 8 lots , only 600
Davenport's Bubsouth front l.'iOO
Davenport's sub , Snunders st , 87x122 6,500
Hood's 4th , n splendid business corner ,
122 on 20th by 148 on Lake 10,000
Footer's add. Haundorsst front 6.00J
Ixjwo's nrtd. 2 fine lots , a corncr 2wo
Lowe's ndd , Howard Bt , a bargain 1,20)
Orchard Hill. Hamilton st , block ] , a big
bargainonly 1 , * 0
Reservoir add , a corncr , on Hamilton. . . 1.603
Reservoir add.3flno lots , only 1,200
Kllby place , fine east front l.HW
Potter's iida.Sflne lots 1,600
Highland Place , Farnam st. corner 3.500
Hnnscom place , hanraln 3,0-V )
Hanscom place , 25 lots. 81.600 to 4 , < XO
Pratt's sub. n beautiful acre 2.000
Pratt'ssub,4 fine lots on 0 roof st SOO
Fifteenth st near Vlnton JA'IO
Sixteenth st. near Vlnton 1,500
A largo list of Improved property in all parts
of the city.
Business property nt bottom prices. Call on us.
Mottcr Real Estate Agency ,
1513 rarnam st , Tel. 845. 285 25
TTKHl BALE-A corner lot , CBilK , on 15th and
A ; Cumin ? st , ono of the best locations In the
city for a wholesale house , with waterworks
and sewerage. Apply at premises , Thos. Sin
clair. 311 m 21j
SIXTEENTH ST-03'/jX23i ' : to railroad tracks ,
( ino per front foot. This is a bargain and is
good for a few days only. Clarkton Sc lloatty.
211) ) 8. Uth St. 23124
FOR SALE Lot on 7th and Lake Bts , with
house 0 rooms , kitchen , pantry and troo.l
brlcK cellnr. Apply to the Omalm Itoul Estate
and Trust Co. , or Win. Fleming , 14th and Doug
las sts. Will rent to eood parties if not sold
Immediately. 871
TJ OR HALE-Cnolce lots m Hllleko'i First ndd ,
-C only U mlle from dnvlnir park , (360 to
(460 cueh , on 16th , Uth and 14th streets. J. L.
Rico IL Co. , lolo agontl. 2034 J
BUSINESS PIIOPEIITV , corner 12th and
JonesGBxl32 at n decided bargain If sold
this week. Sole agents , Uarkson & Ueatty,21
S14th st. 122 24
LOTS for sale.
A great bargain for a few day only.
Lot6Glset add , n w corner Humidors -and
Cusslus street , will subdivide to advantage ,
nearly ono aero of land , 12OiW.
Lot 100 , Gise's add , (1,000 ,
Lot 71 , GIso's add , (3,030.
Block No. 1. lloyd's add , (10.000.
Terms , not loss than 1-3 cash , balance 8 per
cent , semi-annual Interest.
. Remington & McCormtck ,
021 220 Sonth 16th street.
T BAVENWOUTH ST-Wo have sfew choice
-U lots In Moyno place , fronting on Loavon-
worth st , at bargain prices. .Clarkson & Dcatty ,
219 3 14th t. 23424
L IOTd with housei-Lowo's addition (2,000 ,
Improvement Association (2,100 , Omuhti
View (1.700.23 J near Cads ( l.tOO. Dodge st. Cap
itol hill tl3.00 ; Durt st. near 20th * Hr,00. Hurt
near 22d , (9/.OJ , McCormlcK'8 2 houses , (4,000.
24 lots In Institute place from $4fld to 8550 ,
South Omaha from $ S I to $ I/XM , Hillside No. 1
8l.fOQ , KonduU'H f ' .125 , Meyers & Tildon's WM to
8HW , SaundrrsA Hlmobaugh'8 Highland park
8 ! 5. Washington hill HUO to < & ) . Bedford
plitcofXim.Park Forest lew , Omnha Vlow $1.175
to 11.350 , Stnto st. lots Jlo0 , Falrmount fuooto
81,850Poppleton Park. 2 lots on Lowe avenue ,
ono a corner , $ . ' 1,400 , Chicago et. 1 x145,14,000 ,
Bronnan place * ITOO to f300 , Huwes' addition
8I , .0 ; Walnut Hill , 81.000.
Roma bargains in acres and business prop
erty. A business lot on Dndgo st that Is n
"snap" for somebody. John Gallagher,1117 S.
nthst , ' 33327
. 60x124 south front I'elhnm place. . . .81,310
60x124 in Plalnview with new house 1,500
79 feet couth front on Bristol it near
Saunders 2,200
For teims see F. Barrett & Co. , 314S S 15th.
--j g , ,
Fi IOH SALE 2 lotson Burt street with 4 room
house ! , well and cistern , all tor 8IV)0. ) Ben-
awa St Co . 15th st. opposite P. O. 341 24
OR SALKbyF. Barrett A Co. ,31411 S15th
The nicest toutii front lot In Pelham
place , < 1.30J.
rpIlACKAOE-Choapcit track property In the
X market , prices ranging from f-.OOJ to
I2.COJ. Lots 65x140. Thcso lots are right In
town and It Is easy to Judge by the corpora
tions . who have . already . . . made purchases hero
that this property Is the chottpet and will bo
tbo besttruckago In Omaha.
Gregory tt Hadley.
Rooms 1 and 3 , 320 South 16th st. 318
FOR SALE-ChoIco lots In HlUoko's First add ,
only U mile from driving park. 8 > KO to
8450 each , on 16th , 15th and 14tb streets. J. U
Rico It Co. , sole Bgnntfl. 233 81
RBALE LotlnPlnlnvlow near Saunders
st. Inquire cor. 2J and Miami sts. Mrs. M.
D. Btoddard. 11124 *
INBIDE PIlOPEKTY-We have some good In-
side property at a bargain , 1'Jorco Si Hog-
en.1511 Dodge street. 130
DODGE STIIKRT-1.1 ! feet on Dodge by 60 on
Ninth street. 825.1)03 ) , M cash , including Im
provements if sold at once. Gregory 4
Hadley , Rooms 1 and 3,320 South 15th street.
ipVflt SALE-thoIco lou In Hilleko's First add
X ? only .U mile from drlrlua 'park , 8-Ui ) to"
4Mt ch.ont9ib , ISUt-nudllth streets. J. L.
Woe * Co. . Ml * ifenQ. SNSt
\\71MiBKLIi-HnlMntrrfft In nn old estnb-
) l hod renlrstatn Imslnos * to a party who
l a rustier , thorotiKhly aoiualnted with the
city nnd understands the business. Address
M. 27 , llco olllcn. 42il 24
HAVE jou caught on totho followlnir snaps ?
2 lott ) In Catalpa2nd add , 8W each.
3 lots in Kllby Place , each 81,400.
Hot In Plain View , f 1,500.
1 lot In S .V K Highland Park , 87.1 ca h , 875.
6 lots InS & 11 Highland Park , 8500 cash ,
1 lot In HllMdo No 2 , 82,103.
2 lots the cholco of Lowe's ndd , for both ,
Hot on 18th street , f 1,5X1.
6u lots In Omaha Heights , one-fifth cash , 80
11 licro lots in Cote Brilliant from 8250 to IW.
A cholco corner lot In blk 17 , In Kounl/o
Place , not compelled to build , 8.1WO.
A huuso and lot on Kth st , near Jackson
A house and lot on Wnlnut Hill. Jl.OJO cnsh ,
'A htiiKonnd lot In Orchard Hill , 82,500.
A house and lot on 17th st , near Lal-.e , * .2tVfl ,
30 feet between St. Mnry's and l.envonnorth
on 27th , w Ith a good building , will rent lor (75
per month. 85,000.
120x1 0 on corner In Illalno Business Place ,
82 WO.
A house and lot on Goorgln avenue , 8 < ) ,600.
A lot In HlmotiaUL'li Place , $2,500.
A lot 111 Paddock Place. J2.0HJ.
3 lot * In Mayne's add , each ftM.
3 lots In Vlnton I'laoc , cheap.
Also nmnv more > ou will llnd by railing on
Judklns .V Mavno , 140s Dodgo. Wo are amply
prepared to show property nnynhoro In the
city. 41725
JE.VTLR L. THOMAS-ilns the choicest lots
In Lincoln Place. .
2 cor. acres In Solomnn's add 8700 ench.
a lots In block 59 , South Omaha.
Also . block 00 , and lot 2 , block 05,7 in 89 , 3
in " 7 , cheap.
HO acres by Central City to soil or trudo.
1,120 acres In a body near Stnnton.
480 acres near Wlsncr.
Also lots In Bcdlord Place , Dcloncs addition ,
West Cumlng , Renter's add on Cumlng st. The
boss lot In block C , &c , Sic.
1 own the above and can make terms to suit
Come and see. Dexter 1 * Thomas , room 8 ,
Crolghton Block * ' -2
CORNER and three Insldo lots In block 4 ,
Orchard Hill , next to Hamilton St. , nt J900.
Terms easy. Pierce i Kogom 117
A5 AClliS : north of U. I' , shops at 2K ( ) per
TC acre. Terms to suit. David M. Connell
ngent , 31314th st. . opp 1'nxton hotel , or 0. K.
Crullu. 1410 Dodge t I'8'- ' '
FOIlSALK-Oood farm In Nebraska cheap for
cash , or will ovcUnngo for salable prnnorty.
Address at once Arthur O. Grossman , Atkinson ,
Holt Co..Nub. 10K 0
rpAKR tin. cake. CnUo & Bllllnif , Iteal 1.9-
JL cetato hot caUcs. Over 101 South 16th st.
S.implo fllncor Snaps.
Ono hundred and ton feet on. lonos and 14tn
ele. half ensh. bal. 1 , 2 , 3 years , f 17.500.
Fifty by KM feet for trackage forbuslnos.ncar
Stock Yards.
Ton selected lots Swift's packing house
site. 1
Oll SALE Furniture , nnd ( I room house for
rent , about 8 blocks Irom the postolllco ; a
nrKiiln. Apply to F. F. Williams & Co. . loth
and Chicago sts. 121.
B AROAIN-Kast front lot on 18th st. near
* -J Castollar.64xl.JJ , corner , on 20-foot alloy ;
4-room house , barn , etc. , nil for tS.KOO , IWO
cash , balance i , 2 andll years. Gregory & Hart
ley , Rooms I and 3,320 S. 15th St. 7S2
HANSCOM PLACE 100 foot corner Georgia
avenue , I4.0X ) ; It Is worth ? 5,000. Comn
quick. Clnrkson \ lloatty , 214 S. IBth st. 2J4 24
DODflE'STRERT Lots on Dodge between
12th nnd 13th , only (600 per front foot.
( lrceory& lladloy , Rooms 1 and 3 , 3.0 Sonth
15th street. ttM
FOR SALE lluftness properly , nw corner
13th nnd Dorcas sts , 1)6x133 ) loot , with a largo
honso and other Improvements , at n bargain.
For sale , 317 acres of land in Nuckollg Co. ,
Nob. , within IM miles of Superior nnd U. It.
depot. For particulars call on M. Itcdlngton ,
103H 8.13th St.Omaha. 073niivyllJ
OR iALK A 6-rooin cottngo , within t-ho
mlle circle , ono Dlk from street cars. Price
(3,000 , li on time. Inquire No. 3J4 N 17th st
from8tolO:30a : m. IW8 : J .
DODGE STHEBT Lots on Dodge between
12th nnd l.lth , only (6JO per front foot.
Gregory 3c Hartley , Rootus 1 and 3,3-3 South
16th street. 820
ODGE SrilRET Ixt on Dodge between
12th and 13th , only ( A03 per front foot.
Gregory & Hadloy.Booinsl and 3 , 320 South
IBth street.
ATTEND the great sale of Ambler place [ lots !
- / Monday and Tuesday , 83923
FOUR Lots In Institute Place , (1.600 for all.
This Is (200 less than adjoining lots can bo
bought for. John Gallagher , 317 South 13th.
FOR SALE A completely furnished Ha lof 8
rooms , or two lints of 12 rooms , suitable
to rent furnlsho.l rooms , in best locality. Ad
dress L , 67 Ueo office. 144 24 *
SHAW le CO. , 510 S. Kith st
Among their many other attractions offer
you a house and lot In Shlnn's addition for
( ) , GOJ ; n line east front on Georgia avenue for
(7,800 ; n tine lot It Hanscom placofor I3.0.JO ; an
elegant corncr on 20th st for (2.600 ; a desirable
house and lot on 18th st. for (2tiOO.
Como In and look over our list. Wo arc head
quarters for safe Investments. 163
McOAVOCK 4-O'Connor , 310 South 13th t ,
will offer for ono week , a few bargains
out of the many whlco are in our list ;
Z lots on Saunders t. , improvements
worth ( l,5iiO , prlco ( fl.OM
22x132 corner on 14th it , rents for (250
per month 25,000
75x1:12 : corncr on St. Mary' * ave , wlth"U
houses 3.1,000
ia.'xl32 corner nn South 10th st , south
and cast front 10,000
A conrcr and 6-room cottajro on 10th St. . 7,000
120x138 , a corner louth ot viaduct on llth
st B.200
2 vacant lots on S. llth st , cheap.
09x140 nnd nn S-room cottage , a corner 8.
15th st 8,000
A beautiful residence lot near 13th st ,
cars 1,700
In a word , If you want desirable property
Ither for speculation or for a home , call and
see the large and carefully selected list of Mc-
Qavauk & O'Connor. 316 S. filth st. 196
cash will secure 16) acres of first class
$ farming land In eastern Nebraska balance
Tory long time and no taxes for 20 years. The
O.F.Davis company , 1595 rarnam st.
924 m 15
II SALE 20 acres of high , sightly land
overlooking the city and surrounding
country. This Is tbo finest 20-ncr tiact now
on the market ; It Is only short walk from tbo
grounds of the Northwestern railway , where
extensive fihopa , roundhouses. &o. , are soon to
be erected. Lots in this vicinity are now sell
ing for (5UO to (70) ) each , and property Is rapidly
Increasing In value. This will plut Into M elo-
glint lots that will readily sell for 100 per cent
prollt ; this Is an opportunity ot a fife-time ;
don't lot it pni-s , you will regret it if you do.
For price , tcrmsv KO , call or addros Hnrt's
Great Western Itoal Estate Bureau , Crelghton
block , solo agents. 274 24
N acres of land suitable for prontabto
JL. gardening purposes , llvo miles from P.O.
This property will pay forlti-elf by proper cul
tivation In two years. 80,000. 82,100 down , bal
ance 1 nnd'jyenrs. City will built around It
nnd It will pny for platting , Cholco of the ad
dition. Call on Woodbrltlgo Bros. , 215 H. 15th
st Opera house. 300
PLUNVIBW-No nicer lot In the addition
than this ono. with new house : all for
81 AW. F. Barrett & Co.,314 8 16th. 3J7 28
Elegant 8 room house worth ( IPOO , on a
south and east I rout corner 13.'xl3l , on Ht.
Mary's uve. Ono oftho nicest homes in the city.
Can sell on o.iny terms , (20,000.
Flno H room house , bath room , hot and cold
water , gas , mantles and irrates , self-fee-ling
bard coal furnace with register In every room.
11 foot cellar , well lighted. Good barn for 4
vehicles and 6 horses , city wntnr In barn , lot
Finest east from lot , Georgia ave between
I.oavonworth and Jackson sts , 75.xHO.wlth good
7 room cottage , barn , etc. , (2VK ) Is fair valua
tion for Improvements and the lot alone Is
worth (7,600. ( H,100.
Coiner lot , 521 x130 , east nnd north Iront , 2
blot-UK from Cumlng and one from Bnunders st ,
2 story , l--room bouse , city water and gas ,
(6.0JO *
On Park ave , north ot Leavenworth st , 35x
140 , B-ioom house , complete In all respect ! , a
nice homo , ( d,000.
Fast front , 60x150 , on Gorilla nve near Pop-
pleton ave,9-room house , city water , barn , lot
n little above st grade , (10) ) .
West front , iax\tf \ > , on Georgia ave , near
Popploton ave , 7-room house and barn , (4,60 > .
East front , 60x181 , onUd : et near Hunscom
park , 7-room house and barn , (5400.
East front , 50x171 , on 3d : ! st near Pacific , l',4 '
story houso. 0 rooms tlnUhed , 2 rooms unfin
ished , good bnrn , 11,700.
Houses and lots In all ( .arts of tbo city at
prices ranging from ( I,6M upward * .
Purchased can In many Instances bo made
with only a small cnih payment and tbo bnl-
unco In monthly payments.
payments.Gregory A : llndloy ,
Rooms 1 nnd 3 , il3 ! South litli st.
Telephone 854 , 31V
TTVODGK STUEm'-Ixita on Dodge bctwoon
U 12th and l.lth , only for ) per Iront foot.
Gregory & Hadley , lloomi 1 mid 3,3-10 South
Uth street. EM
BrllH OAK 2 Iota fronting Hnnscom Park
only (1'toi ' ) each and very ensy terms.
Clnrkson & llcatty , 210 South Uth street.
' 14
DO you wunt a cheap homo ? John Gallagher
317 H 13th st. can It'll you of a One 4-room
I cottage In Shlnn's addition. , lot iiOxl-'d , that can
I be bought for ( i , U ) , oaxy terms. Tbu It one
k el Ik * be i bargain * in Oatftbr WO i
ELKVEN-room house corner 27lh nnd Ham ill
ton its. All modern conveniences , largl
cnrrlagohuUFo , ' , . , llaoy terms ,
10-room , 2-story house
ami 6-room cottage ,
2lth st , bi'twoun Dodge and Cnpitol axe.
10-room votlngo , Hnnscom Place , facing OMf ,
near car .
That Qno piece of property on St , Mary's are ,
corner 2ilh ) street , t o lots , li-room bouee.
7-roo'm Iioin on25th ft , near Itullann arc ,
nlco location full lot. (4.OIU. I I.HOJ cash.
6 room house on lot 51x133 Capitol nve , nraf
2oth st , fnclng south.
Nice 7-room house , barn , grapery , C6tli sf
near I'oppleton pt. ( Aiu ) .
Now u-room house near above largo lot'w 0 room collaees , lotti ft. near Lake st ,
nkH * pleasant homes ; housci well built , Only
"tlroom cottage , 1.W N 18th street. (3.40(1. (
n-routn , m story house , Inreo lot , Walnut
Hill , a nice tasty homo. ( ' . ' .ftPO. fWOcnsh.
Three others in same addition , (2t > outn ( .1,500 ,
6-room eottaaes , Walnut Hill , lot frlv.'OO. new/ .
house , picket Icnco , porch , (1,400. TcriuB
6-room cottage , Charles it , near Jfth , soutll
front. (2.70J. ( . ( on li ,
2 story n-room house , Indiana are. south
fnmt. f2J. ( dee cash.
nn\iv. ; Cnss , bet 22d and Sd ) st . Only (0(00 |
( . ' .owl casn.
wixt'12 , IMIi it. on U. P. truck , ( li.noo.
> i lot nn Irani , uoiir Ittth st , with trackage la
- RiI7MK > .
N. I ! , corner 2lh st nnd Capitol nve , (2 , X ) .
J lolst fronting on Loavomuiith , on a corner
just cnst of Phil Shcrlda st , at a bargain.
2 cast front lot * siflith Uth st.
Full lot south l > Uh st Cheapest lot on thf
street this sldo of Vlnton.
N. W corner 33d And Cass , (0x140. (2,500 ,
( l.tOOcnsh.
01x140 ou2lst st , Just north of St. Mary's avo.
(7,001) ) .
2 cast front lots In Kllby block 4. (1 ,760 each.
Lot on 10th st , near end of pavement. Only
2tull lots on rmnmlngt , nnar iVllh. 1 1,0 00.
4 east Iront lots on 26lh st. Just cast ol Lakfi
(1,714) ) to 2,000 ; easy terms.
Full lot oit l front on lUthit.nonr ChnrlcS.
and mn nil cottage. A bnrualn at ( .i.iMm.
South and ouit front , n corner , Jei oiue Parlfj
t 751eet llnrtlctt'sudd. (4,500.
104x150 , cast fiont. Hanscom place , on Vlt §
glnln avo. (5,5 v ) .
Full lot in Shull's second add , (1,700.
12 fine lots Saunders nnd HelmbniiKh'g add.
n lots fronting on Ham lion. In Orchard HHIi
(1,200 ouch.
0 noith fronts , Orchard Hill. ( J60.
2eavt front lotn on State Bt In Omaha View ,
(10 : ; 1 each. On n coi nor.
5 mid o lornvr In Ambler. ( 00.
2 cast fronts. * ; CO. . -
Hero Is a clmnco to make so mo money wlthlH
t o weeks on those Ambler lotn.
40024 324 South 15th. entrance on Hartley. _
fl'Mli : Omnha Heal Estate ami Trust Co. , P.O.
L lllmeliaugh , Pies. , Alvln Saumlcro , Seo'y , ,
oiror the tollowlnir bargains ;
0 lota In Myets , Itlchnrd Tlldcn's add , | POO >
oiuh , ono-llfth cash , balance boml-unuual pay
Lots land 2 block "A" Saundcrs * Jllmo *
baugli'Hiidd.rm \ dach ; ono-lourth cnsh , bal
1,2 and 3 yours. These mo largo choice lots 09
Military live. ,
Lot 17 block "A" Saundois * Hlmnbaugh'S
add , $750 , balance easy payments. This il tt
Lot 6 block D M ) crsllichardson & Tllden'd ndd |
(1.000 ; one-fourth cash , bal. 1 , 2 and U years *
This is u nice corner on Stnto st.
Lot 3 and 4 block I Snunduis & Hlmcbaugh'M
add to Wnlnut Mill , with store ImlMlngB ana
llvo-room Hals above , (1,750 ouch ; balance very
easy payments.
Corner lot , 4 Cherry Garden , 70 feet on LcaV
onworth and 112 on Plcasnnt.only ( f > 6 per front
toot ; one-third cnsh , bal to suit. This is a bar.
gain , aspioperty opposite Is hold at (80 pot
4 south front lots in block 1 Saunders i Hlrno *
baiu-'h'e add$70 ( ' each ; one-foiirlh cash , bal- *
mice I and Sj oars. These nro choice lots with
houses on cither side.
One lot on rarnam st In West End , (5,500 ; one *
third cash , bal 1 ami 2)oa .
House and half lot on 2Gth t. near Clarkt
(2,000 ; ono-fourthciiBli , balance 1 and 2 years.
Cable Hue In front.
Houeo and lot on N 20th st , near SprucoV
(4.0UO ; ono-Iouith cash , bal I and 2 years.
Honso and lot on Spruce st near 20th , (3,0001
one-lourth cnih , bal 1 and 2 years. '
120 tccl corner on Saunders st , (12,000 ; on * <
third cash , bit ) 1 nnd 2 years.
Ono corncr lot in \ \ ashlngton square , louta
nnd cast front with alloy In rear , (3,600 ; onq
third cash , tnil In 1 and 2 years.
4 mnith front lots In Washington square-
(3COO each. ,
Ono lot in Washington square , (2,300 ; 8950
cash , bal 1,2 ami 3 yearn.
25 foot on Furnam st near 20th , (8,000 ; one *
fourth cnph. bnl 1 , 2 and U yours.
20 acres for platting , only 80 rods from ca
line to Denson , nnd 103 rods from city limit * .
(1,2(0 ( per acre ; ouo-llfth cash , bal 1 and !
12 aorcsncnrtbo Draf Mute Institute , 81,500
per aero ; one-fourth cash , bal 1 and 2 years.
ion choice lots In Omnha heights (260 to (650 |
ono-flftb cash , bill to utt. '
n One residence loti in IK mllni from poifa
oflloo.V i blocks from car line , (1,676 to 81,800V
fronting on 3 streets ; one-third cash , bal 1,1
B"o feet on Phil Sheridan av , between St. Maryf
nnd Leavenworth BIB , (5,000 ; ono-thlrd cash ,
bal 1,2 nnd 3 years.
68)ncros in Dlxon Co. , fl miles from Pane * ,
County seat , (21 per aero , ono halfcash , bal
ance 2 years. Highly improved , fruit , timber *
(2,000 ; (875 cash , t.N
Houseand lot In Hall Place 82,750 ; 81.2&Q
cash , balHiico 1 nnd 2 years.
O. R. F. & T. Co. , 1604 , Farnam Bt.
SALE 80 aoros : i miles from the city
FOIl southwest , beautiful land with con *
slant supply of water. Apply to Omaha KeoJ
Fstato and Trust Ce. , or Win. Fleming B7t >
Our new 1
AcresI41i ) to 850)peraor . ,
Near South Omaha ,
And Sydlcate HIIL . . . .
„ „
Marshall * Lobeck ,
778 1509 yarnam.
A SAFE investment. We offer for sale 44 fee * <
on Douglas street , corner of 10th , at 1600
per foot front and easy terms. ,
Also 60 feet on Dodge oust of 13th to alley *
827.000,1-3 cash. Marshall ft Lobeck , 1604 Far *
nam street. 188 84
DODGE ST.lEBT-133 feet on Dodge by 88 om
Ninth street , 835,000 , H cash , including lm
provcmonts If sold at once. Gregory H
lladloy , Rooms 1 and 3 , 330 South 16th street.
TJWJR SALE A good farm In Dlxon countjrt
Jewell Improved. For pirtloulars apply t4
Omaha Real Estnto and Trust Co. , or Wm.
Fleming , 14th und Douglas. 8TI
Foil SALE Good farms In Nebraska cheap
for cash , or will exchange for salable met *
chandlso. Address at once Arthur C. Cross >
man. AUInson , Holt Co. , Nob. 10880
"HIGH 8ALE-Ry 8. Katz St Co. , 1511 FarnaraaO.
J ? Corner Farnam and 31 st , 136x133 . . .817,0u |
Corner DoiiKlasand 12th 8-1,00. ?
Comer I'lorco ai.d 19th , 140x9) ) ) l&f" "
Corncr Ifith and Martha , 98x140
Corner 18th and Burt .
Corner 13th and California , Hi lot .
Corner Capitol avenue and 2itn ( st .
Cholco residence lot , Summit Hill .
Cholco lot , Farnam near 3sun
Corner Saunders nnd Burt , 181x51 . . 7 ,
Choice lots Walnut Hill . 1,000
Choice lot , Virginia ave . 3,750
Cholco lots on Fiirnain st . 2,609
Choice lot. Dodge and 27tn . 8,009
Choice lot , 13th Joining Cosmopolitan. . . OM9
68 fret fronting on Cuming and Burt , 5
houses . IS/Mt
Lot 62iixl65 , Just north of Cummg,6-roora
house : a great bargain . ! UOO
SOU font frontage on 17th and 18th sts. , IB
the heart of too city , with 6 houses . 80,009
63 feet front on 23d st. just north of Bt.
Mary's ave . 5,509
New 8-room cott ago , choicest location in
the city . 4.600
Full lot on Franklin st . 1.0KJ
Call m and see us arid wo will make you )
money. S. Katx St Co. , 1511 Farnara.
JO Stephen A. Dclor. solo heir at lawt
Henry P. Dolor , deceased.
You urn hereby notified that the undersigned ,
three disinterested freeholders of the- City of
Omaha , huvo been duly appointed by the
mayor , with the approval of the City Council * *
said city , to IIDSCIS the damage to the owneri
respectively of the property doclaied by ordi
nance nece.-HHry to bo appropriated for thn use
of said city , for the purpose of wldcn'nir 234
street on cast line of property below described.
You are further notified , that having ac
cepted suld appointment , and duly qualified M
required by law , we will an the 16th day of May ,
A. I ) . Ifetf , nt the hour of l > o'clock In the fore
noon , ut Jeff W. Bedford's coal olHce , within
the corporate limits of nald city , moot forth *
purpose of considering nnd making the aiseis *
mentor damage to the owner * respectively , ol
said property , by the roanon of such taking and
iippropitiitlon thoreof. Inking Into considers/-
linn special benefits , If any.
Tbo property belonging to you proposed to bo
appropriated us afor < ) alil. and which has been
declared nece tary by the council , by ordi
nance , to appropriate to ibo UhO of the city , beIng -
Ing bltuuled In nail city ot Omahn , In tba
county of Douglas , and utato of Nebraska , W
doicrlbfdiig Inllons , to-wlt : Commencing at
the S. K. corner of lot 27 , ItodUk's Second addi
tion , thcnco oiiFtiV ) feet , Iheiicu touth 290 feet ,
thence w ot' ) fcut , thence niirth 290 foot to the
place t > f beginning , and being M feet off the
east side of tax lot HI , in the city of Omaha ,
You are notiflod lo be present nt the time amj
place aforesaid , and make any objections to , or
ntntemonts concerning , fcnid proposed appr -
prlatlonOr nht-cssment of damages , iuriu may
consider proper. '
JKVtf ,
THOS. swirr.
I Oraaht , Neb , , April a , lb 7.