Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1887, Page 10, Image 11

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Laurel Wrcatha Won and Worn by the
Qucona of Oar IIomc3.
Glrli-Mr * . Clr-rclnnrt * * Girl-
Inh C n | iirHlH Hrautjr of the
Inillnn Alaid Uuulitcd
l''cinnln Chatter.
11 onto Glrln.
'ilic ( 'lrls that arc wanted are ijood R'.rK '
Ooodlroin the heart to the ITps ;
I'uru nil tin ) Illy li whltit and punt
Front Its huart to I Us sweet leaf-tips.
Tim elrlfl that nro wanted nrn liotim UlrN ,
OlrM Unit nn ; inollicr'rf rli < lit liand.
1 hat fnlliiTH nrul lirotlicr.s can I nut to
And tliu little 01101 uiidut.staiul.
C.IrN th.t nrn fair on tlin hcarthstonu
And [ ilcaHint when nobody ws :
Kind and sweet to tlirlr own follc ,
JCoady and anxious to please ,
The lrls that nro wanted are who Klrl *
' 1 hat know what to do and tomy / ;
Thatdrlvo with tiHinlluorxoft woid
'llio wrath of thu hoiHi-hold nw.ty >
Tim cclrls tlmt nro wan ted are lilrli of some ,
Whom fashion can MCMIT MecoUc ,
Who pan tol'ow ' whatever wat pretty
And duro what IH sill ) to Iea\u.
Tim KirlH Hint are wanted arc careful ( 'Irh ,
Who count what athliiK will cost.
AVho u < with a prudent , gunerous hand ,
Jiut nco that notliliiK la lost.
' 1 ho glrlatliat nro wanted are girls v.lth hearts :
'ihoy are wnntrtl for mothers mid wives ;
Wanted to rradlu In loving anim
The Htronxcsl and frailest of lives.
Thnclfver , the witty , tlm hrllllant girl ,
' 1 hey am very few , understand ;
lint , oh I for the \vlso , lovlnic hoinu ( 'lrls
Theru'fi a constant and heavy demand.
I < 'alr Hand * Ilavo Won.
riilludclphia Record : "Get thee to n
nunnery 1" was the ml vice the gloomy
iiud-cynlcfil Dane launched at the fair
Ophofia when lie wns moved to go buck
on liiH VOVVH of devotion toiler. And , in
deed , in those d.'iys when miirriago
coiiHidurml the chief end of womenthere
Huoincd no resource for disappointed love
or ambition HHVO seclusion or dcutli. Hut
the whirlgig of time has wrought won
ders BIHCO then. The Ophelia of to-day
turns her blighted hopes to tlio pursuit of
Homo art or profession , or to business of
one wort or unothnr. She chooses a
"cnrocr , " and generally succeeds when
Hho goett about it in cnrni'Ht. The hnrd
.work nnd self-denial icquhito to the ful
fillment of her ambition nro n panacea
for woo , nnd HHVO her from heart-break.
Ntiu tuny comu , after n while , to find u
melancholy satisfaction In the belief tlmt
the part that wits forced upon her wns
nil the better pnrt. Showill hug herself
n little when she reflects that the chances
of the reali/ation of her ideal life wcro
very meagre. Shu will bo content , and
not at all unhappy.
The world to-dny permits u woman to
do whatever oho will. It honors the conr-
ngo and helpfulness tlmt Impels her to
cnooKo between stagnation nnd activity ,
perhaps between dependence nnd indc-
] ) oudonco. Her work , provided it bo of
tin Intellectual character , lifts her up ,
liulpfl her to grow , and finally becomes
micli a delight that It is no longer a bondage -
ago of drudgery. If her work bo of the
mechanical sort , requiring moro manual
dexterity than beau-work , there la Htlll
no reason why Hho should not llnd in it
n pleasurable satisfaction. I am a firm
believer in the theory that "w.itor will
llnd Its level , " nnd the mind that can
frame n sonnet will not bo content to
pew a shirt. And now that the ways and
inouus nro rio many , women as well as
men , will hunt out congenial . employ
Still there are perverted Bouls who In-
fdstupon regarding the special work
whloli they have in hand aswpoclal drud-
gory. Thojo are the people who are
never no happy as when they are miser-
able. They take peculiar pleasure in
magnifying their own woos anil potting
OH martyrs. Their reason has not kept
para with tholr physical growth. They
Btlll cry for the moon , nnd wouldn't bo
niitisUed with it if they hud it. No amount
of persuasion would bo Hkolj to avail
with them. They persist lu bolng wretch-
oil , and enjoy it. With them it la worse
than useless to waste words. They are
the superfluous women of the world.
Reasonable women will find it easy to
believe that the matter of being' Intor-
otited and happy In whatever the hands
find to do , Is largely n mutter of habit.
And thnt the busy woman is happier than
the idle woriinn goes without saying.
Thin is especially true after she shall
linvo passed her youth and can no longer
enjoy the diversions nnd.lntorests of girl
hood , If unmarried the occupations of
wives nnd mothers have no charm for
hor. She is In n measure debarred from
lull sympathy with either the unmarried
joung or married middle-aged , and
Htnnus n thing apart alone. There uro ,
to bo sure , Illustrious examples of single
women who by tholr sweetness of toiu-
s * per and tinaolllshnosa in their ministra
I tions to others , llnd tmfllcicnt joy to fill
tholr lives ; but the chances nro , that the
( ' woman who has nothing In particular to
do will , after the freshness of youth shall
lutvo departed , find herself prone to look
& ori thu shady side of life her heart filled
with vain regrets. Thus It is that the
I women who are forced , by either will or
circumstance , to think of and do for
Sf other * , nro happiest , lint to return to
r- our subject.
Homo representative women have
achieved distinction In the Hold of litera
ture , the arts , the professions , but It in
nu wlso follows that every woman miy
do the same. Drains , no moro thau
bodies , are fashioned after the sumo
model. Nevertheless every woman can
llnd profitable and , if she will , congenial
omplojmimt. New ideas are continual ! )
cropping out with work- for willing
Jiiinds. Many of these have boon lately
suggested for women who , perhaps lind-
ing marrlngo "nil worst and no better , "
must work In their own homos , Uno of
the most promising ol these IH the mak
ing ot French cnnily , to which attention
lias already been called in the llecoru.
and which seems a work eminently suttci
to dainty hands. Akin to is the demand
recently created for dried fruits , to take
the place of the canned and pioservod
trttlt that ban so long hold popular favor
The proper method of drying fruit has
well nigh bocomi ) u lost art ( thanks to
the Invention of the Holt-sealing can ) , bu
now that the popular caprices hits set ii
in its favor It must bo revived. < Joe (
dried fruit Is Infinitely bettor than tin
frtOtory-mado imidorvos , audit undoubtedly
odly fell into disuse for the careless am
( dovunly miinnor In which It was pro
A rnovnsiNd MUSINT.M.
Honie-mndu preserves , pleUos , jollied
etc. , have always found ready mile a
good prices. Why should not homo-drlei
fruit rank with them ? It seems to mo
lieru la n promising opening for onnr-
getlo , capable women , But the work
inuNl bo properly ( tone , ( iood , ilpo fruit
Uiust always bo usedand it must bo dilud
nulcklv lest It l j tough nnd dark colored.
pome fruits uro Improved by boiling for
M few minuted In u rich syrup ; others me
bout when drlml HUD ply In tholr
Juices. Fancy fruits for dosnciU are in
Iilgh favor , aud are osj euilly welcome
. when frcih fruit IH not to bo obtained.
They should bo packed in small boxen ,
with thin paper between the Inyots and
, top. thus tickling the eye a well as
i palate. Private ouitowera hould bo
be found In every neighborhood to consume -
sumo nearly all of such fruit that ono
woman could furnish , nnd there In small
doubt that after her reputation shall have
been established rind her trado-mark be
come known , she would find her hands
full to supply the. demand. At all cvenU
It is worth u trial.
FA lit WOSfAN's SUCOE'SF.1 ? .
Mankind is so constituted that It must
cat , and cnt it will. It is n curious fact
thnt in every instance whore women have
turned tliulr nttention to entering to the
inner mnn they hnvo made a pecuniary
HIICCOSS of their undcrtnklng. One
woman lias mndu un independent fortune
In the tmmiifncturo of cntsnp. She began
by supplying private customers ; now she
has n largo fnutory. nnd her catsup com-
mnuds the highest price in the m.irkct.
Score1 ! of similar instances might bo cited
where women by their own hands nnd in
their own kitchens have laid the. founda
tions of their independence. They linvo
worked out their own salvation , ns it
were , by these humble beginnings. In
dustry tins brought to thorn the reward of
happiness in doing what their hands
havu found to do , mid who shall Bay that
the world is not bettor for tholr having
lived ? They hnvo used their talents to
tlin best of their nbilitles. What mnn or
woman can do more ? .
What Bert of Girls am Ijovnhlc.
Uoston Kocord : "What kind of girls
are lovable ? " asks nn old bachelor ,
sternly. Thnt , good sir , depends a great
deal upon what kind of pcrjon is going
to love them. Hero is n rather pretty
summing up from the thought and ex
perience of n person who has pride in
Home sort of connoisseur of lovabillty.
"Tno girls that -tro tumble , " says ho ,
"nro these : ( ilrls without nn undcslr-
uble love ot liberty nnd cni/e for indi-
vidunlism ; girls who will let themselves
ho gHided ; girls who have the filial senti
ment well developed , and who feel the
love of n daughter for the woman who
net * as their mother ; girls who know
thnt every day nnd nil day long cannot
bu devoted to holiday-unking without
the intervention of duties moro or less
irksumo ; girls who , when thovcan gather
them , accept their roses with frank nnd
girlish sincet ity of pleasure , and when
they nrc denied , submit without repining
to tint inevitable hardships of ciicum-
Htnncos thCMo uro the girls whose com
panionship glnd'Juns nnd does not op
press or distract the old , whoso s'vcetnoss
nnd ready submission to the ronsonnblo
control of authority make life so pU'.isanl
nnd their charges HO light to whoao
care they nro. " _
Handy With llor Pen.
Writing from Now York to the Albany
Journal n correspondent sny.s : Who
.shall say tlmt a minute knowledge of
fashion's changeful customs is not worth
while when Mny Agnes Klomlng got
rich by thnt means ? She died near or
mom figo , leaving n fet tune over w Inch
a light lias just arisen in the courts. She
wasnwtitor of stones for ono of the
cheap papers , i asked a writer in that
field how , when morbid fiction is so
plenty , Mrs. Fleming accumulated
wealth. "Principally by making a study
of the ways of rich nnd fa.sliionablo
folks , " wns his reply. "Sho had a knack
of conceiving good plots lor stories cal
culated to ititereroht women nndgirRlmt
HO have hundreds of amateur novelists ,
whose works may be had almost for the
nsking. Different from them , she took
the pains to learn accurately and fully
how women in the best society behaved ,
ana .sho made her swell heroines con
form thereto. In thnt wny she produced
imaginary Indies who wore true to real
ism. She kept thorn right up to the
times , I hnvo oven known her , in re
casting ono of her old stories for ftcsh
publication , to alter not only the cos
tumes of the heroines , but to change her
tricks of manner to suit now usages of
society. Some of her readers may not
have appreciated this , but the editors
did , and it vastly enhanced her in their
estimation nnd boomed her along to pop
ularity. " "And how much did she gotv"
"At the time of her death she was under
contract to write ten stories for 170,000.
They wcro to bo produced tit the rate of
two a year , thus making her income
f 15,000 per annum. " How many hun
dreds of women with a literary bent will
take up their pens with convulsive en
thusiasm , on roadngtlieso | _ figures ?
Women and Nickel * .
There is no place which gives a bettor
opportunity to study the dillbrencos of
the sexes than n street car. said a con
ductor to n St. Louis ( ilobo reporter.
TAKO any party of gentlemen entering
a onr.c very man will try to pay the faro for
the whole crowd , but take the same num
ber of women did you ever see ono of
them offer to pay the faro for the party
or even for the second member of tiio
party ? I never did. nnd I've been on the
back platform for eight years. A woman
when she comes down town with a
crowd always loads her pockets with
nickels she takes euro to got the chunga
ut a corner grocery or drug store nnd
when tha conductor gets round to her
she plumps out her nickel nnd lets her
neighbor do the name. She will even
lend n friend n ntcklo sooner than pay
her faro. I'vo soon them lend each other
nickels tlmo and tiuio again , and some
times , when they have no nickel , they
will say to each other : "I'll pay your
faro going down ; you pay mine coining
back. "
I'ocntollo ( Idaho ) letter in Chattanooga
Times : You have road of the beautiful
Indian maiden. I have , and I thought ns
I rend of her that she wns ns attractive
ami 1'ocahontas-liko as the historian had
Dortrayed her. Well , she doesn't look
lUo you think uho would. She is pon-
erally n big , fat , Illthy-looklng creature ,
with u blanket around her that comes to
her knees , bare-headed , with moccasins
on that she generally pulls on" when they
ara worn out. The blanket is fastened at
the nock and also with a bolt at the waist.
Uno thing , and ono only I will say for
thorn , they have the most beautiful pearl
looking teeth I over saw.
Tha Virginia Olrl In tiovc.
Virginia Olrl , in Homo Journal : Hero
n young man may visit n girl sovora
times n week nnd pay her a great deal of
publio attention , ana yet it will never
occur to her that ho is in love with her
unless ho trios to make her think so
Kven thin , If sha Is sensible , he must bo
very direct and sincere about it before
she believes him. Hut wo do not publish
our engagements , and a girl may have
many gentlemen friends even when she
is engaged.
Mrs , Clovolauil'H OirlUh Conquest * .
llnltimore American : The fact of Mrs.
Cleveland's singular popularity is ol no
recent dute , ns some are Inclined to im
agine , but extends back to the time when
she was n student ut Welles college. J
recently met a young follow who was at
Cornell the sumo tlmo that the prosdont's
young wife was at Welles , where , for
several yours , her room-mate was Miss
Kingsford , of Oswego , who recently
visited her. just before the close of the
There has nlwnys o\lstoa
friundly fooling between the two colleges ,
nnd at the tlmo when Mrs. Cleveland was n
student , it wns an event of frequent oc
currence to make up jolly little parties
duly chaperoned , of course , nnd go over
ami co over to attend some jollification
at Cornell , On thoao occasions Mr.s
Cleveland was the leading spirit , and luu
half the vouiig' fellows at the col lego
ready to lay their empty hands and ful
huitru at hur feet , ivuly speaking
This admiration wns appreciated to the
full by the beautiful girl , who gracious ! )
acknowledged hnr liullcshlp , without
howovur , giving preference to any par
tlcular OHM ! for uveu at that tlmo ft was
known thnt eventually she would marry
U rover Cleveland , of whom she frequent ;
spoke In terms of admiration. Not a
few of the young fellows quite lost their
heads over the belle , vowing etern >
tldollty to her beauty ftttd attraction * .
There Is no bonnet without a "B" In It.
The conquering woman Is the concurring
A gown of "dyloc bluo" oastht to be
ajMtli ; tlc enough for any woman.
Mrs. Keberca Harding Davis has rccontlv
ecorcrcd from a serious Illness.
A younitidrl from the Sandwich Islands
s stud ) Ing law at the university ot Mifiiii-
Mrs. Louise Chandler Mouiton will spend
he summer In England , nailing some tlmo
n May.
1'red Uohhnrt wears colored shirts with
\lilte collars and sports a cold banulo on his
Ight \ \ rlst.
Judge ( tocry homely old nnld ) "Miss ,
n yum were you born ? " Witness "In
ho year ISM. " Judito "licfmo or after
Christ ? "
Aoiiian , by way of experiment , recently
led a pedometer to her chin , and discosered
hat slio talked thirty-three miles between
breakfast and hincli.
Mrs. Isabella IJecchrr Hooknr carrlas tlin
ilcu of teiualo emancipation' bo far as to da-
nand that h.tlf of the police force In largo
cities consist of women.
The president of the New Ktichnd
omen's Press association Is Mrs. Salllo.Ioy
White , of the Boston Herald , ono ot thu old
est and most able members.
Horace Mann's widow , the sister of Na-
lianlel Hawthorne's jrlfe , is dead at the ago
of eighty , blio once wrote a cook book enti
tled , "ClirNtlanltv In the Kitchen' "
It Is heconilns fashionable In New" Yorker
or ladies to carry old headed canes , on the
Htreet. and ( itiltu a number ot Important
dudes are laid up with sere heads.
' 1 he clrls at Itelv Idere seminary are taught
cooking and housekeeping , and whim they
go homo they tiy to pretend that their
authors don't know how to make pie.
Many kinds of net as diaphanous ns tulle
are Imported with strltci | , bars , dashes , or In
plain uichhw , to bo puffed on wire as en
tire bonnets , or to be drawn c\er flowers as a'
Flowers will bo Inigely used on bonnets ,
and leathers on round hats. Small , fine
loueis , ire chosen tor a coronet , or else for n
Might laro trimming just Inside the top of the
Arthur I ) . Dnvls , a traveling man tor a
Chicago house , recently lined $109 in
Kcokiik (01 tlnowlni : his arms around a
you lit : woman and kissing hei without her
Airs , llcaton , a dress reformer , lias been
welching a tasliloiublo mod-
Htis'h , and finds thnt jet trimned reception
dresses weigh from thirty-tour to thirty-nine
A Texas steer picked tip Miss Louise Dan-
foith ot ht. Louis , on his lioriiH , loosed her
over a lento Into u yard , and she stood theie
mil crlud bet.uibo one of the ribs in her par.i-
uul was broken In the toss.
Orar and palo shades of tap nro the nopn-
sirtoiorsol undressed kid Klo\es , and they
niiut lu\e three rows of hea\y stitchlnn on
he back , and fastened with font latlici lar o
Bllvored or llt buttons.
The Kngllsh girl in the story still wears
\elvotucn dinner dress and looks better her cousin In n Worth gown. Ameri
can KirlH with leaning toward the p
uu tr.\Ing these gowns c.iutlouslv.
Plain plush nnd velvet will be In very gen
eral iisov Lower skills ot either ot the u ma
terials will bo in high favor , and mar bo
worn uiulei all grades oC silk or wool goods
or thin fabrics lor dressy occasions.
Tennis milts nro made witli printed yoked ,
full blouse bodies belted in at the waist line ,
slenves laigonnd loose above the elbow , but
tight Ixilow , Bklit goMred nnd rattier slioit ,
ovorsklrt full , long and allu'litly draped.
Thu society clrls ot Newark , N. J. . won't
lance in any chorus that requires them to
raise their sklrta moro than eleven Indies
'lorn the floor. If they don't raise this limit
they tnav elevate the moiuls ot the front row.
"Orlando , I didn'tseoyou with Miss Drown
at the concert last night. " "No , Percy ; I'm
not calling on her any nioio. Ican'uinti ! she
retracts what shesaid labt week" "All ! Vt lint
did Hho snyV'1 "Well , sue said 1 needn't call
any moio.
An English authority nays tight-lacing
causes cancers. And we believe It. Tlihio ,
for Instance , was the tUht-laccr who ner-
Ishod of cancel ot the toe , and there was that
othui whoso husband departed of cancer in
his left tog.
There Is a woman In Haltlmoro who
claims that many veats ago Lnlajetto kissed
her on the nose. It scorns improbable , how
ever , that so ualhnt n Kienchmaii as was
Lafayette should snub a fair Ualtlmorean'H
lips and salute her nose.
A Brooklyn woman Is suing two or three
of her acquaintances for ? . "iooo damages for
Injuries alleged to have been recened at
their hands. The Injuries consist of shocks
to hei nerves upon iccelpt ot several vulirnr
valentines , which she has reasuu to bullevo
were sent by the defendants.
A young widow recently went from Mis
souri to Totter county , Dakota , entirely alone
and in charge of u largo niunboi of horaos.
cattle , farming Implements and Household
goods. Hho has Rewired land and will co to
itirming , ptotectcd by an enormous mastiff.
"Now , young lady , you may take the
stand , " said the lawyer In a cave In Justice
Norton's court , the othcrday. " Yes sir , " she
replied , with n beaming mnllo. "That dors
meiipl' whispered a man on ono of the
benches. "I'm her husband and she's foitv-
n I no years old.but the HU inr on that lawyer's
tongue will cost mo S'0 ! tor milliuery before
tholst of May. "
Jet beads art- sot In clusters In the brown
straw.rovers coronet , nnd thus black nnd
brown make up the entire bonnet. Black
laeo crowns aie laid over coloioit tulle as a
transparent , notably o > er heliotrope , green
and old rose , nnd the tulle U boiilllouneon a
wlro frame , iiiaklnp a very light bonnet.
White lace crowns are with jet nud colored
beaded brims.
A > ery pretty skitt and tonrneur.all In one
was of blue nnd copper colou-d clnco silk
plain In front , with one pinkod-out llounce
all around , nnd a number of superposed
tluunces at the bick , leaching Iroin top to
bottom , the whole being put on to a plain
band encircling the waist. A very supple
clrclo ot line Hleel lies coaee.iloil under each
flounce , but the whole sklit Is charmingly
light of weight.
Another Is of marvellleuxRitlu ol the now
fashionable shade ot led called tison , 01 red-
hot chatcoal , shch as ono sees In a wood-lire
just before It Is consumed to ashes ; it Is
trimmed with one llouncoot thosiuln , veiled
oMtr with black luce. The front Is plulii , thu
back is arranged In a series of gathered piitf-
IIUH , with n gathered border over each. This
underskirt Is .suitable to wear with nn ele
gant walking costume.
An Inclination U shown to make lower
soft crowns ot stlk , of lace a'ul of beads tor
bonnets with straw or beaded brims , a fashIon -
Ion Hint may piovo popular for the theater.
These are handkerchief crowns In soft , easy
folds , with some of the corners turned up In
points In front. They are made of nurnli ,
wrought with beads , or of reppcd silk of rich
finality , yet very soft , and also of lace.
Spring mantles are short and scarf-like ;
contrasting material co\prs Urn arm from the
shoulders to the elbows , and long , narrow
fronts end In rosettes or bows of ribbon , erIn
In tassels of Jet. 1'assumontorlo mantles are
novel , and there are Incu and grenadine nnd
silk mantles tlmt are covered with jet orna
ments. Some fringes extend from the
shoulder to the end of the mantle , covering
It entirely , anil there are also fringes thirty-
boven Inches deep , made of supiratu jot
Htrands , that to\er the long IroutsoC the
Watered silk Is shown in some new uat-
toins , or more correctly speaking , very old
styles revived styles that were old In the
davs when ttm most ancient of our living
votaries of fashion were in their early youth.
There are moires with brocaded nguros In
them and with wandering lines or stripeti
that look liken stiaylng rill trickling over
thu smooth surface of the fabric. A few of
the conventional watered silks with rvhicli
\\oarolamiliararoarwajsln demand , nnd
In white are among the regular evening
Jackets for the street are made of barred or
striped cloths of dark colors , or of the
faorlto Stiodo and tau shades that are always
used In the spring , aud are now worn with a
variety of dressed , lioth double and single
breasted Jackets will bo worn , aud many are
completed by u hood made very full , broad
and round , orelso more slender and sharply
pointed. Horn buttons , with ores In thu
centre , or else tinted pearl buttons , are used
In two rows on tbo double-breasted coats ;
for the single-breasted coats are smaller lastIng -
Ing or braid buttons.
Iho most fanlilontblo ctvle of silk Just now
Is French faille ot thesott.rlch quality culled
vtiloutlne. A very handsome vlsltlu < dress
ot tbls style of faille , In a medium shade ol
tecl-gray , U slightly draped In front and at
the back and silt open all the way down on
the left slda to SROW aa underskirt of dark
blue and steel-gray shot ( clack silk. Tha
bodloe U pMkad and put oa wilto plaited
fronts to a shotildcr-Jtcce ot the shot silk ,
which crimes down tltoA deep point both In
'rout and at the bacaThe slee\c * ire en
tirely of the shot silk , with small peaked
rovers of the steel-gray faille.
A Now Joraey wh'tfw man has married
ncgret. ? , and the community Is so opposed to
nlsccgenatlon that the people talk of tarring
Htndv Churchill , who has just completed
ils thirty-eighth year. Is not wise to that ex
tent ; but If he niMn't married our Miss
Jerome ho would ha\o been nn Int.intln
small clothes at this 'ry writing.
On colddiys , hr to gist a dressy air to the
otherwise plain nowmnrlicts , the cape may
tx ) worn over It. At otMer times the little
cape may be worn by Itself so by this ar
rangement one has tw o garments lu one. a
At n negro wedding In Crlllin , ( ! a. , a short
line ago , when the words "love , honor and
) boy" were come to. the groom Interrupted
the preacher and sild : "Head that iigaln ,
iah ; read \\tuicoino' , so's the lady km
cetch de full solemnity of do nieanln' . i's
been married befo' . "
Andrew Carnegie , the mllHonlare Iron
master , was mnrried Friday evening very
luletlv to Miss the bride's home ,
Xo. ! tt West Viirtr-clglith street. Now York.
J'he next morning the Imppy couple left foi
.Scotland by the steamer 1 tilda.
Ten daysairoan Kast Sa/luaw widower
wugnt and found a servant thtoiieh nn Intel-
Igence ofllce. The elrl was good looking ,
mdrrstooil her duties , and tried to uleasu.
Saturday the employer married her , and he
s of the opinion that he's the happiest ful
ow In tl'cbailnaw valloy. Hut hoclety In
jaginavv Is awlully shocked.
John H. Doris , the circus man , has mar
ried Kiln btrikcs , the famous ridei. 1 his hap
pened In Indianapolis last vveclc. Dr.Cohln ,
.he well-known advance aL-entwas bestmin ,
and led the wij to the altar. The t-room
Managed thu ring on this occasion. When
.ho preacher asked , "What will the lady
lave ? " the bride blushed and said , "A hus-
jand , nlense. "
A very romantic marriage took place
nt Marion , Indiana. Wednesday , April 15
when Mi. Daniel Wilson , ex-mayor ofMacon
LMty. Mo. , was united to Mrs Kll/nbetn
famIth , foimitlv ot this city. Twunty-ilvu
years ago Mr. Wilson and his bride- were
idioolmates In a southern Ohio town where
they learned to love. Iholadj's pirents ob
jected to the match , nnd they suddenly dls-
ippearcd , taking thelrdatighter. The family
settled In Indiana. The yinm * : folks became
econcllcd , nnd each subsequently married.
In tlniit both were bereft of their life partners ,
ind the old love returned. Mr. Wilson
earned of Mrs. Smith's whereabouts , nnd
: olng to Marlon beu-an his Milt anew. Mrs.
Tinlth capitulated and consented to many
licrlirst love. The happv couple passed
through this city to day on their way to their
western home.
London Observer : At the marriage of thu
Marochalo Catherine. Ccneral Booth's Colonel Cllhborn at the Salvation
army barracks In London , theie was a cm I-
oiis Hcene. The young woman , tall and ex-
cltatile , as well as a cre.itme , as soon
as the mat lingo was over , Manga song ol
which one line was not very encouraging to
the. newly-married husband. ' 1 ho line was :
"We'll light and never tire. " and to Illtis-
tiate. her meaning In worldly fashion she
Hiiuirc'd olT nt her husband In trim piietllstic
shape , dodging her head nnd shifting hei
{ round , and with much bpliit shebat'creu '
ilm about considerably. The immense
crowd screamed and shouted. It vras lee
much for the excitable nature of General
llooth. Ho dra.'grd out his veneiablu
spnusonnd they aparrrd rkht merrily nt
each otliei. When that tired them both con-
ides began n f i en/led breakdown , hanging
on each othei'3 wnlsfa. ,
n From current eorrr ? } nnJcnrc irlth dcoJrrt
hrre diul tlirrr , K\HII Ing thtitulm qfSt. Jucubt Oil
and lit U'om/ir/ul ' / cjflwcy , ,
Perfect Satisfaction. '
Whitewater1 , Wh.Oct I3.1S.V , .
"fit Jacobs OH IIIM given perftct Bulls-
faction to thousmiJs fpr trn j tan "
A.jV.BUUK , Dealer.
Bow It Works. ' '
I'otsiTftm.lTlrra. . Oct. 30,1ESO.
"St. JiirolM Oil In the best ever tried.
When a mini litiysnbottlcnlwa > s nnothcr
man , taxmcr or latcr.bim miotliiT through
him.1' JOHNl.SGLEBV.Dciilcr :
Seven Out of Ton Use It.
401 Main St. , HoljoVp , MMS ; Nov. 9,1880 ;
" \\o liavo'n poodfnmll > trade , and run
truthfully Buy that of every ten of Ilie o
Sfen use f > t. Iambi Oil. A good , steady
Always Glvoi Relief.
MMiavraka , Ind , Nor. 12 , ISSfl.
' Farmers coinuluand bay : ' ( tUeiiin it
bottle of m. JacobOil , that alwaysnl\ot
relief when everything cl u falls '
Twenty Years Experience.
818 8. Malu St. . Fall Itlver , Mass : NOT. 1,18S8.
"Never In my 20 years experience in tha
drug business have I ever sold any lini
ment Hint gave such general gntlsfhctlon
an St. Jacob * Oil. " R.PUNBAB , Druggist.
Cnlrersal SutUfuctlon.
lllio ( ! roc , Pa. , Oct. 10 , IWW.
"I have ncv cr had n medicine In my htora
thnt cnv o Mich universal f atlsfnitlim ni St.
Jacobs Oil. " T. A. BAKU. Dealer.
Jtry.itl prrioni mivo St Jacnbi Oil or Ked
Star Cuvgh Cure , uitlbs/ernilliitfa tuvce t ttaiip
ttntl a Hittory ot Utnr eaie , receive AUVK B HIKH.
A.IOOEUB ro..niLn os .inj.
THE NEW YORK and OMAHA CLOTHING CO , , have in their show- '
window a handsome PONY , CART AND HARNESS , complete , which
they intend giving away on the 4th of July , Each purchaser of
$250 worth of goods wi.I obtain a ticket , which entitles him to one
chance in the drawing ,
This is a splendid chance for the boys , and for that matter for the
grown folks to get an extremely stylish pony and -cait for a trifle.
Come and buy something : and perhaps you may b3 the lucky one ,
It can be seen in our window all day , and during the evening from 7
until 9 o'clock ' ,
The New York and Omaha Clothing Go
1308 Farnam Street ,
A depot on the grounds and a five minute's ride from
Will bring you within 4 blocks of the Union Pacific Shops or
melting Works.
$250 TO $550
"Will buy a home in this addition on small payments and if you study
your own interest you will not pass this opportunity.
Carriages to accommodate all . 220 South 15th St
* T
O. H. CURTIS , Pres. - J. HURD THOMPSON , Sec. & & Treas
Wholesale g& Retail.
"FlihRrand" Coats , RalbB , Douches , Hair Crimpers. Nursery Shcctlug , Spocnlnm ! ,
Alrl'IllcMTs , Brnalioj , Drill & Dock , lUIr Vim , Navyllagx , Sportsiuoa'i Goodi ,
AlrUedi , Brewer's Hose , Door Mats , Hats , Oil Clothing , Stamps.
Air Cushions , Cape , Vreia Shields , Horse Covers , racking , Stationer's Gum ,
Antl Haulers , Capes. DrlnUnz Cups , Hose , B.B. &P , t'o.PnIU , Syphons ,
Aprons , Carriage Cloth , Klastlo hands , Hose Couplingi , Box Synngt , Spittoons ,
Atomizers. Cartridge Hags , Elastic tttooktogt , Hose Tlpta , 1'onclla , Swimming Jankota
Hands , CatheUrs , Erasers , Hose Uccle , 1'cu holders. SynngM'Ptrf.ctionBen,1
, , , Hot Water BottlssPessaries , Thimbles ,
liandage Gam Clothing Face Bags
Ilnptlsmal rants , Copy Book Sheets , Finger Cots , Harersacks , Piano Covers , Throat Hags.
Halls , Carpeting , Flower Sprlnklcri , Ice Hags , Pipe * . ' Tubing ,
HnthMats , Cament , Floor Scrapers , Ice Caps , Pipe Stems , Tumblers ,
HathTubi , Clothes Wrlmrors , Folding Palls. Inkstands , Plant Sprinklers , Toy * .
Bed Pans , Coata "Fish Urand" Foot Halls , Invalid Cushions , Pure Rubber , Teclh'gningsAradj ,
Bed Sheets , Combs. Force Cups , Loggings. Fnt , . . Tobacco PouUies ,
H.HAP.Co. BeltingComb Cleaners , - Fruit Jar lllngs , Lined Hose , Pistol Pockets , Trotting Holla ,
Belt Hooks , Corks , Funnels , Lace Cutters , Hattles , Urinals ,
llellowa Cloth , Cork Screw B , Gas Tubing , Life Preservers , Knbbcr Dam , Umbrellas ,
lllbs , Ourry Combs , Glove , Mackintosh Goods , llulors. Ventilating Soles ,
HlankoU , Cuspadors , Gossamer Caps , Match Hozos , KepalrlnpCIoth , Wagon Aprons ,
Hoots A Shoes , Cigar Cases , ' Cloth , Marllngalo Kings , bbaft Itnbhers , Wagon Covers ,
Hoys Caps , ChairTlpsA , Buffers , " Coats , Mats , Shoes & Hoots , Wagon Springs ,
Hoys Coats , Diapers , " Waterproofs , Slatting , Sink Scrapers , Weatherstrips ,
ISoiiBlcs. Dinner Oloth , Gaiter Straps , Mirrors , Scoops , Webbing ,
, Della , , , Coats , ' 1'anti ,
Jlracclcts Gun Covers Mittens bhootmg M'ndlug
llroast Pumps , Doll Bodies , Guttn Perchu , Nipples , . Bllng shots. Water Bottles.
llroastBhleldn , Doll Heads , Gymnasiums , Nursing Bibs. Holing , Window Cleaners ,
Buffers , Door Bauds Hair Curlers , Nursing Bottles , Sponge Bags , Wringer Uolls ,
Boston DeltliiR"Co's. . Rubber anil Cotton Helling , Packing and Hose. Solo agents in Omaha ,
Leather HeftingPur * Oak Tanned. Manufacturers of "PERFECTION BOX SYRINGES. " .
Manufnctnrcra of'FISH Bit AND RUBBER GOODS. "
Mall Orders Solicited and will Hecclve Prompt Attention.
Farnam Street.
Furnishing Goods.
Liitc , t Importation , at
Commencing at 1 o'clock P. M.
QO HKADJimt from quarantine. HI fonmleflanil
OO Ubuild. . COWK lu cult or ciilrcs ut foot. All
ot the noted families rcpro .cnfoJ , Including hulls
nnd COWH ot tb not I P inlr niH trltmv Lady Stnn-
luy * . Forest Queeny , M IU MmUn , DrumlanrlK. Bulls.
uniUieirem by tUe noted llunlcn Hull (1151)tho ( ) Urst' '
llnnlon fcnmlcsover Impoitod. Also a lot llrod by
MoiMroonoof Drumlnnrltr ( I T2) ) a ld to be the best
bull In Scotland nt the present tlmo. Wo can nay
withouthcslutionIbit tuiautlio li * t lot ol oattlu
cTerluiiortocl | , both u rcuanla bruodloii ana Indi
vidual merit. Palo po tlvo ; no resorvu , no pott-
nfmomtmt : will Iw hold In tbobroodon ialetent.
TKItMH Three to six tnonthi' tlino for iroo < l paper.
Hrlnir bankable roferuowCaUUiru .i now ready.
T < tixt.if , N . , ' ro Nebraska Karmir.
r F. M. WOOD * , Auctioneer.
One Million Distributed , Every Year
Only $2.00 required to secure one Royal Italian 100 francs gold bond. These bond
participate in four drawings every year and retain their * original valu
until the year 1911. Prizes of 2.003,000 1,000,000 , 500,003 , SfiO.OOO , &c. francs will b
drawn , besides the certainty of receiving back 100 francs in gold , you may win 4 time
CVCrV yGjir.
Ths ( U as afo , nnd the host , Investment over offered , as the Invested money must bo paid biok
when bond matures. 8 id | forulrcuUM ai It will pay you to di , or send your orders wliu luuuaf
or registered letter , or postal niitct , and In return we will forward the documents.
BERLIN BANKING CO. , 3O5 Broadwny , Now York City.
N. B. These bonds are not lottery tickets , and their sale is legally permitted in theU
S. by lav. of 1873 .
Tiynihn's Violet Powder for toilet use. Full line of I'lilmor's , rumlborKh'B nnd E tm j'i
Porfuiuod always on band. All goods ut us ronionublu prli.cs as iiuullt ) of goods w lu allow.
Ite-poctruur ,
HAHN'S , 1822 St. Mary'B Avenu * .
Best Minnesota. $2.75.
Choice " $3.40.
Good " $2,00.
Northeast Corner St. Marj-'s Ave. ami i'Jth St.
Silsbce's Hew Cash Furniture Store
1818 and 1820 St. Mary's Avenue ,
Is attracting much attention. Ills largo stock of nlco Parlor Furniture and low
prices , it scouring him H good trade , TJed-room S U , folding Beds , ( tarings.
Mattresses , Lounges , Tablcs.8Undi , Chain , Uefrigeraton , efo. , etc. GftliMMl
M aad MT Bone/ .