Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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' AdvertlBi'inents underfills bond , 10 cents PIT
inn for the Mrst Insertion , 7 eonls lor oacli subsequent -
sequent Insi'itlon , nndl.rxn line pur mnntli.
No iiflvertliotiiont tnki n for Ions tniin 25 cents
for the first Insertion , Poven words wll Jbo
counted to tlio HUM ! thr > y must run roiuocu-
tlvnlv and inii t bupnld In tnhiuico. All uilvcr-
tlcoinonU must bo Inuidcd In befoio 1:30 : o'clock
ii. in. , unil iiinlcr no circumstances will they betaken
taken or df cnntlmiril by telephone.
1'aitlcs iidvvrtHntf In tliu-o columns and hav
ing the answers uddrossid In enroot TllKllrti
will plcnso ii k fet it check to cnnlilo them to got
their luttcrs. us nnno 111 lie delivered except
on | ire < ontntlon or check. All answers to adver
tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In those columns nro pub
lished In liotli mortilnir nnd evening editions ot
The Hue , the circulation of which
aggregates more than 14,000 piipors
dally , nnd vivo' the iulrortl or the
Iionnflt , not onlj of the city circulation of Tim
HKK tint also of Council Illulfs , Lincoln , and
ether cities und towns throughout this part of
tliu west.
2,000 to loan on real ostnto. Apply to C. H ,
s Keller , 1505 Farnam xt , city. G15 in 10 *
$600,000 to loan at 0 per cent , Harris ft Samp
son , 1510 Douglas it. 63fl
> - - -
, 1O LOAN at 0 per cent Mahoney
& Llnahan 1609 Fnrnam. 121
TO LOAN 0 K. Davis * Co..real
MONRV and loan agents , 1505 Farnnnyt
ONEY to loan on real estate nnd chattels :
M : B. Katz Ic Co. 1511 Farnnm Bt , ground floor.
$800,000 To loan on Omaha city property at 8
per cent. U. W. Day , s. e. cor. Kx. Hid.
75 < !
M IONEY TO LOAN-On city nnd farm prop
erty , low latcs. Htowart 4 Co.loom3
Iron hn ne . Tf/J
to loan , cash on delay.
J. W. and E. I , . Squire. 14U Farnara it ,
xton hotel building. 700
MONF.Y First mortgngo notes. The Douglas
county bunk will buy papers secured by
flrst mortgage on city realty. 781
MONEY TO LOAN on improved real estate ;
no commission chnrgod. Leavltt Ilurn-
ham , Iloom 1 Croighton Hlock. 7E3
61'KifcKN'fTMonoy to loiuT
Gregory It Hadley ,
Roomi 1 and 3 , Itcdick block , 330 a 15th St.
MONF.NY to loan on collaterals. Long and
Abort tlmo city mortgages nnd con
tracts oought. K. 8. Ilowloy , SUbouth Pith st.
1.78 mil
1XJAN Money I/nans placed on improved -
proved real estate In city or county for
Mew England Loan St Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank. ICth and Chlongo sts. 764
MONEY to loan on Improved city property at
G per cent. Money on hand ; Uonothiuo
to wait Have n complete sot of abstract books
of Douglas county. 1. N. Watson , abstractor
Harris Konl Estate and Loan Co. , 3208.11th st.
MONBY LOANED at 0. K. Heed & Co.'s Loan
Ofllco , on furnlturo , planoa , horseswngons ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticle * ) of value , without removal. 319 S. 13th.
ever lilngbam s Commission store. All busl-
neil strictly confidential. 7bfl
6PER CK.NT Money.
il. C. I'attciKon. nid Harney. 75.5
MONKY TO LOAN by the nndorslgned , who
him the only properly organized loan
Money In Omaha. Loans of $10 to $100 made
on furnlturo , pianos , organs , horses , wagons ,
tnachlnvry , Ac , without removal. No delays.
All business strictly confidential. Loans so
tnndo that any part cnn bopald at any linoeach
payment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
made on fine watches and diamonds. Persons
should carefully ooiidldor who they nro dealing
with-as many now concerns are dally coming
Jnto existence. Should you need raonny call
nil see me. W. It. Croft , Hoom 1 WUhnell
Iliilldlng 15th and Harnuy. 703
riMlEOmaha Financial Exchange , N. W. cor-
J. nor of Harnoy nud 15th sts. , over State
National bank.
TB prepared to make short tlmo loans on any
availnblot ) ecurlty , loans made on chattels col
laterals or real ontuto.
Long tlmo loans made on luiurovod real estate
at current rafos.
Purchase money mortgages negotiated , se
en rod notea bought , sold or exchanged.
Short tlmo loans made on second mortgage ,
accord I tig to marginal Interest , at collateral
Heal estate to exchange for good Interest
jOioarinir paper.
General llnanclal business of all Kinds trans-
Bctod promptly , quietly nnd fairly.
Money always on haud for approved loans of
Any kind , without dolly or unnecessary pub
licity. Corbott. Manager. 180
, ANTED-Arenta-World Type Writer $10.
Rapid , simple , oasyto use. Writing equal
to $103 machines , dig profit ! ) . Bend tor circu
lars. Day & Luster , 35 Murray St. , Now York.
_ 3 > 823J
"I7UH ) SALE An A 1 lunch room , also part-
X' nor wumod In the buslnosa. rare chancu.
Address or call oil Dayton & Voris , Itoom 1 ,
1 304 Douglas street. _ 332 2.IJ
" 171011 a few hundred dollars I can got you ono
X' of the best paying restaurants in the state.
for further particular * address A.E. Altkon ,
Kearney , Neb. _ 231 27J
"Vlf ANTED -Partner , by n young man , lady
* , ' ' or gentleman. In n well established nnd
vood paying business , necessary capital about
§ 1,000. A peed chance for the right partv. Address -
dress M,4 , Ileooltlco. 289 23 *
in ealoou business nor
city license. Apply Farmers' Itcst , Mount
rieiiimnt nddltlon Military lloud. 211 2. *
" | j"OR SALE Anlcosmull montmarkot , doing
SJ a good business on n paved street , Address
"LB7" llooomco. 802 26J
\VANTED-Gonoralngent for Nebraska for
TV World Typo Writer $10. Rapid , simple ,
asytouso. Writing1 oqmil to $100 machines.
A good business for llvo man. Address Day Sc
Nestor. 85 Murray St. New York. 349 S3J
TOH SALE OR TltADE-For Omaha city real
JF estate or Nebraska lands , n two-story
brick store , with a romploto line of staple dry
goons and notions , groceries , crockery , glass
ware , and a small assortment of hats and caps
all bought for cash and discount saved in a
llvo Nebraska town , county seat , and doing need
r oed cash business. The second story runts for
: 55 per month , and now contains tlm-class ten
ants. On the Union Pacific R. 'It , , nnd sur
rounded by the best class of farmers nnd
turms in the stuto. Two grain ole vutors are lo
cated ut the station , ntul tnp nil tne surround
ing country , which brings in a irrent deal of
outside trade , nnd is ono of the best grain mar-
-JMotiln theBtate ; It also has one of tbn largest
untiring mills in the west
The above pioporty Is first-class In every ro-
Bpcct nnd the stock is now and desirable. C. J.
Cnnan. 852
F1)RBALE $3,000 stock of drugs In good
town in Houthern Nob. onll. & M. railroad ,
doing n $7.0,0 cash business. Good rensons for
soiling ; arnro thnnco for the right man. Ad-
du'JS Kraus A Fotter,316 so. 15th Bt , Omaha ,
Nob. 159 25
* | j OR SALE The best most mnrkot on N 10th
jrfJU yorycho.ip. AddiussL 62 Bee oltlco.
17 * * * * * * *
RARE chance. A small romploto drug
A stock for bnlo In city. Store for rent A
bargain If taken soon. Enquire of Dr. Walker ,
t G , Gruunlg block. 245 2J |
"iTlOll SALE or trade , for city property , a stock
f of dry goods , clothing , boots and shoos ,
also store In good location to rent mid fixtures
for sale. Address L ill lloo office. 177 SJJ
Hotel for rent or for sale , at Jnnscn ,
NEW . . on hue of C. 1C. & N. ll'y-Rock Is ) .
And. Good opening for the buslno s. Address
t * . Jiinson , Jnnson , Jefferson Co , Nob. 10624
Triblt BALE First class barber shop In the
JL1 center of thoolty. Inqulro L 41 Boo ofllco ,
tK)7 ) 22J
SALE A Complete clgnr stand outfit ,
FOR City Real Kttato Co. , 1320 Douglas st
* | 71U PALE-Ono-half Interest In the Nebraska
JL' Signal , the largest circulation of any coun
try weekly newspaper In the stnte ; largo Jot
Olllco in connection. For full paitlculara ml
dross or full on 15. C. Sawyer , Adrnr. . Fair
rnont. Null. 733
BUY a Mnyflald lot on West Cumlngs street
(350 , | 50 down and $10 monthly. C. J
Canan. 722
FOB BALK or Exchange A now 35 bbl com
blnation mill situated on Little llm <
river , near Hebron , In Thiiynr county Will ox
obatige for wild or ImprovM lands or live stock
1'or further particulars undress First Natlona
Bank. Hebron. Neb. 833
TVANTED To tludgood , live buslnoss mot
T T with Blocks ot goods to move to a grow
Ing town wbero manor ran bo made , I will as
rut the Tighi kind of people in building , etc
lr Will pay good big bonus to any ono that wll
tart a cunning factory , or , la fact , any kind o
factory that employs bands , We want a drill
tore , furnlturo store , grocery store , a doctor
St practical pHlntor right nwav. For particular
.Address Bank of Valley , Vuiloy Nob.
> EItSQNAL-8. II. Froihold has loft Sotitl
Inquire for him , J12.N. 10th. 300 2J
T > EltSON'AI < Ncnt and tasty all-wool husl-
-1 ness units $7.00. Fine blue diagonal dress
ettlts , $10,76 , Call and see. them or wrlto for
samples. L O. Jones & Co. , American
Clothiprslaw.Fnriifim St. , Omaha. f 8 m 17
r > El.iONALPrlvat homo for ladles during
confinement , strictly confidential. Infant *
ndoptcdnddross _ K 42 , line olllco. P/Jq29J
* IJAllTIKS having Iiou es7 TurnlsTicd or un-
J. furnlihoil rooms to rent , tan always find
n desirable tenant by calling on F. H. Soaton
& Co.,319 S. 15th room 4. Olllcn open till9 p.m.
TJEKSONAI.-Totho ladles of Omaha : The
JOuinhn I'mploymont Lluronu is furnish
lug a majority of the beat families of
this city with fcmalo help. Wo cnn
furnish you on short notice with first
class help. A trial will convince you that wo
nro not boasting. 119 N 16th at , Crounrn Hock.
RS. C. K. IIHEGA , late of Denver , foL , has
opened a llrst-clnssemployment office , lor
ttmlccnnd female help. Hotels , restaurants ,
bonrdlng houses.laundrlcs and all publlc'lnstltu-
tlons supplied with both tnalo nnd female help
free of churgo. Mnlo help furnished free to all.
Orders solicited and satisfaction guarnntoednt
310 South 15th St. ilXKWJ
M1W. DURANT-Clarlvoyant from
i ellablo In all affairs of Ufa , unites separated
lovers. 322 N. 16th st , room 1 C40n23
PERSONAL Mrs. Dr. Nannie V. Warren
clairvoyant. Medical and business Medium
Boom Ma 8,121 North 16th st .Omaha. Neb.
IOST White bull dog with collar and tax tair.
Reward of $10 for return to P. Hocco &
'o. ' , corner Hth nnd Dodgo. 2S.1 2.1J
03T-On S 10th st , three Chicago drafts nnd
one Council Hinds check enclosed In seal-
d anvclop.o Pnyniont Is stopped on all. Return
o U. S. Nnt'l Hank , Omaha , or J. D. MoNnb *
' . , Chicago. 272 22 *
" 171OUND Head pursn containing small
V amount of money. Call nt Do\\ey & Stone's
urnituro store. 2H122J
OMAHA Storage Warehouse Corner 13th
nnd Izard sts , , for storage of household
oods and general merchandise at low rates ,
idvances made ; issue warehouse receipts. R
I. switch at the house. Orllco 519 South 13th
, troot nnd 1308,1810 and 1312 Iznrd street. Telethon
then cdffi. M. 8 Goodrich , > lgr. W5 ra3
NOTICE -Real Estnto men. Lot 3 , block 12
Shlnn's addition Is withdrawn from the
market. 30-J22J
A practical cutter and tailor of largo oxperl-
- clenco , wishes to enter an engagement with
ngood firm In a city , where u good college ot-
h-ts , In this state or Colorado. Refer to Mr.
Geo. E. Kramer , Kearney , Neb. Address Fred
Yollonmoldcr , Hastings , Nob. ,112 23J
KEAL ESTATE MEN and others tnko notice.
All lota In Calkin's subdivision ol May field
indnll other lots listed by mo are withdrawn
rom the market. April BO , 1887. C. J. Canan.
niHE committee on entertainment of the
JL Presbyterian assembly which moots hero
May Ifth.deslro to cot places tor hoarding n
number of commissioners at boarding or prl-
ruto houses. Any who have rooms with or
without board will please notify the committee
the terms on which they will take delegates.
> . L. Porlno , 1505 Farnam st. 151 2J
ROOMERS and table boarders , COS Colfax st.
SK ) 2 J
FOR RH NT Square I'lano $ J montbly.
Hospo.1613 Douglas. 770
rf\0 parties having houses lor rent , Rental
JL Agency , Uonawa & Co. , 15st. , opposlto post-
Ofllco , Wo have turned over to them our rental
list. We recommend thorn. McCague Bros.
BLAKE'S Premium Short Hand ,
und Typewriters' Institute.
Thoroughlprtictlcnl nnd
Reliable Instruction.
Write or apply to L. J. Tllake , principal , cor.
ICth and Capitol ay o. Omnhu , Neb. u\l myl *
fjioil iiKNT Organs , $2 per month.
JL' 1513 Douglas. _
IlllKSSMAKlNO-Mrs. E. C. Scoflcld. par-
\J lors lf2iSt. Mnry'savc. Ladles coming to
the city for ono day can have their dress made
while watting. 075 m It
Ol. C. House furnishing goods , all kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowest prices at J ,
Donnor , 1315 Douglas st 000
F I OH KENT Square Piano , $ t montnlv. A
Hospe. 1613 Douirlas. 770
rjlIRST-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th ct
D 728
CF you want to buy or sell furniture , go to
J. Ferguson's , 715 N. 16th. 771
STORAGE First-class storage tor nice tur
nlture or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodgc-st :
SALE Second hand barber chair and
polo , good as uow. Cheap at 702 S. 10th st.
324 S3J
F I OR BALE Household furniture and car-
pots. S. E. corner Farnam and 20th sts.
I'OR SALE Twenty-five flno horses. Parcel
Delivery stables , 1711 Wobstor. 313 27J
T710R SALE Good combination loik flro
JO proof safe , cheap. Wolsbans Pratt Ic
Ilnlnes , 20th nnd Pierce , tolcpbono 313. 314
F I OR SALE-Squaro piano , $150. Woodbrldgo
Uros , 215 Opera houso. IKM
F I OR ( SALE 2d hand organ. Woodbrldge
liron. , 215 Opera house. UOJ
nnd Cut Flowurs ot all kind's for sale
at the south sldo of Douglas Bt , between
llth and 15th , at Homo Restaurant. II. Haas.
FOR SALE -Largo burn nnd wagon sheds , to
be removed. Inquire on promises , N. K.
cor. 15th and Howard.or Boom No , G Iron Rank.
J. K. Bheely. 276 23 *
FOIt SALE 24 head of cattle , team , wagon ,
milk cans , and route. Henry Hoist ,
Baundorsat. 277 2J
FOR RENT Square piano ti a month.
Woodbridge Uros. , 215 Opera houso. 301
"ITiOR SALK Team of mules , cheap for cash ,
-I ? 10,16 South 23d. 71 23'
FOR SALK-Furnlturo of flat ot B rooms
or two flats of 12 rooms , suitable to rent
furnished rooms , In best locality. Address
L 57 Hue Ofllco. 144 2IJ
BICYCLE for snlo , Columbia light export 54
In enamolrd wheels , bnlanco nlcicclcd ,
Klrunatnck saddle , long cranks , hollow rlms.iu
excellent otdor , price $90 , C. W. Northrop ,
Arlington , Nob. 263 23J
FOR SALE Ono pool and two billiard tables
with cues , racks nnd balls , llrunswlck-
llnlko Etnndaid , ohrnp. Address Thos Carr ,
KM P Bt , Lincoln , Nob. 5'i 23J
SALE Horse cheap. Inquire Neb ,
Marble works , 212 N 15th st. 258 S3 *
FOR SALE Rids for the nouses sltuntcd on
the S W cor Hurt and Wth sts will be re
ceived ut oftlco of E. T. Peterson & Co. , S E cor
15th and Douglas. 170 22J
TT1OR 8ALB-17 head choice bred Shorthorn
JL ? onttlo : also a 410 nero stock farm In Holt
county. J. 8. Colllngs , Ponder , Neb.
Nil may 13J
FOR SALE 1 or 2 homos , 1 spring wagon , 1
buggy , cheap. A. Hospo. 781 m3 !
" SALE The best line of
17"Oil carriages , phaet
ons , bugglos. real estate wavons and deliv
ery wagons. Columbus Iluggy Co. . 1113 Harney.
TjlOll SALE A second hand spring wagon , two
JL1 seated , polo and shafts , cheap , at the Col-
unit ) us Iluggy Co. , 1113 llarnoyjt 3W
TmOR SALE-Urlok. T. Murray.
CHOICE LANDS-$5 per aero. $ M ) makes 1st
yean * payment on 160 acres. Wrlto for Information -
formation W. F.I'alno. Sidney Nob. 2 , " > 2iiiny7
) Olt SALE Team fine roadsters , and good
single harness. Dr. Hanchctt , r 6Withnell
Block. 0
SALE 2 million brick nnd upwards DO-
tides dally out put of 30,000. Enquire
on premise * , cor Dorcas and 2nd sts. Omaha
llrlok und Terra CotU Mfg. Co 774
17ANTED Two drivers nnd two barn men
T at Parcel Delivery , 1711 Webster street ,
\yANTF.D-DUhwoshor , 1004 N 16th It.
WANPED-A good steady cook at onoo ;
man preferred , nt 1009 Cuss st 3 22j
W ANTED A flrst class broad aud cake ba-
kor. 1WO Cuuiing st 34-J 23J
WANTKD 10 good wood choppers to chop
by thncord , uiuit furnish tnwr owoaxes.
Hoggs Ic Hill. BIO 22
WANTED-Two flrst-class stair builders.
, South Tenth street , opixislto Hrownell
halt. gso aj
ITT ANTED A partner for a newly started
JM business with 1,600 to $3,000. Address L
W , Iloe office. sij tsj
WANTED Ihreo pants makers ; also three
vest makers at once , frank J , Ramge ,
239 Z .
WANTED-Immcdlately flrst-class her o-
cheer , none need apply only a steady
man nnd a tlrst-class workman , will pay good
wage * . Address John Pollock , Hoatnco , Gaga
county Nob. , Look llox act. 247 SJ
_ _
"MTANTBD A boy of about 13 , good ponmnn
> T and collector. No fresh youngster need
5. City _ styja * _
WAN fED- clerk tor crocucry nnd notion
business , only such with experience nnd
good tofcronccs may address L 72 , Heo jnjce.
\VANTED-Good canvn ors for oil portrnlt
' painting. An energetic lady orgentlnman
can make money. Room A , 323 North Joth Bt.
r 0 2.1 *
_ _ _
\\fANTED-For railroads east of Council
T > Illutfs In Iowa , a nrst-clnss tea nnd cigar
salesman. 1o the right man big Inducements
offered. Call on or address KennnrdtV Miller ,
St. Joioph. Mo. 10224
\\rASTED-Men to cut wood. T.Murray.
f\ 2t
WANtTTD-CanvassIng Agents to handle n
specialty , one to three sold In every house.
Apply between houriof 12 in. and 4 p. in. Acme
Manufacturing Co. . 612 S. luthitt. _ BW
\\rANTED-Good coat nnd puntnloon
T T makers. John Tompson k Sons. Kearney -
noy , Neb , 17J 2IJ
A MED Laborers for rallioad work. E.S.
Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam.
V i *
TtTANTED fX ) sober. Intelligent menofTood
T T address to try n lOo meal at Norrls' res.
taurant 104 S 16th st 775
VtT" ANTED A tlrstclass. reliable , whin nwako
vv furnlturo salesmen , none other need
apply , M. F. Martin , (117 ( Eouth 13th st. 167
\\rANrED A good pastry cook at the Wind-
TV ser hotel. BJ7
WANTED-Carnago Binlth , helper and var
nish rubber , at 140U-1411 Dodge St. S09 22
\\fANTED-2 experienced salesladies , ono
T > tor the glove department who understands
fitting. Apply to Thompson , Bclden & Co. ,
131U Farnam st. 351 U
ANlED Cook , female , 813 NTlCth Bt.
301 27j
WANTED Tbreo laundresses at the Coz
zens. 297
" \xrANTED-Flrst-clnsR cook , laundress nnd
V > second girl. Apply 202 N. 18th st. Mrs.
McCormlck. 310 25J
\\rANTED In fnmlly of thrco u good cook ,
Tf vasher and Ironer , wages $4 per week.
90 ? Farnum st. U.i 21J
WANTED First class waist and skirt hands
n girl that wants a home Mrs
) avls. 1011 Howard st _ 2M 23 *
WANTED Dining room girl , Union restau
rant , Harnoyst , $18 per month. 2932.1J
WANTED-Gooct girl for general house
work. 1015 Chicago st. 26S22
WANTED A good cook , washer and Ironer.
good wuges , No. 2)24 Iodgo st. 200 2J
TVfANTED-A plrl for genornl housework ;
W best wages given. Popploton nvunuo nnd
Dunne st. 2V.I 22J
WANTED 15 shirt makers. 2i ) pant makers ,
and25ovoiall milkers , nlio 2 laundios-
ses : permanent and paying positions. Gco.
Stiles , 1400 Leavenworth street , 2nd floor.
2.17 2J
WANTED Immediately n ( rood girl to do
cooking nnd general housework , apply
nt 2212 Farnnm st. 2Q4 23J
WANTED A girl for general housework ,
601 S 20th St. 243
WANTED-6 good Rklrt nnd waist makers'
Mrs.E. A. Crater , room 10 Jacobs block
241 23
WANTED A good girl for general house-
worn. Apply at third house north of I.cav
onworth on Colfax st. 225
WANTED-3 ( f Iris , Paclflc House , 210 N 10th
Bt. 2011 22J
WANTED Girl for general housework ,
bostwngesto competent girl. No f.thor
nccdnpply. Mrs. II. S. Smith,2.108 Ciilltoruiu
Bt. 210 22
WANTED-50 girls furnished good homes
and good puy. No charges. 1 > 2 N 15th
WANTED Dining room girl und alshvrashcr
1004 N 16th St. 156
WANTED Immediately , 5 first-class millin
ery salesladies and trimmers at R. M.
Genus Uros. , No. 1408 Douglas at 218
WANTED-GIrl at Emmet House.
178. .
WANTED-A girl to work in kitchen nt 423 S
18th 8SQ
" \XTANTED-A good girl for goncral house-
VV work. Mrs. R. Ft. Wilbur. Ml Plnnsant
Street UGJ 22
V17ANTED Chambermaid who will wnlt
IT table at Occidental. ! > S9
WANTED- girl for general housework at
1917 Cnss st. 802
WANTED-Cook , dish washer and dining
room cirl. 2210 Cumlng st. 174 2tj
lirANTED-First-olass cook. Will pay $1 per
W week. 2427 Dodge Bt. 203
WANTEO-Good girl ut 603 Virginia ave ,
good wages paid. 231
WANTED A nont spry girl" for general
house worn , 1413 Jones St. u.U
"f XT A NTED Lady c.mvussor. Apply to ! W3
W N.lOthst 16 < J
WANTED At once , pl'ino playpr , colored
woman preferred Apply 112 S. 9th. 343
TVTANTED-Ladlos to work for us at their
TV own nomos ; $7 to 10 per week can be
quietly mnde ; no photo-painting , no canvass
ing. For full particulars please nddross at
once Crescent Art Co. , 19 Central st , Boston ,
Muss. Box.5170. DOS
WANTED Situation by young man 17 years
of ago as office assistant. Wages no ob-
Jeot. Address 1.71 lloo ofllce. 228
T\7"ANTED Situation as bookkeeper or assls-
TT tant , have had several years business ex
perience. Address L 31 , lloo olllco. 79324"
WANTED-Sltuntlon by an expert book
keeper. Host city references. Address ,
M 6 , liee Ofllco , 278 23 *
WANTED-Sltuation by middle ngod Hdy us
housekeeper , Inqulro room 7 , Atlantic
hotel. 271 25 *
WANTED Situation by a young man , In n
grocery or furnlturo biibinoss Address
M U Dee oflico. 293 2.JJ
\ \TANTED Situation In hotel by man and
TT wife , 1 fourteen yoais' experience. Address -
dross M 12. Dee office. 310 2-'j
"llfANTED-Posltlon as clerk by young man
T T from tbo east. Can speak English and
German. Host of refotence. Address M 13
Itco Ofllco. 307 22j
V\7"ANTED Situation by n competent sales-
TT man. 13 yours * cxporionce ; speaks the
Gorman und Scandinavian languigcs ; best ol
references. Address M 11 , lloo olllco. II0323J
\TIT ANTED -Situation nbout n house or ns
TT coachman by young man who c'in furnish
best of city references. Address M 14. Dee of
Qco. . 310 23 *
\\7ANTEO Situation by n young man in n ro
> tall clothing Htnio or gent's furnishing
goods , understands cutting custom clothing
Addros M 8 lies olllco. 2SC.VJ
\T7ANTFD-Sltuatlon as bokor. Bit North
T > Itth Ht. 243 27J
" \\TANTED Situation HS housekeeper by a
T ' woman who has n baby. Would like to
go to the country. Inqulro , City Hotel. 133 S5 *
WANTED By young man , a job driv
incr a grocer's delivery wagon , can
keep n set of booku , good reference. Addrossjj
41 Bee otlice. 009 2Jj
Y\7"ANTED-Sltuatton as book keener or
TT ou hlerby a young lady. Best of refer
ouccs. Address L. 7 BoonUlco. 1)07 )
WANTED To rent by responsible party
hou o of from 8 to 10 looms near Imalncs ;
part of the city. Address M 15 , this oftlco.
\syANTED-By two irontlemon , plots nn
TT room and good board In private fnmlly
central location. Address L , Paxton hntul. H2
\\7ANTED-A driving horse In exchange for
TT a lot In Poppleton park. Building asso
elation. C. J. Caswoll , room 19 , Iron bank.
325 2GJ
WANTED Two unfurnished rooms for huh
TT housekeeping. Addrew M 10 Hoe ofllco
287 23J
\\TANTED Harness and phaeton In par
TT payment on u piano , Woodbrldge Broa.
S15 Opera houso. 305
WANTED Good horse or team as part pay
mont for cheap lot , 1123 N. 17th st. tH 24
TOTANTED-Every lady housekeeper In the
v T city to try one of West's Percolators for
making good tea and coffee. No expensive
patent coffee or teapot to buy but an article
so simple andch o that any novice oan make
a oup of tea or coffee that will be a Joy to them
selves and win the admiration of their friend
and guests. For sals by Jas. J , Burr , H N 18th
\\ANTI'D Two or thrco furnished rooms
TT for housekeeping , near business center.
\ddross M. 7. , lloo olllco. 231 22 *
" " '
Qt'lll'UISK tn tbo "piiblUi-FlrsU-iiiss'day
O board $3.00 per week ; slnjrkMiieals2to. ( 1314
Japltol avunuc.H. _ C. Foley. wu sr _
\\A"NTEI ) To rent a 1iou o of 6 or 7 rooms
VT Modern conveniences deilred. Rcjjionsl-
ilc party. Address LCS lleo ofllee. 197
" \\rANTED Unfurnished room largo enough
T T for 4 or suite of rooms for sleeping
apartments , In editor 0 - . - ' Address K 00 ,
bee oltlce. ' 246
WANTKD A nonspapor , paying circulation
guaranteed from the start for particu
lars address Hunk of Vnlloy , Valley , Neb.
Y\rANTEf ) Tb ( rTvc"7iwar".WO ' yards of dirt
T > to anyone who will hull It away from n w
corner of 17th nnd Webster sts. 617 South 13th
st. 22) )
WANTED-To buy for cash old houses to be
removed from tlicir present sltns. Apply
o C. H. DoJgo. 617 South 13th et. ZM
\\7ANTED-To lease ground In any part of
T the city , not over 10 blocks ftom post-
office. Address O. W. Codv. box 5M , city. 819
ItRNT-Ono of the host seven-toom
lints In the city , furniture for sale , on tinio
payments. Addresfo-call on Dtij ton A.orl ,
loom ) , 1304 Douglas at. 3J1 2tJ
Foil nENT-Pleasantly situated cottage
with turnlture fur sale , near business cen-
or. M 17 Dee ofllcc. : n 24J
FOH UBM' A nice five room cottaRB. one-
half bite from at car. Nlco nolirhhorhood.
Inquire ot C. L. Erlckson. 212 N 18th st. 1144 22
FOR REST Twelve room Hat , furnlturo for
sale , Knro chance for renting rooms. Ad-
lro sorcall on , Dnyton & Vorls , room 1,1301
Douglas st. mi 2. ; *
. { RENT Iluti'hnr shop with fixtures com
plete , , apply nt 15(19 ( North 20th. ! UO 24j
R RENT Lunro store and llvo rooms , np-
ply Ititiq N. 20th Bt , 323 24J
It RENT House of 7 rooms , furniture for
sale. 718 N lOth st. 206
FOR RENT 5-room house on 2i20 California
Bt P. J. Croodon. 22122
ll RENT-A store. Inquire 1412 S. 13th st
Goo. IL Peterson. 8W
FOR RBNV House of 7 reruns and barn In
Omaha View. Lawrence & buydel , 218 N' .
lOtb st. 232 2,1
F OIl KENT Furnished house for the sum
mer. Central location. Mcud& Jnmlcson ,
M'itn ' _ 1CO _ _
OR RENT Frame Rtoro building , 20x.W ,
with living1 4 room ? , on Phil Sheridan stwlll ;
improve ; put bu omcnt under store to suit any
legitimate business Wm. Fleming & Co. . 1401
Douglas. 670
RENT-llrick yards , T. Murtuy.
FOR RENT An eight mom house centrally
located , on tlw corner of two good Btrocts.
Enqulio nt Comstock's real estate agency .room
10 , Cioighton block. 187
FOIl RENT A fine hotel of 2. rooms all f ur-
nUhed ready for business ; rents for { 80
per month ; In n good thriving toun In Ne
braska. Requires $500 cash to pay for silver
ware and aupplels. Rcnawa&Co. , 15th st. op-
poslto P. O. KB 29
T710H TIKNT Ware room cor. 13th and Call-
JL ifornla on licit Lino. For particulars en
quire nt Union Nat bank. 184
to rent. T. Murray. k 851
F OR RENT House ; furnitiijro. carpots.&c. ,
for pale. Apply I'.iQU Farnim. _ 213
"sTortTand HvinapRrttncntH on
Cumlng near Saunders 8t Apply at Harris
Real Estate and Loan Co. , : tO S. 16th st 7U
FOR RKNT Two otliros spaces on ground
Moor In room 1509 Farnam st. Knqulroof
J. S. Richardson , in roar office , 34S m21
F I OH RENT Nice room , moilcin , street car ,
ptc. Cheap 2520 Douglas aj > . -'o.i 23J
* | OR RENT Furnished roont suitable for2
| gents. 22Q'l Dodgo. A H31 20J
FOIt RENT Rooms , ono for 2 gentlemen , I
for 3 or 4 , 1 for man nnd wife. Call
before 8 p. m. , 1416 Chiciigo. 101
F OR RENT- Furnished room at 1316 Dodge st.
F fill RENT Two nicely furnished
suite or single. Inquire at 1822ii St. Mary's
nvo , upper Hat. _ 96J 2J *
FOR REN'I A pleasant front room , modern
conveniences , for ono or two gentlemen ;
terms reasonable. 211 S 2Td st. 07.1-
FOR RENT Elegant south nlcovo room ,
modern conveniences. To Oontlumon or
gentleman und wife. 1RM Funiam st. 714
FOR RENT Neatly furnished room , two
blocks from I' . O. .privutd house , for one
or two gentlemen. Address A care letter cnr-
rier24. 17 24J
R RENT Three room house wc t of North
llth st , between Chicago and Cass. 6U !
FOR RENT Elegant offlco looms , boat lo
cation In Omaha. 316 South 15th Bt 633
FOIl RENT 0 finnlshod rooms on 13th St. ,
$30per month J. U Rlco& Co. , Agents.
IOil RKNTNlcely furnished fiont room ,
P 162 : ) Dodge. 29227 *
F I OR RENT-Room , to gentlemen only. SI I S.
3d8t. 'JO I
FOH RENT-Thlrd floor. 22x80 , of brick build-
Ing , 1108 Farnnm ttroet ; use of elevator.
Inquire nbovo number , upstairs. 661
F OB RENT-Furnlshed rooms 1707 Oats.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms at rea
sonable rates , ono clock from court house ,
606 So lath at , north St. Mary's nvo , up etnlrs.
571 *
TTKMIRUNT-A fine newly furnished front
JO chatnbor , gas and bath , 501 S 20th st. 31
F ° nBNT Furnished rooms , 714 N 10th. ;
Oiani21 *
FOIt REST A suit of newly furnished
rooms , ul n a loom for Blnglo gontlemnn.
Enquire at 1807 1'arnam , west of- the court
house. ICT 24 *
F IOR REN I' Room , modein convenloiicos
nnd board. 703 .South ISth street , ii. ) ' ) 27J
F ° R REST Newly furnished room In new
houso. 19-1 Dodge st. 3
CX3R RENT EUuantly furnlshod fron loom
JE forgenticmon. 6blocks trom P.O. . 32:1 : N
17th St. 317 21J
FOH.RENT-Olllces In Ilollman building cor.
I'nrnum and 13th fts.ln suites or singly.
For prices , diagrams und information apply to
B.A. Sloman , 1512 Faruain st , Room 2.
BEING obliged to raise Bomofnionoy immedi
ately , I will aoll a choice lot near Allbriifht'a
new depot at flfty dollars bejqw the market
value. Address , M 10 , Hoe olhc'o' 340 22
ET GADD 4 CO. , Real Estate Brokers ,
1503 Farnam street Speoiill bargains nro
offered for next WCUK , In the oldplut of South
Omaha , where every lot Is full Wvl6) feet ; no
contractions , 0,000 square feet in eaob lot. Wo
can sell you property there , foiJJ from $7M to
$10OX > . Dwelling houses , business house * ,
hotels with or without furniture.
Try us nnd prove us. *
Also property In nil addlttons-thercto.
Propoity in thoclty of all kinds. Buy of us
nnd we will do you good. f
1503 Fnrnam street , at the old 4nnd , first office
nt the left of cnntranco. E. TiGadd As Co.
Ml _ _ _ V
' "
JD'ARGAIN In n lot on Lftkost'15,200. Graham"
T7IOR SALE Lot 6Uxl27 on Hamilton fit just on
JL' trrado. l ' { mile from P O. with good
house , well , cistern and burn , only $2,800. J.
L. Rico A Co. 147 2J
LOT 17 blk -flanseotn place , -,503 , $ 1 cash
Graham. Croighton blk. 1S5 5J
LAKF. STREET 48VU129. corner lot , good
house , cost $1,600. all for $3,5CU ; $1,700
cush will swing this , and It will make tholnijur
good money , Tne naked ground Is worth the
money. Clarkbon & Beatty , 219 South Hth st
_ J 23424
DODGE STREET Lots on Dodge between
12th and llthonly fGOO per front loot
Gregory le Hadley , Rooms I and 3'J-JOPouth
1Mb street. 026
BURR OAK-2 lots fronting Hanscom Vurk
only $1,600 each and very easy terms.
ClarkeonJc Beattv , 219 South Hth street ,
/ 0 actos for subdivision , only 3 Vi railos from
t the postonice for $40,000. Terms , 110,000
cash , balance I , 9 and 3 year * at 8 per cent in
terest. This -unquestionably the greatest
bargain la Omaha and will more than double
In value In 90 days. Flucic & Ho in an , room 11 ,
Frenzor block , opposite P O. JH3
KE.\f ) this splonJId lists
Gibson , Aylosworth ilcnamln ) | ,
1 lot In Imp. Ass'n , 47x111 , with 2 "small
houses . , . $ 3,003
.lot In Hawthorne , tSxlin , cor. 31d ana
Davenport , wlthu room nouso.clstcru ,
well , etc , very easy terms . . ,1,590
lot In Hlllsldr2d ndd . 1 3
Hot In Itodford Plaeo , 50x12 * . 731
Hot In Hitchcock's lt add. 60x12.1 . 701
' 4 lots In .Shlnn's Ut ndd , 73xl2Hi Cahl-
well st . . . 3.70J
lot In HoJlclt'8 nddK : : , Half How
ard st . 3,10)
Jlots In West Sld ,53xl.'P , barn nnd fruit
trves . . . Z.100
6-room homo and lot N. 17th St. , good
well nnd cistern . 6,003
CounUe 4th add , lot C , block 6 six room
house , well , cistern barn , Ac . 4.00J
llmobaugh Si Patterson sub-lot 10 , block
2 , contract . MO
20 ft on St. Mary's ave , with 2 fl-rooin
hnuscn , gas and water , will subdivide. .11,010
40 ft on St. Mary's nro but , l th nnd 20th 1-V 1
Choice lot In Omaha Vlow . W
133ft on lttD ) st. near Fnrnnm . 70,003
2 lots. 60x27. Lowe's nddroom house ,
cellar , well and 00-foot barn , price . 3iW
Wnrehonso or business property In block IW ,
$ )6.000 ) , cnsy terms.
Restaurant and lot 22x11 ! for snle , 5 rooms ,
rood paying business , In Weeping Water , $ -,50il ,
erms easy.
Lot 1'Jin Anlsfleld , WM.
House 4dx I'M , 6 rooms and lot on Douglas it ,
for sale. $1,100.
Smllh add. ono lot 01x112 , $1.000.
Farm of 80 acres , splendid house , barn , gran
ary and all outbu'ldlngs ' In Cuss Co , 3 miles N of
Wetplnir Water , $1,200 cush , II ,500 , easy torms.
Full lot on Dodge st , 3 houses , rents for $8'30 ' ,
$5,200 , y cash.
Gibson , Ajlosworth Sc llenjamln.
front on Lake st , bargain at $2.200
G raham , Creighton blk. 1 1-5 2J
FOH SAIjK The beautiful ncro known as lot
3 ( Use's add , , oponslto Kountre plnco , cov-
i-red with largo maple trees , has boon mib-
livldcd nnd plncod on the market Only a
low lota left. J. L. llicu & Co. , Sole Agents ,
809 1
BOYO'S ADDITION-20 lots on very easy
terms nnd low prices , adjolnlnir property
selling much higher , prices $1)50 ) to f7. ' > 0. H cash ,
lull 1,2 and II years. ( Jliirk&on If Denlly , 219 S
14th st. 2)124 )
LAKE ST 121 feet on Lake st close to Saun
dern.J , snap. Clarkson 4 Ileatly , 219
8. 14th st. 234 24
SLU.KCTS , RIO ttie cardfully ) l ted bnrgnlns
hunted down by Cake & Illlllngg. Our snm-
plo caec :
MiHO ft on 18th street for f > ,600 , part 1 and 2
yoais ,
4 lots , Mcyois & Tlldcn'a add , cash needed only
Homo lot In Plalnvlow , only taken , cash , toOO.
Picked in Sheridan I'luco.only * 1)00 : for tl&oO
2 lots with 2houses , J. T. llodlek'g sub , only
block Irora sttcet cnr linn , 103X12J ft on 2
streets , hlj ; mniicy hero for you.
llotiuty of llartlctt , fruit trees , Una view ,
onlr $1. ! > 00 cash needed.
Cheapeit South Omaha stuff on thr maiket
Come , over 1U1 , corner Dodge and 15th , and
we'll mnko it pleasant and profitable for you.
OH S A LK-ffl foot , south front. Doduro , bet
12th and 13th. Call quick. O. F. Elsassnr'g ,
No. 318 S 10th St. 820
, TTtOH SAIE-t.otSOil27 on Hamilton 8t Just
-U on grade , 1'4 ' mile from I'O , with Rood I-
room houvt , well , cistern nnd barn only I-.B&X
J. L. Klco & Co. 14122
BIG I1AHOAIN One hundred feet front on
South Klevonth Rt , corner lot , only 15,000.
Part on timo. V. I , . Vodlcka , 5-0 South 13th st ,
6)4 )
rnillUTV lots two blks from now depot , Pouth
-I. Omaha , $450 If sold before the 15th.
Fierce & Itogors , 5 , Arlington blk. 117
OR SALK Good farms In Nebraska cheap
- - for cash , or will exchanso for salable mer
chandise. Address at oncn Arthur C. Cross-
man , Atkinson , Holt Co. , Neb. 10S 30
LOOK over this llgc and then call and let us
show you the properly.
Mottor Heal Estate Agency.
Palnvlew , Sanndera bt front $2,000
1'lalnview , u line 1:01 : nor , only 1-iO
Oxford IMnco , 2 lots , only 600
Davenport's subsouth front 1.500
Davenport's sub , Saunders st , 87x122 . . . . 6,500
Iteod'.s 4th , a aplondld business corner ,
1J2 on 20th by 148 on Lake 10,000
roster's add. Saunders st front fi.OOO
Lowe's add. 2 fine lots , a corner 2WO
Lowe's add , Howard st , a buntaln 1,200
Orchard Hill , Hamilton st , block 1 , a biff
bargain , only 1,200
Itoservoir add , a corner , on Hamilton . , 1.500
Hoservolr add. itlno ) lots , only 1,200
Kllby placo. fine east front VOO
Potter's ad ( J , 2 fine lots l.COO
Highland Place , Karnnm st. corner 3,500
Hanscom place , burtrain 2.U50
Hanscom plnco,23 lots. $1,000 to 4,0tf )
Pratt'R sub , a beautiful acre 2,000
Pratt'flBub.Cflnelotson Groof si 800
Fifteenth st. near Vlnton. 1,500
Sixteenth st. near Vlnton 1,500
A Inrgo list of improved property in nil parts
of the city ,
llusiness property at bottom prices. Call on us.
Hotter Heal Kstate Afjoncy ,
151 F rnnm6tTol. 84" . 2Ki 25
TTIOK SALE A eornqrlot , 00x13. , on 15th nnd
-E Cumin ? st , ono of the best locations in the
city for n wholesale house , with waterworks
and soworasro. Apply at premises , Tlioa. Sin
clutr. 311 m 21J
FOH bAliK Call on Ilonawa * Co. for lots in
Crnlghton Heights Wo offer for n fiiw
dnyalots from $375 to $47ri. This is n bargain.
Theiouro now tHonty-threo houses Rolnir up
In thin line addition. Call at once , as they
must bo uold. llonawn & Co. , 1'itli fit. opposite
P.O. 22222
SIXTEHNTII 8T-63V.X23. ) to railroad tracks.
$1HO per fiont toot. This Isn Imrsalnund la
eood for n tew days only. Clarkson , V Ilentty ,
21HS. lllh St. 2t ! ) 24
TTUJIl SALE Lot on 7th and Lake ets , with
X' nousoO rooms , kltchon. p'intry and irood
bricit cellar. Apply to the Omaha Itoal Estnto
and Trust Co. , or Wm. Flomlnif , Hth nnd Doug
las ats. Will rent to ( rood parties if not sold
Immediately. 871
rpHIHTBRNlotslnCloverdalo will sell nt n
X bargain , call for price. Graham , CnilRh-
ton blk. 185 23
1OH KALB-Choleo lota in Hllloko's First add ,
only U mile from driving park , $360 to
$450 each , on 10th , IMh and lith streets. .T. L.
Hleo & Co. , solo agents. 2-'G 24C3
LEAVENWOrtTH ST-Wo have s few choice
lots in Mar no plico , fronting on Loavnn-
worth st , at bargain prices. Clarkson Realty ,
219 3 Hth St. JT.I 21
FOHSALn I.otBOxl27 on Hamilton st Just on
grndo , I's mlle from P O with Rood l-room
house , well , clstoin and barn , only S2.bUO. .1.
L. Idea 4. Co. 147 12
IOi'S with houseg l.owo's nddltlon IJ.OCUD ,
t Impiovcmontssociiitlon f2ll)0 ) , Omaha
View $1.700.2)1 ) noni-CassIWOO. Uodgo st. Ca | >
itol hlll 13.riOO ; Durt st. neur 20th $ H,100. Hurt
near 'J.'d , Jl'.tOJ , McCormlcu's 2 houses $4,000.
Lot 3.
24 lots In Institute plnco from ? 400 to t" > 50 ,
South Oraalm from ( ; > iKI 10 $1COJ , Hillside No. 1
$1.M , Kendall's $ i25vMeyors k Tilden'a S650 to
8100 , t-aunders vSr Illmebnugh'a Highland park
J.-U' . , Washington hill $4IX ) to $153. llodford
pl co SHW. Park Torost J6.1J , Oinnhavlowr $1.175
to $1'W ) , State st. lots Sl.Q'X ) , Kalrmount JWHto
1.S50 , Foppleton Park. 2 lotl on I.owe nvoriuu ,
ono H corner , $3,400 , Chicago St. 00x145. f4,000 ,
llronnun plnco f I.DOJ to (2,500 , Hivwcs' addition
$1,0'0 ; Wulnut lilll , SI.OOO.
Soma bargains In ncros nnd business prop
erty A buslnos ) lot on Dodge st. that Is u
"dnap" tor somebody , John Uallngher.31" S.
1'lth st , 3. . ' 27
Mxl2t south front Pclhnin plAce . . $1,3X )
60x124 In Plahmow with now honso . i,50 (
79 feet Eouth trout on Hrlstol si near
Saundois . 2,20i3
rortoimseeoF. Uarrott & Co. , 314i ! S 15th
1127 21
EOH SALi : 1 lots on Hurt street with 4 room
house , well nnd cistern , all lor $1 , . ' > 00. lion-
awn & Co. , ISth st , opposlto P. O , U41 22
fj\0ll \ SALKbyT. Uarrott A-Co.,314VI S15th
JL1 The nicest south front lot In Pelham
place , $1.300. 3J7 Si
milACKAGE-Cheapest track property in the
-L market , prices ranging from $ J,00) to
82,500. Lots toxltn. TIICRO lots nro right Ii
town nnd it Is easy to judiro by the corpora
tlons who huvo ulrendy midn purohasos here
that this property Is the cheapest nnd will be
thu bosttuirkngo In Omubit.
Gregoryi ; Hadloy.
Dooms 1 and 3 , 320 South 15th el. 313
FOH SALE on easy terms ,
S.iddopony ! $ a OO
Saddle pony 40.03
" 75.00
Team of ponies 75.X (
" "
, 10000
" " 12500
Teams ot draft torsos. . . -V.UO
Good size bay driving horse , sound , young
nnd kind ,160.00
W. T. Seaman.
dCornor I'nrnam nnd Hth sts. , agent tor Stu-
eohaker buggies , wagons , carriage * , etc. , fo
ale or exchange. 3JO ml
FOIt SALE-lxiU In Albright's anner , $150.
nest corner In Sliulrs 2nd $ . ' ,500 ,
Good lot In Hnwthorno $1 , U7S.
60 lots In Schlo.inirer'a ad near the now strco
car 111 * f 37) to $451
2 good lots la Orchard Hill.
Kaat front lot * on 31st near Cu ruing st ,
Lot Ixiwo's add $1,000.
Bargain in DeoUo add.
3 lots In Hertford place t a bargain.
L. H. Watti , 1610 DollglM 8t , , 2M
A COIINKU and three Insldo lots In block 4 ,
J\ Orchard Hill , next to Hamilton St. , at WO.
'ormsoasy. Pierce & lloifors 117
TS ACiTBF north of IT. P. " 7dTopI"nT 29J per
t nrro. Terms to > uit. David M , Connell
gent , 31,1 ttth st. , opp Paxton hotel , or C. K.
Crallf , 1419 Uodgo st 987.
ONI ! mile tiotn postotflco , lot WilM facing
two Htreols , with nlco 6-room house and
oem for 3 more , only t l.fTiO , for one w rek. K ,
l rrott& Co , : iI4ii b Kith , PA"i 21
W1SKA 1'All.MKLR ,
4UUouh ( IMh st ,
OtTerthpfUbargalnx to-day :
1 corner Gaonrln iivo. nnd Pupnnt { 1,931
TOralmnl hill , choice lots each $ ) .
House and 21otsSaundcrs A ItlmebAUgh's
add. to Walnut hilt f-.W.
30 Finest lots In Cloverdnle , bargains.
Fine lots In Kllhy place , cheap ,
Klnol l-2lot John I Kodlck' * i > ub division.
Velio lee lots In Maynos n.lil. , each $3JJ.
Zcholce lots Tali mount placo.
lacre licit In Itclvndoro , bargain t ) ) ) .
Xlots. letter s addition , each $70) .
24 lots choice In Vntos A llomuol's nitdltlon.
A fine list of western lands for snlo , or trade
forOmaha property.
Lot 7 block 10 , Albright's annex , $700.
Lot II block 2. Coiner & Arohor's add , fjf.O.
Lot 1 block 2. rturlltlRton Place , $575.
Ixits 30 and 118 block 1 , Armour Place , $173.
Gmmmcrcy Park lots $000 to $7.Y )
& 5xUd Mcrter ave , 3 room homo , and barn ,
50x1 10 cor Military ave and Edson st , $2,200.
Tuogood Btoro buildings on above property
Till lent to frond advantage.
Ix > t 7 block SB , South Omaha , $2 ! > 1.
Last , not least , norner on Farnara $41 , ' 131 and
mnny others , 410 S. 15th st. Wise and Pai-mclo.
_ 177
SAI.r.-nill lot on.lneLson st. , $10,500.
JN b llico A Co. 117 22
_ _ _
FOH SALE Good farm In NobrasKachenpfor
cash , or n 111 exchange for salable pi operty.
Ad < lross ut once Arthur C. Grossman , Atkinson ,
Holt Co. , Neb. 10830
INVESTIGATE THIS-Corncr on 20th and
Lake , U'-'xIl1' ' , cull for price and forms ,
Patrlck'andil , lot 2 , blk&OxIM , J2.0JO.
Wnlnut HII' ' , new hou e , 9 rooms , stable ,
cistern nnd city water , lot 60x150 , on cnule.
(3,20i ( ) . Darker A Ilnrr , 1MJ iMirnam 6t. 1212.1
FOIl SALE-lty Unirett , V Co. , the host pny-
Ing business property In the cltv. 1'or
pattlcularaiail at 31414 S. 15th. S25 21
mAKi : thu cako. Cake & miUned , llcnl Ea-
-L estate hot cakes. Orer 101 South 15th St.
Sample Glngnr Snaps.
Ono hundred and ton feet on Jones and Htn
Bts. half cash. bal. 1,2 , 3 years , $17,500.
Fifty by : t)0 ) feet tor trnckngo forbuslnos.near
Stock Yards.
Tenoolectcd lots Swift's packing house
Bite. 91
< Oll SALK-Full tot on Jack-iotTsC" l > obT
J. L. lllce ft Co. 147 22
"C1OK SALE Furniture , and 6 room house for
-C rent , about 8 blocks trom the postolllcoin
bargain. Apply to F. I' . Williams 4 Co. . 10th
and Chicago sts. olZI.
BAUOAIN-Enst front lot on IHth st. near
Castcllar , 54x120 , corner , on 20-foot nlloy ;
4-room house , barn , etc. , all for $2,000 , $ JOO
ciish , balance 1 , " nnd3 years. Gregory i. Had
loy , IlooniB 1 and 3,320 3. 15th St. 782
HANPCOM PLACi : 100 foot corner Georgia
avenue , $4,000 : It is worth $5,000. Co ran
quick. ClaikHOn & Heatty , 214 S. 16th Bt. 234 2i
STHEBT Lots on Dodge between
12th nnd 13th , only $000 per front foot.
Gregory & Ilndley , Ilooms 1 nnd 3 , 320 South
16th st I cot. 02A
Foil SALE lluslness propeity , nw corner
l.Jth nnd Dorcas Pts , RBxl3J foot , with a largo
House and other improvements , at a bnigaln.
For snlo , 317 acres of land In Nuckolls Co ,
Neb , within 1H miles of Superior nnd 11 It.
depot. For pnrtlculars call on M. Hedlngton ,
1G3S S. 13th St.Omaha. 9 ) muy J
FOIl 8ALF. A 6-room cottage , within Mio
mile circle , ono blkfioin snoot earn. Price
$3,000 , M on time. Inquire No. 3U N 17th st
frorubto 10JO : ; in. 903 30j
DODGE STItr.ET Lots on Dodge between
12th and Flth , only $8UO p r fiont foot.
Orngory It Dudley , Hootiis 1 and a,3J < J. o
15th street. 92a
DODOB STllEET-Lots on Dodge between
12th and Kith , only $ GOO per front foot.
Gregory & Hndlcy , Doomsl and 3 , 3-0 South
15th street. iua
FOUR Lota In Institute Plnco , $ I'UX ) for all.
This Is $200 less than adjoining lot * can be
bought for. John Gallagher , 317 South 13th.
118 Z4
FOR SALE A completely furnished fla wf 8
rooms , or two tlatsotl2 rooms , miltablo
to rent furnished rooms , In best locality. Ad
dress L , 67 Bso offlco. 144 24 *
SHAW * cosmos.ifithst
Among their mnnv qthnr attractions offer
you a house nnd lot In Shlnn'a adultlon for
$1,000 ; n line east front on Georgia avenue for
$7NX ) : n line lot It Hanscom place for $3,030 : an
elegant corner on 20th st. for $2.500 ; a desirable
house and lot on 18th at. for $2,000.
Como In and look over our list. We are head
quarters for safe Investments. 153
F' IOR ' BALK Full lot on Jackson St. . $10'MO. '
J. L Rico * Co , 1147 22
FOR SALE-Special bargains for n few dnyn
nt the popular and reliable real estate
oltloo of E. T. Peterson & Co' , S. U. cor 15th and
Lots Hand 10 Forbes' sub.10 acres on Bounders
st , $19,0(10. (
6 acres In flelvldoro , $000 each.
5 acres In Kensington for $1GOO
2 acres In Urighton lor $ f)0. ( )
2 lots In Auhorn Hill add. for $500.
1 lot In Highland Park tor J3iO.
1 lot In Hoj d'a add. , corner , $ JOO.
1 lot In Dwlght & Lyman'rt , corner , for $775.
1 lot in Dupout Plnco , $1.01)0. )
Lot IS. blk I. Hnnscom Place , $1.7(10. (
Lot in , blk in , Iliini-com PUce $ , ' ,7i > 3.
Lot 4 blk. 14 Hanscom Pl co. f..Via
1/ot 12 , lilk. 14 Hnnscom Plnco , $ . ' .400.
Lot ID. blk. 7 , Grutumercy Park , $500.
Lot 1. blk 1. Patrick's ndd. . $ .007.
Lot 8. blk , 4 , O'Nell's sub , $4,000
Ixit 7,1 uore Gciso's ndd. , $ . " > 500.
132xlJ3cor. Stnto and Hrlstol , $3.01 0.
Abo\e are a few bargains Unit wo are solo
agents for. Most of them nro owned by non
residents and nro way below market value , and
can bo bought on easy torma. E , T. Petersen
&Co. 17122
SOUTH tiont lot In O'Noll'a sub , K blk f rom
Cumlng st car line nnd pavement Gra
ham , Crolghlon blk. 1M 23
MoGAVOCKAO'Connor , 3111 South 13th st ,
will offer for ono week , a few bargains
out of the many whlcn nro in our list :
2 lots on hnunderfl st , Improvements
worth $1,5'IO , price . $ fl.OOO
2-vlJ ) corner on 14th st , rents for $25)
per month 23,000
75xl'CJ corner on St. Mary's uvo , with 3
houHcs 31,030
ISJxlf. corner on South 10th st , south
and ca t front 10,001)
AcomorundD-tnom oottago on 10th st . 7,003
120x1)3 ) , n corner south ot viaduct on llth
st 8,200
2 vacant lots on S. llth Bt , cheap.
WxMOiind an S-ioom cottugo , n corner S.
Tith st 0,000
A beautiful residence lot near 13th Hi.
cara 1,700
In n word , If you want dogliahio property
either for speculation or for n homo , call and
pee the largo nnd cnrof nlly selected list of Mc-
Gavock & O'Connor , 310 S. 1 ) th st VJO
cash will secure 100 acres of tlrst class
$ farming land In eastern Nobrnskn bianco
veiy long tlmo and no taxoi for2Jyears. The
O. F. Davis company , 1535 Farnam tt
021 in 15
ONE hundred and twenty-six foot on Saun
dors Kt. . corner , $100 per foot. Graham ,
. 1852I
Crolghtonjtllf. _ _ _
TTIOR SALE-20 acres of high , sightly land
J. . overlooking the city and Biirrouuillng
country. ThU la the finest - Uncro n net now
on the market ; It Is only a short walk from tbo
ground * of tbo Northwestern inllwny , whore
extensive simps , roundhouses , &o. , nro soon to
bo erected. Lots m this vicinity nro now Hull
Ing fet f j < iO to f TOIonch.nnd properly Is rnpldly
Increasing In vnluo. ' 1 Ills will into in olo-
gnnt lots that will roitdily sell for 100 iior cent
profit ; this is an opportunity of n life time ;
don't lot It pass , jouwill regret It If you do.
For price , terms , Ac. , call or nddrcdj Hart's
G i oat Western Real Kstato Dureau , Creighton
blook , solo agents. 274 21
FOR BALB-Enst front lot Kllhy tiliico . $ ' (
House of flvo rooms , two full lots . . . 2,20.
House , 8 rooms , Istli nonr Paul . 3/ibO
hast front lot , Roster's ndd . C50
Lot on Davenport bet llth and 12th . . . 12ijo (
LotonMnrcy bet. 15lh nnd lOlli . 12,03'
Lot on Douglas bet 10th and llth . 22U >
Lot on Jones but. llth and 15th . IH.lft
H. 1UI linear Center , 60 foul . fi.OUO
8. ICth corner Castollar.tiO feet . (1,000 (
S. IfUh near Martha. M foot . 6,030
n KS 22J II. W. Huntress , 1503 yarnam st.
rilKN acres of land suitable for prontnblo
JL gardening purposes , nvo miles from P. O
This properly will pay for Itself by proper oul
tlvatlon In two ycnr . $ ) $2,100 down , bal
ance 1 and2yenrs. City will built around I
und It will pay for platting. Choice of the nd
Uitlon. ( 'nil on Woodbrldge llros.,215 H. 15th
Bt. Opera houso. 300
TDLINVI EWNo nicer lot In the addition
JL than this ono , with new IIOUEO ; all fo
$ lrlXKJ. K llarrott d. Co..l4l6th. 3JI 2
\\n : have for n few days an unusual bargaii
In Rush& Belbj's add. Lot 7 block 4
Owner must have some money. Tula property
hasu rUlng market rowlc-r Uros. A ; < ! o. , 15U
Douglas St. 33323
FOH BAU'-Hoiisoot fi rooms with GO fee
lot In Shlnn'9 add for IM3. $ V > 3 cash , bnl
inco $25 per mouth. Ilonawa Ac Co. , Pith st
ppp V. 0. , 4U it
"tATCH ON Choice corner on Dodge , tulta <
> able tor tenement row , south and onil
mnt.n mostdeslmblo location , Improvements
worth f 3,000 , price In AW ) .
( Jornoron Ctileavo , two houses worth $15OM ,
but for sain at $11.503 , Only M cash.
Valuable lot with two Mreot frontngos , well
ocatcd for llats.clojiu to striuil our , linprovo-
ui-iiti worth f I.WO , price Ifl/jW.
Honard , no ir 20th,00tl. < 0 , tu \ housus , finnd 8
oems , JlO.fKH
llnro haivRln In hllowlld. House , 0 rooms ,
fli.cly furnished ln ldownll , cistern and bain ,
oithflWO , forsilont $5.3K3.
Full lot. hni ( e , stable , etc. , Iti'Mo two mile
Imlt , $1oo
East front , full lot , on cable line , 201 h St. ,
> -room house , it bargnlu ut C > , MO.
O > cr 12 percent Interest from rent of prop-
rty nn S loth , lot ' Ovltl , east front , two 2-gtory
Full lut.hnu'o of 7 rooms , property wrll Im-
prou'd. on Lake st , near turn tnblo of green
nud red car lines , HWO , t-Y > OOe > uh ,
Hnn com Placi > , v-room house and b'irn , woit
front on Georgia Avenue , $1,000 , 11,000 cash ,
bill. 1 , 2 and .1 years.
Poppletnn Avenue. CO-IB * , south front , cot
tage with brlok basement , barn , city wnlor ami
cistern , newly lilted up throughout , flno lot
pretty homo , K.ivxi. $ IOUO cash bal to suit
Omnhn View , 60x120 , two houses nnd barn ,
pays 12 percent from rents , $ , ; t,500 , $1,000 cash.
llodford Place , choice south front , house of 4
rooms , wall and cistern , $1,600 , $ .V10eash.
Flno lot In Clarendon , now IVroom house , lot
nlouo worth price of nil , $1,675.
Good house In Orchard Hill , nil modern Im
provements , oak stalrcnse , close to Hamilton ,
cheap nt $ .1,000.
Two lots , ono a corner , Kendall's add , $1,903 ,
$6V ) cash , 1ml 1,2 nnd II yearscheap ; ,
1 Inn lot In Oak Hill..171 , $100 cash.
Two cbolco lots McCormlcks ) add , $1,550.
A corner lot Ambler plnco , south and east
front , only $ soo.
A bargain In Hnwthorno , $1,000 , on Davenport
Foster's ndd , two of the best lots , $4,000.
Windsor PUce extension , south front , $1,200.
Bodfoid place , $300 , one of the choicest.
Fixe peed lots In Highland Park , $1375 for the
bunch , $ VJO cash.
t'reston , full lot two streets , frontages , cheap
at $1,600.
Two good lots Orchard hill , ono n corner ,
f 1,0V ) for both.
A whole block , 26 lots , In Shrlver piano , con
tains" , ncieson now street ear line , u bargalu
for thrco days onlv , $10.00i ) , $1,000 ciish This
Is n snap , as each lot Is worth nt least $ .100
Lincoln Plnco.two onolco lots , south fronts ,
$1.WO ( for both.
HUM thorn , east front , $1,500.
Clifton Hlllifouth : ftunts , each $7M.
I.uiu nnworth Toi i RCO , K cornerSKX > .
Sheridan Place , good lot , cheap , $750.
Humboldt Place , the best coiner , $ 'K ' ) . snap.
Four choice sores In Washington Hill , only
$1,500 per ucro , a bargain.
Leaciiworth street , ton acres $1,500 per aero.
Twenty ncros sultnblo for platting ut u prlco
which will innkn you buy.
Rudfotd Heights ,
Wo cnn sell at u bargain all the lote In this
nddltlon , ns property was purchased when
prices wore low. Knst fronts nt $403. those on
Ames nvenuo $503. west ironts $375. The e
prlcoB nro nt least $100 below the prices of sur
rounding property , and lots nro of good stfo.
Money Invested here will double In 80 days. See
us , let the property , nnd wo will foil
to you CalloniiBat our now olllco , on the
ground floor. Blunt St Impey , 418 S l.lthst.
Telephone 314. 1M 23
KESIDENCE bargains. Cotton , Eaktman &
Wlustnnloy. 120 North llth it
Two full lots with ton-rooinod bouse , every
convenience , Armstiong's uddlllon , $10,000.
A growing piece of impro\od property , pay
ing 10 per cent on oor $ 't,000 ) , for $25,000 this
week. Terms easy.
Elegant ten-roomed brick house , beautifully
finished. oery coin cnlouco , $10,000.
60x140 , Rodlck's subdivision , splendid nine-
room ed house , modern , a bargain , $8,000.
1)5x140 ) , Park avenue , handsome ton-roomed
house , every convenience , $6,000.
tUxl''A. Nelson's nddltlon , flno twelve roomed
house , barn , city nntur.otc. , a great bargain
$4,200. Enny terms.
Klugnnt llvo-roomed cottage Just off Saunders -
dors St. , $3OCO , oush $300.
60x150 , now nine-roomed house , splendid loca
tion , ji00. : Easy terms ,
60x151) ) Hanscom place , elegant nlno-rooraed
house , every convsnlence , $0,500.
60x140 eight roomed house , collar , hath room ,
city water , etc$7.rflO. , , . . . . .
60x140 six roomed bouse , Paulson's addition ,
cltv water , etc. , $ ' 1,000.
61x130 Nelson's addition , wit two cottages ,
$4,000. , . .
Full lot and flvc roouiod oottngo , collar , barn
and well , $1,700 . . . .
Five roomed cottage with aliout$500 worth of
good furniture ,,200. ! .
50x140 , seven roomed bouse , Just off Leaven-
worth , 60 foot alloy at rear only $2,500 Terms
" '
"Yox'fOO.Millnrd&CnldwoUs add , flve roomed
cottage In good repair , well and cistorn. $ .1,000.
60x142 , Hanscom , place east front , with clo-
l-tint ten roomed house , good barn.alloy at roar
21x150 , Campbell's add , 4-roomod cottage ,
relliir. well , clstoin , $1,600.
Flvo-ronmcd cottage , with collnr , city w ntor
lot 30X90 , $2.600.
60x132 Millurd place , with 7 room house , barn
and alloy nt rear$5.r)00.
It you do not tco anything In above list to
suit you call at our olllce , ns wo have several
others In all parts of the city.
Vacant Lots.
132 feet square , corner Twelfth and Jones ,
13. ! feet square on Eleventh street , close to
depot. $2.1.001) ) .
132 toot on Loavenwortn. a bargain , $ . ' 0,000.
Mi feet on Saundurs street , $150 H foot ,
22 tout on Davenport street. $1,000.
00x11 ! coiner 19th and Chicago , $15,000.
B.J feet square , Oth street , between Douglas
an Dodgo. $10,000. . ,
151'SxHO feet , St. Mary's Avenue , $30,000.
Splendid lot In llrennan Plnco , $1.860.
Kirkwood , ; i3xf ! > 0 , $1,000 , cush $200.
Kllby Plnco , 2 lots for $2,100.
Reservoir mid , lot 7 , $1,100.
Kirkwood , 40x160 , $1,200. cash $500.
Clarendon , splendid south front lot , tl,00.
Park avenue , two east front lots , $ S,000
Hnnnoom Place , splendid south front , facing
put k. $4,000.
HnwthornoJ two east front lots. $ lriOO each.
Corner Vlnton und Nineteenth , S3 feet on
Vlnton street , 94 feet on Nineteenth street ,
South Omaha. 60x120 , facing park , $900.
Drake's addition , south front , corner lot ,
1 lord's nddltlon , lots $050 to m
List your property lor quick sale with us.
Conveyances always ready to show property.
Cotton. Eastman A ; Wlnstnnlcy.Roal Estate
nnd Loan AsonU , 120 North Fifteenth Btrout ,
IVE lots on Cumlng st In Wnlnut hill , $1.500
F oach. Graham , Croighton bin. 1H1 23
SALE-ChoIco lots In Hllloko's First ndd ,
only U mile from driving nark. $ .110 to
$150 each , on 10th , Hth nnd 14th streets. J. U
Rico * Co. , solo agents. 220 24
SALE-Lotln Plalnvlow nonr Snundors
FOR . Inquire cor. 24 and Miami sts. .Mrs. M.
I ) . Stoddard. 11121 *
PROPERTY Wo have some goo 1 Inside
INSIDE ut n bargain , 1'lerco A Rog
ers , 1511 Dodgn street. 8.)3
SALE OR TRADB-Wo own several
thousand acres of choice South D'ikota
farming land which wo will sell or tradu for
Omnhu propel ty. Wo wnnt to sell and offer our
land at bottom prices. Wright Si Lnsbury. cor.
under Paxton betel 104
DODGE STREET-VU foot on Dodge by CO on
Ninth street , $ i1.000 , H cash , Including im
provements if sold ut once. Gregory St
Hadloy , Rooms 1 nud 3 , 320 South 15th street.
1)20 )
FOR SALE A good fmm In Dlxon county ;
wull Unproved. For pirtloulars apply to
Omnhn RoRl Ustnto nnd Trust Co. , or Wm.
Fleming , 14th ttnd Douglag. 871
IflOR SALK-ChoIco lots In Illlloko's First ndd ,
only'i mlle from driving park , | ) " > 1 to
$110 racli , on I'lth ' , llth and Hth streets , J. L.
Rico & Co. . solo agents. 220 31
BUSINESS PROPERTY , corner 12th nnd
JonesC6xl3J at a decided bargain if cold
this week , SolengunU , Clarkaon & llenttv1
b llth at. 12224
for sale.
A great bargain for a few day only.
Lot 5 * Glees add , n w corner Htundoi-J and
CiisMuB struct , will Biib'livldo ' to advantage ,
nearly ononcvo of land , ? 12,03) .
Lot 100 , G Iso's add , $ ' 1,009 ,
Lot 71 , Glso's udd , JS.OTJ.
Hlock No. 1. Iloyd's n Id , $10,03) .
TiTinn.not loss than 1 3 cash , tml'Uico B per
cent soml-uunual Interest.
Remlnuton fc McOormlok ,
U21 2 0 bonth 16th Btrout.
FOR SALE-Ry 8. KntIc Co. , 1311 I'nrnnmst.
Corner I'nrtiRin and 31st , 13U\13J . . .fl7OM
Corner Douxlns und 12th . 3"i.i 3
CoinorPlerLoatid IVlh , I4flxM . 15,000
Corner Iflth and Martini , 03x1 10 . tt.lioj
Corner 18th nnd Hurt . 5sii' ' )
C'ornor 13th and Cnlllorhln , IH lot . 26'X33 '
Corner Ciipltoluvoiiiie und Kin st . fi.vxi
Choice residence lot , bumiiilt Hill . 3.50) )
Choloo lot , Fnrnnm near 3 u . , . . . . : i,0)i )
Corner Saunders nnd Hurt , 161x51 . 7ood
Choice lots Wnlnut Hill . 1.001
Choloo lot , Vliglnlu nvo . 3,760
Choice lots on Fmnniu Bt . . . 2,000
Choice lot. Dodge and 27tn . il.OuQ
Choloo lot , 13lh Joining Cosmopolitan. . . U,60J
( H feet fronting nn Cumlng and Hurt , 5
houses . 13,030
Lot C2KX101 , Just north of Cumiiijf.O-room
house ; n great barpnln . , . . . 3 , SOO
300 foot frontngeon 17th and IHth fits. , In
thoheartof inuclty.withfl hoiuoi . 2 < ) , QOO
( W foot front on 22d Bt. JUKI north of bt.
Mury'suvo . . . . . 5,600
New 8-room cottage , choicest location in
thu city . 4. WO
Full lot on Franklin At . l.)50 : )
Cull in and see UK und wo will nmkojou
money. B. Katz& Co. , 1511 Karnnm.
[ ( Votthu xl OH Third 1'a'jc , } ,