Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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    H | ? W PS TC i * "l' lIL * Yr 'ttwv Tr * " " *
An Annually Recurring Custom of Which
Nebraska is the Parent ,
Many Thousand Trees Planted
Throughout the State Additions
to West Mncolii Capital
City Happenings.
Honorable J. Sterling Morton , of Ne
braska City , passed yesterday in the cap
ital , coming to the city on invitation of
tht ) State university to deliver the Arbor
day address at that institution. Thu rep
resentative of the BIE : met Mr. Morton
during the day and a number of facU
concerning the inception and institution
of the day wero-glcancd from the Otoo
chieftain , Yesterday was the fifteenth
anniversary of Arbor day in Nebraska
nnd aVtho day is an outgrowth of Ne
braska , the fifteenth anniversary of the
day in the land. At the meeting of the
State Horticultural society at tlia old
capital building in the city of Lincoln on
January , 1873 , a resolution was intro
duced creating Arbor day , Mr. Morton
presenting the resolution. Mr. McMas-
tors , of Otoc county , wanted this day
called Sylvian day and Judge Mason
also favored that name , but the original
resolution prevailed and Arbor day was
1 created. Since that beginning on the
part of Nebraska twenty other states in
the union have adopted Arbor day and
yesterday celebrated it in common with
the present day in thu planting of trees.
In the course of his excel
lent , pointed nnd terse ad
dress last evening Mr. Morton dwelt
upon the history of the day nnd gave
many facts concerning its origin and the
Drst years of its observance in Nebraska.
Mr. Morton compared tree life with
human life , the inlliienccs ono had upon
thu oilier , and the bcnellcunt results at
tending the making oven ono tree to
grow whnro none other had grown be
fore. The decidedly inclement weather
deterred many from attending nnd hear
ing the address , but it was an excellent
audience that heard the address nnd pre
pared themselves to profit by it. Tree
planting was the order of the day in the
city yesterday , and thousands were added
to this already city of trees.
Yesterday there was filed in the office
of thu county clerk the plat of the
first addition to West Lincoln , the new
addition lying between the railroad
tracks iiiufcpnckin" houses and the orig
inal town site , turn also another tract
directly opposite this new trnot , on the
north bide of the town sito. It is under
stood that these lots will bo sold at public
unction , and the great demand that has
existed the past three months for West
Lincoln lots is in evidence that the sale
will be a popular cue and largely at
The Linuolii bottling works , with the
business object in view of bottling and
dealing in soda and mineral waters , filed
articles of incorporation with the county
clerk yesterday. The capital stock of
the company is $10,000 , divided into
Hliarcs of $100 each , business to com
mence as soon as the articles were tiled
nnd to continue for ton years. The ecu-
tlomon forming the corporation are S. J.
Irwin , Charles H. Buford , A. J. Clark
and A. L. Furguson.
Inatigurativo stops have boon taken for
k L the organization of a now bank in the
city of Lincoln that will bo called the
Commercial National bank. Some thirty
or forty business men and capitalists are
directly interested m the now finan
cial enterprise and at a meeting held
Thursday evening a board of seven di
rectors was chosen , comprising the fol
lowing well known citizens : R. E.
Moore , John B. Wright , John H. McClay ,
Kaihan S. Harwood ; N. C. Abbott , W. J.
Turner nnd R. A. Handy. One hundred
thousand dollars will bo the paid up cap
ital stocK and an eligible location will bo
secured for business ns early as possible.
The civil service examination was in
progress at the United States court room
yesterday , Special Examiner Flinn , of
the civil service bureau , conducting tha
ceremonies. During the morning hour
> but three candidates presented thorn-
Helves , but two morn entered the arena
in the afternoon and plodded through the
very simple and immaterial examination
to which they were subjected. The ex
amination comprised live brandies and
exhibits in penmanship , and the nutter-
ing hearted school girl who first apulios
for examination as a schoolmam w'ould
bo overjoyed to face an examination so
A man with n hand in a terrible condi
tion was soliciting aid of the county com
missioners yesterday. Some time since
ho wuut out in South Lincoln working for
parties and was attacked by a man with
a hatchet. In protecting his head his
hand was struck nnd he has been laid up
einco the accident.
District court business has degenerated
in the tiling of cases the past two days to
Bimnle appeal oases , two of this charac
ter brought up from justice courts being
filed yesterday , nnd that was all. The
fact that no dlvorco cases have been filed
, for a week past is such an exception to
* , the rule as to bo very noticeable.
Hon. John B. Wright , of this city , in
conjunction with an experienced man in
oil works who is also a ° capitalist , will ,
the present season , erect largo and ex
tensive linseed oil nulls in the city of Lin
coln and in connection therewith a largo
elevator and warehouse will bo built. Mr.
Wright , it is stated , will commence at
once work uuon the elevator.
L Last night the "Spy of Atlanta , " a mil
itary drama , was presented at Funko's
opera house , and the same will bo re
peated tnis evening. The execrable
weather caused the attendance to be light
anil not what it should have been. Pco-
plo lind little attraction iu entertain
ments in a three-days' rain.
In police court vcsterday a man named
Maronor was up fn court on a charge of
threatening to kill n man named Laury.
A lot of witnesses were called nnd the
testimony was decidedly of a mixed na
ture. Maronoy was , however , released.
Four cases of intoxication were hoard
in court yesterday , bringing forth the
usual prices anil costs.
The result of the largo number of ar
rests of inmates of houses of ill fame
brought $431 into police court in the way
of fines and costs.
Police Judge Parsons' dockets show
that in the past year ho has had 1.013
oases before him. The total cases in the
two years preceding only aggregated
1,486 iu number.
Messrs. llimobaugh & Merrliun , the or
tensive olnyittor men and capitalists ol
Omaha , passed several hours in Lincoln
yesterday looking over the city in com
pany with Hon. Patrick Eagnn and Mr
Mr. Peter Bauer , of Milwaukee , Wis.
closed the lease yesterday on an O streo
store room between Thirteenth ant
Fourteenth , whore ho will within th <
coming two weeks open a china ant
qucuuswara store.
Fou cramps or spasms of the stomach
colic ttnd obscure pains , take a fc\r drop ;
of Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lini
jiiunt on sugar or mixed nith syrup , a
intervals , durintr the day , and the pain :
will bo promptly and effectually sub
Nobfnnka . ) ottln § .
Dodge county hn ? 5,520school , children ,
Tlie retiring oflicinls of Crcto loft
$1,110.18 in the treasury.
The tnnchlnnr.v plnnt In the Wnhefiold
Hour mill has boun improved nt a cost of
? 3,000.
Thrca mllps of atldllional mains arc to
bo lulilud to the waterworks system in
IIustlnf'i ' >
Prof. Joe Mulhntton ha > ! opened a
palatial olllce in Llneuln and Is doing a
railroad business.
lied Cloud has harno sftd a board of
trade nnd an electric light plant. Bril
liancy and business makes a good team.
Bernard Naroy , aged thirty-eight was
crushed to death by an iron tile falling on
himnear Seluiylcrlast : week. The remains
were sent to Spirit Lake , Iowa , where
the wife and tiireo children of the de
ceased reside.
North Bond is a prohibition hamlet , yet
the bloods howl and foam with beer nnd
budge more furiously there than in the
license towns. A section of theSalvation
army promises to attack the town as
soon ns thu footpaths dry up.
The Scliuylor Herald says : "Hog ? are
bringing as much in this market as they
are in either eastern Iowa or western
Illinois , owing to the fact that Omaha is
now as good a market as Chicago. The
packing industries of Omaha itnd South
Omaha will prove of great valtio to the
Nebraska farmers. "
The Dakota Bell claims the following
melancholy event occurred in this state :
"The funeral services of the late Mrs.
Colonel Potter will not take place to-day
us at first announced , owing to the fact
that they would interfere with the rallle
for a Jino double-barreled shotgun , which
takes place at the colonel's oilieo to-day.
It is but justice to say that the ralllo was
arranged for before her decease. "
The electors of Hastings will decide the
question of giving a bonus of $00,000 to
the Klkhorn Valley extension on the 17th
of May. Following this two proposi
tions will bo submitted to the voters of
Adams county ono to give $125,000 in
bonds to the Kansas City & Northern and
ono to civo 175.000 to the Pacific rail
road ofNebraska. These are opportuni
ties which the city and county appear de
termined to embrace.
lowu Items.
A homo for aged women is to be built
at Cedar Rapids.
Creston Is preparing for a siege of the
Salvation army.
Patrick Sarsficld Gilmore and his fa
mous band will make a tour of the state
next month.
The first annual meeting of the Carroll
Driving association will bo held August
23 , 24 and 25.
Miss Trublcsomo resides iu Atlantic.
She is a charming creature nnd willing
to change her name.
A forty-aero tract , located three miles
from the court house at DCS Moines , was
sold on Wednesday for $10,000.
A chattel mortgage was filed in the re
corder's oflice at Boone last week upon
' 'one span of mules and their increase. "
The now water works at Clarinda were
ully tested last Saturday , and were a
.access. . The supply is taken from
hirty-two wells.
P. D. Fuller , an old crippled soldier of
Spirit-Lake , has received notice from the
government of an allowance of $0,000
back pension nnd an increase of his rrg-
ular pension to $73 n month.
Governor Larrabeohas appointed Peter
jloploy , of Cass county ; William M.
Springer , of Mahaska , ana W. H. Jor
dan , at Johnson , commissioners to serve
ho best interests of American horse buy-
irs in Franco.
The Yankton city council has con-
racted for the planting of 000 trees in
the citr park.
A larger acreage of corn will bo
planted in McCook county this year than
ever before m one season.
It now begins to look as though Sioux
Falls would hare a board of trade and a
; cnuiuo chamber of commerce.
An artesian well is being sunk at Buf
falo Gap. Residents of that place have
subsisted without water about as long as
they care to.
A contract for grading the Black Hills
branch north from Rapid City will beet
* et in a few days and the work will be
done this season.
Plans for a new school house , modern
n every respect , have been adopted at
Kimball. The building is to have five
rooms and will be surmounted by n tower
sixty-four feet in height.
Extensive preparations are being made
at Sioux Falls for the entertainment of
the gland lodge of the Oriental Order of
Ilumility , which convenes at that place
next month. At least 5,000 visitors are
Sixty men are at work putting up the
walls of the territorial capitol in Chey
The Cheyenne Street Railway com
pany has been granted a franchise by the
city council. Work on the line will begin
within sixty days.
The mayor of Laramie has proclaimed
Monday , the 25th , as arbor day , and
every citizen of the town is expected at
the park armed with a tree to plant.
"Edwin Booth has come and gone , "
says the Cheyenne Leader , "aim while
some people may bo the wiser none are
richer than before , and there are plenty
of people in the city who would be glad
to have their $3 back.
Barney Todd , a cowboy , put four bul
lets into a one-legged cowboy named Bill
Goss. near Rock Springs , at Freeze-out
ranch ten days ago. They had quarreled
two days before , and on Goss' riding over
unarmed where Todd was , the latter ,
saying ho would get oven with him , wont
out and put two bullets into his breast ;
Goss fell from his horse , saying "Don't
ahooi mo , Barney , " but Barney shot him
twice more as ho lay dying , and then rode
across country to GrectiJtiver and gave
himself up.
The body is more susceptible to benefit
from Hood's Sarsaparilla now than at any
other season. Therefore , take it now.
The heavy rains this week have rcado
the excursion to B. & M. park next Sun
day ill advised , and it has accordingly
been postponed until Sunday , May 1st.
, ,
And many other complaints cured by
A Prominent Utifl'ulo Physician pays :
nurFALu , N , Y. , Ffb. 14 , Ulf
Drllorne , Clilcnsn , 111. Sin It li something
unustml for ono of tlio uiortlCAl profession to Indorse
anndvertlua iirtlclct ret I take plc.iiure In In runn
ing yju that ono of jour Klcclilu llrlts cured me ofI
rheumatism. from uhtcli 1 hatl MiflVrud I
littvo recommended your Invention to nt loisl fort/
of mjr patients snlTcrlnit with rhronlcdine isc of in-
rlom khulj , vUi Palpitation oftlie linnrt , iierrou *
debility , epilepsy , rlioiimntlim. pain In the b.irk nnd
kldnoM , etc , , etc. , etc. All fuvo mircbinert "ml
worn them with mnt grnllfln roiuUs. 1 ran hltitilf
recommend yourKlectrlc Melts in possensltiif great
tncrlt. Fraternally votirs.
Ii. li.McMtc-HAF.NM. n.t % > 1 Nlnirarn-et
A Chicngo riiisldim Says ,
nr Home Dear Sir : 1 liura u ed rovcral kind f of
maKnctlonnd Klcctno Hells on pntlontiand mvtolf.
lean lione tly glvo tlia profcrenca toyoiiM , or all
odds , llonco I unnanrtilo recommend jronri OTIT all
other * . Yours Iruterimlljr , J. II. Jimno.v , M I ) ,
Jan 14 , lnS7. OniCiMOT Statc-st. , Chlcanu
A Physician Says. All of My Patient
are Satisfied.
OF.NI.VA , NKII , Jnn 31. 1SS7
lr w. J.llorno , Inventor Dear Sir : 1 rucuinmon 1
TourKlcctric Helta to all who suffer with nnynoroui
tiouulc. any chronic liver or klilnov < ll eino . Allot
my patient * that are using your Klectrlc Belts ara
satisfied. Fraternally. M. IMtopr. M I > ,
Physician and Sunteon
A Minister of the German Evangelical
Church , Says :
I.ninnTON , AIICRim Co , Mich. , Kot > 3yn \
Dr. W. J. It > rno , Chlciign , III Dour Sir : Your
F.lcctrlc Holts do all you claim. ( Inn of thorn helped
meof drspcpMn , con tlpatlon and ni' debility.
I would Ilko to Introduce your coeds hero. Will
you let mu have the aitoncy for thli townshlpl'lc.ise
Kl7e yourternu. 1 am the minister of thu ( ! ormm : Church of I.elxliton. Itespi-rtfully ,
Kr.V. LiOUIH llllt'MM ,
Residence , Mlddlovllla , Harry county , Mlcli.
Neuralgia of the Stomach Cured.
CmsT.vuT , Ir.i. . , Jan 01 , IW
Dr. Horns Dear Sir : 1 wai tuftYrlnn witli neural
pin of the stomach , and nioJIdno seemed to have no-
uiroct : e von raorphluo did notrelicro mo much. Tha
attack would beulu every evening about nlnoo'etoik.
and last about nix hours I Kent lor ono of your ISIou-
trio Helta , eot It iindput It on. uud hivu't hud the
least symptom of nauralgla since. I am well ploisod
Yours truly , A. g. UAUCUUUT.
Dr. W. J. HORXB/191 / Wabash-avcnuo ,
Sole Inventor. I'rlotor and Manufacturer.
Kendstamprnopo cutloauo.
Decker Brothers
v 111 llnd jn t what they need A FU LL LINE
or INSTALMENT GOODS eoia ouiy to
" " INSTALMCNTTRADC , by addressing
On band. 12S
Standard Sorts
to choose from.
by express.
" > f ° nrrlval
Immense stock
of Plants.
_ _ BULBS *
Shrabi and S d . All the novelties. Our Illus
trated VatiiloBtie Is Invuluiiblc to all who Imvc , or
wish to have a Harden. Mailed free to applicant * .
80 packnire * of our superior Flower Hoed. , or
85 t > acka ; ei of our tested Vrgetuble Seed. NT
1 > , poitpald toanyudUre .
r9 D llae eto.lrMultlng'from IndlMrttlontor
< icn sr > . cur.d v > ltho l l _ Brh M 4lclB . .t ; Iho
ral 4 koak n fr . Shonld rend bjr Fath.rl
andplarpd In
Ih. n.adi of
thelrSont. . . . . . _ . _ . . .v. . .
aR.pMe with Infomatlon of value to all men.
For young women , Princeton , N. J.
Prospectus , full particulars , sent onp-
plicaton to J. H , McElvaine.
bat.-\poiUlTnr.m.djfnrttieatxrrdlxaitbyU ntt
tbontandt of cat. , of l > . worn ain't and of IODK atandlni ;
MANHOOD rrenutura litatiNcrrouj
. Lcxt Manhood , etc. , barlnz tried In vaia
T rr known rvmedr. ' has diMorpro A almpla
If-can , which h. will md.rM to hi. fello. < r > r r- .
Addrou. C. J. M AflON. Vott faSBox III * . Nw York
Warranted to neither break down or
roll up In wear.
lone Rtnolne without KIBO itimptd on ItuMt of Contt ,
fllll lHtniltfliMiftlhljrlfnftl tf iirMMtf * . |
11312 Douglass St.
Are lecoenlicd ns SUndnrd wherever the
gume 1 * played.
li used by the
National Lenmio
nnd nil the prom
inent profes
sional ana nmn-
tent clubs In the
country. Kvory
ball \\urrantcd.
liowaro of Imlta-
Spaldlng's Black Band League Bats
aromade from carefully f elected timber , and
endorsed by all prominent playtra.
I IH honestly nmdo aud
I la a protootlon.
ranglnB In price f i om
UOc. to fcj per pair ,
will please the boy as well ns the profes
sional nlaver. Bpaldlnu's complete Unl-
I forms , Belts , Caps , Shoes , Plates , Breast
I Protectors , Sliding Pads , Umpire Indl-
I catorg. Guides , Score Hooks , and every-
I thliiB pertalulue to 13a9e Ball , cau ba
I found at
Collins & Gordon ,
_ 1313 Douglas St.
OolldLxxei ctu Grox-d.oxi *
Omaha Ageuts , 1312 Douglas SC.
Specially Dl.tllled far
Medicinal DID.
DB. IDW. L. WAI.MNO , Surgeon
goon la Chief , National Quart
of N.J.wrltt :
"Mr attention WM called tt
your Kejetone Malt Whiskey bj
Kr. Lalor , Druggltt , of Trenton
and I hue used a f w botUo *
with far better effect titan anj 3
harfl had. I am recommending
jour article In my practice , anl
find It > rj Mtltlaetorjr. "
Q7Tb Ottala * ku theBlMUvea
TaMtaDl f Bsltll. ° ' L bti.
[ 8 l A | U for lh C , a. )
316.318 and 320 Raw SU Philadelphia. Px.
Goodman Drug Co.OenI. Agents.Omaha
will mall.77 * . thtlr otwly tiUr '
CaUloco * of Btnd taitrmoMnu ,
UnUcrm nd Equlpmenla , 4H >
Fine IHtitfttloM dttcrtblug t tty ,
vtklt rq ktd by Bud * or Ih
Corpt ( Inclodinf Repair log Mi
'Coouini UitroctlODi for
Afittt.-nr B d . KitrcUw and
: m &Ijof'i T Uc . lij'Ltirs ,
cctid IM o ( * M Mu c.
Send stamp for spring and summer pro
grams , just issued. Titos. COOK & SON ,
mar3-2m 235 Clark St , Chicago , III.
Cheap Homes , Business Op
portunities ,
The spring sale of lots in the new towns of JfornlcJc and Cluirter
Oak , situated on the Sioux City extension of the CMcagoMilwaukce
< C St. Paul Railway , will take place Monday , and Wednesday ,
April 35th ami 27th , at 1O o'clock a. m. These new towns areflne-
ly located in Woodbury and Crawford counties , respectively , and in
tic midst of well settled and prosperous farming and stock commu
nities. Now is your chance to purchase cheap homes and start bus
iness on equal footing with others on the main line of the greatest
railway In America. Remember the dates and be promptly on
hand to secure first choice in location. '
At Hornick , Monday , April 25th , 1887.
At Charter Oak , Wednesday , April 37th , 1887. '
1'rlccs and terms of payment will be announced the days of sale
on the premises. For further Information , address < 7e { "Local
Land Agents" at the respective places , or JL G. IIAUGAN , Land
General Land Agent ,
The G. E. Mayne Real Estate and Trust Co. .
Property of every description for sale in all parts uf the city. Lands for sale la
every county iu Nebraska.
.Of Titlcsof Douglas County kept. Mapa of the city , state or county , or any other
information desired furnished free'of charge upoa application.
Of clothing remarked last week that our prices were too low. May
be they are. The cheapness of some of our goods make buyers sus
pect the qualities. The secret is our stock is all new , bought very
low , and we can sell cheaper than others , besides we want to build
up a larere trade , and are therefore offering extra inducements. A
glance at our show window will give you an idea how we sell goods.
Step into the store and examine quality and make of the garments ;
you will not be urged to buy. Prices are marked plain on the goods
and there is only one unalterable price for all no deviation the poor
est judge can buy as safe as the best. If you can find other "gar
ments better made or cheaper elsewhere , bring ours back and the
money will be refunded to you.
Our Furnishing department is well stocked and prices throughout
equally low. We mention today , particularly , our line of medium
and light weight Underwear in all colors and all grades.
We will present , this week to each customer , in our Boys' and
Childrens' department , with a handsome set of dominos.
All goods marked in plain figures and at one price.
Nebraska Clothing Company ,
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
O. H. CURTIS , Pres. - J. KURD THOMPSON , Sec. $ & Treas
Wholesale ® Retail.
"Fish Brand" OeMs , Bulbs , Douches , llalrCrlmiien , Kurscry Sheeting , Spocalnmi.
Air Pillows , llruihos , Drill & Duck , Hair Pins , Navy Bag , Sportsmen's Qoodi ,
AirBeds , Brewer's Hoae , Door Mats , Hats , Oil Clothing , Stamp * ,
AlrOuslilon < < , Capi , Dress Shield * , Horse Covers , Packing , Stationer's tium ,
Antl lUUIors , Capes , Drlnkinc Cups , Hose , B. B. A P. Co.Palls , Syphons ,
Aproni , Canlapcc Cloth , KI as tic llnnda , Iloso Couplings , Perfection Bo * SyringeSpittoons ,
Atomizers , Cartridge Bags , Klaitlo Stookliig" , Hose 1'lpos , Pencils , Swimming JackeU
lUnda , Catheters , Kraacrs , Hose Keels , Penholder * . Swingoj 'Perfection Bov
Handago Gam , Clothing , Facu Bugs , Hot Water Bottlcs.Pcssarles , Thimbles ,
Ilantismsl I' nl8 , Copy Hook Sheets , Finger Ootfl , Haversacks , Flano Covers , Throat Hags.
Carpeting , Flower Sprinklers , Ice Bags , Pipes , Tubing ,
Jlntli Mata , Cement , Floor Scrapers , Ice Capi , Pipe Stem * , Tumblers ,
Ilnth Tula , Clothes Wringers , Folding Palls , Ink Stand * , Plant Sprinkler * , Toys.
, " ' , Invalid Cushion , Pure Uuuber , '
llcrt Pans Coata "Fish Brand' KootllalU * Tectb'gninjrsAradJ ,
. , , Korco , Pants , Tobacco Pouchoi ,
Bed Shoots Combs Gapa Leggings
R.ll.&P.Co. Belting , Comh Cleaners , Fruit Jar Ulngi , Lined llosa , Pistol Pockets , Trotting Kolts ,
Belt Hooks , Corks , Fiinnols , Lnco Cutters , Kattles , Urlnnls.
Bellows Cloth , Cork Screws , Gaa Tulilni ; , LlfoPrcscrveri , Kuhher Dam , Umurelma ,
Blhg , Cnrry Comhs , Gloves , Mackintosh Goods , Itulen , Ventilating Soles ,
( ! nspadors , Gossamer Gtps , Match Boxes , BopalrlnrCloth , Wagon Aprons ,
Boots A Shoo , Cigar Cases , - Cloth , Martlngala ttlngs , Shaft Hnbhers ,
Boys Caps , ChalrTipg&Buffori , CoaU , Mats , Shoes & Boots ,
Boys Coats , Diapers , Waterproofs , Matting , 8lnk Scrapers ,
Bougies , Dinner Cloth , Gaiter Straps , Mirrors , Bcoops , Webbing ,
Bracelets , Dolts , Gun Coven , Mittens , Shooting Coat * , Wading Pant * ,
Ilreast Pumpi , Doll Bodlca , GuttaPerchs , Nipples , Bllug-hots. Watcc Bottles ,
BreastShiclds , Doll Heads , Gymnasiums , Nursing Bibs. Soling , Window Clenners ,
Buffers , Uoor Hair Curlers , Nursing Bottloi , Sponge Bags , Wringer Roll * ,
Boston UrldnaCo's. . Rubber and Cotton Belting , Packing ami Hose. Solo agenta in Omaha.
Leather Ucillng- ; Pure Oak Tanned. Manufacturers of "PERFECTION BOX SYKI&GES. "
Manufacturers of "FISH BRAND RUBBRll GOODS. "
Mall Order * Solicited and will Receive Prompt Attention.
$3.OO S3.OO S3.OO
Yankee Clothiers ,
Last year sold one thousand pairs of Hair Line Pants at 13. They wera
all wool and well made , and wo bollevo that every person who got a
pair of the pants , were well satisfied with them , and when they find
they fiau get them again this year , will come at onca and select a pair.
No other houga has them as they wore made in our own factory fa
Maine , and made for our own traue , If you did not get a pair last sea-
aon , come at once and
Select One Pair Ml Wool for $3.
Andrews Bros. , Yankee Clothiers ,
1113 Farnam Street.
$3.00 $3.00 $3.00
QOLD KEDAIi , FABIB , 1878 ,
Warranted abtaluMy pur
Coeoa , from which the cxcr ol
OH hu been removed. It taa thru
time i the itrength of Cocoa mixed
with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar ,
end I. therefore fariuorccconoral.
cal , coitlny Itn ( Ann one tint a
cup. It I. dellcloiu , Dourliblnf ,
.trengthcnlng , eailly dlEesteU. and
admirably adapted ( or Invalids u
well u for pcraon. In health.
Sold by CrMtr. tT.rynhere.
iAKER & CO. , Dorcliester , lass.
aootali'ieurrutt ' of
if h all vetk pirti.retur-
Cumnt5 \ J-f H Iniuntlr or we forftll'ij.OWJ In cT h !
OrcttMt Imcrotemente of < r alt otktr telu. Worn curt p r >
ratncDll7 cured la Uirre mootbJ. Scalttl tunphUI4 < % Ktmn
ThtSindtn ElelrloCo. lotUSillc . . Chicigik
KERYITA j > r '
rnrr Tnill ;
[ DEC THIJII * " au > ' / < >
rnpl * i nlllLi 2 m > * * uD kii uf ,
I llbb I llinfcl tutlMi. LM (
ikludr l abcllaM. TrtU clti ll . f lH ;
DB. A. . LII 0 . . Si in * "Vir °
U. tl.0 * rf > akw . Ufitr6.0 .
A magnificent display of everything
useful and ornamental in the furniture-
maker's art , at reasonable prices.
Watche * , Diamond ! ) Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The largest stock. Price * the lowest. Repairing a specialty. Work warranted.
. . Corner' Douglas and 15tl treeta , Omaha. Licensed Watchmaker for the Union
Facific Railroad Company.