Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Evcrybotlj Trying to Discover the Secret of
the Wheat Deal ,
The JUnrkct OpcriH StroiiR nnd the
I'reiiittttn tlct\vccn Mny ami Juno
Narrows Corn llcatly lo
Ship Quotation * .
CHICAGO , April ir ' . [ Special Telesram to
llic Jlr.n.J Tlio narrowing of the iirimilum
botucun Juno nnil May wlicnt ycstcrtlny
rnlicd a doubt In the minds ot some people
ns \\tictlicr , nftcr all , the blevheat cllfiuo
would tnkoc.ishlicat .May 1 and pay money
lor It. Tills Is the ono liarrowlni : secret left
In the market. To discover It beyond n ques
tion would be worth ns much money as any
body could carry off. lint to discover this
would bo to lay barn nil there was to the big
wheat di'M that lias been \\orrylni , ' tlio craln
world fortlirec months. It la thu only secret
nhout the \\liolt ! manipulation worth know
ing. Apparently It Is not knonn to ninny
persons , 'f ' to any here at Chicago , This In
cidental ( nature , lio\\ever , can bo decided :
} ( the clique doesn't like cash wheat It might
nscll cast up accounts as speedily as possi
ble and net out , for It wilt bo only n matter of
how much they can aavo from the wruck.
The Chicago boars ha\o no terror of
any bull combination that lights .shy
of cash property. That means to
them a loose , week-kneed combination , without -
out much money , so that It Is s.tto to predict
that If May 1 uin-u by without all 13.000.0UO
bushels ol ctsh wheat bolnu taken care of by
tlio present bull combination , thu bears here ,
biLnitU little , will turn In nnd sell out more
\\heat than It can martin. May \\hcat
opened strong at btc aml.Iuuunt Si" * ©
KtJ c. Kershaw ft Co.oro buyets of May ,
n roassutlni ; circumstance that hout May tip
to B-tJ/c anu Juno up to above We. This sot-
tied tliu speculative temper lov a while , mul
lalns , coed receipts , and all otho jclieum-
nances that iniKht have looked a little bear
ish had no inlltience. The drop In French
rentes helped the bull feuluik' . Tlio most
notable feature of the tiny , however , was tbo
nnirowhicof the dllfcrcncn between May
nnd Juno to , ' c , the smallest that has ex
Istcd for over a month. It May was declin
ing this disanpearancc of discount might bo
n bear sltn , but with the clicjue bouses every
now and then buying larce blocks of May ,
nnd with the price of tills option Ktcadlly
maintained , It indicates simply that tlio deal
Is to extend through Juno as well ns May.
In other words , It Is contended that this Is to
bo n great , broad , manipulation lasting
through the summer. The mar
ket Is to have Its tips
nnd Its downs , nnd the lluctuatlons will bo
wild enough to make it dllllcult oven for the
bulls to tnako money. Hut , with nil its
plunges , the market , it Is safe to say , will bo
a bull one. Weather permitting , tlio corn
Ilt-ct , with its 3,000,000 bushels of this grain ,
will sail Monday. It may not cot through
the straits for a week , but It will got down
near them , ready to go through when the Ice
breaks. The sailing of this corn ought torn-
porarlly to help this market , but will ulti
mately hurt Now Vork. 1'rovislous were
dull nnd weal ; .
The wheat market on the afternoon board
wan weaker , and long futures declined }
} { c , but May held steady. Corn was easier.
t Provisions were dull and a shade lower.
Wheat for .May sold at iMaS4k'c ( , June at
MX@83 fc , July nt b2X@h2 c , August nt
fcl'fe ' , September nt81Jfi8lKc ( , December at
We , closing nt the Inside. Corn for Mav sold
t iWMdjasXc. Juno at O W 'c. July nt41Kc.
Oats for May Bold at SbVc , Juno nt Vc.
Lard tor .May sold nt 57.10 , Juno at 57.17
.Inly at 7.'J5 < < J7.1J7H , August at S7. : . Shorl
ribs for May sold at 37.70 , Juno at S7.80@7.85 ,
Jttlv nt 87tWiJ7. ( .j , August at S8.WK ( , closing
nt 87.bSX for Juno , S7.WK tor July.
CHICAOO , April 22. | Special Telegram to
the BIB. : ] CATTLE The cattle market to
day was strong and active for the first time
this week. The receipts were light Tor othe
days , but it was not until to-day that there
was anything like nn active satisfactory
movement In trade. Prices were fully lOc
higher on beeves , In some cases more , nnd
the supply was readily exhausted. Thurs
day's shipments were 4,200 head , being very
liberal and included sixty-three cars of cattlt
for export alive. To-day's receipts were Ugh
and the run for the week Is less than last ,
Shipping steers. 1UX > to 1,500 Ib.s , S4.75ViV
J.200 to 1,850 Ibs , 84.60(24.80 ( ; UiO to 1'JOP lbsv
} M,00@l.ri. ' > ; stockcra and feeders , 32.iO(34.iO { ( : ;
rows , bulls and mixed , S2.00@4.00 ; bulk ,
2.701.4.1.10 ; slop - led steers , * 1.40@4.75 ;
through grasscrs , S3.40.
Hoes Trade was rather slow nil day.
Prices were steady at the opening but weaker
heavy , also butclier weights , 85.555i5.G5 ;
light sorts , 85.20a.- ( ; pigs , $
NKW YOIIK , April 23. [ Special Telegram
to the UrE.J STOCKS. The sharp break In
prices yesterday exercised a demoralizing in-
llucnco on traders and the opening this
morning vras as expected rather sagged.
London caino in loxvur and a drop of 3 francs
in French rentes and lower prices ( or all se
curities on the Paris and Berlin exchanges
induced some selling of stocks here. Lon
don sold Louisville & Nashville , breaking It
1 per cent. Heading was hammered by room
traders and the combination headed by Cam-
mack , but without nny important effect.
Under 45 buying was good enough to quickly
rally It above that figure. The whole market
was hammered by room traders all morning ,
and about noon looked very weak. There
were , hoxvovcr , no sensational plunges downward -
ward by any of the active stocks. The most
that the bears x\e-o able to accomplish was to
secure a fractional decline of K@K per cent.
The nexTS of the day was not of a character
to ilepresi prices , In fact about everything
that came out In regard to railroad securities
was favorable , all earnings reported showing
largo increases. At noon the market was
strong and a shade higher than the opening.
Sales to noon xxete IS',000 shares. The mar
ket strengthened appreciably during tbo clos
ing hour. The coal stocks and trunk lines
advanced J4@J. per cent and closed at top
prices for the day. Lake Erlo & Western
boomed up l.V per cent and some of the
blcgeKt houses In the street xvero buying
BtocK and advising tlielr customers to get Infer
for a 10 point advance. Gould stocks moved
up a notch on closing dealings and gossip
was that Gould would rctutn from his trip
west n bull on Southwestern. The total
Bales were about 3.)0UOO abates ,
CloVEUNMKNTS Goxeruruont bouds were
dull uut steadv.
U.S.C'8 100 1C. AN. W 120
U. S. 4's coupon. 129X1 do preferred. . . .147
u. s. 4K'scoup .nouN. v. o nw
l'acilioti'sot'U5..125j0. It AN 100V
CanadaSouth'n. . C1KO. T. .W (
Central Pacltio. . 41 IPadhcMall Mji *
Chicago A Alton.145 I P. , I ) , , -e E 85
do preferred..100 ( Pullman Pal.Car.15lK
C..B. AQ 144 iKeaclInK U-
p. , I. . AW 1 8 < Hock Island. . . i
1) &JUG SO St L.AS. K. . . . 33
Urie 34) ) < l do preferrPd. . . . 78
do preferred. . . . 74WU. , M. A8t. P. . . . 93
lllltiois Central..lS4Jf | do preferred. .ISO
L. U. A W . 24S SL P. & O. 53
} i. A T . 32' do preferred
Lake Shore Texas Paclllc. . . . 2S
! „ AN C7K Union I'acltic. . . . flH <
Mlchlenn Ceufl. . tB W..SU LAP , . . . 20 4
Mo. Pacltic do preferred. . 35
No. Pacific W. U. Telegraph 76 > j
do preferred. . . .
MONRY ox CAM. Easy at 435 per cent ;
closed at 4 percent.
at 5(46 per cent.
STKIU.ISO KxciiAWiE--Fairly nctlvoam1
iteaky MS4.SC.V for sixty day * , 84.b7 toi
_ ' _ _ _ _
Cblcaco , April -3. Following quota
tlons are the 3:3) : closing Ugures ;
Flour Steady and tirm. Winter whea
our , . 14.25(14.38 ; outwn ,
WUconMn. 84.20i < : Michigan foft sprlne
wheat , SJ.70014.UO : Minnesota hater ? . S3.70
< ft . ! io : patents , S4.3oa4.w ; low grades ,
81.03iJ..9i : rje flour , quiet at 83.25 5.40 ; In
tarks and bands , SJ33.70.
Wheat-P'lrm'.opcnedstron.AigVolilchcr ,
closing Irregular ; cash , & 34c ; ilay , MCJ
June , b3' ' < e.
Corn Fairly active nnd firimr : opened at
nbotit yesterday's close and closed about 'jc
higher ; cash , Sic ; May , US It-lCc ; June ,
40 1-lOc.
OAts Firmer with considerable advance ;
caih , 27 ( c ; May. 'is'a'c : June , 'Jic.
Hyo Quiet at f 7c.
Harley- Steady nt liftjiCOe.
Timothy Scod-Ptime , 61.7-S1.75.
Wnlskv S1.1S
Pork-Dull and unchnnRCtl ; no particular
rhango to note except In cash , widen ruled
hlchercaMiS'JO.C ; > ; May and .June. 520.75.
l.nrd Moderately actne nnd easier ; cash ,
S7.07H ; May , S7.10 ; .Mine , S7.17 < .
Hulk MfaU-Shoulders , ifl O0' < 0.10 ; short
clear , SS.15JS > .20 ; short ribs ST.ta.
Butter- Weak : crcamtiiy , lGhd ! 2c ; dahy ,
15f 20c.
( 'hi'i o Steady : full cream cheddarj and
nnts , 13Q13 e ; Yotine Americas , UJiQ
ia'c ; skims , h lOc.
KsgsVcaker \ at ll' ia c.
Hides Firmer ; heavy green salted , 7J < T
lie ; salted bull hides , Oc ; green Nltetl cilf , i'c ' ;
dry salted , lOc ; diy Mint , lS t3c ; dry calf ,
lardMc ; dearons , 40c oich.
Tallow Steady ; No. 1 country , 4c ; No. 2.
3 > ic ; cake , 4'tc. '
Hecolnt' . Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 7.000 7.000
Wheat , hit . 75,000 4ooo
Corn , bu . 2J.oou
Oats , bu . 01 000 71.000
Hjl'.bll . 1,003 2,000
Harley , bu . 13,000 12,000
New Vork. April 22. Wheat He-
celpts , 2S.OCO ; exports , 2S7.000 ; spot a shade
higher ; options advanced ? @Vc , but later
b ' 'c ' losln.
steaih ; uugradrd red , ty > iMU7jc ; No. 1
red. UGUc ; No. 3 rol. 9t , c ; No. 2 red , WH
® iujfo in elevator , WJiGiUJKc , f. o. b. ;
Mny cloblpg nt ffJ
Corn A shade lower ; options n trifle
hl.hcr , closing Him ; receipts , 10,000 ; pxport * ,
0,000 ; ungraded. 49@50'4c ' ; .No. 2 , WQJUJ&u
In elevator ; May closing at 4l'e.
Oats Hocelpts , 10,000 ; cMotts , 1,000 ; mixed
western. 855f87c ; white western , ys ( < s42c.
Petroleum Steady ; united , Ct-Jc.
KICKS Steady ; weslein , ISUc.
Pork Steady and more nctfvo.
Lard Lower and heavy ; western Bteam ,
spot , S7.4Vrf7.J7K-
Hutter ( Julut but _ cucinlly steady ; west-
cm. I2@2le.
Cheese ( Julct but Hrm.
Milwaukee. Aprll2i Wlieat Dull ; May ,
77Tc ; ; June , 7U c.
Corn-Dull ; No. 3 , R9c.
Oats-Steady ; No. 2 white , 32K@S3c.
Hyo Scuce ; No. 1. C2e.
Harley Firm ; No , a , 55c.
Pro > lslons Steady ; poik , 815.50.
Clnclrlnatl , April 22. W neat Easier ;
Corn No. 2 mixed , 41J < c.
Oats No. 2 mixed , 31c.
Hye-No. 2 , C4 ; @Wc.
Pork-Didl at 810..5.
Lard Easy nt S7.05.
Minneapolis. April 22-Wbeat-Strong ;
No. 1 hard , cash , 70c ; May. 77JTc ( : June ,
784xc } ; No. 1 northern , cash , 75 } c ; May , 7Cc ;
No. S northern , cash , 74c.
Flour Firm ; patents , 84.304.45 ; bakers ,
Hecelots Wheat , 58,000 bu.
bhlpineuts Wheat , 23,000 bu. ; flour , 20,000
St. LonlB. April 22. - WheatHigher ;
cash , bOJ SOKe : May. bO' c.
Corn Firm and better ; cash , 35 , ' c ; May ,
35c.Oats Firm but slow ; cash , 23@2S4'c ; May ,
2Se.Pork Kasler ; new. S1C.75.
Lard Nominal at 87.00.
Butter Steady ; creamery , 20@2lc ; dairy ,
Afternoon Board Wheat Unchanged.
Corn Firm but dull. Oats Unchanged.
Kansas City. April 22. Wheat-Dull ;
No. B red , cash , 70c ; May , 70fc bid , 71c
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , S2l o\ \ May
Oats -May , 29Kc.
Now OrlennH , April 22. Corn Un
settled and lower ; mixed , 49c ; yellow and
white , 50@5ic.
Oats Steady at 37c.
Cornmeal Quiet and weak at 12.15.
Hog Products Dull and a shade lower.
Bulk Meats-Shouldeis , ? u.37K ; long clear
clear ribs , SS.a.'i.
Liverpool , April 83. Wheat steady but
demand poor , holders offer moderately.
Corn Quiet but steady ; demand poor ;
new mixed western , ite l&d percental.
ObloaRo , April 2i The Drovers' Jour
nal totiorlB as follows :
Cattle Kecolpts , 4,800 ; strong and lOc
higher ; shipping steers , S4.75@5.25 ;
stockers nnd feeders , 82.0004. : ' > 0 ; cows , bulls
nnd mixed , S2.004.00 ; ulk , S2.70@3.10 ;
through Texas crassers , 54.40.
Hogs Hecelpts , 18,000 ; slow , closing
lower ; rough and mixed , S5.00@5.40 ;
packing and shipning , S5.35@5Gj ; light ,
J4.05Q5.CO ; skips , 53.003.eO.
Sheep Heceipts , 3,700 ; steady ; woolcd
53.00t4.75 ; shorn , S3.CXXK3.70 : west
ern , S3.f > 0(34.70 ( ; Texans , 52.504.00 ; lauiDs ,
S1.50it5.CO. Stock Yard * . East Ht.
Louis , III. , April 2i Cattle Keceipts ,
400 : shipments , 700 ; strong : choice heavy
oatlvo steers , S4.KK35.2r ; fair to good ship-
"IIB steers , 34.00(24.75 ( ; butchers' steers , 53 00
§ 4.40 ; feeders , 83.20@4.00 ; stockeis , 52.20
Hogs Receipts , 2,000 ; shipments , 3,000 ;
steady ; choice heavy and butchers' selec
tions. 85.50@5.65 ; packing. J5.30i35.45 : York
ers , 55.10@5.20 ; pigs , S4.40@4.90.
KABI-B City , Aprll23. Cattle Receipts ,
1.000 ; shipments , none ; market strong , ac
tive and 5310c higher for shloplng steers ;
cows and butchers' steers steady ; stockers ,
8J.CO3.25 ; feeding steers. S.80@3. ) .
Hoes Receipts. 0.000 : shipments , 8,000 ;
firm and .viilOc hleher for good ; common
to choice , 14.75(35.40 ( ; skips and pigs , 83.00 ®
4.70. '
Friday , April 27.
The receipts of cattle were about double
what was In yesterday. The markt-t was ac-
tl\o and a good many cattle changed hands.
Thu market was a little tirmer.
Tbo receipts of liocs were also much heavier
than yesterday. Thu mnrket opened active
at an advance of 5&lOc. The pens were
cleared at an early hour.
There xverc a few In biit none sold.
Cattle 400
Ho s 8f.OO ,
Sheep 200
Prevailing Price * .
ShoxIne the prevailing prices paid for IIva
slock on this market :
Choice steers , 1800 to 1500 Ibs. . . .84.3.V34.M
Choice steers , 1100 to 1S.7J Ibs. . . 4.1501.3.1
Fat little steer 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.Wdw { ; ;
Kxtra choicecoxvj and heifers. . . . 3.50W4.00
Hood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 8.00 3.40
Common to modiuta cows aTSWiyo
Uood to choice bulls 3.50 < as.'i1
Light and medium hozs 5.0UM5.10
Good to choice heavy hogs 5.20 , ' < i5. :
tiood to choice mixed hogs 5.1oa\25
Choice sheep. 80 to 120 Ibs 3.15C 4.00
Allsiles of stock in tills market are mailo
pcrcwt. llvo xvolirht miles * otherwise stated.
Dead hogs sell at Ko per Ib. for all \veleht9.
"Skins , " or ho.3 weUhlnc le than 10J ibi.
no value. Pregnant soxvs are docked 49 IDS.
andstacsSoiOs , by thoptiWlu Inipeutor.
Ijlve Stock Notes.
Hogs active.
Cattle stronger.
Very little sortta ? .
Hogs 5@10c higher.
A better market all around.
O. 11. Hammond & Co. bought 000 head of
atoer * .
Marlon Hart , IMgar , xxas hero xvlth txvo
loads ot hos. :
K. StodiUrd , Wood Illver , xvas In with
three load's ot < theep.
Carl llentitugcn , xvns at the yards and
marketed a load of hogs.
J. Gooik'll , DeWltt , xvas at the yards xxlth
three loids of corn fed steers.
II. Jsrnlth , I'rlend. was at the yards xxlth a
load of liojs and a load of cattlo.
A. L. William , Lincoln , xvas In xvlth three
loads of cittlt ! Iioin Talmagi'hlcli sold.
Mr. Do Wolf , of the hrm of Harrett it Do
Wolf , Maiveru , la. , x\ns In looking over the
11. F. Clark , Hcllcvtio. xvat In xvlth 105 held
of corn fi'd steers xxhlbh sold on the market.
Thu cattle xvctu brought here as feeders last
fall. _
General i'rotlttcc ,
Friday , April 22.
prices arc fur round lots of
produce , ( t ? tmn on f/ic iwu/icc / o-tti/ ( ( .
Koo I'lic market Is steady at lOc.
Hi iTiit : Thi'io Is an occasional package
of t'ancv butter that sells abo\o the nuotatlons
Riven below. Chlce country , 'JO 'i.'c ; fair to
good. l. > @lc ! ; common , I'AgUo.
Dnissii : : > rot Lritv Thy weather is too
warm lor handling dressed poultty. but an
occasional package is recei\ed , iced , which
bells at about 1-c jier Ib.
LIVI : rofi.Ti-.Y Chickens ,
CiiKEsn Full cream chcddarssnile,14 ! ; } c ;
full crv.un flats , twins , i4Vsc , : Voting Ameii-
cas. l.'o ; fancy Swiss , ISSwiss. ; . Im-
ported. U5c : Limbnrgcr. 14c : brick. i5@lGc.
BHANS Inferior stocl .7X < tS1.00 ; good clean
country , 8I.OOil.'i > ; medium , hand picked ,
81.40541.50 ; hand Dlcked. navv , SI Mif <
I'lloviSlo.NS Haiii , 1-Kc ; breakfast
bacon , rlt > . 10) ) c : breakfast bacon , plain , lie :
dry salt sides , bi < @S c ; dried beef , regular , 10
@llc ; dried beet , bam pieces , 18c : lard , 50-lb
cans , 7,8 < c ; 20-lbcans , Fairbanks , 7J/c ; 10-lb
cans , Fairbanks , 7Kc : 5-lb cans , Faitbanks ,
8c : 3-lb cans. Fairbanks , sjjfo.
CAUIIAOK The maiket is well supplied.
California cabbage , choice1 , perlbie ; ,
Arri.KS The market is bare and there Is
no stock of anv account.
OVSTT.HS Horse shoo brand2.V ; stand
ard , 2-c ! ; selects , HOc ; extra selects , 35 ; N. Y.
counts , 40c.
NEW VEOETAin.ns Spinach , per bbl ,
51.75(32.00 ( : top onions , per dozen bunches ,
10(520 : radishes , per do/.en bunches , 40c ;
lettuce , 40c ; pie plant , per Ib. . "KjtO ; Homegrown
grown aiimgus , per doSl,00tfl.50 ( ; cucum
bers , per do/on , 51.40.
LEMONS Messina , choice , per box , $4.10
OUANOES California , lllverslde , per box ,
S4.S5@4.00 ; California , Los Angeles , pur box ,
F2.75SH.OO ; Mediterranean sweets , SH.SOfd
B.75 ; Mosslnn imperial , fancy , 5.50 ; Sail
Gabriel , slnulu box lots , S3.00 ; San Gabriel ,
5 box lots , S'J.SS.
STitAAMiKintihs Thu receipts have been
quite llbctal dining the week and the market
1 airly actlxe. The bulk of the stock has been
fiom Mississippi and Loilslana leeeived by
the way of Chicago. Arkansas brnles arc
beginning to come In now direct and the
market is a little lower. Strawberries , per
quart , toc. !
MALAOA Giurr.s The supply on the
mnrket Is not heavy. Regular sue casks ,
S5 00 ; laigo size cask" . S5.SO.
BANA AS-Lar ebunches , per bunch , SJ.OO
@ 3.00. |
Coughs , Colds nnil Sore Throat
quickly relieved by 'V/J/oiiiu'i UroncMM
Trucltcs. "
The VillaRO Government Kailroad
Visitors New C'hnrchcB.
The new village government of South
Omaha will be slightly embarrassed for
a time on account of the scarcity of funds
in the treasury. No taxes can bo levied
until the assessors mnkc their returns.
Then the levy can bo made nnd money
assigned to the different funds. After
that the village cnn issue warrants in
payment of indebtedness and etui pro
ceed to make the many needed improve
ments. A poll tax which will amount to
about $3,000 will bo collected first
and will bo usnd where it
is most needed. Mayor Savage
says that it is the intention to grade N
street and the county road , along the
railroad tracks , as soon as possible.
Tim up for the now Methodist
church and the parsonage is already com
pleted. This will be the second church
for South Omaha , the first having been
built by the Catholics.
II. C. Wicker , general trallic manager ,
nnd H. U. McCullongh , general freight
ugunt of the Northwestern railroad at
Chicago , accompanied by W. N. Babcock -
cock , general western agent of the same
road , nt Omaha , visited South Omaha
yesterday. They inspected the yards ,
packing houses and other objects of in
One who retains the "sweet tooth" of
his childhood will find this to his living :
Make n banana pie with a lower crust
only ; bake the crust first , then till it with
sliced banana and powdered sugar ; the
fruit will soften snflicicntly in a ic.w mo
ments. Cover the top with whipped
crciun and eat at once. Kirk's "Juven
ile" Toilet Soap is to the toilet ns the
above is to the possessor of the ' 'sweet
tooth. "
Ten Kallroadi , and oioro are coming. 1W Trains
6tut I'nlTeriltrVesloynn UnlvcriltrState Capi
Mod o ( the Uuilnen Lou have doublet ] In price In
the lull 13 month * . Acro-Und. within J mile *
of tbe cltr.tnereued over two
baadred percent.
Lincoln I * thegrenleit H ilro 1 Cent r of It * axe
ntlievorld. llrtck tilockipar 8toaoi > crcent. Vuoint
lot * hare iTeriK3d 1UU per cent per annum on Br.t
c J t , for 19 yean.
Unwln l rf l < 1l trlbutlnz point. Some whole-
aladenier * baromidc prlntelr fortune * .
Hulld ne going up In ull direction * , lluilnett sen-
ritUrEuud. Uanker * . rcutl uerctianta , tnecbaulci ,
etc , gettlrg rich.
Koom 41 , Richard * Block ,
eal Estate Agents & Loan Brokers
Hare for ale brick block * , builnei * lot * , all kind * of
r I ettat * . 1,2 , i , 10 , JO , 40,60 , VX > and CM acre tracti
farm * aad cheap land * .
RrEHENCKS-Flrl : and Lincoln National
\ BankUOTernorTbner , Jed < Tobb , Her. Dr.C. F.
Crelghtoa. Llucole ; B u tur B. 3t. Calloa , llllmoUi
- - ' " - - -
inliu. ;
[ Continued from Jicccnth 1'mjc ]
AVAU'AIlLKIIftof property for sale by C.
Wi-ll * . IStli nn.l Kurrmm.
Lot 3 lilk J Armttronir'fi il mid.
lxt ) ? r.7 . nnil M iltirr Oak , cnch Jl.fiOO.
Jlots in Ilnrtlctt I'lacttndd , , cnch tS.COO ,
6 , 7 and 8 IllocU 7 nn < l 17 anil 19 In Mock t > ntul
7 in clock 8 lledford 1'lftco. 1'rlco. tW each.
1 and a Mock 9 llcdford. cnch $ > 2J.
A lots linker I'mco , ; i5'J to tfi5ix
Lots In Onk Hill , M7fi to J150.
l.ot 15 find Ifl , l2"xlJ'j ! foot ClnrK's ndd. nlso
"Sx'JBfro'ii etroct to struct. rl/ht ( In the ht-nrt of
the , roMdptico part of tlit- city , ott car line , and
cnn bo ImtiKMt at f,4UDaach. ( )
You Mill ne\cr rot a bettor bargain or n
nicer plnro fora homo than lot 4 In Courtlnni ]
plrtce Ht tT.OOO.
I < ots lit lcnl ) o'8 ndd at f J 200.
Acto lots In Fnlrvloff , $ ln < H
In llan-pont 1'laoo :
Lots in and 14 , block 1 , each JJ.OOO.
Ix > t lMlo ! ) kPtOO.
Lots 11 nnil 12. blo-k 2 , $7.2(11. (
Lots 6 , 7 , Cf. \ . 19 and 20 , J2.000 to J3.500.
Lot 17 in block 1(1 ( , f 2,100.
Lots 8 and n In block 2. cncb J'-.OOO
I. < ilc 2 and U lit block-15. Jl.TOJiuiJ ll.WD.
Lots 10 and 14 In block 2U , each * \'M. \
Lot 2 In block 1. 11,600.
Lots 2) ) t.nd 21 In block 4 , botl. $7. 00.
Lou 17 and IPin block lu , each J-.5JO.
Lot 17 In block l' ' . f.u.riO.
Lot 20 , block 2 , lun ! com 1'laco , with 10 room
cottaro. Aery valitablo jiroportv , $0OW.
Lot oln" , llr n com I'litce , ith liuuso of 10
room , j.riloo.
Lots II and 12. block n , I\oitnt7o I'lacc , $ n Wfl.
21,2.and2l ! , block . ' , Hnnttiornr. cnch $ ' > 0.l .
7(1 ( fort S. U. llarncy and 2Mh , JU.OUO
Lots U anil I , block I , Capitol Hill , on Corner
Hut nuy nnil - t.th2 < , OOJ.
1.1) ) Icct on Uodeo , oppo'lto Hlph school ,
$ -0,000
Iotsl.2.lnndl.bock1 ! , Cap.tnl . Hill JUOTO
l/otslO.ll and 12 , bio k 4 , Illlcko ndd , each ,
40 fcot of lot 4 , block 7 , Klrkwool. Jl.Uj.
1'i lots InS' . A , ItedloK ndd. S..HM.
& entire blocks In lloyd's ndd , nl < o20 lot * in
Itovd's , vcij cheap Ifon want to Invest lltn
la the place and now Is the time. Asuio and
safe tiiu'i-tiiiont.
4 lots In .McCormlok' 2d , ( . ch $ " .0.
HotiMsnnd lot In HosfKs A. Hill's 2.1 . , Jl.fOO.
20 lots , llltclicock add , will build 4 tootn
nonet" ) ntul-oil corner * at (1,500 and Inside
at f 1.4UO. Terms f 100 cash und tntlancc Jl.l per
nWlll bulldS 4 room lio\i esln Wl o It I'arma-
leo's add and sell from $1,5IJO to $ , ' ,000. Cash
f ISO , bal SJJ monthly.
Lot 13 , block 1 , Clarenilon , $1.700.
Lot 11. block 2 , Claiendon , nltli lieu = e of 5
ioom , J1 MH )
Lot I , block K , Saundcrs & HlmcbaugU s ,
Lot tl , block 0. Hnrlmch'x Pecond , f 1W.
2 lots In A 8. He-dlc-k'fi. J1.IOO
in lots In Orchard Hill. $ 5J to $1 , > 0.
2 lots In Hood's TliliJ , very cheap , at 51,500
each UitS In 11 , Heed's add. , f3,000.
Lot 4 In A. Drake's add. , $3WU.
Lot 15. block . Hoirer'sadd , Jfi.OOO.
Lots 12 and I.I , block 0 , on liltli , near Vlnton.
U lots In J. I. Uodlck's subdivision , $2,250 to
C Well" , 1502 Fhrnnin. 184 24
Crcltrhton Illock.
Lot on LiMivcnworth , two blocks from Park
a\c. * 3.500.
.Military Hoad. Jttst across the licit Line , 52 It.
front , f l,6 , * > .
Lot 17 blk-5 Han coin Place , $ . ' ,500 : ? SOU pa h.
Corner , and one next to it , Ueland's add. $ 1,400
for both.
Khelotsor. CumliiR st , Walnut 11111,91.500
Hurt st , lot nort to corner of Hrown stt',000 ;
1-3 cash.
Full acre on Leavcnwqith.JI.MO.
128 It on Saundcrs , coiner , 1103 per fi out
Lot on corner Fnrnnm , jind Lowe ao.and e
front , $ J,500. If5 2J
_ _
HlUlllTANr ) FIjAGHnf 1,000 cash will "tiny
lots 7 and 8 , block 10 , Bontheaft corner 8 > > x
140 to alley J. W. Bell. Address P. O. box ISJ
or Omaha Loan & Trust , company. 24'l SOJ
FOH SALK A fine rosldcnco property cen
trally located , house of S rooms , ball ntirt
buttery , ( rood cellar , t'ooil well , barn and other
out-lmlldln s , Kood fence around lot , lot < Xv )
120 , fruits and ornamental shade trees , and
title pet feet Within on ( < block of siiuaioand
ono block of M. R. church , onu block of llaptlst
church , one block ot largo school house. Will
sell real cnoap for spot ca h. Make me a fair
ofler. Address lock box UCO , York , Neb. Cor
respondcnce solicited. 2IJ4 25J
DOOnn STItlSIlT n ? feet on Dodge by fi8 on
Ninth street , fS'i.OOO , K cash , Including Im-
irovuincius If sold at once. OioRory &
ladley , llooms 1 and 3,320 South IMh etrect.
JKAVHNWORTH acre , south fiont. J2.500.
Graham , Crelgliton blk. 1(5 2.1
HAUNEYnt , JCOJt front , two houses $8,500
rcrychenp. Graham , Crclghton Ilk.
SALK Sow 4 room house and lot 1
mile from postolllco. price f 1,500. cash
$ EOa H. McDowell , 13DO Hnrney St. ISO 2J'
F OK SALE-Cor lot , OflxVC , on capital Hill ,
must be sold soon. Call at 2222 Davenport
FOR SALE 80 acres .1 miles from the city
limits southwest , beautiful land with con
stant suppU' of water. Apply to Omaha Heal
"state and Trust C . , or Wm. Fleming 871
FOHsALE Lot 50x127 on Hamilton st just on
prade , 1H mlio Irom 1 * O.wlth good 4-room
house.well , cistern and barn , only (2 , 00. J.
L. Hlco &Co. 147 2J
Our new addition.
AoreBl4Wto W ) per acrn.
NoarSoutb Omaha ,
And Sydlcato Hill.
Marshall 4 Lobeck ,
778 1503 Farnam.
ASAFR Investment Wo offer for sale 44 feet
on DoiiKlas street , corner of 10th , at $500
per foot 11 on t und on" ? term * .
Also OT tcct on Dod''e cast of 11th to alloy ,
f27.K)0 ( ) , Kleash. Marshall 4 Lobock , 1501 Far-
nam street. 1U2 24
ODfjfi ; ST.1KKT 132 feet on Dodpo by 00 on
Ninth street , $25.000 , cash , Including Im
provements if t-old at once. Gregory & .
lUdley , Rooms 1 ann 3 , : UO South IGth street.
F I OH SALE Full lot on Jackson St. , tlfl.500.
J. I * ltco : & Co. 147 Si
M ILITARYroallots 40 ft front at t"50 each
Graham Crolgbtoa lllk. 185 23
FOK BALK Dodge ft.two lota In Kllby place ,
fronting on Dodge street , 125 foot. Two
blocks liejond the lots have sold tor f2,000 , tbo
snmo price wo ask for tbi'so. Only (1,9)0 ) cash
required. Shaw & Co.,510 8 10th et. tire the
ugenta. IM
"GXm SALB-Cholcolots in Illllcko's First ndd ,
-L only'4 inilo from driilntr park , $3. ' > 0 to
S4KOoucli , onlbtb.lMh uud Mtti itrocts. J. L.
ttico & Co. , sole agents. 220 ' . ' 1
DODOR STHEET-l.C feet on Dodso by 68 on
Ninth Etroct , (25,00) , S cash , IticlndlnK Im
provement * If sold at on co. fiieitory i
Hadley , Itooms 1 and 3 , J-'O South IStti street.
TTIOIt SALE 2lilork8 from Ilrownoll hall on
JB I0thst.,2flno b.xrgalns. Call ut G. F. Kl-
BR scr'a. (126 (
81'EH CENT mortgagee taken na part pay-
inenton Heal Estate. 1' O. Dor 711. 90S .
SA. BLOMAN , Heal Estate Broker ,
1512 Farnam Street.
Farnam street , cor 13th , 61x132 , 4 uash. ( SO.OW
Farnamst. , near Hth,2ixl.UlmprovoJ. . B5.0W
Farnnmbt.near2Jtalltlil3J ( (00 per
Fnrntt-nst. , cor. 3Ut st. 136x132 , south
anil east front 17,000
Farnam HU cor. 41 t. 48x132. s und e front U.MO
Douglus et. near 23J , 118x132 Si.0X1
Dodge st. iicurKtth , SOxl'J'i ' 2,600
Dodge Et. no.ir3Stb , 40x127. liaprovrd. . . 3,003
Jone st oor. 15th , 00x112 24.00J
Leavenworth et. cor. tSlet , 132zlll , Im
proved 18.6X )
Leavenworth st. cor. 2Mb , 140x14 , im-
Drovod " 3,000
14th st trackage , Paddook place , 64x112. - / > OJ
Park ave , opp. park , 50x150 1.WW
Georgia avo. near Mt Pleasant. 50x150.,80J
ZOthst. near Dorcas , 100x100 , improvod. . 4,500
ZOtbat near Douglas aixM , ImoroveJ. . ti.OO )
l.rtbst.cor.Marth'i,64il3improved. . . 4.W )
! tb t. eor. Sawanl,63xl2ja houses . . . 4.50)
Pierce near 20th,00 fool front , 2 street * . 6 , ' n
Hamilton at. near Holt line , improves. . . 1.500
aith t. , near Davenport. 100x138 2,20 }
Seward , nearU5tCOH&7 1,150
10th tt , near Castollar. 135 feet front. . . . 4.VO
Sthst , near Martha , 51x151. corner. . . . IOX )
Ilurdette st , near 29th , 50x1 J2 , on car line 1,909
B art 8t , near Lowe are , 511-2x1 Si 1,10) )
25th , cor , Poppleton , taxMO. Improved , . 4.two
6tb , near Popploton , 50x127 , Improve J. . 6.000
Orchard HlU.lota (750 to i.OUO
Hrown Patk , lota (500 to 850
lledford fluco , lot * (050 to , ItiO
Highland Pare , loti esch-caib (63. . sn
Wakoly add. lets 57X1SO. fch 400
25 cro near Fort Omaba.nnely Inprovod 11,250
Center at , eaxlK , Improved 1,200
Farnam 6t nearSSth , 4,500
Nicholas st corner trackage 4,500
Park ave , facing Park , 50x150 4,000
8 J6th at , near viaduct , 40x103 6,00)
Sulphur Springs add. Juit opp. 16th et,50
I avenworth tt , near Belt Line , 100x127. . ,700
SaunOer * st oor Hurt 1(2x51 s and e trout 6.500
Leavenworth * t cor 21st 66x132 imp 12.500
Farnamcormti imp. , rent (3,000 88,000
B. & M. Park lot * . (50 each ,
Hcllman'tadd loti(150 each
Jerome Park lott. cast front , on grado. . . 2,035
Farnam it a corner t and w front
only , 3.50C
K B , A. eipmto , 1112 Fjurntm it.
DODOESt .Cable.
CortlCrNi.,000. | .
Corner OOt 1'JJ , ( YS04. !
] n lilo:0xl20 : , (10,010.
Allof thoabo\onrobarealr,8 nnd will mnkp
tnircliafor tnoney. Clarkson & llcntty , liia y
l < lll ( t. 'JU 2t
rilllltr.r. lotsln CroMou nilJ.on 7'lenpnut t. .
JL (1,500 , citsh Uriilmin CrolKhton Illtt. IM aj
f'licl.M A Timber claim In Clieycntio
county of 103 ncros of tlno tilcti tnulnlnml ,
1200 will buy It 5 ncre In Ilydo Park lorS2.0.
75 lota In Carthntro on i'n y teim . S lots In
Hrown 1'nrk , youth Oinabit , cheap ; 15 ncre < to
Bttb-dlvldcln North Onmha , A acres InTuttlo'a
sub , 2 cast front lot * In Ambler Plnco fronting
on the county road , ut uburgnlti ; 4 lota In Kirk.
wood , 50 lot In Oinitltn View , U lot" in Heel's
3rd ndii , 1 lot on Frnnklln sttcet for I'WO-5300
I'Hsh , bnlanco In or before 5 jeurs , corner
Gflxl.Wotip mile from po tollico | 3HW ! 125 lots
In downline Horn f l to ( TOO , extimlno the
citv map nnd nnd the location of I'lovordnlc
nnd then comp.iro prices with iidjoinltin prop
erty , then comt ) down nnd buy us many in you
wnntVo linxc ncty select list of nllkliutjof
Omnhrt iropcrty itnd before1 buyine you would
tlnd It to > onr Intercut to eo us. Parties Imv-
inir property to ili pofo of or stocks of mrr-
cliiindl o ould do ncll to lilt with us. He-
member the place.
IVHtik r Williams * Co. ,
IGth nnd Chicago stJ , icar Douglas Co. flunk
.Ui 2t
_ _
SN'Al' Rplomlld new nine roomrd houso.
smttllbnrn , city nntcr , etc , hotiso bvntitl
fully llnlshcd , lot MvlW. If sold by Monday next
the owner will tnkitJ.too , cnsh II.OW. liitlnnco
1 , " , ; i unit 4jrnts. We have a llrct clu < i <
rcstntiritnt for pn'o chonp. Cotton , Liwmnti J :
Wlnstiinloy. 12U X llitnt. . 311 2.1
Klcirant 8 room liott'o worth f l.SJO , on a
fcoutli mul oust Iront corticr Ui.'xlUI , on St
Mnry's nvo. Ono oftlio nice't hotae In the city.
Cnn sell on oa-y tcrin , f JO.OOO
rinoi * room lioii i' , Inith room , hot nnd cold
wntcr , irn * mnntlet nnd sjrnte' , i'lf-foo > llniT
liard coul ftlttincu lth reuUtci1 In fi\ery loom ,
It foot cellar , uull lluhted. deed barn for 4
vehicle * ntul 5 horses , cltj nitlor In bntn , lot
00x13. , mono.
1'lncst eif-t front lot , Oeorpla nvo between
I.cnxetnvoith ntul .Inck-nn ! " , 71\l0.wlth ! coed
7 room cottnuo. biirn , ute , ( JROO Is fair valua
tion for Improvc'tnents unJ thu lot nlono U
worth f7WO. f " , Vin.
Coiner lot , f > 2'ixlA ' ) , eitst nnd noith trout , U
lilocits 1 1 oin Cuiulni , ' nnd one from Snumlurii Ft ,
" story , t-room Uouse , city tvntet und irns ,
On Paik nvo , north ot I-onvon otth 6t. 33\
140 , M oem house , complete In all respects , n
nlcp home , (6.000.
l'it t front , r,0\r > 3 , on Gsritln n\o nunr Pop-
pleiDtt uve , 9-1 oem lion e , city water , burn , lot
n little nlioxo st KrndK. ( li/HM.
Wept Iront , 5(1x153 ( , on Gcnrgln ave , nenr
Poiiplnton nvi' , 7-room liotieeninl bain. J 1,501.
Last trout , 50x181 , ouUd : at near llnnscom
pnrk. 7-room lioiifro and bnrn$5-00
Enst Iront , 50\171 , on J2d nt ncitr Pncllio , UJ
Ftory hoti c , H rooms llnldied , 2 room * untlti
lshcdgood Imin , J"i,70U
Houses und lots lu nil i arts of tbe city at
prices Hinging from (1,6 K ) upards. .
Ptirchn'-os can in many Instances bo mmlo
with only n stnnll cnah payment and the bnl-
mice In monthly payments.
payments.Gregory A Hndley ,
Kooms 1 and 3 , IL'O South 15th st.
Telephone > v4. 317
Notice to ntillrlcra anil Contractors.
Ulds xvlll bo received by the trustees of the
Nebra ku xx'csleynn 1'nlvcislty for furnishing
material and constructing H university hullillni ;
according to plans-siieclllcotlonp mid dotnllBto
be seen on nnd after April 22 , 1337 , In the oiticc
of C. A. Atkinson , eccretaiy.
[ lids muy be for said building complete , In
cluding plumbing und heating , or for any or
all of the separate Items as follows :
Kicnvatlon , stone work , brick work , phister-
Ing , tclnsa , plumbing , heutlng , painting und
Tno said trustees rcserx-o tbo right to reject
any nnd all tildg.
HIdS will be received until Mny 12,1887 , at 7
o'clock p. m , and to bo sent to the Focietary at
Lincoln , Neb. Hy order of Mild trustees.
April 10,1887. Lincoln , Nob.
npr 10 d 5t
To Whom U Mny Concern :
Thnt on the 20th day of April , A D. , 1P87 ,
articles ot incorporation ol tbo Omnbn Varnish
company xvcro tiled with the secretary of stnto
nun the county clerk.
Tbo principal plnco of transacting its tmsl-
nc B is Omuhti , Nebraska , nnd the general
iintute of same thu mur.ufncturlng of var
nishes stains , Jupitns nnd lliiuid pulnts.
'J ho eupltal stock Is (25OUJ , 15 per cent to bo
paid In ciifili. nnd tbo time of commencing eald
lm-liie9ls thoIbth day of Apill , A. D.ltS7 ! , and
shall terminate one hundred years Irom eald
date. Thu highest amount of Indebtedness or
llnhillty to which the corporation IB nt any time
to subject Itself is (12,600.
Tbo airiiiis of thocotporutlon are to bo con
ducted by a bonrd of eiKht directors , couslst-
IngofJohnH. Glbion , E. A.xlosworth , Chun P.
Henjnmln. K. E Ftonch , Alired Millard , Fred
W. Ituco. Geo. W. Hodlno nnd John F. Kellogg ,
from which number bhiill bo elected n presi
dent , rice president , Hcctotnrr , trcaiuicinnd
such other minor officers nnd agents na tbe
board of directors may see flt , viz :
E. K. FiitNCH , President.
JOHN H. ( iuisos , vice President.
FKKII W. HACK , Director.
AI.HIKII .Mit.t.AHi ) , Treasurer.
Office 1512 Fnrnnm M. Work" , Pullman Place ,
tip r-23bOmuj-7-14
And fco
The only ronrt to tnke for DCS Molncs M r
ahalltown , Cedar Haiilds , Clinton. Illxon ,
po , Milwaukee Htid _ li iioluts cHHt. To tbe pee
nle of Nebrnskit , Colorarto , Wyomlnpr , Utali ,
Idaho , Nevada , Oregon. Wasblnifton Hnd Call
fornln , It otTnrg BUporlor uclvantaces not post !
ble by any other lino.
Amonir a few of the numerous point * of lU'
pcrlorlty enjoyed by the patrons of this mini
between Omaha anf Chlcano , fire Ita two train *
a day of DAV COACHES , which are the fine ;
that Im in nn nrt and Ingenuity can create. l
l'AIACE SLEEPING CAUS , which are model )
of comfort and elegance , its I'.MtLOU OUAW-
INO HOUM CAHSunsurpng < ; od by any , nnd Ita
widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CARS
the e < i\ial of which cannot be found elsewhere
At Council Dlutfa the trains of the Union Pacint
Ily. connect in Union Depot with those of tlie
Chicago Northwestern Ily. In Chicago the
trains of this line mitko clone connection with
those of all eastern lines.
For Detroit , ColtimbiiR , Inillnnnpolls. Clncltv
nnti , NlaarnFall , Dtiffttlo. I'lttsbiir .Toronto
Montreal , lloatnn. New VOIK , Philadelphia
Baltimore. Washington and all points in th
caat , ask for a ticket via the
If you with the best accommodation. All ticket
Btrenta tell tlckcti via this lino.
Gen ! . Manager. nenl. Pasi'r Agent
Chicago , III.
Weitern At-'ent , City 1'uss'r Agent ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
ChicagOjMilwajto&StiPauIR1 ;
Hie Best Route from Omaha nnd
Council Bluffs to
Two Train * Daily Between Omaha , Coun
cil Blufii
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St , Paul , Minneapolis CedarRapide ,
Rock Island , Freeport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janetville ,
Beloit , Winona , La Crosie ,
And all other Important points East , Northeait
and Boutheast.
For through tlrkcti call on the Ticket Agent
at 1401 Furnam street , ( In Faxton UoteU , or at
Union raclBo Depot.
1'uilman bleopers and the flneet Dlnltig Cars
lathe world are run on tbe mainlines of the
and every attention U paid to paienger by
ourteoui employe * of the cotnpauy.
It MIM.KB , General Manacer.
J , F.TCCKIII , Aulrtant OeiieraJ Manager.
A. V. K , CAU-KNTKU , Uentral 1'aHcuger end
Ticket Agent
GEO. IS. HiArronn , Asilitant Qener * ! Pa-
lenger and Ticket Agent.
, General Bupsrlntendtnt.
Omafia Jobbers' ' Directory.
Agricultural Implements.
' .ile Dealer In
Agricultural liuidonionts , Waprons ,
and Uuck'loi. Jonci Htcet , tttninu Vtb
ami tfltbOmi\ba , > cb.
" " LINING Ell jTsfm'CA T F CO. ,
Agricultural Implements ,
Wi > wn .rnrrl c . Ilitrelp , Etc. , Wholotlr , Omaha.
LEE , FKIED tl ) CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware und Nulls ,
Tinware , Sliest Iron , Ktc. Agent * for Howe SCAO ! ,
mul Miami PowclcrCo , Omaha..Spb.
PA HL1X , O It EN DOR F , ! ' MA RT1N
\\holctalelValcr * In
Asrrtcnlinrnl Implemontg.
IloccHi. Wl.tV . KB nnd'.or. Joncf st
Artists' Material.
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1511 Douulnj Strcrt.Omahi.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
Wecliiulcs1 Tool * nnd HuCalo i calei. 1133 Douglas
> Omaha , > cb.
Boots and Shoes.
13IER1CAX fr. I .V7) 'SEII'ED
lUnufacturers ami Wbolff.ilo IJoalers In
Itootu and Shoos ,
Complete ftock of Itubbor Goods alwj on hind
M S ISlbM. , UniHha.ych. A.T. Au tln. Agent.
w. r. MORSE & CO.
Joblirrs of Hoots and Shoes.
1(11 Taruara it .Ornnha , Neb , Mauufnctorr , Bumtnor
fttrol. lloflon.
\Yholosalo Rubber Hoots ami Slides
Rubber and Oiled UolhliiK and toll Hoots
and Shoes. Southeast Corner 14th nnd Douglas.
Agi. for Anheuser-Hush Urcvlnp Ass'n
epcclal Urnnds. r u8tludwel ) criin
Lager Heor Brewers ,
1S31 North IfMh Street , Omaha , Neb.
Butchers' Tools.
Hutchers' Tools and Supplies ,
Sausage Cailngi of all Klnda nlwajaln alock. 11U
Jones ft. , Omaha
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Omaha Coffto and Spice Mills.
TMO.Coffees , Spice' . Haklna I'onder , Flarorlng De
tracts , laundry Illuo , Ink. Rtc. llli-16 Darner
Ptrcel.Orunba , > b.
Home Coffee nnd Spire Mills Wt'g Co.
Coffee Roiter and Fplcr Urlndrrs. Manufacturer !
ntnaklnn Powder. HMnrlng Eltractj. llhllnj. Kto.
Trvnno c of onr 1 n > paLkime Home Blend HoatUd
Oofffe. HI * Howard ft .tlmaba. Neb.
John Epencter , Prop.
Manufacturer of Galranlted Iron and Cornice.
Dodge and 103 and I3i N , lOlb * L , Omabk.NeD.
Manufacturer ! of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , Klnalf > .MctallcEkllgbtetc. 3108.
13tb st , Omaba.
C. Specht , Prop.
Galvanlttd Iron Cornlcen , etc. flpect'itmprored Pat
ent Mi-tallc Hkyllglit. UJB and 510 H Uth Bt.Onmha ,
Jobbers of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Rugs ,
l.ltioleuini. Mattings. Etc. lill Douclas alrcct.
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , , Curtain Goods , Kto. 1U3 t amain Etrett ,
Omaha. Neb.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for tbo Manufacturers nnd Importer * of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lampi , Cblmners , etc. Olflcc , 217 South Uth st
Omaha , Neb.
Commission and Storage.
"J > . AI.
Commission and Jobbing.
Butter , Eggs and Troduce. Conilgnmcnit solicited.
Headquarters for Stoneware , Kerry Ilexes and
( Jrnpo Ilaskets. Kit DodgestrcutOmaba.
Commission Merchants.
Frnlti. Traduce nd ProTlilone , Omaba. Nct > .
W. E. RIT > 1)ELL ,
Storage and Commission Merchant.
Spccltiltlei Butter , Eggs. Chcrie. Poultrj. O ino ,
Ojiteri , Etc. , Ktc. lUSouto lub itreot.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Butter , On me. Fnilti. tc. 230 B. litbit
( ) m ha. Neb ,
Coal ancf Lime.
Ota. 1.1 , . HAD n. I'ren. C. F. GOODMAN , V.Piei.
J. A. finvntiu.AKD , Hec. and Treat.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
3W South Tlilrtoonlu Street , Omahn , Neb.
J. J. JOHNSON l ; CO. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Limo.
Anil blt > pem of Coal anU Cuku , Cement , 1'la.lcr ,
l.lmc. H lr. Klre Ilrlck. Drain. Tile and Hrwer I'lpn.
OftlCH , I'aitOQ Holol. irarnum ft. . Omnha , .Neb.
Telephone Fit.
f. P. FAY & CO. ,
Manufacturing : Confectioners ,
Jobberi or rrulti.Nuti nnd Clean. 1211 iaruam BU
Cigars and Tobacco ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Ouct end Ammunition. 315 toK3 S. lltb t. , 1020 to
llr.'l Karnani it.OmahaNeb ,
Manufactnrera of Fine Clears ,
And Wbolexlo lltn\eit \ lo Leaf Tobnrcoi , Noi.lM
and 110 N. 1Uh itmet , ( l.-nntia.
Dry Coot/5.
M. E. SMITH M CO , ,
Dry Goods , Fnrnishinsr Goods & Notions
1103 acd HIM Douitlai , cor. llth RtOmaha.Neb.
Ol > tlller > of l.lqubri , Alcohol aod Rplrlti. luportcn
and Jobbertot WlnetanJ l.lquori.
CO. and ILER C CO. ,
Importers and Jobberi of Fine Wlccs and I.lonon
Hole manufoetureri'if Krnne < lT' < F it India nit-
t r. ami Douietil' ! I Iquorr. 1112 llarr.ej ft.
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. n.SAmr.Proi. J.W.nnironn Bec.&Trani
K .1. CAKIOK , V.l'rei.andbupt.
Offlee ! 13 8. llth t. Oranha , Neb. Mrchlorrr nc3
puppltei fcr M4DuUcturtiig LVreent Drain Tile.
OQE 119 , , D. H II Ml I1K1B
r * . _ > TAin.if > iiKi ) Isl'i. Vlon'l'rn
Jobbers and Storcrs ol Uralu.
hlptaeiits > i t - u ton
cunrnn dmhnn Neb ,
j-y , P STONE ,
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
Karnam U. Omaha. Ntb.
Furniture , neddinff , Upholstery , ,
Utrrori , etc. HOt , IK * and H10 Faroaia it. , Omaha.
Omaha jobbers' ' Directory ,
Groceries ,
Wholesale Groceries nntl Provisions ,
KM TQj.707,7C9and711 y , 10th St.Omaha. Nob.
McCORD , It.liADY < C CO. ,
AVliolosulo Grocerx ,
Tin nml l.MTenwortb tr < . ,0niabi .
ir. , r. BROATCH ,
Hrnvy Himlwnre , Iron and Rfccl ,
Springs , Wacon Hock , Hardware Lumber , etc. 1901
_ and iil llarnrr t. . Omalia. _
EI > NE r , < > G
Wholesale Iron and Steel , i
W sonnml C rrl * o Wood } < toct ! , Henry IUnlr ;
Etc , KHand 1JIU Ltatrnwortti t. , ( trunha , Nob.
Stoves , Rniifcs , Furnaces , Tiles ,
MADtlci.Utnlet , limit Hood * . Inland IS1 F rnn
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
Wroucbt find Cart Iron nulMliiK Work , Iron Plain ,
Hailing , llfnmi ntut Ulrilf ri > , Slcnn KinMnrn , tlraM
Work , UciioMl ( Tuiimtry , Mnrhlno an > t lllnckMnllb
Wott , Ofllce nJ\Vork , U. I * . Uj nmllitlmttrpi.
T 1 ! SlrM\vr . C. St'l.I.IVAX.
o.u.i w.i ; r/7 ? , o j/i'O-Y WORKS ,
Manufacturer * of
Ire and Iron Knllines Desk nulls ,
XVImlnw Huard , Don or Stand" , Wire Sinn * . Kta
HJ N. 1'jtb. Order * br uinll promptlj nttendedte.
OMAIfA 7iCTf//i/f CO. ,
Dealer ; . All Kinds of
.BtiiMiiiff Material at Wholospli ; ,
Hlli 8tro t nnd Union 1'aoltlc Track , Clmnha.
" "
LOWS Jilt A It FOR l > ,
Dealer in Lumber. Latli , Lime , Sash ,
DOOM , Ktc. Yard -Corner"tli "nil Douglns ; Corner
Vlhaiid Douslai.
Wholesale Lumber ,
P14 P. 14th ( treetOmabaNeb. r. rolpcuer , Manager.
" *
Uth and California ytreetn. Omaba. Neb.
FRED W. Gil AY ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor.Ctb and uoufla * iti , Omaha.Nai.
To Dealers Only.
Offlte , ItM Farnam itreet , Omaha.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carptt * and Parquet Flooring. 8tb and Douilal
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Imported and American Portland Cement. RtaM
Agent lorallliraukpo Hydraulic Ceruoot and lleet
( julncr Wbllol.lroe.
Live Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. Joba F. Bojd , 8'jperlnter.daat.
Lift Stock Commission.
Live Stock Commission.
_ Geo. Burke , Manager
Union Stock Vardi , 8. Omaba. Telephone til.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
.1 of an ; nod all klnda of Stock
Union Block Yardn. Omaba. Neb.
Millinery and Motions.
Imuorteri and Jobbera of
Millinery and NotioiiB ,
1213 and 1211 Harnej PUeet , Omaba , N b.
Wbolcialo Dealer * In
Notions and Furnishing' Goods ,
433 and (05 B. Tenth Ht , Omaba.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Teana 1'nnti , gtilrtu , Ktc. HW and 1104 Doujlaa Stretl
Paper Boxes
J. L. WILK1E ,
Manufacturpr of Paper Boies ,
B.ltlbSt. . Umaba , Ndbruika. Order * br m
United and will reoelra ircmil attention.
Job Printers , Blank Book Maker * ,
And Itook Hinder * . 101 and 108 South Vourteiatil
ilrcet. Omaba , Nab.
Auxiliary Publishers.
DMleralnTrpe , Presiai and Printer'Suppllta. HI
South Twelfth mreet.
Manufacture nnrt Pealeri In
npin es , Hollers & ( ieneral Marhinory
bhuet Iron work , Btoam Puni | Hnw Mill' , Acm
bhaftlnn. DoJco Wood cpllt 1'ulleri , Itclllnz , etc.
Alto wncons , rcrapcra , und bale tlei. I2IJ-UU 1,9f
Tenworth et. Omaha
Wholesale Hardware.
Western ajenti for JetT r on Steel Nnlli. Anitlq
Ponder Co , ( alrbankn btnndard hcalci. CornH
lOth and Ilxrner. Umaha.
" \VholoHiilc \ PunipR , I'ipc , Fittiiifjs ,
ft n > Kiid Water Buppllei. Headquarter * for Malt
Uo.y1 . llllluruaBi tt.Iraaba.Ndti.
Unlladir wind illlif ; ntcam and Water Rupnlle * .
PluinbiriE 000-11. Iteitlnr. limp. VIA anil VM tut-
Bdui it. , Omaha. H. K. f clton , Muunscr.
riiniiH. | Pipes and Kiifrines.
Bteam , XVtei. Hallway and MIlllnB Kupnhcr. KM
910 , VHand W4 tarnaiu it..Oin hn , Neb.
, Etc.
11OYER C CO. ,
Apents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s'
Flro r.nd liurg ar Proof Pafei , Tlma locki , VaulU
.end Jull Work. 191) Farnara Hreet Ornnhi , Neb.
G. A ffDREEN ,
Omaha Safe Work * .
MaoufaclureriGf Fire and llarglor Proof Bafct , Vanll
Uoori , Jell Wcrk.hbutteri and \Mr Work , Our.
Mtbaod Jackion Hit , 'Jmth i..Sab ,
Sash. Doors , Etc.
M.A. man now < v co. ,
Wboleulo Htnufuctureii of ,
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Jloulilinr/g , \
Hrancb ottco.lZlli and litrd'j.
Manufacturtrs , of Sash , Doort , Blind * .
M nld' ' BiSlalr Work and Interior Hard Wood Flnlal
Jn > toptn a. N , K.cor. Itband
Omaba , Nett.