Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1887, Page 8, Image 8
FT Ksripsi 'THE OMAHA DAILY BE.E : FRIDAY APRIL 1887 , .Us * * . . . . Ml d Commencing Monday , April 25th , 1887. FREE CARRIAGES. con Will be run from the office of Harrisonj Ambler & Woolley , 418 South isth-st. , for CD CD AMBLER PLACE GO n - A Half Mile West of Hanscom Park and Adjoining m 'vi ' the Poor Farm. CD * Where on and after April 25th , for one week only , ISO lots will be sold at the very low price of GOo $700to $1,000 ; $200 Cash , $100 in 6 months , Balance 1 & 2 Yrs at 8 per cent CO The Omaha Southwestern Street Railway Company , will run their cars right by Ambler Place to Eckerman - Place , to be in operation in 60 days. CD lAMBLER PLACE ! Lies high and beautiful and affords a fine view of the surrounding additions. The lots are full size , with 16 foot alleys CD and 60 foot avenues. 200 men are now grading the streets , and eleven new houses are now in course of erec tion , in addition to the large number already built. CD CO oo u Stee GO o _ m f * UM STREET CARS and PAVED STREETS ftV UN Tie Omaha Southwestern Street Railway will be in Operation Within Sixty Days , ! and those who Buy at the Great Sale of Lots in ' * i Ambler Place , Commencing Monday , April 25 WILL DOUBLE THEIR MONEY BEFORE THE SUMMER IS HALF GONE. AMBLER PLACE Is only fy mile west of Hanscom Park , adjoins the Poor Farm and is within the 2h mile circle and streets will be paved to within 14 blocks of it this season. There is no safer investment and certainly no better place for a home than AMBLER PLACE , and now while yon can buy lots for $700 to$1,000 , ; $200 cash$100in 6 months , Balance ! & 2Yrsat8 per cent , .Remember there are only ISO LOTS TO BE SOLD AT THE SPEQIAL DISCOUNT , the rest being reserved , Call early and you will find carriages ready to take you to s e the finest property in the city. 1 = 3 EE3 Ambler & 418 SD I5fh-st I'1 "N. Harrison. W Woolley , . . . ' - ' . . . I