Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1887, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : BJRIDAY. APRIL 22. 188Z 4 tePEOIALNQTIOES ; MONEY TO LOAN. * 2,000 to loan on real estate. Apply to C. II , Keller , KA1 Fnrnamst , city. 615 mlO * * 50oioOOtolonnnte per cent , Harris * Samp- $ eon , 1516 DouKlM st _ BBfl _ iO.OWf TO LOAN nt 8 per cent , Mahoncy P , V Llnnlmn I60U Fnrnntn. I2l TO I/OAN O F. Dnvls A Co , real MONEY and loan agents , 1 500 farnnm st 750 _ _ _ ONEV to loan on real estate and chattels M y. Katz & Co. 1511 Farnam Bt , ground floor. 7G7 , To loan on Omaha city property nt 8 $500,000 per cent. O. W. Day , s , o. oor. Ex. Hid. MONEY TO LOAN-On city and farm prop- . orty , low rates , Stewart & Co. , Room 3 Iron bank. 769 MONEY to lonn. cash on delay. J. W. nnd K. L. 8 < iulro , 1413 Furnain st , I'nxton hotel building. 700 MONRY Flrit mortgage note * . The Douglas county bank will buy papers loourod by tlrst mortgage on ulty realty. 761 MONEY TO LOAN on improved real Mtate ; no commission charged. Leavltt Hum- bum , lloom 1 Crelgliton Ulock , 762 CI'KR CENT-Monoy to loan. Gregory & lladley. Room * 1 nnd 3 , lledick nlock. 320 a 16th 8t to loan on colhitrrnts. Long and MONHNV short time city mortgages and con tracts nought , K. B. Rowley , 314 South 16th st. 078 mil TO LOAN Money Loans placed on Im proved renl estate In city or county for Mow Knglnnd Loan & Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank. 16th and Chicago sta. 761 MONRV to loan on Improved city property nt 6 per cent. Money on hand ; donotlmvo to wnlt Have n complete sot of ahstrnct books nf Douglns county. I. N. Watson , abstractor Harris Heal Kstnto and Loan Co. , 320 8,15th st. 76.1. MONIjy LOANED at C. F. Hood & Co.'s Loan Office , on furnlturn , pianos , , perHOnal projicrty of all kinds , and all other ar ticles of value , without removal. 319 S. 1.1th. over liingham s Commission store. All busi ness strictly confidential. 7M .6 PKH CKNT Money. . 11. C. Patterson , 15th ar.d Barney. Tl I ONKV TO LOAN-bj the undersigned , who -1"1 hn the only properly organized loan rifonoy in Omahn. Loans of (10 to $100 made on fnrnlturo , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , liiiichlnury , &c , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans so mndo that any part can bo paid nt any ime.oach I jmymcnt reducing the cost pro rnta. Advance's ! in ado on flno watches nnd diamonds. Person * ) ihould carefully consider who they nro dealing v Itli , is many new concerns are dully coming i Into existence. Should you need money call ; nnd see mo. W. H. Croft , lloom 4 Withnell [ Jliilldlng 15th nnd Harnoy. 764 Financial Kxohnngo , N. W. cor _ nor of Haruoy and 15th sts. , over State National bank. In prepared to make short time loans on any Bvallnble * ccurlty , loans made ou chattels , col laterals or real estate. Long time loans made on Improved real estate nt current raloj. Purchase money mortgages negotiated , secured cured notes bought , sold or uxchnngod. Short time loans made on second mortgage , according to marginal Interest , at collateral rates. Heal estate to exchange for good Interest bearing paper. ( lenornl financial business all Kinds trans acted promptly , quietly and fairly. Money nlways on hnud for approved loans of kind , without del.iy or unnecessary pub Pny . Oorbott. Manager. 180 BUSINESS CHANGES. TT10H a few hundred dollars I can get you ono 4of tbo best paying restaurants In the state , I'or further particulars address A. K. Altkun Kearney. Neb. 2U127J WANTKD-Partner , by n young man , ludy or gentleman , In n well established nnd ( rood paying business , necessary capital about 1,000. A good chance for the right party. Ad drees M , 4 , llco olllco. 269 23 THOH SALE Printing olllco and newspaper at JL1 a bargain. A good business , located 250 miles west ol Omnhn on main line of U. P. R'y. f jt Llvo town. A bargain for the ono who buys ft. ' Address "MoBBonger , " Coznd , Nob. 2.13 21 ] WANTED Partner "m ealoon business no city license. Apply Fnriuofo' Rest , Mount Vlcaaoiit . . .Mil Ion Military Hpad.V. 211 3. " FOR SALE A nice small montmnrket , doing a good business on a paved street , Address "L67" Uteomce. 802 26 ] FOR SALE OR TRADE-For Omaha city real state or Nebraska lands , a two-story brlok store , with a nomplotq line of staple dry . goods und notions , groceries , crockery , glass ware , and n small assortment of hats and caps all bought for cash and discount saved in n live Nebraska town , county seat , and doing a good cash business. The second story runts for $2.1 per month , and now contains first-class ten ants. On the Union Pacific It. H. , p.nd sur rounded by the best class of farmers nnd farms in the state. Twograln elevators are lo cated nt tlio station , and tap nil the surround ing country , which brings In n trrcnt deal of outside t ratio , and Is ope of the best grain mar- Jiols In the state ; It also has one of the largest Toil ring mills In the west The above property Is llrst-olnss in every re spect and the stock Is now and doilrable. C. J. Cannn. 853 TOOII SALE-$3,000 stock of drugs In good A ; town in southern Nob. on B. & M. railroad , doing u $7,000 c sh business. Good reasons for > ellingn ; rare chnnco for the right man. Ad dress Kraus St Foster,316 so. 16th St. , Omaha , Nob. 15925 T710R SALE The best moat market on N 16th I ? Tory cheap. Address L 83 Bee olllco. 173 23) A It A UK chance. A small complete drug stock for snlo In city. Store for tent. A barxnln If taken soon. Enquire of Dr. Walker , room G , Qruonlg block , , 245 23 ] TGWH SALE or trade , for city proporty. a stock a ? of dry goodH , clothing , boots and shoes , also Btoru in good location to rent and fixtures for sale. Address L G3-Boe olllco. 17723 ] N BW Hotel for rent or for sale , nt Jnnson- Nob. , on line of C. K. & N. ll'y-Hock Isl and. Good opening for the business. .Address 1 > . Jnnson , Junst-n , Jefferson Co. , Neb. 10H3J T710H § ALE Stock of dry ( roods In good X1 town ; invoice nbout $7,500 ; will take about H Intrude or If goon Omaha real estate will take all In trade , ( rood reasons for Rolling. "MrK A Fowler. 1522 Douglag st. U.17 31 * | 7UR SALE First clas barber shop In the JO center of thoolty. Inquire L 43 Hoe olllco. t07 22 ] " 171011 SALE" A Complete cigar stand outfit. A ? Gate City Real Estate Co. , 133) Douglas st 310 "I710R SALE One-half interest InthnNobraskn JL' Signal , the largest circulation of any coun try weekly newspaper In the state ; largo-job olflc Jn connection. For full pnttlculars ad dress or cell on E. C. Sawyer , Admr. , Fair- mont. Nob. 7il3 BOY a Mnyfleld lot on West Cumlngs street , 9350 , )6b down " nnd $10 monthly. C. J. Cannn. ? - ! FOB SALE Ol Exchange A now 3.1 hhl com bination mill situated on Little Itluo river , near Hebron. In Thnyrr county. Will ox- clmiiffo for wild or Improved lands or live MOCK. Forfurther particulars address First National Ilaufc. Hebron. Neb 839 \\7ANTED-To find good , live business men TT with Btochsof goods to move to n grow ing town where money can bo made. I will as- ulit the right kind of people In building , etc. Will pny good lug bonus to unv ono that will Btnrt a cunning factory , or. In fact , any kind of H factory that employ.s hands. Wo want a drug Blorn , furniture store , giocery stoie , n doctor , a practical painter right away. For particulars address Hunk of Valley , Valley * Nob. 44a23 LOST. r' 08T White bull dog with collar and tax tag" JJ Howard of $11) ) for return to P. Ilocco Ic Co.corner 14th nnd ; Dodge. SKI 23 ] ; \ LOST-On S 10th st. thioo Chicago drafts nnd ono Council lllulla chock enclosed In seal- pd envelop , o Payment Is stopped on all. Return to U. P. Nat'I Hank , Omaha , or J. D , McNub & CO. , Chicago. - 7222 * FOUND. purse containing small X' amount of money. Call at Dewey & Stone's furniture store. _ 381 22 ] PERSONAL. PliRSONAI Ncnt and tasty "oil- wool busl- ness gulls $7.00. Fine blue diagonal dre ultl , $10,76. Call and see thorn or writ * for amplcs. L. O. Jones & Co , , American Clot hiori.iaua Farnnm tt , , Omaha. 9M m 17 Private home for ladles durlnir ERRSONAL , strictly confidential. Infant ! iptsd , address 42. Bae offlca. MRS. C. R. RHEOA , Into of Denver , Col. , has opened n llrst-clnss employment offlco , for mnlccnnd fomaln help ( lotols , restntirnnts , boarding houses.lnundrlcs and nil iiubllc'lnstltu. lions ( supplied with both male and female help ircoof charge. Male help furnished free to all. Orders solicited anil satisfaction guaranteed , at 316 South IDth St. 03031) ] _ lid , DUllANT-Clarlvoyant from Hoston , la rcllablo In all affairs of life , unites separated loven. 323 N. 16th st , room 1 OIOs23 PnRSON'AIi Mr . Dr.NnntaV. clnlrvojnnt. Medlcnl and buslneM Medium Koom Na 3 , 121 North 16th Bt .Omaha. N b. ,69 STORAGE. OMAHA Storage Warehouse Corner 13th niul l7itril sts , , for florago of household poods and general merchandise at low tales. Advances made ! Issue warehouse receipts. It. It. switch nttho house. Ofllco 611 South 13th street and 1308 , 1310 and 1112 Iziird street. Tele- phonoOTC. . M. B. Goodrlch , Mgr. P9am3 * MISCELLANEOUS. KRAli KSTATR MEN and others take notice. All lots In Calkin's subdivision ot Mnyllold nndnljothor lots listed by me nro withdrawn from the market. April 20 , tss7. C. J. Cannn. rilHE committee on nntnrtmtimont ot the JL I'rrsbyteilan assembly whlrh moots here Miiy mil , desire to not place * tor boarding u nuinhor of commissioners at boarding or pri vate houses. Any who luivo room * with or without board will please notify the committee the terms on whleh they will take delegates. P. L. I'orlno , 1603 Fiirnam st. 131 2-i IDEAL Ilutton-Holo Cutter-Rest. In world. Send stamp for prices nnd flue picture. It. II. S. Co , , Chltllcothe , Ohio. 151 21J "OOOMERS nnd table boarders. 005 Colfiix st. 10KKKN1-Square Piano J monthly.A Hospo , 1613 Douglas. 770 \\ANTED Io exchange u gold watch for TT innotypo outfit. Address J. R. , Kemmn , KnoxCo. , Neb. 2.V > 21 ] rpo parties having houses lor rent. Itontiil JL Agency. Honiiwii & Oi , 1.1st , opposite post- olllco , Wo have turnoil nvor to them our rental list. We rocommondthom. McCagu * Uros. 018 B LAKE'S I'romlum Short Hand , and Typewriters' Institute. Thoroughtprnctlcttl and Reliable Instruction. Write or apply to L. .1. Hlake , principal , cor. Ktli and Capitol avo. Omaliu , Nub. 653 myl * FOIl KENT Organs , $2 pur month , tlorpe , 1513 Douglas. 770 ItE < < 3 M3ndNO JfiHi7 ; CT"Scb"irc"fT ( , par- lorslKSt ! Mnry'snve. Ladles coming to the city for onu day can have their dress nuido while waiting. 97,1 m 14 Ol. C.-Houso furnishing Roods , all kinds ; ca h or installment ; lowest prices at J , Homier , 1315 Douglas st. W ) IJ > OH sodding , { railing , trimming troosjilnnt- Ingshrubs , address J. Astlcford , 6th and Dorcas , city. OTJJJlj Foil KENT Square Piano , ft montair. A HOSDO , 1513 Douglas. 770 L1IKST-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th . t. C 720 [ ! ' * you wnnt to buy or soil furniture , go to J. Ferguson's , 715 N. 16th. 771 STORAGE First-class storage for nice rur- J ulture or boxed goods , utl513 Dodgc-at i 773 FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 1 > LANTH and Cut Flowers of all kinds for sale at the south side of Douglas st , between 14th and 15th , nt Homo Restaurant. II. Haas. 27.1 23 FOR SALE-Largo barn nnd wagon sheds , to bo removed. lniiiircon | premises , N. E. cor. 15th nnd Hownrd.or Room No. 0 Iron Hank J. F. Sheoly. 276 2J * FOR SALE 24 head of cattle , team , wagon milk cans , and route. Henry Hoist Saundcrs st. . 277 2.1' TIIOH SALE Team of mules , cheap for cash X ! 10U8 South 23d. 271 2J TCTOR 8 ALE-Furniture of Hat of tt room JD or two tints of 12 rooms , suitable to rout furnished rooms , In best locality. Address L57Ueoonico. 144 S4j BICYCLE for sale , Columbia light oxpoit 5i In enameled wheels , balance nlcKolcd Klmnrttriok saddle , long cranks , hollow rlmx.u excellent 01 dor , prlco $ ! K ) , C. W. Northrop Arlington , Nob. 265 23J FOIl SALE Ono pool nnd two billiard tables with cues , racks and balls , Hrunswick- llnlko standard , cheap. Address Tims Ciur U. ' ) P st. , Lincoln , Nob. 252 23J III OR SALE Homo cheap. Inquire Neb C Marble works , 213 N 16th st. 238 23 * FOR SAL1J Light express -wagon , also do livery wagon , almost new , cheap , 81 Jarnnm st. 1S1 21J FOR SALK Dark bay pony , gentle , in gooi : condition. Address L U4 , Bee office.18121 , FOR SALE Hlds for the Houses situntcd or. the 8 W cor Hurt and IDth sts will bo re ceived at odlco of E. T. Peterson & Co. , S E cor 15th and Douglns. 170 22j OR SALK Throe counters and show case F 1211 Farnam. U01 21 F IOR SALE Furniture , household poods , etc. 2024 Webster st. 851 21J FOH 9ALK-17 head choice bred Shorthorn cattle ; also a 410 aero stock farm In Hoi county. J. 8. Callings , Ponder , Neb. M)3 ) mny 13 ] FOR SALE Furniture of. six room house nearly now , with lease for ono jcar. Do Glrablo location. Address L65 Ileo ofjicc , 198 2 F IOR SALE 1 or 2 horses , 1 spring wagon , buggy , cheap. A. Hospo. 781 ml3 FOR SALK The best line of carriages , phaet ons , buggies , real estate wagons and deliv ery wagons. Columbus lluggy Co. , 1113 Harnoy. U'JttmO HR SALE A second hand spring wagon , two seated , polo nnd shafts , cheap , at the Col- unions Buggy Co. , 1113 Harnoy st 3UO F IOIt SALE Drlck. T. Hurray. 127 CHOICE LANDS-S3 per acre. $80 makes 1st years payment on 100 acres. Write for Information - formation W. F.l'nlne. Sidney Nob. ! ! 52may7 fjlOH SALE Tenm tlno roadsters , and good I ? single harness. Dr. llnncbctt , r u Withnoll block. 270 SALE 2 million brick and upwards DO- sides dally out put of 30,000. Enquire on promises cor Dorcas and 2nd sts. Omaha Ilrlok und Terra CotU Mfg. Co 774 WANTED MALE HELP. \\7ANTI , ! ) Two drivers and two bnrn men TT at Parcel Delivoiy , 1711 Webster street , 5 299 22 ] T\7ANTEO-A bright young man or boy with TT references for night cloik In hotel : also yard man. Mrs. C , E. Hrorn,316 South 1.1th st. 851 21 ] \iANTED-Ul3hwashcr ; , 1004 N Ifith at. w ANTED Experienced boys to food platen presses , steady work , gooj wages. Hoes' rlntlngCo. , 10G-112 outh Fourteenth street. 215 21 " \\rANTUD A clerk tor crockery and notion T T business , only such with experience and good references may address L 72 , Roe illlco. 217-22 ] W ANTED Good meat cutter in butcher shop. Inquire , 714 N , 16th ft. 25 [ 21 * \\rANTED-Two first-class stsilr builders. T i South Tenth street , opposite Hrownell hull. 2SO 22 ] V\7ANTEO- partner for a newly started Tl bllMiloss with $1UO ; ) to f3,00) . AddiosaL Ti. lloo olllco. 210 22 ] W ANTED Tinoo pntits rankers ; also three vest makeiaat once , Frank J. Hamge. 22" ) 20 WANTKD Immediately first-class horse- sheer , none need apply only a steady man und a llrst-clavj workman , will pay good wages. Address John Pollock , Beatrice , Gage county , Nob. , Lock Hex 361. 247 22 ] " \\rANTED-Hoy to take euro of horse and TT workaround houso. Dr. Jones , 141Ui Far- num st. i-'tij 2,1 ] \\rANTHD-A boy or about 12 , good penman T T and collector. No ficsh youngster need apply. Add box 815 , City 2tU 2-i * \\rANTED For railroads eat of Council TT Hlulfs in Iowa , a llret-class ton and cigar salesman. To tbo right man big Inducements offered. Call on or addroes Kcnnard& Miller , Bt Joseph , Mo. 10284 _ WANTED Men to cut wood. T. Murray. 40(1 84 _ WANTF.D-CanvassIng Agents to handle a specialty , one to thioo sold in every house. Apply between hours of 12m. and 4 p.m. Acme M anufacturlng Co. , 612 a Hith st. 1)50 ) coat and pantaloon makers. John Tompson Sr. Sons. Kear ney , Neb. 17324 ] 'ANTED Laborer * for railroad work. K.8. Albright's Labor Agency , 1130 Farnam. \\7ANTKD 60 sober. Intelligent moo of good TT address to try Wo menl at Norris * r a. 1 taurant , lots ICth it , 775 WANTED A flrstclnss , rcllablo , wMn awnko furniture salesmen , none other need apply. M. F. Martin , 1117 South 13th st. 1 7 _ _ TtTANTJ'.H A bartender nt Snvnge's enloon , TT tbo Fanners' Rest , Military road. Ul Klj \\fANTI 1 D Alnan of ox pc rlcnco nnd good TV address to sell lightning rods , a Ulrfss L. 33 Hoc omco. . 818 2i * VVfANT IM ) A good pastry cook"nt the \Tlnd T > ser hotel. Ml "WANTKD-CHrringo smith , helper and var- nlsh rubber , ut 1409-14U Dodge st. 20922 WANTED FEMALE HELP. - * \\rANTUD-Good girl 1707 Cass 9t. 2S 21 ] \\fANTF.D-TLiree laundresses at the Coz T T ions. 297 \\7ANTED-2irooddlnlngioom gills at the T T Vienna Restaurant. 2i321 -First elnss waist unifsklrt handa TT ulso n girl that wants a home Mrs Duvlg , 1011 Howard fit 8H ! 23 * \\rANTED-Dlnlng room g-lrl , Union rrstau- T T rant , Harney st , $18 per month , 21)8 ) 2JJ ANTED Girl for kltcnsn. Cowons'Houso. 27.1 21 \v 7ANTRD Good clrl for general house L work. 1015 Chicago st. 26822 _ WANTKD A good cook , washer and ironer , good wages , No. 3321 Dodge st. 260 2.1 \\TANTED-A girl for general housuwork ; T T best wnpos given. Popploton uvunuo nnd Dimno st 2',9 2JJ \\TANTED 11 shirt makers. 2i ) punt makers , TT and 2.1ovoiall makers , nlio 2 laundres ses ; permanent nnd paying positions , Gco. Stilus , 14 % I.cavotiorth street , 2nd floor \\rANTF.D Immediately n good girl to do T T cooking and general housework , npply nt2J12 Farnam st. 2il ! 2JJ WANTED A girl for general housework , 601 S 20th et. 210 WANTED-5 good skirt and \\alst makers. Mrs.K. A. Crater , room 111 Jacobs block WANTED A good girl for general house- worn. Apply at third house north of Leav- onworth on Colfax st. 225 WANTED-3 girls , Pacific House , 310 N 10th . 200 22 ] \\7ANTED Good girl to do light housowmk TT nnd take chnrgo of baby , good wages to the right party. Mis. L. J. Ncdd,641 S 18th st. l'3 > ) 21 WAN'I'RD Girl for general housework , best wages to competent girl No r.thor need apply. Mrs. II. Smith,2203 California Bt 810.22 WANTED A good coos nnd lilundiessnt 114 South 'J4th street. 212 81 * " \\TANTF.I-r,0 girls furnished good homos TT and good pay. No charges. l i N ISth St. 214 26 ] WANTfiD-SIx dining room glrlu. ten for general housework und two for dish- washers. Mrs. Ilroiru , Ill'j ' S. 1.1th Bt. 21121 ] WANTKD Dining- loom girl nnd olshvashcr 1001 N 10th st. 1.V1 WANTED- Immediately , 5 first-class mlllln cry salesladies and trimmers at H. M. Genus llros. . No. 1408 Douglas st. 218 WANTED A good strong clrl to do general housework , to go to Missouri Valley for 3 iroeksonly. Inquire room 12J , Mllhird hotel. 1114 21 rANTEO-Oirl at Emmet Houso. 173 _ _ _ Y\TANTEI ) cTiuiTibcrmaiirat U12 Douglns st , \\rANTED-A competent dress maker at No 322 N2lst 8t 12,1 21 * WANTED Girl for general housework , 2 In family. 2209 Douglas. 110 WANTED A girl to worklii klfoTion af HTs 18th. 8X0 WANTED Girl for Kenernl housework. Ap ply 2015 California st. 139 21 * WANThD A good girl for general house work. Mrs. R. H. Wilbur , 631 Plosaant stieot. WJJ22 "tXTANTED Chambermaid ho will wait T T table at Occidental. 089 "ITTANrED- ghl for general housowor't at 1917 Casa st. 802 _ \\7ANTED A woinun for general housework TT t 618 South 83d St. 13221 * - , dish washer and dining WANTKD-Cook - Cumlng st. 174 24 ] "flTANTEO Every girl In Omnhn seeking em- T T pluj mcnt to call at once nnd seeuro situa tions at Mrs. Hroga'a Kmploymcntonice,316 South 16th Btioet 929 21 * ) Girl for general housework. Mrs. H. S. Smith , 2308 California at. 878 rANTED A Irood girl tor general house work 704 S , lath. 8202U " \\TANTED Every good cook In Omaha scek- > t ing employment to call at once and secure situation ut Mrs. Urcgu's Employment Olllco. 810 South 15th street. 920 21 * V\rANTHI > Good girl for general housework , > Gciman proforicd , 1410 Chicago st. 'J't IT fANTF.D- First -class cook. W1U pay $ rpor week. 2427 Dodge st 203 \\7ANTED-Girl for general housework ; TT good wages to good girl. Apply to D. .1. O'Donohoo , at O'Donohoo & Sherfys , 11th St. next to the postoillco. 77.1 WANTI2D-Good girl at 603 Virginia ave good wages paid. 231 " \yirANTE l > A neat spry girl for genera house wont , 1415 Jones St. "l . " . to \ .7"ANTEI Lady canvasser. Apply V > N. Hith st. 1IW \\7ANTIiD At once , pHno player , colored TT woman prelerrod Apply 112 3. Oth. 'IXTANTED Ladles to work for us at their TT own names ; $7 to 10 per week can bo quietly made ; no photo-painting , no canvass ing. For full particulars please address nt oncaCrescent Art Co. , 19 Central st , Boston Moss , Uox.6170. Mi SITUATION WANTED. \\TANTED-eituatlon by young man Kyoars TT of aguasollico assistant Wuged'Jko ob ject. Address L 71 Dee oillco. 223 X\7ANTni ) Employment by a ( rood second- TT class pant-makor. Address L 70 llco of fice. . . 211 21 ] _ \\rANTED Situation us bookkeeperbFaslTT TT tnnt , liuvit had several year * business ex- porftnco. Aldros'L3l. Roe olllco. 7''l2t V\TANrED-Sltuatlon by an export book- TT keeper. Host city roforonces. Addioss , M 5 , Hoe ollico. 273 2J * WANTKD-Situation by middle aged lady as housekeeper , Inquire room 7 , Atlantic hotel. 271 2.1 * " \\rANTED Situation by u young man. In a T T grocery or furniture Inislnojs. Address M 9 lieu olhcc. 29) 22 ] V\7 ANTED Situation by n young man In a reT - T tall clothing i-toio 01-gent's rurnUhln ; ; goods. umlei > land = cutting custom clothing Addro-iS M 8 llco ollleo. 2x 2 , ' ] T7ANTEDSituation ns hoot nnd thee clerk7 T T underjtands nil brunches of the bust ness ; good city rofcroncea. Address .M 6 , Ileo onlco ; 281 21 ] \\7ANTFD Situation as baker , I'll North T \ 1Mb St. 233 27 ] S01IRK , honest young man wants a sltua- tlon taking care ot lior s and wet king around thonouso. Addiess LC ) Hooonico , " \\TANTii : ) Situation as housekeeper by u T T woman who has a baby. Would llko to go to the country. Inquire , City Hotel. 133 ! ' 5 * WANTUU Situations for first class male or lemalo help at Mrs. Hrcgtt's Kinployment ollccjllil ! South 15th . JfiO 21 * W\NTED-liy youiur man , n , job d'rlv- insr it grocer's delivery wagon , can keep n set of books , good reference. Address L 4.1 Dee olllco. iwj 22J \\rANTiID-Situation us book keeper or onehicrby ayoung lady. Host of rofe cuces. Address L , 7 lloo ollico. 3U7 aUSOELLANEOUS WANTS. IVANTED Two unfurnished rooms for light TT housekeeping. Address 1 > 1 lOHeootUco. 2S723J WANTED Good horde or team as part pay. moot for cheap lot , 112.1 N. 17th St. 2.M24J ANTED Every lady housekeeper In the olty to try ono of West's Percolators for making good tea and coileo. No oxponslvo patent cotteo or teapot to buy but nn urtlcla BO simple and cheap that any novice can make a cup of tea or cotfoo that will bo a Joy to them * selves and win the admiration of their friends and guests. For ale by Jai. J. Burr , 113 N 13th tt , or hla agents. , 182 sij WANTED Cistrens to build. Order * tele , phoned to Downty A Duffey's tore , lotu and Wekttcr , will reoolro prompt attention. TITANTED First clnss do JjonrJcrs at 1730 T T Cuss it. A 2H25 ; _ TfANf -GootTTieht do Wo Imrno's. "Sl'tist T T be cheap for cash. . Bilrcss L53 Hoe of- flee. 14021 * IMNTHD-tlood driving Whin ns part pay ment ot lots or hous i ? > P. O. Hoi 714. Ou7 2 J _ \\'ANTKD Two or three furnished rooms < ' for houiokcoplnv , near business canter , Address M. 7. , Hoe olllce. .Ml ! * - - ilAy bonrdl.OO per week : lnglo meals 20e. 1311 Capitol avenue. Jl. C. Foley _ V31 2i ; * \\ANTEI ) To rent nlWuof Dor 7 rooms. Tl Modern conveniences desired. Responsi ble party. Address L 03 Ui-o olllco. 197 \\rANTED Unfurnished room largo enough TT for 4 or suite of rootas for sleeping apartments , In center of city Address 1C 00 , Dee otllce. 240 WANTED A newspaper , paying circulation guaranteed from the start , for particu lars address of Valley , Valley , Neb.Ml Ml WANTElT To give away J.OOO yards of dirt to anyone who will haul It away from u w corner of 17th and Webster sts. C17 South 13th St. 223 \Y ANTiD-To : rent 8 houses , ono of 8orO T T rooms and ono of 5 or 6 , west or northwest of P. O. Desirable tenants. Address L 48 , llco olllco. 010 W AN riU : Table boarder * at 1811 Dodge street , one block west ot postofflce. 041 21J \\TANTED-To buy for cash old houses to beT T T removed Irom their present situs. Apply toC , II. DoJgo. til" South 131h st. 23J WANTED To lease ground In any part of TT the city , not over 10 block * from post- OfllCO. Address O. W. Cody , box 63J , city. 819 FOR BENT HOUSES nnd LOTS. F I OH KENT House of 7 rooms , furniture for snlo. 719 K 1'Jtli st. 205 FFOH HENT A nlcn flvo room cotttige one- FOH blk from fct cur. Nice neighborhood. 2i,6 21 OH HKNT-.1-room house on 2J20 California st. P. J. Crcedon. 281 22 FOH IICMT A store. Inquire 141ZS.13tlrst ( leo. It. Peterson. 8W FOIl HUNT Unfurnished rooms on suite or sltiBln. centrally located. Co-opcratho Land A : Lot Co.,201 N. Illth St. 250 21J RBNV House of 7 rooms and barn In X1 Omaha View. Lawroneoi Seydel , 218 N. ill at. 2Ji 23 FOIl HUNT Furnished house for the sum mer. Central location. Moad& Jnmicson , 318 S. 15th IfiO FOIl RRNT Frame store building , 20x50. with living 4rooms.on Phil Micrldau st. ; wlll 'mprovo ; put basement under store to suit any egltlmate business Win. Fleming & Co. , U01 Douglas. B70 FOll RUNT Urlck yards , T. Murray. 0 FOIl HENT An olght room house contrnlly located , on thu cornorof two good streets. Rnrnilro nt Comstock's real e&tato agency .room " 0 , Crolghton block. 187 IT10H HUNT A tine hotel of 2. rooms nil f ur- J- Dished ready lor business ; rents for S69 per month ; in n good thriving town In Ne braska. Requires $500 cash to pay for silver ware and supplcls. licnawn&Co. , 15th st. op : ioslto I' . O. 223 ffli [ 710R HF.NT Ware room cor. 13th nnd Cull- u1 Ifornlii on licit Lino. For particulars en quire at Union Nat bank. 13d T AHMto icnt. T. Murray. 859 pOK RENT House ; furniture , carpetsAc. , - for sale. Apply 1909 Farnam. 813 _ TIOH KENT Store nnd living apartments on i ? Cnmlng near Saundora st. Apply at Harris Heal Kstnto and Loan Co. , 3 rfc ( . 15th st. 752 KENT RCJOMB. F IOR RENT Nice room , modern , Btroot car , etc. Cheap 2520 Douglas st. 203 23J FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms.suitablo for two or tour young men , board next door if desired. 2421 Chicago st. 3I421J F IOIt RENT Furnished rooms ; bed room and sitting room , 417 N. 14th st. 220 2IJ POIl HENT-Furnlshed roAw suitable for 3 gents. 820a Dodge. > - ! TO 20J F OH HENT Desk room , room 8 , Exposition Uuliding. . 204 21 FOH IinNT-Furnlshod or unfurnished , front room 80J Harney. 201 211 F OH HUNT Nice furnished iront room , U03 Furnara. 1UJ 21 FOR RENT Rooms , one for 2 gentlemen , 1 for 3 or 4 , and 1 for man and wife. Call bolero 8 p. m. , 1410 Chicago. 105 FOR RENT-Furnished room at ISlODodgo at. U88 F flit RENT Two nicely furnished rooms , on finite or single. Inquire at 182Ji ! St Mary' , ave , upper flat. OK ) 23' " 1710H RENT A pleasant front room , modern JL' conveniences , for ono or two gentlemen ; terms roaoonnblo. 2113 8ldst. 1)73- ) TG1OR HUNT -Furnished rooms , furniture ana JL' house , now best finished house in Omaha. All modern-Improvements , tine neigh borhood , convenient to boarding houses ; best reference required. 3.'I8 Farnam st. Ml 21 * 1T1OR RENT Elegant south nlcovo room L1 modern conveniences. To Gentlemen or gentleman and wife. lUt ! Farnam st. 714 FOR RENT Neatly furnished room , two blocks from P. O.private house , for ono or two gentlemen. Address A care letter car rier 84. 17024 ] VtrANTED Pleasant room nnd board in prl- ' vato family , by two gentlemen. Address M2Hoeoibco. 23S 21 F I OH RUNT Throe room house west of North llth st. , between Chicago and Cass. 6')2 ) F IOR HEXT Elegant ofllco rooms , best lo cation In Omaha. 318 South 15th st 633 FOR HENT 6 furnished rooms on 13th St. , $30per month. J.L. Hlce& Co. , Agents. 337 1 ? 0ll HENT-NIeoly furnished front room , 1 1023 Dodge. 21U27 * .OIl RENT Room , to gentlemen only. 8118 , S3JBt 904 T71OH RENT Third floor , 23x30 , of brick build L ing , 1108 I'arnam street , use of elevator , Inquire above number , upstairs. 001 FOIl HENT Furnished rooms 1707 Caes. 133 FOll RENT Nlcoly furnished rooms at roa- t-onnblo rates , ono nlock fiom court house , 606 So ISth st , north St , Mary's ave , up stairs. 171OH HENT Newly furnished room In new L1 house. 111.21 Dodge Bt. 37J FOll RENT Ollk'os In Hollmiin iwlldmgoor. Farnam nnd 13th sts. , In suites or singly. For prices , diagrams nnd Information apply to S.A , Sloman , 1512 Farnam st- , Room 2. FOR SALE HOUSE'S LOTS. | ? OH SALE Elegant largo lot near cars nnd -L1 in vicinity where lots soil tsOO ami $1,000 each. Price , $59 ! ) find fit monthly. Inquire nt private house northeast cor. Tith nnd Chicago st -T 241 81 ] ET GADI ) 4 CO. . RonVt'Estato Brokers , . ivw Furnnm street Sppslal bargains nro otlercd for next week. In the old plat of South Omaha , where every lot Is tutf tiOvlS ) foot ; no contractions , U.OOO-.qunro fecftn each lot. Wo ran sell yo.i property there , for from J7.11 . to $ loOJO. Dwelling houses. Iwislnojs houses , hotels with or without furniture. Try us and prove us. 'tl Also property In nil addltloiiithoreto. ; Propel ty in the city ot all Unds. Huy of us and wo will do you good. . 1,103 Fnrnam street , nt the ow etnnd , llrst olllco at the loH of cnntruuco , 11. ) ' ! ' . Gadd .VCo. SIXTEENTH BT-R3Hx233 tqrallrond trnolts , $ ltJflper f i out foot. Tills 13 a bargain nnd Is good for a few days only. Clarkson & Hontty , T710R SALE-Lot on 7th and Lake sts , with JL1 nouso fi rooms , kitchen , pnntry and gooj brick celliir. Apply to the Omahn Ronl Estnto and Trust Co. , or Wm. Fleming , llth and Doug , las sts. Will rent to geol pirtles if not sold immediately. B71 mHIRTEr.NlotsinCloverdnlo will sell at a JL bargain , call for prlco. Graham , Crolgh ton blk. 186 23 IJOR SALE-Lots in Albright's annex , $159. Host corner In Shull's 2nd $2,63' ' ) . Good lot In Hawthorne $1,375. 60 lots in t-ohloslnger's ad near thq new street car Hue ( UOO to $450. 2 good lot * la Orchard ITUL Ka&t front lots on aut near Cumin ? si , Ixjt Lowe's add $1,000. Bartraln In Donlso ndd , 8 lots In He J ford nlaco nt a bar gain. L. H. WatU. IBtfl Douglas st 256 23 8 PER OKNT mortuages taken as port pay' mtntoultoal gstate , P.O. Box714. 0084 * BARGAIN in u lot on Lake st , $2,700 , Graham , 1SS 2.1 FOR SALE Lot 60x127 on llnmilton tt Just nn irrnde. Hi mile from P O , with good 4-room bouse , well , cistern and bnrn , only $2,800. J. L. Hlcc JlCo. . 14783 LOT 17 blk 5 , Hatucom tilnco , $2,50) , $ ! )0 cash Ornlinm , Crolghton blk. 18.1 2J T.AKE STHEET-4S'ivl2H ' , corner lot , good hou p , cost $1 , 00. all for $ ,1VO ; $1,700 cash will swing this , nnd It will mnke tliebujer good money. The naked grouml Is north thn money. Clarkson i lleatty , 'Jlv South Ulh st , 234 l " EADthlsiplenilld list ; Gibson , Aylcsworth A. Hcnnmln ) , 1512 Fai nam st , 1 lot In Imp. Ass'n , 47x111 , with 2 small houses . $ 3,00) 1 lot In Hawthorne , 43tlO ) , cor. 33d and Davenport , with 6 room houso.clstorn , well , etc. very oaiy terms . . . . 3,6 llotln HilUldo-'d ndd 1,80) 1 lot In Bedford Plnco , WxUs TJ1 1 lot In Hitchcock's Ut ndd. 60x125 70.1 Ui lota In Shlnn's 1st add , 7.1tl21i. ! Cakl- well st 3,700 llotlnllodtcK's ndd , 6 x122 , Half How ard st 3,300 Slots In West Slda,53x129 , barn and fruit trees 2,10) 6-room house and lot N. 17th st , good wetland cistern 0,60) Kount/.o 4th add , lot H , block (5 ( six room house , well , cistern barn , &o 4,030 ntmobaugh & Patterson sub-lot M , block 2.contract 65D 120 ft on St Mary's ave , with 3 9-room houses , gas and water , will subdivide. 33,010 40 ft on St. Mary's ave bet , llth and 20th l-.OOl Choice lot In Omnhn View W 182 ft on lilth st. near Fnrnam 70,0) ) S lots. 60x27 , Lowo's add , 4-room house , cellar , well nnd rtO-foot burn , price. . . . . 3W0 ( Warehouse or business property In block KB , $45,000 , easy terms. Restaurant nnd lot 22x13. ! for snto , 5 rooms , good paying business , In Weeping Water , $2,5'JO ' , terms easy. Lot 19 in Anlsflrld. $9.10. House 40il'H,0 rooms and lot on Douglas st , for sale. $1,100. .Smith add. ono lot 60x132 , $5,000. Farm of 80 acres , splendid house , barn , gran ary nnd nil outbuildings in Cass Co , 3 miles N of Wetplmr Wnter. $1-0i ) ,5011 , easy terms. Full lot on Dodge st , 3 houses , rents for $300 , $5,200 , y cnsh. Gibson , Aylosworth & Ilcujnniln. S OtITH front on Lake st , bargain at $2.200 ' Graham , Crolghton blk. 1F5 2.1 DODC1R BTR1JRTLots on Dodge betwonn 12th nnd 1'lth , only $ 0) ) per front foot. Oregory St Hadloy , llooms 1 and 3,30 ! Potith Mthstreet. 02U BtlUIl OAIf---J lots fronting Hanscom I'ark onlj' Sl.'iW ' o.ieh and verv easy terms. Clarkeoui Ueiittr,219South llth stieel. 2,14 , 24 0 acres forsubdlvislon , only iW miles from the postofflco for $10,000. Terms , ? 10,000 cash , balance I , 2 nndUyoir * nt 8 per cent in terest. This Is uiiquostlonably the grontest bargain In Omahn and will moro than iloublu In value In 93 days. FlticK & Homun , room II , Fronr.or block , opposite P. O. 232 FOH SALK The beautiful acre known ns lot 3 ( Use's add. , ojinoslto Itountzo place , cov ered with largo maple trees , tins boon RUb- divifled and placed on the market. Only u few lots left J. L. Itico & Co. , Sole Agents. 809 1 BOYD'S ADDITION-20 lots on very easy terms and low price ? , adjoining property selling much lilghor , prices $850 to $7.0. H cash , bnl 1,2 and 3 years. Clarkson Sr. Heuttv , S19 8 Uth st. * 2H : 24 LAKE ST-121 feet on Lake fit close to Halm dor8$3,5CO-snap. Clarkson & Icatty,21U 8. 14th St. 234 24 S ELECTS , nro the carefully listed bargains hunted down by Cake & Hillings. Our sam ple cn e : 06x140 ft on Ifith street for (6,600 , part 1 and 2 years. 4 lots , Meyers & Tlldon's ndd , cash needed only $ fiflo. Homo lot In Plnlnvlow , only takes , cash , $100. Picked In Sheridan Pluco.only $1,30J for $1,5W lot 2 lots with 2 houses , J. L Bodlck's sub , only block trom stieot car line , 103x12) ft on 2 streets , big money hero for you. Hoimty ot Hartlett , fruit trees , flue view , only $ ! .fiOO cnsh needed. Cheapest South Omaha stuff on the market. Como , over 101 , corner Podge and 15th , and we'll make It pleasant nnd profitable for you. FOR SALK 31 foot , south front. Dodgo. bet 12th and 13th. Call quick. G. F. Elsassor's , AXU. 3183 10th St. 626 FOR SALE-Lot 60x127 on Hamilton st Just on grade , l' ' > mile from P O , with good 4- room lion ce . well , cistern and barn o.ily $2,809. J.X. Hico & Co. 14T32 BIG UAIUIAIN Ono hundred foot front on South Eleventh st , corner lot , only $5,000. Fart on tlino. V. U Vodtcka , 6J ) South 13th st KJ4 THIRTY lots two blks from new depot , South Omaha. $450 If sold before the 15th. I'iorco & Rogers , 6 , Arlington blk. 117 6 CHOICE Institute Place lots (600 each tor tbo bunch , or will trade for house and lot. J. L. Rico & Co. 14821 TT'OR BALE Good farms In Nobrnstta cheap -C for cash , or will exchange for salableinor chnndlso. Address at once Arthur C. Cross man. Atkinson. Holt Co. , Nob. 10S 0 T O01C ever this 1'st ' and then call and lot us JU ebow you the property. Mottor Real Estate Agency. Patnvlow , Saunders 8t front $2,00 ( Plnlnvlow , n tlno corner , only l,2SC Oxford Place , 2 lots , only 600 Davenport's subsouth front 1.500 Davenport's sub , Haundors st , 87x122. . . . 6,100 Rood's 4th. n splendid business corner , 1 3 On 20th by 148 on Lake 10,000 Foster's ndd. Saunders st front 6 , < XK Lowe's add. 2 flno lots , a corner 2SO : : Lowe's ndd , Sowiird st , n bargain 1,20) Orchard Hill , Hamilton st , block ] , a big bargun , only 1.20C Hosorvoir add , a corner , on Hamilton. . . 1.50" Hesorvolr add. 3 line lots , only 1,200 Kllby place , line cast front 1,800 Pottor's urtaUflnolots 1,600 Highland Place , Fnrnnm st. corner 3.6IX Hanscom place , bargain 2,0.10 .Hanscom plnce , 25 lots , $1,600 to 4 , < ) CO Prutt's sub. a beautiful acre 2.000 Pratt'B ub , 4 Iflne lots on Groof st 800 Fifteenth st. near Vlnton li > CK Sixteenth st. near Vlnton 1,500 A largo list of Improved property In all parts of the city , Huslness property nt bottom prices. Call on us. Mottor Heal Estnto Agency , 1513 Farnam st , Tel. 815. 885 25 AVALUAHLE list of property for solo by C. Wells , 15th and Furnnm. Lot 3 hlk .1 Armstrong's 2d ndd. Lots 57 and 6S Ilurr Oak , each ( I.fiOO. "lots in Hartlett Place add. , ouch f.1,000 , 0 , 7 nnd 8 Hloalc 7 and 17 and 18Jn block f line 7 in olook 8 lledrord I'l.ico. Price , $ ( jiO each. 1 nnd 2 blooka Uodford , onch $ s2.1 , 5 lots llukor Place , $150 to } 65I. Lots in Oak Hill , sr.Sto 5110. 1 oH 15 and II ) , 12S12S 1 cot ClniK's add , also 25\2fl fro-ii street to Mreot , rlirht In the heart ol the residence unrt of , on car line , am : can he bought at ? S,100 oncli. You" will never get a bettor ba'vraln or n nicer place foru borne than lot 4 In Courtlaiu place nt (7.0J ) . * I.otH In Denlso'8 add at - 230. Acio lots In Kali-view , ? l,00) ) . Jn Hanscom Plnoo ; Lots 13 nnd 14 , block 1 , ouch (3,000. Lot l2blojk'.lHW. Lots 11 and 12. hhifk2 , $7,20) , Lots 6 , 7.8. li . 19 and 20 , $2.000 to$3WO. Lot 17 111 bloc ! ; IB , $2,100. Lots 8 nnd 9 in block e. each $2,00. ( Lots 2 and 6 in block 15 , ? lQOOand SI.OOO , Lots 10 and It In block 20 , ench 1,760. Lot 8 In block 1 , $1,600 , Lots S3 ind 21 In block 4 , both $7PO ) . Lots 17 nnd 18m block 1& , each J2.500. Lot 17 In block l , ( , ' , HiQ. Ixt SO , block8 , llunsfora Place , with 10 room cott.iKo A very valuable property , Jii.OiO. Lot 5 in 7 , Hanscom Place , with house of 10 rooms , x5.soo. I ots 11 mid 12 , block 3 , ICount/o Place , ? 3. ! > CO 21,2 nnd 21 , block ' , Hawthorne , each ( VX ) 70 feet 8. E. Harnoy and 21th. SU.003. l.otrt : iand I , block I. O.ipltol Hill , on Corner Harnoy nnd 26th , 24OJ ( ) , l"0 feet on IJoago , opposite High school "Lota i,8,3 nnd 4. block 3 , Cap'tol ' Hill (10,000 Lots 10 , U und 12 , block 4 , Hlloko ndd , each $ ! 50. 40 feet of lot 4 , block 7 , Klrkwool , $1,123. ] ' , i lots In W. A. Itortioic add , $ . ' /00. 6 entile blocks in lloyd'j add , lso20lotnli Rox-d's , very cheap. If you want to Invest thl is tbo place and now Is the timo. A sure am safe Investment. 4 lots In McCormlolt'sSd , caoh $ S50. House nnd lot In Hoggs & Hill's 2d , 1FOO. 20 lots , Hitchcock add , will build 1 room houses and soil corners at $ IVK ) nnd Insld nt $1.41X1. Terms $100 cash and balance $15 po month. pWill build 8 4 roam housnsln Wi o 4 Parma lee's add and sell from $1,500 to $2OJO. Cash $150 , bul $ iO monthly. Lot 15 , block 1 , Clarendon , $1.703. Lot 1) . block2 , Clarendon , with bouse of I rooms , (3,500 Lot I , block E , Saunders & Hlmcbaugh'g Lot 9 , block 9 , Morbaoh's Second , $3,5)0. 3 lota In A. B. Redlok'a , $3,100. 18 lots In Orchard Hill. $85' ) to $1,000. 2 lots in Heed's Third , very cheap , at $1,500 each. Lots In 11llcod'sadd. . $6,000. Lot 4 In 6 , Drake's add. , $3,000. Lot 15. block 0 , Bpger'a add. . $8,000. Lotsl3andl3Mook , on 16th , near Vlnton , 1J lota In J. I. Oodlck'a subdivision , I .2i3 to O. Wells , 1603 Farnam. 81 21 A CORNKR and throe liXldo lots In block 4 , JV Orchnnl Hill , ne\t to Hamilton st , nt JWJ. 'ermsensy. Pierce & llogors _ 117 v JTACHT.S tiorlTiliinTri' . .shopj nO2M per : acre. Terms to suit David M. Connell gvnt , 313 llth st. , opp 1'axtou hotel , or a K. Crallo , 1410 Dodge ft M7. ONE mlle from postomooi lot OOxlSI facing two ptrcots , with nice iVroom house nnd oem for 3 more , only $ ' 1,010 , for one week. F , lurrott ACo. . , 3144 * t. 15th. l 2o 21 _ WISE 4 PARMELR , 41(1 ( eouth llth st. Offer thosj bargains tonlay ; 1 corner Goorvla avo. and Dupont $1,7)1 , T Orchard hill , ohoico lots ench $ SS > . House and 2 lots , Maunders A lil add. to Walnut hill $2,300. 90 Finest lota In Clovordalo , bnrgt.lns. Tine lots In Kllby place , cheap. Flnoll-2lot John 1 Hedlck's Sub-division , Vcholoo lots In Maynos add. , each (111 Zcholco lots Falrmouut plnco. lacro best In llolvedore , bsrgaln $3)X Slot * Jotter s addition , each (70) . 21 lots choice In Vatoa A Homnol's addition. A flno list of western lands for sale , or traao for Omaha proporty. Lot 7 block 10 , Albrljht's annex , (700. , Lot It blocks. Cotnor * Arohor'H iu d , $49) . Lot 1 block 2. Hurllngton Plaoo , (575. Lots 'M and 3R block 1 , Armour Place , $ ! 7.i. Urnmmnrcy Park lots ( UOO to (7M KixUiS Mercer ave , 3 room house , and barn , (2.200. fiMtl.lO cor Military ave and Edson st , $2,200. Two good store build ings on above property vlll rentto good advantage. lxt 7 block M , South Omnhn , $2.600. Last , not least , oornor on Farnara $41,031 nna many others,410 S. 15th st Wise and Parmelo. 177 1OH SALE-Knll lot on Jacltson St. , I16.500. F J. L. Hico & Co. 117 22 fiVRSALE ) ( Jooil farm In Nebraskacneap for JP cash , or will exchange for salable property. Address at once Arthur C. Croisman , Atkinson , Holt Co. , Neb. 10 ! ) : w INVKSTinATR THIS-Cornor on 20th and Ink < , liJtHS , cull for prlon and ttirms. Patrick's add , lots , blkSOxtM.SS.OJO. Walnut Hill , now house , U rooms , stablo. cistern nnd city water , lot fiOxlM , on irrmliv , $ 1,203. Ilarkor & Ilurr , 1501 Karnant st. 12123 FOH SAI.E-lly Harrott&Co. , the best I'ny- Inir business properly In tUo eltv. For partlculcrg call ntJU : S. 15th ra 21 mAKKthooako. Cake & Hillings. Real Ks- -L estate hot cakes. Over 101 South 15th st. Sample ( lluiror fnaps. Onu hundred and ten toct on.lonns and litti Bis. hall'ca h. bnl. 1 , 2 , : i years , $17,500. l-'lfty by ; rw feet for tracUttKO forbuslnos.near Stock Vards. TeiigoleotedlotsnoiirSwlffa packing house Bite. nlO _ T OIl SAI.KFull lot on Jnckson sT. . $10WO. J ? J. I , . Itleo & Co. 147 22 FOR SAI.K Vurnltiire , ixndB loom house for rent , about 8 blocks Irom the postolllce ; n barjfiiln. Apply to F. F. Williams & Co. . tilth and Chicago sts , o2 ! . - front lot on ISth st. near BAlinAlN-Kast Castellar , M\12J , corner , on 20-foot alloy ; 4-room house , burn , etc. , all for g2WO ( , $ ! WO , balance 1,2 nndII years. GrcRory & Had- ley , llooms 1 and 8,320 8. 15th St. 782 HANSCOM ITiACK 103 foot corner Oeortrla avenue , $4,000 ; It Is worth * r > ,000. Comn quick. Clarkson & Hontty , 214 S. llith Bt. 2JI 24 I.OTS The finest corner In lledford TUVO place , near foundry , 51,500 for both. F. Hnrrott A : Co. , 3U' { S. 15th. . ' 5 21 DODOK STUKRT Lots on Dodge between 12th and 13th , only $ BOO per front foot. OreuoryAc llmlloy , KOOIIH 1 and 3 , 3JO liouth ICth street. 2il FOll SAM ! Hustncss propertr. nw corner 13th and Dorcas sts , Csxl32 feet , with a larvo honso and other Improvements , at a bargain. For sale. 317 acres of land in Nuekolls Co. , Neb.within 1'i miles of Superior and U. H. depot. For particulars call on M. Iledlngton , 1G31 S. 13th St.Omaha. 7.1mayiJ ) Foil SAIiK A 8-ioom cottage , within Hie mllu circleone t > lk from streetcars. 1'rlco $ nCOO.'j on tlino. Imiuiro No. 3M N 17th st from tolO:30u. : m. OJ3 30j DOOGR STRHBT Lots on Dodge between 12th and lo'tli , only 18JO per front foot ( Jr" ory AHadloy , llooius I and 3 , 320 South l.'ith street DO DUE ST11RKT Lots on Dodge between 12th and 13th , only $ COJ per front foot. ( iti'Kory in Iladleyloiin8l and 'J , 320 South 15th street. VM FOl'U Lots In Institute Place , $1COO for all. This Is $ JOO leas than adjoining lots can bo bought for. John Gallagher , 317 South 13th. F OH.SALE A complotelv furnished fla lof fi rooms , or two lints of 12 rooms , Hiiltablo torontlurnlshod rooms , in best locality. Ad dress L , 07 Bcoofflco. 14424 * SHAW & CO. . 510 S. 10th st Among their many othnr nttrnrtlons offer you u houeo and lot In Hhlnn's addition for S',00. ' ; a line east front on Uoorgla avenue tor f'.SCO ; n fine lot it llnnscom i > lace for $3,000 ; an c'legnnt corner on 20th st for $2.604 ; a desirable house and lot on IRth st. for $2 , ' ' > 00. Come In nndloolc over our list. Wo are head quarters for safe Investments. 1.U FOH BALE-Full lot on jueltson St. . $ inMa , J. L Hlco& Co , 1117 22 T70H SALE -Special bargains for a few day ? X1 at the popular and reliable reul o.tuto ofdco of li. T. I'cteraon ' & Co' , 8. U cor 15th nnd Douglas. . Lots Haud 101'orbca' sub.10 acres on Saundcrs st , 91 ,000. K acres In Holvldero , $ fHW each. 0 acres In Kensington for $1,000 " acres In Brighton for $ - > uO. 2 lots In Aubnrii Hill add. tor $4)0. 1 lot In Highland 1'ark tor f.m. I lot In lloyd'B add. , corner , S'O't. 1 lotinDwijtht * Lyman's , corner , for $776. 1 lot In Dupont 1'lnce , fl.Qta. Lot IS , blkl , Hansconi I'laco , f 1.700. Lot 10 , hlk 10 , Hnnscom 1'lico $2,70 < ) . Ix > t > blk. 14 Hanscom I'lnc-e , $ V oa Lot 12 , blk. 14 Hanecom 1'l.icoI.4H ( ) . Lot 111. blk. 7 , Orammerey I'ark , $500. Lotl. blk 1. Patrick's add. . $ .OOU. Lot 9. blk , 4 , O'Noll's sub , f 1,0011 Lot 7,1 aero ( loisu's add. , J5.000. 132xlUcor. State and Hilitol , $ L > .UOO. Above are a few bargains that we are 'iolo ngents for. Most of them are owned by non residents and are way below market value , and can be bought on easy terms. B , T. Peterson & 0o. 17123 SOUTH front lot in O'Noll's subblk from Cumlngstrnr line and pavement , ( ira- luim , Crolghton blk , ie5 23 MoQAVOCKvV O'Connor , 310 South 13th st , will ofltr for one > \ook , a few bargains out of thu many whluii are in our list : 2 lots on Saunders St. , Improvement ! worth $ lr'X ) . prlen $ HOW 22xlt2 ; corner on 14th st , rents for $ ' . ' 50 per month 23,000 75xU | : corner on St. Mary's uvo , with 3 houses 3IOX 13-'xlL : , ' corner on South 10th st , south and east front 10,000 A ronror and il-roora cottao on 10th st . 7,000 HO.vl'iS , a corner south ol viaduct on 11th st 8.30C 2 vacant lots on S. nth st. , cheap. 09x140 and an 8-rooru cottage , u corner S. l.'ith ' ft O.OOt A beautiful residence lot near Uth si. cars 1.70. In a word , If you wnnt deslrnhlo property either for speculation or for a homo , call and Fee the largo and carefully selected list of Me- Oavock& O'Connor.31iiS. nth st. 1UO will secure IftJ acres of first class $ farming land In eastern Nebraska Imlanno very long time and no taxes for 2) years. The O. F.Davis company , 15J5 rariuun f > t. U-l m 15 ONK hundrndnnd twenty-six foot on1 Suun- ders Ht. , corner , $100 per loot. ( Irahnm , CiolghtoM Hlk. 1852. ) lt SALR-20 acres of hlirh. sightly lima overlooking the city and surrounding countiy. This is the lineal 20-acrotiact now on the market. It Is only a short walk from the grounds of thu Northwestern railway , where extensive shops , roundhouses , &o. , HI o soon to bo erected. Lotmn HiU vicinity are now soil * In1 ; for $ VX ) to $700 ouch , and property Is rapidly increasing In value , ' 1 his will plat Into 03 ele gant lots that will readily sell lor 100 per cent profit ; this Is nn opportunity or a Illo-tlmo ; don't lot It pa's , von will regret It If you do. 1'or price , terms , Ao , cull or address linn's ( Jrcnt Western Heal Katato Ilurouu , Crelghton blook , solo agents , 27421 Foil SALK-Knn front lot Kllny place. . $310 Housuof flvo rooms , two full lota . . . ) House , 8 roums , Ibth near Paul . 3r > 'K ) Kust fiont lot , Kostor'sndd . ( uO Lot on Davenport hot. llth nnd 12th . . . IJ.ojj Lot on Muror b t , 15lh and 10th . 12,00' ' ) Lot on DougUsbet 10th and Uth . 88.000 Ix > t on Jones bet. 14th and 15111 . 1H.COO H. Ifith near Cimtor , 50 font. . . . . . 8,010 H.lfith corner Castellar , M feet . 0.603 H. inth near Mart ha , cu foet. , . e.OTO 22j H. W. Huntress , 150J yarn am et. BAUOAINS-Grnham. Crulghton Hlork. I/t on-Leavoinvorth , two blocks from I'ark ave , 8'1,60J. .Mllltury Iload , Just across the Holt Line , f 2 ft. front. SI. 6'X ) . Iain bile 6 Hniiicnm Place , $2,500 ; $ SOJra h. Corner , nnd one next to It , Ik-land's add , $ ltO ) for both. Flvo lots on Cumlng st , Walnut 1 1 111 , t < l. TOO each. Hurt st , lot next to corner of Ilrown st ,12,050 ; 1-3 cash. Full acre on fx > nvonworlui00. Ut ft on baundera , corner ; f 10) per front foot. Ixl on corner Farnam and Lowu avo.s iunl e front , | j,5oo. ieaa OATCU ON' Cholco corner on Dadge , lUtt * ablu l ( < r toneiiiont row , south ami oa 1 front , a mixt d- > ) rblolocnt.JiiiiuiTomenU . | worth t2WJiirk-o $11.000. ' r , Corner on Chloafo. two houses \ h $18,009 , but for sixlu nt $ ll.riOJ , Only li i'n h\ Vahinhln lot wltu two street fromnges , well located for tints , rloso to olri'ul oar , improve ments norlh f l/flD. price $ 'IMK ' ) . Howard , near 20thMxlUO , two housrl , Dandl rooms , $10OW. Hare baigaln In Idlewlld. lloupo , 9 rooini , 111.ely furnbhed Insl li > , well , I'lstorn and barn , w ortli $0IXX ) , for a lie nt $ ii ' 0. Full lot. house , stable , etc. , Inside two mil * limit , $ lUt. Hast front , full lot , on cabin line , BOth st. ( ft-room hou o , u bargain at f.'i.WO. Over 12 tier cent. Interest from rent of prop erty on H loth. lofWxUl , east front , twol-stor/ llOUHOS , $ : l,50vl. I'lPH It Up. 1'ull lot , house of 7 rooms , property well Im proved , on Lnkest. , n.iar UirD'tiUHo of grool and red car llneg , | l,500 , l..ViOeMsh , Hanfoom Place , v-niom IIOIIKO and burn , well front on ( Icorgla Avenue , > 4,000 , < 1.HN ( cask , bill. 1,2 and If years , I'oppleton Avnntio. Mxltl" . Routh front , cot tage with brick basement , burn , city water and elMern , newly fitted up throughout , fln lot pretty home , Jt.OiO. $ IOUO onsh baL t Dill It. Omaha View , 60x120 , two houses and barn , pays 12 percent from rents , $ ,3,500 , $1,000 cith. HiHlford Plnce , choice south front , house of 4 rooms , well and cistern. $ l.f > 'H ' ) , $ .riOO cash. I'lno lot In Clarendon , now 6-room house , Mt nlono worth price of all , $1,675 ( lood bouse In Orchard Hill , all modern lm provomenls , oak stnlrcnie , close to Hamilton , cheap at $ .1.000. Two lots , one a corner , Kcndnll's add , $1,009 , $ C > , Vcash , bnl 1,2 and I ) y ar < ; t-hi > ap. Fine lot in Oik : 1III1.I75.1100 : cash. Two choice lots McCormloks add , $ lr < 0. A corner lot Ambler phico , south and OMI front , only ( sun. A bargain In Hawlhurno , 11,000 , on Davenport street. 1'ostor's add , two or the best lots , $4,800. Windsor Place extension , miuth front,11,200. i Hodford plnro , $ 00 , ono nf the choicest. Five unn , ! lots In Highland I'ark , $1376 tor the bunch , $ S-0 cash. I Creston , full lot to streets , frontages , cheap at $ irioo. Two good lots Orchard hill , ono n corner , $ lir,0 for both. A whole block,2t lots , In Shrlvcr place , con tained Boronnn now street car linn , bargain for threoda > s only , $10OOJ , $ J,000 ciish Thlfl Is n snap , as each lot IH worth at least $500 Lincoln Plncptwo cluiiuo lots , south fronts , ( I.100 for both. Hawthorn , east front , 81,100. Clifton Hill , 3 pouth fronts , each $750. l.cnvonworth Terrace , a curlier , KX ) . , Sheridan I'laco. good lot , cheap , $750. Humholdt I'laco , the best eovner , $8M. snap. 1'otircholco Acres In Washington Hill , only $1,5 per aero , a bargain. Leaven worth street , ten acres $1,110 per aero. Twenty acres suitable for platting at a prlco which will make yon buy. llndford llelirhto. Wo can soil nt u bargain all the lots In thU addition , as property was purchased when prices wore low. Kast fronts at $ < 0) . those on Amos avenun $500. west fronts $1175. Theio prices aio nt least $100 below the priced of Bur- rounding property , and lot.s BVO ot cnodslxo. Money Invested hero 111 double In SO days. Son is , lot us slmw the property , nnd wo will poll to yon. Call on us nt our notv olllco , on the ground floor. Illunt & Iinpoy , 418 S 15th st. Telephone 314. 153 23 | j OH SALE Choice lots in Hllleko's First add , -i1 only VJ mlle from driving pnrk , $350 to $450 each , on ICth , 15th and lith Btroots. .1. U Hico i Co. , solo agents. 220 24 ZJ ST-Wo h vo s fcw oholoa IBAVENWORTH pliieo , fronilmr on Lnnvnn- worth st , at bargain prices. Clarkeon * Heatty , 21'J S Uth st. KM 24 FOH BALK-Lot 50x127 on Hamilton at Just on grade , li ! mlle from P O with good t-room house , well , clstotn and burn , only $2.800. J. L , Hico & Co. 147 12 fjMVK lots on Cumlng st In Walnut hill , $1.500 Jj each. ( Iraham , Crolghton bin. 185 23 FOU SALK-Choloo lots in llllloko's First add , only ' 4 mile from driving p.irk. $3.10 to $4.10 each , on I6tb , 15th and 14th streets. .1. L. Iltco & Co. , solo agents , 2-0 " 1 Lot In Plain view near Bnundors FOR8ALK St. Inquire cor. 22 and Miami sts. Mrs. M. I ) . Stoddnrd. Ill SI * INSIDE PltOPnilTV Wo have some good In side property nt n bargain , I'iorco * Hog- ers.1511 Dodge slreot. a'J FOR SALE OK TRADK Wo own Mvcrnl thousand acres of ohoico South Dakota farming land which wo will sell or trade for Omaha property. Wo wnnt to sell and oifcr our land at bottom prices. Wright & Lnsbury. cor. under I'nxton hotel 10'1 ' TWO blocks from Hrownoll Imll , a corner a 1I12Y1.I2 , II hoiisos. on a tlno graded street , cheap , raiisonnblo. Must sell. U. F. Elsnsior , 'iOj S. lUth st , solo agent. 2JO 21 DO DOE STRUCT 13J feet on Dodge by 00 on Ninth Mi cot , $2.1,003 , \ } ' cash , Including Im- provementH if sold at once , Gregory St Hadloy , llooms 1 and 3 , ICO South 15tb8tioot 9211 TCTOll SALK-A good farm in Dixon county ; -Cwell improved. For pirtloulara apply to Omaha Heal Estate and Trust Co. , or Wra. Fleming , 14th and Douglnp. 871 ilOll SALK-ChoIco lots In llllloko's First add , ? only U mlle from driving park , $1.19 to 81iO each , on 1'lth ' , 1.1th and Uth streets , .1. L. Hleo & Co , , solo agents. 220 21 BUSINESS PHOPr.HTV , rnrnor 12th and Jones(10x13 ( ! at a decided burgnln If fold I this week. Sole agents , Clarkson & lloattv,219 Hlltliat. 12221 ul SA. BLOMAN , Heal Ustato llrokor , 1512 Farnam Street. Farnam street , cor. ISth.UUIJJ , X cash.J S0,0')0 Farnam Ht. , near Uth,2Jxl32linprovod- Furiium st. , noar23tli , 110x132 $400 per loot " . Furnnmflt. , cor.31st st. 130x132 , aoutb nnd east front 17,033 Fnrnam st , cor. 41st. 18-cli ; ; . g and e front 3.60) Douglas st. near 2.1d , 01x13.5 8/ Dodge st. nour 2 itli , .Wxl12tf 2,601) Dodge st. noar28tli , 40x127. liaprovea. . . 3,001) .Tonesst.cor. 15th , O'lxl'U 84,0)3 Leavenworth st cor. 2Ut , 132x111 , Im proved 18,500 Lenvonworth st. cor. 25th , 140x142 , Improved - _ proved 85/KW 14th st trackage , I'nddook pluco , 84x112. 2 0) Park uvo. opp. park , 50x150 ! . * > Ooorgia nvo. near Mt Pleasant. 50x150 , . 2,609 20ih st. near Dorcas , lOOtlOO , lmroved. | . 4,600 ZOthst noarDonghv * , 3iG ) , Imurovod , . 8,000 15th st. cor. Martha , 64x13'.improved. . . 4,60) > ' ' .Uh st. cor. Soward.HlxlJO,3 homos. . . . 4.50) Ploren near 30th , 8) foot front , 2 streets. GIM Hamilton st. near Holt line , improved. . . 35th nt. , near Davenport. 100x130 2,20) Howard , near 3Hb ! , 60x167 l.l.V ) 10th nt , near Castollnr , 135 feet front. . . 4Jmo Must , near Martha , 61x151. corner. . . . 1,0)9 Hurdetto st , nnar 2ath , 60x132 , on oar line 1,00) Iliiitst , near Lowe ave , 61 1-2 U9 1,10) 25th , cor , Poppleton , B3xli(0 ( , Improved. . 4.60) 20th , near Popploton , 50x127 , Improved. . o.OO1) Orchard Hill , lots $7W to 1.001 Ilrown Paik , lots $500 to 810 llodford I'lnoo.lots $310 to UOO Highland Pare , lots each-cash $ 'H. ' . Z3J Wttkolyndd , Icts57xl5' ) . rach 40) ) 25 acres near FortOmahn.flncly Inprovod ll.'W Center st,1)0x132. Improved 1,200 Farnam st near3Sth , . ' . 4,600 Nicholas st corner truckage 4,500 Plirk ave , facing Park , 60x150 4,001 HIBtlist , nour viaduct , 4Dxliri 6/001 / SnlphurSprings add. juat opp. 10th st,50 x2i ! 8.0.TO Lcavonworth st , near Belt Line , 100x187. . 8,700 Summer * st cor Hurt 182x51 s and o front 6,501 Leavenwerth st coriilst Hfixl3J Imp 18,50) ) I'lirnumcor lUth imp , , rent 8.I.OW 8U.OW It. iVM. Park lots , $5) ) each Ilclliniin'einilil lots$150each .Iciomo Park lots , east front , on grado. . . 2,0) ) Furniim st n corner 8 nnd w front only 3.50) 'J.'yiJ 8 , A. Slornnn , 1512 Fsnntn st , LOl S forsaToT A great biirgaln for a few day only. Lot S'Ciisusudd , n w cuuior S.uindorl and Cusiiu.-i Ntreet , will subdivldo to udvuntago , unarlyonnaui-oof land , $12,03) . Lot 10(1 ( , ( IKo'a Odd , $ O.OJO , Lot 71 , ( Jlbo'rt udd , Vi.OW. lllock No. 1 , Uovd'H add , $10.01) . Termsnot loss than 1-3 cash , balance 8 per cent , semi-annual interest. Humlngton k McCormlek , 021 220 Honth 15th street. FOll SALII-Hy S. ICutSc Co. , 1511 rnrnnmst. Coiner Farnnm and 31st , Kfi.xl.'l ! . . .f 17,01 Corner Douglas and Uth < 'li.lKMj Coinorl'lcrcoaid 1'Jth HOxlH , 15,000 Corner tilth and Marthu , 'JH.tllQ 11,01)1 ) Corner IBtli and Hurt 6.VHI Coiner Illth nnd Culllorliln , I'/S ' lot 25,00) Corner Capitol uveniio arid 2 < itli nt fl/i'X ) Choice icsldonco lot , Summit Hill 3.6' ' ) ) Choice lot , Fainam near : H'h n.on CoinerHauiidorsniiil Hurt , 1114x11 7mxi Cliolce lots Wiilnut Hill | , ( M ) Choice lot , Virginia ave , 3,7.1. . ) Cholco lots on Farnam st Z.fiOJ Choice lot. Dortco mid 27tn 3'KX ' ) Choice lot , 13lh joining Coamopolltnn. . . 3,503 OS loot fronting on Cumlng and Hurt , 6 houses 15,050 Lot 6 j' ' ixlfl ) , Just ninth of Cuimng.o-room house : u gioat bargain a.soj 300 Innt frontage on I7lh nnd tKtli sts , , In thohoartonnecitywith6 nouooi 20 , )0 CO ioet front on 2.'d Ht. Just north of Ht. .Mury'savo , 6,600 Now H-room cottiigo , cholceet location in the city 4.500 Full lot on Finnklliigt 1,850 Call in and see us and wo will make you money. H , Kuu Co. , 1511 Farnnm , S2I 1"Olt hALU Call on Hennwn Ac Co. for lots In -L1 Crolghton Height * W otfcr for a < fovr days lotx trom $375 to $ I75. Thl * IH u bargain. There are now twonty-llirou houius going up in this line addition. Call at once , as they muathobold. Hoimwa k Co. , 16tn st. oppoaltl P. O. 222 2j ' [ Comfiiucd OH Vlflh l'agc\ \