Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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    MMaMa aWaVrC
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Its Announcement Creates Excitement in
tbo Legal Profession.
Juno n Fixed Upon As the Date For
the Snlo of Stole Lots The llo
linnnon Cnsn State Capital
Happening * .
The announcementot the glaring error
In the judicial hilt that passed the last
has created a small furore In
and political circles. Yesterday Mr.
Cahwell ! , of the Lancaster delegation ,
was conning the enrolled bill at the sec
retary's olllce , and to all appearances the
error in the hill Is ono committed iu the
enrolling und engrossing room , which , if
n fact , will leave the judicial hill fts en
grossed and signed differing from the
bill thut actually passed. In this view of
the casu the judicial rodistnctinc bill
Btiinds in danger ot going the way that
the recorder ot deeds hill did two years
Biro , which , to certain sections of the
stuto , particularly the Ihird district ,
would ho a calamity. Judging from the
original hill and the printed bills and
amendments , both houses passed the
measure us understood , that is , giving the
Second district two juilgcs , the same as
it lins hnd the past two years. The jour
nal of the house shows that amendments
\p this end were passed by that body ,
llowovcr , it is ccrt.iin that the bill ,
us signed by the governor , does not in
clude the amendment stating that the
Second district shnll have two judges ,
but to the contrary it enumerates the
U'hird district as to have four judges , the
First , Fourth , nnd so on to have two
judges , and leaves the Second district to
coino under the list of remaining dis
tricts tq Irnvo ono judge each. The ques
tion therefore appears to bo ouo of reck
less engrossing and is additional evi
dence of the foolhardincss of employing
a small army of irresponsible clerks to
flirt with the lobby and butcher bills of
the greatest importance.
Governor Thayer yesterday inado the
following appointments for the now
"Norfolk insane hospital : Superintend
ent , Dr. E. A. Kelley , of Omaha ; stew
ard , J. U. Nlchol , of Antclopo county :
matron , Mrs. Jennie M. Hurlburt , of
Norfolk. In this connection it might bo
in order to add that , despite tbe almost
daily announcements of appointments ,
there is yet a host of applicants und their
f i lends daily invading mo executive of
fice and not until the last appointment is
made will the pilgrimage cease.
The board of public lands and buildings -
ings have lixod upon Friday , Juno 3 , as
the day for the auction sale of the state
lots in Lincoln. There are 303 of thesn
lots and the sale will commence nt 10 a.
in. and continue each day until all are
disposed of. with Den O. Khodcs as auc
tioneer. All lots sold for $100 and less
are cash nnd those selling for above that
amount one-third cash , balance in two
annual payments. Under the require
ments of the bill Secretary Laws has se
lected the following papers m which to
advertise the sale prior to Juno 1 : Omaha
Republican , State Journal , Hastings Ga
zette-Journal , New York Tribune , Chi-
p&go Tribune nnd Cleveland Loader.
Ycstqrdny the board of public lands
and buildings , accompanied by Governor
Thayer , departed for Grand island to lo
cate the buildings at the now soldiers'
home. Governor Thayer will remain in
Grand Island the remainder ot tU we lc
and will not be nt the executive olllce
until Monday afternoon of the coming
Attorney General Lcese has prepared a
motion to submit to the United States
supreme court asking that the case of
Quin Bohannan against the state be ad
vanced for hearing. The attorney gen-
enoral cites as reasons for the advance
ment of the case , First , Because the exe
cution of the criminal laws of the state of
Nebraska are impeded by the long delay
Occasioned by waiting the calling of this
case in its regular order. Second , Be
cause the plaintiff in error , Quin Italian-
non , has bcon dulv convicted ot the crime
of murder in the urst degree , und now is
confined in the county jail of Otoo
county , Nebraska , under sentence of
death , nnd which sentence has bcon sus
pended by this court until the ihial de
termination of the case , which facts will
more fully appear in the aflidavit filed in
Bupport of this motion. The alhdavit of
the attorney general cites the history of
the case from the first indictment to the
present time , cites the fact of live years
waiting , and the consequent ex
pense to O oe county , nnd the
effect it has upon tbe enforcement
of the criminal law in the state. The at
torney general also dwells upon the evil
otlecto that arise fronrthe uncertainty of
punishment developed in cases of this
character , and M there is no question
presented as to the guilt or innocence of
tho-prisoner but simply a question of law
involved , the attorney general urges an
advancement.-If this motion is sustained
and the advancement ordered there is no
probability of n hearing of the case- until
I October of the present year.
Of Ashland , Neb. , has tiled its articles of
incorporation with the secretary of state.
'Ilia principal place of business Is at Ashland -
land , Neb. , the object of the corporation
is ci'nornl loan nnd investment business
and the capital stock $500,000. This cap
ital stock is divided into shares , of f 100
eachJo be paid m full when issued and
the ktock mar bo increased to 11,000,000
bv a two-thirds vote of the stockholders.
The corporation shall exist until 1036
and the indebtedness is limited to two-
thirds of the paid tip capital stock and
the articles are signed by O. M. Carter ,
president , nnd Phillip Potter , secretary.
The city council go in a body to Omaha
to-day on a special over the Missouri
Pacific. They go to interview the Omaha
pavements , to learn which of the different
kinds is the most satisfactory , and to view
the proposition of the Colorado Granite
company. Tbo city fathers of Lincoln
are representative men of the capital ,
they will bo found to bo business and
they will not bo discovered as a cold
blooded unsociable Jot of gentlemen by
any menus. Omaha people should treat
them kindly.
A petition is going the rounds asking
for the pardon ot Christian G. Herold , a
former merchant of the city , who is serv
ing a two years sentence in the pemterl
tiury for defrauding his creditors. Horold
lias been in the penitentiary for about a
year and the principal plea on his behall
is made on the grounds that ho U a sick
man , in failing health , and has been con
fined to the hospital since his moarccnv
tioh. It is expected to have the petition ,
accompanied with a physician's state
ment , in the handi of the governor at an
early day.
Yesterday was a lively day for the frail
females who are inmates of bouses of III
faint ) iu the city , Tltb night before the
police raided n halt dozen of the places oi
notorious repute , and papers wore served
yesterday against twenty-one of them.
Of these the landladies wore tined $2C
and costs , and the other inmates f 10 each
and costs. Up to the noon hour fifteen
out of the twenty-one had called at po
Uio : headquarters and paid. A1
the pamo time that the housoi
were raided live men were captured
who likewise waltzed Up to the captain's
olllco and paid a line of $20 each and
costs. ' 1 heir names , however , were not
obtainable , and right hero is an opportu
nity. If the mayor would require , or the
police judge would require that every
man's name as arrested ue placed upou
the docket so that they could be pub
lished iu company with all other offend
ers , a way would be opened for Some
genuine rciorm. The John Doc busi
ness is carried to excess in a great many
cases , and If prominent names were
listed m company with poor fellows who
cannot escape publicity , society would
every once in a while see n star actor up
in police court.
The coroner ycstorday sold the cllocts
ot the man who was found dead in his
wagon lioro a few weeks ago. The sale
realized f 155 , and after paying the fu
neral expenses of the dead man the bal
ance will bo turned over to the county
judge to'hold pending the discovery of
The real estate tirms of the city held a
mooting at the oftice of Chase k Itoardsly
Wednesday evening for the purpose of
organizing a real estate exchange. Tem
porary organization was effected by se
lecting Neil Johnson chairman und C. U.
Van Dyn secretary.
Arbor day will bp generally observed
in Lincoln. The banks will clobo as on
other holidays , many trees will bo
planted and Hon. ,1. Sterling Morton ,
the father of the < Iay , will speak at the
state university.
The mystery attending the finding of
the man named Bacholdor , who was dis
covered dead in an old building , has
boon partially cleared through a letter
from the young man's step mother , who
lives at North McGregor , la. Something
over ? 100 that was loft of his estate will
be forwarded to those relatives.
A now saloon is to bo opened in the
rooms of the llurlbut block on Tenth
street , i'lio parties opening it arc from
Cincinnati , and it makes the fourth addi
tional saloon opened in Lincoln this
To-day is the date fixed for the civil
service examination , which will be con
ducted by Postmaster Watkins at rho
United States court room in the govern
ment building. Very few applicants for
examination have bcon heard from.
Judge A m lisa Cobb , of the supreme
court , has gone to Denver for a two
weeks' Color.ulo visit.
Judge F. ( i. llamer , of the Ninth dis
trict , was at the state capital yesterday.
An Imperative , Ncoos < Utr.
What pure nir is to an unhealthy
ocallty. what spring cleaning is to the
neat housekeeper , so is Hood's Sarita-
parilla to everybody at this season. The
body needs to op thoroughly renovated ,
the blood puritlcd and vitalized , the
germs of disease destroyed. Scrofula ,
lalt Kheura and all other blood disorders
are cured by liood's Sarsaparilla , the
most popular and successful spring
Anecdotes of the Animal Kingdom.
A bird's nest found on a roof near the
United States mint at Washington was
beautifully lined with gold. The parent
bird * had carried off gold dust iu its
feathers and shaken them out in its tiny
A farmer's dog in France , says the Lon
don Telegraph , dragged n strange man
from under Ins master's bed and fought
until it had killed the man. The gend
armes were sent for and they found a
dagger , a revolver , and a thief's whittle
in the man's pockets. Upon one of the
gendarmes blowiug the whistle from an
open window four ruffians appeared
upon the scene , entered the house , and
were arrested.
William Means , living near Atlanta ,
Ga. , was splitting a rotten tree in the
woods , when it burst open at ouo end
and out crawled a large snake. He de
spatched it with one blow of the axe.
when out came another , which ho served
in the same way. They proved to bo
genuine rattlers , six feet long.
, ,
HoshhfulnMS. Dr. Prices BakingPowdorcontains
AmmonliTJraB.AInmotrho phy6B.Dr.Prito'g
" " " 'f .
"Fit t flITOCfltliolonnlf.
roa TTTI TmiATiimT or ACS.
Chronic ft furgical Diseases
W * have the facllltus , pptrtu * nd remtdlw
for the sact uf nl trctUnenl of r rjr form of dlt.
i ua rcqalrlng cither racdlc l or surglcnl tfeatmttit ,
anil Invite all tocomoond InvcttlgatofortUcmtelra
CJrrwpond with us. Long iptrlcnce In treat-
Inz CMOS tir letter enable * as to treat many CMM
KiMitlflcaUy without acting them.
WHITE rOH U1KOULAB oa DeformltU , anil
Brace * , Club Feet. Curraturis of the Spine
DiiiAiis or WOXCK. Piles , Tumnri , Caucei ,
Catairh , Broncbltli , Inhalation , XUctrlclty , ParAl-
Kpllopsy , Kidney , Ky * , Xar , akin , Blood and
l optritloni.
llattcrlei , Inhnlerf , Braces , Truasos , an |
all klnda of Mvdleal and Sargisal Appllaue * * , man
ufactured and for sale.
Thi only rtllablo altdleal Inibliits making
Pr viti , Specials Narious Distases
from katover causa produced , tuecesif ully treitod.
Wo can rumoTe Bjphllltlo polion from the yitetn
without in rc ry.
New reitorattre treatment for loss of vital power
C > ll and cwitult we or s ud am and pot-offlr
addrcu plainly wrlttsn nclo o stamp , and in.
will aed you , la plato wrapper , our
vroii KivaTi , Incut , A O Knivoc * Dii isr ,
SEMOAL WIABMHS , MrianATOiauoia , Juror * <
VMNABT UBSAJW , or seed history of roar case i >
an opinion.
1'erton , unable to Tlilt nl may be treated at llitlt
borne * , by corrctpondence. Modlclnei and lattru-
nenti sent by null or erprea , iKOURKLT PACK
BD FROM OBSBRVATION. no marks to Indicate
contents or scadtr. On * pwtooal totarTlew pro
f rred If convenient fifty room * for tbuom
modatlon of patient * Board and attendance n
tcaonable pile * * . Address all Letter * ta
Omaha Medical ud Surgical institoto
f. IMtiM. anaC olUI4 a..OM > " " -
rpnK Norfolk Street railway will receive pro
X posals for th Immediate construction am
equipment of one and ona bait mile * of stroe
railway In the city nf Norfolk. Nebraska , fro
poeals received at the offlo * of the aaerotary o
company at Norfolk , Nebraska , until the SStb
day of April , t jJ7. H. O. BKOMK.
prltoi * - 8ocrt ry.
The Gfreatost Curative Sncccss of the
Age A Voice from the People ,
No medicine Introduced to tr\o \ public haa
: ver met with the success accorded to Hop
Utters. It stands today the best knoun
curative article in the \\orld , Its man clous
renown is not due to tbe advcrtis'iij ; it has
cceived. It is famous by reason of its In-
icrcnt virtues. It does all that is claimed for
t. It Is the most powerful , speedy and eflec
ivc ngent known for the building up ofde-
jilitatcd systems , Tlic following witnesses
arc oflercd to prove this.
Wlmt It Dili for an Old. Lady.
Coiliocton fetation , N.Y. . DoremberHtli , Ifll.
GFNIS A number of people have been
isingyour bitters berc , and with marked el
ect. In fact , one case , a lady of o\er
se\ only , ) car * , ba1 * been sick for ) ears , and
'or the past ten > eais I ha\c known her she
ins not been able to be around half the time ,
about M < C months ago she got so feeble she
was helpless. Her old remedies , or physi
cians , being of no avail. I sent to dcpo it ,
brty-fi\c miles , and got a bottle of Hop
Jitters. It had such a very beneficial cilect
on her that one bottle improved hsr so she
was able to daess herself \\alkabout the
louse. When she hnd taken the second
jottle fhc was able to care of her own
and ualk out to her neighbor's and has im-
iroved all the time since. Myife and
children have also del ! \ ed great bsnefit from
their use. W. n. HATHAWAY ,
Agt. U. S. Ex. Co.
Ail Enthusiastic Kiulnr.sniont.
Gotham , N. H. , Jully 1C , 1SS6.
GENTS : Whoctci } ou aie , Idont know ,
but 1 thank the Lord "and feel grateful to
you to know that inthisvoild of adttttci.itcd
medicines there is one compound that
proves docs all it advertises to do , and more
Four yeaas ago , I bad a slight shock o.
palsy , which unerxcd me to such an extent
that the least excitement would make me
shake like tbe ague. Last May I was
induced to try Hop Hittcts. I used oue
bottle , but did not sce'any change ; another
did so change my nerves that they are now
as they ever v.ere. It used to take both
hands to w i ite , but now my good i ight hand
\\rites this. Now , if jou continue to man
ufacture as honest as good an atticle as you
do , jou v ill accumulate an honst fortune ,
and confer the greatest blessing on jour
ellow-men that v as ever confeiicd on
TIM 131 RCH.
'A Husband'sTo&tliitouy.
Myifev , as troubled for years riitli
blotches , moth pa'ches and pimples on hcf
face , \vhiclt nearly annoyed the life out or
her. She spent many dollars on the thou
sand infallible ( ? ) cures , with nothing but in
jurious effects. A lad , ) friend , of S ) ractise
N. Y. , who had hi d similar experience and
had been cured with Hop Bitters , induced
her to try it. One bottle has made her lace
as smooth , fair and toft as a child's and
g ivcn her such health that it seems almost a
miracle. '
A Itich Lady's Experience.
I traveled all over Em ope and other
foreign countries at a cost of thousands o
pollars , in search of health and found it not
I returcd discouraged and disheartened ,
and was restored to real youthful health and
spirits with less than two bottles of Ho
Bitters. I hope others may pi ont by my ex
perience and stay at home.
\Cantinncil from Seventh l'ngc.\ \
HIGH LAND l'IiACB-'i .000 cash will buy
lots 7 mid H , block 10 , smithonM. coiner RSv
HO to alloy J. W. Boll. Address P. O. boy 4W.T
or Uinaliu Lnnn & Trust company. 'Jill ; ; iJ
FOU SAI.1I A flnn rosliloiico piopoitv con-
trnlly locitud , IIOIHO of n rooms , Imll mid
buttury , nooil collar , good well , burn mid other
out-lmiMinnH , uood fence around lot , lot bOv
I'M , fruits and ornnmontnl simile tie < ? 3. und
title perfect. Within one block of squure uml
ono block of M. K. chuieli , ono block of I'aptist
ohuruli.ono block of largo school lioiiso. will
soil real choHp lor spot cn-li. Mtiko me a fair
otror. AddrcM loot box 330 , York , Neb. Cor-
respouJeiR'O sollciloil. U'54 5j
DOIKii : STI1UHT-4I ! fuel on Oodgo by no on
Ninth etroot , $21,000 , Htiisli , Including im
provements it sol'l at once. Gregory &
Iludloy , Bourns 1 and 3,30 South 15th atrout.
GCHOICi : Tnttltute Place lota t'M ouch for
the bunch or will trade for house and lot ,
J-K Kloo &Co. 14(531 (
JEAVr.NWOHTH ucie , south fiont. fcJJ
Gralmin.Crcljrhtoa blk. U5 2J
HAHNEVst , * < fl ft front , two houses $3rjOO
vcrycheip. Graham , Crclgliton Itlk.
FOll SAIjK Now 4 room houao and lot 1
mile from postoillco , price Sl.MJ. cnsh
tfOO. It. McDowell , 13JU Harrrey st. 180 2J *
FOBSAI.K-Corlot , 61x11 * . on ap'tnl ' Hill ,
must bo sold soon. Call at U Davenport
FOIt SAI.K SO KirM 3 miles from the city
limits southwest , bountiful Und with con
stant supply of water. Apply to Omaha Houl
Kftato nnd' 'rujt C . , or Win. Fleming 871
T7\OltgAIK-lot \ 50x137 on Hamilton st Just nn
-L' K d0 , l'i ! in lie from P O.wlth good 4-room
houso.well , cistern and barn , only $ ; 0'X ' J.
L. Hire ScVo. 14732
Ournair addition.
Acres f 400 to S-VX ) per aar * .
NaarBouth Omaha ,
And SrdlokU HIIL
_ _ Mamhall .
779 15J3 Farnam.
n CHO1CK Institute ri colos SSOO each for
V the bunch or will traJo for house and lot.
J. Li. Hico Ic Co. 3)6 ) 1
ASAFB invostmont. We offer for sale 44 foot
on Douglas street , corner ot 10th , at $ V)0 )
per foot front and easy tarms.
Also 6fl feet on Dodge cast of 13th to alloy ,
HT.000,1-Jcash. Marshall & Lobeck , 1V)4 ) Far-
naiu itroot. l\K \ 24
DODQF. STaKET-lt.1 feet on Dodiro hy 00 on
Ninth street , * -"i.oOO , ' oa < h. Including Im
provements if sold at onco. tlioirorjr i
HnUoy , Itooms 1 and J , JJO SoutU 15th street.
FOH 8ALK Full lot on Jackson St. , I1I5.MD.
J. L. lllco A Co. 147 J
MILITAKY real lots 40 ft front at $751 each
Graham Crelgbtun lllk. US 2D
FOll BALK Dodge st.two lots in Kllby place ,
fronting on Dodwo Rtroot. 1K5 fent. Two
blocka bejonirtlio lots have sold for 13.000 , the
same prlco wo ask tor those. Only $1,200 cash
required. Shaw & Co,510 810th at. are the
agents. IDA
FOK BALI ! Nleo 4-room house , large level
lot , barn mid out buildings. Cheap , at
11050. bniHlI semi-annual payments. 401 N bth
it. * 242 S1J
DODGK St , Cable.
Corner 00x133 ,
inside , aaxuo ,
All of the abn\ are bargains and will make
purchaser money. Clarkson \ Hoatty. 21US
14th st. L-li 34
. MtaiTITBWKiKNUlTtfiT- . . _ „ . . , iWf euntnt ; if
" Urti.ttitor.
anllirortf"tf.rtj ' IB mk !
nUtV. , Vth , m"ail.08i ! 1i iep .4hu' * " " " "
ThSaadtnEla trloCo. l08Li8tllcitu
The OrlclBMl Mad ajr O BBla .
tfl wd alwaji I4U4M. . I.wut ot wrlklM Inltttlaai.
to LADIKS. Aak jew DrMiiUl Ht
at. a Mtir. atK&M * .
kr rtam mtlt ,
o7tb * boSj'f ul ? st"n J t trewtUeneo. rnll MtUculari
aat ( atalcd ) ( te , CUIK aUOlOAL OO. . Uuiaio. M. Y ,
' m -
tJ 29
Bcwlnjr Thread of SSodcrn Times.
Sold at wholesale by Kiljjatrick Koch
Dry Goods Co. . M. E. Smith ft Co. , und
jy nil retail dealers.
The ONLY COKSCT mndo that run bo returned
br in mirclmsor after TIIltEK WEEK'S
WJlAlt ir no' found
In every rciucct , uml IU prlco rofiinclod br seller
Mudo In n variety of styles and nrlcm Sold by llrnt-
rJH-ii iletlera ever > whoro. llowiro nf wortlilcss Iral
bilious. None Kcimluo without llall auarao on box ,
1O8 II rand way , New York.
Ttmbotlu Hie litoJ > fit trtrllen-
elm lit flinjn'ltiiVt , com foil and
Our name u t J. AT.COUSI NS ,
on eiery solc.j NEW YORK.
. . .
1707 Olive St , St. Louis Mo.
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado ,
Of the Missouri Stale Museum of Anatomy ,
St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi
tal , London , Gicsen , Germany and New
York. Having devoted their attention
Nervous. Chronic and Blood
More especially tHosc arising from impru
dence , invite all so suffering to correspond
without delay. Diseases of infection and
contagion cured safely and speedily with
out detention Irom business , and without
the use of dangerous drugs. Pa
tients whose cases have been neglected ,
badly treated or pronounced incurable ,
should not foil to write us concerning their
symptoms. Allletttrs receive immediate
And will be mailed FREE to any address
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. "Practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and
Physical Exhaustion , " to which i * added an
' Essay on Marriage , " v ith important chap
ters on Diseases of the "Reptoductive Or
gans , the whole forming a valuable medical
treatise which should be read by all young
men. Address ,
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado.
1707 Olive St..St. L-uis.Mo.
AT * * -
Importer' Prices
Decker Brothers
Try tow rot
We nrs selling four tlmns M manr "Tanalll'a
Punch" agalnat any otbnr ci ar and have only
bad thorn in the ca e a irook.
J. A. Tnr.irn , DruirirUt , Urocknort , N. Y.
R. W. TAHSILL&CO.m\\i \
Of clothing remarked last week that our prices were too low. May
be they are. The cheapness ot some of our goods make buyers sus
pect the qualities. The secret is our stock is all new ; bought very
low , and we can sell cheaper than others , besides we want to build
up a larare trade , and are therefore offering extra inducements. A
glance at our show window will give you an idea how we sell goods.
Step into the store and examine quality and make of the garments ;
you will not be urged to buy. Prices are marked plain on the goods
and there is only one unalterable price for all no deviation the poor
est judge can buy as safe as the best. If you can find other gar
ments better made or cheaper elsewhere , bring ours back.and the
money will be refunded to you.
Our Furnishing department is well stocked and prices throughout
equally low. We mention today , particularly , our line of medium
and light weight-Underwear in all colors and all grades.
We will present , this week to each customer , in our Boys' and
Childrens' department , with a handsome set of dominos.
All goods marked in plain figures and at one price *
i Clothing Company ,
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
O. H. CURTIS , Pres. - J. HTJRD THOMPSON , Sec. $ & Treas
Wholesale m Retail.
iisr STOCK :
"FIshBrnnd" Coats , llulbs. Douches , Hair Crimpers , Nursery bhcctlng , Speculum * .
Air Pillows , Brushes , Drill & Duck , Jlalr Pius , . . . Sportsmen's Goods' ,
AlrBods , Brower'n Hose , Door Mats , Hats , Oil Clothing. stamps ,
Air Cushions , Caps , Dress Shields , Horse Covers , Packing , Stationer's Uam ,
Anil Rattlers , Capes , Drinking CUDS , Hose , 1I.II.&P. Co.Palls . . , . Syphons ,
Aprons , Carriage Cloth , Klastln Hands , Hose Couplings , P.if.ciian Ban 5yrln ; , Spittoons ,
Atomizers , Cartridge Hags , Elastic Stockings , IIoso Pipes , Pencils , Swimming Jacket !
Hands , Catheters , Ei agora , Hose Keels , Pen holders. Synnget 'P.if.ctlon B. , '
Clothing , Face Mags , Hot Wntar Bottles .Pessaries , Thimbles ,
Baptismal I'anta , Copy Book Sheets , Finger Oats , Haversacks , Plnno Covers , Throat Bags.
Balls , Carpeting , Flower Sprinklers , Ice Hags , Pipes , Tubing ,
Math Mats , Cement , Floor Bcrnporu , Ice Caps , ripe btemi , Tumblers ,
Until Tubs , Clothe * Wringers , Folding Palls , InkStnnds , Plant Sprinklers , Toys.
Bed Pans , Coats "Fish Brand" Foot Halls , Invalid Cushions , Pure Rubber , Tccth'gRlngsftPad * . OIIUUID , Combs , Force Cups. Leggings. Pants , Tobacco Poaches ,
H.II. & P.Co. Ilcltlng , Comb Cleaners , Fruit Jar Kings , Lined IIoso , Pistol Pockets , Trotting Rolls.
Belt , Corks , Funnels , Lace Cutters , Rattles. Urinals ,
Bellows Cloth , Cork Scrmrp , Gfts Tubing , Life Preservers , Rubber Dam , Umbrellas ,
Hlus. Curry Comba , Ulovet , mackintosh Goods , Itulurs , Ventilating Soloi ,
Hlankets , Citspadors , Gossamer Caps , Match Boxes . , HopalrlngCloth , Wagon Aprons ,
Hoots A .Shoes , Cigar Cases , " Cloth , Martingale. Itlngs , Hhaft Itubbers , Wagon Covers ,
Hoyu Caps , CliulrTlps&Uuffors , COAtB , Stats , Shoes it Hoots ,
Hoys Coats , Dlnporn , Waterproofs , Slatting , Sink Scrapers ,
Bougie * , Dinner Cloth , Gaiter Straps , Mirrors , Scoops , Webbing ,
Bracelets , Dolls , Gun Covers , Mittens , Shooting Coats , WadlnaPantf ,
Hrcnst Pumps , neil Bodies , Outtn 1'erclia" , Nipples , Sling shots. Water Bottles ,
llrcast Shields , Doll Heads , . Gymnasiums , Nursing lllbs. Soling , Window Cleaner * ,
Buffers , Door Bauds. Hair Curlers , Nursing Bottles , Sponge Hags , Wringer Bolts ,
Boston Ilclting _ , Rnbbcr and Cotton Belting * Packing and IIoso. Sole agents in Ouiabi.
LeatherTleillngv Pnro Oak Tanned. Manuf.icturera of "PERFECTION BOX SYRINGES. "
ManHfacturcrs.of"FISn BRAND RUBBER GOODS. "
Mall Orders Solicited and will Receive Prompt Attention.
THE NEW YORK and OMAHA CLOTHING CO , , have in their show-
window , a handsome PONY , CART AND HARNESS , complete , which
they intend giving away on the 4th of July , Each purchaser of
$250 worth of goods will obtain a ticket , which entitles him to one
chance in the drawing ,
This is a splendid chance for the boys , and for that matter for the
grown folks to get an extremely stylish pony and cait for a trifle.
Ccme and buy something and perhaps you may bs the lucky one ,
.Itcan be seen in our window all day , and during the evening from 7
until 9 o'clock ' ,
The New York and Omaha Clothing Go
1308 Farnam Street.
1187 SptlDt Valltl Stock Ptnn.
Oeortre Wilkea 519. Record 2:22. :
Measured by K0. : ! ! the 3:35 : and the 3U. : ) stand
art ; was the greatest that over lived. Hnvmg
now B5 sons and daughters iu the 3:3) : list down
Tne'onfr ' eon ot George Wllkes In the State of
3841 Black Wilkea 3541 Standard.
Sired by George Wllkes 18 ; 1st dam Funny
Ball , ilrea by Confederate Chief , own brother
toWooaford Chief. 2.23W : 2nd dam Uyodyk'a
lUmbletonlan. Will rtand for mares at the
above farm at f35 tbo season , casu time of scr-
Tice , with privilege ot return should mares nat
prove In foal. Limlte4 to 20 mares besldoi my
own. Season commence * * ob. 1st and ends
August 1st , 188f. For further particulars tend
torclreulara. -
U Trtol llfc OiUffc In *
ud Ifedn4 i K t
MB. A. . OLW C9. lf w .kl.r..iSU H
U. UferM.OO.
Watchei , Diamond * , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The largest stock. Price * the lowest. Repairing * specialty. Work warranted.
Corner Douglas and 16lli street * . , Omaha. Licensed Watchmaker for the Union
Pacific Railroad Company.
The G. E. Mayne Eeal Estate and Trust Co
M. W. 00 * . 15th AND HA.BNKT , OMAHA.
Property of every description for aalo Iu nil parts of the city. Lands for sttlu In
every county in Nebraska.
Of Tltloaof Douglas County kept , Maps of the city , state or county , or any other
information doaired 'urnlshoJ ' * a of obttrge upon upplication.