t V'1- THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FKIDAY , APRIL 22. 1887.3 A NEMAS1110NED CORNER. The Wheat Deal Gives Evidence of Extend ing Through to July , JUNE GETTINU ABREAST OF MAY. Itooni Mntlo for Storing Another Mil lion Jltislicls ol Corn Ijitcutirng- intr Clearanceii at the Sea board Quotations. CHICAGO PRODUCE MAIIKBT. CmcAdo , April 21. [ Special Telegram to the llii : : . ] The clique houses were all moder ate buyers of wheat this morning , but each broker was evidently going It alone. Field , Llndlcy A. Co. were buyers of July , and Kosonteld A Co. were buying May. The crowd did not knoW what to make out of these kinds ol tactics. May kept up above We , and Juno was overhauling May so fast that they weie within less than Ic of each other. Tl'o excitement over simple strength Is abating , while the furore o\er the decrease In this spread Di'tweon May aud Juno Is on the Increase. If It should possibly happen that Juno should get abreast of.May , the crowd of bear suilerers would be quite as large as when May first began to show extra ordinary strength. The ciowd , when it finally abandoned llshttng the advance of May , sold largely for June , on the theory that this was to bo an old fashioned corner therein the load gatlicied In May was to bo thrown overboard In June. So farhowever , the signs are all that the deal Is to bo a new- fashioned ono wherein cash wheat Is to betaken taken Mitt paid for , then the deal extended through June nnd July , nnd finally wheat worked olT on Its merits. May wheat sold as high as M rc. This was at ix moment when Irwln. Green A Co. took 200,000 bus.he.ls . oC May wheat at a clip and bid for more. When Way sold at this iigurc , Juno advanced to b4c. When the market cased nil , M It did later , although May lost 5c ( , Juno lost only Kc of Its advance , ror the biggest part of ttio day May and Juno were not more than M@2 c apart. The receipts ot wheat are largely Increasing , showlnz that the threats of the shoits that they would bo hero with cash grain to deliver arc not all vain. About 600,000 bushels of corn went out of stole and Into vessels yesterday. Ho- Bides the room thus made , certain of the reg ular houses have been leasing or buyin. old inalt hou-iO and li regular ware houses around town. In this way room for about l.OuQ.OOO bushels more of gr.iln has been made In the past ten days. If navigation will only open Huough corn will sail to release greatly the pressure. The clearances were encouraging ngaln at the seaboard , 201,500 bushels of wheat going out from three Atlantic ports. On the afternoon board wheat was stronger nnd a trllle higher. Corn and provisions were steady. Wheat for May sold at 84 ® 84 c , closing at 84xYc : Juno at closing at B3 , ' c , July at _ _ . . . September at 81c , December at We. Corn for Mav sold at 833SJ4c , Juno at 39Y&39 ; < c , July at 4l ? c. Oats for May sold at SSitfc. June at 29(39 ( Vc , Julv at 29 > < c. Lartl for May sold at 87.11 } $ , June at 87.27f July at S7.rs. Short ribs tor May soldat87.U7H , Juuoat 8.02KS .05 , July t 88.15. _ CHICAGO MVE STOCK. CmoAoo , April 21. | Special Telegram to the BKE. ] CATTLE Although to-day's re ceipts were rather largo the simply for the week Is 1,000 less than last. One week ago to-day the receipts were over 10,000. There was not much change In prices , but it was a Eood deal harder to sell cattle than on yes terday. The demand for nice blocky 1100 to 1300 Ib cattle was fully equal to the supply at steady prices , while big "shrlnky" 1400 to 1500 Ib cattle were In heavy supply and sold In some cases 5@10e lower. The general market was not satisfactory to sellers , hut was fairly good considering the receipts. Fat dressed beef cows , such as sold at 83.GOJi4.10 , were In fair demand. Distillery bulls sold nt $3.00. Some fancr high grade 1477 Ib steers sold at 85.25 to Allegheny butchers aud another lot at 8515. There was n liberal supply of BOCK ! , haavy enttlo , nnrt trade was generally weak on heavy grades. Shipping eto ra , 1,350 to 1.500 Ibs. S4.75@523 ; 1,200 to 1,350 Ibs , 84.25(34-80 ( ; 950 to 1.200 Ibs , 83.85 ; stock- crs and feeders , 82.90(34.15 ( ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , 82.OOC43.65 ; bulk , 82.70(43.50 ; slop-fed steers , 84.00 4.05 ; through Texas grassers , 82.75(23.50 ( : corn fed , 83.75@4.40. HOCIB The market opened about 5c lower , but liberal orders came In from both packers and shippers , so that be torn the close that loss was regained , the maiket closing steady and only isolated lots left unsold , notwith standing there were , with the fiosh iccelpts , some 30,000 on sale. Common mixed sold down as low as 85.15(30.20 ( ; good mixed and packing sorts , S5.30 ( < (5.50 ; best and closely .assorted heavy , also butciier weights , S5.55r { $ 6.05 ; light sorts , S520@5.35 ; pigs , 54.70@4.95. FINANCIAL. NEW YortK , April 21. ( Special Telegram to the BKE.J STOCKS. There was only ono side to the stock market to-day , and that was the selling side. Early In the day Manhattan broke 4 per cent on some heavy selling by Cammack , but the stock was quickly rallied from 150 to 150 by supporting orders from in siders. New England nnd Reading -were specially weak stocks. S. V. White threw a stream of New Kngland on the market , and as the bull clique , which has heretofore sup ported It , sold out a few days ngo , It received no support. A sharp break of 3 per cent , from 03 to CO , was the result. Trading In It was very heavy. Heading was not quite so weak , but was carried down from 46J to 45Jf. The sensational break In these two leading stocks naturally carried the whole market down , though the decline was idss than might have been expected. ' There was no bad news to caiiM ) a drop , which was ef fected by soiling by room traders and timid ' longs. The market closed very weak and ragged at the bottom prices for the day. The total sales were about 460,000 shares. GOVEIINMKNTS Government bonds were dull out steady. YESTEllDAY'8 qUOTATIOXS. U.S.C's 100 1C. AN. W II. 8.4's coupon. 1293 | .dopreferred. . . . M. S. 4X'scoup .llOif N. Y. C Pacific 08 * ot'95. . 125J { O. K. AN 101 CanadaSouth'n. . C1J O. T. 84Hf Central Paclllc. . 4tJ | PaclticMall 5Jf Chicago A Alton. 145 P. , D. AK 85V do preferred..100 IPullman Pal.Car.15lk C. . B. AQ 143f Heading 45 } IX , L. AW 137 $ Hock Island. . . 120 1) . AH.U 31 St.1 j. AS. K. . . . Erie 84s do preferred. . . . d9preferred. . . . 74 } 0. , M.AStP. . . . l X1 Illinois Central..K ; do preferred. . 120 I. , B. A W 25 St P. A 0 61j ; K. AT. . . . do preferred..ll2Wf Lake Shore Texas Pacific. . . . AN CS < Union Pucliie. . . . Michigan Cent'l. . ttij. \Y..St \ LAP. . . . . . Mo. Pacltic 10Si4' do preferred. . 85w Ne. Pacific 29.VJ UT Telegraph 70 $ do preferred. . . . 8l { MONEY ON CALL Easy at 4@0 per cent ; last loan at5 per cent ; closed ottered at 4 per cent PniiiB MEHCANTII.K PAPEII Unchanged at 5C < (6 ( per cent. STKIU.ING ExciiANOK-Qulet but lirm at 14.80 for sixty days , 84 87 tor demand. fUODUCE MAUKKT. - Chicago , April 21. Following quota tions are the 2:30 : closing figures : Flour Steady and lirm. Winter whea ! flour , 84.2VcH.30 : southern , S4.lOfiH.20 ! Wisconsin. S4.20Gt4.30 ; Michigan soft sprint wheat , 83.70014.80 : Minnesota bakers , 83.71 (2(4.30 ( ; patents , 84.5034.S ) ; low grades , 81.U5@2.U5 : rye nour. quiet at 83.2533.40 ; In tacks and barrels. 8i'j3.io. ; Wheat Unsettled : averaged higher ; Mn opened KcSb'c ( higher , aud Hosed aboul same as yesterday , while Juno closed 3 ( higher ; cash. Kl c ; May , 84' ' c ; June , NyHe , Corn Dull anu quiet : opened at yeiterday'i figures and closed same to Vc below yester day. Cash. 37c ; May , 8S 7-lCe ; June , S9ke Oats-Quiet and slow , ranging GJHc below yesterday ; cash , 27 c ; May , itoife : June SOMCc. Jtyo-Steady at 50K57c. Barley--Steady at59\SCOc \ , Timothy Seed-Prime , SUSQl.TO. Flax Seed-81.07X. \Vnl9kv-8U8. Pork-No particular change to note ex cept In cash , which ruled highercajh ; 820.C5 ; May anil June , 520.73. Lard Huled 2X ( < J&c lower , early , iul- vmicetl 7'ojlOc , closing easy ; cash , 87.15 ; May , S7.17V June , 87.25. Hulk Meats-Shoulders. SC.OO < 3 < UO ; short clear , S .lSH .SOj short ribs , 87.b7K- Butter-Creamery , LVg21e : dairy , 12:0c. Cheese Hull cream cheddars nnd Hats , laUQisifc ; Young Americas , " " skims , .KKS 2 l-Kc. llltlLM Flrinur ; hrnvy green salted , 7X05 lie ; salted bull hides , Cc ; preen salted calf , Vc ; dry tailed , 10c ; dry Hint , 12 ( U3c ; dry cair , lUf Ilc : dcaroiip. 4Uccach. , Tallow Steady Ko. 1 country , 4c ; No. 3 , 34c ' ; cake , 4 < fc. Kecplnt ? . Shlpmonts. Flour , bbls . 1'J.OOO 75.000 Wlieat , bi . bo.ooo G.OOO Corn , hu . r.2ooo K.ooo Oats , bll . IM.OOO M.OOO K > ebii . 1,000 none Ilarluy , bu . 17,000 2,000 Kiinnas City. April 21. Wheat Dull ; No. 'J led. cash , 70c asKfd , Corn Weaker ; No. 2 , cash , 32c bid , 32 0 nskcd. O.its-Xomlnal. Now OrlontiH , April 21. Corn-Qulpt but steady ; mixed , 4l'o ' ; jellow and white , 5lc. Oats-Quiet at 3737Kc. Cornmeal ( Julot but htm at S2.15. II OK Products Steady and in fair demand. I'oik 10.75. Lnrd-87.00. Hulk Meats-Slionlrtois , 0.37 > ; lougciear , ? 8.r3 : ! ; ; short ribs , { js.s . Now York. April 21. Wheat Ho- colpto , 20,000 ; export. , 01,000 , ; opot a trlllo better , nltliointli lets nctl\o ; options opened lirm ami udvanccd Gihc , but later ruled oasy.closlnif liea\y ; uiisrntli'il led. ! Xi'ali.c ) ; No. 1 red. 95c ; No. 3 ro.l , 'Jljfe ; No. 2 red , ! 0) c In elevator , WQWj c , t. o. b. ; May closed . Corn Spot , sliailo lower , but moderately aotl\u : options dull ; iccelpts , 13,000 ; exports , 54,000 ; .Mo. 2 , 4'.i'c ) ; ill elevator , . ' OJft'toi.We for new and old delivered ; May closed at Oats Shade easier ; receipt1' , 20,000 ; e\- noi w , 7S ; mixed western , 8C < a37c ; whltu western , : v4''e. I'utrolonm Steady ; united. O3'c. ( l gST-Qulct nud barely steady ; western , 13'j'c. I'ork Onlnt anil steady. Laid Higher and moderately acti\o ; west ern Me.im , spot , S'.W. Jluttcr ( Juiet ; westcin , 1224c. * Cliceso Steady. Milwaukee. April 21. Wheat Quiet but nominal ; Mav , 7iv'4f't7Vc ! ; Juno , Corn Steady : No. a , iWKe. Oats In fair demand ; No. 2 white , SO Hje-DullNo. ; 1 , C-'o. Barley Firm ; No , 2 , 55e. Provisions Lower ; poik , April , S15.50. Cincinnati , April 21. Wheat Firm ; No. 2 , 8& . Corn Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 41Kc- Oats-Dull ; No. fl mixed , 30 @ 30 } < c. Hre-qulet ; No. 2. G4Jc , I'ork-lJull at 510.25. Lard-Qulot at 87.07K- Whisky Fhm atfcl.13. Minuoapoila. April 21. Wheat Fu uresdnll ; No. 1 hard , cash , 70Xc : May , 77c ; uae , 78Jsc : No. 1 northern , casti , 75j cMay ; , i'OcJuno ; , 77c ; No. - northern , cash , May. 74c ; nilllinir wheat on track brought 1 ( % lic above quotations. lf lour Firm ; patents , S4.25Q4.40 ; bakerc , S3.aO3.50. Hecolpts Wheat , 60.000 bu. Shipments Wheat , 30,000 bu. ; nour , 12,000 bbls. IAVI3 STOCK. Chlcngo. April 21. The Drovers' Jour nal lonorts as tullow.s : Cattle Kecolpts , 9,000 : steady for fat cat tle , others dull ; shipping steers , S3.K5Q5.2.- ; stockers and feeders , S'J.OO@4.15 ; cows , bulls and mixed , S'J.OOgS.Ki ; ulk , S'J.70@3.10 ; through Texa cattle. 8J.75@4.40. Hogs Heceipts , 17,000 ; blow early , do closlnc lirm : rough and mixed , S5.05i3.ViO ; packing and shipping , S5.505Ki ; light , 54.70@5.RO ; skips , S3.0y 4.00. jjlicep Ueceipts , 4XX ) ; steady : wooled natives , S3.50K4.K ) ; shorn. S3.Ki3.75 ( ) ( : west ern. S4.00@4.00 : Texans , S'J.75' < i4.10 ; lambs , S4.00 3.75. Natlonnl Stock Yards , Kant Ht Ijouts , 111. , April 21. t'attlo-Hecplpts , bOO ; shipments , rxX ) : steady : choice heavy natHe steers , 84.SOCff5.SO ; fair to good .shin- pine steers , 84.00f 4.70 ; butchers' steers , 83 00 ( < W.40 ; feeders , 83.yo@4.00 ; stockeis , 82.20 @ 3.10. Hoes Ilpceipts , 4,000 ; shipments , 3,003 ; actlvo but 5@10c lower ; choice heavy and butchers' selections , 85.60@5.GO ; pack I ne , 85.i5@5.50 ! : Yorkeit , , S5.15i35.SO ; pigs , S4.40 (34.00 ( , Kansas City , April 21. Cattle Receipts. 2,000 ; shipments , 2,000 ; market slow and about 5c lower' for shiuplntc steers ; others steady ; common to cholco bhipplnK , 53.75 ® 4.55 ; stockers and feeders , S-.40 ( < t3.00 ; cows , 82.25(33,80. ( ilou'S Hccelpts , 9.000 ; shipments , 2,000 ; weak nnd 5 ( < tlOc lower ; common to choice , 8 .75@5.35 ; skips and pigs , 83.00@4.70. Ijivorpool , April 21. Wheat steady but demand poor , holders offer moderately. Corn Quiet but steady : -demand poor ; new mixed western , 3s ll&d per cental. OMAHA liIVK STOCK. Thursday , April 21. / Cattle. There were not enough In to make n mar ket. A few bulls were sold and that was all that was done. _ Hogs. The market opened fairly active at a de cline of 'KjlOc below yesterday's market. The bulk ot tlie receipts were sold eai ly In the day. Only three loads that came In late were held over. _ Sheep. There were none in and nothing doing on the market. _ Ilccclpts. Cattle. . 200 llogs . . . / . 1,900 Prevailing Prices. Showing the prevailing prices paid for 11 va slock on this market : Choice steers , 1SOO to 1500 Ibs..84.3va4.50 Choice steers , 1100 to 1SVJ Ibs. . . 4.15@4.33 Fat little steer 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.b5 ( | .30 Extra choicecows and heifers. . . . 3.50u4.00 ( ( iood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 3.00 < vM.40 Common to medium cows . a.75d& < jo Uood to cholco bulls . 2.50(23.2.5 ( Light and medium hoes . 4.9o5.05 Good to choice heavy hogs . f > .lO ( < < 5.2 1 (5ood to eholco mixed hogs . 5.00 < 5.10 Cholco sheep. 00 to 120 Iba . 8.15(84.00 ( Representative Males. HULLS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 33 . . .1424 2.50 17..1C34 S2.75 HOOS. No. Av , Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 4S..178 84.90 OS . . .V3S ! 10053.12' ' RancoofPrlcoa. Sliowlne the hlclmt and lowest nrlcs paid for loads ot hozs on this market during thepastsflvondays anil ( or the same time last mouth nnd a vc.ir azo. .March 1887. April 1NJ7. April l Nl. * 10th 5.00 ( EM.7S Sunday a75ClT.W ) lltil 6.00 Oo.MJ " Sumlny l-'tll MO mil R.10 CW.7-1 S.W 4M.37 M 3.75 J. ) 15th R.25 4 .75 5.15 CiiM ISO ftW. ( > 5 nth 5.00 MO 390 ( & .4.W Slilpineiita. Sliowln ? the number ot cattle , hoes nnd sheepshlpp--d from the vards during tha day. CATTLE. No. cars. lit. Dest 3 N. W Chicago HOGS. 1 N. W Chicago AlHilos of stock m this market are made uercwt live \vetzht unless otherwise stated. Dead hi > ts sell at Xo per Ib. ( or all weights. * * 3lns ! , " or hogs weUUlnir less than lOOlOj. no value. PrcKmint sows are ducked 40 IDS. andata sSO Ib-t , by theuublla luiyootor. tilvo Stock Note * . No sheep In. OOnly bulls bold. No cattle market. Smith lugaUbo , Inland , bad * load of bogs in which topped the market. HogsCQlOc lower. A car ot driving horses was received. The bank will be closed on Arbor day. D. Clark , Dexter , la. , was In looking over the market. Thompson UlHsell , York , was in with three loads of cattle. The Anu'lo-Ainerlcan Packing company bought IM : > IIOK ? . L. L. Doanc , Scotia , was In with t\\o loads of battle and a load of liohfs. OMAHA \ViiOtjl3SAl7E MARKETS OciicrAl I'roduco. Thursday , April 31. Thcfollotvinu prices arc for round lota of promitc , ui > > uht on tne murAct tn-iinit , Koos > The market Is steady at lOe. Ht'TTr.H There Is an occasional package of fancy buttcrthat sells above the quotations given below. Clilcocountrv.HXSaJc ; fair to coed , 15'tflbe : common , 1'JMUc. DitosKU PoLi.niY Th'j uoathcr Is too warm lor linnillliiK dressed poulti y , but an occasional pnckato is received , iced , which sells at about 1'Jc per Ib. Livi : I'oui.Titv-Chlckeus , S3.75@4.00. UIIKUSI : i'lill cream chcddarsslnicle.MXc ; full cream Hats , twins , He1 , ; VOUIIK Ameri ca * . ISc : f.uicv Swiss , lCicl7f ( ; Swiss. Im- ported. 'J5c : Limbtirecr. 14c : brick. Ux < ? 16c. iln\Ms-lnferloistock.7.Vn'S1.004Kod ; ) clean country , Sl.OO l.'ii ; medium , hand picked , Sl.40Gl.Mi ; hanil nicked , navv. S1.50 l.co. Piiovf foNt llnm , I2foll3c ; breakfast bacon , rib. lo c : breakfast bacon , plain , lie ; thy salt sides , sv < @ c ; dried beef , regular , 10 C Hlc ; dried beet , ham nlt-ces , 12u : laid , : > 0-b ! cans , 74 c : UO-lhcAiis , Fairbanks , 7Kc ; 10-lb cans , Fairbanks , 7c ; 5-lb cans , Fairbanks , &c : H-lb can' , Fairbanks , S'sc- ' CAIIIIAOI : The market H veil supplied. C.illtornla eabb.uv , clioicc , pcrlbc. : ! Ai'ri.KS The market Is bare and there Is no 'lock of nnv account. Nr.w VioKTAiii.is : : Spinach , per ubl , S1.7.2.K ( ) : top onions , per do/en bunches , lO'n'JO : radishes per do/en bunches , oOtTUOc ; h'ttuce , 40c ; ) ilo plant , per Ib. , V ti ; Homegrown grown nspaciH , PIT do ? , Sl LfO ; cuctim- bcis , per dozen , SI. 40. LKMONS Slocks are boKlnnlus to mo\o moie trooly ami hiehcr juice- ! are antlri- pated. Me-isliia , choice. ) icr box , S6.QOu > 5.2.1 : do , fancv. per box , iV)0. OIIANHKS Cnlltornla , Hivcrslde , per box , S4.bX34.00 ; California , Los Auirele , per box , S'J7oift.X ( ( ) ; .Medltcrrnncan sweets. SS.BOdO H.7. " > ; Mc'slim Imperial , lancy , o.r 0 ; San C.tbrlel , sluu'lubox lots , 53.0J ; San ( jabriel , 5 box lots , S2.8.1. OYSTKRllor n shoe bratul , " "o ; stand ard , U e ; selects , We ; extra selects , 35 ; N. Y. count's ' , -lOc. MALAOA. GitAi'i-.s The supply on the market Is not heavy. Regular blzo casKs , S3 00 ; laico sire casks. So.WX'iO.OO. PiMiAi'i'LK A few pineapples have ar rived on the market nnd aiu in good condi tion. Pineapples , per do/ , S4.00@.1.00. HANA.NAS LarEcbuuches , per bunch , S2.00 S3.00. _ Grocer's fjlst. PioKi.ns Medium , in bbls. SS.OO ; do. In half bbls , 84.50 ; small , in bbls , 89.00 : do , In half bbls , 3.00 ; gherkins , In bbls , S10.00do ; , n half bbls , 83.50. SUOAU ( iranulated , C@CKc ? ; conf. A , n@ Vc ; white extra C,5o 25'ic ; extra C , 5 3 5Kc ; yellow C , ? { @ * e : cut loaf , ( % ( g65fe ; powdered , 6J < i'7c. ' COFFEKS Ordinary grades , lri' (3lfie ( fair © wvc , ; prime. lom Jl'ie ; choice , l Jf@17Uo5 ancy croon and yellow. l"i$17' ( < ; e ; old cov- CANNriDUoons-Oysters.standard.percaie , a.l5c 3.v : strawberries , alb. per case. 32.UO ; raspberries.'J Ib , per case , S'J.'i" ; California pears , per case , 84.50 ; apricots , per casj , 54.CO : Peaclies. P ? ' case , S5.00 ; white cher ries , pt-r ca'jt. ' ' , 80.00 : puims , per case. 83.51 ; blueberries percase. S1.S3 ; o/g plums. 3 Ib , per case. 62.50 : pineapples , v ID , per case S3.20 < 35.75 : l Ib tiib kerei. Tier doz , 81.10 : 1 Ib salmon , pci doz , S1.50@1.M ; 2 ID , goose- berile4percase , S1.75 ; 2 Ib stnns Dean ; ! , per case , SI."i ; -Ib lima beans , per case , 81.00- ! i ! b marrowfat peis , percaso. S2.r o'(22 ' fa2 Ib eaily June peas , par case. S2.75 : 3 Ib toma toes. . .5' aa.i :3 : Ib.corn ? J.40fU2.- . MATCHES Per caddie. a.jc ; square cases , 51.70 : mulu square. Vl.'M. tivnur No. 70 , 4-Kallon kegs , Sl.2.-@l.2j ; New Orleans per gallon 3s@4Gt : ; maple syrup , half bbls , "old time. " per gallon , 70c ; 1 gal lon cans , ner doz , 810.00 ; hall gallon cans , per doJ .W ) : quart cans , SJJ.iw. CANDY Mixed. Hj QUc : stick , SKfiO c CRACKEUS Garneau's soda , butter and picnic. fiMo : creams , t > Jc ; ginger snaps , aXcj city soda. 7W. STAIICH Mirror glnss , l Ib. Cc ; mirror gloss 3 Ib , 5'fe : mirror gloss , olb , CJfc ; ( Jraves corn.l lb,6H'c ; Klngsford's corn , I lo , 7c : Klncsford's glo-ss , l ib. 7c : Klngsford's irloss , Gib. 7 > < e ; Klmtsford's pure lib. ! t\4 < n\ \ Kingsford's pure , 3 Ib , , 5Xc ; Kingsfords bulk. 4c. SOAPS Kirk's savon Imperial. S2.70 : Kiric-s satinet. $3.00 ; Kirk s standatd , 83.tt5 ; Kirk's white Kusslan , 84.00 ; Kirk's white- cap. SC.50 ; donip , 53.b5 ; washboard. $3.10 ; whlto cloud. 83.73. General Marttet * . \AHNisitES BatreIs , per-gaiion ; rurnl- ture , extra , 81.10 ; furnituie. No. 1. 81.00 ; coach extra , 81.40 ; co.xch , No. l , S1.20 ; Da- mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japin , 70c ; asplmltuin , extra 85c : shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil tinish , UKAVY HARnwAKE iron , rate S2.SJ ; sawed dry , Sl.50 ; tongues , each. 80c : axels. each. 75csnuaie : nuu. per Ib. OltiWlc : cell chain , per Ib. flai'c ; nialleable.s@lC'c ; iron wedges , 6c ; crowbars , Co ; harrow teeth , 4Xc , spring bteel , 7&Pc ( ; Uuidou's horseshoes. S4.15 ; Burden's mule shoes. $ > .75. Harbed wire. In . car lots , 84.03 per 100 Ibs. Nails , rates , 10 to W , SUO : steel nails , 82.9) . Shot , 31.33 ; buckshot , 81.no ; linzml powder. kegs , 85.00 ; do. half kegs , 82.75 ; do. quarter kegs. S1.50 : blasting , kegs , 52.10 ; fuse , per 10 feet , flic. Lead bar. sr DIIY PAINTS- White lead , 7c ; frenchzlnc , 12c : Paris whiting. 2Kc ; whiting , vilders , SJfc ; whiting , com'l , Uic ; lampblack , ( Jer- manstown. 12c ; lampblack , ordinary , be ; Prussian biue,5.5c ; ultramarine , itc ; vnnnyk- brown , 8c ; umber , burnt 4c ; umoer. raw , 4e ; sienna , burnt , 4p : .sienna , raw , 4c ; Pans green , genuine. 2-V Paris ercen , com- monMBo ; chrome green. , UN. Y. , SOc ; Termlllion Amcncan. ISc : inaian raw and burnt umber , l tt > cans , i''c ; raw and burnt slennv 12c : Vandyke biown , 13c ; re- llncd lampblack I2c : coach black and Ivory blact. 10c ; drop black. 16c ; Prussian blue , 40c : ultramarine black. 18c ; chromo irroen.l . , M. A I ) . , ific ; blind and shutter green , U. .M. * D. , I6c : Paris green , 18c ; Indian red , l.Vj ; Venetian red , t'c ; Tuscan , 22c ; American vermllllon , L. * I ) . , 20c : yellow ochro. 2c ; L. M. & O. U. . Ibc : good ocliro. ICc : pawni dryer.ec ; graining color , light oak , darkonk. walnut , chestnut aud asli. I'-X. CHEMICALS. Ao d carbolic , (0cacld ( ; tartaric , 52c ; balsam copaiba , per B > , Mic : bark sassafras , per fit , JOc ; calomel , per Ib , 78c , chlnciionidia , per OL , 40c ; chloro form , per ft , 'Oc : Dover's powders , per Ib , 81.25epsomalts ; , per ib , SKc ; glycerine , pure , perlb. SOc ; lead , acetate. Perth. 2lc ; oil , easter , No. i. per gal. , 81.50 ; oil castor , No. 2 , per gal. , 81-40 ; oil olive , porgaL , 81.40 ; oil orlirannuin. 50c ; opium , 8 .50 ; quinine P. A W. and II. AS , , per oz. lOc ; potassium Iodide , per tb , S'i.50 ; sallcln. per oz. 40C ; sul phate morphine , per oz. 81. 5 ; sulphur , per tt,4c : strychnine uei-nz.si.2j. WAISTS IN OIL White lead. Omaha.P P. , C'fe ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , > c ; Mar seilles , groon. 1 Ib cans , 2c ; Frencn zinc , irrecn seal , 12o ; Trench zinc , red seal. He ; French zinc , in vaiuUh a it. 200 : Ktinch zlnc.75c : vermllllon. English , In oil , 75c , yc ochrr , " French , ' 2fc'ochre } ; , American , ' l c ; Winter's mineral. 2 > fe ; Letilgh blown , 2.S'c ; Spanish brown , 2Xc ; f rince's mineral , PC HIDES Green butchers , SJ QOc ; green cured. 7c : dry Hint , ilr ( > c ; drv salt , 8o 10c ; rreen calf skins , s fc ; damaged mdes , Two-thirds price. Tallow 3e , Grease I'rime white , 3 c'yellow. 2 } - . c : brown. W i Kr. n T Alttf iA/nT.'W I / 4 Cologne spirits , ita proof , 81.17 ; do 1C1 proof , SI. IS ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 81.17 : do Ibs proof. 81.10 Alnihol. Ib8 vrooi. 82.20 per winaeallon. Uedlstllled whiskies , Sl.OOJh.50. ( Jin , blended , ui.ftog 2.00 ; Kentucky txmrbons , 52.OOfitO.00 ; Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , SiCKXSO.SOi Qolden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , fl.VX33.oo. Hrandles. . Imported , 55.00.3S.50 : domestic , 81.30(33.00. ( ( ijns. Imported , 84. ( ji .00 : domestic , 81.2.V53.oa' Champagnes , Imported , per case. JF23.oo < 333.00 ; Amencan , per case , 410.XX.4tfi.oa ( funs AM > aniNs 'Hie following price : are tor prlim * , well handled skins : Weaver prime , clean per pound. 81.50(33.00 ( : fnll.8l.ii ! M2.00 : meatvana inferior. 81.00i31.ia. Uear brown and grizzly. S 5.00 ® 8. 00 ; rubs nnt yearllnsca , 8iW > 4.00. iJadger. MS Oe , Cat wild , l QtOc : domestic , black , lO lSc : do tnestlc , bundry colors , 5(3bc. ( fox. red , 81. U 01.25 ; cross , 82.00@4.00 ; gray , 40g50c ( ; silver 81U.OO40.00. ( Fisher. * 4.ooi3 .00. Otter.84.0i di .OO. Mwtln , 81,00(3175 ( , Muscrat , wu tor. l.irge , lOc ; fall , Be ; fcltti , Mink , Dlareo dark , 3540c ; small ami pale , 153.XX : . Kac- coon , largo prime , 40 5Qc ; small nnd Inferior , vogsoc. Skunk , common , 15@25e. Wolf , largo gicy. Sl.'Ajt2.50 ; coyote or prairie 75Q POc. Peer and nntelopev winter , per pound 15cj 'all and summer , per pound 200. Ory ltuntcr. DIMt.NPIOM ) A ll TIMlltll.S. l2ft M ftjij t1 tan w f t'ffl ' ft . . . _ . 17.7) ) iTso \9.'aXM \ .60 xfl 17.50 U.VJ'lttW ' KM ZI8 ' 17.M 17.501 ie.50 1 .M KJ.MK.BO 2x10 ' 17.M I7.ro n.ro 18.50 1'J.W ) 53.60 22.50 Bll2 117.5J 17.W \t.vj \ 18.50 i&fio S'solSso 4H-SX9 _ llf.OO 18.0J law 10.00 30.W a UOAHUS. Xn. 1. com , si s . S10.M ) No. 'J , coin , s 1 s . 17..SO No. 4 , com , sis . 13.50 TKNC1NO. No. 1 , & 0 In , 12 Jt II ft. rough . 810.00 . 2 " " " " " ' ' " No. , . 15.00 SIDING. 12 , 14 anil 10 ft . 9iOD " " ' . ' . 0.50 " " " . 15.00 " " " . 13.00 ClIILI.Vfl AND PAI'.IITIO.V. stcom. , 5f In White Pine CellliiB . 834.00 3lcar , ; V In. Norway IMne Colling . 10.00 Ft.OOItlNO , . 0 inch , white pine. . irr . ? 3.i.OO 5 . " . -.I.UO " " " ( Sel Kon'c ) . 19.00 STOCK IlOAHl ) ' , 12 Inch s. Is . 84.VOU So. . 1 , com. 12 In s. 1 s. , 12. it 14 . 20.00 If , ft . ll'.OJ ' STo.2 " " " " 12 .V 14ft . 18.00 " " 16 It . 17.00 tand2 < 1. clear , l. inch , 3. 2s 850.00 d , clear , 1 Inch. s. a s fc4 > nij , 3 In 4r..oj J deal , 1 inch , s. 2 s IX ) ; itf , i ss In 37.10 resT . Vhlto Cethr , 0 in. . . 12c ; 9 Iu.nr3..11o LIMP , UTC. Julncy wlilto lime ( best ; Sl.OO \Urnii cement 1.C5 ' lair 30 SHIP HP. S'o. 1 , plain , Sand 10 in Stl > .00 So. 1 , plain , anil 10 In 17.00 sotrriinnx YKLI.OW TIM : . Join. 4 and 0 in. Ilooilug S18.00 'lear % In. ceiling , 21.CO Clear " ( In. partition ' . ' 5.00 : iearjin. partition 22.50 ; iear. Itnlsh , 1 and U4' In. s. 2 s 29.00 coirugatcd culling , I in 23.0 IIATTKNS1 PICKETS. ) . G. Halts , S | < In. . 70c ; K\3 , s. l s 4tc ) 'ickets. I ) and 11 Hat 821.00 SHINGLES , LA1IL KX clear. $3.00 * A * standard . 2.75 * AlI.13.iV- . 2.5'J in cl . 1.75 Gin , clear . 2.00 No. 1 . 1.50 , ath . . 2.50 Notice tn Builders and Contractors. llkls will bo received by tbo trustees of tlio Notirnokn Wesleynn Unlxeislty for furnls'iltn ' : uiaterlnl nnd constructing n university building ncconlin to plane , specifications nd dotulls to bo PCCII on nnd after April - " - ' , 1897 , In the olllco of ( ' . A. Atklneon , secretary. Uids muy be for said building complete , in- udlnt ; tiliiratiln ? nnd hentliifr , or for nny or nil of the separate Items as follows : Kxcavntlon , stone worn , brick work , plaster- rip , fliis , plumbing' , beating , painting1 and . Tnosald triiBtccsreseno.tho right to reject nny and ull bldf. ' > * 111(18 ( will be received nillll May 12 , 1887 , at 7 o'clock p. in. , nnd to bo sent to tbo scctcturyat ncoln , Nob. Uy order of snld triit-tees. C. A.V4TK1XSO.V.SCO . April 10 , 1887 Lincoln , Nob. npr9-d6t Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Paid up Capital. . . . ! j . $250,000 Burplub . 40,000 H. W. Yatrs , President A. K. Touzalin , tfjpe President. \V. li. Hughes , Cashier. UJiiKcrdns : W. V. Morse , , Jo in S. Collins. H. W . Yates , Lewis S. Ueod. A. E. Tott/alin. BANKING OFFICE : THE IKON BANK , Cor 1'Jth and Furnam SU. A littoral Banking Uubincss Transacted. , FRANK G , HOLLiNS & GO , , Members New York Stock Exchange. DUV AND SCU , ON MAIiniN , STOCKS AND BONDS , Gainr and Provisions. Clm-lf Srcct , Chlcayo. K.'nincll'nclUc Hotel ) Private wire to New York. Corresj ondcnco Invited liy mall or tclcRiapb. LINCOLN , NEB , Ten Itollrotils , nnd more tire coming. 150 Trains t , Ftnto Unlicrslty , Weslcyan UniversitySlate Capi tal. Most of the nuflno * " Lota bare doubled In price In luolntt ) } months. Acre-land , wllliln 2 miles of the city. Increased over two hundred per cent. Lincoln is the crcatpst llullrnal Center of Its sue In the world. I'llck blocks pu > 6 to TOper cent. Vacant lot-hnre uvcrrtt'ert HW per cent per annum on ur-t O ist , for ) ) yearn. Lincoln Is u ( treat illitrlbutlnc point. Sumo whole- piileiloalcri liureraido princely fortunes. Iliillil nwtroliiK up In all directions. IluslnoM t'en- cnilly irooil. llsnkcrs , retail merchants , mechuulcs , etc. , gottlMKrlcn. OBOPteY & CO. A. J. . Uooiu .11 , Klf urcls Itlofk , Estate Agents * & Loan Brokers f Have for sale brick block' , bnilnCM lots , all kinds of real estate. 1 , ? , S , 10,2) , to.'to , 33) ) and till ) aero tracts farms and cncap lands. | \ MONEY LOANED. " lNyi TMENT3 MADE. nEFinr.NCES-Flrst : nfl Lincoln National nank , ( loTrrnnrThHer , JaiUe Cobb , HOT. Dr.O. P. C'ruliiliinn , Llniolet ! * CQatu > 'S. M. Cullom , Illinois ; and Gene ii.jn li.Aiin icni , . I C W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. Stylish , Durable , Easy FltUnc. The l > 6t g'j Shoo In the Wurld. W. L. UUUULAM FOR BOYS plvfs Kre t utisfactlon. Alt oard mailo In lluttnu , CoiiKters nd I-are. . . . -oito . 8 < ilJ by L'.OiXJ dealfr tliounliout the U. H. If your neater dev not keen them , send name on iiostal to W. L. DOUGLAS. Itrockton , Mass. DCUfflDC HE CDBlin It h * " come to mr DtWAnC Ur rrlAUU.kimwlwlea that Homo unscrupulous dealer * aru olTt-rlnK other goods us mine , and A hen asket ! why my stamp U not nit the shorn , state that I have dliicoutlnurd Its use. TIIIH IS FALSE. Taku none represented to bo the "W. L. Douglas bho s. " unlec name , warrantro snd iirlre are itanipt-d fin bottom at eacb sJtcw. AV. L. UOlXiLAS , Brockton , Malt. For sale by Kelley , Stiger & Co. , cor. Dodge ana isth-sts. ; Henry Sargent , cor. aeward and Sauuders su. THE RAILWAI TIME TABLES , OMAHA. Arrive Leave Omaha Omaha UNION PACIFIC. Depot 10th and Plereo sts. Pacific Express 7:50 : am 8M : pm lcn\er Express 5:20 : pm 10:51 : am Local Express 11:00 : am 5:03 : pui Except Sunday. H. A M. H. II. K. Depot 10th and PaclUc sts. Mall and Express 5:45 : pm 10:00 : am Night Express 10:00 : am 7:45 : pm 0. H.A Q. U. H. Depot 10th and Public sti. Mall and Express 0:20 : am 6:00 : pm Chicago Expret.3 . 7:10 : pin 9:20 : urn K. C. St. J. A C. H. Depot 10th and 1'acliicst Mall 7:10pm : 0:20 : am Express. , * 7:00am.i8:45 : : pin Except Monday. tExcept Saturday. C. St. P. M. & O. Depot 15th and Webster st. Sioux City Express * 4:45pm : 8:15 : am DaiiLToft Express 10HOam4:45 : pm Ulalr Passenger * 7:40pm : * 5:85 : pm * Kxccpt Sunday MISSOURI PACIFIC. Depot 15th and Webster st D.iy Express 0.25 am llilO am Night Express 5i : J pm 9:10 : pm Lliicoln.Expiess 11:10 : am ! 0:10 : pm UNION STOCK YAHUh L0ll\ i.e.\\o T11AINS. US Y'ds. Omaha Except Sunday. 0:00 : am * 0ljnm ; , Tiams Icavini : U. P. dt' ' * 7:0'iam : jiotln Omaha at 10 : : > 5 a. * b:10am : S :3. : " > am m. , 6:0 : > p. m. and b-M : p. 9:30 : am 10:00 : am in , , and those leaving 10:51 : am 10:55 : am Union stock jards atO:0'J : ll:3.-iam : 3:00 : pin a. in. aud 10:51 : a. m. arc 2 : : > 0pm 3:05 : pm thtough passenger trains : 3 : ; pm 4:0.pm : all others arc regular itoclf 4 : : ( , - > pm 5:05pm : raids dummy trains be 0:15 : pm 5:25)1111 : ) tween block yards and * S:2opni : * 8:00pm : Omaha. 3:2011111 : U.I' . 13KIDOETKAINS. Transfer. Omaha. * Except Sunday , 7:12 : ami to :85 : am IConnects with S. C. & 8:15 ami * 7 :35am : . at Counrll llluffs. I 9:25 : am' ' H :00 : am liCoiinectswIthl ! . B. & 9:42 : am 1i8 : W aul O. , C. & N. W. , C. M. & * lOS7am.lp : :00am : St. P. , C..H. 1. & P. at 11:47 . : am 11 , 10am ouncil HlulTs. * 1:30 : pm " :00pm : tConnects with W. St 2:37 : pm : 00 pin / . & P. at Council Ulnlls. 3:37pm : :20 : pm IConnects wiUiall even- * 4:37pmi : :00pm : ng trains for Chicago at fi:50pm : ! :00pm : Council Hluffs. Trains , ri:42pm : | :00 : pm rave Omaha at Union 7:10 : pm , acific depot , 10th and : lOpm Pierce streets. :06pm : 10.-47pm :15 : pin 3I:55pm : :00pm : :10pm : COUNCIL ) BliUFFS. I.envo Arrive I I * t\n * u CONNECTING LLNESiTransfcr Transfcs depot depot C.U. I. & ! ' . : 7:15 : am 0:15 : am , All Trains inn Dally. 0:15 : a m SATipra C:40pm : 7:00pm : C. & N.V. \ . ttr ) ; a m 9:15 a m All trains run dally | G:40p : m 7:00 : pm C. 13. & Q. All trains run dally. . . . ] C:35pm'7:00p 0:35am : ' 9:15a : m : 7:00p : rat C. M. A St. P. ! t 9:15 : a m 0:15 : a ra All trains run dally. . . . I 6:40 : p m 7:00o : m K. C. St. .1. A C. D. 'Except Saturday. 10:00a : in 10:35am : tExcept Monday. * 8:05pm : 5:30 : pm W. St [ , . A P. All trains run daily . .Ik 45pm 3:3"jpra : , , , S C. A 1' . ,1 All trains run dally. . . . . i 7:05a : m 9:35 : a m 0:25 : p m | B:60pm : RUPTURE CURED. By Dr. Snodlker's method. No oparatloni No Palm No Detention from business. Aduotcd to children nnwell as gretrn people. Hundreds of autograph testimonials on tile. All business strlctlycoafldcn tlul. CONSULTATION FREE. PKOF. W. 1 > . COOK , , Room 0 , 1014 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. CHICAGO NORTH W mmmw * * Tlieonly road to take for DCS Molnes Mur- clmiltown , Cedar Itanlds , Clinton , Dlzun , Chica go , Milwaukee and all points oast. To the people ple of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho , Nevada , Orejron , Washington and Cali fornia , It olTnrs superior advantages not posil- lilo by nny ether lino. Amoni ? B few ot the numerous polnt < of su periority enjoyed by the patron * of this rood between Omana antf Chicago , are Its two trains a day of DAY COACHES , which are the finest tlint humiin art and int'onulty can create. Its PALACE SLEEPING CAHS. which are models of comfort and elejance. Its I'AHLOR DHA W. ING HOOM CAHS , uneurnassoj by any , and lt widely celebrated PALATIAL DININU CAHS the equal nf which cannot bo found elsewhere ) At Council Bluffs the trains of the Union Pacific Hy. connect In Union Depot with those of the Chicago & Northwestern Hy. In Chicago the trains of this line make close connection with those nf nil eastern lines. ForDetrolt Columbns , Indlnnapolla. Cincin nati , NinifurnFalls , Buffiilo. rittsbnrfr.Toronto , Montreal , Iloston , New Yorx , Philadelphia , Baltimore. Washinirton nnd all points m the east , ask for a ticket via the "NOHTHWESTERN. " If you wish the best accommodation. All ticket ncnts sell tickets via this lino. II. HUOHITT , B.P.WILSON. Uenl Mnnacer , Oenl. Pass'r Agent Chicago , 111. W. M. IUBCOCK. L. H. BOLLE3 , Western Agent , City Pass'r Agent , Omaha , Nebraska. CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THE Chicago , Milwaukee & Si. . Paul B'j ' The Best Route from Omaha and Council Bluffg to THE H3.A.ST Two Trains Daily Between Omaha , Coun cil Bluffs Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapidi Rock Island , Freeport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Janetvllle , Beloit , Winona , La Crosse , And all other important points Bast , Northeas and Southeiut. For through tickets cation the Ticket Agon at 1401 Kurnara street , ( la i'azton hotel ) , or a Union Paclflo Depot. inulman bloopers and the finest Dining Cars 1m the world are run on the mainlines of the CHICAGO , UH.WAUKKI it BT. PAUL , HAH.WAT nnd every attention Is paid to pauengers by courteous employes of the company. H. MII.LKII , Qencrul Monairer. J , F. Tocun , Assistant General Manager. A. V. H. CAJIPCNTBR , General raMonger and Ticket Agent. GKQ. U. HiArrono , Assistant General Faa- soorer and Ticket Agent. J. T.OLABK , Uoneral Buj ) rlut nd nt , . . 0/nafia / Jobbers' Directory. Agricultural Implements. Whol lelonler In Agrlcultiirnl Implciiiciitsi. Wnrjons , iiJ lUiialo * . Jonc Mrof , tttircan Vtb ih.VlCth.Omnhn , .Scb. w UXIXGEU ,0 MKTCALF CO , , Atrrlciilturnl Imiilcinonts , Vngont , ( ' rrlno . llug lo * . Htc. , W'bol lc , Oni.h * . IEK , FRIED tO CO. , Jobbers of Ilnvdwnro and Nnlls , 'lnw ro , Sheet Iron , Ktc. Aifenli for Howe ml tllitml I'owlert o..Omnh.i.NoU. Wholcsslc Dealers lu Afjrlculuiral Iiuplciucnls , 1V1S03VOJ ! uniHOi. Jonc it Artists' Material. A. jrOSI'E , .77 ? . , Artists' Materials , Pianos nnrt Orpans , 1113 Douglnn Htrcrt , Omalin. Builders' Hard mare and Scales. HIMSUAUG ff TAYLOK , Juilders'Hard ware &ScnloItonali' Shop lochaulcs' Tooli n.l lluir/iln Stall's. HOi lounla > it ! , Omaha , Neb. Boots and Shoes. SHOE COMPANY , Manufacturer ! mut Wliolcialo Dealers la Hoots anil Shoes , mtileto ptork nf Kubrtcr Oootls nlwara on hr.nd Ml . Hth H. , Omnlin. .Vcb. A.T. Auilln. Accnt. ir.'r. Jobbers of ] ! oots niul Shoes. 411 Knrnimit , Omnhi. Neb. Mnuufnctorj , Summet Z. T. LIXJISEY d ) CO. Wholesale Uubbnr Hoot < aud Shoca llulilior ntnl llllod ClutliltiK utul 1'olt Hoots iuj Shoog. Southeast Corner Hill ami Beer * M. KEATING , . for Anheuser-Uush Browlnt ; Ass'n Hpoclal nrancl . raunt.Duilcl < or anil Krlanger. ' STOUZ cO TLEIt , Laper Beer Hrowcrs , 15J1 North llth Street , Omnha , Neb. Butchers' Tools. LOUIS HELLEIt , Butchers' Tools and Supplies , uiage Cailngs of all klnili nlways In stock. 111 ! JonvjsuOtaaha. Coffee , Spices , Etc. CLARKE BROS. cC CO. , Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills. rea .0oireo , Rplce" . Uniting 1'owdor. HiTOrln tract * . IjiunSry niua. Ink. Ktr. 1411-18 Ilame Street , Omaha. Neb. GATJM , COL.K ai MILES , Homo Coffee and Spice Mills M'f'fif Co. Coffee Roasters Bad Spier Grinders. Manufacturers ofllaklnic Powder. Klalorlng Kitract , Bluing. UtP. Trronocnsp of n irl-tb packniiellouioBloud HoaMcU CXffee. W Upward nt.Omnhn. Neb. Cornice. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Epeneter , Prop. Manufacturer of Galranlicd Iron an4 Cornice. SM llodfa and 103 and 106 N , IDtb ' - . Umabk.Neb. IIUEMI'ING cC 110LTE , Manufacturers of Oruamontal Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Wlodon t. Finals.MctallcSkyllisbtetc. 3108. 1211 It .Oruaha. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , . C. Specht , Prop. GaHanlied rron Cornices , etc. 8prct' lmproved Pat ent Mctallc Skylleht. MS and 61U B l.'th M.Onmha. Carpets. OMAHA CARPET CO. , Jobber * of Carpets , Curtnlns , Oil Cloths , RUSTS , Linoleums , Mattlngi , ntc. 1S11 Douglas itreet. ; S. A. O RCItAIfD , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mattings , Curtain Goods. Etc. 1413 Farnnm Street. Omaha. Neb. Crockery and Hotians. W. L. WRIGHT , Anntfor tbo Manufacturers and Importer ! ot Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , etc. Office , 317 South 13th Bt Om liaKcb. Commission and Storage. Commission and Jobbing1. Ilottar , Eggsontl I'rortuco. ConilfcrTments solicited. Headquarters for Stoneware , flerry Dozes uud Urnpo flaskets. 1414 Dodge street , Umaba. PEYCKE BROS. , Commission Merchants. Fralts , Produce and Provisions , Omaha. Neb. W. E. Rin'DELL , Storage and Commission Merchant. Specialties Butter , Eggi. Chceie. Poultry. Game , Oysters. Etc. . lite , llls-oum Kib street. WIEDEMAN ti CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , nutter. Game , Fruits , etc. 210 B. 14th st Omaha , Neb , Coal antf Lime. QEO. t.l.AiiAini. 1'rn. C. F. OoonilAV , V , Pies. J. A. t > UNi ) ni.AKD , Soc. nnd Treas. OMAHA COAL , COKE < C LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , 909 South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb. J. J. .fOHXSON cfl CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime. And Shippers of Coil and Coke. Com urn. Plaster , 1-irac , Hair. Fire Brick , Drain , Tile and Power Pipe. Ofllco , t'aitoa note ! . Varnam St. , Umtbt , Nob. Telepnunu fll. Confectionery. F. FAYtd CO. , Manufncturinpr Confectioners , Jobbers of FruitsNuts and Cigars. 1211 Faruam St. Omaba. Cigart and Tobacco. lilAX MEYER A CO. , * Jobbers of Cigars , Tobarco , Qune Knd Ammunition , 915 to K3 S Utli St. , 1030 to 11K4 Karnamst. , Omaba.Neb. WEST FRITSCHER , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wholesale Renters In Leaf Tobaccos , Nos.108 and IIDN. 14th street. Umaaa. Dry Goods. M. E. SMITH cC CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions 1102 and 1104 Douglas , cor. llth St. , Omaha , Nib. Distillers. Olstlllcn of Liquors. Alcohol and Spirits. Importers and Jobbers of WlnesanJ Liquors. WILLO W SPRINGS DISTILLE' CO. and ILER d > CO. , Importers and Jobbereof Fine Wines ami Llqunn. Bole manufacturers of Kennedr'n East India Wit ters arvl Domes'lc Liquors. 111 ! llarney ht. Drain Tito , Etc , & . fl.BAUKR.Pres. J.W.n : ironn.8eiTreni U. J. Cxnsoy , V.I'rcs. nnd Bupt. THE UNION HYDRAULIC DRAIN TILE CO. , Offlce 213 B. 14th st. Omaba.Neb. Machinerynm Supplies for Manufacturing Cement llruln Tile. ELEVATORS. " ' ft E8TABMMIFD 1373 OMAHA ELEVjWORantl GRAIN Jobbers and'Storcrs ot Grain. blprueiiti > ' ' " ' i i nil HI i k-unrantroil. Oinhau Neb. Furniture. DEWEY C STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture. Karnam it. . Omaha. Neb. CHARLES SH1VERIC K , Furniture , Bedding , ' Upholstery , Mirrors , etc. 1306,1306 and 1.110 Fircaru it , . Oreabs , Omafia Jobbers' ' Directory. Groceries , PAXTOX , GALI iGHER ,0 CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provision ! , K03. TO.707.TOBand119.10thSt..Omiihii. Nob. McCORDB.ltADY.A CO. , S Wholesale Grocers , l.'th nnil I.e < Tsnwortb sta.Ora.tm. Hardware. W. , r. BROATCH i Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , ' Iprlum , XVagon Slock , UnrJworo Lumber , eto. ll and 1111 lltrner st. , Onmua. EDNEY .P GlTtBON , , AVliolesaio Iron and Steel , ' Ta on nnil rarrlago Wood Stock , HC TT nantwirft Ktc. 1317 nml 121 < Lenrcnworlli St. . Omaha , NeU. MILTON ROGERS C SON& Stoves , Knn C ! > , rnrnaces , Tlle , ( antlvi.Uratd , Urats Cools. 1.121 and 1333 farm * htreet. Iron Works. ,0 VIERLIXQ Iron Works , Vrouerit and Cast Iron Ilullillnx Work , tron Stilr * , HnlluiR. IK'inu nnil ( ilrtlerr , iteani Rniilnvs , llrnse \Tork.df ncrnl B'ounilrjr , Mi.tlilDO HIK ! Illacksralta Nfork. umcuanaWorisU. P. Kr.amlKth stieul. K. II. MCMANUP. 0. SULLIVAX. OMA1LA WIRE .P IKON WORKS , Mnnufuctiirrrs of Ire and Iron Nailing , Desk Rails , Vlnilnn Ounril * . 1'limor ; tftii(1 ( , Wire Hzni , lla 1S1N. IStli. Orders bj mall promptly nttendedto. Lumber. OMAHA T.UMBER CO. , Uoalc' All KlinH of ' Huildinsr Jlutoriai at Wholcsnln. 13th Street nnd Union Pacing Track , Omaha. " LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lnth , Lime , Snsli , 7oors , Ktc. Yard * Corner 7th and Douglas ) Cornov Vthniul Poutlas , CHICAGO LUMBER CO. , * ' Wholesale Lumber , 111 8. 14th street , Omaha , Neb. F.Colpclicr. M nage j Lumber. tSlh and California Streets , Omaha , Neb. ' FRED W. GRAY , Lumber , Lime , Ccuieut , Etc. , Eto. Cor.Gtb and nouglas sts. , Ouis'.m. HOAQLAXD , Lumber. T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. To Dealers Only. 1 _ OBlee , 1403 Farnatn street , Omaha. ' OKAS. JK. LEE , i Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpets and Parquet Flooring. 9th and Dougtal Omaha. JOHN" A. WAKEFIELD , "Wholesale Lumber , Etc. iDporttd and American Pottlnnd Cement. PtaU Agent for Milwaukee Hydraulic Cement itnd llett VJulucy White Lime. Live Stock. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. Limited. John F. Boyd , SuporlnterdMt. Li if e Stock Commission. M. BURKE P SONS , Live Stock Commission. _ Ooo. llurkp. Manager ITnlonStoek Yards , 8. tnialia. ) Telephone 687. SAVAGE C G'REEN ' , Live Stock Commission McrchantB , Shipments of any and nil klndi of Stock solicited. Uplooptock Vards. Omaha. Neb. Millinery and Notions. I. OBERFELDER .0 CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Millinery and Notions , 1213 and 1315 llarnojr SUcet , Omaha , Neb. Notions. CO. , i Wholesale Denlprs In Notions and Furnishing' Goods , 403 and < OS 6. Tenth Ml , Omsha. Overalls. C rNFIELD ] itA NUFACTURIN& COMPANY , Mannfuctum-a-of Overalls , loans Pants , Shirts , Ktc. 1101 nnil 1101 DouiUs Stret Umnh.i , tf eb. Paper Boxes , T. L. WILKIE , Manufacturnr of Paper Eoxea , B.ltth St. . Umahn. Nebraska. Orders hy ra lli lloltedand wlllreaelragrcmpt atteatlou. Printing. REES PRINTING COMPANY Job Printers , Blank Book Makeif. And Book Ulnilorn. 1 ( ; and'lH Soutli Fouueeutls itreet. Omaha , Nob. WESTERNXEWSPAPER UNION Ausiliary Publishera , Dealers In Typo , Pre sei anil Printers' Supplies. COt bouth Twelfth btn-f t. Punips. BROWNELL cC CO. , Manu/acturvrs nnd Dealers In es , Hollers & ( lencrnl Mnchinery Bhect trim work , Htcam Pumpf.Stw Mills , Acme ) t-baf tlnx. Dodee Wood split Pulleys , Kulllnz. etc. Alsownitons , ncrapt-ra.und bnlotlcs. ' Tcnworth at. Omalm RECTOR ,0 WILIIELMY CO , , Wholesale Hardware. \Vn tcrn nccnH fcr Jeffei on Hlcol > alls. Autttq Ponder Co , Fulrbnnk Msnilnnl hcales. Corner lutli nnil llnrm'r. ( jinalia. CHURCHILL rUMP CO. , Wholesale PumjiH , Pipe , Fittijigs , Steamim > l Water Supplies , lleidcimirtffd frr Moil FoosiCo'BUou > ls. IllllurnKiu St..Omaha.Neb. U. S. WIND ENGINE and PUMF COMPANY. Ualladay Wind Mllist nieam and WhtPr Piipplles , blng Goods , lloltlnii. HOIK. ' . ' 18 nnd WJlar- Daui St. , OuahH. H. K. l-oltot ) , Muliatcr. T li phinuN < i.20. ! A.L. STRANG CO. , ] is , PipoH nnil Engines. Bteam , Wnter. Hallway and Mllllnic Kiiprlicc. EMk 920 , WiandWtl-arnaui sl..i ; ' - Safes , frt P. BOYER id CO. , Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s' fire and Ilurclar Proof S fji , Time Ixicki , Vault * and Jail Work. 1UHI tarnam street Omaha. Neb. G. ANDREEN , Omaha Sufo AYorks. Uanufnctureisof Fire aud UarclarProof Safes , Vaal | DourJ.Jall Work.tihetters and \Vlni Work. Cot. 14th and Jackson rtts. , um h , Noti. ' Sash , Doors , Etc. < c co. , Wholesale Maiinrnctiircrs of Hash , Doors , lllinds and Mouldingrg , ftron BOJ/2V MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , lIould'jiKi.htulr ' Work and Interior Hard Wood finish Just opened. N. K. < or. fttti mid Lcavenwurtu til * . Ouiaba , Neb.