OMAHA DAILY BEE : , 'ttIURSDAY. ' APRIL 21. 1887 : * \ - DOMESTICS : " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' * ' . llostditrk I'jlutd. . . . . . . . . ! . . . . . . . . ! M lloMHhlrtlittf I'rlnt * , fie licit Pprlntf DreM I'rlnM "a WnnhliiBton Oil I'rlnM , n III * bnrvnln 5o WnMilnnton I'rlnls , tiliiu. tarrnlnu nnd < ; OGHAM * : Oood Ginghams fl'io ' Host Ptiiplo ( > ln hnm § HSo Host American llroM OliiKlmms . . . . . .lOo llcst Hcotcb ( JlnglinmB 12o ! C'cnlnry nnd < < > l < t Seal ClnllM : Arnold's Century Cloth' , very heavy and last color * ! I'/tO Arnold's Hold Boat Cloths , very heavy nnd fust colors l&o IMIMACIIII ; : : > < : OTTO.\S : flood , hcnvy , yard wldo unbleached Cottonto Hotter , ' " " 7o ' " " " " llfst , Klntiilnnl . - So Oood , line , > md wldo , unblunchcd Cotton , fi'io Hotter , " " . .7o Heat made , " " " " . .to IIIIA : < ; IIII : > COTTON : Ynnl wldo , nxtrn valno at each prlco , 6of4o { , 7'c , Ko.lio , inc. A full Hue of bleaebcil nnd utibloached Cot- totm I nun ID inches to'yurds ' ; wide , nt prlcul Unit ilofy competition. NIIIUTINON : Alabama , stripes nnd plaliK pc Amoskeaj , ' , " " " ' Mlltiro , J. C. K. , stripes nnd plaids l-/io B.-onoiny , l-io ! flood Tlcklnirs 80 , Oe. lOc. 121o { nnd 14o Host Amonkoair , A. C. A. Ticking , Kitaran- teed to hold feathers IBo FANCY TICKINGS : Fancy Ticking lOc , 14o.18o nnd 2io I < Mil > -riice.l l Cotton Flannel * : HeM double-faced Cotton rinnncli inndo , In all colorH i. . . . s0c ! Wooitnitotutvo you but nimnll Idrn of our Immense Mock ot Domestics In o small a upaco. Call and examine thom and bo convinced that . ni'IiDKN & CO. , iUl ; ! rAHNAlt SlllKET. JAY STOPS IN HIS JOURNEY , The Great Railroad King Pays Lincoln a Flying Visit. HE DIVULGES NO STATE SECRETS Only Ono Judge Provided For tlio Second District in the Xcw Judi cial lilll-Stato House Notes- Capital City News. IFT.OMTIIK IIEE'S LINCOLN nuiti'.vu.I Jay Gould arrived in Lincoln yester day , coming from Denver over the Bur lington & Missouri railroad in special coaches 100 and 143 , Mr. Gould was ac companied by S. H. H. Clark , general manager of thoMl3 ouri Pacific system ; Sidney Dillon , William Kerrigan , general Biipcrintcndont , and a number of lesser lights in high railway circles. The party reached the city near the noon hour and wore immediately switched to the Mis souri Pacific depot , whore they passed the mid-day in partaking of dinner in their dining ear , departing for Omaha at 1:89 : p. in. The fact of Gould's arrival was known only to a few , but John Fitz gerald , ox-Mayor Hurr , Mayor Sawyer , Messrs. Burks , Humphrey , Dean and others were visitors to the magnate at the depot , although little or no opportu nity was given them to discuss matters of interest. When the BEE representative naw Mr. Gould the great railroader was engaged in washing his throat with n yttitsH of wutor. This act on his part was so commend.iblo for rail road men of high and low degree to in tlttlgo in that the reporter bad not the heart to break the good example that numerous employes ware witnessing at tlio same time. Mayor Sawyer could have received excellent material for an other inaugural address had ho been so fortunately located as the BEE man. A good deal of talk may bo made over this inspection trip of the president of the Missouri Pacilio , but nothing what ever delimto was left behind regarding the action of the company in building the present season. ONE JUDGE IN TIIK SECOND W8TUICT. Icstcrday the fact came to the atten tion of the state olliccrs ana others that the now judicial bill only provided for one district judge in tins , the Second dis trict , comprising Cass , Lancaster and Olive counties. The tirst thought was which of the two judges would have to go Chapman or Pound or if one of thorn would serve Ins country two years without the appropriation. Attorney General Loose is of the opinion that the clause in the judicial bill giving this district ono judge is inoporatlvo and unconstitutional , anyway , from the fact that the constitution prohibits the alter ing in any respect of a judicial district iiioro often than once in four years. Two years ago the Second district had n judge nddcd , and the taking from or adding to that change at this time the attorney general believes unconstitutional. Again , both of the judges are constitutional olli- cers and regularly elected for their terms , nnd constitutional ofllcors cannot bo leg islated out of otlico. This glaring error , liowever , in the judicial bill arose over tbe chance made in. it in committee when it was considered for passage in the legislature. The original bill had the- district divided , with one judge each , but Cass anil Otoo broke this combination 1 nnd had the district united again , but they failed to carry back the judge they hail taken away , and the bill was left reading ono judge for the Second judicial district. . AT THE STATE HOUSH. The articles of incorporation of the Lowe Avenue Building association of Omaha wore Hied yesterday , the capital stock of the company being $113,000 , divided into shares of $2,800 each , pay- uble in monthly installments of $05 oaon , und the remainder at the expiration of live years. Tlio iucorporators are KuVln S. Rawloy , Charles K. Collins , Walter Brlgham and H. B. Frey. Judge T. O. C. Harrison , of Grand Island , the now judge in the Ninth judicial district , has appointed Charles \V. Pearsall as stenographer for his dis trict , and Mr. Pcarsall has lilea his oath of ollleo with the proper ollicial. The successful bidders for the state printing have live days in which to enter into contract , and tha work Is required to bo completed ninety days from the date of the contract. The land commissioner's office is in vaded dally by parties who are directly interested in the sale of the state lots hi Lincoln. On seven of those lots thcro are parties who have been squatters for a long term of years , which makes them interested to save houses they have built. George \V. Murray , convicted of bigamy in Caster county and sent to the penitentiary in Juno. 1830. will , through good time secured , bo released to-day. John J. Heller , of Dodge county , sen tenced in November , 1894 , to thrco years for securing money under false pretenses , has made good time and wlr ' charged to-day. The board of public lands and build ings hold an adjourned session yesterday to act upon iho advertising for the sale of the state lots in Lincoln and other unfinished business. The question of prosecuting work on the salt well is yet in abeyance , although it probably will bu continued to the -,000 foot limit Featured in tbo contract. To-day Governor Thayer will accom pany the board of public lauds and build- Thompson , Belclen & , Co. SPRING GOODS. Our Spring ( toods arc beautiful nnd well selected. Our assortment is large and conplete.Vc will meet your wants withfiJelity and thoroughness , and if wo do not make yon prices that meet your expectations in every way yon arc under no obligation tr/ buy from us. With this matter thoroughly understood wo think no one should feel any hesitancy in coining to see our seasonable display of new styles. Wo are here expressly to show goods. Wo like to do it and we Bhall deem it a privilege and pleasure to show you through the stock. Come in at any time. You will be welcome. We do not ask for trade unless wo deserve it. Wo sell strictly at 0110 price and for cash , consequently , have no expensive bookkeepers to pay , make no bad debts , can all'ord to sell goods cheap , and wo will do it if you give us an opportunity. If not convenient to call in person , send for samples , We prepay all express charges or postage on goods ordered by mail. mail.THOMPSON. . ISKLOKN & CO. , 131U I'AUNAM ings to Grand Island , where the exact lo cation for the buildings under the sol diers' homo bill will be agreed upon and the question definitely settled ready for the commencement of work. The Security Insurance company of New Haven , Conn. , has applied for per mission to transact business in Ne braska. Mr. H. C. Fuller , the assistant secretary of the company , was in Lin coln yesterday on business for his com pany. The following notaries were commis sioned by the governor yesterday : lavid II. Seaver , Omaha ; John 1 * . Fin Icy , Omaha ; Frank I' . Xeiglcr , Cedar county ; G. S. ' llpwdingor , Overtoil , Dawson county ; \Vinslow W. Smith , Co/.ad , Uaw- son county ; E. O. Dunlan , Plum Creek ; 1) . II. Delano , Upland , Franklin county ; W. U Tnbbs , Wilsonville , Furnas county ; Sylvester M. Wager , O'Neill , Holt county ; Robert U. ( ! rcgg , Corbin , Hex ditto county ; Llewellyn D. Lee , Sidney ; Samuel A , Dravo , Holdrege. The number of notaries being commis sioned is averaging about twenty-live per week. The appraisers appointed to appraise the state Jots in Lincoln to be sold bv auction have completed their work , ancl the appraisement is much smaller than anticipated , the total number of lots being appraised for only about $1)0,000. It is believed however , that when they are auctioned off that they will bring nearly double tbis amount. A1JOUT Till : CTI'V. Police court occupied the morning hour yesterday with a full docket and ti long row of oil'enders facing the judge , who , if not ful | at the time , bore every evidence of having been in that condi tion but a short time previous , Some ton or a dozen of these ofl'enders were lined in the usual amount and most of them were obliged to become regular boarders. Mayor Sawyer , at the opening of his administration , stated that the lire de partment and police force would bo re- onired to sign a pledge to abstain from the use of intoxicating liquors and not to enter saloons without it being strictly on Up to ( lie present time only a portion of the lire department has complied with the requirement and a number of them refuse to do so , consequently quently u rupture of t > omo kind is immi nent. An employe at the Windsor hotel in the roustabout work fell into a cauldron of boiling water and was terribly scalded on the arms and body. Ho was found to bn in destitute circumstances and one of the other employes was yesterday rais ing a subscription to care for him. Among the legislators in Lincoln yes terday were Senators Brown of Clay , Colby of Gage and Snpll of Joll'erson. The Capital hotel will change hands to the now proprietors on the 1st of May , when Mr. Hoggon will became landlord at that popular hostlery. The city council have determined to have adequate and comfortable quarters for city otliccs and a council committee are seeking such a location. "The light that lies , In woman's eyes. " js a raj * of heaven's own brightness ; but it is , alas ! often dimmed or quenched by some wearing disease , perhaps silcntyl borne , but taking all comtort and enjoy ment out of lito. The light of the house hold can be rekindled and niak'o to glow with its natural brightness. Dr. K. V. Piorce's "Favorite Prescription" is a po tent specific for most of the chronic weaknesses and diseases peculiar to women. QUEER COURTING. How Or. Liymnii Boeohor 1'ersunded Mrs. Jackson to Become Ills Wife. Cleveland Plaindcaler. "Saints nnd sinners and ho Bencher family" has been printed as the remark of the late Dr. Todd , of Pittslield , Mass. Possibly the following anecdote of the father , which 1 had from Ins oldest son , Hev. William II. Bocchcr , may illustrate the peculiarities of his family. The old gentleman had lost his second or third wife and was re solved to marry again. lionco at a fam ily gathering at Cincinnati he said : "My cliildron , hitherto I have married alto gether to suit myself , but now I intend to marry again and am willing td marry again and am willing to marry to suit you if you can think of any suitable and proper person who will have mo. " The children put their heads together and concluded that n certain Mrs. Jackson , who kept a largo boarding house in Bos ton and was a member of hdward's church would make him a capital wife , and it was arranged for Uov. Edward to nego tiate with Mrs. Jackson. After watting a week or so the old gentleman became impatient and started for Bostonx driving for Mrs. Jackson's house , calling for her and unfolding at once the object of his mission. The good lady was thunderstruck ; protested that she had no idea of marrying and couldn't think of such a thing ; it was impossible. To all of which the old doctor replied that ho was equally surprised. The ar rangement had been made in Cincinnati. Edward was to prepare the way , and he had made his arrangements to preach in Andover and Amherst nnd to attend the May anniversaries , and expected , of Bourse , to take her with htm us his wife. At this point the good lady expressed her self us shocked that Edward had never spoken to her on the subject , nor would it have made any difference if ho had ; for as to marrying again she could not and would not not oven the venerable and celebrated Dr. Lytunn Becchor. After a moment's pause , the doctor said : "My dear Mrs. Jackson , I am sorry you have so much felling about it , but 1 will stay with yon a dny or two and wo will talic this inattoi up , " to which tha lady responded that her house was full ; she had no suit able room for him and could not enter tain him. . "Oh , never nilud , then , " said A man's judgment Is part of his for tune. We will prove tliis to every visi tor , with ( > oods and Princa to convince the judgment that dollars brought to 113 will bo dollars saycd. Note following l rlci'3 on DRESS GOODS : All 0 cent Dress ( Seeds reduced to1 cents. All 8 cent Druss ( foods reduced to 5 cents. All 10 cent Dross Goods reduced to 05 cts. All 12cents Dross ( leeds reduced to 8Je. All colors In All Wool Cashmeres at 50c , 0"c , 75 and 93c. Kxtrti value at each price. A complete line of all the now and de sirable Sprint : Dress Hoods In all the lat est shades and weaves at prices that will save you from 10 cents to 23 cents on every yard you buy from us. Black Dress Goods : Our Stock in this Department is re plete with everything that is desirable , and at prices that cannot fall to please the closest buyers. In our Dress Hoods Department can be found unquestionable bargains. Call and inspect or send for samples.THOMPSON. THOMPSON. IlKLDKN & CO. , FAUN-AM Srunr.T. the doctor , "I will go round to Edward's and come and take tea with you. " And sure enough at tea time ho was there and sat next to Mrs. Jackson at the table. It was one of these largo boarding houses on licncon street , at which the lady of the hotibo pre ided as a sort of matron , and to the tea-table of which the board ers kept coming and going for two or three hours. Of course the old doctor became impatient , and kept whispering to Mrs. Jaekhon : "I want to see you alone ! " "I must see you alone ! " "Can't you see mo alone ? " At length Mrs. Jackson left the tablc with htm , and they wont to a room by themselves. What then occurred ( Sod only knows , but the family story is that the good lady pro- tested.oxnressed her amazementanil even said : "Yon must be crn/.y ; the subject is too. serious and solemn to bo thought of without prayer to God. " "Have you not prayed about ? " asked the doctor. "Prayed about it ? No. " said Mrs. Jack son ; "have not thoiipht of such a thing. " "Let us prav."was ( liesolemn rospousoof Hoocher , and they knelt down and prayed. Of course the Almighty was argued with ; what a good wife Mrs. Jackson would make him ; what a blessing it would be to her ; how much good she could do in the holy cause ; what a disappointment if she did not marry him. Thou , observing her to be in a melting mood , he reached out his hand , took hold of hers and saiu , "amen. " Yes , ai.d amen it was. The grand boarding house was broken tip , to the surprise of all Boston , and Mrs. Jack son became Mrs. Kyman Hceeher , making a "capital wife" indeed. , It Is n Cut-ions Knot That the body is now more susccnliblo to benefit from medicine than at any other season. Hence the importance of taking Hood's Sarsapanlla now , when it will do you the most good. It is really wonder ful for purifying and enriching the blood , creating an appetite and giving tone to the whole system. 15o sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla , which is peculiar to itself. Srtnt to Ills KHcwls. John Jones , a man lifly-scven years of age , who has lately become a wreck of insanity , was sent by the police ye.storday to his friends in Hcccher , Ills. He was rescued , from commitliiur suicide by throwing himself under the wheels of a Union Pacific train. Jones was formerly a well-to-do , re spectable and respected citi/.en of Illin ois. The loss of Ins fortune was followed by the more trying loss of his wife and several children. His mind gradually bi'came unbalanced , until now ho is totally Hibane. A. Tiimorn' lOntcrlalmiirnt. The Turners , under the supervision of Professor Kummerow , are preparing to give a grand athletic entertainment at Uoyd's opera house on May 18. All sorts of athletic feats will be performed by the two advanced classes of the turners and the programme will be tilled out with music by local singing societies. The object of the enlertainment is to raise money to take the Omaha Turners to the meeting of the Missouri Valley Turnbe- y.irk in Topcka , Kas. To allay pains , subdue inflammation , heal foul sores and ulcers the most prompt and satisfactory results are ob tained by using tlmt old reliable rem edy , Dr. J. H. ? McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. Wanted limins Not Breeches. It Is said tlmt Allen Thormriko Itlca 1m become the owner of the silk coat , waistcoat , ami knee breeches and the uold buckles which George Washington woie when ho took the Inaugural oath as first niosldent of the United States. If Mr. nice will co to the I'ennsylvanla Historical soclnty build ings In Philadelphia and try on Daniel \Vch- \ stur's hat , In ulilcli * his head will rattle around like a dried pea In a pod , ho will llnd out tnat It Is not breeches so much na brains that some persons most sadly need. Coughs , Colds and Sore Throat quickly relieved by "llrown's llrunvlttul Troches. " The Dlhlonn the Vast Question. The Intor-stnto commerce bill Is clearly a subject of prophecy. Anticipating by about S.WJO years the rumpus which the abolition of the tree pass system would raise , thn prophet Jeremiah declared : "Though they roar , yet can they not pass. " If. Y. UernM. lint In ( iencsls , eighteenth chapter and tilthcr.i , wn read : "Corntort yo your hearts , alter that ye shall pass on. " MOST PERFECT MADR Prep itAJi area k niMA. with . etrictraord tA. wE : , _ to Purity. _ _ BLACK AND COLORED SILKS The prices wo are mntdni : on .Silks Hn sur prise to every 0110 thnt bus taken tlio tlino to examine tliotn. It you are thinking or pur- clinilnir > k SMI : drets.or if jon want Silk enough to muko over an old one , ytttl rnnnot ntTonl to buy until you hare eccn our Stock and know our prioes. lilac * Silks nt C.-o , 73C , SI.Oi ) , $1.23 , $1.50 , f I.C3 , $2.00 , * J,25 nml 2.76. Illnck Hndzlmers , $1.00 , $1.35 and $1.50. Illnck Hhadamo3Wo.I.O ) , $1.50 , $1.75 , and $ -.UO. Illack Sitrnh Silks , Too , $1.0) nnd $1.30. A biff I1AHOAI.V In Illnck Armuro Silk nt $1.55. ColnrcJ Gros Grnln Silks , Me , 75c , $1.00. Colored Surnh Silks nt $1.00. 1'titra value and In nil the now shades. Colored niindiuncs lu nil the now snadca nt $1.00. IUACK AND COhOltlSD V10LVKTS From $ f.OJ to J3.00 per yard. HTKlt'h'D AM ) IMjAIIJ VKLVET8. \Vo pet no fancy piotlts on fancy Velvets , but muko the annie puioentigo on thorn as on plnln Velvets. Wo quote prices at 75c , II.51 , $ . ) .Mi , $4.0i ) , and $ * i.OU By eramlnln these ( Inuds j ouwlll llnd we can mid will snvo money lorjon. If yon cnnnot visit our store In person - son send for sumplcs , THOMPSON. IIKtiDKN , A CO. 1319Furnnin Street. GENTS' ' FURNISHING GOODS , In this department our lines are complete and selected with care. Men's Unlaundrlcd PhlrLs at 50c , 75o nnd 11.00. Men's White nnd Fancy Drew Slilrtt. 75o , $1.00 , $1.85 nnd $1.50. Bays' Dress Shirts , SOctuul GOo. Nlitht Shlrti Special ImrRnlns at 75c and $1.110. Onuzo , Llslo and timnmor Merino Shirts nnd Drawers at 3u onch nnd up , llloyclo and IlontltiK Slilitl. Extra honvy Linen Cuff i , 2jo per pair. Newest styles In Collars at 2 for 25o. Hosiery Complete assortment at popular prices. Kcckwonr , KlJ Gloves , Handkerchiefs , Sus penders , .Ktc. , Utc. The nbuvo will bo found the best of tholr kind , ot our itsiinl low prices , nnd on u ( rfcll/ | OIK vHcccashsyitcm. THOMPSON , I1KLDEN & CO. , 1'JIU 1'arnam Street. Display at their warerooms , 13O5 and 13O7 Farnam Street , the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the highest class and medium grades , including STEINWAY , FISCHER , LYON&HEALY BURDETT , STANDARD , LYON&HEALY Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long established reputation of the house , coupled with their most liberal interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible defects in materials and workmanship. LYON & HEALY , 1305 & 1307 FARNAM STREET * LINCOLN , NEB , Ton lUltro.uK unit moru are coming. IW Trains Dally. State University , \Vesleyim UnlvenltyStnto Cnpl- fit. Mo tnf tlm nii lne I.ot * Invc doubled In jirlro In the lust 1 ; month" . Aero-hind , within 2 miles of the cltv , lucre n oil over two huiulrc.l purrcnt. Lincoln 1thoBrpjtPM llHllniKl Center nf ltn nio In tlm .vorlcl. I ruk l > Iiu-kiMy ] H to 9) ) per rent. Vacant loti Imvi'Mvcr.iu''il I'M ' per oiMit pur iiiinum on tint ust , for 1 * ycflM Lincoln H11 Kfi-at dl trll > utln < point. Porno VTlu.lo- nal.t ile tiers hnvo undo primely fortnnn * . llulM n.M KIIIIW up In nil tllroctlom. Illinois iron- or.illy cmd. Hankerj , rotall morclmnlfl , incchtttilca , etc. , Kettli grlcli. A. J. OROPSEY & OO. Itoom 41 , Itii'liardN IIlot-It , e al Estate Agents & Loan Brokers Ilaro for . ' : ilo brick block ! , b'ulncsj loti. nil kind * of roul ejluto. 1,2,2,10,31 , U , W , 3J ) ndflia acre Irnrts farms and rbonp Hinds. MO.NKV TAANKI ) . 1.VVKST.MKNT8 SIADK. ItKCKHKNCKSi Kirit a tut Lincoln NallmiHl UankK , < ioTorniirTimer , Jtiilno Cut'l > , Uov. Dr.O. t\ ( 'rtMu'iion. I.ltuu'u ; iJuiiitur S. M. Cullom , Illinois ; and General lien . ) i ,11. i. . 1 Menn.rTerlnjjfra > n ro < Vfcor , ! % * rmi * llcltlllty , l.urk f WEAK I > * > Vrl pmriit I'rernulum MI.- < - . . . , ! . , . , ' from In. ili retion % , cxcej * cs or erworb , r ii ml v 11 It" t HI * iuuct > -uvaiwcr < ' 'VI ' ho JM A R STOfH , jntfiJMlNTj . lir Fulhors A 1 > I C < "I III Ihi * Iamis M tlirlrHoiiit. IftTHplt lo w fiU I Inr.iimMlon of v into nil ini-'il. MARSTOd REMEDY CO. in Park Place. Ncjv York. MentloiiOinaliii Deo. V htn I . r cure 1 do nui ueau mor'ly to mp item Tur tlmoandtheoh t lh a return urila. I inetn aradlcil euro I lure tn , ! o tli9 illliut of 1'IT./ KI'ILfTnV tr FiLUNO HlCKNItsd a llf l ni ! unilr. Iwirr'nt mrronudjr tocun lha vront COA69. ecAtii4 otndm h T j faUea I * no rr&Bon for uot novr recvlrlng anirr gentlat oaeJr a trefttliosuit n fr.-fl LoUloofuir inrallllj's ren.cJr. illro Eiproitandrot OIUco. It rntttyouliotlitnir f > , r 1 UM1. > li < l 1 wtUrnra Ttvi. AjJr/'j r.r. u < > jouv. : i : icanst. .NiwY tt. SOMETHING NEW. Warranted to neither break down 01 roll up In woar. loot eeiBlgi without IlkO itinptd u Imlde of C net , Tr2-llln lll- > lj MUI.tjfj. > i r pj > i t j. CHICAGO CORSET CO. CHICAGO. NEW YORK. And many other complaints cured by EViDiNCEJF 1887 A Prominent Buffalo Physician says : nill-FALii , N , Y. , Feb. II. 154 ? Dr Home. Chicago , 111.-1.0 ir Sir. Ills om cthlnz umiKimi tor finu ot < ho mcdlcdl pr * sl jn to t ulor43 nniilvortl oi : article ; y ot I take pleasure In Inform- IIIK y.iu Hint ono of your KlKlrlR IH'ln cured mo of rlieumntl-in , from which I hail tniirorcul Syoari. 1 IIIITU rucoiimeniletl your Invention to nt lo t forty of my pii'entaminYHnz ' with chronic Ulionieiof vn- rtmn klndi , viz ; 1'iilpltn Inn uttln heart , nervous debility , opllepiy , rlio im tl in , I itln In tlio tuck anil kidneyetc. . . et'- . , etc All luvo nurcn.mvl Hnd worn them with mo r.-Ulfylnu ro < ult9. lemhlehly rpciimmonil your Hloctrlc Holtt a possH3ln < Kroat merit. Krutermilly v.uir . I , I.McMintAKl , M. D. ( SI Niagara-it A Chkncfo I'liisician Says , Ir Horne Dtinriilr : I h iv ) imoJ several klnili ot miiunctlc unit Klpctric lljll.i on p.ulontnnil myself. I can honojtly Klvo tlio proferonca to yours , by nil nddt * . llftnco I cmnunddo rocotiiiuenU yours overall otliern. Votirfl frutcrnnlly , J. II. JUIUHIX. .M I ) , Ji'n II , NS7. Offlccjii ; SUitc-'t. . Ohlcajo A 1'liysician Says. All of My Patient are .Satisfied. CKNUVA , NEH , Jnn 31,1337 DrW.J.Homo , tnvontor-Dear Sir : I rocommenl your illectrlc Holts In nil \TII suffer wltlinnynorrou ) tinulilo , any rhronlollrcror kldnoy aHenaos. Allot my patient * tlmt nro using \our Kloatrlo Helta are satisfied , fraternally. M. I'IIOPIT. M It , rhyslclun and Hurgeon A Minister of the German Evangelical Church , Says : I.nntiTON , Allecim Co , Mich. , Fab8,1R37 Ir W. .1. II irnc , Chlc.iKO , Ill-Dear Mr : Your Kloctrlc Uulta < 1oilllou clulm. One of them hvlped ineof clvjpcpsi i. comtlputlon nnd iiciieral debility. I woulif Ilko in Intruduca your ruodi hero. Will you let mo hnvo the agency for thin ttrnihlpl'lea > n Biro yoiirtenni Inmthonilnlstirof the ilormuu K.VHiiKelical Church of l.olxliton Ueaimrtfully , UBV. liDl'IS UllltMM. Itcyltlcncc , MlJdlevlllo Hurry county , Mich. Neuralgia of the Stomach Cured. Clil-STM-T. II.I. . . Jan 01 , 1331 Dr llorna-Donr Plr1 us aairiTlni : neural pl.'i of the xtnnmcii , inul mollclnecomod to have no- otTcct. oven morphlno did notraliovo IIIQ much. The attnck would h. * ; ln uvcry ovonlng about nlnoo'cloclc. and nstubontslx hours , I sent for i neot your Kino- trlr licit' , cot it nnil put It on. nnd Imvn't hud the leant nymrxoMi ot niun : Uu ! slnco. lam veil ple.isod Vouratru'y ' , A.y. IIAIU'OUKT. Dr. W. J. IIOllNK/lill AVabash-avomie , Cliicaq-o. Polo Inventor , I'rlotor nml Manitfacturor. hciul tftamprao 10 cito'U3. ; ! a National Bank OMAHA. NKUKASKA. Paid up Capital $250,000 Surplus 40,000 H. YV. Yatns , President. A. E. Toimilln , vine President. W. 11 S. HuRhos , Cashier. \V. V. Morse , John S. Collins , ll.W.Yates , LowiiS. Hood. A. E. Touxnlln. BANKING OFFICE : THE IRON BANK , Cor I'Jth and Farnam Sts. A Ueuoral Banking Hiismcas Transacted. 'FRANK G , HOLLINS & CO. , Members .Vow York Stock Kxchanze. 1IUV AND SKI.I. ON STOCKS AND BONDS , Qalnr and Provisions. 24O ClurhSrect , UMcuyo. ( ( Jraidliifiao ) Hotel ) Private wire to Now York. Corrcsronflmco Invited liy mall or telegraph. ludiicrxliini or . "S llt'iUtliTlK Tl ) thn New lurcorru . KNisa , jT. , iiiuouiiiilld , loothli'Bcurrtnti ' of ' ltundVijgrouiSir , ' " "tV " " ' " -e.k tjih. pirti.r""or. Cumnt -5\f-li\t \ Inilinllr a , Ve forfeit tsVlVJ Kltetrio . amieitlrnpto.7nunt < o > tr > ri other Ulti.\yoritruriptr n..ntly cundln Ihrr , Irwnthi. pimphlet 4t. .tlrnp , Th 8 ndonEI elrloCo. l69LsSilic tMChie a NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS , llo-dery , Handkerchief * . Olovos , Kmbroldorlos , Lnces , Collars nnd CulTs , lilliboni , Fancy Goods , lluttons , Trlmmlnr4f | ItiK'hlnirs , Umbrollni , Corsets , 1'nrnsols. Notions , Ladles Muslin Underwear , Gauze , Mslo nnd Slllc Undorn'onr , Ktc. The Season's Novelties In the nbovo lines will always bo found on our counters , The season's variety In the snmo field will never bo mlssod by us , and the poason's ordinary price always discounted. Wo ninko spo- clnltlos of superiority of goods nnd low ness of prloos. Ulvo us a call nnd BOO If our rep resentations uro unfounded. THOMPSON , 11ELDKNACO. , l.liu Fnrnum Street The "Smoke Ball " Overrides Disease ESTSworn Evidence Verify our * llcmlnchc , Colds , Etc. OMAHA , NKII. , April 15th , 1887 , Carbolic Smoke Flail Co Gentlemen. I have used your Smoke Ball to great ad vantage for headache , colds and catarrhal nlTectionF , from which I have been a suf ferer for a considerable period. In every case relief hab been promp , and today I ntu entirely free from sucli ailments. For such causes the Smoke Ball is all you" claim .for it. Yours truly , C. W. SMITH , 511 South 12th St. State of Nebraska , County of Douglas , ss. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this ICth clay of Apiil , A. D. 1887. ISKAL ] HIRAM A. Si URGES , Notary Public. Catarrh and Jtroncliidl Affections. ST. Loi-ts , Mo. , March 1 , 1887. "Carbolic Smoke Ball" Co. : Gentlemen. I have administered your Carbolic Smoke Ball to my two children for Catarrh and Bron chial allection , with uratifving results , speedily curing both diseases. J. T. DRUMMOND. President Dnitnmond Tobacco Company , 8nb cilhOl nnd sworn to Uoforo rae tills 8th dnjr of Mnrcli , IS37. WAI.TKIl C. CAIllt , [ SLAI , . ] Noturjr I'ubllo. The only unfailing remedy in Catarrh , Asthma , Hronchitis , Hay Fever , Neuralgia , ' Croup.Catiurhal Deafness. Whooping Cotih , Sore Throat , Headache , Colds , etc. ATHTT ? 1717 T * B'ven to a" callers at our Ladles' and Gents' Par- A * - JX JJrO J. | orSi ROOIU n ( Creighton Block. EST'Our "Debellalor Package" tor purifying the blood , should be used in connection with the Smoke Ball in all chronic cases. . Smoke Balls sent on receipt of price , $2 , and 4 cents in stamps. "Debellator" , $1. CARBOLIC SMOKE BALL CO , , Itoom 11 , CreiaMoii IJlocH , ISthnt. , Next to 1'ostofllcc , Omaha , A'eb. Xotfof safe by < lrtiyglsts , canvastscr.1 or RELIABLE JEWELER. Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The largest stock. Pi icej the lowest. Repairing a specialty. Work warranted. Corner Douglas and 15th streets , Omaha. Licensed Watchmaker for the Union Pacific Railroad Company. THE 75th GRftND DRAWING. MAY 20th. NO KLAXKS. BIG 1 > KIXI2 § Oil E\VAUI > .S ! One Million Distributed Every Year HE Acutmui.vruo ixraim ST MUNKY UIVIUKD AMONG A I'KW LUCKY uo.y ItULDKUS KVEUY a MONTHS. Only $2.00 required to secure one Royal Italian 101) ) francs gold bond. These hond participate in four drawings everv year and retain their original valu until the year 1944. Prize * of 2,000,003" 1,000,000 , 530,000 , 2,10,000 , &c. francs will b drawn , besides the certainty of receiving back 100 francs in gold , you may win 4 time everv year. Tlifi ii ua nfo , nnd fie best , Itivesttuent ever oTot-oil , as the Invented money must tia pnlJ baok when bond miittirra. SinJ forrlrcuUriat It will piy you to di , or soiul jvur onleri wltti mnnoy or togtstoroU letter , or postal notns , und In return wo will forward the documents. BEIILIN BANKING CO. . 3O5 Broadway , Now York 11 y. N. U. These bonds are not lottery tickets , and their sale is legally permitted : n th.iU S. by laws of 1873 . - OF GALLOWAY : - : CATTLE. Importation , ut LINCOLN , NEB. , ON TUESDAY , APRIL 26 , ' 87 Commencing at 1 o'clock P. M. 83 HKAD Just from qimrnntlno , i > l foninlcgninl : : i % bulls , tiowx In cnlf or culvn nt foot All ot the noted fmiilliCH rife ! | ) = eiitiJ , liichtillnif bulls nud cow * orilin notoil oinluiuils trlbfi. l.mly Stun- l ys , Forest Quc'cns , Maid MnrlHn , Driiinlunrlir. HulH und hollers by the noted Harden Hull tll'il ) , the llr-t llimlon IcmulesovrT impoitud. Also a lot slrod by Mosstroopuol' Drumluutitf ( lU7i ) snld to lie the best bull iu Scotland nt the present time. Wu otin Ray without hoMtnlion thct thh 13 tlio host lot of cuttlu ovcrlmi > oitoil , botli us rouarUa breeding mid InUl- vldual inorlt. t alu positive ; no le-ioivo. no poet- rinneiner.t. . will bo hold In the brocdors eniutcni. TKItMS Tlirotlo six inoiitUs' tlmo lor peed pnpor. Drlnk'banUablo references. Cntalniruus now toady. . \dcli053 JAS. OUNNINCHAM H SON , LINCOLN , Nun. , OnroNebraska rumur , Or 1. M. WOODS , Auctioneer. DREXEL & MAUL , Successors to Jno. ( J. Jacobs , AND At tlio oldstanct 1 107 Farnara st. Orders bytolecrauh solicited and promptly at tended to. Telephone No. 235. Embody the Inchest cxelloncics in Shape linesi , Comfort and Durability and aic the Reigniiig Favorites fashionUble circle , , OjrtumjUon eve ry sale. .J' . & T..COUS.INS , New Yoik. TAULR IJXI'.XH , AND All Roodi of thli clASJ nud n Inrtfu roprconl > tlon In thMstoro , as a cnll will cotivlneo you. Wr tunkultioni Jtieolaltyus stnplo KOOiM.ntnl | iaco | them nt n atuple prlro-otlr price tlio M < rv lowest In the nmtk t. lly the roll , pleco. yiinlorpattorii.wo otfor no Koodji tlmt nro not bargain * , ml tlio tlnrjt or tlio coitroodt fnbrlo \veonny I ? rollnhlo and satisfactory. Try us hen you need tnbki linen or kindred fabric * , nnd you eantiot fall to nmko n durable , elegant nnd seasonable pnraltnso. WHITE AND WASH Dress Materials. This will bo without question the frrontet year for \vlille ami irusdi fabrics over known In this country. Wo bnllovn our stouk contain ! cvur ) thing that Is doalr ble. and Is prollc lljr strong In i'nrco tfoodt which promise to ho mi milch worn this seasonliu-ludlrtr the following : Victoria LIIWIH , Pluln , HI r I peel nnd I'lnld Niiln- Books , India I.lnon * . Swiss Mailing , dotted , tliMirod nnd plnld , ( Mionlllo.tiphyr.s , Knotted lonit < 'C4 , Klrnipps Cloths , SntrctK 1'oiolRn and Dome llL' , Olnghnma , rerculcx , llntl-jto , Hour- sucker nnd Crinkles in omlle.ii variety. Karly luiyers will linvu the lui-Ror selection alAlKKorllSSmKM.IBOIDRHKD ? . UOIIK8 la boxes HI astonishingly low prices. Lace Curtains and Scrims. I.nco Curtains from f 1.00 a pair up. Plain and I.neo-Hulped Scrims from lOo to25o per yurd. THOMPSON , BKLDKN & CO. , 1319 FAUNA M STHEET. GOLD MEDAL , FABIS , 1878. BAKER'S Warranted abloliittlu pure Cocofi , tram which Uio OICC-M of Oil ha tern rtmotcd. It bntt/irra time i the itrenglH tit Cocoa mliixl wltli Blnrch , Arrowroot orHngar , and la therefore far more economi cal , cutting ten than one tint a tuH I * delicious , nourishing , ftlrengthetilnf ; , easily dlgrati-d , nud admirably adapted for Invalid * M well M for | > i'n > on > In health. Sold lijr OroFer oToryttlicre. W. Mass BAKERO.Jorchestcr . . , , IIR cnutos , and n now and micemarul UlJItl' at your own hoinn tiy ono who wai de f twenty eight ) ciii . Tioatod by inont of iliu iiou-a niioclnl- M * without t > onollt ; cured bitnsolf In ihr month * , und smco then hundred ! of others , I'ull particular * soul on application. T , U. J'AQt ; , No. 11 W cm J 1st Bt.o