Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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AiUottlii'infiitH under this bond , 10 cents per
line Tor Ilio tlist Insertion , 'cents for onch sut *
F ( > iiir'iil | Insertion , niul SI Ma line per tnontli ,
Nd ndvortlsomoiit taken for loss than 30 conn
fortliu tlrst lii'trtlon. Smcii words wll Ilio
counted to tlni line ; they mint run eonsocii.
tlvolv itnil intl t bopnld In nduuiro , All mlvcr-
ti'oments nni t bo winded in bt'foiolilio o'clock
1 > . in. , niul under no clrcumMnnci's will tlioy liu
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Pnttlcs advertising Inthure columns nnil hivIng -
Ing tht ) nnswois addressed In enroot Till ! II KB
will iilonsu nk foi ii cheek to enable thorn to got
tliclr letter" , us nonn will lie delivered except
on i > ro iiiitntloM of chupk. All answers to adver
tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes
All advertisements In thcso columns nro pufn
lHho < l In tiotli morning mid ovonlng editions of
Ihn llr.r , tlio circulation of which
nggrcgntcs inoro than 11,000 pnpois
( billy , nnil gives tliu advertiser thu
bentllt.nol enl ) of the city clruulntloti of Tlio
IILK titil also of Council Hlulfs. Lincoln , niul
other cities untl towna throughout this part ot
tlio wrst.
, to lonn on rcnl ostntc. Apply to C. II ,
$ Keller , 1505 I'nriinin st , city. CI5 mlO
500,000to lonuntfl pur cent , Ilnrrls & fiiinp-
son , I51K Douglas st. Mil
) , X ) 'IO LOAN nt 0 per cent Alnhoncy
$5CK Llnahan I5U9 I'nriiam 121
TYTONKV TO LOAN O F. Davis A Co , ronl
i-'L estate nnd lonn agents , 1505 I'urnam ft
to loan on real estate nnd chnttoh
MONEY < .V Co. 1511 Farnnmst.gioumnloor
$600/iOT To lonn on Omaha city property nt 8
per cent. O. W. Lmy , s. o. tor. i.x. : litd.
75 ?
MONEY TO LOAN-On city nnd farm prop
erty , low intcs. Stewart 4Co.HoomJ
Jronjmnk. 75" )
MONEY to loan , cash on delay.
J. W. nnd H. L. Squire , 1413 Farnnm St. ,
Pnxton hotel building. 700
MONhV Flrht mortgngo notes. The Douglas
county bunk will buy papers secured by
first mortgage on pity remty. 701
MONEY TO LOAN on improved renl nstnto ;
no commission charged. Lenvltt lluru-
linm , Hooni 1 Crolghtnn Block. 702
G PUH CUNT Money to lonn.
Gregory Sc llndloy ,
I looms 1 nnd 3 , Hcdick nlock , 320 S. 15th Rt
7U. )
MONUNY to loan on collaterals. Long and
short tlmo city mortgages and con
tracts nought. E. 8. Howloy , 314 South 16th st.
B78 mil
rpo LOAN Money Loans placed on Im-
JL proved real estate In city or county for
Mow England Lonn fc Trust Co. , by Douglus
County bank , ICtb and Chlengo sts. 701
MONEY to lonn on Improved elty property at
n per cent. Money on hand ; do not have
to wnlt 11 nvo n complete set of nbstrnct books
of Douglas county. I. N. Watson , abstractor
Harris Heal Estate nnd Lonn Co. , 320 S. 16th st.
7(15. (
M ONHY LOANED at C. F. Heed Jk Co.'s Lonn
Ollico , on furnlturo.plnnos , horscs.wagons ,
personnl property of nil kinds , nnd all other ar
ticles of value , without removnl. 319 S. 13th.
over IIInKhnm's Commlnslon store , All bust-
nosa strictly confidential.
il'KH CUNT Money.
It. C. 1'nttergon , 15th nud Hnrncy.
1\ONEV TO LOAN bytho nndcrslened , who
1J bus the only properly orpunlzed loan
BRonor In Omnhn. Loans of J10 to $100 made
on lurnltiiro , pianos , orKiuis , horses , wmrons ,
innchln ry , &c , without remoVBl. Nodelu > s.
All business strictly eonfldontlnl. Loans so
made thnt nny part cnn bepnld nt any Ime.aiieh
pnyment rodiielnc the cost pro rntn Advnnees
inndfion flno wntches and diamonds. I'eraons
should carefully consider who they nro dealing
with , M ninny now concerns are dally conilmr
Into existence. Should you need money call
nnd frit mo. W. IL Croft , Koom i W'thnoll '
lluildliitf 15th nnd Hnrnoy. 70H
OH SALUfll.OOO ITock of drups In ( rood
town in southern Neb. on n. & M. rallrond ,
dolnir a $7,000 cnsh business. Good reason/ ) for
iollinir : a rare chance for the Hunt man. Ad-
dreas KmuB i Foster , 310 so. 15th St. , Omnhn ,
Xob. . 150-J-
_ _
FOlt SALU T ho best meat market on N lotii
very ehoap. Address L C2 Iloo olllro.
172 23J
fpOH SALU or trnde , for city property , a stock
JL' of dry ( foods , clothlnu , boots nnd shoes ,
ulso store In uood location to rout and llzturcs
for Bulo. Address L CT llee ollico. 177 2.IJ
"IT10HSALU At abniKnlu , a nlco stock of
JU groceries , groodti ado , can have lonse of
Btoro for two voarsnt low rent. This Ian good
clinnco for seine ono wislilnir to KO into the
busluc33 In Oaiuhu. Address L. 50 , Boo office.
14120 *
N15W Hotel for rent or for snle. nt Jnnscn ,
Neb . on line of C. K. & N. ll'y ' Hook Isl-
mid. Goodoponlinf for the business. Address
P. Jntibon , Jnnscn , Jefferson Co , Neb. 1UU21
* ' * "
FOB SALE Sl'ock of < lry KOtMinn"KOo3
town ; invoice about (7,5(10 ; will take about
Klntradoorlf ( rood Omaha real estate will
take all In trade , rood rcnsoui for selllnff.
I'.irli & Fowler. 1522 Douglas st. UU7 21
TJ10H SALE-First class bnrbor shop In the
JL1 center of thoclty. Inquire L U Hoe office.
" 171OH SALK lion ! estate ollico dolntr peed
JL1 business , with furniture , maps , horse and
litipKy , etc. lloason , its goluir away , SIS
N. lutli st. Lawrence A So > del. WO 19
"jfi OH SALK A Complete cisar Btnnd outflt.
J-1 Gate City lleul i : tnto Co. , 1UM Douglas st.
FOH SALH-Ono-hnlf Interest IntheNobraskn
HlKnal.tho lartfost circulation of any coun
try weekly nowspnpcr In the state ; largo job
offlcp In connection. Tor full particulars address -
dross or call on 1 ! . C. Sawier , Admr. . fair-
uiont.Nob. _ 7:13 :
BUY a Mnyflild lot on West Cumlngs street ,
* KO , JSO down and $10 monthly. . J.
Canun. 723
OR BALU or Exchange A nowari bbl com-
blnation rulll situated on Little Ditto
rlTer , nour Hebron , In Tbnynr county. Will ox-
obaiiire for wild or Improved Innds or live stock.
Tor further particulars address First National
lianlt , Hebron , Neb. _ M'J
"I WANTKD To nnd good , live business men
i with stocks of ( foods to move to n if row-
Intr town where money cnn be made , I will M-
fist tb right kind of people In bulldhiff , eto.
" ill pay rood bi bonus to HDT ono thnt will
tart a canning factory , or. In fact , any kind of
n factory thntomploys hands. We wnnt a drug
Btoro , furniture storo. ( rrocery store , a doctor ,
practical painter rlftht nwny. For particulars
nldreis Hank of Valley , Vnlloy Nob. 4l4n'.r.l
TfJUItSONAL-To the business men of Omaha.
JWo cnn furnish you any kind of help with
l > mt of references at short notice , bv ca'llnir ' ut
Omaha Kniployiutnt Ouruau , 119 N. 16 , Crnunse
block. 18.120
phltSQNAIXvat nd tasty all-wool biisl-
i nc s milts ? 7.00. Fine blnodlatronal dress
suits , S10.75. Call and no them or write for
samples. I , . O. Jones & Co. . American
Clothiers , 130J Farnnm st. . Omaha. P88 in 17
PlllLSONAL I'rlvnte home for Indies durlnir
confinement , strictly confidential. Intauts
I'dopted , address K 43 , Hoe office. K a29J
TVl'lt.-4. DUHANT-Clnrlvoyantfrom
-lii reltabln In all affairs of II fo , unites separated
lovers. ' K ! N. ictb it. room 1 C4Ua24
EH ONAl Mrs. Dr. Nanntt V. Warren
nlsirvoyant , UcdlcKl anil busln n Medluta
Itocm Xo. 1 , 121 Norti ictb it. .Omabm. Nb.
OMAHA btoratre aroliou-o-Oornor Uth
and laard stj , , for sloraKo ot houoolioid
ppods and fcneral Bcrrbnndisf nt low rut o .
Aivancn ! < niado ; Isiuu , narehouso rocolpts. It.
II. switch nt the house. oniro QIUBouth lilth
street and 130 , 1310 and 1118 IzurO str et. T le-
M. 3. ( liKidrlcb , Mgr. UU6 mT
E ! -Draft i : and horirs for
Uinsha lots. AdJre'j K 71 tCQ 1'Jj
SA lK-.low lry store In one of the te t
svut ions lu Omnlia. AdJrossLlll. llo .
t'5T ID *
| _ _
fpHT. rnmmlttee on entfrtaiiimunt of thoU
-U I'.Xkhytxilin ns.irmbly wh.'rit ' m rt hare
May IVf'j , dc ir to pot plkcm lor toirdlng a
liumhur of couitiimlonorH nt bonrdhur or prl-
vatp 'jc'.uc Any who bnve roomi with or
Ml UK Jin bonrl will plen * notify the comialttca
tlmttrms on which they will take delegates.
I' . Ii I'orlim , IMi Karnam ft. Ml Xt
J. BundntHMp for prices tn piciurn. R.
U. S O , , Chitcothf : ; , OSil-i. 155 2J |
III. KMIZALiMt No. STUM. 12th t. . Onmhtt.
li'if lire for him at Jli N. j.Uh st. 151 MiJ
OMAHA I-aimdtjr | N. tfith st. fih'lrts 10r. ,
collnrn oiid curfs.'e.HrA' fancy divMe *
nd tniarfr wftiitiijir rbntpuit la the tltv. Flr t-
. 1.1 m
F OH UHNT Square I'ls'no U rnontnlr. A
nospo.l5Hfoutfias. 770
rilO parties having housoi tor rent , Hontnl
- * - ARcney , llonnwn It Co. , 1'iit . opposite post-
office , Wo linvo turned over to them our rental
list. Wo recommend them , McCugue Ilros.
B LAKH'S Premium short Hand ,
nnd Typewriters' Institute.
ThnrougliSpi Helical and
! < * 'llahlu Instruction.
Wrltp or npply to L. J. lllnlto , principal , cor.
lOtlMind Capitol nve. Omnliai _ > eb. _ fti.1 jiiyP
KKAL ESTATB men tnko notice : Lots S nnil
U , I'orbs' sillxllvlslon , nro withdrawn f'om
mnrkot. Jnme * Christie.
Omnhn , April )6 ) , 1837. Mrs.McCoy. .
F oil HUNT organs , IS per montti.
1513 Uouelas.
-.MrT K. a SccnfnliT. pur-
lorslWJSt Mary's IIMI. l.ndles cumlng to
the city forono day can luuo their dress mudo
while waiting. U75 m It
S t Hs7c."iT. lnTulA7m"to ( olvTivor , "Col.Tbns
-l' opened n llrst-classiMiiployineiit ollico , for
innlo nnd femnlo helps Orders solicited and
Bntlstnctlou guur.inlccd , nt 'Ilil south l.'jtli stM
' '
v' cnMi or iiistnllmrnt ; lowest p'rlcoa nt J.
Ilonncr , 1315 Doiiglns st. Uw
17OIt sodding , grading , trimming treeplant-
ingHhrubi , aldros-i J , Astleford , 5th and
Dorcas , city. tfij 21J
"IJIOH ItKNT S < iunrn" I'imio.yr moutnlT. A
-I ? HOBPO. 151' ) PouuliR. 770
TUTIH&T-CLASa Storage ntlloT } 13th ct. _ _
XF jou wnnt to buy or sell furniture , go to
J. l-oriruson's , 711 N. 18th 771
: T ' < JKAJlT ( Kir friii 8 strnro Tor nioo f
S' nituro or boxed Kooils , at Til. . ! lodie-jt.
" | /OUSAIK Uifht nxpress wnson , ntso ile-
JT hvury wuijon , almost new , ctienp , 811
larnnm st. 181 21j
bay pony , irontlo , in p < iod
condition. Address I , M , Ure olHro. 1HI 21J
FOIl HAM' Hlds for the liouses ultuntod on
t ho 8 W cor Hurt nnil l'"tli ' " pts will bo re
ceived nt oflieo of 11 T. 1'oteison \ Co. . S 15 cor
Kith and Do UK Inn 170 " j
FOK SA M3 Troltcr. or oxcbnm-o for Omnhn
property , record 2:1U. : Will plnw tlio
epcod or no trude. Call at loom 1 , Omnlia N'nt'l
bank. 115 19
: Sccond-hinid li.irhor thalr nnd
FOltSALi us now , clienp , nt 70. , & 10th
' SALU ThrOe counters und sboivcnso !
1211 Farnnm. W5 21
FOH HALE Furniture , household goods , etc.
2024 Webster St. S5 | 2lj
FOH SALE Fiirnlturo of 5-ioom potto'e ,
good ns now , > ory chonp. 170J N. 19th st.
Ki ) 19 *
F I OH SALTS Pcodlnir nnd stork cuttlo. .lohn
MeCarthy , Jellerson , lown. h-4 1 ! )
AKKW well bred rend horse for Phlo Single
drlveis and polo teams at Wltlnow'o Imrn ,
1307 Harnoy stieut. Flomlntr * Kennedy.
81H 11J
TJIOH SALR-lTliuail cholco bred Shorthorn
-L cattle : also a 4V ) acre stock farm In Holt
county. J. S. Collhitfs , I'onder. Neb
Wl ) mny inj
SALK Fnrr.ituro of six room house ,
nearly now , wltti lease for ono year. Do-
Slrnbln locution. Address LQ5 Ilco olllcc , 18 ! ' 21
FOH SALE-Chonp , n spring co\crcrt wacon ,
nlmost new. Apply blicksmlth shop'cor.
Clailt nndSaunders sts. 175 1UJ
" 1T10H SALK A stookof poultry , ono team of
- Aborsos , wn on and hnrnc-H. HOIISD nnd 10
ncro poultry ynrd for rent , covered with bear-
Inn blackberry bathos. U. .1. Cannn. 801
FOH SALE 1 or2 horsos. 1 sprint ? wagon , 1
bUKKV , cheap. A Ilospo. 7S1 nil.l
FOIISALII The host llnoof C'lrrbitre" , phnet-
ons , butffflos , real estate wnwons nnd deliv
ery wngons. Columbus Iliib'try Co.,111 ! ) Harnoy.
39-"m'J "
'I71OH SAfiK A second hand xpilntf wa on , two
Jsealed , polo and shaltti , choa | > , nt the Col-
umliUHJIiiKKr Co. 1113 Harnoy _ < ) t. R'Hi
TTIOHSALU-Ilrlck. T. Murray.
J-1 127
CHOICU LANDS $ Ti per ncio. i 0 makes 1st
yenis payment on IDOacios. Write for information -
formation \V. V. I'nlno. Sldnoy Neb. 252inay7
FOU SALK Tonm flno rend tors , mid ( rood
slnglo harness. Dr. Itnnchctt , r 0 Withncll
Block. K70
VLlt SALK 2 million brick and upwards oo-
nldesdnlly out put of a,000. iii'iulre :
on piemlBo , cor Dorcns nnd 2nd sts. Oi-iaha
llrick ana Terra Cotta Mff. ( Co 774
W 'ANTUD-Dishwnshor , 1001 N Iflth ot.
WANTKD A llrstclass. icllablo , wldo awake
furulturo snlesmon , none other need
apply , M. F. Mai tin , 017 iiouili l.ltli t-t 1 7
WANTKD At Uuropenn Hotel , 1 first-class
man waiter , 1 good second cook , manor
woman. lU'jXt \
W ANTUD A bartender nt Savngu's saloon ,
the Fnrmors' llest , Military road. 1J4 21J
WANTED Active , reliable men , capable of
selling goods. Call 4J1 South 10th st.
il 8 20J
\\7ANTED-Kor rallrond.s east of Council
TT Jlluffs In Iowa , n Hint class tea nnd cigar
salesman. To the right man big Inducements
offered. Call -jn or address Konnard V Mlllor ,
St. Joseph , Mo. 10 ! 24
TTAMiU Moiitocut wood. T. Murray.
VV 400:24 :
W'ANTKD-Canvasslnir Agenls to nnndle a
specialty , ono to throe sold In every house.
Apply between hours of 12 m. and 4 p. m. Acme
Manufacturing Co. , 012 S. 10th nt. 950
ANTBD Uood rgcuts to Ri-11 silverpliucd
ware and an album seller on weekly pay-
roents. W. 11. Wliiaiis. H44 South IQIU st.H7 1'JJ '
WANTUD At once , 2 or 3 caiponters thnt
understand stair building. Call nt.si7
ITownrd st. Uogwnld & Putonon. 101 13 *
G oed coat nnd pan t aToon
makers. John Tompson 4 BonK. ICoar-
noy , Kel > . _ 173 24J
WANTUD A prnrtlcal tinner , with good
references. Uuudt & Aindt. IJUIr ,
Nol ) . 8 < 19
\\f ANTEU A man of nxpcrlcnce and good
TV address to soil lightning rods , address L.
88 Hoe ollico. 848 21 *
"ANTE D--A good pattry cook at the Windsor -
ser hotel. & < 7
VITANTKD A hnrncssmnktir A good work-
IT man and of stendy habits , to take cbargo
of n shop In a small town. A Uermnn or Do-
henilan preferred. Apply with reference to
.lohn M lller. Wllbu r.Jijb. ; ; 710
Laborers for railroad want. K.3.
Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnnm.
w ANl'ED 100 block makers for Colorado
at one , good pay. Apply Ingram &
1,1007 iarnnm street. 041 1UJ
\\7ANTED 50 sober , intelligent men of good
M addroi to try n 10o meal at Norris' res.
tawnritjp4 ; BUthst 775
\\7A'lJTKD Experlnnced dry goods travelling
' saletnan having an ostabllshed trade In
the country tributary to Kansas City. State
amount of trade , territory covered , and how
long. Address , with reference , W. D. Grimes
Dry Goods Co. , Kansas City , Mo. aw
WANTED Two good draughtsman. Apply
to James Tyler , Architect , Lincoln , Nab.
7M20 *
WANTUD A eand strong girl to do general
liOU < oworK , to go to Missouri Valley for U
weeks only. Inquire room 12J , Mlllard hotel.
1V4 21
ITANTKO Olrl at Emuitt House.
ir ANTED ( liaiTibcrtimld at VIS Dotignis t7
llooi w g s SIM ! itondr plate for
_ noinpetimt glrlit 112U Jnclison ht. 12020 *
" \XA NT F. D A com netcnt drosa maker at No7
Tl X3 NXInt t , 12521 *
\\rANTKD . -'rn'd Kir I for jreneml tioiisnwork ,
li _ ol7 Dodge st , bet fthnnd fth. IIS 19 *
WANTED GIT ! for Konorul In
family. V.MO Douglss. 110
VVTANTKD Competent eiri for general
TT houaevork ; 2In familygood ; WHfcs. a.
r. . COT. lyth uad Davenport. (6 $
Vi/ANTUD-A gTrTto work ia"kltijh n at 42. a
T | ? th. SV )
\ I7ANTEDCook and second girl for first-
_ ' c ! si fnmlly. Gocd wages. Cook for small
hotel , 1C.00 , Pleasant woman ot irirl for futility
of 2 In country , tilx glrU for venorAl housu-
worlc. MM. Hroea's , 311 Bouth 15th st 1.17 ij )
\VA.NTED--tUrl for gencril bouseviork. Ap-
plygQU CHllfornla st. LJ Sl
"WANTEDApprentice nd milliner at SIS .S
> V ICtlu 13i 19
\VANTKD--Ininirillater , 5 Orst cluss in III In-
G , rr _ ? * . * , ' ! ? . ! ? * pnJ.trltnmors t H. X ,
WANTED A good girl for gonernl house
work. Mrs. It ft. Wilbur , ( Ml Plo'iannt '
Street INK 2J
- will wnit
table nt Occidental. PS9
\VANTBD A ( rooil cook nt small hotel , Ad-
dro s L51 lleoolllco. UJ7 I'.iJ
" \\rANTUD A tilloross to work on custom
TT conts. Apply 1118 N. 14th st. S. Cohen.
\\rANTUO- A girl for gcnornl housework nt
> > 1917 Cuss st. Kl.
VX'ANTUD 2 lliteln s Intindiy girls nt
ii Oinnliu Luttiuliy , Col North liilh st.
io : ; n > *
" \\f ANTED A woman forgunontl liousowork
T > ill 518 South 22d St. 13J 21 *
" \\rANlT.D--Good , cotnpelant girl , must beT
T > good wa her nnd Ironcr , 210' ' ) I'nrniim st.
" \\7"ANTEO- Cook , dish wnshor and dining
T room girl. 2J10 Cumlng st. 171 2lj
" \\ANTED-Slx experienced skirt makers at
IT once. Apply ut 1513 1'ouglns St. , ronm H.
Al o an e.xiorlenccd | dressmaker. I''J ' 2iJ
\\AliriJ' ' ) A good girl for boarding : eor 1-th
\t and I/nril. 171 111'
" \\r ANTED -A good cook and Ironer , Cull on
TT Mis Frame U. Mnote * , tldo ot IMIt ,
between Jackson and Lo.ivunwnrth , bO' )
-Oli forioi'-ottork , lamllv ol
tour. Wuitos four dollars per week. > lrs.
1)oisoyail8 Inliu st. _ llrt 20 >
\\'ANTP.I ) A cool plrl tor ycnornl liouso.
' ' work In n small family. Inquire 101 S.
25th st. KJ7 1'J *
" \\rANTI5H-Kvpry iflrlln Omnhn ' 'coklnir cm-
I I pU > 3 munt to eall nt onun and cecitio situa
tions lit Mrs. lirejfu's lliiiployment Olllcn.aia
South 15th sticct. 1M > 21
\\TANrriD filrl for Bonera ! lmu owork. Mrs.
> > _ 11 , S-jSmlth , K2JS Calllornla st. fc7J
\\7 \ .V'l'KlT A Vnod BTrl ? orrgneral ( ! lieu o
_ > V _ workJOl J lju _ WO UMj _
" \\rANTii : > Kvory Rood cook In Omaha seck-
ln omployinoiit to call nt once nnd snruro
f Ituutlon at Mrs. Ilretr.x's Kmpluyiiient Ullloo.
31ti South 15ttijgrcct. U _ " ) 21
mjj room Klrl , Hrst rings.
1'lnnters lieu e. I'S" ' 1'Jj '
\\TAN"rr.I-Cood Klrl for irunoral liouso\vor' ,
ii Uormnn pinfeiiod , lllfi lliKa-n st. liu
\\rA'NTKI > I'lrst-rlnsi cook , wisher nnd
tronerlnsmiill tamllV , I'.HJS ' I at num. 101 2UJ
\\rANTP.I ) Klrt class cook Will pay $ ' per
uck. 2U7DodjfOMt. 20J
-l'iil ( fi > r ( 'onurnl housework ;
coed wngo to Kood Klrl. Apply to I ) . .1.
O' O'Donohoo & Shcrfys , 13th St.
next to the postofllco. 775
girl nt 508 Virginia nve ,
good wnges paid. 231
" \\rANTED-A neat spry girt for general
TT house worn , Ill'iJouos St. : l
WANTUD Lady canvassor. Apply to : ! 05
N. liith st. toil
\\7"ANTUD At once , plino pluypr , colored
T T woman prolerrod Apply H2S. Uth. 344
VV'ANTr.I ) Lndlrsto work lor us nt their
TT own homes : 47 to U per week can bo
quietly miuloi no photo-painting , no canvass-
In ? . 1'or full particular * plo-iso nddross at
once Crescent Art Co. , 1 ! ) Central St. , Boston ,
Mass , llox.5170. 1K1-J
\\'ANTKn-Slttiatlon for n ntco yountrPwodo
ii us coachman and ircncrnl houseman In
privnto fnmlly. Uxot'llont eastern icfoienees.
Airs. Ilrck-as. 310 S 15th. M 'MJ
AS011EK , honest younir man wants a situa
tion taking euro ol hor'o * nnd woi
luouiid thi ) , Addicts LOJ lioo ollico ,
1VJij ! )
\\TANTKn Pltiiat'on ' for 2 nice Snndo
TT In snmo family , or nenr oacli other , city
or country. .Mrs Hi tva's.nifi S 1.1th 1S.IBJJ
WANTUD Situation ns , day or
t : bust of fltr rofcrences. Address
L. 01 Hep ollico. _ 157 20
YVfANTTlD-hitunt'oni for clerk ? , liork-
T T kcopers , coachmen , cooKs , wniters ,
porters , liiboiei-s , nnd In tact , mule help of all
kinds ut Mr.s ltrc ra's.ilO : South 1.1th. ln ; Aj )
AV'ANTUI.Pituntion ns IioiiseUecpor by n
" woman nho hns a huliy. Would lll > o to
MO : to the country. Imiuiic , City Hntol. 13 ! S5
\\7'ANTEI-Sltiintlon fof = irXn7 l" Woimin
Vi cook mi'iits and pu try : can do jrooil
woiknnd wantst'ooj WIITI. ' Al'o. tor 2 peed
Inunilrcsdes , llrcK'MlOSouth15th | st.
U8 20 *
\\7ANTRD-Sltuatlon , years experience inn
IT ( feneral storo. C > n speak Oonimn , Ho-
hemlan and Knallsli. Addrt-ssJ. 1 * . llaioeh , i\- :
etor , Nob. IBS l'.i
WANTUD A position by a youni ? man as its-
sNtant book Keeper , or olhco work. Sal-
nry no object. Ile t of references jr'vcn. ' Ad
dress L W Iteo office. 10'J l'J |
WANTUO Sltuntlons for first cl-iss male or
female help at Mrs. llrcga'A Umployinont
lath -.t. lifll 21
A\7 ANTED Hy young rann , n Job driv-
' Inir n grocer's ilollioiy wagon , cnn
keep n sot of boons , good reference. Address L
45 lleo olllPO. 009 22j
\\7"ANTUD Situation driving team or other
TT woik. Inquire SO.J Loavoiiworth 801 20J
" \YTANTED-Sltuatlou ns bookkeeper or nssis-
T > tunt , hnvo litul several yours business ex
perience. Address Ij 31 , Iloo ollico. 7'J ! ' 1U *
\\rANTUD-Sltuntlon ns book keeper or
oa hlor by a young lady. Host of refer
ences. Address L. 7 , lleo ollice. 3U7
TVr ANTED A physician desires n location for
Tf investing und praetlpo In somu ll\o
town , southern Nebraska prolerrcd. Addru s
II. W. Tluiycr. M. D..0mnliu. 100 iu
WANTED Every lady hoiisekpopor In the
city to try ono of West's Percolators for
making good ten and colloo. No otpensivo
patent colloo or teapot to buy but an article
so simple und chonp that any novlco mnKo
a cup of ton or colfoo that will be n | oy to them
selves and win the ndmlrntfon of their friends
and guests. For sale by Jas. J. Hurr , 113 N 13th
st , or his ngor.ts. 162 2SJ
ANTED-Good light double linrne" . Must
be cheap for cash. Address L53 lire o-
llce. 11021 *
WANTED To buy ; a good millinery locntlon
cheap for spot cash.54 lice ollico. lll > .lu
T\rANTED Ladles nnd gentlemen who have
property In lledford Place , Huwos' or
Glso'sndd * who wnnr to sell to list their property -
erty with K H. Wqtta. 1510 Douglas st. Ill
\\7ANTED-Good drTvTngToain us part pay-
TV meut ot lots or housos. P. O. Hex 714.
U 72 J
UHPHISE to the public-First-class day
bonrd $ AOO per week ; single meals2io. ) 1314
Capitol avenue. H. U. 1'uloy. USJ 2,1'
ANTED-Storo room , by first of May , in
business center of town. Address at
once "L 49 Iloo ollico. (14819 *
WANTKD A newspaper , paying circulation
guaranteed from tlio start , tor particu
lars address Dank of Valley , Valley , Neb.CM
'ANTED To give nwayo.OJO yards of dirt
to nn > ono who will haul It away from n w
corner of 17th and Webster sts. 617 South I3th
St. 229
\ \ , A NTKD To rent 2 houses , onooflSorO
i rooms and ono of 5 or 8. west or northwest
of H. O. Deiliable tenants. Addiess litt , Hoe
offleo. am
ANTED Table bourderj , at 1611 Dodtfd
street , ono block west ot postofflee.
844 21J
W'ANTUD To rent furnlshod house , of 8 to
10 rooms , centrally louatod. Address L
SBPeO. 857 20 *
\\fANTED Homo for a 10 WOOKS old boy
v baby can adopt him , good healthy child.
Address LSSJleo olBco. KH SO *
WANTED To trade u tsood real ostnto rig
for lot In any part of the city. F. llarrott
& .Co..3144315th. ! 878 20
WANTED To buy aside tiir lop buppy. PT
llarrott Ac Co. , Uli > j S lit h. tha 20
\V"ANTED UnfurnUhed room largo enough
TV for 4 or suite of rooms for sleeping
apartments , In coutor of city. Address K tlo ,
liea ollice. 218
VVTANTED To buy for cash old houses to bo
T T removed from their present sites. Apply
to C. H. Dodge , 617 South 13th st. is )
V\7ANTKD-To lease ground In any part of
TT the city , not over 10 blocks from post-
office. Address O. W. Cody , box 630 , city. 819
HKNT Furnished cottage centrally lo family without children. L W ,
Deeomce. 120 1'J *
T710H HBNT - furawhod house. Innulro at
-t' ziliCallfornln streot. Wt !
FOR RENT-A sTors. Inquire 1412 S. 13th 8U
Uoo. II. t'ctorion. KM
FOB RUNT rnrnlshO'l house for the. sum
. . nmir. Control location. MouJ4 Jamlosoo ,
TJ10R nKNT-Frnmo store bulldlnir , 20iV ) ,
.I1 withllvlnir rx > < misoh Vhli yhorldan stwllt ;
Improve ; put bisAmeut under store to suit nny
legitimate buslilofc Win. FlotnliiK & Co. , U01
. " H7U
J _ _ _
UM'-Srfc jnrds , T. Murray.
4 < fl
1710 iHRNT 2nd Iloor2.'xl3j ftwoll Ilifhtcd :
J prlvileao of ii lnir water elovntor Included.
Apply nt 1IUJ Douglns st. _ 1U !
FOH HUNT An ehht room houjo centrilly
locntod , on thu cornerof t o vood lroi l .
nt Comstock's rcnl estate
10 , Crelghton block. 137
T710HHUN"f-Svnroroora cnr7 tilth nnd Call-
.1. Ifornla on Holt Lino. For paitlculnrs en
quire at Union Nnt. bank. 18J
HUNT Wu arc authorized to lent tlio
stores now being eroolod on tlio coiuur of
Utli mid Jones.
Ono store MxlS. .
Thieotores 41iUJ o.ich.
All llvii stories and basement with elovntoig
nml ralh oiul truekiige.
Thc o will us tlio llmut henry business loon.
cations with II. 11. laclllllos ot any properly in
tlio city , 1'or prices and tcimsoill on or tut-
dross , Chukson X Iluitlty , 2U South Uthj-t.
.UOfto rent. T. Jluiruy. I
lF i t liYT- House : ftirnit mo. carpets , So
FO for niilo. Apply 19)3 Pnriiam. 211 _
IjMlU HUNT dtoro nnil living apartments on
-I ? Cumlm ? near Humidors at Api'ly at llnnli
Henl Ustnto r.nil Lonii Co. , < ia ) S. 10th St. 752
OH UIIiNT Nice ttirnlslifdlront looin.UOJ
Karimm. 1MI
OHHnXT ltoom , onu for 2 eontlomon. 1
for : > or 4 , nril t tor man and wile , ( .nil
before H p. m. , lllii ChlciiKo. IQ'i
T7IOiuiNTFiirnsliud : room nt ISIKDodiro at.
JL1 uta
HUNT 2 well ftiruMiod rooms , gns ,
closets nnd nil conveniences , $10 nnd $10
ler month. J8I8 Fnrniim st. IPIjiOj
fill HUNT Two nicely furnished rooms , en
F suite or single. Inquire nt 1S2J4 St. Mnrj 'B
nve , upper tint. 1)0-1 ) 23 *
IJ1OH HUNf A pTortsfuit Tmnt room , modern"
conveniences , for ono or two gentlemen ;
terms reasonable. 211 S Sld t. i'"i
OH HKNT-FUinisiielToolu , ui s. HUM st
1175 in *
F HI'.NT 2 good office rooms on suito.
- I5IW Fnrnam. Call at oncu ut lloom 2s. 113 20 *
T71OH HKNT VimiTshod rooing , fuiillturo unit
JL ! house , now bo-it llnlsliod house in
Omaha. All modern Improvements , line notch-
boi-liood.convotilnnt to tiouidltiif houses : bppt
roforoncoreiiulrod 2:18 ruriiilin St. S9I 21 *
F75U HUNT Tlli'gnnt siiiith ilk-ox o room ,
modern conveniences To Gentlemen or
gentleman and wife. I'l.'t ' Fnrnam st. 714
rTllTs"T"NcltiyTui ! ulshed "room" . 14,11 N
ISthat. 149 auj
FOH HENT Three huge unfurnished rooms
near High School. Inquire 2118 Cnlcago Bt.
| 150 20J
Foil HENT-n furnished rooms on 1'ithst. ;
$ .1) per month. J. L. Itluo A Co. , Agents.
" [ 71OH KENT Very pleasant front bed room
-1- for single , near business
center. Gns , bntti. Privnto family. 1U5 ( Cupl-
t-iluvo. 85.1 19J
F OH HUNT Neatly furnished room , two
blocks fioni P. O .private house , for ono
or two gentlemen. Address A euro letter car
rier 24. 1711 2IJ
FOH HUNT-Ono largo furnlshod room nml
one suite of looms for olhco in Gruonli ;
lllock , cor. nth and Do ( go. Gco. II. Davis ,
llllliard Hoom MllUrd Hotel. ti83
HUNT Three room botiso w > 5t of North
11th St. , between Chicago und Cuss. fi'.i2 '
FOH KENTpElcttnnt ollico looms best lo
cation In tomuha. 310 South loth st. eS'i
TOH RUNT-felloo/n , togontlomcnonly. 211 S.
23d at. [ J. \ , UJ4
oiTllrTsT-HThlra lloor , 2Jx8J , of briok build-
inn , I10S rnrnam i-treot , use of elevator.
Inquire above number , upstntrs. ( id
F OH HUNT Furnlshod rooms 1707 Cass
FOH HUNT Nicely furulshod rooms at rea
sonable rates , ono olock from court house ,
508 So 18th st , north St. Mary's ave , up etnlrs.
TTOH ! KTlNTjfTioJfly furnlshod loom in new
JL' housu.ilit.'tJCjpilgo St. 392
1OH HUNT Vuvnlshod room sultnbio fo r 2
gents. SAW Dodso. 'JJI 10J
FOH HUNT Lntco furnlshod enst room 810
H 16th St. 1)34 ) 20 *
FOH HUNT-Olllcos In Tlollmnn oulldmifcor.
rarnam nnd 13th sts. . In suites or singly.
Tor prices , dlairr.uns and Information apply to
S.A. Sloman , 1512 Karnam stlloom 2.
Crolghton Block.
Lot on Loavcnworth , two blocks from Park
nvo. $3.50) ) .
iMIIItnry Head , just across the Bolt Line , 62 ft.
front , * lfiu ) .
Lot 17 blk5Hnn = rom Place. SJ.WO : $300cn h.
CoiiUir.uiid ono nest to It.DcIand'sudd , $ l,4JJ
for both.
rive lots on Cumliig st , Walnut Hill , tU.&OO
Hurt st , lot next to corner of Biown et.f . ' .OOj ;
Full aero on LeavnnwoitliSJ,500.
129 lion Saundcis , coiner , $103 per front
Lot on corner Farnnm and Lowe avo.sand o
fronl. 3J.500. US 2J
TD AHCJ AIN In a lot on Lake st , $2,200. Orahiim.
FOK SALK-East front lot Kilby nluco. . $ 'Wi )
Housuof flvo rooms , two full Iota. . . . 2,20j
House , Brooms.Ihtb near Paul 3.5HO
Knst front lot. Roster's add C. > 0
l.ot on Davenport bet. lltli and 12th. . . . 1"KK ( )
Lot on Mnrcy hot. 15th and 10th 12,000
Lot on Douglas bet 10th and Uth 22,000
Lot on Jones bot. 14tb and 15th 18rO )
y. Iflth nenr Center,50 foot 5.0)0 )
8. Ifith corner Castollar.tM feet H.fiOO
y. ItlthnoarMnrtha.flO feet 8,000
Q993 ssj H. W. Huntress , 1503 Vat-nam Bt.
Our now aiMltlon.
Aaros$4'Xto ) JVporaor .
Noiir South Otnuha ,
And Sydlcato Hill.
Marshall * Tx > beok ,
773 ,15i Fnrnnm.
0 CHOICE Institute Pmeo In s $ - > QO each for
the bunch or will trade for house nnd lot.
J. L. Idee A Co. 240 21
FOH SALE LotlnPlnlnvlew nenr Saunders
st. Inquire cor. 2J and Miami sts. Mrs. M.
D. Stoddnrd. 14121 *
INSIDE l'HOPBHTV-Wo hiwo some good In-
side property nt a bargain. Pierce Sc Hog-
ers.1511 Dodge street. S.10
FOH SALE OH TKADE-Wo own several
thousand acres of choice South Dakota
farming land which wo will sell or trade for
Omaha property. Wo wnnt to sell and offer our
land at bottom prices. Wright ft Lasbury. cor.
under 1'n.xton hotel 101
FOR BALE-Ch4ce property on Farnum.
Cumlng. Iftth.Mth , Saunders , Like , Oodiro
JncKRon and Kker nii aveuuo. J. L. Itico & Co.
Agents. T-f' ' saa 19
ODf.n STH3t-133 | foot on DodRO by 60 on
Ninth strcttTWil.dOO , K cash , including Im
provements if 'ipuld at once. ( Ircgory A
lladloy , Booms 1 and 3,320 South 15th stroot.
. , ] Kill
TpOH SALK Aigood form In Dixon county ;
* well Improve For pirtioulars apply to
Omnhn Heal r.stuto and Trust Co , or Wm.
Fleming , 14th and Douglas. 871
FOHSALE-Corlot. 86x132 , on capital Hill ,
must bo sold soon. Cult at 2222 Davenport
. Stt
"CXHl SALE-4Mo4arn s room residence , south
-L f ran' on Dieutur st , near coo Klnif St. , on
cur lino. KvcrjMn t'rnconvoll'cnec'clty ( ' filter ,
gas. sow raK fOMwetloiis , streetcars. $4KIU.
one-third cashl-J.jU Klco A : Co. , Sole Agents.
It 'Vgi 8ii7 1'J '
TJTOK8L1IA. . cftToor lot MxtiK on IMtiand
-L Cumtpgst onoof the bst locations In the
city for a wnrohouse , with waterworks and
eowerage. Apply at promises. Tlios Blucliir.
2M naij
FIVE acres , (700 nn acre , adjoinlnir acres are
beldat S9UO. John Uallugber,317 S lth : ; st.
TTIOKriALH-l'legunt east front lot , 60x117 ,
-L' $5uo. easy terms , 15 monthly , inside city
limits , 401 N 1Mb sU Oa6 ItfJ
ODGE STItEirr-133 feet on DodJto by ( A on
Ninth street , $ JSt , > U , H cash , including Im
provements If sold at enc . Gregory le
lindley. Hooins 1 and 3,320 South 15th stroot.
10H SALB-2 blocks from Drowned ball on
10thst,2Quo bargalus. CnllatG.F. F.l-
iassor's. aa
"I71OR SALKr-Choico property on Faronin
JL1 Cummif , Hth.Mth , Saunders , Lake , Dodge ,
Jackson and Bhermao avenue J. L. Itlco Si
Co , Agents. SCO 19
rpHnEKIotslnCreJton ndd.on Pleasant St. .
Jli , > W , U Qrabam Crelihion iilk. 1U M
ET OAPD * CO.'Itrnl Kstnto IlroHcrs.
ifirtii Karnnm stn-et Special bargnln are
ollerod for nnxt weok. In the old pint of South
Omnhn , hiTO every lot Is full fxl& ) ) ) feet ; no
conti notions , li.oon 3 < iunro feet In each Int. Wu
can sell you property thcro , for from 7T > 0 to
$10,0 M ) . Dwelling hous" , binlno'S houses ,
hotels with or without ftlrnltitro.
Try Us niul prove uj.
Also property In all additions thereto.
Property In the city of all kinds. Buy of us
nnd wo will do you good. Knrnnm street , nt the oM tnnd , flr t ollico
nt the loit of cnntrnucu. K , T. llndd , V Co.
1710HSALU--LotuOxl27on Hamilton st Just on
-L' irrnde , U > mile trom P O , with good 4-room
luiuio , well , cistern and Imrn , only f2.soo. J.
L Hlcc A Ct ) . 147 2J
"l OT 17 bTk 5 , Hnnseom place , f . ' , .V , J0 > ) rush
J-J Uriihnin , Ctelirhtonblk , ltv >
HAD this splendid list :
K Gibson , Aylosworth AHcnlnmln ,
1.112 I in st.
llot In Imp. Ass'n , 47x111 , with 2 small
houses $ 3,0)1
llot in ll'iwtliorne , 4SxlO ) . cor. Ulil and
Davenport , with 0 loom nouse,0isteru ,
well , etc , very ensy terms .1 , ' ) ) )
1 lot in IIIIMIdP''d ndd l.M )
1 lot In lie tford PI lei50x121 Tin
llot In llltchcook's Ut n id. 50x12.1 70) )
l"i lots III Milnu's lit ndd,7.1xl2'4 , Culil-
well st 3,70)
llol Inllodlck's ndd , 5JxU. . Half How.
ant st 8,31) )
Slots 111 West Side,5KU3 , burn nnd fruit
trees 2,103
5-room house nnd lot N , 17th St. , good
well nnd cistern 0,000
Kouut/o 1th ndd , lot P , block fi six room
housn , well , plslorn barn. Ac 4,000
Hlmohiugh & Patterson sub lot 10 , block
' . ' .eontr.ict i. . . . 553
12011 on St. Mary's nvo , with 2 9 room
house1 * , gas nnd wntcr , will subdlvldo. 31,003
40 ft on St. Mary's nvo but , 19th and 2Jth l..OOJ
Clioh-o lot In Omaha Vlow IKU
1S2 ft on liltn st. nenr Knrnnm 70,000
"lot"KUX27. Lowo's nfld , 1-room hou3o ,
cellar , well nnd (10-foot ( barn , pneo. . . n.OfKl
Wniobouuoor business property In block 19. .
? l1.noo , easy totms.
Hostniirnnt nnd lot 2-Jxll ) for silo , 5 rooms ,
good paying business , In Weeping Water. * i,50D ,
terms ensy.
Lot 19 In Anlsflpld , f " 50.
House 40jnso rooms and lot on Douglas St.
for snlo. $1,100.
Sinl'h ndd. ono lot 111x132. $1.009.
Farm of ( t ) ncro * . splendid tuiiiso , barn , grnn-
nry and all outbuildings In Cass Co , 3 miles N of
Wotplnir Water. Jl..ti ) u-ish.SI , MW. Piny terms.
Full lot on Dodge st , 3 housi-s , rents for $3JO ,
J5SOO , V cash.
Gibson , Ajlosworth A Henjnmln.
217 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ „ _ _
OoTolBin Orchard Hill , each $ -00 , Smith At
Welsh , rcnl estate and lonns , 21 ! ) S lltlist ,
cor Pnrimin. 191 PJ
SOl'TH trout on LiiUo st , bargain nt $2.200
( iraliai'n , Crolgliton blk. 1 b5 2H
SPUH CENT moitanijcs tnkpn as part pav-
monton Heal EMnlo. P O. Box 711 Msa *
7jK > K SALE Cholco property on Pninum ,
1 Cuiulnir. 16th,30th , Snunilora , Lnko , Dodge ,
Jackson nnd Sherman avonuo. J. L. Itlco Sc Co ,
Agents. ( fa 19
TAOIHSK STHEET Lots on Dodge bctwoon
* J l-lh and l.ltli , only $ fiin per front foot.
Gregory & Dudley. llooms 1 nnd 3,3"0 South
11th Bti out 028
/O ncresforsubdlvislon , only 3i ! miles from
T" tlio postolllco for flO.OUO. Terms , 110,000
cash , biilanco I , 2 and 3 yo.irs nt 8 per cent In
terest. This Is unqiicsllounbly the greatest
bnrgaln In Omaha and will more thnn double
In value in 9J days. Ftnoic St Homan , room 11 ,
1'roii/or block , opposlto P. O. 23-
FOH SALE The beautiful ncro known ns lot
3 Gloo's mid. , opnoslto Kouct/o plnco , cox-
prod with large maple trees , hns been sub
divided nnd placed on the mnrkot. Only u
low lots left J. L. Hiue &Co. , Solo Agents ,
E09 1
FOH SALE Modern 8 room residence , south
fronton Decaturst. , near cor King st. , on
car lino. Every modern water ,
gas , Rowonigo connections , street cuts. 84,0)0 ) ,
one third cnsh. J. L. Itlco & Co. , Solo Agents.
867 19
DO not unss this lot. Oxl2S , Parker's ndd'tion ' ,
I2S feet from street curs , only for n few
clnys. John Gnlliiglior , 317 811th _ st. SSil 20
SULI.CTS , nrotho carefully listed Imrgnlns
hunted down by Cnko A : Hillings. Our earn-
plo rn c :
00x110 It on ICth atreot for J5.500 , part 1 nnd 2
1 lots , Meyers & Tlldon's ndd , cnsh needed only
$ ( ! < ) .
Homo lot In Plnlnviow , only tnkos , cnsh , $500.
Picked in Sheridan Piaco.only 51.30J for $1,500
2 lots wlth2housps , J. I. Hodlek's nub , only
block trom sticet car line , 10ixl2J ft on 2
streets , big money beio for you.
Hoaitty or llnrtlett , fruit trees , flno view ,
onlvSIJOO cnsh needed.
Chonptst Ninth Oinahn stuff on the mnrkot
Come , over Kit , corner Dodge and 15th , nnd
wo'll muko it pleasant and prolltublo for you.
FOH SALE-31 feet , south front. Dodge , bet
12th nnd 13th. Call quick. Q. F. Elsnssor'e ,
No. 318 S. IQthst. DM
FOH SALE-Lot 50x127 on Hanillton st Just
on grade , l' { milo Irom P O , with good 4-
room houco , well , cistcin nnd barn only $2sua
J. L. Hleo i jTo. UTiM
BIO HAHGAIN-Onoliuiidrod foot front on
South Eleventh st , corner lot , only $5,000.
Part on tlmo. V. L. Vodicka , 5JO South 13th st
rnillHTY lots two blks from new depot , South
-L Omnhn , flriO If sold before the I5tn.
Plorco AT Hogcrs.5 , Anlngtonblk. 117
rilEN of the choicest lots In Cloveidalo , onst
JL fionts nt a bargain , $4.250. This is $ | IK )
under the market price. Call and Investigate
quick. Sholosi Crumb , 140U Fiiiuam opp Pax-
ton. 114 20
6 CHOICE Institute Pinpoints $500 each tor
the bunch , or will trudo for house nnd lot.
J. L. Itlco ACo. 14821
FOR SALE OHTHADE-ForOmnha olty real
estate or Nebraska lands , a two-story
brick store , with a complete line of staple dry
goods and notions , groceries , crockery , glass
ware , and n small as-iortmoiitof lints nnd caps
all bought for cash and discount saved in n
llx-o Nebraska town , county sent , and doing a
good cnsh business. The second story rents for
$21 per month , nnd now contains first-class ten
ants. On the Union Pncllla H. H. , mul sur
rounded by tbu best class of farmers nnd
farms in the state. Two grain olovutors are lo
cated tit the stntion. nnd tup all the surround
ing country , which brings In n irront denl of
outsldo trade , und Isonu of the best grain mar-
kotsln thestato ; it also htisonoof the largest
llouring mills In the west.
Tlio nbove property Is ( Ir.'t-clnss In every re
spect nnd the block Is now und desirable. C. J.
Cumin. & 12
GOOD east front lo with 5 room housp.splon-
dldfhndo , good for grndo and u bnriruin it
tnkcn&oon. Price $ J,200 , bholes * Crumb , HOtl
Fnrnam , opp Paxton. Hi 20
USINUSS PHOPEHTY , corner 12th and
Jones , 68x132 nt n decided bargain if sold
this weok. Sole agents , Clarkson Sc IJnuttv , 21U
811th st. 122 2i
T710H SALE-Lot on 7th and Lnko sts , with
. & aousoU rooms , kitchen , pintry and good
hrlcK cellar. Apply to the Omnhn Heal Estate
nnd Trust Co. , or Wm. Fleming , 14th nnd Douglas -
las sts. Will rent to good parties if not sold
Immediately. 871
ODGE STHKUT 1.13 feet on Dodge by BO on
Ninth street , $25,000 , ! cii3h , Including 1m-
piovomouta If sold ut once , Gregory Jk
Hadloy , llooms 1 and 3,320 South Uth street.
FOH SALE Choice property on 'Farnum ,
Cumlng , 10th , 20th , Sounders , Lake , Dodge.
Jackson and Sherman avenue , J. K HIceA
Co , Agents. 883 18
G CHOICE Inttituto Place lots $500 each for
the bunch or vvlll trudo for house and lot.
J'U Hlce &CO. J4C21
A BEAUTIFUL corner on Capitol nvn nnd
25tbst , 6(1x115. just the place to build ,
SO.niO. Smith ft Welsh , real estate und loans ,
219 S Mtli st , cor Farnum. mi pj
EAVENWOHTH acre , south fiont. $2,500.
Graham. Crelghton hlk. la 2J
AHNEYst , > Gil ft front , two houses td,509
very cheap. Graham , Crulghtou Hlk.
1S5 23
FOH SALE New 4 room house and lot 1
mlle from postoflleo , ' price 81.500. pnsh
$ -00. It McDowell , 1AM Harney st. 180 SI *
A SAVE Inx-cstment. Wo offer for sale 44 fool
on Doiiglai street , corner of 10th , at $500
per foot front and easy terms.
Also CO foot on Dodge east of IHth to alley ,
? -7OiiO , Nlcaah. Marshall & Lobock , 1501 Kur-
nnm street 193 24
DODGE STaUET-IJ2 feet on Dodco by Titian
Ninth streot.5.000 , H cu.ih , Including Im
provements If wild ut onco. Grozory i
Hadloy , Uooms 1 and 3,3--0 South 15th street
FOH SALE Full lot on Jackson su , $ MMO.
J. U ltco : A. Co. 147ii
/CHOICE piece of trackage Mxl3 , > , 13th und I/-
VV nrd sts , JS.OH ) . Smith i Welsh.ronl ostuto
and loads , 21U S Uth st , cor Fnrniim. 1'JI 19
M 1LITAItY road lots 40 ft front at 7W each
Gruhatn Crelghton Hlk. us Zl
OQ-Ixits In Ho/d'8 ndd. . oseh 10-V ) . 8mitb i8
-J Welsh , real estate and loan j , 219 no. utb st ,
cor. Furnam. 191 la
T71OH BALE Modern a room ro ldauo , south
-L fronton Docaturst , near cor Knur it , , on
car line. Every modern convunlvaoo , city
water , gtt , sewerage connections , stieot uars.
$4Oi > J1ono-Uilrdcu3o. J.L.ltlco4 CoSol Aleuts.
HT 11
ACOHNKK and three Insldo lots In Work 4 ,
Orchard Hill , tioxt to Hamilton St. , nt tVOO ,
Terms easy. Pierce Sc Hogors _ 117
"Tft ACrfflS north or"TfrK Mfoi * nt * i per
T IILTO. Terms to su't. ' D-ivW M , t'oiinoll
ngontnn : 14thst.opp Pnxtou bolel , or 0. 1C.
Cinllo , UIO Dodge st M7.
ONU mile from postolllco , lot WtW facing
two trcos ! , with nlco 5-room house nnd
room for : i mori'.only 1.1,050 , for ono weok. F.
Ilarrolt\ i.mi i l.'itli. -A ! 21
410 south l.'th st.
OJorthosjbnnrains to-day :
1 cornordoorirla avo. and Ditpont $ t,2) ) .
7 Orctmrd hlll.clioico lots oich $ SM.
Huusu nnd 2 lots , Saunders A Hlmohiiugh's
add , to Walnut hill $2 , UJ.
2tl Klnost lots In Clovordittn ,
I'lno lots In Kllby place , clioap ,
Itedlck's - < tlb dlvlllon ,
Flnnl 1-2 lot John I
1'cliolou lots In Maynes a. id. , C'loh I iJJ.
Xcholcn lots I'lUnnoiint placo.
laorubust In llelvodero. birirnln $0) .
Hots. toilers addition , ovti J70) ) .
24 lotsoliolooln Vates.V llutiniol'il n IJltlon.
Afltio ll < t of western IntuU for siilo , or trnJo
forOmnhn proporty.
Lot "block in , AlbrUht's annex , $703 ,
Lot 11 block 2. ( itnur . \f'lior'i m'd ' , I55X
Lot 1 blook 2 , DurllnKton Place , $ i7" ) ,
Lots Iin and 'ISbloi-'t 1 , Armour Place , $ l"i.
( limniiirrcv Pin k lots $ W to J75)
6'ixU ! ) Mercer nvo , U room house , and b.tni ,
12. V ) .
51x1 SJ co * Mllltnry nvp nnd KJson st , f2,2JO.
Tttogood stoie buildings on above property
will r i' into good advantage.
Lot 7 block 88 , South Om tin , ? 2..yM.
Lnst , notloist , nuruor on rnrnara Jl",1) ) ! ! nna
tannvothors.UO S , 13(11 ( su WIsu and Ptu'iuelo.
' H SALK-riilllot on.IncUson St. . J
ir' J. I' . Hieo&Co. 147
FOHSAIiK Good farm In Nebrnikaelicapfor
cnsh , or will u\cti ti LTD for snlnble pioporty.
Addrois nt onro Arthur C. Ciossmun , Atkinson ,
Holt Co. . Neb. _ 10.1 iiU
INvi-WTIOATn TlllS-Cornor on 2Hli and
Lake , UJTH8 , enll for price and terms.
Patrick's ndd , Iot2 , blk 50xiW , J2.0X ) .
Walnut Hill , new house , ! ) rooms , stable ,
rlsturn nnd city water , lot fUxlutl. on grade.
fl,2Ji ) . llarkorft llurr , IMJ Fiirnnm st. 124 2.1
OH SALU-Hy llmrott.VCo. , the host pay-
F liur busino < s property In the cltv. Kor
pnrtlculiirscnllnt3l4i4 S. 15th. _ V25 21
fTUICIJ tliucnko. Cake & Hillings. Heal Us-
JL cstnto hot cakes. Over 101 South 15th st.
S-unpIo ( llngiir Snaps.
One hundred nnd ton foot on Jones and 14tn
sts. hull cash. bat. 1 , ' . ' , 3 years , $17.500.
Fifty by lew toct fortrackngo torbuslnos.nenr
Stock Vards.
Ton selected lots ttoar Swift's packing house
slto. till )
TViOH RALU-rullloton Jackson St. . $10.TO.
13 J. L. lilco & Co. 147 2.S
OOxltW co front on 1'npv.leton avu , good 5-room
cottage , barn , city wntcr. shadp nnd Inys
peed forgrado. Pileo$4.00il This Is ubaignln
It taken soon. Tall and Investigate It. Sholos
A. Cniiiili , UUii Fniimiii , opp Paxton. 114 20
FOH SALK Furniture , nnd 0 room house for
rout , about 8 blocks trom the poFtolllco : n
bargain. Apply to F. F. William ! , & Co. . Kith
nnd Chicago sts. _ a 121.
AIUlAlTf Eist front lot on Isth st. near
Castollar , 54x121 , corner , on 20-foot nlley ;
4-room IIOIISP , burn , etc. , nil for f 2,1100 , JlKX )
cash , bnlrtnoo l,2and'l yours. Gregory & Had-
ley , Uoo ins 1 nnd 3 , IUO S. 15th st. 762
FOK SALK Choice property on Fnrnum ,
Cumings Ifith , 20th , Humidors , Luke , Dodge ,
JackFon and rUiormnn avenue. J. L. Itlco > V Co ,
Agent _ b ! l 1
TW"6 LOrs The finest corner In lledtord
place , near foundry , $1,500 for both. 1' .
llarrott & Co. . nUK S. 15th. 0.5 21
"TVODOK STHERT Lots on Dodge between
JLJ 12th nnd 13th , only JCOl ) per front foot.
Gregory k Hndley , Hooms 1 and 3 , 320 South
1 Sth street DM
FOH SALU llunuipss property , nw corner
VJth and Dorcas ste , Gdxl82 footwith n largo
house nnd ether Improvements , nt n bargain.
For BHC | , 317 acres of land in Nuckolls Co. ,
Neb .within l i mllea of Huporlor nnd H. H.
depot. For pnrtloulnrs call on M. Hedlngton ,
1B3-IS. 13th stOmaha. 7lmnyilJ
CHOICE enst front In Shull's , with n good ,
now 4 room house and shndo trees for the
sin nil sum ol $ - ' > ) . Eusy terms. Shotos &
Crumb , 1400 Fnrnnm st , opp Puxton. lit 20
FOR SALE A C-room cottnce , within the
mlle circleouo oik from sticot can ; . Prleu
$3roo , 4 on tlmo. Inquire No. 3tt N 17th st
from8to 10:30 : u. in. WS ) 30J
YAODTTE STHU'K r LOIS on Dodge iiotwoon
JL12th and 1,1th , , only SAO nor front foot.
Gregory S , lladloy , Huouts I und 3,32Jouth
15th street 920
DOUOC srilEfrr Lots on Dortoro between
12th nnd l.lth.only fnou per front foot.
( ircgoiy Ac Hndley , Uoomal nnd il , 1120 South
15th struct. U2tt
rOPll Lots in Instltuto Placo. fl..OO for nil.
This Is f WO loss than adjoining lots cnn bo
bought tor. John Gallagher , 317South intti.
FOlt SALU A comrilatelv furnished II n lot 6
rooms , ortwo tints of 12 rooms , sultnbio
to rent furnlshod rooms , In best locality. Ad
dress L , 57 110 office. 144 24 *
HAW Se CO. . 510 S. HHh at
Among their mnnv othnr attractions ofTor
you a houao and lot in Hhlnn's nddition lor
$ JOOt ) ; a line etist fiont on Georgia avenue lor
J7.KX ) ; u line lot It Hanscom plnco for f3,0:0 : : nn
elegant corner on 2Hth st. for fl.WO ; a desirable
house nnd lot on Ibth fit. for f : : .WO.
Como In nnd look over our list.'o nro head-
qunrturs for snfe Investments. 1X1
TIOK SALU Full lot on jaekMin8t. , .
JJ J. L HICO& Co , | 1 17 23
LOTS lu Poster's ndd , J2 ' . ' 00. Smith 4 Welsh.
real estate nnd loans , 21'J S 14th st , cor Fur-
nnm. lot lu
niHIKTBUNlotsInCloverdalo will sell nt a
X bargain , cnlt for pi-ict. Grnham , Crolgb-
ton blk. 18&2J
FORSALU-Spoolnl bargains for a few day *
at the popular and reliable real ejtnto
ofHce of E. T. Peterson & Co' , S. U cor 15th and
Lots ' .land 10 Forbes' sub.10 acres on Saunders
Bt , $19,000.
6 acres In Dolvldoro , fdOfl each.
6 acres In Kensington for $1,000
ncrcs In Brighton for ( SOO.
Z lots In Auborn Hill add. for $300.
1 lot In Highland Park for 350.
1 lot In Itoyd'H add. , corner , $ .VX ) .
1 lot in Dtvlght & Lyman's , corner , for $775.
1 lot In Dupont Place , SU > < 0.
Lot 18. hlkl , Ilanscom Place , $1.700.
I-ot Ifl , blk. 10 , Hnnscorn Place $2,700.
Lot 4 blk. 14 Ilanscom Plnco , f 2,500.
Lot 12 , blk. 14 Umihcom Plnco , $2.400.
Lot 111. blk. 7 , Grainmercy 1'ark , $500.
Lot 1. blk. 1 , Patrick's add. , $0,000.
Lot 8. blk , 4 , O'Nell's sub , $4,000
Lot 7. 1 ncro Golso's add. , $5.500.
132xl'2cor. ! P tat o nnd Hrlstol , $3.000.
Above are n few bargains that we nro ( tola
agents for. Most ot thorn ure owned by mm-
lesldontft and uro way below market value , nnd
can bo bought on easy terms. It , T. Peterson
&Co. 171 Si
SOUTH front lot In O'Nell's sub , > A blk from
Cumlng stcnr line nnd pavement. Gra
ham , Crolgbton blk , . 1S-5 23
FOH SALK Flno property on Drlstol ht. , at a
oargaiu. F. Harrott & Co. , ail',4 S 15Hi
_ _ _ _
McOAVOCK 4 O'Connor , 31(1 ( Poutn 13th st ,
will offer for one week , a few bargains
out of the many whlun nre m our list :
Z lots on Maunders St. , Improvements
worth $1,500 , price . $ 8,000
2Jxii2 : corner on 14th st , rents for $250
per month . 25,000
75xii2 : corner on St. Mary's ave , with 3
hmifca . > . 33,000
132xittcornornu : South 10th st , south
nnd east front . 10,000
AoonrerandR-roomcotttigo nn lOtu t. . 7,000
120xri9 , a comer loutb of viaduct on 1Kb
st . 8,203
2 vacant lots on B. Uth st , chonp.
WxHOniid an b-room cottage , a uornor 3 ,
15th st . 0,003
A brnutlful resldinco lot nour 13th tl.
cars . 1,700
In a word , If yon want dosiratiio property
Itborforspeculntlon or for n home , call and
Wo tbn.lnrrn and caret ullv aolocted list of ) Io-
OavockO'Connor. . 316 a fcth st- l'J
$10) cah will secure 181 acres of tint class
fanning land In eostorn Nebrnskn btlnneo
very long time and no taxes fnr20ymrs. Th
O. F. Davis company. 1505 rnrnam st.
_ _ _ 24 m 15 _
riMIEOmah * Financial Kxohnngo , N. W. cor-
-L nor of Hnrney nnd 15tb sts. , over State
National btnk.
In jircparcc ! to make short time luani on any
avallublcs ouurlty , lottns iniule on cliatiol.i , col <
laterals or real 4tato.
Long time lonns mudo on Improved real estate
at currrnt iac ( .
Purchusv monny mortgages ni > otl lcd , se <
curnd notes bought , milder unjliank'iid.
Short tlmo lo n < Hindu nnitetmid mortga t ,
sccordlug to marginal Ini r t , IU collutoral
Hcnl rs''ktu to exclitingo for good Intorott
besrlnirpKii r.
lipimrnl tliianclsl liu.slnrR > of all sleds irons-
sctod pr-jinptly , ipilntly an. ) f Airly.
Wnnny alwars on bund for approved .otiu ol
any kind , without d Uy or unnvc H4ry l ib <
licit- . Co.-.iotl , Manaircr. ieO
ONI. bundri'd nnd twantylx fuoton
der tl. , corner , Jl'iO ' pur fool , iirnham ,
Crolghton Hlk. 18 3 (
F6"fT SAL B Tncrvs's inlloj "From" Th-T "city
llmln < ontbnoil , bomitiriil land vltli non-
slant supply of wktur. Apflr ' " Omaha Houl
Fstato and Trust C . , or Vm. . Flaming xi
F01t8Ati > : Lot 501127 on H mITuin it jiMt oil
Krad * . Hi mlln Irutu P O.with oed t-roorn
bnune. wi-lt , cUt nmuJ barn , uuly | ! . 'V. J ,
in a
CATCH ON Choice rornor on Dodso , sttltn-
able t.r tenement tow , south nnd oust
front , a itin tdesir < ihlolocution , Improvements
worth * 2J. ( ) prlen $ U.lM ) .
Coinoron ( nica/n , two houses worth 515,000 ,
lint for sale ut $ II fl ) , Only S p.ish.
Valuable lot with two street frontages , well
locntpd lor I'nts. ' close to stri-ot cur , Improve-
inputs worth $1,10) ) , prlpn $11,500.
Howard , 20tiiC'tlM\ ' houses , 6 nnd 8
rooms , $ lOUiM.
Hnro liiitvaln In Idlowlld. House , 9 rooms ,
fli.oly turnl'lii-d Insl In , xvull , eastern nnd bain ,
xxorlh iil.i.XM , for 8 ilo at S5.UJO.
Full lot. botijo , stable , etc. , Insldo two mlle
limit. $1.U ) .
East l rent , full lot , on cnblo line , 2Jth st , ,
5-room houve , n bnrgaln at S.1,100.
Ox pr 12 per cent. Iniiiri-st from rent of prop
erty on 8 Inth , lot 'XK14I , oust front , two 2-story
houses , $0,500. PIcK It up.
I'ull lot.housii of 7 rooms , properly well Im-
proxpd , on Lake St. , u.iar turn-table of giooil
and red car lines , $ IWO , f J.tOUt-asti ,
llan-tcom Pluco.y-i-oom hoii u nnd Imrn , west
front on Georgia Avenue , $1,00) , $1,000 c.ish ,
bnl. l,2nnd iljenrs.
I'oppleton Avenue. COxlCS , south front , cot
tage with brick bmcmi'tit , luirn , city wninr niul
cistern , newly titled up throughout , tine lot
pretty home , f l.tM ) . fl.Olfl cash bnl. to suit.
Oinnlin View , ( U1xl20 , two housps nnd burn ,
puys tJ per runt from rents , ft.vw : , $1,000 push.
I led ford Place , choice noiilli front , house of 4
rooms , well nnd elstotn , $1,1)11 , $ .100 rash.
Flnu lot In Clurpndoti. now A-rootu house , lot
nloim worth price of all , $ IH73
Good house In Ori'hnid Hill , all modern Im-
provemimls , ouk Rtnlrcase , close to Hamilton ,
cheap nt tJ.OOO.
Two lols , ono a corner , ICendaH's ndd , $1,900 ,
$ .fi.10cnsh , bnl 1,2 und tl ypar < : chi-iip.
Mno lot in Oak HIII.M7.1. HIM cash.
Two choice lots McCormlcks ndd , flA'O.
A corner lot Ambler plnco , south and cast
Iront.only fsuo.
A linrgaln In HnxTlhornn , $ ICOO , on Davenport
Fooler's fldd , two of the host lots , $4 , < WO.
Windsor I'liico pTtonslon , south front$1,200.
llpdfoul plnpo , $ < i > , oiio of the choicest.
Fix o good lots In Illghlnud Pnrk , $1,175 for the
bunch. SVD cash.
Crpston , full lot txvo streets , fionlnges , cheap
nt $1,60(1. (
Two good lots Oichnrd hill , one it corner ,
$1,0,10 for both.
A whole block , 2(1 ( lots. In Hhrlver plnco , cnn-
tfllns5acioson now utrpot car line , n burgnln
forthicodaysoiilx- , $ J,000 oiish This
is n snap , as rnch lot Is worth nt least $ .100
Lincoln Pliu-ptwo cnolco lots , south fronts ,
$1,1100 for both.
Hawthorn , past front , $1,500.
CHI ton Hill , : ! eouth fionts , each $7.10.
l.envotiworth Ton nee. a uoriipr.S'HlO.
Sheridan Plan1 , good lot , phenp , $75' ' ! .
Humboldt Plnt-o , the best miner. * 8 . snap.
Four cholco nprp.s In Washington Hill , only
$1,5JO per aero , a bargnln.
Leavonxxoith slroBt , ten acres $1,500 ppr ncre.
Twenty iicri-s sultnbio for phuttng ut n price
whloh will make > on tiny.
Ilndfotd HelirhlR.
Wo cnn pell nt u bnrunln nil the lots In this
addition , iitf propeity was purchased xvhon
prices wore loxv. Uastfiontsut $40) ) . these on
Ames nvenuo $501. west fronts fi,3. ; These
prices nro nt toast $ UK ) below the prices of sur
rounding property , and lots are of good size.
Mon v Invested here will double In K ) days. See
us , lot us show the property , und wo will fell
to you. Call on us nt our no > v oflleo , on the
ground floor. Hlunt St Impoy , 418 H 15th ct.
Telephone 314. 1KI 23
8 A IIi Modern S room residence , south
front on Decatur st , , near cor King St. , on
ear lino. Kvory modern water ,
gns , sowoingo connections , sticot cars. $4,000 ,
ono-thlrd cnsh. J. L. Hico A Co. , Solo Agenls.
W ! 19
FOH SALK Lot 50x127 on Hamilton si just on
gindo , li ! mlle from PO with good l-room
bouse , wull , clstotn and barn , only $2.1-00. J.
L. Ilico & Co. 147 12
I7 > IVi ; lots onCumlnc st In Wnlnut hill , $1.500
JU cnch. Grahnm , Ciclghton blk. IbS 23
. 8LOMAN , Heal Ustato Hrokor ,
1512 Karnam Streot.
Farnnmstrootcor. ItttliliiKliU , H cush.f 0,000
Famnmst , ueixr 14th,2Zxl3. , ImproveL. 'Mfl'Jti
Farnnm St. , ucur2Jtb , 110x132 $130 per
FarnnnBt : , cor.31st st. 130x132 , south
undeuatfront 17,001
Farnnm st cor. 41st , 4Sxt : ) . ' , a und o front 3 , 03
Douglas st. uenr2.idlWxl3J 8,000
Dodge st. neur2nth. GOxlUK 2,000
Dodge st. uoar th , 40x127 , baprovfd. . . 8,000
Jonesst.oor. 1,1th , C3xl'J ) 24.0J )
Leavxnworth at. cor. 21st , 132x111 , Im
proved 18.5M
Lonvenxrorth st cor , 23th , 140x142 , tin-
14th st truckage , P.vMook plnoo , 00x112. 2.50)
Park nvo opp. park , 50x15) 1.800
Georgia nvo. near Mt Ploasnnt. 50x150. . 2,000
20ihst near Dorcas , lOJxIOJ , tmprovoil. . 4 > M
20thit noarDonglus , 3xit1 , Impravod. . 8.0J1
IMhEt. oar. MartininitUimproved. . . 4.B7) )
29th Bt. cor. Sowurd , Ullxlij,3 bouses . . . 4.500
Plorco near2JthHi ) foot front , a streets. 6,3 X )
Hamilton st nour Holt Hue , Improve- ; . . . 1AOO
Irtth st.nonr Davenport. 100x130 2,200
Sewanl , nenr.'IJth , 60x157 1,1.1' )
10th at , npnr CnPtollnr , in foct front. . . . 4.500
Mhst , near Martha , 61x151. cornor. . . . 1,000
llnrdettost.nonr 23th , 50x132 , on cur line lfl
Hurt Bt , nenr Lowe nv9 , 51 t-2xl.W 1,100
rith.cor. Popploton , ( Vlxln ) , Improvod. . 4.00) )
2fithneur Poppleton,5nxl27 , improved. . ft.OOO
Orchnrd Hill , lots $75H to : . . . 1.00) )
Hroxvn I'm k.lot 8500 to 850
lledford Place , lots $ VV ) to 000
Highland Pnrv , lots o.ioh-cash $ U3. . El' ' )
Wakoly aid. IctsSTxlV ) , rach 400
2.1 acres near I'ort Omnhnfinely tnprovod 11,250
Center Ft , 60x133. Improved 1,200
Fnrnnm stncnr3sth , 4,500
Nicholas st corner trackage 4niX )
Park ave , facing Pnrk , 60x150 4,000
S IBth st , nenr viaduct , 40x102 6,000
SulphnrQprlngs ndd. just opp. ICth st,50
x24 ! 2,000
Lonvenworth st. near Holt Line , 100x127. . S.700
Snundors st cor Hurt 1(12x51 ( R nnd o frout 0,501) )
I.envonworth st cor 21st fi xl32 Imp 12,500
I'ariiameor 19th imp.ront (3,000 83,000
H. 4 M. Pnrk lots , $50 each
Hollmnn'sndd lots , $150 each
Jerome Pnrk lots , east front , on grado. . . 2,0 } ]
Fnrnam st k corner s and w front
only 8,500
V.m B , A. Sloman , 1512 Farnam st.
LOTS for sale.
A grout bargain for a few day only.
Lot Sir Qlscs add , n w oonior Hnunders and
Cnsslus street , will subdivide to advantage ,
nearly ononct'O of land , $12,000.
Lot 100 , disc's add , $0,000 ,
Lot7t , Olso's add , $ ,000.
lllock No. 1. lloyd'B ndd , $10,003.
Tnrms.not loss thnn 1-3 cash , balance 8 per
cent soml-nnnual Intorost.
lleinington & McCormlck ,
021 20 ! South 15th street.
Rnndjr for use la nne mluato : urei luhor , tlm * neil
tmublo ; cnnMtn * All th Invredlentauiod br l undvr
tn a ; glviiH hnnilnninnrpolUhtban njr older Buirch
rer aiPiMiif clute(3 ; It Is put up In tllLI , POUND
i'ACKAOES , no thort weUlitf. On * pound qnl
two puiind * of Hny otbor BUri'h. Hola br nil enl
clu > ifrcoori. woo * uuplr BAMPI.K P CCAUIt
Oiolgtin ( ircninionlT )
Wo are selling four tlmns M manr "TnnMIPs
runoh" against any other cigHr and liuvo only
bad thorn in the onso n week.
J , A. Tn/.nii : , DniKirln , Brockport , N. V.
Cocoa , from wlilch lbeeicero (
Oil bu beta rcroored. It huAr < 4
timtitfie ttrtnglh of Coco DiUtd
with Blirrb , Arrowroot or HL / ,
nul Ittberefur * f r inor * economi
cal , tailing It It ( Aan enl tint a
nip. It U deMclout , nourlililrr ,
Mlf nfthculag , eully de ! Ud , acj
Jinlribly u.Upt l for \alid l * * *
! ! far V'toni lu fctilth ,
Soli Ijr Ofoc ri efcr ) here.
& CO. . Dorciioiifcr.
I T oiii. ui UI ( f'm < Bt < el
l ? , r 4II otkTkilu. Wuti MM" t