Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1887, Page 8, Image 8
* * 7 "t * * ' " ' ' ' ' " ' " ' * S'-1 THE'-OMAHA'-DAILY' ' ' * . 1887J- / . ' " ' ' > > . : - - BEE ; TUESDAY -APRIL 10. PICKED UP ABOUT THE CITY A Budget of Interesting Matters Pertain ing to the Kail. THE COUNTY HOSPITAL PLANS. A Savntte Assault Special Taxes JudKc Graff The I'lattfltnoiith Tlj.or The Season's I'av- Inj ; Oilds anil Ends , Hull Notes. Tlio Union Pacific is urranglnR tlio do- Inils of ii sclicnio to run n train from South Omaha to Council HluIVs anil re turn , without reference to the dummy trains. That is , passengers will bo car ried from South Omaha to Council Hlullls anil return without being obliged to change cars nt the depots. It will bo known as the "inter-state train" nnd will commence running next Sunday. Train- ngnnt Willcox , who has been "lifting California tickets" on the west-bound trains will take charge as conductor. Till : INTiit-STATB : I.A\V. A reporter for the Ur.i : yesterday had a talk with a loual passenger man on thn intor-stato commerce law in its elFuet on the theatrical profession. "I think , " bald the railroad man"that unless some- tiling is done to mitigate the severity , thu new law will wreck the theatrical busi ness of this country. It will have the cfl'uet of driving out of the field the big companies , who travel wltli heavy scen ery and a large number of people , and will help the smaller and weaker com panies , whose expenses arc not nearly so much. It may possibly revive the old stock company system , but 1 doubt it. il cannot be doubted but that the effect of the law upon the profession will bo most disastrous. " "Will the railroads make any conces sions to the theatrical profession which will mitigate the severity of the law ? " was asked of him. "I don't know , " was the reply , "but I think that they will. I believe that rep resentatives of the different American roads will soon meet and fix up some scheme , by which theatrical companies can start out next season with a show of making some money. I do not believe the commission itself can do anything. Its powers , as I take it , do not extend be yond the regulation of the long and short haul clause. " TUB 11. It M.'S lUtANCIl. The contractor's are pushing the tt. & M.'s line to the northwest with all possi ble rapidity. One thousand teams and 1,600 , men are working in the vicinity of Central City and Cedar City. The con tractors say that 400 mile's of the line will be undoubtedly " completed this year. Tim NI"W : JIATES. The Omaha Freight bureau lias issued a circular showing the now rates for .every classification of freight. The fol- 'Jowing rates apply between Chicago and IK Omaha : If- 00 75 rx ) Sfl 80 iU > * 29 SIiO 18 NEW TKA1NS. Trains on the Fremont , ElUhorn & Mis souri Vnljoy railroad , commencing witli to-day , will connect at Hlair with the St , Paul & Omaha road , and run through tc Norfolk. The trains will leave Omaha at Ir.iiO p. in. , and arrive in Omaha nt 10:3C : a. m. They will leave Norfolk at 535 ! a. ni. nnd arrive in Norfolk at 10:80 : ] > . m. In the future the Black Hills express will arrive hero at 7:40 : p. m. W. N. Uabcock , cencral apentofthc Chicago & Northwestern railroad , has gone to Chicago on business. A SAVAGIi"AHSAUIT. . George Cnroy Doatcn by Thugs Be cause Ho Couldn't Loan a Dollar. George Carey , a very much battered in individual , appeared in police court yes turd ay morning as complaining witnee : ngainst a man named J. W. Srofe. The latter had assaulted him unmercifully Carey claims that a friend of Srofe's mo him Sunday night , as ho was on his wai homo , nnd asked him for the loan of n del lar. The fellow told him that ho hat gambled away all his wages and didn' want to go homo , without any money , ti his wife. Carey promised to try tgborrov the dollar for him , and as ho claims dii endeavor to secure the amount , ilo failed however , and this so infuriated the ap plicant for the loan that lie lumped up on Carey witli the remark "Then , by - I'll take it out of your hiilo. " Srofi gained in the assault , and beat Care ; severely , almost breaking hisnoso. Th other men succcodca iu escaping bu Srofo was arrested. He was fined f 1 and costs. Judge Stcnberg disposed of thirty-on drunks and disturbers of the peace Twelve were lined. Six vagrants wer Arraigned , ono was given littecn davs one twenty days , two were ordered bt of town and the rest were discharged. THE FAITH IN THEM. The County Commissioners Tell Wh ; They Accepted Myer * ' Plan. County Commissioners O'Keofo an Mount yesterday to took occasion ad vanoesomo reasons why they accepted tli plan for the county hospital proposed b Mr. Myers , instead of these of cithc CochrandorMcndcssohn& Lawrio. Con mlssioncr Mount , referring to Mr. Met rtclssohn's Interview in the BKE said : "II ( Mendelssohn ) says that I promised I Ktiiy by him , all things being equa That is true , and I stick to it still. I cli pay I would stand by'any local architec all thincs being equal. " Mr. O'Kcefo said that he had been i favor of Mr. Myers' plans the la time as well as the first , because ho co sidored them the best. At iirst Mendel sohn'B was nothing but a lire trap , an next his pavilion plan was inferior i Myers' , with regard to the delay whic had taken place over the first plans , tin had been occasioned by their consider tion of the matter and ultimate tr to the cast , upon their return from whic they saw that none of the plans shou bo accepted. If , as Mr. Mendelssol reasoned , that gentleman's plan w worthy of only second place in the fit competition , as ho had not changed h plans all all , except to reduce them size , and as Mr. Myers had chanced ai greatly improved his fin > t ones , it ft lowed that , in the last competition. M Mendelssohn's plans were still entitled but the second place. Both commissioners then wont into detailed explanation of the merits of t Mover's plan. In the iirst place , t building waa to bo lire-proof and the i chitcct la to give n bond or fiO.OOO that will bo completed within the cc of $113.000 , and accommodn 105 patients. The first sto is to bo of stone the rest hard press brick with double coats of lead and o Kvery wall in the building is to be cc tinuous from the basement to the roi and to bo of brick. Iu Mondelssohi plan , the walls are not continuous a in sonio of the basement roon the walla above are to bo sv ported by pillars. Besides the luttor plan , the walls are of hoik tile , which but invites dirt and filth. T Hears throughout the building were to of cement , resting upon brick arches si : ported by iron girders. There was to I jio wood wave possibly thn doors. T closets were to be far removed from n yet Tvith'n ' easy reach of each wai Besides the excrement was to bo dri mid burned , thus rendering sewers v necessary. Again , the number of cul Wet of , air sjwco m both the wards a roon > 3Iwns greater lu these of'Mr.Mycrs' plan than these of Mr. Mendelssohn. In the former , also , by the system of ventila tion introduced , it was possible to change the atmosphere of the entire building every eight minutes. The cost of Mr. Mendelssohn's plan would bo 1000.03 for every patient , while that of Mr. Myers'was but * 57UO. The com missioners claimed to have n hundred reasons for the preference they had shown for Mr. Myers' work. When children get a few cents they generally spend them for c--y. When they grow older they learn to save their money" to buy "Juvenile" Toilet Soap made'by Kirk & Co. _ THE I'LATTSMOUTH T1OKH. How an Oinalmn Ducked Him In His Ijtitr. William Burbridgo , who kept a gam bling room on Douglas street immedi ately cast of the People's theater , was arrested on Friday night by the sheriff of Cass county. It seems that after selling out his place to Bruckcr , Sodcrstrom & Donnelly , Bin-bridge went to Chicago and thence went to Plattsmouth , where ho opened a gambling house on Main street. He remained there a short time and finally wont to South Omaha where ho started into business again , leaving there after a short time and again look ing to Omaha , whore ho was trettini ; ready to open another house on Twelfth street between Douglas and Farnam. Ilo was tiken : to Plattsmouth by the sheriff where , late on Friday night , ho pleaded guilty to the charge of running a gam bling house. The court lined him $50 and co-its , amounting to ? ( JO. There wore two counts against him iu the in dictment , but tlio second ono was not pressed , liurbriilire had but $11 in cash which he deposited with the clerk , to gether with a gold watch valued at $123. That evening , it is understood that Bur- bridge managed to meet a number of the court attendants from the county to gether with a few local sworts , over u little private game , and rose from the table winner b'y something over $200. He redeemed his watcli and left the place f 125 ahead , and is again in town. 200,000 Hard Brick for sale , Wickham Bros. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. A Narrow Escape. Old railroad men who visited the wreck on the Union Pacific at Waterloo on Sat urday last , say that the condition of the rolling stock after if got through break ing itself into kindling wood , was the worst that has been scon in an accident around Omaha in many years. Five cars were literally crushed into an unrecog nizable mass of splinters. The engine was imbedded in the ground and En gineer Douglas and his fireman were caught in the cab and , it was thought , beyond relief. As it was they hail to be cut out of the wreck , when , strange to say , it was found they Una not received a scratch. Hnsttngg. The Mo. Pacific and Northwestern have submitted propositions for bonds which will be voted Hiiro. J. D. Itiley , the real estate broker , has great bargains m busi ness lots and acre tracts. lawes > & Foss1 Addition a specialty. Rooms 4 , 5 and G Opera House. Sujjttestotl For Mayor. OMAHA , Neb. , April 18. To the BEE : 1 desire to call before the citizens of Omaha the name of Hon. J. H. Congdon for mayor. I do this without consulting hire T his friends , and without knowing to what parly ho belongs. I believe him ca Table , honest and n man of supcriqi udgmcnt , and ho would certainly merit , nd maintain thn confidence of the pub ic. and best of all , could give his until , 'ided attention to the important busines- ) f his office as many other good men lamed could not do. Respectfully. P. C. HlMEUAUGII. J. D. Rlley , Real Estate Broker , Hasl ngs , Neb. References : City Nat'l ban ! and Adams County bank. Gangers Almost Gone. The last republican ganger has disap : > carcd from the distillery at this place Us name is Henry F. Willrodt and hi las now returned to his milling busincs t Gilmoro. His successor is P. E. Iluff nor , of Plattsmouth , who it is said will ii all probability take up permanent rcsi dcnco in this city. There now remain but one more republican ganger in thi district and lie is now located at Nebras ka City , but it is felt at the collector' office that his official days are numbered Sir. HnottV Itop\v. \ Wra. M. Knotts , who , it was nn uouncecl , had threatened to assault Ed ward Larkin with a hammer , on las Friday evening , denies that ho had weapon of any kind in his hands at th time. He claims that ho was simpl working upon the doors of Mr. Krek' ' store , according to the lattor's direction when ho was forcibly turned aside , sus tuining a brulsed'arm as ho struck one c the posts in the front of the store. II has filed a charge of assault against thus who throw him aside. Ho Wants Ills Hundred Dollars. Shortly after the counly commissioner had decided in favor of adopting th Myers plan for the county hospital , th second and third prizes were awarded t Mendelssohn & Lawno anil Cochran respectively. Cochrano pretended to I indgnant and loudly proclaimed in t ! commissioners' room that ho would m accept the prize offered , which was $10 ! Yesterday morning the commissioners r ccived a' letler from Mr. Cochrano i Chicago , showing a change of feeling ar asking for the amount mentioned. Notice. A mooting of the Omaha Expositio Carnival Association will bo held at tl Omaha Board of Trade rooms in the e : position building Friday April S3 , 18S7. A full attendance is requested , that a rangoments nwjr bo perfected for aoari val and.trades connection wi' ' the Omaha fair , which conies on" no November. Everybody Is invited to I present at this meeting. By order of the President. W. G. Shriver , See. J. E. Rilcy , Prt Death of Mrs. Crazier. Mrs. nlyra Cragler , wife of Mr. Jaci Craglor of this city , died nt 0 o'clock yc tcrday morning at the family residence ) Twenty-first nnd Vinton. The decoixs was In her twenty-sixth year , and Ii many friends to mourn her demise ai who deeply sympathize with the boroav husband in the great loss ho has sv taincd. The funeral takes place tt afternoon at 3 o'clock from tha resident The remains will bo interred at Lain Hill cemetery. _ ' Seriously Charged. Judge O'Connoll , who is charged wi the responsibility for the disgraceful re nt South Omaha on last Friday night , said to bo sick in bod. Ho thus cscap arrest on the charges specified , as at that of nttpmptinc to kill some mciubc of his family a few days ago. The jud has been acting in a very strange ina ner ever since his defeat by Jud Reuthor about a week ago. Married. Justice Borka yesterday morning tui rled Homy Graves aud IfuroUo Wiset ODDS AND ENDS. Stray Leaves From Ilcportorlal Note Book si c = 3 > > MM "I am only n young man , " said a well- known theater goer last night , "but I never expect lo ice Edwin Booth again , after his appearance next week atBoyd's. I do not thiuk il will bo long before this really great actor will retire permanently from the stage. Tim more I think of this mailer , Iho more 1 rogrel that wo have no person upon whom his mantle may fall. It is true that great men are generally fol lowed by men who are equal to every emergency , but il is undoubtedly true thai wo have nobody in Iho dramatic profession who is at all comparable to Mr. Booth. Barrel is an actor of an entirely different order , if , indeed , ho be not inoro of an elocutionist than an actor. James cannot bo considered even for a moment ; Fred Wardo is also out of the race , though each seems to feel that ho de serves lo succeed Iho great tragic king. This is not a clu-ortul prospect , so , while Mr. Boolh remains lo \ \ * . I am determined to make the mo t of llie opportunities offered mo lo enjoy his genius. " * "V "Tin : BHB was right in saying that there was plenty of work here for the idle , " said a labor agency man yesterday "There is no earthly excuse for any ' . I have man's being Idle now-a-days. now n contract to furnish work for 200 men and I am having hard work to find them. The trouble is lhal most of these fellows want a 'pio job , ' where they won't have to work and can cat pie all day. There is no reason why a man should beg now-a-ilays. " V * A certain young man in this city has broken his engagement with a young lady who resides in this city in the north end. The sad affair happened in this wise. The young gentleman aforesaid attended a public ball the oilier night and met a prctly girl by whose appearance he was highly impressed. It was probably nothing but a passing fancy , but he made himself intensely agreeable lo her , and within an hour of having made her acquaint- mice , declared his lender affection for her. The girl , who happened to bo a servant working in the house next to the ono in which tlio young man's betrothed was domiciled , went homo in a high fealher , elated at Iho conquest she had made. The next day she confided lo Ihc girl working in Ihc house of Ihc young man's allianccd how she had mot ami conquered Iho charming Mr. , and how ho had promised lo lake her out buggy-riding , elc. , elc. This was in turn repealed by the girl to her mistress , who , it is hardly necessary to say , was horror- stricken. She ru once wrote to the mi- fortunate young man , declaring their engagement broken. And now , "they never speak , elc. " HE DENIES IT. Secretary Miner Says he did Not Htart the Story. The telegraph brings the news from New York thai Washiiiglon Conner , the celebrated Gotham banker , is frothing at the mouth because some ono has cicu- lalcd the slory that Manager Locke , of American Opera company , could draw upon him for an unlimited amount. Mr. Connor declares that it would not be safe for Mr. L. to assume anything of the kind. Mr. Connor also declared to the New York correspondent that Ihe report was starled by a person named Miner , in Omaha. As ibis doubtless refers to the secre tary of the exposition association , a re porter called upon Mr. Miner yesterday and questioned him about the matter. "Is it true that you starled any such slory ! " was asked of him. "No sir , I did not , . " Mr. Miner replied , 'I have never said anything of the son.1' "Have you any idea how your name ivas connected with Ibis affair ? " "No. What I did say was that Mr , could probably draw on Mr. Con- : ior for $5,000 , and no more , and that is all I did say about the matlcr. " MAIUNGc CONNECTIONS. They Ought to Be Miulo Immediately Streets to bo Improved. During Iho present season , Iho' follow- ng slrcots are lo bo paved : Davenport 'rom Sixteenth to Twenty-second ; Tenth Tom Center lo Marlha ; Farnam , from Twenty-eighth to Thirty-sixth ; Cuming , from Thirty-second to Thirty-sixth ; Twen y-fourth , from Seward to Patrick avenue Mason , from Tenth to Eleventh ; Elev cnlh , from Capitol avcnuo to Davenport ; Twelfth , from Capitol avenue to Daven port ; Thirteenth , from Capitol avenue to Davenport ; Sixteenth , from Howard t < Lcavenworlh ; Sevenlh , from Jackson ti Leaven worth ana Chicago from Sixteentl to Twentieth. Mr. House says Unit no permits for e.X' cavalions or conuoclions will bo issucc to property owners or lessees on any portion tion of these slrcols after the grading ol the same has been commenced by tin contractors. It will therefore be advis able for property owners to make all tin required connections as soon as possible SPECIAL TAXES. Collector Calhouti Makes a Ilcqucs of JjUpior and Tobacco Dealers. Collcclor Calhoun's force of clerks ar now approaching their busiest season Every dealer in liquor and lobacco in th district is being furnished witli a blanl apulioation , on which ho must set forl the naluro and extent of his business an file tlio same with the collector before th first of May. At last accounts Ihcr were about liflecn thousand dealers i the district who are compelled t lake out special license , and thcs special licenses or special tax certificate are issued after the filing of the applic : lion mentioned. As the work of makin out these certificates is a heavy one , Hi collector especially desires that dualci in tliis city and stutu make their npplici lions immediately so as lo enable liitn t issue the certificates as soon as possibli Army News , It is believed at army headquarters tin inasmuch as the report of the court-ma tial of Major Bcntcen , for drunkennes has been received at Washington , tin the sentence of the court is undoubted ! ngainst thu major. Otherwise , it is sau no report of the court-martial would h received by the secretary of war. Tl mailer'now rests with the president , an it remains to bo seen whether he wi mitigate the severity of thu scntcnc which must follow the finding of tt court-martial. Colonel Henry , who has returned froi the Bellevue ritio range , reports that tl 1,000-yard shooting ground has been a < mirably laid out. The soldiers will fii on an almost level plateau , their bulle hissing over the high blutts of the Mi bouri river. _ Securely Guarded. Detective Noligh has four men and wildcat guarding Iho Erck building c Norlh Slxlpenlh street , over which soi ous trouble has arisen between Erck an Lurkm , ns mentioned in Saturday's BE Erck is determined to.hold the bnildit at all costs , while Larkin is equally dele mined to secure what ho claims to be h rights. Last night some fellow entered tl building from the rear. ' The wild cat r furred to. wUich was io tUo baOk part < the store sconced bv a long chain , made a savage dash for him. The follow nar rowly cscapedl being chewed up by the ferocious animal. The Now Court Room. The county commissioners are consid ering how they may make room in the county building for another court room. The plan now most favored seems to be the removal of Hie law library to ono of the rooms now occupied by Wouuty Superintendent Brunei * and utilising the room occupied by it into a court. Another idea .seems to prefer the removal of Iho library lo Iho room occupied by Iho county surveyor in the basement. Ducks In Profusion , Drs. Pcabody and Galbraith and Henry Honmn returned yeslorday morning from alwo days' Irip lo Clarks , where they enjoyed a most success ful hunt. They came into town laden wilh not less llian sixly Mexican ducks , which they distributed with their compliments amongst a largo circle of acquaintances. 1'oltcr's Klcld. The county commissioners have decid ed upon purchasing ground for the bur ial of thu county poor in Forest Lawn cemelcry. They are now considering a proposition from the management of that place to sell liyo acres for-fKK ! ) per acre. The commissioners will visit the place to-day. County Boxes. The county commissioners have" de cided to discard as much as possible the small bridges over dilchcs in the counly , and hereafter , whenever practicable , will substitute boxes , which are both more durable , serviceable and economical. * With lIlsMotlior. Detroit Free Press : A few weeks ago in this city a poor widow died , leaving one lame child , a little boy , to thu cold charities of the world. After his mother's funeral the little fel low was taken ill from Ihe combined re sults of grief and neglccl , and it was evi dent that he would soon bu united to his only friend. lie wsis left alone much of the day , there being no one who could spare the time lo slay with him. It was often noticed thai Iho voices of Iwo persons would be heard in his liltlo room. But when those in charge entered ho would bo apparently asleep. One day they listened , being quite sure that no onu was with the child , and they overheard Ihis strange chonolo.nio ; : "Is you rite there , mamma ? " "Yes , my little boy , I is rite here. " "Was you went away yet ? " " 1 wonted back to.heaven to tell God nboul my liltle boy. " "Did you was afraid , mamma ? " "No , my own little boy , 'cause God is nicer'il peoples. " "Did you told him about mo.mamma ? " "I toldod him \l \ had a little boy named Harry an' an' an' " There was n loud noise of sobbing then , and thu listennrs-wilhoul cried too. Pres ently the child's voice resumed : t "Did you told God to let mo como up hero , mamma ? " "Yes , my boy. an' ho said 'bimcby , bimcby. ' " "Mamma , i'so so tired an' an' sleepy an' I want lo come an'stay with you an' God. " There was n long silence then , broken by no cry or sob. The listeners went in after resolving in their hearts to bu there after very patient with the motherless one. one.But death had been kinder than they. Absolutely Pure. Thispowdernevervarlei , A marvel ol purity.strcnKth and wholesomeness. More economic than the ordinary kinds anc cannot be sold in competition with the mul titude of low test , short wcight.alum or phosphate powders. Sold only 'n cans. Royal Baking Powder Co.ilOG Wall street , New York. OMAHA 13th St.Cor. CapltoiIvenut / , roi TO * TUXATMZNT or A..I. Chronic & Surgical Diseases 1 DR. MoMINAMY. Propviotoi- , . Sliteen jcars" Dnimtil and Prlrulo 1'racUca Wo hare tha facilities , apparatus and remtdler for the successful treatment of ctery form of dis rate rcnulrlni ; elthermcdlcal or surgical treatment , nnd Invite all to com * and Inrtitlgato for thcnisi ITM fir correspond wltnus. Long eipcrlc-uce lu treatIng - Ing casts br letter eaables us to treat cnauy cams iy without icelnc them YVIUTK FOB ClItCULAH on Deformities and Draco , Club Fool. Curvatures of the Hplno Uisxisis up WOUBH , Piles , Tumors , Cancers , Catarrh , Bronchitis , , Inhalation , Electricity , Paral ysis , JCpilepir , Kliny , J j , Ear , Bkln , Blood and c'.j surgical operations. Ilattorlei , Inhalers , timers , Trasses , n1 all kinds of Medical and SurgUsJ Appliances , man ufactured and for sal * . The onli rtllsble nUdlcil Initluls miking Privati , dpeoUjrcNejoiis : ; Diseases ALL CONTAGIOUS AND BU/OD DISEASES , from n haterer can is prnd need , successful Ij treated. Wo cm remove Bvpullltlo polion from the system without mercury. New reitoraUvs treatment for loss of vital power. All , COMMUNICATIONS CONFIUKSTUI , Cull and consult os or stud carao and post-office address plainly written enclose stamp , and nc urox PKIVITJ , SEXIMALVIAKNIIS , BPIRHITORIIIIUU , cr , , OOXCBBBOU , OLKIT , VARICOCE-B STRIOTO . AMD A LI. DIIEAIIS or THE UIMTO UniMAKT ORBAKS , or tend hiitory of yourca eior an opinion * Persons nnable to vlilt n * may be treated at Iliolr homes , br correspondence. Medicines and liutr.i- merits sent by mall or tinrete HBCUHBLY PACK KI > FKOM OIltlBItVATION , no marks to Indicate contents or sender. One personal interview preferred ferred If convenl "t. Fifty rooms for the a-com modntlon of > patlnts. ) : Tt'iard and attendance- reasonable pilcce. Address I1 Letters to . Omaha Medical and Surgical instltole Car. 13thfb thd CaaitoMie- OMAHA , fltB. WHAT WE CLAIM For our Spring Overcoats will bo coafirmed bv everyboclv who has bought one from us last week , viz : THAT THEY ARE WORTH TWICE THE MONEY PAID FOR THEM. The bargains we are offering are of so extraordinary a character that the mere mention of prices or reductions is entirelv insuf ficient to convev anv correct impression of the values we pre sent. The goods are all of tliis season's production and are models of excellence in fit and stvle- Come and see them. We have again replenished our stock of Spring Suits by several new invoices received during ihe past few days , and call particular attention to one line of beautiful Cheviots in colors grev and brown which we offer at $8.90 per suitfullv worth $14.00. We regret our inabilitv to wait on all those who visited our store lastS aturday and invite them to call again. We have ill- creased our force of salesmen and are now better prepared for a rush. All goods marked in plain figures and at one price. Company , Cor. Douglas and 14tli sts. , Omaha. RUBBER CO. , O. H. CUKTIS , Pres. - J. HURD THOMPSON , Sec. Treas Wholesale © Retail. WE I3ST STOOK : Tlsli nrnnd" Coitte , llnlbs , Douche ? , Hair Crimpers , Nursery Sheeting , Speculum ? , Air 1'lllnws , Itrushci , Drill & Puck , llnlr 1'ins , NnvyllnKs , Sporteineii's Goods , Air Beds , Ilreu-cr's Hose , Door Mats , Hats , Oil Clothing , Stamps , Air Cushions , Caps , Dress Shield * , Horse Cover/ / ) , 1'ncklug , Mntloner'a ( iuin , Anti Knttlers , Cllll'8 | , Drinking CHUB , Hose , II. H. .tl' . Co.l'Allg , Kjphons , Aprons , Carrlngo Cloth , Khistln Jtnnds , Hose Couplings , Peiftction Box Syiinc , .Spittoons , Atomizers , Cartridge lings , Elastic Stockings , Hose I'lpoa , 1'cnclls , .Swimming Jacket ! Hands , Catheters , Erasers , Hoe Keels , Ten holders. Syringes 'Ptif.ction Box , ' llandago Gum , Clothing , Fnco lings Hot Witter Ilottles.l'essnrles , ThlmblcR , Haptismnl Puntti , Copy Hook Sheets , Finger Cots , IlarcrBncks , I'lnuo Covers , Throat Ilagp. Ha .lls. ! Carpeting , Flower Sprinklers , Ice " - Pipes. Tubing , Ilath'Mnts , Cement , Floor Scrnpur ? , Ice Cnp9 , I'lpo Plcms , Tumblers , Hath Tubs , Clothes Wringers , Folding 1'uIU , Ink.Stands , 1'lant Spilnklcrs , Toys. lied Puns , Coats "Fish llrnntl1 ' Foot liAlls , Invalid Cushions , 1'urc Kubber , Tccth'KKIngpftPndi , lied , , , Pants , Tobacco Pouches , Sheets Uomlis Force Cups 11.11. * P.Co .Helling , Comb Cleaners , Fruit Jnr Kings , Lined llog. , Pistol l ock < ! ts , Trotting Holla , Bolt HookB , Corks , Funnels , Lace Cutters , Kattles , Urinals. Hellows Cloth , Cork Screws , Gas Tubing , I.lfo Preservers , Kubber Dam , Umbrellas , Iltbs , Curry Combs , Ciloves , Mackintosh Goods , Kulcrs , Ventilating Sole. , Illankets , Cuspaclors , CiossaincrCapa , Match Uoxefl , KepnlrlDcCloth , Wagon Aprons , Hoots * Shoes , Cigar CftBcs , ' Cloth , Maitlngala Kings , Hlmft Kubbers , WaRou Covers , HoygCnps , ClialrTlpi&Uuffcri , Cents , Milts , Shoes & Hoots , Wagon Springs , Hoya Coats , Diapers , " Waterproofs , Matting , 81nk Scrapers , Weatherstrips , llouglcs , Dinner Cloth , Gnltor Straps , Mirrors , S coops , Webbing , Hracclets , Dolls , Gun Covers , Mittens , Shooting Coatn , Wading Pants , Breast Pumps , Doll Ilodlcs , Gtitta Percha , Nipples , Bllng-shats. Water Ilotllcs , llrcastShlelds , Doll llcnde , Gymnasiums , Nursing nibs. Soling , Window Cleaners. UuIFors , Uoor Iluuila , Hair Curlers , Hunting Hottlcs , Sponge Bsgs , AVrlngcr Kolls , Host on Belli lip J Co'fi. Rubber and Cotton netting , racking and Hose. Sole ngcnts in Omaha. Leather BelUnp ; Pure Oak Tanned. Manufacturers of "PERFKCTION BOX SY1UNGES. " Manufacturers of "FISH Hit AND RUBBER GOODS. " OMAHA RUBBER COMPANY , 1008 Farnam St. , OMAHA , NEB. Mall Orders Solicited nnd will Receive Prompt Attention. MADE ON HONOR AND PERFECT IN EVERY RESPECT 'JJicoiiltt Machine that will sc.w lutcliwarila itul forwards equally well , and the Sewing Machine In existence. The Union Sewing Machine We de.ih'c energetic anil in JfebraaHa , Colorado , V'uomino , Dakota and Western Iowa. If you are looking for a clicajt Machine , don't answer thin advertisement , but If yon itiant to handle the beitt Sewing Machine that inonuy can buy , address for particulars. 209 N , IBtii St. , Omaha , Neb , Mention Omaha Bee. GOLD MEDAL , PAEIS , 1878 , BAKER'S _ Warranted abioliHely pure Cocoa , from which tbocxccmof Oil ba * been removed. UhaiMr timei the ttrength of Cocoa mixed with BUrch , Arrowroot orBugar , and Is therefore far more economi cal , coitlny ttn Man one cent a cup. It is delicious , oourlihlnf , strengthening , eaully digested , and admirably adapted for Invalids ae well as for peraona In health. Sold by Ureters everywhere. & CO , . Dorchester , Mass , Notice. Norfolk Street railway will reeelvo pro- THE for the Immediate construction nnd onuhimcnt at 0110 und ono hulf miles of street railway In the city of Norfolk. Nebraska. Pro- noeula rccoivod nt the ofllco of the secretary of company at Norfolk , Nebraska , until tlio Mth clay of April , lbS7. H. C. HltOM U. aprTtoii Secretary. T ftmttj for tb bet dlieti * | bj Its at * haab inear d. IBd * tl.enmnniriiW7i uuiu " u ± ; ri' wlll"nd TWO BOrrLM FHK . ti ! > > er with TAU th l I TBBAT B "n lhlsdU.M , t n J mfftrir. OlT < x- tliBLK " MM * "o-adiwTMUl'.A. ULgcCM.Ml rsMlttb M. V WORK CIATAnnil. Tbt Or.it0 rtt n Jft Itemed/is a poiltlve care. Pr u ipl kase snd took for 4 ctnti tn sumpx > ta uw - EELIABLE JEWELER. Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The largest stock. Price'Ihe lowest. Repairing a specialty. Work warranted. Corner Poujjlas and 15th ttieets , Omaha. Licensed Watchmaker for the Union Pacific Railroad r nmnailV. THE 75th GRAND DRAWING , MAY 20 < h. NO II I , AItS. . HIG IMtlZKS OK KK\VAUIS ! One Million Distributed Every Year llEAUOfIUI..VrBO INTtSitK ST MONKY IIVllii : > AMONO A VK\Y MJOKV 1JU.V noimiis : KVUUY a MONTHS. Only ? 2.00 required to secure one Royal Italian 10' ) francs gold bond. Theac bond participate in four drawings every year and retain ' [ ir original vain until the year 1944. Prizes of 2,000,003 1,000,00(1 ( , 6W.OOJ . , SSO.OOO , &c. franc * will l > drawn , besides the certainty of receiving back 10a francs in gold , you may win 4 time CV'rhi C\tn \ ftfe. and fie best , InreMmcnt v r nlTercd , n < the Inveitetl money must bo pnld b.tcX whenlmnd inHturei. Bond fornlr ul ir < tti It will py you toil ? , or imul yi-ur nnlord with mono/ or reciston-d letter , or postal nutus , uml In return wo will forwaidtho uoimrannta. BiilLI.liANItl.VG : CO. , JOS Uroul\vty : ; , New York < : y. N. U. These bonds are not lottery tickets , kiul their bale u legally pc rmitted ' ' ' in Uw , 8' . by laofl9T3. . . . . ; . . . . . , - . . . ' '