Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Advert.v inn.Is under this head , 10 cents per
Iliv for the nut Insertion , "cents for each ul > -
c ( UPlit mMTtiou , and { I n Hue per month.
Niindirrtl'iMiipnl taUon for 'o i than , fl ienU
forllid tit-'lii-trtion. P < ken words wll ibu
counted to tlif HncJ tney must run consecu
tively and mu t ! paid in nd < nneo. All aiher-
tiomcnt rn. t IIP liatidwl In In f'i < o I ' 'M o'clock
11. m. , Htnl unilcr no clruiim tnnci's will they betoken
token orili'cuntlnued by telephone.
l'nitl"S ad\rrti lnir In thp o columns and hav-
Inz the unswcis luldre ued In core of THK llr.i :
wllliilpH'f askfornchermornablo them to got
thflr none will'bo delivered except
nn presentation nf check. All an wurs to ndvur *
tiscments * > liouM bo onclo ed In envelopes.
All Hdvettl'cinents In those columns are pub
lished In both morning nnd evening editions of
'llm DKP. , the circulation of which
aggregates moio than H.fMO papers
dally , and gives the lidvortl or thu
Iiont-llt , not onlj of the city circulation of The
llrt : but a1 o of Counrll lllults , Lincoln , and
other cities and towns throughout this part of
the west.
. ( to loan on rrnl cstnto. Apply to C , ,
$ Keller , IWS nirnum si , city. CIS mlO *
600,000 to loan nt 0 per cent , Harris JcSatnp-
in , inirt Douglas st. CM
WJO.MO TO LOAN nt 0 per cent. Hahoney
A Llnalinn 1KB r'arnam. Ul
ONEV ( TO LOAN O P. Dnvls * Co .real
M estate and loan agents , 1105 farnam L
' 5fi
to loan nn real citato nnd chattels
MONEY A Co. 1511 Farnnm St. , ground Moor.
UlMO-OOO To loan on Omaha city property utfl
J > percent. O. Vf. Day , s. o. cor. Ex. ilfd.
MONEY TO LOAN-On cltv nnn farm prop
erty , IQW lates. Stewart A Co. , Uooin : l
Iron bank. 759'
MONEV to loan , cash on delay.
J. W nnd V. L. Squire , 1413 Farnam St. .
rnxtonhotrlbulldlnir. 760
MONF.V First morU'ngi ) notes. The Douglas
county bank will buy papers secured by
flrt mortgage on elty realty. _ n
MONEV 'JO LOAN on improved real pstato ;
no commission charged. Loavltt Iturn-
hnm , Room 1 Crcluhton Illocl : . 7R2
G PER CUNTMonny to l
Gregory A Iladlfy.
Rooms 1 nnd 3 , Ilcdick Dtock , 320 R. 15th St.
_ _
MONENY to loan ou collaterals. Long nnd
Rhnrt tlmo city mortgages and con
tracts DOllght. E. S. Rowley , 314 South 1'ilh st.
C7H mil
_ _
I O LOAN Money Loans placed on Im-
JL provoil real estate In city or county for
Now England Loan A Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank. ICth nnd Chicago fta _ 761
MONEY to loan on Improved city property nt
0 per cent. Money on hand : do not have
to wait. Have n complete set ot abstract books
of Douglas county. I. N. Watson , abstractor
Harris Real Estate nnd Loon Co. , 320 S. 15th st.
_ _ 705.
MONF.V LOANED at C. F. Heed A Co.'s Loan
Ollico , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal property of nil kmd.s , and all other ar
ticles of valiie.-wlthoiit removal. 31D S. 13th.
over Illngham's'l"omml slon storo. All bus- [
IIQSS strictly contldentlal. _ 7 < W
ft PER CENT .Money.
* J 11 , 0 Pattcrton. 15th ai.d Harnoy. 755
TOANS Loans Loans.
Heal estate loans ,
Collateral loans.
Chattel loans.
Long tlmo loans.
Short time loans.
Money always on hand to Onn on any ap
proved security.
Investment securities bought and sold.
Omaha financial Exchange , n. w. cor. 15th
and Ilurner.
Corbctt , Manager. 70 ,
T\f ON BY TO "LOAN by the nndcrslcned , who
J'l has the only properly orfranl/od loan
goner in Omnha. Loans of (10 to $100 made
on furnlturo , plnnos , organs , horses , wngons ,
machinery , Ac , without rnmoval. No delays.
All business strictly confidential. Loans so
muclo that any part cnn bo paid at nny Imo.each
payment reducing the cost pro rntn. Advances
inadnon flno wntuhcs and diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they nro dealing
llh.-as many now concerns are dally coming
into existence. . Should you need money call
nml ere mo. W. R , Croft , Itoom 4 Withnoll
Ilulldlng 15th and Harnoy. 783
. Hotel for rent or for sale , nt .Inuscn ,
Nr.W . , on line of C. K. * N. ll'y Hock Isl
and , ( iood oionlntr | for the business. Address
1" . Jnnsnn , Jansen , Jefferson Co. , Nob. 10) ) J4
5lt "SALE Stock of dry goods in" ( rood
town ; invoice about $7,000 ; will take nbout
Yi In trade or If greed Omu a real estate will
tnko nil In trndo , wood reasons for polling.
r.iric V Ko\\lor. 1M2 Douglas Bt. HJ7 81
T71OH 8ALK First class barber shop In the
-L center of thoolty. Inquire L 43 line ollico.
807 SiJ
"T71OH SALE Heal estate oflico doing Kood
J-1 liuslnoss , with furnlturo , innps. horse and
titiirgy , oto. Hcason , parties going awny , 313
N. lum it. Lawrence & Seydel. oo il >
I Oll HALE A Complete cl ar stand outfit.
Uttte City Heal Estate Co. , 1U30 Douglas it.
TpOH 8AT.E One-half Interest In the Nebraska
- 1Signal , the largest circulation of nny coun
try weekly nowepapcr In thn state ; largo job
olflcf in oounectlon. For full particulars address -
dross or call on E. C. Sawyer , Admr. . Fair-
niont. Nob. 713
BUY a Mayflald lot on West Cumlngs street ,
KUO , 6U down and $10 monthly. C. J.
Cauan. 7
TfOH SALE or Exchange- now 85 bbl com-
JL1 blnation mill situated on Little lllue
rlror , near Hebron. In Thaycr county. Will ox-
cliniige for wild or Improved lands or live PIOCK.
For further particulars address First National
llnnk , Hebron , Nob. tJO
VVANTED To nnd good , llvo business mon
' with stocks of goods to mo vo to a grow
ing town whore money cull bo made , I will as
sist thu right kind of people in building , etc.
Will pay good big bonus to any ono Hint will
start a canning factory , or , in fuel , nny Und ol
a fuctoiy that employs hand ? . Wo want a drug
More , furnlturo store , grocery store , n doctor ,
m practical pnlnter right ownv. Tor particulars
address Hank of Valley , Vnlloy Nob. 414a22
PERSONAL Xcat and tasty all-wool busi
ness suits J7.00. Fine blue diagonal dress
suits. $10.72. Cnll nnd sio them or write for
samples , li. O. Jones & t.'o. , American
Clotliiou , 1309 Farniim st. , Omaha. t 8 in 1"
PERSONAL I'rlvmo homo for ladles during'
confinement , ( strictly confldontlHl. Infanta
adopted , address n 42 , line otHce.
T\riW. DUlUNT-ClirTvoyant from
JJlroliaMo In ftllaffulrsof life , unites separated
lover ? . US ! N. 10th it. room 1 eibiC-M
PERSONAL Jlrs. Dr. Nannie V. Warren
clnirvo > ant , Mcdlral and business Modluui
Boom No , 3. 121 North 16th st .Omaha. Nob.
OMAHA tora ; o Warehouse Corner 13tli
and Izard fit , , for storage of household
roods and gcnornl merchandise at low rates.
Advances made ; Issue warehouse receipts. It.
n. switch at the houso. otnco AID South nth
street and I3u , 1310 ami 1.112 Izard street. Tele-
jihoncdi. . JI. 8. ( loodrlcb , Mgr. WS m3
EXCHANGE Draft nnd buggy horses for
1' Omaha lots. Address K 7f 8201'Jj '
"I71OH SALE-Jewolry store In ono of the best
X1 locations In Omaha. Address Li 34 , iloe.
fTUWIlBNlSo.mro Hiano 4 mdntnlr. T
J. Hope. 1613 Dougiai. _ 770
fl O parties having house ) for rent. Itontal
-L Agency , llenuwu ii Co. , 15st. , opposite post-
onlco. We have turned over to them our rental
\Verecomuicndthom. . MeCagu * Ilros ,
_ _ _ _ _ _
BLAKE'S I'rcmlum Short Hand ,
und Typewriters' Institute.
Thoroughlpractlcul and
Write or apply to L. J. Dlakc , principal , oor.
ICth and Capitol avo. Omaha. Nob. mj myl *
17U > K ItKNT Organs , fl per mourn. ilo p * ,
JL ? 1U3 Douglai. 770
Y\lHiS3 > TAKlNO-Mri. E. G Scofleld , par
* - ' lora Hi J t-t. Mary's ave , Ladles comlug to
the city for ono day can ha\e their dress muds
yhlle waiting. vn m 14
. K. HllKGA. lute of Dourer , Cot , boa
opened n first-class employment oltlce , for
. k inalo and female helps. Onlors sollclteU and
* latlitactlon guaranteed , at 316 South 15th at.
55 ON'Tbe aclara. Do n't pay two price * wpen
you can go to 117 N. l th andbtiy furnl-
tur . ttoTf § , * e , at rock bottom prlooa. . '
AO !
DON'T bo nn ayiter. Don t bo swallowed
nltve when you want to sell furniture ,
carpets or household goods , call nt 117 N. 18th ,
a nlS
I'OT CA TT for socond-h indfiirnltiiro"car
pot.i nml stoves , at 117 N , 10th st.
203 nlS
Ol , C. House furnishing trondt , nil kinds ;
ca h or installment ; loweit prices nt J ,
llonnpr. 11115 DougliiK st. tW
CASH advnnrcd on dlnmondi and watches at
117 N. IBth st Orlt .t Co "Ml H1H
" "
Ol.tI.ot 4 , "block" 12 Omnhu View. It D.
Mlllford. iiy
grndliigTtrlmirunif troe'.plant-
, aJdross J , Asttcford , nth and
Dorcn , city. K J 2IJ
rpllE place where they , " 11 furnlturo cheap
J forcusb nun been ro moved from 1111 Doug *
las to 117 N. K.thst
ITU ) it KKM' Square Piano , f t montnir ,
-L' llosne. 1511 Doitif ITS. 770
I.AS5 Storage nt 110 N 13th fi.
MONI1Y Hlks when you want to buy furni
ture or v.ipor 'tovos nt 117 N.ICth. between
DodL-o and Capitol ave. 201 aH
JF you want to buy or sell furnlturn , go to
J. Knrifiison'j , 711 N. l'th ' ! 771
SIOItACS'K Klr4t-clis 8toTage for mco rur-
nituro or boted goods , at 15U Dodci-it , i
iDlt S'ALE Thrco counters and show case"
1211 Farnnm. 'M'i 21
TTOlt HALK-Furnltiiio , household good * , etc.
J2 20i4 Webster st. b5l 2IJ
irOH SALE-Kurnltiiro of A-room cottage ,
Jl good ns now , \ory choap. 170) N. Ifltlnt.
Ml 10 *
) U SALK-I'acillntr and Mock caltlo. John
F McCarthy. JclTeron , lowii. S.M II )
FOR SALE A great bargain. Sowing ma-
chines , Wheeler A : Wilson , No. S. lu cnMi.
Leader , ilt > . Singer. $10 lo * I5. Call at thi
New Homo Suwln * Machlno Co's. ollico. Hi N
15th st. Ul 13
A FEW well bred road horse for &le
drivers and pole tennis nt Wlthrow'sbarn ,
1307 Hurnuy street. Fleming Ic Kennedy
Ifl OH SALE 17 head cholco Bred Shortliom
cattle : ale a IVtncru stock farm In Holt
county. J. s. Colllnjrs , Pender. Neb
HU may I3J
_ _
rORSALE-Astockof poultry , nne team of
horses , wnxon and harnuss. llousn and 10
HCIC po'iltry yard for rent , covered with bear
ing blackberry lmh < ; > . U J. Canan. Nil
FOR 3ALE-1 or2 horses , t spring wagon , 1
buggy , cheap. A Hnspo. 7HI ml"
OH SALK TheTiest line of carrTIge rphao
ons , buggies , real estate wagons and deliv
ery wngons. Columbus lluggy Co. , 1113 Harrier.
TJ1OK SALE A eocon 1 hand spring wagon , two
-L' seate I , polo and ihaftH , cheap , nt the Col-
iimltus lluggy Co. , 111,1 llarnoybt. _ arj
7OESALE-Brck. 1 ! ! T. Munay.
CHOICE LAND fi per acre. Jto makes 1st
years payment on III ) acres. Write for information -
formation W. F. Pnlnn. Sidney Nub. 252may7
YjlOR SALE 'Iearn line inadMors , and good
JL' single harness. Dr. Itnnchett , r 6 Withnell
block. 270
TilOIt 8ALK A nnlr driving horses nnd four
Jor flvo saddle horses. Inquire stock yards
olflcc. South Omaha. 757 is
IOR SALE 2 million brick and upwards no-
JL ; slilcs. ( lolly out put ot 30,000. Enquire
on premises cor Dorcas and 2nd sts. Omaha
llrlok nnd Term Cotta SIfg. Co 774
W rANTEU Active , reliable men , ciipabloof
L selling goods. Cull l-l South 10th t.
" \\TANTKn-For railroads east of Council
TT Hluirq In IOHU , n llrst-clasa ton and cigar
salesman. To the right mnn big Inducements
ollered Call Mil or uddrcss Kennard V Miller ,
St. .Joseph , Mo. 10. 24
\\7ANTiD : Good active boys to put up cof
T T fee In nncUagcs. ClarBo Uros. & Co. , 1414
nnd 1HU Harnoy St. 10M18
\\7 ANTUD-A flrst-clns * newspaper ndvortls-
TT ing solicitor. Call immediately A. n.
Tads Co , S. B. cor. 11th und Uoilyo sts. . roam
20. 107 1
"VyTANTEO Two ttrst-clnss traveling mnn
T T with experience , on commission. Only
those ciipable of earning good salaries need ap
ply. Call lit 7 p. m. Monday or DM u , in. Tues
day at room 20 , S. li. cor loth and Dodge sts.
1U7 18
\\7"ANTED-Men to cut wood. T. Murray.
4'JO 8i
\\TANTED-A good second-band b'ikor.
T T Union bukory , Council UluiTa. 070 18
ANTED-Canvassing Agents to handle R
specialty , ono to three sold in every house.
Apply between hou of2 m. and 4 p.m. Acme
Manufacturing Co. , 012 9. l th bt. 050
' ANTKD 00 men shovclers and teamjters ,
ihovclors $1.K ) ; call loth and Howard.
Monday morning. Jensen A FutCrgon , 8 > X > 18 ]
\VANTED ( ! oed ngents to sell sUverplatcd
T T ware and an album seller on weekly pay
ments. W. 11. Wlnans , 844 South 161h st.117 19J
" \\rANTED-An experienced pnlcsmnn to sol
TT notions , etc. In Omaha on comrcsslon for
anold established wholesale house In t hi ? city ,
address with references nnd stata experience ,
L 53 , lleo ollico. 112 18
D-A practical tinner , with good
references. Dundt i Amdt. llluir ,
Xob. Ul'j 19
WANTED A man of experience nnd good
address to soil lightning rods , address .L.
33 Dee ollico. 818 3L
\\7ANriD : A good pastrycook at the Wind-
T T ser hotel. gt ;
\\7"ANTED Oood coat maker nnd hushelman
T > at C. gchmlUbrrgcr , 41U S. 15tb St. 7U7 18
WANTED A harnessmaker A good work
man and of steady habits , to take charge
of n shop In u small town. A German or Do-
boinlun preferred. Apjily with reference to
John Miller , Wilbur. Nob. _ Till
"IXTANTED Ton first class carpenters for In-
TT sldowork. Apply on South Tenth at. ,
opposite BroiTiicll hull. J. C. Uladdoi , .
AM'ED Laborers for railroad woric. E.S.
Albright's Lubor Agency , 1120 Furnam.
\\fANTKD-100 block makers for Colorado
T T nt once , good pay. Apply Ingram JB
Husseli , 1007 Farnam struct. t'4113J '
\\rANTKD K ) sober. Intelligent men of good
T address to try a I0o racai at Norris' res.
taurant. 104 S 16th 8t. 775
WANTED Experienced dry goods travelling
salomnn having an established trade In
the country tributary to Knnsna City. State
amount of trade , territory covered , and how
long. Address , with reference , W. U. Orlmos
Dry Poods Co. . Kansas City. Mo. 358
WANTED Two good draughtsmen. Apply
to James Tyler , Architect , Lincoln , Nob.
" \\rANTED-AgoodwllIlng servant for ccn-
TT crulhousanork. 2225 Dodge St. 12724 *
ANTED-60 good girls Jor all Kinds of
housework. Qlrls for dining room , flrst
nnd second cooks , chambermaids , dMiwnshors ,
laundresses , can flnd places by culling at this
ollico. Omaha Lmployment Ilurcnu. 119 N ,
K"ith. t , ) cornerblock. 03418
\\rANTED Good wanes nnd steady place for
T T competent girl at 1120 Juckson st. 120 2i ) '
\\TANTED-A competent dross maker at No.
TT 322 N 2Ut St. 1M 21
\\7 ANTED-Good girl for uoncrulhousawork ,
TT e7 Dodge st , bet Sth and Oth. 11510 *
\VANTED ( Iirl torgenorul housowork. 2 in
TT family. 2200 Douglas. 110
WANTED Competent girt for general
housework ; . In family ; good wages. S ,
E. cor. IVth nnd Duveuport. fM
WANTED A girl to work in kitchen at 4 ] S
18th. B o
\\7ANThD A good girl for general house-
T > work. Mrs. . H. Wilbur , 631 Plnaiant
Street. PC 22
W ASTED-Chambermald who will wait
table at Occidental. 9S9
\ v7ANTRO A good cook at small hotel. Ad-
dre a L31 Heo office , vn 19J
w ANTED A talloressto work on custom
coats. Apply IMS N. 16th st. S. Cohen.
1133 JWJ
TANTED- 1 girl for general housework at
1917 Cost st. 802
\\TANTED-A good cook and ironer. Call on
T V Mr * . Frank K. Moorei , east tide of 1Mb ,
between Jackson and Lcavenworth , ooa
\VANTKD-A good girl for general house-
T T work la k iinalt tatnlly. Inquire 10 | a.
ANTKD-Kvery > lrl la Omaha seeking employment -
ployment to call at once and tecure situa
tions at M . llroca't. Kmploymemt Offlc * . 318
South 13th. street , . W U
"flT -fllrl for gonornl housework. Mrs.
T T H. S. Smith , )3 California st. H72
TW ) -A gooT'gTrl "Tor gcncfnTnouso-
workJOt 8. 18th. _ ! " . ' ) 2IJ _ _
" \\rANTED-Kvory good cook In Omnhn seek
T T Ing employment to call nt once und pruro
situation nt Mrs. llrcga's Employment Onico.
315 South 13th street. V-i 21
\\7"ANTED-One dining room girl , flr t rlass.
T T IMantcrs hoixo. l'S7 lUj
\\ANTKD Ooort girl for general homework ,
TT Herman preferred , lllrt Chlcuzo st. VK >
\\rANTr.D-Flrst < lasT"cook wnsner nnd
TT ironer in small family , UO1 Farnnm. 1012JJ
\\rANTKU KlrM-cUsi cook , wfuf pay Vrpor"
T > week. 2427 Dodge St. 203
" \V ANTED-Uirlfor general housework ;
TT good wag i to good girl. Apply to I ) . .1.
O'Donohoo.iUO'Donohoo A Shorfys , 15th St.
tloxt to the poMoITice. . 775
\VAXTED-aood girl nt 593 Virginia nvo ,
T T good wages paid. 231
\ \ 7 AN rUD 2 irlrK ono cook and ono dining
room girl , at 1J13 L > tvonworth st.
\\7ANTEO-Lndy ( nnd gentlemonl agents for
T T Mrs. Campbell's new p'U < nt Klectrlo I'm-
bo scd "Empress. " Itlchojt and most stylish
wati-rprool ouUldp irarmunt ever made , lleuu-
tlful us satin nnd innrodlirablu , Largo urollt .
Address , with stump , E. H , Campbell A Co. , 431
W Hondolph st. . Chicago. 241 IP *
\\rAMTUD-A ncit spry girl for general
TT houo wor/t , 1415.onos ) St. 3H
\\fA NTifO"-Lady canvasser. Apply to . ) Jj
> > N. Irtth st. IB"
\ \ ANTED-At once , piano player , colored
TT woman preferred Apply 1)2 ) S. Oth. 341
WANTKD LtiiTIes to work for us at their
own homos ; f lo 11 per week cnn bo
quietly made ; no photo-painting , no canvas * .
Inir. Tor full particulars plonio nddres at
oncoCrescont Art Co. , 19 Central St. , Bo ton ,
Mass , llfix.5170. l )2 )
\\7ANTEO-aood cook nnd laundress. SMS
T T Kartmm. Mrs. J. M. Thurston. 'M
\ \ ' ANTED A portion In n hotel by n young
' man lo help In the kitchen. Addirss L5" > ,
Rep omce. 110 l."J
" \\r ANTEO A position by a young man as as-
T * slstant book keeper , or ollico work. Sal
ary no object. Host of references given. Ad
dress L 52 Reo oflico. 10J 1U |
" \\r.\NTED Situation ? for flrst cla s male or
female help at Mrs. llrega's Employment
e fljiiSojiah 15th it. _ TO 21
\V ANTED-Hy young man. a job drlv-
' Insr n grocer's delivery wagon , can
keep n eot of buoKj , good reference. Address L
II lleo olJico. 1109 2.'J
AAi'ANTKD-Sltuntlon driving or other
work. liiiiuirotU2 I.oavoinvorth 801 2UJ
" \\TANTED-Sltuatlon ns booKkeeperor assls-
tant. Inn o hud several j cars business ex
perience. Address L 31 , Ilee ollico. 7 l 1'J ' *
" \\rANTKD-.SItuatlon ns book Keeper or
> cashier by a ynunv lady. Rest of rofor-
ences. Address L. 7 , lleo ollico. 397
\\7ANTEIi-To buy ; a good millinery location
TT chonp for Spot cush 2.4 tlco ollico. ll'i.l't ' ' *
\\rANTI -Ladles unil pontlomcn who huvo
TT property In IScdford I'lucp , llanos' or
fllse'sndds whownnlto sell lo list their prop
erty wlthL-lL nttsljlODouglas st. Ill
WANTED A locution. A practical printer
of eleven years' experience. dulros a lo
cation In some good live town In Southern No
bru ka , one in need of n good caper. Huvo un
outfit worth uliout S'JO ) . Addioss C. D. I'urkur ,
Cambridge , Iowa. 051 is
\\fANTED Hour.l In private family for
Tt young couple with infunt. Addre nt
once with toims und locution , K 5 % lieu olllce.
45.1 18'
V\7'ANTEI ) (5ood ( driving team ns pnrt pay-
TT moiit ot lots or housfts. I' . O. llox 711.
007 23J
SUHPUISE to the publle-riist-clus ? day
board $ .1.00 per week ; olnglo menls2Jo. intt
Capitol avonue. II. 0. Poloy. IBJ 23 *
WANTED-Storo room , by flrst of Mny , In
business center of town. Address nt
once "L4U Hoe ofTico.
\VANTED-Fifty tennis for rnllroadi ork
T on our contracts on the Chicago , St.
Faul& Kansas City Ilnllroad near Afton , In. ;
four montas' work ; wages after May I $360
per day. For further information call on or
address us at Afton orGoshen , lit. U59 18'
"ANTED A newspaper , paying circulation
guaranteed fiom the start , for particu
lars address Uank of Valley , Valley , Nob.Mi
WANTED To give away 5.00) yards of dirt
to anyone who will haul It nwuy from n w
corner of 17th and Webster sts. 617 South lllth
St. 223
\ \ ; ANTED-To rent 2 houses , ono of 8or9
T T rooms and ono of fi or 0 , west or northwest
of I' . O. Ueslrablo tenants. Address L 4 * . Dee
oince. Did
ANTED TO nUY-House nnl lot tor from
6to8 thousand dollars , within 'U block *
of postolnco ; also house for2.003 , nny place
nenr street cur. Geo. llolruos,13 < i ) fc'outh 17th st.
9 { 2 1"
\\7ANTEI ) Table boardEra nt lull Dodijo
TT street , ono block west ot postofllco.
044 2IJ
\\TANTF.D-To rent furnished house of 8 to
TT 10 rooms , centrally looatod. Address L
M noo. & ; 20 *
\\TANTED Homo for n 10 woons old boy
T T baby can adopt htm , good healthy child ,
Address L 35 Uoo oftico. b53 2) *
"TyANTED To trade a good real estate rltr
TT for lot In any part of the oity. F. Hurrett
ACo..314Vt 315th. 87820
\\7 ANTED-To buy n side b'lr top buppy. F.
T > Ilarrott tc Co. , 314M 815th. b7i 20
\\7'ANTED Unfurnished room largo qnough
TT for 4 or sulto of rooms for Bleeping
apartments , In center of city. Address K tw ,
lieo olllce. 2to
ANTED To buy for cash old houses to bo
removed Irom their present sites. Apply
to 0. 11. Dodge. 017 South 13lh St. 23J
\\7ANTED-To leuso groiind In nny part of
TT the city , not over 10 blocks from post-
ofHco. Address O. W. Cody , box 5J , city. 819
FOR RENT Furnished cottage centrally lo- family without children. L 5'J ,
Dee olllce. Igij 19'
FOR RENT Wo are authorized to rent the
stores now being croctod on the corner of
Oth nnd Jones ,
Ono store OfixlK.
Three stores 4U13J oaoh.
All flvo stories and basement with elevators
and railroad trackage.
Those will be the finest heavy business loca-
cations with li. R. facilities ot any pronurty in
tl'u city. For prices and terms call on or ad
dress , Clarkson A licatty , 21'J South 14th t , .
[ 23 2(1 ( x
FOR RENT Furnished houso. Inquire at
211S California street. 054 18'
OlfRENT A store. Inquire 1412 S. 13lh 7t.
Goo. H. Peterson. OT
FOR RENT Frame store building , 20xV ) ,
with living 4roomson Phil Sheridan St.will ;
Improve ; put baaemont under store lo suit any
legitimate business Wm. Fleming & Co. . 1401
Douglas. K70
J10K KENT Uriok yards , T. Murray.
FOll ItENT 4 now cottages on California
and 3)th ) street , near Ruining street curt.
Rent t- * > per month. Apply to Kaufman Droa. ,
07 S. 15th St.6.O
nXU HENT-2nd lloor22x13) ft ; well lighted ;
J- privilege of using water elevator Included.
Apply at 1405 Douglas St. 191
TjlAUM to rent. T. Murray. 859
FOlt HUNT House ; furniture , carpets,4c. ,
for sale. Apply 1009 Farnam. 213 > It ItKNT Store and living apartments on
1Cumlng near Saunden at Apply nt Harrli
Heal lUtato and Loan Co. , 33) S * . 15th st. 752
FOltREXT ( looms , ono for 2 gentlemen , I
for 3 or 4 , np.d 1 for man nnd wife. Ci
before 8 p. m. , 1413 Chicago. 10 >
TpOU HEST-Furnished room at 1818 Dodge st.
J- a 4
1 f1OH UKNT-lUogantly furnished front par-
J lor. HI 8. lath at. 7SS 2t
"CflOU KENT S well furnished rooms , gas ,
X ? closets and all conveniences. (10 and 111) )
per month. 1818 Farnam st. 103 20J
FflH HUNT Two nicely furnished rooms , on
ulte or single. Inquire at 1822tt St. Mary's
are , upper Hat. M3 23 *
T71OH RENT A pleasant front room , modern
- conveniences , for ono or two gentlemen ;
term * reasonable , ail B SMst.
F OH HENT-FurnUhed room , Kl 8 , Wth st.
. 87i > ia *
HRNT-3 good oBco rooms en luite.
F HENT-I'urnlAhed rooms , furitlturo ana
- hciiijo , now best llnlMied liott o m
Dmnli . All modern Impnuumcnts , flno neigh
borhood , convenient to bflBlIng homo * , : l > c .t
reference required. Zlli mmn.\m st. 3l 21 *
1T1Oll TOiXT "EIc if nntifSfh. alcovuroom ,
-I modern eonvcnloncf Jjro Uontieincn or
gentleman and ivlfo. lfl.'fSM.irnam t. 7I <
Foil KENT Largo front or bnck parlor tor
inim and wife or two gentleman. Also n
finnll roam. Modern improvements. 3W N" .
loth street. SO 16 *
10It HUNT Store room. 1010 South loth bet.
F Mason an J 1'aclllo. Innnlru up Blairs.
FFoil 755 IS *
Foil KENT Very pleasant front bed room
for single gimtlunitu , near imslnosi
center. Gns.batn. 1'rlvuto family. IfilS Capi
tal uvo. 853 10J
FOH KENT- Ono largo furnlshexl room nnd
ono ulteof rooms for ollico In Oruonlg
mock , cor. nth and Dolce. ( Joo. H. Davis
Milliard lloom Mil lard llotul. BiS
TTHJIl KENT Three room hou o west of North
- I"lltlist.botwoon Chicago and Ca . , . 6'B '
' | 71Olt""irilST Elegniit olflci ) room' , bet lo-
JL1 cation In Omaha. 310 South 15th st. 635
F I OR KENT Furnished loom , 2022 Harnny.
FOR RENT Room , to eontlomcn only. 211 S.
13 I st. 004
_ _
Oil IlKN'f Thlrd ! loor-Z'x 0 , of brick build-
In IT , 1 U18 rarnam street , use of cluvntor.
inquire above number , upstairs. ( A\ \
IflOR RENT-Furnishod rooms 1707 Cass.
_ _
FOH RENT Nicely fnrnlihod rooms at rea
sonable rates , ono olock from court home ,
500 So Uth st , north St , Mary's ave , up stairs.
FOR RENT Newly furnished room In new
house. ID.'l DodL'O St. 393
171OR RENT Furnished room suitable for 2
JJ gents 2..i9 Dodgo. W ! l ! > j
FOR KENT Laijo furnished cast room 81ii
S IStb st i'31 20'
RENTunices III Ilollman liitlldingcor.
FOR and 13th sts. , In suites or singly. .
For prices , iliagr.uns ami Information apply to
S.A. Sloman , 1512 Farnam St. , Room 2.
FOR HALE-Enst front lot Kllby place J ! o
House of IIvo rooms , two full lots . 2,2011
House , H rooms , ls > th noiir Paul .I..VO
Knst front lot , Koster'sadd 050
Lot on Davenport bet. llth nml 12th . . . ln.)0 )
Lot on Marcv hot 15th and Kith 1S.O-H )
lxt on Douglas bet 10th nnd llth L2.0HO
Lot on Jones bet. 14th and t'llh 1H.(0)
H. IKth near Ccntcr.50 fent 5.000
S. Kith corner Castellar.ii'5 ' feet (1.6.1) (
S. near Martha , 6i ( feet 6,000
QOT3 22J H. W. lvainamst.
AT TI1IS-22X&1 on 14th St. , bet. Jack-
J son uud Jones sts. , f IV)0. )
Valuable property on and near Lonvenwortn
St. . near 18th st. Call and see It.
List your property with us for quick sales.
Judkins & Mayno , 140S Dodge St. U53 13
irAIRMODNT Placo-Corner50x121. . . .f2,030
J 1'nlrmount Ploco-South front , 40vlUO. I.2.V )
I'pllinni Place East front , 50x118 . . . 1,309
Pelham Place South front. 50x124 1UO :
Foster's Addltl'n Corner. 45x13) ) 2.3
Foster's Addlti'ti-KoarSlst s' . , fOxHJ. . 2.IOO
Omaha ViewNorth front , WixT.iO. . . l,0i )
Omaha View Eist front.Stntosticct. 1,100
Gregory i : Iladley. 3tj :
HEN ACRES 4 miles soutiwest iiosto'llico.lays
L sightly and nt f'WO an aero only. 1) . C.
Patterson , Omaha National Hank. 779
Our new addition.
Near South Omaha ,
And Sydicato H.IH.
Marshall * Lobeok ,
779 150) Farnam.
I" N8IDE I'nOPEIlTV Wo have wimo gooi'l Inside -
side property at a bargain , riorco A Hog-
ers.1511 Dodge street. 630
rpEN ACHES for sale 4 mlle * 8. W. of P. O.lays
J high , $000 an aero. D. C. Patterson , Omaha
Nnt'l bank 773
FOIl SALE Oil TKADK-Wo own several
thousand acres of choice South Dakota
farming land which wo will sell or trade for
Omaha property. Wo wnntlo sell and offer our
land at bottom prices. Wright A Lap/bury , cor.
under 1'uxton hotel 106
FOH SALE Cholco property on Farnum.
Cumlng , lflth"Cth , Suunders , Ltike , Dodge
Jncicson and Sherman avenue. J. L. Illco A Co ,
Agents. SO' ) 19
ODfJE STHEET-13J feet on Dodge by CO on
Ninth ( street , ? 2ftrx)0 ) , K cah , Including Im
provements if sold at once. Gregory A
liadley. Rooms I and 3 , 320 South 15th street.
t > 26
FOlt SALE A good farm In DIxou county ;
well improved. For pirtloulnrs apply to
Omaha Heal Estate nnd Trust Co. , or Wm.
Fleming , 14th und Douglas. 871
TilOH SALE Cholco lot \VaihIngton Square
JT addition , llnost residence lot In North
Omnhn , south front , 1G5 feet oil Sherman
avenue nnd paved street , sewerage , city water ,
gus , $ J,250. J. L. liico A Co. , Solo Agents.
8M li )
F OK SAI.r.-Cor lot. Caxl32 , on l Bpitol Hill ,
must bo sold soon. Call lit 2222 Davenport
"IJlOlt KALE Modern 8 room resldonce , south
-L trent on Dncatur St. , near coo King St. , on
car lino. Every modern convonlonco.clty water ,
gas. Eowcrazo connect Ions , streetcars. (4.AOO ,
one-third cosh. J. L. lUco A Co. , Solo Agents ,
607 1'J
TjlOH \LE-A corner lot Mxl32 on 15th nnd
J. Cumlng st ono of the best location * In the
city for n warehouse , with waterworks nnd
so'.vernge. Apply at promises. Thoa Sinclair.
'JJO a20J
FIVE ncres , f700 nn acre , ndjolnlnir nores nro
hold at ? soo. John ( iallagher,317 S llttli at.
OK SALE-Elegant oatt , trent lot. 50x127.
J5IW. easy terms , Jj monthly , Iniide city
limits , 401 N 15th st. 9S l liij
A. 8LOMAN , , Heal Estate lirokor.
1512 Farnam Street.
Farnam street , cor. lstliCjxl.W , M cash. $ oOJO
FarnamsL , near Utb,2.'xl3 , lmprovud. . 35JXM
Farnam at. , uoar Jth , 110Z1J2 $ iOO per
Farna-nst. . cor.31st st. IMxlir,1 , south
andoastfront 17,001
Farnum st cor. 41st , 4Sxl3J , s and e front ! ) AW
UouglHSSt. neur2-Jd , MxlS-J 8,000
Dodge St. nettr 2'lth. ' Wxl , " > 2 > 5 S.fiJO
Dodge st. near Jith , 40x127. ti.iprov a. . . 3.00J
Jones st oor. 13th , BlxlU 24,00)
Iicavonworth st. cor. Ulst , 132x111 , Im
proved 18.5X )
Leavenworth st. cor. 2oth , 140x112 , im-
Droviid 25,000
Hth st trackage. I'nddook place , 00x112. 2V ) )
ParkBVO. opp. park.SJx 150 l. W
Goorirln avo. near Mt. Pleasant. 50x15 , ) . ,00)
80thst near Dorcas , lOOxKPO. improved. . 4.50J
20thst near DiiuglHS , 3iiM , ImuroveJ. . t"OJ )
15thst.cor.MarthaGJxll.improved. . . 4,50) )
Wth st. oor. Snward , U3xl2JU bouses . . . 4..VH
I'iorconoarMth.a ) feotfront,2 dtroots. 5 )1
Hamilton at. near Helt line , impiovurl . . 1..W )
35th st. , near Davenport. 100x130 2,20- }
SewardnenrMth , 00x157 1,15)
10th st , near Castellnr. 1,15 feet front. . . 4.'V '
8th st , near Martha , 51x151 , corner , . . . 1,000
Durdetto st , near 'JMi , 50x132 , on car line 1,09)
n.irtst , near lowe ave. 61t-2xl3a 1,101
2Sth , cor. Popploton. Mxltl. ' Improved. 4.00)
2flthnoir Foppleton.GOxlST : Improved. . e.OO1)
Orchard Hill , lots * 750 to. . , 1.00)
llrownl'atk , lots 1500 to . . ; 850
llcilfonl rluco , lot * $650 to' 000
Highland 1'arK , lots oneH-cnsh $83. . 211)
Wakelyndd. IctsSTxlW. r cb 40)
25 acres near FortOmaha.llnely Inproved 11'i'iO
Center st.Mxl'K , improved. 1.3UO
Farnam st , nearitjth , . . . > . . 4.500
Nicholas st corner trncknen 4,5fio
Park ave , facing Park , 50x150 4.00- )
8 16th st , near viaduct.40rlU. ( t. B.OOO
SulnhurSprlngs add. Just opp. ICth st , 50
XI24 . < } .I 2,000
Lonvonworthst.noar Unit Line , 100x127. . 2,700
Snunaor * st oor Hurt 103x51 and e front 0,50.1
I.eavenworth st cor 2Ut l/ex3J | Inn 12.500
l''urnamcor 19th $3.000 M.O'JO '
n. 4 M. Park lots. $ ) each.lU
Hellman'eadd lots$150 earte ,
Jerome Park lots , east trorit , on grade . . 2,0) )
Farnam Bt a corner s awl w fiunt
only ' . - . 3.500
950 S , A. Blomdm 1512 Farntm Bt.
ODC.E STHKKT-133 feet on Dodiro by 80 on
Nlntb atrcctf2. > , OOJ , H cash , including lin-
proyomcnts If sold at onco. Gregory &
Hadloy , Hooms 1 and 3,320 South 15th street
TT'OH SALK Farnnm street pioperty We
X' hnvo excluslvu gali of some cholco and
positive bargains on this "King's Highway , "
J. L. Illco i Co. BIO 18
TJ10H 8ALE-2 blocks from flrownoll hall on
f I0thst,2flno bargains. CallatQ.F. Kl-
sassor's. C28
n BALE Choice lot m Washington Square
nldition , llnost residence lot In North
Omaha , south front , 105 feet off Bnonnan
avenue and pit Ted street , nowerage , city water ,
gas , $3m J. L , Rico & Co. , Sole Agents.
868 18
TTKHl SALK-Choico property on Farnam
-L' Cummg , l th , 10th , Saundors. Lake , Dodgo.
Jackson and Sherman avenue. J. L. Itloe iCe
Co , Agontt. Mg l
ODQB 8TaKKT-13J foot on Dodge by GO on
Nlntb street , $25.000 , Jj cash , iuoludfnjr 1m-
proremonts If sold at once. Gregory &
lUdley. Booms 1 and 3 , 3J > South 15tb strmU
-I7 < T OADl ) A CO. . F.Mnto Ilronor < ,
J-/ . 5 i'l Fiiriinm street bargains are
ollcroj for next week. In the old plat of South
Omnha , where eVery lot Is full UOtl&l feet ; no
contraction * , I'.OOO square foot In oaoh lot Wo
c.\u sail you property there , for from f 7V ) to
$10.0)0. Dirolllng lieu < , bU4hii jj lioujcs ,
hotels with or without furniture.
Try us ixnd prove ns.
Al o property In all xdJttlon * thereto.
Property In the city ot all kinds , lluy of in
ami wo mil do you good.
l.VO Farnnm street , nt the oU stand , flrt ollico
nt the loll of cmitnvuco. I' , T. UaJJ \ Co ,
" "
E A OtliUsplcndMIMl
Ulbson , AylesworthHenamln | ,
I"il2 Fsrnum st.
llot In Imp. A j'n. 47x111 , with 2 small
houses . $ 3,0) )
1 lot In Hawthorne. HxlOJ. cor , 31d nn l
Davenport , with o room homo.ulstern ,
well , etc. very easy terms . 3.V
llotln HllUldeld add . l.l
1 lot In HedforJ Place , 5'rl23 . 7Ti
llot InHltcheockVljt mid. TOxlJl . 70)
1'i lots In Shlnn's lit aJd , 7ixl2ii , Cold *
well sU . 3 , )
llotlnltodlok's add , Mxl2J , Halftlotr-
nrd st . 3,30)
Slots In West Side , MxlJI , barn and fruit
trei'S . 3,10)
5room lioiw an I lot N . lith st.gooJ
well an 1 cistern . 0 , ? ) )
Kountzp 4th add , lot P , block n six room
home , well , cistern burn , Ac . 4,0 > )
Hlmebaiigh it Patterson sub-lot 10 , block
J. contract . t )
1JO ft on St. Mary's ave , with 2 0-room
home * , gns Rnd water , will ubdlvldo Hi.Olj
40 ft on St. Mary' * ave but , 13th und 20th U.OJ )
Choice lot in Omaha Vlow . ) '
13J ft on Itltn st. noiir I'linmra . 70,0) )
2lot .6)x27. Ixwo''id'l ' , 4-room house ,
cellar , well and ftVfootbnrn.pnoo . . . . 3w ( )
Wnrohoufoor buslnois property In block Irf2 ,
$45,000. easy terms.
Iteitatinmt and lot --'xll. : for lo , G rooun ,
good paying ! ) iulni > 53 , In Wooplns Water , $ . ' ,5Ji ,
terms ea y.
Lot 1'J m Anlsncld , $ m
House 11xl , 0 rooms aiU lot on Douglas st ,
for snlo.fUOO.
Smith add. ono lot U-K132 , $ " > ,000.
I'm m of SO ncrrs , splendid hoii'e , barn , prnn-
ary and all outbull.llnirs In Ci > " Co , 'i mllca N of
Wetplnz Wntor. $1,50) cash , II .TOM , i-n y terras.
Full lot on Dod o st , 3 hou-to-t , rents for $ SOU ,
$ SSO > ) , 4 ca li.
Gibson , Ayle wotth & llenjnmln.
r p F.N ACltl'.S I mlk' southwest po tntlicu.hiyi
1sightly and at fOM an nciu only. I ) . C.
Patterson , Oinnliu Nntlonul llauk. _ 77J
81'IIU cnNT niortunirt1' tiiken nt part pnv
menioii IleiiUMato. P O. Uov714. i"i3a *
FOH SAl.E-Cholce property nn Fatiiuui ,
C'.milriB. 10thOth , isAUinlois , Lnkn , Dodgu ,
Jackson nnd Shot man avenue. J. I , , lllce * t'o ,
Agents. S'iJ 13
DODnr STKF.KT-Uits on Do.Uo betWQOn
12th und Htli.onlj JBOi ) PIT trout foot
Gregory & Ha.lloy. Uoom3 1 and 3 , 3"0 South
nthsti'oet. 20
_ _
,10 acres forsulidlvisloii. onlj.I'i mlles from
t the postodlco for $10,000. Terms , tlO.WJ
rnon , b.ihinco I , 2 and Sjoarj nt 3 per oent In
terest. This Is unquestionably the nronteat
bargain In Omaha an 1 will more than double
In value In W days. I'lnck ic Hnman , loomll ,
I'ron/er block , opposite P. O. 21J
Foil SAM ! The boautltul ncro kno\vn a * lot
3 Glso's add. , opnoslto Kourt/.e , cor-
rredwith large maple tree * , has been sub
divided und placed on the inntkot. Only n
Ion- lots left J. I. . Hico .4 Co. , Sole Au-ents ,
son l
rpiN" ; AOItiS4 : mlluisouthivcst pos ! ollico. lay <
JL sightly nt SMO nn aero only 1) ) . C.
Patterson , Omnha National Hank. 779
rfiFH Ai'UKSfors. Io 4 miles S.W. ot P. O. lays
J hlL-b , f UjO un acre. D. C. Patterson , Omaha
Nnt'l bank. 773
"T if T : VANS .v ro
eJ A 50 foot lot , Hnnscam place , only f 1,100
The most sightly ea t front In Hanscom
Place . . . . 3,000
An east front corner , Hnnscom Place _ 2,000
Another , well Improved . 5t'0)
A bonutiful homo cast front In block C ,
llanseom. . 0,500
100 feet east front In block 2 Han < com . . .
A now bonutiful nnd complete house ,
litrire lot , barn etc , on Poppleton nvo ,
only . 8,5M
45 ft east front Virginia avenue north of
Leavenworth st. choice at . 4,500
Choice corner in Hawthorne only . 1,4(10 (
A south front on Davenport nt grade . . 1,300
Several cholco high lots In block 5 Haw
thorne . l.MO
A double corner In Hnwtorne. fine trees S.'iCO
A hleh south front corner on Davenport 2.UOU ,
A high cast front , Crcston , only . 1,500
Adouble end lot In Creston . 1,2X1
A choice Lowe ave front , IM VetnPlnco. . 1,690
A fine east front. Egbert nvc , La Vcta
Place . 1,400
High west front , Ln Vela Place . 1.20U
A 57 foot corner , Plainviow , only . 1,400
A 50 foot south front li cash . 1,200
Cholcn lots In Votes & Hompcl's ; Hno
fruit ; only . 700
Solo asents for Hitchcock's addition.
Sole atronts for llurllngton I'laco.
Solo agents for Stanton Place , In which lots
are sold on very easy term1' .
A line line of suburban property. 1.2 , 3 , 5
and 10 acre tract * .
A corner. 6UxU2 , Cutning and 17th street : ! .
A corner , 63x132 , 13th nnd Grace sts . $12,00)
A double corner , OT ea t nnd west front
and 184 south front ; : i houses ; ft bar-
pnlnut . 18,000
50 feet on 16th , just south of the viaduct. . C,00
51 feet on 16th. Just south of the viaduct. 5,000
A corner , 01x126. south nnd east front ;
only . 2.500
In short to buy or sell. Urn sco
,7. H. Evans & Co ,
The well-known nnd rollabc dealers at
1510 Dodgn st.
K17 18
FOH SALE Modern 8 room residence , south
front on Decnturst. , near cor Klmrst. , on
car lino. Every modern convenionco.clty water ,
gns , sewerage connections , street cars. S4.UJO.
one-third cash. J.L.KICC& Co. , Solo Agnnts.
867 li )
T O not pass this lot. 60x12 * . Parker's addition ,
U12S foot from street cars , only for a tow
days. John Gallagher , 317 3 13th st. Sf > 20
EN ACHKSfor salol mlles S.W.6f P.'O.'lays
hlgh.fCOJan acie. D , C. Patterson , Om aha
Na < 'lbank. 77J
SELECTS , are the carefully listed bargains
bunted down by Cnko & Hillings. Our sam
ple care :
06x140 ft on IGth street for J5.EW , part 1 and 2
4 lots , Meyer : i. TiUlen's ndd , cnsh needed only
Home lot In Plolnvlew , only takes , cash , $500.
Picked In Sheridan Plnco.only $1,100 for $1,500
lot Slots with 2 houses , J. I. Kodick's sub , only
block trom stipet cur line , 103x123 ft on 2
streets , big money hero for you ,
lleautyof Hartlett , fruit trees , flno view ,
onlv $1.500 cash needed.-
Cheapest South Omaha stuff on the market
Como.ovnr 101 , corner Dodge and 15th , and
we'll make It pleasant and prontublo for you.
8V )
FOH 8ALE- : feet , south front. Dodge , bet
12th and 13th. Cnll quick. Q F. Eleassor's ,
Np.31B S. Mtli St. 820
_ _
BIG UAKdAIX Ono hundred foot trent on
South Eleventh nt , corner lot , only .1,009.
Part on tlmo. V. L. Vodioka , 530 South 11th st
V lots two blks from now depot , South
JOmaha. . $150 If sold before the IStti.
Plorco & Kogora , 5 , Arlington blk. 117
TF.N ACHES 4 mlles southwest postolfice.lays
sightly , and at $ eOOnn acre only. 1) . C.
Patterson , Omaha National Dank. 779
fll 15 N of the choicest lots In Clovortlalo. cast
-L fi outs at n bargain , $4.250. This is $100
under thu market price. Cnll and Investlgntu
quick. Sholes & Crumb , UOO Farnam opp PHI-
ton. 114 2i )
FOB SALE OH THADE-For Omaha city real
estate or Nebraska lands , n two-story
brick store , with u complete line of staple dry
goods nnd notions , groceries , crockery , gluss-
ware , and H small assortment of lints und caps
all bought for ea h and discount saved m n
live Nebraska town , county seat , and doing a
good cush business. The second story rents for
$25 per month , nnd now contains first-class ten
ants. On the Union Paoltlo It. It. , and sur
rounded by too best cla < 8 of farmers and
farms in the stato. Twogrnln elevators nro lo
cated nt tna station , anil tup nil tuu surround-
Ini ; country , which brings In n irroat deal of
outside trade , and Is one of the heat grain mar
kets In the state ; It also has ono of ttin largest
tlourlng mills In the west
The above property Is tlrst-cln-is In every re
spect and the stock Is now und lieilrable , U. J.
Canan. 852
GOOD east front In with n room hoiiBo.splon-
dldMiudo , good for grade nnd u bargain If
taken noon. Price $ J , 200 , bholes * Crumb , UOS
Funiam , opp Paxton. 114 20
U3INESS PIIOPF.HTV , corner 12th and
Jones , GftxlU at a decided bargain If cold
this week. Sole agents , Clarkson & Uoatty , 219
8 14th st. 122 24
_ _
TTIOH SALE Lot on 71 h and Lake sts , with
-L noiuo e rooms , kitchen , pantry and good
brlCK collar. Apply to the Omalm Heal Estate
and Trust Co. , or Wm. Fleming , llth and Doug
las ets. Will rent to good parties if not sold
Immediately. b7l
ODOR 9THKET 13i feet on Dod o by H8 on
Ninth street , $25,003 , Kcaib , Including Ira-
provomp/ils if sold at once. Gregory ic
Iladley , Booms 1 and 3'J20 South 15th street.
15111 BT. near Leavenworth , MX * ) , at o s
than tlftO per front foot. Including Improve
ments ; One house , rent t < per month.
Gregory & Hadloy. 343
FOH BALE Choice property on Farnum ,
Cutuiuir. 16th. atu , Saunderr , L ko , Uod e ,
Jackson and Soermao avenuo. 'J. li Kloo *
Co , Aftnti , . - . 88 > 1B .
' ! AiM-Horo is something that pnv
over II ) per cent nnd onti bo bought on
oajy terms I < ot 02lixlir , ono II room nd ono
7 room hmiap total rout frtH per your , all for
fiVXM ! $2tV ) cash , ball , 2,3 find 5 rears.
_ Gregory .VJlndUiy. { 143
( - . en t frout ( leorsln nvc.
north of Lonvonworlh , * room hoiup.burn
Ao , ISji ) , iMnytertu * . Tun tmitrovoimmn are
worth over $2,000 ami the ground I * worth $10)
per foot. Clregory V Umlloy. ! UJ
COlis'KK and three linldo lots In block 4 ,
Orclmnl Hill , next to Hiimliton St. , at $90) .
TeriiMcajy. I'lorre > V llogora _ 117
7s"ACiTKS north ot V , I' . stiotH nt f.VO per
* neru. Terms to uit. DavM M Connnll
ngpiit.ilU llthst.opp 1'nxton hotel , or C. 1C ,
Urnlle. MID Uodto t M7.
fro If "S.MiK Knrnnin otreft property wii
--A have excliKlvo salu of on inn chnlcn and
poMtlve bargains on this "King's Highway. "
.1 . 1 , . Kloo .V Co. 810 H
_ _
ONI ! intlo from postolllco , lot fOil1 facing
two 'tri'ots , with nlco iVronni hoii o nnd
room tor U more , only f.lU.'iO , for onu week. I' .
Ilnrrett.V Co , ; ) U'i ' b I5tn. _ B 31 _
SllAW A : CoTTuTosTTmTi St. , litivu forVnlotha
following :
J 300 will secure you ngood lot in Walnut Mill
on Iiawe n\e. , rnr line ,
f 75 i-a'h will secure you a lot In Washington
Hill. .Mind , property will never bo any
cheaper there.
Como In nnd gonllh U nnd look at n
lot In Dear 1'uik , close to ItniHcom Park ,
for $ I,2W.
2,000 will Imy u very line lot on Sounders st. :
will bo worth JII.OCO Intldo of 11 your.
1,200 wlllbiijr n house and * > mnll lot on IMhst.
near CnMollur ! ; innll payment required ,
lloim-nibor tno plnee. r > 10 8 liith t I1- ?
W ISEA PAll.MUf.l- : ,
41tollth Kith it ,
Odor thcsd bargains toilny :
1 corner Qoorffla nvo. and Dupnnt tl,5M.
7 Orchard hlll.olmiee Ion oixeh fsw.
Home anj 2 loM , rfsuridurs A HlmobtlUEh's
add. to Walnut hill fS.JW.
20 Finest ion In Clovardnla , bargains.
Kino lot In Kllby place , clii'np.
Flnol l-SInt John I Kodlck's ii
Vcholco l.ts In MnyiH'S iUd. , o.ich ill ) .
Scholco lots Ptttrmoiint plneo.
lacro bast In Uelvedoro. bargain tl ) ) .
Slots Jottur s uddltlon , each $70) .
K4 lots cholco In Viuoa 4 HoiuDdl's nlJItlon.
A Mao list of western lands for sale , or trade
forOmuha property.
Lot 7 block 18. Albright's RIIIIUX , STM.
Lot II blocks. Cotner * Archer' * nJil , $51) .
lx > t 1 block-1 , Hurllnuton 1'lnco , fJ. , " > .
Lots 30andj3bloch : 1 , Armour I'laco , $ ! 7o.
Ornmmcrcy Park lots JtVK to $7 " > )
KixKlj Mercer nvt > , : i room house , and barn ,
WlxlJJO cor Military hvo and IMson s ( , J',200.
Two ( rood store bull Units on ubovc property
will rent to uooi .
t.ot 7 block * ? . South Oinnlin , u'.5 >
Last , not leist , oorn r on Karnatn tt" > ,0)l and
muny othcrs,41U S. 15th st. Wiao and Pacmla.
SAM : ( loo.l farm In Nebraska cheap for
cash , or will exchange for salable property.
Address at onro Arthur C. Crossniiin , Atkinson ,
Holt Co. . Neb. 103 : * )
I x"v7-STIf5 : ATI : Til IS-Cornor on 2)tb ) and
Lnkt'.lKxll * . cull for price nml terms.
Patrick's add , lot 2 , blk 50xlM. J2.0 fJ.
Wnlntit Hill , new house , room , stable.
rlfltnrn nnd city water , lot "iHilS'l ' , on crnde.
UaikorJc llurr , 1MJ Farnam st. 12 " !
FOll SALE-Hy Ilarrott A Co. . the best pny-
liu liuglne property In the city. For
particulars ca'l at 311'j ' S. I5tli. 825 21
FOll SALF.-1'ainam street property. Wo
have exclusive sain of omo choice und
po ltlvo barpnlns on thll "King's Highway , "
J. L. Illco A Co. 810 18
rpA'Klfthuenku. Ciiko it lllllln.r , llenl Ks-
-L estate hot cakes. Over 101 South 15th st.
Sample Ulnirnr Snaps' .
One hundred and ton foct on Jonat and llth
sts. half cash. bul. 1.2 , 3 ycftts , t7,500.
Fifty by XV ) feet for truckage for businos.near
Stock Vards.
Ten selected lots near Swift's pacltlnj house
site. 010
GOxlM so front on 1'opt.lelon ave , good 5-room
rottiigo , barn , city water , shade nnd lays
good for gradu , 1'rlco $4.000. This is n but gain
It taken soon. Call and Investigate It. Sholos
A Crumb , 140 Farnnm , opp Paxton. 114 20
FOll SALE Furniture , undo room house for
rent , about 8 blocks irom the postolllce : n
tmrirnln. Apply to F. F. Williams A Co. . Mtli
nnd Chicago sts. o21.
AltGAIN-E\st : front lot on IStli * t. ncnr
Cnstollar , 61x12) , corner , on 20-foot alloy ;
4-room house , barn , etc. , nil for $2,000 , two
cash , balance 1,2 andII years. Gregory A Ilad
ley , Hooms I and 3 , ,120 8. 15th St. 7S2
TI OR SALE Cholco property on Farnum ,
JL1 Cumlngg. llth , 20th , SauntlorS. Lake , Dodiro ,
Jackson and Sherman aveuue. J , L. Hlro A Co ,
Agents. 6CJ in
LOTS The finest corner In Hod lord
place , near foundry$1,600 for both. F.
Ilarrott A Co. , 314 ! ( S. 15th. U5 21
BoiOE STRifRT Lotg on Dodge between
12th nnd 13th , only $ GOO per front loot.
OrotroryA Iladley , Rooms 1 and 3 , 320 South
15th street. 026
SPLENDID homo lot 75x140,11 room house , all
modern Iraprovemonts.oast and south front ,
cor Virginia nvo and Grant sts. See us for
price nnd terms ,
123 foot square , cor Howard nnd Phil Sheri
dan , fronts on 3 streets. This can bo sold if
taken within 10 duys for $12SIK > , reasonable
terms. Compare thli with property sold near
It , you will iidinlt there It 25 percent in this
Inside of CO days.
03Vix233 fronting west on 18th st , S block *
north of Nicholas nt JIM per front foot , good
for4duyg ClaikAc Kronen. 037 18
FOH SALE Business property , nw corner
13th nnd Dorcas sts , G6xl32 toot , with n largo
house nnd other Improvnments , nt u bargain.
For sale , 317 acres of land In Nuckolls Co. ,
Nob. , within m mlles of Superior nnd R. R.
depot. For particulars call on M. Kodlngton ,
1C3SS. 13th St.Omnha. 973mayOJ
HOlClTonst front In Slum's , with n good ,
new 4 room house and sliado treus for tbo
smnll sum of t2bOt ) . Eusy terms. Sholes A
Crumb , 1403 Farn'.im st , opp Paxton. 114 20
FOR SALE A a-room cottage , within the
mlle circle , one blk from street cars PrJeo
f3CO ) , Vi on time. In < iuiro No. 324 N 17th st
from 8to 10:30 : u m. IXH 30J
DODGE STREET Lots on Dodge botwcon
12th and llth , only iOJO per front foot.
Gregory A Hndley , Rooms I and 3,3JiPouth )
15th Street. 923
DODGE STItnr.T Lots on DoJgo batwoon
12th and lUth.only ffiQO per front foot.
Gregory A HudloyUoomsl and 3 , 320 South
15th stroct. y.M
BY fur the cheapest land In the stato. Hound
to go to California , and will sell 320 acres
cholco land lor $ .1,000. Has 11,000 Improve
ments. Will give tlmo on halt at 1 per cent.
This extra bargain will not bold long. Ham A
Son , Stuait or llassetl , Nob. 10118
POl'R Lots In Institute Place , fl.'XH tor all.
This Is $200 loss thnn adjoining lots can bo
bought for. John Gallagher , 317 South 13ih.
SNAP 100 ft front on l th st by 124 ft on good
- crossst , 1 2'3 miles from postoiTico , ono of
the best corner : ; on 10th at. , only tB.'WO ; worth
$4,000 to-day.
Gregory A Hadlov ,
Rooms 1 nnd 3 , . ) . 15th st. 343
FOR SALE Modern 8 room resldonou , south
fronton Docaturst. , nuareor Kiiu St. , on
oar lino. Every modern convenience , city
wuter , gas , sewerage connection" , street ears.
tf4,000one-thlrdcasn. J.L.KICO& CoSoleAgeuts.
< A1 13
LAKE BTKKET Near 20th St. , 4xl2J , u flno
C-room house , barn , eta , , $3.1 M.
Parker's add East front , now 5-room house ,
near j-nunders ana street c.ira , IJ.MCJ , K cash.
Luke's ndd East front , now ( J-room house
near IGth street , $1,800 , 81.009 cash. i.,400. easy
terms ,
Nelson'sndd-.East front near Cumlnir street ,
flno 7-room house , Toll , cistern , etc. , * JliW.
Gregory A Hadluv ,
Rooms 1 and3 il.'O S. 15th street. .in
FOR SALE Fnrnam street property. Wo
hruo exclusive-sale of some choice * nr.d
positive bargains on this "King's Highway. "
5. L. Illco A Co. 31018
IMTRICK'S 1st udd-Fmo corner 85xl2S small
double house on rear ranting for * J ) per
mo. AJI for N.200 , J1.70cash or Jl.OOT nil cash.
This is n bargain. Gregory A liadley.
Rooms I and 3 , 3M South 15th St. 313
FOll SALE Modem B lOtitn residence , Miutli
front on Ileentnr st , , near cor King HI. , on
car lino. Every modern eon water ,
gns , suwoi ago connections , Ktreet cars. (4,000 ,
one-third cash. J. L. Rico A Co. , Solo Agents.
867 18
HANBOOM PLACB-Ono of the best und car-
talnlytbo chetnon oust front corner on
\ Irglnln avo. , 105x150. Loli leveled an 1 ono
foot above grade , only IH.'M , 1J cash.
West front In blk 9 , hluh and sightly , near the
park , lWxl50 ( , f.-i.OTO.
West front on Georgia nve near Woolworth
nnd just ongrudn , f6110011,12,175 , ' , cuti.
Kast front on \ Irglnla nvo near Pnpploton
ave. 2 ft bulow grade , | 2V4 cash.
West front on Georgia v near Popploton
ave. Hno lot nnd location , T TX ) , { , ' cash.
Elcnant oust front on Georgia ave north .of
Woolworth , only $ JCO ) , 4 cmh.
Gregory A Iladley ,
Hooms 1 und 3 320 S. 15th at. 313
LOTS for tale.
A great bargain for a few day only ,
Lot6 < Qltci add , n w corner Banjul era an1
Cauius street , will nubdivldo to udvantago ,
nearly one acre of land , I2.0 ( > X
Lot 108 , Olae'g add , $1,000 ,
Ix > t 71 , Glso'H add. $ A.ta.
Hlock No , 1. lloyd B add , $ IO.OOX
Terms , not loss than U caib , balance 8 per
cent goml-anuual Interest ,
llomlngton k McCormluk ,
Ml > KO South 1MU UroM.
THOU 9ALE Knrnnm ilrpot property Wo
J-1 havooxcluMto sale of some cholco and
l > oMtlYo bargains on this "King's lllrfhwnv , " J.
U Itlcu X Co. 810 I8 _
TJ > OirSAIl-fO ; acres ! l InUoj from" the rliy
JL limitssoutbwii tboailtllul land with con
stant supply of water. Apply to Omaha Real
l' tate and Trust C , or Wm.J 'lymlng j > 7l
171011 SALE I Ino pioportv onTlrlstol t , at
Joarsain F. llarrctt * Co.,3ll > ( Uuh
' _ _
McOAVOCkAOMUmnof.'iflrt South 13th t ,
will olfi-r for pniM LH < k , it fnw bargains
out of the many whlun are in our list !
2 loM on Maunder * , ft. , Improxcmcnts
worth * l.rnV prlcn $ H.OW
S-'xiu : corner on Itth st , rent * for f-.V )
per month . . . . 2. " > , OOJ
7oxl't ; corner on tft. Mary's ave , with 3
houses 31,000
13.'xlK : corner on South loth st , south
nml run front . . . IQftol
A eonrer nnd n-rnom oittago on 10th it 7OJ'J '
IJ'.UMt * , a coinur south ot vladuot on llth
st , 8,200
2 vacant lotion S. llth
WxUOnnd nn 8-rooin cottage , a corner S.
Uth st Cm
A beautiful residence lot near 13th st.
cars 1,70)
In n word. If you want doslrablo property
either for speculation or for n homo , call anil
ci'c the largo and carefully Delected list of Me-
Oavock AjrCqnnor.jnf ) A mh 8t. _ 100
TWO IIAROAlNS-ltooni27."Paxton building.
Plain view lot , 11,125 ; Saunders A Him * '
ballgh. J175. WS 17J
cash wTffsf'euro Tftt1aeroi of fTnt elan
farming land In oaitcrn Nebraska balance
very long time and no taxus fur 20 years. The
O. F , Davis company , l.Wi rarnam st.
U24 m 15
IjlOll SALR Cholco lot In WashlngioiTSTuaro
-L nddltlon , llnnst rosldenco lot In North
Omaha , south front , 1G5 foot oT ( Sherman
nvcnuo nnd paved street , ppwernvo , city water ,
Kasfi,250. : J. L. Rico & Co. , Polo Agfnti.
mw 13
Notice of Registration ,
mo the Legal Voters of First District , Flftu
JL Wanl , In thn city of Omaha :
You are hcicby notltlPd that the underslgnod
\TlllsltnsreglBtiarlorlhQ Fiist dlilriut. Fifth
ward , at 702 Noith Sixteenth alreet , commpnw-
Imr Thursday. April 21 t , 1M7 , at II o'clock a.
in. , for the purpose of rpgl-itcrlng a'.l quallllod
voters within said First district of the Filth
ward , and for the purpose of making new
list nnd adding to , nnd correcting thn registra
tion alrcadv made , and for such purpo-n the
undnrslgnnd will sit and Uocp lilt book of
registration open eauh dav thereafter ( except
Sundays ! at the place aforesaid from 11 o'clock
p. m. until 7 o'clock i > . in. , until Monday , May
2nd , Hf7. lit the hour of 12 o'clock m. when said
registration will bo closed. All qtialliled voters
uro notllled to attend and see that their nain < 3
are properly registered.
n3 ! Registrar 1st Dlatriot.Vith Waiil.
Notice of Registration.
rPO the Legal Voters of Second District , Fifth
JL Wanl , In the city ot Omaha :
Von arc hereby uotllloit that the undurolgnci !
will ill as registrar lor thn Second District of
the Filth Ward at the store of J Shller , I02il
N I nth street , commencing Thnisday , April
Ulit , 18 > 7 , at II o'clock a. m. , for tno purpose
ot registering all nualllleil voters within Mtld
r-ocond dlstilet of Fifth ward , anil lor such pur
pose the undorslgno.I will sit nnd keep his book
of rt ginratlon open ench tiny t hereafter ( ex
cept Sundays ) at the plnco aforesaid from
cloven o'clock a m. until ne\on o'clock p. m. ,
until Mommy , May 2nd , iNj" , at the hour of 13
o'clock in. , when said book of reglitratlou will
bo closed. All iiualllled votor-i me notllled to
attend nnd seu that their irimes are properly
leglstorcd , as an until o new registration list Is
to bo made , under now law.
nU Rcgstrar2nd ! Distiict.fith Ward
Soldier's Home !
550 Acres of Land , Cornering
with Soldier's ' Home ,
One-iialf Mile West of Grand
Island ,
Ono-linlf mlle west of additions spllin ?
1230 per acre will bo Bold for $50 jior
neve. Over 200 acres under cultivation
The whole lying1 nice for linildiiiR1 pur
poses ; Mouses , barns and fences on the
plnco ns well as three flue proves. The
street railway will run within onc-lmlf
mile. Will sell as a whole or in part.
The above will be sold to satisfy condl
tious of a trust fund ,
Address ,
Grand Inland , ffcb.
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital . $250,000
Surplub . 40,000
H. W. Yates , President.
A. K. Touzalin , Vir.o President.
W. H S. Hughes , Cashier.
W. V. Morse , John S. Collins ,
H.W.Yates , Lewis S.Ueod.
A. E. Touzaiin.
Cor. mh nnd Farnnm Sts.
A General Banking Business Transacted.
Ucmbori New Tork Stock Exchange.
Gainr and Provisions.
V4V C'rtrSrcct , Chicago.
( Ornndt'ncinc Hotel )
Private wire to New York.
Corr cBpondcnco liivlwl by m ll or telegraph.
. . .
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis Mo.
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado ,
Of the Missouri Stale Museum of Anatomy ,
St. Louis , Mo , , University College Hospi
tal , London , Giesen , Germany and New
York. Having devoted their attention
More especially those arising from itnpm-
ience , unite all so suffering to correspond
without delay. Diseases of infection and
contagion cured safely and speedily with
out detention from business , and without
the use of dangerous drugs. Pa
tients whose cases have been neglected ,
badly treated or pronounced incurable ,
should not fail to write us concerning their
symptoms. All letters receive immediate
And will be mulled FREE to at.y address
on receipt of one 3 cent stamp. "Practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and
1'ltysicil Exhaustion , " to which is added an
' 'Essay on Marriage , " with important chap
ters on Diseases of the Reproductive Or-
Kan * , the wh-jle forming a valuable medical
treatise which should be read by all young
men. Address ,
17-12 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado.
1707 Olive St .St. L-niis.Mo.
Decker Brothers