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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY. APRIL 19 , 1887. WHEAT SHAKEN UP LIVELY Timid Bnllg Scared and the May Option Takes a Tumble. A FEELING OF UNCERTAINTY. I'vcrjrfootly WntrtiiriK the Movements ol'lhc Clliiic | A Decline In Curn DullnrHH In I'rovlsloiiB Market QuotntiniiH. CHICAGO PHODUOR MAHKKT. rincArio , April Ib.-ISpeclnl Tulcurain to Ilio 15in. : [ Wliat uvoiy outsider In tliowlirnt tratlcoiild like to bo nblt ; to ik'dilu to-nltlit ; Is : "U'lii'thcr llic cllijiiu bus or lias not nban * iloncd tlio idea of n May iiice/e. | " There \vuru signs that It had , and sl ns inter that It liail not. Tliu licavy Jnll of ruin throughout the wheat belt enooiiraKcd tellers atthoopeii- IIIR , find May started at fclc. ( luus es on the visible supply bail little t-ffect on the market. Tlioie best poatrtl looked tor n de- cit-asoof over 1KX,0X ( ) ( ) bushels but this was not nraily eijnat to tlie decrease for tlie same neck a jar OKO , and was not a bull clrciun stance. It was 10 o'clock befoie the market here got the full benefit of these southwest ern rain * . When tlio "tnllcrs" saw St. J.ouls had broken lOQll c per bushel at the very openltii ; down tliere , timid bulls here beyan to sell. One nervous fellow followed another until at 10 : CO there was a troop of them tumbling ovei each other to tret rltl nf lonn wheat. The ellque houses wcro Klvlni ; no siinport to the market , so there was notlilni ; to .stay tlio alarm. Fiom &l.CcMay ' wlirat dioppi'd to b' Vc , with caiccly a stop- jiiiH ) plaro any where. JtwasalonK wlille DHoio the cro\\d eould decide whether the tlrojt of ' 'c in May wheat was a collapsn or a "shako up. " Keifhaw it Co. and Irwin , Oieen it Co. weie very larco selleis at tliu oiieiilnt ; , and early estimates \vert > that Ker- Hhaw iV Co. alone .sold 'J,000COU bushels of wheat. This lluuro was tint In the mlddlu by noon , ami by 1 o'clock there \\cio those who doubted wliPtlier the cllquo had not pulled up almost as much ( . rain as it had sold. Li- throp , Kmlth it Ulipliant were very larcu selleis , and it was the belief that they hadlhiown over 1,000,000 bushels upon Leo pold Bloom. An hour aitcr tliu bieitk , when the marUt't had reco\oied and when Mny stood salely above bile again , those who were certain early that tliu wheat deal was "oil" coiuessed to conversion. They sadly admitted that , alter all , it looked less Ilko n "sell out" than a "shake out. " As ono bull expressed It , "too many children had gotten into tlio line. " Tlio visible supply llcures Hliowed a decrease ot loi.uoo : ; bushels In wheat , and , what was more of a surprise , a small decrpasn in corn , in the latter grain the May option dropped to ! 37KSSBC ; ! ? when wheat was the weakest. The loading ol corn into vessels has now commenced In earnest , and when onre navigation opens the decrease in stock hero will begin and go forward lap- idly . 1'rovtslons wcro very dull. The wheat market on the afternoon board was unsettled and sold up < .fc , but there ap peared to bo plenty offered lor sale and a % c decline followed. 'Wheat for May sold at c , Juno at 81' ' j@M > Yc , jmy at SU4' @ Hlc , closing at the inside hid ; September at 80Jfc. December at 84 , ' c. Corn for May sojd -Kit'MXe ( , Juno , July at 41 41JjTc , September at 43V .4.j'e ; ; ' , closing at SSJfctor May. 40@IO.ttc for June , llh'c for July. Oats for May sold at ! WV@ JSJfc , June -iikGWJJfc , closing at 'JS < c lor Mpy , 29V , ( ftSOj/c for Juno. Mess pork lor .May sold at ST.a-jJf Juno S7.40 , July 87.47Jf@7.fiO. Short ribs tor May sold at SH.15 ( S.17 > < f , Juno at SS.27K@3.ya July at S8.boS.37'i August at 8S.4iOiS.474. ! } CHICAGO SIOOK. CIIICAOO , April 18. [ Special Telegram to the HUE. ] CATTI.K Trade- opened lather Blow , yet as time went along tlio demand be- cmao bettor. There was that indlffercnco on tlm part of buyers when stock is plenty and coed , as was the case this morning. How ever , about everything that was useful or dc- Elrablo was sold out before 3 o'clvck. As to prices there was little or no change as com pared with Friday. Some salesmen reported that they fancied that they made better sales than on Saturday , and othois , who did not have exactly what buyers wanted , quoted prices the same as at the close of last week. Here and there was ono who fancied values were n shade lower. Tliere werea good many Texans on salo. Some corn-fed lots made 84.00 and grasscrs $3.'r > @ 3.50. Native butchers' stock ruled weak. Old and common canning stock is on the down turn. 1'rime cows and heifers will sell faiily well for a montli or so and then RO lower in order to compete with Texas. There was little or nothing doing In stockcrs and feeders ; bis : hpavy steers at S5.005.40 for ICOOJto 1MX ) pound averages ; S-l.now4.tK ) for 12M to 1450 pound steers ; and S4.00g4.50 for 10 : < 0 to 1150 uouiiil steers ; rough and com mon , no matter their weights , S3.SOC a.90 ; cows. sa.OOfaS.'i'i , forcommon , and Si50di.)0 ; : for best ; bulls , 2.50(33.50 ( ; veal calves , 84.00 @ 5.25 ; milk cows , 820.00@40.00 per head , stockcrs , S2.75@i.75 : ; feeders , S4.00 ( < i4.50. Shlppini : steers , 13W to 1500 pounds. S4.70 ® f > OJ ; I'JOO to IRAQ pounds , 84.35@4.75 ; W50 to 13(10 ( pnunds , 83.00 4.40 ; stockern and foedeis $2.7.'K 4.00 ; cows , bulls and mixed , SUK ) @ 3.73 ; bulk , S2.GOQ3.M ) ; slop-fed steers , S4.aO\ ( 4.05 ; slop-fed cowtt and bulls , S3.00(3:3.7r ( : ; lif- tren cars of Texas crassors , 830 pounds , at 83.80 ; 11 vo cars of Texas corn-fed , 1-07 pounds , at 84,55. lloos The market was slow at tlio open ing and 5u 10e lower , but later on was more active. cloHlnir steady at the decline with about all in lirst hands sold out , and only an Insignificant number In the Hands of specu lators. The tit-si heavy sold within a range of 5.75S".h5 ( , largely at S5.H5 ; packing sorts , SS.C.ygri.TS , and common mixed , Sii'iQj.-tO. Light sorts sold at $5.40 < 3r.GO for ICO to ISO ) b. averages , and 85.'JO@5.K5 for liubt. MVB STOCK. Chloaso. April 18. Th Drovers' Jour nal icnortH as follows : Cattle Itecelpts , 8,000 ; steady and strong ; shipping ateera , 83.00@5.05 : atockprs and Ifleder * . $2.75(34.00scows ( , bulla and mixed , 8UKX < ? 3.75 ; bulk , 9a.UXg3.oO ; Texas cattle , I8.aO@4.55. Hogs llccolpts , 17,000 ; steady , closing 5c lower : rough and mixed. 55.20yt5.75 ; packIng - Ing and Bhipplng , S5.70G < 5W ; light , S4.003 B.45 ; skip * . ? 3.00i4.K ( ) . Sheen Uecelpts , 0,000 ; steady ; natives , S3.OOM4.yO ; western. S3.75f < 4.65 ; Texans , 82.5I.OO ( ; lambs , S4.00 ( ( < 5.75 ; shorn sheep , Nation * ! Stock Yartls , Knnt Ht. louU. 111. , April lU.-Cattle-U ) > celpti , NX ) : shipments , 100 ; slow ; choice heavy native steers , Sl.755.20 ( ; fair to good shlp- plnp steewS4.00 ( < j4.70 ; butchers' steers , fair lo cliolcn , S.'ICO < S4. ; ) ; feeders , fair to good , 83.20(34.00 ( ; stockers , fair to good , 83.103.20. ( ; Hogs Receipt * , 4,000 ; shipirnnts , ' . ' ,500 ; actl\ebut steady ; choice heavy and butch- urn' selections. 85.55 5.70 ; packing , fair to good , 85.40i5.5 > : Vorkcrs. medium to primp , * \2 < > < 35. : > 5 ; nigs , common to good , 84,50(85.50 ( , April 18. Cattle Keeelpts , ' 03 : shipments , none ; linn and active owing to lljcht supplies : common toeholco shipping , S3.MK34.C..V btockors , 2.0.0 . . 43.30 ; feeding Bteers , S3.3.xa3.W ) ; cows , S2.S5ffl3.m. lloirs ItprelptA , 5.4H ( ) : sliljments. ) 1,000s opened about steady nntl closed lOc lower and weak ; common to choice , ( M.UO@5.55 : skips and pigs , 3.00 < 24.M > . _ NKW VOIIK , April 18. [ Special Ttlegram to the UKK.J STOCKS. The prevailing feel Inc yesterday ninone such Wall street men as gathered to their uptown resort was bull Ish on the general market , and particular ! } > on con ) stocks , which , they said , would le.ic the bull market for the next thirty lo slxtj day ? . Well-Informed brokers estimate thn within the last ten days about 3.000V > 0 share : of various stocks have been thrown on tin market , yet all have been taken within i range of 1 per cent decline , showing IIOM \ very hard thn market Is even when dull , Tht opening this mornlni ; was strong , partlcu larly for coalers. Heading at once took ttu lead In point of Interest. People apparontlj in a position to know say the old directors party In Itlchmond Terminal Is again ac lively at woik , and that within a few days , With money a HUM more plentiful , anolhe : upward spurt may be looked for In these se ' curllles. Tbc tunings of the Alton & Tern Haule Increased 14,10.1 the first week In April ; of the Indianapolis A St. Louis , 5,413 , and of the Hurllngton , Cedar Haplils & Northern $9,554. For the second week the earning of the Houston .tTexas Central do- erca cd 5ii,3and the Hiiffalo , Rochester A Plttsburg Increased gl.bfi , ' . Jersey Central opened 1 point higher and subsequently ad- \anccil 14 point , but In the end closed \i \ point lower than the start. The St. Paul earnings for tliu second week of April in creased ? G7itO. : The stock advanced * < point , but tills was not all maintained. Heading proved to be tlie feature of the day. It sold up itf point soon alter the opening , eased elf 1 point. There was good buying of stock , particularly by Philadelphia. Ono reason for tlio latest upward movement In Head Int : Is said to be the expectation of a still larger Income as a result of trans-Jer sey tralllc and Now York terminal arrange ments , ThercHof the list generally closed about at the opening lisures. The total sales U ere 3V > ,4G7 shares. Oovr.u.vMKXTS ( jovernment bonds were dull utit steady. Yi : tini : > AY'9 U. S. C's 100 C. AN. W . U. S. 4'scoupon.I29V do preferred..117 U. S. 4'srnim .110 N. Y. C lV.cllic tj's ot "J5. . 125 % O. It. A N 101 Canada South'n. . fil ? O. T. 101UJ ! Cential I'aclliu. . 41 I'acllicMall 50 Chicago A Alton. 145 I1. , \ ) . A K . 35K do prefeircd.,100 I'tillman l > al.Car.l5l < { C. , H. .to 1(4 ( Heading 17 I ) . , I. . , tV 137-V Hock Island. . . 120 1) Alt.G Ill , > i St. L. AS. F. . . . "S Krio do preferred. . . . 78 do preferred. . . . 73'f ' C. , M.&St. 1' . . . . 92' ' Illinois ( Vntral..i : i do prefpued..l2 < ) J. , K.A W . St. r. AS o ray. K. AT : i2J ; ; | dc > preferred..112Ji LaknShoro U.V.iToxas I'aclilc. . . . 2SJ/ L. AsN G9 UnionI'acilic. . . . 01 ? Michigan Cellfl. . 92V. \ . , St Lit P. . . . 21 Mo. I'aclhc lOSv iln piefeired. . JltlY No. 1'acillc 29\iW. U. Telegrnjih 70 do preferred. . . . GJ'sl MONKY ON' CALL Kisy at 42400 lCr cent ; last loan at 5 per cent ; clobcd at 4) ) 5 per cent. PIIIME MEKCANTILR PAPKH 500 per cent. STIIII.INO KxciiANon Dull but steady at 4.b5i tor sixty days , 81.S7 for demand. 1MIO U uUbTMATl IK KT. Chlcnco , April 18. Following rjuota- lions are tin. 2o ; : ; closing tisures : Flour Dull anil unchanged. Winter wheatriour , S4.2.-rf34.80 : soutnein , 34.KHjf4.20 ; Wisconsin. S4.204.30 : Mlclilean soft sprlnc wheat , S3.70C5l.30 : Minnesota bakers. $3.70 < ? ! l.o : ; ; patents , 84.r,0( ( ; low crartes , S1.95Q2.95 ; rye Hour , ( juictnt S3.25(13.40 ( ; in sacks and barrels. S3f < t3.70. Wheat Opened ' "c lower than Saturday , and alter ruling easy tor a time , declined .sharply liZ2c ( , closing Kl'fc lower : cibh , bl5-10o ; May , b213-lGe ; June , SI 1-lCc. Corn Opened * ( c below Satniday , de clined under liberal olferings , and closed ' / WHO lower : cash , 37Jic ; May 3 % c ; June , 40 1-lDc. Oats Heavv , with no special change ; cash , 27 ? < e : May , 2- > % c : June , 29 , ' c. Ityo Steady at 5iiJjC. Harley Firm at 5SWGOe. Timothy Seed Pilme , 51.07 ( M.6S. Flax Seed-81.05. Wnlskv 31.18. Poik'-Dull and unchanged ; cash , 820.50 ; May and June , 320.50020.75. Lard Failly active and irregular , within a small ranco ; cash , S7.25 ; May , S June. S7.40. Hulk Meats-Shoulders. SG.10Q0.25 ; short clear , 8S.55tt8.GO : slioit ribs , SS.10. Butter Lower ; creamery , 18i23c ( ; dairy , Cheese Finn ; full cream chcdtlar.s and flats , 13K@14c : Youns Americans , in : 14'ic ' ; skims , 3@Pc. Kggs Steatly at 12l ° . } e. Hides Weaker ; heavy green salted , 7'/c ' ; iKht , 79ic ; salted hull hides , Go ; drv salted lOc ; dry Hint , I2@13c ; dry calf , 13@l4c ; dea cons , 40c each. Tallow Firmer ; No. 1 country , 4c ; No. 2 , : ; cake , Uecoipts. Shipments. Flour , bbls 11,000 4.000 Wheat , bu 43,000 4.000 Corn , bu 69,000 : ,000 Oats , bu 135,000 32,000 Kyt'.bu 1,000 3,000 Hurley , bu 8,000 12,000 Now York. April 18. Wheat Ho No.n"red , 9t c ; No. 1 red. 90c' ! ; NoT a red , 02 @ 'J3c in elavator , 94c delivered , 92' ® 93cf. o. b. ; May closing at 92 'c. Corn Spot , a trillo and options Ji'Qc lower , closing heavy ; receipts , 9,400 ; expoits , 31,000 ; ungraded , 4f@50c ; Mo. 2 , 49 c in elevator ; Mny closlnt : at 49 > 4'c. Oats A trillo lower and dull ; receipts , 21,000 ; exnorts , 800 ; mixed western , 35j37c ( ; white western. 8@42& Petroleum Steady ; united closed at 63 { o. Etps Steady , with moderate inijulry : western , 12Jf ( < $13c. 1'ork Firm and quiet. Lard A tvllln lower nnd very dull ; wost- ern'steam , spot , 87.C.Xii7.C& . liuttcr Ouiet and weak ; westcin , 10@23c. Cheese Firm and quiet. Minneapolis , April IS. Wheat Unset tled ; No. 1 hard , cash , 70s ; May , 77e asked ; June , 77c ; No. 1 northern , cash , 75 } c ; May , 70J oJuno ; , 77cNo. ; 2 northern , cash , 74c ; May , 75c : Juno , 7Cc ; wheat on track being 1 @ljO ! above these quotations. Flour Firm ; patents , g4.25@4.40 ; bakers , 83.ao03.50. KecelDts Wheat , HS.OOObu. bhipraonts Wheat , 59,000 bu. ; flour , 18,000 bbls. In Store Wheat , 7,259,704 bu. ; at St. Paul , 830,000 bu. Cincinnati , April 18. Wheat Stronger ; No. 2 red. Ki@84c. Corn Firmer : No. 2 mixed. 41J < < 3-l2c. Oats-Firm ; No. 3 mixed , aiK@3l/c. Kye Moderate demand ; No.2 , G3cWoc ( , 1'ork-Dull at 10.75. Lard-Fair demand at 57.20. Whlsity Firm atSl.13. Mtlwnuknn. April 1& Wheat Easier ; cash , 77l , < c ; Mav. 78jtc ; June , 79 0. Com Firm ; No. 3 , 38c. Oats Steady ; No. 2 white , Sl' c. K > e-HlKher ; No. 1. C2o. Uarley Stronger ; No. 2,57c. Provisions Easter ; pork , April , { 15.50. OMAHA LIV13 STOU1C. Monday , April 18. The Week. The cattle market during the week past has been very dull and uulet. The inter-statn commerce law has driven sptxulators nnd shippers elf from tlio market ami packera are the onlv buyers. As the packer's demand Is limited , the market has oi necessity been quiet There has been very little chaneo In prices during the week. HOSTS were selling the lirst ot the week linn. S5.25@S5 40 , aud on Tuesday they readied 85.50. which was tlie highest price for the week. The week closed with hogs selling at S5.205.35. Theio was very little or nothing done in the sheep maiket. _ Cattlo. . Tlio receipts to-day were light and the mar ket quiet. Values remain about steady at Sattnday'h prices. _ IIORS. Tlio receipts wcro lieavlnr than on Satur- dav by a hundred head. The market opened aetl > o at stronger prices , and the yards were cleared cnily in the day. Sheup. There wcro none In. Ilocolpta. Cattle . Coo Uo'S . 1,000 Prcvnilliii ; Prloo * . Showing the prevailing yrlcos paid for ! Iv > > stock on this market : Choice steers. 1 X ) to 1500 lbj..5l.33 I..V ) 1y Choice steers , 1100 to IS50 Ibs. . . M5g4.r ( : 1t Fnt Httlo stBcr 900 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.S5t ( ! . : V ) t Extra choicecows and heifers. . . . 3.SOMU' s ( lood to cholee corn-fed POWS. . . . o.tK ) < ( < : ' , Common to medium POWS . 2.7fruv ' . Q ( teed to clioU'O bulls . 2.50a : ! a Llglitaud inoduunUoLM . 5.15 a5 2 \r Good to choice heavy hogs . 5.2X < i5.-tJ ro Coed to choleo mixed hogs . 5.20. < ( > A.h.i Choice shepp , 90 to 120 Ibs i- io o IlcprcseittMtive Hnloi. Y " " " No. Av. Pr. "No. Av. Pr. 117..1148 S3.75 S4..120S S4.2'i ' J. .tOW 4,00 103..itt3 : 4.40 ' 10..1171 4.15 r COWS. . . . No. Av. Pr. . No. ; Av. "Pr. e a..lS2 < 5 J2.00 . . . . 0 , , . . UiOE3.M of 1'rlce * . Showing the hluhist and lowest paidfor loads of lmzou this market during tliepast si ven ilay.s and for the s.nno time .last month and a vo.u ago. March lfc April I April ltt 0. - i- t'th ' 5.60 ffivm i 5.10 .no 10th r.00 $ li3 Sunday 3.75 WI.W - ' ' " ' - lllh 500 Sundnjr U'th 3.H.-I ta.-l.n355 llltlil MO ' 14th 5.40 ( n/i.7."i fi.-'J Wi.i7 ; ! iJ.73 WUK ) 5.'j Wt.'b I 6.15 COVtO Alhilesof stock in this nnrkctaro maile percwt. llvo wel.'ht unless otherwIsost.Ueit. lpad J a per Ib. for all weights. "Skins , " or honM wel hln. loss thin 10J HH. nov.iluo. I'risgiiaiit sows are docked 40 Ibs. , by tlinpulJllj Inspector. Idvc- Stock Notes. Cattle steady. Hogs stronger. No liogs left over. A bettor grade of hogs on the market. < ! . H. Hammond .t Co. bought 4CG hog ? . The Anslo-Amerlcan 1'acklng company bought 1,020 hogs. The average weight of the 1,402 run o\cr the scales was -15 lus. Mr. Crawford was hero with six loads ol cattle from tliu Hcckwith .t ( Jiilnn feud lots , which sold on the maiket. MODS. Nelson , HatUngton , was In and maiheted two cars of ho ? . Win , Hobi'itson , ot Co/ard , came In with a load of hogs , which sold in the mnikct. . ) . ( i. Hall , ( iibbon , was here with tlncc loads oi cattle. OMAHA \VaoijKS.YM2 MAUK.KTS Cicncriil I'rodttcc. Monday , Apiil IS. Tlio Wrok. The past week has witnessed very few changes in the produce markets. Huttcr is pei haps a little tinner than it was a week ago , while the quality is uoorcr. The oirg market has continued steady at the prices quoted he- low lor several weeks. Diessed poultry has dUappcaietl from the market and live poul try lias taken Its place. Apples aie also practically out of ilm maiket. Taken upon the whole the past week has been very quiet and tlie iccelpts of the staple articles have 'leen very light. Tticfollnwinn jir/cf / ? nrefnr round Jot ? of roilucc , Ht miM on the iiKtiAct to-itiut. Er.os The icccipt ? were liberal tor the ist ot tlio week. Tlio market is steady at Oc. BiTTKn There is an occasional package .f fancy butter that sells above the quota- Ions given below. Choice country , 20a,22c ( ; lair to peed , 15@lSe ; common , 12@Ue. DKKS-KD POUI/I KY Not wanted. lavr. r } t'i-TiiY Chickens , S .M@U.75. CHIIESK Full cream cheddars.siiiBle,14Xc ; ull cream Mats , twins , I4c1 ; Voting Ameii- . as , I5c : fancy SNVISS , ! Goi7 ( ; < ! ; Swiss , im ported. 25c : Limburger , 14c ; brick. I5@l0e. URA.NS Infeiloi stoek.7"aS1.00good ( ; clean country , 81.00 1.25 ; medium , liand pickpd , Sl.4001.50 ; hand picked , navv. il.W.Hj J'IIOVISIO.N ! Ham , 12 ( ( J13c ; bri-akfast ) acon , rib. 10C ' ; breakfast bacon , plain , lie ; dry salt sides. SK@Vfc ; dried beef , regular , 10 @llc ; dried beet , ham pieces , 13c ; lard , 50-lb cans , 7 ? < e ; 20-lbcaiis , Fairbanks , 7 c ; 10-lb cans , Fairbanks , 7c ; 5-lb cans , Fairbanks , be : 1Mb cans. Fairbanks , 8'p. CAIIIIAOI : The maiket is ell supplied. California cabbage , choice , perlb.lie. Ari'i.Ks The market Is bre and there Is no stock ot any account. NF.W Vr.oKTAin.ES Spinach , per bbl , Sl.75@2.00 : top onions , per do/en bunches , 20ft.0c ( ; Calitornla celery , per do/en , Sl.OO ; radishes , per do/en bunches , 20fu30e ; lettuce , 40c ; pie plant , per Ib , he ; California beets , per Ib , 2c ; Calltoinla carrots , per Ib , 2o ; California aspagus , per Ib , lOe ; cucumbers , per do/en , SI. 50. ad game S Stocks are beginning to move uioio fieoly and liizbcr prices are antltil- patPd. Messina , choice , per box , SS.OO'JZ ) 5.25 ; do , fancy , per box , 8.V50. OIIANOKS California , Jiivorsldc , per box , Sl.b5@4.00 ; California , Los Angelps , per box , S2. 75 ( 3.00 ; Mediterranean sweets , 83.5CXd > 3.75 ; Messina Imperial , fancy. 5.50 ; San OabrlPl , slush ) box lots , T3.00 ? ; San Gabriel , 5 bo\ lots , S2.85. OYHTEHS llor < e shoo brand , 2.V ; stand ard , 2Sc ; selects , 80c ; extra selects , 35 ; N. V. counts , -lOc. GAME Mallard ducks , per do/en , f2.00 ; teal , per dozen , 81.50 : mixed , per dozen , 51.50 ( gl.75 ; geesp. per do/en , $3.00@3.50 ; brants , pcrtlozen , S2.00. I'o rxTOKS Stocks are moving a little more freely than a week aso. The trade is limited mostly to the sale of small lots al though a low cats havn been sold. Homo crown arc selling froiu45@ . * < 5c accoiding to the quality of the stock ami tlm quantity sold. sold.MALAOA MALAOA GBVPKS The supplv on tlm maiket Is not heavy. Regular size casks , K5.00 ; largo si/o casks. S5.5-JMO.OO. I'lNKAi'i'i.KS A few pineapples have arj rived on the market and are in good condi tion. 1'lneapples , per do/ , J4.00(35.00. ( n ANAXA3 Larcebunches , per bunch , 52.00 (53.00. ( _ Grocor'i r/nt. PICKLES Medium. In bbls , 88.00 : do , In half bbls , 84.50 ; sm.ill. In bbls , 80.00 : do , In half bbls , 85.00 ; gherkins , In bbls. 510.00 ; do , In halt bbls , 85.50. SUOAH Granulated , GYQOXc ; conf. A , C@ flh'e ; white extra C , 5f < M5 > ic ; extra C , 5Hc : yellow C , 4Jf(34 ( ; c : cut loaf , powdered , OK@"c. COFFERS Ordinary grades , l.ij @l c fair firi cprime.lo1i ; < ; ) , ; fancy green and yellow. 17 ( < Jl7' ' c : old rov- ernment Java , 200300 ; Interior Java , 16 } < ( d 80ej Mocha , 22 < 24c ; Arbucklo'a roasted 2Uic ; McLauKlilln's XXXX roasted,2lVc ; Dilworth's.2l'4'c : Ued Cross , 2U4'c. CANNED GooD3-OystersBtandardper case , 83.15 3.25 ; strawberries . per case , 8J. 0 ; raspberries , a Ib , p r case , 82.2.1 ; California pear * , per case , 84.50 ; apricots , per CM * , 84.00 ; peaches. PP > - case , 85.00 ; white cher ries , per case30.00 ; P.UIUH , per case , 83.51 ; blupbcrries par case. 81.85 ; o e plums , a Ib , per case. 82.50 : pineapples , ) ID , per case 83.20 ( 3.75 : ! Ib mu.'koreK per doz , 81.40 ; 1 ID salmon , per doz , 81. 50 < # 1.5210 ; , goose berries. per case , 81.75 ; 2 Ib string ; Deans , per case , Si. it ; 'Jib lima beans , per case , 51.00 ; Ib marrow fat peas , per case , S-.5K ( < i' ; r > 0 ; 3 Ib early June peas , p r case. Si 75 : 3 Ib toma toes. 3a.5Jti2.tiOa ( Ib.corn 82.40'cii.)0. , MATCHES Per caddie , aic ; square cases , 81.70 ; mule square. 81.2U. STHUP No. 70. 4-pallon kegs , 81.35 ( 1.2 * ; New Orleans per gallon 8S@-Gc * ; maple syrup , bait bbls. "old time. " per gallon , 7Jc ; 1 gal lon cans , per doz. 810.00 ; hall gallon cans. per doz , S5.50 ; quart cans , 33.lw. ( JA.VDT Mixed. SXftfllo : stick , 8J 39 c CBAOKEIIS Garni'au'a soda , butter and picnic. 6) < e ; creams.BUci ginger snaps , o } < c ; city soda. 7W. bTAncn Mliror gloss. 1 Ib , 6c ; mirror closs , H Ib. 5 > fc : mirror gloss , elb , 6 rc ; Graves corn.l Ib.OS'c ; Kincstord's corn , 1 ID , 7c : KlngsforU's ploss , 1 Jb. 7c : Klngsford's cioss,0lb. 7J < o ; Klnirsford's pure lib. 6Kc ; Kinesford'g pure , 3 Ib , 5 > io ; Klngsforda I bulk , 4c. SOAPS Kirk's savon Imperial. 82.70 : Klrrs satinet. 8J.OO ; Kirk B standard , 83.05 ; Kirk's white Uusslan , Sl.OO ; Kirk's white- rap. S0.50 ; domp , S3.85 ; washboard , S3.10 ; White cloud. S3.7J. General Mmrlcoti. \AIIMEIIKS liairels , per gallon ; .furni ture. extra , S1.10 ; furniture. No. 1. 81.00 ; coach extra , 51.40 ; coach , No. I , 31.20 ; Da- rnar , extra , S1.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum , rxtra S5c : Bhellao , 83. W bard oil tlolib , " tiKAVT HABnwARE Iron , , rat 52.83 ; , . , v.i. 7 * > c ; square nuts , per Ib. Olffi'lc ; 'coil chain , per Ib. O iSlSc ; malleable. > - ( lOc ; iron wtsleej , 6c ; cruwturs , 6c ; barrow teeth , Uic iprlng steel , 7 < 3c ; Umden's horseshoes , 64.15 ; Uurden's mule shoes , f .75. Uarbod wlra. la car lots. 84.0J per 100 Ibs. Nails rates. 10 to U ) , 8UO ; gteel nails. I2.UO Sliot , 81.05 ; buckshot , 81.00 ; Ha nd'.powaer ks. . S5.00 ; do. halt kegs , 82.7.5 ; do , quartei kegs. 81.50 : blasting , begs , S'ilo ; fuse , per 1C feet. R5c. Lead bar. Slf * DBV VAIST9 Wnu leaj , 7c ; French zinc , Vl \ . Farli whiting. 2Hc ; wliitlug. glider * ; whiting , com'l , IVc ; lampblack , Oor- manstown. I2c ; lampblack , ordinary. 8c ; Prussian biuc,55cultramarine ; , ivc ; vandyk- brown , 8e ; umber , burnt cj'umDer. ' raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4ci.slcnwa. : raw , 4c ; Paris Creon. eennlno. a o. Viui * Brern , com mon , 220 ; chrome ureon , N. Y. . 20c ; vermtllion Atnericau. l c : inaisn raw and burnt umber , 1 ft cans , i2c ; raw and burnt ilenna , 18c : vandyke brown , I.TC ; relined - lined lampblack iSc : coach black and ivory black , IGc ; drop black. I6cj Prussian turns 40c : ultramarinn black. l&c ; chromo trreen.I * . M. * I ) . . IRc ; blind anrt shutter green , u. M. ft D. , lOo ; Parig ; reen , 18c ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian rod , 9o ; Tuscan , JBc ; American vermllllon , L. A D. , 20o : yellow ochre. 8e ; L. M. A O. D. . 18c : ( food oohro. IGc : natini dryer , 8c ; graining color. IlL-lit oak , darkoak , walnut chestnut and ash. I'M. DIIUORAND ' Ac < ! carbolic , < 0caclrt : tarUrle , 52c ; balsam copaiba , per "bwc : bark sassafras , per ft , lOc ; calomel , per Ib , 78c , chlnclionldla , per oz , 40c ; chloio- form , per fl > , rt'c ' ; Dover's powders , per tb , 81.25cpsom : salts , per ib , 3 > < c ; glycerine , pure , per Ib. Kuc : 'pad. acetate , per Ib. 2ic ; nil , castor , No. l , per gal. , . . 81.50 ; oil castor , No. 2 , per gal. , 81.40 ; oil olive , per gal. , 81.40 ; oil orU-annum , 50c ; opium , 81.50 ; quinine , P. A W.and H. As , , per.oz. . 70c ; potassium Iodide , per ft , Si.50 ; sallcln. per oz. 40 < j ; sill- phato morphlno. per oz. : . 5 ; sulphur , per ft.-ictstrjchninp. DProz. 81.W. ! | FAINTS i.v OIL White lead. Omaha.P P. , C' ' P ; wliito lead , St. Louis , pure , .c ; Mar seilles , grcpn. l Ib cans , 2c : Krencti zinc , croon seal , 12c : French zinc , red seal. He ; French zinc , in varnUli asst. 20c : Pencil zlnc.7Sc : vermllllon. Kngll'li , In oil , 75c ; red , lOc : rose pIiiK. 14c : Venetian red , Cook- son's , 23/0 ; Venetian red , Ameilcau. 1'fc ; red lead , 7 } < c : clirome yellow , genuine , 2t'c ' ; chrome yellow , K , 12c ; ochre , rochellu. He ; ochre , trench , 2c ; ochre , American , l c ; Winter's mineral. 2tfp ; Leiiigh mown , 2Kc ; Spanish brown , 2Xc ; I'rlnco's rclncra ! , HIDES ( Ireen butrliers , 5K@Oc ; green cured , "c : dry Hint. lldtU'c ; drv salt , 9W10o ; ( ereon calf fiklns , 8i < c ; damaged mites , two-thirds price. Tallow 3ife. Oreaso | Prituo white. 3 cjyellow. 2' ' * c ; brown , lf i fclieeo Pelts. 25 < a7oc. i bniUT" Cologne spirits. ib8 proof , S1.17 ; , do 101 proof , Sl.lS ; sjilrits , second quality , 101 proof , S1.17 : do 1SS proof. 81.10 Alonhol. 183 prooi. 32.20 per wine trallon. Kodlstllled whiskies , S1.00 1.50. ( ! ! n , blended , 51.50 ® i'.OO ; Kentucky bourboiH , $2.0030.00 ; Ken tucky ami Pennsylvania rye" , 5J.00.rfO.50 ; Oomen Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies. Sl/0(33.oc. ( Hr\ndles , Imported , S5.00gs.50 ; doiupstlc , Sl. o@3.on. ( Jlns. imported , 84.50 ( gC.OO ; domestic , 21.t5'ct..00. ! ) Champagnes , Imported , uer case. 82S.oo@33.00 : American , percaso. SlO.OOtfllfl.OO. tUK" AD rjKi.N1 * 'Hio tollowlug prices are lor primp , well handled skins ; Heaver , primp , clean per pound. S1.50@.00 ; falI.Sl.2. . (112.00 ( ; meatviina inferior. si.oo@l.S5. Hear , blown and grimly. 85.cov .03 ; nubs mid yearlings , S-J.OOW.OO. Hadger , WKtfGOo. Cat , wild , 20s ( uc : domestic , black , Wtrtl" > o : tla- me-tte , sunilrv colors , 5 ® c. Fox , red , 81.00 © 1.25 ; cross , $2.00@1.00 ; grny , 40rt. > 0c ; sliver , li.otd)40.00. ) ) ) Fisher , ? .00 ( < 8J.OO. OttorS4.00 © 3.00. Martin. S1.00@175 , Musural i v\m tiT. large , lOc : fall. 5c ; kitts , .Mink , largo dark , 350400 ; small and pale , 15@20c. fiac- roon. largo prime , 40C < t50c ; small and inferior , ao ZiMte. Skunk , common , 15@2.V.V' < ilf. laigo grey , Sl.50Cg2.50 ; coyote or prairlo 75 ® DOc. Deer and antelope , winter , per pound 15c ; fall and summer , per pound 20c. Dry Ijtiinhcr. DIHINSIO.N8 AND TIMilF.HS. . . JK.IW ia.i) ) | a 6ugg.M ! UOAllDS. No. 1. com , sis . No. 2 , com , s 1 s . 17.50 No. 4 , com , s 1 s . 13.50 No. 1,4 ifcflin , 13 .t 14ft , rough . S1D.OO No. 2 , . ' . . ift.00 SI I ) I NO. A , 12 , 14 and 10 ft . S3J.OO H , " " " . 20.50 C , " " " . 15.00 1) , ' . . lii.O. ) CKIMNO ANH VAiirmo.v. 1st com. , 5 In White Pine Cpllins . 834.00 Clear , ? In. Norway Pine Celling . 10.00 FI.OOKINOj A C inch , white pine . i . 835.00 C . . . . . 2d.0o E" " " " ( SelFrn'g ) . 10.00 STOCK liOAKUS. A 12 inch s. Is . 845.00 No. 1 , com. 12 in s. 1 g. , 12. AH . 20.00 " " -in ft . 1 .00 No.2 ' . 12 A 14 ft. . . . . 18.00 " " " " ICtt . 17.00 INIBHINo. Istand2d. clear , ivincU , s. 3s . 850.00 Sd , clear , 1 Incb. s. a s S4i lyt } , 2 In 45.00 11 clear , 1 inch. s. 2 * 30 ; IX , 1J ,2 in 37.00 1-OST8. Wblte Cedar , 0 In. , MS , 12c ; 9 ln.qrs..llo MM 1C , ETC. Qtilncy whltolluie ( best ) . 81.00 AKton" cement . 1.C5 Hair . 30 SHIP IAI' . No. 1 , plain , Sand 10 in . 81P.OO No. 1. plain , and 10 In . 17,00 SOUT1IKRN YKU.OW 1'INE. Com. 4 and 0 in. Hooting . 818.03 Clear % In. ceiling . 81.00 Clear in. partition . ' . ' 5.00 Clears in. partition . 22.53 Clear. Itnlsh , 1 and V { In. s. 2 s . 29.00 " coirugated ciitling , 4 in . 2j.O 1IATTKNS1 riCKP.TS. O. G. Batts , 2 < In. , 70c ; K\3 , s. 1 s . 4lc ) Pickets , U and H Hat . . . 821.00 811INOLis : , I.ATIt. XX clear. . 53.00 K\ttn A * . 'J-i-S * A * standard . 2.75 * A1I.13.&U . 2.5) 5in cl . 1.75 filn , clear . 2.00 No. 1 . 1.50 Lath . 2.50 TKCIil CHICAGO SHORT LINE - OF THE - The Best Route from Omaha and Council Bluffs to THE ! E.A.ST Two Trains Daily Between Omaha , Coun cil Bluffs Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CcdarRapids , Rock Iiland , Frecport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubuque , Da\enport , Elgin , Madison , Jancsville , Ueloit , Winona , La Crosse , And all ether Important point * Bast , Northeast . , . and Koutlicnst , Kor through tickets call on the Ticket Agent HtHOl Fainam street , ( In Faxton hotel ) , oral Union Pacific Depot. Pullman Sleepers and the llnost Ulnlnir Car * In the worl'l nro run 6n the mtiln lines of tlie CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE i ; Br. I' ALTUVILWAV , imdavery attention It. paid to caisengers by courteous employe * nf trio company. It Jlit-i.KK. General Munairor. J , F. TvcKEit , Asulrtnjit Ooncrtd Mnnsper. A. V. It. CARi-KNTEn , . ( icuerul I'aiaenk'or and Ticket Agent. ' GEO. i : . ilBAtroito , Assistant General Pas- scnger and Ticket Agcut. J. T. OI.AIIK. General Superintendent. Notice. INI . \TTEn of npphcaticni of Ernfst II. Oricfo forltqnor Ilcen3it.i ( nntic < iH lieicliy jnven tlmt Ernest H. Orlefo did upon the Ibtilny or April , A.t ) . 1B 7 , lllo bis implication to the nmyur and city council of Omaha , for license to ce'l malt , spirituous and vinous limiori , ntlXo. 1'4 Cumlnir street , ' ' - wan ] , Omaha , Tiom the llth day of April , 1SS7 , to thu juth day of April , 18u8. If there bo no objection , romonstranon or protest tiled within twoueckg from April 9th , A. D. 1E87 , the said lleea > .o will be Krnntod. GIIMKST II. QliiEKE. Applicant. J.B. SOUTH AitD.CItv Clerk. 1118 Notice of Registration , rpo the Leirul Votcu of the Second District o : _ l tbo Second Ward , In thu city of Omutm. You nro hereby notified Unit tbo undcrsl ncc will Bit oi registrar for the Second distrlc of tlie Second ward , at tba Northeast corner of ICth nnd Vlnton street * , commencing Thursday tho2lBtd y of April , 1S87 , at 11 o'clock iu in. for the purpose of registering nil quallBoi voters within said district , and maklnit u now lint of lentil voters of said new district , the undersigned Trill tit and keep his book of reels trallon open oaeii day thereafter ( except Hun days ) ut the place aforesaid from U o'clock n. m. until 7 o'clock p. ra. until Monday , the 2m diiy of Mny. 1W7 , at thn hour of 12 o'clock m. when said registration will be closed. fled voters uro notlH d to nttond and see tba tbelr names are properly registered. ' J.NO. M. AHNOUT , . Rejijtrar SJ DiBtrlct , 2nd Ward. April 13th Ifcbl. THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA. Arrive l.ea\e Omaha Omaha UNION PACIFIC. Depot 10th and Picrco sK Pacific Kxpiess 7:50 : am 8:20 : pm Denver Express 6:20itn : | > 10.V : > am Local Express 11:00 : am 5:05 : pm Except Sunday. H. A M. It. It H. Depot loth and Pacitic sts. Malland Express I 5:45 : pm 10:00 : am N ight Express 10:00 : am 7:45 : pin O. H.A Q. It. It Depot lOtli and l'a < : llic sts. Mall and Express 0:50 : am 0:00 : pm Chicago Express 7:10 : uin 0:20 : am K. C. St. J. A C. H. Depot 10th and 1'Aciric sts. Mall :10 : pm 9:20 : am Express , * 7:00amt8:45 : : pm * lCxcept < Monday. tKxcept Saturday. C. St. P. M. A O. Depotl5thand Webster st. Sioux City Express 4:45pm : 8:15 : am Bancroft Express 10IOam4:45pm : : JJIalr P. s t'iigcr 7:40pm1(55pm : ( : : ! Except Sunday MISSOURI PACIFIC. Depnt 15th and Websterst. Day Express 0.25 am 11:10 : am Night Express r > ; ! opm 9:10 : pm Lincoln ENUICSS 11:10 : am 0:10 : pm UNION STOCK YAK1XS Leave Leave TUAINS. US Y'ds. Omaha Except bunilav. 0:09 : am 015am ; Trains le.ivlng U. P. de * 7:0' : > ain 7:3 : , > am pot in Omaha at 10:55 : u. * S:10am : Hs.'ttam m. , 5:05 : p. ni. and h:20 : p. lOiUOain m. , mid thosu leaving 10:51 : inn 10:55ani : Union Mock jards at 0:0'.i : ll : 5 am 2Xpm : ( ) a. m. and 10:51 : a. in. are 2opm : : : 305pm ; thioui > h passenger trains : 4 :05 : pm all otlicts nro regular stock 4 : . ' ! . > pm * 5:05pm : yaids ( Itimniy trains be 0:15 : pm 5.ipm : tween stock yortis and * S:2.jpi' : : 8:00pm : Omaha. * :20pm : Leave l.eavo U.P. BIllDOKTKAINS. Traiiblcr. Omaha. * Kxcept Sunday. 7:12 : am 10 : S. " > am tConnccts with S. C. & * 8:15 : am * 7 :35am : P. at Council llluffs. 9:25 : am b :00 : nm JConnectswithC. U. A 9:42 : am 118 : 10 am O. , C. & N.V. . , C. M. & * 10:37am : * 10 :00am : St. P. . C. K. i. & P. at 11:47am : 11 10 am Council lilulls. i * 1:30 : pin , * 1 :00 : iiu tConnects with W. St ) 2:37pm' : ' 8 :00 : pm L. & P. at Council BluHs. n7 : : ; pin J2 :20pm : ICounects wltli all oven4:37 : pm 3 :00 : pm Ing trains lor Chicago at 5:50 : pm * * :00pm : Council llluffs. Trains , C:42pm : :00 : pm pa\n Omaha at Union 7:10 : pm 30 put 'arlfic depot , 10th and 7:42 : pm :10pm : 'lerce streets. 8:50 : pm 00 pm 10.-47pm 15pm 11.-55pm :00 : pin :10pm : "COUNCIIj l heave l Arrive CONNECTING LINES.Transfer Transfes I depot I depot C. R. I. &P. : I 7:15 : a m , 0:15 : a m All Trains run Daily. 0:15am : r > :25pm : 0:40 : pm. 7:00pm C. B. A Q. AH trains run daily. . . . ] C. M. A St. P. iiatip J 9:15 : a m 9:15 : a in All trains nm dally. . . . . j . , , p , 7ooDm : K. C. St .1. A C. a I I ICxcept Saturday. 'lOOOani ' ; tnR5 : am tKxcept Monday. ib:55pm : 5:30 : pin W. St. I , . .feU All trains mi i daily . . ] 245pm ; S C. A 1 * . All trains run dally. . . . . 7:05 : a m 9:35 : am 6:25 : p m 8:50 : pra The only road to take for Des Molnca Mar- lhailtown , Cedar Hapldg , Cllclin , Dlzun. Chlca- O , Milwaukee and all point s oust. To tliepuo- ilo of Nobraskn , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah , Idtxlio , Nevada , Orcpon , Washington ncl Citll- 'ornlR , It otfurs BUpcrlor advautages not possi ble by any other lino. AmonK a few of the numerous points of su periority enjoyed by the patroiifl of this road Lietwt-en Oinatia and rblea o , lira Its two trulns udny of DAV COACHES , which are the nneat Hint hnmnn nrt and IhK'cinilty can crento. It * I'AIiACKBMiKPINOCAKS , which are model ) of comTort and oleitnni'e. Us PAKI.UK DUAW. ING I'.OOM CAHS , iinsurrms'icj by any , und Ita widely celebrated 1'ALATIAr , DINING CAHS the equal of which cannot ho found elsewhere At Council IllutlB the trains of the Union Pacing Kr. connect In Union Depot with thoce of tli Chicago & Northwestern Ity. In Chicago the trains of thl * line umlie close connection with those of all eastern line * . For Detroit. Columbus. Indianapolis. Cincin nati , Niagara Falls , Unffnlo. Pittstnirir.ToroiUO , Montreal , lloston. New VorK , Philadelphia , Baltimore , Washington and all point * in the eat , ask for a ticket via the "NOimWKSTBBN. " If you wish the best accommodation. All ticket ajtenU tell tlcketi via this line. H. HUaHITT , . P. WILSON. Gen'Manner. . dent. Pau'r Agent Chicago , 111. W. M. BABCOCK. L. B. DOLLES. Western Agent , City Pass'r Agent , Omaha , Nebraska. LINCOLN , NEB , Ten RnllroadB , and more are coming. 1M Tralni Dally. Elate unlvcriltr , Woleyan UnlvcrnltjState Capi tal. Most of the nuilnen Lots have doubled In prlco In thelu tl2 months. Aero-land , within ! rotlca of tbo rlljr , Increased over two linndred per cent. Lincoln li the greatest lUllroad Center uf Its nire jnihu'.rurld. llrick hluckspujr btoSUpcrienu Vacant lots tmve averaued IUU per tent per uriuum on Unt c' tfor l'i yearn. l.lncdln liu Hrcat dl trlbutln point. Borne whole sale ( toilers liave ra ide priiucly furtnne * . llulld nk' KnlnKiiplnnllillrccilini. Uuilnen con- erallr irood. llankiri , retail mercbunt : , niectmnlis , etc. , gettli t rich. A. J. CROPSEY & CO. Koom 41 , RlrliurtlM ISIoc-U , Real Estate Agents & Loan Brokers Hare for sale brick blocki , business lots , all kinds of real estate. 1,2 , i , 10,20,49,80,3JJ uud MO acre tracts farms and cheap lands. UONKV LOANED. INVESTMENTS SIADK. IlErKItKNCESi-flrst and Lincoln IlanU.lioTcrnorThujer , Jadsa Cobb. lie'Dr.U. K. CrvlnMua , l.lnl'oUii bcaator & M. Cullom , Illliiulji ; Dd tttaentl Ben. Harrison , . . . . ' ! > / , . . . . Omaha Jobbers' Directory. Agricultural Implements , ClTuRClllLL PA RKER , . WholtMlr Drnlrrln Affricultiirftl Implements , Wagons , Curlsvcs ttid llufglrs. Joncn tired , between inb iiml U'ln.Om nhn.Mtti. _ _ LININGER t M ETCsi LF CO. , Agricultural Implements , .rarrlaiM. Pagf lf , Ktr.Vhol nlf , Om ba. LEE , FRIED f CO. , Jobbers of Hardware ami Nulls , Tinware , Hlieel Iron , Eto. Agent * for Howe nil Mlnnl rend < rCo.Orn < ihftNi'b , PARLlNORENDORtMARTIN Wholf mleDcnlfri In AgriruUurnl Implements , ( Viromnul Duritlf ! , lOl.lKXI , ' .UJ iinil'OT ' , Jones ft Artists' Material. Artists' Materials , Pianos nntl Organs , 1II.1 Douelni Btreot , Onulia. Builders' Hardware and Scales. HppalrShop iltchtnlca'Toolmnil BufTnlo Solo. 1(06 Uouglas sU , * Otnfitii , Neb. floor's and Shoes. "AMERICAN fi. IND SE SHOE COMPANY , Usnulacturersaii'l WholesalelMilcrs ID Hoots nntl Shoos , ComiilPtp ftock nf Rubber Mnnds nlwurn on hr.nd Ml ij. Utli St. . Oinal-ii , Neb. A T. Austin , Agent. ir. r. MOUSE of JUiots nntl Shorn. 1111 Farnnni St. , Oiunhn.Nflb. Mxmif.Actnrj , Pummel Mlcct. lUi.'lin. Z. T. LINDSEY d ) CO. Wholesale Itubuor Hoot * ami Shoes Itiilibur niul tilled Clothing mil lull Hoots and Shoes. boutlu'ast ( 'oriicr lllli mid Uuuglus. Beer. Agt. for Anheuser-Busli Hrcwlnr : Ass'n Rpeclnl Urandn. Fautt , Iludwelecr nnd KtUni-cr. KTOKX H ) ILElt , linger Uccr Jirowcrs , 1SJ1 North l lh Strcol , Oninha , Neb. Butchers' Tools. Loulfi 'HELLER" Kutchers' Tools and Supplies , laueago Cuelngt of ull kinds nlwnj ln Block. 1J1S Coffee , Spices , Etc. Onmlia Coma and Spice Mills. Tests , GofTros , Spleen. Making I'owdPr , tracts , 1-auiidry nine. Ink , Klc. 1414 Street , Ooinba. Neb. GAT EH , COLE d * MILES , ifonio Coflt'o and Spieo Hills M'f'gr Co. Cnffeo Routers an l FplrtiGrlndrra , Manufacturers nf HaklDK I'owdcr , Mi\urlnK Citrnoti. Illulnft. IUc. I'r ) ono cnei * of nir 1-rk rarkH Homo Illcnd HoaitQd Offi'8. liWHoiMirrt at , < lmnh . N r. Cornice. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Epencter , Prop. Mannfncturcr of Oalranlzcd Iron and Cornice. 93) Doilfe and 103 and 105 N , ICtb nL. Omaha , Neb. RUEMVJNG Ll ItOLTE , Manufacturers of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Wlcdoo , l'lnn'5. ' Weinlctkjfhtftc. ] ] | S10S. ' . ' ' . . I''l'i t. , Oinuba. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Specht , 1'rop. aWanliPd Iron Cornices , etc. Kiitct'slmprovcrt Pat entMctallc Skylight. nnd ld H I''th pOnmlia. | Carpels. ' " "OMAHA CARPET CO. , Jobber * of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , liners , I.lnoleiimf , Mattings , Etc. 1511 Douc'ai ' ntroet. S. A. ORCJIAlflJ , Wholesale Carpels , Oil Cloths , Mettlnzs , Curtain Ooodi , Ktc 1U3 Kamaui btrcct. Omaha. Neb. Crockery and Notions. Jlfont for the Manufacturers and Importeri of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chlnincjf , etr. Office , 317 Buuth 13th st Ouaht , Neb. Commission and Storage. D. A. IIVRLEY , Commission and Jobbing. Bntter , Kgnnaiiil 1'roduce. Conslgnmenin solicited. Headquarters for Utonswaro , llerrj lloioi and ( Irnpe llnskcit. XII IXidgeMreutOmaha. 1'EYCKE BROS. , Commission Merchants. Frnlts , Produce and Provisions , Oiunha , Nob. W. E. Storage and Commission Merchant. BpcclKltles Knttar. Kgc < . tllicesc. Poultry. Oamo , UyitPri , Ktc. , Ktc HZfoutn Ktb ntrcct. WIEDEMAN & CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Ponltrr. liuttcr , Gnme. Fiults , etc 230 8. Ktb it Onmlm , Neb , Coal ancf Lime. . Pres. C. F. J. A. SUNUieiiLAKD , Hoc. nnd Treai. OMAHA COAL , COKE dJ LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. 3M South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb. J. ,1. JOHNSON Jt CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime. And Shipper ! of Coal aocl Coke , Cement. Planter , IJine , Hair. Hr Brick , Drain , Til * nnd Ftwerl'lpe. Office , Paxtou noi l. Faraiim it. , Umtha , Neb. Telephone 811. Confectionery. ManufacturingConfcctionora , Jobbers of Frutls.Nnts nnd Clears. 1211 Karnam SU Oiunbit. Cigars and Tobacco. "MAX MEY Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco , Guns end Ammunition , 913 lo M R. llth si. , 1030 to lo : Fnrnnm t. , OmahaN b. WEST < 0 FR1THCHER , Mnnufacttircrs of Fine Cigars , And ITbolciale Dealers ID Leaf Tobaccos , Noi.105 ana 110 N. 'iUli street , Omulm. Dry Goods. M. E MUTir V CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions IIW anil 1104 D'JutbM'or. llth St. , Otnntin , Neb. Distillers. _ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Distiller ! of Minors. Alcohol nnd Fplrlti. Importer ! ana Jobbersul Wliunkn.l l.l-uom. ) WILLO W SPRINGS DISTILLS' CO. and JLER cO CO. , Importers and Jobbcirof Fine Vi'lnes and I.lqrtora. bolom nut clurrr.i nf Krnnedjr's Uiit India Bit- K'rian't DoTju'lo I Iquort. lll'l llirr.cjSt. Drain Tito , Ett. , A. n.BAUSHPr"i. J.W.lltDronD.Soc.iTrans it. J. CAHSOX , v.l'ros. mid Kupt. THE UNION HYDRAULIC DRAIN TILE CO. , Offlco 213 S. Ktb it. , Omahn , Neb. Machinery and Bupplle for Manufacturing Cumcnt Drain Tile. , I ) . H. II vu limn r.'TMii.tqni'n 117 . Vloo-I'rn OMAHA ELEVATOR and GRAIN COMPANY , Jobbers and Storors ol Grain. hlpmoiui ' . i t . ij > : i _ gimrniilroil. OinhHii J\oli. furniture. Wholesnlo Dealers in Furniture. Farnam St. . Omaha. Neb. . CHAHLUS Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery , lllrrcri , tc. JWW , 1103 and 171C farnarn it. , Oman * . Omaha Jobbers' ' Directory. Groceries , fTALLAGTfER C CO.\ \ Wholrsalo ( troccrics and Provisions ! Nor. tYi.TOT ( , 'C * and711 ff. 10th St. Omaha. Nsb. JUcCOltD , Jt.UADl' C CO. , Wholesale Grocers , | l.'ln anil LeftTenwertli KH.Oraihu. , Hardware. w. , r. Heavy Hardware , Iron nnd Stfel , lDfiTAtnn Stork , Hardware Lumber , etc. 1901 and 1211 llarucj M. , Omaha. EDNEY A GIUHON , Wholesale Iron nnd Steel , ) Wngon and CarrUno Wood Block , Hear ; Itardwar * I'lc. I.'U and 121V t.tat cnworlti it , , omnhii , Nrb , MILTOTf RlHlKliS tf- SONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , i Mantlci , Crates , llrun Coodn. 1 , 1 and ITJJ farcaaV Mreot. Iron Works. 2'AXTON 46 YlEItLlNU Iron Works , ' _ -t anil Ca t Iron nultillnR Work. Iron Stair * HnllinK , nennia nntl tilnlern , Strain Knitlnrs , llrais Work , tii m > rnl foumlr.r , Mnchlno ami HlarksiullQ Work. , I' . Hy ml I71h lu'f 1. K. 11. MrMA.NU" . 0. SDU.IVAN. OMAHA WIRE tPIRON WORKSt Manuf.icliirers of ire and Iron linillnir.-j , Desk Hailn , \Vlni1n\T ( iunrn > . I'limcr HlnmK Wlro Slam. Ute 12J.N. U'lh. Outers liy mall nromiill * attendedt . Lumber. OMAHA f.UMBER CO. , De.llO' . All Kludnof * Huiltlinsr Miilerinl at Wltolcsaln. 18th atreetand Union t'ncIHe Track , Omuha. LOUIS BRA DFORTT " Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Limp , Sash , Ioor-Jilc. VarJi-ComcrTlh and lou 'ln | Curnef Vlh and lloiulns. CHICAGO LUMBER CO. , Wholesale Lumber , 11 S.l thutrpotOninbiNeb. l-.C'olpcttcr. Managerj C. N7 D1ETX , Lumber. loth and rallfornla Ptrects. Oroann , Nrb. ' FRED W. GRAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Kto. Cc/r.Cthand Douglas sts. , Oinubu.No'j. > . . _ . _ * - - UOAGLAND , Lumber. T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. Office , 1403 Farrtsm street , Omaba. CHAS. It. LEE , Itardwood Lumber , Wood Carpets and rnrncrt Flooring. Vtli and DottfllA Dunlin. < " JOHN A. WA KEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Htc. Imported nnrt American Porttind Cement. Btat4 | Avent lorMtlwaukce llf.lraullc Ciiuiontand Dest ( JulncyYallul.lniB. . Live Stock. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Onmlm. Mmltod. John F. Bord , S'lpgrlntonflint. Live Stock Commission. M. BURKE tt ) .S'OjVST , Live Stock Commission. Geo. Ituikp , Itanaxor nnlon Stock Yarda. . Omaha. Telephone M3. SA VAGE C G'REEN ' , Live StocH Commission McrjeJuuits , Ehlpmontj of any nnd all kinds of Block iollolt 4U Union 8toc Vardp.0n.nha. Nqb. Millinery and Notions. I. OBERFELDER C CO. , Importer ! ) and Jobbirs of ' . 'J Millinery and Notions , 1J1" and 1215 Ilarnej St. pet , Omaha. Neb. Hotions. Wholcialo Dcnlcis In Notions nnd Furnishing Goods , 40.1 and 405 B. Tenth HI , Omaha. Overalls. CANFIELD MANUFACTURING * COMPANY , Jlanufacturers of Ovcrallg , ( leans I'ants , bblrts , Ktc. HOT and 1101 Douglas Street. Omaha , li. Paper Boxes , T. L. WILK1E , Manufacturer of Paper Boxes , B.Uth at. , Omiina , K4Urujk . Order ! b ? malli * I lolled and wlllretflTaprampt atMntlon. it Printing. KEES PRINTING COMPANY Job Printers , Blank Book Makers. And Hook Hinders. 10 > and 108 Foutli KuurtocnUk street. Omaha , Neb. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNIO1U Auxiliary Publishers. Dealers In Typo , Pro Jim and Printers' Supplies. 6M South Twelfth Street. Pun s. BROWNELL A CO. , Manufacturers and Dcnlcr * In tiffin cs , Hollers & General Machinery. Bhoct Irou work , Htoam Puni | .Siir Mllli , Acm Miaftlnit , Dodge Wood split Pullers , lleltlnir , etc. Alro wagons , rcrapcri.und baletlcs. l.'l. > UuL k > rcnworih st. Omaha RECTOR cC WILHELMY CG.f . ' Wholesale Hardware. Wottern ngents frr JclTerion Pipcl Nnlls , Auatl * Ponder Co , Kalrbankt ftnndard Scales. Coiuir Kith uud llarnur. ( imalin. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , nd ater Runptles. llondninitcr * fir Mmt ls. 1111 larnjm n. . ointilu. Neb. U. S. WIND ENGINE and PUSH * ' COMPANY. [ Talladay Wind Ullisi rtoam uud Wktor ( J'luinbmi ! Uooili. Helling. HCKI1'IB nnil IC'J luf uau t.Jualik. a. K. Kclton , MnuuKcr. t Telephone No. 210. A. L. STJtA NG CO. , Turaps , Pipes anil Knpiiics. Steam. Water , Itallwar nnd Mlllliik' titip l.ts. Kltt MO , KKard VU I'arnaui et.nmlii. .NOl. . Safes , Etc. P. BOYER ,0 CO. , Agents for Hull's Snfo & Lock Co.s' Flro and linn ! ur Proof S f . Time IxicV , Vault ! .nndJiiil Worn. lt ) utruut nmnlm , r.eb. G. ANDREEN , Omalin Snlo Works. llnnufiicturrrtot Fire nnd DarKlarrroofSnrfs , Vnull Uoom.Juil Wurk.tibutieri uud V.lreort. . Cor. lull nnd Jackson His. . Omnb , Nuo , - Sash , Doors , Etc. AT. A. DIMROWA CO. , Wlicluialo McnafarturfiJ of Sash , Doors , HHntls and Jlottlilinjrs , mancb ( iSfn.inti and Iittd ttt.luaabayt'j , BO JIN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blind * , Uonld'jik.'rStKtrWorkond ' InteriorIlnnl Wood Klnlsh Ju.t op ntU. h' . K. cor. Pili nd Lcaicnwurtb bw- i. Neb ,