Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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I . S . : , T1I OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , APltIt1S1887. ' : .
A Woman of the Town Make8 Serious
Charges Against a Special Policeman.
. A 131z Beef ( jtltrnot-In the Arenu of
Iitartis a Grip-Other
A 'ery Serious Untrge.
I Lizzie Myor , a woman who kCC1) )
I hotio of Ill repute at 10 ? North NIttIi
Btrcet , has maIo ( a serious chtrge : against
, ( Jeorgo liruec , a SPCCktl policeman and
binok watchtntn. : 1'Lto 1.yers svoiutn :
asserts thtL : lirtice piakes a living by ns
ssiiig the fuI1or WOX1IOfl v1io live on
, : Nintli nini Iciitti trccts iiortli of Jew
Ja , $1 a week cacti , for watching tlitiir
. houses. To this assessnient siw says she
Would not object If Ikuco paid any audi.
thou to his duty. She cIunii , however ,
that firtice is : thmot eoiisttitIy iii her
house. where there k girl with whoni
he npieat to ho smitten. She says that
lie col1IO3 iii almost every iiight at nitI.
night atitt sometimes earlier and stays
until iorn1ng. As a stirnie of the iiinri-
nor In which hiritce performs his duty the
woman cites the fact that ho was In her
house In beth one tiighit last week when
oII1cono caine atid kicked the front door
doivii. 'Ihe block witehinan : took the
(1dlrCIatiOfl ) ( coolhy nail did not even
: gct out of bed to see what was being
Ioiio , much less to catchi the man svhio
$ kiCkC(1 the door in. Thin Myers woman
alleges that Bruce wanted her to give
Inni a key to the back door of the house
so he could visit his inninorata at his
pleasure. She refused to do this and
asserts that lie now gains admissioii to
. the room of his lady love through a back
. I vindow. Thu woman sa's that this state
of aibtirs has eXiStUl for some tune , but
she hits IcwI afraid to report ( he fact to
the marshal lest Bruce iiiight abuse her
. ; . for so doing. 'rho woman is a green
¶ . German girl who ( toes not seem capable
of coucocting a story like that she tells
on Bruce. Moreover , her story is pretty
3 well substantiated by residents of Ninth
I' ' street nut ! even by members of the plice
, .
somewhat with
force who are acquahited
Bruce's habits.
* 1darshinl Ciiinniiiigs is highly indignant
over the matter , inul asserts that lie svlLl
take stops to have lIrucu released if the
tl charges of the Myers woman are proven.
; j Itruce has a wife iviio is lying seriously
. . " ilh itt his home iiear lltscalt's : lak. ) l'iio
y. charges against bun will be investigated.
iy The Presbyterian General dtsoiub1y
to 1)0 ) 11oII In Oiiiata Next Month.
; One of the niost imlortant rncetiiigs
over hold west of the Mississippi river
will be the I'resb.yterian general asseni
; , .iy of the Uiiited States which will be
held iii Omaha commencing Tlay it ) and
; . continuing until May 30. The last meet
* ! j lag was held at Minneaplis a year ago ,
' ' at whiehi ( hue Omaha sas almost unan
! i imously chosen as the plapo for the hold
l lug of the coming assombly. At that
tpe ? the following c2inmittc was ap.
JoIfltCi to nrt'ngo f Fthc 'omin meet.
lug : Revs. Sexton , \T llarsha , W.
. J. Ilarslia , lloyd , henderson , 1Itll : ,
Sehaiblo and \Vilson1 of Omaha ; Baird ,
of Plztttsmouthi ; Curts , of Lincoln ;
Braden , of Fremont , and Prof. hitch-
q cock , of the state university. The lay
% l members of the committee arc : T. A.
51 Creigh , J. L. Vclshans , P. I. Venue , 0.
11. Ilallou 0. F. Utvis , S. iildjpg
and ( leo. k Crosby , o ( Imaha ; Manley
? l Rogers , of Freniout , and J. it. Clark , of
The lroposition mIilO by Omaha's ro
; ti resontativcs at the last general a.ssoinb
was to furnish a suitable place for the hol
gt lug of the meetings of the assembly and
the ontertainnient ot a certain number of
the commissioners as the ( lolegates are
ealled. The local committee
b has been very actively engaged
in the work of preparieg for this
inoctitig. Thin exposition building has
. been secured for the meeting of ( lie assembly -
sombly , and Steps taken to provide for
. the accommodation of as many of the
visitors its possible. There arc 275 pre-
. bytories in the United States , cacti of
, 'which is entitled to a representation of
two in the assembly. The meeting wilt
attract a large number of ministers and
members of the denomination from all
parts of the country. The comniitto cx-
pects that at least ono thousand visitors
will be in the city during tim meeting of
the assembly. As the meeting will last
' over tell days it wilt give the visitors an
excellent oppqrtunlty of becoming ac-
I quainted with Omaha and the great
btato of Nebraska. and the committee
_ i will make a stiecial ofiort to induce the
: } . citizens to give to the meeting the attention -
tion that it ( lesorves.
YcMtortIay's flaltGanie - The Now
Grounth-Tho League Game.
i About 500 lovers of the national game
sat shivering iii the grand stand itt the
IleiY grounds of the Omaha association
yllstertay afternoon and witnessed a
game between the Omaha club and thic
old Union Pacific nine. There was tic
satisfaction in the game for either thic
players or the spectators on account elI
I the cold.
Salisbury and Bandlo formed the battery -
tory for the Union l'acihics and playe
with considerable of their alit time spirit
t Coodenought Pitched a fairly strong gam (
for the Oiualiaa cud was caught by lcroh
lncyei _ . The game was devoid of anj
special features iunt resulted as follows
, UnIon l'acllcs. . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 4 0 8-
Omahias. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 0 5 1 0 2-b
vita Na ( IROUNIS.
'l'hio Omaha association has reason t
be prout ( of their new grounds. The
arc vcll located and almir&LbIy & arranged
The grand stand has a scatilig capocit
of 1MO , ) , with poii seats at either 0(1(1 ( 101
as many lucre. Entrance is atlected a
the centre of tha grand stand , making i
ninehi niore convenient than the oh
stand for the spectators , both in reachini
azid leaving their seats. Tue grand stam
and all of ( lie seats arc protected Iron
the groiuuls by a high railing so thin
folio but llayers arc allowed on tb
grounds. A section of the grand statu
hits been set aside for the lathes and an
other sUlPtiet With tables for the representatives
sontatives of the press. The grounds ar
level and roomy anti altogether ( lie hues
. In ( lie west. Carriage ways have beet
provilet ( ( itt both the cast and west slde
- of the i grounds. A refroshimen
counter at the grand stand en
trance is also a convenient icatur
that will doubtless be appreciated by tti
patrons of the gaino. hue street Ca
couiipany has dociuled to place thit'ir lure
table on l1ako street , just opposite th
grountis , so that they vthl ho accessibl
by both the rod and green car hues.
Tue Omaha clubIlt open the china
1)IOUsiiip scutson on l riday in a gaul
with thin Lincolus. There will be ganic
On Ftidiy , Saturday and Sunday. Day
Rowe. the manager of the I4iiicohuis , lie
just returned fronu the cast , and cmliii
to have p. team of iuuts. 1'hio Omuhi
leant will be in gooti condition to.mec
tbcin. They iylU biyu , ettt forenoon au
- , . 1
- . , -
. -
afternoon practice this week , in order to
get In shape. hlouseiiiaii Is showing up
veht in the iultchters box , aunt Is xpccted
to (10 501110 of his old-tune work wheul the
scasoui fairly opens. All of the inca are
doing hinely.
Ti11 OMAhA CI.tii itAQtETaD.
The Des Moines Leader of Satflrlay (
contains the following account of it ie
( , eitiOiI tendered ( lie tmruhin team In Des
Moines on Friday evening lutt :
'Flue Onialia tiaso bait nine , a most thou ouighi
coinbl ii at tOil 1) ) f g ( Ii tie mdl , SYCS ii an (15(1 ( iuieiy
eiitertahild last cvnhng by the Itro ( lepalt-
hid-it. IkhiCu'h2iiC that the bOYS liat 1101 received -
ceived ( tutu fltteflthOtl ( lute theni , niat anxious
to sttstaiuu thin rciitittttoii of les dolnes as a
royal entertainer , Chile ! lirani .Johiuson As-
istniit Chief l'ike l4vnchi attil others ( i thin
departtticnt , huiviteil Mossrs. lwyer , hatter ,
\Vahsii aunt others nt the Omaha teatil , to ite-
Ce lit ti I (3 ( hnspl tel I tIes ( if I hi ii Ii tie boys , liii Iii-
vhtatioii which sins htOlitPtlY ) nCCehtCl. ) Ott
reaching headquarters the Oiiiaiia geiitie-
iiieii-aiitl thitt ; they are genial and
tltatii t ienthtttt'ti iuhlt not for a tao-
mdi t be ttiiuibtect-wcro entettahtued by
iiiuie by Mr. Sprangler , Mr. Climbs
( Jiessy and Mr. Itrain Johitisoti , while l'tke
Lynch. lion. lmtn ( hithirlo tund several others
regaled tlnnu y h t Ii bri e f bu t aol it ttii nit-
( I ICSSUM 0 Ii I lie si ii ( U I ii ess o C PE1iht ibi thou.
lwyer auth blarter. lii a imbue address , nit-
n eli aced hid r CO ti ictboui a an 0 tim cmi a a it
there ptonilscd to give their Inliumeumee amid
peisnunt entleavors to reform Oimiabia trout
( lie triers ( if its uvay , at the saute iliac pledg-
lug thtduiisehvi9 to tCutl l'bercc back In mu box
In thu itycrut ( If attumnpthiig ( to t'n force the PtO-
hmlbltiiry law Iii Oumisita. 'aisii , l1eaie sitU
hiarter assisteit the boys bit inalciutg time oven-
lag PtCaStttatlU ) to au extent unexutcted.
' [ 'ittut Omuahia vmts treated royalty and enter-
taiumed mis gentbcumtui , cannot be gaiiiaycd ,
sluice Chief Uailaghir's recouiuuuidnilttion goon
ii long way with Jotunson ann Iyticbi. icr
thitty ere eucits ( it his at otto tints atut to.
ceivemi the best of tre.ittiient. Tbmn Intellect-
nat effort ( it Manager Dan Guthitlo was In
( liii 1111(1St ( Of Its 0I0t3' 'Vhdl the tobebihioulo
rmiuig , mttit itli otto accord Ornabmmu aumd 1)cs
MoInes faded away to the court itoiie , where
a lire was rmtghiisr Iii the shiemill's otilce.
Oiiiahmt niny be defeated by Des Moines , but
time fact reuuiahuis that a iuuore cuitcutmulnlng but
of boys or iuinregtitnl couiipatilons that time
Nebraska nIne bias seltouui Laeti nS'iiChiitCI )
tecethmer. IMmi hug time evening huh Scott miiid
Linde Murphy made addresses , bitt as lire
escapci bait been kitidly titruished ito one
peralhied dtmrin ( lie delivery. Swmft , binder
and Itotirke will bti ciliertainPt by ( lie flue
department this evening , whtlo Itourke ,
Valsti mind the balance of the club wIll be
permItted to watch the llOCCSSIofl ) ) iS5 In
Michael MeTighe was In attendance and
assIsted niatorlally In the outtertatuitimetit , anti
as Mike expects to rentovo soon to Otmishma ,
the Le.uber iecotnuiiends him to tim bcst
wishes anti to ntoMt aree.tbie comirtesbes of
the enturprIlnic cttliotis of ( limit brillIant
cIty with a buIldIng boomu andasplendld ball
Yesterday's issue of tue Des tboines
Leader contains time following : Manager
Bryttit , of the Dc 1oiiies ball club. svts :
taken suddenly ill lust cvenin wIth a
bad heniorrhmugo of the lungs , t mubout
11 o'clock his case assumed such a serious
aspect as to warrant mu council of several
physicians. it vilt be remembered that
l'tir. Bryan hunt a serious tune witi bile
lungs once before title season , and this
; iresttnt 01113 Was brought on by his beiuig
hit in the back by it ball froui the hitch-
er's hands last we'k. lie has been spitting -
ting Imlooct ever since being hit , but had
kept tim fuict to hin.iself.
lie WantN a Gymnashutnu.
OrAurA , April 10.-To the Editor of ttuo
Ilan : For a long time .1 have lived in
Ontaha , and ( ho longer I live hero , the
more I marvel that a city as large as
Oniahin hias not one single gyxiunasium
where the thousands of bier peole can
develop the phYsical energies bestowed
by God on mutti. Why , year after year ,
the men of the present ago are degeiier.
! .ting b yO anti more , mut , in iumtny
cases , if it cauuieto a test of strength ,
they would be ousted by the so-called
gentler sex. Ajd yetLtjiI grc city of
1)0,000 ) iijjiabttht nTiot bohIst of a sill-
gb hegitinate ( tzyinnastum. Can you not
bring your ituflttni ttflI ( hint of the press
to bear in forming gymnasium with
some of the responsible men of Oniahta to
encotirago It ? If von can do so you vitl
confer a great benehit an thue people of
Mr. Joan Hanrels' Succcmtsfuil Benefit
at Boyd's.
The largest audience which has attended -
tended any of the German performances
at hloyl's ( , this season , greeted Mr.
hianreis at his bandit last nigltt. And
yet it was i4o larger titan the gentleman
( lescrved. At the same time It wa a
serving tribute to a gentleman who has
been a credit to the German stage. It
CoiiipriSCt ( ( lie lending Germans of the
city , anti ti largo number of them was
aceoinpmtnicd by many of thiometubers of
their families.
Mr. Baureis opened his second season
hero nearly a year ago. Since that time
lie has been manager of tue German
Comedy company , and at times himis taken
leading charactersin the pieces produced
whulo at all limes ho hitis lent willing assistance
sistanco when it was others time to np
pear in the lead. Tue success of ( lilt
season , from an artistic stauuti point , sue !
as it has been , has been buirgeli
duo to Mr Ilaureis. Thmit this sue
cess has not been more pronounced
has been because of the lack of encour
agenie)1t which the cliterprise received
if there had becti a more liberal phtrou
ago , there had been a larger company , am
there had also beoui a number of noweu
faces in the caine. Under the circuni
stances Mr. hlaureis has ( lone tubi thia
COtlIl have been expected of him. Iiii
fact line boon well appreciated , and let
to the ovation lust evening.
Mr. ilaureis was warmly received wbier
lie appeared , and was immediately callm
f to the foot-lights to receive a massivi
ilorat tribute , in the recesses of which reposed
posed two bottles of chucunpagno and
package containing fifty dollars in bud :
notes of ( Ito crispest kind. These wer
tim gift of a few of his intlinato friends.
The lhutY was "Funnily homer , ' ' pro
cluced lucre for the first time , raid kept ( Ii
people In excellent humor throughout.
r Next Sunday Mr. Ulig will receive
T -
11cr hair was eliot with gold , anti sb
wits ongmtgeI ( to a young mmiii from Mmt
) COUPII1 County ; they iiiet by appointmcn
? flt the door and lie exclaimed : "hhutlic
I ready ? " tint she nilsuiitterstood hint
f and they don't speak now. Young man
r YU tire vise you will send her a box a
t Kirk's "Juvenile" Toilet Soap.
_ _ _
, A'Iong Show Circuit.
A. Y. Pearson , of Deadwood , leaves to
home to-duty. Ho has concluded arrangements
rangomonts for one of the largest shio
circuits In the western country. lie ha
rented every hall and theater on ( tie ha
. of the Frcmont , Elkhorn & MIssouri Va
hey iallroad. from tItus city to Deadwooti
a tuid atso to Douglas , in WyomIng. lii
t coinpttnies will coninunco playing i
about a month.
The South Omaha Land company hay
. appointea C. E. Mayuio solo agent for th
0 nle of tlieirlots. Ho will show the prot
( I ci ty tuiitt furnish alt desIred Informathoi
r tiPOft application.
L- LSiguicdY.A. . PAxroN , President.
0 Currant 1xpenses
Iui a western city uccently thieve ivr
Picked tip iii the street tb pass-book , I
i. vhiIchi a laborer kept his account of cut
C rent expenseL For two 'eeks the Iteti
s amounted to lO.G0 , of WI icit $1.35 Wi
(3 for whisky , beer and "drinks. " Out C
$ lifty-nino . cnttics thirty-two were Ic
Is llquioi11th had spent' for his mmii
a J.2U for hour , thirty.sevcn centd fc
mt herruni. thu nolitlug whatever for n :
d olutuyidtid. . ,
v. A. l'axton Wihlt4uipiily Steaks For
l'Itio Ilkign Agency.
lion. SV , A. l'a\ton has reccivett of-
fiehal notice ( lint lute bId for supplying
the huihians ( at l'luitu ItIdgo agency with
beef hmn been accepted. 'i'hic bids vero
opened by Commissioner Atkins on
'l'litirmnlny last. The bid of Mr. 1'mtxtou
wits neceited for supplying Pine Ridge
uigency with 4iO0,0OO 1)OtitldSof ) beef In the
hoof at 2.I3 per hiuturcti , or a total of
l3l,80. The cattle for title contract will
ba secured from Mr. i'nxton's western
ranches. The figure Is couishlcrcd mt very
good one mitt one ( hint will yield much
better profits thmtti would be obtninei by
smutping thic cattle to the eastern mar-
hieferring to the contract an old time
resldeiit nt Ontahia saul to mu reporter last
nightt 1iittttt thu way Mr. Paxtomi got
his start , in the beef contracting business
it was over twenty years ago lie was
working with .Jcssc Lacy ituid John tle-
Cou-tnick lit the grocery business. Lacy
and McCormick took Mr. I'axtomi Into a
leOf contract with thteiti ucid gave luini
Ide pay in cattle. iilr. Paxton kicked.
I Ic would tie leave have his pay in white
clephimunts. it was cattle or nothiing , however -
ever , anil Mr l'mtxton took the beeves.
lie turotiteul.Liy hius dual anti hlnmtlhy turiieh (
his entire ttttcuition to ( lie btmsiticss , aini
Seoul lund a fortune. ' '
A Strange Coluioluleuice.
Six of Otumuhimi's enterprising young
Inusimiess tuutiii happened to tnect at ( lie
sitiuic table at the St. Cloud Saturday.
One sai(1 , I bIOVO boughit tue a lot for mu
iiotiiu or hlmii-miny et. in hlriggs' Place.
Anothier saul , I am thehighited , you uvill
have inc for mu utoighibor ; I bought one
iii liriggs' out Faruimuni st. Another spoke
Iii ) flflI ( said three of mu k-iuid is good ; I will
be with you , only I selected maine thi
1)ouglas street iii the same aIIltion. ( By
Jove , said tIm fourth , uvili vouitkurs never
cease ; i'll be mu neighbor to all of you. I
got on Dodge et , $ ( ) if you nil go back
on iuic , I will be near the hionie for the
Friendless. By this time the table VmtS
in miii uproar ot laughter.VelI , boys ,
said the fifth , you intl see may donilcile
looniinir up on the hilt au Capitol avenue
In lirigge' l'lace ; Judge Ymiugliui is going
to build a line residence hear me.
said ( lie sixth , uviIi a waggmshi look and a
sigh I am glad to ace you boyn so well
( ; it really does inc pond. for I didn't
know just where 1 was going
to borrow my smoking to-
hacco , hut it Is mull plain to inc
now. I hope you boys will get nut tlieue
qtiick ; I syarit to invite you all to niy
hiouse.wnvtning. 1 tlon't know the iitiuii-
ber my Iioimsi will have , but it wilt be on
1)avenport st , in hiriggs' l'lace ; you can
all hind it.
Oruuishy Says l1 has Learned the GrIp
Olilcer Ornlsby says lie lies learned the
Odd Fellows' grin. Last night Ito observed -
served , tut a distance , a bartender of a
ledge street saloon take a utiuuui by ( lie
nape of tim neck and tue slack of tbw
trousers tout throw biin out , afterward
acceberatiuig the fellow's sudden ttepar-
( lire by kicking him two or three times.
Subsequently he met the man on ( lie
StrOit utitd told him ( a go home or lie
iVOtild arrest liluui for drimuikcuincss. Yeti
are either drunk or you mire uiot much of
:1 : tiiafl to let a bartender throw you out
of a llmiCC that uvay. Wimy ( tldfl't you
make a coinphtunt against butt for as-
snuhitig you ? " ' 'Oh ' , lie's a brother Odd
Fellow , " the nina suiivelcci , "ailL ( I ( lon't
vauit to nituke a eoniphmuimit agmiinst hiiiii. '
"lie gorrmu , it nitist have been ( lie grip
lie iu'mts giviuicr bUnt , ' ' smulut the olilcer alter-
ward ylicn telling the story.
Elegant residei1otsin Briggs' Place.
] ? aruiani at. car line svill build to Belt line
at once. Pmisscngor ( mute wilt run oit
Belt hi1ucj Jupe. A dephias .ben.1o-
cat d n riggs' Plnc. mq ate lioS-
3)CCt of cable line oti lOugiV s. o Belt
line. The sale In Brigge' 1 1 t titus been
unprecedented. If 3oit have nioney to
invest tund will consult your mmti mtii.tC
prco list , or go from my otuico am see
tItle Inobterty I kmiow the result. The
number of peotte buying for homes In
this addition Is retnmtrkablo. Special at-
( cation given to sale in hirigge' Place
I'totidtty , 'tuesday and Wtcdncsday of this
week. Let every cite who humus not e -
aniined it take a free ride munt see this
elegant property. C. E. MAYNE.
Lon LIng's Wasitee house Gutted by
Dutybiglit Burglars.
Tsvo negroes , named B. 'l'yler and
\Vin. McKee , were arrested while light-
lug in front 01 Lou lAng's laundry on
Tenth street between Douglas and Dodge
streets , yesterday muftorneon by Olilcer
McCarty. They wore taken to the police
L station , the oflicer accompanying the patrol -
trol wagon for tim purpose of niaking the
L cliarivo ' agaluist them , as lie hail been quite
roug'iIy used when iiiakiug the arrest ,
While ho was gone the laundry was cn
tered through the back door and was
fairly stripped of every piece of clean
clothing to be found in It , over $20C
worth being taken. The thoorwasopened
by a piece betii ' cut of the
panel with a chisel' and the thulci
( lien reaching in and supping the bolt ,
'rho Chinese occupants of the ltousc
were all away , as they stated , at Snda3
u school. There was a scene of the great-
L eat excitement when they returned and
discovered ( ho burglary. The air was
t blue with mingled Cliimicse and EnglishI
S profanity , atid thie teachings of the Sun
day school uvero ovidentb.y for time time
being lost sight of.
' 1'huo clothing consisted principally of
ladies' untlerwear , and of the more expensiVe -
) pensiVe kind , as it ivmts ( Ito prolertv ) to r
great extent of the "fancy' who live it
It that portion of ( lie city.
It is believed by the polIce that the fighi
a between tIn , two uiegu'oes was it sImm am
a lmtrt of the game to get ( lie oflicer ot
the beat away for mu time. 'rite colorc
0 hmtugors'on around a saloon across tin
alloy from ( lie laundry are suspuclotied o
a knowing a good deal about it , its it i
dumemned iniprobable ( limit so miiniiy clotbic
Cotttt have been taken away from tIn
13 laundry without some of the saloon CO
t pie knowing It.
"Fronohy" Released.
' L. It. hiakerbetter knowui as "I"renehiy'
k who s'as nrrestet by Officer Oriusby oi
Friday asasusplolouseltaracter mind lincu
50 and costs by Judge Stenberg , has nab
hIs line and is at liberty. The gambhin
r fraternity are indignant at the sumtnar
manner In which " } 'renchiy" has beeu
V dealt syitlu by the authorities on severa
S occasions. They chain that he has no
0 done any crooked work In Omaha ani
I0k upon his prosecution as mu persecu
hi tiou.
Deputy Marshal Mclonabd Is ol1 dut ,
on account of a severe illness.
0 Sargenuit Mntza of the police force I
( .1 still lying quite Iii at his tionic on Thu
tcuntli street. lie has been confined
hIs bed for uiearly two utomiths with ( t3'm
pepsin and a fever and is now very lou
Orow a Prize.
Charles Mmtrcs , the accominodmitin
ts Union Pacltio passenger director , tie
ii drawn a iiniltsomo prlzjm In the Louis
I- itna lottery , and couitemplatce rusmgnhn
us lila position to look after its Investncr
us In real estate--so the boys n the fichic
) f say. Hum is receiving the congralulatlon
oX numerous Iriends.
, P. McMuhleu , czittlc owner of Lyon'
it Nob. , Is in .tho city aulllng two huadrc
IMtouod bovoi. . :
- . . , . . . , - - - - . . -
St.i.htmuiahns' Officers.
At the uuuunuial fleeting of St. hiturnuuhias'
parish the followtng fl1cerui svero elected
for the ensuing yemur : George F. l4nbaghu ,
senior warden ; Samuel 1J. Rhieeiui , Itinior
warden ; Robert Easson. ( . 11. ha\lulge \ ,
, r _ v. Van Nostrand , A.V. . Nason. Jolt11
ilaywarh , 'I'hiomas Seward , J osephu
\'eeks. vestrynien
R5YA lutt
Tluispowder nevervaric. A marvel oi
pUrmtystrength and whohesoutieness. forc
economic theta the ordinary kinds and
cannot be sold in cipetition wi'bi ' the inub-
titude of low test short weightalumn or
phosphate powders. ' Sold only 'a cans.
Royal Baktng Powder Co.,100Vall Street ,
New York.
ewtii Thread of Modern Timc.
Sold at ivhioiesnle by Kilpatrick Koch
Dry Goods Co : , M. E. Smith & Co. , and
by all retail dealers.
$3 SHOE (1 '
Jo J
. - . .
w. L.DUVLAt ' .
; ; - : -
TLh :
- hTIOE I'OTtI Vul um
iiiis ittovo am nI o Ii Unttcimi , Comgrts niui Lnee ,
nh too. Q1t . lkii ( Ito
nt3t p5 cy .OOo ( mi tiiomigiiotit
LI. S. I your leatiir tiot. not kcc-o titeiti , iii.i lianlo
on Inti ; % to V. 14. IOUtTtS ltinclttiiii , Mass.
-ut Ins conlo to
RU , kitowieilttii that otiiio
iiuiscruiptiioii ctesh'rii mire otTertit , oilier gooitn its
miie ioU askt'i , wily iiiy stamp ( a miot oil ( hit
* iiois , titn tiat I Stave ittscniithiiiieti Its use. Til I
IM 1tLsiL. Take iionn represcntcti to bit ttiu
. . \v. L. lottits Sioes , ' uititeis iliLillO. Tft1raiitC , ,
anti prien art. stiiTfll'iI (0 % iiottiiii iii caciz
rime. V. L 1)OUGLAS , Itriektoii , Mass.
Foi' sale by ICelley , Stiger & Co. , cor.
Dodge amid 15th-ste. ; lieiiry Sargent ,
cor. Seward and Saunders ste.
1887 SprIng Yalley Stock Farm. 18S7
George Wilkes 519. Record 2:22. :
! .hoaaum-etl tiy u:2O : , tlio 2:2. : timid the uiI : : ) stmtnl
ant ; wu the greatest that ever bived. Itmuving
, now 53 aouiS fluid dauubtcrs In the 8:3) : lIst down
to2i4' : .
The only son of George WIlkes In tbo State ot
34i Black Wilkes 3541 Standard.
Stred by George \S'Iikes rile ; 1st dam Fiiuriy
belt. stred by Couifoctorato duet , own brother
, to Voodford Chiel' , : ; maid daumu itysdyk'
flainbtetontitn. Wilt stand for mares at time
- above farm at IIJ time scmtsoui , cash time ot scr-
vIce , wIth privIlege ot return should mat-es n.t
urovo In foal. LimIted to 20 inmtroiicstdo my
I own. Seasomi Commemices Feb. 1st unit Onus
August ltbSST. For further parttcuiitrs scud
for cbrcu art ,
P Bflr. Sncdtket'fl motbeui. No operation : No Pmutnm
, No iletontion froni butn055. Adaiitei to children
L iweli a grOwil ltundred of aimtorapS
1514 0:1 : ills , Alt I , iil 110)3 .tr IcOy C , , mitidea
I ttel. CONSIJLTA'rIoN yiua.
I . IItoI. v. COOK ,
I 0,151.1 Douglas St. , Onmha , Neb ,
To Busluoss MCII.
A vromiuicuit Now York Mmuiufactiirliig Corn-
4 pany , wIth iiui estabimshou and hIghly relmiulmer-
atlvo busIness ( prileticaity it inoimopoly ) largely
pmitroiiiieti by 3ierctiunts , tituuibers , Corpora-
tinius , minti the general public , uleslu-es cii actIve
) ant i-espoiistbte representative in eu-cry state
S or city. 100 lOr Couit upon ilmmittoil Investment
S guaranteed. Several States already umlcr con.
C tract. Address ,
7t1 HR.tI'AV ,
, % cv York City.
IffiporterS , Prices
, . ,
For our Spring Overcoats will be coflfirmed by everybody whp ,
has bought one from us last week , viz : TJAT THEY ARE
. . 'I
bargains we are ofI'ering are of so extraordinary a oharaote
that the mere mention of prices or reductions is entirely inSuf' '
ficient to convoy any correct impression of the values we pro. ,
sent5 The goods are all of this season's production an& ara
models of excellence in fit and style. Come anti see thorn.
We have again replenishoti our stock of Spring Suits by
several new intoices received duiug the past few days , an4
call particular attention to one line of beautiful Cheviots in 2 1
colorsu.-grev anti brown.-which we offer at $8.90 per suit , fully
worth $14.00.
We regret our inability to wait on all those who visited oiw
store last Saturday and invite them to call again. We have ju. )
creased our force of salesmen and. are flOW better prepared foi
a rush.
All goods marked in plain figures and at one price.
Nebraska Clothing Company ,
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
Chronic & $ urgical Fiseace
lYioPflFlAF1Y , Proptotot- ! .
Sicteon ycar' iluisItitat nail 1'rtyato i'rscUcs
Wa tiavo the factltttes , r.pI'arattm ' , anti remedies
tar the iaccessfui treatment of every form of dl. .
ne rcqutrtmm eIther medIcal or .iirglcab treatmeet ,
lad Invite II to caine and lmmvtsthgutu for ttmeinuelvm
'it c3rre.poud uItlt a. . Long eiierIemice Iii treat.
Intl cases by letter cnnbtei its to treat many case.
accntI5cau1y wIthout sectnr them
WIUTII FOR C111OIJLMt ott Deformities and
Iircc. , Ctmib Feet. Cmmrvature. of the Spine
DICSAC ( IF WOMIiN t'tlee , 'rumor. , Csucor ,
Cittaith , Bronchttl. . inhatatton , Eluctrtclty , Permit.
yets , Epilepsy , Kidney , Jys , Ear , SkIn , Blood and
au .ur-'tcai opcratlone.
ilatterie. , I oheier , , Braces , , an
u kIutpftej1icttitd SurlciiI Appttauccs , man
Imacturettfiid for ml ; ,
- - , -ml 051 rbllatk isttdicai insttute : making
Private , pocIa1 tthrvous iliseases
-e ' . . . A 6l'CIAi.TY. . .
( rota whatever retina prodmtceul , .ncccssfnily tremitciL
We cen reoio Sy1iitiitto poison froni the .ystszo
without imtsrcimry.
Nov restnrnttvetrcatment for lone of 'vital towrr.
Cntb antI cuilhinit U. Ot semiS name and liost-omec
ivldm-esn-ptatniy written-enctomie stamp , mind vvo
istil send you in pImile wrsp icr , our
ere ( A UIVATS , 81'zczAi. nI , r4EnvouJe DmsuuAiEs ,
ScsrMAr. WrAzNrs. , 5I-EitMAToiisuicx , 1a1PO2N.
CT , SYi'flhI.i14 , ( loNoRiuluiS , GLeE ? , VAIIICOCn ,
ilTIcICTUluiI , AND 4J.L iu5cLS ! or Tile Ggnrro-
URINAIIT OnsAit. , or tend history of jour care tor
an optimlon.
I'greons unable to visit us may be trentci at their
home. , bycorrcepondencc. . Medtclnc and Instru.
bunts .ent h snaIl or exire. ; . SECUt1LY 1'AC
El ) FROM OlhtititVATtON. no , iiamks to ndtcte
contemite or .oudcr. One icrsonal bntei-view pro-
ferreut it convenient. Fifty rooms for time a'
modntloii of tiattente. itoauti and attendanc at
reasonable pulece. Address pit Letter. to
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
0or. i3thSt. and CaeiteiAve. OMAHA. IIB.
! L4" ' kb
. : , - eJ &T >
ujl'r the Fifghest excellen-
etcu In aluijicli iit's # , comfort sand
fii. . ( fIIrUbiIttIl siiit ale the reigning
A farorltes lit ( ashlonableclrclcn.
Jt Ournancte J.6.T.COUSiNS ,
I ° sole. I NEW YORIS.
Carbolic Smoke Baj
Csn'es scieettiflcal1/specd1ly (1Iri ) ) CPIlUlILClltlU Catar , 1 , , Asthma , . .Broi-
C1iii (111(1 Tliioat Ajfcction.'t - , IIeIdaclw , Ca'oup , Cohi , Luny Diseases , jc. . C
C . , Physicians FaiI di '
4 _ : , OM.uiiANrn. Mar SisST
A Carimoito tnoto ilmilI CQ-
/ Oeimtlemmmon-t tice pleasure in
> iOCOImi titcuiti lug you r ii3flii' ,
I I time Cmrtioito , Smoite Iiuii , fot' I-
, - . - tiettovo It tmit9 $ Ai'D MY LIVE.
I himt-o beau I roublod icr ycara ;
. I .ii with what u-its couushiorcul to be
_ 2 t / Ito incmmrmitule CmiIuO of cittutmi.ji ,
( - . - , . : ' , bluve ticoil tmndcr treuttmeiit ofi
'c ; ,
/ Sovormut vciI knowms IhyIiCtiuflS
. - or Ouimha , but could receive n
benefIt from timeims. My condt-
S . . ' tiomicontiiiiieii to crow voreo ,
- . ( uiitll itt liust the ditease began
to iAT TililOtiflil TII MaM-
Ii 5iflANcOiTuIa sosi AN ! MOUTIC
, inakiui ttio tiroatli very owen-
- , live and causing sevorftl pIec
. . , . , otbeoayeil bone to come IIromtiI
. fly mouth. I hail given tip a t
1 hopesofever iscotviigit , onre ,
but decIded to try your ronieti
for ft re ici. I not only recolveil J
-1iL , relict but am Imappyto itutte hull
. I am nimot mit rely cured4
have hoonuslug , thu remeky1Om
- , about two iiioiitiis ; hay genera I
¶ - . . - health is much InmproVed imud
- am , uatltted time Swoiso ball will
entirely cure joe.
- - " - - - .
- Vcry res"y.
Is Its. 0. A. NnwMA ,
- Hen. Cor. 27th & Curnluig S
NOTfl-Thmis lady has many friends In 3mnha who wIll testify to hot condition befori
usuuig the Smoke flail.
To all callers at our office parlors fromu (1 ( a , in. to 8 p. m. One "Smoke Ball , " lasting
from one to three months , generally sutficient. Price $2.
Our " 1)cbclbator" package , unequalled as a blood purifier , which should be tiaed ut
Catarrhi uvhicmt there Is a dropping of muctuous matter in the throat , or stomach 4Icri
ders , and imu all cases of Asthma or hay Fever. l5rice $1. Unequalled as a cleiup
ofthe system. MAIL ORIERS receive careful and prompt attention. State h
cease and symptoms in writing. Smoke Balls sent on receipt ofprice , 2 , and 4 cents
in stamps. "Debellator" packages , i$1.
ROOflt 11. Cre1jhtoeu Bloc1 , 15th st. , Next to Posto/JIce , ( Jiza1ut , NcD.
.NotJot' sale by ( iI'ilfJJ18f14 , ClllV(8SC ) ' 0 5 t ti ( 11.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
The C. E.Mayne Real Estate andTrust Co
Property of every' description for ialo in aU parti of Ui. olt.V. Lands for uaIs
every county in Nebraska.
OtTittes ofDouglas county kept. bl.ips of the city state or county , or an ! oth dc.tred furnished free o charge upon application.
e.s. i3YMoNib ;
Watches , Diamoiuls , Pine Jewelry , Silverware
' ' ' . . specialty. Work 'dtarrantcch.
[ 'tic largest stock. l'ricc.s the lowest. RepaIring a
Corner Ioughas and 15th streets , Omaha. Licensed Watchmaker for the Union
Pacific Railroad Company.
- - -
$3OO $3.00 $3.00 $3.00
$3.00 - - - -
, , $3.00TWO ORPHANS $3.00.
Yankee Clothiers
. , $3.00
Pt do , Af JL Jiast year sold one thousand hail's of hlali' r4liio Pants : t 3. 1FhieY were
all ivoot anti vcll unatle , anti vc belIeve flint cvciy hbei'.suu uu'Iio got a
jiutIV of the punts , 'ci'e velh satIsfied with them , utiuub w'hcii they fhiitl
they caii gets them again tItle year , wilt ( iflhfS ( ) tut ( iiLO3 ttiit dehect a jalr.
No other itOtIsic hits thmcmn ui'm ttCl' ! ' % VCi'O fliautO iii OItI iSVlt factory in 3.00
$ 3.00 Maine , amul itiado lbr ciii' (11th ( I i . Irycu tilt ! iiot got a pair Iat sea-
Moth , 001110 ttt Ob1CC and
Select One Pair All Wool for $3.
$3.00 $300
Andrews Bros. , Yankee Clothiers ,
$3.00 . 111'3 Farnani Street.
. - . I'm
$3.99 , . . , , $3Io0
I. , : , , , . ,
- _ _ _
- - t - - -