Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Bloom Offers to Bet $50,000 , That May
Wheat Will Not Bo Oornered ,
The Nutnlinr or Cattle on Sutc Insiif-
llclcnt lo Make H Market
Acltvo and Hljjlior Gen
eral Quotation * .
CIIICAOO , April 10. [ Special Telegram to
the HER. ] Leopold Bloom offered to bet
this morning from 310,000 to S.10,000 that
tlu-re would bu no corner In May wheat. As
to makn a hot of this soil would bo re.tlly to
"tall on" nobody took the oiler. March op
erators who bellove In a May corner would
rather inalco their bets In the wheat pit by
purchases. Thcro they could limit their
loss , or even make a lu-dgo at the last mo-
nui i it. The proposition was called out bv a
sudden drop In tlio prtco of the May option
from BiXc to 8lc. Clique houses were very
licavy sellers of wheat yesterday , that Is cer
tain , A ereat many trades "rung up" this
mornlnc that hnvo boon opun for montlis.
The same houses were sellers at the
opening this morning. 'Ihcro were
HO many bear circumstances from
rain In the west to big sales by the clique ,
that tailors became uxclted and there was a
scramble to unload. But there have been
drops like that a good deal moro serious.
When they were all over clique houses had
more wheat than o\rr ami a firmer grip on
shorts , It was nut remarkable that the \vhtiat
pit to-day was n little relieved from the
tension of yesteiday. The fact that thrru
was not near as .sharp a demand tor May nt
BlJ c as there was yesterday at 8Go ld .not
convince the crowd that lhcllnuo ! , operations
were over. There ha\o been .shaking out
liroccKHt's hoforo that have swung the market
n good dual lower , yet when the CQUillhrlum
was recovered the cllquo was In
possession still and shorts in a
worse rather than In a better position.
It Is estimated that Irwln , Green A Co. , and
Field. Lindloy A Co. , during the last three
days have aggregated II.OOO.OOo bushels for
May , enough to have a temporary effect on
tht market , but not enough to at all change
the situation It cllquo holdings are anywhere
near as large as they are supposed to bo.
One remarkable feature of the past few days
has boon the steady buying by Kershaw &
Co. , while other clltjuo brokers were .soiling.
The week's operations have demonstrated
one thing to a certainty , the present bulls
In May are extending their operations into
Juno andJuly and even Ucntcuibcr. At 1
o'clock Mav wheat closed at8i ; < - May Corn
closed at ati.ij ! < . It was confidently expected
by corn shippers that the May option would
drop further before May 1. Receipts have
fallen off , but It Is now plain that there Is no
elevator room left. Urrelpts , it Is claimed ,
would bo larger If the Chicago , Burlington Sc
\ , Qulncy was not refusing to bring corn here.
CHICAGO , April 10. [ Special Telceram to
the HUE. ] CATTLE Of the small number of
cattle received some 3,000 were received by
dressed beef men from eastern buyers. The
number of cattle on sale , therefore , was not
sufficient to make a market quotation. The
trade of the day was limited and little or no
criterion of market values. From Tuesday
to Thursday , or from the high to the low part
of the week there was a decline ot about 25
© TOc. Friday the market was strong , fairly
Active , aud In some cases apart of the decline
Was regained. The market has lately been
dull and sluggish , partly on account of the
stagnant and depressed condition of the for
elgn markets. Shipping steers , 1,350 to lr 0
Ibs , 54 65 < a5 00 ; 1.000 to 1,350 Ibs. 54 35@4 55 ;
WO to 1,800 , 83 8004 20. Stackers , cows and
bulls and mixed , S3 00@3 00 ; bulk , S3 70
@ 3 10.
HOUR The martcet was active , with an up
turn of about a nickel on best heavy , some
selling as high as 55.95 @ 50.00 , with pack
ing sorts at 55.70@55.80 , and common at 55.40
ragS.OO. There was on improved demand for
light sorts , both on shipping and packing ac
count , and large numbers wont over. Sales
were matlo at 5.25(355.60 ( tor 140 to 160 Ib.
average , and 55.60 for 170 to 180 Ib. average ,
sick pigs selling at 54.75(855.10. ( .
NEW YortK , April 16. [ Special Telegram
to the BKK.J SXOCKB. The stock market
opened steady to firm this morning and the
earlier hours were dull aud uninteresting.
Jersey Central was again active , starting H
point under last night's close , then bieaklnx
1 % points , when It reacted. There was some
bear talk on St. Paul , with sellling by L. L.
White , Wormsor & Jones , HcCormlck &
Hrnnett , but It huld up fairly well , notwith
standing. Northern Pacific preferred opened
% point higher , and advanced % early In the
day , with London buying and Philadelphia
nolllng. The earnings of the Milwaukee ,
Lake Shore & Western showed an Increase
of 518,717 for the secoud week in April
Aside from Heading , which advanced aboui
S points under good buying , there was bill
little feature to the market all day. llllnoli
Central advanced IK points , presumably or
London buying. A reaction In Jersey Cen
tral carried It above the opening price , bul
the close was nt the starting point. The pen
ral list closed a llttlo better than the firs1
figures of the morning. The total sales wen
C23.000 shares.
GOVERNMUNTS Uovernmont bonds wen
dull out stoady.
U. S. C's 100 C. AN. W 119 *
\ \ . S.4'scoupon. 12'J do preferred..147
U. S. 4k.'s coup. . 110 YO.
.av , . H. A N
CanadaSouth'n. . 61JiO. T.
Central Pacific. . 2 Pacific Mall
Chicago & Alton. 145 P. , D. AK
do preferred..100 Pullman Pal.Car 152
C. , H. AQ 143 Ki-niiing
D. , L. & W 137 Itock Island. . .
D , AK.G. , 33 St L.A8. F. . .
do preferred. . .
do preferred. . . , 73' { C. , M.AStP. . .
Illinois Crmtral..lP,2J { do preferred.
I. , H. A W 20 St P. A Ode
K. A T do preferred.
LakoShoioi..i.i U\tf Texas Paeltio. . .
J , . AN 09 % Union Pacllie. . .
Michigan Cent'l. . m \Y..St LAP. . .
Mo. Pacific 107J < do pi of erred , ,
'X No. Pacific 2' ) > i W. U. Telegraph 70
lj ? do preferred. . . . 02
MONEY ON CALL Easy , at 4@6 per cent
closed at 4 per cent
STKHI.INO K.\THAN < IK Dull , steady ant
imcimnnoil at S4.(6 for sixty days , 54.87 to
Chtcneo , Apill W. Following quota
tlons are the 2itoclosing : figures ;
Flour Steady anil unchanged. Winto
whftUilour , S4.2..fM.)0 : ) ; Boutiiem , $4.10 ( 4.20
Wisconsin. S4.20&I.3U ; Michigan soft gprlni
wheat , 53.7tKR4.3U : Minnesota bakers. 53.71
( ft 4.30 ; patents , 84.50 ( < i4.bU ; low grades
l.wyyr- ; rye flour , quiet at $3.35013.40 ; U
arks and bauels. 53C43.70 ,
Wheat Killed Irrogularand lower ; openot
about name ns yesterday for Mav , and closm
{ tfelowtir ; cash , b3c ; May , 840-lCc ; June
bi S-lCc.
Corn Quiet aud steady , cloning Ma Uilov
ychtorday ; cash , 87 15-lCc ; May , 40 5-lOe
June. 10 5-litc.
Oats Dull and heavy ; QVc decline frou
yesterday's clo > , o ; cash , 27Jic ; May , Vi } '
June , 297-100.
Itjre Steady at. .
Harley Firm at
Timothy Scod-Primp , 51.67iaj.6H.
Flax Seed-Sl.tti.
Pork Dull and weak with no apprcclabli
change ; cash , 5U9.5Q ; May acd June , 520 , &
Lard Easier ; 5Q7KC lower ; cash , 57.30C
7.3.X | ; May , 57.3u'K7.85 ; June , 57.42W ( ,
Biilk Meats-Shoulders , S8.10tilO.25 ; shot
clear , 5-S.40ffi8.05 ; short ribs ,
Bultet VYeaker ; creamery , 1 24c ; dalrj
Cheese - SteaiJr } full cream cheddar * , luj
Jo ; tlals , 13H < 9isfo ; Young Aruarlcans , l
JllHc ; iklnn , 8ft'Jke. (
Kggs Firm at i2dUKc. (
Hide * W akcrhr vyirew : alted ,
lBt , 7ic ; salttU bull hides , Oc ; dry
10c ; dry flint. WdlSo ; dry calf , 13@14c ; deacons -
cons , 40o each.
Tallow Firmer ; No. 1 country , 4c ; No , 8 ,
3)ic ) ; cake , 4c.
HccolptShlpmpntt. .
Klour. bills . 7.00)
Wheat , bu . 4looa 7.000
Corn , bu . Cl.OOO ir.,000
Oats , bu . 00,000 BO.OOO
Hyi-.bu . - MOO
llarle } ' , bu . 11,000 5,000
New York. April 10. Wheat lie-
rel | > t < < , 'J1,4UO ; export ? , 7.IKX ) ; spot VQ o
lower , mid moderatuly active. Oiitions
oM3in'd ) n trillo hiKlicr , consequently declined
} < dic , closing \\lth a sllKlit lecovury ; mi-
Kiaitcd rL'd , lil'iMliOi c ; No.3 rod , 9l } s ; Nol -
l led , 97c ; No. a red , W > f@93p ; utoio and
elovntor , IMM'JIJfc ' , delivered ; Alay , closing
nt WJtfc.
Corn Spot , sliatlo. and options
low IT and tliill. clii.slne steady ;
lii/xw ; expert . ' ; ungraded , 4
.No. 'J , 5Uc In elevator ; May closing at
, .
Oats A trifle lower and dull ; receipts ,
21,000 ; expous.sou ; westuin , 3ji'J7c ( ; unite
western. : ( t < @i2c.
I'otroietiin Dull and ataady , closlnu' at
1'1'es ' Steady ; western , 12J/osiOc.
Pork Firm and quint.
Lard A tt Ille lower and very dull ; western
steam , spot , minted at S7.03&t7.W. (
Butter Oulet and wu.ik ; western , 10@23c.
Cheesu Firmer and qulut
Minneapolis , April 10. Wheat Unset
tled ; No. 1 hardcash , 70c-May.77 : ! c ; June ,
78J4C ; No. 1 northrin , cash , 75 } c ; May ,
7flcJuiio. ; 77' ' cjNo. 2northern , cash , 74c ;
May , 74 } ( ! ; Juno. 75ifc.
Klour-Flrmlv held ; patents , 54.25 ( 4.40 ;
b.ikers , $3.30 3.50.
Hecelnts-Whoal. 47,000 bu.
bhipmnnts Wheat,23,000 bu. ; Hour , 13,500
Cincinnati , April 10. Wheat Heavy
and lower : No. 2 red , b2@ 2K ( . ' .
Corn Dull and lower to sell ; No. 3 mixed ,
Oats-Dull and weaker ; No. 2 mixed ,
Kye-r.ood demand ; No. 2 , OSOOSe ,
Pork-Otilet nt S10.75.
I-ard Fair demand at 87.20.
Whisky Qulut util.l ! ) .
nillwntikor. April 1C. Wheat Firmer ;
cash. 78 o Mav , 70c : June , bO , ' c.
Corn HlKlier ; No. , SSJ e.
Oats Htrotmor ; No. a white , 33Kc.
Kyo Firmer ; No. 1. Gl e.
Harley Stronger ; No. a , 50c.
Piovlslous ( Julot ; poilc , teuacked , 815.50.
New Orleans , April 10. Market ijiilnt
and unchanged ; mixed , lUc ; jcllow and
white. Me.
St. Ijoulu , April 10. Wheat Off for new
croo months : cash. BO e ; May , bO 803c.
Corn Dull and linn ; cash , 35c ; May , 35'g'c. '
Oats-IllRher ; cash. 28J29c ( ; May,29Jic.
Pork Quiet ; new. 818.00.
Lard-Dull at 87.10.
Whisky 51.13.
llutter Quiet and easy ; creamery , 2015c ;
dairy , 17&S-Jc. (
City , April 10. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 red , cash , no quotation ; May , 70c bid ,
70Xc asked.
Corn Stronger ; No. 2 , cash , S3e Did , 33' c
asked ; Juno , Me bid , S4Ke asked.
Oats Nominal nt tiOc bid ; May , SOJfp.
Lilvorpool , April 10. Market Unn and
demand fair : holders offer moderately : Cali
fornia No. 1 , 7s iMft'Js ( lid per cental ; red
western winter , 7s@7s Id.
Corn Quiet , but steady ; demand poor.
lavii STOCK.
Chicago , April 10. The Drovers' Jour
nal louort * as follows :
Cattle Kocclpts , 1,000 ; steady ; shipping
steers , $ S.bOrJ.Ii.OO ( ; stockers aud IPCIIITS ,
S3.SOcj3.00 ( ; cows , bulls aud mixed , $1.00@
il.CObulk ; , S3.70 ( < $3.10.
Hogs Receipts , strong ; for heavy ; light ,
dull ; rough und mlxod , 35.23(35.75 ( ; pauk-
Ing and shlnlns , r .flOC4Stt. > ; llK'it ' , 84.85(3 (
5.50 ; skips. $3.25@4.8.- .
Sheep Hucolpts , 3,000 ; steady ; natlvns ,
S3.00@4.00 ; western , S3.75Q4.bO ; Texatis ,
$3.50(2J4.10 ; lambs , ? 4.60(45.SO.
.Natloiixl Stock Yards , IQnst St.
IjnnU , III. , April 1(1. ( Cattle Receipts ,
400 : shipments , CM ; stroneer ; cholco heavy
native steen , $4.80(15.25 ; fair to Rood ship
ping stcorrf , S4.OOW4.7U ; butchers' Htecrs , talr
to cliolt-e , S3.CO@4.35 ; feeders , talr to good ,
Hogs Kecilpts , 1,000 ; shipments. 8,000 ;
firm ; cholco heavy aud butchers' selections -
tions , 8.VGO@5.85 ; packing , fair to good , 35.40
< g.55 : Yorkers , medium to prime , 85.2ri3
5.40 ; pigs , common to good , S4.50Q5.00.
Kanian City , April 10. Cattle Hecnlpts ,
COO ; shipments , none ; steady ; common to
choice shipping , $3.bOA4.C.r ( ; stackers , 5'J.CO
8.30 ; feeding steers , 53.35@3.00 ; cows , 52.25
© 3.83.
Hoes Rncelpts , 5,000 ; shipments , none ;
drone nnd So higher ; common to choice ,
skips and pigs , 53.00@4.00.
Saturday , April 10.
The receipts ot cattle were very light and
there were hardly enough cattle m to make
a inaiket. What was In sold at about steady
prices. _
Ho * * .
The receipts of hogs were also light.
There was an active demand and the pens
were cleared at an eaily hour. Taking Into
consideration that inequality of the hos.s.wus
not as good as yesterday , the market miiul ;
be called Co higher , although the sales would
not ludlcato any advance.
There were none ID.
Cattle. . 400
Hogs . 1,500
Prevailing Prices.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for ilva
stock ou this market :
Choice ateeru. 1300 to 1500 Ibs . . . . J4.35M1. 50
Choice steers , 1100 to 1350 Ibs. . . 4.15@4.35
Kat little steer 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.U5gi.30 (
Kxtra choleecows and heifers. . . . 3.50(4,00 {
Oood to choice coru-f od cows . . . . aoafyMO
Common to raedliim cows . 2.75fJ. ' . > 0
Oood to choice bulls . a.riO a2r.
Llglit and medium heirs . 5.105.25
Good to choice heavy bogs . 5.2.X45.35
Good to cholco mixed hogs . 5.20iC5.UO
Cholcu Bhcop , 90 to 120 Ibs . 3.15 1.00
ItcprcsentatiTo Hnlos.
s r 1:1:113. :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1. . . .10-20 $3.50 10. . . .1040 54.M
14. . . . 75 4.00 39. . . . 1246 4.25
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1..1030 33.20 4. . . .1075 53.50
2..10S5 3.30 0. . . . 930 3.50
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
4. . . . 1457 82.00 1..1010 53.00
No. AT. Pr.
7. . . . 701 $ .1.40
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
70. . . . ' 210 4SO 5.20 ti O'J . . .210 40 5.30
64. . . . " 5W 2SO 5.20 H7..234 5.30
07. . . . 200 'JOO 5.20 71. . . . 247 120 5.30
73..1SW 6.20 61 . . .271 120 5.30
& 1..2.MJ ICO 5.25 67.23 ! 80 8.30
S3. . . . 208 300 5.35 P5..212 80 6.30
69. . . .230 80 525 ( . . . . 250 40 5.KO
75. . . . 216 48 6.25 . . . .257 80 5.33
73. . . . 210 200 5.25 03. . . . 250 200 5.N5
S3..2-J3 120 5.27 03..253 40 5.35
Range ofPrloei.
Showing the hlKhait and lowest orlcM
paid ( or loads ot hoes on this market during
tbepast seven days and for the same time
last month and a rear ago.
March 1S87. April 1B87. April 1KN5.
Oth 5.00 O5.80 5.10 a.90 ® i'.oa
10th 5.00 W'.TS Sunday 3.75 fa.-J.SW
llth 5.00 ar..50 R.S5 Biindnr
12th & .2S O5.CO
13th 5.10 ( & .S.35
Itth 5.40 SS5.75 5.20 ( &Z.S1 H 3.75 O.1.M
15th1 & .Z& ( W.75 5.15 5.OT 3.80 J. 5
Showing the number ot cattle , hogs and
hoop shipped from the vards during the day.
No. can. Ht. Dest.
12 . R. 1 . Chicago
6 . N. W. . Chicago
Allsatei of stock in tlili market are made
twrcwL live weleht unless otherwise statnd.
Dead hogs sell at Mo per Ib. for all weight * .
"Sklnt < i"orbog.-i weUtilutt les-i th.m 100 Itn ,
no value. Pregnant sowa are duokoJ 40 loj.
by thepublla Inspector.
Saturday , April lii. .
TliefQltomny prtcct nrtfor round ton (4
jroilucc , as sold on the martct to-trny.
Htf-tTKii There Is an occasional package
of fancy butter that solid nbovo thu quota-
Jens tjK on below. Uhulco country , SO&U& ;
fair to pood. 15@l8c * , comiuoii , 12' 14c.
DllKSxRI ) POULTHY Not W.Ultcd.
LIVK Pot-'i.Tnv ChlckeiiR , S.l.Wa3."S.
CIIEKSK Full cream clioddai' , sltiile.l4l c ;
full cream Hats , twins , UoU ; Youn Amerl-
cits. IKc ; fancy Swiss , lOQKc ; HwlRs. lin-
uortcd , 25c : Llmburier , 1 lc ; brick. ISy lOc.
\Ns-Inferlor stock.7.V < rS1.00sooa ; clean
otiutry , S1.00c41.2j ; moillum , hand nicked ,
S1.401.M ) ; liauil ulckcd. navv , Sl.Witj41.00.
PIIOVISIONS Ham , WfQlSc : bro.iUfast
Jacdii , rib.10i4'c ; breakfast bacon , plain , lie ;
dry salt sides. 8U@sfc ; dried beef , regular , 10
( L Ilc ; dried beet , ham pieces , 18c ; lard , fiO-lb
cans , 7fc ; 20-lb cans. Fairbanks , 73/c ; 10-lb
cans , l-altbanks. 71 < c ; 5-lb cans , Falrbitnks ,
Sot 3-lb cans. Fairbanks. 8Vp.
CAIIIIAOI : The market is well supplied.
California cabbano. choice , perlb.iic.
Ai'i'i.Ks Tim market Is bare and there Is
no Mock of any account.
NKW VEOKTAm.r.s Spinach , per bbl ,
.7."i@j.OO : top onions , per dozen bunches ,
20"tJOc ( ; ; California celery , per do/cii , si. 00 ;
radishes , per do/en btinrfies , 20f < < : ! 0c ; lettuce ,
40j ; pie plant , per Ib , 8c ; C.ilifoiula bucts ,
JUT lo , 2c ; California ranots , per Ib , 2c ;
Unllforiilii a pnKtis , per Ib , lOc ; cucutubers ,
per dnzeii , SI. 50.
ad garni )
UAUUPI.OWKR There Is a fair suppl } on
thu market. Caullllowcr. per dozen SI. J
Ai'rF.s | The maikct Is weak antitrade Is
not Heavy. Nuw vc etablo * and fruits nrr
boniiinlnK tn taku the phico of apples. ICnst
em stock is out of thu umrkot : iud all that
remains Is Miisoini stock. Choice Missouri
Mock. S4.00@4.50 ; common Missouri stock ,
LKUO.NS Stocks are beginning to move
mnro finely and hiirher prieus nro antlol-
luted. Messina , choice , per box , 55.00 ®
5.2.1 ; do , fancy , per box , 35.50.
OiiANii-.ti California. Klverslde , 'per box ,
.S5(7t.oO ( ; California , Los Angeles , per box ,
! ? 2.7.Xs/.uO : ' ; Mediterranean sweets , 8.5ii ; ! ) <
3.75 ; .Messina imperial , fancy. 5.50 ; San
Gabriel , sltiKlH box lots , 3.00 ; San Uabrlel ,
0 box lots , 52.85.
OVSTT.IIS Horse shoo brand , 2.V ; ; stand-
aril , 2Sc ; selects , : JOc ; extra selects , 35 ; N. Y.
counts , 4c. ( )
( } AMh--Mallard ducks , per do/en , S'J.OOj
teal , per do/.eti , 81.50 : mixed , per do/en , SI."iO
@ 1.75 ; Reese , per do/en , 53.00 1.00 ; br.ints ,
per dozen , S'J.OO.
POTATOKS Stocks nro movlnc a little
more fieuly than \veok aso. The Undo is
limited mostly to tlio f > . Io ot small lots ul-
Ilioimli a few have been sold. Home
grown are selling from \ > @V < s nccoidlne ; to
thn uuallty of thu stock aim tlio quantity
MALAGA Gn.vrns The supply on the
market Is not heavy. HcRtilar slzo casks ,
55.00 ; larco slzo casks. S5.50QO.OO.
Pi.VKAi't'LKS A low pino.ipptes have arj
rived on the market and are lu 1:001 ! condi
tion. Pineapples , per doi , PI.UO@'i.OJ.
UANANA9 Largebunches , per bunch , $2.00
@ 3.00.
Oi.n VKOKTAmKS-The demand Is llhsrt
for most kinds of old vegetables and stocks
are moviiiR slowly ami mostly in a small w.iy.
Onions are not brlii ine nulto as much ns
thpv weio. Onions , choice stock , per bbl ,
S'.50iM.75. ! ( Ueets , canots , turnips , etc. , per
NUM A few black walnuts aio coming In
from the country nnd are slow sale at 7. > c per
bushel. Thn following are the wholesale
pilcos at which eiders ttom tlio otitsido are
hllcd : Almonds , 20c : iiccans , largo pollsliod
14c ; tilberts , 14c0razlls ; , 14ownIuutsNaiilps ; ,
SOo : walnuts , Chill , I4c ; peanuts , 11. P.'it ,
ginia. ( Jr.
Fi.oun AND Mir-LSTUFFft Winter wheat
flour , best quality patent , 83.75 ; second qual
ity , S2.002,00 ; best quality sprini : wheat
flour , patent. S2.40@2.i > 3 : bran , 70cpercwt ;
chopped feed , 75c per cwt ; whlto corn mual ,
90o ; yellow corn , meal , 8ute ! ) ! per cwt ;
screening. 50fj75c ( per cwt ; liomlny , 51.50
shorts , 70c per cwt : grnham , 51.75 ; hay. In
balm 57.00 per ton. _
Grocer's Ms * .
PICKI.ES Medium. In bbls. S8.00 ; do , tn
half bbls , S .50 ; small , in bbls. 5 .i.OO : do , in
half bbls. S5.00 ; gherkins , in bbls , $10.00 ; do ,
in halt bbls. 55.50.
buoAii Granulated , OK@OKc ; couf. A , 0@
OKc ; wlilto extra C , nXfWO/fo ; extra C , 5' *
5 > 4c ; yellow C , 4 > i@ ; 2c : cut loaf , 0 @ 05 c ;
powdoied , CKS7c. ( (
COFFBKS Ordinary grades , 15W@lflc fair
r < 3U > Xeprlm&16hnochoicelrti ; ( ; < ai.7'4e ;
fancy green and yellow. 17@17hc ; old.eov-
ernment Jara , 909200 ; interior Java , 10Xd )
SOe ; Mocha , 22C < 24o ; Arbucklo'g roasted
8iMe ; McLaughlln's XXXX roasied,21 c ;
Dilworth's.'Jt4'o : Ked Cross , JlJi'c.
OANNitTjGooD9-OystersstandardporcasQ ,
S3.15C43.25 ; strawberries , a Ib. per case. 53.30 ;
raspberries , a Ib , per case , 52.35 ; California
pears , per case , 84.50 ; apricots , per cast ,
$4.60 ; peaches. PP * case , 55.00 ; white cher
ries , per case , 58.00 ; plums , per case. $3.5' ) ;
blueberries per case , 31.85 ; oifc plums , a Ib ,
per case. $3.50 : pluoapplos , 3 ID , per case
53.20(85.75 ( ; 1 Ib mhckcrol. per doz , 51.40 ;
1 Ib salmon , per doz , 51.50(31.55 ; 2lo , goose
berries , per case , 51.75 ; 3 Ib strins boaus. per
case , 51. " " ; 21b lima buans , per ease , 51.00 ;
8 Ib marrow fat peas , percaso. SiMCW 00 ; 3 Ib
early Junepoas , per case. Si7-r : 3 Ib toma
toes. 32.53(23. ( < ! 0 : 2 Ib.oorn 83.40a3..SO. (
MAToncs Per caddie , 2.squara ; cases ,
CUD ; mule nquaro.ll.Uu.
avnup No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , Sl.aiQl.'JS ;
New Orleans per eallon 33@4 < 5c ; maple syrup ,
half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , 70e ; l gal
lon cans , per doz , 510.00 ; hall Ration cans ,
per doz , 85.50 ; quart cans , S3.w. (
CANDT Mixed. a OUc ; stick , 8 @ 9Kc.
' butter and
OBACKicus--Garnoau'B soila ,
plcnio. SVj'c : creams , skc ; plngor snaps , ° > $ c ;
city soda. 7W. , . , ,
WTAHCII Mirror Rliiss , 1 Ib , Gc ; mirror
loss , a Ib. 5c : mirror uloss , Olb , Ojfc ;
rarcs corn , 1 Ib.ej c ; KitiRsford's corn , 1 ID.
7c ; Kinitsford's gloss , 1 Ib. 7c : Klnttsford's
eioss , fl Ib. 7Kc ; Klncsford's pure lib. 5Ko ;
KiiiKst'ord's pure , 3 Ib , 5o ; Klngsfords
bulk , 4c.
HoAt'9 Kirk's savon imperial. 83.70 :
KirK'8 satinet 5'i.OO ; Kirk 8 standard , 53.0"i ;
Kirk's white Kussian. 54.09 ; Kirk's whitecap
cap , 50.50 ; dome , 53.85 ; washboard , 53.10 ;
whlto cloud. 53.75. _
General Marked.
\Ar.MsnE9-Uatrels , per gallon ; furni
ture , extra , 51.10 ; furniture. No. 1. 51.00 ;
co eh extra , SL40 ; coaoh , No. 1,51.30 : Da-
mar , extra , 51.75 ; Japan , 70c : asphaltum ,
extra We : shellae , 58.50 ; hard oil nnlih ,
UKA.VY UABOWAKE iron , rate 53.80 ;
plowsU-clspeclaicast,4HccruciblesteelGXo : ; ;
wwt tools , do , 121W ; wagon spokes , pei set ,
3.00(33.50 ( ; hubs , per set. 81.25 ; telloes.
sawed dry. 51.60 ; loncuos , each. 80c : nxoK
f ach. 76o ; square nuts , per Ib. 01u71o ( ! : roll
chain , per Ib. ( tH" malloable,8(4lic \ ( ) : iron
wedees , 60 ; crowtiars , 6c ; barrow teeth , 4 , ' c ,
spring stool , 7 ( < $ Vc ; llurden's her o shoos.
4.75 ; llurden's mule shoes. $1.75.
wire , In car lots , 54.00 per 100 Ibs. Nails ,
rates. 10 to 60 , 5UO ; steel nails , 83.IM.
Shot , $1.35 ; buckshot. 51.00 ; llazndpowaor.
kefts , 35.1X ) ; do. halt kegs , 33.75 ; do. quarter
, 81-60 : blastiiiK , kug.s , 32.10 ! fttso , per 10
feet. f > c. Lead bar. Sir *
DHV PAINTS White lead , 7c ; French /.Inc.
12c : Paris whltlnfr. 2Wo ; whiting , ijilders.
Srjfo ; vrhlttng , com' ! , Ike ; lampblack , ( ! er-
manstown. l' > ; lampblack , ordinary. He ;
Prussian bluo.550 ; ultramarine , IWc ; vaiulyk-
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt. 4o ; uuiDer. raw , 4c ;
sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Pane
green. Benulno. ' > < > . Paris crcon. com.
mon , 83o ; chrome itroon. N. Y. . 20c ;
rerrullliou American. IKc : maun
raw and burnt umber , l n > cans , i2c ; raw and
burnt sienna , 12o : Vandyke brown , Irte ; re
fined lampblack I3o : coach black aud irorj
black , 16o ; drop black. 16c ; Prussian DIUO ,
40c ; ultramarine black. ISo ; chromo croon. L. ,
Id. & D. . I6o ; blind and shutter green , U , M ,
tc D. , I6c ; Parig Kreen , 18c ; Indian red , I5c ;
Venetian red , Pe ; Tuscan , 22c ; American
vermllllon , L. & D. , 20o ; yellow ochre , 2c ; L.
M. to O. D. . lite : eood , ochre. lOc : uatoui
dryer , 80 ; eralnliiK color , llcht oak , darkouk.
walnut , chehtnut and ash. 1'Jc.
DJUIGHAND > HKMIOAI.S. Ao d carbolic ,
'Ocactrt ; Urtarlc , 5io ; balsam copaiba , pei
B , ino ; bark sassafras , per Ib , lOo ; calomel ,
nor ft , 78c , cblnciionidla , per oz , 40c ; chloro
form , per ft , 'Oc ; Doters powders , per th ,
11,25 ; upsom falls , per ft , > < > iu ; tiyeorluo ,
pure , per Ib. 3oo ; lead , acetate , per Ib. 2ic ;
oil , caHtor , Ho. i. per al. , 51.50 ; oil castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , 5V-40 ; oil olive , per gal. , 51.40 ;
oil orliranniim. 60c ; opium , 51.50 ; qulnlno ,
P. A W. and K. * S , , per , oz , 70o ; potasslura
Iodide , Mr ft , 5'J.50 ; sallcln. peroz. 40c ; sulphate -
phate nrorohlno , per oz. Si. ' 6 ; sulphur , cor
ft. 4c : strychnine , oer 0 .8 l.2o.'v
rjLcrrs IH OIL White lead. OmahaP P. ,
O'fn ' ; white lead , St , Louis , pure , .c ; Mar
cellloa , grenn , 1 Ib cans , 'Jo ; Kronen zinc ,
( crocn . seal , 12o ; French zluc. rrxl seal. He ;
French tine. In varnish aM. 200 ; Kencb
Elnc.75c ; Termllllon. English. In oil , 75c ;
red , lOe ; rose plnK , He ; Venetian red , Cook
eon's , 2Jfo ; Venetian red , American. IMc
red lead , 7kc ; chrome yellow , genuine , 200
chrome yellow , K. 12c ; ochre , rochello. 3o
o dirts rrcncb , 2 o ; ochre , American ,
ike ; Winter's mineral. a > jfo : l htgh oiown
9Ho ; Spanish brown , 2Ho ; Prince's mineral
MIDK Green butchers , C QGc ; greet
cored. 7o : dry flint , Il0tl2c ; drv salt OSlOc
Isrmrrs Cologne splrltMSI proof , 51.17 ;
do 101 proof , 81.13 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , $1.17 : do 183 prijaf. 11.10 Alcohol.
181 proof , E',20 per wlun sfion. Redistilled
whiskies , Sl.0oiit.50. Ulittblondrd. 81.50(24 (
8.00 ; Kentucky uoiirboH < iJ l2.oOi3 < i.OO : Ken
tucky and PonnsylvanlisVe.s , 5-.00 < < J ; .50 ;
Oolilcn Sheaf bourbon Ml rye whiskies ,
51.wrn.oo. Brnndles , Imported , 5A.00@ii.riO :
domestic , Sl.PAa3.00. ( JIns. Imported , S4.W
QO.OO ; domestic , Sl.25ftt3.nn. Champagnes ,
Imported , tier raso. S23.oo@'i3.00 ; American ,
porcaso , 610.OOvtlO.00.
funs AMU SKIN * 1 ho following prices
are tor prime , well handled skins ; Beaver ,
prime , clean per pound. Sl.50Qt3.oo : fall , S1.2. ' >
( ! l.00 : meatvaim Inferior. Sl.oOQl.25. Bear ,
brown and ( ? rl/ , ? 5.00 ? 3.00 ; rubs mm
yeaillngs. SJ.tHV.c4.6o. lladnur , WXttGOc. Cat ,
wild , 206i < oc : domestic , buck , 10tl5c : do-
mi'stle , sundry colors. o(3sc. ( Fox , red , SI.00
< ai.2.1 ; cross , 5iOi4.00 ) ; grr-y , 40yJVC ; silver ,
SU.ooJ340.00. ) Fisher. ti.0i > ( jii.oo. OttorS4.00
® 0.00. Martin. S1.00175 , Muscratn \
tor. large , lOc : fall , 5c ; kitts , Mink , laru'o
dark , 35JlOc ; small ami palo , IftQt''Oc. Itac-
roon , largo prime , lOu JUc ; small and inferior ,
20'V'iOc. Skunk , common , Ifiij23c. ( Wolf ,
lat o giey , 51.50@2.50 ; coj-pto or pralrli * 75(3 (
TOc. Deer and antelope , winter , ior pound
15c ; fall nnd summer , per pound 2tc.
Dry laimtaer.
AND TtMllKllS.
Sx4 117.50 IT.50 1T.5I ) 18.M 19.30 2J.M
is.uo | .oji ! .ooiu.ooai.ooa.6ug3.M ! |
No. i. com , si s .
No. ' . ' , com , s 1 n . 17.M
No. I , com , s 1 s . lu.'iO
No. 1,4 AC In , W A 14ft. iouh . S10.00
. . .
. .
No. 'J , . j00 j
A , 12 , 14andlG ft . S8iOO
r , " " . 15.00
D , " " " . m.ou
l.stcom. , * i in White Pine Ceiling . SM.OO
Clear , & In. Norway Pine Colling . 10.00
. .
A C . Inch , white pinu . 8M.OO
C ' . : . jji.oo
K" " " " ( Sel Fen'g ) . 10.00
No. 1 , com. 13 in s. 1 s. , 13. All . 20.00
. 10 ft . W.OJ
Xo.3 " " " " la A 14 ft. . . . . 1S.OO
" " " " ICtt . 17.00
Utaud 3d , clear , ix ineii , s. a 3 . S00
3d , clear , 1 inch. s. a s S4 1 lf ! , 1 . u in 4r.oo
11 clear. 1 inch , s. 3 A : ! U ; l % , iy.\i \ in : ! 7.00
White Cedar , 0 In. , > $ s. 12c ; 0 In.fr3..11c |
I.I MI' , K. 1C.
Qulncy white lime ( bi-st ) . 51.00
A Kioii cement . 1.0"
Hair . HO
suniA.r. .
No. 1 , plain , 8 and 10 in . 81 .00
No. I , plain , and 10 In . 17.00
Com. 4 and 0 In. lloorinic . 513.03
Clear J , ' In. ceiling . 21.00
Clear $ i in. partition . 25.00
Clear Ji In. partition . lfci.50
Clear , hnisli , laiidl'i'in. sJS a . 2.oa !
" coirugatt'd culling , 4(6 ( } . 35.0
O. (1. Halts. BU in. . 70c ; Ks. : ' . 1 s . 4Uc
Pickets. Oatid II flat . 321.00
siiiNOLiis. I/ATII.
XX clear. . . ] .f. . S .OO
KxtraA * . a.W
* A * standard . 2.75
* A 11.B.AU . .f ; . 2.50
Sin cl . A : . 1.75
filu , clear . 2.00
No. 1 . 1.50
Lath . 2.50
Chicago , Milwaukee SI Paul H
The Vest Route from Omaha and
Council Bluff * to
Tuo Trains Daily Between Omaha , Coun
cil BluiTs
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapids ,
Rock Island , Frecport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubtique , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Jnnesville ,
Reloit , Winona , La Crossc ,
And all other Important points East , Northern !
and Bouthougt ,
For throuRli tloltots call on tbo Ticket Asont
at 1401 I'nrrmm slroot , ( In Paxton hotel ) , or at
Union I'uc-lflc Depot.
1'iitlmnn iMeopors und the finest Dlnlnjf Carl
In thu worM nro run on tlio umlii lines of th
nnd every attention Is paid to paiaencors by
con it eons employes ol llio oompauy.
It , , Qenornl Mnnnirof.
J , K.TUUKEII , Assistant Uuneral Mnnacar.
A. V. Ii. CARrtNTKii , Goneial I'ftaaonKor and
Ticket Agent.
( Jr.o ii. HBAFKOitt ) , Assistant Oeneral Foa-
8onTornnil Ticket Agent.
J. T. OLA UK , Qonoral Superintendent.
Notice of Registration.
rpo the Legal Voters of Second District of the
-L KWitli Ward In the city of Omnha :
Von lire hereby notifk'il that tlie undorslfenod
will sit at roplstiur for the Second district or
tlio Klghlh wixrrt nt tlio drug Mtoro of John
liwyer , N. W. corner -4tli and Cumlnar streets ,
eommonvlnff Thurs lay , April -1st , IhS * . nt 11
o'clock u. m. , tor thi > purpose of tCKlsterhiK nil
qimlltled yotets within said Second district of
tlio Kljthth wuid.und tor tlio ptirpoao of mnk-
Ini'now INt imd iiilillnt ; tn nnd c-orrcclinir tlio
re l5tn\tlon already miulo. and for hitch pnr-
po o tlio undorslKiicd will sit nnd keep liii book
of letrlstrutlon open eueli dny thoroattor ( o\-
oopt Sundnys ) nt the Tilnco nforosalil from
eleven o'clock a. m. until seven o'nloeic p.m. ,
until Monday. Mny 2ndM1 , nt the hour of 12
o'clock in. , wlnm said hook of refflstrallon will
hoclitted. All uuallllud rotora 1110 notltlcd to
attend and tou thnt tUolr nnmea nro properly
Keg-istrar'.M Dhtikt , 8th Wnid.
Notice of Registration ,
TO the I.CH I Voters of the First District of
the Ninth Wnrd , in tlio oily ot Omalnt :
Von nre hereby noticed thnt the undersigned
will sit its registrar for the tflrst dl < ti let ot I lie
Ninth wurd nttho N. K. corner ofSllth und Far.
nain , No , S $ S , coiiimonclnn Tliurs'lay , Apt II
> lat , at 11 o'clock a. in.fur the pnrposu of rut-
Islurln ? all quiilined voters within said l'i ! > t
district of the Ninth wnrd , nnd for such pur
pose thu underslgrned will slt uid keep his book
of rcKlstratlon open ouch br thcrvatter ( ex
cept Sundays ) lit the plucvuforcsald lioin
eleven o'c'.uck ' u. in. until seven o'clock p. in. .
until Monday. Mny U'nd , lasTj.Kt tlio hour of 12
o'clock in. , when xuld book of refrl'trntinn will
lie closed. All qualified voters mo notified to
ntloinl inulsco tlitit their names mo propcily
roL'isteicd.ns unciillro now toglstrution list Is
to ho made , under now Inw. '
aH IlOKKtrarlst Iiutnct.vthVsrd. .
Notice of Registration.
TiO the Legal Voter ? of Flrat District , Eltflith
ward , In the city of Omiihn :
You nro licrnby uotitled tlul the underslirned
will alt as rctfiMnir for Khet District nt the
Kltrhtli wnrd atHIT Cnmlng.fitrect , coinmono-
Itiif Tburiuiay. April 21-t , IRST.nt U o'clock a.
m. , for the purpofoof reuiitoilnx all otuillfleil
voters within Mild Flr > t district , Hichtli wurd ,
iindlorBUch purpose the uncr8l > ; nod "ill t-'t '
nnd Keep his book ot lojflstratlon open ench
tiny thereafter ( except Sniuliiys ) lit th pliicii
ufori'Suld lioin eleven o'clock. * , ni. until snvou
o'clock p. in. , until Monday , M y2ml , l.HiT , ill
the hour of 12 o'clock in. , when said book ol
registration will be closed. All nuulltled volor *
nro notllledto attend and see tlmt their numcj
ino properly retristor"d , as nn entire now regis
tration list U to bo made , under new law.
TH08. K McNAMEl ! .
all Registrar 1st District , fill Word.
Notice of Registration.
TO the Uval Voters ot Second District of
Ninth Ward tn the oltjr of Omaha :
You are hereby notlttcd that the undorslif net
will lt 113 registrar for Second district , Ninth
wnrd , nt the jrrocoty store of William Stein
corner Lowe avenue and Hamilton
incncintf Thursday , April " 1st , 1M7 , at II o'clock
a.m. , for the purpoo of ri'jrlsterlim all quali
fied voters within Second d'strict. Ninth ward
and for such purpose thu undersigned will alt
and keep his book of registration open cacl
day thereafter ( except Sundays ) at ( be plaoo
aforesaid from eleven o'clock n. m. until seven
o'clock p. in. , until Monday , May 2nd , 1M7 a
the hour ( if 1" o'clock m , . when aald book
ft'KUJtration will bo clositd. All qualifleil voton
are notified to attend and see thnt their names
nro prpp ily registered , as an entire new regis
trillion litt is * .o b made , under neir l w
. U . , , . HegUtrmr d DUtrlctvOth Ward.
Theonlr road to tnko for Dos Molnrs Mnr-
shalltown , CedarRaplds , ClltOo , Dlxon , Clilca
go , Milwuukoo aud all points cunt. To the people
plo of Nohrnska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah ,
tdnho , Nevada , Oreaon , Washington and Cali
fornia , it otTnrs suporlor udvnatagea not possi
ble by nny other lino.
Amonn a few or the numerous potnU of lu-
porlurity enjoyed by the patrons of thlg road
tiotwocn Omaha and Chlcayo , are Its two trnins
ndnv of DAVCOA HK9 , which are tUe finest
tlmt liunmn art and InRenuity can oreute. Ita
PALACE SLKKPINO OARS , which are models
of comfort and oleifunce. Its PARLOR DRAW-
I NO HODM OAB3 , unsitrrmBsad by anr , and Its
widely celebrated 1'A L ATI A I. DINING CAHS
the equal of which cannot bo found elsewhere
At Council Bluffs the trains of the Union P/ioino
KT. connect In Union Depot with those ) of tlio
Chicago 4 Northweatm n Ily. In ChlonRO the
trains of this line mnko close eonneotlon with
thn o of nil eastern I Inns.
For Detroit , CoUimbim , Indianapolis , Clncln-
nut ) . NtHirfirnFnllR , BuRnlo , PlttuburK.Toronto ,
Montreal , UoRtnn , Now Yoiu , Philadelphia ,
nnltltnnre , Washington and nil points tn the
oust : ank for n ticket via the
If you wish the bust accommodation. All ticket
agents sell tickets via this lino.
OenU Manager , Oonl. Pasi'r Agent
Chicago , 111.
Western Agent , City Pusa'r Aaont ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Ten lUillroadi. and more nro comlnK , 1W Tiains
State University , Wetlornn UnlTOraltrStale Capi
Most of the Ilnilneia Lot , hare doubled In prlca In
tUo lust U montlia. Acre-land , within 2 mllcn
of tlio clly. Increaied orer two
bauJreJ pur cent ,
Lincoln I * tlio jzreatcat lUHrnart Tantir of lt ate
In tlio world , Hrlck lloeksuy 8to'AJ imrcent. Vacant
lot * Imvu averaged 100 per ceut per auouin ou ant
cost , for U reirra.
Lincoln It n Kreat distributing point. Home wholtt-
Hie denier * liaveiniilo princely ( artune > .
DulldlninRolnn iipln allillrectloni , Duilnen eon-
oralljonoii. Bunker * , retail mirohanla , mechanic * ,
etc. , liottlngrlch.
Room 41 , Klcliurdk Block ,
Real Estate Agents A Loan Brokers
Itaro for i la brick blooki , builatu Uu , all klndt ol
reaJ oatata. 1,1 , t , 19 , W , 40 , (0 , U9 ud ( U aer truott
( trm > And olicap land * .
RKri-nr.NOK9-irint : : and Lincoln National
Bank , ( lorernurTh r r , itOtt CMk. Her. Or.O. K
Crouuion. l.incolei Roaatur It. Ii. OaUoai , llUaoli ;
naaeoerul IJan. HarrlMc ,
Omaha Jobbers' Directory.
Agricultural Implements ,
Affrlcultuvril Iiuplcnipnts , Wnpons ,
iJTlaBC9 ind lliigjlo . Jonp.1 Urcot , b two u Vtb
ona Itnti.Onmhu , Net ) .
Affricnlturul Iniplflincuts ,
s , Kir.Vholc l , Omh .
LKiS , Fit TED cP CO. ,
Jobbers of Ilimhvnre nnd Nails ,
'Inwurc , Shp t Iron , Rio. AncnH for How *
nil Mlnml I'owdf r I < ) . .Om li , Niil' .
WboUsaU teil ri la
Agricultural Implement ! * ,
( Vlltons and RiKdes. ! 1 , t > M , 1 > J1 unit U07 , Jonf nt
Artists' Materiel.
Artists' Mnturlals , Pianos nnd Organs ,
M.1 DonBlim Street. OniAhA.
Builders' Hard wart and Scales.
Siiildors'Hanlwarn&Sciiln Repair * Shop
'ooltoml lluffclo Scolus. KOI Dauglm it. ,
( mintii , Nrb.
and Shoes.
Uinuf ctur r § md Wholesale Dealers In
Boots rtud Shoos ,
CompUts itock of Kubhcr ( loorti alirayi on hand
Mn 8.131 h at. . OmnliA , Nc.b. A. T. Auitln , Agent.
Jobbora of lioots and Shoos.
Ml Faro m at , Omaha , N b. Uauufaclorr , Bummtt
tret , lloflton *
Wholesale Uubbor Uootsj and Shoes
Iliibbor nnd Ollud ClcUhlng und Volt Hoot *
uud ShocB. Southeast Corner I Ub. nnd IXiuglaa.
Agt. for Anhcusor-Bush Brewing Ass'n
Special Ilranda. Fnuit.nurlweliier and Krlanger.
Lajjcr Beer Brewers ,
1521 North l ! > lh Strnrt , Omaha , Neb.
Butchers' Tools.
Butchers' Tools and Supplies ,
auiago Cailngi of all klnda nlwaji In atock. lilt
Coffet , Spices.
Omaha CoBno and Spice Mills.
* . Coffees , Spleen. Baking Powder. Flavoring S
racli , laundry Ilia * . Ink , JItc. HU-18 Ilsrver
Btreat.Om.iha , Neb.
Home Coffee and Snloo Mills M'f'sr Co.
CuffeaRoaiteraaad Spice Orlndert. Manafacturcn
of naklng I'owder. Klarorlng Kitrnotv Illulnt. Kin
Tryone cn pt our 1-n. tiarkmeHotna Blend Hoatted
> liren. KmQnwHrd t. Omnhn. Neb.
John Epeneter , Prop.
Manufacturer of Oalraultod Iroa and Cornice. 99
UodfO and 10J and 106 N. 10th aU. Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Wlndowi. Kluali.MctnllrSkrlljbt.etc. 8108.
15lh it , Omabn.
C. Specht , Prop.
Galvanlced Iron Cornices , eto. flpact'i Improved Pat *
ent Motallu KkjTlgbt. 106 and 610 B.IJth at.Omahj.
Jobber ! ot
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
Linoleums , Mnttlnga , Kto. Ull Douflai etreeU
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Uattlnfi , Curtain Ooodi , Kto. 1U3 Farnam Street ,
Omaha. Neb.
Crockery and Notions.
Acmt for the Uauufaeturera and Importera of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , Chlmneyi , etc. Office , 817 Bouth ISth at
Omaha. Neb.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing.
Butter , Kggaand Produce. Cooalfnmonia nollciud.
Ileadquartora for fjtnnowaro , llorry llozca uuil
Urapo-HaBkcti. Kit DodgeuroetOmaba.
Commission Merchants.
Frulta , Produce and Provisions. Omaha , Nab.
Storage and Commission Merchant.
Specialties Butter , Bin. ' 'hseso. Poultry , ( lame ,
Oysters , Bte. , Bte. UJSouui nib itrcet.
Produce Conimission Merchants ,
Ponltrr. Butter , Qamo , Ktults , etc. 10 B. 14thai
Omaha , Neb ,
Coal ancf Lim .
Qxu. if. LAIIAOD. Trns. C. F.QoonuAN , V.Pi a.
J. A. BONDIRLAND , Bee. and Treu.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
3CJ South Thirteenth Strret , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
And Shippers of Conl and Coke , Camrnt , Hlnster ,
Ume , llalr , Klre Brlrk , Drain , Tile ami Hewer Pips ,
onicc. Paitoa notol. Knrnura si , , Omaha , Neb.
Telephone 811.
Maunfacturlnjf Confectioners ,
Jobbtn of Frulta.NutB und Cigala. Ull i'aruam Bt <
Cigar * and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Guns aud Ammunition , 215 to ? )8. llth it. , 1MO M
lint Farnam St. . Oniaha.Neb.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wkolciale De-tiers tn Leaf Tobaccos , Nos.ld
and 110 N. ' 4lh street , Omaba.
Dry Goods.
M. E. SMITH P CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnish ing Goods & Notions
110 ] nnd 1104 Douglas , cor. llth St. , Omaha , Nrb.
Dlsllllera of Liquors , Alcohol aod BplrlU.
and Jobbers of Wlaesaml Uqhors.
CO. and ILER < C CO. ,
Importers and Jobbers of Fine Wines and LUnon.
Bole manufacturers of Kennedy' * Eait India IJIW
tnrs nml nonitiitlo l.lqunri. II1J llarne ; nt.
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. lt.BAUBii.Frei. J.W.B nronn.8ec.&Traai
it. J. CAFIOX. V.I'rcs. and BupU
Office 313 R. llth St. . Oina'.in. Neb. Macblnervaad
bupplli'i for Mscufuciunutf Cement Uraiu Tile.
lluutiu , D. U. BAH itmu
F ( . B < TAUllnn um , Vloo-I'rn
Jobbers aud Storors ol Grain ,
i ii. ii J ii ' 4jion
ininrantooil. Omhan Nidi.
Wholesale Dealen In Furniture.
Farnam il- Pan ha. Men. _
Furniture , B ddingr > Upholitery ,
Ktr/on , M. imimati * lite rarnaai tt , Oraabm.
Omaha Jobbers' ' Directory.
Groceries ,
FAX To'yT < M i'1'A n KiC b co't
Wholrsnlo flroccrlcs and Provisions ! ,
Not , TM. 7i)7. ) TOO and 711 S. jOtli St. Omaha. Neb.
McCOltD , ll.UADVA CO. ,
Wholosrtle Grocers ,
1'ln nml I.oatein'orlli ft,0inali.i.
ir. , r. mtoATctr
Heavy Hardware , Iron nnd Steel ,
prloi3Vnton ! flock , llnrJnnru I.ximbtr , ylc. 1901
anil 1JI1 llariif j at. , Omnlm.
iinfEY c aiJtnotr
AVholosnlo Iron and Steel ,
Vf neon and Carhaiie Wood ntocis , HCHVT
tiu. iJl'niiJUhi I.aiiTf nirurtli t. . Onmha , Neb.
Stoves , Raiijfcs , Fitrnacos , Tllos ,
, ( irntgi , llram non't * . 1UI and 13U
Iron Hforki.
Iron Works ,
Wrv.iiht nnd Cait Iron BnlliUnit Werk , Iron fltaln
Halllnit , Uonnn and Ulrden , Simiu ttnelnw. Bra j
Work , ciinurnl ffuiindrr. Muchlno liml lllaoktrain
\fotk. office aaJ Worka , U. 1 * . llr.ind mi ) itiett.
K. U. UiMANU8. : C. SUI.LtrAN.
Mnniifnctiirfri of
fro and Iron Rnlllnrrs , Desk Rnllsj ,
Window Otmrrto. flower Htnndn , Wire Minns , Bla
133 N. lOtU. Order * bj mail promptly attended to.
CO. ,
l ) ale < - . . AllKliHliof
Building1 Material nt Wholesale *
Utli Street and Union Padllo Trnck , Omaha.
Dealer In Lnrabcr. Lath , I/lnin , Sash ,
DOOM , Uto. Yardj-Cornor Ttli nnd Douglns ; Oornef
ih nnd Uouilat.
Wholesale Lumbar ,
US.UthitrrclOmahaNeti. r.Oolpctter , Managon
C. 2f. D1ETX ,
13th and California Htroetn , Omaha , Neb.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Rto.
Cor.Ctb aud uouglat atl. , Oinaba , Na ) .
To Dealers Only.
OWee , 1103 Farnam treot.Oruahn.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpet ! and Parquet Flooring. 9th and Donglal
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Imported and American 1'oHlnnd Cement. FtaU
raiikno llTdraullo Cemeut and Belt
CJulucj VflillvLlrae.
Live Stock.
Of Omaha.
United. John K. Boyd , S'jportntendwt ,
Live Stock Commissi'on.
Llvo Stock Commission.
GAO. Diirko , Mannger
union Rtoek Tarda , H. Omaha. Telephone Ml.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Shipment * of ( inr and Ml kinds of Stool : olloUed.
Union Block Varda. Oir.ahn. Neb.
Millintry and Notions.
Importeri and Jobbera of
Millinery and Notions ,
1111 and U15 Harner Bh-aet , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Dealers In
Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
< K1 nnd < 0o B. Tenth St , Onialia.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeani Fnnti , SUIrti , Etc. 1107 and UOi DougUs Btr ,
Paper Boxes
J" L.
Mannfacturer of Taper Boxes ,
e.lttBHt. . Omana , Nabraika. Order * br m
llelttdand wlllreoelTeproi l attvatloa.
Job Printers , Blank Book Makers ,
And Book Dludors. IM nnd 103 HoutU Fourteentk
treet. Omnbi.Neb.
Auxiliary Publishers.
Dealern luTrpo. I'rnsna * and I'rlntcri'Supplies. 501
South Twelfth Street.
Manufacturer ! ) nnd Duoli'rs In
ps , Hollers & ( icncrnl Marhinory
Short lr n work , Hlonm Pump' . Haw MUM , Aomo
Sbaftlnif , Dodne Wo rt split 1'ull.iri , Hcltluz , etc ,
Also wngons , ecrapiinand bulellci. 1J1 J-llliLa-
Tenworthit. Omnha
Wholesale Hardwnre.
Wentom urtntu for JelTcrso" Ptaol Nails , Austlq
, ralrbanki Kuudard Mrales. Corner
lOlb and Ilanicr. Onmha ,
" \Vholo al ( ! Piimim , IMpc , Fittinps ,
BW ramid Water 8uii | > lles Hradomirirrii fi-r Ma l
Vo' tOo'aUno'ts. llHiarimm s' . . OiuuliH. Neb.
HnllsdsrWlnd UDii ; rleam nud Wtter Riipp1l s ,
J"luiubirrOooJs , Ildltlnji , llo-n. ' . 'I'l ' Hiid A ) tut-
uam itOuiaba. p. K. holton , MaiiHicer.
* f lepbnne No. 8U' ' . _
Tuinps , Pipes ami Knsriiicg ,
te nVatdr , Hallway and illllini : Supplies. BUJ ,
JO,9 and 924 Knrmira i. . Omaha , Net. .
Safes , Etc.
Agents for Hall's Sato & Lock Co.s'
rira and llmclnr Proof Fnfss , Tlroe Is.tks. Vaults
jnd Jail Wor < . 1WJ turiiam street Omaba , N > b. _
Omaha fiafo Workn.
MsFufsctiiroiiof Fire and llnr Url'roof afes , Tsull
Doors , J ll Wcirk.Hhuliera and Wire SVor * . Cor.
_ lUbniid Jackson Hts. . Ooiaha , N b. _
Sash. Ooon Etc , _
"MrATDlSBROW > e CO. ,
Wbolesal * MaDbfscliirera of
Sash , Doors , llliiulu ami liouldlu s ,
Branch cace , Hlb and UMil > ts..Oaaba.Mtti.
Manufacturers , of Sash , Dears , BlmJt ,
Uotild'jiKi.Hlalr Workand Intettvr Raid \Towi ralak
Jvst opu d. N. K. tor. i an I aouerurtklU.
Oeaaba , Neb.