Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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    * * '
Delivered by Mirier In nny pnrt of tbo city nt
twenty cents per week.
11. W. TILTON ,
TKICI'110.NE3 :
BceiKrFsOmcc , No. U ,
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Wanted A pantry girl at Pacific house.
New spring cooJs lit Kulter's , tailor.
Giiortjc W.Tliompion &Co. . real estate
UlulT City lodtfo No. 71 , A. F. mid A.
M. , elect officers this evening.
The ' 'The Manhattan "
popular resort is ,
418 Broadway. lludlo & Yoiuiwino.
One of the new window lights in the
new county court house has "boon
The Fortnightly club moot this evening
With Mrs. J. 1) ) . Edmund.on , on Willow
Oscar Jones , colored , was jailed yes
terday for being drunk and disturbing
the peace.
The vicinity of Ilarlan is being trou
bled with her o thieved , a throe-year-old
bay inaro having been stolen Saturday
No liner place in the west to spend an
evening than at "The Manhattan" bil
liard and cigar parlors , No.118 Broad-
C. Spcar.s on Saturday nurht had his
forehead cut in a rumpus at BoohnlnuN
saloon and yesterday was placed in jail
tor drunkenness.
A line residence property fronting on
Ilaylis.1 park will be rallied June 1. Tick
ets' are for sale by Smith Bros. , agents , at
? 3 each , ( jet a home for % > .
A city nine wont out to the institute
Saturday , to cross bats with a mute nine.
The latter were defeated , the city boys
bcoring eight to the mutes' six.
The Salvation army on the afternoon
farade yesterday was minus all their in-
ttriiments except the tambourine. They
were out in two companies and marched
nround the resilience directs.
There is a great scarcity of girls for
liousework in this city. Wages arc run
ning high , and the girls hero formed com
bination rates. A hundred good girls
could Iind ready employment in this city
to-day , at fair wages.
There arc many changes and improve
ments going on in the Union Pacific
yards. Many new tracks are being laid ,
and there is enough railway and building
material on the ground to indicate that
this is but the beginning.
Ollicers Anderson and Thompson , of
the Merchants police force , yesterday
morning went to Honey Creek lake to
look after the Illegal fishing. The Fish
Protective association are bound to stop
nil fishing with seines.
On next Thursday evening , April 21 ,
Franklin assembly No. DOO.1 Knights of
Labor , will give a ball in Masonic hall.
Tickets admitting gentleman and ladies
are $1 each. This assembly is only
about two mouths old , and is the second
one formed.
A meeting of thoPottawattamlo county
lish protective association will bo hold in
the ollico of Uieo & Raymond on North
Main street. All persons interested in
prohibiting illegal lishing with nets are
requested to bo present.
The entire force of clerks in the Pee
ples' btoro were at work yesterday pre
paring for the opening which takes place
to-night anil to-morrow night. Messrs.
ELseman & Co. propose to make this the
finest opening ever given by them. This
is promising much.
A devotional meeting of the Women's
Christian association will be hold this
afternoon at 3 o'clock In the parlors of
the Baptist church , corner of First ave-
ijuo and Sixth street. Ladies who are
interested in the work and who desire to
become members will Vo cordially wel
comed at any time.
There are moro repairs and enlarge
ment of residences this spring than over
before in the history of the city. Nearly
every properly owner is spending some
money in rclitling , filling , painting ,
building additions , or making some per
manent improvement.
The Northwestern has laid a new track
from avcnuo A north past the round
house for the use of the Union Pacilic in
securing dirt for filling the grade of the
now bridge. The track will afterwards
bo used by the Northwestern as its main
track , leaving its present track for
The Chicago & Northwestern is laying
new tracks near its depot and the gang
of men at work there yesterday indicates
that this company is getting ready as fast
as possible so that it it desires' can
transfer its own freight in its own yards.
The Noithwestern has been in poorer
condition than any of the Iowa lines to
meet the present emergency. It seems
that the company intends to bo in readi
ness if another such issue should bo
raised , oven if the present complication
should bo straightened out so as to let
business bo resumed at the transfer.
Ofllco of Mulholland & Co. , . removed to
In under the Citizens' bank. Telephone
No. 103. Leave your orders for ice.
For ncro property , residences and busi
ness property call ou W. C. Stacy & Co. ,
No. 0 Main street.
Personal Paragraphs.
E. M. Riddle , of St. Joseph is at the
S. B. Illtt , of Ilitt & Co. , Waterloo , Is
at the i'aeitio.
Miss Cora Marble has returned homo
alter a two months' visit with iricnds in
Fremont , Neb.
Mrs. E. II. Thurber and daughter , Miss
Lulu , of Crcston , are guests of Mrs.
Frank Kvaus.
Dick Kyancamo In yesterday morning
from Denver and will go east to meet his
brother and sister , who are on their way
from Europe to this city.
Shorradcn is still making cabinet pho-
at$3 per doz. , best Hnish. Crayon or
India ink life size pictures only $10. By
F. M. Woodard , artist.
Money to loan on real estate. Counc
Bluffs Real Estate Loan and Trust Co
Room 0 , Everett block.
Getting Norvous.
The walls of Dohany's old opera house
nro in such a condition that they shouli
be examined by an export. There is n
largo weight on the main iloor and in the
nailery at the meetings of the Salvation
army , who occupy the building as then
heauouartcrs , and should the walls o
this old building be insecure , a disaster o
largo proportions is very liable to occu
nt any time. Whether tlicro is any rca
danger or not , there are enough people
who are nervous about it to warrant the
issuance of a ccrtilicato from some export
to quiet this nervousness , if all is right
If ( hero is any danger , steps to strengtTici
the building should bo taken atonco. Tin
hall is often packed , night after night
gallery and main Iloor.
J. W. &E. L. Squire make hoautlfu
abstracts of title , and deserve the succes
they are enjoying.
Dm. Hanchott & Smith , ofHco No. 1
Pearl st. Residence , 150 Fourth st. Tele
phone No. 10. _ _
Our sixth cpnslcnmcnt of Quick Moa
stoves Is just received. Wo will suppl >
back ordcrrt and bo pleased to show ous
tamers the best vapor stove luiuto , Coli
Cole , No. 41 Main etrcoti' , ,
roniiso of Peace Between the Union Pacific
and the Iowa Roads ,
light Thrown Upon the Mysterious
Child DRHcrtlon OettlnK INcrvous
About the Salvation Army Hall
Car Coupling Victims ,
Illqtory of n Waif.
A few weeks ago , as the readers of the
JKI : will romumbur , a boy baby about
our weeks old was fotu'.u on top of a
jlothes basket in the rear of No. 407
Yillow avenue about 8 o'clock in the
voning. The child was then thought to
bo an illegitimate one , and the following
acts have since come to light.
A certain professional gentleman , al o
i well known gambler , have been
frequent visitors at the house of a girl
said to bo uboutU"years of ago , and until
recently a resident of the neighborhood
within a few blocks of the Pacific houso.
iMich of her male admirers' visits was
mkncMYii to the other and every-
; lung went along smoothly until
t was discovered lliat she was .enceinte.
> ho was somewhat gone pn the gambler ,
10 bump voung , or about , as she thought ,
nearer her own age than the professional
nan , and tried to induce him to marry
her , but without ellcct. The young
gambler .thought he'd try a little of his
"profession" on her and gave . her the
binIV. She then brought the influence of
lier other friend who had been attending
licr , into play. The nrofessionnl gentle
man advised the gambler to marry the
Kirl and ured all hi powers tothatefl'cet.
Time was growing precious. The girl's
homo was chanced about trom place to
place. The gambler was repeatedly
asked to marry the girl , but lie continued
Ills blutVgame. During the excitement
the gambler quietly packed his valise and
was prepared to steal away from the
city at a moment's not Ira. For
fully live weeks the grip remained ready
for removal to parts unknown. During
the interim a boy baby was born , and on
a dark night Mr. William Morris \yent
into the rear yard to bring in his wife's
clothes basket and there discovered a boy
The child Mrs. Morris yesterday told a
BKK man , who called at No.107 Willow
avenue , is a line , bright , heavy baby , but
HA she has not the time to spare she has
madn up her niind to let some one else
re for it until the parents call for it or
t gets ready to call for its parents.
Such is tlio history of the tiny baby boy.
The professional gentleman and the gam
bler , also the young mother , have re-
; aineil their equilibrium , but the young
; irl docs not rcccivo such marked niton-
ion from cither of her two former ad-
.nirers as previously.
Waking Up Again.
Work at the transfer now goes on as
> eforo the meeting of general suporin-
cndents which was held hero recently ,
nit how long it will continue remains to
)0 scon. Late Saturday afternoon the
general superintendents of all the roads
icnteringln this city were notified by the
Union Pacilic railway to continue the old
iiothods of freight transfers , until an
other meeting of general superintendents
could bo held , and that arrangements
satisfactory to all concerned would then
je made. Thereupon the local agents in
.his city received notification and again
the freight cars were shoved down to the
freight transfer to bo transferred under
the supervision of the Union Pacilic.
For several years there has been much
dissatisfaction existing in regard to the
expenses of running the freight trans
fer , as the Union Pacific has only been
paying 50 per cent under the agreement ,
while the live eastern roads have divided
the other 00 per cent equally between
themselves. It is claimed that numerous
attempts have been made to get the
general superintendents together within
the past two years , to re-arrange the pro
portion of the expense that each road
should pay , but without the desired
result. Recently , however , after much
trouble , they wore finally assembled in
the parlors of the Pacific hotel , and the
proposition that the Union Pacific pay 70
per cent of the freight transfer expenses ,
while the eastern roads pay the remain
ing 80 per cent was carried , the only
roads voting against it , being the
Wabash and the Union Pacilic. Fifteen
days wore given the Union
Pacitlc in which to make their conclu
sions known to the eastern roads , but as
thov failed to comply the eastern roads
withdrew and began lo look after their
own transfers. Some of the agents of
the eastern roads had engaged check
clerks , freight handlers , etc. , to look
after their interests , but late Saturday
night received notice to continue as be
A meeting of the division superintend
ents was to have been held to-day at the
passenger transfer , but as matters now
stand , it is exceedingly doubtful whether
these gentlemen will put in an appear
ance. It is thought that a meeting of the
general superintendents will take place
within the next week or ten days in order
that an amicable arrangement may be
entered into before the lirst of May.
Mrs. A. Dobson No. 807 Broadway ,
dressmaker. French taylor system.
Prices reasonable , tit perfect.
Cruel Couplings.
Chris. Anderson , the young man who
was so badly squeezed between two
freight cars at the transfer , recently , is
still alive at the St. Joseph's hospital in
Omaha and hopes are entertained of his
Jack llildobrand , the other switchman
who was hurt in the same manner and
by the same identical cars is recovering
at the Planters' hotel ou Tenth avenue.
Both those men were crushed between
the same two freight cars. One being
hurt the day after the other , and only
a distance of about thirty rods lav be
tween the two places whore the aecfdenta
occurred. In both instanes the men
stopped between the cars to pull the pin ,
the slack coming up and squeezing them ,
as the drawhoad was out of one of the
cars ana they were chained together ,
llildebrand's injuries wore of a much
lighter character than those of Anderson ,
and the former will probably recover ,
while the chances are greatly ogainsl
Anderson. _
Contractors and builders will find it to
their interest to get prices on lime ,
cement , plaster , hair , etc. , from Council
Bluffs Fuel company , 039 Broadway.
Telephone 180.
Her Head Whirled.
A woman reported at the police station
on Saturday night that she had no place
to sleep. Oilicer Rose took her to the
Bcchtolo hotel and secured her lodging
for the mjrht. Yesterday morning Ollicor
Stevens placed her under arrest , as ho
considered her ( lamented. She says her
name Is Mrs. Mayno and claims that she
worked for a farmer near Avoca , who
did not pay her i that she was taKen to
the poor farm with her clothing , but that
she walked In to the city. Her case will
probably bo Investigated to-day.
That tired feeling and loss of appetite
nro entirely overcome by Hood's Sarsa-
purilla , ' thy 'peculiar medicine. . Try it
( tut : see. . : .
The Now Fuel ( hat Hun * a 1OO Horne
1'oW'cr Holler for $1 a Dtty.
At the Climax Hcapur works in Corry ,
N. Y. , an invention has been put in oper
ation , which promises to furnish one of
the best and cheapest fuels known , and
t is believed by many that it will bo
cheaper and better even than natural
gas. The patanteo is ( Jeorgo Dock-
tader. Ho manufactures cas by the simple
Droccss ot intensely heating crude prctro-
oiini in a kiln , and conducting the re
sulting gas away for use through
small pipes. The gas in consumption
gives oil'an inteusa heat , and to
la v it kept a 100 horse power
boiler fit the right temperature from 10
a. m. to 0 p. in. , with the consumption of
only twenty gallons of crude oil of in
ferior quality , worth only -10 cents per
barrel. Two bar * of three-inch iron
were placed in the llama of the now gas
and were inadvertently brought together.
They immediately adhered , and on being
quickly removed were found to be per
fectly wielded together. In any other
lire ten minutes would bo required to
heat the bars to this intensity. It is
claimed that heat enough for a 100 horse
power boiler can bo kept up twenty-
four hours at a cost of $1. The heat can
ho readily increased or diminished
by increasing or diminishing the How of
oil. _
I5efore You Stnrt ,
On a journov , go to a drug store and
get a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera and Diarrha-a Uemedy , as a safe
guard against an attack of bowel com
plaint. Many prudent and careful per
sons never travel without it. Hundreds
of traveling men are never without a
bottle of it in their grip. Many lives
and much suffering has been saved by its
timely use. No one can afford lo travel
without a bottle of this pleasant , sufoxud
reliable preparation.
Kluotcd by lottery.
Baltimore Sun : Mr. William Ilayne
Perrv , who represents thtJ Fourth South
Carolina disinct in congress , is known
at home as a strict economist , and it was
expected that he would rival , if not ex
cel , Mr. Holman in guarding the treas
ury. During the Forty-ninth congress
he did not liguro very conspicuously in
the debates , but with two sessions' ex
perience ho may a tonish his congres
sional associates in the next house. Some
of his friends in ( Jrconvillo remarked
when ho started for Washington , just
after being elected , that "Perry would
fall in a lit or drop dead the lirst time he
encountered a bill appropriating several
millions. " He survived one term in cem
ents , and hopes to pull through the
Fiftieth. That he is a child of fortune is
shown by the story of his nomination.
After his predecessor , Colonel Evms ,
died there was n livclv and prolonged
contest over the nomination. Two hun
dred ballots were taken without a result.
Finally , it was proposed to put the names
of the three leading canmdatcs into a
hut , and that the lirst name drawn out
should receive the nomination. Messrs.
Perry , ( illyard ( and Monroe , were tlm
rival"candidates , and their names were
placed in the hat. Mr. Monroe's repre
sentative had the lirst draw out , and , to
his disappointment , the slip of paper he
drew from the hat contained the name ot
Make YonrHclf n Now ISmly.
Purge away the olddiseased and worn
out body , says Dr. Brandrcth. Replace
the discharged matters of the system with
good , simple food and thus build up a
new and sound body in place of one
feeble and diseased. Every man should
know that ho must be "renewed ' at
least once in two or throe ycar.s , else ho
will soon break down completely. This
renewing process is easily brought about
by purging with BKANDKKTII'S PIM.S.
They put new lifo into old bodies.
Bpccln ! advertisements , euch us Lost , Found
7oLo nFor B.tlc , To llent , ants , IlonnllnR- ,
etc. , will b < > Inserted in this column nt the low
ratoofTBNCENTSPEU LINE fortlionrsc insor-
Ion and fivoCciitaPcrLlnoforcacti subsequent
Insertion. Lciivo advertisements nt our ollico
No. U I'cnrl street , near UroaUwur. Council
IF j'fiu want to litre men or tennis to woik ,
cull nt Henry Jacobs' employment agency ,
room Xo. 0 , Opera bouso.
FOlt KENT Piirnlslied rooms , Xo. 703Broad-
JC way , Council Hulls (
HUNT 1'iiclQo IIOIIBO barber shop. In
quire Gco. W. 1'crxufcon It Son.
LOST A bunch or keys with a tmr "It. K.
Mnrron , 0. Ac It. 1. " Itewiird. Leave at
WANTED A peed live ntent to canvas tor
a household article of mciit. P. C. Jtovol ,
No. 501 Hrondway.
Apprentice girls to learn dress-
WANTED . No. 714 Mynstor St.
Klrst-clnss ulrl to do general
housework. No. U1) ) Fourth street.
FOH HUNT A largo front room , tlrst Iloor ,
turnlihed new , suitable for two go title-
men. Located In the central pnrt of city.
Wutcr nml KUJ. Address , lieo ollico. Coun
cil muffs.
FOH SAIjTi Complete plant and equipment
for H. II. bridge work , confining of 7
pile drivers , carpenters tools , tents , bedding
ml boarding outfit for ISO men. In good re
pair. Now itored at Chcnenno , W. T. For In
ventory and terms addressNo. 13 , N , Main Ht. ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
f rices Verfi Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
NO. % ! i MAIN ST. ,
In Anibor ,
ctc.Halr Or
iiaincnts , 119
well as llio
newest jiov-
cities in hair
29 Moin street. Out of town work so
, . . . . .
? n t t- - „
1 Ji
tfaHBI . CIHI tr h ki N
Mlhli ip < ci9ciurpoMCviIor
j Z ftW T "lTnuoui , mllj , loothltif current ! oV
logth.m"jJrVj .iohiiltaandVlcorouiBiitngih. il.ctrlo
Cuntol 7 > -r IllniUnrcr ] v foifdl tl'wia latilH.
Oreilnl InrioxmiaKgiir tH olhir bilii. Worn .
fnio.Mljr cured 111 Ihr. . uinUii. j l.d r.mphl l4c. CUM lUma per.
Th * liadin EUclrlo Co. 169 LtStllc U Ghieig *
KOliK < ! ATAHRII.'Th Or lOcra n
NO JUmeJjr l po HlntQr . FrMumpl *
p c lr and book ( or 4 ctnti la lUai > .s
Henry Eiseman& Go's
314 , 3i6 , 318 and 320 BROADWAY.
Monday and Tuesday Evenings , April
i8th and igth ,
Elegant array oi ! Spring and Summer goods. All former
tiiTortd to be outdone , to make tin's tlu grandest dis
play of
European and American Novelties
Ever exhibited in the west.
Every Visitor will lie Presented willi a Souvenir at the Door
The entire house will be Illuminated with
Electric and other Lights ,
To Attend Without Further Notice.
Respectfully ,
P. S. No goods will bo sold during the opening hours ,
from 7:3&to : 10:00 : p. in. , Monday and Tuesday evenings.
C. B. ALLEN , .
, ] ,
No. 11 North Main St.
City and county ranps or cities nnd counties
In wcelcru Iowa , Nebraska and Knnsns.
Star Sale Stabfcs and Mule Yards
Uiondwny , Council UlulTa , Opp. Dummy Depot
c = s
Horses and mules kept constantly on
hand , for sale r.t retail or in cur loads.
Orders promptly lillcd by contract on
shorl notice. Stock sold on commission.
Sni.UTKit & BOLEV , Proprietors.
Telephone No. 114.
Formerly of Koil Sale Stables , corner
1st. avo. and 4th street.
Announces that His Btocl ; nt
Finelmported SpriugMillinevy
In Choice Shapes ol Hats & Bonnets ,
Together with n
LaryeLlnc of XovcUlealn Fancy Ma
terials la now Itcadi/ for Your
Care ful Inspection.
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha ,
Korses S Mules
For all purpose * , bought and sold , nt retail
and in lots. Large quantities to select
from. Several pairs of fine drivers , sin
gle or do'iblo.i
WISE Council Bluff
i ) . n. NCDANKLD & co. ,
[ K.Ubllihot 1B < KI
No. M3 MMn i j i round ! DlulM.
( Standard No. 2016 } Sired by Almont N
83 , und "Reisistor , " ( Standard No. 5813
Sired by Tramp No. 808. Those stallion
will make the season ol 1887 at the Conn
oil Bluffs Driving Park. .
For particulars ihcjuiroof or addrcs * . .
, ' WADE GARY , ! C.ouucil Binds , I .
Vaccnt Lots , Lands , City Residences and
Farms , Aero nioperty In western part of city.
All selling chciip to make room for spring stock
Real Estate & Insurance Agent ,
Room 6 , over Officer & Puscy'a Bank , Couucl
jv ;
Justice of the Peace.
Ollico over American Express.
Designs , estimates and reports on bridges ,
viaducts , foundations and general engineering.
Blue prints of nny slzo nlul quantity.
OlticoNolSN. Mnlu St. , First National Bank
I willbeatthe 1'actjlc Hotel , Coun
cil Ulitfft > , every Saturday forenoon ,
OniahixDontiU Association removed to
Ilollman Block , cor. llUli and Fiinuini. suts teeth 40 , fully warranted. All
operations rendered painless by the use
of our new atuc.sthctic. Dr. Ilaughawout ,
MM nager.
Council BlHu"slowa.
Established 1S57
Attorney at Law.
C04 Broadway , Up Stairs ,
Council Bluffs.
Justice of the Peace ,
415 Broadway , Council BluflTs.
Refers to any bank or business house in the
city. Collections a specialty.
The only Hotel fn Council Blulfs Having a Fire
And All Modern Improvements.
215 , 217 and 219 Main St.
MAX MOIIN , 1'rop.
W. L.
Justice of the Peace.
. * No 504 JJroadway , Council Bluffs. - . '
Collciipns a fpccialty1 ; , . the Bee
' ' ' '
" . " , : ' > ' , " . ' ' ' ' . ' . ' l- ' ! ' , . . . ; " ' ' " ' , ' .
Headquarters for Good Goods !
Carpets and
Dry Goods.
We are still to be found on the Old Camp Ground
Broadway , Council Bluffs , la
With the largest and best selected stock of
Carpets ever brought to this city.
Our stock of Dress Goods comprises the
finest fabrics , and also the most substantial
but less costly.
Those wishing good goods and as rep resented -
sented will not fail to give us a call.
Don't Forget the Place ,
Real Estate Broker and Dealer
Council SIuIs ! ( Ollico , masonic
Temple. OinaliH Oillec , Xo 111
JVorlli Hltli street.
Particular afluntloii given to In
venting fund * 1'or non - resi
dents. Special bargain * In lots &
acre property in Omaha & Coun
cil Binds. Correspondence solic
Steam , Gas and Water Pipe
No 552 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , Iowa
Mail Orders Shipped
( /Successors t )
Commission and Produce Merchants ,
Dealers In Groccrlc * and Provisions. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
2fo. 11 South Main Street.
Farming Lands In Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from | 3.00 to
110.00 per ncre. School and state lands In Minnesota on 80 yours' time 5 per
cent interest. Land Buyers fare free. Information , etc. , given by
. . . , ,
No. 555 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Towa , agent for Frcidriksen - & Co. , Chicago.
Estate Brokers , > _
No. 13 North Main Street.
Lower Floor First Nation'al Bank Block ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
J'ropci'/y Situated on the Corner of Pearl Street and Sixth Avenue ,
hnoiun as the
Sold at Auction on Wednesday , April 20th
rp 3 j. 3 . SA.IjS O3iT 2POH
H. H. INMAN , Salesman.
Cancers one/ other Tumors
Attorneys at Law ,
Removed without the knitc or Drawing o raclicein t'n ' SUts an I PUsr-xl C > rirt
Koomi 7 and 8 Sluigart-llcno Block.
Over Pearl 30 years St..Council Practical Bluffs. expercnce , ' . ' COUNCIL " . ' * * ULUt't * .
' ' ' '
< : " ' ? ' / ' ' ' ' \ ' "
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