Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1887, Page 4, Image 4
- xiaafii - - . . . . ! THE OMAHA DAILY BEEy MONDAY. ATKIL 18. 1887. THE DAILY BEE PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. tHIly fMornUif Kdltlon ) Including 9unOny IIKK , Onn Year . $10 ForSIt MonttH . . . . 6 JVirThtoo Months . . . 2 Tint ! > -ootm Sunday HKK , mnlleil to nny tvldto-8 , Oae year. . . . S A orrirr , No. nu _ > ; : ay KARMAM sn VOUK oprirc. noun iV > , ir. " i.NK ; lltTii. l cotnmunlottionR tolatlnit to IIOTH andc < torlul nmllor should bo uU'liosjoJ to the Ki TOIl Of TIIK IlKE. nltSINESS t.ET-TIlUt All 1)ii lnc Id tors anil roinlttuncos ahould ll'ldrcoil to TIIK llr.t I'uiiLisniNn COUCAN p\i\llA. Drnfts , chocks and poitortlco ordt to bu nmJo payable to the aider of tUo couipui W BEE PUBLISHISUiPAIIT , PROPRIETORS , E. KOSEWATEK , RniToi : . TI1I3 PAILV ni2U. H wor n Statement of Circulation. Btato of Nebraska , I , County of Doiulaa. ) " ' ( Ifo. U. TzHchucK , secretary of The D Publishing company , deus solemnly swe that the actnnl circulation of tint Dally liter tor the week ending April l.ItW , wns follows : ( iKO. II , T/.TIirOK , Subscribed and sworn to beteie mo tl 10th day of April , 1S17. N. P. , [ SEAL. ] Notary Public. Satmday , April 0 U , Hitiuliiy , AurlllU 14f Monday , April It 14t Tuesday. April 12 Ul Wednesday. April 1U U.C Tlutiddav , Aprll H iit : Friday , April 15 14,1 Avorniro 14f Ueo. U. T/schuck , bclnif duly HWOI d | > oso-5 anil mis that ho Is socrntnry of T Bee Publishing company , that the ncti average daily circulation of the Dally II for the month ot April , ISSfl , I'j.l'.it conic for May , 1S 0 , 12,4.o : copies ; for June , 18 l'i.1'.H ' copies ; for Julv , is * ) . iaW4 cojw for August , IS.-O , l'J,44 ( } cojiles : for .Sonte Iwr. 18V5 , llo ! , : J conies ; for October , W la..W ) copies ; lor November. IBS' ! . 1:1. : : Corliss ; for December. liiHii. itu37 : copies ; I January , 18S7. lii.Mo copies ; for lebrim : TjW. I4,19j copies ; for March , 1837 , 14 , copies. ( ! KO. H. T/.sciiL'ci : SubscrllKHl nnd sworn to before mo this in day of A pill , A. D. , 1M7. _ ISKAL.I N. I' . . Notaty Public. IJv our Washington dispatches it w be seen that the railroad commission pi fcrs the long haul. The mombcis ha put in their bill from January 1st. TIIK lower branch of the Pennsylvati legislature hus pas3od a bill , which , if becomes a law , will reduce the lep profits of the Standard Oil comuui 91,000,000 per annum , Jf the members bo ' 'reached " it the upper branch can , safe to say that the bill will never h come n law. F. H. ADAMS , a spiritualistic mcdiu was mobbed at Clinton , 111 , , recent ! and his life only saved by the shnritF ta inc him to jail. The .spiritualistic frai atlomptod to materialize a crowd gli/j-U.s and spirits to dispursn the me but it seemed that they did not care be seen in suoh company. ALL this gasconade about makii Omaha n grain market by a combine state grain dealers is good enough to 1 nn editorial vacuum. The only way niako Omaha a grain market is to bm flouring mills that will consume gra nnd < o erect storage elevators that w handle and store it. A market cannot established without buyers. UP to a rucont date our new postmast was acting editor only of Dr. Milloi shoot by inspiring pretty much all the was in its political columns. Since K Coutant was ousted Congressman ft ! Shane's nnd the late government prii er's editors take their cue now from t same source , and Con Gallagher has t como editor of two dailies , one den : cratlc and the other republican. A po master who controls and edits two c posing dailies holds a trump card. CLV.VELANU is making i necessary arrangements for his wcste trip. Mrs. Cleveland insists that h husband "shall go as far west as the M Risaippi river. " If Grover wishes to s something really beautiful , he could i po better than como further west , and s the garden spot of the United States t Missouri valley. Omaha would bo plcasi to entertain him , while ho can make profitable at the same time bylookii ftor his wife's real estate. IK consequence of the strict onforc inont of the inter-atato commerce law t wool growers of Montana are figuring i driving their sheep to convenient poll ) on the river where shearing can bo doi nd water transportation bo had on t most favorable terms. The liberal mtc rotation of railway officials of the nc Inw favoring the corporations will of u cessity bo resented by the shippers who It ia possible to do so. Whore there a aavignble rivers U is predicted that ra road companies will bo made to see t folly of attempting to make a just la odious. TICK Nebraska Stock Yards com pa has leased of the state of Nebraska , foi term of fifty years , a largo tract of vah bio land , adjoining the city of Llnol Suction fourteen of chapter eighty , of t compiled statutes of Nebraska , providi "That no waste shall be committed up the land. " The members of the ati board of public lauds and bulldin should Interest themselves In this matt' ' and , if possible , put an end to illoi excavations. Failing to buy the land , t company has no right to use it for otl purposes than those spccllied in the lea FLOKIUA adds a gratifying chapter the current history of progress at t south. In two years Unit slate has duced its public debt by $120,800 , taxal property has increased from $00,000 , ' to $70,000,000 , aud an addition of < ' miles has been made to the railroad fai Ities of the state. Commendable atti tlon has boon given to public eduoath with the result of increasing the numl of schools in two yearn from 1,501 1,018 , and of attondanoo from 59ail 70.D93. Another interesting fact is tl the colored citizens of the state , M number about 100,000 , are sharing in I prosperity. Those people own prope in farms , town and city lots , houses , li stock , merchandise , and other fen valued at $3,000,000 , showing them to both industrious and thrifty. Flor has not the wealth of resources posses ; by some of the other southern states , u is not likely to become a partioip ; with these that are enjoying a boom , I such elements of prosperity as she has iTldently being wisely improved , l'.illroad Hoclpt-oolty . . , Tlioro is a rather familiar old adagi lhat "there are many ways to skin a cat. ' A striking Illustration of this adage I : afforded in the interpretation which rail roiid lawyers and malingers have glvoi to the Inler-slnto comuinrce law. The Pennsylvania railroad Is now Issti ing "state p.-uses" to editors whose pa purs have but limited circulation ant Inlliiunco. Inter-state passtH are glvoi by the sauio road to another class of ed Itors who arc willing to tgn ! a contract t < publish matter" favorable to the roai In exchange for transportation. Thosi editors become employees while the con tract lasts. Editorial employees are not i novelty , however , in these parts , wheji editors have been carried on the pay-rol of railroads for years , nnd ofllcers of rail ways have owned largo blocks of stock ii newspapers. President Keep , of the Chicago i Northern , is qilotud us saying : "Weshal Issue state pushes to the members of th Wisconsin legislature as usual , but no intor-state paws. " The same rallwn ; magnate has also declared incidentally Passes will not bo given out of courtes ; hereafter. " If they are not given "onto courtesy" wn would hko to know Inwha kind of currency members of the legU latiirc pay for their state passes. Members of the Massachusetts legisla turc were allowed to keep their passe after the 5th of April , but these paste boards were good only for free rides ii the state of Massachusetts. Passenger agent , Paul Morton , of th C. , U. & Q. , laid down this rule for intoi slate reciprocity : "Now that wo Issue n more pusses out of courtesy to the press we shall treat thum as employed agent and pay them for what they do for us. " Chtmoy M. Dcpuw , president of th New York Central , said to a New Vorl reporter : ' 'The Inter-state com mere bill , as 1 understand the law. was madi to regulate inter-stnle commerce and no state commerce. It deus not Intorferi with our giving transportation to a member ber of the legislature or an editor in thi state. Newspapers and railroads shouli bo on good tcrmi , and wo'cannot expoc a newspaper to advertise us unless w pay thorn in cash or transportation , an the law never intended us to do other wise. Still wo are glad to have a chanc to shut down on the habit of givin passes to Tom , Dick nnd Harry out ( pure courtesy , and not for good cause If newspapers pa < rmlroads I gue. we'll have to recinrocato. " Hallroad reciprocity is by no moans I bo conliuod to editors and members c the legislature. The law has 1)0011 ) I c fleet less than two weeks , already small army of favored persons have boo enrolled as employes and agents. W are told that a relative of an Omali millionaire has boon hired at tli onorinons salary of lifteen dollat a year , placed upon the employes' rol and furnished an annual pass by ono t our great railroads. How many other have been put upon the list , is a mer matter of conjecture. Railroad recinroc ity will docoino responsible for fre pass distribution among people \vho ar willing to continue to make thomsolvo useful in city concils , boards of trade freight bureaus , political conventions tin in the national and state legislature ! Those who are not willing to piny cat's paw iu pulling railroad chestnuts out c the flro , will bo politely informed tlni the inter-state commerce law impose heavy penalties on railroad managers fo issuing passes or granting favors to an class of their patrons. Non Resident Allen Ownership. YANKTO.V , Duk. , U. S. A. , April 15 , ' 87. Editor JKK ! : Can you aend me the text n the alien bill recently passed by the leglslr litre' . ' Being an alien who hai spent som $50,000 In the Improvement of Knox countv would llle to see what penalty Is attached t such conduct. Yours truly , JOHN M. PIBUCR * The following is the bill passed by th last legislature , signed by the governo nnd is now a law : SK.crio.v I. That no non-resident , alia foreigner , who has .not declared his Intcntloi tlon to become a cftl/.on of the United State * nor any corporation or association whore a most one-tenth or Its stock or rlijht ot proji crty is owned or controlled by aliens or foi ' clxticrs , shall acquire or own' , hold or posses by right , tltlo or descent , accruing hureattoi any real estate In the state of Nobraka. Pn vided , That the provisions ot this act aha not apply to the real estate necessary for th construction and operation of railroads. SEC. 2. That , whenever any non-residon alien , who IH the owner of real estate at th time of the passage of this act shall die , hi lauds , which would have descended to hi heirs , shall escheat or descend to the state c Nebraska ; and the heirs or persons wh would have been entitled to snob lands stm bo paid out of. thu school funds ot tha state c Nebraska full value tliereof as ascortatno by appraisement upon the oaths of the jutle treasurer and clerk ol the county where sue lands lay ; and such lands shall then tacon subject to the law , and shall be disposed o as otber school lands belougln K to thn sut Provided , That the expanse of apprato met shall bo deducted from the appraised valu of such land. SEC. 3. Whereas , an emereonoy exist therefore , this act shall take effect on an after Us passage and approval , There are doubtless many others in position similar to that of our corn spondont to whom this information wi bo interesting. Though no opinion garding this measure is asked , wo von uro to express a doubt as to whether th law can bo made operative. It seems t us to bo too sweeping and not sudicicntl specific. The inhibition of alien ownoi ship applies to all real estate , whether i farms or town lots , and may bo construe to include even a burial site in a coin tory. It should have clearly defined th character , and perhaps also the quantit of real estate that aliens shall notacqui or owa , or which , being owned oy a alien , shall at his death escheat to th state , The objcot of the bill is of conn to prevent the absorption of largo trac of land by non-resident foreigners pure for the purpose of speculation , at against this object nothing is to bo sal Alien landlordism in this country h become n largo and sorlous evil. An olio was made in the last congress to chock tl evil In the territories , but it tmfort nutely failed. It will undauntedly I renewed In the next congress. Illluo has had a severe experience with the ev and a bill Is now pending ; in the logial turo of that state intended to remove Wisconsin has just passed a law res trie ing uon-rosldtmt alien ownership to a acres. Legislation agiinut alien Ian lordisni will Inevitably become genon The policy whioh demands that the si of the country shall bo owned by its ol zcns is wise , safe and just. It is In aoco with an aqcer > le4 axiom In vogue throug out the olylnzod world. But it Is plain most dcs Irnbto that Ml such Icglslatloi shall dotlno clearly what fa m AUt > , ao thai tlioro can bo no evasion or defeat of ltd object by moans of technicalities , ami no ujustleo result from IU operation. The aw printed above does not appear to us to fully answer this requirement. Tlio whether "non-resident question as to - alien foreigner" refers to persons living outside the state of Nebraska or outsidi of the United States must bo determined by the courts. The Ilcoritnnlzo < t Fraud. Soon after the HUB had exposed th i corrupt business methods of the Mutual Benevolent insurance fraud at Beatrice , Neb. , the graveyard concern Immedi ately underwent an alleged reorganize tlon , while the managers of the rotten company claimed to have experienced n Qtcncral transformation of soul , and pub lished In editorial columns of state pa persthat they had roformod. We now [ earn upon excellent authority that the reorganized outfit has boon sending cir culars to its policy holders , asking thai they return the $3,000 cortihcute , and they , in the fullness of their generoni hearts , will issue in its stead , for one dollar < lar additional , a f,000 cortllicato. The policy holder who for two or three year.1 has been paying assessments on a | 3XK ( policy will regard this with suspicion. To be asked to surrender a cortilicuto in exchange for onu of $1,000 loss , and pas an additional dollar for making the ex change , Is the height of impudence. The fur-seeing managers of the fals < pretense exacting association In their circular state that the company believes its agents huvu been insuring for a greater amount than they should , and more , no doubt , than the assessed nan afford to pay , This is the first Instance yet cited whore an insurance company proposes to bocoino the guardian of its patrons , But the Beatrice concern was t fraud a few months ago , and before in vesting in Its policies , the 15KK would again advise its readers to bo cautious , It should always bo remembered that i is hard to purify a rotten egg. An Uncertain Situation. A few days ago it was said that Mr Cleveland was a good deal perturbed ovci the declaration of George William Cnrtii that he could not be re-elected. Thi opinion of the greatest mugwump o them all was based on the well-attended democratic dissensions in New York. In the view of Mr. Curtis the next presiden tial oleotion "will bo8otled ( within twenty miles around the city of Now York. " I this view be correct , there is certainly great reason to doubt , the chances of Mr. Cleveland's re-election if he shall be again the democratic candidate , which Mr. Curtis assumes ho will bo. Thi Cleveland supporters in New York citj are largely in the minority. The Worlu says the democratic defection made ap parent in the vote for Cleveland in 188 lias not been diminished , but rather in creased , by the course of the ndministra tion. Hut Unit paper thinks it is assum ing too much to say that Mr. Clcvelanc is certain to be the democratic candidat in 1883. Despite those cottnter-statoments am the uncertainty they involve , we havi very little doubt .that Mr. Cleveland desires sires a rtmommation , and will secure it Nor will ho bo called upon to make an ; great ell'ort to achieve that result. Tlior seemed to bo a strong probabilit ; a few months ago that the enl ; opponent ho had to fear. Governo Hill , might have proved form ! dublo. 15n the governor has not been ginning ground if indeed ho has not lost , with the com : try at lanre. He has been able to kcc ; himself solid "within twenty miles arouni the city of New York , " but that will no enable him to win in the convention The democracy of the country will ne submit to the dictation of the troachorou clement or the party in that region. Then is already abundant indication of this The diniculty with Hill is , that he is to < essentially and entirely a politician , am not of a very high grade either , to war rant the party in elevating him to na tional leadership at this time. If it coulii have four years more of administration li might drive its stakes lirmly enough t < venture with such a man , but it woult invite disastrous dcfi'nt by doing so 110.1 year. There would be a much more soi ious revolt of leaders against Hill thai against Cleveland , and the former conl hope ( or none of the independent voto. The General Verdict. When the veteran showman , P. T. Bat num , with his own and only groatos show on earth , remarked that "advor tisingis the road to wealth , " he spok alone from experience. Judicious udvor tising brings returns. The BE * : is dail ; in receipt of letters similar to the follow ing : NORFOLK. Neb. , April 15,1837. DKK Publishing Co. . Omaha : Gents : I'leasn take out tiio notice of bai ber wanted , as the party tor whom It was ir eertud complains that ho is receiving raoi letters than ha caroa to answer. As an tu vcrtlslng medium the BER is a BUCCOJ * . M. WATKHMMT. This suggentlon should not bo lorgottei If you want to buy , or if yon want tosoll if you want to employ help of any kinder or if any kind of employment is wanted advertise In the DAILY BKR. No botte advertising medium can bo found In tb west. For such advertisements a dail ; circulation of nearly fifteen thousand i guarun teed. To say that the inter-state coniraisslo will have its hands full , conveys "but vague idea of the business , trouble an annoyance to which it will bo subjectot A relief from puzzling and porploxin questions of long and short hauls , su pensions and excursion rates , is affordc by a case going up from Georgia. . very respectable and well-dressed colore minister purchased a ticket guarantei " llrst-class " H ing one - passage. took his scat iu a ear containing soi oral white gentlemen. The oonduotc was importuned to oust the colored mar 1 hiding it impossible to induce th preacher to occupy a oar expressly fc colored passengers , the conductor thro' him off the train. The case has gone t the commission , and it is wondered ! such an outrage against a holder of first-class ticket will be deemed a dia crimination. It is evident from all th facts that the colored minister got ouly abort haul. TIIK present promises to be nnothe famous year of immigration. A few dn.i ago a dispatch from Quoonstown n ported an extraordinary rush of poop ! there eager to got out of Ireland an come to the United States. On oho da of last week tuera were 4,400 immigrant landed at New T6rk. The prcvailini conditions , social and political , InKurop favor emigration , while the improvinj prosperity of this country invites to tlies shores. The inriiicnccs that are ope rat ing to drive the people of Ireland fron : their homes are < well understood. Kng llsh tyranny aiid landlord robbery arc the agencies that are depopulating Ire land. On the continent of Europe tin fears of war are the most potent Influeue impelling Immigration , aided by declln ing industries and Increasing taxation t < support enlarged military establishments Thus far the immigration record of 183 is the largest of any single year in oil history , the total numbnr of Immigrant in that year being 788,092. If the rat thus far in the present year is main talned that remarkable record will b equalled , or perhaps exceeded. Th west , of course , will ba the largest gainc from this accretion to our population. TiiBiiEls one thing that no newapapo combine has yet attempted. Under thi high license law all applications for li cense , either by druggists or liquor deal ers , have to bo published in the papci that has the largest circulation in the clt ; or county in which the license is granted Although the field has been opened to al papers , THE BEE has no competitor fo this clas ? of advertising. This is also i "printing steal , " wo presume , In tin eyes of papers that don't circulate , bu as yet not a word has been heard abou Tun Delmonico banquet was strictly i private affair , but the gentlemen win attended it have never been accused of i breach of etiquette , although it did leal out through the press that a large sun of money was raised for Blalno by tin plate-holders , and a foolish speech wa made by n political clergyman. Tin ouly person who was rotten-egged , poht ically , was the ass who brayed abou "Rum , Uomanism and Rebellion. " Tlili is suggestive. IT is rumored that the alleged demo cratlc evening paper of the capital city which contains a pufl each day for tin Lincoln bolters' sheet , is only an appendage ago to the kite of the Clark , liathawn ; and Gere State Printing Grabbers' asso elation. And in dealing out the pull's fo the Jloodli-r's Own the former managiii ) editor of that sheet certainly earns hi salary. Tin : "doltd citizens" of Omaha wh < patronize the paper that is run strictl ; upon etiquette will be deliehted to leari that Mike Meany has made such an excellent cellent and cllicient street commissioner Mike would not IIHVO known it himself i the man who writesbetween , drinks hui not made the discovery. A LAW has recently gone into effect ii Connecticut , authorizing agents of hit mane societies to take charge of unimali cruelly treated. It would certainly havi been a better law to have an agent take charge of the person indicting the cruo treatment. WK are pleased to note that now can didatcs for mayor sire beginning to bios som out with the opening of spring. Thi dark horse may , after all , win th race this time , us it often has dom before. It is the dark horse that Mayo Boyd dreads. Now that the republican city conimil tee has taken steps for calling the prim ary elections , the city campaign may b said to be fairly open. 8TATI3 JOTTINGS. Stuart has invested in a creamery. Dodge county's insane tax is $14,538.2 , ( Dakota City shipped sixtj cars of stool and produce last month. Lincoln saloons have been ordered t cork up promptly at 10 : < JO every nigh and all day Sunday. North Bend is disgusted with the qua ! ity on the surface and will bore into th earth for natural gas. The Crete creamery has commence' ' business. The building is 52x80 and cosl with machinery , fS.OOO. Mrs. Nancy Martin , wife of Fatlio Martin , the vonorablu Dakota city crtitoi died suddenly last Saturday. The Hamilton farm of 100 acres , nen Fremont , luis boon sold to the Davenpot brothers of Bath , N. Y. , lor $10,000. It is reported that I'lattsmouthors ar displaying more sand in their undcrtafc ings since the starting of the waterworks The postoflicc receipts iit Wahoo. fo the year ending April 1 show an incrcas of twenty per cent over the prevlou year. Stromsburg complains of insuflicior railroad accommodations , and has aii pealed to the state commission to rcmeu the evil. The Fremont board of education ha invited Superintendent Clarendon t seek another job after the close of th school year. The cowboy element around Anselm have discontinued the palatine busines : The last coat of coffin varnish will tmftic for the season. A trio of sleek swindlers worked th "shell racket" on scores of greonies neu Dakota City for the past ten days an raked iu a snug salary , Bohnon , one ot the horse thieves wh escaped the bullets of the vigilantes i Sherman county last week , has been ai rested and jailed In Valentino. Bert Bemis , son of George W. Bouih of Sutton , died Saturday of internal ir juries received white loading a car wit hay. He was fourteen years of age. Fremont is anxious to got on the mal line of the Milwaukee to Omaha. Th prettiest cannot resist the fnscinatln smiles of the metropolis. She pouts , rd ponts and then omljpces. For the year ending with March th peace preservers of'Hastmgs ' gathered i 107 law breakers , of whom one-half wor loaded with pain killer. The fines col lected amounted to,3SK ) . The city council ofi Grand Island hn abolished smokine during business houn It is Loped the reform win notsproad easi ward. The rich aroma of Infers is preferable forablo to an overflow of natural gas. The manly art of maulers is highly esteemed teemed in Crelghton ! A local thug ha been caned and uariquctted for poundinj two citizens , and publicly displaying hi brilliancy as a bruiser. His name i Cheney. Fremont threatens to blossom out as summer resort. A neighboring pan named Abbott's lake is to bo decorate with a hotel to cost $250,000. The trib of Mulhattoa seems to be nourishing i the vicinity. The Frtmiont Herald , referring to th postal banquet , says : "Coutant wa sandwiched between the victorious hko cactus stem in a garland of roses. " Don mention it. The guesU wore naturi blossoms of various shades and oandl power. K. 3. Harkrodor , late of the Cla County Democrat , ban disappeared fror Sutton , and his whereabouts is a tuyster to several trieuds who loaned him variou sums of money , to relieve the nreuure o his purso. It li feared bo has joined th BUootllatlvo hosts on the other shore o the great lakes. The secret is out. The sponsor o Charde , tno lately appointed democrat ! land olllccr , was the Hon. Patrick Faliy the democratic headlight of Holt county The O'Neill Free i'rc s declares that h was Pat's first and only choice. Lave I tlioro , Pali Lot thu mantle of Chard cover the lamentations of the multitude The rights and liberties of the towi cow in Nebraska City arc in jeopardy and the friends of the pcrumbulatinj creamery must rally under the banner o bovine indepondoncc.or suffer their lawn togrowrank. An anil-town cow leagn has been formed to impound all milol cows running loose , and a gigantic strtig glo impends in the venerable capital o Otoo. The noted Capitol hotel of Lincoln ha boon sold to William Henry Stout , win proposes to promote himself from a ston pile to n feed mill. The prlco paid wa $120,000. C. W. Kitchen purchased th pjopurty from Mr. Imhnff n year ago fo fau.OOO , : ; ! , a the ligures show , ha netted a handsome profit. It t said ts ! : Hon. E. P. Hoggen , late secretary o Htatc , will take charge of the hotel. Professor Quin Bohannnn declares , li an essay on the subject , that "feeling man's head to judge the character of tin man , conflicts with the principle of th good old bible , which teaches us to jiuljr men as trees by the fruit they bear , nm not by the knots they have on thoi heads. " The distinguished professor ha done some planting in his day , and th fruit of his toil will be harvested on th gallows. The knots and bump ho lovelei with lead , and a little mound in the Wav erly cemetery boars silent evidence of tin effectiveness of his preaching. Hastings produces a mammoth arrai of figures to prove that the town is full ; up with the procession of progress. Thi estimate of improvements for the yea reach the enthusiastic total of $ l,70t"ooo ) This includes the state insane asylum county jail , street railway , bolt railway the Klkhorn Valley , Omaha & Wyandotte dotto railroad extensions , several businc ! ) blocks , numerous residences , churcli/js otc. The metropolis of Adnms county i determined to take second place iu th record of progress this year. It is painful to chronicle the sorrowfu fact th-il North Bond has pooled will Fremont and Lincoln to down Omaha The chronic snarls and periodic pouts o the dromios ol the 1'lattc and Salt creel bottoms had become musty with age ant threadbare from use , but the appcaranci of the .vomit ; stripling of Dodge oountj in the ring has given vitality and ycnon to the contest. The metropolis might a , well throw up the sponge without furthe : ceremony and hie to a cemetery. A slightly esteemed contemporary li North Bend is suffering from a fatal com binution of hydrophobia and dclnrlini tremons. The attack was preciiiltutui by the arroflt of the salvation army n Omaha. Mounted on a lurid and mi tamed nightmare , the Hail unlinibors i lewd tongue , and thrashes the heavens ii a spasm of indignation , "otrnmpets1 and "btood-hnunds" howl through hi imagination as he chases snvon-huudoi elephants and other beasts blowing tii horns. The unfortunate victim of snaki root or canine virus has been turned eve to the prayerful ministrations of th army , and drum beats and tambourin tntlous will bo uttered for his recovery. * KILLED AT THE ALTAR. A Sad lOplsodo liii-liir the Torrll li Siege of Chin-lesion. Atlanta Constitution : During the tu mult and excitement of the.late war on of the saddest incidents that occurrci was the marriage and death of Annie eldest daughter of Governor Pickens o South Carolina. In the midst of th great events of the war such tragedie were comparatively unnoticed , but nov that time hus calmed the troubled sea o strife and contention , a picture of tha scene will be of general interest , nm will awaken a chord of sympathy in tin hearts of nil who read it. On April 22. 1803 , in Charleston , S. C , lit the residence of Governor Pickuns , i party was assembled to witness the nwr ri.igo ceremony of Annie Pickens ti Lieutenant La Kochcllc. It was a time when terror and angnisl were prevailing throughout the entir south and the booming of the union gun then roared In the harbors , but the llttl number who had collected together hai determined to smile , even though fhci hearts were aching and they were trom bhng with terror. Beneath the soft ligh of thu chandelier the clergyman stood with the habiliments of the church en shrouding his venerable form. Hufor him was the noble young lieutenant it his olliuial uniform , while beside bin leaned the bcautitul anil stately wonmi who was to become his wife. There slu stood , regal and proud , possessing every thing that prestige of birth , rank am wealth could give. "Aro you ready ! ' asked the minister , unclasping his book "Yes , " said Lv : ttoehello , taking the ham of the brine. Scarcely was the answe uttered than there was an awful crash A shell from the cnemv's guns had pena tratcd the mansion , bursting in the raids of the marriage seono and scattering it deadly missiles around. Men trembled ; am women screamed , mirrors were shlverei and for a moment the walls seemci to rook to and fro. In a few moment quiet reigned , and it was ascertained tha the only fatal wound received was iu thi left temple of the waiting bride , who la ; like a beautiful crushed flower in thi arms of her agonized lover. Laying he on n lounge he bent over tier , and , in ; moan of despair , prayed that even ii death she would become his wife. He quick drawn breath molted in a sigh , a the lips smiled assent. There she la1 pure and white as the cluster of cuiuolia at her breast , while the onmsou lito tidi oozed in huavy drops from the deatl wound in her brow and coursed it stream over the lovely check , murrin : the snowy clouds of her bridal veil tha enveloped ner. The ceremony was o few words , and the "yes" wasmurmuroc in a dying whisper beneatli the husband' kiss. In a moment all was over ; a littl' ' struggle and she was dead. Beneath the oool , deep shadows of tin ninguolin Annie Pickons La Hochelle wa laid to rest , where the sad wall of tin waters sighed an eternal requiem , whil the bravo young soldier went his way , ii the lire and danger of oiUtlo , to serve hi country and his God. Ho little fe.irei the sword or the bullet of war , for over a his heart there was n wound more cruc than death and lasting as life , Itoynl Presents for the I'ope. London Tablet : The offerings whicl the holy father wilt receive on the occa sion of his sacerdotal jubilee will be o the most varied and costly kind , am from all hints. The sultan has alread ; forwarded by the Armenian patriarch Peter Antony X. , his superb gift of arm ; iu brilliants , estimated at a value of eve four thousand pounds. The empress o China and the queen regent ot Spaii will also send presents of u splendid char actur. The Emperor William is having i piece ot rich jewelry made at Berlin fo a like purpose. It has already bcci stated that Queen Victoria's gift will taki the form of a sumptuously bound cop' of the "Vulgato. " President Grovy , notwithstanding hi recent offering , will , according to thi somi-otllclat trench papers , scud an other splendid vase and inkstand. A qmto another end of the world , and o the social scale , Padre Antonio Kiccardi ouo of Dom Bosco's missionaries in Pat agoniu , writes from Carmen that tin various Indian tribes of the Kio Ncgri are engaged in preparing several object of native niako and u e as their offcrini to the sovereign pontiff ; and these curl ous articles are destined to figure in the forthcoming Vatican exhibition side tr vide with tno princely gifts of oasten aud western potentate ! . . . < NEWS OF NEBRASKA TOWNS Railroad Discrimination at Oakland a Which the Farmers Uuioii Protests. A QUESTION OF IMPORTANCE Orctcliton'a Uitiiliicsa Inducements Iloinjt Advertised to ( he World Loup City Free l < 'rotn Vice Kntlroail Hoiiin. The Corporation Dictates. OAKLAND , Nob. , April 10. [ C apondcnco of thu BIK. : ] | Last fall a company was formed at this place under the title of the "Farmers' Union , " for the purpose of shipping grain. 'Ihu atoct was mostly taken by farmers , as the de sign was to do business entirely In theii Interests. When an organisation hai been cii'oc'ctl the I'Vnners' union uotighl two good business lots of Nelson , Yoiuif & Swanson , on which to build an pie- valor , the eastern boundary of the lots coming within twenty-seven foot of tin side track , on which cars were run ti other elevators. They asked per mission to reach the track by means ot a spout. The reply wa > teat it was too near tlu < switch to havt a car stand there. The union thun of fercd to build a track at their own ov ponso if th railroad company wonlii furnish the rails. This was also refused but to get out of IN dilemma of rofnsiuu shipping facilities , they offered the Union ground in an out of the way place , whore there was an embankment six foot higl to contend with , and the dirt road to tin. saint ! rendered nearly impassible In wcl weather by a small stream of water thai Hews along the lots , its natural dlsadvan tagos making it nearly worthless for tin purposes it was wanted for , thus , in fact , refusing while seeming to grant. The Fanners' union tlu-n built n small ware liouso on the street that passes their InU ( it not being opened across the railroai track ) , but laying within railroad limits The superintendent , Mr. Jones , has or dared the union to move theirmiildin < j forthwith although Mr. Holmiilt ( | t has a building of I lie same kind within twenty feet of it saying in so many words , It the Union wants to ship thuir grain the > tuuft build an elevator. The question ol vital importance to the farmer is this Can n railroad company demand a cor * tain style of building before granting shipping facilities ? Crumbs From Crnlghlon. ritKioirroN , Nub. , Apiil 13. [ CorrC' spondence of the BKE 1Creisliton people - plo have elected a prohibition town board for the coming year , the vote being 127 for prohibition and U2 for license. George K. Cheney was yesterday pre sented with n gold-headed cane by his friends hero in Crcigjiton , showing their appreciation of him in his labors to build up and improve our town and commu nity.We We have been enjoying a fine rain dur ing the last two days. The small grain is all sown and mo't of it has come up , but in some places some of the grain waa blown out by the heavy windi of last week. Il.'iilroad surveyors have been running a line through tills ( Knox ) county , about fifteen miles west of Creighton , aud they are supposed to bo the B. iM : M. surveyors running a linn to Ninbrara. The dispatch sent to tiio BKK last week from this place stating that ( luorgo C. Cheney headed the whisky tluket , was false , as Mr. Cheney did not run on any ticket. Settlers are beginning to arrive froni the east , and several larms have beeu pnrchnscil near town. Wo have ono of the finest locations fern n creamery in Nebraska , and ono. could obtain the cream from about 1,000 cowfl within a radius ot ten or twelve miles of Creighton. Several line residences are to bo put up here this season , among which are J. L. 1'uckard , one of our lumber merchants , and H. Perriuo , real estate agent. Creighton's board of trade is nonding out a largo amount of advertisement * offering InducomentK to parties wanting to establish any kind of manufacturing hero , as wo have a line country , well set tled , : tnd property can bo obtained at reasonable rates. B. A I jo up City L'rotcnt. Lour CUT , Neb. , April 14 , 1897. To the Editor of the BKK : 1 notice in the BKG of the 13th inst. , under the head of "State Jottings , " an account of a game of poker said to have taken place hero last week , in which a sportive minister was the principal loser. Loup City is blessed with two resident ministers , who eujoy the comidencc and esteem of every one acquainted with them , and to accuse either of them of holding a hand in a poker game is preposterous and absurd in the extreme. Wo are aware that such a statement , published in any paper en joying the circulation that the BKK has , Is very damaging to any town , and we take this opportunity of saying that Loup City is as frco from vice M her sinter towus , and has a class of business men wide awake and full of enterprise second to none in the state. With the B. & M. railroad building in our limits and our hotels crowded with homo seekers , wo take pleasure in aaying that Loup City is the coming town of the Loup country. [ The item above referred to was found by the exchange editor floating around in the state papers , and was transferred to the volutmis of the BKI : without any mnlico aforethought. KD. ] Teouinseh's 1'roipecla. TRCUMSUI , Nob. , April 10. [ .Corres pondence of the BKK. ] The railroad boom has reached Tecumsoh. The en gineer of the Chicago , Omaha & El Pnso road has given our citizens encour agement , and gives it as his opinion that the road will be built thib year through Johnson county and Tecumsoh. Tocuin- seh has long been at the mercy of the B. & M. and Its branchos. This now line assures a big boom in the county scat and will help every cilixnn in the county. The question of building a now court house is now receiving attention , and it is thought bonds will Fo voted at the fall election. The late city election resulted in a license board , and the saloons will pay u lieeiiKo thid year and conduct their busi ness in the front rooms. Human Nature , Puck ; Ono of the moH remarkable in stances ot the littleness of the Imniiui mind is the tact that : i num worth hm thousands a year will .soul up a latter , stamp it , and then , Mi'Menly remember ing that ho. has forgotten something im portant , try to open it atrain without hav ing it show. To effect this he will labor fifteen min utes , anil , having succeeded , hit will flully forth and spend $18 on a dinner , wine and 25-cont cigars. Women buying a S5- cent lunch and then running up u'uulli- nor's bill of ISO are maligned. Human nature is human nature. "The light that lies. In woman's eyes. " is a ray of heaven's own brightness ; but it is , alas ! often dimmed or quenched by Bomu wearing disease , perhaps sllentyl borne , but taking nil comtort and enjoy ment out of lilo. The light of the house hold cmi bo rekindled and ronko to glow with its natural brightness. Dr. H. V. 1'iuroo'ri " 1'iivoriUi Prescription" is a po tent specific for mot of the chronic weaknesses and disease * peculiar to women , . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' 'A" ' ' ' ' . . . . 'V . " ' . A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. With the approach of spring and the incroaJecl internet mau- ifustcd in real estate matters , I am more than ever consult ed by intending purchasers as to favorable opportunities for invostmeut.uud to all such would say- When putting any property * on the market , and advertising it as desirable , I have invariably confined myself to a plain unvar nished statement of facts , never indulging in vague promises for j the future , and the result in ev- I cry ease has been that the expi-c- ) tations of purchasers were more than realized. I can refer with pleasure to Albright's Annex And Baker Place as sample illustrations. Lots in the "Annex" have quadrupled in value nnd are still advancing , while a street car line is already building past Maker i Place , adding hundreds of dollars to the value of every lot. Albright's Choice was selected by ' i ma with the greatest care a tcr a ' thorough study and with the full knowledge of its value , and I can- conscientiously gay to those seek ing a ofifc and profitable invest ment that Albright's Choice offers chances not excelled iu this market for a sure thing. Early investors have already reap ed largo profits In CASH , and with the many important improvements contemplated , some of which are now under way , every lot in this splendid addition will prove a bo nanza to first buyers. Further information , plats and prices , will bo cheerfully furnish ed. Buggies Roatiy at All Times to Show Properly , Respectfully W.C. ALBRIGHT . . , SOLE OWNER , 218 South 15th Street W Jiranch office < it Month Omaliii A. It. Property for wife In all * parts of tliccltu. . . , - . . . . ' ' ' ' ' " ; : > : ; - ; / ; / ? . " > . ; . : ; ; ; . , : ' : ; , ' ! , . ' ' / - . ' - ' : * . . ' . > . , V'I : : ' ' v.-- . ; . , . : ; . . . . ' : ? . ; ! -v---/l