THE OMAHA DAILY BEE f . { MONDAY APRIL 18. 1887 * MONK1 TO ! .O.\N-bythonnderslgned , who has the o | y properly orffAtil'iil loan upcncy InOmnhn. Loans of (10 to ( IDOmade mi furniture , pianos , orirnns , hones , wngons , machinery , Ac. , without removal. No delays. All Iniflinr'i Mrlc.tly confidential. Lonna PO mnde iSmt nny tmrt tun tin paid al nny I mo.curb Tinymtnt reducing Itic cunt pro rntn. Advances mnde nn flno watches mid diamonds I'erpons phould carefully consider win ) tboy are dealing withi ninny now concerns arc dally coming Into existence. Hhould you tiroil money call nnil fee me. W. | L Croft , Hoora 4 W'thncll ' Ilulltllng 15th and Hurney. 78S BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR HALE Htock of ury goods In good town ; invoice nbout (7. ,530 ; will tnkouliout > ' > Intrude or It gncm Otnnan real estuto will fake nil In trade , good reasons for selling. PitrK A Fowler , 1522 Douglns st. 9J7 21 FOR PALE First clam bnrbor fhop In the center of thuclty. Inquire L 4.1 lleo othce. W ! 22J WANTlin A partner with $300 , rnui chancel > 'iioil ' pnylugbu lnes , Addrucs or nil , Pajlon A 1,131)4 ) Douglris ti.Boi 1CJ | ? yW HAI/E-lteal eMate olllcu doing good l lniBlne p , with furniture , maps , horse and liiigvy , etc. Iteu'ou , pr.rtlcH going nway , 218 N. UittiBt. Luwrenci ) \ . oydel. WXI 19 171OK HALlf Artmiplrtto * clKiir'slniiiT outtlt. JL1 Gulf Clly Ileul EMnto Co. , HCU Doilgla * St. "fjiJirsATTT Onu-Tialfhrtorf'st In the Nebraska Jv Slgnnltho largest cliculatloti of any coun try weekly nonppapcr In the state : Inrgo Job "ollice In connection. For full pnttlcular * nil- drcas or enll on E. C. Sawyer , Adnir . Vnlr- mont. Nob. 738 BI'Y a Mnyfleld lot on Wo t Cumlngs street , (360 , J50 down nnd (10 monthly. C. J. Can an. 72. FOH SALE 01 Exchange A now 35 hbl com- blnntion mill MtwttoJ on l.lttlo Illuo river , near Hebron , In Thuyer county Will ox- clmtigo for wild or Improved liinds or live stock. For further partlculuiH nUdrets Flrtt National Hank , Hebron , Nob. bJJ \\7ANTKD To llnd good , llxo business men TT with ttockx of goods to move to n grow ing town heiu money cnn be made. I will as- clet tbo right kind ol people In building , etc. Will pay good big bonus to anv ono that will Blurt a canning fnctory , or. In tnet , nny kind of n factory that employs bauds We want a drug More , turnitura More , gioccry ptino , n doctor , n prnetlcnl pnlnter right uwiiv. For partlculnts nddie s llnnk of Valley , Valley Neb. 4'i4u3 : PERSONAL. PiilPONAI.-l'ilviitobomofor : ladlo' ? tlurliur contlnemcnt , strictly conndcntlal , Inlunta ndoptednddio a K K , line oHIco. COTni''j ' Hrt. DUItAN'r CJarivnj nt from IlostoTi.Tg tellalilo In nil atTnlroof life , unites separated lovers. K.-J N. l th it. loom 1 64Un 8 EHS1NA1. Mr * . Dr. Nnnm * V. Warren clairvoyant. Medical nd buslneai Medium Boom No. 8,121 North ICth at. ,0maha. Neb. STORAGE. OMAHA Storage Warehouse Corner 13th nnd l/ard Hts , , for storngo of household roods and general inerchnndlso at low rates. Advaneas mndo ; Issue warchousu receipts. It. II. switch at the house. Office 511) ) South lilth Itrcct and liWH , 1310 nnd 1312 Iznrd street. Tele- M. 8. ( ioodrich , Jlgr. W5 m3 MISCELLANEOUS. EXCHANGE-Drnft ! buggy her es for Omnha lots. Address 1C 71 f20 lllj 1OH SALE-Jcwolry store In ono of the bent locations In Omuhu. Address LU4 , lice. UJ7 1U * FOKHENT-yquuro I'lano | J tnontclr. Bospe.lM3 IJougins. 770 rliO parties having houses for rent , Hentnl J- Agency , llcnnwn .V Co. , 15st , opposlto post- office. We hnvo turned over to them our rental lltt. We recommend them. McCague liros. (110 ( KSSl'OOI.S , sinks and vaults cleaned , odor- lees proccbS. U. Uuintr , box 427. city. ICO a 13 * | trOTICE to i cnrcstnto agents. Tbo west of J-l lot2U , Itcdlck'g 2d ndd , Is withdrawn from til 11 market. M. S. JnlTe. D17 1CJ rpo HEAL ESTAT15 Doniors-Tnkc notice that -I- I withdraw from the market my land situ ated In Sarpy county , lots Nos. IK , in , 2J in Mnr- tln's Hiibdlvision In lilock No. 1 , from this date. Omaha , April 14,1W7. A. Kullsti. | t-20 HI BLAKL'S Premium Short llnnd , nnd Typewrite 1 Institute. Thoroiighpractlcal nnd Kcllnbio Instruction. Wrlto or npply to L. J. niakc , principal , cor. If'th ' and Capitol avc. Omaha. Neb. B53 myl FOR 11KNT Oreans , 12 per montn. tiocpo , 1613 Douglas. 770 advanced on diamonds and watches at CASH 117 N. Itith St. Orll.VCo. 203 alK DllisSMAKlNl-Mrs. : ( E. C. Sconeld , par- lors ! S2i St. Mary's nvo. Ladles coming to the city far ono day can have their dress made while waiting. U75 m 11 118. 0. E. IlllF.OA , late of Denver , Col. , hat opened a llrpt-claps employ mont ollice , lot male and female helps. Orders solicited and ( nllstiictlou HunrnMced , utUlti South 15tb st. VM "pvON'T bo nn oystur. Don t bo swallowed U alive when yon want to sell furniture , carpets or household goods , call nt 117 N. 10th. 203 a8 ! SI'OT CASH for Bccond-hnnd , furniture , car pets and stoves , ntllT N. 16th at. 203 al8 _ Ol. C. House furnishing goods , all kinds : cnsh or installment ; lowest prices at J , Bonner , 1315 Douglas st. POO tOll sodding , gradlnsr , trimming troes.plnnt f Ing shrubs , address J. Astleford , 5th am : Dorcas , city. bW 21J n HK place where they sell furniture cheap - Lor cash has been removed Irom 141(1 ( Doug- lag to 117 N. 16th st. 203 al8 [ neil IlKNT Hquare Piano , | i mont BIT. A J Hosp . ItnOouylns. 770 DON'T be aclnm. Don't pay two prices when you can go to 117 N. luth and buy furul ture , stoves , Ac , at rock bottom prices. 203 BIS IjlIKST-CLASS Storage at HO N 13th ftp MONEY talks when you want tobuyfnrnl tura or vapor stoves at 117 N.lBtb. between Podge and Capitol av . 803 a8 XF you want to buy or sell furniture , go t < J. Ferguson's. 718 N. 16th. 771 NEW Hoarding House , fine tables , clean anc , . , palatable victuals. 1419 Chicago st. 778 TOHAOB First-class storage for nice fur- ultiire or boxed goods , at 1613 Dodge-it. : - < _ 77J ' FOB BALE MISOELLANEOUaf3 " " ' Three counters and showcase 1311 Fnrnam. UU5 21 FOU SALE Furniture , household goods , etc 2024 Wcbotir St. 851 21J FOIl SALE-Furnlturo of 5-room coitag good as now , very cheap. 170tf N. 10th at. Kri in * FOR SALE-I'eodlng and stock cuttle. . Join McCarthy , Jclterson. Iowa. 8J4 19 TilOIl SALR 4 H. P. Otto gns engine , now J Apply to Omaha Saddlery Co. F07 17 | j > OH SALE A great bargain. Sewing tun JL1 chined , Wheeler & Wilson , No , 8 , (10 cash leader , (15. Singer , (10 to (15. Call at tin New Homo Sewing Muchlno Co's. office , 122 ! 15th St. P21 18 SOLD-Lot 4 , black 12 , Omaha Viow. H. II Hulford. 85 1C' 1OR SALK -Good ftyuar old horse , bugg ; J. und burncsb iiourly new. Address L 37. Uoi E5t MJ ; SALE At a bargain. A lot of soconi bund woven placet tenco ns good as new at Himobaugh * 'Taylor's , 1105 Douglas. H12 1 IrOll SALE-cbeop , a Chlckerlng squur 1 plano.BOttS. 17th st. 759 U A FEW well bred road horbo for s&lo , Blngl drivers and polo teams nt Witlirow's barn JliOT Harnoy street. Fleming k Kennedy. 818 19J TCTOR riALB-17 bead choice brnd Sliorthor L cuttle : also a 450 ucro stock farm In Ho ! county , J. S. Ceilings , 1'euder. Nob. tCO may I8J FOR SALE A stock of poultry , one team c homes , wngon und harness. House and 1 acre poultry ynrd for rent , covered with bom Inn blackberry bushes. U. J. Cunan. SOI ITH'Il BALK 1 orZ horses , 1 tprlngMiirnn. . V buggy , cheap. A , Hospo. TM in' I FOU SALE The best line of carriage : . , phut oils , buggies , real estate waxons and doll' ery wagoui. Columbus Uuirgy Co. , Hill Harncj U'JSmV _ F(7n SALE A iccohil band spring wagon Tw seated , pole and shafts , cheap , at the Co umtius lluggy Co. . 1113 Harnoy st. _ a J TLIOKSALE-llrlck. T. Murray. 127 IIOICU LANDS-Ji per acre. . f to iimUcd 1 ; years pnrment on ICOneros. Wrlto for li formation W. K. l' lne. Bldnoy Neb. S-Viinn ) FOIt iALl'-Tenra ) nne roadsters , and goo eluiflo h rn ii. Dr. Hsnchett , r u Withnt > iock. 270 roil 3ALK-A pair drlvlnir horfes find four orlhofaddlo horses. Inaulro stock } aria ollice , South Omaha. 767 13 "f OTl SALK -2 million Pr ! 5 mid -L1 eldcs daily aTU put of ao.ooa lliifjulre on prcnii'cn , tor Porcn' and 2udBts. Oman * . Ilrlok nnd Terra t'ott.i Mfg. < 'n 774 WANTED MALE HELP. _ " \\rANTF.D A peed pecond hnnd baker. t'nlon bakery , Council Illulfs. 970 13 WANTF.D 15 men to , uirk on tin in. Inquire nt II , Jacobs , Room C , opera house , Coun cil Hindu t'isO ' IP \\rANTT.D-rimvnislnif Agents to hnndlo a TT speclnlty.ono to tinccfold In u\ery house. Apply between hoursof 12 in. and I p. m. Acme MnnulBctllllhgCifil2 S. lilt list. VM 1TANTED IOO men for city work. Ingram T Is Hns ell , 1007 Fartinm street. BIS 10' V ANTED -Good clenn cook : good wages to T right parly. 710 South I4th at. 8I4 I J -AiT. H. and one boy. Call uftur U p. in. KOI Cuss street. t05 1 J UrANTIlD Vounir men None but Rood net Ivumcnnl education nml bntliu > i > nblllty need npply. Itooin 10 lluiihmun block. .1. M , 1'rcnch * Co. Oil lo WANTED Immediately , boy to Initruct for assistant bookkeeper. , l , II. Smith , liilJ Chicago st. UI41H ] \\rANTKlf 60 mtn ; pboveleis and tOfiinVtern , TT Bhovelers ? l tO ; call liltli nnd Howard , Monday mornliu. .ieneon \ I'etetMin , HO IBJ \\rANTKD Coat and pants makers at .I. C. T T Vapors. Union prices strictly mlhcrod to 754 I0 | WANTKO-A practical tinner , with jrood ruleruiicc < > . Duudt it Amdt , Illulr , Nob. U4 1 WANTIID A man of oxpnrlcnco unit oed address toacll llghtnlni , ' iod , addiess 1. . 39 Hoc olllco. HlSil * W ANri'.D A good pastry cook at the Windsor ser hotel. w ; WW W ANTI'.D Good cent mnker nnd busliilmnn ut C. Schmlt/brrgor , 4HI S. I5th st. .i)7 18 WAM'l ; ! ) A Iniriiefiniiker A ( rood wink- man nnd of ftcndy hublt , ' , to tn'iu ' charKO of n fhop In n sinnll town. A ( Icimiin or Ho- Jiomlnn iirctiirred. Aiply | with roforcnro to John Mnlcr Vllbiir. Neb. 71'J ' WANl'r.D Ten llrst clnss cnrpoulers for In- hldowoik. Apply on Houtli Tenth St. , opposite llrownoll hall. J. C , Claildei. . vat \ * \ AN'I I'D I.nbnicr for rnllronil worn. U.S. W Albnvht'g Labor Agency , IU'0 I'nrnnni. \\rANTI2l ) 100 block makers lor Colorado f > nt ont'e , Kood pay. Apply In iam .V llussell , 1007 Fni n inn street. _ ml PJj A NTI'.1 ( A fuiTTltTirii enTeMiinrT to woilt liibtoro. OlTSUthst. M. 1 % .Mnrl'ii. 9,15 \ \ ; AN I HI ) M sotier. Intelligent men of good T > address to try a lUo meal nt Nonli' res. taurant. 104 SJIUbst. 775 WANTlfD Experienced dry goods travelling silemnnhaving nn established tnvle In the country tribiilnry to Knnsns City , State amount of trade , territory covered , and how long. Address , with reference , W. U , Urlmos Dry floods Co , , Kansas City , Mo. W 'ANTU1J Men to cut wood. T. Murray. 400 W ANTED Two good draughtsmen. Apply to James Tyler , Architect , Lincoln , Neb. WANTED FEMALE HELP. W'A'N TITb-fcO ( rood girls lor all kinds of hiniHowork. Girls for dining loom , til U and xccond cooks , chnmbcrmnlds , dMiwntdiorH , Inundrot-Ecs. cnn llnd placed by culling nt this olllco. Omnha Employment llurcuu , ll N. 10th st , , corner block. U3I 18 WANTED Competent girl for general housework ; - In Inmlly ; good wngex. S , E. cor. luth nnd Davenport. 05 A"NTT-fD-A"glrlto work In kitchen nt 4'S H _ Itth. BM ) W ANTED A good j'irl for go nornTTi on Re work. Mrs. R. II. Wilbur , 631 Plensuiit street. IW2 2J WANTED Woman to como < lnlly to r.ttond lochnmberwork. Itoom 14 , Anderson blqck , llHli and Davenport. SOS houpoworki W H. S. Smith , 220S Ciilltornln Bt. H72 W ANTEtl A peed girl for general lion&o- work 7J4a , ISth. _ b2D 21J WANTED Evorj- good cook In Omnhu seek ing employment to call at once und seeiiro situation nt Mrs. llrcgu'a Employment Olllco. 310 South 15th street. 929 21 W ANTED- girl for ccuoral housework at IU17 Cuss st. MJ WANTED-- : ! ( class Inundry ifirls.2 peed pohshora , ono wushor , steady work and good pay , nt Omnha laundry , C < H N. 1C Bt. 1128 16 * \\7ANTEI ) -A good compotontKlr ! to do iroiv > cral housework , good wagea paid. En- qulio at IBir Douglas at. 78310 * W "ANTED A youmr srlrl for light work and cato of baby. ll.KJ Georgia avc. S21 10J WANTKD-A lady clerk posted In the crock ery , notion and toy Hue. Apply by letter to L 30 lleo otnce. T95 1KJ WANTED A good cool : , n fiermnn girl pre ferred , Apply at southeast corner ot 1'Jth and Douglas. 7U7 18 W ANTED-Agood t'itlut COS South Ihth st , 7M 10 W ANTF.D-Good second ulrl at 2324 Uodgc street. 70318 WANTED good cook and laundress dlately at Dr. Coffmnn's , St. Mary's ave nue nnd Ml n. 375 10 WANTED good cook and ironcr. Cull on Mrs. Frank 12. Moores , oust sldo ol ISth between Jackson nnd Lnavcnworth , 806 Vl/ANTED-A good girl for general house work In a email family. Inquire 104 S , 25th St. 827 ID * WANTED Every girl In Omaha seeking cm ploymcnt to call ut oneo and secure Pltua tlonn at Mra , Hroga'a Employment Office , 31 ( Bouth 15th street. ( > 29 21 WANTED-Competent nurse girl to take care of 2 children. Apply UB Convent st. W ANTEU-Flrst-class cook. Will pay to pet week. 2427 Dodge at. i.03 \\7ANTED--Girl for general housework TT good wages to good girl. Apply to 1) . .1 O'Donohoc.ut O'DoQohoe & Shorfys , 15th St next to the poatofllce. 775 W ANTF.D-Good girl at COS Virginia ave good wages paid. 231 \V J ) 3 girls , one cook nnd ono diulni room girl , at 1318 Leavonworth st.U95 U95 18 * WANTED Larty ( and gentlemen ) agents foi Mrs. Campbell's now patent Eiuctrio im : bossed "Empress. " Itlchost and most stylist waterproof outside earmont over made , llcnu tlful us satin and morodiirnblo. Largo profits Address , with stamp , E. II. Campbell & Co. .48 W Handolph St. . Chicago. 241) ) 18 * W ANTED-GIrl at Emmet bouso. IS49 WANTED A neat spry girl for genera house worn , 1413 Jones St. 394 \XTANTED Lady cuuvasser. Apply to 301 VY N. loth st. ion WANTED At once , piano player , coloroti woman preferred Apply 1128. tub. 343 ANTKD Ladles to work for us at theli own homes ; 17 to 10 per week can b ( quietly made ; no photo-pftlntlng , no canvass ing. For full particulars please address a1 once Crcjeont Art Co. , 19 Central it. , Boston Muss , lloi.5170. IAJ3 ITANTKU Good cook and laundress. 1:30 : T Farnam. Mrs. J. M. Thurston. 76J SITUATION WANTED. ANTlSD A young man would like n po sltlon In a printing oitlco. Hud one your' experience. Can give recommendation. Ad dress W. N. Gray , Harlan , Iowa. I'M ' 10J ANTED Situations for first cla < s male o female help at Mrs. llrcgu's Employmen office , 318 South IStast. _ ra 21 WANTED A position by a young lady a copy lit or cashier In nn office. 271& Franli Un Btrcct. 1)45 ) 10J \\7 A NTii : > A joutig man wants emplo ) i mont In grocery or clothing house , tire class letters Apply Ingram * Russell's. 100 r'arnam el. 911 icj WAMTKO-A nrst-clms butcher want work. Apply lugi-um te Russell. 100 1 arnnm. U12 16 * \\TANTED-A reliable poacnrnan , Scotch T T wants position In souio private famlli Good references. Apply Ingram & Russet 1007 Fnrnam st. 913 1C _ \17 A N T1SD Pobltlon as bar I oiidTrrwIll wori TT for small pay , wlll furnish security for hi honesty und sobriety If roqulro.1 , first clas recommendations , please addtesi L 10. this ol nee , t _ OST 1C' WANTF.D-Sltuatlou by a registered phar maclst wltU 8 years expurlobco. Aditret LMBe offlc . -U18J AVANTED-Ily young man , a Job dilv- IT Ine a grocer's delivery witgon , eiin knep n set of book * , good reference1. Address L 45 lleo oilico. W. ) 2JJ " \\rANTED-Sltuatlonilrlvlng toiitn or other woik. Inquire SO1-1 Lvnvoiutuith Wl 20J "YVANTF.D-Slluntlon tjs Oooskeepcror nssls- TT tnnt , hnv i Ijnd sn einl yenr < business ex perience. Address L 31 , lleeolhco. 7''I ' 19' \\rANTED-Sltuatlon ns book keeicr | or TT ciifhlcrby ayoutu Indy , licit ol refer- puces , Addrt 8s L.7 , lice ollieo , : t' > 7 KISOELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTIiD-A locution. A pr.ictlcnl printer of eleven } enrs'experience. de lro8u lo cution In some goo.l Uvo town In Southern No brii'ku , ono In need of u good pnpor. I line nn oulllt north nbont ( DOO. Addicts C. D. Pnrker , ' "nmbildtriIiiwu. , . li.'il 1H \\7 A NTIID" Honnl In iirlvnto luiTiTly for TT young couple with Infant. Address nt nco with tut ms and locution , 1C G. " , Ilco oil lee. WANTF.D Good drlMtiir team us pnrt pay- mem ol lots or houip. . o , liox 714. 1 iti'ltlStj to the publlo Flist-elass ilny board ( .1,10 per ook ; single nicalsSOc. 1314 npllor avenue. It , C. Foloy. \ > ii 23 \\rANTiD-fctrrTroom : , bFtlrst of MiiyTi" TT biislno s center of town. Addies nt ineo"Lj9 lloo olllco. \\'ANTEI-Fllty ) tennis for rnllroa.lf work TT on our contracts on the Chicago , St. 'nuKVKnimis Clly Rnlliond near Alton , In , ; 'our months' ork ; wages utter Muv 1 J.I5H .ier day , For further Information call on or nddtess us nt Allen or ( loshen , In. B.V ! 18' \V/'i\NTIl ! ) A miMtipaper. luiyliiTr ciiciilnilon TT guaranteed fioiu thiifctiirt , lor partlou- liiiauddrosa llank of Vnlloy , Valley , Nob.fiOJ fiOJ V\TANTii : > To irlveuwny 5,000 yards of dirt T T to anyone who ulll Imul It away from n w 01 nor of 17th nnd Webster strf. 01" South l.lth _ _ WANTED Young horso. ( dlit nlmilt I . " .00 or I,7W ( pounds , liroken totork dniililu. Addiess 1. 41 Hoc. ! HU \VANTK1) -To rent 2 housp. , onoof Hor'J ' T T rooms nnd one of f > or 0 , west or noithwest ) f P. 0 : 1'csirnblo tenants. Address L I" , lieu ollice. tno WANTED 'Iwo furnished room * * , modem cotivciilcnees , by t\\o > onug ceiitlemcn. Address L 11 lee ! olllco. Mr. lllj \\rANTliD lly two young irentlnmcn , suit of TT furnished toonw , mndeiti ciiincnleticc . n pilvuto tamllv.hore thorn me nn other comers. Address L 12 Ilco ollice. Mil lil | \\rANTED To Iluy , u young Horse , broken TT to ride or drive , Address LT. , Ilco olllce. 781 lf , \VANTHl > -2 < ) tennis lor It It. work ; steady i johirood ; pay. Apply inginm Allus - sell. 1007 Fnrnnm st , KU inj WANIT ! ) lleglnner.s on piano , M cents nn hour. Address L. 12. line Oflico. iiiH Iflj WANTED TO ni'Y-IIoii'e and lot for from " > to ! * thonsanil dollnrfl , within KV ! blockH of postolllco ; ulfio house for$2.'IM , nny plneo near street car. Uoo. Holmes , 1IJGJ South 17th st. ! II2 1 ? \\7 ANTTI : ) "I'nblo biioi-ifcTs nt Kill Dodge i > street , one block wc t ol postolllco. U44 2IJ " \\fANTKD In real estate - tate lor oath cu.utomcrs. L. 11. Watts , 15H1 Douglas street. 017 WANTED To rent lurnlshcd hoti'e. of S to 10 room * , centrally losatod. Address L 3C Deo. M7 20 * \\7ANTED Homo for n 10 weeks old hey IT baby cnn adopt him , good healthy child. Addre s 1 , f5 ! Ileo olllco. MM SI' WANTED To trnilou tinad icnl estate ilir for lot In any part of the city. F. llnrratt & Co.'Jim S15th. b7B'0 \VANTED-To buy nsldo liar top buptiv. l\ TT llurictt \ Co , 814'S S llth. .S7S\0 WAN't'EL ) OwnofFof piopcrty who wish 10 ( oil their propei ty cheap , to ll t It with I , . H. Watts , 1510 Douglas St. , who bus purchasers for bargains in real estate. ( Jlrt \\rANTEI ) Unfurnished room largo i > tor 1 or sulto ol rooms lor sleeping apartment ? , In center of city. Addtess 1C OU , lieo olllco. 210 WANTED To buy for cash old bouses to bo removed from their present hltiis. Apply to C , II. Dodge , 017 South nth st. K.U VtfANTEI ) To lease ground In nny part of > the city , not over 10 blocks liom post- office. Addiess ( ) . W. Cody , bov o.Ji ! , city. 819 FOBBENT HOUSES and LOTS. FOR HUNT Furnished houso. Inquire at 2112 California street. U54 18 * FOU HENT-A store. Inquire 1412 S. Jlltli St. tlco. II. 1'otorhon. 8iW [ 71011 KENT House of 7 rooms anil burn In t ? Omaha Viow. Laurence & Scyacl , 21S N. 16th st. B17 10 JT10II HENT-llonso of ; ) S rooms , f 150 per - 1moiuh. . Ilciinwu \ Co. , 13tlt bt.opiioslto r. O. 77t 10 KENT A now store on lOtb st , between J Mnsonund 1'aciUc st.,2J by Uu' , Innnlio up stnirs. 15.J 1C * T OIt HKNT-nnrn , M > 7 South20th st. X1 For Salo-Eugliio and bollur , 51'J South 13tb Stioct. 3."j8 15 * FOH KF.NT Feven loom tint nnd furniture tor sale , well located. Ailihess or cnll Dnj ton & Voris , room 1,130 Douglns st. CKI 16J TT1OH ItKNT Krntnu store biilldlm ; , 20xM , -L1 wilh llvlnu Irooms.on I'lill fcheridaii stwill Improve ; put basement under store to suit nny legitimate business Win. Fleming & Co. , UOI Douglns. 870 T71OII llENT-Ilrlckyaids , T. .Murray. -t ? 440 OU KENT 3 room house 210 N lilth st. 030 " | TtOU UK NT 4 now cottngoj on California JC and3Jth street , noir Cumln street cars. Kent $25 per month. Apply to Kaufman Ilros. , 207 a. 15th St. 53U FOU HENT-2nd lloor 22x133 ft. : woltllghtcdi privilege of using water elevator Included. Apply at 1105 Douglas at. lil ! "plAHM to rent. T. Murray. 859 FOU KENT Three-room house , 101 ! ) Nortli 2Uth St. fBil F01/c / illJNT House ; furniture , carpetsio. for sale. Apply 1UOU Fnrnaui. 213 "ITIOll KENT Store and living apartments or -C Cumlng near Snundors st. Apply ut Harris ltc l Estate and Loan Co. , ISM S. loth st. 752 FOB BENT BOOMS. Fflll KENT Two nicely furnished rooms , ei sulto or single. Inquire at 1822l St. Mury'i ave , upper tint. OK23 \ * FOIl KENT A pleasant front room , modorr conveniences , for ono or two gentlemen terms reasonable. . 211 S 23d st. 073 TTiOU llENT-Furnlshcd room , 631 6,19th st JD 075 l'J FOIt KENT Furnished rooms , furulturo am house , new best finished bouso it Omaha , All modern Improvements , line neigh borhood. convenient to boarding houses ; besi rufoicneo required. l18 ! Farnamst. b91 21' ' I 1Oit KENT Elegant Bouth alcove room , 1 modern conveniences To Gentlemen 01 gentleman and wife. 1U24 Farnara st. 714 FOH KENT Largo front or buck parlor foi man nndwifo or two gentlemen. Also i small room. Modern improvements. 311 N 15tb street. S39 18 * TnOK KENT Storeroom , 1018 South 10th bet i ? Mason and 1'Aciflo. luqulro up atalrs. 733 Ib * FOIl RENT Very pleasant front bed roon for slnglo gentleman , near buslnes center. Gas , bath. 1'rlvato family. 1015 Cap ! t l uve. 653 19J T71OK KENT Ono lurgo furnished room am -L ono suite of rooms for olllco In Uruonli lilock , cor. 13th and Dodge. Goo. U. Davit ! Illlllard lloom Mlllard Hotel. esa F IOR RENT Throe room house west of Nortl llth st , between Chicago und Cuss. CM iriOll IlKNT Rooms Ono suitable for 3 or J- gentlemen ; on * suitable for two gentle men ; ono suitable for gentleman und wife Hoard In the fumlly. 1418 Chicago st. 1S8 T7Uit RENT Elegant olllco rooms , best lo JP cation In Omaha. B18 South 15th st. 835 TTOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms L Cheap for tbo summer , 1818 Farnam Rt. 819 1BJ OR RENT-Sult of rooms , ready let May new. on car lino. Address 1J 31. lleo. 85516 "jmoil RBNT-Furnlshed room , suitable fo -L ono gentleman : bath , modern convent eacca. 401 N. 15th . 1H rooms , 713 N. 19th St 1TO18J F 1011 RENT Nlco furnished room with boar at 704 8. Ijthst. 92J 18J 3P 1 fiiNT Furnished rooms , 714 N. Iflth. , 919 m 15J FOR HE.NT Furnish ? ! ! " roCin.aWS Hntncv. VJ1 18' I OR KENT Room , to gentlemen out ) , 2MB. TjlOU liENTVTnlrd lliori | JJ.'xs'oTof ' bTlck bulli JL' Inir , 110H I'artinm 'street , IIPO of elevator. Inquire nbovo number , upstair ? , ( .til RENT Furnished rooms 1707 Ciiss 171011 RENT Nicely furnished rooms nt rea- JL1 ( .finable I utos , ono" block from court IIOIIKU , tOOSo 1Mb st , notIh St.-Mtiry's n\o , up ft'Urs. . F1 ! ' HUNT Newly furnished room In new houso. , Itr-'l Dodge st. 352 171OI I lltNT : Furnished room suitable tor 2 I ? gents. . ' > ! I'ojU'u. ' Ml 1PJ 71011 RENT l.uige furnished cast room 810 J S ICth Bt. Ml 20' ) - III Hullmun building cor. Furnum and tilth ts.lii suites or ( ilngly. 'or price ? , diagrams nnd Information apply to H.A. Slomnn , 1612 Farnam St. , Room 2. FOB SALE HOUSES LOTS. OOK AT TlllaxBO ! on Itth St. , bet. Jnck- I poii nnd Jones Bit , 14WO. Vnlnnblo property on nnd notr : I.oavcnwortn ; ( „ near 1Mb 8t. Cull nnd see it I.Ut your propoity with us for quick fml Jmlklnt A Mnynt' , MOBDodKoM. ' . ' . 'iJi \ ] J AIHMOl'NT I'lnco-CornorSOxl.M . . . ( . ' .OKI ralriniitint I'liico South fiont , 40x100 1,2511 ' "Ilium I'lacoEast front , Wills . . . 1,300 ' ( 'Ilium I'laco South tront.60\I21 I'KM 'osier's Addltl'n Corner. 4,1x13) ) 2,2X1 lister's Adilltrn-Ncnr2l t St. , POxI'ID . . . 2.100 ) inalin View Noith fiont , Wlxliitl. . . . I .Oil Omuhii View East Ironl.Stalostrect. l.M'O ' Gregory A. Hadley. 313 HEN AOIIES 4 miles-oiithwf't pnstolllcc.lnys i slghtlj und at CH'O un ncro only. I ) . C. 'ntlei ' HOII , Omnha Nntloiml Hank. 77U Cl'RING VALLEY , O Our now addition. Acros$4'ti ' ) ) (10) ) ptiraorij. Near South Oinuha , And Hydlcato Hill. Marshall & Lobock , 778 1503 Funmm. INSIDE PKOI'KKt'V Wohnvo some good In- pldo pioportynt n bnrgnin , Piurco & Roif- ors , 1511 Dodge HtieeU KV1 ll'.N ACHES for onto 4 miles S W. of I1. O.lnys high , ( flOJ nn ucioi D. C. Pntterson , Oinuhu li'nt'l bunk 7'l [ 71 OK SALE The beautiful ncro known us lot I ! l ( ll o'H iidd , ippoxitc ICountzii plueo cov- led with Inrgo maple tiees , bus been suli- dlvldediind placed on the market. Only a few lots left. J. L. Rico & Co , , Solo Agents. IWI 1(1 ( D OIK ! 12 ST. Wo have some bartrnlns I St. , ami now that the Citblo Is ti'snrr.d , they will Increase In value rupldly. ClnikRon x llentty , 211) ) South Hth. U9 IH "ITIOIt SAM'I The bountiful ncro Known ns lot i- I ! disc's add , opposlto Kouiit/o plueo , cov ered with 1-iriri ) innplo tree < , bits been sutidl- vldnd nnd placed on the mnrki't. Only a few otBlefU j. L , Itlco & Co , Solo AKcntP. hO'J ' IB LAKH ST. r.O foot corner anil 1-1 foot corner , both bargains. Claikson & llentty1'J Poutb 14th street. 8-HJ 111 niOlt SAI.K-Klnest , bo.Hnnd ehcnpeft build- I- IIIK loti In the market , opp Koiintro I'lnco In ( llso's add. .1. L. lllqu & Co. , Solo Audits. . , Hl'J 18 AVKN'I'OIITST-Cheap house nnd lot in Hawthorne , very oitay terms. Clarkson & Hcrttly.L'lUSHthst. KW10 OIl SALE rinest. best nnd cheapest build- Inir lots In the market , opp ICoiint/o I'laco inGlso'siuld. J. li. itlcu > V Co. , Solo Agents. WJ 10 _ ( U ) FOIt SAI/H-A sectloapf good Imprnvod fnrin- Inir land In Itoouo , Co , Neb. Addro s box 431 , Albion , Nob. WI71B * FOU SAtjnnest : , bust nnd dieipcst build- IIIK Iota In the market , opp Kount/o I'lnco In Olso'8 add. J. L. lilc'o A : Co. , Solo A entn. tosic KIllKWOOn-rotln blocs 4. double front- iue ; , $1,50J , > j cnsh : Clarkson It. llcatty , u'l'J S 14th st. J Hi BAIIOA1XS NowS-rooin houpo , coal house , well , oto. , lot U'lXlQO. corner on alloy , lied- ford I'luce , 8"H ( ) , monthly pnymonts ; nfso now It-room house , lot 75x1 US , Hnrlom Lane , $ lire S4'JU ' cash , balnnco 1,3 nnd 3 yours. Von lieu- ron , DouKlxs nnd 14th sts. 7i"i 10 71OH SAIiH House , barn nnd thrco lots , L ? JL',000 , $ r.OO cnsh. Nonr school , church. Address L 2i lloo orflco. 83n 10J SALE Oil TItADE-Wo own sevornl FOK thousand acres of choice South Dakota farming land which wo will sell or trade lor Omuha property. Wo vrnnt to Rcll and olTor our land.iit bottom prices. Wright & Lusbury. cor. under 1'n.iton hotel 101 POH SAL1. ! Choice piopcrty on I'arnnm. Cnmlnir , , Snundors , L'ike , Dod o Jncuson and Sburmun avenue. J. L. Itlco & Co , A Rents. 801 IB DOIX1K 8TURrT 13J feet on Dodjro by Cfi on Ninth street. S'-.l.MX ) , h cash , iiicludliiK' Im- piovcmcnts if sold nt once. Orejjory & Ilndloy , Kooms 1 nnd 3,1120 South luth stieet. ( CO LIST your property with L. II. Watts. 1010 Douglas bt. OK ) FOIl SALH A ( rood farm In Dlvon county : well improved. For particulars apply to Omaha Heal Kstmo and Trust Co. , or Win. Flemlnp , 14th and Houjrlas. 871 LISP your property with L. II. Watts. 1510 Douglas st. 010 ' SALK Choice lot In Washington Snunro addition , llnost rcstdenco lot In North Omaha , south front , 165 lect off Sherman nvcnuo mid pnvcd street , sewerage , city water , true , fll-50. J. L. lllco & Co. , So\o \ ApontR. 80S 18 FOHSALE-Corlot , 08x1:13 : , on apltol Hill , must bo sold Boon. Call nt S221 imvonport SALE Modern 8 room residence , south front on Decutur St. , near coo Kin ? st. , on car lino. Every modern convcnlciiije.ctty water , gas scwerngo connections , streetcars. $4,000 , ono-tliird cash. J. L. lilce x Co. , Solo Agcnti , 867 IB TJIOIl \LE-A corner lot 68x133 on 15th and -L ? Cumlngst ono of the best locations In the city for a warehouse , with waterworks and sewerage. Apply at promises. Thou Sinclair. ! TJO n30J FIVE acres , $700 an acre , adjoining acres are held at $ bOO. John Uallugber,31T S itu : ; at. FOU BALE Oil TKADC-For Omaha city real estate or Nebraska lands , a two-story brick store , with a complete line of staple dry goods nnd notions , groceries , crockery , glass ware , and a small assortment of lints and cups all bought for cash and discount saved in a live Nebraska town , county seat , and doln ? a good on eh business. The second story rents for J- . " > per month , nnd now contains first-class ton ants. On the Union 1'acillo 11. U. , and sui- roundcd by the best class of farmers ami farms in the state. Two grain nlo valors are lo cated at the station , and tap all tno surround Insf country , which brings In n eroat deal of outsldo trade , and Is one of the boat grain mar kets In the state ; it also/ / has ono of the largest flouring mills In the west. The above property Li llrst-class In every re spect and the stock irf now nnd doslruble. C. J. Cunnu. 6 > 2 FOR BALE A C-room cottage , within the milo circle , ono Dk | from street cars. Price (3.COD. H on time. Inijulro No , 3J4 N 17th st from8to 10:30u : m. ! 3 : tlJ ) DODGE STREGT-Jots on Dodge between 12th nnd lilth , only ( tHJO per fiont foot. Gregory & Hadley , Roouts 1 und U , 320 South 15th street. 028 DODGE STREET Lots on Dodge between 12th and 13th , only ( tH)9 ) per front foot Gregory Ac lIiullny.Loorasl and U , 320 South 15th street. ' WO SELKCT9 , are tbo enrefully listed barpalna hunted doifii by Cake Ic llllllnss. Our sum plo CIIPC : , , 08x140 ft on IClh strict for f6.600 , part 1 nnd 2 4 lots , Meyers & Tlldoii's add , cash needed only Homo lot in Plalnviow , only taken , oash , f 5CO Picked In Sheridan 1'laco.only I\fl03 \ for f 1,500 lot 2 lots with 2 houses , J. I. Kodlck's aub , only block from Bticot cur line , 103x121 ft on - Btrccts , big money hero for you. Ilouuty of Hartlctt. fruit trees , flno view onlvtl.500 cash needed. Cheapest South Omaha stuff on the market Come , over 101 , corner Dodge and 15th , am we'll make It pleasant and profitable for you , T OK SALE-33 feet , south front. Dodzo. bet -U 12th nnd 13th. Call quick. Q. F. Elsassor's , No. 818 8. 10th Bt. C20 _ IO HAKOAIN-Ono hundred feet front on South Eleventh st , corner lot , only 15,000. Part on time. V. U Vodlcka , 5W South lilth at. KM TIIIIUTV lots two blks front new depot , South Omaha , (450 If sold before the 15tn Plcrco & llogors.B.Aiilngtonblk. 117 TKN ACRES 4 miles southwest poitolllco.laya sightly , and at (000 an acre only. D. C. Patterson. Omaha National Uank. , m , 171 T ( IAID A CO.'Real KslHte llrokers , 11J < I Ml Far until utreet Special bargains urn offered for neTt week. In thr old plat of South ) mnhHt here e\ery lot Is full ( > 0xl& ) feet : no uiurncilonV'lOtmiiaru ' ) | feet In each lot. Wean an poll you property there , for from JiiV ) to lUl.OJO. Dwelling house * , business houses , lotels lth or without f multure. Try us nnd pi eve \IP. Also property In nil additions thoieto. I'ropnity In thn elty of nil kinds. Ilily of ua nnd wo will do you good. 1'iin Fill until street , ut the old stulid , lust offlco at the let ! of entitruiK'c. E. T. ( Indd \ Co. W\ \ this splcnillil list : KLAD Gibson , Ajlesworth AIleniimln | , 15)2 ) I'm mun st , lot In Imp. ASS'II , 47x111 , with t small hempen ( 3,000 lot In Hawthorne , tsxlu.l. cor. : Ud mill Dnvenport , with 11 room hnii ecistern , well , etc , very easy terms 3,530 lotln llllljldi > 2d ndd l.MJ 1 ! ot In lledford I'laco , & < ) tlS4 7.H lot In Hitchcock's 1st ndd. WXI21 70,1 ' ( lots In Shlnn's 1st ndd,7.'itl2Tn C ld- well st 3,700 , Hot In Hedlok'H ndd , Wxl-1 : . ' , Half How ard st 3)00 ) 'lotsIn West Sldo,5)vl."J ) , barn nnl fruit trees , 2,100 5-room houoo nnd lot N. i'lth et.good WilUnd cHtcrn 0,00) Count/o 4th mid , lot f , block 0 sli loom house , wnll , elsloi n bartic . . . . 4.000 Hmohnimh It I'ullerson sub lot M , block 2eontract < > JO 120 ft on St. Mary's ave , with 2 O-ionin house * , gim nnd water , will BUbdlvlilo 3i,0 > 3 40 ft on St. .Mary's nvo bet , ISth nnd 2Jlh l/.tMl 'liolce lot In Omaha View 0 * ) 132fton Ifitn Rt. near 1'iiiniim 70.0JJ Jlot , tVT27. ) Loivo's ndd , I mom house , cellar , welrand 11) ) loot Imrn , price . . H/KM Wiirohnii oor biiBlness property In blot" I'J. , (15,001) ) , ensy IOIIIIM Hostniirnnt nnd Int 2J\:1J | : for Palo , 5 rooms , rood pnylmr business. In Weeping Water. t , W I , .eim . easy. Lot 1U In Anlslletd , ( "M. llou-o rooms nnd lot nn Douglas St. for Hiilo.Ci.IO , ) . Sml'h mid , line lot Mxi : ! . ! , jri.OOO. Fin m of M ) acres , splendid house , bnrn , grnn- iry nnd nil outhu < tdlni.'H In CURS 'o , 3 miles N of WpMilnir Water , f.l.ani cnsh , II , WJe y toims. Full Int on Dodnu st , II liousos , rents for tSM , ( j,20i' , 'ionsh. Gibson , A > loswortb k Ilenjamln. _ _ 257 DOFC.LAS ST.-I.K\IU on lower llongla * . Finest jileco of aielniu o pioperly nnd HID cheapest In Omaha. Clarlison & llcatty , 210 South llth street. WJ 10 o INVESTORS nnil Speciilators-Wo can show you us clean u list nl Oinahu realty that nio nnto Investments with pm feet titles nnd sine to return u fluodividend , ln\estt rate J. L. Rico Ac Co.'ollM , f-U'J ' HI : I71OII SALE Nlco 7-room benne , laign lot , JL1 cellar , well and fruit trees In doslinhlo lo- entlon.lot lies boautllully , house rents for ( lf > per month , CV-O ) , JI.'WO cnsh , balnncn 1.2 and 3 years. 401 N 15th st. I J J SIXTEENTH STIliJET-South of vlnduct , MX HO.Ci.VJO , ! i cnsh , burguln. Clnik ou A : ltculty,21U South llth st. fit 111 SALE The beautiful aero known ns lot FOR it ( ilso's add. , opposlto Kount/o place , cov ered with largo ninpin trees , hits been subill- vlited nnd placed on tbo market. Only a tew lots left. J. L. Hico Ac Co. , Solo Agents.Wl . Wl 10 SALil-Sco our choice list of Humidors FOR st.,20th st. and Sherman avo. bargains. J. L. Rice & Co. 811 Hi TjT OIl SALE Thu beautiful ncrn known us lot X1 ; i Glso's uijd. , opposlto Kount/.o place , uo\- ored with Inriro nmplo trees , has been sub divided and placed on the market. Only n lew lots loft. J. L. Rico & Co. , Solo Agents. _ 80-J 18 FORSALE-2Iots In block 5 , raddocK I'lncc , onch $1,800. Lots fi nnd 7 , block 8 , First ndd. South Omnhn , J3'CO for both. Ono lot I'lnlnvlew , only J1.203. House and Int IHltli and Chicago , (2,700 , ? 0. ) cnsh , bnlnnco ' ! " > per month , rornorlot Mnyno I'lucoonly IJ.W ) ' ) . I.otH In uny nnd nil piirti ot the city. I'ark & Fowler , ir > 2J Doinrlns. 77010 rpEN ACRES 4 mlles southwest poFtoRlco.lnys JL sightly and ut JOOJ nn ncro only. I ) . O. I'nttorson , Oninliu National flank. 77U 81'ER CENT mortnugcs taken as part pay ment on Real Estate. P O. ROY 711. W.BL9 * 171011 SALE Choice property on Fat nil in , Ciiming. liith,20th , Snunders , Lake , Dodge , Jnckson and Shcrinnn avenue , J , L , Rico .V Co , Agents. ! * 9 19 T\OIOi : STREF/r Lota on Dodge between \J 12th nnd lilth.only 5(100 ( per front loot. Gregory ft Hadley , Rooms 1 nnd 3 , ii.'O South I'ltlistioot. 20 ,10ncresforsubdlvislon , only , TS ! miles fiom 'X the postotllco for (10.000. Terms. flO.OOJ cnsli , balunco I , 2 and 3 yours ut 8 per cent In terest. This Is unquestionably the greatest bargain in Omaha and will moro than double In value In ( CJ days. 1'lucK & lloman , room 11 , Fron/or block , opposite 1' . O. 2-12 FOR SALE The beautiful ncro known ns lot 3 Glse's ndd. , optmslto Kourtzo place , cov ered with largo mnple trees , has been sub divided and placed on the market. Only n i'ow lots left. J. L. Rico &Co. , Sole Atrnnts , 809 1 rpEN ACRKS 4 miles southwest posloflJcclKy JL sightly nnd ut $000 an aero only I ) . C. Patterson , Omnha National llnnk. 779 rplIN ACIlisrorsalo4mllesS.W.of : 1' . O. lnj > JL high , $600 nn acre. D. C. Patterson , Omnhi Nnt'l bunk. 773 T II. F.VAN.S& CO f J A f > 0 foot lot , HHiiFCOin plnco , only ( 1,4CK The most sightly eit"t iront in Hitnscom I'lnco 3.001 An oust front corner , Hanscora I'laco. ' . . . 2,001 Another , well impro\ed 5,20 : A beautiful homo cast front In block 0 , lluiis-com 0,5CK 100 feet cnst front In block 2 Hnnscnm . . A new beautiful nnd complete bouso , largo lot , bnrn etc , on Poppleton ave , only. . . . : f,50 ( 45 ft cast front Virginia uvenun north of Lcavenwortli st , choice nt 4'XX Cholco corner in Hnwthorno only 1,40 < A south Iront on Dnvenport ut grade. . . l,30i Hovornl choice high lots In block 5 Haw thorne 1V > A double coiner In llnwtorno , line trees 3,511 A high south front corner on Davenport 2,001 A high east frontCreston , only 1,501 A double end lot In Creston 1,201 A choice Lowe nvo front , La Vcta Pisco. . 1,80 A fine cast front , Egbert ave , La Vcta Pluco ] ,4fX High west front , Ln Vets , Plnco 1.201 A 57 foot corner , Plulnview , only 1,400 A 60 foot south front ! 4 cash 1,200 Cholcn lots In Yatcs & Hampers ; flno Irnlt ; only 701 Solo agents for Hitchcock's addition. Solo agents for Ilmllngton I'laco. Solo agents for Stanton Place , In which lot are sold on very easy terms. A flno line ot suburban property. 1,2 , 3 , E and 10 acre tracts. A corner , 80x132 , Cutnlnj ? and 17th street * . A corner , HSxlB. , ] 0th and Graoosts (12,00 ! A double corner , lid east and west fiont and 186 south front ; 3 houses ; a bar gain at 18,001 50 feet on 16th , Just south of the viaduct. . 5,01 50 feet on 16th , just FOiith of the viaduct. . 5,00 A cornerC4xl2fl , south nnd cist front ; only 2,60i In ehort to buy or sell , first ace J. It. F.vnns &Co. , The well-known and rcllabc dealers at 1510 Dodge st. 837 18 FOR SALE Modern 8 room residence , eoutl fronton Dccuturst. , near cor King St. , 01 car lino. Every modern water gns , snwor ge connections , street cars. (4,0 0 ono thira cash. J. L. Klcc & Co. , Sole Agents 667 19 DO not puss this lot. S0xl2s , Parker's addition 12S feet from street cars , only for n fov days. John Gulingbor , 317 H llth st. F88 20 rpEN ACRUSfor inlo4mlles 8.W. of P. O. lay X hlghi300 anacie. D , C. Patterson , Oin nhi Nat'i bank. 77J FOR SALE-SO acres 3 miles from the elf limits southwest , beautiful hind with cori slant supply of uater. Apply to Omaha Ren Fstalo undTrust C . , or wrn. Fleming b71 FOR SALE Fine property on Ilrlstol Ft. , at i Bargain. F. llurrett & Co. , 3U'i S 15th 879 J.-0 cGAVOCK S : O'Connor , 310 South 13th ft will offer for ono week , a few bargain out of the ninny whtcn nro in our llet : 2 lots on Unundors st. , Improvements worth ? 1.VX ) , prlco ( ( fi.oo 22x132 corner on 14th st , routs for (253 per month 25,00 75xiB : corner on St. Mnry's ave , with 3 houses 3100 132x132 corner on South 10th st , south and east front 10,00 A couror and 8-room cottngo on 10th st 7,00 120vl3 , a corner south of viaduct on llth st 8,20 2 vacant lots on S. llth st. , cheap. 90x140 and an 8-room cottugo , a corner S. IBth ft 6,00 A beautiful residence lot near 13th st. curs 1,70 In a word , If you want desirable propcrt cither for speculation or for a homo , call uni foe the Inrgo and carefully selected list of Mt Oavock & O'Connor. 816 S. l.lth Bt\ 1U6 rpWO HAUGAlNS-looni27 ( , Paxton tnilldltif X Plain view lot , 11,125 ; Suuudora & Kline baugli , (475. f.63 17j 100 cash will sccuro 18) acres of first cli : $ farming-land In eastern Nebraska b&lanc very long time and no taxes for 20 years. Tti O. F.D vU company , 1505 farnam st. \ > U ro 15 FOK SALE-Cholce lot In Washington B.\uar addition , Oncst residence lot In Nort Omaha , south front , 105 foot off Sherirm avenue and paved street , rcworagc , oity walei gas(3,250. J. L. Itlco i Co. . Solo Agents. ' ' VJELSON'fl Add-Here \ ( something Hint par * -L > over 10 pur cent nnd can 1m bought on aiy terms Lot ( VJ'il'-\ ' ono II room and ono room house total i out ( fits per year , all tor li.O.HI ; (3I.Y ) cash , bnl 1,2,3 nnd 6 years. Gregory i Hndley. 311 HAIIOAIN-VU140 cn t fiont Ucmt/U a\c. northof l.iMtvenwoith , 7 room housebarn ,0 , ( f.MKi , eH yturms. The improvement'nin roitli over (2,000 , nnd the ground Is worth ( IOJ ier fool. Gregory A Hndley. 311 4 CORNCK and three Inside lots In block 4 , 'V Orehard Hill , next to llaml'tim H. , nt 900 'vrins easy. Pierce A KOKCIS Tft ACffF.8 north ot TfTl1. idTniw"la" * * ncro. Terms In suit. DnvM M. igent , 313 14th St. , opp 1'ruton nolcd , Crnllo , 1119 Uodgent IPOIl SALF.-Furnam street property. Wo Jhave exclusive sale of some chuleu ami . . iltlui bnrgnlni on tills "King's Highway. " I. L. Itlco .V CD. 810 IM I'AKLV nowcoltHge , ea t front , half lot , live roomy , summer kitchen , il closets , good ellnrpantry nil very eomunler.t , newer nnd 'Ityrutcr. . Cheap If n > ld quick. IniUlrit21l ) S , .IlliSL . C73 1(1' ( BAROAINrifornfowdnys by a T. Morton. MIS , Htlisf 2 splendid noros In Newport , ( , Vfl ) ench. 3 Una cud front lots In Kllby I'lnce , ( 1..VK ) , cheap. Lot H , tledlck's Grove , on llnrnoy st (2,200. A fine coi ner on Dndgo and : ! 5lli Kt $ - , " . ' Lot 10 block 23 , Kount/o I'lnce , $ . ' , HH ) , (570 cn h 2 corner lots m Albright's Annex for ( ' 120 if sold In u few daye , nnd other duMiublo lots In snineuddltlon. Al o n lew pleusunt homos runglng from (2.4W10 (11,000 If you want nny kind of properly give us a cnll us wo hn\o nil kinds. 828 10 * 6 INVESTORS nnd Speculators Wo enu L show you us clein u list of tl.nnhu realty hut nio snlo Investment ! ! with perfect tillus mil sure to it turn n line dividend. ltiM"tlgato L. Hico A. Co > list. KI9 M J NlTTnilo fiom po'tolllco , lot lOxlKI fnclng two KtrcntK , wltli nlcoroom . hniiso nnd room lor 3 more , only ? : iil.V ) , lor one week. F. llurrett \ Co.,31 l < i S I6ti. ! l'25 ' 21 * ' HIIAW A : CO. 610 S. ICt'hst. , hnvo for salutha folloulng : ( uOO will hccuro you n good lot In Walnut Hill on Li ) o nvo. , cnr linn , (76 ciiuli wlllseeureyoii u lot In Washington Illll. Mind , property " 111 Hover bo any chcnpiirthcro. Como In and gowlth us nnd look nt n lot In Dcor Pin k , close to Huiibcom Park , lor l:50. : 2,000 will buy u very line lot on Bnundcrfl St. ; will bo worth (3,001) ) Inside of u year. 1,200 will buy a house nnd small lot on fth st. near CaMvllnr : small payment ic.iulred. . Romcmbor Mm plnco. fill ! S li'th ( .t 1C7 WISEAI'ARMELU , 4111 south I'th st. Offer thesj bargains to-day : 1 corner Georirla uvo. und Dupont (1'J33. T Orchard hill , choice lots ench ( t > r > l. House nnd 2 lots , Saunders k Hlmobuugh's kdd. to Walnut hill (2.3JO. SO Finest lots In Clovordule , bargains. Fine lots In Kllby place , cheap. Finol l-21ot John I RciUek's Mih-dlvlslon , 'chok'o lots In Maynes udil. , each $ JJ ) . Skholco lots Falrmount plnco. lacrobestln llclvodero , bitrgnln ( ) ) ) . Slots Jotter a addition , each (700. " 4 lots choice In Vales ft Horniiyl's addition. A line list of western lands for sale , or trade for Omaha property. Lot 7 block 18 , Albright's annex , (700. Lot H block 2. Cotnvr & Arcbur'B itdd , (500. Lot 1 book2. ! nurllngton Plnco , (573. I.ot3 30 nnd 38 block 1 , Armour Place , (175. Grummerey Pnrk lots (600 to (750 5r > x 138 Mercer nvo , U room Irousc , nnd burn , (2,2W. ! 6HxiiO : cor Military hve and Edson Kt , (2,200. Two good store buildings on above property will icnt to good advantage. . I.ot7 block S8 , South Omaha , (2.590. Last , not least , oornor on Furnam (45.00T and mnnv othorB,410 S. 15th st. Wise and Parmelo. 1.7 FOIt HALB-IIy Harrett & Co. , the best pay- Ing business pi operty In the city. For imrlleulurB uiul at JIU'.j S. I5th. B25 21 FOIl SALE-I'arnnm street property. Wu have exoluslvo sale of some choice and positive bargains on this "King's Hlgliwny , " J.L. Hico A : Co. 810 18 rpAICE thucuke. Cnko A ; Hillings , Real Es- JL cbtntohot ciiVes. Over 1U1 South 15th bt. Hauiple Ginger Knaps. One hundred nnd ton leet on Jones and lltn sl.s. half cash. bill. 1 , 2 , 3 years , (17,500. Fifty by : IO feet for trackage for buslnee.ncar Stock Varda. Ten selected lots near Swift'a packing house site. U10 BARGAIN-E'tst front lot on 1st I ) Bt. near Cubtollur , Mxl * ) , corner , on 20-foot alluy ; 4-rdom house , burn , etc. , all for (2M)0 ) , ( iioo cash , balance 1 , 2 nnd 3 yenrs. Gregory & Ilnd loy , Rooms I nnd I ) , 320 S. 15th st. 7i > 2 " 1IUR SALli Choloo- property im Fnrnum , JL rumingB inth,20th , Snundors , Lake , Dodge , JuckRon nnd Sherman avenue. J. L. Rico A Co , Agents. MU ID _ rpWO LOJ'S-The llncst corner in Hodiord A plnco , ncnr foundry , $1,500 tor both. F. HnrretUi Co. , 3U4S.15th. _ 0 5 21 RESIDENCE bin-gains. Cotton , Rnstmnn & Winstiinlcy , VM North Fifteenth htroct. Two full lots with ton-roomed house , every convenience , Armstrong's addition , (10,000. A growing pleco of Improved property , pny- Ing 10 percent on over ( -0,000 , for (23,000 this week. Terms easy. Klegnnt ten-roomed brick house , beautifully finished , every convenience , 50x140 , Rcdlck'H subdivision , splendid nine- roomed bouse , modern , a bargain , (8.000. 50x127 , Sliulrn second addition , nieo nine- roomed house , stable and small barn , city water , etc. , (4 ,600. 02x125 , Nelson's addition , fine twelve- roomed house , burn , city water , etc. , a jrrent bargain , $4 , " 00. Kusy terms. 50x150 , HII elcsnnt five-roomed cottage , lot nicely sodded , cemented cellar , city water , etc. , (3,000. 5'xl50 ) , new nine-roomed bouse , splendid loca tion , M/iOO. Ey / terms. 4UX12B , Milnn's third addition , live-roomed cottnge(2r > uo. 50x150 , Hunscom Plnco , elegant nlno-roomcd house , every convenience , 50..100 uOx4U ! , eight roomed house , cellar , bath room city water , etc , < 7,500. 50x140 , six roomed house , Paulseu's addition , city water , etc , , JO.OOO. 50x150 , Walnut Hill , seven roomed house , south front , city watcr.ctc , 11,500. Basy tormB. Full lot and Uvo-roomcd cottage , cellar , burn and well , (1,700. Five-roomed cottage with about (500 worth of good furniture , lot 3uxll9 , (3.200. Five-roomed cottngo. K. V. Smith's addition , lot 23x70. rents foi (20 a month ; m bargain , 50x140 , seven-roomed bouse , just off Leaven- worth , 50 foot alloy at rear , only 12,500. Terms easy. UOxlOO. Mlliard & Cald well's addition , flve- rooracd cottage in good repair , well and cis tern , (3,000. 25x150 , Campbell's addition , four-roomed cottage , cellar , well , cistern , 11.60) . Fivo-roomod cottage with cellar , city water. lot : xX ! ) , (2,000. If you do not not see anything in above list to suit you call at our office , as wo have BOV- oral others In all parts of tbo city. Vacant Lots. IB2fect square , corner Twelfth and Jones , 132 feet square on llth Street , cloeo to depot , . 132 toot on Loavenwortb , a bargain , (20,000 , en feet on Saunders street , (150 a foot. 22 feet on Davenport street , (5,000. Mrl32 corner 18th and Chicago. (15,000. 52 feet square , loth street , between Douglas an Dodge , (10,003. Lot 3 , Glse'a addition , f 6,500. Splendid lot In llrcnnun Plnco. $1 ,850. Klrkwood. 31xlW , (1.00cash C.1W Falrmount Place , 49x100 , (1,100 , one-fourth cnsh. Falrmount Place. 50x121 , (1,5V ) . Klrkwood. Wildi ) . (1,200 , cash (500. Clarendon , splendid south front lot , fl,10) . Thornburjr Place , two east front lots , ttOO each. Orchard Hill , two ponth front lots In block olght , one a corner , (9(0 each. Stanton PInce , lot 3 , block 17 , (900. Hawthorne , two east front lotb , (1,500 each. South Omnhu , lots 1 and 2 , block 21 , (2rXX ) both. Kountz Place , lot close to Sixteenth street ( - .iioo. Corner Vinton and Nineteenth , 82 feet on Vlnton street , 94 feet on Nineteenth etrect (0.000. Nelson's Addition , part of lots 105 nnd 100 ( J.WO. Highland Place , lot , 13. m linker Plnco , lots 13 , 14 nnd 15 , block 7 , foi (1,700. Plalnviow , two cast front lots , (1,250 ench. Saunders .V Hlmcbuugh , lot b , block H , cheap 00 ( List your property for quick sale with us Conveyances always ready to dhow property Cotton. Iliutrnnn k Wlnstanley , Itcul Fxtuto nnd Lnnn Agents , 120 North Fifteenth street. _ , _ , _ 7H > TAODGK bTRKRT Lots on Dodge benviei JT'th and 13lh , only ( COO per Iront fool ( Ireiroiyb Hndley , Rooms 1 nnd 3 , 320 Soutl 15th Btrcot. _ _ _ 9't ) I'LENDil ) homo lot 75M4t'll ' room bouse , nl modern Improrcinonts.oim nnd south front cor Virginia ave mid lirunt sis. eo us lo price and terms. 128 feet square , cor Howard and Phil Sheri dan , fronts un 3 streets. This cnn bo Bold I taken within 10 duyg for (12,800 , rtmsnimblt terms , Compnro this with properly sold nos U , you will admit there Is 25 percent Inthl. Insldo of CO days 8UVix2.13 fronting west on Ifith st , 3 block ! north of Nicholas at J1CD per trent loot , gooc for 4 dayn. Clark A : Froticn. _ MT Ib TTlOK BALE lltisincss properly , nw corno JL1 13th and Dorcns sta , Mxirrj lout , with n Urge house and other Improvements , nt a bargain For sale , 317 acres of land In Nuekolla Co Neb. , within Ui miles of Superior and R. K depot For particulars call on M. KodliiKton ie&3.13thst.,0n .ba. G73mayGJ O A. BI.OMAN , Real Estate llroknr. O. 1512 Fnrmim Street. itrnnm street , cor Ictb.ti'UI I , ' , > < cn li. ( . nrnnmst. , ncnr llth , JJxri.Mminovud. . UOJiJ 'lUimmst , iieur2JttilinilJ2 ( luu per ( not . , , . . . . nrimii M. , eor.3lst St. lki\lL' ; , south mid o'tM front . 17OiV ) nrnam t. eor. 4IM , 4S\I3' , n urn ) o front 3'J.XI ) ( iUKln 6t , near''ld , iiUI.U . f-.tu ) hidgpst , neiiri.Mlli , WxIWJ , . ! iMO ) odgest lumr J th , 40tl57 , Improxeri. . . 3,000 onesft cur. 1Mb , olV.'ii . l.4,003 .envenworth st. cor , 21st , I.Uxlll , Im proved . . . . . 1P.500 . a-tcnwortlist. cor. 2ith , 140x142 , Improved - proved . . SS.noj 4th t. trnokugo. I'nditoolc place , (10 til2.5UJ 'ark ave. opp. park , Wil.VJ . I.1" leorglnnvo , nunr.Mt rioiiinnt.fKJxI.V ) . " .WJ Zilhst ) near DOICIIS , lOJdmi , improved . 4,503 -Ml list neur Douglii' . : u > nt , tmtirovel . f.UV ] Mh 6t. cor. Murlhu.iintl i ; , improve I . . 4W ) " .lib st , our Siiwnrl , .lil.M.3 lioiuai . . . 4.WI Merco Iluur2.thl ) ( ) feet ftont.X' street ) , 6 li Inmllton si. near Hull linn , Impiovun . . LbOO 15th at , near enporl.lUOxlt > ) . 2,200 Howard , near : ttt > i , 00x157 . 1.1.VI Ot list , near < 'nstollnr , U'l feet fiont , , . 4. l 'th ' st , iinnr Mattlnl , 5U1AI , icirnur . . . 1,000 lutdette s ( , near 20th , rnxl.T. ' , on enr line IVJJ liirt Et.linar Ixiwonvp. 51 l-2\ln . . . . 1.1U1 IMh.cor , l'oileton | ) | , iVlTt < n ) , Improveil , 4.iv ) 'llth , near I'opplelon.MUl" " , Improviid. . n.OOO ) rchanl Hill , lots 7W ) to . l.tKX ) Irown I'uik , lots IfiODto . * M1 lodford I'lnco , loin (8VI to . tnn ) liK'hlnnd Park , lotH oich-euith. ( 'IS. ' . "M Wukely add , Irts.'i'xlM , i.ieh . 400 25 acres nonr Fort Omnha , llncly liipruved ll.'J.'O 'enter et. fiiix I W. Improved . 1,200 nrniun si , neai-MMh , . 4,500 Nicliulutt nt corner trnekagn . 4Nm Pnrk uve , Inclng I'nrk , WHIM ) . 4,000 H Ifith ot , near viaduct , 4ilxllU . 5,1100 SnlphurBprlngsndd. Juet opp. 11th ft , 60 i ( oa\i > nwoi tirst ! ll'eitr iii'it'Lltib. 100x127. . ' 700 'nnndors st cnr Hurt lftJx.ll s und u front n,50 , ) .euveiiHiirth st cnr 2lnt HHxl3J Imp. . . , -.MX ) ' 'iirnamcor inth imii. , tent Jll.OJO . 3OM ! ) > 1. , t M. Pnrk lotJ. f Kl each . tollman1 * add lots , (150 each . leriimo I'urk lots , caul Iront , on grudo . 2OJ3 "urnitm Rt n corner s nnd w fiont only . . 3,500 MO S. A. Slomnn , 1512 Fariinm Bt. IY > ni ( ; : h' : : rent on DIHIJO i > v nc on \J Ninth Micctf" ' > , uOJ , 'a ennh , Including Im- irovcmentR It Hold nt onec. tlii'irory At 11 ad ley , Rooms 1 andll.XW South 1.1th stieet , U2il , FOR SALE Fnrnum fitieet property. Wo have exclusive sal'1 ot MIIIIII cliolco ami losltlxobnrgnlns on this "King's Highway , " J. U lllco At Co. MOID Ol SAl.r.--loeksrriiin llrownell hull on llltlibt.,2flno bnrgulns. Cnll nt G. F. Kl- BiiH er's. ( > 20 _ _ _ _ " 171011 SALlT-ChoIco lot in \ \ ushlnirton Sqifnnl JP addition , Ilnest roBldomn lot In North Omnhu , south trent , ID5 ( pet oil Sherman nvcnuo nnd paved atioet. pnworagn , elty water , gus , (3,260. J. L , lllco \ Co. , Solo Ageutx. s/8 1H OR SALi : tholcn ; propoity on Furnnin Cuming , inth , 20th , SnunilerH , I.uko , Dodgrt lucksonnnd Sherman avenue. J. L. Rico ACe Co , ARCH ! * . M9 \VALLACE Inxcstinont Agent , Crelghton TT block , offois the following good Invest ments : 100 feet front on Hamilton ttreet , Ju t west of Iowo avenue , on cnr line , good business loea * lion , very good at (3,010. Two llnccnst fronts In May no's to Orchard , Hill , ono a coiner , eaeli (900. Fixe splendid lotn In Hnwthorno , easy terms , each 51- : * , (1,300 und (1,500. * Two olcgnnt lots on llth ttioct , north of Nicholas , good wurchoitso piopcrjy , (4.00J. Hunscom Pluco lot on Virginia vonucoheap < cet propoity In that locality , (1'ton. ' , ( * Denmnn f'luce , lots ( r > to I7UO , one-fifth evsh. * f , Northwest corner Stain Bt and Boulevard nvenuo , jimt the locution for hustaesi , ( i.OOO. Flno Stntoptrcot front son ( rood terms , (1,000. 132x300 feet , corner State und Drlstol street ) (8,000. Lot 2 , block 4 , Klrkwood , two fronts , ono on 20tn , (2,000. Nlco cottngo nnd two lota , beautiful call frontf , In Wnlnut Hill. ( J.OOO. The choicest lots in Clifton Hill. $ SOJ. Thlrty-fivit lots on the mllltuiy road from (600 to ( WO. Cnr line la finished past ttieso loW nnd when cars uro running n few weeks hone * thepo lots will fell for (700 nnd (800. Una of thu beet Koiith fronts In IJedford . I'lnce , very cheap nt (7V ) . (300 cash , baUnoe in ono and two yours. . The handsomcBt cast front on Phil Shnrldkn street. In llmiseom Place,51 feet front , easy terms , CJ.OOO. , . 1 make n cpcclaltyof buying real estate for non-re-ldcntfi , und these who have Dot the time or experience to Justify thorn In placln * their own I iinds. Am nlso handling property on commission us hole agent. Cun promise cut- tomcra the best bargains ttio market affords. Wallace , Investment ngcnt , Crolgbton block. 664 IS 3OVD'H ADDITION-Lots and blocks In tbli ] - > nddltlon lor sflli ) Ht prices that will be St good linestment. Clurkuon & lloutty,210 South eauia rp6 INVESTORS and Rpo3UlntorWe can JL show you ns clean n l\tt \ of Omaha realty thutnru bafo InvoMmentH with perfect title ! and sure to return u line dividend. Investigate J. L. Hico & CO.'R libt. SALIJ-Finert , best and cheapest buildIng - FOIt Ing lots in the miirkot. opp KounUe Placs InGlsc's add , J. U Itlco & Co. , Solo Agents. 809 10 HOITSK Four rooms with lot 25x118. (1,050. (15' ) cnsh , bnl , & 0 monthly. I'hlllleo , room 5 State Nat. bank. 021 10J SOUTH 10th ST Elegant lot , 50jt200 , close to Ilrnwnvll hall , cheap. Clnrkbon & llentty , 219 S 14th Bt. 829 Itt rilEN Af'KESfor enlo 4 mllOB S. W. of P. O.lnys Jl high , ( COO an aero , D. C. Patterson , OmaliQ Nat'l bank. ' 77J "ANSCOXI PLACE-IOO foot comer on Georgia nvo at n big bargain. Clarkson k lleatty. 219 8 14th St. Ki9 10 DODGE STiEET-132 ; feet on Uodco by ( Won Ninth street , ( So.OCO , 'i cash , Including InV provemonts If sold nt oneo. Gregory If Hartley , Rooms 1 and 3 , 3JO South 15th street. 920 FOR SALE Lot on 7th and Lnko Bti ! , wltU Dense 0 rooms , kitchen , pantry and good brlcK collar. Apply to the Omaha lloal Katato and Trust Co. , or Win , Fleming , 14th and Douglas - las sta. Will rent to good parties if not solt ) immediately. 871 DODGE STIIKKT 132 feet on Dodge by fl6 on Ninth street , (25,000 , H cash , Including Im ; provemonts If EOJd at once. Gicgory it Hadley , Rooms 1 and 3,320 Bouth 15th street. 926 15TH ST. near Lcuvenworth , 08x84. at esi than (160 per front foot. Including Improve * meuts ; a fine house , rent ( Cl per month. Gregory 4 Hadley. 3d SNAP 100 ft front on 16th dt by 121 ft on good cross st , 123 miles from postodloe , one ot tbo best corners on 16th St. , only (0,000 ; worth (8,000 to-day. Gregory & Hadlev , Kooms 1 ana 3 , R20 S. 15th st. 343 FOR SALE Modern 8 room residence , south fronton Docaturst. , near cor King su , on ear lino. Every modern convenience , city water , giw , sewerage connections , Bticet cart. ( .4OUOonc-thlrdcasD. J.L.HlooA ; CoSoleAgcntt , 807 19 LAKE STRF.ET-Noar 20th St. . 18x123 , a fin * 6-room bouso , barn , cte. , (3,5tiO. Parker's add East front , now 5-room house , near Saundorsmm street cars , $2.600 , ! { eusb. Lake's add East front , now G-room honee near 16th street , (1,800 , (1,000 cash. ( . ' ,400 , easy terms. Nelson's add-iEnst front near Cumlng troet , flno 7-room house , well , clutern. etc. , (3,100. Gregory k Hadley , Rooms 1 anclU : ! .X ) H. 15th street. 343 FOR SALE Farnam nreot proorty. | We have cxclusivo snlo of somu choice ar.a positive bargains on this "King's Hlghwuv , " J. L. Rico 4 : Co. 81018 FOR SALE Choloo propoity on Fnrnuia , Cumin ? , lath , 20th , Haunders , Lake , Dodge , Jackson mid Sherman avenue. J. L.KIce& Co , Agents. EC9 IB PATRICK'S 1st odd-Finn corner WixliS small double houpo on roar rontliu for ( JJ per mo. All for (4,200 , (1,700 ca < h or ( l..iOO nil cash. This Is a bargain. Gregory k Hmlley , nooms land 3'KO.South 15tb Pt. 313 TjMJIl SALE Modern 8 room resilience , south J front on Decatiir st , , near cor King St. , on onr line. Every modern con wntor , BUS , fowenigo connections , s-trect cms. (4,000 , one-third cash , J , L , Itlco It Co. , Solo Agents. t67 19 ANSCO.M PLACK Onn of thn bust ami cer- tninlytho ehctnoBt euet front corner on Virginia avo. , 105x150 , Lots leveled an- ) one foot above gratlo , only ( .l/Xr ) , It onsh West front In bile , high nnd sightly , nonr the park. 101x150 , ( .1,00. , West front on Georgia ave near Wonlwortlt and Jnpt on grade , tencu < l , (2,575 , ' < cnsh. East front on Virginia nvo nonr I'oppleton ave , 2 ft below prude , (2.5JO , M cash. West front on Georgia nve near Poppleton avo. line lot und location , tSflia , > } casli. Klcvant cnst front on Georgia ave north of Woolworth , only (1,000 , > S cash. Gregory * Hiullny , Rooms 1 und 3 ,1W S. 15th St. 343 JOTS forsiilo ] " -t A great bargain for a few day ouly. Lot 6J Glses add , n w corner S.r.imlers and Cassius street , will subrtivldo to advantage , nearly onnnc.-o ot land , (12,000. Lot 108 , Olse's add , (0,000 , Lot 71 , Glso's add. t1 , ( 3. lilock No. 1. Uoyd's ndd , (10.031. Terms , not loss than 1-3 cash , balance 8 per cent , semi-annual Interest. Remington i McUormtck , Ml 220 Sonth 15th ttrect. FOIt SALE-Fnrnam street properly. Wo have exclusive snlo fit some chluo and. positive bargains uu this "King's Highway , " J , u Hlce i Co. . ' ' . > " 10 li