Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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' - ' -2 ' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; MONDAY. ApRIlj 18.j. 1887. - ' ' .
How a Girl Olairaa that Sbo was Deceive ; ]
Betrayed aud Abandoned ,
Marriott by a Sjiurlom .lustlcc of th
1'onco In Ijlncnlti and Then
Ncaloctcil During Her
Trial ofMotliurhootl.
OfllcorTom Piurronct snlil to a rcportc
of tliu Bi.u hist nitwit on Tenth strcot : "
wish you would go up on Uodga strce
nnd sec : i young woman named Mrs
Kirk. She hits l > ct > n stopping nt Ilortz' .
liourdinif/honqu , on Tcntli street. Sit
had a baby tlinru , nnd ufler she bucam
iible worked lor them some time. U IIP :
she cot a clmncu to got wages at anothc
place HK ! ) left , but they ehiimod sh
owed them nnd wouldn't let liu
take away her trunk. All her bab ,
clothes uro In It and all her own nlothc
except a dress. 1 have been up thuie t
get her clothes for her , but they won'
give up the trunk until sins piv3 : thcu
what they claim she owes them. "
This lull the reporter to look Mrs. Kirl
up. Shu was found to be : i petite bru
nettc , about twenty years of age. Sh
had a three months old infant In ho
arms as fat itntl pretty a bluo-cyed btb : ;
as could be wished for. Shosaid : "I am
or suppose I am , the wlfo of Homer Kirk
n barber who works at the Arcade hotel
My maiden name was Maud Mclvniirht
My parents are both living at Brainard
Meb. 1 was workinir ( sowing ) in Strums
burg in Ib8r > , when 1 camu to Omaliu ti
Httcnd Hit ) fair. 1 was then intrn
duced to Kirk. After I went back ti
StromsburK , he wrote to me and I an
swuroil his letters. He camu to Stroms
burg once to see me. Last Marcl
J18SG ) I went to Lincoln to nice
dim and get married to him
Wo were to get married withou
anybody knowinir anj thing about it fo
a whilu. Ht3 tolti me that it would b
necessary to keep it quii't for a month o
two because ho wanted to get a honv
reatly for mo in Omaha and didn't wan
my folks to know anything about it unti
lie could do so. Wo were married by :
justice of tlie poaue in the parlor of th
Commercial hotel in Lincoln. W
stopped at the hotel that night. Th
next day I went to Brainan
nnd he came to Omaha. I dii
not know the namu of the iustic
of the peace and he did no
m vc me any certificate. I didn't knov
t at I ought to have any. Kirk didu'
pivo me any ring , but liu said ho would
"I staid at homo at iirainard's unti
August. I was so sick my mother BUS
pioioncd what was the matter. Siio mad
inn own up and then she made me com
to Omaha anil told me to make Kirk tak
oaic of mo. lit ) had written mo a gooi
many times when I was in Brainard
promising from time to time ti
send for me. I came to Omali ;
nnd Kirk took mo to a lodging house 01
ttio corner of California and Thirtecntl
streets. We lived there as husband ant
wife until late in November. Ho pait
my boanl at Miss Spoils' , at Thirtecntl
street and Capital avenue. Ho told Mrs
Spoils ho was my husband when ho en
gaged boara for me.
"la November ho left me and didn'
corao back. I was crying all thi
time and was half sick. I son
him word to como back. Ho didn'
reply. Finally Mrs. Spoils sent hin
word that ho would have to send mo som <
money and would luwe to support mo
Ho went to Mrs. Spoil's house anil gavi
her f 5 for mo. The next da ; n womai
came to see me at my room. She sail
Bho wns Kirk's ' lawful wife and that sh
had two children , She said ho had dc
sorted her back in Iowa and she had jus
found him , and that slio was going t <
raako him support her and his children
She told mo tint ho had fooled mi
and that the justice of the peace wht
had married us in Lincoln was m
iustico of the pcaco at all. She said tha
would have to give him up because
had no claim on him , and slio did.
"I was so dazed by what she told mi
that I didn't know what to do. 1 though
that what she said was true , and that :
didn't have any claims upon him. I toll
her that if she was his wife of course !
would give him up. I didn't know
that I had any rights. I thei :
commenced to look for work some
where , and finally went down tc
Horn's boarding house , where I was
given sowing to do for my board. Three
of the men boarding at Mrs. Spoils' had
given mo $10 and I kept that hid. ]
Bowed at the Hort/ house iivo week !
when I was taken sick. 1 had Dr. Clark ,
When I was obliged to take my bed ]
cave Mrs. Hertz the $10. Iwas'sickin
bed two weoks. Then I got up nnd
tried to wor1 * . I was weak and couldn't
do much. But I worked for m.v
board. I had never rocoiyed any money
from Mrs. Hertz for any of the
Bowing I had done. Then I learned thty
I could earn some money beside my boanl
at another place , and I told Mrs. Horlv
that I guessed 1 would loavo. She got
mad ana said 1 shouldn't take my trunk
unless I paid her $20. So I had to go
away without my trunk. I have tried tti
get it since , but they will not glvo it tc
me. "
"What kind of treatment did they ac
cord you at the Hertz place when you
wcro sick ? " was asked of her.
"They treated mo kindly enough. ]
didn't bother them much. But I
was always afraid that the house would
bo raided bv the police and I would gel
arrested , There was such n hard crowii
of men there. "
"What kind of men1' iho was agair
"They were burglars and thieves
There wcro live ot one gang. They wort
Charley Gallagher , r'rauk Williams
John Wilson ami two they called Shorty
and Froney. They would bring jewolrv ,
postofllcc stamps silk handkcrcliiuts am
shoes into the house and give them t <
Mrs , Hertz to hitlofor them. Shi
hid a set of burglar's tools once wher
the polifo searched Iho house , by drop
ping them into the water in a reservoii
in the back of the stove. This was nftoi
thn time when thorn had boon n safi
burglary and just before the city stean
laundry burglary. Those parties I havt
named diu the laundry burglary. "
The aoovo is givnn just as the younj
uoimxii told It and nearly in her exao
language. The BEE does not voucl
for the truth of her statements
because at the time she was aeon it wai
too lain to make further investigation
which will bo made to-day. It is possi
blc there are other stories , and that then
is another sldo of the ease as far 'as Kirl
is concerned , The woman appeared ti
bo honest and her manner gave the im
pression that she was telling the truth
She is cooking for her livelihood and tha
of her baby , and her character Isvouchei
for by thu persons for whom she is work
Tlio Coming of the Iturllngton Rom
unit the Consequent lionin.
CIIKVKNNK , Wyo. , April 15 , [ Corre
spondeuco ot the BF.K. ] Like 'the ma :
who invoke one morning to nnd himsul
suddenly famous , Cheyenne awoke a fin
days ago to tintl herself in thu throes o
an cnergetici boom. It is now beconiiu ;
apparent , ovr.n to the minds of the uu
' 'linking ' , that the boom which was s <
' nly sprung was merely Iho crystal
--ct of natural causes that hay
, * work.
. . , ' ; ' , . " * e city has tlojiondei
" . ' ' . . , - . ' ' * entirely. * tU * oal
tic industry. Prices of beef have rulct
so low during Iho past few years that tin
margin of profit for Iho cattle men ha
boon very slim indeed , For scvcra
years the cattle men have had a manli
to get posses-ion of largo tracts of gov
eminent and railroad lands. Mucl
money , therefore , was sent out of tin
counlry in payment of thuso lands , ant
the sum was not counterbalance !
by that returned from the sali
of calllu in Omaha and Chicago
The result was an acute strin
guncy of the loeal money market. Tc
add to the bad ell'ect , prices for ordlnar
commodillc.u were high as compared will
those which prevailed farther cast. Tin
city \n \ provided with three railroads , am
a fourth one is alreadv built seventy-five
milt's north , but all are under the sunn
management anil freight rates wcro nose
so low as they might be.
The face of things is now coinpletolj
changed , and the change was inaugur
atetl by the coming of the Chicago , Bur
linglon & Quiucy lo lown. Since the
visit of General Manager lloldrege lion
agenU of the B. iV M. have been autivel ;
ut work. A $75.000 building for depo
purposes and city property that mus
aggregate not less than sJ'JOO.OOO , havi
already been purchased. The road
which will he known m Wyoming as tin
Chcyenno & Burlington , is not duo hen
until about November , and is destined tt
strike northward through ( ho territory
The Denver & Hio Grande is headed thli
way anil is expected to come here. A :
the B. & M. has no shops west of I'latts
mouth , the plant hero will boanoxtensivt
one , while tho'Union Pacilic will vastly
increase its present shops.
Immigration is overflowing from west
crn Nebraska , and strelches of country
that but a few years ago were deomet
dreary wastes are now beginning U
prove productive under the skillful la
bors of the grangers. Eighty miles nortl
of hero several largo colonies will settk
down on lands that have been reclaimed
by an expensive system of urigaliuc
dllches About 1,000 families can be thu ;
accommodated. The Silver Crown mines
twenty miles from here , after having beer
worked in a desultory fashion , are now
yielding liberal returns. As i.s wel
known , Wyoming is the richest minera
section in the country. It is still practi
caljy a virgin soil , and the development
which the railroads will inaugurate wil
boon Cheyenne , winch now has the edge
on prosperity , toward metropolitan pro-
UKeal estate prices continue lo jumr
and there are already many moueyei
men from abroad in the field to take ad
vantage of the prevailing activity. A
$75,000 Union Pacific depot will be read.i
for occupancy within a month ; a $300XX (
capitol building will bo close to complc
lion by winter ; $75,000 additional im
prnvomouts will be made at Fort Uussoll
which is in the suburbs of the town
ground will bo broken within a week foi
1 he erection of a $35,000 Kniirhts Templai
asylum , n $25,000 A. O. U. W. hall aud . -
$15,000 institute for the deaf and dumb
a now street cur line is projected ; a mag
iiiiicont now hotel will be built , and tak
ing ono consideration with another tin
citizens of Cheyenne naturally look for
ward to incomparably the liveliest sea
sou over known in the history of a remarkable
markablo little city.
A LoulRTlllo Woman Pays $5 for Say
it\n \ "All , There ! " With a losi tss
of Her Jlead.
Louisville Courier-Journal : Before the
regular ordinance docket was taken HJ
by Judge Thompson in the city court yesterday
torday afternoon , the cases of Mrs. Jilti
Paul ami Mrs. .John DeWitt wcro called
Tlioy wcro arrested last Saturday niRhi
on warrant mid cross-warrant. Mrs
Paul , accompanied by her sister and hut
band , came into court early and took :
seat npxt to her counsel. Mrs. Paul wai
becomingly attired in a close-titling blacli
silk dress , with a fashionable black ant
velvet bonnet , trimmed with largo brown
ostrich feathers. She wore a tight ,
short seal sacinio and light-brown kid
gloves. In either ear was dependent
ont a largo solitaire diamond ear-ring ,
These jewels wore , in part , the cause ol
the trouble between the families.
Mrs. DeWilt was also in court and sal
between her attorney aud her husband.
Mr. DeWitt was the first witness. He
testified that Mrs. Paul's husband oweil
him a bill , and he had taken every mean !
to collect It. The only property they had
upon which an attachment could be
placed was the diamond ear-ring sot , and
he had caused it to be levied upon. The
suit was then pending in the Joflerson
court ot common pleas. Saturday after
noon last ho aud his wife , atter leaving
the museum , were met by Mrs. Paul ,
She looked at them , and shaking her ear
rings , said : "Ah , there , my diamond
earrings , don't you wish you had them ? "
Mrs. l.iul had frequently made similar
remarks to witness previously and ho determined >
terminod to stand it no longer. He re
turned to where Mrs. Paul wns standing
ami told nor that if she over did such a
thing again he would have her arrested ;
also that ho regretted she was not a man ,
so that he' might treat her as ono. At 'J
o'clock that night ho swore out a war
rant , charging her with disorderly con
duct.Mrs. . DoWitt corroborated her hus
band's statements , ami said she hail al
ways avoided Mrs. Paul in the streets , and
would avert her head or look into a shop
window when they chance to meet. She
had never lately exchanged greetings or
words with Mrs. Paul , and hau not given
the least cause for the warrant which had
been issued.
Mrs. Paul was then placed on the stand.
She seemed a little embarrassed at first ,
but soon recovered her composure and
toltl her side of the case as follows : " 1
attended the matinee at Masonio temple
last Saturday with my sister and little
son. My boy is very much addicted to
slang , and his tavonle phrase to bo used
on all occasions is'Ah , thcie ; stay there ;
if you haven't got a car faro , walk there. '
Wo were walking along Fourth avenue ,
when my son , Russell , slopped at one oi
the awning posts. I turned around , and ,
looking at him , I said , 'Ah ,
there , Russell. ' I happened tc
turn around , and mot Mr. and Mrs. Dn-
\S ill. I heard her say to her husband ,
Did. you hear that slang ? ' This made
me angry , and shaking my earrings with
my hands , I said to her , 'Don't you wish
you had them1 Mr. DoWitt came back
and shook his hand in my face , anil
threatened to strike mo if I annoyed hi ?
wife again. I was very much frigiitcncd
and asked Ofllccr Harland , with whom 1
was personally acquainted , to follow me
a few squares in case Mr. DoWitt struck
mo. 1 was not molested again , however
until late that night , when I was ar
Judge Thompson dismissed the war
rant against Mrs. DoWitt , fined Mrs
Paul $5 , and placed her tinder bonds ol
$100 for six months.
A. Car Conductor' ! ) Btrango Career.
Pittsburg Dispatch : A note for $0,001
payable on demand , made ont by G. F
Jackson , indorsed by George \Vesting
house , ijr. , on the Masonio bank , wai
found by Walter Hunter yesterday morn
inc. Ho is conductor of car No. 23 01
the Manchester line , and was making hi :
second trip when he saw a piece ot papoi
on the straw. Ho picked it up and wai
about to throw it uwav , wiion ho discov
'erod it was a note , lie told the superintendent
tendont of it and telephoned to the West
inghotiso oflioo. On his return trip lit
gave the note to Mr. Wostlnghouso , win
rewarded him and told him that ho would
see him again ,
Mr. Hunter's career , a * related by him
self , is another example of American life
The farm , next the mansion and again i
struggle for existence. A year ago hi
waa worth a comfortable fortune. Bi
v. ' raUcd 'ulMlor ' county cm farm
and after ho was married bccnuio
farmer himself. Oil was found on hi
property , as also on that of his father's
near by. He put down two or three well
and bccaino rich.
Ono night lie was awakened bynnolgli
bor , who wanted to sell to Mr. Hunter
piece of property adjoining his farm
It was a lltlle over an acre , bill ther
was a comfortable cottage on it
Mr. Hunter got out of bed at tli
man's call mid asked him what h
wished. The man said ho was in
"hole , " and wanted to sell his property
Mr. Hunter replied ho did not wish t
buy , but the man insisted. Ho at lira
asked $000 , but finally oamo down t
$300. Ho had the deed for the transfc
with him , and the transaction was com
pluted then and there.
About two months after , when oil hai
been struck on either sldo of the littl
farm , and Mr. Hunter was well fixed , ai
oil man named Pollack came to him am
in an oll'-handed way asked him if h
wished to sell the acre of ground , am
what ho would take for It. Mr. Huute
said in a joking way ho wanted Stt.OOC
Ho was ollered ? 1,000 , but refused. H
sold it at ? 1 , 00. Mr. Pollack put up :
rigging and struck a 140-barrcl well
Hunter then went into the livery busi
ness , unti did a largo trade in stock. Oi
this ho lost. On ono pair of Clyd
stock alone ho sunk $1,000. Th6n h
commenced lo lose in putting down dr
wells. After this ho went into the ol
exchange and in ono summer losl $12OOC
Ho would yet have recovered had it no
been for two faithful friends for whom
in a business transaction , ho went seen
rity for $4,200. These men failed nnd h
lost the lasl money he had.
Ho came to this city and went to tli
superintendent of the Manchester lin
and asked for work. Ho was still we !
dressed , and the superintendent growin ;
suspicious , asked why ho wished to wor. .
on a oar line. Ho told his story , and afte
getting Jodgo Bredin to go Ins sccuritj
went to work on the line. That was 01
the 4th day of November last. Since thn
time he has found six pocket-books , on
of them containing over .fao , and in cad
case found the owner for them.
A SiiniKKlnr'H Desperate Swim.
San Francisco Chronicle : The custom
officers on guard on the Pacilic Mai
Hteamcr Gaelic observed yesterday som
packages which mysteriously droppei
from the porthole to the dock. A mai
picked them up and disappeared into :
closet on the dock. Then there was t
competitive race between the inspector !
from the vessel's deck to the closet. Cap
tain Holmes and Inspector Dip roachci
the goal before Inspector Roberts. I
was the work of but asecond for Holme ,
and Ulp to kiok down the door of tin
closet , and they caught the man in tin
act of concealing a quantity of crudi
opium in his clothing.
Taking him outside the officers begat
to seaich him. They took away iivt
pounds of crude opium which h'n hai
concealed under his blouse , when , givin }
a jerk which nearly landed Ulp in tin
water , he broke away from that ollice
and sprang from the dock. Instantly
the dock was a scene of excitement. 1
boat was started in pursuit , but the fugi
tive crawled upon the rocks under tin
dock. When the pursuers followed hin
there he crossed to the east side of tin
dock , and again plunged into the bay
As the boat was on the other side of tin
dock he got a good start of his pursuer
and swam like a professional. Men wen
sent out on the ends of the neighboring
wharves to seize him if ho should ! attomp
to make a landing. Meantime the chasi
was kept up in boats , but the swimmc
pained on his pursuers. Inspecto
Holmes , from ono of the boats , liretl i
shot over the man's head , but this enl ;
increased the speed with which In
ploughed through the water. The addi
tlonal exertion required to produce thi
last burst of speed soon told on his wintl
however , and ho gave up the race am
made for a wharf , where ho accented i
rope from ono of the dry-land pursuer
and was tlrawn ashore.
A four-pound bladder of crude opiun
was found in the water where the mai
had taken his plunge , and nine tins o
prepared opium worth about $70 wor
picked up on the dock.
JlcatH Fish Stories.
Fort Mcado ( Fla. ) Pioneer : While 01
his recent trip out to the lake region , OIK
evening after returning to camp , Mr
Roncson went down to the edge of tin
lake to quench his thirst , and finding IK
cup , he bent over on his hand and knee
to drink like that portion of Israel' ;
hosts that were scut homo from the at
tack on the army of Gideon. While it
that strained attitude ho was surprise !
by a stunning blow where his botlj
made a sharp angle , from tin
tail of a largo "gator , " whicl
had been lying near by hitherto unob
served by him. The blow overbalancing
his centre of gravity , sent him headlong
ten feet into the lake , followed by the
" 'gator , " which closed in on him will
his ugly jaws , but fortunately the assail
ant missed his mark , only getting a gooi
hold on Mr. R.'H coat tail. Being a man
of unusual physical strength and nerved
by great excitement. Mr. Robesou man
aged to tow his unwieldy and uncomfort
able appondagu to shallow water , wherewith
with the aid of our reporter his 'gator
ship waa despatched with the use of t
heavy axe. Wo congratulate our neigh
bor on his narrow escape.
The London correspondent of the Man
Chester Guardian writes : "It is in
tended to hold .in international congress
on cremation in September of the present
year. The place selected for this gather
ing of the savants of various countries
who are interested in cremation and
cometary hygiene is Milan. French will
bo the official language of Iho congress
but the speakers may , if they like , make
use of any other language. Reports wil
bo submitted as to the progress made ir
the practice of cremation in different
countries , and the formation of an into
national league will be proposed. An
exhibition of models of crematories , urns
and other objects connected with tin
campaign now being conducted agaiusi
the present methods of disposing of tin
dead will bo open during the congress. '
Old Men In the Treasury.
Of.late years the United Stales treasury
has been presided over by comparatively
old men. Folger wes G3 years old when
be was appointed , Sherman was nearlj
60 , and lloutwell and Chase were well in
in years. Manning was 51 , the gray hat
begun to sprout in Gresham's boardTlont
before Arthur chose him , and McCulloc !
is an old man. Our first secretaries won
younger. Hamilton organized the trcas
ury department at 33. Oliver Wolcott
his successor , was 35. and the first sovoi
secretaries were under 50 at the time o
their appointment , Men grew faster ii
pioneer days. Gallatin was just 40 whei
no' became Jefferson's secretary of tin
treasury , and after sorylug fourteen yean
ho was about the ago of Manning whoi
first appointed. Dexter , who precedct
Gallatin , was 43.
A Miraculous Spring.
A remarkable spring has broken ont ii
Lytle Cave , in thn mountains twolv
miles south of Aniline , -Kansas , on th
farm and sheep ranch of rranklnham , Ii
a place where water has not been knowi
before. It is described as a cold eprinj
of excellent water , and coming in thi
terrible drouth it has caused a sonsattoi
in the neighborhood , many regarding i
as miraculous. Mr. Jamca Wills , o
Abilene , a reliable man , who lived in tha
locality several years , went out to see th
spring , and reports it a wonderful fact ,
James Russell Lowell has wearied thu
earlrofthts "blawsted country" and wil
soon return to bin beloml Englang , where h
will spend Oxe uotfmtr. He will salt ( rot
floitoaAprilflU. . . . . ' ; / . ' - . \ ' ' '
Startling Manifoatatlbns of LIo3tnerisin b
Frank Aldermau , of Detroit ,
While In a Trnnco'llo ' Discover * 1'ct
pctrntora of Dark Deoils 1'oonlc
aud 1'laces illoaorlboil
Detroit Correspondence Now Yorl
Sun : In this day of wonderful discover
ics , physical and menial , let us slop am
ask Iho naluro of Iho discovery made b ;
Frank R. Alderman , of Detroit , who 1
generally spoken of at homo as "Alder
man , the mesmerist. " 1 have allcndoi
two of his private entertainments on pur
pose lo give the readers of the Sui
something to study over and think about
Mr. Alderman is a man thirty serei
years of aye , live feet nine inches high
auda physiognomist would say that hi
face exhibited force of will. Ho lias hai
mesmeric powers since hischildhood.bul
it is only within a couple of years that hi
has developed what some may term second
end bight. He discovered some time agi
thai ho could put a subject to sleep am
then send his mind , or spiritual half , 01
imagination , to any part of the country
on an errand. On the evening of Marcl
13 I attended a private exhibition a
which Mr. Alderman made a now am
startling dcpaiturc. Before procccdim.
to explain what it was , let mo cite SOUK
instances of thn strajigo power whicl
he wields through Ihe subject. The sub'
ject on this nighl was a boy of fourteor
named \Vally \ Anilrus. lie is what ii
termed a susceptible subject. Alderman
can draw him across the street by a wavi
of Iho hand. Ho can look at the boy am
say to himself , " 1 want you to come tc
my liouse to-morrow night , " anil the boj
will come without further understanding
The lad was placed in an easy chair , v
few passes of the hand put him under tin
influence , and here is Iho colloquy of Hit
result :
Mr. A. Wally , I want you lo go down
to the - hotel and go up one llighl
of stairs.
Wally Yes , sir , I'm there.
"Now turn to your left and co to the
second door on the left-hand sido. b
there a number on the door ? "
"No , bir ; there is a lellcr 'L. ' "
"Very well , go inside and tell whal
you sec. "
Tin : MESMiiuzri : > HOY
entered the room and described and accu
rately located every article of furnitur o
described every picture , told the time b. >
Ihc clock , and even gave the colors ol
the gas globes. Neither Air. Aldcrmai
nor this boy had over entered Iho hotel
Some of Iho articles described had beer
K'acetl in the room'bnly ' an hour before
e was scut into three ditlcront rooms
in the suno : hotel , and ho did not maki
one mistake. The' hotel Is a mile frou
t c resilience where the exhibition was
gven. He was brought out ot the hole
and sent to a resilience a mile furthci
a day , aud the colloquy went on :
"Aro you there ? "
"Yes/ '
"What kind of a house is it ? "
"A double brick. "
"Aro the stops wood or stone ? "
"Neither ; they are iron , "
"Now , go inside. Is there a carpet or
the hall lloor ? "
"No ; Ihe lloor is bare. "
"Whore is the piano ? "
To the right. "
"There's a square piano , a sofa , chairs
e tc.1
[ Ho describes everything , ovou to pho
tographs , and toll Ihe time by the parloi
clock. ]
"Now , go upstairs Any ono up there ? '
'Yes ; an Irish woman. "
"Ask her namoV"
"She wouldn't give it. She wants tc
know what I'm doing here. "
"Hut ask her name ? "
"Sho says it's Mollic. "
Such , in truth , was and is the name ol
the Irish servant. He attcrward locatett
a girl reading at the table , and gave the
name of the book in her hand , and next
day wo verified his statements. One ol
the gentlemen at the seance owns a &alt
block at Marino City. At his suggestion
the boy was sent up there. He landed on
the dock , accurately described every
building and then wont to the .salt block
and correctly located the engine room ,
described the engineer , and went outside
and reail oil'a be ore ot signs without
making a mistake. Ho had never been
at Marine City , but the biuartcst man in
America could not come away from the
town after a stay of three days and de
scribe things as accurately as the bov
Then came Iho now experiment. 1
suggested to Mr. Alderman to see if the
boy could go backward in his mind and
see an old occurrence. Three years u o
a drug clerk was shot in front of the store
by an assasin. I have worketl with the
police on the case , antl I know what has
been discovered. I knew who ( ircd the
shot , what for , and why he ran to make
his escape. A hundred people know
the clerk was dressed when found dead.
The experiment was as follows :
"Now , Wally , como up Cass avenue to
the Triangle drug store. "
"Yes. "
"Go inside and tell mo who is there. "
( The boy accurately described the clerk
who was there that evening. )
"Ask what has ever happened around
here. "
"Ho says that a clerk was shot down in
front of the store about three years
ago. "
"Very well ; I want you to go back to
that night. Are you there ? "
"Yes , sir. "
"It is now 11 o'clock at night. Can you
seethe clerk ? "
"Yes ; he's in bed. "
"Very well. ( A pause of ten seconds. )
What is ho doing no VST'
"Some one has calkd him ; he is get
ting up. "
"Follow him ami see what ho docs. Is
ho down stairs now ? " '
"Yes , and a man i $ scolding him. "
C"W hat's ho saying1' ! '
"He's saying the clerk has made him
trouble , and he won't stand it , Ho's got
a revolver , and I'm Afraid of him. "
"What * sort of a looking man is ho ? "
"I I'm afraid ! " - -
"Ho can't hurt yoai ; o closer. "
"Well , he's a - ' ' [ Hero he gave a
perfect description of the man known to
have commuted thu murder. 1
"He's got on - " IHere ho described
exactly iho dress of .the clerk as found
aud noted by the detectives. He screamed
out in terror when the shot was fired ,
followed the murderer to the river and
across to Canada , and them , in the mid
night darkness , lost him in a coal yard. ]
While the experiment of anti-datlng was
a great success , the boy was'so overcome
by what he had apparently witnessed
that wo could get no more work out ol
him that evening ; that Is.ho was so plainly
prostrated that Mr. Alderman would not
subject him to further strain. Now , lei
Homo skeptic pooh-pooh at what the boy
described , aud L will convince him.
First While he had doubtless heard ol
the caso.ho described things never known
to any ono but the detectives. Second-
lie got a perfect description of the man ,
as the detectives afllrm , and only three
people know this description. Third-
He gave the cause of the shooting as the
detectives understand it , but as known
to no ono else.
The experiment opened a now field to
Mr. Alderman , and It was agreed to ban
" * „ ' . . . . . ' , ' ' ' ' . - '
another private exhibition on the even
ing of the lllth. At Ills suggestion Ivoui I
to police headquarters , anil hunted up
several cases and jotted down dates and
particulars. There present at the ex
hibition some of the bcrt-kuown people
in Detroit , most of whom eame as skep
tics. \ oung Amlriis had loft the town
during Hie week and none to Clove-land ,
ami the other boy , Charley Delano , had
uovcr been mite-dated. After being
placed under the inllnence , lie wns sent
to the residence of persons present. Ills
first effort was u partial failure , but Itla
second was a great success , and at thu
third house ho told thu right naiiii ) of a
domestic. At 11W : ! o'clock on that day an
overcoat had boon stolen from thu second
end lloor of a tenement. A llltle iilrl
tloMM-ibod the thief , while the owner of
the lost coat described the garment. I
wrote everything down to make sure
there could bu no error. The police
In-lit the complaint from publication ,
and there was no possible way the boy
could have learned It. The experiment
was begun as follows : "Now , Charley , it
is about twenty minutes after 11 this
"AUK YOU Tiir.ttr ? "
"Yes sir. "
"Well go up to 350oodward } av
enue. "
" ( to in and tell mo what you see ? "
"Go lo the head of the lirst flight of
stairs. Are there any doors ? "
"Yes ; on the right antl left. "
"Now , then , watch around there and
sec what takes place. See any one ? "
"Yes , a tall man with a black mus
tache. " [ That was the description given
the police. ]
"What is ho doing ? "
" ( Jono into the door to thn right , Now
he's coming out with an overcoat on his
arm. "
"Describe the coat. "
"It's a brown one with red sleeve lin
ings. "
"Well , follow Ihc man. "
The dc.scriplionof tint overcoat was ex
actly as the owner gave it to me in writ
ing ten hours before. The boy followed
the man two blocks , and then had him
turn and come back to tno rooms. Ho
did this three different times , and it be
came plain to us thai lie him in a
crowd , and then , like the hound which
suddenly loses a trail , returned to a cer-
lain point for a fresh start.
The great experiment of the evening
was another old murder case. On the
night of October 23 , IB3 > , Don Ewer , a
well known sporting man whoso homo
was in Port Huron , was murdered in De
troit for his money. As lie passed the
alley between Larned and Congress
streets , on Third , ho received a blow
from a billy which fractured his skull in
a terrible manner. This blow alone
would have caused death , but he was
dragged into the alley and tthot.
His money , some $1,000 , was then taken ,
and when people who wcro investigating
the report of pistol arrived on the spot
To this day the detectives have been un
able to secure a clue leading lo anything
satisfactory. There have been various
theories , some of which have been
worked and exploded , and others still
slaud ; but no man can say whether one
or three persons were in the job , which
way they went or give any other details.
We find Ewer at a hotel on Jefferson
avenue at 0:30 : in the evening. From that
hour lo midnight no man has been found
who will say that he saw him again. It
is the theory that ho was clotted in
some place , for reasons which wo only
guess at. He was to leave the Michigan
Central depot boon after 11 , but it cannel
bo found that he went iherc. It is not
known to us whether ho was going up or
down Third street. As wo cannot find
whore ho was for the two hours and a
ha.lf or three hours , we cannot get the
direction from whinh he came. How
ever , wo know that he was hit on the
crosswalk antl pulled into the alley.
This , ab I told you , was the first effort to
antcdale this boy. He was put under the
iullucnre and Mr. Alderman began :
"Now , Charley , it is ttao 8tfd day of
October. Got that ? "
"Yes , sir. "
"It is 1883. "
"Yes , sir. "
"The time is ten minutes to twelve.
Go down Third street to the alley be
tween Congress and Larned streets. "
"I'm there. "
"What do you see ? "
" 1 see a man lying in wait in Ihe alley.
He has his face mutllcd up. Ho has a
billy in his hand , and in his hii > pocket
he has a black-handled revolver , six-
ami . "
shooter thirty-two-calibre.
"Describe the man. "
"I can't. His face is hidden. "
"liaise the mask. Now , describe him. "
"A heavy man with large light mous
tache. "
"Ask him his name. "
" ' skin out of this
"Ho says : 'Boy ! you
or I'll do you up ! "
"Novor mind lliat ; ho can't hurt you.
Now got his name. "
"He says it la . " [ I supprebs the
name for obvious reasons. |
"All right. Any ono coming ? "
"Yes , a man is coming ur > the street.
He is a lightish man with a black mous
tache. "
"Very well ; now what is in the alley ? "
"Tho man who was hiding thorn has
hit the other , knocked him down , nnd is
dragging him in. "
"And "
now ?
"He is taking his money. "
"And '
now ?
"Ho ia running up to Fourth street ; now
ho goes down Fourth to Woodbridgo ; ho
[ joes down Woodbridge toTwolfth. There
he meets two men. They look like bums.
They ask if he has done it , and he shows
'om'Don Kwer's satchel and money. Now
In no ROnornl At IhU nMnon that'OTOry ono knows
what U meant bjr the uxpriMslon. A change ot Kit-
son , climate , or of life. Has twcli a depresilnz effect
upon tue tody that ono feels all llrod out , almost
complctelr prostrated , the nppotlte la lost ami tliaro
Is no ambition to iln inytltlng , The wlioln tontlpdcy
of thcsjrstomlsdownwuril In tills condition Hoocl'n
Hnrnapnillla Is Just the medicine neodctl. It purifies
the blood , sharpens the u | > pcUtcnveroomon the tire I
feeling , and Inrlgunitosevcrjr function of iho boJj.
Try It.
Hood' * $ ar uparillu.
"Kormanf montlis I suffered greatly , aljrtbnla
ayatem seomoU to bo entirely run down , my nuibltlou
wus Kone , hud pains In my buck , anil a fooling of lis-
sltudo which I could not throw on * I vrns trpMod un-
BuocuMfully for kldrmy trouble , One day at ray
brother' * I s.iw a bottle of Hood's Raraaparllla and
determiner ! to try It. lie for * Iho first boltlo was Ink-
en I can o.imllitly any I was relieved , llmvousod the
roedlclno off and on cversiiKo , uml recommend it for
kldnuyor llror complaints -Mlt W II. HiliANd ,
837 Atlantic Avenue. Urooklyn. N V
N. II. If you hare mad" up your mind to cotltooJ' *
Sariaparllla do not take any other.
they go down to the docks. Now '
aboard a vessel. Now they go dow'i
Into the hold , and they are culling Un
satchel up and throwing the pieces InU
the river. ' '
" the the vcsscll'
"Can you sco name ol
"H'a pretty dark. "
"Never mind ; go closer.1'
"Ycss itLslhn of . "
"Is tin1 captain on board ? "
"Yes ; hlsnamo is . Ills lirst name
i.s James. "
MUiii'.iiit : : : os THI ; KM : .
Thu boy followed the murderer dowr
the lakes aboard the craft to Oswego am
back to ItuHalo He gave the name of :
street in Ihill'alo which limy traversed. .
Ho had one of them arii'.slcil for diunk
ounces and soul up tor thirty days. lit
followed the immleror all winter , anil
told whore t\a \ was t-iitting ice and whal
company employed him. Ho was brought
down month by month until the nuir
dorcr shipped'aboaril a steamer nlyiut
between Now York anrt Liverpool. Hi
descended into thu lire-hold and again
described him , this time with a beard.
He asked him what had become of hi'
nioncv , and when the man seemingly in
quired what money , the boy , under in
structions , replied :
"The money you got when you mur
dered that man in Detroit. "
"What thn d 1 do you know about a
murder in Detroit ? " aud at Ihis point we
ceased the pursuit and brought Ihe hey
back lo Ihc alley. He declared that tin :
murderer had a revolver , anil that three
of Iho chambers were discharged. A.
matters of fact , known to half a do/.cn
tletectivi's , Don Hwor was first struck on
thu head and then shot. A cheap pistol ,
recently discharged , lay beside Ins body.
The -hot was hoard a block or two away.
In this examination the boy neither hoard
a shot nor the bells strike midnight , aa
lliey did about Iho time Ihc shot was fired
He did not al first find the bullet hole.but
when we brought him back he located it
exactly , and he accuraluly described the
position of the body , lu describing the
man in the alley and Ihe one coming up
ho transpor-i { the persons , or at least
their descriptions , liis theory is just a
plausible as any the detectives have got ,
and cannot be disputed.
liouv IN THI : AI.UV. :
The next day I went to Ihe cuslrxii
house and found that there was Mich a
schooner as ho named , and lliat she was
a tlireo-inaster , ns he said. He did not
give the correct name of her captain , but
as he had to ask others who her captain
WHS they might have deceived him.
There was only one person present who
knew the cxacl ( Into of Ihu murder.
There .was only ono person who know
bow the body lay when found , and ynt
when Iho boy was asked lo describe it he
readily replied :
"The body lies across the alley wilh the
feet to a fence. "
The matter is again in the hands of the
tleteclives , and lliero are strong hopes
that a leading clue has at last been ob
tained. I can .sec the skeptic smile as he
reads , and for his benefit I will paragraph
a few things I have scon these boys do
when under the inlluence :
Describe thn style of piano in eleven
different houses without making one mis
Take books from bookcases and give
the correct titles.
Toll the time of night by clocks which
had boon purposely set back or ahead o
stopped altogether.
Describe and give the names of ser
Describe paintings and steel engrav
ings as accurately as their ownons could
have done.
1'ojfectly describe the exterior of
buildings , locating doors , and giving the
style ot roofs.
If it was a scriu.s of _ performances on
the btage , where subjects were made lo
perform feats , one might look for trick
ery , but hero the boy rests in a chair before
fore you. and the very lirst question to
him may be :
"Now , Charley , I want you lo go to
Now York. "
"Yes , sir. "
"Go up Hroadway on Twenty-second
street , and down Twenty-second street to
No. 100. Now , what sort of a building
is it ? "
It is a strange , mysterious power , and
a stranger mystery. Who can name it9
Personal Paragraphs.
George E. Sherwood is down from
Misa Ella Mclkidc , the elocutionist , is
at the Windsor.
Miss Edith Stuht has gene to Lo Mars ,
la. , on a visit.
Jonas Welch , of Columbus , is in Ihc
city on business.
Thomas S. Woods , of Cincinnati , is
visiting his cousin , E.V. \ . Simcral.
Thomas Swobc , of the Pacific Hotel
company , has gone lo Laratnie City.
W. A. Carter , of Forl Hridger. returned
homo last evening after a few days1 visit
ta Omaha.
Among Ihe Nebraskans In the city are
J. O. \ \ est , of Grand Island ; Calmer
McCuno and James Dunn , of Stroms-
U. Ueer , of Noith Platte , is in the city.
Mr. lieer .states that he i.s not the author
of thai standard spring article , which is
attracting so mucn atlontion just now
bock beer.
A Deceptive * Alnnlr.
W. R. Travprs was a great wit and hu
morist , but like so many oilier men of
funny propensities his face were a very
sober cxpiession. Artomiis Ward , Iho
funniest man of the century , had a posi
tively lugubrious countenance. The hu
man face often , after all , is nothing but
a deceptive mask.
That Tired Feeling
' My on HUfroriMl from sprlnij debility ano lost of
Kppollteand waa restored to hoallh n * noon as lie
begun to tike our favorite medicine , llouJ'n hnr a-
parlllnVerocnnimend It to nil rmr Irieuds. " Mus.
Tlt.u.iA K- SMITH , Sclplovltle , N. V.
"I < urrcre1 conslileribly , bcliiB for nosrly n yenr
troubled nlth Imllftoitlon , I am nnw on ray fourth
bottle of HoOil'sSsruaparllln , and novcr felt holler
Intnyllfo. It 1ms in.ide a now mnn of me. " 1I.M
llll I.MAV , Ooi l'lalue ftrect 1'ullcu Slutton.Cnicugo ,
MnltCN flic Wciik Strong
"Twomontlis nuo I oomuienrod laklnn Hood'1 Sar-
Mparllli as an uxperlwunt , us I hid no appetite or
strength , and felt tired all tbo time. I attributed my.
condition to ncrofulo is liurnor. I hud trlol over.i \
dlircront kind * n .moillilno , without recolvlnir any
licnurH. Hut am ' I bill taken half a bottle of
llooil's Sirsaimrl \ y * | > | iotlto WHS
my stonijih felt b .havo now taken nearly
three bottlci..and I narcr was so well In my life. "
MUM JESSIK K. Dor runnr. , Pmcmjr , it I.
A | iO'ull rlty of Hood's Sarsftpnrlllla I * that It
strengthen ! ! and ImlMs up Ihe system nnlle It eradl-
catei dlseasa. Now U the llruo to take It.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
. for ftf. PrepairdbyO. , Sold by alldiucirisrs. * l : six for IJ. Prepared by
Sold by nlldUffstft. ' letx
1. HOOD &COV'Ap'theosrlcsTl/woll. Mass. C. I. IfOOO A < ; o. , Apolhpcnrle * . Lowell , Muss
1OO Dosci One Dollar j 1OO l > oi c One Uullur
Carpinttr Paper Company ,
Wholesale Paper Dealers
nice new stock ofPrlntlngr , Wrapping ami i Wrltlnir Paper. Especial
Carry a ,
Attention given to cur load ordcrn , which wilfbo shipped direct from milla
all orders will receive personal attcutlou. We Guarantee good goods
lowprlees. cAJtrENTEtt PAPER CO. ,
. ; X . , ' ' . ' . . , . ; ' ' , ' „ i , ' 11 U and. UIO Douglas streut , , Omaha , .
. . . .
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis 'Mo.
1712 Lawrence St , Denver , Colorado ,
Of the Missouri Stale MURCUIU of Anatomy ,
St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi
tal , London , Gicscn , Germany and New
York , Having devoted their attention
More especially those arMng from hnpiu-
dence , unite nil so suffering to correspond-
thout delay. Diseases of Infection and
contagion cured safely and speedily without -
out detention ( mm business , and without
the use of ilnnjjcious drugs , Pa
tients whose cases have been neglected ,
badly tieated or pronounced incurable ,
should not fail touite us concerning their
symptoms. All letters receive immediate
And will be m.tilcd FREE to any addrcsi
on receipt ofone 2 cent stamp , "practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and
Physical Exhaustion , " to which in added an
' Essay on Marriage , " with important chap
ter * on Diseases of the Rcpioductivc Or
gans , the whole forming a valuable medical
treatise which should be read by all young
men. Adilresi.
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado ,
1707 Olive St. . St. L-uls , Mo.
Tnill NCRVITA > r < * r nnt
I Ul AI > I1 * ! of vi.lhf.l irron.
I I fll L
I I linfc tit ; Ix , t , ,
ind klnlrvi nlwlkcn 1UI | .vkM IU. r Uf. . rmiloAM.
UU. A. U. O1.I.N CO. . Ho. I" W ihln'ou Slrt l , CW g ,
III. 1 OO per Turk nue. Uft > r 6.OO.
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital . $350,000
Surplus . 4O,000
U. W. Yate = > , President.
A. K. Tou/alin. Cine President.
W. II S. Hughes , Cashier.
W. V. Morse , John S. Collins ,
H. W. Yates , Lewis S. Rood.
A. K. Tou/.alin.
Cor lUtli and Farnam Sts.
A General Banking Business Transacted.
llembon Now York Stock Exchange.
Gra in and Provisions ,
H40 VlHrk Nt-eet , Chicago.
( llrandl'aciacHntol )
Private wire to New York.
Correspondence tnvltoil by mail or telegraph.
Decker Brothers
OnoArcnt ( Ufn-nnrn only ) wnnt rl in rrrrr town for
Wo are solllnff four times as many "Tonslll's
Punch" URulnst any other cigar and have only
bad them m Iho cane R woiik.
.1 , A. TO/IIII , r > ruTOt it , Urookport , N. Y.
of the liody'enlarfrr a end strrnglutncd. Toll particulars
Boat iKS&lcd ) free. KttIKMKL > lCAICO.BuS lo.N. r.
uudorlhis bond , 10 cents per
linslor the flrbt Inset tioiO ounts for each sub
sequent insertion , and $1.50 H line per month
No advertisement taken for lew than tents
for the first Insertion. Seven nerd * ill ba
counted to the line ; they must inn consecu
tively and rmiat bo paid lu advance. All adver
tisements rnuntbe handed in befoial:30 o'clock
p.m. , nnd under no circumstances will theyba
ttkon or discontinued hy tolupbone.
1'artiPR advortisluif In these columns nndbar-
IriKthe tinswerrt uddressi'd In car * of THI ! ! (
will please a lc for a check to rnablo them to get
their letters , as none will bo delivered except
on tsresentatlon of chock. All answers to ad'
vnrtfcnmontfl should he enclosed in onTelopng.
All advertisements in tlioBo columns are pub-
llshcd iii both mornlnir and evening editions of
'Iho Dee , tha circulation ot which
aggregates moio than 14,000 papers
dully , nnd gives the advertiser the
bcncllt , not only of the city circulation of Tbo
Dee but also of Council Dlulfa , Lincoln , and
other cities and towns throughout this part of
the west
tf " ,000to loan on real ostato. Apply to O. n ,
d > Kollor. 1505 I'arnam BI. city. 616 mlU *
, to loan at < l per cent , Harris & Hamp-
$500,000 151ii Douglas st. 68(1 (
, ( TO IOAN at 6 per cent. Muhoney
$500xm ITFnrrmm. . m
TO IX3AK-O F. Davis * Co..real
MONKV and loan agents , 1UK Kurnam fit.
ONl'.V to loan on rral estate itnd chattels
M ; H. KatzA Co. Till Fftrnnm St. , ground lloor.
, To lotm on Omnbn city property at 8
$500,003 . U. W. Day , s. o. cor. Kx. Did.
MONKY TO LOAN-On city nnn farm prop
erty , low latos. Stewart & Co. , Ilooin J
Iron bank. _ 7M
to loan , cash on dola/ .
MONKV nnd R L. 8 < iulre , 1411 Kwnitm it , ,
rnjctnn hotel building. _ 78J
. First mortgage notes. The UounUs
MON1.V hunk will buy papers secured by
first inortuaKQ on city realty. _ 701
TO LOAN on improved renl estate ;
MONKV chnrired. Lenvltt Jluru-
bnm , Ifoom 1 Ciolvhton Illoclc. _ 7B3
' CliN'fljfoiiny to lonn.
Oretfory 4 ; lllullsy.
Tloonis Innd3 , Itedick Dlook , 320 B. IDth fit.
' . V to loan on collaterals. I.ouir uml
MONI'.N tlino city uiortRnifOS and con
tracts oouslit. tt. . " . Itowloy , 314 Soul h l.'ilhat.
117 * milT
'O LOAN Money Uians placed cm lin-
T provoil i out ( Mtuto In city or county for
Now Knxlitud Ixian & Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank. 10th and ClilniKo Ms. _ 7Ct
MONKV to IOBII on Improved city property at
n pnr cent. Money on hand ; do nothnvn
Ui wait Have a complete net of abstract l > onks
of Dmmlm county I. N. Watson , nhstruuter
Harris Heal Katato and Loan Co. , aaj 8 , IMli m ,
_ ' _ 7Mi. _ _
MONKY IXJANIUlnt C. I' . . Ifood Ic Co''s loan
OIU po , on furniture , plttnoii , horHOif.watfOnn ,
personal property of all kind * , and all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. IJIO il. l.'Hb.
ovur ntngham'H CommUslon store. All lumi
nous strictly confidential. 764
61'KH CKNT .Money.
It. 0.1'attiTton. ISth at.d Harnt y. 755
Itcal estate loans ,
Colluterlnl loans.
Chattel loans.
Ix > nir time loans.
Short time loans.
Money always on haoa to * en a r tp.
proved security.
Investment securities bourht and Sold.
Omaha Hnanolal Bxcbanjit , su w , cor , 1Mb
and Harnsy.
CorbeU.MttMter. UT