Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1887, Image 1
rr , . . ' ' ' ' * , , ' . ' . ' ' ' ' " ' . . SIXTEENTHfYEAK. OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING. APKIL 18 , 1887. NUMBEK 304 ENDED IN A DISAGREEMENT Iho Haddock Jury Stands Eleven to Ono For Acquittal JUROR O'CONNELLTHEODDONE. Judge Lcwln Discharges tlio Twelve .Men From Further .Service Charges of HrHicry Mm teen on Both Sldcj. nttil Sioux Cirr , In. , April 17. The jury In the ease of Jnlin Aiciibdorf , charged with the murder of Ilev. Oorge C. Haddock , dlsa- treed and wore finally discharged by the court at ll'.Ma. m. to-day. The jury stood eleven for acquittal and ono fur conviction. Dennis O'Connell was the juryman who stood out lor conviction , and when jury was before the court ho said his judgment was linal. The court thereupon discharged the jury from further service. There wore but few persons In the court room when the Judge asked the lladdock Jury to report. When the foreman an nounced that cloven jurors were agreed to acquit the prisoner , Juror O'Connell , who la n farmer living In Liberty township , arose and said In a feeling manner that ho did not wish to bo considered a stubborn man , but ho had taken the oath before ( ! od and man to honestly determine the case as far as ho was concerned , and that ho endeavored to regard that obligation. If he were to remain In the jury room a month , ho could not and would not chaneo his opinion. No ono who heard Juror O'Connell and witnessed hlsemotlons could doubt thu sluceilty of his motive , Judge Lewis thereupon discharged the. Jury. It Is rumored that the lirst ballot stood twofer for conviction , the other juror of that opin ion being 0. 0. Goods , who , examined as a juror , said that ho had an opinion and did not think he could ulvoa fair and Impartial verdict. It is said that every possible argu ment was exhausted by the other jurors to change the opinion of O'Connell , but In vain. After the discharge of the jury , Fore man Webster went to Judga Lewis and openly expressed the belief that O'Connell was bought up by the stale. The judge responded that he behoved the juror honest In his convictions. In an Interview O'Connell reiterated his statement to the judge , and being questioned , said ho was given to understand before the case was closed that the defense know the jury would stand eleven to one for acquittal. Questioned on the subject that foreman Webster had said to the judge that ho had been bribed by the prosecution , O'Connell said ho had scarcely so much as saluted thf prosecution during the trial , and asked : "Would there not bo more likelihood on the other side ? " lie said , significantly , ho dldn'l want to Implicate anyone , but admitted he hart been asked to name his price. O'Con ncll said this offer was made on behalf of the defense , but declined to say at present who made It. _ BIX riausoxs KILLED. A Peculiar and Fatal Accident on the Northwestern Itonil. PALATINE , 111. , April 17. While vlowlnt the wreck ot the freight train on the Chlcag ( & Northwestern railway near this city to day , six persons were killed by the bursting of a large water tank. CHICAGO , April 17. Particulars of the ae cldont are very difficult to get , the tolegrapl facilities being limited and no train havlui yet arrived from the scene. At the office o the Northwestern freight train dlspatche meager details are given which Indicate tha while quite a number of persons were stand Ing under and In the vicinity of a wate tank. .holding upwards of 100,000 gallons two freight trains came together a short ills tanco away. The shock of the collision dl ; turbcd the supports of the tank and th structure tumbled , bursting to the ground killing five persons and fatally Injuring tw others. No names have yet been learnec Two of the killed are said to bo residents e Arlington Heights. PAI.ATINK , ill. , April 17. The killed wet Edward Wenke , William Darms , ( ieore Meyer , William Meyer and Fred Bocde : The Injured are John Armiist and Charlc Storms. The Meyers were brothers and bet quite youthful. Storms was also very yonnj The tank was n huge affair , constituted c upright oak planks twenty-four feet lonir an four Inches thick. While the crow were gaping at the wreckers , a shnr crack was heard above , and the poop ! scattered In all directions. Nothing furtw happening , the crowd again gathered. Sin , without further warning , the grei iron hoops holding the timbers in place bun simultaneously. The flooring and suppori remained Intact , but the rest of the structui and its burden of water was projected in a directions upon the people below , crushin and smothering them horribly. An eye wl ness savs that If this accident had occnrre earlier In the afternoon , when the crowd we thick , It would certainly have resulted in tl loss of half a hundred lives. CHAUGE8 AG.vTxMT I'AUN'ELL. Tbo London Times Prints n Fac Slmll Letter to Kjran. LONDON , April 17. The Times , as a proc ot its assertion at the conclusion of it articles on "Parnollism and Crime" that ! had further documentary evidence , prints letter signed by Parncll and supposed to hai been addressed to Eiran to pacify hU subo dlnatcs when 1'arnell publicly denounce the I'luculx park murderers. The letter til ono side ot an ordinary sheet of nol paper and is In a stiange liaudwrltini { 'Yours very truly. Chas. S. 1'arnell. " 1 Parncll's' writing , Is at the other half < the other leaf. The Times suggests th the signature was thus written , so it could t torn otf if necessary. The letter Is wlthoi address and advises the recipient that to d uoiinco the murder was the only course op to them. To do that promptly was plalnl their best policy. The writer gives author ! ! to show the letter to tho'e whom ho en trust , but not to let the address bo knowi and says the letter may be sent to the hoiii of commons. The Times says 1'arnell en not expect a simple repudiation will hai nny wclcht with public opinion , lln mu bring more solid proots to annul the effect i the disclosure. Ilaln Followed Ity Snow. KANSAS CITY , April 17. A heavy ra' ' lasting from early morning until aboul o'clock , fell In Kansas , Nebraska and wo.1 ern Missouri all to-day , but was succeed * in the Missouri valley at about 7 o'clock I snow , which covered the earth to n depth two inches and which threatens great dai age to the wheat crops and budding fri trees. Frntest AKalimt Coercion. noN , April 17. The liberal associate of Birmingham , at a meeting ycatorday , i jected all the unionist proposals , and after stormy sccuo and futile endeavors to ailjour passed a resolution protesting against t coercion bill. The resolution was adopted I n Jarge majority. Stuauulilp Arrival * . Nr.wYoiiK , April 17-tSpeclal Tclejra tothellEr.lArrrtvedTlieateamersSurv f ruin Liverpool ; the Haminonla and Ithact ! from Hamburg ; Laliouri-ogno , from Havi Loxriox , April 17. The Auranlu , frc Now Yoflc , has arrived at Qucenstown. J uatcolcne , from Now York. April ' . ' , f . Havre , wai Hgualtd oft too LlzwUtoday. . , NKOLA ON Help Prom Council U In ITH Called For. At 3'X : ) o'clock this morning a telegram was received by the Council muffs lire de partment from the mayor of Neola , la. , which read : "Our town on lire. Send all possible help at once. " Thu Council Bluffs department sent an cnglno and two companies at 4 o'clock on boat d a special train , ONLY TI1K QUAD BODY. The Indian Murderer of Caldwell Stitoldua Knthur Than Surrender. KoiiiAssiNiiioi.NK | , Mont. , April 17. [ Spe cial Telegram to the Biiu.J W. II. Black , sheriff of this ( Cliouteau ) county , nfter days spent In tracing the murderers of Caldwell , the Englishman whoso dead body was found on the prahlo near thu Marias river several days nsjo , has just returned , having succeeded in securing thu dead body of the actual mur derer , anil circumstantial evidence against thu others. On thu afternoon that Caldwell left Tom Bevin's ranch , Two Fox , a Pleg.ui Indian of the Blackfoot aguncy , passed there. Ills trail being followed by the sher iff , was found to load to thu exact place of the murder. Here four other pony trails and ono shod horsis track joined Two Fox's trail. After killing Caldwell , who was shot through thu back and heart , the tialls of the murder ers separated , Two Fox going In the direc tion ot 'Irtous anda former homo of his , while thu others , with another shod horse , supposed to b Caldwell's , struck for the British line. The other shod horse Is conjec tured to have been ono stolen the night bc- lore from the lanch ot Daio & Kmiuedv. Two Fox was trailed by Sheriff Black until hi ; reached thu Blackfoot aguncy on the night ot thu 9th. Tlio agent , .Major Baldwin , sent for Two Fox upon buing informed of the cir cumstances , but instead of coming to tlio agency the Indian fled. The Indian police weiu tient after him by the agent , and when upon the point of ills capture Two Fox Btiouted that lie would not bo taken alive , and , placing the nnu/e ! of his gun to his breast , fired , tailing trom Ills pony and dying lu a lew minutes. Two Fox would maku no confession , but It is generally believed that the other Indians were British Bloods wlio nio known to have been In the neighborhood nt that time. T11K WEEK IN WALL STKICI2T. Interval * of Activity Followed bv n Dull Close. Niw : YOIIK , April 17. [ Special Telegram to the Bi-'i : . ] At intervals durlne tlic week the share speculation presented a lively aspect , and under the Influence of special causes borne sharp advances were recouled in spots. Jersey Central f mulshed quite a sensation by rising S points by rapid strides , a movement which started tlio remaining shorts to cover quickly. The rise began when considerable amounts wcro called Infer for election purposes , the transfer books closing on Fiklay. As high as ' @ per cent per dlam was paid for the use of the stock , but the rate finally settled down to flat , and most ot the early Improvement was lost before the transfers closed , ami when the particulars of the deal were given out. Kcadlnc was another prominent feature , and rose nearly 3 points on enoimous trading. The rumors of a compromise with tlio lirst series of Gs gave an impetus to thu stock , which subsequently receded somewhat , and trading fell otT. Manhattan , on a largo gain in earnings , was much more active than of late , and advanced 4 % points , retaining most of the rise. Thn only other largo advances wcro found In specialties , St. Louis and San Francisco rising 5 % < & 6u points on the contest now in progress and the probablllty.a dividend on preferred as an outcome of the same. Wheeling & Lake Erie sold up 5Ji points on a heavy increase iu traffic. Tno improvement In the ic- malnder ot the list was generally very mod erate and In a number ot instances was more than lost on thu later dealings ot tlio week. On two days London was a very largo buyer and probably took 109.000 shares In thu ag gregate , but afterward soldbomo stocks when It was found that our market responded but feebly , except In Isolated cases. Ordinal lly such heavy purchases tor foreign accounts would have produced a Use here , but most ot the bull loaders favor a reaction for the time being and they supplied stocks freely to London. The room traders weie not slow in doing the r.auio thing and thus the Kuiopean demand was prevented from bavin ; Us usual ellect. Between tlio hammerine ot those wlio want to gut prices lower and the resistance of the remaining bulls , speculation settled down with a very unsatisfactory condition as thu week diew tea a cluso , and the volume of business bliowcd a considerable diminution. Government bonds were strong and a frac tion higher on the expectation ot another call for 310,000,000 of 3 per cents at an uai Iv day. The Inquiry fell otf somewhat at the close and a slight reaction ensued. The movements in railway mortgages were less important than during thu pievious wcuk , but a fair amount ot business was done aud'a number of issues show considera ble variation. Generally speaking the mar ket continued linn and tills was especially the case in late dealings , when substantial recoveries or advances weio mado. As the Indications point to an easier mon etary situation , tl ere is no disposition tc buy for Investment and speculation , and during the past few days bankeis re port a material increase In the numbui of enquiries. The reduction In thn Bank ol England rate of discount naturally had f tendency to stiffen longs and weaken thu ile- inand lor sterling. But the former was further strengthened by the scarcity of com merclal acceptances , while the latter was de pressed by olfeihigs ot bills made again * securities. On several occasions call mono ] rose above 0 per cunt , but most of the tlmi borrowers found no difficulty In supplyim their wants at thu It al rate. Currency li now flowing back fiom thu Interior mori freely , and , as a result of this , there Is al ready better Inquiry for mercantile paper. Buml.iy Unit O nines Stopped. Niw : YORK , April 17. The second garni between thu Brooklyn and Metropolitan club : ot the American association , which was ti have boon played of Kldgowood , L. L , to-day was prevented by the authoiltles lu their en forcement of the Sunday law. 10 LONG ISI.AND CITV , N. Y. , April 17.- Shorlff Mitchell , of Queens county , sta tloned a deputy sheriff at every park am whore base ball is usually played on Sunda' earl iy this morning with Instructions to pie ven t opening of the gates and tlio playing o ball , and also posted a notice at the entrance forbidding the canies. Sheriff Mitchell say the b.tme action will bo taken every Suiida ; during the season , Miners Iturned to Death. PITTSUUUO , April 17. AConucrsvllloPa. ( special cays : The upper pit ot the Davldsoi coke pit caught tire yesterday afternoon ant Imprisoned three miners , nil of whom ur now believed to bo dead. Their names ar Paul Nagle , William Itader and Alex , bhaji man. Thn Urn started In a small air sha ( near thu entrance and spread rapidly , to th 1 mine. The miners wore quickly : notlll and all escaped but the tlueo men named The mine Is still burning and all efforts t extinguish the flames have bo tar been f mil less. Thu Imprlhuiied miners are all marrlci men , with families. The origin of the lire I unknown. Weather Indications For Nebraska : Generally fair weather sllL'htly warmer. For Iowa : Local rains , followed by fat weather In southeastern portion , fair weathe In noitlieasteru portion , northerly winds , b coming variable , slightly warmer In south cast portion , stationary temperature In nortl east portion. For Knstcrn Dakota : Fair weather , varli bo ! winds , slight changes in temperature. . Many Lives Ueuortcct Loft , ' LONHON , April 17 , It Is'reported than a English bte.uner has foundered olT BonifacU .Corsica , and that 150 lives -we : .lost , , : . Department Scandal at Washington Which May Besult in a Sensation , A BAD PRIVATE SECRETARY- The Opinion PrcvnlontThnt this Inter- Stnto Conimoi-uo Law Will bo * llcponlcd The Administra tion Indignant nt Curtis. of Immorality. WASIUNOTON , April 17. ( Special to the Bni-.1 : One of thn uptown derailments Is on tlio verge of a se.imUl will ch will create a sensation Indeed unless It Is very soon nipped In the bud. It comes from tlneu or four sources malu and female , otllclal and private life that onuof the private secreta ries appointed somu tlmo ago In violation of the civil service law , but who Is peimlttcd to draw his salary and rule the loost , has boon for mouths exacting from women who apply for positions In his branch of the department liberties which have been repelled In such a manner as to threaten sensational publicity. It In related that somu weeks ago tills young Lothario , who is married and wlio has con sidered that he was piettysafo In his posi tion because a near lelative WAS over him , and which lelativo was promoted Into higher realms of ofllclal life , took to the homo of n young lady , at ni ht , notification of her ap pointment tea position In thu department. "This lias been a deal of tioublo to me , " said lie , "and has cost me a great amount of work. I piocmcd U alter dili gent labor. " Then followed Insinuations bordering on Iho most flagrant Indecency. The lady was plainly glvun to uiulei stand that curtain tribute in the way of womanhood was ex pected. But the sugjustlon was repelled with unusual vigor. Tlio ungullant " private sccietrtry" was shown to the door. The nuxt day the appointment papers , which wcro really issued upon thu request of a senator , wore returned to the otllcur in charge of the bureau in which It belonged , together with a statement ot the facts relating to the Insult Thu officer then In charge now In a more exalted position did not take action , because tlio repieheiibible private secretary was a near relative. The family of the lady now threat-Hi i j ] Dgtlu < matter before the sec.rotary of the donartiiiunt , demand an Investigation , and if theru is any whitewashing to talce it totlio Diosldent. Should this be done It will undoubtedly lead to the removal of not only the "piivato secretary. " but tlio olllcial In clmrcu of the branch ol the department where t lie appointment occurred and who refused tc take action on the charges. Kicking Against the Law. WAS m. va TON' , April 17. [ Special Tule- gram to the Bic ] Ono of the oldest demo cratic congiossmaii from Illinois , who had much to do with creatluu thu commurcc law , and who for that reason bays ho does not want to bu quoted , gavi it as his opinion to day that this law will bo repealed at the next session of congress. Ho says that there will bo twice as many petitions from the people by December praying for Its repeal as wore received In Its favor In years past. He thinks it too complicated and that It elves too mticl authority to tlio commission and too littU benefit to shippers and travelers. Quito : millibar of statesmen who were promineiv in bringing this law Into existence , and win are now huie , maku thn same piudlctlon They think a substitute bill should be passed simply prohibiting discrimination , dolnt away with the commission and giving stati coutts jurisdiction. Already thousands o : letters making tills suggestion have beet received. I hoar that the commissioners have put li a claim tor payment from the 1st of Jiinuar ) last , although they were only commissions in thn last days of Maicli. The ground ol the claim Is that their respective terms ol oflico will end with the calendar year niu the presumption must bo that they begat with the lbV7. Thn claim is probably i sound one and It shows that thu commls sioners will , In their own ulfalrs , prefer the "loui ; haul" to tlio "shoit haul" every lime. A Prcslt.ontlnl Hnnh. WASIII.VOTON , April 17. [ Special Tele gram to the Bnn.J There is a good dual o talk In cabinet society about the prcsldoni snubbing Secretary and Mrs. Whitney at tin christening of their baby daughter Dorothj on Monday last. The conspicuous absouco both of himself and Mrs. Cleveland from tin church and afternoon tea could not lead t < another conclusion than it was a studict snub. Scats were specially , set anart fo them , and it is no secret that the Whltnoyi were very much chagrined at tlictr absence But , while thu grand event was taking placi almost within a stone's throw of the whit house , the president stood at the back win dow all day with his hands In his brceche pockets and a cheroot In his mouth , lookiui out on the Easter egg rolling. That was i scone that pleased him better. The stupend ous magnificence , as It were , of the other oc casion , was moru than his democratic stoiu ach could stand. In shoit , It knocked bin out. There was a chord in his oxecutivi bosom that responded more to one than ti the other. It Is well understood that all th display and absurd aping ot royalty , such a has never been known In America before kept the president away , but It did not as suage thu chagrin of thu paients , and there ! society talk about it. Official Bonn-Try. WASHINGTON , April 17. [ Special to th BEI.J : "In public life covering a score o years , " said a department otllcial to-day , " have never scun such a disgusting spectacl of ofllclal begcary as I have witnessed sinci the close of the last congress. Quito a nuin ber of the majority members of the lions and senate have rnmained hero over sine the adjournment , and every day they male the rounds of the departments , absolute ! begu'Ing tor olllcial positions for their striker nt homo. These fellows will accept anythln trom assistant secretaryships down to dooi bangers and cuspldore cleaners. So pursisl eut are those chaps that thu president an heads of departments wltn ss their approac with horror ; and they have become tlio but of the street eamlns and bootblacks , and mo of all parties ha\o conio to regard them wit the must Ineffable contempt. The work n thuso politicians Is quite as unpleasant fo them , too , as lor the officials in charge. " Sitting Down on Curtis. ' , April 17. [ Special Telograr to the BEE.J Friends of thu administrate hero are highly Indignant over the recen outgivings of Chief Mugwump Curtis as t the prospects of the president should ho b renomrnated next year by the democrat ! Many of them say that Curtis has In elfe < deserted the president and the causu of civ service reform both at once , and somu c them strongly Intimate that ho has her "seen" by friends of some other possible cat didato. Curtis has been turned down com pletely by the president's followers here , an U Is predicted that hereafter ho will liavu n more influence with thu administration tha any other plain citizen , If he has as much. Ho Disappoints Thorn. WASHINGTON , April 17. fbpeclal to th A gentleman who was at the whit house yesterday to invite the president I visit his city next fall and attend a fair , says "It Is my judgmfiiit that Mr. Cleveland make a mistake In the way ho receives and talks I persons who extend tiie.-o invitations to vis them. Ho leads them all to believe ho wIllL there , and they go away and make prepai ; tlons to receive him ; then ho doesn't appca It Is my belief that he doesn't intend I attend any of the fairs or ottier public occi hious , but go out pretty soon and swln around an entirely unexpected circle. W will all be disappointed. " UolnptS of' Western Mqn. WASHINGTON , April n.-fSpedal Tel gram to tlio.BEE.J Senator Allison wl early this week leave for his 'home in low Kepwentatlve-elect M.Suane. conteu plates mnklni ; somo. Investments In , real estate In Washington. ' He has been greatly Impressed with the constant rise of thu prlcu of real estate since his arrival hero , Companies That Will Drill. WASHINGTON , April 17. Among the list of thu military organizations entered and acted upon by the National drill committee at the closing of the entiles on April 1 , are the following : Dauola Battalion of the First regiment ( competing ) ; Company B , Second rczlmunt. Illinois Battalion of thu First leglment ( computing ) ; Company 11 , Sixth re ; lmcnt ; Light battery A ( competing ) ; Chicago Zouaves. Iowa First regiment ( eight companies competing ) : Mnscatinn ritles ( competing ; ) : Shcuamhmh guard ; Com pany A , First regiment ; Company D , Second regiment. Thirty states and tenltorlcs aru represented in the list , A Very Quiet Sunday. WASHINGTON , April 17. This has been a quiet Sunday In Washington. The order of the commissioners directing tlio closing of nearly all places of business wuut Into effect this niornlne , and was irenorally. observed , except In a few matters , upon which pub lished Interviews Indicated a difference of opinion between the municipal authorities. There were several dealers , however , espe cially In downtown districts , who kept open and announced their Intention to test the law. But six arrests were made for drunk enness up to 10 o'clock to-night , against an average of about twenty-one previous Sun days. Cancer Canned His Dentil. WASHINGTON , April 17. An autopsy on the body of Chief Justice Cartler , of the Dis trict supreme court , was performed to-day by Dr. Lamb. It showed that death was dun to cancer of the stomach. Tlio remains will leave here on Tuesday evcnlinr tor Cleve land , O. , where the fuunral will take place. Til 10 CLIOAUANCU9. Omaha Leads Alt Competitors In Per Cent or Incrcnso. BOSTON , April 17. ( Special Telegram to thn UKK.I The following table shows the gross oxctmnees at thu leading clearing houses In the United States tor the week end ing April 10 , 1837 , with tiiu rates and per centages of Increase and decrease as com- paied with the gross exchanges for the cor responding week In 18SO : * NU included In totals. THE CHOI' OUTLOOK. Considerable Damage Reported by Drought From Several S tat CM. CHICAGO , April 17. The following sum mary will ho published by the Farmers lie- view : Correspondents from nearly every county lu Kansas , Missouri , Illinois , lndiaiin and Ohio report that there has been no ade quate relief from the drought , and that high and dry winds are causing deterioration'yi the condition of winter whoat. A certain percentage of the damage has already oc curred , yet , notwithstanding the Impending great Injury which a much longer prolonga tion of the drought would effect , the Kcncral- ity of tlio reports Irani thu wheat districts con tinue to bu favorable. The pastures and meadows In the states of Illinois , Ittdl.ihn and Ohio are already suffering very seriously , however , owing to the lack ot rain. In Kdgat and Hamilton counties considerable damage to growing winter wheat is reported , while the remaining Illinois counties reporting this week , wlillo stating that the average condition.Is . below that or last year , still loporl the crop In fair shape. Reports from drought Injury aru madairom Maitln , Ohio and Wells counties in Indiana , ana In Carroll , Clermont , LlcUIng and Logan counties' In Ohio. Reports from Kansas all report a pressing need of rain , ana serious damage by chinch-bugs Is made from Harvey and Lambert counties In that btato. In Bar ton and Morris counties , of Kansas , the crop Is reported to have been seriously injured bv drought. Reports from Missouri , while indi cating the need uf rain , continue to make .1 favorable showing for the crop. Spring wheat seeding has been nearly completed In Illinois and Iowa , and Is In progress in Min nesota , Dakota and Michigan. Tlio ground is reported as beingiln a favorable condition In Iowa , DakoU and Minnesota for the re ception of .seed. i A Separate Union Organized. NEW "i OIIK , April 17. About 300 shoemak ers of the shops of New York and vlclmtj met hero to-day and organl/od an open union under th title of the "Manufacturing Shoe makers' Benevolent and I'lotcctivo Unlor No. 1. " This action will undoubtedly bo fol lowed by the withdrawal of about 0,000 man iifacturlng shoemakers trom the Knights ol Labor. _ Dlddlnc tar the n. * M. CHAWFOIIU , Neb , , April 17 [ Speilal Telegram gram to the BIK. ] A meeting of tin cltUons of Crawford appointed yestenlaj a committee to confer with the manager ! of the B. & M. lallroad , to pre sent to them the feasibility ot building tha' ' road through Crawford , Hat Cicek and tin Belle Fourche country. Wanted Drain * Not HrecoliOH. It Is said that Allen Thorndlke Uico hs become the owner of the silk coat , waistcoat , and knee breeches and the gold bucklpi which ( Jcorgo Washington wore when he took the Inaugural oath as first president o the United States. If Mr. Itlco will gotc the Pennsylvania Historical society build ings In Philadelphia and try on Daniel Web stor's hat , in which his head will rattU around like a dried pea In a pod , ho will llncl outtnatlt Is not brooches so much as brain : that some persons most sadly need , The nibloon the I'ana Question. > -ho Inter-state commerce bill Is clearly ; subject of prophecy. Anticipating by abou 3,500 years the rumpus which the abolition ol the free pass system would raise , the prophe Jeremiah declared ; "Though they roar , ye can they not pass. " N. V. Ifcmcl. { But li Genesis , eighteenth chapter and fifth verse we read : "Comfort , ye your hearts , aftei that yo shall pass on. " John W. Davis Is the lirst democrat clcctci to the llhodo Island governorship lu twentj ' 6ov u years . ' . . . ' . , . . . ' A WINNING TEAM WANTED Fho Presidential Situation Viewed From a Republican Standpoint , MORE WORK AND LESS HURRAH. Gossip About Men nnrl Kvonti In Waohlneton The Growth of Ne potism Political and llcllc- Ions Missionaries The Comlnit Contest , WASHINGTON , April 14. [ Special Corre spondence of the BKK.J Tim presidential contest of 1S3S , looking at it from tills view point and nt this moment , seems to bo In , vhnt might bo termed a tormatlvo condition , llowovor , thoroaro ouo or two points that \ppeartobelrrevocably settled , oven at this early day , so far as the republicans are con cerned. First , there Is a Icadlnir and commanding sentiment that comes to the surface at every opportunity , which shows that the masoes of that party are determined , that no senti mental devotion to any ono man will be al- owed to stand In the way of the party's suc cess at the polls In the next contest. Kvcry republican ono meet ? In Washington , come From where ho may , north , south , cast or west , and whether obscure or of national reputation , unhesitatingly declares that the next national convention must scan the whole Held , and then nominate the man who can win beyond pcr.ulvonturo. In short , no man can now bo absolutely certain that ho can secure a single vote In the next republi can convention. In this respect the situa tion Is peculiar , and just what It should be. Thcru Is ono other feature of the situation which stands out prominently. There aru two men , and only two , who now seem to have a chance for the nomination In IbSfl John Sherman and James ( i. Blalno. Mr. Sherman is placed lirst , simply because his boom .scorns to bo developing more rapidly than Mr. Blalno's. Mr. Sherman's Nashville speech has cre.-ited a piolound Impression on the people , especially In the houth and south west. It was a new revelation to thu people of those sections of the union , and oven the masses in those sections which have known him tor so many years , have hulled hisspcech with unalloyed delight. , as a complete and unanswerable vindication ot the and principles they have sustained by their bust cITorts on the rostium and at the polls. That speech made Mr. Sherman ono of the very foremost candidates for nomination , and has given him n prestige before the people that seems almost decisive ot the contest. Mr. Blulno just now appeals to ho occupy ing a position that is almost unique. While not exactly repelling the men who were his leading champions in the nominntorlal contest - test of l S-l , It looks almost as If. by a precon certed uuderstnudin between him and them , they wore to uo held in icservu as it were lor the present , at least. This IK supposed to be done for thu purpose of disseminating the .idea that new recruits in the cause will .stand just as good a show tor favor If lie should bo elected , as those who weio his lead ing champions in 183-1. Tills 4s a shrewd piece of btratecy , for the old hands know that they will not be forgotten when the time comes lor Mr. Blaineto pav his political debts , whoever else may be. Tno elTcct of this policy will bo to weld the old and the now lorcca together in a compact , har monious mass , the new men laboring for what they hope to get lii the event of success , and the old guard lighting as ot-yore for what they think they know they will get. There Is another peculiarity In Mr. Blame's tactics just now that has not attracted much attention , and yet it Is of .singular slgnill- cancc. lie has not announced , cither di rectly or Indliectly , himself or any friend of his , that ho Is a candidate for 188S. It Is sur mised that this means "wait till tlio clouds roll by , " and the situation clears up some what. The nanow bkln-of-lhe-teoth deleut of 1684 ivas a sevuio disappointment to Mr. Blalnc , hinting all the moio bocaiiuo of the nearappioach ho made to winning thu goal , and it is believed hcio that ho has llrmly de termined to shun the possibility of a second experience ot that kind. Hence It Is thought that it , when the spring of IbbSopans , he sees clearly that he cauuot make a better race than lie did before he will decline the nomi nation so far in advance as to take hluisolf entirely out of the way of other aspirants thus becunng for himself and followers a strong hold upon the gratitude ot the win ning candidate , whoever ho may bo. * * * * Under former administrations whenever there were In the forces of employes In the departments they were all given to the press , Thu names of those dlbchaiged and reduced were given thu sameus those ap pointed and promoted. Now only the ap pointments and promotions me nlvcn to the public , and It Is worth the official head of an employe to make public further Information. The only excuse given lor the refusal to rnako public , removals and reductions of salaries , is that it would lead to political con troversies and unnecessary criticisms. It Is oven Impossible for an employe reduced or an employe discharged , to learn tlio cause oi It. Applications lor this information have been made to the civil service commission but itwM | refused. So it becomes Impossible to learn whether the civil service law is being enfonjp. # # "I cannot think of removing a man Just because he Is a republican , " said ( icneral Superintendent Nabh , of the railway mail service , talking , this morning , about the howls on account ot the retention of so many old employes In the postal service. Thu moat valuable men we have In the service , " con tinued Mr. Nash , "arc the old ones. They are generally faithful and elllclent.-aiui f | would bo manifestly unjust to turn them out , simply because they are republicans , even though they have been active ones , provided they nave not neglected their duties for theii politics. "yes , I believe the administration is more strict now than it was at hist In the mattei of civil service reform. It Is opposed to re movals on tlio ground uf politics alone. " Most of the statesmen now In Washington at tills time are of the class that sit for Inter views at the offices ot the newspaper correspondents spondents , just like a subject sits for a photo graph gallery. So they make n great : iois < for a small crowd , reminding ono of Uenera Grant's coyotes. The general and one oi his trusted oflicers were once on a recon uoitroing trips In thu southwest a short tlmi before the war began. As they approached f piece ol wood at nightfall they wcro terror l/.eil with the howling In the timber. I seemed liku a million of wolves. At th < genoral'ssuggestion Investigation was made when It was asceitallied that but two pool little covotns were making the nolao. A half do/en congiossuion , when once in terviewed pioperly during a recess of con grchs , can make the country believe then are a million of them hero. The ] ientcr the office of the newspaper corre ppondent at all times ol the day or night , am sit for hours , waiting to he Interviewed. 1 the correspondent does not take the hint lit s Klven one. In terms often like this : "Icanglvuyou some information abou some political matters you mid your paper li interested in. How much space- can yoi give It ? " If any encouragement Is given the states man , he pours out enough to nil a page of an ; ordinary newspaper. The general bent o the Interview at this time Is to solidify tin gentleman Interviewed with the admlulstra tion. Almost any conespondent cau geti dozen interviews everyday , praising the ad ministration In general terms ; but uo oni wants to print them. The bulk of the stales men at the capital nowadays aru not heav weights. ' * * "Tho Christian people of the United State who liavu been contributing to the support o the missionary work In Japan have no causi to be dissatisfied , " said Mr. W. C. Parhon now In Washington from n tour of th Mikado's country. "On the other hand.1 continued Mr. Parson , "they should b greatly encouraged , for the work has brougb about wonderful changes. ' There were 215 missionaries In Japan I 18S6 , an increase ot SJ over the ptecedlu year , 'These , were located at CO stations , a Increase of 5 In a year. ' There were 211 ou1 tiUUIous , ' lift organized churches , ot .wiiloli fl are sclf-supporllup and 119 partly self-sup porting. The tiiiMiibershlp of the churches of our creed agcrogate 14,815 , of whom . ' ) , rtiO adults have been baptl/ed , and O''y children have iccclvctl tlio oidlnaucu of baptism. There aie IP.iXX ) Suud.iy school scholars all the showing belnn iueie.ises uf from ton to twenty per cent during tlio past year. It is anm/lug the civilizing Influence-ot our missionaries In such a country as Japan. The empire is quite AuierlcanUed In somu localities. The missionary work has doiiu jnuch to stimulate commercial telatlons , and the result Is remarked by every American who tiavcis there. Ontclnls In the departments nio complain- Ine Hint the congres-mcn who have lingered In Washington or leturncd slucu tlio close of the ' psslon for thu mirpose of getting posi tions tor constituents nio consuming much valiublo tlmo ot clerks and making general bores ot themselves. The statesmen nio very importunate , and are not getting much for their tioublo. Quite a number of them nip coming In now for postolllccs , lallway mall clerks , etc. Tlio very recent appointment of the sons of Souatois Pugh and Murom , of Alabama , to prominent positions with the Inter-.stato commerce commission and In the general land olllee has again nttiActcd attention to the nepotism being practised by men In pub lic olliecs. I am told that tlucc-fomths ( it tlio men In confess have sous , brothers , sisters , 01 some other near relatives iu thu fedei.U servlco. Tills practice has become so geneial that people hpru wonder If some sen ators and representatives nro sent hero merely to tret their lelations In olllee. K\en thu vhtiious Holmau , ot Indiana , has kept Ills son In easy places under the government when he could not earn his bread In private life , and nt the name time hundreds of tie- serving and poor constituents were begdng fur places. Thu south and west are guilty of more nepotism than other sections of thu country. Thu eastern senators seldom employ n rela tive as private secretary , while in oilier sections It Is the rule. The com- mlUeo clerks in congress from the other sec tions tliiut the east are often relatives , and thu depaitments and military and naval academies are honeycombed with the rola- tlvcsof senators and membeis. Thu poor boys of the country are boiue looked over for those of public men for the soft berths , especially In the academies of the govern ment. As n rule thu sons of men when put Into prominent places aru haughty and incompetent. But they aru retained lor thu inlluuuco ot their fathers. At lirst it was presumed that the intcr-stato commerce commission would bo kupt above anvtlilntr like favoritism , but if ono can beliuve what he hears it Is to bo l\w \ refuge lor incompetents and favorites. It Is to bo nn asylum for relations ot the commissioners. It is stated , however , that thu president bus called attention to this matter , and It may stop before It becomes scandalous. * * * Several of the coniziessmpn who have lin gered In thu city since the session closed have been indulging in dissipations which nru dls- gracetul. Three or four especially have fre quently been seen on the stiects In a state of beastly Intoxication. Ono an unmarried member from Nuw York has ofte.i been seen diivlut : a pair of seal browns down thu avenue with a disreputable woman at his side. A southern member has been having a good time with the boys shout saloons ami gambling dens. A well known western member who left the city only a few days ace was intoxicated a number of times and Insisted on going around thu streets when hu could scaiccly walk. A wealthy man who left coneress last month to join his liitetests In the cast has been making the neighborhood ut onu or two fashionable cafes in the northern pnit of thu city tesound with drunken hilarity of even ings for some time. Ho Is the happiest when hu gets a crowd of younc boys with him and Is making champagne flow like water , and the company about him howls llkn mad. Another man who has been in congress four vears , and who left It only last month , has lingered here to make an exhibition of himself. A score of times since the -Ith of March he has bcon scon on thu public thor oughfares so drunk he c.ould scarcely walk. Hu is an able jurist and n gentleman when sober , but n beast when Intoxicated. Ho has a verv respectable family of young girls and nn alfectlonato wilu In the cityand they liavu been almost paralyrcd with fear and humilia tion during the lengthy debauch of the father and husband. A number of other public chuiacturs could bo pointed out who are hero lor no good. The constituents of these men should know what they are held lor , ami It Is im probable that they would lougor tolerate erate the disgrace cast udon them. In fact It would bo well If congressmen were generally required to account to their constituents for their Itncurliigs and tilps here. They hang around Washington during the recess of congress or maku visits here very frequently when they have nothing In view but thulr old haunts and vicious habits. It has been the custom lor many years for congressmen when at homo during a recess of congress to luturn to Washington when they want to have a "time. " * It Is said that tholloral decorations and offerings on tlio occasion of the christening of the baby daughter of Secretary Whitnov , on Monday last , cost more than 31,000. As this Is the .prime of the early llowur season in Washington , It may be believed that thh amount of money purchased a great many of choice offerings and decorations. Not so many as might be supposed. The flowers were rare and expensive. Some of thu roses cost as much as 33 each. There wore bunches of precious flowers which could easily be held In the hand which cost 813. There is no city In the United States where floweis and precious plants nro cultivated so extensively and carefully as In Washington. Even the humble homes have somu kind of conservatories , and pot-plants are every where at all times of the year. The govern ment sets thu example by its immense con servatories and erounds tilled with every thing floriculture cau suggest. No one thinks of a dinner or tea or bicaktast for friends without llowms. They aru as neces sary as any dibit. The ladles wear corsage boqueisj at the theatre , at dinner , and cairy flowers ou many occasions. A real handsome. corsage boquet takes- trom bS to 815 from the pocket A handr ful of pauslcs cost 32 fiom tlio Italian ot Frenchman on the sheets. A buttonnlern costs 25 cents , and It is sqarcely larger that one's linger. A basket of choice cut llowert costs S'J5 , while a handsome otfuiiiig , such na ono Bonds ou the occasion o ( tlio death of s friend or tno christening of n child , costs from S.10 upward. Tlioro Is scarcely a business yielding BC largo a pioht , as that of a florist. Men open up a business with a lew thousand of capital and In a few yeais erect larirn" blocks anil count their surplus by the fifty thousand , The florist who furnishes most of the gooaj for the aristocracy has just erected a block wortli JIW.OOO. There are Italians who gi about the streets with trays of boutouulcrt and little bunches of various floweis.who have bank accounts aggregating from 85,000 to Ji',000. The opposition and rivalry seems U Increase prices. The florists all stand togc thor and dory In hiith prices. Washlnjrtor Is the Mecca for them and they are taking advantage ot their opportunities , PEKKY S. HEATH. Peculiar Marine Phenomenon. SAN FIIANCIBCO , April 17. A pccitlla phenomenon has occurred hero. Immenst quantities of submarine vegetation have bcei thrown on tno beach , covering It for sixteei mill's , Uo a large number of dead fishes o every kind , Including whales , sharks am turtles. Onu whale measures fifty-live leu and n turtle ten feet In length. Hundreds o people are lioio to witness the extniordlnar ; scenes , A submarine cniptluu is believed ti bo tun cause. Dr. W. J. Hoffman of the American bu rcau ot ethnology , has been named by th Uine of Portugal a chevalier uf the order o St. Jatnei one of tha most ancient older of Chriblcndom , First Assistant Postmaster ( icncral Steven I eon Is confined to bis bed by a painful ah scess which has formed In his rlgnt ear. II s not seriously III. The late Miss Catherine L. YT'ilfu be nunathed bur collection ot picture * am BimooO to tun Metropolitan Museum [ of Al v-- at Now Uurlha\on HllSern , although ho Is cMi as nu grtlst , keeps up her pcilw trlauimu by iv&lklaK eight or ton rcll ? > Btrelch. . ' ' ' " Iowa Railroads Enforcing the InterState Act iu the Harshest Manner , A DAY OF RECKONING COMING , The Fort Madison I'rlHou Land , Claimed as Private Property itcport uTtho Sttpcrlntun- dcnt of ( education. Hard on Manufacturers , Dus Motvns , ! . , April 17. [ Special to the Bui : . 1 "Is the now Inter-state commcico law going to kill all western manufacturing , or has the west a few rluhts which the now commission will respect , " Is the Inquiry that Is vciy ficquently huaid heio nowadays. It Is not exaggeration to say that unless icllct Isalfoulcd , the liidiistiled of lo\v \ will ro- cel > ea blow that Is bound to be fatal , and one from which they can not recover for years. Under the old utes Iowa cities wore enabled to make a fair stall toward build ing up inanufactoiicd , net , of course , In a laigoand pretentious way , but nevertheless In a way that was bringing steady prosperity to a largo number of localities. The old rates enabled local manufacturers to bring their raw inateilal trom thu cast , convert It Into manufactured products and distribute It though the statu at prices to compete wllh Chicago and other eastern points. Now all Is changed. The manufacturer cannot ship a pound of freight at thu old lates , or even at a figure which will enable hlmtocompoto with eastern points. If hu Is at DOS Molue.s , for Instance , thu freight on his law material to this city from Chicago ana theucu In a manufactuiud product to a town llttv miles west Is a good deal morn than the freight on the saniti article would bo If shipped from Chicago direct to that place. That knocl.s the local niunufactuicr on tlio head and stops him nt once. It Is undci.stoud that the lead ing manufactories in nearly every town lu tlio iuteiior of the statu will be obliged to close up If the present svbtom ot rates Is maintained. What is true of them Is also trim ot jobbing houses , and If there is n gen- eial Industry that the new law has not hurt , and hurt pretty badly , the public would Ilku to know what It is. It is true that the rail roads liavu not tried to relieve the situation any oven when they could , for they de termined to make the law as obnoxious as possible , by enforcing its provisions In tin ) hnibhest way they can. But their day of reckoning is coming , and unless they make a very radical chaiico In their course , they will liud the leglslatuiu that meets next win ter about the most hostile. Institution they ever ran nialnst. There Is nothing In the new law to prevent a legislature from mak ing it uncomfortably hot for n inilroad even In midwinter , and the Iowa roads me likely to get a Ustu of that kind of weather. ANOniKI ! IHOUIIL.KSOME CLAIM. Since a man tiled his claim recently for the laud on which the state inline asylum at In dependence Is located , Insisting that he had a prior tltlu to It , every body has been looking for the next fellow of unbounded assurance. Hu has arrived. An Individual answering that description has served notice upon tlio state that hu Is thu owuur of the land upon which the state prison at Fort Madison Is built , basing his claim upon some alleged de fect iu the title ot the transfer of the prop erty years ngo. So the governor Is again compelled to send a man inmniiielng through the archives to bring out the titles , and ills- pose ot this second troublesome claim. What the nuxt crank will want nobudy kpows. but the governor will not bo Fuvprlked If he boldly claims the whole state of Iowa , and asserts that It Was glvdn to him by Thomas Jellerson at the time of Iho Louisiana pul > chase. QUASI ) EDUCATIONAL SHOWING. The state superintendent ot education has just submitted his annual renort to tlio gov * ernor. It makes a very creditable exhibit and helps to show how it Is that Iowa harf reached the proud position trom which itccii claim the lowest percentage of Illiteracy of any state in thu union. In tholiist pine- , there are plenty of bchool houses , 1'3H4 of these "poor man's cpllegps" being scattered over the btato. The "saloon In ilio vailey" stands uo bhow acalnst tliu "school liousu on thu hill top. " Inside tlivso rchool house ? there aio 21,675 teachers , who pii'B'do ' over the destinies of half a million o" pupils. For this unsullisli work for the rising Lcuuratlon. these teachers leculvo lu addition to tlio thanks of the community , a compensation of SS.42 : { per month for males , and SW.lO rbr month fur females. In addition ( o the regu lar public schools there nro IfiS pnvatu schools , employing 721 teachers , with WTTt pupils. Thu state paid out last year lor lift public scnools nearly su\en million , dnllais. which Is one key to the low per cent of llllta eracy of which Iowa now boasts. Tilt lllbTII.l.KKY's CI.OFiR. The distillery , which has been the occasion of so much public comment during thu past few weeks , will voluntarily withdraw into obscurity about the middle of May. llavlnz sold Its capacity to the whisky pool , to * SbO.OOO per annum. Its occupation Is pone , nnd with It goes the last distillery In Iowa. Mr. George W. Kidd , ot Now Yoik city , thd owner of tin ; distillery , hns sent word to hit employes here that their services will not bo needed after the middle of May. About 120" men will bo lett without a job when the dim tlllcry closes , among them several governt ment gangers , who howl thu loudest. Tbquj places weioreallv sinecuics , anil they vi'crtf having a very enjoyable time which tnuv aid loath to see dupart , for them doesn't seem to hu any other placu In thle vicinity where these democrats can bu pensioned. TUB HAU. (1AMKH. The people of Dos Molnes are very onthus W astlc over base ball and the work of their new team. The severe slugging they gayo Omaha was some surpilso , as It was thought that the visitors would hold thorn down to a close game. But the careful selections of tlio homo management showed to good advnntago In all the games , and DPS .Molnes stock Is up very high. Thu three batteries now In the team have each an Individual slnnL'th that ; Is very valuable , and each pitcher has so nip stiong point that the other has not. so that , together , they aru able to cover a series of games very handsomely. Ansmi , of thu Chl- c.igos , says attur playing against DesMoluc ? , that If they don't win the Northwestern league pennant it will bu their own fault. CKIIAH ItAI'IDS' feOCIf.TV KVKNT. It Is a liltlu latu In the season , but Cedar Kapids has concluded to shlno Inasocinl way and so lias arranged foraginnd lullltniy ball anil leception tobu glvnn May 4 under thu auspices of Company C of that city. In-t vltatlous have beun sent to the governor and stall and other btato officers , and other mili tary oiganlzatlnns. It is surmised that Com pany C Is ambitious to rival "Tho dreys , " tfl Diihuquo , who ho far have carried otf tha honors lor social conquests. Thu annual bajl of "Thu ISruys" has heretofore been thu load. event at the heason , and Crimp C will have to rihu very early mutlns surpasses it. run COMINO or HOOTH. DKS Molnes Is soon to have Booth at J5 a ticket. This Is thu only placu In thu statu rt which he plays and the management seen , ate to think that the people in this vicinity are rolling In wealth. After seeing llnotli piny In Omaha , St. Paul and other cities at a max imum price of S-.VJ a ticket it Is m t surpris ing that therols considerable grumbling at a lato. Ko l > n CrAtnlnl to Mr. Hull. In Arkansas It costs fifty cents to call a man on a public telephone. ICven at that ex orbitant rate It Is said to bo cheaper ' .hau calling him on a full hand. Hard on thn Secretary. Queen Victoria acknowledges through her secretary tivery pncm si-nt to her. She reads them In thosamn manner. Moses K/cklel , thu jiiunu Hebrew sculploi of Cincinnati who has resided In Homo fol several jeats , has been Unlghtcd by the kW of ftaly. IVoplo who live lout ; In Cincin nati are usually benighted. ' - . . . , . ' . * * , mi. ' * ( t .Nti-BJaiiej3 ; ! health continued