Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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m' Mayor Sawyer Submits His List of Depart
ment Appointments.
\ Htu'cessrul Move For Oooil City Gov
ernment Low Wallace an Dcnura *
tlun Day Orntor Capital
City News.
IrnoM TIIK mr.'s : LINCOLN
Tlio now city government of Lincoln i.i
now fitlrly ombnrkcd in business , Mayor
Sawyer submitting Itls appointments
Thurstlny evening. Thcso principal ap
pointments represent thu board of pub
lic wjrks , thu city attorney , the chiefs of
tin ! police und lira departments. The
bourd ot public works comprises J. J.
Under , J. . McFarland and O. W.
Webster , tlie first two being regarded as
very good nnd such as will commend
themselves to the public. For city attor
ney , C. A. Atkinson , a comparatively
now and very medium legal light , lias
taken the persimmon , and for chief ol
vollco the veteran democrat , 1' . II.
Cooper , receives the position. As chief
of the lire department and lire warden
the administration very wisely retained
the present very eflcctivo chief , W. 11.
Ncwbury , who has built up the Lincoln
department until it is one of the very
best und ir.ost nllicient paid departments
in the west. In the interest of good re
liable history it will be well , now that tlio
principal appointments arc made , to note
liow well the individual members of the
original committee of twenty who were
created by ono man power to regu
late the city , have feared in securing
olliccs. From tlio individual member-
Blilp of the twenty-ono wo have : A. J.
Sawyer , the mayor ; U. A. Atkinson , the
city attorney ; Sam 1) . Cox , on the school
board , and O. W. Webster , on tlio board
of public works. In addition to these
, boncilciiiricH the mayor sought to inuku
F. W. Lewis city attorney , and O. L' .
Dintrcs and W. 0. Fletcher ran for oflice
nnd were defeated. It will bo easily dis
cerned , tliereforo. that the twenty-one
took good care of themselves , and it is
not probable that political history else
where records a m'oro successful feat in
securing olllec than these parties who
were willing to abandon politics for good
clean government.
Ono of the coming events of interest
that has received very little public notice
is the engagement of General Low Wai-
Ijaee as tun Decoration day orator in the
city of Lincoln on May DO. General Wal
lace wan ureat as a soldier , ono of the
'country's ' ablest representatives to for-
oijrn courts as minister to Turkey , and
greater than all as ( the author of "lion
llur. " The engagement of General Wal
lace , therefore , as the Decoration day
orator in the capital city is worth moro
than ordinary attention and annoHiico-
niunt. Governor Thayer has been engaged -
gaged as the orator for Decoration day at
I'lattsmouth , and tlio governor will bo
perfectly at homo there among many of
ills old First Nebraska soldiers.
In the secretary of stale's oflico yester
day were liled the article ? of incorpora
tion of tlio llnssoy & Day Steam Plumb
ing company of Omaha. Their capital
Block for business is $7,000.
The secretary of the senate announces
that his copy of the sunato journal is
ready for the printer , and it makes ono
of the prettiest jobs on rccortl. The board
pt printing hayo advertised for bids to do
tlin work.
K. U. Mockett. who for the past two
years has been a valuable assistant in
the governor's office , has accepted the
position of stenographer for Judge
Marshall in the Fourth district , and has
filed his papers qualifying for the place.
The railroad commissioners are out in
the western part of the state investigat
ing llio killing of a man at North Flatlc ,
nnd also the case of killing a man at
Grand Island.
Messrs. Gorth and Abbey , of the live
BtocK commission , cnmo in ycbterduy
from Endicott , where they wore called
on professional business by an alarm of
glandored horses at that place.
There remain several appointments to
bo made by the governor , but It is not
probable that any will bo announced be
fore the lirst of the coming week. A few
of tin ) recent appointees have not as yet
Since thu adjournment of dislnct court
n number of now casca have boon liled
that will help swell the docket at the
next term. Prominent among these is a
divorce case , the parties being Martlio
Tyner vs Joseph N. Tyuor. The plain
tiff's potitiou recites that they were mar
ried in 1870 at Bloomlngtcn , 111. , and
that two years ago in licatrico the plain
tiff was deserted without any cause or
provocation. The petition represents
that the defendant is a vulgar , vicious
hi an , unlit to cam fora family , and there-
fora the plaintiff asks for tne care aud
custody of their two children.
C. W. lirinton asked and was granted
a temporary injunction against E. V.
Erleksuu , restraining tbo latter from dis
posing of a certain tract of real estate in
Lancaster county until a hearing can be
had in court. Li/.zio C. Wolcn also asks
an injunction against S. S. Chase to restrain -
\ strain the latter from selling or using a
strip ot land in Chase's subdivision to
the city of Lincoln.
Elendorf. Walter & Co. , of Chicago ,
have commenced suit against Wicker-
sham & Ware to collect f 1,153 , a balance
claimed by them on commissions and
money advanced for storage , cartage ,
etc. The plaintiffs are grain commission
men , and in the course of an extended
business with defendants they find the
nbovo amount as a balance dub thorn.
William Murray has sued George
Williams aud others to recover $009
claimed to bo due on a loan made hereto
fore from the Kansas City ollico of the
Lombard Investment company. John J
Faulkhabor against ( Justin & Harphan
is another case liled , this being an appua
from a justice court over the rights ol
property ,
The urnnd loduo of tlio A. O. U W
for Nebraska nil ! meet In Lincoln or
May 10 and continue in session throt
days. The KathoriiiK will exemplify tin
excellent growth the. order has made ii
tlio past year , and as an illustration h
this line -X ( ! applications for members ! ) ! ]
were acted upon during the month o
Two how plats of additions to the clti
were liird with the county clerk yostor
lay Benedict & Harris' sub-division , lu
cated in tlio northwest part of the city
nnd Cottage Home sub-division , locntci
southwest of the oity. The new plat
flow In without .ceasing.
Yesterday noon the now police fore
vroro sworn in and assumed their duties
Chief Cooper notified them to appear n
headquarters nt 7 p. m. and receive thel
assignments of boats.
11. T. Clarke , of Omaua , was in Lincoli
yesterday looking after his building interests
terosts here. Mr. Clarku will build 01
the corner of Eighth nnd P streets a foui
story bnok block , 103x149 , that will b
nn ornament to that part of the citj
The plans for the building are not yc
onipeted. !
k It was a quiet dttv in courts yesterday
No cases were tried tn the county coun
nnd but two lonesome drunks wore b <
' fore the pclico judge.
TratiRfcra l-'llcd April 14 , 1HS7.
Joseph H Kwlni ? and wlto to K M
Hhrlver , lot S blk 0 , Kilby 1'lace ,
w d . , , . . .S 1,300
Jacob U Dcnlse and wlfo to William L
McCaguc , lot 10 blk 3 , Denlso's tutd ,
w d. . . . . . . . . 625
Lnw W Hill to Fred \V .Stover , lot 5
blk 11 , Park Forrest , wd . 2-V )
Mirv K Mean to Fremont , Klkhnrn &
Mlisonrl Valley Hatlroail Comn.iny ,
10J feet over ntf ne'f ' 1-10-10 , also : ( )
feut on north mid 'M feet on south
flltloot tallroadwd . 2r .50
llcnry .Sliichin and wlfo to Fremont ,
KlUliorn & Missouri Volley lUllroad
Company , lee feet over nw'4 ' ssv.'f
UO-lG-l'J'nlsn TiO feet on north and 5U
Icet on south siilo of rallioad , w d. . . 175
Peter Slanirold mid wife to Fremont ,
Klkhnrn iV : Mhsotirl Valley ItallronU
Company , 100 feet over nwtf no1/
suction 'JJ , ami sK swJf section Ut ,
all In lO-ll , nlsoWJ feet on north side
ol inllroail , wd . 2,000
Lars Jensen and wife to Fremont ,
Klkhorn & Missouri Valley Uailroad
Company , 100 feet over bof ! swjf IS-
10-12. ri lit of way , w d . SOO
b.iinucl Fee find wife to Fremont.
Klkhorn < te Missouri Valley K.iilroad
Company , too feet over sw'f ' of so/ !
IH-KM1. , also 25 feet on north side
anil 2. > leiit on smith side , also f 0
. feet additional on noitli side of rail
road , w d . 4,100
Alvlnt W Purkcr to Freinnnt.Klkhorn
it Mlssouil Valley Kallrond Com
pany , 100 feet over lot U blk 1 , Brigh
ton , w d . 370
Harriet L Kennedy to Fremont , Klk
horn A .Missouri Valley Kallioad
Company , 100 foot over lot lOlilkl ,
BrlKliton , rinht of way , w d . S'iO
John b Collins to Fiemant , Klkhorn
iV Missouri Valley Railroad Com
pany. 100 loot over tax lot GnwK
noji 10-15-1U. rl htof way , w d . 1,330
Kdwin S Hood and wito to James W
\Vnnrn , lot HI blk IS. Albright's
annex to South Omaha , w d . 121
Klcauora H Hierbowur and husband to
Jan'esK 15ojU. lotl ! blk 3 , .Capitol
Hill add.wd . 7.000
lielle 1) Hall and liushaud to Andrew
Kosu water , ninth 120 loot of loll" ,
subdivision ot lot G , Capitol add ,
w (1 . 11,000
Andrew Kosewuter and wllotn Jos
Koscnwnter et al , undivided % of
lot 11 blk 1 , Kountzu's Font th add ,
w d . 5,25o
James K Uoyd and wlfo to Andrew
Kojinvatcr et al.lots I'J.iiuul : 4 blk K ,
Capitol Hill add , w d . 41,000
Ooorco W Uuck to Era.stus N IJInpk-
man , o > f w ) < f lots 1 and 2 blk D ,
tihlnn's ndd , w d . 2,000
James M Koss to John Until , e.tst : iO
feet ot lot 0 blk 10 , linpiovcmcnt As-
nocmtlon add , wd . 1.-103
South Omaha Land Company to Miss
Clara M Drown , lot 0 blk b'J , South
Omaha , wd . 3J7.50
Jolm 1'etae and wife to John Pazdur-
ka. pJi ot nK lot 13 bik 12 , KouuUe's
Third add , wd . 200
Vllliam U 1'rcstonand wile to Chailes
Ullousel. lot U blk 221. Wd . 800
nlla E Vumlcrcnok et al to Fransls J
Wrltht , lot 7 blk 80 , Florence , w .d. . COO
hcodoru Olsen ot nl to Kdward H
Howland , lot 10 blk 3 , South Omaha ,
w d . SOO
linlthas Jettcr and wife to Kdward 11
Howland , 25 by CO fret conimoncliiE
at sw eorner lot 8 blk " > , Jotter's add
to South Unmhn , w d . 212
, uw W 11111 to O K Scolield , lot 2 ,
block 14 , Omaha View , wd . S 1,200
Jatlmrlno Parker to L P Pruyn , undi
vided % In bloeks l , 2 , 3 , 4 , Puiyn's
Park , w (1 ( . 8,000
ili/.abutli H Howard and husband teL
L P Pruyn , lot 81 , block S , Shinn's
a ndd , w d . 1,600
Christopher C Field and wife to Na
than slielton , lots 3 and 4 , block U ,
W Indsor Ton ace , w d . 800
Vndow P Johnston to Nathan Shelton -
ton , lot 6 , block C , Windsor terrace ,
w d . 400
fary Douuheity and husband to .Mary
A Grucley , south W ) tout of lots 10
and 17 , block 15 , Improvement asso
ciation add , w d . 1,530
: ' - L Stone and wife to Itobort Kasson.
weht 100 feet ol lot 2 , block 1 , West
Omaha , w d . 7,25U
S M Andrcoscn and wlfo to llobcit
Correll. west 35 tcot of lot 1 and east
C5 feet of lot 2 , block l.West Omaha ,
wd . 0,000
iVIIIioluitiia Hauninann to the city of
Omaha , part of tax lot 23 , sec 10 , 15 ,
13.0 c . 2
'red ' K Sonnenscheln to Mary A Dra-
lies , lot 25 , block 13 , Albright's an
nex to South Omaha , wd . SOO
David 11 Archer ( trustee ) to ( Jeorco
Herb , lots 20 and 21. block 2 , lot 1 ,
block 4 , Grauimercy Park.qc SI and
linal settlement . -
P Pruyn and wlfo to Catharine Par
ker , lots 11 and 12 , block 13 , Walnut
Hill , w d . 0,000
Francis M Kills and wife to Robert K
C Strchlow. lot 20 , block 3 , Orchard
Hill add , wd . 1,075
James Voroand wife to Theodore Ol
son. lots 2. 4 , 7 , 0 , block 1 , lots 1 , 2 , 3 ,
7 , 8 , 10. 14. 15 , 10 , 17 , 10 , 20 , 21. block
2 , lots 1 , 2. 3 , fi , 7. 11. 12. block 3 , lots
1. 2. 5 , 0.7. 8 , 9. 10. 11,10 , block 4 ,
South Omaha Park , lots 5 , 15 , 19. 20 ,
block 1 , lot 10. block 2. lots 3 , and 4 ,
block 5 , lot 1 , 2 , 3. 7 , 8 , block G , Hammond
mend Place add to South Omaha , q c 1
Theodore Olson and wlfo to Jamas
Vore , lots 1 , 3 , 8 , 10 , 11 , 15 ! , 17. 18 , 19 ,
20. block 1 , lots 5 , 0 , 9 , 11 , 12 , 13. IS. 22 ,
block 9 , lots 4 , 6. 8 , 9 , 10. IS , block 3 ,
lots 3 , 4 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , block 4 , South
Omaha Park , lots 0 , 7 , 8 , 9. 14 , IS. 21 ,
block 1 , lot 8 , block 2 , lots 5 and 0 ,
block 5 , lots 4 , 5 , G , 9 , 10 , 11 , block 0 ,
Hammond Place add South Omaba ,
qc . 1
Ucnrgu Armstrong and wife to James
Vore , lot 3 , block G , Armstrong's 2U
add , w d . 2,250
J P Kay and wife to William T East ,
lots 3 , 4 , 0 , blk 14 , Uedford Placftadd ,
wd . 3,000
Walnut Hill Building association to
William A Gardner , lot 12 , block 14 ,
Walnut llill add , w d . . 3,000
Alice O'Ponahoo and others to Nanny
K Drown , lot 9 , Union Square , w d 2,500
John D Kills and others to Cornelia H
Gilbert , lot 19 , Sunnyslde , add , w d. 3,200
M T Patrick aud wife to Phillip Brady ,
lot 9 and 10 , block 2 , Patrick's add ,
wd . SOU
Henry D Drown to Thomas Drcnnan
and others , lot 8 , block 93 , w d . 1,800
Charles K King and wife to Gustavo
Hanson. sw > , lot 25 , McCundllsh
Place , wd . 000
Francis MoCnll and wlto to Uortlia
Martcnson , north yt of lot 33 , Ncl-
bon'sadd , w d . . 2,50 0
List of letters remaining uncalled for
in tlio postofhco for the week ending
April 14 , 1837.
Note Parties calling for these letters
will ploasu say "Advertised , " giving the
date at the head of thu list , and inquire
for samu at the "Ladies' Delivery Win
dow. "
To avoid mistakes have your mail ad
dressed to street and number.
Adair J K Andersob J April 14
Andersen C Adams C
Alien 1) II
Dnrnsrhkot U Hock W P
Hock W Driton W
ISarnnlngsJ P KerschoJ
Hi'smcr J K lliftlrllG
Dlrdil UcaneslI
Ucru'tiiann A Ulebingur A L
Alack A M Kollard A S
Dennett U W Darker Kd
Uyran K N Deattle U-2
KUKCrstatf O liarnos C
Denton C Dullnck D
iJ.U'or D M Drown & Somcrs
Donnell O W Dacon F W
Deruhard M Drett S T
Don H Darrett J
Crick C II Cran J S
Christian C Corfiett J J
Converse U Chapman J A
Corrlcan Jt Son Crook E
Cook K Clark K
Cuspenter 11 Clark J A
Cole C A Clark U
Carlson C W Coad P
ClarkUrAJ Coop rA
CuaterJ2Carter K
Cl.iienc V B Campbell F
Conrad It E Coger T J
Davis 1) M 3 Duncan J
DiuUean J A Demarcst F
Duncan F Darin
Dunne 11 N Doaegcr C
Do Moss U W D.inkwart C
Dit Leu J Davys H Q
Krlckson G Kstelt J
Kstes U F-2 Kvan * Wui-'J
Kyestone L W Katon L
Edwards J Klsou D
Erlcksou 1 W
Lovctt F M
Murren J Morrow 1)
Moehlo H MeKltterlclr U-3
Malier J Maddox.l M
MllSaCtt J Murphy J
Moore .1 Mahutioy J
.Mill , ) It Maltox J
Mullry I Mnrtln K
MtilllnsTM-3 MusscrV H
Murphy MomoWL
Mayes E H
Miauliv Ii Murpliy P 2
Morse O G Moore M
Maxwell ( ' M Mlles'l'hos
Miller ( i H Mtkkclson Kr
Mortimer Cl A McClenryJ
MoMahon M J McKlnloy A K
McCiowan J MeUermutt M
Xcedlmm F Noble F
N'olty W Newton J
Nonsnn J NutiiiKV E
Nicholson D Newman J O
Owen F X Onram F H
O'Connor A L Obertt L
O'Toolo J OsterberR A P
Owen A Oliver J
Probasco G Pleper 0
Powers U 0 Plckard J
1'cduraon P I'.iulsen A
Petterson T N PetryCE
Peterson W Parks M 11
Powell W F Pritchard W C
Pisslngor J Patterhon J M
Pryanowakl A Parks J F
Pluutcen J
tied F 0 KuskJ A
tobb H M Keach I )
UiiniuiH P E Ucilly P
teld U A Iteeves F Li 3
lyan D.J Kayncr J
tocheV II llunhV E
toburts ISros Roberts ( i 11
Cyan J C Uatlley A
Keese A-2
StrotuberfiC Sears FV
Stronger I ) Smith L W
Smith K U .Scott K J
Schnwlcht L Soderbers L A
Sands & Co L Simpson TS
Speck F P
Santorn F A Scott F.
Spooncr M M Spiitalic M
Sparr D F Suitor M
Sweeney M Sklrvin W B
lauuhtcr W Stevenson D
cott W C Stewart H H
Schlekan H Scott M M
Shells J Shlncrco J II
Schmett A W Smith A O
Strom A E Schultz A W
Smith A Sullvan J
StuddbakcrJ Sodorbers J M
Sweeney J O Schmltt N
Talbott SV U Taming F
Taylor S K Thompson S E
Thompson A J Trlbunu J M
Talbot E Thompson W
Fornblom C E Thompson D
Thles C Tracy I ) C
Tate U Townsend W U
Tomlinson W D Tribune J H
Tucker J Thorn J D-3
Thompson J 11 Vamlervoort W
Van Meter W M Warstat W
Wands P Wlllson F
Williams F Whetmoro U W
Whiteslde U E Witliord ( }
Welch T Williams It L
Woolley A 0 Wyo Catlle Itange
Witt H Wriu'ht L
Wells L Webb C I
Williams W T Wills W W
Wendsclm A Williams M
Worslmm J K Walker A U
Worth C L Waluamith J D
Welch J Wallburn J W
Yoakum D F Yale D S
AnnellUrsAO Anderson L
Dincca F Draper Mrs E A
Darnhclser Mrs L Durnliaul J
Dell F DlomburR S
Dlshop Mrs J P Dilhlpr A
Duckoye M DurnhamMrsS 2
Drown F Darnard C
Darber Dalons Mrs A
Darlon Mrs J A Darns Mrs M
Dlouck Madam Hillings Mrs J
Dlrkmlol M Uatichard E
Cossler Mrs A Carberry Mrs N
Carpenter M Churchill Mrs O C
Crall Mrs W M CralRMrsKA
Clark Mrs E A Clark Mrs M U
Coman Mrs Corcoran N
Converse Mrs II Combs Mrs Wm
KbsonK Epprson M
Edwards Mrs U Evsklne Mrs D M
Finch Mrs L Favel N 2
Farthtnif Mrs M Falkner Mrs R F
Flyun Mrs Fisher Mrs M J
Fleck Mrs M Ferguson Mra S
Forstor Mrs C Flumer N
Fitch H
( irmnellMrsPE ( itistafsson A
Gay Mrs U M Gentry M
Grove Mrs M Goldsboro Mrs M
Gordon .Mrs E Grady Mrs D
Green N
Ilarlck Mrs A II all A
llumm S HubelmsHD
Huntlov Mrs N Howcll C
Howard Mrs Hanson Mrs E
Hewitt Mrs FJ Hewitt Mrs E
11 ell man E Harvey L
Hiokman Mrs L HicKs C M
Hairerlliit ; Mrs II. lUrrian D
Hayncs I Harvey F
Joseph L Johnston Mrs T V
Jordan A Johnson 1
.lakobson 1
Kaiifl'man K Kramer Mrs B S Kenny D
Kline I Kirby M
Knox O M Kirk S
Kirk Mrs MS Klaus M
Lindermau Mrs K Livingston P
LlndsU'dt A Umlnvlst T
LochnorMrs A Letner M
Lvnu S LoiiKE
Lake M LeuiMm E
Lncy Mrs J E
Mahannah Mrs M. 'Moore M
Moore A ii Morrison Mrs A U
Mack A Mats ton D
Waller MA Matties Mrs C
Muiriam Mrs J Muscn M
Malcolm M Murray Mrs A J
Murdoek Mrs Wm Martin Mr.sJ
Mader Mrs M Mattocx U
Marsh F Me Key A
McMartm Mrs M F McCoy M
McCarthy J McDonald J
McWilUrins Mrs McMahon M
McCowm Mrs 11 K
Newell E Nachttgall A
North M Nelsod TOme
OdwarKer Mrs K Omo MSB
O'Haulou Mrs C J Olsen A
Protznmn A Polsom Ii
1'onfold Mrs 0 Perry H
Perrln Mrs L Peterson N
Parks Mrs S Peterson A U
Parker L PickardMrsS
Palmer A M
Itldley R llearson J
lloddlncton M 0 Itoblnson Mrs D
UoKers E M Jtoouey U
Hoberts H Kolwrtson 0
Hollms Mrs U W Ituthcriord
ItiitMy J Itutlcgo Mr * 0
Uice Mrs 0 A Hank Mrs U
SchoenhelderR .Shirley 1 ,
Swanson E Sundboi * A
Satumon M Smith M
S&tmnn Mrs U D Smith A
Sprunk M Stewart MrsJ
Sternbcu Mrs E T Stiuutzc MnC
Strlnquin H Stu\cns Mis 1)
Slolley U Slroop 1)
Stewart MrsM L
Trent L Tnylor Mrs M
Talc L TowKsbury F
Tluimmond K Tosliuno E
Talbutt Mis M J
Usher M rsM
Vocgcll Mrs K
Wood Mrs W P Wondixrd Mrs K
Wohlan Mrs S A rlsht M
Welch K Wuriuvtli Mrs.I
WallicoJ Waiener Mrs H
Wat It Ins f \Vi\Velield Mrs A S
\Vhltsell Mrs F Willi.imsMts A A
Younger A Y unt ; Mrs A L
Doyer C L Chlllon Mrs D
Cauipboll Dr S M Crittendcn C E
Copcl.inrt Mrs M r.llls \ llobinson
( iatos&Slauirhter James Mrs F W
lopiett Mrs it Lscny Ellen O
Molbuist.l A Stndebaker G
Shields F C Xlmmermiiii G T
The many friends of Jr. F. M. Connor
wiii bo pieased to learn of his recovery.
Ho will a aln resume liis duties Monday
rrennrwl wllh strict repird toPnrlty , Strength , n4
lleiJtblalncsa. IJr.PHco'B Baking Powder contains
no AmmonlaLlmeAlura or I'bospbotcfl. Dr.l'rlco'j
Kxtiacta , YouillaLuinon , etc , flavor CcUclocjIf.
'citO.tfD ST. fnji.t ,
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital . $250,000
Surplus . 40,000
H. W. Yates , Prosidenf.
A. K. Tou/.alin. Vice President.
W. H S. HuRhos , Casliiar.
W. V. Morse , Jolm S. Collins ,
H.W.Yates , LewisS. Heed.
A. E. Totualin.
Cor ISth and Farnam Sts.
A General Uankiui ; Business Transacted.
Members New York Stock 12 < cclmngc.
nnv AND en. ! . ON '
Grain a nd Provisions ,
X4 < i Cltirlt Nivftt Chlatuo.
( ( .ran J I'aclllo llotol )
I'rivato wire to Now York.
Correspondence Invited tiy'mult or tolcgraph.
1(1 (
CAPITAL , . - . $40OOOO
SURPLUS , . . . . 600,000
Accounts of Banks , Bankers and Corpo
rations solicited.
Our facilities for COLLECTIONS arc
excellent and we re-discount for banks
when balances warrant it
Boston is a Reserve City , and balances
with us frombankcnot located in other Re
serve Cities ; count as reserve.
We draw our own Exchange on London
and the Continent , and make Cable trans
fers and place money by telegraph through
out the United States and Canada.
Government Bonds bought and sold , and
Exe'ianges in Washington made for Banks
without extra charge.
We have a market for prime first-class
Investment Securities , and inyite proposals
Irom States , Counties and Cities when is
suing bonds.
We do a general Banking business , and
invite correspondence.
ASA P. POTTER , President.
JOS. W. WORK , Cashier.
And many other complaints cured by
A Prominent Buffalo Physician says :
ntirpxi o , N , v. , Vou \ , i s ;
Drllorno , Chlcngo , 111. sir : It Ii somutlilnir ror one cit ( lie meillcnl prnforsion to Irulorst }
HiiadrertUoi : artlclo ; jet 1 take | ili > asnra In Inform-
Insjiia thkt onoof jour L'lortrli : licit ] curort mo of
rheumatlim , from which I liad Buffered 2yo r < . I
li v rccommenilail TOUT Invention to nt lout forty
of nir pHllonlisufferlnu with chronic illsonsoiof vu-
rlonn kinds vl i I'nlplliillon oftlio hnait. nervous
Ot'biliiy. cpllopKj , rlio.imaiUm. | aln In thu buck unit
kldnpyii , etc. . eto _ etc. All Imve liurcllascil nnd
worn them wltb TIKH' Kratlfflng re'ul.s. 1 canblehlr
rccoiumonil your liloctrlo Uclu , s possesslnz grunt
merit , l''ratcrnully yours ,
I , It. SJcJliniAEUJI. D. ( VI Ningnm-st
A Chicago 1'hisi.ejfin Says ,
Dr Hoine-l > oir ; air : I huvj iim.l ovcrul kind i ot
raaKiiPtlo unit l'l ctro ! Holts oil p'UlontiHntl inrielf.
I run lioncstlv Klvo tlio profqn'UC ) toynuro. ur nil
oil d . Hence I cannnclrlo rcionlincml yours over all
others. Vourd Internally , J , U. .loiuxiv , M I ) ,
Jim U , I5S7. omre3b7 Stiitt-Jt. . Chlra < n
A Physician Says , All' of My Patient
are Sattstteil.
CJKVK\\ , NED , Jon 31 , liw
nrW.J.IIorno. InTentor-Dcrir. Sir : I reconimend
your lilactrlo Hells to all who puller with iiny nervom
tioublo. any chronic llrcr or kljaoy ill oii9 . Allot
my patient * that nr uilnn jtinr Klectrlo Helta uro
tallttleU. Fraternally.H. ; . I'IIOI-ST. M I ) .
PliyiUlttn and Sumoon
A Minister of the German Evangelical
ti >
Church , Saya :
I.rtnirroNAllecnn Co . Mich. , Koba , 1KT
Dr. W. J. II > rne. Chlc-iuo. 'ill-Dear Sir : Your
Electric Holts donll you claim. , | Ocio nJ Uiern holnoj
ineof tlytncpsla. rouitlpullon hnj nencrnl debility.
1 woulJ Ilka to Introduce your ( roods here. Wilt
yon let mo nave the tuencr for inl * to wnihlp rPloait
' yourtermi. Inmtlicmlnliterof the ( lermna
vaunellcal Church ut l.elKhton. llrincctfully ,
IlIV. tiUUlH BlU'MM ,
Hesldencp , Ulddlevllla , Harry county , Mich.
Neuralgia of the Stomach Cured.
CHESTNUT. ILL. , Jan. 01 , tsu
Dr. Home-Dear Sir : 1 wa lucrcitnjr with neural
RU of the stoiiijoti , nnd medlclna f e rne < l to bare no-
firect : renraorplilnodld notrtltciiw m much. The
nttaik wruuM begin ercry erenlnc about nine o'clock.
ndiait about six hnun. laent for ouoof your Klec-
Utc Helta. KOI it and put It on. ami bayn't had the
Uait symptom of nauralgla since. I am well pleased
Yours truly , A . CJ. HAKCOUHT.
Dr. W. J. IIORNE.'l'Jl Wabash-avouue ,
Sole Investor , 1'roprlotor and Manufacturer.
rend stamp ( or catalogua.
1 b e p < xnir < ra < 4f Tor tk tbor * dlMM < l bi IU nte
tboaiu < U et CMW of tb > worst klnl wid ei l iiandlng
b Ttb .ncur j liidMil.tiisiroiiiisnr filth taltuKewT
Jb t I will s.ncl TWO KOTTLia rtKB , tof .lli.r wllti TAU
\5t\ce * s ,
Cancer of the Tongue.
My wife , some tlirco or four yoari ago , was troo.
blciiwitnan ulcer 011 the BUIO of her tongue near The pamwoa lucp 9.iia , rniwltif ? lnd
of ilecp nml nrolwins : iireat nervous prostration.
Accompanying trim trouble rheumatism. H
liatl nassoil from trto shoiililm nml centered in tlie
vrlstof onn liam ) , ehcnlinoHtloiinc tliotiseof It.
Between llitt bulIoriiiR of the tNvo.lifotiaU RIOWII
bunteniorue. Hy tlio mo of a Imlf dozen urull-
sliert bottlcsof Swift's Spcclllc , Blic was entirely
relieved imd restnicd to hrallb. ThU ni three
years aco. aud tlieic has been no return of the ills-
Cll3e. 11. L. UlUDLSimOOKi
Bparta , Ga. , Juno 5 , 13SO.
Treatise on lllood and Skin Diseases mailed fro .
TIIK SWIFT SPPCIFIO CO , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ud.
IGTV. . 23d St. , N. V.
OQ'IS woij 'ootjit nj Jn ) |
'jajlivut oij } no
jo omr
Oni&lia AtJCijts. 1312 Douclai St.
Warranted to neither break down or
roll up In wear.
Bonn 6fnulnn wildcat ElBO stamped on IniMe of Corut ,
Try lit It will rot < you ftthtny Ifnftt Mr pf oit d.
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis Mo.
1748 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado ,
Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy ,
St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi
tal , London , Glcscn , Germany and New
York , Having devoted their attention
Nervous. Clinic aod
More especially those arising from impru
dence , invite all so suffering to correspond-
thout delay. Diseases of infection and
contagion cured safely and speedily with
out detention from business , and without
the use of dangerous drugs. Pa
tients whose cases have been neglected ,
badly treated or pronounced incurable ,
should not fail to write us concerning their
symptoms. All letters receive immediate
attention ,
And will be mailed FREE to ai.y address
on receipt of one 2 cent btamp. "practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and
1' Exhaustion , " to which is added an
' Essay on Marriage , " with important chap
tcrs on Diseases of the Reproductive Or
gans , the whole forming a valuable medical
treatise which should be read by all young
men. Address ,
17-12 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado.
1707 Olive St .St. L uis.Mo.
will mill. fcM , c. l ; ol T 4
CftUtocvt f Dftid iBitrooM
iUow 4 EoilpnuBli.
to llliltrtlloBt dnertblBf v
lkU lMBk < 4 to lUnfe 01 Pram
Coin , lmlailli > | Itruiriil M U-
' . .U. .
C BUU ou for
itlnr Buii.
M 1 ! TKUa , llf-Um ,
l * l ' * ! Mule.
J. (6 ( T.
Embody the hitilicst cxcllcncics in Shape
lineei , Comfort and Durability and
are the
Reigning Favorite *
t > i fashionable circles. Our name is on eve
ry sale. J. & T. COUSINS , New York.
For young women , Pr.'ncelon , N. J.
Prospectus , full particular * , ! sent OB p-
pllcation to J. H. McElvaine.
_ ,
' r * - - * -
M - . Uo _ > W JJJJ -r , gt O t,3
rt oi rt ci a o u . v UMM o o o o
In Merchant Tailors Misfit Garments received daily.
Those embrace all tlio piovailing styles in cut and
fabrics of the recant manufacture of foreign and do
mestic mills , executed inta garments ready for man's
wear by the leading artist tailors of the country
which will be found on sale as follows :
$ 8. 10 that was made to order by a merchant tailor for . $10.50
970 dodo dodo do ; dodo dodo do
ti.oo dodo dodo do
dodo dodo do
M.OO dodo dodo do
1.1.70 dodo dodo do
17.1)0 ) dodo dodo do
1M.40 dodo dodo do
21.00 dodo dodo do : dodo dodo do
25.40 dodo dodo do
27.00 dodo dodo do
33.20 do do do
The aV.ove is but an reduction to fill Hpace. Suffice
to say there are an endless var'ety in cuts to suit the
idea of any man. We have ale just received , by ex
press from different territories , over 50 pairs
which will be sold at a price to suit the idea of the
customer , all merchant tailor made , any cut you may
desire. Alterations made free of charge in all cases to
insure a perfect fit , at the
Misfit Parlors ,
N. B. Orders outside of the city reinive our prompt
and careful attention.
The G. E. Mayne Real Estate and Trust Co ,
Properly of every description for tale m ull parti ot tha city. Lands for sale
very county in Nebraika.
Of Titles of Douglas county kept. Map * of tbo city state or oouuty , or any otli
information desired furnished free of charge upon application.
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverward
The largest stock. Prices the lowest. Repairing a specialty. Work warranted.
Corner Douglas and 15th streets , Omaha. Licensed Watchmaker for the Union
Pacific Railroad Company.
A magnificent display of everything
useful and ornamental in the furniture-
maker's art. at reasonable prices.
JAB. A. CAtirKNTEIl. Vlce-1'res. JOHN K. CAKl'KNTKU , Tmis.
Carpenter Paper Company ,
Wholesale Paper Dealers , < < V *
Carry a nice new stock of Printing ; , Wrapping awl Writiiifr Paper. Especial.
Attention given to car load orders , which will bo fllitpped direct from inillH .
all ordorn will receive personal attention. We guarantee good gooiU at
low pr tea.
CAKl'ENTEli 2'ArJilt CO. ,
, . > 1111 ana 1110 Douclaa St. , Omuua. ,