THE OMAHA DAILY BEff ; , SATURDAY. APHIL 10. 1887 , THE DAILY BEE. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. DAllr ( Edition ) Including Sunday lUr , Ono Vuar . . . . . . . . . . . $1001 PorBlx Monthi . 6 PC For Three Month * . SK Ilia Ornnhn H nJ y UKK , mulled to nny nddrou , Ono Your. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20. OMAHA orncK. No. an AMI 91S FAKMAW Nrnr YOIIK orrirf : . IIUDM ivVTHiniiNK IIIMIIIINCI WAHUINUIUX orrici : , Nu.SuruuitTcc.iTii Stunt COIinr.1 ! 1'ONDF.NCE ! All communication ! i oliithiKto no < r nmlodl torhil mnttor MiuulJ bo tuMrussod to thu Kui rou or TUB line. BUSINESS MCTTKRSI All bUtlncM letters and romlttancon fthoilld IK 'ldi-B < Hcd to Tuii HBK I'oiii.uiiiNd COMPANY OMAHA. Drafts , checks and pontofflro nrilcr. to bo raailo par able to the enl r of. thu company 1HE BEE POBLISBlisliPJlIT , PBOPBIEIOBS , E. HOSENVATEU. Eniroit. THE DAILY DEE. Bworn Btatctncut of Clroulatlon. BUtoof Nebraska , I - . " " County ofDouRlas. ( Oco. II. T/schnck , secretary of The nci Publishing comtmny , does nolomnly swca that the actual circulation ot the Dally 13ei lor the week ending April Stli , 18S7 , was a. follows : B turdav.Aprll2 Bundav , Aprils Monday , April 4 Tuesday. April 5 . M. ! Wednesday , April 0 Thursday , April 7 many , April 8 AvoraRO tiEO. U. TZHCIIUCK. Subscribed and sworn to bo fore mo thls'Jtl day ol April A. D. , lbf > 7. N. 1' . FF.IU ( SEAM XolMV 1'iibllc. Geo. 1J. Tzschuck , bolne llrst duly sworn deposes and snys that ho is secretary of Tin lk-e Publishing company , that the actual av craee dally circulation of the Dally lice foi tliemonth of March , IbSfJ , 11,537 copies ; fo April , IbbO , 12,191 copies : forfor May , 188(5 ( , 12 , 489 copies ; for June , ISbO , 12,898 cople ? ; foi July. 1880. 12,814 copies ; for Aiieust , UN- 12,464 copies ; for September. 18SO. 13f ! ( cojites ; for October , IhbO. 18,989 copies ; foi November , IbfiO , 18.34S copies ; for December l&Srt. 18,237 copies ; for January , 1887 , 10.2W copies ; for Fubrunry , 1SS7 , 14 , 10S copies. Grco. U. TZSCITUCK. Subscribed and sworn to before tno this Oil dny of Maich , A . 1) . 1SS7. fHEAL.1 N. P. FKII , . Notary Public WITH Uhodo Isluiul in the democratic party and Sam Randall losing his grip or President Cleveland , the nation manages - ages to maintain its equilibrium. AT Topeka the Salvation nrniy leader ! have boon nrrested for disturbing tli ( peace. And all in a town wlioro thoru ii suiposcd ) to bo no "no whisky influence ' Tin ; question of prohibition is to be voted upon in Texas the middle of Au cust. It seems like folly to Hubmit tlu proliibition question during seven drought. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is the star singnr ir tlio Protestant choir in the Sing Sinj penitentiary. Mr. Ward's motto has always boon , "that which is worth domj : is worth doing well. " COPIOUS rains liavo at last fallen alonj : the Texas Pacilio railroad for a distance of three hundred miles. There is greal rejoicing in the parched and burnt dis tricts , as well there .should bo. YAXKTON , Dak. , at last has a full grown real estate boom. The epidemic seems to iiave worked , its way up th < river. Bismarck is also wrestling will favorable additions "twelve miles frun town. " I Tun Kissane case is attracting attcn tlon throughout the entire country. The Rev. Joseph Mulhatton , in his palmics clays , newer dreamed of such a creatioi as the facts connected with the million aire's misfortunes. So many propositions are to be votci upon at the coming city election , tha eaohjvotcr will have to deposit a bunch o tickets at the polls. The danger is tha the average voter will bo too confused t < know what ticket to stick into his bunch "CHARLIE" MITCHKIJ , , who is thirstinj for an encounter with John L. Sullivan has arrived in Now York from Liverpool This will cause Mr. Sullivan to tempo rarily suspend work on his now book The book , however , will not sulfur ai much as Mr. Mitchell. TIIK steamer Nebraska , with Colono Cody and his wild , wild west , has arrivoc at London. The deluded natives of tha country will now crane their nocks tc BOO the "member of the United State ; parliament , " as he has boon called b ; the London papers. Oun legislative Blue Hook hns bcei pronounced as bad English by one of tin classic writers whoso repressed s.vmpa thios are with the boodlors and rallrogucs The liluo Hook may bo imperfect as i literary composition but it is good onongl English to nass muster with the taxpay era and people who work for an hone * living. _ TIIK Wisconsin logimaturo has p.issuc nn alien land bill tiling the maximun acreage which may bo owned by a mar who is not a citizen at 320. It will doubtless loss receive the governor's signature Illinois has passed a similar law. I ether states will follow in this importan matter foreign land speculators will b untiroly prohibited , as they should bo. is the most southed , point in Indiana where natural gas well have boon developed. Seven great well nro flowing at Muncie , whore real cstat to the amount of $1,000,000 changci hands in ono clay. AH thcso vnluabl pointers should bo remembered by tli people of Nebraska. J { natural gas i lound in Indiana , the probabilities ar that it can bo discovered horo. ACCOIUMNO to our dispatches , Mr. SMI Jones , of the Union Pacilio , will not b chosen as secretary of the intor-stat commerce commission. The commisslo wants a man for that position "wi ! knows all about railroads , in a lawyo and a judge , a statesman and a scholui and has Brut class amlity. As Mr. Sat Jones i * lacking in at least six of th qualifications , ho will fail to receive th title of secretary or draw the salary. THE Pennsylvania legislature hn passed the joint resolution pro ) otlng woman iiillVage constitutional amend in en t bj a vote of 9 ? to 16. Senate Hnrlan , the long-haired champion of th cause , was the recipient of bouquets an loving looks and smiles from the sheri haired women who pacKcd the galleries Kan.itu' experience will be warning to the Intelligent voter * of th Key Stoiii ) ntuto. Cleveland and Itnndall. The relations between Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Knndalt have never been very clearly defined. It was the impression during the first year of the administra tion that the Pennsylvania statesman was regarded with a great deal of considera tion at the white lionso and exerted a con siderable influence ) there. There wore sonic facts which for a tlmo seemed to warrant this vlow , and tholr ofl'ect un doubtedly was to estrange from the presi dent a number of democrats who are bitterly hostile to Handall. Then there came a period when the country was told that Mr. Cleveland had broken with the Pennsylvania ! ! , and circumstances were staled In evidence of this. Then when Handall dictated the last demo cratic state ticket in Pennsylvania , it was claimed that his power to do this was clue to the fact of his having admin istration assurances in respect to the patronage in the state. On this assump < tlon the president was soundly berated and a fooling created which cost the democratic party of Pennsylvania a great many votes. It Is now rep resented that in appointing ex-Governor Pitttlson a member of the Pacilio railway investigating commission , the president not only did not consult Mr. Randall , but entirely ignored his well-understood feeling regarding Pattison. This ciruttm- stance is referred to by a Philadelphia paper of democratic predolcctlons as tlu best evidence yet given of a change in Knndall's relations with the adininistra tion , and hailed as an assurance tliat the president is "finding that foxy person out" as one not to be trusted. If Mr. Cleveland has but just reached this conclusion it proves that cither hi a observation has boon very incomplete or that his judgment is exceptionally slug- Cibh. Everybody of ordinary perception has been familiar with this phase of Ran- chill's character for a long ttmu. He would not have the least hesitation in using the administration for subserving his own end , and when that was accom plished abandoning it to its cmcmlcs , This characteristic is well understood by the politicians in Pennsylvania who use him , and who required of him fresh am ! stronger guarantees of fidelity as the price of leaving his congress ional district untouched. Why the president < idont should over have reposed any confidence in Randall , in view of tiio faei that ho ha < ! never shown any reciprocal feeling , It is not easy to understand. Lie has boon the areh-obstructlonlst in the way of every leading policy of the ad ministration , lib has rendered the dem ocratic majority in congress helpless. Ho is most largely responsible for the failure of the party to carry out its pledges to the country. For thcso reasons ho has had no claim for any consideration from the administration , and it was a mistake to accord any to him. If the president has atlast determined to ignore Mr. Randall , and in setting thu example shall bo foi' lowed , as may bo intended , by the demo crats in congress in sympathy with the administration's policy , wo do not bo' ' Hove that either the president or thu party will in the end lese by the action. Randall is .still in a position to give some trouble , anil ho will make full use of his opportunity. But ho cannot bo improved by coaxing or compromising , as Mr. Springer has suggested. A political party which trifles with obstructionists am disorganizes in its ranks fosters an clement mont of weakness that is always danger ous. Randall is of thcso classes , and the democratic party would bo bettor oil without him. A Flight of Sloincntnry Confidence , Twenty-live gentlemen were gathered around a convivial board on January 9tli to do honor to the famous Irish painter , Mulvancy , Toasts wore proposed and drank , speeches were made in honor ol the guest of the evening and upon sub jects as promiscuous as was the com pany. Among ether toasU was that , "To our next postmaster , " responded tc by Mr.C.V.Gallagher. Thatgontleman.ns we learned the very next day , treated the toast from a serious standpoint , and expressed himself most decidedly dis gusted with tirovor Cleveland and his way of doling out federal patronage. Three months have passed away , and Mr. Gallughor has been named postmaster. Another banquet , thb time in honor of the re tiring and incoming postmasters it given. .The convivial gathering is con lined to a do/on persons , the only differ ence between this and the Mulvaney ban > qttct being that tlio toasts proposed ant ! speeches made are published the iioxl morning. Tins time , a.4 three months ago , Mr. Gallagher was called on to respond to the same toast , "Our Next Postmaster , " but the sontlmont * expressed Wednesday night were in striking constrast with those uttered at the Mulvanoy banquet Because the HUE has seen lit to com ment on the change of heart which Mr , Gallagher has experienced since the long-sought appointment has boon made , a howl of indignation goes up from the keepers of Mr.Con Gallagher's conscience who edit mutual admiration sheets of op posing parties in Omaha. Ono of these editors tolls us that Mr. Gallagher's 'ou'tsuslvo partisan" speech nt the Mul- vauoy banquet was a flight of momen tary conh'donce , which novershould have been divuUrod. In the satno breath we nro assured that Uvonty-four gontleinon out of the twenty-five persons pr eson will join hands it ; denying that Galla gher ever uttered the sentiments imputed to him. * It may bo regarded as the essence of a pollta society gentleman never to dis close what is said at a banquet , and If per chance a disclosure U made , to donj the truth for the sake of protecting an indiscreet person who oxprujsod his fool ingsnndiir champagne inspiration. Thoao twenty -four gentleman may join in sucb a denial , but It will not in the least affect the truth , whioh , as the common saying goes , Is often told by children and intox icated pcoplo. Our informant may not bo very polite or secretive , Kolng a republican ho was naturally impressed with Mr. Gallagher's remarks as showing a tendency among certain disaffected democrats to back-cat their administration. A mcmorandun of this little speech , for future reference , was made by the editor of the UEU as reported ported to him on the day after the banquet quot This has boon hu habit of doinj : with political records and utterance : , ol public men and politicians. Wo decline to discuss the ethics ol banquets , private or public. When i public man makes a speech before i gathering of citizens he naturally must expect that sooner or later his utterances will bo quoted if they are at variance with his avowed personal or political views. Mr. Gallagher has notoriously the reputation of talking ono way in ono crowd and the opposite in another. He has been a Bo.vd-and-Millor-man with Mil ler and Uoyd ; he has boon a llrown-nml- Morton-man with Morton and Brown. Ho was a very intense Van Wyck man , with the ex-sonator and his friends , and at the same time ho was in collusion with the rail road factions of both parties to defeat Van Wyck. Ills remarks about Grover Cleveland ninety days ago were doubt less uttered in a flight of momentary confidence , but they expressed the thoughts and feelings of the man at that time. Mr. Gallagher in this instance , was like the Rcvorond Burcharit in his memorable Uelmonico nftcc-dinncr speech on "Rum , Romanism and Rebel lion. " Ho opened his mouth and put his foot in it. HmaAniKU GE.VKKAI , OIHATO > O H. WILcox - cox , commanding the department of the Missouri , has been placed on the retired list. This will leave a vacancy for col onel of the line of the army , and for some time past conjecture has been active HI army circles as to who will probably so * euro the promotion. The general opin ion appears to bo that Colonel Wosly Morritt , Fifth cavalry , superintendent ol the west point Military Academy , is the ollicer most likely to bo advanced. He is regarded as ouo of the ablest ofllcors in the army , and has the rare record of hav ing boon brovotted for gallant and meri torious service in seven battles. Colonel Murritt stands third on the initial list of cavalry ollieers and eleventh on the list in relative rank. There is also a good deal of interest in the question of who will succeed to the command of the department - partmont , of the Missouri , which is considered sidorod the most desirable of the depart ments. General Crook is reported from Washington to desire it , and being now the senior olllcor of his grade thinks he ought to have it. General Miles is tired of Arizona and is said to regard his claim to the Missouri department as boiiu ; as good as that of any other. General Gib bon is also understood to bo not adverse to taking the vacated command , and ho has the advantage of being a favorite with the president. AN unusual gathering of cattlemen ni St. Louis a few days ago , when the bids for Indian supplies were opened , enabled the newspapers to obtain nuthorativo information - formation regarding the season's cxpori- cnco of this important interest. The sub stance of this was that the losses suflured in the northwest during the past winter , in consequence of the exceptionally heavy snow fall and the intense cold , were heavier than ever before known. From d5 to 50 per cent of the Montana and Dakota cattle died , and the cattle that survived came through in extremely poor condition. In Texas , owing to the drouth , the cattlemen lost quite as heavily ily as those of the northwest , nearly everybody losing 50 per cent , while in some localities every aniiual in a district miles in extent was lost. The condition in Texas is still very unpromising. But notwitustandiug this disastrous oxpcrl- cnco , the bids ofl'ered were lower than over made before , and in the .item of beol in its Indian supplies the government wi'l ' make a largo saving. JI.M LAIKD'S homo organ kindly goes out of its way to inform us that the BEE has "showed" an "ungracious spirit" in attacking the country press. With the same propriety it might bo said that the BEE has "showed" an "ungracious spirit" in attacking tbo late legislature. The country press , as a whole , like the legislature that closed its session two weeks ago , is made up of a variety ol members good , bad and indifferent' The good have no reason to complain of our strictures , since they cannot apply to them. The boodlcrs and monopoly henchmen may put the shoo on if it Ills them. THERE is talk about vigilants to sup press foot-pads , crooks and burglars on the outskirts of the city. The way to suppress those outlaws is to close up the resorts and dives where they congregate and find shelter. The trouble in this city is that some very good people are not par ticular about their tenants , as long as they pay exorbitant rents. Usually thu more disreputable the resort the higher the rent. If the good people who rent houses for unlawful purposes were called into the police court two or three times a mouth to pay lines , Omaha"would rid herself of the vicious and dangerous classes in a very short time. Ouit sidewalks and cross-walks should bo attended to by the board of public works and street commissioner. On many of our principal thoroughfares the walks are in a-dilapidated and dangerous condition , laying the city and property owners liable to damages. Telegraph and telephone poles and hydrants arc allowed to stand in the center of side walks and seriously imperil the life and limb of pedestrians during dark nights , TIIUKSTOM'S graceful letter tothoGalla- gher-Coutant banqueters would have made u goad oil-room oration. The only notable omission was the usual refer ence to that gallant ancestral hero who marched ouct "lit" in the revolutionary war and Infused stalwart republicanism Into the vuius and arteries of the No- oil-room statesman. JOHN M. TiniKSTox assures the eminent banqueters over his own signature that he loves the now postmaster like a long losl brother who just turned up in time to partake of the Thanksgiving turkey. Mr , Thurston is ono of the largest sunflowers we have in Nebraska politics. Even a democratic postmaster is a lodestonc whoso magnetism ho cannot witsthand. WHEN Omaha has full/ organized hqr metropolitan police , our citizens can look for better police protection. We Vf ill 10 in a position to organize an of ffctivo force and have as many police men as the city 'can pay for out of the police fund. THE quarrel over the Twenty-second itroot Krado niay yet terminate by calling out the militia. Tha combatants should boar in mind that under the lair passed this winter the governor has the authority to organize and equip a second regiment , IK MiKe Moany can stop looking for loose planks long enough wo would sug gest that ho look after a largo number ol cross-walks upon newly paved streets. Other Uantl-fl Than Ours. The great anti-coercion domonatratlor in London on last Monday , In which i wac estimated aV legist 150,000 people par ttclp itud , was ; corroborative evidence that the English 'pcoplo ' are ready tc grant Ireland the right of self-govern- mcnt. It proved that the electors whc returned unionist candidates to parliament mont , and in many cases , perhaps , thos < who voted for .conservative members have changed thtitr views since the mill Istry proclalmedjlts brutal policy of co crcion. This monitor meeting was lich in what was the'stronghold of anti-Glad ' stomanism at th'o last election , am therefore indicated unmistakably tha the next appeal to the pcoplo upon tin Irish issues will result in the return of i home rule majority to the house of com mons. Since that meeting there havi been other evidences of the profoutu popular displeasure with the policy o the government. The reception given tin ill-tempered and slanderous speech o Chamberlain at Ayr , Scotland , on Thurs day , clearly showed that the peopl arc not in the mood to , tolerate a defens of the government's despotic policy b ; such arguments as Chamberlain cm ployed , and which in themselves are confession of the weakness of the govern mont's position. The whole country 1 aroused to an extent that it has never ox porlenccd before , and the drift of the cur runt , so far as the people are concerned is-obvious. The second reading of th coercion bill is expected to bo carried 01 next Monday by a majority of aboti ninety votes. It is understood the toric will endeavor to accomplish this withou recourse to the cloture , worried by the severe experience of lost week. Shouli they take this recourse , however , it is be Sieved that gladstone will defy the al tempt to silence hint ns the rccogni/.ci leader of the opposition. While th forces supporting ihogovernment appea to bo still firm , a disruption is possible and not altogether Improbable , at an moment , and if a broach should bo mud thu end of the ministry would bo speed ! ! reached. In nny event its hold on powe cannot , in the opinion of the most intell gent observers , bo long maintained. , * . The question is again being asko whether Russia intends to attack 15u garia this spring. The aspect of afl'ait in that country is regarded in some quai tors as serious. There have recently oc ctirrcd several circumstances which ar thought to bo very significant strawf Ono of these , perhaps more weighty tha usual is the recent call of the Russia war oflico for bids for large supplies o medical stores an'.d ambulance equip mcnts. Coupled with this are the re pcatod and persistent attacks upon Got mans and Gorman policies by the gret Pau-Slavic organ of Russia , th Moscow Gazelle.JAnd third , wo hav the alleged interview between M Flottreus and the correspondent of th Novoe Vromya , dlrj-ctly hinting at th probability of an alliance between Uus sia and France. These surface bubble may not be significant , but it is ccrtaii that they are viowcl with-gravo conoori by Great Britain at'least , and that worl is now pushed night and day on nuv cruisers in British'yards. . The grea powers , it is now evident , will not per mil the re-election of Princa Alexander to which the regency is clearly tending or the permanent establishment of th present govern mont. Austria is agai : diplomatically backing down am tremulously anxious to preserve th status quo and keep peace with Russia She is cxcossively weak on the Galiciai frontier , where a much superior Russiat force is already massed , and which shi could not possibly hold against a Russiai advance. , % Few European kingdoms have figuroc more honorably in history than has tlu Kingdom of Holland. Since tha days when the Frisians fought against tlu imperial eagles of Rome the story of it stuidy people has been a record of war : for good government its well as of splen did struggles with-tue son. A time o quietude lias come , and the people o : Amsterdam can well be pardoned fo indulging in jubilation over th seventieth anniversary of the birth ol their rulor. During the thirty-eight year of this monarch's reign peace has prevailed vailed , the only break having been the war waged with the sultan of Acheou , ai island near Sumatra. Since his rolgt began many internal improvements hav been made and too national language hn been enriohod , and the staid old burgher ; may bo congratulated on the uiatoria prosperity and freedom from intcrna dissoutions they have so long cujoyoJ. " - T&o Emperor William's jubilee prcsen to Queen Victoria is to bo a dinner ser vice of the famous Dresden yellow porce lain , consisting of upwards of sixhundroc plcoos. The plates are to have medallions lions representing nortraits of hoi majesty's celwbrated contemporaries amJ remarkable incidents in Europe during her reign. Thoro' is to bo an immense contrn-picoo with a statuette of thu queer on the top , and all round it there wil ( b < medallion portraits in relief of member , of the royal family. This splendid gifi will be a worthy addition to the ar treasures in the private apartments ul Windsor Castle , whcro there Is some o the finest Sovres china1 in the world. Ii the grand corridor tlio'ro are throu uiiiqu rose lu Barry vasoS'Which are valued a' ' I1C0.030 , and in fho groan drawing-room Is the famous Sovros'dassurtsorvico ' whicl could bo sold to-morrow for330,003. This service was made for King Louis XVI. * < f The Empress Eugohlo is going to pay ; visit to her native IJqd. She has no boon in Spain slnco 1810 , when she won thoru with a double bjjoot. Ono was t bring the Spanish government to sand ai army corps to RomoTd protect the popi and so enable the French to corno away The ether was to in\luanoe \ the Spinlst court of appeal , bofojra which there was a long-pending suit brought by the rcla lives of the Empress Eugenic on th Montijo side against her imperial majesty. If the suit were decided agalns her there would bo a stigma placed upon her birth. Notwithstanding her efforts aud perhaps because of the attempts o the Dno do Montponslcr to frustrate her she lost , and , there was therefore mud sarcasm spent upon her both in Purls am Madrid , All that , however , is now vor ; ancient history which will certainly nebo bo remembered when she is in Spain The Spaniards will only see m her i countrywoman who has tasted of tin sweets of existence and then of all tin bitten save that of poverty. She was ai Intensely proud woman and she has boot humbled to the dust , Dut although so bereaved and saddened , her life is not so gloomy as might bo supposed , At Naples she received much company and her gen eral mood was cheerful. % The hop-growers ot England are in a woeful state. A largo and Influential deputation of them waited upon the prime minister recently , and unfolded a tale that must have moved his lordship prrofoutully. They represented that their industry was fast going to ruin. Already from hvo to ten thousand acres ol hop' Holds had boon grubbed up , and many thousands more were threatened. This , they ax'gucd , was especially bad because of all branches of agricultural industry there was none that the laboring classes could so 111 afford to loso. On every acre of hops there is a yearly expenditure ol about 30 for manual labor , and whllo a hundred acres of plow land may employ about four men , the same area in hops will give occupation to some fifty laborers , with women and children. The hop-growers told Lord Salisbury they Were convinced that the cause of all their woes was the admission of foreign-grown hops to the Englisli market frco of tariu' tax. They told him that America put n high duty on Englisli hops , but American hops had free ad mission to English markets , wheretliej undersold those of home growth. There1 fore they asked that a tariff tax be laid on imported hops , so that English brewer : might bo compelled to buy home-grown at a greatly increased price. This , they contended , would not cause an advance in the price of-beer , but merely a diver sion of some of the brewers' profits for tlio purpose of maintaining n valuable Industry. TIIKKK will bo poor picking in tlu United States marshal's Ollico about the time Mr. Bicrbowor gets ready to retire. Tlio law passed by the last congress ex cluding all cases from United States courts involving Joss than $2,000 is doin its deadly work. PUO3I1NENT PKRSONS. Paul du Challlu , who wrote "Tho Land ol the Midnight Sun , " Is about to publish a work on early Scandinavian history. Miss Mary Booth , editor of Harper's Uazar , has gone to Europe , where she will spend live months In travel. This Is her lirst real vacation since she took charge ol the Bazar , twenty years RRO. Mr. Daniel O'Day , president of the UuiTalo Natural Gas company , was an Erie ralhond workman at 51.50 * a day when the oil level broke out. Ho went In for oil , struck it , and Is now worth several millions. William Ward , who has just died In Soda- Ha , Mo. , aged ninety-four , was the lirst man to build a paper mill west of the Mississippi river. Ills father lived to bo a centenarian , and his ciaiulinotlier died at 110. James H. Marr , eighty-one years old , and Judge Lawrence , eighty-four , are the patriarchs of tlio postal department at Wash ington. They were both appointed In 1KJI by President Andrew Jackson. The I'nssovcr. SI. Louts Qlolte-Dcmncrat. The Hebrews celebrated the feast of the Passover yesterday. The railroads celebrated the same event on the 5th lust. A I'rivllccod Glass. St. rutd Olnbc. The tramps , whose favorite method ol transportation Is on the bumpnrs of a box car , In their Indifference to the inter-stato commerce law , hold themselves proudly su perior to the rest of the traveling public. A Point Well Taken. St Louts QIalje-Dcmocrat. The railroads have all called in their passes , and everybody is now supposed to bo pay ing the regular passenger rates : but wo have not yet heard of those rates being re duced , and wo used to be assured they would bo if the necessity of carrying so many pcoplo for nothing could bo avoided. The Inter-Stato Law. Denver Itepuliltcan. Ex-Senator Miller , of New York , thinks that the railroads will derive all the bnnelit ftom the Inter-stato commerce law , and that the people will be worse oil than they were before it was enacted. This depends upon whether or not the commission shall permit the railroads to make the law burdensome. If the commission will enforce the law strictly and compel thu railroads to make their rates " and reasonable " the law "just , as empowers It to do , wo have no doubt that good will re sult to both thn railroads and the people. We hope that Judue Cooluy and his conferees wilt teach tlio railroads that it Is gratuitous impudence on their part to presume to trltlo with the law-making powers of the United States. Any railroad manager who attempts to so construe the I a was to make It onerous and obnoxious should be punished for con tempt. The Old School House. 1 remember , I remember , That old school house on the lilll , Where In alcobra and classics We received our dally drill. I remember all those poplars , Growing trail nt and straight and tall , Wlioro we often used to loiter Till wo heard the last bell call. All. that spot was always sacred , With the churchyard In thu rear , Whore the sexton , brave , yet silent , Gathered in those near and dear. Master i ) . , so calm and gentle , Daily br the blackboard stood , Now erasing , now explaining , Till each pupil understood. And his smllo of approbation That each pupil strove to win , More , yes more , than compensated For the mental toll within. Years have passed , yet memory lingers Hound that dear and sacred spot , Like somu sweet , yet fading vision , That once wau , but now Is not. STATE AND TKHU1TOUV. Nebraska Jottings. The Crota creamery has bugun churn ing. Plattsmoulh hns invested in a city en gineer. Tlio Methodists of Crete have decided to put u p a $0,000 church. Missouri Pacific surveyors are camping on the Blue river , heading tor Crete. Miss R. Franks , of Omaha , has been appointed teacher of muslo in the Fre mont normal school. Gulno Bohannan , the noted spoiling professor , is a valued contributor to the Nebraska City Press. Beatrice proposes to raise the roof of her Jail so that athletic utooks cannot kick a hole through It. North Bond speculator * are going down into the bowels of the earth 3,000 feet in search of gas or treajure. Tbo voters of Red Cloud having de clared for waterworks , trouble now begins with regard to pinna aud prices. Crete has acnt out n commlttoo to tender the freedom of the city and a sugar plum to the Omaha. Lincoln , Hartland - land 6s El Paso railroad. The road begin * and ends nowhere- . Mr. Bentley , member of the legislature from Saundomcounty , took a dose of car * belle acid the ether day , thinking it wa couch medicine. Ho hnil n clo o call for his life , but will probably recover. Pawl Duflln , a butcher of Bancroft , on Tuesday onmo to the Vincent farm about live miles from Ponca to butcher ti cow , Preparatory thereto ho erected a plat form n few feet above the ground , got onto It and bounced up and down to try the strength of it. when suddenly u bo\ril : broke , ono end of which slruck him on the back of his huad and killed him in stantly. Nebraska City's products comprise al cohol , bacon , balusters , barrels , beer , boilers , bread , breakers , brick , brooms , buggU's , candies , canned goods , cigars , castings , coal tar , crackers , cultivators , engines. Hour , gas , grasshopper plows , hams , harness , hayrakcs , head cheese , harrows , Iron fences , hominy , stairway aud fronts , keys , lard , mineral waters , meal , mill products generally , moldings , oat meal , saddles , sashes , sausage , slip measures , starch , tierces , turners , wag ons , windmills , wines and whisky. Thu Plattsmouth Journal says rumors arc currant there that Wing Leo. the shirt mangier who disappeared Satur day , was foully dealt with , "and that the Celestials who came clown from Omaha and took possession of his place nro almond-eyed rascals who may know more than they tell regarding ills going away. Mr. Gelding thinks the idea that Wing was in debt to these fellows is pre posterous , ns lie always had lots of cash nt hand , always paid his bills and had been doing a big business here ever since ho came. Besides ho loft a great deal of property m his place which he could easily have converted into cash had he been leaving town to stay. It is possi ble that \ \ inn has been made away witli in Omaha , and that these two slant-eyed celestials came down hero to complete ti job begun there. " I own Item * . The police force of Burlington arc to bo supplied with now uniforms. The United States grand jury nt lu- ) buquo found thirty-two indieimenta. The Miles Creamery association , ol Floyd county , filed its articles of incor poration. QOn March 81 there were 693 prisoners in the two state penal institiflcs , against 720 the year previous. Several farnjors around Iowa Falls maka considerable quantities of syrup from their grows of softmnplo. The other night a beaver weighing forty-live pounds was caught in the west Nlsimabotun river near Hamburg. Northern Iowa farmers are this year said to bo putting in onlvsullloifitit wheat tor their own use. Oats will load in small grain , and a larger acreage than usual of corn will bo planted. Tlio last five indictments against A. L. Ttilllj ) , formerly auditor of Madison county , have just been tried. He was charged with embezzlement and was ac quitted on each charge. John P. Irish , formerly of Iowa City , has been placed at the head of a treasury commission to select and purchase prop erty in San Francisco on which to erect n postollico and custom house , for which $300,000 was appropriated. Dakota. Thn now mayor of Fargo wants electric lights turned on to hui administration. Ilillsboro's sixth elevator , with 00,000 bushuls capacity , will bo finished May 1. Kimball claims the champion hose- coupler of South Dakota. His name is Waugh , Into of Charles Mix county , but now a resident there. The opening of the school of mines nt Rapid City has already proven a valu able advertisement for the Black Hills as n mineral-bearing country. Spring water is put up into five and ten gallon casks ac Sioux Falls and sold to consumers. They are willing to pay a reasonably amount any tlmo for drink ing out of a cask. A few of the periodical rock sharps have put in an appearance at Deudwood. They always come in the spring and hang out during the. sunny portion of the day at the bank corners. They arc loaded with specimen ere for tondcrfcot and grubstakors , and always take pleas ure in showing their samples. Free gold .specimens , horn , native and ruby silver worth thousands of dollars to the ton , nro as common at this season of the year as gypsum at Rapid. courSlrTjiiAb IT. A Grand Army JL'ost Chaplain Has Trouble ! Wtth the Illtunl. Oil City Derrick : Lawyer L. W. Wilcox - cox , the grizzled veteran of Tilusville , who was injured by stepping from a moving train at Corry the other dny , is the leading character in this Hero-comic incident , which Ims never before been printed. Ministers wore a trillo scared in a Grand Army of the Republic post up the creek , of which Wilcox was a mem ber , and ho was elected chaplain. His chief duty was Jo open the meetings with prayer , and never having sol himself up as a praying man thu prayer was printed on a card RO lie could uet through with it with less mental effort. SVilcox carried the card around in his pocket with his tobacco and things , and when ho came to use it for the lirst time the printing was consid erably obscured. After the mooting had boon called to order Captain Wilt-ox stopped to the front , took out hi.s card and began to scrulinize it closely. Ho ro- gardeditcarefully for a moment and then began to road , deciphering the printing with much difficulty. "O Lord , " hu began , so as to get the bust possible light on It , "O Lord , wo" ( then stopping to spoil out a dim word ) wo thank Thee for Thy" ( another halt ) "for Thy dammit , boys , can't road it ! " Abyn lnla'e Great Warrior , Pall Mall ( iazotlo : The great Ahjssln- inn chief Has Alula is at present n person of much interest to tlio Italians. Ho is the son of Abyssinian peasants. He was born about forty-live years ago in the village of Pamaka , near Mokallo , and served for many years as groom under the uncle of the Negus Ras Area. Later ho became master of the wardrobe at court , and married thn du'i ' htur of Ras Aaa Area , who died not long after thu marriage. He than rose to the rank of chamberlain , and was finally made gov ernor of Tigru , with thu tlllu of Ras. Has Alula is of middle height , Ims a chocolate colored skin and a linn facn , but is otherwise rather stout. Iln never laughs , talks slowly , iapolito tostnmgorfl but haughty to infnrioN. Ills orders are only given onco. if they are not oxo- cutoilTho horsewhips his sorvants. AH a ruin hu wears a wluto cotton shift and trousers. A rod focover - ) his close-cut hair. On special occasions ho wears a rod silk shirt , the robu of thu governor. Ho Is an excellent liorthiniar. , and it will be. difficult to find an Abyc.sinmn who boars the hardships of travnlling butter than ho. He accompanies thu NegUH barufooted on all his tours , and never shown a sign of fatigue. Having had no education , hu can neither write nor road , but is very intelligent ami cun ning , but pious and iiper tltious withal. Ills averico is oictreinu : h" takes every where , and gires nowhere. Wherever ho ous no takes everything ho can lay hold of. On his marches ho is accom panied bv IIH ! servants who carry his wine , made of honuy. The king has promised him the crown of Koraala , If ho can earn it. Eight gen erals fight under him. Hifi daughter is a good and beautiful woman , who Ims pro tected Count Salumbeni and his compan ion , and it is duo lo hur Influnnco that they have not boon klllud , To keep flics , gnats , mosquitoes from annoying vour animals thlukim Dr. J. H. McLean 'a Volcanic Oil Liniment with lard or mutton tallow and apply on the hair or exposed parti. SPOUTING NinVS. , The Defeat of thn Omaha , Team No\vsy Notes. The defeat of the Omaha ball club Thursday by the DesMolucs loam wat not unexpected. It was generally foil , how ever , oven by those who do not rate the homo team ns highly as others , that the nine would niako an excellent showing against the men it had beaten on Sun day last. The disastrous defeat , it Is thought , is to be ascribed to the fact that the management is as yet ( Ycpcrimonting with somu of the players in some of the positions. Manager Handle said before leaving that his first battery would bu Houseman and Hartnr. llo wanted to see what the former could do in thn box , as up to that tlmo hu had not distinguished himself. The bat tery in yesterday's game in Dos Molncfl was to uo Henley and Krehmoycr , and the series was to close with the battery lirst mc'iulonod. Whether the result of Thursday's game will change the Inten tion of the manager in this respect , has not vet been ascertained. 11 Is more than likely that it has , bocatiso the Informa tion received Is to tlio clfect that House man was batted all over thu field. Mana ger Handle said ho hnd to luako these experiments oven if the club lost all thu games with the DCS Moines men. Those games , however , did not count , ho said , in the championship rec ord. ord.Tlio uniforms for the C. K. Aiayno base ball club have arrived. They are of dark green cloth with red trimmings , the stockings and caps being of the latter material. County Scltool Mnttcrg. County Superintendent Bruncr is dally in receipt of the school census of each school district in the county. A number show an increase. Omaha gains 3,05 ? , Saratoga 81 , Valley 33 and Walnut Hill 51. ' 1 ho greatest increase , however , is at the stock yaids , the returns for which have not yet been made. Tim siiperintuiulunt has been peti tioned by residents of school districts I',1 , and fractional district 3 to detach from the former and attach to the latter , the west j section I ) , 14 , 10 , and the southwest i section , 1 1 , 11. Tlio cause of thu change is the weakness of the fractional district , both the divisions lying in the southwestern section of thu county. Thu petitions from each district are unani mous , and the superintendent proposes to grant the request. One of Omaha's well-known young men , Mr. Thomas Ross , was married yes terday at Cho.venuo , Wyo. , to Miss Fannie Fisher , the accomplished daughter of a wealthy capitalist of that city. The young eouplo are on their way cast and are expected to stop in Omaha. Mr. Ross is the son of Mrs. M. A. Dunn I- of this city , and was formerly connected with the establishment of A. D. Morse & Co. Ho is now in the grain and cattle business for liiiiLself nt Stromsburg , Nob. Ho is a young man of recognized abilities and sterling qualities , and nis friends will wish him all possible happiness in his new relation. Stele a JlurncHa. A young man named Charles Franklin was arrested yesterday for the theft of n elegant gold-plated harness , worth | 125 , belonging to Peter Her. The harness was in Ins possession when ho was arrested - rested , but hu claimed that it had been given to him for safe keeping by n man who pretended to own it. His story is regarded as rather thin. Ho has been a prominent man in tlio Y. M.C. . A. meet ings. Ho is a special protege of that organization. Mrs. Kclloy'a Death. Black crape hung ycstcrdy on the doors of the establishment of Kelley , Stigor & Co. , which had been closed on account of { ho death of Mrs. George W. Kelley , wife of the senior partner of the firm. Mrs. Kelley had been in Indianapolis for some time past visiting heir parents , aud was In that city when nor death occurred. The leaders of thn Gospel Army.whloh is now holding nightly meetings in the Buckingham , siiy that their forces are to be strengthened in attractiveness by anew now vocalist named Miss Brown , also styled tlio nightiiigalo , who is expected to arrive from Chicago this evening , Iron KokcH. ! The yokes of the cable line on Dodge r street have been extended ns far as Thirteenth , It seems to require a day and a half to extend those required for each block. _ District Court , The divorce case of Nojdl vs Nejdl ia still being heard by Judge Wakoloy in the district court. It ? disgusting details are being listened to by n number of the countrymen of botii I ho parties. STEAMBOAT IN CENTRAL CHINA. Merchant * ) About to Put * Steamboat on the Upper Fourteen hundred miles up the Yangtso-Kiung river , in the heart of China , Is the great city of Chung- King , the chief town of the 'fertile province of Sedition. U is a sort of Chlnexo Man chester , whore a great variety of native wares are manufactured and distributed far and widu to thu value of many mil lions of dollars annually. A lot of mer chants in England have within the past few wct-ks been putting their IOOHU chungo together , and the pile has finally amounted to .f5UKJO. ( With this money they intend to build a little Hat-bottomed steamboat to ply on the Upper Ytinjrtse- Kiang to Chung-King. Mr. Archibald JJv > Little , a merchant who has long lived in JJvT China , has convinced thorn that they can T gnmtly increase British trade by putting u steamer on the Upper YangUu. MoHrs. Buber and Ho-iic bait toldthuni so before , but they did nol net until now. It is a curious fact that many of thu l/hiniio ) regions are less tolerant of for- [ iignurs and have fewer commercial dual- Ings vdlh thu outside world than the in land people who livu along tlm banks of the Yiingtie. Mr. Thmnas Stuvens was mobbed mid his lifu was constantly menaced whilti ho was recently traveling ulong thu coast fromCantonto ( Shanghai. \ journey among tlio Yungtso would loubtless have binin easier and loss ux- .iitiug. Steamboats run far up thu river , .hough thu navigation in none of thu bust , aid throu of tlm treaty ports nro en the river , thu furthest inland being K-liang , ibout 1,100 miles up the Yangltic , Thu Ittlo English steamer ii : intended lo ply jutvfcon Icliang unct Chung-King. If foreign merchant : ! had not been rrightunod by the Inliang rapdis a steam- ioat would doubtless liavti biiun launched in the upper Yangtse before thin. It took i long time , however , to convince the Uritirth traders that stout llnt-bottomi'd itenntboaLs could make regular trips to JliuiiK-KhiK in epito of thu raphls , .lirongh which many junks work their * ay every year , carrying annually to Jhint-KingM)0GOOof : : ) ) Britiah gooJs. A rather strange cltutsu in the treaty publishing the treaty ports provided hat Chung. King should not bn opened lo oroi n traders until a Moamnr h& I as- : enc | ( > 4 to that eilv. "I he nt-etssary con- litlon Is now likely to be fulfilled , and jcchuueu with Its 80.COO.UOO pnoplo > rought gradually Intodircot commeicial relations with the western world.