Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' ' ' ' '
The Maj Option Rapidly Advances on Buy
ing By Olifjuc Houses.
Vothlna AITcctH I lie Market K\cc | > l
tticTnlk ofn Corner Shorts Bhow
Grcnt Anxiety General Mnr-
kct ( Quotations , '
CIIICAOO , April 15. [ Special Telegram to
lliillKh. . ] Wheat for May was at bG c foi a
mlnuto lo-ilay. Kenhnvv & Co. , n cllijuu
broker , bought seine vvhutt for which ho p.iul
that Ilgurc. Oilier ot the ellquu houses were
Jelling nt the same lizurus. Thu ordinary
points on the market don't count for any
thing any longer trftout thu wheat pit. The
receipts , shipments , rain , drought , buyers ,
tellers , noneof these significant niul con-
liolllng Inllucnccs at most times , nre given n
moment's consideration now. There Is only
DIIC subject that Is talked it's the cliftto. ]
Will there he storage room here ? Will cash
wheat be paid for by .May 1 ? Will thn unset
price bo We or SI ? Will the deal stop nt May
or run through Juno and July ? These are
phases of this one uppermost topic that absorb
serb nil nttcntion. llio general opinion RS to
llirin nil Is given In the course of the market.
11 the crowd hero did not bcllevo May
wheat would nil be paid foi anil taken in May
1 the prlco would not have been bGJfc
this morning , while It was 7b e at
Milwaukee , only W'l'c ' nt New York ,
Me nt St , Louis and SJJfc nt Detroit.
N. B. Ream , after a survey of the weather
map , said : "If this drought In Ohio and In-
iliana continues another week them will bo
Infers enough fiom Hint section to unloail
llils whole deal on. " K. O. McCormick ajs :
"In answer to 1,000 inquiries sent out by my
self , the replies wore that In Ohio and In
diana ami in p.trts of Kansas winter wheat
had already suffered terribly , in Illinois
mid MNsonrl the crops had not suffered jet
but continued dry wciather will cnn o them
lo suffer desperately. " There have been
many times dm ing the progicss of tha wheat
deal vvhuri thu shorts ami bc.irs on the mar
ket who liavo not hnppencd to bo short ,
stroking their chins and assuming a self-con
hdciit attitude , hnvo nskcd their bull nelgli'
bojs : "Wherein the world there was nnv
Klcquatc shortage in this innikctto squeeze ? '
There have beui , indeed , main days when It
looked as if there was no shortage at nil , as
If the last man who had sold " .short" had
covered. People familiar with "corners"
know how deceptive these da > s nru. These
nrodull , warm , depressing days , when the
load of wheat Is heavier than lead and when
people who are short nre exceedingly self-
ronlident and exceedingly quiet. There
were no doubts expressed to-day as to
whether them was n fchou interest in this
market worth squeezing. Thn vells from tlie
wheat pit as wheat Bulled up over
Ic per bushel gave all the nn-
, Kwcr nrrdeil. The anxious look on the
faces of the sleek nnd wcll-fci
fellows who had been making big fortunes so
rapidly In the past itircu years on the shor
title of wheat was another oqiully pond
answer. It is supposed Field , Mmlley
fcCo. . nnd Irwin. ( iicen ifc Co. sold 5Xuoo ( )
bushels apiece between b5e and 60c to-dnv
and ! ) et l.UOO.CO Jbusheis of long w heat thrown
on tne market Irom this ono source gave no
relief nt all.
On the afternoon board wheat broke 3ljl ( )
KC. Corn declined j/c. Wheat for Ma'
Fold nt 85 > { ( tSWc , Juno nt H2\ , <
July at Sl frfWJfc , August nt MM.
September nt b2aS.JJ4Ct ( December at
closing nt the Inside. I.nrd for May soh
nt i7.40C' < 7.4'JW. Juno at 37.50 , July nt i7..vr
Short ribs for May sold at S.,5 ( < J % < . ; i71rf
Juno at SS.4K@y.W , July at S8.57K , Angus
nt JS.G5.
CniCAiio , April 15. 1 Special Telegram to
thoBiK.1 : CATTI.K. In nickels and dimes
the market could hardly bo quoted butter nud
yet a more healthy tone , a more ready sale
for stoek always means a trifle more money
for desirable cattlo. Rouzh lie.ivy nnd
BteeiB wcro In ample supply and bold slowly
nt barely steady prices , but there was a eon-
dally better feeling intrude. Spoaklnz of
the supplies of cattle n balesmau said : "Von
will BOO that there are not too many fat
cattle in the country. " Ono cause ot the
recent weakness In the cattle trade , despite
the light receipts , was the fact that the
weather In the east has been warm nnd the
Blocks'ot beef wore largo. The current
receipts , however , can bo easily taken , nnd
dealers tire generally luelined to think the
supplies will not materially in
crease. Shipping sfppis , 1350 to
1500 Ibs , 54.70 5.00 ; 1200 to 1.S50 Ibs
$4.40@4..f ; WiO to 1,200 ItS ) , S3.W4.30. )
btockers niul feedois. S2.OOi51.CO ; cows
bulls and mixed , S'iOO&S.TO ; hulk , ?
3.00 ; slop-fed steers , S4.UO ( < J . < iO ; Texas
prnnpers , 32 , ' .0@3.CX ) ; corn-led , W.75(34.W. (
lloas Business vvns active , with a slight
upturn on best heavy and packing sous.
Light sorts were slow and about the
same as heretofore. Common light or
Ill-lit light may be quoted at 84.75O5.2r > .
nmt Yorkers ht'55 45@5.50 , with a few fancv
nt'SS.70 5.75. Best heavy sold at SS.bOQ
6W , and pnrklnc sorts at 55.60(85.70 ( , with
common at 35.ixjy5.60.
Chicago , April 15. The Drovers' Jour
nal leuorts ns lollows :
Cattle Receipts , 5,000 ; stronger ; shipping
steers , 8fl.yOvg5.00 ; stockers und leedera ,
2.60g4.00 ( ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , $2 03 ®
8.70 ; bulk , S2.rx)33.00 ) ; Texas cattle , 12 5U@
4.15.Hogs Receipts , 14,000 ; stronz ; rough
and mixed , $5.35(45.75 ; packing and ship-
Ing. 5.C55.00. ll ht , ; skips ,
13.00(34.00. (
Sheer > R eolpt ,3,000 ; slow and steady ;
natives , S3.00&5.00 ; westeru , 84.00 ( 4.70 ;
Te ans , 2.50 < 3.20 ; lambs , J4.5K ( < t5.bO.
National Stock Yard * , Kn t St.
LioaU , 111. , April 15.-Cattle celpts ,
'MO ; shipments , 500 ; strone aud steady ;
choice heavy native steers , 84.50 5.30 ; fair
to good shipping steers , 84.00514.75 ; butchers'
steers , fair lo choice , 3365(34.40 ( ; feeders , fair
to good. 83.2CQ4.00 ; Btockers , fair to good
a.i <
Hogs Receipts 3WX > ; shipments , 1,400
steady : choice heary and butchers' golec-
tiuns. SVMa-V'O ; packing , fair to eood , 85.40
ft'i.BO : Yorkers , medium to primn , S5.20i3
ti.Vi ; pigs , common to good , 4.50(3/5.00. /
KansaN City , April 15. Cattle Receipts
1.2CO ; shipments , none ; strong , fairly ac
tive and about 5c higher for shlpplne steers
common to choice , fc3.NVR4 f)5Mockers. ; S2.G (
l.t3.X ! ) ; teedlng Eteors , 53.35(31.00 ( ; cows , 32.61
Hoes Rfvclpts 10.000 ; shipments , 2,000
Fteady ; common to choice , S3.0i ) < zt5.40 ; skip :
nnd pigs , 83.50 ( < } 4.bO.
NKVV YoitK , April 15. [ Special Telegran
to the llr.u.l--STOCKS. The Bti > ck marke
opened Irregular this mornlnK and feyerisl
li : unlisted securities. The LouiUm marke
catiuIn weak for Americans anil with R ll 1-
Ing orders. A good deal Is thought to tie
pcnd on the action of London Just now , eid
good luylng from there would bo to died
any traction on this side. Cotton bred Jl
reitllir-jtcs , which closed at MX last night
ojicnfv ! at 52 and were soon down to 50V 01
thu pu'jllshod report that the state o ! Loalsl
ana li.vl taken action to nullify coin
pauy's charter. Armour was a hrc buyei
and after the low point was reached ther
xvas n reaction. It Is paid that there Is prett.
sure to bo a rise of 6 or 10 points In St. Loul
& San Francl'co stocks , both common nd
preferred , and It Is promised by the best In
side1 friends of the property. Fort Wort
& Denver catnlnRs Increased 57,373 the tirs
week In Apr" : Indianapolis , Bloomlngton >
Wc'tt-rn Increased Sl.lO.'i , and Mempil ! < : ,
niarleston lncrf s 'l Sl ? . ! } . The Nortii ;
\M" > t in earuloss for March , It la said , wl
thow an Increase of { 130,000 , tnaklnj a tota
pain for tbe three months of this yet
cf oritljr JoOO.lW. Tbe market , with tae 01
rejitlon of a vary few itocks. was rather du
thtonsbout and ! b day w s featureies
l.ouJoD iclllng ot l.ousvll : ! A Niitivilli
i'.eadlnK , Uulon Pacific , Lake Shore tnd st
Paul can cd some weakness and prices gen
erally receded slightly , but at the close were
not far away from the mornlhgopcnlug. St.
LouU it San Francisco stocks were strong
and they advanced J ' ( gl per cent , all of
which was not maintained , Lick a wanna
was helped by a story that the road had se
cured a contract from Swift & Co. for 30,000
cars of dre ed meat per annum. Jersey
Central was active , advancing about 1 point
from the opening , then selling off 2X points ,
and reacting until the close showed a loss of
but } ( point. The total sales were 223,007
( iovEii.vviK.NT9 ( Jovernmcnt bonds were
dull but steady.
U.S.C's . 100 1C. AN. W . 119J4
I' , b. 4'scouiion.l3'i1) ) ( do preferred. . . .
t1. S. 4H'scoup .110KN. Y. 0 .
1'aclhcti'sot V.i2r , lo. It. it N .
Canada South'n. . Ct O. T .
Cintral I'acltie. . 41 I'.iclhcMall . 50
Chicago * Alton. 144' 1' . , U. it K . 35
do preferred. . . .1W 'Pullman ' Pal.Car.l52'f
C. , 1 . .t 0 . 14J Heading . 44 i
I ) . , L. it W . 1"0& Koek Island. . .
I ) it ICO . .TJ | bt. L. itS. K. . . .
Krie . 34f do preferred. . . . H )
do preferred. . . . 7-1 10. , M.&SI.P. . . 93
llIinoiM C > ntral..l30'- do preferred. .120
L , H. .t W . S-IU St. P/it O . . . . 52 > <
K. & T . : K do preferred. .112
Laku Shore . 049f Texas Pacllic. . . . 2Wg
L. AN . C9' ' < Union Paelllc. . . . fil
Mlchlcan Cenfl. . t iW. . St. L.t P . . . 21
Mo. Pacific . 107K' ' do preferred. . ? f > } 4
Xo. Pacific . 2SJi.W. U. Telegraph 7C > i
do preferred. . . . C0 > i |
Mo.VhY ox CAM. Eisy , at 4(37 ( percent ;
closed at 4M per cent
PituiE McncANTn.r : PAVKU iftfl per
STKIIMNO Kxcinxor. Qiilot hut steady
at S4.t-5 f tor sixty da > s , SI.S7 lor demand.
Chlcnco , Apill ! > . Kollovvlns quota
tions aiutho 2o : : ; closing liKiiies :
Flour Steady , ( irm and unchanged. AN Inter
wlieatnour , 34.'i"SJ.SO ( : southern , S .10l.20 ;
WNconsin.S4.20i4.r ( > 0 : Michigan soft sprlnc
win at , SJ.70(34.30 ( : Minnesota bakers , S3.70
Gt4.0 ; patents , S4.50Tt4.SO ; low grades.
Sl.Pj'S'.O'i ' ; r > e Hour , quiet at 53.25(33.40 ( ; In
sacks and barrels , ' . ' .
Wheat Unsottod and nervous ; opened
strong : J < tf25 c hlglier , closing about Ic above
je terday ; tash , bOfc ! ; May , fe5 , ' c ; June ,
Corn Opened a shade higher than
yesterday's close and closed c higher ;
cash , 315/c : May , MiJ/c ; .lime , 40\c.
Oats Moderatelv active and higher early ;
closing about steady ; cash,2i , c ; May , UU c :
June , iiOKc.
Barloy-'bteady at 52c.
Timothy Seed Prime , 51.CSW1.70.
Klnx Seed-Sl.OA
Pork Llttlo doing , some sales made at 25c
decline early , later advanced 15c for cash ;
cash. 820.C5 ; May and June. 520.75.
Lard Closed about the same ns yesterday ;
cash , S7.S5 ; May , 87.40 ; June. S7.50.
Bulk Meats-Shoulders. MJ.10QG.25 ; short
clear , 8".70a8.7S * ( ; shoit ribs , 8-i.30.
Butter Quiet ! creamery , lb@25c ; dairy ,
15 < a24c.
Chepso Steadv ; full cream cheddars , 13 (3 (
I4n ; ll.vts ! HK@l35fc ; Young Americans , li
@l4J c ; sklma , SKOUc.
F.ggs Firm nt l2 ( < 4l2Xc.
Hides Weaker ; heavy grean salted , , .
light , 7c ; < nltod bull .hides , 6e ; drv salted ,
10u ; dry Hint , ISQISc ; dry calf , 13@14c ; dea
cons , 40c each.
Tallow Firmer ; No. 1 country , 4c ; No. 2 ,
3i e ; cake , 4 > fc.
Recoints. Shipments.
Flour , bhls 10.000 0.000
Wheat , bu 45.000 4.0.TO
Corn , bu 47,000 10,000
Oats , bu 00,000 72,000
Ryp.bU 2,000
Bailey , bu 11,000 22,000
Now York. April 15. Wheat Re
ceipts , 10,500 ; exports , 207.0CO : spot IJic
nml options l < 31-t < c higher , closing weaker
with a reaction of JCOJi'o ; ungraded red , 1UJ (
( S'Jo'fc ' ; No. 3 reJ , 92c ; No. 1 _ red. 97c
No 2 red , WK@94c in elevator ,
dellverud : May , closing at 92c.
Corn Spot about KG and options Jf(3K (
higher , closing weak ; receipts , 00,000 ; exports ,
3J.OOO ; ungraded. 49 > 4'10 } c ; No. 2 , 50i ; In
elevator , ftlUe delivered ; May closing a"
-J } e higher ; receipts , 83,000 ; ex
ports , 4sO : mixed western , 30@37c ; whit
western. 8 ( > 42c.
Petrolouin-Stagnaut ; united closed a
Kis Steady and quiet ; western , 12 ;
( el3c.
Pork Steady and fairly active ; mess
. .
L-xrd Moderatelv active ; western steam
Spot , quoted at 7.60.
Nutter Dull ; western. 102.5c.
CheciO Firm with fair Inquiry from th
Minnenpoilq , April 15. Wheat-Firmer.
No. 1 hard- cash , 7Go ; May. 77-tfc ; June ,
7bc ; No. 1 northern , cash , 75c ; May ,
70Xc ; June , 77c ; No. 2 northern , cash , 73Jfe ;
May , 74Uc : June , 75 < c.
Flour-Patents , 54.25SU40 ; bakers , S8.KO
. .
Keceiota-Wlioat , 77.000 bu.
Shipments Wheat , 17,030 bu. ; flour , 17,000
Cincinnati. April 15. Wneal Heavy ;
No. 2 red. 62K@b3c.
Corn-Weatcr : No. 2 mixed. 41K@ c.
Oats Quiet and firm ; No. 2 mixed , 3lKc.
Kyo-Klrm ; No. 2 , 65c.
1'ork-E.isy at Slfi.75. .
I ard Firmer at S7.25.
Whisky-Steady at $1.13.
Milwaukee. April 15. Wheat Weak ;
cash , 77 < c ; Mav. TbJ/c.
Corn-Firm ; No. . 38c.
Oats Steady ; No. a white , 32c.
Kje-Stcadv ; No. 1 , Cl } < e.
Barley Quiet ; No. 2 , 55c.
Provisions Steady ; pork , repacked , 815.00.
St. tiouli. April 15. Wheat Strong ; cash ,
80K@81c : May , bl c.
Corn-higher ; cash , 35Q-55Kc ; May , 3 Vc.
Oats Higher ; csh , 28WJ2Vc ( ; May , 28 c.
Porlt Quiet ; new , S18.00.
J.nrd-Nomln ll7 nt 7.MX-
Whlsky1.13. .
Butter-Easy ; creamery , 20 < a25c ; dairy , 17
@ 23c.
Afternoon Board Wheat 9 c lower.
Corn-Steady. Oata-f Qtfo hllier. (
Kansas City. April 15. Wheat Steady ;
No. 3 red , cash , 680 bid , 70 > 4'c asked ; May ,
Corn-Steady ; No. a , ca h , 82 > < c Did , 83c
asked ; May , S3c bid , S3. c asked.
Oats Nominal at 27c bid for cash ,
, New Orleans April 15. Corn Quiet
and r , steady ; mixed , 4lJc ; yellow and white ,
BOats Quiet and weak at 27@27J e.
Cornineal Quiet but steady at S2.152.20.
Hoc Products In light demand ; holders
flrm ; pork , 816.25 ; lard , 57.00.
, Bulk Meat * Shoulders , 33.47X ; longcloar
and clear ribs , 83.50.
? Liverpool , April 15. Wheat Firm : de
mand fair ; holders offer sparingly.
Corn Quiet ; demand poor.
: OH All A. laVK STOCK.
Friday , April 15.
Tlip receipts of cattle were not as heavy
as > usterdity. Tlie market was about steadv.
There wt-rt * n good many western steers In
and u few changed hands.
Hoc * .
- Tha receipts of hoes were only about half
- of what was In jesterday. The market
opened fairly active at prices about 5c nbove
\phterda.v's market. There was n good de
mand aud everytbing was sold early In the
! day.
, Bhcvp.
There weie a few In but no sties reported.
PrevalllnK Prices.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for llv *
slock nn this market :
nth Cholc * steers. 1800 to 1503 lUi. . . . 4.S5 4.50
th Choice steers. 1100 to ISM ) Iba. . . 4.1
K t little steer WO to 1050 Ibs. . . . S.
Jc Kxtrnchoicecowsandbelfen. . . . 3. . . .
& flood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . S.O * . ,
Common to medium cowi > 2.75uJ-if > 0
h111 Uood to choice bulla
111 Light and medium hozi 5.1035.25
Uood to choice heavy bogs 6.9V9.S5
Hood to ckolce mixed bos !
- Choir * shtf p , 0 lo VJO Ibs 8.1534.00
No , AT. Pr. Ma Av. Pr.
37..UM ft 00 Si..125 * SUO
Rnngo ofl'rlces.
Shovvlnc tha hUhest and loweit
paid for loads ot hozs on this mirkot during
thcpist seven days and tor the same tune
last month and a rear azo.
March I i7 April I ST. April IbJfl.
9th , oo 5.10 © j.25
10th 5.03 fell 11(1 ay 175
lllh 50J SiS.bO fi.S'j ' ft\43 Sumlnr
12th | S25 O5W aa" > < 3.i.2' "
13thl 6.1(1 ( 377' , ftt.niJ
Hth 5.40 & 1.7J 3.75 OJ.IO
J1th 5.23 CP5.75 5.13 © 5.30 3. SO & .J.SI5
Sliowlnc the number ot cittlo. ho s nnd
sheep shipped fiom the yards durlnstlmdvy.
No. cars. lit. Dest.
10 . 0. , H. & Q . Chicago
1 . Mil . Chicago
10 . It. 1 . Chicago
C . . .Mil. . ChlcaRO
Ijlvc Stock Sold.
Shovvlne the number of cattle , ho s ana
sheep bought by the leadlni ; buyers.
O. Jl. Hammond & Co . 12o
Harris & Fisher .
JSae Bros . 45
A. L. Spearman . 100
Lucal . 15
Total . ail
Leftover . 200
AnRlo-Araerlcan Packing Co . 10-30
T. ,1. Llnton . . . . 741
G. H. Ifamiiiond t Co . 11W
Harris it Khher . 74
Local .
Total . . . 2350
Alls-vies of stock in this market are made
percwt live weleht unless otliurwlso stated.
Dead hogs sell at Xc per Ib. for all weights.
"Hklns , " or hotfs wUlilnic ! bS thin 10J Iba.
novaluo. Pregnant sows are dusked 49 los.
Btidst.izs831bH. by the public Inspector.
Live Stock Notes.
Ho b all sold
Cattle steady.
Hoes 5c higher.
No sheep market.
A. L. Spearman was In and bought seven
loads of feeders.
H. B. Miller , Wlnside , Neb. , was In and
sold tuo loads of cattle.
Joe Snipe , a well known capitalist from
Indiana , was heie buy nm real estate.
Gotioral I'roducc.
Friday , April 15.
Tlic following prfcc ? arc. for roun-l iots of
produce , us Mid on the intirkcl
BurTKit There is nn occasional package
of fancy butter that sells abovu thu quuta-
tlons civcn below. Choice countrv , 20a ( c
fail to iiood. ISQISe ; common , liiiJjUe.
DiiKfc Bn I'ooi.iuv Not wanted.
Livi : 1'otii.Tnv Chickens , S3.50@1.75.
Cnnnsn Full cream clieddar .slnKle.HXc
full cieam ILits , twins , Hcjf ; Young Ameri
cas , l.'xs : fancy Swiss , lGu3l7e ( ; Swiss , im
Dortcrt. 25c : Lfinbiirpcr. 14c : brick , I5@10c.
BEANS-Infei lor block , 7fC$1.00Bood ( ; clean
country , Sl.OOcdl.Q5 ; medium , hand picked
S1.401.W ; hand picked , navv. S1.50gl.GO. (
I'liovisioNS Ham , 12Jf@13c ; breakfast
bacon , rib. 10.fc ' : breakfast bacon , plain , lie
dry salt sides , SXQS c ; dried beef , regular , li
( gllc ; diied beel , ham pieces , 13c ; lard , 60-lb
cans , 7 c ; 20-lbcans Fairbanks , 7J/c ; 10-lb
cans , Fairbanks , 7Kc ; 5-lb cans , Fairbanks ,
8c : 3-lb cans , Fairbanks , 8 , ' c.
CADnAOE The mniket is well supplied
California cabbage , cholcp , perlb.Sc.
AI-PI.ES The market is bare and there Is
no stock of anv account.
NEW VEQETAiii.Ks Spinach , per bbl
81.75Q2.00 ; top onions , per dozen bunches
200c ! ; California celery , per doien. 81.10
radishes , per do/en bunches , 20@dOc ; lettuce
40o ; pie plant , per Ib , be ; California beets
per Ib , lie ; California carrots , per Ib , 2c
California nspagus , per Ib , lOc ; cucumbers
per do/un , SI.50.
ml gamn
CA.ui.iFi.ovvr.B-There Is a fair supplj on
the markot. Cauliflower , per do/en 31.f"
Arri.F.s Tlie market Is weak and trade I
not heavy. New vegetables and fruits ar
beginning to take the place of apples. East
prn stock is out of the maiket nud all that
remains Is Missouri stock. Choice Missouri
stock. S4.00@4.50 ; common Missouri stock ,
53.00 ( 3.50.
LEMONS Stocks nre beginning to move
more freely and liiirhor prices nre nntlci-
pated. Messina , choice , per box , 85.00 ®
6.25 ; do , fancy , per box , 35.50.
OiiAjfOKS California , Riverside , per box ,
84 85@4.00 ; Calliornia , Los Angeles , per DOT ,
82.75 .00 ; Mediterranean sweets , 33.50 < <
8.75 ; Messina imperial , fancy. 5.50 ; San
Gabriel , single box loU , $3.00 ; San Gabriel.
6 box lots , 82.65.
BrnxwuBimius The receipts have not
been heavy and the market Is fairly active.
Strawberries , per qt , 40c.
OYHTF.RS ' 'orseshoe brand , 25c ; stand
ard , 2sc ; select SOc ; extra selects , 35 ; N. Y.
counts , 40c.
GAME Mallard ducks , per dozen , | 2.00 ;
teal , per iloren. 81.50 ; mixed , per dozen , 81.50
@ 1.75 ; geese , per dozen , 93.00(33.50 ( ; brants ,
perdozeu , 83.0U.
POTATOES Stocks are moving a little
more freely than a week ago. The trade is
limited mostly to the sale of small lots al
though a few cars have been sold. Homegrown
grown nre selling from 45@ 5c according to
the quality of tbe stock ana the quantity
MALAGA GRAPES The supply on the
market Is not heavy. Regular size casks ,
55.00 ; large s\ie \ casks. S5.50i3C.00.
PINEAPPLES A few pineapples have arl
rived on the market and are in good condi
tion. Pineapples , per doz , ? 4.00@,00.
BANANAS Larsebunches , per bunch , 52.00
(33.00. (
OLP VEaETAni.ns-The demand Is Ithpt
for mobt kinds of old vegetables nnd stocks
are moving slowly and mostly in a small way.
Unions are not bringing quite as much as
they were. Unions , choice stock , per bbl ,
83.WX3 > i75. Beets , carrots , turnips , etc. , per
NUTS-Afew black walnuts are comln ? In
from the country and are slow sale at 75c per
bushel. The following are the wholesale
prices at which orders trom the outside are
tilled : Almonds , 20c ; pecans , large polished ,
14c ; filberts , l4cBrazils ; , l4ewaluutsNnples ; ,
20c : walnuts , Chill , 14c ; peanuts , II. P. VIr
giniR. be.
" ; second qual-
spring wheat
. . . . . . _ . , 70c percwt ;
chopped fepd,75c per cwt ; white corn meal ,
. .
DJJUt i i wu jJ .if n
balt-3 37.00 per ton. _
Grocer1 * last.
riOKi.BS Medium , In bbls , 19.00 ; do , In
kalf btilv S .50 ; small. In bbls , 99.00 ; do , In
half bbls , SVOO ; gUerklns , Inbbls , SlU.OOao ; ,
IB halt bMs , 85 > J.
SHQAU Granulated , CVQCJ c ; eonf. AC@
flH'c : white extra 0,5 5 0 : extra C , It ,
5Ho ; > ellow C , 4JiQlKe ; cut loaf ,
powdered , 6fg7c. (
CoFrieri OrdlnarT trades , 15(3l5Vc ( fair
prlrae. 16 'ic ; choice , lO Ql
fancy cmen nd yellow. KXjjlTc : old rov-
ernment Java , 203 60 ; Interior JaTa , 16K(4
Wo ; Mocbt , 34e : Arbnckle's roasted
2lc ; McLauchlln's XXXX roasted , 21c ;
ilworth'a.u-JKo : Red Cros * , lie ,
CANNBDOoons-Oysters.sundard.ptrcase , ; strawberries , 3 Ib. per case. 92. 0 ;
racpberrles. a Ib , per case , 12.25 ; California
Mars , per ease , 4.50 ; apricots , per casJ ,
ll.eo ; peaches. P" case , $5.00 ; white cber-
rlMper c se , * 8.00 ; plums , per case , 1150 ;
blueberries p rcas . 81.S5 ; eje plumt , t Ib ,
per case , 83.W ; plncannl'S , a Ib. per ca e
S3.2ocXT5. 1 Ih niKiU-rel. per doi , 81.40J
1 Ib salmon , per dot , S1(50 ( H.5. > ; BID , poose-
berries percase , St.Tj ; 2 Ib string beans , per
case , Si. < i ; 2 Ib lima bean , per case. 91. no ;
S Ib marrowfat pew , pere-vac. 8i50C < W fit ) ; 2 Ib
early June peas P r case. 52.75 : 3 Ib torn-
toes. .l2.5T < < fi ) :2 : Ib corn S3.40f3.fX ) .
MATCHES 1'er caddie , SJVs ; squara cases ,
81.70 ; niuhsquare. . Jl.'Ju.
SYBUP No. 70 , 4-eallou kegs , S1.2S@1.2 ;
New Orleans pcrKalloii 3XiJ4Cc ; maple s > run ,
half bbls , "old time , " pur g-UIon , 70e ; 1 pal-
Ion cans , ner doz. 910.00 : hall gallon cans ,
per doi.95..rjOj quart cans S3.0a
OANDT-Mixed , llc ; stick , 8 39 0.
CRACKKHS Oarncau's 'soda , butter and
picnic. 5 0 : creams , bHoJ'plngersnaps , < > Xc ;
city soda. 7k. , . ,
bTAiicn-Mlrror Blws.1 Ib. Cc ; mirror
ploss , 3 ib , S. c ; mirror closs , 6lb , cc ;
Graves corn , 1 Ib.O'ic ; Klncsford's corn , 1 ID ,
7c : Klncsford'sploss , 1 Ib. 7c ; Kinijsford's
closs , Olb. 7Ke : Klnififord's pure lib. fiKc ;
Klnesford's pure , 3 Ib , 5/c ; Klnpsfords
SO'AI-S Kirfe'1' savpn Imperial. S2.70 ;
Kirks satinet , $3.00 ; Kirk H standard , 53.05 ;
Kirk's white Russian , $4.00 ; Kirk's white-
cap. 8f..fjO ; dome , J3.85J washboard , 53.10 ;
white cloud. 83.75. _
General Market * .
\AnNisiiES Bairels , jwrRalion ; rtirnl-
ture , e tra , 81.10 ; furnituro. No , 1. 81.00 ;
coach extra , 91.40 ; roach , No. 1,81.20 : Da-
ruar , extra , $1.5 ; Jnnan , 70c ; asphaltum ,
extra 85c : shellac , 53.50 ; hard oil linlsh ,
11EAVT HABnvvAiin iron , rate S2.SO ;
plow ntcel special cftst,4Xccruclbiesteel ; , ' ) } < e ;
cast tools , eft ) . ialM ; w.iKon spokes , pei set ,
hubs , per set , JUM : telloes.
Eawed dry , Sl.50 ; tonciies , pach. BOc : axi-ls.
each. 75c : square nuts. Per Ib. Gla71c ( : cell
clialn. tier Ib. G5 ( 'HJ-c ' ; milleablc.H'iU'c ; lion
wi-dces , 6c ; crovvinrs , Oc ; harrow U'ctli. 4' < c ,
sjirins ; steel. "Q'-'c ' ! Uurtlen's horse shoes.
S4.7S ; Burden's mule shoes. SV75. ISnrbivl
wire. In car lots , S4.03 per 100 Ibs. Nails ,
rates , 10 to M ) . SUO : steel nails. SHU.
Shot , S1.S5 ; huclvShot , 81.W ; lla/.mi powder ,
kcKs , S5.00 ; do. half kegs , 52.7do. ; . quarter
ko s. S1.50 : blastlnc. kegs , $ iiu ; fuse , per 10
fcet.C.'ic. Lead bar. SI *
Dnv PAINTS White iPaJ , .c ; French zinc ,
12c : I'aris whiting. 'JKc ; whitlnj : , ( jlldura ,
; wliiting. coin'l , Ihc ; lampblack , ( ier
matistown. 12c ; lampblack , ordinary , be ;
Prussian blue.McUItr.unarlne , IK ; ; vandy it-
brown , ac- ; umber , burnt 4c ; umoer. raw , 4c ;
eienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw. 4c ; Tans
green , genuine. ' " ( , 1'firis creon. com
mon , 23c ; chrome creon. , N. Y. . 20c ;
vermlilion American. Ice : inaian
raw and burnt umber , 1 tt cans , iac ; raw nnd
burnt sienna , lie : Vandyke brown , lUc : relined -
lined lampblack 1J ! coach black and irory
blacl : . 10c ; drop black. ICc ; I'russian blue ,
40c : nitraraarlno black. ISc ; chroma L'rcen.L. ,
M. & D. . 16c ; blind r nd shutter creon. L , . . M.
& D. , 16c ; I'aris green , Ibc ; Indian red , lie ;
Venetian red , PC ; Tuscan , IHc ; American
vcrmillion , L. & D. , 20c : yellow ochre , 2c ; L.
M. & O. D. . IBc : good ochre. ICc : Datnnj
dryer , 8c ; cralnlnir color. Heht oak , dark out ,
walnut chestnut and ash. Me.
Unuos AND lyiiKMiCALR. Ac d carbolic ,
' ' 'c ; acid tartarlc , 52c ; balsam copaiba , per
fc , 'ji'c ' : bsrk sassafras , per tt > , 10c ; calomel ,
per Ib , 78c , chlncnonldla , per oz , 40c ; chloro
form , per tt > , fOc ; Dover's powders , per ft ,
81.25 ; epsom 'alts , per a , S' c ; glycerine ,
pure , per Ib. Soc ; li-ad. acetate , per H > . aic ;
oil. castor. Mo. 1. per gat. , 81..W ; oil castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. S1.400I1 ; olive , per gal. , 81.40 ;
oil orii'aiuium , oOc ; opium , 8l.oU ; qulnlno ,
] ' . & W. and U. &S , , per , oz. ICc ; potassium
Iodide , per ft , 8150 ; salicin. perez , 40c ; sul
phate morphine , per oz. 8 ! . S ; sulPhur , per
H > .4c ; strychnine DProz.8l.aa _ , .
I-AINTS i.v OIL White lead. Omaha , PI1. ,
CVp ; white lead , St. lionis , pure , c ; Mar
seilles , Rremi. 1 Ib cans tic : trencnzinc ,
creen seal , 18c ; French , zinc , red seal. He ;
Kiench zinc. In varnUh asst. 'JOc : Kench
zlnc.75c : vermlilion , nclish. In oil , 7f > a ,
red , lOc ; ro e pinic. Me ; Venetian red , Cook-
- " - red. American. IKc ;
jellow , genuine , eOc ;
_ , _ „ . r ochre , rochclle. 3c ;
ochre , French , " 5fc ; ochre , American ,
IKc ; Winter's mineral. 8fp ; Lehlgh , blown ,
2Vc ; Spanish brown , 2Kc ; 1'rince's rclnera ! ,
Coloffiie spirits , isa proof , 51.17 ;
do 101 proof , 51. IS ; spirits , Fccond quality ,
101 proof , S1.17 : da 18s proof. SUO Alcohol.
188 proor , S'V-iO per wlnu callon. Redistilled
whiskies , 8l.005Bl.50. ( iln , blended , Sl.fioa
? 00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S'iOOfiGOO ; Kcn-
tt'cky nnd Pennsylvania rjes , 82.00t < fi.50 ;
Golden Sheaf bourbon nnd rye whiskies ,
S1.W@3.0C. Uwndies imported , S5.00@y.M ;
domestic , S1.S033.00. ( Jlns , Imported , $4.50
( VJO.OO ; domestic , 81.2. % ? .oo. Champajinps
Imported , uer case 52ioo@33.00 ; American.
per case. S10.OOtS10.00.
HIDES ( Jreon butchers. 5K@Gc ; green
cured. 7c : dry flint , lld c ; drv salt , 4J10c ;
rreen calf skins , sXe ; damaced nides ,
two-thirds pries. Tallow M e. Grease-
Prime white , s c ; yellow , 2c ; brown , IJf
bheen Pelts. 2,5ia75c.
l-uits ANH OKI.VS ino following prices
are lor prime , well handled skins ; Heaver ,
prime , clean per pound. S1.50@IJ.UO ; fall , S1.85
< ! i2.00 : meatv nnd inferior. 51.OJKgl.25. Uear ,
blown and grizzly. g5.003S.00 ; cubs nnd
yearlings , S-.00' ! 54.00. Badger , M@GOc ) Cat ,
wild , 20 500 : domestic , black , 10c ( l5c : do
mestic , bundry colors , 5@sc. Fox , red , Sl.OO
@ 1.25 ; cross , S2.00@v4.00 ; grny , 40@'iOc ; sliver ,
510.00(340 ( 00. Ktsher. S4.oo@0.00. OttorS4.0C
( SG.OO. Martin. Sl.00@175 , Muscrat . win
ter. large , Itte ; fall , 5e ; kitts , Mink , larito
dark , 35@40c ; small and pale , 15@20c. Rac
coon. largo prime , 40ft50c ; s > mall nnd Inferior ,
20oc. Skunk , common , I5@i5c. Wolf ,
laijje crcy , SLM ( J2.50 ; coyote or prairie 75 ®
We. Doer nnd nntelupe , winter , per pound
15c ; tall and summon per pound 23c.
Dry htiinticr.
No. 1 , com , si s 519.50
No. 2 , com , si s 17.50
No. 4 , com , sis 1X50
No. 1 , 4 & < J In , 12 & 14 ft , rouh 819.00
No.2 , 1500
A , 12 , Hand 16 ft 882.03
B , " ' " 30.50
C , " " " 15.00
D , ' 1X00
1st com. , f In White Pine Cellini 834.00
Clear , H in. Norway Pine Celling lb.OO
rr.ooniNSi ,
A e Inch , white pine SS5.00
C " "
E" " " " ( SelFen'g ) 19.00
No. 1 , com. 13 In s. Is. , 12. < tl4 20.00
1G ft , 19.03
No.3 " " " 12 & 14 ft. . . . . 1S.OO
" " " " 16ft 17.00
1st and 2d. clear , IV incu , $ . 81 S5P.OO
Sd , clear , 1 Inch. a. U s 4 > l' < , U * . 2 In 45.00
B clctr , 1 inch , s. 2 a : :0 : ; 1V,1 , - In 37.00
White Cedar , 0 In. , s. 12c ; 9 ln.qrs..llo
Quincy white lime ( best ) Sl.OO
Akron cement 1.C5
llatr 30
No. 1 , plain , 8 and 10 Jn. S1WX )
No. 1 , plain. anillOlni 17.00
souTiir.ii.v vr.ti.ow PINE.
Com. 4 andO In. iloorlnc S18.03
Clear % In. ceiling , . . . ' 21.00
Clearer in. partition' 25.00
Clearln. partition 22.50
Clear , linlsh , 1 and Uf-ln. s. 2 s 29.00
" corrugated cellin ? , 4 In 25.0
O. G. Batts.2K In. . 70c ; MA > 1 s < u < 3
Pickets , D anil 11 flat , . * 521.00
XX clear. .T. 83.00
A * standard' ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ! " . ! ! ! ' . ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ' . ! ! ! 75
. . .
5 In cl J.I' 1.75
6tn , clear 2.00
No.l 1.SO
Lath 2.W )
Notice of Registration ,
TO the Legal Voters of the Second District ,
Sixth VVnnl , 111 tbo city of Omubui
You are hereby notified that tbo undersigned
will eitas rPKlstmr for tbo Second district or
the Blxth A. llenbendick'a , on btat
Etroct , can of Fort Omaha , commencintf Thtirs-
day. April 2l6t , li7 , at 11 o'clock a. m. . for tbe
purpose of registering all quallfled voters with'
In ( aid Second dUtrlct of Sixth ward , and for
tbo purpose of making new list and adding to
and correcting the registration already mode ,
and for such purpose tbo undersigned will sit
and keep his book of registration open each
day thereafter ( except Bundari ) at the place
aforesaid from eleven o'clock a. m. until eeven
o'clock p.m. , until May2d , 1887 , at the hour of
12 o'clock m. , when Mid book of registration
will Le closed. All qualified voters ar notttted
to attend and see that their nnincs are properly
re < istoroJ. JOHN F. PA OK.
a3 ItefUuar 2nd DUtrlct , Sixth Ward-
Arrive ' heave
Oiuaha , Omaha
Depot 10th ami Picrco sU.
Pnclhc Express 7:50 : am 5:20 : pm
Denver Express 5:20pm : 10:55 : nm
Ixx-al Express 11:00 : n,1 5:03 : pui
Except Sunday.
H. AS. . I ? . 11. R.
Depot 10th and Pacltic sts.
Mull and Express ' ft :45 : pm 10:00 : am
Nlcht Express 10:00 : am 7:45 : pm
0. B.A Q. 11. U.
Depot 10th and PuillicsU.
Mall and Express 0:20 : nm 0:00 : pm
Chicago Express 7:10cm : ! :20 : nm
K. C. St. J. A C. H.
Depot 10th nud Paclnc sts.
Mall 7lOpm : 9:20 :
Express * 7:00aui,18:45 : : pm
Except Monday.
t Except Saturday.
C. St. P. M. & O.
DepotlStti aud Webster st.
Sioux City Express :45pm : 8:15 : sm
* Buiciot ; ! Accommodation 10 : JO am & :45 : pm
Exceut butitUy
Depot 15lli and Websterst
Day E\ Dress G.25nmil:10 : am
Nluht Express < . . . . . 50pm : 9:10 : pm
Lincoln llilOam , C'.lO pm
UN'ION STOCK YAUUS Leave" i J.eavu
TKA1NS. US Y'lls. . Omaha
Except bnnclav. C:09utn' : ' ' ' < | :15nni :
Trams leavinit U. P. de
pot in Omalia nt 10.5 : a. :
m. , 5:05 p. m. and 80 : p. 0.30 am 10:00 : am
m. , and those le.ivlnc * 10Mam : I0r : > 5am
Uulon stock jards at 0oi : ; lltittaiu 2:00pm :
a. in. and 10:51 : a. m. art- U0pm : ! ! , 305iim ;
through paisenjcr trains : 3:35pm : I 4:0ipm :
all othei1 ! are regular stock 4:35 : pui I
vauls diiiinny tr.uiis ho- pin r > :2ripm :
tvsi-en stock laids and * s'Jjpui : 8OQpm :
Omnha. < M20 pm
Leave I Leave
U.P. BR1DGETRA INS. Transfer.'Omaha. '
Except Sunday. 7:12 : nm 16 iSS am
Connects with S. C. & 8:15 : nm * 7 :35am :
P. at Council Bluffs. 0:25 : nm' ' 8 :00 : am
\ Connects w Ith C. B. A 9:42 : am US MO nm
Q. , C. A N.V. \ . , C. M. & * 10 : 7am * 10 :00nm :
bt. P. , C.R. I. & P. at 11:47 : am1 " 10 am
Council BluITs. * l:30pm : 1 :00pm :
Connects with W. St. 2 : :00 : pui
L. it P. at Council BlufTs. 3 : :20 : pm
( Connects wltlialleven-l 4 37pm :00 : pm
Ing trains tor Chicago at1 5 50pm :00pm :
Council BluITs. Trains , 6 : 4ipm :00 : pm
Ipavp Omaha at Union 7 ; 10om , :30pm :
Pacific depot. 10th and :42pm : :10pin :
Pierce streets. 8 : :00 : pm
10:47pm : til pm
: " :00pm :
1 Leave Airlve
CONNECTING LINES Transfer 1'ransfes
I depot depot
C.K.1. * ! ' . : Til's am 0:15 : a in
All Trains , mn Daily. 9:15 : a m 55pm :
C:10 : pm 7:00pm :
C. & N. W.
All trains run daily. . . . . | 7:00 0:15 : a in
: p m
C. B. & Q
0T : > a m 0:1"
: a m
All trains inn dally. . . . ]
C:35p : m 7:00p : m
C. M. & St. P. I
All trains nm daily. . . . . j { ? ; j ] 7:00 0:15 : : B a m ra
K. C. St .1. A C. B ! !
* Except Sutui day. 10.00 n m 1C.Warn
tExcept Monday. * b:55pm : 5:30 : pm
W. St. I , . A P.
All trains run daily -15 pm 3:3jpm :
S C it P '
Alltrainsrun daily. . . . . i 7:053 : in OsSTa in
) 0:25pm : 8:50 : pm
The only road to take for Des Molnes M iir-
lhailtown , CeJnr Knpldr.Cllntjn , Dlxon , Chlcu
co , Milwaukee anil all points p wt. To the pro
plo of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah
Idaho , Nevada , Oregon , Washlnston and Cnll
fornlti , it otlnrs superior ndvixntafrcs not possi
ble liy any other lino.
Amonir a lew of the numerous point * of su
perlorlty enjoyed by the patrona or this i-oad
between Oiuntia nnd Chicago , nre Its two trains
udn ? of DAV COACHES , which are the finest
that human nrt and Ingenuity on create. Iti
PALACE SLEEPING CAUS , which are model"
of comfort nnd ol eanc . Its PAULO [ I I ) HAW
ING ROOM CARS.unsiirniiBfed bv any , and Ita
widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CAUS
tbe equal nf which cannot be found e'ectrhcre
At Council Bluffs the trains of tbe Union Pacific
Rr. connect ID Union Depot w Ith those of tha
Chicago & Northwestern Ity. In Chicago tlie
trains of this line make clog * connection with
those of all eastern lines.
For Detroit , OolumbuK , Indianapolis , Cincln
nnti. Niagara Falls , Duffnlo. Plltsburir.Toronto
Montreal. Boston , Now Vent , Philadelphia ,
Baltiroors. Washington and all points In the
eait , ak for a ticket via the
If you wish the best accommodation. All tlckei
agent ! Ml ! ticket ! via this lino.
Gent Manager. Ocnl. Past'r Atent
Chicago , 111.
Western Agent. City Pa s'r A ent ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Ten lUllroudi , and more arc coailDg. 1'jO Train
Six is II op
' . =
; . 05
"C = V
I si ? = "
< ; =
3 !
fctat * UnlTcnltr. Wcilcjan UnlTcnlty.Stite Capi
Most of the Builnen Loti bavo doubled lo price In
IbclailU montbi. Acre-lind. nlioloJ mllei
of tbe city , tncrened over two
hindred percent.
Lincoln l tbe creatot Kollrrml C nor of lt > nee
In the world. Hnck blocks par t luSOiXjrrent. Vacant
loti have nvcrnceil Itt ) per cent per anaum on nr t
cent , for U reuri
Lincoln I H f real ( ilitrlbutlne point. Fome wtic/H-
lalodojlorc hare mido prliitfrly lurtunes.
Bulldink' goltiir up In all dtrrctlonv. Iliiiln9c p n *
Grallj trooil. Uunktr4 , retail njercliaQtv ,
etc. ,
Itnout ! I , Iticliur < N ISSocK ,
Real Estate Agents < Loan Broke rs
Hate for ale brick blocki , builneu lots , all klndi or
real eiUte. 1 , 3. i , 10 , X ) , 40 , CO , 32 } and CIO ic-a trcc'i
fanni and cbeap laodi.
KErnilENCBSi-ririt and Lincoln National
IJanks.OoTfrpor Tbaj r , Juflce Cotib , net. I > r.C K.
Cre iituoo. Unco ei p ator S.VI. Cdllotu , tlllcoll ,
and Ueuoral lien. Ittrrlaoo , luflan * .
Omafia Jobbers' Dlfectory.
Agricultural Imf/e/nenti.
Wholf * ) Urla
Arrlcultural Imiilcincnts , Wagons ,
ud Ihiupln. Jonrt Mr ol , l > twic yth
ruUCtb , Ouitli . .
Agricultural Iiiiilcinrnts ) ,
Waront.Onrrusf . IlactlP ( , RtcVholtt4le , Om b .
LKE , fltinD C CO. ,
Jobbers of Hurdwnro mid NnHs ,
TiDware. < = hrft Iron , Ktc. Ajpntt for lions Sca
nnrt Miami 1'owtlerto Clm liipl' .
Whole-slc Dralert In
Agricultural Iiniilerucnta ,
TOlro3Wl unil'.W , Jonc ct
Artists' Material.
" *
Artists' Materials , 1'iuuos niul
Builders' Martlnar * and Scales.
Vlochanlc ; ' Toolt ami IlutTatn Srnlci. 1400 llouclni it ,
OnnlM : , Kcb.
Boots and Shoes.
llanufjciurtrj ud VVbolcsnleUcalen la
Hoots and Shoos ,
Complete ttofk of Kulihcr ( Inorts ulimrt on lund
Sfe 8 lllhpl llm hi.Nc'j. A T Aunin. Atcnl.
Jobbers of Hoots mid Slices.
1(11 Farniui ft , Olr.ihn. Nrh Murufiiclotj , Eumcct
Ml-fft. llO'tO'l.
Whnlosiilo Rubber Uootj aii'l ' Shoes
Itnblioi niul ( Mod CloUiliiKiinJ 1 . 'lt lloou
and Slioos. j-oulliuust Corner 14tli uiiil Duuglus.
Apt. for Anlieuscr-Hitih Urcwinp Ass'n
Sl rclal Ilrandi. Fnuit , Rudneleor itnd Krlnnnor.
_ - _ _ _ .
Lapcr liccr Hrevvera ,
1121 N'orth l lh Mroft , Omnha , > 'cb.
Butchers' Tools.
Butchers' Tools and Supplicg ,
iouiajo CuilDgs n { all klndi always In atock. 1211
JUIIU M , oiuaba
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Omaha Corrco and Spice Mills.
at.OoOrev Bplc H.ikliig 1'owdcr. narorln
trstli , 1 jiuiiiry lllue. Ink , Ktc. HU-JO llatoej
btrcot , Omuba , .Nob.
lonie Colfcc and Spice MillH M'f jr Co.
OiTeo Rollers end pU * Orlndors Mannfaitarera
f llaklni : rowder , H orliiK iitnirt : , llliilnii. Kir.
rvone in i-of our ! patknee Home Blend Huitted
> ffH . } ( h liownrtl t. Ontsbn , N t.
John Eponctor , Prop.
Manufacturer of Oalranlted Iron an ! Cornice. C79
Dodge und 103 nud i I f , JC.Ii st. , OaiL. , Neb.
MunufarturerB of
Ornamental Oalvanirod Cornices.
Dormer NVIcUoTf. riudls. Wolnllc.-ksllfl.t.titc. 510B.
lit i it. , Omulm.
C. Spccht , 1'rop.
GnlT&clied Iron Cornice" , etc. Sprct'tImprove
cnt Jlvtalloi-kyllelil. Mb undCliJHMtl \ Onikhu
Jobbers or
Jarpots , Curtain ? , Oil Cloth.Buirs * ,
l.liioleurar , Mattlnri , Etc. 1511 L'oua'm struct.
5. A. OHCJL.IH1) ,
Wholesale Cariets | , Oil Cloths ,
llkfi , Curtain (5ofd , Ftc. lili Furcam blrcet.
Crockery and Notions.
Aicntfor tbcil-oMfacturi unnU Impcrtertcf
CroclXCfjv Glassware1 ,
tempt. Cblmocft , il > < . OfPcc , Si ; Scutb 13th et.
Oinctit , NLb.
Commission and Storage.
Commission nud Jobbiiur.
Dottcr , ECFS and Produca. CoLi'izmieDtu solicited.
, er fur Blouswarn , Hern noif unil
JUpkeu. l u Dodkeitrcet , UmHtia.
Commission Merchants.
, Produce > n < l rrorlilone. Or.inhi. Kb.
' '
/ > ' . E.'TlID'DELL ,
Storapo and Commission Mordiant.
clalilc * llutter. I K . Cticcte. Poultry. Uama ,
Oysteti. etc. , Ktc llJSoiuu lull Htset.
Produce Commlhsion Jlerchunts ,
Poultry , Ilutlcr , Unma. Kiuili , etc. ! M B. lllhti
Oumbn. jHub ,
Ccal ana" Lime.
Qxu. r.I.AnAOH. I'm. C. r.OoonMiN , V. Pies.
J , A huv'Dim.AND , Sec. Bd Trcn .
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
300 Sooth Iblrlctalh Street , Oatha , Neb.
. / . J. jouxmty Ji co. ,
Hannfucturcrs of Illinois White Limo
A Ml Plilpporn or ( > > M nd Coke. Cojitnl , 1'lnwr ,
IJne , H lr. Hr Ilrlct , Urnln. Ill * mil Pu r I'lpo ,
< > 31ce. I'trtou Hole ! , n. , Oojjlia , jN
Telepbcno 811.
r. P. FAY aj co. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of fruUi.Nute orr.t Clean , 1211 lurorn BU.
Cigars and Tobacco.
CO. .
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
QnDi Bud Ammunition , 215 in233 Illnit. , ItRO to
1U74 f arimui ft .Omntia.Nvo
Manufacturers of Fine Clears ,
And Wboliiale Dtklcru In Lett Tobxcroi , ftui.106
. utb ftrctl. ( ) ; nia. !
Dry Goads.
M. E. SMITH < K CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions
110Z nd llOtDoutlit rcr lllb Bt .Oiinbn Neb.
Dlitllluri of Llqucn. Alrobo ! unrt hplrlti Import erf
DiJ JatbcriolVmiinnJ Liquors
CO. ami ILElt , ( CO. ,
Ire porter and Jobberr nf Fine VTIoei tad I.loucri.
Sole annuUettr r > ot KeDuodr' * lent India till *
Iirnuiil IH'mii leilqunn. HIS lltrae ; ' i ,
Dmin Jilt , Etc.
A. It.Hirxn.rtff. J.W IlrnroKn Pe
K. J. Ca RSOX , V.l'ri-ir. oni ) aupt.
OBco 213 f. lilt it. Omnlm. Neb. Mucblncry cnJ
for lUiiuUetnnni ; Cement Uralu ri'v. '
" '
W. KO1EH4 , M. 3. flVH nifJB
J'es. r. TAiiM ni n ISTS Vloo-Prn
Jobbers and Storcrs oJ Grain.
hlpiunnn > i ' ill < i > inu'a
irunrnntc-rtl. Onihaii Nub.
Wholesale Dealers In Furniture.
Drnim it > Quit * . Neb.
'CJLTltLEii SlUVElilCK ,
Furniture , lleddinff , UpliolBtery ,
Klrrcr , etc. IKe.lKI t a IJ10 FarcjB it. ,
Omafia Jobbers' ' Directory.
Groceries ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provliions ,
No.TO , : " : . rtVanJTll ! , 1Mb > t.
McCOltl ) , JlJKADl' < C CO. ,
Wholesale Grocem ,
1'tn anil I , aTnworth fl . , Omaha.
Heayy Hardware , Iron mid Steel ,
, VVacon Stock. Hardware Lnmb r , t . IM
and lilt lUrnrj M , utnabn.
Wholesale Iron aud Steel ,
Waennand Carrlnp * VTood Stofh. H TJ Hard war * KlTKndUli ) LciTonnurlli it. , Oaiaha , N * ,
Stoves , Kaiifjes , Fnrnncen , Tiled ,
UaullciUraIc5 , llraiinoodn. 1311 aad 13U Faraam
Iron Works.
.0 riERLlSQ
Iron Works ,
Wroncbt and Caft Iron Ilnllillne Work , Iron Stalra ,
Hnlllnp , Ilennu HI d Olrdpn , Mipnm Kiigluri , Hrax
V.'ork , uincral Ifojindry , Mkcblna ami n'arktmllti
Votto nc aniorll , U. 1 * . UT.mnliiliHif t.
K. 11. JlrJI.VNUS. C. frl'I.MVAK.
StnnufHCtu'cn of
ire ntid Iron Hiiilinirs , Desk Railg , .
Window ( juards 1'lOATer Stnnil * . VVtro signs , 15. o
12J.N.1CIU. Ordern br uiall promptlr uttcndedt * .
Duller . All Kinds of
Building1 Material at Wholesale.
lth Street und Union Pacific Track , Omaha.
" "
Dealer in Lniuher. Lath ; Lime , Sasli ,
Iocr , Ktc. Tardi-Cnrner'lh and Douglas ; Corner
Oth und Douglas.
Wholesale Lumber ,
S14S. lllh street , Omaba.Neb. f.Colpottcr , Mnnaser.
c. y. DIETZ ,
jth and California streets , Oraab , Keb.
Lnmbcr , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Kto.
Cor.Clbund Donilat its. , Omnba.Nii > .
To Dealers Only.
Oflce , 1403 rnrnaoi itrcct.Omaba.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpets and rnrqcct Floorlne. Vth nBd r > ousl
Omnha ,
Wlioletnlo Lumber , Etc.
Imported nnd Amcrlrin Portland ( VnitrU FtnU
Asect forMllwankeo llrilraullc Cement und Ueit
( Julncj WtiltolJaie.
LitD Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. Johu F. Doj-d.
Live Stock Commission.
lit. BURKE , ( ! SOX'S ,
Live Stock Commission.
O o. Iliitko , Manncer
Drlon Stock Yardf.S Omalia. lelcpbono 682.
SATAGK , G'JtElSy ' ,
Live Stock Coinruission llerchants ,
EbJpmcctt of .mr and nil kln < 1 > of Slock lollOitcd.
_ Union ytocfe lartn. ( imahu. ub.
Millinery and Notions. * j
Iniportettani ! Jobbert of
llillinery and Notions ,
A'id l.'ljI > rner .Ht.em , Oraaba , Neb.
JT. T.
\Vlmlc , lo Dealer * In
Notion1 ? nnd Furnishing Goods ,
40lui.l40jB Tenth St. , Umaba.
yy ,
Mannfaetnrers of Overalls ,
Jean * I'auti , Sblrti , Ktc. 1131 and 1101 Douglas Street.
Dninbu. Neb.
Paper Boxes
, T. L. WILKIE ,
JIannfacturer of Paper Bore * .
B.lltbdt. , Oi Uu , .Subraika. Ordori
wIUrao lT pr D t ilUa
.lob Printers , Blank Book Makers ,
d Jleok Blnderi. 10 > : and 1U ) S.nitb . rourtecoth
treat. Omaha , Nib.
Auxiliary Publishers.
. PrcMrn and Prlutitu'8 ppll i. ( W
Booth Tvelftb Slre t.
< { CO. ,
ManufHCtnrirt nnd Dealer * In
Kiiffincs , Boilers A. General Machinery
KI'Cvl Iron work , Stanm Pumpr fair Mllli , Acme
Minftlni : , DodKB Wood epllt Hullojl , llnltlni , els.
Alto irjfint , iirrapert.auil buletlet. 12U-12..iLia-
Tinnoriii st. Otmfm
Wholesale Hardware.
VVentprn arrnti for J fft > r > fjn Cui'l Null ) , Au tl
1'owderCu , rdrtarku fcunctrc { ttalct. Corner
luth > nti lUtnCT , untlin.
co. ,
Wholesale I'umjiH , I'ijic ,
et ? mnnd Water Supplied Urnilcunrtoit ( r Mail
Ju-jiUVi Qo.'l > . 1111 tarnum n , Omjlin. .Seti.
Pnuips , Pipes anil I'lifincs.
StMio , W.IT. IlMlwuy and Illlllni : huiM'llrc. L'tft
M3 , Vnaarl SCI I urn am it. , OIIIOI.K , hob.
u. s. wiyn r.yGiXK ami .
ITillcdi ; Wind Ml'is : plfim and VT ler Puppllet ,
I'iuinblACOoMi. r.elllrv lionI'lS ' ni.d K'J Kar-
cam it lOunlm. ti K. I'l'ton. Muiiuftr.
Irlepbno No. 110.
Safe * . Etc.
J' . JlOYKfl ,0 CO. ,
Agents for Hall's Ssft * Lock Co.s'
KU and llurE ar Prcnf g f i. Ttrr ITk > . Vault *
djall Woric. IJJI r ri ra sr c Oi-mnc. .Neb.
Onmlia .S'lfo Works.
VenuficturtriDf Hrr aort Hurr'arrroiifSafcj , Vault
' 1 , Jail Workribjltcri n J V iiolk. . Cur.
Htboad Jac > un Sli. , Ott.k" , .Nc'j
f tilth , Doors , ftt.
Wlictiiiilt Uinufmi rtil of
Sash , Doori. Ulindi and Mouldings ,
ni.och oaicink > < /.t.Oratha.y- * - ? .
Minufocturtrs , ol Sa\h , Dctrs. Blinds ,
air n pliant UtilUr U > ii ! VTotd V1nl U
n , * ot lit c4i l. ! cow.utljfcu.
Ouiti , tleb.