Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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Iho Northwestern Ohristlan Assembly Li
catcs at Lung Pino.
Alnsworth Klntotl Over the Prospect
of Another Jtnllrond ( tenth of n
Prominent Young Ijtiwyor
Nebraska News.
AnotliruBmnmor Assembly.
hos-u 1'ixi : , Nob. , April in. [ Special the
( ho OKI : . ] Them waiiulti | ) n Kiithciini ; (
clmstlnn people hold In I < nni : I'ino on Tne
day of. tliU week. Tbo object of tills nice
Ing was to ustabllxh assembly groumu , or
Cliautau'iun ' for thn northwest , whuro gall
crlni ? for church work nmt Htindiy school :
inay congregate. Aftur uxnmlnliiBr llio ill
forcnl locations between Norfolk anil Ilnpli
City they liiully concluded to locate tli
"Northwestern Ohristlan Assembly" nt Lou
1'inc , Urown county. enthusiasm wa
manifested nt the moetlnz and everyone ful
exuberant over the prospect of securlm
eighty acre * of heavy wooded land alonx tin
Ion I'lne Creek. It bolng the division o
the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valloj
railroad had a ur at deal to do with Its Iocs
tlou nt this point , together with the advant
BKftof piirosprlin ; water from the fnmou
Boven springs. The capital stock of the assc
elation Is $59,000 and a creat amount ha
been .subscribed alicady , and thn assoclatloi
" bns every prospect of breaming a success. A
a meeting of the board of directors the fo
lowlnic named gentlemen wer o elccte
olllcera :
Kov. UeorceV. . Martin , A. AT. prosldenl
lion. . ) . S. Davidson , vlco prcHldcnt : Ucv. (
II. Krailv , general manager and corrosponi
Ing K'crrtary ; C. K. Clover , treasurer ; \V. .
Cntirtrlght , socrota ry.
Vice 1'resldpnts at Large Itov. 11. Hros' '
Phadrun ; C. K. Mnrin&n , Sprlnpvlew ; I1
Whitney , Nofolk ; ; lion. G. W. K. Dorsnj
Fremont ; Cnctaln J.O. Morrison , Gordon
ICcv. James Lislle , Alnsworth ; Uuv. . ) . (
Mllllgitn , Omaha ; Itov. J.V. . I'nolp' '
Omaha ; Frank Hltncy , Atkinson ; Uev , 1
I ) . Williams , Hastings ; H. Flanden
Chadron ; Unv. H. 11. Klciflns , LOUR IMiu
Jtov. W. A. KURftr. Central City ; Kev. J. .1
Koeler. Central City ; William Hntliledijt
Johnstown ; J. II. Tliomas. Ionir 1'ine.
Director. ) Kov. < ! . W. Maitln , 0. II. Kraih
J. S. Davidson , H. K. hmltn , W. L. Whlttt
more , Georo A. Smith , Dr. J. I. Lease. C. II
( lover. Kev. A. M. Totman , 1. II. Sklnmv
W. J. Courtil3htl. W. Dwinoll , S. N. Mj
gatt , J. M. Mead , V. A. Whlttmnoro , T. Win
tor. A. M. llrinkerhoir , , ) . 1' . llaiixhursl
Charles Mead , M. P. Klnkald , W. F. Clov
ongur. _
Alnsworth'H Fine. Prospucts.
AIXHWOHTII , Neb. , April IV fSpoelal ti
the HKB.J Alnsworth Is jubilant ovn r tl
prospects of the II. Ac M. building In her
this sunnier. A double conn of surveyor
are at work twenty-live miles south of towi
on the Calamus river running a survc
towards this place. One of our dti/eiis. I
conversation with a 13. < fe M. olllciiil at hlii
coin lost week , was told that the I ) . & M
would pass through Alnsworth on Its al
line route to Koya i'alm county. Should thread
road not como Alnsworth will boom , as i
310,000 court house and a number of brie )
blocks will bo started as soon as spring open
for Rood. _
Attacked Hy a Bull.
GOIIDOX , Neb. , April 15. [ Special Toll
pram to the UEK.J William Turpln , arancl
man residing twenty-live miles south of th !
place , was this morning attacked by a for
clous bull , lie was knocked down some ha
a dozen times by the animal and escaped wit
n broken lug and some body bunscs. Had
not been for Mr. Turulu's dog the bull \\oul
surely have killed him. He wasbtoughtt
Gordon to-day for medical treatment.
Donth of Joe Pottnr.
NKUUASKA. CITY , Nob. , April W. [ Spocia
Telegram to tne Bnn.J J. Stltson Vottor ,
rising youne lawyer , well known throu hou
> the state , died this afternoon hero after i
r week of horrible suffering ; from dclirluu
tremeus. _
Street Railway For Olioyonno.
CIIKYEKNE , Wyo. , April IS. fSpecia
Telegram to the llnu.J The Cheycnn
Street and Circle railway company , with
capital stock of 8150,000. was incorooratec
itoro to-day. Work on the line will bo com
tuenood at on co.
HonoKKN , N. J. , AprlllS. Water Roalsti
Michael 11. Murphy , who has hold ofllco f <
nineteen years , Is missing. It is rumoic
that he la Hhort In his accounts , but tli
amount cannot be ascertained , but Is believe
to bo largo.
The water commissioners remained I
pccrot session until nearly midnight. The
lofused to tllvulce their proceedings beyoii
the fact that they had appointed an expert I
examine Kcgl.ster Muiphy's accounts , It I
believed that the shoitago Is not far froi
824,000. Murphy's friends say ho in on
spree and will turn up all right I
A few days ; that this sort of thing is not m
usual with him ; that ho was seen in Hoboke
drinking ns late as "o'clock last night , an
that the fact that ho had yesterday deuosltc
neatly $3,600 to the city's account shows thn
lie had no Intention ot absconding.
The Last Arguments.
Sioux , Cmla. . , April 14. Judge Pen
dloton occupied nearly the entire day wltt
Ills argument for the defonsa In the Haddock
case , closing about 4 p. m. After an ex
liaustlvo review of the entire case , In whlc
the testimony of each mateiial witness * wn
anal } zed and brought forcibly before th
Jury , horlosed the case for thn defence , an
was followed by Hon. M. 1) . O'Connell foi
the state , who talked about two hours and in
to the hour for adjoin nmant Ills oliort
which Is the closing argument in the celebrated
brated case , elves monilhj of being the ina
ternlece of the trial and It Is thought that In
will Unlsh by noon to-morrow and that th
c so will be given to the jury In the after
Print Worku Destroyed.
DOVKII , N. II. , April 15. The greatest ill
Dover ha * ever oxporlonced occuued thl
afternoon In the Covheco print woiks. J
will Involve the loss of nearlv $ .JOOooo an
will tluow over NX ) operators out of einploi
inent for probably four to six months. Tli
lire started In the "hot room. " Nobody wa
killed , but narrow escapes from deaih wci
numerous. _ _
PriAonnrfl Kncnpc.
LAM AK , Mo. , April 15. Four prisoners cor
fined In Jail hero broke out last night by pr :
Ing oil the Iron bars and digging .hrou n th
etono foundation. J. W. West , one of th
prisoners son-Ing out a twonty-livo-yen
term for murder. The others were Incaicei
ated for lesier crimes. A reward has bee
offered and parties are In pursuit of the fug
tlvcs. _ _
A Booming Colorado Town.
STKIIUNO , Colo. , April 15. [ SpocltU Tel
jjram to the HKK.J Sterling ' property Is flou
ling In value every day. The town Is full <
the Hurllnpton company railroad men at
eastern rapitailsts.
Ory Gooiln Fa H tiro.
Mn.wAUKKK. April 15.-A special to II
Kvonlng Wisconsin from I'oriaco say :
rkhumacher & Sons , dealers In dry Roods ar
clothing , made an assignment Liability
BIS.OOO ; nominal assets , 515,000.
IIUIiop lioo'
WILMINGTON , Del. , April 15. The fnner
ot lila'.iop took place tnls afternoon ar
was largely attended. Nine bishops at
nearly a hundred clergymen participate
The remains were interred In old Swede
Prohibit * Oleoinnr rtn
DOVKII , Del. , April l.V-Tha scnat pasic
this icornlnc the hou bill prohibiting tl
unufnclare and a le of all kinds of Imlti
tlon and adulterated button
Death of a
Tonic , April 15. Archbishop Uort
kM e l le mtuttn wylng ( htt Mr
IB V t\t tkU tn/rnovn.
A Roperal court-martini 13 appointed t
meet ut Fort Ilobh3onNob. , ntlOo'cloc
it , in. , on Thursday , the L'Sth day of Apr ;
1837. The ilctail for the court \3 \ as fo
Iowa : Captain Charles I'urkor , Nint
cavalry ; Captain Augustus \V. C rllsi
KlRhth Infantry ; Captain Walter Ueei
assistant surgeon ; t'antalji ( Sordoii Wins
low , Klgluh Infantry Captain Clarenc
A. Studinaii , Ninth cavalry : First l.lci
tunant John J. Hiidiin , Clirlith iiifi.ntrj
First Lieutenant Hichnrd 11.Vilsoi
Kiyhth Infantry ; Second Lieutenant Wl
linni A. Mercer , Klglith infantry ; Secon
Lieutenant I'lulliii A. Heltons , jr. , Nint
cavalry ; Second LlenUmant Edmund t
Wright , Ninth cavalry ; Lieutenant Ha
lard S. Humphrey , Ninth cavalry ,
The following named oll'iccrs are di
tailed to Inspect cortnii ; stock and cattl
purchased under contract and to bo dc
livarml at thn 1'ino Hidge and Kosobu
Indian atcencios. 1) . T. : Major Audrc\ \
S. Hurt , Eighth mfiintry ( Fort Kobinsoi
Nob. ) , to inspuut thosufor the i'inu K'ulg
nijency , 13. T. ; Fi t Lieutenant Matthln
\V. Jay , Ninth cavalry ( Fort Niobran
Nob. ) , those for the Hosdbud njjency , L
T. On beitiK notified by the Imlia
azont when the stock anil cattle will b
ready for inspection , the olllcers name.
will proceed to the places indicated at tli
thro appointed and muko the iuspcctioi
a fo ordered.
Tlio V. S , A. Transportation Contraut <
The bids for Rovernmont contracts fo
transportation of supplies and ordnanc
were opened at General Dandy's olllcc i
the army headquarters at noon yestei
day. All contracts for Omaha and For
Omaha were again let to NVm. Daltori
For tninsiiortation botwcen LuskV , T ,
and Fort Laramie , ami Cheyenne , \V. T.
the same post , the ( successful bidder wa
E. J. Bakur , of Choyoimo.
The revenue collections yestenltv
amounted to "i iSl.SS.
Up to date 1200 aaloon keepers have paii
the lir&t quarter's license.
Hooth , the trag''iliati , will arrive ii
Omaha on Monday , the 23th inst.
Moth miulo a Kood many admirers o
hi : ) physical qualities by his oxecllon
work at the exposition last night.
Stem , Hirsch dfe Co. , who run one o
the largest fcrtili/.iug establishments i :
Chicaco , will erect a $100,000 plant i
South Omaha this .season.
Thu mabsive stairway approaches t
the court house are nearly complete
and will form very attractive features ii
the completion of the grounds.
The "Kafleo Klatsch. " eiven by th
young ladies nt St. Mary's Avenue' Coi :
uregational church last evenins ? , wa
well patronized and was a delightfu
Sergeant Howera one of the me.ssonp
ors , nt army headquarters is laid up fror
the ellccts of a fall down an embranl <
mont , sustained while on his way horn
last night.
The case against Sodcrstrom charge
with dealing cards from a crooked bo
was concluded in police court about
o'clock last evening. Sodcrstrom wa
C. J. Arnheiter , a traveling man , re
ported nt police headquarters yostcrda
that his overcoat was btolen yestordu
morning fronfthe smoking car of the B. i
M train on which ho arrived from the wes
yesterday. Any information concerniu
it may bo left at police headquarters , .
The Women's Christian Tcmperanc
Union ladies have not yet determine
whether they will bo able to retain the !
present quarters , but Mrs. Clark state
hibt evening that they will at least keep
part of the rooms they now occupy
probably the and restaui
* In the county court yesterday Schlan
& Prince commenced suit against Jeep
Ellis , J. A. Froyhan und Morris Kobir
son for the possession of the Windsor sn
loon on the ground of non-pavment c
rent and limitation of lease. The Pack
ard Lumber company commenced sui
in the same court agafnst Thomas Karn
for $ , " > 4.U5 on a promisnory note. In th
district court Eliza M. Davis commence
suit against P. S. Leisonring to quit th
title to lot 0 in Hlock 4Kountze &Keuth' '
Pernonnl Paragraphi.
J. Dixon Avery , president of the Fremont
mont creamery , is in the city.
F. II. Whitney , a capitalist from Allan
tic , la , , is at the Millard.
George B. Young and wife are in th
city , Mr. Young is manager of the Itieli
nruson drug house in St. Louis.
W. 11. Dickinson , banker of Wahoo , i
m the city. .
Assistant Superintendent Dickinson
Master Mechanic Davis and NewtlJarka
low loft for the west last evening in Air
Dickinson's special car " 00. "
State Senator Conger Is in the city.
William 11. Crane and wife and Stnar
Itobson and wife ( Hobson & Crane ) are a
the Millard.
Hcv. George W. AVainwright. of Bhui
is in the city.
Dr. V. 11. Caufman lias gene to Plur
M. C. Keith , the cattleman , has returned
turned to North Platto. .
Among the arrivals registered at tin
Paxton are E , Moser , A. Warren , of Kd
ear-.W. O. Scott , jr. , and wife , of Ash
land ; Leroy Jlall , of Ainsworth : J. 1
Smith , of Schuyler.
Weather Indications.
For Nebraska : Fair weather , slowly fall
Ing temperature , yrtrlablo winds , shifting t
For Iowa : Generally fair weather , varh
bio winds , stationary followed by slowly rh
lug temperature.
The No\s-niarknt Hnoes.
LONDON. April 15. At the Newmarkc
Craven meeting the Newmarket handicap o
fiOOsoNeroIgns was won by the Uvo-year-ol
chestnut horse Eurasian ,
ItusMnii Justice Swift.
VIKN.VA , April 15. The Tagblatt § aya
Tlchenoff , the man who lirnd at the czar re
centlv , woa hanaed on the same day o
which the crliun was committed.
Two great enemies Hood's Sarsf
panlln and impure blood. The latter I
utterly defeated by the peculiar medi
Mr. Khrooil AlcntH Sir. Slosson.
Cleveland Lender : When ho was 1
Chicago. Nicoliui made a contract wit
licorgu K Slusson. by wliiuli the chair
pion bllliardist will go with him to Wale
and teach him the fascinating game. Mi
Slosson arrived from Chicago yeslerda
While hlK and Nicolinl "C1,101611 ; were at tll standing ° Jtillruat 5
the billiard pailor , John Elwood , a foei :
export in hawlliajc the cue , cntoreil th
room and invited Nicoliui to play
. ' ' 1 ll ° " , ot P : ' ° to ! y. " v/ftg the rcph
but perhaps my friend will accotumc
oato you. "
Slosson TtHiUSy eonsontod , and the
Ill-gun to shove the balls over the clott
hlwood wa walking away with th
Innocent stniugsr , as lut thouuht.and ha- -
nearly won the game , whtlo Slosaon ha
counted but a few polnU. It was Hlo *
son's turn to shoot , and , piokinjr uu hi
cue , Urn ohunijoion r u the game oul
The doffl ted oxpart looked at 81as on
inoruont , droupnd his QUO , walked int
the hotel ollict , and , laanlnc over th
counter , whiepered to Manager Coleman
"Who th UciuU Ihbt Allow ? " Mi
Colemau stare him Uie desired informi :
ion , aad ht departed.
A General Hurrah at the Exposition Built
ing Last Nicht.
for Oil The Criminal Caler
dnr Army Contrnots Court NeWs
A. O. II. Vlsltorn-Cltr Mnt-
ter.i In Gnu o ml.
Wrt-Htllritt Kxtrnorilinnrir.
There was a wild hurrah at tbo expos
lion building last night. The oceaslo
was thesfond wrestling match betwec
Charles j.vlotli anil Colonel J. .11. Mi
Laugliiin. The audience numbered aboi
300 people. The match grow out Of
feeling of dissatisfaction over the rosu
of the first match on Thursday oveninj :
and was to bo a five-bout match , on
( Jrti-co'Koman , one collar and elbow
one catch-as-catch-can , one side hold an
one back hold. The men appearc
promptly at 0 o'clock , A delay of a quai
tor of an hour was occasioned in solectin
a referee , Mr. Theodore Woidmoir beln
finally prevailed upon to act. The me
got together for the collar and elboi
bout at 0:80 o'clock. It was brief and ir
torestiny , and was won by McLaughll
by a trip and twitch in four minutes. Th
second bout , the Gnuco-Koman was mor
interesting. Tue colonel secured sevoni
full Nelson locks upon Moth , who sut
ceoded each time , by good bridging
in saving himself. The bout wi :
by Moth in llfteocn minutes an
sixteen seconds. The third bou
back hold , was won easily by McLaugl
lin in ( i minutes. The catch-as-catch-oa
bout was the liveliest ot the match tun
was won by Moth in ! ( minutes and
seeonds. The last bout was side-hold
Colonel McLaughlm won the toss aui
took the right side. After live minutes c
a more or loss interesting tussbl , Me
Laughlin lost his hold on the loathe
band and the match was given to Motli
McLanghlin claimed that ho had boo :
fouled by Moth in the last bout , nsserlini
that the band was forced from his ham
by Moth's drawing his arm around eve
his head in violation of the rules. Thi
referee , who meant well but was fright
fully ignorant of the rules , gave the dc
cisioii in Moth's favor. Colonel Me
Laughlin was seen m the dressing roon
at the close of the match. Ho was a
cool as over and had no kick to make
In this respect he is a vast iinprovemen
over the average professional sport. Hi
takes his medicine , including ranit docl
sions on the part of the referee , wit !
eood grace and is a gentleman under al
During one of the rests in the Motli
McLaughliu match , Moth and J. C
Farley , the Pacific coast wrestler , in
dulged in n season of chin music will
reference to a match. Farley wanted ti
wrestle at once , three falls , "one Gneco
Roman , ono collar and elbow and on
catch-as-catch-cau. Moth wanted :
purely Graco-Uoman ; contest. At th
close of the principal event , a purse o
23 was raised , and Moth and Farlo'
matched for three-bout contest ot thi
Graieco-Homan stylo. At this junotun
the exposition association's reprcsentativ
objected to having a side issue run ii
and proposed to turn oil' the gas. Tin
loud protestations of the audience prevailed
vailed , however , and the match pro
cccdcd. Those who had been inclined t <
chan" Farley , changed their opinion whei
he appeared stripped for the match
He weighs over 200 , pounds , am
is formed like a giant. Whoi
time was called ho s | > rang at Moth am
immediately secured a choke lock on hi
neck. Motli yelled out in pain am
claimed a foul. The referee lost his heat
and the audience went wild. Farley wa
cool and evidently had the bcsit of th
situation. Ho claimed that the lock h
had is the most cfl'ectivo known in thii
style of wrestling , and claimed the fall
After an endless amount of chinning th
referee announced that there had beoi
no fall and ordered the men together
They went at it again , with the chok
lock barred. Moth assumed the ol
fonsive and made a rattling bout whicl
he won in twenty-two minutes. Bofon
time was called for the second bout Jan
itor Cooper announced that the buildin ;
could not be kept open any longc ;
and turned off tlio stage gas
Another scene of confusion en
sued , which was heightens
by the rank action of the referee in dc
elding the match in Moth's favor.
member of the audience mounted a chai
and demanded that the all'ivir cither b
deckled a draw or that the money be lei
up to be wrestled for at some future date
The audience unanimously concurred n
this demand , and the roferco withdrov
his decision anil has not as yet given an
other. It ia probable that Moth am
Farley will got together for anothe
\ _
The Gamblers' Cuntrororsy Settled Ji
Police Court.
The ease against Win. Soderstroto
charged with using a crrokod box in hi ;
gambling room , was called in th o polic
rourt yesterday afternoon. Judge Bait
win appeared for Sodorstoin and Ed Crow
ell for the prosecution. Jack Morriso
was the first witness. His tQStiuioriy wa
Bubstatially the same that has been pub
lishcd in these columns. He saw a'brac-
box on tlio table and orderedSodorstron
to remove it. Sodorstrom refuscd-au
ho ordered him arrested. . " * „ " i
Dan Kennedy , the policeman wlio * .ai
rested Sodcrstrom , stated that he wti
into Soderbtrom'3 place at Morrison
request to arrest. Sodorstrom madn
grab for the box and the witness made
grab for.Sodcrstrom. . . The box wna-n
moved bV some gamblers wiio orowce
around bodcrstrom. The defense 'mad
an unsuccessful oll'ort to get Kcr
ni'ily to state that Morrlso
hud told him that the box was ciookct
that ho knew it was because ho had use
it himself. When the witness was risked t
describe the box he commenced by sta
inp that it was a square box. "That1
all , " roared tlio defendant's 'attorney
Mr. Baldwin. "Of course it's a squar
box. That's just what I called yoil t
prove. "
George Lovolady , an employe of Sodot
Htrom's , stated that there was a brae
box in the house , but averred that he ha
never known crooked cards . deal
from the box. The witness hail not ofto
dealt a brace came. Was never told .t
deal a brace game by Sodci
strom. The defense endoavorc
to show that Sodcrstrom has not had th
management of the Douglas street hous <
Judge Stonbcrg , in summing up th
the case , stated that he had no doubt bu
that a crooked box had been used , bu
there was no proof that brace cards ha
been dealt. It was necessary to produc
a witness who had been swindled i
order to make a caso. This had not boc
done and the case was dismissed.
A I'rojnct to Obtain Bettor Fuel Fo
Omaha Than Now.
The Deer Creek Coal company has jua
been organized in Fremont , and two o
its officers , E. J. Baker and William Nut
tall , arc In Omaha. The capital stock ii
1500,000. The officers are Congresama
Dorse y , president ; E.1L Barnard , tre
urer ; E. J. Baker , of Omaha , .Men
tarys William tyitLill , of Olou Hook ,
Wyo. , manager. . Tjio mine is on the
North t'latto ( hirty miles west ol
Douglas , Wyo. , 'afd ' ) on the surveyed
route of the FreiaontKlkhorn& Missouri
Valley railroad. , * J
The rompany fins' , , 2,000 , acres of lane
which is underlaid Uy \ \ coal vein sever
and one-half feet hi'thickness. ' U Is be
llevcd to be as lido soft coal as is fount
In the United SHteM and superior to tha
mined at Hock Sprinc * . even.
William Nuttall , Sr Hill Nuttall , as hi
is more familiarly i'allcd ' in the whole
western country where ho is known , win
the discoverer of this mine in October
1835. Ho3 \ probably the oldest coa
prospector in Iho west , having beer
around the mountains since J8J7. Hi
discovered the Hock Springs mine ant
assisted in working it when it was lir *
opened. He is satisfied that the Dee ;
Creek mine is tlio bituminous coal n
the world. It is burned by blacksmith ;
through that country and answcis the
purpose admirably. With the complc
tlon of the Fremont , Klkhorn & Missouri
Valley rend to Omaha this coal will be
laid down hero at $5.50 to $0 per ton.
Mr. P. K. Her HnyiTTfio Well Will Ge
Down 2.OOO Feet.
Mr. P. E. Her stated last evening thai
the bore well south of the distillery would
go down 2.000 feet at least. The rocH
through which the drill is now working
is 400 , feet thick. Under it H something
different , and Mr. Her is confident it will
bo more coal , or oil , or gas. The bridge
cylinders which have be'cn purchased
from the Union Pacific will extend down
at least 1,400 ft'ct when they are joined together
gethor , and will make the most srcuri
saaft ever constructed. The water whicli
is now flowing has sufficient head , in his
opinion , to force a stream 150 feet in the
an , if properly confined. It is from : i
depth of UOO feet and is purely artesian ,
A diamond drill will be here in a short
time , and with it cores will bo bored in
two places , one south and one north ol
the city.
The A. O. II. Attend u Merry nail nncl
Reception in Houtli Omnha.
Nearly ono hundred members of the
Ancient Order of Hibernians anil their
lady friends departed for South Omaha
last evening to attend a ball and recep
tion given by Division No. 3 , of that
place. The band of the order left at 8JO : !
in a special car. They had the distinc
tion of being the first band of music over
within the limits of the new eity.
When the band arrived at the depot in
South Omaha they were placed at the
head of a line already formed and a
torch light par.ido , with fully 200 men in
line , was accorded the people of the
At 9:30 : o'clock the line marched to the
hall where dancing ! , was indulged in.
The attendance at thu ball was largo and
the merriment was'unrestrained. The
Omaha visitors returned at 3 o'clock tin. '
morning. t'j
BjrctfH ; IJIock.
The agreement was filed in thn county
court yesterday between Frcoland ,
Loomis & Co. , of Uoston , and U. L.
Byers & Co. , of Lcavonworth. by which
Hyers agrees to oreoj. a live-story brick
block upon the nor'fhcast corner of Fif
teenth and Douglas nstreots. Froolaud ,
Loomis & Co. will furnish the funds for
a $50,000 building arid take a live years' '
lease on the structure at $10,000 a year-
Frooland , Loomis &lo. will occupy the
the building under the firm style of the
"Continental Clothing company. "
< > An Old Crook In Hock.
Carroll , who is in jail , has turned in
former against Lewis , who was arrested
yesterday. Carroll was locked up on
Lewis' complaint that the tormer slugged
him. Carroll admits havingdono so , but
alleges that it was not for purposes ol
robbery , but to settle an old score. Ho
says he would not have undertaken to
rob Lewis , because the latter did not
have any money and is more of a orook
than ho over dreamed of being. He
states that Lcwis'is one of the worst Dills
in the country and has robbed a dozen
men right hero in Omaha.
Fowler Bros. New Home.
The Fowler Bros , are both in Omaha ,
looking after the interests of their mam
moth packing house at 8911111 Omaha. In
about two weeks they will have another
cooling machine in operation and they
will then be in shape to kill four thou
sand hogf > per day , or about twice as
many as at tne present time. This will
be a great help to the Omaha hog market.
Licensed to Wed.
Judge McCulloch yesterday issued mar
riage licenses to the following parties' :
Wolf Colin Omaha "i
Annie Cohen Omaha U
Chas. F. Hozuln . . .Omaha K
Undine Catln Oiualm 2 <
JIcLAm-In this city , April 15th , at St.
Joseph's hospital , at 3:30 : a. m. , James Me
Lauuhlin , a ed SO years.
The remains wore tnken to Drexel < S
Maul's , awaiting orders from his brother In
Waterloo , N. Y.
Purify Your Blood
Good health depondu upon pure blood ; tlioreforo ,
tokeopwoll , purlf/tho blDinl by laklim Urad'iiStr-
anpirlllu. This mcdlolno U l > ccullirly ileMKno.l to
act upon the blood , nnd through tlmt us > on nil tlio
orunnt und llsviea of the body It him n epoclflc
acllon , nlio , upon the ocrftkuis and oxcretlons , and
assists imluro lo cipel from llio synlem nil liliraori.
Impure particles , n ml otTcto mntter through tlio lunus ,
llror , honrel * , tldnors nil Hn. it crTeetuallr nliti
* eak. Impaired , and dobllltulcJ or/uns , InvUorntes
thoucrrout syitoin. tones the dluonUou , anJImpurU
now life nnd cnor jr to all the functions of the bod/ ,
apotullnrlty of if'
IIood'H Surinparlllu
Is ttiaUt Btrcnutlicm and builds up the < r tem whllo
It eradicates dlscato ,
"I muiUayllooJ'i sarsuparlllals tliabc t medicine
I ever used. L U spilnisllid } no nppctlto , and tbo
Irnstvrork I dldfatliiuad ni oror > mucli. I bivmi
to tnV/i Hood's SumapurlnjigAnd teen I felt an If I
couM da as much In a duy.i * I had formcrlr donu Inn
week. Mr appetite l voracious. " Mils. M. V. 1IAV-
Ann , Atlantic Cltr. N. J.
N , 11 , If you TOU havojaije up your mind lo cot
llood'a Saraapkrllla donowtxjko any oiliur.
Arrest of n IMolcpockat nt the Depot
llolibor.v of an Oltl Man ,
Union Pacllio Dutccllvo Valentino
nrrostcil 11 young nntl amooth-fiicrtl pick
pocket nt tlio ilopoi Isist ovoniiiK. llo
saw thn follow In llio act of fooling of n
woman's pocket anil imbVoiI him. A
partner ran away anil was nil afterwards
socnrud. I'ho Ihlof olulmed that ho had
just como from Dubiiqito. but police
olllcorswero found who stnlPtl that tht-y
had seen him about thu dupolloii" " : before
the Iruiii arrived.
An Iil nnui nnmcd Win. Adams wr.s
robbed of $ . 'i and his tlokct In a peculiar
way at the Alissouri 1'acilic depot yoslcr-
day. A man who pretended to rccou-
ni/u him apuroaehpd him in tlio depot
and after talking a few minutes asked
for a dollar. Adams said that ho didn't
have It , but finally , at the continued
solicitation of the follow , produced $ ( i
and his ticket , saying that ho would cut
souio chaiico. The man Miatehod both
money and ticket and ran out between
the curs. Adams is from Kcokuk
Geonxu Tun mint is in jail on the chnnzu
of stealing a hut from ( J. K. Kelpiu. The
hat was found on him.
There little loft to bo desired in
the Hobaon & Crane priHuntation of the
"Morry Wives of indsor" at the ttoyd
last night. The setting was beautiful , the
costuming appropriate and tlio acting
excellent. The lack of familiarity , how
ever , with the piece rendered the audi
ence slow to distinguish some of its liner
points , while an evident disapprobation
of the merry wives' escapades pro-
eluded a hearty appreciation of some of
the more humorous of the situations. Yet ,
nt times , there were warm bursts of ap
plause. Mr. Kobson's falsollo , lasling
jusl half a minute by the watch , secured
that gentleman a recall. As Dr. Cains
lie has but little to do. Mr. Crane's Fal-
stall' is both artistic and entertaining. In
it he avoids a number of his well known
mannerisms and strives to rentier ollVct-
ivo the Shakesperean humor by methods
which aavor of earlier days. Hu bore Iho
burden of the play , though Iho weight
seemed admirably disposed upon his ca
pable and ample shoulders.
This afternoon "Sao Stoops to Conquer
" and "Tho of Kr-
quer , to-night Comedy -
rors" will bo presentsd.
St. lioulu Men In O in ixli a.
George Krug , enternrising repre
sentative of Anheiiser-Huscti Hrcwing
company is again in town. This com
pany ills known intend to invest noaily
? 100.000 in Omaha this year , the first in
stallment of which was in the purchase
of a lot on the corner of Jones and Thir
teenth streets. A few days ago they pur
chased an adjoining lot , and ou this
property , the company proposes to build
immediately. The parties who now own
thu frame rookeries on tbo site wcro
notiliert to remove the same yesterday.
On the lot next to that to be devoted to
the business of Anhousor-Uush , that
lirm will erect a magnificent building ,
which will bo designed by Architect Voss
according to the lessee's 'desire.
For CoujjhsT Colcls mid Throat DIH-
orilors , use " /Jrott'ii's nroiic/ilal Ttnchcs , "
bavin ? proved their efllcacy by a testof many
From lown anil
There are now in this city several
wealthy Germans , refugees from Iowa
and Kansas , who have been more or less
interfered with in their saloon and
liquor business by tlio action of prohibi
tion , Ono of these , Mr. Poppindiok , of
Topokn , arrived yestenlav. Ho ib widl
known in this city nnd H is quite likely
will make this place his homo.
Notice to advertisers. All adver
tisements in THK BEE want columns ,
such as for sale , lost , found , sit
uation wanted , help wanted , etc. , arc
published in both morning and evening
edition of THE UIE ; , appearing in over
14,000 papers every day.
The South Omaha Land Syndicate has
laid out a piece of land on the west side
of the railroad , adjoining tlio stockyards
on the north , which will go on sale to-day
at 2 p.m. This is the most desirable piece
of ground in South Omaha. Those wish
ing lots will call at our otlico at once as
there will not bo a lot left at 6 p. m. iSat-
urday evening.
C. E. Mayne Real Estate & Trust Co. ,
Solo Agents , South Omaha.
The South Omaha Land company have
appointed < ' . E. Mayno solo agent for the
sale of their lots. Ho will show the prop
erty and furnish all desired Information
upon application.
[ Signed ] W. A. PAXTON , President.
Annual IMeotinjr.
The aookholdcrs of the Nebraska Tile
and Pottery company held their annual
mcetinir Wednesday evening nt thn ollico
of Sidney Smith for the election of di
rectors for the ensuing year , Samuel J.
Howell. John A. Wakeliold , J. B. How-
ley , Chns. U. Wostrcn nntl J. J. Grillith
being elected.
Al a mcoling of the directors held yes
terday Samuel J. Howell was elected
president , Chas. U. Wcstron , treasurer ,
nud J B. llowley , secrclary.
Now IB tha tlmato purity the blool , for lit no a the
so.non U llio body so imoutlbl3 tii bunotlt from
medicine 1 ho peculiar purtf jlnz mid rc\lilnx > iutil-
ItlPB of llooil'iiSarnapurl la are Just wl'at aren ed d
to expel dlspnso nnd fortify tli oytein agaln t the
doblllt.itlne oToeM of mild weather. Kvt-ry jour In-
creA e lboi > OPularUjrof llood'a Sarmparllli , lor Ills
JiiBt'whiilpoojiloncsditt tliln ajnion it Is tlie hlenl
spring medicine. If you IIHVO never tried It , do > o.
und you will bo convinced of Itt pccullur merit.
"Hood .Sarsapurllla has driven the polnon from
my blnol.und thoush "tl. i fechictlre and ulrong ua
ut M"\V. H.GnoKHUiCK.llrquklyn.N. V.
Spring Medicine
"I lake Hood's Harraparllln for n spring modlclno
and I flnd It Just tbo thlim. It tones up my y tern
and mnkca mo fei.1 Ilko n dlrrorcnl inau. Uywlfo
tikes It for dyip } | > sU > and sbo derives orAnt bunotll
from It" 1'u.lNK C TUii.M-U , llook i Lidd r Nu.
1 , Fr.ead stroct , llus ton.
"I had unit rheum on my led nrra three years
sutfcrlnK terribly ; It nnin tdU bled mo from work ,
1 took three bottles of Hood' * fcanapmllU , nnd the
mil rim urn has entirely dlnp | > iroil. " II , II , Mll.l.i ,
71 Krcnch sti ot , l.onoll. llu > .
Hood's Sarsaparilla
. I nil dnnriliti , Jls sit forW.rr paro.1only b
fioldbr nlldruKSlsts. Ill Sir for K. Prepared only by BoM by
C. I. IIOOI ) A CO , Apothecaries , Lowell , Mast. I C. 1. 1IOOI ) i CO. , Apolhocarloe , Lowell. Mm
' 1OO Wosen One Dollar
1OO in > ic .One
One Million Distributed Every Year
Only 92.00 required to secure one Royal Italian 100 francs gold bond. Thwe ban c
participate in four drawings every .ear and retain their original vain
Until the year 1944. Prizes of 2,000,000 1,000.000 , 600,000 , 850,000 , &c. francs will b
drawn , besides the certainty of receiving back 100 francs In gold , you may win 4 time
ls i ftfo , and th best , Investment ever offered , M the invested money must bepald boi
will to d * or nond ycur orders wllU raonsy
when bond inuturca. fljnd fordlroulM ai It par you ,
or roifisturod letter , or postal nutos , nnd In return w will forirardtho dooumenu
BERLIN BANKING CO. , 3OS Breadwur , New Vrk Citf.
N. B. These bonds are not lottery tickets , and their sale is legally pc rmitted in UieU
S , by taw * of 1873.
It Is not commonly known that a ling
proportion of the rhcmatfom anil nctiritli ; !
cxtanl Is traceable directly to the d ! < caici
condition or imperfect notion of the kidney
rind ll\cr ; therefore n remedy which cm e
the icsulting dUc.isc must have found ant
sinltlon the first caixe. Many petson
u iiiK Athlophoros for i lieuniatlsinruul ncu
ralgia have been sttrprised to find tha
chronic diseases of the li\or and kidnct :
have also been greatly relieved and thei
ha > c written for nn c\planntion. The fac
is , thai the remedy nets directly on thesi
organ * , cleansing them from nil initatini
substances and te ulntinc their action
Taken in connection \ \ Athlophoro ;
1'ills this Kithotit exception , the mos
valuable kidney and liver remedy In tin
world , and will cure a large proportion a
those who have these dis-cascs ,
Charles K. Griffin , Stuart , Iowa , says
"I have not had an ache 01 pain ol rhctima
tisni since I used the Atlilophoro" , which I :
now over a jenr ajo. For three month :
my store wa * closed , not being able to at
tend to my business at all. My joints wcr <
swollen and there did not seem to be an ]
part of my body that did not ache. Aftci
suffering in this way until the pain was al
most beyond cndmance , I went to Colfaj
Springs to try the clfects of the water. Tlu
c'av ' I left home I had to be carried dour
stairs. Alter remaining at the Springs :
month I came back , being i-oine better
After being home n few weeks I had a re
lapse. It was al this timuthat I learned p
Athlophoros. I sent for a bottle of it and ii
fifteen minutes alter 1 had taken the firt ,
do-.e I fell its effects , nnd whun I had fin *
ished thu third bottle 1 was well. 1 hau
not had any rheumatism since.
Every ilniuglst should kc p Alhloiiho
ros nnd Athlophoros 1'ills , but wliore
llioy cannot bo bought of the ilrugnisl
the Athlophoros Co. , 12 : ! Wall at. , o\v
York , will soiul uithcr , carda o paid , on
ri-coipl of rcculnr price , which is $1 poi
bottle for AthloDhoroa anil 50c for the
I'orllvor nnd kldnor diseases , drspepali , ( a.
weakness , norvousdotilllly , dlsonsos
of womiin , conatlpntlon. hondnoho , linpuro
blood , eta. , Atlilopboros 1'llla tire ntioriuullud.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000 ,
"WoduhHrotjy oortliy thnt \ > o gupuivlsn Iho
nrriitiKoinonls for nil tliti Monthly nnd Hoiiil-An.
iiual Untwines of The Louisiana iiliUe Lottery
Coiiuniny , mill In person nmiuiKO tuiil control
thoilniwIiiKfl themgolvus , nml ttiiit tlio HIUIIO are
conducted with honogty , fairness and In ( teed
faith toward nil imrtloj , nnd wo nutuorl/.o the
Compnnytoui * this corlltlcnte with fne-llm-
llos of our slRtmUiros attached , in Its udyortlse-
monta. "
Wetho undaiRlfrued Bnnkn nnd flankers will
pay nil Prizes drawn In Tbo Loultluua Slate
Lotteries whlobmny lie presented ill our coun
1'icsldcat Lotiislann Kntlonnl Unnk.
FiOBident Stnto Nntlnnnl Haute
Protldcnt Now Orlonns N&tlonnl Hunk.
Fria. Union Nntlonn Unnk.
Incoiporntod in 1808 for S5yonra My llio | CRB. !
turo lei Kcluchtlonnl mid Chnrltnblo purposes ,
with n capital of Sl.lHVJ.OOO lo wlilcli u io < orvo
I mid ol over fS'iO.uUO Ims slnoe boon ivilileJ.
lly nil overwhelming popular vole its frnn-
chlso was inndo n purt or the present Stuto
Constitution udoptcaDcooinbor Zd , A D. 1S7U
rhoonly lottery ovur voted ou aad endorsed
by the people of liny stntr.
It never sciilos or postpones.
ItBirrnnd single number drawings take place
monthly , nnd the sc.m-ntmutil dr.twinirs iciru-
larly c\ cry six mouths ( Juno nnd December ) .
Hit Omnd UrnwInR , Clues K , In the Acndomr of
Music. Now Orleans. Tuoadujr , Muy lUtn ,
lSd7U\ilth Monthly Dnurinir.
Notice. Tickets are SIO only. Halvas , S3
Filths 32. Tenths SI-
MHT m VMtV * .
\ CAPITAL PIUYK OK HM.OiM . $151,000
1 OKAND I'III/B nt fnioi ( . . . . oi.fW )
LAIIOK Put/its or in 00 * . . . . avx
HUGE PUKES or r , (00 . sj.noo
EOPuiZESOr l.OM . 2i,030
50 MM . r.ocn .
lee : rio . . . . ao.oiXi
SUM " ! ! 0,1 . . . . 4I,000
nee nxi . BO.noo
1,000 " M . 5J.OOO
Appnoxri iimx.
10t ) Approximation 1'rUos otSW ) . . . . f'U.OOO
100 " aw . auoj )
100 " 100. . . . lo.coo
8,170 PrUos nmniintlnvr to . Siri.OOJ
Application for rates to clubi should hn mndo
onlT to the oflloe of the eompnny in Nor Or
For f urthor Informal Ion write clearly , jnvlnif
full address. POSTALNOTK3 Expros * Money
Drdero. or New York Kzchnniro m ordinary lot'
ter. currency by axorong at our orpouae ad
iroM ° *
Washington , D. a
dtltti'enti ReyiHteretl letters to
NowOrloina fit
P TT TVT W Af n IP ? f TliHt the prciencn of
It 1'j ill & Oil Ii Ki Jt ooiinrm lJo uro iira iia
Ksrly , who nre In elinrao 01 ilia ilniwlnm , 1 * airiiar.
mlee of iitKOlutn fitlroox mil Inlojrltjr , tlmi Ilia
? lmnccfl lire till ouuiil. nntl that no ono can nc4lb 1
llvlne hnt numbers will draw 1'rlze. tDurNailnnnl Hit ik > aoarnntco
Iho iirtyment ( if | > rtio , mill thnt nil Tick < UM hpnr tie !
ilKiiuturo of Iho proildcut of un liihtlliiltou , hoflo
rruncliiHt ! In reciouitUcd Iti tin hUluiitcnurM ; ihoro-
ore. honuro ot uny Imltnlli'iu or unonjruioui
I GUHE ? * TS !
\itifnl car 1 da 1101 WMII mettlj to ui > Jjiom Kr a
. iaill lr t
tnrn ln.lm n
tlm ndlh nh T
I turn iniul * th < 1lMM o' flirt , fcl'Itir.iY : or FALLINU
mCKHBM lllopg ftnilT. lw rra t nrromnJrncu' *
l ruuon [ it
fulloj no
Iho worst tx B C OM ollilri b TO
not now roeelTler fi" ' B nd M'onw fur otr ttw iiil
'wlr. OI B P " ' '
rou notlilncrnr a trill , null wlUnirt
'a flfi „ ,
H cI 1Jr UUlllUd fur
nioiIlulnHl L'.o.
( on la Chltf , National Uuw <
of N.J.wrU !
"llr ll ntlon wat callM U
jrnot E j lon Mall WhUUj b ]
Mr. Ltlor , Drujjlit , ut Tr nU > u
and I li nitJ * fiw U'lUx
with far l tt r effect tliia anr <
bar * had. I am reomauin ! <
jonr artlcU In my 1 ratUtt , au
fled II itry tUtJClorj. "
arms i
r fTTTh * Om.U , kit tkt Slftttaft 0
JfsMtaUi f BitUi. * ' * UL
( nU l.iu hr th.U I )
1G. 818 aad 810 Raw 31. Phll&di'.okia ' P .
3oodmnn DruK Co. , ( enl.ARotit'ilOra ha
Nabruk * .
Ill cu i. and a uow aua
iunorufulOiUB tyour o ? n
homo l > r one irbo was deaf tweutjr olrUl
roars. Trenod by moil of thu uul dlpouia | .
its nllbout benrflt ; cured htruielt la ibrts
nontbi , and slor * ibeo lmtidrn.1j of others.
ITull particular * nl on implication , T , U ,
t'AUK , No.U _ trcttaist Ht. . wror < City.
. TbtOtJl
JfeiiudrUapinlUrscsrt. rr
ri ubrku
With the nppronch of spring
nnd the increased" interest man
ifested in real estate mutters ,
I nm uioro than ever consult *
cd by intending purchasers as
to favorublo opportunities for
invcstment.and to nil such would
When putting any property
on the market , and advertising
it as desirable , I 1mro invariably
confined myself to a plain unvar.
nished statement of facts , never
indulging in vague promises for
the future , and the result in ev
ery case has been that the expec-
ationa of purchasers were more
than realized. I can refer with
pleasure to
Ubright's Annex
And Baker Place
as sample illustrations.
Lots in the "Annex" have
quadrupled in value and are still
advancing , while a street car line
is already buildine past Baker
Place , adding hundreds of dollars
to the value of every lot.
Albright's Choice was selected by
mo with the greatest care aHor a
thorough study and with tha full
knowledge of its value , and I can-
conscientiously gay to those seek
ing a safe and profitable iiivebt-
mont that
iliglit's ' Choice
offers chances not excelled in thii
market for a sure thing.
Early investors have already reap
ed large profits in CASH , and with
the many important improvements
contemplated , some of which are
now under way , every lot in Ihii
splendid addition will provo a bo-
nan/a to first buyers.
Further information , plats nnd
priceh , will bo cheerfully furnish-
iuggies Ready at Ail Times to
Show Property ,
J18 South 16th Street
office ut South Omaha
A *
jy. it. Property for > atc ( n uU
purls of the city.