Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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That Element 'Jubilant * Over Rain in the
Winter Wheat Bolt.
Cnttlo Very Ocnornlly Dull nnd Weak
On Heavy Htock llojt UttslncsH
Active \Vltli No Change lit
Prices Quaint Ions.
CIIICAOO , April ll.-Spccal [ ! Telegram to
tholJti : : . | A llttlo ralu In Kansas and In
other parts of the winter wheat bolt gave tlio
shorts a llttlo relief on the curb this morning.
The price was run down i c and sorrowing
hbort sellers who , trom selling wheat they
didn't own have found themselves In the
grasp of the clique , believed fora moment
they were going to make their escape. The
relief , however , was only mental , and not
even that very long. Hefon < the opening
even there was a rumor afloat that heavy
margin calls were issuing from all bull
houses a presage of another advance. Im
mediately after the opening Irwln , Green &
Co. and Kershaw & Co. wore In the pit as
buyers , and the May option , which hnd gotten
before the opening as low as 83 ? c , was safely
above Sic again. There were no clearancci
nt New York. ThqSlbley waiehouse , which
was made regular by the director.- ! last Tues
day , holds 110,000 bushels of grain. Them Is
one other establishment the 11. & S. house
which will probably bo made regular nud
which holds 125,000 bushels. Neither of
these two elevators are on the river aud
whatever grain goes into them must go In
nnd out by rail , a fact which would make a
receipt from any of them piactlcally
worthless except to a "short seller. " The
board of directors will take the attitude that
It Is rhht for them to do anything which will
make It possible fora short seller who actually
brings wheat hero to mnko his "delivery. "
It Is contended that there will bo a serious
enough train blockade hero nt any event ,
even with all ramshackle old elevators Ionic
since out of Eorvlco made "regular" and with
warehouse mun authorised even to build bins.
Corn was dull but weak. The high rollers
Itoam , Jones , Partndgo and others aio play
ing tor : ! 5c coin In May nnd are standing on
their shorts. It Is po < slble that the wheat
deal might keen corn up. However , thcie
nro Hhotts In wheat willing to take out corn
If they will bo guaranteed room In the eleva
tors they empty. This , of course , would not
alToct the merits of corn , but might help the
speculative situation enough to cause a temp
orary rally. There were no guesses to-day on
the visible next Monday. It didn't seem to
cut any figure at all , not enough at any rate
to encourage anybody to go to
the trouble of making an estimate.
Neither after the market had * started
gohiK was there any Interest in what the sig
nal service bureau predicted. The whole in
terest centered In the action ot the clique.
All the gossip was about what Its brokers
would do when It cnmo May 1. Ono short
chartered a vessel now lying at Milwaukee ,
which has a capacity for 34.000 bushels. In
tending to bring his wheat thoio down hero.
Jlo took the precaution to condition his
clmrtorlnic of the vensel upon his ability to
got storage room for his wheat after ho sot It
here , lie found lie could not gut it and
throw upthochaitur.
Wheat was stronger on the afternoon
boaru and advanced J@Jf c. Corn nnd pro
visions wore quiet and steady. Wheat for
May sold at _ W > 4-Q84Mc. Juno nt
July at 81M@8Bfc , September at 81 ( < Wfc ; ,
December at 84S4J/c , closing nt 84s'c lor
May , 8lKS81c ( for June , 8ic for July ,
81 } < c for September , Wio for December.
Corn for May SSJfo Juno 40K@tOi.fc.
July 41XQtle , August 42Kc , closing at 3b %
@ 3t > ; < cforMay , 40 } ( < eiOXe tor June , 41MG4
4l < Kc for July. Oala tor May 29@2UJ c. Juno
StiKc. Lard for May 87.37K , Juno 87.45 ,
July S7.HiXShort ribs for May 87.27J * ,
Juno 87.40 , July 87.50.
CIIICAOO , April 14. ( Special Tolozram to
theBEK.-OATTin. | "Why don't the mar
ket advance when the receipts are so light"
is the query of ten put past ton. Tuesday
less than 4,000 cattle arrived and .sellers wcro
surprised when .prices wcro no better , but as
was stated at the time buyers believed the
cause was only temporary. Heavy supplies
west and cast at that very time did not look
as If the meagre run hero that day was the
result of scant supplies In the country and
the big supply to-day was ample proof of the
fact. To-day's market was generally veiy
dull and weak , especially on heavy stock.
Morn desirable kinds of cattle sold slowly
nnd fully lOc lower , while heavy cattlo.wcro .
15o lower and many could not be sold nt'tlmt.
Some big cattle which sold at about
54.85 to-day wcro much harder to sell than at
85.15 Monday or Tuesday. A good many
cattle were left unsold , some of which sales-
'men said could not have been sold within 20c
. of yesterilaj-'s prices. Wednesday's market
declined 3 < 315c and to-day 10@l5c , making
20@SOc since Tuesday. Shipping steers ,
1,8.10 to 1.500 Ibs. SLNjiDVOO ; 1,200 to 1,350 Ibs ,
S4.80@4.50 ; MO to 1,200 Ibs , 53.bO1.25.
Stockorn and feeders , S2.05@4.05 ; cows.
bulls and mixed , S1.75&3.M ) ; hulk , S'J.SO ®
3.00 ; slop-fed steers , S4.20cl.oo ( ; Texas
grassers , $3 50@3.50 ; corn-fed , *
lions Business was active , with llttlo 01
no chaugo In prices as compared with yester
day , the market closing steady and about all
sold , yet the market Is 5@lUc lower than at
the opening of the week. Common light 01
light light may bo quoted at 114.75(45.25 ,
.and Yorkers ht 95.45@5.50 , with a few fancy
attj5.7075. ( . Bout heavy sold at 55.75(3 (
6.85 , and packing sorts at I5.CO@-5.70 , wlto
common at 85,30(35.50. (
GbloMRo , April 14. Tin Drovers' Jour
nal tenorta OH follows :
Cattle Receipts , 11,000 ; slow and 10@15 <
off ; shipping steers , S3.80@5.00 ; stockers and
feeder * , $ a.C5@.05 ; Texas cattle , Ia50 l4.30
Hogs Receipts , 17,000 ; steady ; rougt
and mixed. 55.30 < < { 5.75 : packing and shfp
Ing. i5.B ( 5.87 } < ; llghl , 85.00S5.50 ; skips
NMIOIIR ! Stock Varan , Kant Ht
liouli , 111. , April 14. Cuttlo-Hecolpts
bOO : ( hlpraonts , l.ioo ; ouster ; choice heavj
native steers , S4.70 ; J5.2O ; fulr to goml sliln-
plng 8teorn. 54.004.70 ; butchers' steers , fail
to k' < w l. S3.-Oi38.00 ; btocUors , fair to good
* 2.20 a.lO.
llojjs Ki'cclpts , 4,000 ; slilpments , 9,000
active but a shade lower : oluilce heavy ant
butchers' fcolections , 85.f)0a5.70 ( ; packing , lai ;
to eood , $5.uO@5.50 : Yoikera , medium ti
prlmo , $5.20(35.40 ( ; plRs , common to good
KntiHaH City , Aprlllt Cattln Receipts
1.700 ; shipments , 1,1)50 ) ; miuki'l demorallzet
nnd not suillclont trading to CbtubllsU quota'
Hoes Hoceluts , 10.000ishlpments , 0,000 :
steady for choice and V > lower for others !
common to choice , J5.0035.M ) ; skips am !
plgy , 5S.50yJ4.VO.
r NEW YORK , April 14 , [ Hpcclal Tolegran
to the DKC.J STOCKS. ' I'ho stock tuarke
opened L'cnerally about steady this morninj
and for some securities stron , ' , l.oulsvllio J
Nashvlllo nnd Union I'jcino starting J
point , Wubash common } ( points and p're
ferrcd stocks 1 point higher. The fact tha
there 1 * to be no Immediate new Issue o
bonds lie ! pod St. Paul , which opened at ai
Advance of V per cent. Karly cables fror
London showed that a reduction In the Ban' '
of Knclnud rate of discount from 3 to 2 > { pe
cent bad caused n better biiylug demand fn
Atrerican securities , and this wasa strength
ciilne factor at tbe opening. After the tlrs
tradln ? the bears hammered values , Cam
mack uolne n seller , ami .prices dropped off
llttlu. lint this dcollnn was recovered vrlthl :
n short time , London buying Impartln
ctrenct'i to the market. The talk Is cor
bidcrably low universally bullish than a fdi
> 1a > s aio , tr.d predictions that values wont
go ballooning skyward are not to frequent
Bt , Paul A Duluth earning * lucr cd 13,04
the llrst week in April. St. Louis & San
Francisco was stronir , common stock advanc-
InirS.V points and preferred a points. At a
meeting of tlnj directors to-day It. was voted
that If Its earnings continued as at present
they could pay n dividend on preferred stock.
It was estimated that the net earnings for
Starch would show nn Im-rcuso of S300.000.
Louisville & Nashville was another strong
stock , advancing l f points and closing near
the top. The favorable earnings was a bull
argument , and foreign buying helped the up
ward movement. Iteadinc was active but
did not get much above tlic opening llguro
all day. It sold elf nearly 1 point from tbo
top price , but at tha close wai about where It
started. The rest of tlio list was pretty gen
erally lowur , showing a decline of ) { @M
joints for the day. The reaction now being
experienced Is but natural and lias boon an
ticipated by many , nnd to-day , under pres
sure of Cammaci ; and others , lower prices
liavo resulted. It la tliouzht that the grow
ing port Interest will of Itself soon bo suf
ficiently largo to chock any serious decline.
The total sales wciolV ! < ,411 shares.
( lOVKii.vMUNTS Government bonds were
dull mit steady.
vr.'jiT.iin.VY's QUOTATION. " .
U.S.r.'fl 100 1C. AN.V lit ) ' , '
U. b. 4'scoupon.M ) doiiiofcned..ll7K
U.S.4K'scoup .IIOJ N. Y. 0 ll'JJf
l > .tclllcC'sol"J. > . .lUO 1C ) . II. Ac N 101 ,
CanadaSouth'n. . 01J < ( ) . T : u' '
Central I'acllle.I'J I'aclllcMiill
Chicago .t Alton , 115 1' . , I ) , it ! : 85J < f
do preferred..KiO Pullman'f '
C. , U. .t O 1CJ Heading -
I ) . , li. \V loO-'i Itock Island. . . 120
1) . &H.G ayrSt. L. itS. K. . :
Krio : J"i ! do preferred. . .
tli ] ) refcrrtd. ; . . . Tl C. , M.ASU P. .
Illinois do preferred. . 120
I. , W 2f St. P. & O
K. i\t T SJVl < lo prtfcried..ll2J !
Jjako Shore M'if ' Texas Pacllie. . . . 20
L. . 'cN C9J4'Union Paellie. . . . OIK
Michigan Confl. . ! Hi W. . St. hit P. . . . 21 <
ilo. Paolllc 10S do preferred. . 37Jb'
No. Paellic 23 % W. U. Telcgiaph 77
do preferred. . . . 00 %
Mo.vr.v o : ; CALI , Eisy , ranging from
4 to 0 per cent , cloicd unVrod at 2J4 per cent.
Piasin MEitcANriLi : PAI EU igiO per
STKiitiixri KxciiANni : . Dull but steady
ot Sl.b5i".bO ) ( for sixty days , 84.b7@-l.y7i4
tor demand. _
Chlcnco , April 14. Following quota
lions are the u : u closing ligurc'S :
Flour Steady nnd unchanged. Winter
wheat ( lour , S4.'r$4.30 ( ; soiitiicrn , S1.10@4.20 ;
Wisconsin. 54.'iO@4.30 ; Michigan soft sprlne
wheat , 53.70l.30 ( ( : Minnesota bakers , S3.7I )
( Jt4.i0 : : patents , 84.5034.8J ; low cradcs ,
31.U"-.05 : rye Hour , quiet at S3.23 ( < J3.40 ; In
sarka and barrels , st : ( < ! s.70.
Wheat Tiadlng mo-tly local ; May fluctu
ated within J c ranu'o aixl closed ? c above
yesterday ; cash , 70 c ; May , 84Jb'c ; June ,
Coin Quiet and easier ; opened at about
yesterday's close and closed , ' < c lower than
yesterday ; cash , 34Kc ; May , 3s ; c ; June ,
40 ; n c.
Oats Followed after corn , being firmer
early and then reacted ; cash , 24c ; May , -'J
Jtyo 53
Uarley 52c.
Timothy Seed-Piime , S1.77.
Flax Seed-S1.04.
T'ork liilleash ; liiehersotliors unchanged ;
cash , § 20.00 ; May and June , 521.00.
Lard Weak early , closing about steady :
cash , S7.ajitf ; jiny ST. ; ; June.$7.4 > .
Hulk Meats-Sliotildortf , S0.100C0.23 ; short
clear , SS.GUftS.O. ) ; blioit ribs , 87.2,5.
Butter Easy ; creamery , 18@U4c ; dairy ,
Chccso Steady ; full cream Cheddars ,
135f4cllats ; , 13 ; 13 c ; skluis , 3 > 4@9c.
Kaga Firm at 12@12Kc. ,
Hides Weaker : heavy green salted , T C :
lluht , 7J/c ; salted bull hides , Oc ; dry sailed ,
lOc ; dry Hint , 12@13c ; dry calf , I3@14c ; dea
cons. 40c each.
Tallow Firmer ; No. 1 country , 4c ; No. 2 ,
34'c ' ; cake , 4 > fc.
Hecclnti. ! Shipments.
Flour , bbla . 14.000 10.000
Wheat , bu . 5'Jooo
Corn , bu . 175,000 23,000
Oats , bu . 01.000 48,000 . 1,0-30 1,000
Uarley , bu . 7,000 10,000
New York. April 14. Wheat Ho-
celpts , 82,500 ; exports , nouo ; spot K@Kc
higher and active ; options opened lather
easier , subtequontlv ruled stronger aud ad
vanced ; ! < @ % cclo3liig at near the best rates ;
ungraded red , UlH@UKc ; No. 3 reJ , 01 } < c ;
Nt . I red , 95c ; No'ared , VMe In elevator ,
f. o. b.,04c dcllveied ; May , 01 %
Corn Spot about } { c and options a trlllo
hlKlier , closing llrm ; lecelpts , U.COo ; oxpoits ,
9,000 ; ungraded , 4bia30c ; JSo. 2 , 49 0 in
eluvator ; May closing at 49c. .
Oats A trillo higher , but very quiet ; re
ceipts , 33,000 ; exports , 49 : mixed western ,
IK@5c ! ; whlto western : i @ 42c.
Petroleiim Steady ; united , C4Jfc.
Kxgs Steady ; western , 12 ( slitc.
l > oik--Moderato demand ; mess , 815.00 ®
Lard Dull and heavy and 3@5 points
lower ; western steam , spot , quoted at 7.G7.
Uuttor Quiet andwoak : western 10@25c.
Chcesu Firm with fair Inquiry from the
Milwaukee. April 14. Wheat Firm ;
cash , 77) ) c ; May , 7b c ; Juno , 79 ; < c.
Corn Strong ; No. 2 , .TSc.
Oats Steady ; No. a white ,
Kio-Steiulier ; No. 1 , Olj < c.
Uarloy Firmer ; No. 2 , 55e.
Provisions Easier ; pork , repacked , 515.50.
BlinnoapoiU , April 14. Wheat Steady ;
No. 1 hard , cash , 75 > i'c ; May , 76o ; June ,
7t > c ; No. 1 northern , cash , 74 < c ; May ,
7Cc ; No. 2 northern , cash , 73 c ; May , 74 > c ;
Juno , 75Jfc.
Flour-Firm : patents , 94.25C44.40 ; bakers ,
Jtecelota Wheat , 79,000 bn ; Hour 125bbls.
bhlpmonts Wheat , 12,000 bu. ; flour , 17,000
Cincinnati , April 14. Wlioat Nominal ;
Mo. a red , t&c.
Corn Kasler : No. 3 mixed , 42c.
Oats Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , Sic.
Ilye In peed dnmaud and firm : No. 2 , 03c ,
Pork-Pull ntS10.75.
Lard-Quiet at 57.15.
WhIsity-Stoady , at 51.13.
tilrerpool , April 13. Wheat-Quiet bnl
steady ; demand poor ; holders otl'er model-
Corn Quiet : demand poor.
St. hottU. April 14. Wbnat Firm ; cash ,
7 ! JV 80 > < c ; May , 60J < c.
Com Barely steady ; cash , 35c ; May ,
D dats Firm ; cash , S7Ko ; May , 28 c.
Pork Quiet ; now , 818.00.
Lard Nominal at 97.15.
Whisky 81.13.
Butter Lower ; choice creamery , 24Q25o :
dairy , 18(32 ( < c.
Afternoon Hoard Wheat Firm and
higher ; Mar , B0n'c ; June , BOKc ; July , TO
August , 79 > ic. Corn About llrm aud
changed. Oats Quiet and no sales.
tansan City , April 14. Wheat Nomi
nally lower ; No. 3 rod , cash , 70o asked ; May ,
C'Jkc bid , 70c asked.
Corn Shade higher ; No. 2 , cash , SJ c
Did. SBftcnskcd ; April , 32 'o a Vcd ; May
o bid. 83c asked.
ats-Cash , 29c bid.
Now Orleans , April 14. Corn null
weak and lower ; mixed , 4'Jc ; yellow and
white , 5le.
Oats Kasyat37Wo.
lloz Products unsettled and generally
JilKhor ; pork. flO.25 ; lard , 87.00.
Hulk Meats-Shoulders , 50.47 ; $ ; lon clear
and clear ribs , SS.50.
Corntneal-82.15 ( < J20. .
I Thursday , April 14.
t Cuttle.
The receipts ot catllo were fairly llbera
t but wheu compared with yesterday show f
loss of 2 > X > head. Tlio mnrKct was inclinoi
f to SH > slow and dull owing to the few buyer :
a on the market. A goo t many cattle wen
a loft over. The rvuket clmod weak.
r Tha receipts of hoxs were nearly as heav ;
r as yesterday. The market opened abou
steady with yesterday and fairly active. Tin
bulk oi sold were taken early In tin
clay. In addition to the fresh receipts ther
were about seven loads of stale hogs on thi
market. The market closed with no one try
Ing to buy and twelve loads loft orer.
There were a few In but no sales reported
CUttle 00
Uo ; §
Provnlllnic Prices.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for llvo
flock on thin market :
Choice Steers , 1300 to 1509 Ibs. . . . 84.35(3 ( J..V )
Choice steers , 1100 to 13.M ) Ibs. . . 4.15@l.3'
Fat llttlo steer UOO to 10M Ibs. . . . 3.K > ( gt.80
Extra cholcecows and heifers. . . . 3.60ic4.00 (
Ctootl to choice corn-fed cows. . . . .00r3.lO (
Common to medium cows . 2.7.V < { 2. ! > 0
Good to choice bulls . 2.WV(13.2.5
Light and medium hoes . t > .10 ( < { 5,20
Good to choice heavy hogs . rViX'W.HO '
Good to choice mixed hogs . C.20Crtri.2.j
Choldo sheep , 90 to 120 Ibs . 3.15&I.OO
Ilc prcsciitntivo Males.
STKE It1 } .
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1..10M ) S3.50 21..11S7 S4.2.5
1. . . . 770 3.75 19. . . . IICO 4.Ti !
IS. . . .110IJ 4.00 19. . . .1181 4.25
4. . . . ! M ) 4.00 19. . . .1218 4.30
19..10IS 4.10 : . . . . 121 4. ! )
17 . . .122 < J 4.15 S4..1248 4.33
No. Av. Pr. Nd. Av. Pr.
19. . . .1113 5 : .S5 1..10W S.1.W
7. . . .1007 3.40 1. . . . ! > 00 4.00
, .
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
S. . . . C'JO S3..W 2 . . . CIO S3.S:0 :
nu 1,1.9.
No. Av. Pr.
1..HIV5 i3.'Jo
No. Av. Shlc. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
73 . . . . 22 1 SO Sr > . 0"i CO . . . 233 ISO 85.20
75. . . . SW 120 5.10 75. . . . 207 100 5.20
ori..s ino 02. . . . sw bo 0.20
f,4.'r,5 ! , 40 5.15 ,0..y& 40 ft.20
7J..2 : ) ! 120 5.15 72. . . /.Mb 40 6.20
O9..2i0 : 100 5.15 OO..S71I SO 5'JO
71. . . .2)1 ) bO 5.15 01. . . .275 210 fi.25
75..2TO10 5.15 07 . . .200 40 525
71. . . . 2 20 120 5.15 M . . . .250 bO 5.25
C0..2JS 40 5. Pi . . . . .CC-i bO 5.2.- ,
09..2T ! ) 40 5.20 71 . . .271 1'20 5.2' >
74. . . . 210 40 5.20 07. . . . 257 120 5.25
7J..203S ! &J 523 71. . . 243 120 5.25
10..235Q120 520 OI..U5S . . . ft..W
CJ..2.M 40 5.20 07. . . . 211 . . . 5.iO !
73..2 J4 . . . 5.20 . . 01 . . .209 . . . 5.30
Showlne the hUlnst and lowast prlcss
paid for loads ot horj on this nurknt during
ihop ut sv ) n days aud lor tliu samu tuna
last month and a azo.
March 1 . Apilllbsr. April 1 Sat ! .
Hth . .
) th fi.OJ Oi.Wl .100 C'it.OO
oth B.03 fiM.7i 1.73 euoo
1th 5.0U
L'tbl 3 W © 'LIU ' 4
Uth 5.10 vr : , 3 77SJWJ.U I
4th IS. 10 . .w < avi7 : 11.75
Sold ,
Shnwlnzthn number of hos bought by
lie leading buyers.
HOC ! ' ' .
Vnglo-American Packing Co 17h7
U. Hammond it Co 3iO
Total 21IS7
Leftover . - 7cO
Allsalos of stock in this market are made
icrcwt. live weUht unless otherwise stated.
Dead hogs sell at Ko per Ib. for all wolzhts.
' 'Skins , " or ho s weljhltu less ttnn 10) IIH.
10 value. Pregnant sows are decked to IDs.
ndstagsSJ Ibi. by tliu tm'jllo InspoJlor.
Lilvo Stock Notes.
Hogs steady.
Cattle dull.
Cattle market closed weak.
Twelve loads of hogs left o\cr.
Ono load of hogs was shipped to Chlcauo.
The quality of the hogs averaccd very fuir.
C5co. Melsncr , Shelton , was here wltu thteu
oads of cattle.
E. P. McMahon , Fremont , was at the yards
ivlth a load ot cattle.
I ) . E. Tiiomas , Genoa , Neb. , was h ere with
Ix loads of cattle.
W. M. Harbour , Manloy , was In and mnr-
-ccted a load of cattle.
J. P. Malloy , Moninoiith , 111. , was amen
ho visitors at the yards.
E. Pcttoys , Shelby , came in with a load of
attlo which sold on tliunuuket.
Mr. Jennings , Jackson. Neb. , was In and
old two loads of corn fed steers.
The trade In stackers Is quite lively and a
good many are changing hands.
Mr. Gleason , IJlooininpton , Neb. , was at
ho yards with tlaeo loads ot cattle.
1 . 13. Claypool , Orleans , Nob. , was hero
ivith a load of cattle and n load of hogs.
A Greenameyer arrived at Council Ululfs
yesterday with seventeen loads ot stockvrs.
The Superior Cattle company , Lincoln ,
bought two loads of feeders on the maiket.
Sir. Clark , formerly pioprletor of the Mes
sina , la. , Dispatch , was looking over the
Mr. Sutton , of Mclutosh it Sutton. a well
known live stock shipper , wa * hi aud
marketed live loads of cattlo.
E. Moser , , manager of llendol & Miller's
feedlug cbtatJIlshmcnt , Edgar , Nub. , was in
with six loads ot corn fed Colorado steers.
Sam Gosney , hog salesman for Savage &
Green , has returned lioni a trip to Chicago ,
where hit has been to make ariaiigemouts for
tbo removal of his family to Omaha.
General I'roditoc.
Thursday , April 11.
77icA > lIoiut7i7 ! prlcc-i arc for roitwl lots of
pj-oduce , CM sold on the market to-a-vi.
BtirTKit There is nn occasional package
ot fancy butter that sells above the quota
tions given below. Choice country , 20i ( 22c ;
fair to good , 1518c ; common , 12Me.
UP.ESNBD Poui.Tiiy Not wanted.
Livu POUI.TIIY Chickens , S3.50@3.75.
CHKKSE Full cream cheddaisslngle,14 } < c ;
full cream flats , twins , MqK ; Young Ameri
cas , 15c ; fancy Swiss , 10l7e ; Swiss , im
ported , 25c : Limburgcr , 1 lo : brick. I5@l6c.
JJKANS-Inferlorstock.7oMSl.00 ; good clean
country , S1.00C41.25 ; uiedlum , hand picked ,
81.HOQl.tO ; hand picked , iiavv , S1.50@1.X ( ) .
PROVISIONS llam , 12@iic : ; breakfast
baron , rib. 10.40 ! : breakfast bacon , plain , lie ;
dry salt sides , bV983/e ; dried beef , regular ,
lie ; d
cans ,
cans , Fairbanks , "Kc ; 5-1
be : H-lb cans. Fairbanks ,
CAiinAnu The market is well supplied.
California cabbaco , choice , perlb,3c.
OAUI.IFLOWKB There is a lair supnlj on
the market Cauliflower , per dozen $1.50@
APPLES The market Is weak and trade Is
not heavy. New vegetables and fruits nrr
beginning to take the place of apples. Eastern
orn stock is out of the market and all that
remain ; ) Is Missouri stock. Choice Missouri
Block , S4.WXgJ.60 ; common Missouri stock ,
| 3.00@3.50.
NEW VKOKTADLKS The market Is a little
moio active and stocks are moving more
fieely on account ot the weather becoming
warmer and moio settled. Spinach , per bbl ,
$2.0032.2. * ) ; top onions , per dozen bunches ,
S540e ; California celery , per do/pn , UOc ;
radishes , per dozen bunchesA36@40c ; lettuce ,
40c ; pie plant , per Ib , be ; Call torn la beets
nor Ib , 2u ; California carrots , per Ib , 2c ;
California aspagus , per Ib , 15c ; cucumbers ,
per do/en , Si.2.5 ; southern string beans , per
K-bu box , Si.M : ) ; southern peas , pcr-bu
box , 83.60 ; Bermuda onions , per bu , 87.00.
OYSTKIIS Horseshoe brand , 2rc : stand
ard , 2Sc ; Selects , COo ; extra selects , 35 ; N. V.
counts , 40c.
GAMK Mallard ducks , per doen , 2.00 ;
teal , per dozen , Sl.M : mlxod , per dozen , 51,50
@ 1.75 ; geese , per do/en , $3.00@3.'iO ; brants ,
per dozen , 52.00.
LKMO6 Stocks are beginning to move
moio lively and hlidier prices are antici
pated. Messina , choice , per box , S5.CO ; do ,
fancy , per box. 55.50.
ORANGES Trade has been Improving dur
ing the past few days and a creat many more
orders are coming In. California , lilver-
slde. perbox , * 4.00 ; California , Los Angeles ,
per box , S2.75rijs.00 ; Mediterranean sweets ,
* : Messina Imperial , fancy. 5.50J5
0.00 ; ban Gabriel , slnilo box lots , 3,00 ; San
Gabriel , B box lots , 2.85.
STiiAwiiEniiiEH The receipts have not
boon heavy and the market la fairly active.
Strawberries , per at , 40@45c.
MALAGA GBAPKS The supply on the
market Is not heavy. Itegular size casks ,
55.00 ; laico size casks. S5.50.00.
PisEAri'LES A few pineapples have arj
rived on the market and are in Rood condi
tion. Pineapples , per doz , 4.oo@5.00.
BAXAJUS L&rgebunches , per bunch , S2.00
( 3.00.
OLD VEOETABi.js-Tho : demand Is llhgt
lor most kinds of old vegetables and stocks
are moving slowly and mostly In a small way.
Onions are not brlnginc quite as much as
limy were. Onions , choice stock , per bbl ,
3.50fl3.79.nHeels , carrots , turnips , etc. , per
NUTS Afflw black walnuts are coming In
from the country and are s6w ! sale at 75c per
bushel. The following are the wholesale
prices at vrntch orders from the outside are
filled : Almonds , iiOc ; pecans , large polished ,
Kc ; filberts , HcBr ; ztlp , HowaluulsNaplci ; ,
20c : walnuts , Chill , IJc : peanuts , 11. P. Vlr
glnla. fc. '
FLOUR AND Mtu.9TUPFs Winter wheat
flour , best quality patuut , S2.75 ; second nual-
Itv , S'-OOyf2W3 ; best oilnllty sprtnit wheat
Hour , patent , S2.lo@9.ia ; bran. 70c pcrcwtr
chopped feed , 75c per cwr ; whlto corn meal ,
We ; yellow corn , moal. KM We per cwt ;
scrccnlntr , { AeS'.le pr qwt ; hominy , SI.50
short ? , 70o per cwt : graham , SI.73 ; hay , In
bales 87.00 per ton.
Groccr'N Mit.
PiCKi.r.i Medium.tln. bbls. J9.00 ; do. In
half bbls 81.50 ; small , in obis , SI'.00 ; do , In
half bbla.So.CO ; ghcrkliu ' , in bbls , 510.00 ; do ,
In half bbls , S5.f * . '
JJUOAU Uranulatoil.u'VROKe ; cotif. Af@
O'tc ; white extia C , 5rv ( 3 4c ; extra C , ' ' - ' *
5Hc ; yellow CWi ( < iVlo\ \ cut loaf , "
powdcicd , < y < < i7c.
COFFEKS Ordinary grades , r > ( a
primp. 10 , c ; choice , lGViU74c ( ! ;
Red Cioss , 21e.
-Oyster Htandnn pcr case.
rles , per case , tf 0.00 ; plums , per case , ? ' 3.51 ;
blueberries porca c , S1.S5 ; cxe plums 2 Ib ,
per ease. 2.50 ; plueapnlns , a lu , per raso
S3.2o.75 ; 1 Ib mtiJkeiel. per doSi. . 10 :
1 lo salmon , pci dor , St.50al.55 ; 2 lo , goose
berries per case , SI. 75 ; u Ib string oeaus. per
case , Sl.i ; "Iblliuabcaim , per case. 81.00 ;
S Ib marrowfat peas , per case. Si50ifj.OO ( ; 2 Ib
early J tine i > oas , per caso. S-V. ! 3 Ib toma
toes ; . < f2.5jrIt.ra:3 Ib cm n SJ.40WJ. ' > 0.
MAI ouns Per caddie. 25c ; square cases ,
S1.70 : mulcsuare. ( | 81.2u.
Svntll' No. 70 , 4-pallon kegs , S1.25'T1.3 ;
New Orleans pcrcalmn SSCnlCe ; maulo syrup ,
half bbls , "old time , " per gtllon , 7.'c ' ; 1 gal
lon cans , per doS10.00 ; halt gallon cans ,
per do5.50 : nuart cans , > -
(3AXDY ( Mixed. bitfOllc : stick. S } < f@OV.c.
CKACKKKS Garnuau's sods , butter aud
picnic. 5 > $ c : creams.b c ! ginger snaps , o c ;
citv soda. 7k.
hTAuoii .Mirror glnss. l Ib. Co ; mirror
gloss 3 Ib , 5Ve : mliror clos , Olb , ojfo ;
Gra\es corn , 1 Ib.o c ; Klligsford's coin. 1 ID ,
7c : KlnuMfnrti's gloss , 1 Ib. 7e : Kings ford a
L'lo > s 010. 7 } < o. Klnirsfoid's pure Mb. 5 ! o ;
Klncsford's pure , 3 Ib , * Kc ; Klngsfords
bulk , 4c.
b AiM Kirk's savou Impcilal. 52.70 ;
Kirk s satinet. S3.00 ; Kill ; s standard , S3.0V
Kirk's white liusslan , S . 00 ; Kirk's white-
can , 50.50 ; dome , 5.3.S5 ; washboard , S3.10 ;
whlti ! cloud. S3. 75.
General m
\AKMSHI : " Uairo'.s , per gallon ; uriil-
tun- , extra , W.10 ; furniture. No. 1 , 81.00 ;
couch extra , 81.40 ; ro'\eli , No. l , J51.20 : Pa-
mur , extra , 31.75 ; Jamn , 70c ; nsphaltum ,
extra MC : bhellac , S3.50' bard oil finish ,
iir.AVY llAimwAitn iron , rate S2.S3 ;
sawed dry , 51.50 ; tongues , each. 80c : axels ,
each. 75c : iquaro nuts , pur Ib. Ol ( ! 71c : roll
chain , per Ib. GHfjjr'c ; malleable , @lt'u ; nou
wire , in car lots. S4.03 per 100 Ibs. Nails ,
rates , 10 to ? . SUO : steel mills. 53.9 , ) .
Unv PAINTS White lead , 7c ; French zinc ,
12e ; Paris wiiltinsr , 2k'c ; whiiing , clldern ,
! % c ; whltiin : , com'i , T'/c ; Umpblaclf , ( ! er-
nanstown , I2c ; lampblack , ordinary , be ;
Prussian blue.55ciultriima.rliu' , itfc ; vandyk-
brown , 8e ; umber , burnt. 4cr umber , raw , -lo ;
sienna , burnt , 4c ; .sienna , raw. 4c ; Paris
: reon. Rcnulno. ' & > Ci 1'arl.s green , com-
noii , 22c ; chrome creon , N. Y. . 20c ;
vormlllion Aiiiencaii. Itc : innian
raw aud burnt tt > cans , i2c ; raw and
inirnt slunua , 12c ; vaiidvko brown , 13c ; re
ined lampblack I2c : coach block and ivory
black. ICc ; drop black. ICc ; Prussian blue ,
40c : iiltiamailno black : ifcc ; chrome croon.lj. ,
M. A 1) . . lOc ; blind and shutter gioon. L , . . At.
& I ) . , lOo ; Pariq green , ISo ; Indian red , ifts ;
Venetian red , v'e ' ; Tuscan , lSc ! ; American
vcrmllllon , L. it 1) . , Qc : yellow ochre. 2c ; U
M. & O. IX. l c : coed ochre. ICc : n.ifni
dryer , bo ; cralnlng color , light oak , dark o. t
\\nltuit , chestnut and ftsh. 1'Jc-
Dr.uosA.ND ijiiEMiCAi.s. Ac d carbolic ,
' " ' " 'c ; acid turtarlc , 52c ; b.xlsam copaiba , per
, nOcbnik ; sassiitra < . per Ib , lOo ; calomel ,
nil , pastor , Mo. l , per gal. , S1.50 ; nil castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , $1.4" ; oil olive , per gal. , 81.40 ;
oil oriL'aiiuum. 50u ; opium , § 1.50 ; quinine.
P. , fc W. and H. AS , , per , oz. 7Ce ; potassium
Iodide , per tt > , S'i.nO ; sallcln. per o1'Jcr sttl-
Bhate inorDhlne. uer o ? . 5 1. 5 ; sulPhur , per
' '
U.4c ; strychnine , nrroSt.2 > .
AINTS is OIL White lead. Oraaha.P P. ,
c ; white lead , St. Louis , puio. .c ; Mar
seilles , gronn , l Ib cans , tic ; Freucn zinc ,
cieen seal , 12c ; Frencli zinc , red seal. Uc ;
Froneli zinc , in vamhli anst. 20c : Fench
7lnc.7fios Termllllon , Entcllsh , In oil , 75c ;
red , lOc : rose plnic , I4c ; Venetian red , Cook-
feon'H , 2 c ; Venetian icd. Amoilcau. IV c ;
redload , 7Jfc ; chrome yellow , genuine , sOc ;
chrome yellow , K , 12c ; ochre , rochellu. 3c ;
ochre , Ficncb , 2Jfc ; ochre , Ainoueaii ,
IKe ; Winter's mineral , 2i n ; iehfffh biown ,
2 , ' < c ; Sranls.Ii . brown , 2 } c ; Prince's mineral ,
Cologne spirits , IbS proof , 51.17 ;
do 101 proof , S1.13 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , 51.17 : do l&s proof , 81.10 Alcohol.
188 proor , 32.20 per wlno callon. Kedlstllled
whiskies , 81.00i41.50. Gin , blended , 51.0055
? .00 ; Kentucky bourbons , 3iOO0.00 ; Keiu
tucky and Pennsylvaulu ryes , 52.00,40. 5U ;
Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies ,
S1.Y > Q3.00. Brandies , imported , S5.00QS.50 ;
domestic , S1.80@3.00. Gins , Imported , 81.50
010.00 ; domestic , gl.25a3.00. ( ChampaRnes ,
imported. Mr case S2S.OO@33.00 ; American ,
per caso. 810.00(810.00. (
HIDES Gicon butchers 5Ji@Oc ; green
cured. 7c : dry nint. Ilitl2c ( ; drv salt , Oi lOc ;
Kreen calf skins , o ; damaged nides ,
two-thirds price. Tallow 3)fc. Grease-
Prime white. 3Kc ; yellow. 3 > * c ; brown , IJf
Sheen Pelt.s 25O75C. / /
I'tTus AND SKINS Tno Hollowing prices
are for prime , well handled skins ; Ueaver ,
prime , clean per pound. S1.503.00 ; fallS1.2i
( g2.00 : meatvnna inferior. S1.00@1.25. Bear.
biown and grizzly. 85.00(38.00 ( ; nubs und
yearlings , 3-.00 4.00. Badger , 60SOOC. Cat ,
wild , 20@tOo : domestic , black. 10 < 8l5c : do
mestic , bumlry colors , 5(3 ( o. Fox , icd. 81.00
(81.25 ( ; cross , 2.00@-t.OO ; grny , 40@)0c ; silver.
810.00(340.00. ( Fisher. 84.00 ( 3.00. Ottor,84.00
00.00. Martin. 8l.00@175 , Muscrat , win
tcr , large , lite ; fall , 5c ; 'kltts. Mink , i largo
dark , 3a40c ; small aud pale , 15@20c. Jtac-
coon , large prime , 40@50o ; small andlnferlor ,
20@iOc. : Skunk , common , 15@35c. Wolf.
largo crcy. 81.50@2.50 ; coyote or prairie 75@
OOc. D er aud antelope , winter , per pouna
15c ; 'all ana summer , per pound 20c.
Dry Ijutnhcr.
No. 1 , com , Rl s . . . . ' . 510.50
No. ' . ' .coin.Bl s . 17.50
No. 4 , com , sis . J . . 13.M
No. 1 , 4 & 0 in , 12 & it tt , rouh . 510.00
No. U " " " " " "
, . 15.00
A , 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft..i . S83.03
, " " " . . .i . 20.50
C " " "
. 15.00
D , " " " . W.OO
Istcom. , ff in While ri'lno Cellini ? . SW.OO
Clear , % In.'Norway 1'lno Celling . 10.00
. . . . , . .o
A 0 Incb , whlto pluej.M . 33.00
O ' . . . , . ai.iin
E ' " ( SclKen'c ) . W.OO
. , . STOCK. UpAUDS.
A 12 Inch 8.1s . 5 , " . S45.00
No. 1 , coin. 13 in s. 1 i , 12. & 14 . 20.00
. ion . 10.00
No.2 " " ' ' 12 , \ ; 14 ft. . . . . 13.00
left . 17.00
1st nnd 2d , clear , 1 w incft , s. 3 a . S50.00
8U , clear , 1 Inch. s. 3 s S * > Itf , IK. 'J In 45.00
U clear , l Incu , s.Zt so : 1 # , IK.'J in
' ' '
White Cedar , 0 lu. , > i's' 12c ; 91n.qra..Uo
Quinoy whlto lline ( bust ) . SI. 00
Akron cement . i.e.
Hair . so
snip i. A P.
No. 1 , plnin , 8 and 10 in . S1P.CO
No. 1 , plain. , and 10 In . : . 17.00
Cora. 4 and 0 in. lloorlni ; . ? W.oo
Clear % In. ceiling , . 21.C
Clear In. partition . 25.00
Clear ; In. partition . 2i5
Clear. Iinlsh , 1 and W In. s. Q s . 29.00
" corrugated colling. 4 in . 25.0
O. Q. Butts , 2X in. . 70o ; H , s. 1 s . 4U
I'lckcts , D and U ( Jut. ; . . . . . . . . S31.00
XXclonr. , { 3.00
Cxtra A * U.b5
A * stanttnrd 2.75
A * 11.1) . Ac 1J 2.5'J
111 cl 1.75
In , 2.00
No. ! . . . 1.50
jAtll 2.50
Arrive ii'a\e
1) in a ha Omaha
) cpot lOih nnd 1'iurco st .
'noltic Expioss Tnonm : 8:20 : pm
) r > n ver "Express r > :20mi : | 0.r : , nm
"Local Kxprcss 11:00 : nui 5:05 : pm
Except Sutulny.
U. & M. 11. It. K.
Depot lotli nnd I'aclllc sts.
ilntland Kxpiosa ' RMS pin 10:00 : am
Nlulit Kxprcss 10:00 .tin 7M5 pm
0. H. & Q. It. U.
) cpot 10th nnd 1'iwllie sti.
Mnll nnd lixprusi 0:20 : a ni 0:00 : pm
Chicago Express 7:10 : Din 0:20 : am
K. C. St. ,1. A 0. U.
Ippot UHli nnd I'aclacsta.
Mnll 7:10 : p 9:20 : nm
Express. , * TW > t3:45 : pm
ftKxcept Monday.
tKxuui > t Saturday.
C. St. I' . M. * O.
Icpol tStli nnil NS'ebjter st.
Sioux City Express sJ:15 : nm
* UatiuroltAecimimodatloii I0i0am : ; 5:45 : pin
* K\wot Huiulay
) epot ifitli nnd Webster st.
Jay Expiess 0.a" , am 11:10 : nm
S lilit Exiiress r : : 'Uiml :10 : pm
jlncoln 11:10 ami 0:10 : pm
TKA1NS. US Y'ds. Omaha
Except Uuiulav. 0:00 : am * 015nm ;
Trains lenvlni : U. I' , depot - * 7i05am 7'inm : : )
pot In Omaha nt I0"i5 : n. * S:10nm : 8 : : > " ) ; un
n. , 5U. : > p. in. nnd 8:20 : p. H:50nm : : 10:00 : nm
n. , nnd thnvj leaving 10:55 : am
Jnlon htock jards ntOOl : 11 : : ) . ) am t:00in ! : | )
i. in. nnd 10:51 : n. in. nrc Jr,0pin : 3:05nm :
tlnonuli pnsscnicr train- ; : n : , ' ) " ) pm 4 :05 : pm
ill others nro regular .stocU liwpm :
vaids diiiniiiy trains be- fl:15 : pin ri.T : > pin
WITH stock yards and * 8'J5pin : 'H'.OOpni '
Uiniihn. s ; . ! ( ) pm
J eave Lcavo
U.I' . UK1DOUTUAINS. Transfer. Omaha.
' 'Except Sumlay. 7:12 : am tn : $ s nm
tComu'cte with S. C. fc * 8:15nm : * 7:35am :
P. at Council Uluffs. 0:25 : am aiOOnm
1iConnect ! ! with C. U. it 0:42 : am 118:40 : am
O. , C. & N. W. , C. M. A 10:87am : * 10:00am :
St. P. . 0. K. I. & P. at 11:47 : am , ll.lOaui
Council ItlulTs. * l:30pm : * l:00pm :
IConnects with W. St , 2:37prn : :00pm :
L. it P. at CouncinJIulT.s. 3:37 : pin 12:20 : pm
( Connects wil'iall oven-l 4S7pm : ! 3:00pm :
Ing trains lor Chicago ntj 5:50pm : * 4:00pm
Council Hlnffs. Tialns 6:43pm : , 5:00 : pm
leave Orn.iha at Union 7:10 : pm 5:30 : pm
Pacllie depot , 10th and 7:43pm : lG:10pm :
Pierce streets. 8:50pm : 7:00pm :
10:47 : pm1 8lSpm :
31:55pm : | 10:00 : pin
I 11:10 : pm
, Leave Arrive
CONNECT1MG LINES Transfer Transfes
depot depot
C. U. I. A P. : 7:15 : am ! > :15 : Tin
AH'i'iains inn Dally. 0:15 : n in 5:25pm :
0:40 : pm 7:00pm :
C. A N.V. . I
0ir ; a m O la m
All trains run dally j
0:40 7:00
: p m : p m
C. 15. A Q.
All trains run dally. . . . j 0:35 : am 0:15 : a m
: p m 7:00 : p in
C. M. A St. P.
All trains run dally. . . . . j 9:15 : a m 0:15 : a m
0:40 : p m 7:00 : urn
K. C. St..I. AC. I ) .
* Kxcept Saturday. 10:00 : a in 10:35 : am
lExccpt Monday. * 8:55pm : 0:30 : pm
W. St. L. A K ?
All trains run daily . . I 2 ; 13 pm 335pm ;
, , S C. A P.
All trains ruu daily. . . . . 7:05 : a m 0:35 : a m
C:25pm : 8:50 : pm
The only ronfl to tnke for Dea Molncs M nr-
Bhnlltown , Cedur llnnlds , Cllr.tin , Dlxon , Chica
go , Milwaukee itnd all points cast. To the people
ple of Nebrnskn , Colorado , Wyoming : . Utali ,
Idnlio , Ncvado , Oregon , WnsblnRton nnd Csll-
fornlB , Itotlors superior advantages not posil-
bio liy any other lino.
Amonjf afowof tlio numerous points of u-
pnrlorlty enjoyed by tlio pulrons nf this roftd
between Omntm nnd Chicago , nro Its two trains
adny of DAY COACHES , which nro the finest
that human nrt nnd iMgemilty can oroato. IU
I'ALACnSbKBI'INUCAKS.whloh are raodoU
of comfort and olegnnco. Its PAULO It DHAW.
INQ HOUM OAKS , iinsurpassed by any , and tta
widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING C'AUS
tno equal nf which cannot bo found elsewhere
At Council DluflB the trains of the Union Pacific
Ky. connect In Union Donot with those of thn
Chicago & Northwestern Ity. In Chicago the
trains of thli line make close connection with
these of all eastern lines.
For Detroit , Columbun , Indianapolis. Clncln.
nati. NlanraFalls , Buffalo. Plttsbunr.Toronto ,
Montreal , lloston , Now York , Philadelphia ,
Baltimore , Washington and all points In the
east , ask for a ticket via the
If you wish the best accommodation. All ticket
agents sell tickets via this line.
UenU Manager , flonl. Pass'r Agent
Chicago , 1)1. )
w. M. luncocK , L. n. BOLLES ,
Western Agent , City 1'iiss'r Agent ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
To Business Men.
A prominent Now York Manufacturing Cora
puny , with an established and highly romtiner
atlro business ( practically a monopoly ) largely
patronized by Merchant ! ) , Hunkers , Corpora
tions , and the general public , desires uu active
and responsible representative in every state
or city , 100 per cent upon limited Investment
guaranteed , tiovornl states ulieudy unJor con
tract. Address ,
New York City.
ol the tody tnl&recilsnilitrcniittiencil. i'ull particulars
scut ( sealeU ) tree. hUlKMfcllCALC0..11utljlo ) , N. V.
ItilO North IGth Street ,
Paid in Capital , - $100,000
OEO. E. DAHKER. President.
ItOUT. L. UAHUCIIS , Vlco-Presideat.
F. U JOIWSOX , Cashier.
F. tt > Joii.vso.f.
A general banking business transacted.
Interest allowed on tlmo dcpoilti.
Omaha Jobbers' Directory.
Agricultural Implements.
\VhoUfn1o IK'altr In
Agricultural Implements , Wnons ,
lluculf" . Jonca ctroo , belne a Oth
niU Olh.Omkki , N b.
LINING ER tO METCALF CO. , Implement ? ,
Wncont.rnrrlMO" , nutxlei , Rts. , Wholf al < , O-nh .
Jobbers of Hardware niul Nails ,
Tinwnrp , Short Iron. KIC. AeentK for Howe Senlei ,
and Miami l'uiTjTrl'o.Omnh . .Nib.
rAULiyton EX-DO it r , tv
\Vlioloale Dealers In
Agrricitrmrnl Ituplciucuts ,
( tatton , nnJ Ilusalp. . S01.WMW nml'.CT , Jonrnt
ArtisTs' Material.
Artists' tutorials , Planog niul Organs ,
! M1 IMnglns Flrooi. dm h .
Ruildert' Hantwar * and Scales ,
riv.irfJTi7frrrlB"2'Tr7.fTSI >
Mechanic * ' Tools nnd Muffaln Sc.ilen. 1(05 DouglHiit ,
iriniilm. 7 Vb
ffoais and Shoes.
SHOE CO.1fIM.Vl' ,
Manufacturer ! iiU'l Wliolrnnlo Dealers In
Hoots nnil Slini'3 ,
Coraplcti * utocK nf Hubl'Or tlooils nlwayi on hf.nd
X ) S. 13lliiit..Umnlin.Nfb. A.T. Au.Hu.Accul.
Jobbers of Itoots niul Shoeg.
1111 rarmm it , Orunhn , Nob. JUuufnctor/ , Summer
ftlri't , HoMiin.
\VliolcHiilo Ittibljor liootj niul Shoes
Itulibor niul ( Hlol ClothliiK niul Kelt Hoot a
ami Shuoa , Southoust Cornur U1U nnd DOUCI.IB.
. for Attheuser-Bush Ercwiiiff Aas'n
Hpccliil Ilrnnds. Fault , tludwolicr an
Lnper Beer Urowcrs ,
1131 Norlli llh Btrcct , Omnha , Nob.
Butchers' Tools.
Hutchcra' Tools anil Supplies ,
Sauiago Caitngi of all klndi alwaroln atock. 1115
Junvttl. , Omaha _
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Omaha Coffco nnd Spice
Tea , Coffees , EptccK. Ilaklnc I'ondcr , Flivoilac
trocti. LBUDdry Illuo , Ink. Ktc. HU-IC llurey
Btrcat. Omnha. Neb.
Home ColFee nnd Spire Mills M'f'ar Co.
CoirpoHoniitcriand Fplcn Orlndort. Mannfactureri
nfllaklnx I'cmdcr , riaiorhi. : i\trnet , niulnt ; . itr.
Trr onn nn > ot our M pncknc * Ilomelllcnd Ho.islea
Ootfpe.tu \ \ ilimnrd "t. . ( iraniiii. Nuf.
John Eponcter , Prop.
Manufacturer of tlalvnnlicd Iron nn-1 Cornice. 921
Dodzo nnd 103 nnd IDA N , 10th at. , Ornlhn , Neb.
JtUE&iriNQ < ! d VOLTE ,
Manufacturer ! of
Ornamental Galvaul/cd Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , Klnals. MotBllcBkjllitut , lc. 3108.
itn tt. , Omaba.
C. Specht , Prop.
Galvanized Iron Cornlcon , etc. Bpcct'slraproTed Pat
ent MotallchkyllBht. MM nndClU H.rait t.Orn.tha.
CO. ,
Jobbers of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , BugSt
Linoleums , Mnttlngt , Ktc. 1511 Doufla * itrcct.
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattlngi , Curtuln Uoodi , Etc. 1U3 Fanmia Strc ,
Omaha. Neb.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for the llauufacturcr aud Iraporten of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , Chlmitoyn , etc. Office , 81 ? South llth ( t
Omaha , Nob.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing.
Duller , KURD nnil Produce. Coniljtiroeiits solicited.
lleadquiirtrrn for Htonawuro , Ilerrr Hoxi's null
Urniiu llnskeii. 1111 DodgehlrtotOunho.
' '
Commission Merchants.
Frulti , Protluco and rroTliliins. Oniahn. Neb ,
' " *
Storapro ami Commission Merchant.
Spcclaltlci nutter. KgR * . Cliceoo , Poultrr , Qaico ,
Oystrri. Ktc. , Ktc. 112 Hoiub lull street.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , llutter , Dame , Kiulti , etc. 320 8. Kth it
Omaha , Neb ,
Coal antf Lime.
Uiu. ! . I.uiAcm , i > r i. O. r. aoonuAK , V. Pica.
J. A. HUNDBKLAND , Sec. and Treai.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
903 Snntli Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb.
j. , r. jouxsoif as co. ,
Uannfacturers of Illinois White Lima.
And Fhlppor * of Coal and Cok , Cement , PlaiUr ,
Urue , lUlr. Firs Brick , Drain. Til * and Rawer llpe.
omca. Paztoa Hotel. ITarnam it. , Omaba , Neb.
Telephone nil.
F. P. FAY < e CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbmof frulli.Nuti and Cli'oia 1211 Vatoam BU
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Qana aud Ammunltlou , ! 1J torn 8. lllb it. , ION to
14 Farnam it. . Omaha. Neb.
Mauufactnrers of Fine Clears ,
And WUoleiala Dealeri In ! .c f Tobaceoi , NOB. 10 !
and 110 N. VtVh atruet , Omaha.
Dry Goods.
M. E. vifjTIl tO CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishiiiff Goods &Notlona
1102 and 1101 DoutUi , cor. llth Bt. , Omahn.Vob.
DUtlfleri of i.lquori. Alcohol nnrt Bplrlti. Importers
and Jubb r \VtnRaaadJ.lqunri. .
CO. find ILER a ) CO. ,
Importori mid Jouborcof Finn Wine * aud I.lquom.
Bole ni nuf clurrr ( it Kpnnedi'3 Sail llidln lilt-
tcrtanil Duuiti'.lo Llqumn. 1UJ IMrnrrbt.
Drajn Tile , Etc.
A. Il.8AUEKp/-ei. J.W.nnni'onn.Soc.AT'eai
H. J. CAI1EON , Y.l'rUK. ami gupt.
Offlco Z13 P. 14th it. . Omaha. Neb. Machlncrr and
tiiippllei < forManufiioturluK Cement Drain Tile.
' * "
W. HO'JElia , 1) . S. Dili IHIJH
Tcs. r. < TAnr.i iFn tWJ , Vina. '
Jobbers aud Storors ol Grain.
blpiaoiiu i * 11 j , tt I t i ij.
Otnliati Nob.
Furniture ,
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
Farnam it. . On.aha , Neb.
Furniture , lio'ldlntr , Upholstery ,
Mlrrorite.IJOS.IJOJ aodinc l'armm it , , Omaha.
Omaha Jobbers' ' Directory.
Groceries ,
ittrroNT GA L LAGTu'iir\c \ rort
Wholcsnlo Groccribs timl Provisions ,
Noa. TIB.'PI , tOt mid ills. _ 101h.Mi. , Omni . N b.
" " "
McUOltD , 1WADY , C G'O. ,
Wholcsalo Grocers ,
. , Onmm. !
ir. tr. BROATCH
Hcnvy Hardware , Iron nnil Strel ,
Bprlug , Wagon Slock. lUnl * rn Lumber , do. 120 *
nil Ull llnnifr m. . Om lii > .
EDNEY.C GinnoN ,
Wholesale Iron niul Steel ,
Wxtcnnnd Orrn i Wood Stock , rtMTj lUrdwtr *
Etc. imanimii ) l.tntcnwurllin..0innlm , Keb.
Stoves , Kaiifres , Furnaces , .Tiles ,
Janlloi , tirntai , llriu Cltxidi. 1331 aud 1323 Fsrnm
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
WrontM nnil Cast Iron tliilMlnn Work , Iron Flair * ,
llnlunp. tleitms nnd ( imleM , sieam KiiKlneK. llrnM
WorktUnprnl 'foiinilrjr , Machlco anil lllaikmulIU
Work. OlUeoaniWorks , I ) . I' . Ujr.nmtmtintrrPt.
V. II. MC.MA.VH" . C. St'l.MVAJf.
Wire ami Iron KnilliiffH , Desk Unlla ,
Window ( Until ? , l-'lowcr Snni1 . Wlro Pljm , ISta
l'3N. ICth. Onlurj byinall proniilr | | ntlondcilt * .
OMAHA 7,17,11 , / , ' 7 ? re CO. ,
Dialer U AllKlntliof
.Huililiiifir Material at Wholesale.
IStli Street and Union rnclfle Tnick , Omnha.
Dealer in Lumber , Lutli , Lime , Basil ,
Unorc , Kte. Yardi-Cnrncrlh anil Doujjlnsi Cornef
Bth niul llmulaa , _
Wholesale Lumber ,
ill P. Uth Ktrpet , Omnha , Ncli. F.Colpctrcr , JHnncor.
ISlUnniirnllforrlnyirBcts. Omalm , Kcb.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor. Cth and Douglas sis. , Onmtia. NoX
To Dealers Only.
Office , HOJ Farnnm street , Omaha.
Hardwood LumhcV ,
Wood Caircls and Tarnnct Flooilnir. Dili and Douglol
AVholesalo Lumber , Etc.
Imported and American I'ortlnnd Cement. Rtntl
Agent lorMllnntikpn Ilrdraullo ( 'oinonvand licet
Qnliicy While LI mo.
Live Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John F. Boyd , Bupertntcr.dsnt ,
Lirt Stock Commission.
_ _
Live Stock Commission. ,
Ono. Butkp , Mannprr
Bnlon Stoet ranla. B. Umnhn. Jelephone M.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Rbjpmcntaof nnv nnd nil kinds of Stock nolloltod.
Union Htock Yanln. Omaba , Ncli.
Millinery and Notions.
Importers and Jobber * ot
Millinery and Notions ,
HIS and 1215 Hnrnor Sh oet , Omnlia , Neb.
Wliolcfalo Dcalcrn In
Notionnnd Knrnishlnp ; Oooils ,
10.1 and < 01 S. Tcntli St , Omnha.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jrani rants , Shirts , Etc. 1103and 1WI Doujliiu Strc L
Umahn. Neb.
Paper Boxes
J. L. WILK1E ,
Manufacturer of rajier Boxci ,
B.Uth S t. . Uranb , Nabratka. Ordon by m
llolltdanil wlllre < nlT pr ai l attention.
Job Printers , Blank Book Makera , -
And Book Binders. 10(1 ( and 10R South Fouitosntll
itrcit. Omaha , Neb.
Auxiliary Publishers.
DMltn In Type , Presses and Printers' Supplies. M
South Twelfth Street.
Manufacturers and Dealers In
Engines , Hollers & General Machinery
( Uisct Iron work , Btflam I'limpf. Saw Mill' , Acme
Khafliner. PodKO Wood split 1'ullfys , IHiHInc , otc.
Alto wncnns , ncrapors , and bait ties. 121 M21j Ltv
rcnnortu st. Omahn
Wholesale Hardware.
Western "cents for Jcffcrnon f-'teel Nulls. Austli
I'owdcrCu , Kulrbnntu Ctnndara Malos. Corner
lUtli niul Ilarnor , Uicali.i.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Ctoamnnd Water Sunnllts. Hcailtjunrtrrs t r Molt
! ooitCo' llo.yl . llliyatum n..Omah .Koli.
runapn , Pipes and Engines ,
Water. Iti-llncr nnd Mllllr.i ! gupnllci. EM
W. VV ur.d 'M Kurnnni St. , ( ininhn , Keb.
nalladnr Wind Mill * : nteara nnd Wter Rnppller ,
l > lumhln ) ( oois , nclllnr. Hoio. Ml Hint I'M ' tar.
nuui ii.Ounlin. ft. K. I'elton , Uanugir.
Safes , Etc.
P. ItOYER 0 CO. ,
' & Lock Co.s'
Agents for Hall's Safe .
Fire and Itnivlar Proof H.ifei , Time Ixicki , VaulU
ajid Jail Work , 'yi Knrn m s'rort Omaiia , N8b. _ _
Omaha Kafo Works.
Manufacturers of Tlr and llarelat 1'roof Safes , Vault
Uoors.Jnll Work.Hhuurra and Wlni .York. Cur.
llth nnd JackionHts , i.'in ii , NoU , _
Sash , Doors , Etc.
Wlioleialo Knnufinri' : > of
Sash , DonrH , Illhuls and Moulilings ,
JJrnurh oWco.Utli and li M tt3.Cr.r.t:3Kh. :
\ Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blirds ,
Moutd'.ntii'talr Work and Intprlorllard Wf.ftJ > ItiliJl
! Jv t oi' ' nca , M. r.'cr. Ml'MHl J.invenrfttlibM.
| C'latba , .Net- .