THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY. APRIL 15. 1887. DRINK. STATISTICS. What Americans Tnko to Sluko Their Thirst. WASHINGTON , April 14. . In the quarterly report ot tin-Ciilotot thii bureau of statistics the "consumption of distilled anil malt liquors nnd wines" and estimates made by recognized authority 1.4 dwelt upon at some length. In round numbers the consumption of distilled spirits , domestic nnd Imported , In this country , is shown to have Increased from -11,000,000 gallons In 1 10 to 7J,000,000 In 1SSO ; of wliii-s , from 4 , 03,003 gallons , to M.OOO.OOO , and of malt liquors from 2.5,000,000 to 013,000,000. An elaborate statement , made by F. N. liarrett , editor of the New York efrovor , by request of the chlof of the bureau. Is given , which sots lorth , among oilier thlniM , that the present average * expenditure In tills country per unuuin for malt and spir ituous liquors and boor at retail Is 3703,000,000. The drinking population Is estimated .to bo (18W1) ( ) ll.Stt5.417 , inaklmr the average expend - pond Itnre per capita S1VJO. Uarrctt shows by tables covering live years , from lba tolSS4 Incltul'.c , that the consumption of spirits Is decreasing whllo that of beer Islncreaslne , and that there is a reduced use of wine as a beverage. "During this period , " ho says , "tlio consumption of coffee has risen from eight and two-tenths pounds nor capita to nine and eleven one-hundrerttns pounds. Do not thMo Incts show that milder stimu lants are driving out tholr llery competitors , and Is It not due to tlio great agitation ot the temperance question ? ' ' IluslnoRH Failures. MILWAUKEE. April 14.-hato yesterday Afternoon the wholesale grocery house of Cloodrlch & Wanner made an assignment. Neither assets nor liabilities can bo approxi mated or estimated with anv deaye of accuracy. It is probable that the assets will bo exceeded by the liabilities by a consider- CHICAGO , Auril 15. The firm of Claop & DavlM , wholesale jewelers , failed to-day , linvlnir confessed Judgments in the aggregate for 8137,000. Volanto ARitliiBt the Rard. BAN FIIANCI.SCO , April 14. Referring to A. J. Cassett's acceptance of K. J. Baldwin's challenge to race Volanto against any horse B mile and ft half for 810,000 , bait forfeit. Baldwin has telegraphed the Turf. Field aiwl Farm stating that ho would match Volanio against Cassett's The Ward , the race to tak place after ttio Chicago races , provided Vol- antu Is then In good condition. Mm. IIuwo Auiiln Absconds. t BOSTON , April 14. The Herald states that Jlrs. Sarah O. llowo , of Woman's bank fame , has absconded with 850,000 of the de positors' money. Ever slnco her release from confinement on the charge of swindling depositors In her bank she lias contlnue-l re ceiving deposits of money from women , pav- ) ne or proml.slni ! to pay an exceedingly burn rate of interest thereon. A warrant has been issued and the olliceis are searching for her. 1 Will Make No Attack On Haytl. J PAHIS. April 14. The Temps says Eng land has assured Franco she has no Inten tion of making an attack on Haytl. Eng land , the Temps adds , has reduced the In demnity demanded of Haytl to 5160,000 and the French admiral who was ordered to pro ceed to Haytl with a force to protect Ku- ropoaus , has been ordered to leave Uaytlan waters. Promoting IrlHh nianufAotnrlne. DUHI.IN , April 14. Parnell , Michael Dav- Itt and a number of other prominent Irish men are actively engaged In the work ot promoting the organization of the Irish Wool Manufacturing and Exporting company , with a capital of § 500,000. Arguing to the Jury. Mounts , 111. , April 14. In the Schwartz and Watt murder trial both sides have rested their case nnd the day was devoted to open ing areumonts. It is thought the case will be given to the jury Saturday tn time that the verdict may bo rendered that day. Conk Uounty's'Jloodlors. , April 14. The casus ot the in dicted county bood'era ' svas called up In the criminal court this forenoon and were aealn Reid over until Monday , when a motion to quash the indictments will bo argued. Dial no Rapidly Improving. ST. Louis , April 14. A special to the Post- Dispatch from' Fort Gibson says Blalno Is rapidly Improving. Ho will bo able to leave the house in a few days if his Improvement continue ! ) . Failed to Indict. COLUMBUS , O. , Aorll 14. The grand Jury to-day failed to Indict Prosecuting Attorney Hilling on the charge of perjury , growing out of the tally sheet cases. The Poor Farm Appraisement , The commissioners appointed to ap praise the portion of thu poor farm whicli will bo sold on April 27 made their report - port to Judge McCtilloch yesterday. The total vnluo placed upon the 235 lots is f 200,450 , nn nvurngo of $878.51 per lot. The property occupied by the county buildings and mljacont grounds will bo eold with the reserve privilege of a two years' lenso by the county. It Is ex pected that the sale will realisu nn nruouut nt least 35 per cent greater than the appraised valuo. Ijlocnsert tn Wad. Judge McUulloch issued marriage licenses yesterday to the following par ties : Name. Residence. Age. ( JolmO. Olson Omaua SO 1 Augusta Strom..Omaha 19 ( Roximts Nelson Omaha 27 ( llanslna Omaha 20 ( TneronA. Stratton-Oakdale , Neb 89 I Anna Shugurt Philadelphia SO Mall Clerks. Chiol Clerk Grillln of the railway mail service hns gouo to Chadron , to examine sovcral clerks who have recently been admitted to thu service. ItUAJj KSTATE. Filed April 1.1 , 1887. 15 A Hanson , trustee , to the public plat of Itpnson , n X sec 13 , no J , of U , 8 K aw so 1 , nw of HW see 1 , BW n w of 1 , ne sec 2 , nil In 15 , 12. ands CGf acres of w K so : s , 1C. 13 , dedication. Charles McKay to Ferdinand Stroltz , K Int of lots 14,16 , bll : ! : : ' ! , ( 'rand "lowadd , wd 5 50 Anna'Al U McCormick ct al to J E Noon , Al 1) , lot 'J5 , bile 5 , Duor Park , wd 000 South Omaha Land I'o to Herman Tombrlnk , lot 4 , blk iiJ , S Om , w d. . 000 M P Uust to Alfreds II PlnUiam , n 70 ft of sK lot W ) . Ul-so's add , w d 1,700 Jl T Leavett et al to David S Bur roughs , lots Strickland nub divot blk'O. Shlnn'sUd add , w d 1,550 Peter AV Sumlbom and wife to P K Flodman , lot 1 , blk 17 , Hold's add , wd 200 Donnls Cunningham and wife to Ju lius C Her , ot lots 1 , ! ! , blk 1 and lots 1 , 3,3 , and n S i of 4 , blk 7 , Cun ningham's sub add , wd 55C : ! Dennis Cunningham and wife to Den nis Godfrey , fifof lots 1.3. blk 1 , and lots 1. U , H. and n ) - * > of 4 , blk 7 , Cun ningham's sub add , wd 5,250 Cunningham U Scott and wife to Susan K Hart , K lot 2 , Mk 1W , Omaha , w d 8.00C B FTroxell to ihu public plat ot Trox- ell's sut > dlv , being a sub dlv of lot * * , C Iso'.s add Omaha dedication. n Ii Hainacmttl to Valentine Dumiwrt , lots 4. fi. blk 1 , ( > * te City Pan ; , w d. S5 ( Samuel K Itogera and wife to FriU MulliT , lots 5,7 , llasonll and KogurV sub dlv ot lots 'A 57 and 63 , S E Itosors' plat of Oknhoma , w d 1,03 Edward Illuwett nnd wife to Wilson " --"srsw of sec 11,10 , ll , q o. . . . 1 Building tNirinltfl. Superintendent Whitlock Issued build ing permits yesterday ns follows : C.v. . Mount , barn , 9ih , near Popplo- ton . S 22 Alfred Drown , l story frame cottage , Castellor , near 17tb . W Win. Olson , 1 story frame cottage , Charles and 24th. . . . . . 501 \Vui. ( ilbson , remodrl dwelling , 29ih ami Douglas . 50) ) . Anderson , a 1W story frame dwell- h--5Oth 2,401 ALLEGED MISMANAGEMENT , An Explanation of the Financial Troubles of the National Opera Oompany. A WILD UNION DEPOT RUMOR. Defeats Moth Nolllo < Jrt cl > lo'H Troubles Hunting Her Ilustmnil The Poor Farm Ap praisement Other Local. The National Oporn Company. The National Opera company loft last night at 10 o'clock for San Francisco. Their doluy of forty hours in Omaha , winch wai so vexatious to tins miinago- mont , was caused by a hitch in the ar- raiifiomcnts which Manager Locke had made with the Union 1'acillc railway to take the entire company to San Fran cisco by special chartered trains at a cur tain rate per mile. The amount agreed upon was guaranteed on Wednesday morning by the backers of the company in Now York and all arrangements made for the company's departure for the west at once. At the last hour the Central Pacific gave notice of a domurr from the agreement made by General Passenger Agent Morse , of the Union Pacific , and thereby caused the delay. Man ager Looko could not proceed until the Central Pacillo people given satisfactory terms in order to avoid the great delay that would bo necessary at Ogdcn by the weighing and transferring of the com pany's baggage and effects. All day yes terday Manager Locke and the Union Pacilic olllcials wore in telegraphic com munications with the ollioials of the Cen tral Pacific and the Now York capitalists who are backing the company. In the meantime the lesser lights of the com. pany wore enjoying themselves. The girls wore frisking about the depot as hap pily and unconcernedly as though noth ing was the matter. A largo number of them strayed over to Kosslor's hall , and busied themselves in emptying beakers of lager , while these who did not care to walk so far , made.up a purse and ordered a plenteous supply of Krug'a best. The men amused them selves by playing base ball , foot ball or cards. In fact , none of them seemed to care whether "school kept or not. " This line ot amusement was kept up until 8 o'clock' last night , when the difficulties 'wore announced to have been adjusted and the switch engines were nut to work making up the opera trains. This stopped the merrymaking and .inaugurated a hustle on the part of the company to got ready for the start. Messengers were dispatched for members who were amus ing themselves at a distance from the depot , and preparations begun for the 'ou ride. The train was announced to itart at 8'30 o'clock and all was in readi ness when Manager Locke was called up iown to hold a conversation with Mr. Connor and Mrs. Thurber in Now York' This lasted until 0 o'clock and evidently resulted satisfactorily , as the moving orders were given very soon thereafter. Manager lxcke was seen by a BEE re porter as ho was hurrying to the depot after his conference with the directors of the company in tho'east. "Wo ao as soon as I can reach the train"Tie said , in response to the query of the reporter. "Evorythmpj has been arranged satisfactorily. The DEE was 'n error In the statement that Mr. Hunt ngion of the Central Pacific was ininii cal to the company. On the" contrary , he is one of our heaviest stockholders and was instrumental in effecting the desired traffic arrangements with the Central Pacific , by wnlch we are enabled to leave to.-night. Wo have had considerable and I desire you to express publicly my thanks to the Omaha gentlemen who aided mo financially during the com pany's delay. I have just had the pleas ure of returning thorn all the money they advanced and 1 appreciate their kind ness very much.- "VN ill you be able now to reach San Francisco in time to commence your en gagement on Monday nightJ" "Wo will roach San Francisco some time on Sunday. Wo have n contract for a twenty-ono-night engagement in San Francisco at a guarantee of $1,000 a night , commencing on Monday night , and wo will get there in time to give the company one night's rest before our sea son opens. We will have a right of way and will make the trip as Apidly as wheels can carry us , stopping only for water tindfuel. " At 9:80 : o'clock the trains were pulled up on the main line of the Union Pacific and started for the Hying trip to San Francisco at n few minutes before 10 o'clock. Alleged Mismanagement. "So much has been said and written concerning the financial troubles of the National Opera company , and the prob ability and possibility of the venture proving a financial success , that I desire to add my opinion , formed from a knowl edge of the affairs of the company , " said a gentleman prominently connected with the management of the company to a OEE reporter last night. ' 'The enterprise is the greatest one of IU kind over at tempted and yet In the right hands could be made a financial success. Under the present management it cannot bo made to pay. I say this with all respect to Mr. Locke. Ho Is a manager of ability , but there ia something flagrantly wrong in the present order of things. Treasurer J aft ray has been quoted in the HUB as placing the expenses of the company at about ? H,00 ( ) a day. You will be surprised to lenrn whore this expense comes in. In the first place Mr. Look gets : 800 a week for Ins services and has full managerial power. He has thren treasurers at' an ex pense of between $500 and $000 a week. Ho has four door keepers and never uses but ono of them. Neither of them re ceives less than f50 a week. Ho had four electricians at salaries that are com manded by the experts in this lino. Ho cannot , and does not furnish work enough ot this kind to keep one man busy. Ho has five stage carpenters at big salaries and yet when the company ar rived hero the services of a local stage carpenter were employed to arrange the stage and scenery in the exposition building. Then ho hns three or four sur plus ngnnti who seem to have nothing to do except to travel with the company and draw their salaries with becoming regularity. In all , Mr. Locke pays out of the pockets of the stockholders in this great enterprise at least $2,500 per week for services that could bo very well dis pensed with. Of hia object or gain in so doing I know nothing and faro less , ex cept that as a musician and lover of such enterprises I hate to see such u magnifi cent enterprise Injured by apparent needless extravagance. The company also pays Theodore Thomas $1,000 ii week for the use of his or chestra. Thomas gets 11,000 a week additional for his name and services while he stays In New York and entrusts the direction of the orchestra to an as sistant who pulls nn additional $500 a week for his services. Of course Thomas and his renowned orchestra are neces sary to thn success of thff enterprise , but the owners of the company are foolish to allow Locke to pay auch enormous sal aries to persons from whom ho receive * no dirrct service.'Outside of these ex tra vajjuuci's the expenses of the company are not so abominably great. Jncli gets $1,000 n week , but with this exception the salaries of the singers are not largo and the number of the company tends to lessen the pro rata expense. Properly managed the venture would prove a financial success. " A AVIlil Humor of a Union Depot. The rumor was spread last evening that the railroads at present terminating their lines at the transfer depot and also the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha , Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley , and Missouri Pacific had come to an agreement upon a grand union depot project in Omaha. The Union Pacific and H. & M. were not reported to be in the combination , it was further stated that the purpose was to condemn for depot purposes a largo and valuable portion tion of the city lying north of Dodge street and cast of Twelfth street. The Information at first came from Mr. Frank Delono , and ho was sought. Ho slated that his brother informed him of it. His brother could not bo found , but C. K. Mayno , F. A. Nash and several other gontlemcn , who were supposed to bo in a position to know , wcro inter viewed and cacli and all declared that they know nothing about It. Mr. Nash being witli the Chicago & Milwaukee , which company is conceded to bo Interested in the Nebraska Central project , ho was believed to bo good ' authority. Ho stated that at present the relations of various companies were so strained that ho did not believe it possi ble that such a combination could bo mado. Mr. Mayno , as ono of the projectors of the cable line which proposes to build on Dodge street , was also regarded as very likely to bo informed. Ho awowed that he had never heard of such a thing and could not credit it. The generally accepted theory was that the rumor sprang from the condem nation proceedings which the Nebraska Central is taking-to secure bridge premi ses and depot grounds , presumably 1'oT the benefit of the Milwaukee. STRUGGLE OF THE GIANTH. iiElilIn Throws Moth Twice Another Contest To-night. Uetwccn two hundred and tlireo hun dred men with their hats on and enjoying the solace of the weed made up a small , black group in the vastnc of the expo sition hall last evening when Colonel J. H. McLlauglilin , the champion collar and elbow wrestler of the United States , and Charles Moth , the champion Griuco- Koman wrestler , mot in a throe-stylo match. John Prince was selected as roforoo. The first bout was collar and elbow , both men wearing small jackets. Time was called at 9:113 : , and as the wrestlers secured a firm hold on each other's jackets the comparison between them was especially noticeable. McLaughlin was the perfect picture of the Hercules that ho is , but a Hercules out of tri m. While his ponderous biceps , chest and leg muscles showed m nil their sym metry , it was evident that they wore soft , and at the bolt was a tendency to corpo- rosity which belongs to the business man and not the athlete. Moth , on the other hand , while not making the show of muscle which his opponent did , was clearly haid and wiry and m splendid competing condition. Where his mus cles appeared they stood out knotted and. clearly defined and at the waist there was no stomach to impede his cat-like move ments. The contestants tugged a little at each other's collars and .tapped logs with their foot , but no move ments of strength were shown until the third minute , when McLaughlin secured a grapevine lock and in a Hash Moth was down. But in going ho had turned half around and slippery as an eel , ho broke away. Again Mao caught Moth with his favorite grapevine , and again the agile German turned in the air. A third time they struggled , for a brief space , and then McLaughlin made n lightning trip with a powerful twitch and Moth lauded fairly nn his shoulders. The crowd cheered and commenced to warm up into considerable enthusiasm. The time was D:14 : } . * After a ten minutes' breathing spoil they mot in the Gncco-Homan , Moth's favorite , and in which ho is the acknowl edged champion. Attor a few minutes close hugging and two or throe tugs by each to test the other's stability , Me- Laughliu turned Moth and sent him dowmynrd. It appeared when ho started with his back fairly to the lloor as if ho would sutler quick defeat at his own game , but ho whirled in the air and struck on his hands and knees. Then as McLaughlin tried to turn him ho literally ran out from uiulor the Michigan Hercu les and was on his feet before the latter had * hardly time to regain his own. Again Moth was forced down by his powerful antagonist's strength ami a second end time he made ono ot his surprising Hums and broke away , amid vociferous applause. When they came together again it appeared as if ono or the other's nook would bo broken. They turned and strained and their muscles stood out like bunches of iron. McLaughlin twice secured the hold ho was after , but Moth slipped out. Then Mac found his grip and made a spcndid turn and force , put ting Moth on his head but the latter bridged just us skillfully , keeping his shoulders from the iloor , and rolled out from under. Again" and a third time this was done , and finally both antagonists came to the lloor. Then Moth for a time forced the struggle and twice ho nearly turned McLaughlin , the l.Utcr'a immense strength nlono saving him. Moth seemed to be , and in reality was , loading his antagonist to attempt to catch his nock in a full Nelson , -so that ho might break it and catch the arm lock. In this ruse ho was successful , and on n third trial , while McLaughlin had him in the air , Moth turned and caught the lock and placed the doughty colonel squarely upon his shoulders. The cheer ing was loud and long , and Moth was accorded n notch higher in the public estimation. . The time was 15:1 : } . At the juncture , after the men had re tired to rest and rub down , J. C. Farley , of San Francisco , appeared and said that ho had proposed to.challenge the winner of the match , which challenge ho then made publicly. Ho stated that ho had been informed that Moth had called him n haymaker , and ho was anxious to make hay of Mdth in a wrestling match as soon as ho could. Ho was anxious , though , to wrcstlo the winner of the match first. Moth then said that he had never hoard of the gentleman , Farley , but ho would moot him at any time and would wrestle him then and there on the spot in any uhape. McLaughlin said that ho was ready to wrestle the gentle man but wanted to dispose of Moth first. After ho had attended to Moth ho would meet the stranger at any time or for any amount , or he would wrestla both him and Moth on the follow ing night. ( Applause. ) The third bout was then called and the men played witn each other cautiously for a few minutes. Then they closed and McLaughlin put bis grapavlno lock at work. There was a second's tug and Moth wont in the air and down on his back. Hut ho bridged successfully and got on his foot. The next time , though , McLaughlin caught the grapevine lock on his antagonist , ho throw him on his side and gradually forced his shoulders down. The jacket which Moth wore , according to the claims of tbo ( Jrunlia man , played an important part In thh , ai it pormlttod .MiiLaughlln to choke him. The fall ( In'Ssft ) and match were awarded lo McLajgilm. | ) McLaughlin was seconded by Parshall and Moth bv Haldwin. At the announcement by the referee of the result of the match there were loud calh for the mon M take oil' tholr jackets and wrcstlo catch-m-catch-can. This McLaughlin refused't to do at the timo. but ho agreed to Moth's proposition that to night they sliohld1 moot again in the samu place for a m'afbh of Hvo bouts- collar and elbow , .Graoco-Koman , catch- as-catch-can , side , hold and back hold. The winner of throq is to take the gate receipts and a purau of $100. Therefore , unless there is some hitch in obtaining the hall , the giants will meet again this evening. AMUSKSIRNTS. PKOl'LK'd TH1UTKR. Charles Gilday's comedy company produced their play , "A Piece of Pie1 ' last night to an audience that filled every available space in the theater. The play is a farclal comedy and is constructed for laughing purposes and serves that * end admirably. From the beginning to the finish of the performance the audl- cnco wai convulsed with laughter. Miss Fannie Heatio Is a very catchy and pleas- inir soubrette and as n dancer is unex celled by any ono. Charles Gilday Is a comedian of great merit and resorts tone no bullbnery to obtain laughter or ap plause from his audiences. Ho has : i natural humor and his methods are legit imate. The play , "A Piece of 1'io , " is pure and free from all the suggestiveness - ness which usually characterizes plays of the farce comedy order and depends solely upon the .situations and ability of the company to create merriment. The play will bo repeated to-night and will d/mbtlcss draw another largo houso. Turnbnll Took the llckcr. , J. M. Cross- and Nelly Scott were iir rested yesterday afternoon and slated ns suspicious characters. Nelly , who wrestles with the festive sandwich jn u Fourteenth street chop house , it appears , ' h.ul possession of n watch which she claimed had been presented to her by a tin-horn gambler named lloskins. The lover became jealous of Nelly's partiality for Cross and had them both arrested on the charge of larceny. The case was called before JudgeStcnborg , who de cided that it was a love affair which did not merit judicial interference. Hoskins got possession of the watch to find that Nelly had succeeded in mashing the crystal and breaking off a few of the hands , "The watch ain't wortli $3. as it is , " said Hoskins plaintively. "I'll give you $3 for it , " said Officer Turnbull , who was in the court. "It's a go , " replied Hoskins and Iho transfer was made and the case dismissed. Nelly now promises , to replevin the ticker from Ollicor Turn- bull. Crlctdt. The first annual imputing of the Omaha Cricket club took' place last night , at which about twenty members were present. The election of officers and other matters in connection with the club for the coming season wcro successfully disposed of. The following am thn names of the officers for the yorfr : President , P. S. Knstis ; vice president , John Francis ; sec retary and treasurer , Richard Shako- shaft ; executive committee , Messrs. Smith , Taylor , Vaughan , Legoyt and Doyle. ' The club , which 'already boasts fifty active members , among whom are some of the best crickctoss in the west , looks forward to a thoroughly successful sea son. Among the probable matches are two with Chicago , the secretary of the Omaha Cricket club being already in re ceipt of a challenge for two matches , from the St. George club. Hunting For Her Husband. A young woman in distress appeared at the police station yesterday afternoon in search of her husband. She gave nor name as Mary Hanson and her place of residence as Pocatello , Idaho. Her story Is fiat she wont to Marion county , Iowa , to visit relatives , leaving her husband at his position as conductor of a train on the Oregon Short lino. She hoard no word oFhim until she saw a notice in an Omaha paper of a man by his name hav ing been arrested on the charge of the larceny of some clothes. She came to Omaha yesterday and learned from the authorities at the Union Pacific head quarters that her husband had left the company's employ in March. Further than this she could Jcarn nothing and loft last night for her homo in Idaho. The Gypsy Bond. To the Editor of 'the BKE : The resident who lives near Hanscom park and who so loudly complains about the "thieving gypsies" is evidently off his base and should look for the thieves elsewhere. Old Mr. Reynolds , the "gypsy king , " who is at the head of the band , together with all the members of tho- band , enjoy a high reputation all through the state of Iowa for honesty and fair dealing. I have been acquainted with him and his family for six years. Mr. Luther Owen , druggist at 505 North Sixteenth street , has known the band for thirteen years and there are many other persons in the city well acquainted with them and wo dislike to hoar any such evil attributed to them as wo consider them very worthy people. Yours truly , HAMILTON WAKIIKN. Brevities. The revenue collections yesterday amounted to $1,633.82. James F. Fleming , an insane person , will be sent to Lincoln to-day. The city treasurer has received license money from 197 saloon keepers. The county commissioners are out on a tour southwest of the city , examining roads and bridges , i n Currier's photogripjh gallery , on St. Mary's avenue , has neon closed up on an attachment and mortgage. J. E. IJoyd yesterday sold to Andrew Rosewater lots 1. 2' ! 1 and 4 in block 3 , Capitol hill addition ; f r $41,000. The contrac't for supplying bread to the countv poor farm ha .boon awarded to Myers Uros. , at 3 } cents per loaf. James Hall commenced an action in the district court yesterday for the fore closure of a mechanic's lion for § 153.1)0 ) against T. M. Drydoif and the Park Build ing association. ' , j Charles Bcindorf'commenced ' suit In the county court yesterday .against the Pacific Mutual Telegraph company to recover $140 for the font of the building recently vacated by ( ho defendants. The commanding oflfcor at Fort D. A. Russell , Wyo. , will send to the govern ment hospital for the insane , in the Dis trict of Columbia , under proper charge , Private George A. Price , company F , Seventeenth infantry. Personal Paragraphs. Judge McLaughlin , of Dcadwood , is at the Pax ton. O. H. Uutlor , agent of Edwin Booth , and wife are at the Millard. Judge Duffy , of Sac City. la. , has come to Omaha to locate , and will shortly open a law office. At the Paxton : N. C. Abbott , A. C. Cass , J. R. Mcgahan , F. W. Lowrov , Lincoln ; James M. Woods , Rapid City U. F. Parks , Cedar Rapids ; L. M. Keene , Fremont ; H. Knlnpenborg , Glendale , M. T.W. ; H. Holliday , Laramie , Wyo. , R H. Keppelfingor and wife and Mra. W. H. Kridlcr , Uenison , Tex. itiK's GUIKIA Au lllstarrod Marrlncd an Hlnpo- inottt and a Divorce. Omaha detectives have been at worker or seine days collecting ovldenco that will bo adduced in a sensational dlvorco case soon to bo commenced at Nebraska Jlty , The defendant in the case , the woman , is now in Omaha , and , judging 'rom the evidence which represents the abors of the detectives , has led a strange ife , filled with sensational episodes. Her name U MM. Nellie Grooblo. She is a young woman , apparently not more , han twenty-two years of ago , rathe r . -roily and Intelligent. Her story is that lye years ago at Moadvillo , Pa. , where she lived with her father , who was an artist , she full a victim to Uio wiles of a 'urnituro ' dealer named U. O. Grooblo. She got into trouble and Greoblo was arrested on the charge of having at- .emptcd to have an abortion performed upon her. The case went to the courts and everything pointed to Grooblo's con viction , when , in opposition to the ad- vlco of her father and attorneys , the woman married him and thus ended the prosecution. About four years ago jreoblo and his wife canio west and located at Auburn where Grooblo was en gaged In the furniture business. They afterwards comoved lo Grand Island where Grecblo cmbirkcd in saloon business. About a year ago they removed lo Nebraska City where Greoblo took charge of the saloon in one nf the liotcls. Hero , according to the woman's story , Greoblo became negligent of 1m dutuM toward her and finally became abusive. In her distress of his treatment she accepted thu sympathy and atten tions of 11. barkeeper in Nebraska City named McKinncy. Their relations grow into intimacy and about foiif wenks ago she consented to otopo with MoKinnoy. They came to tills city where McKmney found employment as bar lender at Iho Merchant's hotel. The neglect from which Iho woman suffered at her hus band's hands was again yisiled upon her while in the role of McKinnoy's mistress. Ho left her at a hotel and paid but little attention to her. She fired of this treat- niRiit and wrolo to her husband in an ef fort lo affect a reconciliation , Grccblo , however , refused to receive the sinning anil yet sinned against woman again but came to Omaha and put the in the Imnlis pt the deli'clivcs for Iho purpose of obtaining material for Iho divorce pro ceedings which lie is instituting at Nebraska City. Clifton Hill in Llticatlon. Ezra F. Ringer commenced suit in the District court yesterday against A. P. Tukey and W. F. Allen to hettle a ques tion of partnership in the ownership of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section eight , township fifteen , known as "Clifton Hill. " The plaintiff asserts thai in January ho and Iho defendants - fondants purchased the property of John A. Crcighton , paying a part of only of the purchase price. Later Tukey & Allen advanced the money to pay for the prop erty in order to give their customers a deed lo tho'propcrly. The defendant has since offered to pay his one-third of the amount thus advanced , but the defend ants refuse to accept it. He asks thn cour therefore to cause the defendants to make an accounting of the lots sold audio give him a Ihirrd interest in the profits of such fcalo and to compel them to execute him a deed for a third interest in the unsold lots. A "Three-Shell" Man Corralccl. Among the gentlemen of elegant leisure 'vho were given the .privilege by Judge Stcnbcnr yesterday of paying $50 line or going to jail for thirty days , was ono named Frank Urady , who has been operating in South Omaha for aomo time as a "three-shell" player. Ho has llccccd a good many men down there and has been guilty of irregular practices in con nection with one ot the gambling places in this city. WONDERFUL POPULARITY of the KUXtW\KI > The Greatest Curative Success of the Agc A Voice from the People. No medicine introduced to the public lias ever met ' witli the success accorded lo Hop Hitters. It stands today the bust known curative article in the \\orltl , Its marvelous renown is not due to the ndvertis ng it has received. It is famous by reason of its in herent virtues. It does nil that is claimed for it. It is tl-c most powei ful , speedy and cflcc live agent known for the building up of de bilitated systems. The following u Uncles arc offered to prove this. Wluit H Did for an Old Lady. . CoihOftun Station , N.V. , December SiUi , HSI. GuNib A number of people have been using your bitters here , and with marked ef fect. In fact , one cai-c , n lady of over seventy j cars , has been tick for jcars , and for the past ten years I have known her she has not been able to be around half the time , about six months ago she got so feeble she was helpless. Her old remedies , or physi cians , being of no avail. I sent to depo it , forty-five miles , and got a bottle of Hop Bitters. It had tuch a very beneficial effect on her that one bottle impioved h.'r so she was nblc to daess herself and walkabout the house. When she taken the second bottle she was able to taite care of her own and walk out to her neighbor's and liai. hn- pro\cd all the time since. My wife * and children have also derived great bDncfit fiom their use. W. R. HATHAWAY , Agt. U. S. Ex. Co. An Enthusiastic Endorsmoiit. Gorhatn , N. II. , Jully 15 , 18SO. GENTS : Whoever you are , I dent know , but 1 thank the Loid and feel grateful to you to know that inthis world of adulterated medicines there is one compound that proves does all it advertises to do , and more Four yeans ago , I had a blight shock o. palsy , which unnrved me to such an extent that the least excitement would make me iliakc like the ague. Last May I was induced to try Hop Bitters. I used ouc bottle , but did not sec any change ; another did so change my nerves that they arc now as they ever were. It used to take both hands to write , hut now my good ruht ; hand writes this. Now , ifyou continueto * man ufacture as honest as goo.l an atticle ns you do , you will accumulate an honst fortune , and confer the greatest blessing on your fellow-men that v ab ever conferred on mankind. TIMBURCH. A Husband's Testimony. My wife was troubled for years with blotches , moth patches and pimples on her face , which nearly annoyed the life out of her. She spent many dollars on the thou sand infallible ( ? ) cures , with nothing but in jurious effects. A lady friend , of Syracuse N. Y. , who had had similar experience and had been cured with Hop Bitters , induced her to try it. One bottle has made her tace as smooth , fair and soft as a child's and given her such health that it teems almost a miracle. A MEMUKR. ov CANADIAN 'PARMA.MP.NT. * A Ilicli Lady'u Experience. I traveled all over Europe and other foreign countries at a cost of thousands ol pollars , in search of health and found it not. I retured discouraged and disheartened , and was'rcitorcd to real youthful health anc spirits with lets than two bottles of Hop Bitters. I hope others may profit by my ex perience and stay at home. A LADY , AGUSTA , ME. - m . 1 = . c a P. IKK WIRE GflUZE OUEH D008 13 THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT on t s It produces Practical Ecnrito in Ealclagand Boasting never before attained In any Cooking Apparatus , and will ITS , l Food United or Routnl , ilionM Im ( irnkM In/renhnlr froolf iximlUoil to thu ctvun. lUUIsdonn brdlicardlne the close oven door horotofornuind.ina i ubstltutlnH lor It K door containing it ehuetot Wirn tiauxe Hourly fti Ursa as the door UbClr. Through this Qauzo Door the air freely circulates ! facilitation theprocMiiof cookinK.nml fool tbnt In unoqunllud In flnvor nml uu- froduclnz actuallr cooke < l with Im coutuiuptlon of fuel than iu an oven with a closed door. It makes nn enormous eavlntf In thvolgnt of meat * It also produces largror Loaves of Broad , require ! lce attention from the cook , and promote ! the health of the farailr bj the BUl'Eluoa QOAUTZ OT SUE ITOOD COOKED IM IT. OPINION OP AN EXPERT. Jinn. MAIIY II. Wr.tcn. Teacher Domestic Ecnnomr. Iowa State Unlrenlty.fiayB ! "My deliberate judemout ti that the oven ot the llnnsn , a compared wtlh oluor i. Is not only more equally hoatnd I n eTery part front ui null ai rear bu t as B result of Iu euperior * Bttlutlati the food plncod therein isbettercookeJ.nhllaretalu- InaaiwoetorflaTor.and a larger proportion of In b iutcas. I find , nliO. thatthooonnnmpllonof fuel In till * Uanga U much lues than any other lor ium H orb" IENO FOR IttUITBATED CIRCULARS AND PRICE LIST EXCELS ! OR MAKF'G CO. . ST. LOUIS. CEABTEB OAK STOVES and RANGES are BOLD IN NEBRASKA aa fallow * : MILTON KOGERS&SONS . OMAHA. P. KENNEY , . . GORDON. DALLAS & LETSON , . HASTINGS. E.G. BREWER . HAY SPRINGS. H. AIKU&CO. , . NBDRASKA CITY. W. F. TEMPLE1ON . NF.LSON. J. n. STURDEVANT & SON . ATKINSON. J.KASS&CO . CHADRON. KUAUSE , LUBKER fit WELCH . COIUMDUS. OLDS UROS . EDGAI TANNELL& SWEENEY . PAIRBUXV. GETTLE& PAGER . FRAHKIIN. N.J.JOHNSON . NORTH DKND. I. J. McCAKFERTY . O'NEILL CITY. U. HAZLEWOOD. 1 , S. DUKE . rLATTtMOUTH. 'A. PEARSON , . Si i HI ING. O. GREEN , . . STROMSBUKG. 1. A. PAOIJEN&SON. jSupRRioR. TIMMERMAN & 1'RAKER VHROOM- BONED WITH KADO. Tlio ONLY COHSKT mndtithjit ran t > returned ' WKIUt'S 'rilllRG or Us nurcliAicr uflor WEAK If not found PERFECTLY SATISFACTORY In nvcry renpect. and Us prlco roliindort br puller. MitJo In a variety of lyles and orir < ' Sold by ilrnt- Mass dealort everywhere , llnwaraiif worthies * Iml- lalluiu. NuneRCiiulnonlthout Uall'Miamo on box. CHICAGO CORSET CO. , 02 FRANKLIN OTREET , CHICAGO. 4O3 Ilruuilwuy , Sew York. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NK15HASKA. Paid up Capital . $200,000 Burplu * . 40,000 II. W. yat 3. Pnwldont. A. K. Tou/itlln. Vire 1'reslilont. W. H S. Htiffhcs , Cashier. UlltLCIONl : W. V. Morne , John 8. Collins- H. W. Yates , Lewis S. HcoiL A. R. Touzalin. BANKING OFFICE : THE Jit ON BANK , Cor iL'lh and Farnam Sis. A General Huukine Business Transacted FRANK G , HOLLINS & GO , , Membori New Voik Stock Rrcbaiua. n UV AND sr.r.i , ON STOCKS AND BONOS Grain and Provisions , . - . ' / ClHi-lt fii'cet , rA Frlvato wire to Now Vork , Corrcii'ondenoo ' Invited by mall or tolpgiapli. RUPTURE CURED. DyDr. Sncdlker'i metbod. No operation ! No Pilni No Detention from tmilnuai. AJADlolto cliUdron wellu grown people , Hundredi of autoirapli Iraonlali on ala.Ubaiui o t itrl > nljragnlii | n UaU CONSULTATION r'llCB. PROF. N. 1 > . COOK , Boom 0 , 1514 Douglas fit. , AMERICAN MAGA'/lMi AMERICAN MAGAZINE AMERICAN MACJAZINE AMERICAN MAGAZINE AMERICAN MAGAZfNE AMERICAN MAUAZ INE AMERICAN MAGAZINE AMERICAN MAGAZINE AMERICAN MAGAZINE AMERICAN MAGAZINE AMERICAN MAGAZINE AMERICAN MAGAZINE j AMERICAN MAGAZINE AMERICAN MAGAZINE AMERICAN MAGAZINE AMERICAN MAGAZINE AMERICAN MVGV4C E AMERICAN MAGAZINE MJ1ILIS11EU TO-DAY. FI11ST KD1TION 75,000 , COPIES rnhl'Miml ' ( Iniult moou'lr In thu Unltuil stnto * nnd Qront Ilrltiilu. Beautifully Illustrated Thlsmiij.vlnO portruyn Amor Iran tlio mlit nnd Ufa fiu'ii ocoim to ucomi , Ii llllrd Mth high elms lltenituro , unl mtc l > o nuloly nolomcd In nn ) f&uili ly circle. PRICE.25c-3AYEAK For Sulo Every whoro. PartinlContrnts for Jfny Tins ItAQtiUTrE IN 'r > 5. 1'rof. Van Huron Donaloir. IllllStlRtUll. OMVIA IKrAi'rAim : . rnwcott. Soi'Inl Story. Illustrated. of AN Au- rno'i. J. I' . Trowln Idpo. Tun NATION'S LwaivKiis. . Z. L. Whlto. U. S. Sonntorl with portrnlU. LiTKitAuv LIFE IN MOSTON. W. H. Ulilclnir. Profusely llluatiatoa. ( ) IN. : OIIANT'S IlAiins. Hov. Dr. Jolinl" . Nowmiin. TUB SMAU.NTSS nv TIII WOIU.D. Hose Kytlniro. IlATTl.r.SNAKn 1'f.ANTAIN , Utilise W. WhltlclBoy. SILAS HAXTT.U'S HnioitN. J. a. Preston. Many others. Ask any nousdoalor for It. R. T. HUSH & SON , Fubllfihoi-8 , 130&iy2l'ouriat.N..Y. \ < f Einlioilv tlif Mffhrsf rxrctlrn- * > * > $ . fit * In gluiprllnrm , torn fart and I'aiorHeilnfatlttonablectrelca OurnartieU IJ.4T.COUSINS , en cmy i > lc.l MCWYOFW. 1887 Spring Valley StocX Farm , 1837 , OMAHA. Nilll. George Wilkes CIO. Kocortl 8:33. : Mcixsuird by'JiiO , lliu & > nnU tho'Ji'Ii ) stnml arJ ; was tlio urciitcsl Hint o\cr llvml. IlavinK iinw 5'i suns nnd ilnuirlitur * In the -:3J : list down Tho'onirson ot Ooorjjo Wllkos In the Stnto ot Nebinilui. 3f 41 Black Wilkeo 3541 Standard. Slim ! by Cioonii ) Wllko * 511) ) ; 1st Unm Funny flell.tlruu by C'orifoduriito Cliior , own Imithei to Wnodforil Chli'f. a : U : 2nd iliun Ilysilyii'J Hnmlilctnnliui. Will bliuul fur inarei ut tha above fKi-in ut J.13 tlio MMHOII , ctmh Ilino of sor- Tlco , with prlvilPK" of return chmild innroi nol prove Infoul. Limited to 20 inures bosldoi my own. Benson commence * 1'oh iRt nnd onil ] AuguM M.1887. For further jmrllculiirs stmi " ull " tat ' N. r. D. SOLOMON. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. : Ull ) i , Durable , Kasy I'llthn } . Tbo heat fj hliun In thu World. W. 1. . 1IUUUI.AH S2.5O cuuaU tilt , ri I u Hied bjutugr ilrnu. Our KHOl ! I'OIt ISOYS given grnt natlif.ictlcu All IhoulDtoaro m.ulo In iicittnn , Onxri''n . oml I-HCQ < , mir.lylrsnf lm > . Holil lir ] : : , < x > O ilpiilurelliniiKliniit tliD U. K. H > our ilralor dm- not kcuii them , mint limn * on pout tl lo W.I IXMKil.As , III o < l < lin , Jinn. BEWARE OF FRAUD.riJLIiSf "llA".illiJ55 uiiHurui il iM ilonlor urn ulfrrhiK other fou < l ui inhio.Hiiil wh n aiki'il > vhy my Bl.un | > la not un thA ehoeii.nt itf that I ha\u illiconthituil It * iu e , TJilH IS rAI.Si : . T kn iinno roprmriittil to Ini thn "W.It. DauKln bli'iu , " niilcM iinini'niruulro nn < l | irlr uro Klninm < il on liiillcnu nf emit thnc.V. . I. . DOUUf.Ay , llroLktun , Jla . For sale by Kelley , Stiver & Co. , cor , Doilffo ami IMli-Hts. ; Henry enl , cor. fjownrtl nnd Saiiudors ata. "CHICHESTErVS ENGLISH. " Tlie OrlgliiHl mirt Only Uciiuln * . Iii < u4 > i > i > i tuUiUi. n ut f w < irttli4 ImluUiit t ii > i iivi < w LADIES. Aib jot Prucgltt Tlit h Ur' K glltb"1 1 UU ! , 01 C.I..U. IIUOM ! u 11 < ruiiMiwi * lHir tj rcUr * * NAME PAPE1. CU ht Ur C'hn.le l O . i Ttrwir * . ! 1 ! > ) fill * .