Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1887, Image 1

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An Inflammatory Speech In Scotland In
Favor of tbo Crimea Act.
Ititenso Excltomont Caused IIy the
Address The Gludstonlans Char
acterize It n Slanderous
Threatened With Death ,
A nolHtoroim Meet Inc.
LONDON , April II. The lantpiago used by
Chamberlain In speaking at the meeting In
Ayr has Inll.imcd the Irish against htm nnd
ho has received numerous letters warning
him that ho will not leave Scotland alive.
Speaking to an assemblage of 2.00 persons ,
Chamberlain said : 'Tlio opponents of the
crimes bill have made an outcry against the
repression of liberty. Liberty to do what ?
To commit theft , to ruin Industrious men , to
outrage women , [ hisses , mingled with
cheers. ) What are you hissing , the crlroo or
the punishment ? " [ Hero a man rising and
menacing Chamberlain , cried : "It Is not
characteristic of the Irish to outrage
women. " ] An attempt was made to turn the
man out , but Chamberlain cried out : "Leave
him alone. " Then he continued : "Do you
want Instances of Insults offered to wo men ?
[ cheers and cries of "Outrage you said , you
HlanQortho Irish. " ) I did not mean the
grossest outraeo of all but personal violence
and Insults.Hisses and cheers. ] I referred
to cases like that of the Clinton family , whoso
lives , of the widow and daughters of the mur
dered man , were made Intolerable ; like that
ot the widow of another murdered man ,
Dyers , who , while accompanying the dead
body of her husband , was jeered and hooted
along the street. ( Here the speaker was In
terrupted by cries of "watch yourself , " hisses
nnd jccnoraldlsoidor.j I am relating facts
to which oven my opponents might listen In
the silence of horror and shame when I refer
to assassinations. A man here says'Take
oaro of yourself. ' lias the time como when
wo dare not discuss political matters In this
country without being threatened with as-
Hasslnatlon ? cheering. ] This Is the
spirit ot the parties In the convention In
Chicago. I am Rorry to know that they have
any representative In Scotland. [ Cries ot
"They are not Scotchmen. " ] That conven
tion , besides being attended by delegates
honestly in sympathy with Ireland , had dele
gates of a different stamp apostles of out
rage and murder , who have paid the outrage
mnnirora of England. Mr. Redmond , thn
delegate ot the Irish parliamentary party , ex
plicitly declared before the convention that
it was the aim of that party to etfect the en
tire separation of Ireland from England , and
that their policy was to make tlio Government
of Ireland by Kncland Impossible. This
they seek to effect by the most Immoral
conspiracy "over devised in a civilized
land , by contending for liberty to
violate every law. human and
divine. Do you think It infamous to restrain
these men ? [ Cheers. ] Mr. Parnell threat
ened In the house of commons , under the
upeclous gulso of warning , that if the ooei-
clon bill was passed there would bo a renewal -
newal of the outrages , dynamite explosions
and an attempt to assassinate our statesmen.
This grim suggestion may prove the death
warrant of bomoot us. [ Cries of "no. " | Well ,
what happens to Individuals l.s not of much
connoquoncc. The dancer Is to the common
wealth. For the hrst time In Kngllsh his
tory our foes have sympathizers within our
ancient fortress. This makes our task more
arduous. But we will , not shrink , wo will
not abate , wo will not yield to threats , from
whatever quarter they come , but wo will en
deavor to hand down unimpaired to our
children the unity , stinnpth and honor of the
mighty empire our forefathers bequeathed
us.Chamberlain's speech excites all parties.
The unionists consider It a declaration ot
war to the knife with the separatists. The
Oladstonlans charge Chamberlain with slan
dering and villlfylhg his former colleagues
by the Insinuation that they sj mnathize with
the perpetrators of outrages In Ireland. It Is
asserted that during Ills tour In Scotland
Chamberlain will be attended by private
AGAINST coenciox
A Lararo flfootliiK In Washington Ad-
drcHflod Uy Prominent Men.
WASHINGTON , April 14. ( Special Tele
gram to the BKK.J The meeting this
evening in Musoulo temple to give
expression on the part of "American
residents and sojotirncrs at the national capi
tal" to protest against the passage of the
coercion bill for Ireland now pending In the
British parliament , was largely attended.
The chairman ot the committee called
the meeting to order and Intro
duced Congressman Springer , of Illinois ,
to preside. After staling the purpose of the
meeting Springer said : The contest now
going on In Great Brltlan In reference to the
government of Ireland was In many respects
very similar to that which was carried on In
the AniL-rlcixn colonies , and It would not be
Inappropriate for Ireland at this
time to proclaim that Immortal
declaration ot Independence which
115 years ago was proclaimed In Philadel
phia. General Koaocraiis , register of the
rcasury , spoke briefly.
Kx-Senator Van Wyck , of Nebraska , was
now Introduced. He quoted fiom the circu
lar call for the meeting references to the
threatened suspension of the writ of habeas
coruus in time of peace ; the abildgmeut
and. In some cases , abolition of the light of
trial by jury ; thn transportation of Irish
men , charged with Intended offenses , to
"England for trlnl by allun juroio , " and the
quartering of largo bodies of troops among
tlio people of Ireland , thus eating away our
substances , ' a'ld drew a parallel between them
and passages In the American Declaration of
Independence lolatlng to the nuarteilngof
largo bodies of armed troops among us ; tlio
deprivation , in many cases , of tlio right of
I trial by jury : the tiansportiitlon of Ameri
cans beyond the peas to be tried for pre
tended olfenscs. etc.aKnifland , ho salct.nad
more reason for her pretended right to op
press the colonies than she has for oppress
ing Ireland. In our case she claimed the tcr-
altory and planted her people and govern
ment Ireland had been taken by conquest
and spoliation , for which the vengeance of
men and the just judgment ot heaven had
been too long ilelaj ed. Our rescue had been
aided by sympathy and assistance In money
and blood ot tnoso in other lands
who loved liberty. How could wo
remain unconcerned when the same unnat
ural monster , always ready to devour what
ever was within her power , was seeking to
destroy Ireland. Wo owed Ireland a debt
contracted more than a hundred jears ago ,
and we could now pay a portion of It In
sympathy and dollars by saying to England
that it concerns America that judgment made
up by revolution , to which she was a party ,
Ahould bo recognized in her dealings with
thosHwho were then our allies and have
always been our friends.
Congressmen Craln , ot Texas , read to the
meeting resolutions prepared by the commit
tee appointed for the purpose , the closing
parcgranh being as follows :
Kesolved , That the enactment of such
diabolical laws would not alone bo an
" outrage on the Irish people , but a
- crime against the splut of liberty
> * everywhere , and that tl.o Tranters and advo
cates of the coercion bill should go down to
posterity condemned by humanity and
branded w Ith Infamy.
ThuiOEolutloiis were adopted with cheers
nnd music , and an agreement was made that
they would bo cabled to Gladstone and Par
nell. A large number of letters of regret
were read by tlie secretary. John Sherman
wrote : "Your kind letter of the Cth , Inviting
me to attend the proposed mass meeting at
Masonic temple for the purpose of entering
a protest against the passage of the coercion
bill now pending In the British parliament ,
Is received. 1 regret that I shall not bo able
to attend. While sincerely sympathizing In
the object of your inectlnz , I could not ex
press uiy view * on this Important subject
more accurately than 1 have in a recent letter
to Mr. Wade.a copy of wiileh 1 enclose. " The
letter referred to has already been published.
Letters were also received from Itoscoe
Conkllng and S. S. Cox.
Trovelynn Against Coercion.
LONDON , A pi 11 14. Sir Ucorgo Trevclyan ,
ono ot the unionist leaders and formerly
chief secretary for Ireland , has written a
letter on the coercion bill , which Is tanta
mount lo a manifesto against that measure.
The Wreck of the Victoria.
LONDON , April 14. Further particulars of
the loss near Dieppe of the steamer Victoria
show that the vessel struck the rocks amid
ships. Tlio passengers immediately rushed
to the stern. A terrible scene onsued. Ef
forts were then made to float the lifeboats ,
which were seriously Interfered with by the
the strong swell of the sea. At last when
the boat was ready to bo lowered a lady's
aliavvl hecamo cntitigled In the pulley of th
stern davit , which caused the boat to descend
to the sea bow foremost. Most of the occu
pants weru thrown out and drovvnefl. Two
ladles jumped from tlio deck of the steamer
Into the boit after it reached the water and
overturned It. The other boats were then
launched and succeeded In reaching Fecamp ,
rescuing on the way , with boathooks , two
iicinons who had been swept out to sea.
Prussia and the Pope.
BOMB , April 14. The pope has been In
formed by Prussia that she Is considering his
recently expressed wish that on conclusion
of the expected mutual understanding , the
Pruslan representative at the Vatican will bu
raised to the rank of an embassy.
The pope has Instructed the nuncio al
Paris to assure the French government thai
tUe tr lend Iv relations between Prussia anile
* o volcan In no wise indicate hostUlty on
the pait of the Vatican toward France.
In Favor of the
LONDON , Aorll 11. The statement from
Rome that the congregation of the holy office
had decided In favor of recognition of the
Knights of Labor In accordance with Cardi
nal Gibbons' report , was contained In a spe
cial telegram to the London Dally Chronicle.
Steiunshlp Arrivals.
SOUTHAMPTON , April 14.-lSpectal Tele
gram to the BKI : . | Arrived The steamer
Waesland , from Now York for Antwerp
and the Allen , from Now York for Bremen
QUEKNSTOWN , April 14. Arrived The
Queen , from Now York.
LONDON , April 14. Arrived The State of
Nebraska , from Now York.
The Dominion Parliament Qpeni.
OTTAWA , Out , Apill 14. Tlio Dominion
parliament opened to-day. The governor
general , in his speech from the throne , con
gratulated parliament on the general pros
perity of the country and the prospect of a
coming season of peace and progress. The
queen's jubilee was retorrod to and her
majesty was congratulated on having reached
the fiftieth anniversary of her reign. Ho-
fcrrlng to the fisheries question , his excel
lency said : "Tho negotiations between her
majesty's government and that of the United
States nn the fisheries question with respect
to which the government has been fully In
formed and consulted aio still In progress
and will , we may bo permitted to hone , re
sult In an arrangement honoinblo and satis
factory to both nations. Meantime , neces-
rary piovislons have been made for the pro
tection ot our Inshore fisheries. Papers on
this subject will bo laid before you. "
Consecration of a ItlHlinp.
PnovtDENcn , 11. 1. , April 14. The ceremony -
mony ot the consecration of Bishop Hark ! us
took place to-day In the presence of an
enormous congregation. Church dignitaries
from all parts of the country wore present.
Archbishop Williams acted as consecrator ,
vested In lull pontllichxl lobes , assisted by
Blshons O'lleilly and McMahon , who pie-
seuted the candidate , who had boon clad In
the vestments of his ofllce. The apostolic
commission was read , and the oath was ad
ministered. This WAS followed. by the usual
examinations , the mass , the address to the
elect by the consecrator , the placing of the
gospels on his sliotikleis , and- the laying
nn of hands to bless with thn Holy Ghost.
Then came a prayer and hymn , "Venleecator
Splrltas , " the anointment of the head and
hands ot the elect , the blessing and delivery
of gloves , the singing of a To Dcuin. and the
kiss of peace. The consecration senuon was
dollveied by Blshon Hoalev , of Portland.
Bishop Harkius succeeds tlio Lite .Bishop
The Railroad Boycott.
NKwYomc , April 11. In the trouble-be
tween the trunk lines and their western con
nections over the payment of commissions ,
both sides scored a point this morning. The
Baltimore A Ohio turned the -western lines
tickets to the wall and all the trunk lines
turned to the wall the tickets of the Chicago ,
Milwaukee. & St. Paul , which makes the
western position solid. Commissioner Fink ,
when asked the reason for this action , said
that the tickets of the St. Paul road were
kept on sale till to-day under a mlsapprehan-
Blon. It was supposed from letters received
from the road that It would t\gn \ an agree
ment not to pay commissions , but It never
did so. Therefore , as the road continued to
pay commissions , Us tickets wore taken oil
sale by the trunk lines.
Fatal Wreck.
WIIKFMNO , W. Vs. , April 14. A construc
tion train on the Ohio Hivor railroad jumped
the track at Willow Orovo near Parkersburg ,
last nlirhtwrecking tho.engine and ntno cars ,
killing three men and wounding eight or ten
others , several ot them fatally. From four
to six laborers were bably injured but none
of them , U Is said , will die. The following
wore killed : Joseph Keoso , laboier , of Clif
ton , W. Va.John ; Holton , residence un
known and Washlncton Mercer , laborer. No
details of the cause of the accident has been
received except that thoonclno struck an ob
struction white running at full speed.
Weather Indications.
For Nebraska : Fair wcatner , northerly
winds , becoming variable , slightly cooler ex
cept in western portion , stationary temper
For Iowa : Fair weather , preceded by local ,
rains In eastern portion , cooler In eastern
portion , stationary temperature In western
portion , winds shifting lo northerly.
For East Dakota : Fair weather , northerly
winds , becoming variable , slightly warmer
except in extreme southern portion , station
ary temporatuio.
Ac-rented For Blot.
MIUVAUKKK , WIs. , April 14.-The Even
ing Wisconsin special from Elkhorn , Wis. ,
says that ten arrests were made by Slierlll
Arswell tnls morning at Fontana , near the
head of Geneva lake. The parties are all
residents of the town of Watsworthand
charged with riot. The affair Is the out
come of the tarring and feathcilng ot Willis
N. Little , a blacksmith at Fontana. last Sat
urday night. Much excitement prevails.
The n. & O. Joins In the Boycott.
BALTIMORE , April 14. The Baltimore &
Ohio railroad company has Instructed all its
agents not to sell through tickets over roads
which will not Join in a combination to payne
no commissions to agents. The order was
Issued yesterday and coos into elfcct im
A Town Scorched.
RICHMOND , Va. , April 14. A lire Tuesday
night burned twenty-three houses , Including
the Grand Central hotel , po toffice and a
number of business houses constituting the
business portion of Oiiancock , Acconmc
county. Loss ouout 5W.OOO , with S-W.COU in
surance. Sherman's Hecepllon.
NF.W YOUK , April 14. General Sherman
and his daughter , Miss llachael Sherman ,
gave a reception this afternoon In their par
lors at the Fifth Avenue hotel It was the
llrtt of a serUv to bo held Thursdays and woa
largely attended ,
De3 Homes' Police Jndgo Takes a Sadden
Trip to Canada.
Ho Writer ) a hotter to Ills Abandoned
Wife Saying Ho Was Hulncd By
Cards Other News From
.Tnd o Labour n Oornnlter.
Dr. MOINKS la. , April H.HSpeelal Tele
gram to the BEE.J There scorn's to bo no
doubt but that Police Judge L. J. Labour , o
this city , has lied to Canada to escape fiom
tlio consequences of the misappropriation o
n largo sum collected In tines during the
tlirce years of his service In Uiat olllce. llo
left the elty Friday night for the cast , giving
out that ho had gone to Omaha to see the ba o
ball game and leaving word that business for
his court should be s > cnt to the justices' offlccs.
Ills departure was regarded with suspicion
by the city And county authorities and caused
his wlfu great alarm until Ttissday , when
she received a letter from him , written In
Chicago , saying that he was short in his ac
counts , that cards Had ruined him , that her
piano was p-jid for , and that ho was pained
beyond expression at being obliged to leave
his darling wtfo and child. This was shown
to Mr.V. . C. McCord , his clerk , and thus
communicated to the authorities , and the
facts leading up to his absconding are
gradually leaking out. Labour was originally
from Independence , la. , where ho was ad
mitted to the bar ten years ago , and later
resided at Colfax , where ho served as mayor ,
removing from there to this city and engag-
In ? , some six years ago , In the practice of the
law on the east side , lie Is a man ot about
thirty-live years and of decidedly prepossess
ing appearance and manner , and as a can
didate for offlco proved extremely popular.
He drove a line horse , and It Is now remem
bered that ho put on a good deal of style for
a man whoso salary was but 81,200. Ills
a soclates were rather fast , and it was said
that ho was intimate with women or doubt
ful character. He was a member of many
secret organlratlons , and rumors are cir
culated that ho is short 83,000 to the Druids ,
S600 to the Red Men , and smaller amounts to
other orders , but this is denied bo far as the
Druids are concerned. llo owed
SSOO to the American Savings
bank , advanced on Ma note , with
Vi. C. McCord as surety. Ills great shortage ,
however. Is to the school fund , and It Is esti
mated at 34,000. Durlnc the three years of
his service as police judge ho lias paid In but
S27.50 , out of an amount which the county
treasuier estimates by previous receipts as at
least S4.00U. The law required him to pay in
all the lines in state rases paid in cash , and
the number thus paid has been very largo :
but he appears to have totally dlsrcgardod
the law from the \ery start. The amount
cannot bo acciuatdy estimated until his
books are thoioughly examined. Labour
had torn out of his private account book
aoout twenty loaves , evidently Intending to
either take them with him or destroy them ;
but ho either forgot to do so or changed his
mind , for tholoavcs wore loft In a draper In
his olllce. It Is gpiier'aily believed that the
mlssinc olllclal has gone to Canada ,
though the letter received Tuesday said that
ho was sick In Chicago. Ills wlto
Is piostrated by his abandonment of
her ana almost besldo hoisolf. With their
little girl she Is staying with hf > r father , Mr.
J. C. Klc.n , of the Kast side. Mr. Klch says
that Judge Labour's trlonds will turnish the
missing money and that ho himself will go
and bring him back. Juduo Labour had
drawn his salary from the city up to April 1 ,
but had not turned in the cash collected dur
ing March. His shoitago to the county had
been suspected for some time , and when
County Attorney Phillipscallcdhls attention
lo it ho promised faithfully to render an
Iteml/cd account of lines collected on Satur
day. This ho could not do and It was , no
doubt that because ho could not ho It-it the
HlKtiwny UouliorB Arrested.
DEsMoi.vns , la. , Anrll 14. [ Special Tele
gram to the BIE.I : Patrick Jordan , who
boards at 209 Second street , wont out In the
country yesterday to look for work. lloturn-
intf late last night , ho was overtaken two
miles southwest of the city by three toughs ,
one of whom ho recogtmcd as an old ac
quaintance , Michael Murphy , formerly a
driver In a coal mine at Colfax. They pro
ceeded together toward the city , but suddenly
he was knocked down by them , his arm
being broken above the elbow , and lobbed of
a S20 gold piece , a silver dollar and a certifi
cate of deposit for $35 In the Des Molnes
Savings bank. The robbers left him In a
dazed and unconscious condition and came
to the city. lie picked himself up and
dragged himself to police headquarters and
reported the facts. Early this morning
William Cunningham , a local tough , pre
sented the certificate at the bank and asked
for the cash oranotherccrtlllcato. The bank
people held him and telephoned for the po
lice , and Deputy Marshal Burns promptly
went and airested him. llo claimed that he
got It from Murphy and that Jordan ttavo It
to Murphy. Ho went with the ofllcers to
Murphy's boarding house on Kast Filth , be-
tvvt'eu Walnut and Comt avenue , where
Murphy was arrested with tun S'-'O gold piece
in his pocket. Hols about thirty years old
and very hard looking. A third man was ar
rested , Out Jordan did not Identify him and
lie was released. <
Alnsworth Almotir Destroyed.
WASHINGTON , la. , April 14 : [ Special Tele
gram to the Bnn.l At 4:40 : this afternoon
Mayor Hall was telegraphed to for help , say-
Inz Alusworth was on lire. The message
was answered at once by the fire depaitmont
and eighty members left on a special train
for tlio scene of the disaster only to sco the
town going down in ruins. A scarcity of
water with high winds left the people help
less and the entire business portion of the
town , consisting of twenty business houses ,
two hotels , the postofllce , twp newspaper of
fices Clipper and Republican and live resi
dences , were swept away. The lire caught
In Albough's billiard hall , burned west to
nnd'Includlni : Chambers' Grocery and east
to Long creek , leaving but ono business es
tablishment standing , that of J. Y. Wyck-
ham's. The Uock Island road is generously
furnishing all the box cars possible to stoic
the property not burned. This Is the worst
disaster that ever look place In this country
of the kind. At last accounts the tire was
under control , but little U left ,
Knln , Hall and Fire.
MASON CITV , la. , April 14. ISpeclal Tele
gram to the Br.E.l The most terrific hall and
rain storm over known In Northern Iowa
visited this vicinity this afternoon. Hall
fell to the depth of over an Inch and the rain
poured In torrents. Lightning struck a largo
barn lit'longlng to Mr. Judd , live miles couth
of town , buinine a large amount of grain
and hay and severely burning MrOtuld ,
nho was In the barn at the tliuu. Loss by
tire , 54,000.
Arguing the Haddock Case. .
Sioux CITY , la. , April 14. A packed court
room greeted County Attorney Marsh to-day ,
and he occupied the entire forenoon with his
Argument for the state In the Haddock case.
Many expressions ot approval of the manner
In which he presented the case have been
heard , and both sides agree that he made a
masterly effort At the commencing of court
this afternoon Judge Isaac Pendleton began
for the defense and occupied the entire after
noon , and then did not get thrpuch. He will
be followed by O'Connell. who will close for
the state , and the case will probably go to
the jury Saturday ,
Their Heating Place Slnco the At
tempted Robbery Hovealcd.
Srr.iNoriEi.D , 111. , April It. The annual
Lincoln memorial exorcises will bo held In
the hall of representatives to-morrow. The
deepest Interest Is being manifested In the
approaching exercises In honor of tlio mar-
tj red president on account of the revelations
which are expected to be made relative to the
disposition of the body of President Lincoln
after the attempt was made In 1870 to steal
the body from the sarcophagus under the
Lincoln monument , In which it was placed.
The facts , as as could bo ascertained by
a press reporter , and which will bo brought
to light to-morrow in an address to bo made
by Clinton L. Conkllng , ono of the members
of the Lincoln guards of honor , arn ns fol
lows :0n : the night of Novembor7lb70Mulllns
and Hughes , t\vo Chic.igo thieves , made an
unsuccssful attempt to steal the body of the
late President Lincoln , The marble sarco
phagus In which it was enclosed , and which
was exposed to the view ot visitors through
the iron grating on the north side of the
monument , was forced open , and the cotlln
was taken out , but at this point the robbers
were Interfered with by certain persons se
creted In the monument , who had received
Information that the robbery was to bo at
tempted , and abandoned their strange booty.
Since that time the public mind has been in
a state of uncertainty as to the real resting
place of the martyr's body , a icport havlne
gone out that It was not re tinned
to the sarcophagus' -after the at
tempted robbery. All the mystery
that has attached to the matter has now
cleared awav. It appears that the body was
replaced In the sarcophagus , nnd remained
there for about a we k. The members of the
association , however , felt that It was Insecure
and It was subsequently icinoved to a place
ot greater safety. Finally , the "Lincoln
Guard of Honor , " which Is composed of some
of our bust known and most highly respected
citizens , was organised , and ono ot the duties
of this association has been to sacredly guard
the bodv of the dead president. During the
month of November , 1878 , the members of
thoguaid , with their own hands , prepaied a
vault within the monument for the body.
An excavation was made In the earth about
thirty feet south of the sarcoohagus and the
body was safely deposited therein and
the mouth Of the excavation was
closed. The atmosphere at the point vvheie. ,
the excavation was made was almost stilling
and the work was prosecuted atdirferont
times during the stillness of night , with no
human eye to witness It save those who as
sisted In the labor of love. Two days after
the funeral .of Mrs. Lincoln , In July , Ibv. ,
her body was taken by the guard and laid be
side that of her husband. The members
bound thcmsel ves by the solemn Ity of .in oath
not to reveal what had been done until the
piopertlmo should arrive to do so , and that
time has now arrived. Ycsteiday both of
these bodies wore taken by the Lin
coln guard of honor , In the presence of
the monument association , and placed
in anew rccopticlo piopared for them dur
ing the week. This receptacle l.s in the eaith ,
near where the wrcouhacub has so long staid.
It has on the bottom twelve Inches ot ce
ment , and has double walls of brick. The
entrance to it , now that the bodies have been
placed in their linal resting place. Is ce-
moiitod over and grouted , nnd this will in
time become as solid as rock. After this
work had been completed the bodies were
formally turned o\cr by the guard to the
monument association and wore accepted by
It. Before being finally entombed the colhn
containing the body of Lincoln was opened
and the body Identified. The hair and whis
kers have fallen off nnd the face Is very
black. The contour is. however , still per
fect and the face Is said to strongly resemble
that of the bron/.o statue on the monument.
Concerning Passenger Rntcti.
CHICAGO , April 4. A joint conference
was held hero to day between the trunk line
and central traffic general passenger agents.
It was agreed that excursion lates should bo
granted to parties of fifty .tnil over on the
certificate plan. No half rates to ministers
of religion can bo granted and no special
rates to thoati leal pai ties. The boycott was
not discussed and , contrary to expectation ,
no conference wllh western nlliclals was
held or suggested. The Pennsylvania com
pany repudiates the agreement made by the
general managers ot the cential tr.iflic asso
ciation lines in regard to the cram Ins of
differential tares to weak lines. Thoieason
given Is that the old 'central ' tralllc organl/a-
tlon Is dead , and concessions made before it
expired are not binding. The weak lines
both out of Chicago and St. Louis seem de
termined to have differentials , novcitheless ,
and aio already Including western ticket
ugonts to quote the newer rates.
Tno western states passenger association
to-day decided to grant special rates to re
ligious , military and beneficiary organiza
tions for their various gathci ings. When an
attendance of 1,000 or moio Is guaranteed ,
one fare for the round trip will be man ted ,
and It Is probable that the rate on the date of
a convention or gathering will bo made an
open ono to the public. To smaller reunions
one andone-thiid faro for the lound trip will
be the rate and tickets will bo sold under the
old 001U lieu to plan.
The Coming Yacht Races.
NEW YORK. April 14.- | Special Telegram
to the Uni.J : Now [ that thelauthorltative con
ditions made by Tankorvillo Clmmbcrlalno
for the race between the Arrow and May-
llowor for the queen's cup , ha\e been placed
In Palno's hands , and are found to bo the
same In effect as those cabled from London
more than a week ago , It Is more than prob
able that the May How er will lemaln on this
sldo of the Atlantic this summer. While-
is probable that the Mayflower could beat
the Arrow oven under the conditions Im
posed , Paine In refusing to bolt his centre
board , and thus virtually sacrifice the Amer
ican principle of yacht building , will bo sup
ported bv all American yachtsmen , and
many of those In Great Britain. Joseph
Pulit/er Is negotiating through Manning's
yacht agency for Samuel J. Tlldon's Vlkinir.
It Is understood that ho has offered 3)5,000 )
tor her , and that the executors demand a
considerably larger sum.
Urand Island's Growth.
GUANO IHI.AND , Neb. , April 14. [ Special
Telegram to the BEC.J The city council at a
called meeting by the now mayor , lust night
raised the saloon license to 81,000. it is
thought at least fifteen saloons will take out
license at the Increased rate , houco the rev
enue will bo much greater to the city than It
has been. The occupation tax was not acted
on and the probabilities are that it will not
bo passed.
The copious rains Insures the starting of
small gialns that were suffering from
drought and business matters are Improved
for this reason. Dullness had become some
what depressed from the Utought. The in-
llux of strangers seeking homes Is beyond all
precedent and Nebraska will soon have mil
lions instead of hundreds ot thousands.
Upon a completion of the school census
there Is found to bo 1,095 school population ,
and upon the same basis of estimate as Is
made by a rival city Nils would give Grand
Island a population of 12,000 Inhabitants.
Sold the Flro Engine.
COI.UMHUS , Neb , , April 14. [ Special
to the BiiB.l Another old landmark
has gone. The city council disposed of the
hand tire engluo that has done good service
for fifteen rears. Bralnard , in Itutlor county ,
gets the "mashrne , " and If ever they should
need to use It , it Is to be hoped they may find
as ready and faithful hands to man Has the
cltUens of Columbus' have done. Tlio water
works are so effective that a sense of secur
ity Is felt from lire and there mo no regrets
at Its trausft'r to protect other Interests.
Portugeqa Finances.
LisnoN , April 14.- In the Portugese cham-
beret deputies toi ey Scnor DeCarvalho ,
minister ot finance , Introduced tlio budget
forlSS7-83. It place the klnzdom's receipts
at 200,000,000 francs , the ordinary oxpendl-
tures at 200ooocu3 rancs nnd the oxtraordl-
nary expenditures at j.wa\w ' ' IIUIICB. Its
customs receipts for ; lie first three quarters
of the present fisc 1 year have Increased
0,000,000 francs. . ho budget states that It
will bo unnecesjai ' to bare recourse to
Important Changes Proposed lntbo , Knigbta
of Labor Constitution.
A Clause to Prevent Malicloun At
tacks On the Goncrnl Ofllocrs
Tlio Steve Moulders' Strike
Other Labor News.
The Knlgnt9 of Lnlior.
BOSTON , April 14. [ Special Telegram to
the Bii.l : : Jltnry Abrahams , one of the
committee of four appointed at the last na
tional assembly of the Knights of Labor to
revise the constitution of the order , said to
day that the work had been completed , The
new constitution will permit the formation
of national trades districts , but these local
assemblies composed exclusively ot ono
trade , but attached to a district assembly of
mixed trades , must obtain permission of the
district assembly in order to go out and form
a national trade district. After obtaining
tills consent they must forward their applica
tion to tlio general secretary , who will lay
the matter before the general executive
board , and tlio secretary will then submit the
matter to all local assemblies of that craft In
the country. Another law Is to the effect
that no trades union can renulre a
person to join their union be
fore they can jqln the Knights
of Labor organisation of their craft.
The temperance feature of the organization
will bo more strongly enforced than ever be
fore. Not only will rumsellors be prohibited
from membership , but no local assembly will
bo allowed to have any social gathering or
any picnic where liquor is sold , and no mem
bers will bo allowed to dispense liquor lor
and In the name ol the assembly.
The order expelling the rlgarmakcrs has
not been rescinded. It may bo repealed at
thn next general assembly. The law which
is Intended to promote confidence In the gen
eral olllcers provides that when any member
makes any charge or malicious attack upon
any of thn general ollicers or members of the
general executive board , the member so
offending shall , If found cullly of making a
gioundlcbs charge , bo expelled. The insurance -
anco feature of the organl7atlon lias also
been changed , and policies will now bo Issued
for S500 as well as 51,000. Medical examina
tion and a doctor's certificate will be required
and any ono now a member who refuses to
bo examined will bo dropped as soon as the
Insurance fund in which ho Is interested
shall be exhausted.
The Steve Moulders' Strike.
DEI KOI r. April 14. Nine hundred stove
moulders have decided to strike If theSt. Louis
pattern Is to be used In the DetiolVfoundilos.
If the strike takes place it will throw 7,000
men out of employment.
LOUISVII.I.I : , April 14. The trouble with
thn steve moulders lias reached this city. The
principal stove manufacturer around the
falls are members ot the National Stove
Manufacttuuis' Defense association , nnd to
day they received the "scab" patterns which
have passed through the shops of the fourth
district , whcro all the men are on strike , and
announce their Intention of staying by the
national association. The number of men
employed Is between 500 and 003. These lat
ter say they will not do the work and expect
to go out In tlio morning. Tlio manufactur
ers say they are well stocked , and that they
will not bo injured the strike.
The Chicago Carpenters' Strike.
CIIICAOO , April 14. At a meeting of the
Master Carpenters' association to-night an
ultimatum to the 8,000 striking journeymen
was adopted in the form of resolutions. No
now concessions were made and the icfusal
to treat with the men as a body was reiter
ated. The ultimatum was carl led to the
strikers' executive council by a committee ot
masters. It was not favorably received , and
though action on it was dofeiied till tomorrow
row , tlio outlook 1 $ that botli sides have very
nearly decided upon a long and bitter light.
rile Strike Threatened.
PjiiLAi > r.u'iiiA , April 14. A proposition
was urged upon the biick manufacturersol
this city last night that they should only em
ploy Knlglits-of Labor In their yards. This
was refused nnd a resolution was adopted
that , unless the present dllllculty between
the knights and mauutactureis Is .settled by
next Satuiday. the manutacturo of-bricks
will ccaso on that date. This would result
In thiovving 0,000 men out of employment.
A Labor Difficulty Compromised.
CINCINNATI , April 14. The strike of the
architectural iron workers , whlctt began
three or four weeks ago , was terminated to
day. Their demand was tor a reduction of
hours In the day from ton to nine with the
same wages. The compromise was made to
work nine hours a day and the wages to bu
tlio average of that paid by the two largest
shops. .
K. of ti. Iron Workers.
PiTTSimito , April 14. The Knights of
Labor of this district have formed a national
dlctrlct assembly ot Iron and bteel workers
and application will be made lo Powderly
for a charter.
Killed Uy Her Hiifllmnd.
CHICAGO , April 14. Minnie Bertraud ,
aged twenty-one , was fatally shot to-night
on Throep street by her husband , Joseph
Bortrand , aged twenty-two , a stove moulder.
She died Immediately and ho attempted sui
cide by shooting himself in the left breast.
Bcrtiand had lain in wait for his wlfo all
day. After being shot Mrs. Beitrand
ran across the street with her nine
teen-months'-old child In her arms
and fell to the sidewalk , at the
same time calling for someone to take
her baby. Just as she sank to the ground
Bcrtrandwho had been coolly watching her ,
placed the mu//lo of the revolver to his
breast nnd pulled the trigger , lie sank to
the ground and waspreparingtoshootagaln ,
when the weapon was wrested fiom him.
Ho will recover. Bertrand Is addicted to
gambling and drinking. He and his wife
have lived very unhappily and she has sev
eral times lelt him.
A Cruiser's ( Successful Trip.
NnwYoiiK , April 14. The Atlanta re
turned from a six hour's trip up the sound at
3:15 : this morning. The trip had been made
from off "WiUnl's Point , up the middle
ground channel , past Execution rock , under
a spanking bree/o and a choppy sea , and re
turn. For six consecutive hours of the tnal
trip the vessel cleared the whltecaps with en
gines under full pressure , sometimes reach
ing sixteen and three-quarters knots , and at
others only fourteen. It Is anticipated that the
Atlanta can do seventeen knots an hour at
a pinch when the cylinders and bearings ot
the engines become easy by working.
A Dishonest Cleric Arrested.
TOLEDO , O. , April 14. This afternoon Ed
ward W. Cody , night distributing clerk at
tlio postotllco , was arrested by Deputy
United States Marshal Breed for robbing the
malls ! The only letters abstracted were
these addressed to the Blade newspaper. Ho
was caught by means of decoy letters. The
Blade first noticed the loss last November
and estimates the stealings since then at be
tween and S4ouo.
A UlR Saving.
ST. Louts. Anrll 14. The awards of con
tracts for supplying beef to various Indian
agencies was made by the Indian commls
sloncr , this afternoon. The bids ratue from
5 to IS per cent lower than these of last year ,
which will result In a Bay Ing of fully 900,000
to the government.
Death of a Town Founder.
CmcApo , April 14. K. G. Ayers , founder
of the town of Harvard , III. , died at that
place last night , aged seventy-Dye ,
DCS Molnoa Wins Uy a Score of
Twenty to Three.
Dns MOINKS , la. , April II. [ Special Tele
gram to the UKK.J Two thousand people
witnessed the game between Dca Molncs
nnd Omaha this afternoon at the now Ath
letic Park. The teams plavcd In the follow
ing positions :
The visitor * were outplayed In all respects ,
mr.lilug a large number ot costly emirs.
Housman was batted all over tlio di.uuotul ,
the homo team making twenty-one base hits
olT him. Hatter caught well for the visitors.
Dwveron ba > iodld good work. Wlnto-
ley , of the homo team , made a homo run and
brought In thiee men. The score by innings
was as follows :
Omaha 1 0100100 0-3
Des Molnes 1 0030415 20
Lett on Hasi's Des Molnes , 8 ; Omaha , 'J.
Time of Game " hours , 10 minutes.
Umpire Bisuett , of the Northwestern
iNDiANAi' , April 11. A slight sprinkle
of rain before the opening of the game hero
to-day between Chicago and St. Louis kept
away a largo number of people , but the 3,000
who visited Athletic park were amply repaid
by witnessing the most terrific nluculng
match over played on the grounds. St. Louis
won the toss and went to the field , while
Chlca'go had the choice of umpire and se
lected Drrscher.
The followIne was the score :
Chicago 3 1100035 0 19
St. Louis 4 3000030 0-0
At Plttsbure Plttsburg , 13 ; Tot on to. 3.
At Plnladelphla-Atlctlc , 4 ; Philadel
phia , 0.
At Lonlsvlllfl Louisville , 7 : Detroit , 3.
At Cincinnati Cincinnati , 20 ; Columbus , 2.
At New York Brooklyn. 1 ; Boston , 2.
TUB PANHANDLE : noitnEiis.
Now Points Developed In the Case
Moro Mon Arrostod.
Pmsnuna , April 14 , ( Special Tolocram
to the BKE.J Some now points In the whole
sale Panhandle railroad lobbcry wore devcl-
loped to-day. The detectives having the
matter In charge are very reticent , but claim
to have evidence that will lead to the convic
tion of a number of men who have not yet
been arrested. Ofllcers who left hero yester
day cipturcd Joseph Stuphonson and John
Smith , two more of the ullcgcd thieves , at
Beaver Falls , Pa. They wore aboard a Lake
Erie fieight train asbrakemon. As soon as
they saw the olllcers they left the train and
ran to the woods , but wore pursued and cap
tured. Twootheis escaped from tlio same
train. The two arrested hall from
Youugstown. There Is moro or less
confidence expressed among the
friends of the Imprisoned men that
not enough evidence can bo pioduced to se
cure conviction , but there will be abundance
of witnesses at nny rate. Detective Gllki'r-
sou says fully 600 witnesses would bo sub-
pcenead , coming from all parts of the coun-
tiy. It Is said that tlio railroad company will
only press suits against those of Its Impris
oned employes who have moio than one
charge against them , having decided to use
as witnesses many who are now In jail. Tim
defense wilt rely laigoly on the matter of
doubtful Identity , holding that In the dark
ness It Is impossible to clearly Identify faces
of people , especially when those faces aie
covered with Uie grime aud gicaso of their
Bouncinu a Bore.
liAT.TiMonn , April 14. | Special Telegram
to thoBnn.l The eccentric Mrs. Emmons
has been making things lively at the Viadttct
hotel , on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad ,
near this city , the past week. She smoked
her cigarettes in tlio parlors , nicknamed em
ployer and guests , and rode on the baggage
trucks. She was asked to leave last Friday ,
but declined. Late last nliilit she , with her
maid , arrived In Baltimore and engaged a
magnificent suite of rooms at the Ml. Vernon
hotel. In an interview to-day she said , be
tween puffs of cigarettes , that until last
AVcdnesday night she had boon ticatoci with
the utmost consideration by Manager Colvln ,
but that since ho Mid she was objectionable ,
and must leave tlio hotel. "I was busy all
day yesterday packing my trunk , " continued
Mrs. Kinmons. "Ono ot the employes had
gone to Baltimore , another had gone
to New * York , and I could obtain no
help. i had scarcely finished dressing -
ing when Colviu rapped at my door.
The door has a patent lock and It was locked
and bolted. That man got a hatchet and
smashed the transom over my door. Then
he thrust a colored porter through the open
ing and ho opened the door. 1 was accused
of no immorality. Of course 1 smoke cigar
ettes , but that Is my affair. I ( clc/raphod to
Professor Emmons , ' 1 am sick. My prop-
city Is in jeopardy. ' To tills he answered
not one word. At : for my property which 1
left at the hotel I don't know what will become -
come of that. It may bo worth $50,000 or It
may bo woith moro. My diamonds I brought
with me. " There were fourteen of Mis.
Kmmons' trunks at the Viaduct hotel. 'Hie
Baltimoio ifcOhio authorities gave a different
version of the alfalr altogether. They say
she was oidcted to leave tlio hotel , nnd re
fusing to go , thcroloicd porter pushed his
way over the transom and compelled her to
A Political-Judicial Sensation.
iNuiANAi' , Apill 14. Something of a
sensation developed to-day in connection
with the frauds alleged to have been com
mitted at the last election. Under the ruling
by Judce Grcshnm the prosecution wore
forced lo transferMhe cases to the state
comts. nnd the-grand jury of the criminal
court has been taking evidence In the matter.
Iho jury Is drawn to servo six months , con
sists of six mumbors and Is equally divided
politically. To-day the republican" members
scuta letter to the judge , In which they
stated that there was ample evidence to war
rant the finding of Indictments In the elec
tion fraud ca es , but that such result was
prevented by tlm refusal of the other mem
bers of the jury to take action. In concluding ,
the three members asked to bo excused from
further service on the jury. Judge Irwln ,
on receipt of the letter , expressed consider
able Indignation and said that the facts
stated developed .something entirely now In
criminal jurisprudence. He further said that
the letter would be filed for consideration nt
the next term of court , but took no other
The HalMva.v'Jtnio Convention.
NV.vv YOHIC , April 14. The time conven
tion of lailroad superintendents anil mana
gers concluded its session this afternoon at
the Ilotol Brunswick. The new code , which
was provisionally adopted six mouths ago.
was brought up again and adopted. It will
be put In operation as soon ns practicable.
Bv this codn u uniform system of blcnals by
lamps , whistles and other methods U estab
lished for all the roads represented at the
convention. Nearly all the roads were
represented. Uniform methods and regula
tions for timing and slimlnc trains , rules for
running trams an single tracks , for switch
ing and side tracking are Included in the
code. The general Intent of the now code Is
to insure the feafctyof passengero and f rciglit.
A Disabled Strainer.
NEW YOUK , April. 14. The ovnrduo
uteamcr bnlcrno of the WlUon line Is re
ported by cablegram from London
been spoken to twice durliu the last vvcok ,
April and 7. On the latter date film was
l"ou miles from Liverpool , piorredlng under
sail. Shu reported alt well on board.
A Wholesale Jail Bronk.
CHAIU.KSTON , V. Va. April 14. Every
prisoner In the jail here escaped to-night by
tunnelling out , six In number. There is great
excitement In the city and detectives aio in
search ot the escaped.
A Mugwump Squall Distnrbjs tbo Occu
pants of tbo White Houso.
_ I
t t
iUorn Till It nfnniKxtra Session of Con *
Kress Star Route Contract * For
Iowa Awarded National
Capital News.
Mugwump Wind.
AVAsniNriTON , April 14. ( Special Tolfl"
pram to the Br.i ; . | Nosuiprlso was croateil
lieio by the doclaiatlon of Dorman I ) . Katon ,
in a public addrrss last night , that ho favored
the policy of President Cleveland and would
have to take time , If Blalno and Cleveland ,
are re-nomlnatcd , before ho could decide to
support the former. Katon hai been regarded
as a mugwump , If not a democrat , for several
years. It will bo remembered the sonata
committee called him before it several
times when considering his nomina
tion. as civil fiuiylco commissioner ,
and that It came near refusing to confirm
him because ho was regarded as a democrat
by many republicans , and his nomination
was Intended to bo that of a republican.
The decimation of ( i corgi ) William Curtis
that Cleveland could not bo elected if nomi
nated has created a sensation among the ad
ministration men. It is reported that tnn
president is much perturbed over Curtis. '
Ex-Kcprcsentallvo liaibour thinks that the
noxtcongrost , will bo convened In oxtia ses
sion In the fall. Ills opinion Is that congress
will be convened In October , and that the
called session will run into the regular ses
sion. Harbour Is a leading democratic states
man In Viixlnin.
Captain John Van U. lloff , assistant sur
geon , has been assigned to duty at Foil Keno ,
Idaho territory.
Lieutenant Charles S. Tear , Twenty-lift ! !
infantry , has beengianted ono mouth's leave
from Fort Snelllng , Minn.
First Lieutenant Frank II. Mills , Twenty-
fourth infantry , who was recently relieved as
regimental < umrtorumstor , has applied for six
months' Hick leave.
Major Charles WakofT. Fourteenth In
fantry , has been appointed regimental nuar-
termnster In place ot First Lieutenant IMllnid
11. Clark , whose time has nxplred.
Colonel George ( iluhon , Fifth Infantry , has
appointed Flist Lieutenant Oscar \V. Long
adjutant of the regiment to succeed First
Lieutenant llobard K. Bailey , whoso term
expired March 34.
Army leaves : Adjutant William S. Stln-
ton , coips of engineers , ten days ; Captain
Jacob A. At'Kcr ' , Fifth Cavalry , tour mouths
Irom August US , IhST , when ho Is relieved
from duty at West Point : Flist Lieutenant
( Jailand N. Whistler , Flttli artillery , four
teen days' extension ; Captain Lewis John
son , Tvvcnty-fouith Infantry , Fort Sill , In
dian tuintory , twenty-live days ; First Lieu
tenant Ucorgo Bell , ji. , Thlul inlantry , Fort
Mlssouia , Montana , ono mouth extension ;
Lieutenant N. U. Stuele , Kighth cavalry.
Fort Clark. Texas , until April 20.
In the Nineteenth lui.uitry Colonel Charles
11. Smith has appointed First Lieutenant
Christian C. Hewitt to the adjutancy , to suc
ceed I' list Lieutenant Charles U. Hall , and
First Lieutenant William P. Kvaus , who Is
now on duty at Weit Point , becomes iegl-
mental quartermaster In place of Major
Simon C. Vt-dder.
Army orders : The resignation ot Captain
John J. Kane , asslhtantsuigeon has been ac
cepted , to take nllect Ainu 13 , ! Bh7. Vlrst
Lieutenant F. K. Philips , Kighth cavalry ,
has been detailed as inspector on certain re
cruiting property it Lexington , Ky. Ord
nance brrgeant John 13arr has been placed
on the retired list.
Contracts were to-day let tor cat ry Ing mall
on star routes In Iowa for lour years , begin
ning July 1 next and ending Juno 'M , Ib'Jl , us
follows : Algona to Seneca , U. W. Bcedy ,
S3'J7 ; Uankston to i.ottners , S. W. Wlnslow ,
SliB : Belvedere to Soldier , O. D. Mooie , 8251 ;
Burlington to Augusta , G. D. Mooie , 34 ;
Cnntrill to Keosauiiiia , J. L. Jones , 8411 ;
Colc-sburg to Osteidcck \ . L. AII.-UO , 8259 ; Springs to Claiinda , J. M. Bowen ,
8150 ; Ueconih to * Frankvillo , M. T. Croft ,
S2Sj ; Piiicufort to Wlnslow , J. L. Jones ,
38'J ' ; Fairlield to Bakei , M. T. Cioft , S1U9 ;
Klkport to Updi'gralf , S. 1) . Casscliuau , 8110 ;
Djersvillo to Petersburg , A.N.Sanbornt33 ; ! ;
Dnrango to Luxenburg , II. K. Wilson , 570 ;
( llllespio to Depart , M. T. Croft , 5b ; Ion to
Waukcon Junction , G. By water , SOU ; Lan
sing to Lansing , George Chambcis. SMI ;
Manchester to Foiestvlllo , J. B. Colgrove ,
S1S9 ; Nashua to New Hampton , II. W. Win-
blow , S4'J4 ; Now Hampton to Dcerfiuld , 51.
T. Croft , S O ; Pulia to Durham. O. W.
Chambers. SHU ; Peosta to Lore. M. T. Cioft ,
312'J ; Prlmghar to Paulina , G. W. Chambeis ,
SJ30 ; Uaclno to Newell , G. D. Moore , 137 ;
Shaion Center to Iowa City. M. T. Croft ,
S120 ; Thoten to Washington Pralrlo , M. T.
Croft , S49 ; Warsaw to Harvard , J. L. Jones ,
891 ; Waverly to Futibank , M. T. Cioft , 89 ;
\Vinterset to Ciet-ton , J. L. Jones , s.45 ;
Hamilton to Attica , J. L. Jones , 35 ;
Marengo to Mlllorsbur , ' , , J. L. Jones , Si-9 ;
Oswalt to Colfax , J. L. Jones , SSO.
Pensions wuio issued for Ncbraakans
to-day as follows : Maiy L. Oulnby , former
widow of Daniel N. Fox , MtCook ; William
lllgel , Atkinson : Nathan L. Uabcock. Kx- _
etcr ; James N. Dennis , Driftwood ; Chester
B. Power , Maj flower ; David Clement , Ox
ford ; Lawrence Burgett , PIckcrell.
Pensions lor lowims : Ljdla M. , widow
of Daniel D. Lamb , Cedar Falls : Jane , widow
of Jay C. Hoisford , Klnroncovlllo ; Jonathan
Chance , Searing ; William Hush , Dear's
Station : Sylvester Mt-KciulP. Dunlap ; John
D. Sands , Brlmont ; .Joseph M. Patrick , Bed
ford ; Ira 11. Smith , Hull ; George Van Doron ,
Polk City ; George It. Joy , Athlca ; John
Martin , Ida Grove ; Kmt-st Llnnerman , Bur- ,
llngton ; Mosly Brock , Wlnterset ; Albert J ,
Cllno , Cincinnati ; Charles Knapp , VInton ;
William M. McCrcary , Council Blutls : Mar
tha W. , widow ot Charles Pkkou.s , Colfax ;
Kr.istus D. Yule , Murttlmlllowu : Klvln
Warner , Newton ; Ole Anderson. HUlguvvny ;
Oilando Wood , LeMars ; Joseph K. Saljarda ,
Now burn.
The postolllca at Sandwich , Dundy county ,
was discontinued to-day.
William A. Andi'riion. of Omaha , and
Andrew J. Graves , of Uock .lilulfs , wrro
to-day admitted to practice beloie tlio In
terior depaitment.
1'nrdonod y the President.
WASHINGTON , April 14. The president to
day pardoned 11. II. Mongs , who wan con
victed of emboz7llng money from the mails
and facntcned to nine years' Imprisonment In
the Chester , HI. , penitentiary , and W. 1C.
Branuin , now serving a year's suntenco In
the Southern Illinois penitentiary for break
ing Into a postolllco with Intent to stcil. * 'lio
president also granted a pardon to William
II. Ovnrholt , convicted of robbing tlio mulls
nnd uentcncod to ten years In the houtliern
Illinois penitentiary. Adverse action \viia
taken in the of William Lcbaron , die-
tilet ot Minnesota , andB.T. llubburd , north
ern district of Illinois.
A Kntnl Hook Hlldc.
DKNVMI , Apili 14. A Buena Vista special
to the Itepubllcan says : A rock slide oc
curred In a deep cut In the work of Kyncr ,
lllgbeo it Bernard on the Midland
grade near this place , In which Mr. Bernard.
was badly injured and several men killed.
The full oxtriit of the Mlbufitor c.-.nnot bo
learned at this tlnu * . Drs. Mattoon and
Luubman have gone out to thoA rule. His
safe tosay tlMtolghtor ten mei\ have lost
their lives and several others mure or less in
In Itnglmnntal SlatloiiH.
W > sniNOTO.s' , April 11 , As soon as the
appioprlations for the next Incal yoxr are
available , the Sixth , Kighth and Twonty-
foiu'th regiments of Infantry will change
stations. The Sixth will go from Foil Doug-
lustotho Department of the Missouri , 10-
lluvlng the Twenty-fourth ; the Klglith , fiom
Us station In .Ncbuis.Ua. to Fort Dotiulas ,
and tlJoTwenty-fotuth to Nebraska , ttlifcf
Ing Uo : Kighth.