Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1887, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , APRIL 14. 1887. SPECIAL NOTICES ; Advertisements under ihls bend , 10 cents per line lor the fircl Incortion,7 cents for each sub- icquont Insertion , and f 1.50 a line per month No iwlvortlsetnont taken lor less than1 jonts lor the flrst Insertion. Eovon woru * ill bo counted to tlio llnoj they must run tcnsocu- tlvclr nnd must bo paid In advnncc. All adver tisement * must bo handed tn before 1:30 o'clock p.m..und under no clrcum tances will thuybe taken or dlacontlnuril by telcphono. Partic-a advertising In thesu tolumns nnd h IT * higthu anawors iiJdrewd In en re of THE IUr : wlllplcnfo nuk for n cliocV loanable thorn to get tliclr letters , ns none will bo delivered cxcopt on presentation of check. All answers to ad- tertisfmcnts ghotild be diclocod In on volouos. All advertisements In these columns nro pub lished In both morning nud evening editions of The lloo , the circulation of which aggregates tnoro than" 14,0X1 papers dully , nnd glvoa the udvcrtl cr the boiibllt , not enl ) of the city circulation of The lloo but ulBO of Council niuITs. Lincoln , nnd other cities nnd towns throughout this part of the west. MONEY TO LOAN. 12,000 to loan on real ostato. Apply to C. II , S Keller , 1505 rarnarast , city. 015 mlO * 500,000 to loan at 0 per cent , Harris & Samp I son , 151flouglaa ( at. C8H ,500,000 ' TO I/AN nt 6 per cent Mabonoy $ , Llnahan 1600 Farnnm. 121 CF..NT Money. 6PKR . C. Pattrrnon , 15th nr.d Harnoy. ONF.V TO LOAN-O F. Davis * Co .real M estate and loan ngcnta , 1505 farnam st 750 ONF.Y to loan nn real estate und chattels M S. Katz It Co. 1511 Farnam st , ground floor. 757 $600,000 To loan on Omnha city property at 8 per cent U. W. Day , over 13U Douglat at 753 MONHY TO LOAN-On city nnu fnrm prop' crtylow intos. Stewart & Co. , Room 3 Iron bunk. 759 MONEY to loan , cash on delay. J. W. nnd K. L. Squire , 1413 Farnnm st , Pax ton hotel building. 700 MONRY First mortgngo notes. The Douglas county bunk will buy papers secured by flrat mortgage on city realty. 761 M ONF.Y TO LOAN on improved real estate : no commission charged. Leavltt llurn- hnm , Room 1 Crolghton Illock. 763 PEll CKNT-Monoy to loan. Gregory & HadlnT , Rooms 1 and 3 , Rcdlck block , U20 8. 15th Rt 7C3 MONIJNY to loan on collaterals. Long nnd short tlmn city mortgages and con tracts uought , i : . 8. Rowley , 314 bouth 15th st. U78 mil TO LOAN Money Loans placed on Im proved real estate In city or county for Mow England Loan Ic Trust Co. , by Douglaa County bank , lath and Chicago Ms. 76i MONEY to loon on Improved olty property at 0 per cont. Money on hand : donothavo to wait Have a complete Bet of abstract books Of Doiiirlfls county. I. N. WutHon. nbstrncfor Harris Real Instate nnd Loan Co. , 3208.15th st. 7115. M ONKY LOANED at C. F. Hood & Co.'a Loan Olllco , on furniture , pianos , horsea.wagons , personal property of iill'kmils i , and all other nr- tlcles of valun , without removal. 319 8. 13th. over Rlngham a Commission store , All busl- nosa etrlctlv conndrntlal. 7C8 TVOANS Loans Loans. Real rstato loans ; Collnterlul loans. Chattel loans. Long tlmo loans. Short tlmo loans. Money always on hand to o n on any ap proved security. Investment securities bought and sold. Omaha Unanolal Exchange , n. w , cor. 15tb and Barney. Oorbott. Manager. 707 MONEY TO LOAN-bytho undersigned , who has the only properly organized loan genoy In Omnha. Loans of $10 to $100 made on furniture , pianosorgans , hones , wagons , machinery , &c , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans so made that any part can be paid at any tmo.oach payment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances fnsdo on fine watches and diamonds. Persona should carefully consider who they nro dealing with-as many new concerns are dally coming into existence. Should you need money call and BOO me. W. IL Croft , Room 4 WUhnoll llulldlng 15th and Harney. 763 = = = BUSINESS CHANCES. TTHOR SALK--Ruataurant In good location , do- JL' ing n paying business. Percy Snyder. 132 ' DougTnsat 764 14 "IJIOR SALE Grocery atoro , Max NoorA Bros J 602 N. Utu at 777 15 * i T71OR BALE A pool and blllnrd hall , three JL' good tables , bur oto. Good chance for a saloon. Enquire of W. J. Barnes , Ogallala Mob. 742 U * * | 7OR BALE Good paying restaurant , con- jn t rally located ; for particulars call on or address Ohas. L. Hart , Crolghton Block. 6:13 : IT OR SALE A good lunch counter outfit. cheap , W. llratides , 811 a lOthst OI113J TpOR SALE Two restaurants doing good JU baslnosa. Address L 14 Bee ofllcn. 646 18J I10R RENT The oldest and best located gro cery stand on N. Itlth st This has boon a grocery for 16 years. Inquire 015 N , 10th. B ARO AN FOR CASH-Paying lumberyard In a thriving north Nebraska town , GooJ reasons for selling. Norfoik Btato bank , Nor folk. Noli. 68017 TTIOR SALE- flrst-clnss lumber yard at In- JL1 man , Nob. For particulars address Oro. Graves. Norfolk. Nab. 67015 * IfrOR SALE A Complete cigar atand outfit JS Onto City RoalKstnto Co. , ISO ) Douglas st TflOR BALE A well-assorted stock ot general JD morciinndlKont Emmet , Nob. , consisting of groceries , dry gooda , boots and shoes and hardware stock ! will bo sold on reasonable terms. For particulars call on or address W. E. Hlpmnn. Rloux City. la. 65318 T&1OU SALE One-half Interest In the Nebraska JL' Signaltho largoat circulation of any coun try weekly newspaper tn the stats ; largo job office In connection. For full particulars address - dross or call on & 0. Sawyer , Admr. , Fair- mont. Nob. 738 BUY a Mnyfleld lot on West Cumlngs street , $350 , | BO down and $10 monthly. C. J. Canan. 723 Foil SALE or Exchange A new 35 hbl com bination roll ! situated on Little Illuo river , near Hebron. In Thaynr county. Will ex- ouatigo for wild or Improved lands or live stock. For further particulars address First National Ilank. Hebron. Neb. KM \I7ANTED-To find good , Hvo business mon T T with stocks of cowls tn move to a grow ing town whore money cun bn made , I will as- lat the right kind of people In building , etc. Will pay good big bonus to anv one that will tart n canning factory , or. In fact , any kind ot * factory that employs hands. Wo want a drug tore , furniture store , grocery store , a doctor , a practical painter right away. For particulars andresis Bonk of Valley , Valley , Neb.ore , B. Mayne , Omuha , Neb. 4Ho l PERSONAL. PERSONAL 2 respectable young mon would like to moot 2 young ladles of t-amo char acter with view ot making acqualntano. Ad- tlrcs L24.11ooolHco. 75113 PERSONAL Vallso belonging to Charley Fair , sent from Sioux City by Ed Woods , Is nt the Darker house. 721) ) 1U PERSONAf A family living In a good nelith- borhood who expect to go out of town for the summer and not wlMitng to close houie can find responsible party to keep It open by calling - ing nt Klnslor'a drug etore , No. 1307 Farnam at 2M 14 _ PERSONAL Private homo for ladies durln * confinement , strictly confidentliil. Infanu adopted , address E 42 , Bee olllco. 6M9o2Vj \ THdDURNTClarlvoyaut from Hoaton , Is J-'l reliable In nil affairs ot life , unites separated lovers. 323 N. 16th st. room 16IOu28 Dr. Nannie V. Warren . clairvoyant. Medical and business Medium Boom No. t , 121 North Uth st .Oinaha , Neb. LOST. LOST A green parrot front 161) Dodge street answers to name of Graver , A liberal reward - ward will b given for Its return. 730 13 * V .O8T 1'Sp. water spaniel , female , whltt JLJ marka : return to tel & Uth at. and r ceiva reward. " 731 13 * STRAYED From J. T. Wlthrow * Co's barn , Harney bet ISth and Uth , eve. April Uth Borrcll horne with a blazed face , two whltt hind loot , white spot on right aide. FIndei Will return to above addreaa. 711 14 * JTOUND. UP-Day pony , am all white spot Ic forehead. Cull at a. 13th and Valley ats JCflchutt. 610 3J niAKnN trp Bay mare , S years old , white - spot forehead branded U U , Illtlo white on hind fcot. shod. August Schnuko , on llasmusson's place , 7 mlles N W of Omahn. tn 1623 ) n613 . STOBAQE. OMAHA Storage Warehouse Corner 18th und 1/nrd * ta , , for ( oruK < > of houcehoid iroods and general mercliandljo at low rates. Advnncoi niuilu ; Issue warehouse receipts. R. R. MTltch nt the houto. Offlro 5in South ! 3th fitrcotnnd 1IW-I , UtlO and 1312 Izurd aticet. Telo- phonoUC2 , M. 8 Goodrich , Mgr. MISCELLANEOUS. rPO ronl estate agents : All property owned JL or listed by mo Is hereby withdrawn f torn the market. C. 3. Caawell. 740 13 WUHBNT-Hcv.mro t'lano $ J montbly. A Ho9po,1513Dougna. : 770 rilO p.trtlos hnvmg houses lor rent , Rental X Agency. Ronnwn & Co. , IVst. , opposite post- fllco , Wo hnvo turned over to them our rental 1st. We recommend them. McCugue Bros. OH ) TJARENTS Lot your children also hnvo pleas- J. tire and glvo them n Joyful youth. A com- tnittco Is going to arrange IT nlco chll Iron's ball , wliuh takes place the 23d of \pill from 4 till 10 p. m. In Motz's danc- ng ball , 510 a 10th at. Entrance 35c ; mrotits lOc. Tickola can bo had till the Oh day of April , at 111 I N. Uth st 704 * U BLAKE'S Premium Phort Hand , and Typewriters' Institute. Thorougt.lprnctlcnl nnd Rallnhlu Instruction. Write or apply to L. J. Blake , principal , cor. Cth and Capitol avo. Omahn , Neb. O.VI niyl * F OK UKNT Organs , f 2 per month. HOFpe , 1613 Dounlas. 770 SPOT CAPH for second-hand , f urnlturo , car- pots und stoves , ut 117 N , 16th st P1AHII advanced on diamonds nnd watches at U7 N. llith st. OrtT-VCo. 20.1 a8 ! \ 1. O. House furniahlng goodl , all kinds : ' cash or installment ; lowest prices at J. Bonnor , 1315 Douglaa at 900 DON'T bn nn oyster. Don t bo swallowed alive wtion you want to sell furniture , larpcts or household goods , call at 117 N. 16th. 203 a8 ! EEAIi ESTATE agents will plonso take notlco that lot 5 , block 15 bnsbcon sold. Otto 'Slomson. 1\U \ 13J FTHE place whore they soil f urnlturo cheap JL for cash ha-i boon removed from 14Hi Doug las to 117 N. 16th st. SO nis _ " 1KSS POOLS , sinks nnd vnults clmmod , Oder- \J lees process. E. Kwlng , box 427 , city. W2 n 15 * MRS. M. OHLENSCILAEOEU"Urediiatod ! midwife , corner''oth und Cumlng at , up itairn. F ou HUNT tiqunro Flano , $ t montulv. Hospo. 1513 Douirks. 770 DON'T bo a clam , Don't pay two prices when you cnn go to 117 N. llith nnd buy lurnl 'uro , atovos , 4o , nt rock bottom prices. 203 aH WILL take a good team or light buggy In part exchange for good aero lot. Oeo. N. Illcks. 215 8 15th etrcet 33 ! 13 JfllRST-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th ft. 726 MONEY talks when j-ou want tobuyfurnl turo orvnpor stoves lit 117 N. 16th. between Dodge nnd Capitol avo. 20:1 : u8 ! PF you want to buy or soil f urnlturo , go to L J. Fnruuson's , 715 N. 16th. 771 N EW Hoarding House , flno tables , clean and palatable victuals. 1416 Chicago at 772 STORAGE First-class atorago for nice fur niture or boxed gooda , at 1513 Dodgc- < : FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE -A pair driving horses nnd four or nvo saddle horses. Inquire stockyards Olllco , South Omahn. 757 18 FOR SALE Furniture , carpets , etc. , 519 Pleasant Bt. 701 15 * T71OR SALE t'bonp , a Chlckurlng Bquuro Jt ! piano , 103 S. 17th at. 75'J 10 * F I OR SALE A family horse nnd harness. 1125 N. 17th street , $100. 734 15 * FOR SALE A span of work horses , A No. 1. Inquire of H. H. Raven , 1010 Harnoy , or Chas. Besemann. Orchard HI1L 736 15 "BiOKSALE Gasoline stove complete. Houso- X' keepers delight ; nearly new : now Improved burner ? ; half price. Inquire 1821 Chicago st. 723 14 FOR BALE Thoroughbred Clyde stallion , chestnut color , V years old , weight 1,700 IDS. Inquire checkered barn. 2121 S. 18th. 007 13J TTOR SALE The best line of carriages , phaetons - . * ons , buggies , real estate wagons nnd deliv ery wagons. Columbus Huggy Co. , UK ! Harnoy. 3)9m9 ! ) J1OR SALII Tenm , wolcht 2dOO , will give - time on part paymentsL 4 Dee office. 3U2.15 * TjiOR SALE A second hand spring wagon , two JL' seated , polo and shafts , cheap , at the Col- umtius Ruggy Co. , 1113 Harney at 'M > T7IORSALC-Brick. T.Murray. JP 127 /CHOICE LANDS $5 per aero. $ M ) miikos lac \ l years payment on IUO acres. Write for Information - formation W. F. Pulno , Sidney Nob. 2.'i2may7 1OR SALK Tonm flno roadsters , und good single hurness. Dr. llaiichctt , r 0 Withiicll block. "TO TpOH SALE-Ncarly now hack with team nnd X1 harness. All In first-class condition. Inquire - quire 410 N. 10th at. 1174 13. "OR SALE 2 million brick and upwards no- sides dally out put of 30,000. Enquire on promises , cor Dorcas and 2nd sts. Omaha llrlok anil Terra Cotta Mfg. Co 774 WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED 15 men to work on farm. Inquire at 11. Jacobs , Room ( l , opera house , Coun cil Bluffs. aprl4 W ANTED A pant maker and a cent maker 607 S. 10th. 750 15 * _ WANTED Two gooJ. tailors at once , steady job , good prices. W. J. MoKonzlo. Exeter , Neb. 743 14 * _ WANTED-A flrat class broad baker > u 2W9 _ , _ _ _ A'harnoasmnker A gooA workman - man and of steady habits , to lake charge of a shop In n smnll town. A Gorman or Ho- bitmlnn preferred. Apply with reference to John Miller , Wilbur. Nob. _ 7p ) A GENTS Cooking rovrlutlonl/od. An "Odor- --X loss" Frylng-Pan nnd Broiler. Sells read ily. No competition. Morgan Mf'g Co. , Kul- amazoo , Mich. . 6Qj 17 * _ _ WANTED A goou man tn ouuli county In Nebraska to sell Navin's Explanatory StooK Doctor , liberal Inducements olTored. Wrlto for partlnulirs , Agent , G ran I to Block , room 18 , Omahn. G30 13 * \\TANTED Competent , rellaDlo live men as TT special agenta ; men or experience prefer red. W. F. Allen , general agent Mutual Life Insurance company of Now York. No. 215 South 13th street. 893 U \\fANTlU ) Young men. None but good net v > Ivo men of education and buslnosa ability need apuly. Room 16 Bushmnn block. J. M , French ft Co. C14I6 WANTED llnorgetlc.rcllablo mon as agonta. CalU2l South 10th t 16 U * \\ANTKO-Darbor. $ H per wi-ok nml board ; chance for raise. Wilto C. E. ROIIHO , Nor- fola , Neb S.VJ WANTED By an Al concern traveling antes ft man tosoll provisions on commission in southern Iowa and Nebraska and northern MlMourL These already representing other lines preferred. Address giving reference , routoete. _ K 10 lire olflce. 806 14j WANTI'.U Two good coat makers , at John Morrison's , in X llth it , Lincoln , ftt ) \VANTBD-50 sober. Intelligent men of KOO < I T address to try a lOomcal at Norrls' res. taurant. 104 Kit hat 775 \\7ANTUD-Bxperloncod dry goods travelling > T aalemun having an established trade In the country tributary to Kansas City. State amount ottrcdo , territory covered , and bow long. Address , with reference , W. B. Grimes Dry Goods Co. , Kansas City , Mo. 3.YS W ANTED-Sleutocut wood. T. Murray. 400 WANTED FEMALE HELP. W A NTii-G : Irl for house work ; G orm an pro- ferrcd. 1622 Hurt * 13J W ANTED-A girl to wash dishes , cal Southern hotel cor 9th and Loavonwortbl 73U 14j WANTED A good girl or middle aged woman to euro for alck lady. Inquire at the head of 18th st. L. P. Pruyn. 7U9 19 TVrAKTKD airl 15U Howard. 737 H \\rANTED-Comnotcnt nurse girl to take T T care of 3 children. Apply 446 Convent st for general housework in small famlly.t30Bowanl at 746 15J WANTKD Good coat maker and buahclmaa _ ate. eohmiubtrgcr. USB. must 767 IS WANTKD-Fir t olasa shoemaker for ha d owed work. Weber * Kfelael. 1318 Howard. tM 13 * \VANTni-A good girl for general bouso- TT work 704 3 , ISth. ISJJjeiJ _ _ \\fA NTKD ( food ( irnctlcarwoman as lieu o- T T keeper , v ngcs f 1.00 per week. Applv between - tweon 1 and 2 nt 912 Don gins. i 81 \VrANTKD-Coat and pants innkors nt J. C. Tf Vapors. Union prices strictly ndhrrcd to , 751 13j _ \\rANTnn-Olrlfor general housework In a T fnmlly of 3 persons. A good place for the right por.on. . ; si ! N. 15th st 3JI "ITTVNTED-e" pant , overall nnd shirt makers Tt and ono laundress Goo. Stiles , Itth nnd Lcnvonworth ats. 307 15 _ \\7"ANTiD-rir : t-cluss cook. Will pay J5 per T > week. 2L'I Dodge ( It 20.1 \\7ANTr.D--Oirl for general housework ; TT Mood wnjre'to irood girl. Apply to D. J , O'Donohoo , at O'Donouoo V Shorfys , 1.1th St next to the postolllco. 775 ANTi : ) -Good girl nt 60S Virginia nvo , good wages paid. 231 WANTHD Good girl lor gonernl housework < n private bonrdlng house : good wages to ono not afraid to work. 517 South 12th. ( U7 I3J _ \\7ANTKD-Dlnlng-room glrUi. fomnle cooks , T > sorond ( tlrlj.nnd girls for goncral house work. Omnha Kmploymcnt lluroau , 119 North 10th street , Ctounso block. 76J U VtTANTKD-A dining-room girl nt Vienna T > restaurant. 1617 Howard street. 6'H HJ \\7ANTnD-Good girls atthoCommorclnl lio- T > tel , corner 9th and Loavonworth : bust waes. Hanson & Miller , proprietors. 752 ItJ \IfANTKD-A flrst-clnss girl for general housework In a smnll family , at 1717 Chicago cage st. or IKS Douglas. G'.iI l.ij \\rANTKD-A inlddlo-nged gill for gcnorul " housowork. Will pay good wnifos. Kn- quire nt room 1 , 'Arlington block. I' . J. Croodon. bM 14 irANTKD-Good second girl at 23l Dodge street. 76316 17ANTED Good cook and laundress. 2308 Fnumm. Mrs. J. M , Thurston. 76J WANTKD-Compotont girl for Roncnil hoiiBuwork. S. F . cor. ISth and Davun- lort. OSJ 13 NTED A flrst class COOK nt Olonwood , n. Write I ) . II. Wilson. CM 15 " \\rANTF.D-TwoBOOdnrtlvowonionn9chi\m' bermalds , wages $1 per WOOK. Apply bu- twecn 12 and 2 o'clock p. m. nt012 Douglus st. \ \ 1/ANTED 2 girls , ono cook nnd ono dlulng room girl , at l3lt ) Ldavonworth at.B'.VJ B'.VJ IS * "V\7"ANTKD A good girl for general houso- T > work.lbOJDnvonport st. 71313' WANTKD First class chambermaid : waces $3 per week , 116 and 116 N 9th gtroot. 712 U * VtfANTKO-Chambermaids nt the Windsor V > Hotel. 715 3,1 " \\rANTKD-Lady ( und gentlemen ) ngonts for T > Mrs. Cnmpbell'snow putnnt Klectrlo Era * liossed "Krapress. " Klchest nnd most stylish watorprool outside garment over made , llcau- tlfiil as satin und morodurable. Largo profits. Address , with stamp. E. H. Campbell & Co..XII W Randolph St. Chicago. 249 IS * WANTKD-Woman tocorne dally to nttond lo chamber work. Room 14 , Andersen block , llith and Davenport. ! > 03 rANTEO-Flrstclasa luun Jresi City hotbl. tr.l iij : W ANTED Girl at Eniinot houso. 619 WWANTED WANTED A good experienced aecona cook 215 S. 12th st. 708 13jcook WANTED Girl for general houanwork , small family. Kmiuilrn 2111) ) Ohio. 707 1.IJ ITANTfcD-Olrl at 315 N. 18lh at V 70014) ) \ \ 7ANTIH1 Twocood dining room girls at 1 Arcade Hotel , 1215 Douglas St. G50 lj : * WANTED good cook and laundress limnc dlntuly at Dr. Collnmn's , St Mary's avenue nuo nnd 2ttn. ! 375 1C neat spry girl for general liousoworif , HI" , .loncs St. ! WI WANTED Competent girl for general housoworlc , third cottage north of Leav cnworth , on West Colfax stieet Take Park ave cars. 8i > 5 canvasser. Apply to MS N. Idthst 106 WANTED At once , piano player , colored woman preferred Apply 112 S. Uth. U4S TjlfANTED-Lmllesto work for us at their TT own homea ; $7 to 10 per week can be quietly made ; no photo-painting , no canvass- Ing. For full particulars please address nt once Crescent Art Co. , 19 Central at , Boston , Muss , Uox.5170. 002 SITUATION WANTED. WANTED Situation In dry goods , boots nnd shoes , clothing or groceries ; 10 yoi\ri expe rience ; good references. Address L 23 , lice Olllco. * 75313j W ANTED Hy young man , a family place. Address L2J , Boo office. 77613 * WANTED-Sltuotlon by a retail grocery clerk , six years' experlonco. Small wages ; city or country. Address L 19 , Hoe olllco. 718 14 * ' WANTED Situation by a trustwortny wo- man to tnko cnro ot hacholors depart ments. Address L17 , leo ! olTico. 67514 * WANTED Position as bnrlondor , will wo'rk for stuallpay , wlll furnish security for his honesty nnd sobriety If required , tlrst class recommendation ? , please address L 10 , this of fice. Oi7 16 * WANTED-Sltuatlon by a roiriHtorod plinr- niaclst with 8 years experience. Address L 23 Hue olllco. 724 Klj \SfANTHD-Sltuatlon ns book keeper or T > cashier by a young lady. Rest of refer- oncea. Address L. 7 , lleooltico. 307 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. ANTED-Rooma with board for gnntlo- man , wife und little girl 7 years old ; also for single gentleman. Address , elating location , terms , etc. , L27 Bco ofllce. 771 13' WANTI'.D-To purchase a.S3Seven ! or ol : ht-iTomed house with every convon- lonco in Hnnsoom Plnco or vicinity. Apply sharp to W. 8 , Soavey , 111 South Uth streot. WANTED To rent by gentleman and wife acottugoof 5 or n rooms. Bostot rofor- once. Mate pi leu and location. AddrrasL20 , lleo. 720 14 * w 1 ANTED To buy a found young horse for grocery delivering. Call at 80'j N. 20th st , 077 14 * WANTED Immediatelybargains In renl os tate for cash customers. U H. Watts , 151U Douglas streot. 617 WANTED Owners of property who wish to Fell their property cheap , to list It with L. H. Watts , 151H Douglas st. , who has purchasers for bargains In real estate. 018 "IVTANTED Seven or eight-room house In r > any pleasant location. Address LI ) , Boo ofllcc. 6'S ] ; ij WANTED Two medium-sized rooms , fur- nlshoil , for light housekeeping , within 3 blocks of U. P. depot. Addrosa L 8 , licit ollioo. 613 I3J w 'ANTED llcglnnorit on piano , 50 cents un hour. Addrcsa L. 12 , Boo Olllco. : m 10J \\7ANTKD Unfurnished room largo enough f > for 4 or sulto of rooma for Blocplng apartments , In center of city. Address K 00 , Heo olllco. 216 TV-ANTED-Sulto of rooms with modern T T convenience nnd board In private inmlly , by gentleman and wife. Mint bo good location nnd convenient to street cars. References ox- ohnngod. Address K 72 , Boo ofllco. 318 " \\7ANTED. Board by a young man where bet t can keep a horse and buggr. Addresa K 71Booofllce 29613 * VVTANTKD-Hoom suitable for 4 single young TT men , or suit of rooms , must be convenient to 15th and Farnam. Address K 59 , Bee. 248 \\fANTED-Room largo enough for 4 for T I sleeping apartments , in center of city. Ad- dresa K U ) . Boo. 240 \\TANTED To buy for Cash old houses to bo T T removed from their present situs. Apply to C , H. Dodge , B17 South 13th at. gQ | WANTED A newapapor , paying circulation guaranteed from the start , for particu lars address Bank of Valley , Valley , Neb.G0t G0t "WANTED To exchange medium sU Hall TT safe for Urge suf oof any kind will pay difference Dion Ooraldlnc. 714 Pacific St. . city. 654 \1TANTKD To give away 5,000 yards of dirt T T to anyone who will haul It away from n w corner of 17th ana-Webster ets. 017 South 13th t 239 TIT ANTED To buy team of good , soun-1 TT driving horse * , harness and top buggy. Will pay oaan. r Dion Qeraldlne , 714 Pacific M. KB . WAK"fKD-To lease ground In any part of the olty , not over 10 blocks from post- Otto * . AddreM O. W , Cody , box M6 , city. 819 FOB BENT HOUSES and LOTS. 171011 RUNrlflrlck yards , T. Murray. JL 449 Tjoil RENT-Hou o oooms , $ IW per JL' moiuli. llcnawu i Co. , loth Bt , opposite P. O. 771 16 _ _ TT1OR REST 4 now cottrtirix on California JL' ( himlnif street cats. Rent t- ' > per month. Apply to Kaufman Bros. , a > 7ri.5thM. _ IU _ 6JO 17HR Rr.NT-2nd floor UJxtS' ' ft. : well llghtod : JL' privilege of uslnv water .clovator Included. Apply at 1405 Dougliu St. I , Rll' _ F RR15NTlTlood5-rooih 'cottage , centrally located nnd furniture ; for salo. W. 0 , Shrlver , opp. P. O. 741 16 _ FOR REST A now More on 10th St. , between Mason und Pacific st , 2. ! by 31. Inquire up Btnlrs. 15'0 is * _ _ FOR IinNT-2 stores 20x110 feet onch. In one of tbo best cities In Nebraska. Three new rnllronds will be built to the city this season. U ho tlrm that has Just vacated tlm stores did n twsltiCMS of over n bundled thousand dollnri pernnnum , Harrison , Ambler & Woollev , 418 S. 15th st. 705 17 RKNT-Throo room house,7UI Punlno FOR at. ' li'iQ RENT-Good barn sultublo i for 4 horses. FOR Apply nt 617 S. 13th st. 75.5 1OR RBNT-Four room house , 412 North JJ llthst Wl FOR HENT"8plondld hotel nnd boarding house , the Into llrownoll hull , very con- trnl with 3S rooma nil clean and renovitod. Seworniid wntcr In the building. CnllonW. F. I.oicn/eu , 717 touth : 19th st GJ9 13 * RENT May Ist.a furnished botiso.a rooms TO with modern conveniences. Apply to Mrs. A. B. Enstis , C31 Colfax St.,2 doors north of Lcnvcnworth. 071 14 * VOR RKST-llarn , IW7 South 20th st. f For Snlo Engine and boiler , MU South 13lh Btroet. a.18 15 * ARM to rent. T. Murniy. 859 F OR RENT House : furniture , carpets , &o. for salo. Apply 1WW Farnam. 2U fjlOR RUNT Store and living apartments on 1 ? Ginning near Suundors st Apply at Harris Real r.stato and Loan Co. , 0 S. 15th Bt 752 FOB BENT---BOOMB. FOR RE.NT-KlORuntly furnished front par lor , 111 S. ISth st. 75S17 * F I OR RENT Largo furnished room , 1720 Capitol tel a\onuo. 733 1IJ FOR RENT Storeroom , toil ! South 10th bet. Mason nud Pacillo. Inquire up stnlrs. 733 18 * jlOR UKNT A plonsalit I'urnlehcd room f JU Kentlonmn , $5.00 permoilthQ05 N 17th. FOR ttlJNT-OfllPo room with largo plate glass window. Hrst lloor , now nnd nlco. W. S. Seuvoy , 111 South 14th stroot. 748 13 RENT Lurgo unfurnished room. S. E1 cot nur 16th nnd Wobster. 751 13 * FOR RKNT-Furqlshod rooms. IBM Dodge. fiJ-O 17 FOR RENT- Ono large furnished room nnd ono suite of rooms for olllce In Gruonlg Illock , cor. 1'Ith and Dodge. Goo. D. Dnvl ? , Illlllard Hoom Mlllard Hotel. W moil RENT Rooms nicely furnished flrst- L1 class 111 320th street , ' 694 llj RENT Three room house wost-nf North FOll v st , between Chicago and Cms. C')2 ) TT10R RENT Furnished 'rooms ' aud board ; JLA also burn room tor horsu aud buggy. 1903 Farnam. ' 07914 , FOll RENT Two rooma , one oust front fur nished or unturmauud , Gas nnd bath. 526 Pleasant street " , U DIOR RENT Cornnr room In flno location. 1 " or 2 young gentlemen , beat of reference re quired. UJl N. 1.1th at 707 FOR RENT Elegant south nleovo room , modern conveniences. ' 'Gentlemen ' pre ferred. 1924 Farnum Bt. 714 FOR RUNT A very desirable furnished front room. 1811 Capitol nvo. CS6 14j OR UKNT Furnished rooms , 712 N lith"stT ! : iKi 16) ) RENT Rooms Ono aultablo for : i or 4 FOR gectlomon : one suitable tor two gentle men : ono aultablo for trentloman nnd wife , lloni din the family. 1410 Chicago t. 188 TjVOR RENT Elegant Olllco rooms , best loT - -T cation in Omaha. 310 South 15th st. 035 F 0R REN'T-Nowly furnished room In new houso. 1921 Dodno at. 392 F I OR RUNT-3 f urnlanod rooms. 528 Virginia nve. 26313 F I OR RENT-Rooms , 1913 Farnam at. : 883 15J RENT 3 furnished southeast rooms en FOll finite , $33 ; also 1 alnglo room , $12 : with butb , references required. 1910 Webster Bt. 65613 * F OR RENT-Nice front room , 1623 Dodgo. C5I 17 * FOR RENT Nowlr furnished front rooms , Bluglo or onsnlto. 814 N. 17th st. 242 13 * FOR REST Thlrd lloor. S.'xW.of brick build- Inir , 110S Fnrnum street , use of elevator. Inquire above number , upstairs. r > 31 FOR RENT-Elegantly furnished front room suitable for two gentlemen or gentleman am ) wife. Apply 1718 Dodge Bt. lil JJ10R RENT Furnlahod rooms 1707 Ctiaa 13 ] FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms at roa- sonablo rates , ono Dlock from court bouse , 608 So 18th st , north St. Mary's ave , up etHlrs. 710R RENT-OIHces 111 Hellman building cur. . ' Farnam and 13th sts. , in unites or singly. For prices , diagrams and Information apply to P.A. Sloman , 1512 Farnam at , Room 2. FOB , SALE HOUSES LOTS. I WILL offer for 10 dnys the following special bargains : ; r Tuot on south st. , $ iww. Lot In Brown Park , block i. only ? 45t ) . 2 lots In South Omaha p irk , very flno , only ach. 4 lots In Albright's cholco , about 3 blocks from depot , $375 ench. [ These are Uuo lots ana must bo sold. ] ( W foot lot In Hammond place , about TO rod ? from Fowlor'a packinghouseonly $ WO , Ixit In Hawthorne , $ ' )5) ) ) . Fine aero property In north part of olty for Bale. Percy Snydvr , 1320 Douglas ft. 700 13 Tir.N ACJRKStor sale 4 mlloa s. W. of P. O.lnys hieh , { 600 an ucro , D. C. Patterson , Omaha Nut'l bank. . 773 SPECIAL-S of the best lota In Orchard hill , south and east corner , will make terms. 2.oUln Melrose hill , n corner , for.T6M each ; 2 II'CD cast front lots In Ambler place on route of rnr line , for $ SM eacb ; Bedford place lots from $750 to $1,000 : Hakor place lots from $454 to $50) ) ; r > ucn > 8 In Hyde park for $2,500 , lots soilIng - Ing actoss the road for 5100 onoli , Investigate this ; 5 acres In Tuttlo's sub , will mako2l bo-.ui- tlfnllots. nnd lots adjoininguro ! Felling from $ .V/to ) $ fi. > 0 this 5 ncre tract is n grout bargain ; U lots In Horbaoh's 1st add , ( dt on Gooritlaavo just south of Harnoy street for $11,000 ; corner lot n mile and a half from the postolllco , on the Hollvuo road , $ l,500.CILot In Glso's add , $3" > 0. Kount70 place lots nr the best In the noi Ih purt of the olty , and If you are thinking of bu'ldlngcall ' and got price * . Residence 1'ronorty. A largo ten room house'with modern Im provements on Georgia aVOA for $0,000 , part cash and balance on dufnrrodimymrnts In I , 2 , 3 und 4 years tlmo , with 7 per cent Interest. A tlno corner lot 100x150 feet on Virginia avenue , with a good six room Ji u o , barn , oto. Wo hnvo several new house 'ln ' very easy pay ments and very desirable terms. You would do oil to aoo this property r- Apply to Frank F. Williams & Co. , ICth otiil Chicago streets near Douglas Co. bank. f < , 71014 MILITARY ROAD Lots -1 > 6ufht at present prices promlso profitable returns Insldo ot ono month. 1 urn solo ngunt for 30 lots on t his grout thoroughfare , whlctTaTo offered at very roaaonabla figures. Benson-ear "no Is com pleted past these lots. Buy before ( ne cara are running and make some money. Wallace , CreUrbton Block. 703 13 FOR SALE Elegant new 0-roora house In Walnut Hill If taken atjnoe. Address L21 , lleo oftico. 717 15 TIEN ACRI for sale4 mlles S.W. of P. O. : _ ya high , $ GUO an acre. U , o. Patterson , Omaha NaVlbank. 773 FORSALE-Corlot , 65x133. on capltol Hill , must bo aold aeon. Call at 2223 Davenport list HAMILTON BT-Z elegant Iots.100 feet front- ago , juat west of Lowe nvenuo , car line by the door , only $3.000. worth $4.030. Wallace , Creighton Block. 70113 JjiORSALE-glots In block 5 , Paddocn Place , _ l | s a and V , blocks , First add. Bouth Omaha , $3,200 for both. Ono lot Plalnvlow. only $1,200. House and lot 30th and Chicago. | 3,700 , 200 cash , balance $2S per month. Corner tot Mayno Place only $3,00-1. Lots In any and all parts ot tbo city. Park * Fowler , ICO , ' Douglas. 710 II JM'.N ACRES 1 miles southwest postolllco.laya .i. sightly Mid nt $ iWO nn nero only. D. C , Patterson , Omaha National Bnuk. 779 _ PR1NO VALLEf , our now addition. Acres H10 to V ) ) | > oracM. Near South Omaha , And Hydlcat9 Hill. . . . . . . Marshall A Lnbpok , T7S 150J Fnrnain. E AST FRONT , Ilanaroin Plnco. 54 feet. good , $3,1)00. ) Wnllnco , Crolglilon bin. 0)13 _ ) INBinK'ROPlUTYWo hive fomo ( rood In- side property nt n bargain , 1'lorco A Hog- ers.1511 Dodge stieot. 83J _ MIEN ACKI'.S for gale 1 mlles 8.\V. of 1' . O.lnvs .L liUh.ftWOan aero. D , C. Patterson , Omaha Nnt'l bank 773 _ DV.NMAN' PLACK lotsmre cheap at the prices and tormj ollorril. Coino and sco mo about this property. Wallace , Crclghton block. Oil SALE Oil TRADE-Wo own several thousand acres of ohotco South Dakota farming Und which wo will sell or trnito lor Omaha property. Wo want to soil anil offer our land nt bottom prices. Wright Ic Lnsbury. cor. under Paxton hotel _ 10.1 E HAD this splendid lUt : , Gibson , Aylosworth & , Houamln | , 1512 Kuiitiimst. 1 lot In Imp. Ass'n. 47x111 , with 2 small house * $ 3,000 1 lot In Hawthorne , 48x11) ) ) , cor. 31d anil Davenport , with 0 room hotiso.olstorn , well , etc. very oojy terras ! ) ,5 Hot In Hllllde2d add 1.90) ) llotln Bedford Plnco. 50x129 7m 1 lot In Hltohcosk's 1st ndil. Wxir. 700 1V4 lots in Shlnn'a 1st add , 75xl2'4. ! Caldwell - well 8t 8,700 llotln Rodlo-'s add , RixlSi , Half How ard st 3,300 2lots In West Sldo,50xl9 , barn and fruit trees ! . 3,10) 5-room house nnd lot N. 17th St. , ( food wollnnd ctatorn KounUo 4th add , lot 8 , block 0 six room house , well , uletorn barn , &o 4,00 } Hlmohaugh * Pnttorson sub-lot 10 , block S. contract Go9 120 ft on St. Mary's ave , with 3 9-room houses , gns and water , will subdivide. 3iOM 40 ft on St. Mary's nvo bet , 19th und 20th 12.00) Cbolco lot In Omaha Vlow 00 132 ft on inth st. near Karnnm 70,000 Slots,60x'i7. Lowe's ndd , 4-room bouso , cellar , well nnd 03-foot barn , price 3OK ) \Viirolioiisu or business property In block 192 , $15,009 , ensy tornis. Kostnurnnt nnd lot 2Jxti : ! for snlo , S rooms , goodpnylnur buslnpss , In Weeping Water , $2,600 , orms easy. Lot 19 In Anlsllcld , $950. House 40x133 , H rooms and lot on Douglas Bt , for siilo. $5.100. Sml'h ' ndd. one lot 01x132. $1.000. Farm of 80 acres , splendid house , barn , grnn- nry nnd all oiitbu Idliurs In Cuss Co , ; t miles N of eepingVntor. . 1,200 cnsli. 1 ,500. easy term * . Full lot on Dodge st , 3 houses , rents for 1800. $5,200 , M cnnh. Gibson , Aylosworth 4 Benjamin. 27 TIEN ACRE' ' 4 mllus southwest postofilce.lnys sightly und nt $600 nn aero only. D. 0. I'nttoiann , Omahn Nntlonal Hank. 770 MIIJTAKV 1IOAD Lots lioucht at O'resent prices promlsi ! protltnblo returns Insldn of nun month. I HIM solo agent for 30 lots on this great thoroughfare , which nro offered at very itinsonatilo llffurfts. llonsoii cur line Is com- plrted past thceo lots , liny before the cnra arc running and mno como money. Wallttco , Crolghton Illock. 752 13 /lOncrPSforiubdlvislon.onlr 34 ! mlles from T : the postolllco for $40,000. Terms , $10,000 cash , balance I , 2 and : ) years at 8 l > or cent lu- turost. This Is unqneatlonably the greatest bargain In Omaha and will more than double In value In 90 dayi. Pluck Jc Homan , room It , Frenror block , opposite P. O. KU DKNMAN PLACK lota nro cheap nt the prices nnd terms offered. Como and see mo about this property. Wallace , Crolghton block. - Z * 8 8 13 TEN ACIIKS4 miles southwest postolTlco.lnya sightly nnd at fCO ) nn aero only I ) . C. Pnttorson , Omaha National liank. 779 OSWKNSON * CO.-I404 Karnnm street , Hoom 15 , vloalurs In real estate nnd west ern limd. Houses built to suit purchasers on monthly payment. 831-al4 T OTSontstuto street at $1.050 : Klloy Place , J.J oist front , Lowe avenue , $ ' ! ,000 ; south front , 0 > 1.xl47 , Hood's First , $4OIX ) ; COXI2H , Parker's add. , $2RW ( ; 06 foot , 15th street , $160 porfoot. Sotno line bargains In Omaha View and Falrmount Placo. If you want n bargain In aero property or a lot In any part of the olty wo can lit you out. John Onllnghor , 317 South llith street. 275 14J rTWACKAGK-Somoof the best bargains in JL this class of property In Omaha. Wallace , CreUhton Illock. 70313 TF you are sharp you will Investigate these ; .L 110.x 1 < I1 corner Davenport and 32d uvo In Morsman Park , 1-3 caih f 0,509 45x131 near corner in Morsiimu Park , 1-3 cash 2,750 Lots 1 ! ) niH 20 in block 3 , Drake's H.OOO Lot 2 in block 4' , ' / ' cash R.OOO South-west corner Caidwell and Pier. . . . ; i,500 130x130on St. Mary'ttnvp 20,000 Middle 1-3 lot 1 , block 349with nlno room house , modern improvements , It cash 7,000 57 : i-4xl25 M corner with cottage In rear on Fnnmin.1,000cash , balance easyll. . 11,000 Lot 6 In IB , Isaac and ttaldon's ndd.v. . . . Lot 7 In block 310 , with two bouses that rent for $ CO month. ! 4 cash 10,000 Lot 1 and 2 In block 2 HanscomPlaco for 5 , Lot 18 block 18 , Hanscom Place S Lot17 , block n. Hansoom Place 2 , < 150 LotH.blookVI. Hanscpm Place 2.R50 Lot" , DlockC. Hanscom Place 2,550 Lotii : , blocks. .1. I. Uodlok'S add 3,750 lat 14. block ; i. J. I Kodlck's add 3,750 OcorgoM. Cooper , UooiuS , Arlington "Ik. 651) ) rpHACKAClK-Samoof the best bargains in JL this class of property In Omaha. Wallace , Crolghtoti Illock. 703 13 TWO line oust fronts , Mayno's add. to Orchard Hill , onn acornor , $900 each , cosy terms. Wallace. Crnlghton Ulock , 6'J7 13 TEN ACHKSfor s le 4 miles 3.W. of P. O. lays high , $000 an acre. 1) . C. Patterson , Omaha Nnt'I bank. 77J FOll 8AL15-3.1 foot , south front. Oodio. bet 12th iind 13th. Call quick. Q. F. Klsassor's , No. SIS S. 10th st. 020 AIIKAUTIKUf , ncrc on llrlstol st. No street need bo given off this acre. A bargain. 1:1,000 : it Bold on or before the liitu Inst , L. H. Wntls , ISlOrouglasst. 6-il 15 B'in ! IAItClAIN-One hundred foot front on South Rloventh at , corner lot , only $5,000 , Farton tlmo. V. ! < . Vodlok" , 5-0 Sout'u iittt at. KM TWO flno eaat fronts , Mayno's add , to Orchard Hill , ono a corner , $ JOO oiioh.'onsy terms. Wallace , Crolghton Illock. 6'.I7 13 V lots two blks from now depot , South X Omuha , HfO If sold before the 15m. Ploroo & Togurs , 5 , Ailington blk. 117 FOll 8ALR-A soctlonof good Improved farm- Inir Innd In lloono Co. , Nob. Address box 431 , Albion , Neb. . LIST your jiroperty with L. II. Walts. 1516 Douglas at. (119 ( cash will Rccuro 16) acres of first class $100 farmlnglnnd in oaatorn Nebrnskn balance Tory long tlmo nnd no taxes for 20 years. The O.F.Davis company , 1505 farnam at , U21 a 15 TWO flno enst fronts , Mayno's add. to Orchard Hill , cue n corner , $ UOOoach , easy terms. Wallace , Crolghton lllook. ' 713 milAC-lCAdE Some of the best bargains In JL this class of property in Omaha. Wllluco , Crolghton Illock. 70) ) 13 Mluri'AUY KOAD Lots nought nt present prices promlso proll'nblc returns Insldo of one month , lam sole ngont tor : > 0 lots on this great thorouuhfitio , which are oil orcd nt very rensonuhlo llxures. llonsan cur line la com pleted past those lots , lluy before the nara are running nnd muko sumo money. Wallace , Crclghton lllook. 70213 MILITARY KOAT ) Ixits bought nt present prices promlso profltablo returns Insldo of ono month. I ninsolo agent for 30 lots on this grout thoroughlnre , which are offered nt very Toujoimtilo tlirnrog. Itunson car line U com- plated past thine lots lluy before the cars are running und make some money. WallaceCreighton Illock. 702 13 HAMILTON' ST-2 elegant lots.100 fcot front- "go , Just west of liowu avenue , cur line by the ( lour , only $3,000 , worth $4OOJ. Wallace. Croighton Illook. _ 70113 PLACK lot * are cheap at the prices nod terms offered. Como und aeo mo about this property. Wallace , Crolghton block. TEN ARRKSt mlles southwest postonico.layg elirhtly , and at $ tuiQnn acre only. 1) . C. Patterson , Omaha National Hank. 77U McOAVOCKi O'Connor , 3ltt South 13th st , will offer for ono week , .a few bargains out of the many whlun nro in our Hat : 2 loU on Haundora at , Improvement ! worth tl&JO , price $ 8,000 2JxlU2 corner on 14th at , Mnts for $250 per month . S5.C03 76x132 corner on Bt. Mary's ave , with 3 houtca 33,000 132x132 corner nn South 10th at , south and enst front , , . , . 10,00.1 A oonror and -room cottage on 10th St. . 7,000 120xUtt , a corner toutn ot vUdnct on lltb at 6,200 2 vacant lots on 8. lllh at , cheap. 09x140 and nn 8-room cottiigo , n corner S. 15tb at 9,000 A beautiful reildeaco lot near 13th at. cara 1,700 In a word , If you wnt donlrable property Ither for ( peculation or for a borne , call and aee the lario and carefully selected Hat of Mo- OtYpck & O'Connor. 318 a. IJtb at 11)4 ) LIST your property with L. H. Watts. 1S18 DougUatt. OiO HAMILTON ST-2 elegant lota.tW fcot front- ngo , Just west of Lowe avenue , car line by the dour.only $ ; ) ,000. worth $ t,000. _ Wnlluco. CrplKhlou Illock. _ 70 < 13 s , ono corner , hou o of 4 roomj.bnrn , well , n good thing for $ I.IO : ) , $103 cash , $ 0lntwo years bnl monthly.would take ulhor property or good flrst mortgoire paper InMpnd of monthly paymenti. Wnllnco , Crolghton 701 M block. _ _ NHLSON'S Aild-IU'ro is something that pays over 10 per cent nnd vnn bo bought on easy tcrnn. 1/ot mvixUTi , ono II room nnd ono 7 room hnuo total rent $ OH per your , nil for $0,000 : $2,150 cash , bal 1 , S. I ) nnd 5 1 oars. _ Orogory \ Hndley. _ otn DKNMAN PL.YCK loll are rnonpnt tlio prloos and terms oltorod. Como nnd see mo about this proporty. Wallace , Crolghton block. ti ! 3 lit 3rATUM6t1NT Tilaco C"ornorBOxl2i. . . . "tlflM 1 Fiilriuount Place-South front , 40x100. 1- . " > 0 VvlhainPlaco Knst frontJi'txIlH ' 1,300 Pollium Place -South front. 60x124 1MI : Fostor'a Aildltl'it-rornor , 45x13) ) 2,2 ) 1'uatnr'a Ailillti'n NonrSlst St. , NxliO. ) : . . . 2.100 Omnha View North front , 50x130 1,05) ) Omuha Vlow Enst front.Statostroct 1W > Orogory * lladloy. 3111 DBNM AN PLACK lots nro cheap nt the prices nnd termi offered , Come and see mo about this property. Wallace , Cnolghton block , B ! 13 : best aero on llrlstol street bet. Satin- TIIli dors and State. $ il.OOO if sold on or before 16th Inst. U H. Wntts , 1516 DotlglniSt. 37J 15 BA1IQA1N-75X140 east front ( leargla ave. northof Lonvonworth , 7 room houseburn io.S,500 , pn ytcrmi * . The iinprovomonu are worth over $2,000 nnd the ground Is woi th $100 per foot. Orogory A. Hndloy. ! UJ HANSCOM PLACF. lot on Virginia nvo only ll.uiW. A Good Investmnnt Wnllnco , Creighton block. 7U 1.1 HAMILTON 8T-2cloiruntlots,100foot tige , just wo t of Lowe xvonuo , car line by the door , only $ .1,000 , worth $1,000. Wallace , Crolghton lllook. 70 > 13 and three Insldo lots In block 4 , ACOKNKU Hill , next 10 Hamilton St. , at f POO. Terms easy. PIerce It Rogers 117 45 ACHES north or& . P. shopa nt * 2 < X ) per acre. Terms to suit. David M. Connull ngont , 313 lUli St.opp 1'axton hotel , or 0. K. Crallu. 141U Uodgo at 0(7. DKNMAN PLACH lots are cheap at the prices and terms offered. Como and BOO mo about this proporty. Wallace , Crtighton block. fi ! > S 13 11AUHAINS- AFhW in blk 7 Plalnvlow $ l.fOO Lot3bIklCreiton 1,500 Lots 4 and 5 blk 4 Hawthorne , oaoh l,40t ) Lot 8 Utlca Place l.GiW Lot 11 blk 2 Potter's ndd 1.500 LoU Iund5 lltlcaPlaoe. each 1,400 Lot 111 blk 9 Hnntcom Place 2.41)0 Lot 18 blk 12 ShulPs 2d 2,3)0 ) Lots 12 and 13blk23Omnlm Vlow , each. . 1,400 Lots25 nnd 20 Clark's ndd , 128 loot Iront- ngooii il streets l"tOU 45 foot frontnge on Virginia nvo. near .laclisonst 4,500 2 choice lots In Popploton Park llulldlng a ! > 8oclntlonclioup. A choice Hit of residence property. Senvcr & Whltcomb , Uooiu25 Paxton blk , 257 13 TI IWO lota , ono n cornor.liouse of 4 rooms bam well , ngood thing for $2,1100 , $10 1 cash. $ S53 in two years , bal monthly : would take other property or good flrst mortgugo pnpor instead of monthly payments. Wallace , Croigh ton block. 701 13 A HOMK on easy terms. New live and nlno JTi- roomed houses for sale. 3mall cash pay ments and monthly Installments. Co-operative Lunr' & Lot Co. , 205 N. 10th St. 233 13 SHAW & CO. , BIO 8.16th St. , uavo for sale the following : 300 will secure you a good lot in Walnut Hill on Lowe avo. , car line , $75 cash will socureyou a lot In Washington Hill , Mind , property will never bo any cheaper there. Como In and go with us and look nt n lot In Dear Park , close to Hniucom Park , for 8I.2.VX 2,000will luy 11 very flno lot on Baundors at. ; will bo worth $3OUO Insldo of n year. 1,200 will buy B house and small lot en 18th st. noarCastcllir : amull payment required. Remember the place. 61U 8 Itlthst. 187 W18B& PAKMGLR , 4H ! south 15th at. Offer thosd bargains to-day : 1 corner Goorela avo. nnd Dupont tl.TW. 1 Orchard hill , ohoico lots each $850. Reuse and 2 lots , Saunderg & Hlmobaugh'S dd. to Walnut hill $2,300. 90 Finest lots In Clovordalo , bargains. Fine lots In Kllby place , cheap. . Flnel 1-2lot John I Hodlck's Sub-division , Xcholce lota In Maynoa add. , oaoh $ ! 3X Zcholca lota Fnlrmount place. lacre best In Uolvedoro , bargain $ ) ) X Slots Jattor a addition , oaoh $700. 24 lota cholco In Yates & Homnol's addition. A flno list of western lands for sale , or trade forOmaha proporty. lx > t 7 block Iff , Albright's miner , $700. Lot 11 block2. Cotner & Arohor'H add , $530. Lot 1 block 2 , Burlington Place , $575. LoU 30 and 38 block 1. Armour Place , $175. Orammorcy Park lots $000 to $750. 55x138 Moruer ave , 3 room house , and barn , "fiOxlho cor Military ave and Edson st , $2,300 , Two good store buildings on above property will rontto good advantage. Lot 7 block 88 , South Omaha , $2.600. Last , not loist , corner on Farnam $4"i,001 and maiir othora,410 8.15th at Wlao and Purmeto. rpWO a cornsr.houFO of 4 ronms.barn JL well , n good thing for $2KO ! , $400 cuati , $ H60 In two years , balance monthly ; would dike other property or good llrst mortgage | > aper InstOHa of monthly paymonts. Wallace. Crotch ton block. 701 13 HAMILTON 8T 2 elegant lota.100 foot front R-fo , just west of I.owo nvonuu. car line by the door , only $3.000 , worth $4,000. Wallace , CreIgliton Illock. 70113 EAST FRONT. Hanscom Place. 51 foot , good , $2,000. Wallace , Crolghton blk. 0W ! 13 mAKE the cake. Cake & Hillings. Real la- JL estate hot cakes. Over 101 South 15th st Sample ( Imgnr Snnps. One hundred und ten foot on Jones and 14tn sts , half cash , bal 1 , 2 , 3 yetrs , $17,500. Fifty by : CJO foot for truckage forbuslnoa.noar Stock Yards. Ten selected lots near Swift's packing house alte. 31(1 ( _ " S "AUNDKIW ST-&OX120 foot on corner with good C room house , bare , well , oto , , only $8,000 , 'i cash. * our "no lots near Koimtzo Place , 40x100 foot oneh , $1 , roe each , U cash. Two beautiful lots In Orchard Hill $900 each , easy terras. Two loin on Hamilton st on grade , $2,800 for both , $1,000 cash. Davenport's xiibdlv , 2 lots only few feet from Saunders fit , f-OtlM each , 11,500 each , 1-3 cash. OJ12) on Division st. near Cuinlng , with 3 good houses , burn , etc. , only $1AO for all , M cash. V lot nnd good 8-room house on Caidwell St. , Hour car * , only (2,700. SflxlKO ft on IHth st , with splendid 10 room liousi' , burn and nil improvements , $10'ODO , ; i.00)cash. Sumo Uuo bargains In Orchard and Clifton hills. Dodge st , 11IU96 on 32d , only $ C,500. Mitchell & Loyoniunrok , 151(1 ( Dodge St. 72514 rpRACKAOE-Somo of the best bargains In JL this class of property In Omaha. Wnllnco , Crolghton Illock. 70113 'ARLY now cottage , east front , hulf lot. Uvo roomp , summer kitchen , il closets , good cellarpantry nil very couvonlor.t , sewer and city water. Cheap If sold quick. Inqulrn214U. 13th st U73 IB * APROl'KRTY renting for | 310a month , with plenty room for more Improvements , nt A lot 86x13. ! , near High school , corner , at $1)COO. Ux8l ) on 7th at This will bo track property. ( Iroundnonr stock ynrda ; will innko 12 largo lots. Will ucllver for two days nt $ ! , COO , 1-lth cash , Wm , Nelson,422 U. llltli st. 710 14 > HAN80OM PLAOK lot on Virginia ave r.nly $1,3)0. ) A good investment. Wallace , Crolghton block 700 13 A BARGAIN ' I oan otter for the next ton days tbo fol lowing : Section 1 , Twp. 16 , Range 11 , Howard county , NcK.lMth smooth , level , talilo lunil , tmlnnco rolling , best of soil. Prloo , $9.50 per xure , H cash , balunoa 1,2 and a years at 7 per cont. Section 13 rumo an I township us above , this is rolling land aplondldly udaptod for stock raising , good rich soil Prloo $7.50 per aero , third cash , balance 1,4 and 3 years. Section " 5 , Twp. 16 , Range 11 , weal half of sec tion l vel table Und , balance- rolling , only 3 miles from I'.lba.n good U. R. station. Price S9.50 per acre. Section ! . ' ) . Twp , 16 , llnngo 9. This section U well adapted for general farming or steak pur poses , no better toll In the state , Price , $10 per acres , third cash , balance 1 , 2 and : i yunra ut percent. Address , Qeo. N. Hicks , 834 13 2153. 15th 8t. TTIOR SALK-llinlnoss property , nw corner X' 13th and Dorcas au , Cdxl32 rout , with n largo house and ether Improvement * , at a bargain. Fur sale. 317 aorosof land In Nuckolls Co. , Neb. , within IK mlloi of Superior and R. R , depot For particulars call on M. Rcdlngton , 1631 H. 13th at. Omaha. 73may6J T/IOR 8.VLR-A corner tot 01x13 , ' on 15th and JL' Cumlng at ono of the best locations In the city for a warehouse , with waterworks and ewerare. Apply at promUoa. Thos Sinclair , ! WO B20J BAROA1NS New 8-room housecoaTboiiao , well , etc. , lot JJxlUO. corner on alloy , Ucd- ford Place , $800 , monthly paymenta ; also now 8-room house , lot7Sxl32vi , Harlem Lane , $1,150 $400 cash , balance 1. a cad a year * . Van Uou- rn , UouflMaodJiUiata , 745 1U SA. 8LOMAN , Real Estate Broker , 1513 Streot. Fnrnniu street , cor. 18tliOJtl3. , 4 cash. ? WOX ) Farnnmst , near Ilth,2-Klr.imirovo.l. : | . 33,000 Fanmm st. , nenr30th , llflxlH $100 per foot , . FiiriinMiBt , cor.31st st. 130x132 , south and enst front 17,0)0 I'nrnnm st cor. 41st , 48xl.1I , a and o front 3 , OJ DoimlnSBt. neurSld , ( Mxl32 8.IXX ) Dodge St. Hour 2 Hli. .10x1521 } 2H Dodge at , no.u.'Jtli , 40x127 , Improved. . . 3i ) Jonesst.cor. 15th , iVlxl'l ! 24,000 Lcnvcnworth st. v-or. 21st , IJJxIll , Improved - proved . . . , . , , . . , . lii.SM Loavonworth at cor. 2Mb , UOxIIJ , Im- urovod SX.OOJ 14th st. trackage , Paddook place , 06x112. 2 , > 00 Park avo. opp. park. 50x150 1.SA1 Georgia nvo. near Jit Plousnut. MxI.V ) . . i'.rtOO SOtn at. near Dorcas , 10ixliH ) ) , Improvod. . 4V > 0 SOthtit near Douglas , ajxrtl , Improved , . P.WO lMlmt.cor..Martli'imlimproved. ( ) . . 4,50) ) S9lh st. oor. Howard , 6.1x120,3 muinus . . . 4.M ) Pierce nonr 20thM foot front , 2 stroota. 5-W ) Hamilton at near Bolt line , linprovuu , , . I .WO 35th st. , nour Davenport. 100x1.16 x',200 Sownrd.neurwt : i , ( WX157 l.l.V ) luthtt , nunr Castollar , U5 feet front. . . . 4.W ) fttiKt , near Martha , CilxIM. corner. . . . 1,000 llurdctto st , near 26th , 50x13. ! , on car lint 1WO Biirtst , nonr Uiwe nve , fit 1-2x1,1.1 1,10) 5thcorl'opploton , ftUl'M ' , Improrpd. . 4.mJ ) 20th , near Pnppletnn&tlxl27 , Improved , . C.VX ( ) Orchard Hill , lots $750 to 1,000 Brown I'nik , lota $5lXto H.V ) llcdford I'lueo , lots $6V ) to ( XX ) Iliithlnnd Purx , lots onch-cash $ OJ. . 2M : Wakely add. Icta57x15' ) . raeh 40D . * > acres near FortOmahn.nncly Inprovod 11,250 Center St. Otlxl32. Improved 1,200 Fnrnnui8tnear3Jth , 4,504 Nicholas st corner truckage 4.MO Pnrk ave , facing Park , 50x150 4,000 S 16th Bt , near viaduct , 40x103 6,000 SulphurSprlngsadd. Just opp. 10th st,50 xlZ4. , 2.000 Leavonworth at , near Belt Line , 100x127. . U.700 Saunders at cor Hurt 162x51 s nnd o front 6,500 LcavouworthRt cor 21st tXixKt ! Imp ID.rA ) Vurnumeor 10th WOO 33,000 II. * M. Pnrk lota , $5' ' ) each Hollmnn'andd lots , $150 ench Jerome Pnrk lots , east front , on grade. . . 8,003 1'arimm at a corner a and w front only 3,500 056 a. jV jloinan. 1512 Farnnm at. MILITARY ROAD Lots bouitht nt proaont prices promise protltnhlo returns Insldo of ono month. 1 am solo agent forl ! ) lotson tnla grout thoroughnro ! , which nro offered atrory reasonable fluur s. llenson our line Is com pleted past tlirso lots. Buy uoforo the cars are runnlnir nnd muka Homo money. A allace , Crolghlon Illock. W 13 FOlt'SALE-ASxlOO Aim-S Plnco $1,000 F.asl front lot Kllby Plnco 00 House of 5 rooms , two full lots 2,200 H. Vf. Huntress , 1509 Fiirnnin at 637 15j TjlOR SALE 2 blocks from llrownoll hall on K I0thst,2flno bargnlus. Call at G. F. El- sassor's. C2fl rpRACICAOE-Somo of thobost _ bargains In thl.s class of pro | > orty In Omnha. Wnllaoo , Crolghton Illock. 70313 LOOK tlmpo over nnd come down nnd see WH. Green , 15 South 13th st , about K'J ft on South 10th st 100 11.000 M . 11,000 B " . 44 " . 5,700 42 " . 0,000 120 15th . 7,001) 3'1 " . 2,000 , 00x132. elegant houno with nil modern im provements on Webster , near 2.1rd st , $10,000. U , corner Webster nnd 23rd at. line house With nil modern improvements , $1,500. ! Ono of the nicest residences in Hnuscom place lor the money , lot 50x180 , with line 10- room houso. for only * 5N)0. ) An elognnt 8-room house with all modern con veniences , oust fronton 20th st , lust off of St. Mary's nvo , ono of the oostof down town resi liences $8,000. 2R5 SNAP-100 ft front on 16th at by 124 ft on good cross Bt , 12-11 mlles from postolllco , ono of the best corners on 16th at. , only $6,500 ; worth * 18,000 to-day. Gregory & Hadloy , Rooms 1 and 3 , R20 8. 15th at 343 LAKH STKKKT-Near 2Uth at. , 48x122 , a line 6-room house , barn , oto. , $3,5'X ' > . Parker's add Hast front , now B-room bouso , near Saunders nna streut curs , 82,500 , M cash. Lake's add Hast front , now 0-room hougo near 16th street , $1,800 , $1XM ( onsh. $ . ' ,400 , easy terms. Nolson'aadd- front near Cumlng street , One 7-room bouso , well , cistern , etc. , $3,100. Gregory Hailloy , Rooms 1 nnd 3 : t OS. 15th stroot. 043 ' 1st add Kino corner 8" > xl2H small PATRICK'S double house on rear renting for $20 per mo. All for $4,300 , $1.700 cash or $1WX ) all cash. This Is n bargain. Orogory & Hndloy. Rooms landsilJOSoutli 15th st. 343 HANSCOM PLACE lot on Virginia ave only 11,100. A good Investment Wn ace , Crolghton block. 700 13 15TH ST. near I > nuvoiiworth , 66x00 , at OM than $160 per front foot. Including Improve- meats ; u tine house , rent { 66 per month. Gregory & Hadloy. 841 HANSCOM PLAOK Ono of the best and cer tainly the chuLnost east front corner on Virginia avo. , 105x160. Lola leveled and ono foot above grade , only $5,500 , H cash. West front In blk 9 , high and sightly , near the park , 100x150 , $5,000. West front on Georgia ave near Wonlworth nnd Just on grade , fenced , $2,575 , M cntih. r.a t front on Virginia nvo near Popploton nve , 2 ft below grade , J-.5V ) , M cash. Wust front on Georgia ave near Popploton nvo , line lot nnd location , ? 2,30J , y cash. I'.loimnt oust fiont on Georgia ave north of Woolworth , only $1,000 , M cash. Gregory & Hndloy , Rooms 1 nnd 3 320 & 15th at 313 ACRK near Koiintzo Place $9,000 A fo\v lots In .letter's add , terms easy 750 Good lot Washington Hill , 300 2 lots Kvorott Place nt n bargain Lota in Albright's Annex 459 Host corner In Bliull's lid 2,5'JO ' 50 lots In Schlodlngcr'a add , $ : iOOto 459 2 cholco lotHln Rosorvolr add , $1,200 nnd l/fjij Corner Orchard Hill l.OftO 4 cast front lots O'NoaTa aub , Sl 'W ' to. . . . 1,250 Good corner in Hcdford Place 1.010 R cliolco lots Leavcnworth Terrace 1,000 Lot7blk 8SOmnbu 2JMO 23 foot lot 1 block 79 S Omahn 1,450 New houae , good location , 'i4 ! mlloafrom P. O. . $1,250. B-room house nn Reward st , near street cars , $3,300 , enny pavmenta. Lota $150 to JOOJ Patteraon'a Park , 1-Kth cash. L. H. Watts , 1516 Douglas at. 74413 "DK.VL ESTATE bought , aold. oxeh.ngod or -IV rented , money loaned nnd Investments made. F. Darrotl&Co , , Real Estate Agoncjr , 314 H 8.15th. 21V 13 E AST FRONT Hanscom Place , ft I foot , good , $2,000. WallaceCrclnrhton blk. < W9 13 rpHACK'AGK-Some of the best uargulna In X thlsclusaof property In Omaha. Wallace , Crolghton Illock. 703 13 MILITARY ROAD Lola bought nt present prices promise nroiUubln roturan Insldn oC one month. I nm ante nitout for 30 lots on this great thoroughfati ) , which nro ollerod at very reasonable tlgurcs , BuiiBon rnr line Is com pleted past those lots. Buy before tbo cars are running und muko some money , Wnlluco.Cielghton lllook. 702 13 BUY the best acre on Bristol street nt tn.OO1) , on or before next Saturday of L , H. Watts , 1510Douglua street . . 022 15 HAMILTON ST-2 oloisuiit lots.100 foot front. . ugc , Just west of Lowonvonuo , cur line by the door , only Sa.OO'J. ' worth $1,000. Wallace , Crolghton Blonk. 70113 " OTS for salo. A sreut biirguln for a few day onlv. Ixit 5f Olscs nil I , n w corner Siimi'lora ' nnd Cusslus htrcet , will mihdivldd to advantage , nearly ounuuro of Innd , tl2Kt ( ) . lx > t 100 , GIse'H add , $ tl,000 , Lot 71 , Glso'K add , $ < 5,000. Illock No. 1. Royd'Hndd , JIO.OOX Turms , not loss thun l-U caili , balnnco P per cent soml-nunual Interest. Romlnirtoii k McCormlvk , 031 220 Konth 15th Btrcnt. PR. HBLDE.N & CO.-120 North Uth street This list Is worth reading. 1 lot In Kllby Pluro , $1.300. 1 nice oust front In Kllby Place , $1.230. S nlco south front lots In Arlington , $ J'I , terms easy , 1 bountiful lot In Clnrendon , $ l,403tcrin very cnay.- 3 lots In lioyd's add. , $6W oach. These are bargains. One beautiful Hnnecom Place lot , $2,550. $ l.OJicash ) , bvlanco 1 and 2 years. Ono HaiHcom Place lot , * J,550 , $800 cash , balance - anco easy payments. Nlco south front lot nnd S room cottage. Shlnn's 3d add , $2,530. Cash WO. Balance monthly. 2 blocks from car line and school. 2 hojutlfnl east front lots , blook 9J , South Omaha. $900 each. 5 beautiful lots In Dcninan Place from $600 to $700 each. M cash. M foot lofwjth house fronting south on Lcav- cnworth.SI.WX ) . ) J cash , Inlanco ua y. A good Investment A new double homo , renting for $100 per month , facing south un Michigan avenue , bond of Catherine atront. Ono lot In A. H. Patrick's addition , 2-1) ) tout from Haundbr * etroot southfor $ I'X ) ) , 1-3 caih. bnlitnce on easy terms.i Beautiful Grammoroy Park. SO lota In this addition from $00)lo70) ) . Como and select at ut once or they will bo gouo. Slots In Bator Place , within 150 fret of Car Line , $1,800 , $ is cash secures n deed and bal ance 1,2 und a years. This U all extra burualn , Otborlots In this addition from II7' . to * 1 > ) , near military road , where street car Iluo U al ready laid. Ono beautiful lot In Washington square for onlv $ .1,1)00 ) , Wo are well provided with conveyances to show property. It you Hat your property with us you can bo sure of IU being mown to the best possible advantage. 179-13