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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1887)
f Y * " " * * " * * ' * * ' * wqqpj JT ( - - * -i - ( T" T * ' 1 i V * \ * * * * * * 6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEi ? THUlteilAY. APKIL 14 , 1887. THE DAILY .BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OFFICE , Hi ) . 12 , PEARL 8TBEET. Delivered by carrier In nny pnrtof tbo city at t intr cents per week. B. W.TILTOK , Manager. TULKPHONE3 : BrpiKrcsOrnCE , No. U. NIOIIT liuiTou No. S3. > M1X011 MENTION. N.Y.Plumbing Co. Wanted A pantry girl atPaelfic liouso. New spring goods at Holler's , tailor. George W. Thompson &Co. . real estate P. II. Wind's residence on Washington nvcnuu is being raised and improved. I3o sure and attend the supper and fcs- tival at the Methodist church to-night. Cory & Thompson have five clinker built boats for Hale. All In good repair. To-night the Hibernian panorama , comedy company , etu. , is to occupy the opera house. A bold , bad dog. Is making life and clothing uncertain to passers along Ulen < avenue. Slioot the dog. W. J. Hancock Is making improve ments to hU residence corner of Third avenue and Eighth streets. y Alva Chamber ? , arrested on complaint of his wife , for knocking the sweetness out of the honeymoon , was discharged yesterday. Koollng and furnace work. Only first class work figured on. Wo employ no boys ; but experienced mechanics. Cole & Cole , 41 Main street. In the police court yesterday Dr. Con- noway , 15. 11. Sharp and J. W. Schuapp were assessed the usual amount for get ting drunk in u prohibition state. A fine residence property fronting on Hayliss' ' park will be rallied Juno 1. Tick ets are for sale by Smith Bros. , agents , at $0 each. Get a l oine for $5. Frank Lcvine , who lias one of the largest collections of rare coin in the country , has now a Swedish "ono ore" of the date 103'J. It weighs about two ounces. The case against Partridge for selling a sowing machine which he had bought on monthly payments , and not settled for In full , was dismissed by Justice Barnett - nett yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. L. 1) . Gorham have been sadly affected by the death of ono of the twins , who recently gladdened the homo by their advent. The funeral was held yesterday forenoon. Deputy City Clerk John Burke Is get ting to bo much of an artist. Ho Is work ing in black and white mostly and under his brush his office is rapidly changing in appearance , and for the better. A committee has been appointed to see that those who seine in the lake contrary to law , are brought to the bar and lined "Arrangements uro being made for sharply prosecuting the ollondcrs. Saturday afternoon there will bo a pleasing entertainment at the Y. M. C. 'A. rooms , by Miss MeBrido. The pro gramme consists of dramatic and Shake spearean readings , the selections being varied. Captnln O'Brien has gone to Kansas City after two men , who were- recently selling mats , clocks , etc. , in this city on partial' payments for an Omaha house. These agents are said to have failed to make duo returns to their employers , and liouco they arc wanted. The Metholist ladies will give a snp per n.nd festival at their church to-night. Come and have a good social time. Supper - per will bo served from 0 till 10 o'clock. A special invitation is extended to busi ness men and their nmuloycs to como to the 0 o'clock supper. Ice cream will also bo served. There is some -friction among the officials on account of the way In which the fees of the city marshal and of Justice Schurz and others have been whittled down by the county board. Colonel Daily is said to have advised the slashing process. If It had been commenced when Bomo of the ox-justices were sending in their -bills it would Imyo been more timely. Office of Mulholland & Co. , removed to in under the Citizens' bank. Telephone No. 103. Leave your orders for ice. Attention , Hportsmen. All persons interested in the suppres sion of illegal lishing by seines , nets , traps , etc. , in the lakes adjoining the city of Council Bluffs are requested to meet at the office of Rico & llnymond , No. 1 ! ) North Main street , at 8 o'clock sharp this ( Thursday ) evening , April 14 , for the purpose of hearing report of com mittee. All persons interested are re quested to attend , as Colonel D. B Dailey will bo present , By order of executive committee. For ncro property , residences and bust- nr-ss property call on W. C. Stacy & Co. , No. 0 Main street. FOlt SALE. A Flnt-OUM nesldenoe. Nine rooms , abundance of closets , two cellars , bath room , hot and cold water , gas , furnace , etc. , city water , cistern , Tcntilation thorough ; built two years. Occupies an elevated site in good local ity and is very desirable property. About three minutes walk to postolllco. U. P. Officer , room No. C , No. COO Broadway , Council Bluffs. Personal Paragraph ! . J. A. Hamilton , of Ncolu , visited the Bluffs yesterday. Mrs. B. 8. Brown , of Omaha , is visiting Mrs. F. P. Yonnwino. Captain 0. 11. Holmes , and wife , of Magnolia , were in the city yesterday. . L. Squtro , who is on a western pleat- uro trip , remembers the BEE with a copy of n Chinese paper , published there. It is all in the original tea chest print , and has been , of course , thoroughly perused by the exchange editor. Just received , onion sets , send potatoes - toes and bulk seeds of all kinds. Swan & Harmon , successors to Hays & Gleasou , No. 11 Mam street. Contractors and builders will find it to their interest to got prices on lime , ce ment , plaster , hair , etc. , from Council Bluffs Fuel company , G3'J Broadway. Telephone 180. Shorradon is still making cabinet pho < at S3 per doz. , best finish. Crayon or India ink life size pictures only f 10. Bv F. M. Woodard , artist. The OKden Sold. Yesterday the deal was closed by wluct John T. Baldwin disposes of the well known Ofidcn house property , the pur chaser being M. S. Stout , of Stout , Abnoj & Co. , of Denton , Tex. In the dca Mr. Baldwin secures ownership of t largo ranch in Texas and a largo amount of stock. The Ogdou house and gromu sold for $75,000. The sale of the property orty does not make any change in tin present management of the hotel , Mr Ninim remaining the owner of the furniture turo and in possession of the lease. J. W. & E. L. Squire make bcautlfu abstracts of title , and deserve the succos they arc enjoying. Drs. Hanchott & Smith , office No. 1 : Pearl st. Residence , , 120 Fourth st. Tola phone No. 10. Mrs. A. Dobson No. 807 Broadway dressmaker. French taylor system Prices reasonable , tit perfect , WHISTLING OFF BRAKES , Alderman Keller Yields Private Views to Pablio Wishes. THE ORDINANCEGOES THROUGH. The Sale of the Ogdcn Houin Prop erty The Hquabhlo Over Freight Transfers Crowileil Schools The 1'ollce Grumble. Heller's Kcnsonn. Alderman Keller has hold out stoutly against the passage of the Tenth ave nue ordinance , but last night manfully yielded his private views to the will of the people. Ills vote was the ouo need ful to the securing of the ordinance. Be fore casting It ho presented the following as hU reasons , which were ordered spread upon the minutes : Gentlemen of the Council : 1 shall vote for the ordinance granting to the Union l'\- cilic railway company the rlRht ot way over and on Tentli avenue , but beloro my vote Is recorded I wish to Rive my rcasojis Jpr so doing. I opposed tho'pa&sagti ot iho ordi nance because It was my opinion : 1. It Is my opinion that the ordinance as It now rends is ( tlvhiK too much for the bunelita the rlty would derive. " . That st'ct-lon 7 of tlio old ordinance passed by the council nlioulil have been ac cepted by the railway company as satis factory -.nil that said section Mliottld bo re tained In the present oidmanco to secure wlial Is ilesIrM by us all. 1'ubllc sentiment booms to dcmamlthe | pas- satn of the pcndlni : ordinance , and ns I have always believed that the hnavy shippers of South Main street should bo accommodated and facilities should bo granted to bring this about , my judgment Is that this oidlnanco will not accomplish this unless the depots mo built ns contemplated In this ordinance. Hoping that 1 unt mistaken In my judgment nnd that the Dillon passeticer transfer de pots will bo built , aim what seems to bo the Kcnural wlsh'of the people , 1 yield my opin ion nnd will vote nye. I respectfully alc that these reasons be spread upon the inlu- utcs. Kesjicctlullv. b. S. KULLUII. The City Council. At the meeting of the city council last evening all were present except Alder man Hammer still out of the city. The tteasurcr's quarterly and annual roportj presented , and referred to liuauco committee. Committee on streets , and the city en gineer instructed to report some plan for having the names of streets put upon the corners , by signs or lamp-posts. On the petition of A. C. Graham and others for a waterway on Graham av enue , The committee reported m favor of paving Graham avenue from First street to north line of Fairmount park , and First street from Graham avenue to Soibolt's nroporty. A resolution was adopted ordering the paving with cedar blocks. Resolution ordering city clerk to ad vertise for bids for cleaning paved streets for three years , the bids to bo per thou sand square yards. Referred to judiciary committee. Petition for grading and curbing Bluff street from Willow avenue to Pierce , and for having parking inside of the walks. Granted. Alderman Wells then called up the ordinance granting the light of way to the Union Paeilic along Tenth avenue. Alderman Motcalf moved to pass the ordinance to its third reading. When Alderman Danforth's name was called ho voted no. Then came Alderman Kol- lor. lie voted "aye" and the lobby broke forth into clioors. Order being restored , the motion on the passage of the ordinance was carried , all voting for it except Al- dorm Danforth , who field out to the last with a smile. Thus , at last , the Tenth avenue ordi nance was passed m its original form. It has been pending for eight months , nnd has been passed with objectionable amendments twice. It will doubtless now be accepted. If so it is predicted that it will result not only in u now freight depot , but in a union depot and other important improvements. The council then adjourned until Wednesday evening next. Transferring Freight , As stated in the BEE some days ago , a difference has arisen between tlig Union Pacific and the Iowa roads in 'regard to the transfers of freight at this point. This business hns'been done at the Union Paci fic transfer depot. The Iowa roads were not satisfied with the arrangements , feel ing that they were nt too great an ex pense. The Iowa roads insisted on dif ferent terms , moro favorable to them , and the Union Pacific stoutly objected. The rupture became an open ono , and as a result the Iowa roads fixed to-morrow , the 15th , as the date when a change of some sort must bo made. As the Union Pacilio has shown no inclination to make any concessions , the Iowa roads terminating hero are arranging to do their own transferring of Height at the local depots hero. The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul is mak ing un addition to its local depot , build ing 200 foot more platform , oto. It is in timated that in no event will the com pany return to the old methods of haul ing freight. Others predicted that if the Union Pacific makes the desired concess ions , the company will join with the other roads in accepting tliom , but that it deems it good policy to cot in shape for any possible future emergency. The Rock Island and the other roads arc in pretty fair shape for handling freight , ut local depots , with the exception of the Chicago & Northwestern. It looks as if the Iowa roads meant business , and the result of the recent conference will doubtless appear on aud after to-mor row. _ The I'ollce Discouraged- Council Bluff * has a fairly efficient police force , and it would become moro efficient if given the needed support and encouragement. As it is they are mad and discouraged. There have been so many cases which they have worked up only to see them fail to pie.cos through the faul tor neglect of others , tha t they be gin to think there is no use trying. A fair instance occurred ycstordav. It is only ono of many. The circumstances vary but the effect is the same. George Uoper and James Maher were arrested a few days ago for burglary. The police thought , at least , that they had the evi dence pretty snug on the boys. The in formation was tiled and the case set for hearing boforn'Squiro Biggs at 10 o'clock yesterday morning. Marshal Guanella and Chief Mullen busied themselves get ting the witnesses and hunting up the evidence. Everything was in readiness to proceed at the hour named , except the county attorney , Colonel Dally. After waiting an hour for him the attorney for the defendants in sisted on their discharge , and they walked forth free again. If this was a solitary instance it would have been aggravating then , but olhcora say that every now and agaiu persons xre turned loose on uc count of sonic failure or neglect of others to do their duty. The pnlioo openly de o clare that it docs not pay to make arrests or hunt up evidence against crooks for the chance * against totting any satisfac tory help from other officials and judi- cials are ton great. In this particular casa it is claimed on bohalt of the defendants that the Ital ian whose fruit place was broken into was bcatipg his wife , and the nolso attracted tbo attention of the young men who wore in the vicin ity. In order to divert attention fron a : this bit of family trouble , he raised tlu hue and cry that the young men had robbed LJ ] jloo , The police claim thai they have evidence showing that the young men had m their possession to bacco nnd fruits answering the descrip tion of those taken , and shortly after the place was broken into. Crowded Schools. The defeat of the proposition to put up a now building for school purposes , makes it necessary for those in charge of the schools to arrange in accordance with what accommodations are fur nished. The school board cannot regu late the number in the city , not altogether , nor can they regulate altogether the number nnd B\/.Q \ of miild- ings. Tliov have to take what children and what buildings the public furnishes , and lit them ns best they can. Some of the grades are greatly crowded , and teachers are obliged to make all sorts of shifts to accommodate them. This is to bo regretted , not merely on account of the discomfort , but moro on account of the ill effects to the health of children. Pupils packed into a room labor under physical and mental disadvantages. What cannot bo helped must be endured until such time as a majority of the voters are convinced that more buildings are nocdnd. Council Bluffs is growing rapidly in population , andlho school ad vantages must keep pace. * The "Manhattan" Opened. The "Manhattan" billiard parlors and cigar store of Hudio & Ycnawlne , No. 418 Broadway , opened last evening to the public. Large crowds kept coming and going during the entire evening. To say the place is a line one docs not egress it. It Is a perfect gem , and under the bril liancy of electric aud gas lights shows oil to advantage. The Bnu yesterday gave a'description of this now enterprise. Besides cigars and bjlliards the innov man is not entirely neglected , although no intoxicants are sold. W. A. Wells is it ; charge of the antique sideboard , nnd dispenses all forms of temperance drinks to quench the thirst of those who wisii it. His line lemonades are alreadv popular. The many friends of Rmlio & Yonawino joined in tendering thorn a serenade last night through the celebrated Bavarian baud. Good Tuesday cv&iihg Mauawa lodge , I. O. G , T. , cave thuir first social entertain ment in their hall , No. 101 Broadway. It was largely attended and a most enjoy able time _ \vas had. The following ar tists contributed an excellent programme : Miss Gertie Taylor. Mrs. Canady ot St. Joe , Miss M , Bell , Miss L. Young , Mr. E. L. Martin. Prof. A. Glen and M. I. Scars. The refreshments were choice and abundant. The youns people ac quitted themselves most admirably , aud n thoroughly happy nnd pleasant evening - ing was spent. Miss Mollie Corcoran , dressmaker , 711 Mynstcr street , between Seventh and Eighth. _ Jlo JMmied. Henry Dust , a dusky young man who has boon lying in jail for three weeks on the charge of being a frequenter ol a house of ill fame , had a hearing before Justice Schur/ yesterday and was found to bo guilty. The justice gave him thirty minutes in which to hunt up bondsmen. Jt is supposed that Dust has gone west to find them as he has not appeared , and his half hour is up. It will bo a rcliol to the city if ho continues the hunt still fur ther west. Hrlck. Wo have 200,000 good brick for sale. THOMAS GUECN & SONS. Concluded to Sell. Yesterday Mr. John Keller decided to put upon the market his well known Fourth street property , next to the Mu- sonic temple , it having become too valu able to bo longer used as a residence. He has placed it in the hands of J. G. Tiptou , for sale , nnd price , terms , etc. , can bo learned of him. Money to loan on real estate. Councl Bluffs Real Estate Loan nnd Trust Co. Itoom 9 , Everett block. Seriously Burned. The experiment of burning out the cesspool at Ed Anderson's residence proves to have resulted moro seriously than was at first thought. George Pratt was quite badly burned about the face and ears. Ed Anderson was so burned that ho will not bo able to be out for n month. Real Estate Transfers. J B Ulnkn to U Uuerdorf , lot 1-1 , blk37 , Central sub S 200.00 Agnes Folsom to O F Bllgcr , lot 7 blk 11. Uocrs' sub 2W.OO Atrnes i'olsom ' to O F Ullpcr , lot 0 Blk 3 , Uecrs'sub 250.00 Acnes Folsom to C A Louie , lot 2 , blk 84. Central sub 300.00 Agnes Folsoin to U A .Louie , lot 10 , blk 81 , Central aub 350.00 Agnes Kolsom to C A Louie , lot 17 , blk34 , Central sub 2T5.00 E A. Benson to Baseom & Kyle , lot 5.blk7 , Benson's 1st add 225.00 E A Benson to D.iscom & Kyle , lot 0. blk 7 , Uenson'B 1st add 223.00 E A Benson to Bascom & Kyle , lot ' 0. blk 7 , BeiiBon'fl 1st add 225.00 E A Benson to B T Nichols , lot 15 , blk 7 , Benson's 1st add 250.00 E A Benson to 10 T Mchols , lot 16 , blk 7 , Benson's 1st add 250.00 , E A Benson to A llallino , lot 1 , blk 8 , Uenson'B 1st add 250.00 E A Benson to A llallluo , lot 2 , blk 8 , Benson's 1st add 250.00 M M EmlK to S \Vadsworth , lot3 , blk-LUlendaleadd 700.00 F Cook to 11 K Rowley , lot 10 , blk 2-1 , Hayliss 3d add 225.00 C C Cpok to Mrs E Clark lot 0 blk 24Bayllss8d 225 00 Sarah Bnlrd to B Dickey lot 5 sub division of lot 82 o p 000 00 G W Damon to K L Williams lot 1 to44. S3 ana24blk97Uallroad add 320 00 A T Fllckinger nnd wife to Gco 11 Bishop et nl lots 4 , U and U blk O Curtis & Uamsoy's add 2,400 00 Mary L lllne to John Dohnney lots 15 to ' - blk 20 railroad add 320 00 John F Klrby and wife to John Do- lianey , lots 1 to 14 and 2J and 21 blk 27 Uallroad add 010 00 Margaret Klntf teD E Uleasuu lot 7 bile 17 Hall's add 2CO 00 IIJ Palmer to K L Williams q o d lots 21 to S3 blk 1)0 ) railroad add. . 800 00 Spencer Smith and wlfo to K L Williams part lots IS and 10 Dur- peo'Rsubdlv 1,500 00 John Tunning and wife to J. M Meredith sw se 13-75-3S 00 Mary E Walters to Ellen J Walters lots 1 ana 2 blk 2 llngc's 2d add , . . 1,000 00 O S Damon to Wm Lyons q c d lots 21 blk 05 and lots 0.13 , 14 and 1U bll : 1)7 ) Uallroad add 7500 Acnes Folsoiu to C A Louie lot 0 blk 24 Mullen's subdlv 350 00 AKIICS Folsom to C A Louie lot 4 blk SJ Mullen's subdlv 340 00 20 transfers consideration S14,294 00 LATEST NOVELTIES In Amber , TortoiseShell etc.Hair Or nnmeiits , aa well as tlio newest uov- elticHiu liair ( roods. Mn.C.L. Gillette SO M&iu street. Out of town work so * llcltcd. HENRY EISEMAN 4 CO.'S ' PEOPLE'S STORE , , Do you wish to save money on your spring purchases } If so call at WISEMAN'S I'Eoi'LK's sroitn. Everybody knows that wo have n larger and beUerstocK of goods to se lect from than nlltho houses in Council Bluffs combined , and wo guarantee to save you 25 every dollar's worth you purchase T In our house. To substantiate this wo refer to the thou sands of ladies who visit our stores daily. Lady shoppers who have sent to Now York , Philadelphia , Chicago , St. Louis nnd other cities for samples , have upon comparison with our goods , pronounced oi'U the best mid cheapest , \\o have given Council Bluffs the larg est store and stock of merchandise in the entire state of loxva and we are proud to sny that people for hundreds of miles come or send to us for their goods. Wo also offer for this week largo bar gains in Laces , Embroideries , Hosiery , Gloves , Corsets , Gauze , Lisle Thread , Balbriggan and Silk Underwear , , Muslin Underwear , Infants' complete outfits , Parasols , Fans , Lace Curtains and Scrims. * Ileruly Mndo Suits , Etc. An cntiro new line of ladles , misses. and children's wraps , jackets nnd ready made suits in silk , worsted and wash materials at much less than former prices. This department 1ms nn im mense quantity of. goods of all prices nnd you cannot fail to make selections which will prove satisfactory. Wo call special attention to our Indies wrnps in extra sizes ranging in size from -13 to13. . HCNTIY ElSHMAN & Co. , People's Store , Nos. 314 , 310 , ! U8 nnd 320 Broadway , Council Bluffs. y. U. WK ylvc all mail orders spc- clal and prompt attention < tml any order * or correspondence you mayfarov it * with will receive the yrctitest care nnd attention , _ SPECIAL NOTICES. Special advertisements , such M Lost , round ' /o Loan , For Sale , To Rent , VSantB , llonrdlnif , etc. , will bolneortol In this column nt the low ratoofTEN CENTS I'UK LINK forthonrstinsor- Ion and Flvo Cents for Line for ouch subsoqutmt Insertion. Lutivo advertisements nt our ollico Mo. 12 1'carl street , uuar JJroadwar , Council Uluffs. WANTS. , ItENT-Paciilo Huuso twrbor shop. WANTED A ( fool llvo njront to canvas for fi household article of merit. 1' . O. Dovol , No. 601 Urmidwny. , , | FOH SALE Car load ot clean , flno gnw dust. Apply to J. Danforth , Council IIUills. FOlt KENT No YlT Upper Broadway , ono tour room urloK. house , with stable nnd outbuilding ? , ] nijure.nt | Noumcycr's hotel. WANTED Apprentice girla. to learn dross- making. No. 711 ilynstor st. Rlrl to do Jtoneral housework. No. l.'O Fourth street. FOR HENT A Iwgo front room , Orst lloor , iurnlshcd new , suitable for two gentle men. Located In the central part ot city. Wiitcr and gas. Address , Uoo ollico. Coun cil limits. ' FOH SALE Complete plant and equipment for It. U. brlrtco work , consisting of 7 pllo drivers , cnrpontrrs tools , touts , beddlnif and boarding outllt for 1M men. In good re pair. Now stored at Client-lino , W. T. For In ventory and terms address No. 13 , N , Mam St. , Council DlulTs , Iowa , " Star Safe Stab/es and Mule Yards Broadway , Council Bluffs , Opp. Dummy Depot 2. ft s . , _ Horses and mules kept constantly on hand , for sale at retail or in car loads. Orders promptly filled by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission. SULUTKU & BOLUV , Proprietors. ' Telephone No. 114. Formerly of Ittil Sale Stables , corner 1st. avo. and -1th street. Announces that ( Us stock ot Finelmported Spring-Millinery In Choice Shapes ol Hats & Bonnets , Together with n L ricLlnc of Novelties In Fancy Ma tcrials is now Jicady for Your Careful Jnxjicctlon. 1514 Douglas St , , Omaha. Horses g Mules For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail and in lots. Large quantities to select from. Several pain of fine drivers , sin gle nr double. WISE/ / Council Bluff U. II. MCDANELD & CO. , [ KBtfoMnlml 1&M.1 No. f20 Main Blreot. r \ \ i Council AND UEALtllS IN HIDES , TALLOW WOOL , ETC O1IN r. ETOG. . JACOB SlilS STOltf & S/MS , Attorneys at Law , racticc in the State _ and Federal Court Rooms 7 and S , hugart-Beno Block. f ' COUNCIL 1 11. RIVE , M. D. Cancers and other Tumors Removed without the knilc or Drawing o Bloo'd. Over 80 vears Practical experence. No 11 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. E. S. BAHXETT , Justice ot the Peace , 415 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Refers to any bank or business house in the city. Collections a specialty. W. L. BIGGS , Justice of the Peace. No 604 Broadway , Council Bluffa. Collctions a specialty. Refers to the Be PEOPLE'S STORE. For This irccli's Special Sale l'c Offer in Our Domestic Depart ment the Following : 6 cases Best Standard Prints , In aN the atcst shades and best styles , at f > c. 330 pieces Good Quality Ginghams , in ! rcss and.apron styles , at fie. 800 pieces Best Dress and Zephyr Glnc- lams , at lOCj , 3 cases Crinkled Seersuckers at 5c. 5 cases good yard wide Bleached Mus- in at 5e. ICO pieces Lawns at ftc > ICO pieces Victoria Lawns and India > inons nt 5c. , < ! e. and Se. 75 pieces Foulard Sateens at lOc. Silk and Wrcss Gooils. Great bargains in our Silk -a'nd Dress Goods Departments. All new , fresh goods direct from the manufacturers1 oems at less than anybody can offer heso same goods. Thousands- pieces to select from. You will have no trouble to find what ou want. We receive each day letters of encour agement nnd compliments from our cus- oraors everybody concurring in our assertions. Xo One Who Studies iconorny can afford to pass us by. SPKIXtt. For the spring of 1837 we are bettor prepared to please you than over before. Great bargains in each and every ono of our numerous departments are laid out and placed on SPECIAL SALE every day in tbo week. We Keep Everything. No ono need go outside of our house to ; ct a complete outfit in Ladies' , Misses' , Children's , Men's , Youths' or Boys wear. & CO. , PJGOS JLE'S STTOllB , Nos. 311 , 310 , 318 nnd 3iiO Broadway , Council JBIufl'a. IV. B. All mail orders foi sumples or eoods entrusted to our care will receive the best ot attention. REAL ESTATE , Vncont Lots , Lands , City Residences nnd Forms , Acre property In western piirt of city. All selling cticup to make room for spring stock K. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Apnt , Koom 5 , over Officer & Pusoy'a Dank , Councl Bluirs. / wlllboatthe Faclflc ITotclCoun cil Jiluffs , every Saturday forenoon. Omnha Dental Association removed to Ilollmnn UlocK. cor. 18th and Farnam. Ucst sets tcoth $0 , fully warranted. All operations rendered painless by the use of our new aniusthotic. Dr. Haughawout , Manager. THE TROTTING STALLIONS , DR. ARCHIBALD ( Standard No. 2015) ) Sired by Almont No 3 , and "Kesristor. " ( Standard No. C812. ) Sired by Tramp No. 808. These st.illions will make the season of 1837 at the Coun cil Ulufls Driving Park. For particulars inquire of or address WADE CA11Y , Council IJluQs , la. OFFICER d ) FUSEY , Council BlufTs.Iowa. Established 1607 FINLEY BURKE , Attorney at Law. C04 Broadway , Up Stairs , Council Bluffs. ORESTON HOUSE. Thoonly Hotel in Council Bluffs Having a Fire Escape , And All Modern Improvements. 215 , 217 and 310 Main St. MAX MOIEf , Prop. HAKN ESS ESSBROTHERS BROTHERS Headquarters ( or Good Goods ! Carpets and Dry Goods , I We are still to be found on the Old Gamp Ground Broadway , Council Bluffs , la With the largest and best selected stock ol Carpets ever brought to this city. Our stock of Dress Goods comprises the finest fabrics , and also the most substantial but less costly. Those wishing good goods and as repre \ sented will not fail to give us a call. SAMPLES .AND PRICES SENT BY MAIL. Don't Forget the Place , No. 4O1 BROADWAY , COUNPIL BLUFFS , IOWA. O. CT. OOIDIB Z" , Real Estate Broker and Dealer Council BInfFri Ollico , Musoiilc Temple. Onmliu OillccNo 111 North 10til direct. Particular attention given to In vesting . funds for iion - resi dent * Special bargains In lots & aero property . In Oinahu & Coun cil Bluffs. . Correspondence oollc- Itcd. GARDEN HOSE , Steam , Gas and Water Pipe No 552 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , Iowa Mall Orders Shipped Promptly. A. U. RIVE. E. W. RAYMOND BICE & RAYMOND , Real Estate Brokers , No. 13 North Main Street. Lower Floor First National Bank Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa. f TELEPHONE NO. 239. VALUABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY AT AUCTION Properly Situated on the Corner of Pearl Street and Sixth Avenue , Known as the CRACKER FACTORY PROPERTY , WILL BE Sold at Auction on Wednesday , April 20th , .A.T 3 E3. ! fcv . S.A.IJ-S O3ST 3jR H. H. INMAN , Salesman , < 2s Successors to ) HAYS & GLEASON , Commission and Produce Merchants , 1'rovlslons. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Dealers In Groceries and . jVb. 11 South Main Street. CROCKERY , LAMPS , GLASSWARE , AND FINE POTTERY. Prices Very Low , W. S. HOMER & Co. , ArO. 23 MAIH ST. , COUNCIL JULUJUW , i t I A. N. SUHURZ , Justice of the Peace. Ollico Over American Expre&s. C. B. ALLEN , nglneBrSuriiejorIKIapPublisher , , No. 11 North Main St. Cltrnnd county maps of cltlem und comitlci In vroaturu lonn , Nebraska nnJ FRANK S. JtlCE , CIVIL ENGINEER , x i . , Design's , ottimntoi mul report ! on brlilirci , Tl ducts , roiiinlalloni und ( tononil onuliioorliitf. Illiio prints of unyslzo alul ( i\miitlty. ( JlHco No.13 N. Mala St. , First National Ucutfr Bloc * .