Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1887, Page 3, Image 3
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; THURSDAY. APRIL 14. 1887. tfflJ PRICE OF MAY WHEAT , With Everything Conspiring Against It , tha Price Qoj3 Upward , THE CORN CROWD'S BIO LOAD. Beginning to Htngzcr Cnilcr a Twelve Million linslicl Burden Cattle Trade Dull and Un- fitlslactory Quotation * . CllICAUU rilOUUCU MAUKL'T. CnicAno , April 13.-Speelnl | Telegram ta the HEK. | There is no moro fun to hu poked at tlio Mny wheat deal. There have been people In the pit and out of It , people who have been "short" themselves and others 'who have not been directly Interested who have never referred to the contingency of the great May "corner" without laiuhlng In their sleeves. The laughing is all oJar. The seri ousness dates from to-day. With nil news bearish , with the cllrito | houses taking no part on the bull side , with Korshaw & Co. , Kpscnfuld ifcCo. , and Invin , Otecno A Co , oven dolnit their best to keep wheat down , the price advanced until May sold at Sttfc. The bl short.3 , who declare tliov have got wheat in the country to deliver , were up In the pit looking on. Thcso same bit ; shorts are now pretty certain that wheat back In the country will do them no Rood. There li n blockade here already ; the elevators an full. is already a tremendous pressure upon elevator owners by shorts lor ro scno storage rooms ; elevator men canno promise It , Ono operator uromlsed to tak ( out 500,000 bushels of coin if room would bi reserved for him. It could not bo promised lie was told lie would have to takuhlsttitn The weather man this morning showci enough good rainfalls in enough dllTercn places In the west to greatly relieve momcn tarily short sellers in the wheat pit. Then was nearly an Inch of rain at Dodge , Kan. over an inch at Las Animas. and light rain at El Paso and at other stations li Texas and in oilier states where rail has been very badly needed. As tin market has been so largely a weather one , I is expected with the dry weather panic ; i lit tle relieved tluttho opening would' bo verj weak Indued for wheat. On the other hand without any aid at all from clique houses the May option started at Nic and went up ti 84c. A very llttlo ratn goes n lone waj with a wheat bear , nnd oven a realistic am flubstnntlal wetting doesn't atfcct a bu ! much nowadays. Kersmw& | Co.'s dlspatchc : this morning said reports from the wlntoi wheat bolt said that tne Holds were still ho and very dry , The corn crowd , whlcl Is loaded up with grain for May nt abou 40c , boAin to stagger under Its 12,000,00 bushels' ' burden , if all this grainwero to bi offered them at the price at which it is golnf into consumption there would bo notlilui terrifying In the prospect. But the bulls 01 May l.uust not only pay the cash value o corn but must pay in addition fyc carrylni charco. They are getting alarmed at thl nnd as their nhinu increases the price dc cllnes. Mny sold nt 3S ; c to-day Immedlatul1 titter the opening. Manager llarpnr , of tin Chicago i\s Pacific , said : " 1 bee llirat : Whcc er gives out that there Is room left li : Chicago elevators for 2,000,000 bushels mon grain. I can't ECO where ho gets it. H credits mo with room for 600,000 bushel more. My elevators nro full. I KOO ho credit himself with room for 1,000,000 bust' ' 1 Is. Ills sons sny they nro full [ 'ho fact Is. there Is not room to moro than 500,000 bushels of grain li Chicago houses. " It Is generally known thn nn eifort has been made by the owners ot tin Jollet elevator , where there are 503,001 bushels of wheat , to make that regular , bu the law prohibits it. Wheat for May "alloat,1 that Is , on board shies In this harbor , 1 ofiorcd at TOKc. 4 > c under "regular" May This is solely because It is now certain thn there Is to bo a great grain blockade hero a Chicago this week and next. Wheat was unsettled In the afternoon nn advanced 5a'c , but lost It before the close Corn wad steady nnd provisions qulei wheat for May sold at bSJftftSlJfc , closing n & 3J6C , July sold at 81J/0S1 Vo nnd closed a "IK * , u ° rn. ; ° Yyc30c , Juno40J , Jul c , cosg a for May , 40Uo for Juno. 41c for July. Oal lor May iM c. Juno 20o. Lard for Ma 87.43. Juno $7.55. July 87.OOQ7.oau. aiioi rlba for May 88.32 } $ , Juno S8.43 i@3.l5 , Jul CHICAGO MVE STOCK. CntcA.00 , April IS. | apodal Telegram t the PCX. ] OATTLri. It was a dull and ur satisfactory trade , and bids were 10@1 ! lower. Sales wore made very unovenlj Desirable light and inodlum weight catt ! old at a 53100 decline , but thora were man good heavy cattle which could not bo sold i a lOQlSo * decline , and there were some 1,0. ' to 1,700-lb cattle for which no bids were n tcelvod. The general trade of the dav ws extremely dull and unsatisfactory , Itofrij orator houses have been full ot beef , an supplies are not yet exhausted. Easter marmots have boon dull , while cattle ! English markets are hard to sell Ic lest than a Tear ago. The receipts he IIKVO been light for some time , but it Is n certain that the small supplies imve not bet the result of temporary causes. The rocelp t western markets have lately been ve heavy and prices hero , thouxu low , are co Bldercd to be relatively higher taan at ai other pont | Live cattle exporters Imvect tAlnly made no money In the past four wee ! Shipping Btoers , 1350 to 1500 II S4.70 < 85.25 ; 1200 to 1350 Ibs. 84.40(54.1 ( too to 1200 ( hs. s < KX$4.40. Stockcrs and fee ers , 8i.00@4.00 ! ; cows , bulls and mixed , (1. bulk , 92.3532.1)0 ) ; slop fed stcoi Texas cattle , grassers , 83.00 50 , li ons Tradn vras rather slow at the ope t 14.75 ( 5.25 , and vorkero ht * 5.45 < § 5.50 , wl a few fancy at M.70$5.75 ( , best tioavy sold 95.75(35.35 ( , and packlntc HorU at | 5.GUg5. ( ' with common at y5.30a5.50. ( FINANCIAL. NKW YOIIK , April 13.-Sjecial [ Te gram to the HKE.J STOCKS. Lend prices came In lower this niormuit and t runrkut opened weak. London was a t teller , and traders did some realizing , t little punch In money late yesterday caitsl some nervous holders to toll. There was t turnover , any pronounced decline. A lai number of railroad ofllclaln In Now Yo say they have boon very agreeably rtl. ; pointed in the A'prll earnings thin far , they dfd not expect any Increase tula mon Mr. Sully was quoted as nli that HondlDK la still cheap , and othur insld < intlmlattid that It would go hither than did in December. It was attain strong R higher to-day , insiders have oeen lai buyers of the stock. Points were cum last night , that it would have A further i vauce. 'there was n story In circulation it the Standard Oil company Is bohlud I Manhattan & New EnhuJdeal ; , and Is tcrustcd with the Sully-Corbln Interest Jftscy Central and Kiudln * . Th * Nuw Y ( Central March report shows an ltmraae earnings over March , 16SO , of 91CO,0 > Xan cieaso for the quarter of $747,000 , and un crcaso for the six months , eudlnx iUrch of S'-.SOl.OW. Lake Shore curnlnjs Increni S-H,0 < X ) the lirst wcok In April , nca ths Csl Vlnccuuos & Cnlca < o lnei a ; $0,4SI for the month of March. The lllln Cpntrsl earnings' lnnrfa'i d jM.aTl. Jerj CeiiliRlas a tealuro ol .tie ifay , tfiiiluitl sharply , mainly due to nuntpul to ! Advanced 4K points tram tr. oil iJ ! < points and aeivln advAno pol'Hs hlghor than it osenod. down a point ( rota ths ope nine , but m ered a p.irt of th * loss. Tbtre was s < rt s pielion lou ID regard t * the nun y m t along toward the clow. nd vli etml-ia further ittllmr , prlcsn sei lj ! fll ! ( until they were frcaXCto > i ftr o IUl the opening flcurM , and Iq sea moe. Total Ales w re l,8 4 itu * * UeT * MMBinrl-iotMci Bt bonu lull out I " * * K . L YKSTEIIDAT'S QUOTATIONS. U. S.C's . 100 1C. & $ . W..1WK U. S. ' coupon. 1W ) doprefefred..14a U. S.4W'scoup .UO N. VIC . H2X 1'ncincVsot ' - , . . 12fi O. B. & N . :101 Canada South'n. . 01J < O. T. Central 1'aclllc. . 41Jf I'nclllcMall . 50 ChlcaioAlton.l45 1' . , I ) . Jt K . do iireferrcd..lCO Pullman Pal.Car.151 C. , II. ifcQ . 112 Heading. . . . . 44 U , \V..i..lWKtHock Island. . . . 120 1) &H.0 . 31 } ? St L. AS. F. . . . Krio LakeShore . U < Texas Pacllic. . . . 29' < L. AN . to Union Pucllic. . . ; Mlchlcnn Ccnfl. . UJ \V..St L&P. . . . 1 , Mo. Pacific . 1CWK do preferred. . 'M No. Pacllic . W. U. Telegraph 77 , ' do preferred. . . . CO g - . Mo.vr.v of CALL Easy , SQ7 , closed ottered at 3 hid. closed at 5 hid. , PIIIME MEUCANTILE PAPEH 56 pci RUIlt. STKIIM.VO KXCHANOE. Dull but steady and 1'llOUUCK MAKKKT. Ohlcnco , April 111 , Following quotT lion1 ? arothfj 2iUcloslii ; : ! ? lliures : Flour Steady and unchanged. Wlntci wheat tlour , 34.a5l.aO ; soutnern , S 1.1004.20 Wisconsin. S1.20M1.30 " : Michigan sou sprint wheat , 53.70(21.30" ( : Minnesota bakers. S3.71 CCI.30 ; patojit ? , S.5034.SJ ( ; low cradus , Sl.O.V'J.'i ; rye Hour , nuict at S3.23Q3.40 ; It snrks and binds , S'c ' .lO. Wheat Strnnir with morodemand : openei' weaker nnd closed * { & } ia hlKhcr ; cash. 7 ! 3-lOc ; May , S3 l.VlGc ; June , blj c. Corn Opened a shade below yesteulay' : rloslnc nnd closed 3 < c lower ; cash , 34c May , 3s'n ; June , 10MOe. : Oati Firm ; cash , 24c ; May , U9 3-lOc June , 29'c. . Jyo-tilet { ( ) at KXtif&Xe. Unrlcv Firm atMUffi.'jSc. Timothy Seed-Prime , § 1.78. Wnlslty-SLW. Pork Quiet ntul unchanged ; cash , S20.75 Mny and June , 521.01' ' . Laid Opened at lOc decline nnd elosei firm ; cash , 87.40 : Mi y , S7.4.V . ) uneS7.55. Bulk Mentc Shoulder * . Sff.10Jill.25 ; shor clear , SS.700S.75 ; short ribs , SS.'i" . . Butter Quiet ; creamery , 'JX&tyfc ; dairy . CheosH Firm ; full cream Cheddars , 13 } Me ; daliv , 13'f@133a'c ; Voung Amuilcas , 13 > , c ; slclmigO ' ( ) 'c. Hides Weaker ; heavy green salted , 7' c : light , 7 c ; salted bull hides , ( ic ; dry salted IQc ; diy Hint , I2@13c ; diy calf , IS Uc ; dca if > ns , 40c each. Tallow Firmer ; No. 1 country , 4c ; No. a 3 , ' c ; cake , -l c. Pvccclnts. Shipments Flour , bbls 30,000 17.C01 Wheat , bu -13,000 o.ooi Corn , bu 10'J,000 ] 0,00i Oats , bu 70,000 29,00i Hye , bu , . . : Bailey , bit 11,000 12,00i New York. April 13. Wheat He eolpts 41,000 ; exports , 23,000 ; npot Jif@l4 higher and modeiately active ; option : declined a trifle at the opnnlntr. subscquentl' ' uled stronscr and advanced % ® Je , closln. . troii1' at nhout best rates ; ungraded red , ! > : (3'Jltfc ; No. 3 roJ , 03c ; No. 1 red. U Kc ; N' rod , iMKo In elevator , 02@MWc , f. o. b. 03kcdelivered : May closed at 01c. Corn Itccelpts , 11,000 ; expoits , 20.000 pot X@Ha lower , closing stiongor ; optiom , . Oats Atrillo better ; receipts. 83.000 ; ex ions , 2,000 ; mixed western , 35337c ; whit estern 3S@42c. Petroleum Steady : united , 61c. hens Steady : westem , l2VtSl3c. Piirk-Qulut but steady ; tui-ss , SIS.WG .O.u , Lard Opened lower but closed firmer ivestorn steam , spot. 87.70. Butter Dull and heavy ; western 103."c. Cheese Firmer with fair trade demand. MIlwaukRo. April 13.Yheat \ Quiet : ash. 77c , ; Mav , 7bVc. Corn Firm ; No. 8 , STJ c. Oats Htronit ; No. 2 wmtc , 32c. llyo-UI licr ; Mo. 1. Olc. Barley Firm ; No. 2 , 55o. Provisions-Quiet ; poik , repacked , S15.5C Oiuolnnatl , April 13. Wliuat-Dull : Nc i red , 63c. Corn Barely btoady ; No. 2 mixed. 42c. Oats Steady and lirm ; No. 2 mixed , 31Q Jtyo-Qulot : No. 2 , 63c. Pork Steady nt 817.00. Lard Kasler at S7.15. Whlslcy Stoadyat 81.13. Mlnnonpolls. April 13. Wheat Dull No. 1 hard , cash , 75c ; May , 77c ; Juni 78tfc ; No. 1 northern , cash , 74J/c ; Mni 7c ( ! ; June , 77 ; o ; No. a northern , cash , May , 74 > ic ; June , 75c. IO ! Plllont8' w-8 Jtocetpts Wheat , S3.000 bu , bhlpments Wheat , 2-1 , 100 bu.nour ; , 10.0C bbls. Liverpool , April 13. Wheat-Quiet bi steady ; demand poor ; holders oiler mode ntoly. Corn Quiet but steady : demand poor. St. Louis , April J3. Whoat-Firm ; c.isl ff 79 ic : Mny , 79 < c. Corn Weak and lower : cash , S5c ; Ma ? 34 4'cJuno,30@3oS-c. ; OatB Laslcr ; cash , 28o. ; May , 27Jfc. Pork-Quiet ; now , 318.00. Lard Nominal at 87.23. Whisky 81.13. BiUter-Flrmj creamery , SlGiOOc ; dair " 0@20c. . Afternoon Board Wheat Ilieher ; Ma VQSOJfc ; June. nyn ; August , 7Dc. Coi Uuchiinged. Oats Nothing doing. OUy. April 13. Wheat Xoir nal ; No. 2 red. May. 70o bid , 70 c asked. Corn Steady ; No. 3 , cah , SCc bid , 33' nskcd ; April , S2o bid ; May , 32fc. Oats-Noralnnl ; May , 28 } < o bid. .Now Orleans , April 13. Corn UasU mixed , 50c. Oixts Quiet and weak at 37Kc. Ho * Products Firmer nnd not quotab higher ; nork , 810.25 ; lard , ' 87.00. Hulk Meats Shoulders , V0.37U : lone clei and eleir ribs. 38.2.5. Cornusaal 8'J.15@2.3a LIVE STOCK. Chlcaicn , April 13. The Drovers'Jou nal tonortan'lollows : Cattlo-Uecrlpts. 7,000 ; lOo lower ; shl plnz Rtecrs , 83.OCX35.15 ; stockers ai fecdorf , S2.5'J$4. < )0 ) ; COWR , bulls nml mlxc 1.75a3.M ; bulk , * i3.r > @ 2.W ) ; through Tex cattle , $ .50 3.50. Hogs Itccelpts , 18,000 ; slow and 1 lower ; rough and mixed , 35.2Uitf5.70 ; pac log and shipping , M.COQ5.00 ; light , 31.8 ; 5.60 ; skips , 83.00&4.W. 34.50C45.75. Natloiipl Btook Vnrcls , Rast f LnuN , III. , April 13. Cattle Uecelp 1,000 ; shipments , SOO ; easier ; choice hea native steers , S4.75fl5.lj05 fair to good sh ping steers. 34.00 ® t.cs ; butchers' steers , fi to choice. 3 70 ® .30 ; fcedcr.s. fair to got S3.COui3.W ; stockcrs , fair to good , 9.10. 'Hogs Receipts. S,800 ; rshlpraents , 51 Se lower ; choke heavy aud butchers' eel tlons. 85.0035.75 ; packlng.falr to coed , 85 F.S5Vorkers. . mudlum to prime , 85.2 ( 5.i5 : ; pigs , common to good , 34.5035.CO. Knnxm City , April 13. Cattle Itocelp 4,000 ; shipments. 8,000 ; plueglHh and 10@ ] lower ; shipping steers and light butchers' lowur ; choice cows steady ; common choice shipping , .8S.eo < 84.X ( ) ; Mockers , S2 feodlng steote , S3.B5CJ4.00 ; cowa.S'J 12,030 : shlpm-jnt.s , h weak uud 'i'i(10o tower ; common to chol eklps and pig ? , 1 ,60.31.60. OS1AUA MV13 BTOOJC. WcdaouUy , Apjll 13 The rn-eititi w re tnnto liberal than for < draldays. i'ho murknt was very dull a llow Mid About 63 lo\Ner , There wcra ' uui0M. The A tptt at bojn i > ere trd , ThA m ri ! i optnud very glov u ilMKilnx. 'Ill * buyars did not ttio\v n , cMntHon to buy and only four 1-juds wi nU before ml d-d ay. It was not until Utc thi afttrncon thai thiy began to buy. 1 bulk of tbt bogt were sold lUadeollua abe l i o from yaatoriiay'i marknt. I hi wtii Mv a lo tl lettour , Itecclpt1 * . Cattle. 1.100 llogs. . . , 2,000 ProvAllinic I'rlco , Showing the prevailing prices paid for llvo slock on thlsnmrkPt : Choice steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . . . 81,8 ( u ) ( . 50 Choice steers , 1100 to 1350 Iba. . . 4.15 ® ,83 Fat little steer W3 to 1053 Ibs. . . , ! ) . $ > ( < 1.30 Oood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 3.00.711.50 Falrto medium cows 2.50 ; < i'J.75 ' Good to choice bulls. * . i.Wrtiaw Light and medium lioza M0r > (5.u Good to choice heavy hogs 5.25ctV35 Good to choice mixed hogs 5.20i5.0 Choice sheep , 80 to 120 Ibs 3.50 1.00 IlcprcBcntntivo Baloa. Showing the hkliQst and lowe t nrlcoi paid fur load * of hojts on this nnrket dnrlnif thopast seven day and lor the sauio time last month and , t voar azo. March lbS7. April lb 7. April 18SO. 7th Tra ( flvnTJi 3.7,1 © 3.00 ! -th T . " 5 fi.i5w 3.81 Hth B.OJ PAN ) 6.10 © 3.23 3 0 10th C.OO 5M.7. Sumluy 3.75 , . lUh 6.00 ® 5.W ) Sunday 525 C&V50 3.M .01,1 f * , - 5.10 ® > 35 Shipments. Showing the number of cattlo. hogs and sheep shipped from the yards during tlio day. CA.TTLK. No. cats. lit. Dcst. 0 N W Chicago 4 Mil Chicago 3 U. L Chlcngt Live Stock Sold. Showlnithn number of cattle , ho s , ant sheep bought by the leading buyers , \TTLK. . O. H. Hammond & Co 47 ! Claiko Urea t.3S J. Lanslnir 71 Harris & Fisher 1C Loc. l 2 Total 03 Leftover 40 A.nslo-Amerlcan Packing Co 10U ! . 11. Haiiimoud & Co./ 20. 1' . J. Lipton to : Total 211 Lett over 57 ( Allsileiof stoilciu this market are made icrcwt. llvo weight tiniest otherwise stated , load ho.3 sail at Xo per Ib. for all weight * Skins , " or ho.-ts welhln ; ! e than 103 Ibs , no value. Proliant so\vS are doekod 40 los , idsUssSO Jb-i. by tha nubile Inspoitor. Llvo Stock Notes. Ilogs 15c lower. Cattle on the down grade. Only four loads of hogs sold before 1 ! o'clock. Llvo stock shippers hold nn impoitan ucetlng. II. Shlnstoclr , West Point , was here will .hi ce loads of. cattle. The railroads nro giving a great deal o .rouble nnd now is tuo time tor live stocl men to unite for self preservation. J6"hn Wiggins , Columbus , secretary of tin Nebraska Live Stock * Shippers' association was In with stock. OMAHA. WHOLESALE M/VKKETt Qoncrnt Produce. Wednesday , April 13. Thcf/ollowina prices arc for raun-l tots oj produce , ( ti So ! < t on the market toiaii. . Cnoif The receipts are a lltte moro libern Thu bull ; of the fctock Is moving at lOc. BurTKis There is nu occasional packag of fancy.buttcr that sells above the quoti tions given below. Choice country , I8j20 ( < Inlr to peed , I4@10c ; common , 10@12e. UiiKs.snn POUI.THV Choice fat chicken have sold quickly ntlO@llc , and fane stocl ; has brought oven more. B reason of the light receipts of chicken turkeys have been selling fairly we at 11 < ! and ducks at about the same prici Dressed poultry Is practically out of seaso nnd the present high prices are due largel to the pcarclty ot live poultry. LiVE'PotiLTKV There is a good deman forlivo poultry. Chickens are selling readil on arrival at a.003.50 according to sizi liarge fat hens are In the best'demand an fancy stock might bring a shade moro tha the quotations. Large and choice ducks sc at S3.00@3.50 , and small varieties at $2.75 ( 8.00. 8.00.CunnsK CunnsK Full cream chcddar8slnsle,14) ( full cream Hats , twins , 14cK ; Young Amcr cas , 15c ; fancy Swiss , ! G@l7c ; Swiss , In Dortcd , 25c : Llmburger , 14c ; brick. ! 5@iCc. BnANS Inferior stock,75 $1.00 ; good cloa country , 81.00 ( 1.2.1 ; medium , hand picket 81.40 ® 1.00 ; hand picked. navy81.50@1.60. I'liuviaioNs linm , 12J/@l3c ; breakfai bacon , rib. lO./c ' : breakfast bacon , plain , lit dry salt sides. SJ@S > fc ; dried beef , regula lie ; dried beef , ham pieces , 14o ; lard , 50-1 cnns , 7 < e ; 20-lbcans. Fairbanks , 7 fc ; 10-1 can * , Fairbanks , 7Ko ; Mb cans , Fnlrbuuk 8 : 'Hb cans , Fairbanks , b c. CAUIIAOB The market is well suppllei California cabbage , choice , ptrlb , iJc , CAULirLownn There Is a fair supply o the market. Cauliflower , per dozen $1.5Ci 1.75. 1.75.APPI.KS The market Is weak nnd trade not heavy. Now vegetables and fruits ni beginning to take the place ot apples. Eas crn stock is out of the market and all tin remains Is Missouri stock. Choice Mlssou Block , S4.wxg4.50 ; common Missouri stoc ! 83.00tf3.50. NKW "VcoETAiu.r.s The market Is n litt moiu active and stocks are moving mo freely on account of the weather bccomii ; warmer and moro settled. Spinach , per bt 3'J.00(32,25 ( ; top onions , per dozen bundle SSOilOc ; California celery , per ( Uuen , OOi radishes , per dozen bunches , U5@IOclettnc ; 40c ; pl Plant , per Ib , fee ; California beet per Ib , 'Jc ; California carrots , per Ib , 2 California aspagus , per Ib , 15c ; cucumber perdo/cn , $1.25 ; southern string beans , p < ff-\i\i \ box , SU.M ; southern peas , pcr-l box , S3.:0 ; liermuda onions , per bu , $7.00. OVBTEKS Horse shoo brand , 25c ; stam ard , Kc ; f elects , 30c ; extra selects , 35 ; N. 1 counts , 400. GAJIK ilallArd ducka , per dozen , 82.0 teal , per dozou. 81.SO : mixed , per dozen , 81. ( gl.75 ; KCCJI * . per dozen , 33.00@3.0 ; branl pcrdii/s , 8'J.oo. ' Li.'Mo.ts Stocks are beginning to mo' more ireoly and hlchcr prices nre untie pated. Mejitna , choice , per boat , 85.00 ; d fancy , per box , 95.60. OnANois Trade has been Improving dv lux the past tuw-days ana a vrcnt many mo eiders are coming In. California , Hive Bld < > , per box. $1.00 ; California , Los Angelc per box , S' .TiJH.Co ; Mediterranean sweel 83.75(24.00 : fe.r.llm Imperial , fancy. 5.50 6.00 : Ban Utiliriol. blnglu box lots , $3.00 , Se Unhtlnl. 3 box lots , 13.83. STKAWUKUIISES The receipts have n lcin heavy and the market U fairly actlv btnt\rb rrlci. per at , MAI.AQA OBAI'CS The supply on t ! market Is not licivy. Regular size cask f vooi larce sit * ciklcs. 65.50@G.oo. PINKAVPLHI A few pineapples have t rlrcrt on Ui innrkrt sad are in good com ton. : Pl pp ! , per doz , S4.COQ3.oo. D4j < i. -lATgebunches , per bunch , 83. OLD V a TA LES-The demand IB lib lor U041 kinds ot old vegetables and stoc are moving slowly and mostly In a small wa VBIOUS are cot bringing quite u much hnv wore. Onions'choico stock , per bbl , 3/XK33.75. lieets , carrott tumlpsi , etc. , per bbl.SI.7 12.00. , NUTS Afe\v black walnuts nro coming In rein the country and sue slow sale nt 75c per bushel. Tlio following nrp the wholesale prices a * , which orders ftom'tlio ' outside are lllcd : Almondo , 20c ; IHKAIIS , Ihrgo polUHod , 4c ; filberts , i4cBraztlfvl4cwalmitsNaplcs ; ; , Oc : wnlnnts , Chill , I4c ; peanuts , H. P. Vlr ginln. lour , patent. S3.40@a.oS ; ' bran , 70fl percwt ; hopped feed , 75o per cwt ; Avhlto corn meal , 90c ; yellow corn , meal , tO90o per cwt ; crcenlntr , 60S75c ( per twt ; hominy , 81.50 horts. 70o percwt : grahwn , 81.75 ; hay. In bales $7.00 per ton. Grocer' * List. PICKT.F.S Mrdiiim , In bbls. 83.00 ; do. In half bbls , 84.50 ; small , In bbls , S'.OO ' ; do , In lalt bbls. 85.00 ; gherkins , In bbls , 310.00 ; do , n half bbls , 85.50. SUOAII Uranulntert , OV@CKc ; conf. A , C@ > Vc ; white extra C , 5 5 c ; extra C , 5\y > e : yellow C , 4 i@4Kc : cut loaf , OKCgGJfc ; povvdetcd , OKMTc. CoKFEK.s-Ordlnary grades , l15Kc fair t5Hli'c ; prime. Wise ; choice , 10Q17tfc ; ancy green and jellow. 10 < aUc ; old POV- CJLNNEDOooHS-Oystcrs.standard.pcrcase , 83.15 ( ; < ? 3.2."i ; strawberries , lb. i TCise. ( 84.SO ; raspberries. 2 Ib , per case , C2.25 ; California pears , jior case , 84.50 ; apricots , per casj , > 4.00 ; poaches. pi r case.85.K ) ; whlto cher- Ics , per cast80.00 ; plums , per case , SS.5' ) ; blueberries porcase. 81.85 ; oxc plums. 2 Ib , icr case , S2.60 : pineapples , a ID , per case S3.fflKiJ5.75 ; 1 Ib niKjUt-rel. per doz , 81.40 ; . Ib salmon , pci doz , Sl.rxxal.M ; 2 ID , goose berries , per case. 81.75 ; 2 Ib strinz beans , ppr case , SI. " " ; 21b llmabcans , per case , 31.00 ; 21bmarrowfatpeaspercase , 8i5o T'J.OO2 Ib early Juno peas , per case. S..75 ; 3 Ib tom.x- OPS. ! S2.5' r42. ( : a Ib.corn S2. 10f37.f)0. MATCHES Per caddla 25c ; equaro cases , S1.70 : mullsquare. . 81.2U. Svr.up No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , S1.3"j@1.2S ; Sfow Orleans per gallon 3840c ; inaplo syrup , mlf bbls , "old time. " per gallon , 70c ; 1 gal- ori cans per doz. 510.00 ; hall gallon cans , per do85.50 ; quart cans , CANDY .Mixed. SKGCUe : stick , . CHACKRIIS Uarncau's1 soda , butter and picnic. BXC ; creams , > $ c ; ginger snaps , o > e ; city soda. 71. . bTAKcit Mirror glnss. 1 Ib , Cc ; mirror : loss , 3 Ib , 5Xc : mirror closs , Olb , O c ; 'Jravos corn , 1 Ib.OKc ; Kingstord's corn. 1 ID , 7c : Kinu'sforii'sglosj , 1 Ib. 7c : Klngsford's closs , Olb. 7Xc ; Klnu'sford's pure lib. 5Ke : ilnirsford's pure , 3 Ib , 5Kc ; Klngsfords boAi'S Kirk's savon Imperial. S3.70 ! Kiru-s satinet. 83.00 ; Kirk a standard , 83.05 ; Kirk's white Russian. S4.00 ; Kirk's whitecap cap , 0.50 ; dom < > , $3.85 ; washboard , $3.10 ; White cloud. 33.7& . General Market * . "VANISHES llairels , per gallon ; furnr tnre , extra , 81.10 ; turnlturi > , No. 1. Cl.OOj coach extra , 81.40 ; coach , No. 1,81.20 ; Da- mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asnhaltum , : xtra 85c : shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil linlah , ilKAVY UAnnwARE iron , rate 83.80 : plowsttelspecl rcast,4XccruelblestoolOXc cast tools , do , 12@ls < o ; wagon spokes , poi set , 82.00(33.50 ( ; hubs , per Bet , $1.25 : lelloes , sawed dry , 81.50 ; tongues , each. 80e : axels , each. 75c : square nuts , per Ib. 01@71c : roll chain , per Ib. GXfjsnc ; malleable.fc@lUc ; iroi wt'dces , 6c ; crowbars , OcVharrow teeth , 4x' < c spring steel. 749c ( ; Bnrdon's horse shoe * & 4.15 ; Burden's mule dioes. $ > .7S. Barbed wire. In car lots , 54.00 per 100 Ibs. Nails o . > , . 8 l.l 0 : _ steel nails. S2.9D feet. C5c. Lead bar. t- . . , . DIIY PAINTS-Wlilie lead , 7o ; French zinc , 12c ; Paris whltlne , 2Kc ; whiting , gliders Sfc ; whiting , com'i , Ike ; lampblack , Oer inanstown , 12c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c Prussian bluc,05cultramarine ; , l o ; vandyfc- brown , 8e ; umber , burnt'4c ' ; uinber. law , 4c sienna , burnt , 4c : slennn , r.iw , 4c ; Puru green , ( tenulne. Zo Parla green , com mon , 22c ; chromu green , N. Y. , 20c vermillion Amencap. l c : inaiai raw and burnt umber , 1 fitcans , iBc ; raw nm burnt sienna , 12c : Vandyke brown , 13c ; re lined lampblack I2e : coach black and Ivor ] black , lOo ; drop Mack.iGc ; Prussian blue 40c : ultramarine black. ISc ; chrome croon.L. JA. A I ) . . iflcf blind and shutter green. L. . M A ; D.l6c : Paris Kronn , 18o ; Indian red , 15o Venetian red , Oc ; Tuscan. 22c ; Amerlcai vermlllion , L. A ! > . , 20c ; yoliovr ochre. 2o ; L M. & O. i > . . 18o : itoodochre. ICe : paten dryer , 80 ; Braining color , light oalr , darkouk walnut , chestnut and ash. We. UllUGS AND CHEMICALS. AC d Carbolic "C ; acid tartarlc , 62o ; balsam copaiba , pe J > , fOc-.bark sassafras , per tt > , lOo ; calomel per ft , 78c , chlnciionldia , per oz , 40c ; chloro form , per tt > , . ' .Oo ; Bovcrs powders , per tt 81.25opsom ; salts , per tt , SKo ; glycerine pure , per Ib. 30c ; lead , acetate , per tt. Uic oil , castor , No. 1 , per gal. , , 81.50 ; oil cnstoi No. 2 , per gaL , 81-40 ; ell olive , per gal. , 81.40 oil orlirannum , 60c ; opium , 84.50 ; quinine P. * W. nnd K. AS , , per oz , 70c ; potasslun Iodide , per tt , 83.50 ; sallcin. per oz , 40c ; sul phate morphine , per oz. Si..C ; sulphur , pe D.4cstrychnlno. oeroz. S1.2i > . . fAiNTS IN OIL White lead. Oraahn.P P. 0' ' . < o ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , 'c ; Mai Bellies , croon , I Ib cans , 2e ; Kronen zinc creen seal , 12o ; French zinc , red seal , lie French zinc. In varnish asst. 20c ; Koncl zlnc.75c : vcrmllllon. Kngllsh , In 0115759 red , son' : red ! _ . _ , chrome ) ' Fn 188 proof , 152.20 per wine callon. Kodistille whiskies , 81.00 1.50. Gin , blended , 8l.50i ( 8.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , 82.00ao.00 ; Ker tucky and lronnsylvanla ryes , 52.00f ? fl.5t ) Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whlsklo ; Sl.SOQ3.oa Brandies , imported , 85.00@8.50 domestic , 81.80(33.00. ( Gins , imported , 84.5 @ 3.00 ; domestic , 81.25ra3.oo. ChampaRne- Imported , yer case. 82S.OOQ33.00 ; AmencaE percaso. 810.00uin.0a JtUDKS Oreen butchers , 6J { @ < 5o groei cured. 7c : dry Mint. ! K ( l2c ; drv Bait , 8 iOc Kreen calf skins , 8Kc ; damaged nidei two-thirds price. Tallow S c. Grease- AND BKINH The Ifollowlng price are for prime , well handled skins : Heave prime , clean per pound. 81.50@3.UO : fall.SU ( o iOO ; meatv ana Inferior. 81.0031.25 * , Bca : blown and grizzly. 85.00 8.00 ; n yearllnirs , ss.o > 84.00. Badger , WlWc. Ca wild , 20@iOo : domestic , block , 10 ( 15c : di mesttc , sundry colors. 5@8c. Fox , red , 81. ( @ 1.25 ; cross , 82.oo@4.00 ; grey , 4050c ; sllvei 81U.OU3iO.00. Fisher , $4.00@1.00. Otter , 4. ( @ 0.00. Martin , 81.003175 , Muscrat > wi ter , large , lOc ; fall , 5c ; kltts , Mink , 'larc dark , 35@40c ; small and pale , 15@20c. U& coon , largo prime , 40 50c ; small andlnferio 20@30c. Skunk , common , 15@25c , Wol largo prey , 81.60Q2.50 ; coyote or prairie 75 ( POc , Deer and antelope , winter , per poum 15c ; fall and summer , per pound 20c. Dry Uumtier. DIMENSIONS ANU TIMUEU8. iioAnus. No , 1 , com , sis . S10.I No. B , com , si s . , . . 17. ! No. 4 , com , sis . " . . 13. ! . No. 1 , 4 AC In , 13 it lift , ronzh . 810.1 No. 2 , " " " " ' ' ' " . is ! ( BIDtKO. A , 13 14 and 10 U..U.5. . 2i ( , ' ' . ' ' " . . .Iwi . HO. ! CKIUNfJ AND PAIIT1TIOX. 1st com. , U in White 1'ino Colling . S34. ( Clear , ' In. Norway Pine Ceiling . 1C. ( . . . . . . FLOORING , A 6 inch , whltopine. . S35.I . r , U ' > , , > ( ) i ' " ' ' E " " " " ( SeYFen' ) . ! . . . ! w ! ( . , STOCK BOA1ID3. A 18 Inch s.1 s. . 845.1 No. 1 , com. 13 In s. Is. , 12. & 14 . 20.1 " " ioft . 101 No.2 " " " 13 & 14ft. . . . . 18.i " " " " " 10 ft ! . 17.1 , 1st and 3d. clear , \\t incQ. i. 2 s . 850.1 3d , clear , 1 Inch. s. 3 § 4 j itf , 1 . a In 45.1 B clear , 1 Inch , s. a s 30 ; itf , l > f , 3 in 37.i POSTS. White Cedar , 6 Iu. , HS , 12c ; 0 ln.qrs..11 _ LIME , KTC. Qulncy white llmo ( best ) . 31. Akron cement . 1. i-l&lltt * * * * * tt * ii * * * * * * * * * * f * es > ' No. 1 , plain , 8 and 10 in. . . , . lift. No.1 , plain , and 10 In . . . .17. SOtlTllKnXTKt.LOW TINE. 3om. 4andO In. lloorlni ; . . . . ,818.03 Clear 1n. ccillnc , . . . 21.00 Clear M In. partjtlon . 2.MK ) 'lear In. partition . 22.50 Clear , finish , land l. ' ln. s. 3 s , . 20.00 " corrtiKatedcullinir.41ti . 25.0 1IATTKNS' I'lCKKTP. " " " ' * x3' s1 . 40c "f - } ! 1,11' I0c' ' - , , } I'lckets , Dand II Hat .821.00 Blll.NOLKJ , LATH. XX clear. . . $3.00 * A * standard ! ! il'w AH.H.H . . 2.5U In el. . . . . . . . 1.7S Jn * clear . . 2.00 . . l5fl ; ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , . . 2.50 THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. > CHICAGO The only road to take for DCS Maine * Mai shalltown , Cedar Hnnld , Cllnon , Dlzon. Chlco go , Milwaukee and all points cnit. To tbe pea pie of NcbruskH , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah Idaho , Nevada , Oregon , Waalilnpton and Call fornla , it offers superior advantages not possl ble by any other line , Among a few of the numerous point * of in pcriorlty enjoyed by the patrons of thli rosi between Omaha and Cblcagt ) . are Its two train a day of DAY COACHES , which are the fines ttmt human nn and l onulty can oroato. It PALACE 8LKBPINQ CARS , which are model of comfort and oleimnce. Its I'AULOK DRA\V INQ ROOM OARS , unsurpnesoa by any. aud It widely celebrated PALATIAL UININO OAKt the equal of which cannot bo found elwiwhert At Council Bain's ' the trains of tboUnlon I'aoitl Hy. connect In Union Depot with those ot tli Chloago ft Northwestern Hy. In Chicago th trains of this line muke close connection wit ! those or all eastern lines. For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Clncli oati. NlngarnFalls , Buffalo. I'ittsburir.Torontc Montreal , Boston , New Yorit. l'hllRrleliUls Baltimore. Washington nnd all points in Ui cast , ask for a ticket via the "NOHTHWESTEItN. " If you wish the bout accommodation. All tlckc agents tell tickets via thn line. n. HUOHI1T , K. P. WILSON , QenU Manager , Genl. i'nss'r Agent Chicago , III. W. M. BADCOCK , L. R. BOLLKS , Vv'cstcru Agent. City I'ms'r Agent , Omaha , Nebraska. Notice of Registration , TlOtho LoBftl Votoraof First District , Flft Ward , in the city of Omahu : You nro hereby notltled that the uiidern'.iu will Pit us registrar Tor the First district , Fir I wanl.nt ' ( ti North Sixteenth struct , common \ng \ Ihurgciny , Ajwll 21st , Ib37 , ftt II oY'lnolc in. , for the purpose of rei'Hterlnr ; a ! ) qualllk votoru within eixld First Ulstiiiit of the Fill ward , and for the purpobo ot making nn list unit rtdainn to , and corroctlncr th reKlatr tlon nlroady umOo , and lor tmch purpo n tl : umlornlKiied will Bit un-1 krnp bis nook < roKlatriitlnn open each day lhor ftrrB ( eni Bunduys ) at tlio nmco aforcsaltl from It o'oloi n. in. until 1 o'clock p. m. , until Moudiiy , Mr 2nd. 1687 , at the hour ot 12 o'clock m. when KII registration will be clnsod. .Ml qimllttril VOID are notified to attend and sco that : -lilr rm.n are properly revIstorod. II. 11. WHITEIlOUSli. a3 ltc Utrarl tIl < trletMh Ward. Notice of Registration , TO the Legal Voters of the Third Ulstrlc FIrnt Wnri ] , in t IIP city of Umnha. You nro hereby iiotlHotl that thb undfrriliriu will sit as registrar fur tha Thlnl ward , at 17"o South Ulovanthhtreot. Ing Thursday , April 'JUt , lb3T , at H o'uiooli m. for the purpose of ruglitonuy all guiillfii voters within snld Third di < titct , first wurl. titer tor the purposoof making now litt s.u < l nd5\ \ ; to , nnd correcting the re Utrutlau tii m made , imd fur such purpose the imJ eizncd will git und keep bis book of in lm till open vitch day thereafter ( oxoopt Auudarx ) tbe place aforesaid from 11 o'oloci t. m. I'ntl o'clock ] ) , m. , until Monday , May 21 , lit ; , iu t ) hour at 13 o'clock ra , . when 6nM Mjt will bo closed , . All qualified totorl Ait to attend and see that their imacx are registered. . HfiNUY KIlllKNl'FO aU . Kcglitrar 3rd District , lit Omaha Jobbers' Directory. Agricultural Implements. CHUllCllILL PAllKElt , WholeraU Dealer In Affrlcnltnral Implements , Wngons , Curlagei and Ihisalo. Janet nrttt , tttncin Vth anil loth , Omaha , hcb. LUflXQER tC 'StETVALF CO. , Affrlcultural Implements , ratont.Carrlagf , nu elen , Etc. , Whole < nlf , Om'h > . LEE , FllIED M CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , 'Inwaro , Sheet Iron , Etc. A cnH for llowo Bealea , and Miami Pondtr Co. . Omaha , Nub. .0 SL Wholesale Dealer * In Agricultural Implements , riRonsand DuKRlei. Wl.Wfl.lOJ nndW ? , Jones st " " Artists' Material. Artists' Materials , Pianos nnd Organs , : ill Doiiglnt Strict , Omah.i. Builders' Hardware and Scales. Inlldcrs'Hnnlwarc&Scalo Itcpalr Shop lcclmnlco'ToonlHl ) Iluffnlo JTalos. 1(05 Doujlni IL , Omalia , Neb. Boots and Shoes. AMERICAN JTAND SHOE COMVANY , Manufactur r > and\Vho'lcalolJGalora In Boots and Shoes , Complete flock of Ifibbor Coeds always on h n4 Ml B. iili t. . Oxalm , Neb. A. T. AuMlii , Ayont. rrTr. MOUSE , c co. Jobbpra of Boots and Shoes. (11 Farnam et. , Omnlm , Nrb. Mnnufnclorj , Summer rtrcet , lloaton. Z. T. HXDSEX cC CO. Wholesale Hubboi * Bootj ami Shoes Itubbor nml oiloJ Cloihltii : mui Vult llooti mJ ijhocs. tJoulhcust Cornnrlltb nnJ Beer. . for Anheuser-Bnsh Brewing Ass'n Special Hranda. Fnutt.nudwelacr nnJ Ktlarpor. STO1JZ C JLElt , Ln cr Beer Brewers , 1M1 North ISlh Slrcet , Oranha , Nob. Butchers' Tools. LOUIS lIELLEJt , Butchers' Tools and Supplies , auaage Caslncs of all klnda alirnya In atock. 1111 Joneatt.iOiuahti Coffee , Spices. Etc. Omaha Corrco nml Spice JIllls. Te nCoffees , Splcc . Hating IVmdor. tracto.Laundry * IIIiio Ink . IClc. 1111-19 Ilarrey urcoi.Omuha , Neb. GATES , COLE t > MILES , flomo CoHeoand Spire Mills M'f'ff Co , CnffeoRoattgraiiud Fplt-o Urlnders , Uanafncturcri ofllRklns I'onaor , Flaturliijt Kitrnct * . Dlulim. iin. : . Pry ono c IRC * of o ir 10 * imcknao Homo Ulond Uoattea > > rr e. trtU HowHtrt ft , Umnb . Nob. Cornice. John Epenctor , Prop. Mamifneturor of Oalvnnltcd Jjon ar'l Cornice. Ml Dodco nnd 10.1 and IPS N , IQtft at. . Umali , Neb. " " ' 11UEMPING 0 HOLTE , Manufacturcra of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Wlndowu , Tina's , Metollc Skylight , etc. 3103 Ht'i > t. . Omaha. _ _ WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Specht , Prop. Gnlvnnlrcd Iron Cornice , etc. Sncct'slmproi ed Pnt entMcUllcSkyllaht. COS mid 61U y.Uili n..Om.ilio. Carpets. oy n c AR ET co , Jobbers of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Rugs LlnoleuniB , UattliiRa , nte. 1MI Dotijlai urect. H. A. OltClIARJf WhoIcHalo Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mattluf i , Citrtain Goods. Bio. 1113 Famatu atreet Omaha. Neb. _ _ Crockery and Notions. W. L. WRIGHT , AftntforthoManufaeturcranud Importer * of Crockery , Glassware , JUrapi , Chlainoyg , etc. Oillco , 317 South lth ll Omaha , N b. Commission and Storage. D. A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing. Duttor , Kzztund 1'rortuco. Condnnmenti aollcltcd llcidqunru'id . . . . for . btnnenaru . , llerrr . lioxi'B . . . nnU Umpa . HH lim1 naVAu. .l.riul.l Commission Merchants. I'rultn. Produce nnd ProTlsIona. Omaha , Neb. Storacro and Commission Iforchant Specialties lluttcr. Use * . Clieeec. Fonltry. Uame Oynton , lite. , lite. 115 houlli itlh street. WIEDEACAN & CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , butter , aamo. Fnilts , etc. 10 B. lullll Um.ihn , Neb , Coal antf Lime. aio7F7I7JkiiAoiiT I'rea. c. F. OonmiAN , v. 3. A. BUNnrnLANC. Hco. and Treaa. OMAHA COAL , COKE c8 LIIO.1 COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. KW South Tlilrtoonth Street , Omaha , Nb. J" J. JOHNSON f ) CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime And f < nipi er < of Cnal and Coke. Commit , 1'lattoi Uine , Jiilr , i'lro llrlcle , liialn. Til * nd Pcirer 1'ir.o ( init * . Pirtoo Ho ; ? ! . .r i-nnra St. , Oumlm , Mtt Telcpnonokii. Confectionery. p : . i < 'AY Manufacturing Confectioners , Jobbers of FruitsNuts uml Clear * . 1211 Farnnm St Omaha. Clgart and Tobacco. Joljliurs of Cijjara , Tobacco , Clum aDd Ammunition , } | 5 10 WI f. lllti it. , 1KO t lie * Farnxin it. . OmsbnNeb. WEST < C FRFI'SCHmt , Ifanufactnrera of Fine Cijrare , And Wbolcsale Dealers In Leaf Tnbsccot , and 110 N. UtU ttrcct , O-uuha. Dry Goods. Itf. E.'sJiUTJf ti CO , , Di-y Goods , KuruUhiupGoods &KotIon 1103 and 1131 Douglri , cor. lltli St. , Omnhi.Neb. " ' ' "Distillers' DUtlllcfS of I.lnuciin. AlrtihnijiBd rpirlli. liuniflr , and JuUbersor Wlnraiml I.lqucis. W1LLQ W SPRINGS DIKT1LLK1. CO , rtiut II ER CO. , Importars and Jonhorrof Flee Wln t an4 l/.ni-nr S le nisi\uf ouu < [ 0 ot KenoicdT'i llMt Ju > Mn lill- ter unci iiomts'lo I Uiuort.U ! IMrnvr PI , Drain Til a , Etc. . . . . , It. J. CAFtOK , Y.l'rti. kit it bui > t. THE UNION Hl'DttAULL DKAINT1LE CO. , Oifle * V1J 5. ! Hh St. , Online , Nee. lUcr..r.irj it bappllea/sr M nut e nlu C x oluiln Ti.e. ELEVATORS. W. HociE.t , D. S. liu < n < n Tus. fAnf. nwi , HJ } . VC | | ' , . ( O3IAUA ELKfATOItitntl GJtAL Jobbers and Storors o ! Grata htpraoiiii i it. .ui iiii i i guarantee ! . OmhiiR N b. in Fnrultvv * . Omaha JohtersMllreclory. Groceries , Wholesale Groceries and ProvlslonY Noa. ttti.707. TTiBiind 7118.10th Jt.Qm hii.N b. ' McCORl ) , imADY tC CO , , Wholesale Grocer * , ' l.'th nd l.ctYanworth Mi.Ombit. ; . . . . , -i-- * * * * Hardware. T "w f JtROATof ' Heavy Hardware , Iron nnd Steel , Springs , Wniion Hturk , Itardwaro I.umbir , cl . IX * i nil 1511 Humor M.OniMia. EDNEY& Wholcsnlo Iron and Stcol , Wason and rarrUioWood Slock , Ileayy Ilnrtwur tile. im ml _ Ui I.taTpnwutllitt. . UiuRlm , Neti. MILTOtf ROGERS ,0 SONS , Stoves , Knifes , Furnaces , Tiles , li&ntlci , Uratoi , limiKioodti. ISil and 1313 Kirnn Iron Works. Iron Works , WrousM nnrt C t Iron VullilInK Work , Iron Ptalr , jiallliiK , llonmn nnd ( llnlcrs , sicnm itiiBlni-t. llrao Work , OtncrBl-lfgiiiidry , Mnchlno iul lllackimltH V/otk. umconni WurXn.U. 1' . II ? , Mini Kill tir < l. V. H. MrAtANtlS. tt St o.u.i ILL irjin : o max WOHKS , Mnnufticturcr of Wire nml Iron Knllinpr Desk Tlnlls , "VltnloK (7usrd . riowcr snmN , Wlro i < Un , Kla 1UN. lOtb. OrJcr.ij \ mnll | , romptlr ltoniloJt , Lumber. FA TJUMTlEn CO. , Dcnlor All Kindt nf Jluildingr Matorlftl at Wholcaalo , 13th Street uncl Union 1'nclHo Track , Oraahn. LO UJS int. I DFOltD , Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Limp , Sash , Duon.Kte. YarJs Corner "til nn > l Douiilui ) Curnc * k'thnnil ' Duunlai. ' CHICAGO JMMltUll CO. , Wholesale Lumber , IH P. lUli ttrcct. Omaha. Noli. r.Colpctrcr , Mnnagoi " C. Lumber. 13th and California Strcctii. Omaha. Neb. Fit ED W. Gil A Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor.CtU nncl Douglmi ti. , ouiaUu.Na ) . UOAGLAND. Lumber. T. W. HARVEY LUMBER To Dealers Only. Offlco , HK1 Fnrnamatroct. Omaha. Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpcta aod I'nrqnct Floortnc. 9th nnd DoujlnJ JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lnmber , Etc. Imported and American 1'ortlnnd Cement. Ptatt Agent for JJIlwaiikco llvrtraullo Cement and Uctt _ ( julncy WhltcLlino. _ _ _ _ _ Live Stock. UXION STOCK YARDS CO. , , Of Omaha. Limited. John V. Uoyd , Superintendent. Llvo Stock Commission. _ M. KUltKE iC SONS , Llvo , Stock Commission. _ Ono. llurko , Slanagrr Pnlnn Stock Vanlt.B.Umnlm. 'I'clop'aona 1ST. SAVAGE C G'ltEEN ' , Live Stock Commission llerchiuits , Bhlpmentt of any and nil klnflo of Slock tolloltwJ. Union Slock ; YnnliOmaha. . Neb. Millinery and Notion's. tC CO. , Importer ! And Jobborf of [ Mllliuory and Notions , r li3 ! nnd 1215 Ilamcr fiteot , Omaha , Neb. Notions. Wholcialo Dealers In Notions nnd Furnishing1 Gootls , 4X and < tt'i H. Tenth St. , Ornnhn. Overalls. VAKFIELD Mannfacturcra of Overalls , Jeaui I'nntt , Bhlrtu , Kto. 1102 .mil 1104 Doujl i Oniahii. Ncu. Paper Boxes , T. L. Wanufflcturer of Pnpor "Roxcs * . B.lttutit. , UmuUu. Nabruilu. Or < le br maitia llcltodaaa * IUioc lYeprm t attoatlou. Job Printers , Blank Book And liook lllii'lern. 10A and 10) Couth FourtenMk itrutt. Omntu.N'c.'j. WESTERN NEWStfA T'Elt UNION Auxiliary I'ubllHlicrs. DMlenlnType.l'rniroi and Printer * ' Bup ; > lt i. SM tloulh Twelfth Btrcit. L , e co. , MantirHct > irer > nnd Dcalfifi In , Hollers & Gftno.ral Machlnory ' Iron work , Hlnam Pump .i'.iw Mllla , Aem'4 Bhaftlnc , DodgaVnnit rrllt rullori , IIMlliu , etc ? Also iruanni , icr pjr , and baloilea. 1215-IJUIjell TcnnortU ft. Oinuha RECTOR M WILIIF.LKY GG.t ' "SVLolcHalo Hardware. W tcrn ncacti for Jtir iiun lUfi-1 NnEli. Altai * 1'owdi.r Co , rnlrtanki MnudnM fc.tUs. Coiuer IC'.H nml Ilarnrr , Umatii. , CIIVR CI7 7LL I' UMP CO , , Wholosuln PumpH , I'ijic , FltthiffH , J nrnari'l Wntfr Kupl'lld. ' llcii'l nnrter * ( ur Mart IVJstCo'i Uootu. llll I''ar ' i ] ii M.Oicjtin. Nee. A. L. STRA XG CO. , , ] 'ipo < < uiul \V ur. KillwAr and Ullllnu ( iu ; > i > le ! < . 'M t'ntnaia it. , Umalia , Kub. U. S. WIN.D ENGINE m\d CO.W M ; , ' - . XII ! * . : ! rlrnm r.JVil r l'luicb'nrc f . llclllrn , Uo > . I6 ni : < l .txi In- uiinit. , C/iiiilin. H. K. l iicmMiuu ( > r , . Tvlcptoao No.VO. Safes'Etc. T. .TtOYKJt , C CO. , Asfctt-j ; tor Hall's h'ltfe * Lock tilt * nit Jl.iu-'ir Tio.'if Ktfftt. Tlr ( , < l.orki , _ Jnil .Ton , lyi Virutm ir V O.nitln. * < D Onialtiv Kaf * W i > iiio > ? ' . ihd Vir ltf VnotSi'tt , Yn i : \Vi.ri- . VhevoriJ \i W r . 0 r. l"'S5 < ' illn'1liiiyIlltl"s' ' > i : _ _ _ Sash , Dwi , Ftc. .Tdb. IOOT ) , H It.Mis Htd wo/jf.v . .uxvr/j as'cr/t/.vfl f.'O.t " > ri , vf .VfitA , Ottn , A : < 'f > * t , . it.B.i-lr.