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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1887)
.THE OMAHA DAILY BEft : THUKSDAY , APKIIi 14 , 1887. . FURIOUS FIRE IN CHICAGO , A Wall Paper House Oomplotoly Destrojod Early Yesterday Mornlngi DECORATIVE ART IN FLAMES. Two Flromcd Lose Tliclr tilvcs A Hni&ll maze In Slim Vine Prison Virginia and Minnesota Vil lages Bcorotind. Establishment Dontroyod. CIIICACIO , April 13. J. J. McUratli's wall paper house , nt 109 to 1113 Wnbnnli arcnue , and a flvc-atory inarblo front building , burned early this morning. Tim stock la an ontlro loftsand thn building la Irreparably Injured. The floors have all fallen through ami thu front and rear walls nro ruined. Pipe- man Michael Burns was standing lit tlio fourth Btory window when a sheet of flame came out , onvelopintr him when he fell Into the burulnr mass Inside. John Iloburllc. lieutenant of thirty-two , was cllmblnirn ladder to the second wtory , when It slipped and ho fell to the sidewalk , crushIng - Ing his skull. Captain Frrd Jtntse had his IOK broken by a falling stone. The lira was discovered nt 3:35 : by the nluht watchman. When the firemen arrhed tba tire was In the center of tlio bulUllnn. but even before hot * could be brotunt to bear upon It the iUmas find lumped from story to story , above and below , and seized speedily upon tlio very Inflammable stuff with which the floors were loaded. Tin second and third alarm was turned In and twenty engines were soon working on the building. Despitu thocarll- ot thu hour a largo crowd soon gathered and watched the work of destruction. A lance standplpe was erected and poured a heavy stream of water Into the top story. The floors began to fall within three-quarters of an hour after the start of trio fire. The lire- men say. they had never before seen so raftd ana complete destruction of a large estab lishment. Tlio lire was out about & o'clock , and , owing to iho exertions of the firemen , very little if any damage was done to adJoining - Joining buildings , which are occupied by wholesale jewelry and millinery houses. McUrath , the owner of the stock of wall paper , declared this morning that the loss would reach half a million dollars , probably the largest stock carried by any firm In America. The loss on stock Is estimated by Insurance companies nt from four to five hundred thousand dollars. Ihe only ascertained Insurance on stock Is 100,000 , so that the losi to Mr. McUrath Is very heavy. The building was owned by ) Ira. Maria Lehman. Loss , 335,000 ; Insur ance , 839,000. _ A Prliou fllazo. NEW YOIIK , April 13. The foundry , foun dry and other buildings connected with the Btato prison at Sing Slnz caught tiro. The fire was confined to the laundry of the state prison , destroy I ne the upper floor and roof. The prisoners worked effectually to put out the fire. Loss nominal , A Virginia Village Burned. DAI.TIJIOIIK , April 13. A steamer which arrived from Uappahannock river , Virginia. to-day , reports the burning of. the village of Far n hum last Monday. The old 1'rotostant Episcopal church , built In colonial days , was among the buildings burned. ; The popula tion of the village Is COO. A Minnesota Town Destroyed. WASECA , Minn. , April 13. A tire origina ting In the barn of the Northwestern hotel at Jancsvllle. Minn. , near here , last night burned the main part of the village. The losses will aggregate over $30,000 , with very light Insurance. It Is suspected that the fire was the work of an Incendiary. Doing * In Railroad Circles. CincAno , April 13 , The Panhandle road has made the same rates on freight from rittsburg toKcokuk and Burlington as It makes to St. Louis. As the quarrel between the eastern and western lines has resulted in the abrogation of prorating and local rates are changed to and from Chicago , this re sults In all of the western business from Pitts- burg being diverted from Chicago. The Lk Shore road , which Is a competitor for rittsburg business , and only connects with Chicago lines , Is threatening retaliation against the Panhandle. The committee appointed by the-Western Passenger association to prepare a report re garding excursion rates submitted one to day. It directs that special rates shall be given to state fairs and large conventions and gatherings , such as Knights Templar , Odd Fellows and the Grand Army of the Ite- publlc. The association Is now considering whether these excursions shall be conducted on the old certificate plan or thrown open to the public on the date when the conventions ahall bo held. The members ot the Central Traffic associa tion passenger department continued in session to-dav revising their rules to fit the aew law. The differences of opinion on essential points were so marked , however , that but little progress was made. The Southern Pacific's Officers. BAN FIIAMCISCO , April 13. At an annual meeting of the stockholders of the Southern Pacific company the following oUlcers and directors wore elected to-dav : For the Cen tral Pacific railway Lelaud Stand- . ford , presdent ; O. P. Huntlnzton , vice president ; . II. Miller , jr. , secretary ; Timothy Hopkins , treasurer ; Charles Crocke * . U. F. Crocker , W. V. Huntinuton , directors. For the Southern Pacific railroad Charles Crocker , president ; O. F. Crocker , vice president ; Timothy Hopkins , Charles Mayne , W. V. Iluntlnirton , N. T. Smith , I. L. Wltcott , directors , The earnings the Dust year show a net Increase of more tbrn 115- 000,000 over last year. The directors ot the branch lines were all re-elected. Coal Healers tn Houston. CmoAOo , April IS. The cool dealers' as sociation of the northwest hold their annual mooting nt the Grand Pacific hotel this after noon , Mr. Heeler , of Behoih. WIs. , presid ing. The probable effect ot the Inter-state commerce bill upon coal freight rates was discussed and the following otllcera were elected : President , O. C. Keeler. Belolh , WIs. ; vice president , M. J , Uraldun , Uochello , III. ; treasurer , D. II. Klinoro , Mock ford , III. , secretary , C. C. Jones , Kockford , III. : direc tors , J. F. Smith , C. F. Corley , W. J. Hunter , J. F. llarral , W. W. Jackson , J. S. Wylle ! It. 0. Brown and J. U. Lany. The associa tion now has 20 members la Illinois. 189 In Wisconsin , 45 In Iowa , 'M in Minnesota and B in Dakota. * A BaltimoreOhio Dividend. BAI.TIMOUK , April 13. At a meeting of the board of directors of the Baltimore & Ohio railway to-day a dividend of 4 per cent on the main system and 5 per cent on the Washington branch for tlio last six mouths was declared. President Qarrett was not present at the meeting. The Crooked Beatrice Concern. NKWGASTLK , Nob. , April 8. [ Corres pondence of the BEE. ] Last July one II , 1) . Morris and a man named Cook , both ellok , sraooth'talkers , came to Ponca representing - resenting the Life Mutual , of Beatrice They hud ( laming adds inserted in the local papers pulling their company. Thoj then wont among the ( armors nud usc ( ! all their skill to have then become members of the company No lie was too big for them they promised any and everything il they soulu only induce them to become members , 'limy secured quite A num bor. Those they could not Induce to become come members they induced to sign ar application. The next heard from then wiis that these men that simply signet an application has notes in the bank ii unid varying from | 20 to f75 Ono man would not sigi even nn application , when tni sly agtmt produced from his Docket n copy of the local paper containing hia ad Tcrtlscmont. and after some talk indued him to sign his name on tlio margin o t.l\o paper. Now this raau'i note Is it JPoncn In favor of the Beatrice Mutua for 170 , and U owned by 0110 of the bank ; there. Last week this man and A dozoi othorn wore sued for above notes. The ] biro clubcd together , hired counsel am will tight tit * p ymeut of thm. MONTHLY DISTINCTIONS. The Monthly Distribution of College Honorfl At CrclRliton. It lias long boon acknowledged that the success which lias attended the allbrts of thu JosulU at Cruightou college tn their efforts to educate n number of Urn aha's future citizens Is duo to Iho thoroughness of tliu training and the earnestness in the work. Tin powerful auxiliary ot earnest competition among the students is fostered , and to this cud a now system of awarding merits at the monthly dis tribution was recently inaugurated. It consists in giving premiums to nil these in each division who secure a certain ng < erogato nor contago of marks. The ex periment has been eminently successful , and never was there greater competition in class work or better results shown at monthly distribution hold yesterday af ternoon. Tlio entertainment , which is always joyfully anticipated by the students was enlivened by singing by the boys choir , which rendered "The Mower's Song" and "Fair as thu Morning , " in a pleasing stvlo. Considerable attention is given to elocution and examples in this art wore eiven by the following students : "Tom my's Dinner , " by Jasper McCrakell ; "A School Hoy'a Woes , " by Bnrt Davis , nml "The Battle of Inkerman , " by Thomas Burke , John Fnray and Richard Purcoll. The medals of excellence on each class wore taken by thu following : First year , Pat Uurko ; third year , Kugeno Noon ; second yuar , Jos. J. O'Brien ; first year , James Leahy. Rudiments : A , Jasper McCftskoll ; B. Andrew Smith. The following were the premiums awarded : FIFTH YEAR. First Premium Patrick Bnrko , 99 ; John Furay , 06 ; William. Dorau , 1)5 ) ; Charles Furay , 1)3 ) ; Mich Gricvy , 03 ; Will- "am Quinlan , 01 ; Ed Smith , 01 ; George 'rlorcor , average 04. . Second Premium Joseph O'dorraan , ' 5 ; Harry Town , 70. Third Premium Bernard Hallo , 70. TIIIKU YKAU. First Premium Eugene Noon , 93 ; Michael O'Connor , 02 ; Richard Purcell , > 0 ; Thomas Lynani , 83 ; Pat McGovern , J5 ; Phil McMillan , 81. Second Premium James Brennan , 75. SECOND YEAR , First Premium Joseph O'Brien , 90 ; Frank Madden , 97 ; Joseph Smith , 93 ; John Brown , 89 ; Horatio So ward , 83 ; Robert Reed , 83. Second Premium Maurice Hichoy , 93 ; Sam Grace , 87 : Tom Burke , 83 , John Bar ret , 83 ; Elijah ConUin , 81 ; Harry Galla gher , 80 ; William Gardiner , 76. Third Premium Frank Furny , 82 ; Frank Gallagher , 75 ; Dan Mungan , 70. FIRST YKAU. First Premium James Loahy , 03Eus- ; iaco Lovctt , 90 ; Harry Perkins. 88 ; Clar ence Furay , 83 ; Phil McArdle , 87 ; Ed Lynam , 87 ; M , McAvoy , 86 ; C. Murphy , 81 ; Joseph Mangan , 84 ; William Mona- gtmn , 83 ; Frank Lovott , 83. Second Premium William Reed , 79 ; John Manning , 76 ; Ed Lowry , 79. Third Premium James Madden , 70 ; James Fitzpatnck. 80 ; John Gleasou , 70 ; "Jharles Banks , 70. KUDIMENTS A. First Premium Jasper McCaskel , 91 ; James Ford , 80 ; Dan Hinchey , 8JL. ( ; Mor risen , 89 ; Lawrence Proulx , 89. Second Premium Charles Beaten , 80 ; Bert Davis , 73 : John Flynn , 82 ; Frank Honfot , 70 ; John Jocaton , 78 ; Ed O'Brien , 81 ; Mike Ryan , 77 ; Frank Thoinbradt , 78 ; Jerry Clifton , 79 ; William Waddell 80. Third Premium Phil McAvoy , 79 ; Bert Murphy , 78 ; Fred Nomoo , 81 ; Os wald Roonoy , 83. IIDDIMKNTS B. First Premium Frances Briardy , 80 : Anthony ileias , 93. Pat O'Leary , 87 ; An drew Smith , 94. Second Premium Timothy Foley , 77 : Ed Hogan , 83 : Charles Murray , 80 : John Nemio , 86 ; Harry Polfrosno , 80 : George Rosaiter , 83 ; Thomas Smith , 83. Third Premium Charles Charles , 79 ; Jerry McMahon , 79 ; Joseph Nomoo , 75. ' SCIKNCK DEPARTMENT PHYSICS. First Premium Pat Burke , Charles Fronzor , Eugene Noon. CHEMISTRY. First Premium William Dorau , Eu gene Noon.OERMAN OERMAN FIItST CLASS. First Premium John Furay , Patrick Burko. SECOND CLASS. First Premium Eugene Noon , Thomas Lynam. NEBRASKA'S STOCK SHIPPERS. The Meeting of the State Association In South Omaha Yesterday. A regular mooting of the Live Stock Shippers' association was hold at the stock exchange building , at South Omaha , yesterday afternoon. In the ab sence of H. B. Dibble , thu president of the association , First Vice President An derson occupied the chair. The live stock situation and the railroad rates were fully discussed , and one and all agreed that something must be done to remedy some of the existing abuses. J. G. Hall , Gibbon ; H. B. Miller , Wayne ; and A. W. Rathburn , David City , wore elected members of Iho association. The committee appointed at the last mooting to wait upon the stock yards conipany in reference to the condition of the yards and the manner of handling stock and upon the disposal of dead and cripple - plo hogs gave a very full report. They found the Stock Yards company willing to do about all that was asked of them , admitting the demands of the shippers to bo Just. The Anglo-American Packing company , who have been buying alt the crippled hogs , agreed to take into consideration uny plan proposed by the shippers and to do all they could to make fair compensation for what they bought. The Rendering company reported that they wcro paying Chicago prices for dead hogs , which ought to bo satisfactory to the shippers. The resolution , which was introduced at the last meeting , to so change the constitution of the association as to admit to membership parties from outside the state , was laid over until the next meeting. The following was theu unanimously adopted. Whereas , It appears from good evi dence that the railroads are discriminat ing against Omaha and are not acting in good faith with the shiupors , iu the way of transportation and rates , therefore , belt Resolved , That a committee of flvo bo appointed to investigate .tho matter and matco n report in full. The following gentlemen were appointed members of the committee : D. Anderson , Columbus ; James Danloy , Ashland ; A. C. Virgin , Uttca ; James Foley , Blair ; John Lansing , I'airflolil. After an informal discussion of various topics of interest to shippers the mooting adjourned. The next mooting will beheld hold on the second Wednesday in July unless it is thought necessary by the president to call iv special meeting before that time. L'ho association is in a very prosperous condition and its members number over fifty , all of them well known shippers. The secretary , Mr. John Wigirius , of Co lumbus , has had the preamble and by. laws printed , for the uenutit of the mem bers and ot shipper * , who are thinking ot joining thn association. Ho has also printed very neat and tastv cartilicatcs ot membership which will be tilled out and presented to each member. J. L. Rycrs the well known capitalist of ; Lea von worth , is in thu city. Bits- ! BOM connected with the new brie ! ; block on Fifteenth and Douglas which he pro pose * to creot here tills autumor , brought him her * . MR , MOTH'S ' MEASU METHOD , The Wrestler's Questionable Methods of Promoting Hia Personal Interests. COUTANT AND GALLAGHER. Unnqnct to Tlicm at Mlllnrrt Hotel Pr\Jectod Furniture Factory The National Opera Conipany at Length ticnvcn Westward. Moth's Methods. Charles Moth , the wrestler , will moot Colonel J. H. McLaughlin , of Minneapo lis , in a wrestling match at the exposi tion building to-night. The match will bo n good ono , as it is the meeting of two men who arc especially good In this line of athletic sport. As ( hero is an effort being made , however , to got the sports of Omaha into thn hands of square men , it is hoped that Moth will pack his collar box as soon as this match is over and join the army of sporting men of his ilk who have floated out of the oityin response to the demand of the patrons of sports for good attractions in the hands of square men. Tnat Moth is n wrcstlor of ability , there is no doubt , quoted opinions to the contrary notwithstanding. Colonel McLaughlin , who 1ms the reputation of being ono of the squarest sports in the country , And the acknowledged champion of all collar and elbow wrestlers , sixes Moth up an n very had man to handle , especially in Grjeco-Roman contests , iu which ho is especially skilled. Colonel McLaughlin , however , is careful to have all his deal ings with Moth in black and white as lie considers him a little scaly in business transactions , There has boon a crcat run of suckers in the stream of sport In Omaha during the past half year nud Moth docs not occupy a back seat in the procession by any moans. Ho has - resorted sorted to decidedly questionable methods in his matchmaking , and has convinced tlioso with whom lie has had dealings that Colonel McLaughlin's estimate of him is correct. During his eTorts ( to get up a match with McLaughlin to take place at the exposition building on March 28 ho oven wen so far ns to sign the namn of a BKE reporter to a telegram urging McLaughlin to como to Omaha at onco. In this connection a little explanation may bo timely. The first match between Moth and McLaughlin was arranged in part by T. W. Eck , the bicyclist , while ho was in this oity. When Mr. Eck wont away ho gave Colonel McLaughlin the name of n BEK reporter , who ho thought would look after the colonel's interest in the Match. As McLaughlin did not want to have any direct dealings with Moth , ho wrote to the reporter requesting him to make the match on his ( McLaughlin1 s ) part. The reporter replied that ho could take no part in the mtmagomorit of any affair that ho might bo called upon to criticise , and suggested that McLaughlin should como on and look after his own interests if he was afraid to allow Moth to make the match. The letter was duly received by Colonel MoLaughlin , who was surprised to receive immediately hereafter two telegrams , ono signed "Sporting Editor of the BEE" and the other by the name of a reporter , telling him to como out ntonce , as every thing had boon arranged and a good house was assured. Thcso telegrams , it has been ascertained , wore sent by Moth , who deliberately committed forgery to further his own interests. Moth knew hat Colonel MoLaughlin was sick on March 33 nnd could not bo here to take part in the match which was booked for : hatdato. Moth is not anxious to try conclusions with Colonel McLaughlin and made a deliberate attempt on that date to gull the public by scouring their money and giving thorn a substitute hip- : ) odromo fa fee between himself and Adolph Royco. He has been cornered now , however , and will have to wrestle to-night or lose all claims to any title , earned or self-assumed , that he may now hold. THE oiip AND ITHE NEW. A Banquet to tbo Retiring Postmaster ami His Successor , The accomplishment of a change in the management of the Omaha postoflico was made the occasion of a banquet that was tendered last night at the Millard hotel by the citizens of Omaha to Mr. C. K. Cou tant , the retiring postmaster , and Mr. C. V. Gallagher , his successor. The recep tion was held in the banquet room of the Millard , whore at 10:30 : o'clock the fol lowing guests assembled : Mayor J. E. Boyd , Postmaster Gallagher , ox-Post- muster Coutaut ; J. H. Millard , J. C. Cowin , F. W. Gray , E. L. Bortrand , W. Gurloy , Louis S. Reed , John Grant , O. H. Rothaohor , W. F. Beohcl , Thos. H. Dailey , Thos. Swobe , G. E. Prltchott , J. C. Calhoun , E. M. Bartlett , Elmer E. Frank , C. S. Montgomery , F. R. Mor- rlssey , M. Lee , H. H. Moynlham , F. W. Wetna and the representatives of the press. Without any preliminary formal ities the guests turned their attention to the discussion ol the follow lug : MENU. " Mew York Counts Haute Sauterne Consomme , RoyalPontct Pontct Canet Drolled Fresh Mackerel , Maltre d'llotnl. Chablls Potato Croquette Cronuetts Chicken V. Cllquot French Peas Fillet de Uouff , Larded , Mushrooms Asparagus Dry Monopole . Shrimp Salad Plum Pudding , Brandy Sance Almond Ice Fruits Strawberries and Clotted Cream Cafe Noir Eau do vlo Clears At 12:30 : o'clock Mayor Boyd proposed tlio toast , "Our Guests , " which was drank standing. Mr. Coutant was iho first to reply. Ho said that when leaving homo in the evening ho explained to his wife the object of his vidit down town. She remarked that , as she understood it. ho was going to attend his otlicml funeral and Mr. Gallagher's christening , lie said be had nothing to say of the past management of the oflice , except that ho would have dona better with better health , lie thanked the bondsmen who had served him for four years , Ho also thanked the proas for their courteous treatment of his ollicial career , and re ferred to Iho fact that ho had never been made the subject of editorial criticism by the press of cither party. Ho referred to the imperative demand for additional room for the postolllco depart ment and prophesied that his successor would be greatly incon venienced by this lack of accomodations. He closed by wishing lib ) successor a most successful terra of oTtico. Mr. Gallagher followed Mr. Coutant la R response to tbo toast "Our Quoits. " Ho wittingly compared h\s \ position to that of Nasby vrlio waited so long for Bascom to bo removed from the post- oflica at the corner * and finally se cured hii coveted position only after * bis predecessor had re fused to bold tha place any longer. He expressed bis appreciation of U manner ( which hi * appointment had been received by the press aud the people aud promised to administer the affairs ot the olllco to the best of his . ' ' ability. , Mayor Boydjrpsb in response to the rather indoliiillotijist , : "Omaha. " Ho re sponded in an [ Indefinite manner , refer ring first to liis'possession of the opinion that a chaiigo in lulminlstratioti of national affairs should moan the change ot administnitftJnMin appointive olliccs. Ik- said Mr. Gatjnglier had bcou his first and only choicoi , aijd told how ho had worked for /iDjjolminent , which had como , although .somewhat amioyiiigly Into tn the day. JiTho miiyor closed by a review of the Wt > , the subject of his toast , and a pleasing prophecy of her future greatness. "Tho Bar" was the toast to wnioh Gen eral J. C. Cowin responded in a decid edly entertaining manner. He said ho was like Mayor Boyd iu 'the respect that the successful man was always Ills first choice. Ho congratuhitcp Mr. Gallagher upon the fact that hU term of olllco would bo a short one. The republicans , lie said , would not bo two yours in re- movinc the democratic otllcoholdcrs after the next election. Mr. E. W. Bartlett responded to the' toast "Nebraska. " picturing the remark able growth of the state and prophesying a great future development. Speeches wore also made in response to toasts , by J. C. Calhoun , O. H. Roth- acker , F. R. Morrlssoy , G. E. Prltchott , W. F. Gurley and C. S. Montgomery. The meeting adjourned by drinking to the toast offered by Mr. Rothackor , "Tho blood of nationality thicker than the water of partisanship. " AMUSEMENTS. VIROINIUS AT IJOYD'S. The opera house was comfortably filled last night with admirers of Louis James , who won recognition hero in past sea sons when ho supported Lawrence Bur ro tt. His capabilities as a star wcro sat isfactorily demonstrated in "Virginius" aud roused instant nnd continuous on- thuslasm in his auditors. His line Roman bearing more strongly identified him with the part which ho eminently adapted to his personality. His acting is power ful and at times majestic , with an under lying current of fine pathos tnat sug gested a gonuinu emotion and forced into greater relief the lierco grandeur of his climaxes. Ono good thing that may bn said of Mr. James is that ho does not rant. Ho is its refined as lie is versatile. Marie Wainwrlght , as Virginia , gave an imper sonation that had all the attributes of sweet womanliness and innocence. H-er acting charms by its naturalness and grows gradually upon the auditor until it compels commendation. F. C. Moslov , as Icilius , shared largely the honors of the ovoning. His lines were delivered with marked intelligence and fine elocu tion. F. C. Hucbner , as Appius Claudius , was good , as wereGeorge Fawcott and James Cnrran iU'thcir parts. PEOVI.ESiTHEATER. Notwlthstandingitho weather this the ater was well tilled1 to witness "Collars and Cuffs. " The , cpmical situations and witty dialogue served to send the audi ence away well pleased. Miss Fannie Bean repeated her success , her singing and dancing being excellent. Mr. Chas. Gilday's interpretation of Willy Waddle is extremely funny.f To-night the com pany produce an ? entire new bill. The play being "A Pie'co of Pie. " Now songs ana dances will , bo introduced and a pleasant evening's entertainment is in store for any who may attend. An Act of.tjrent Dnrlnff. Road Master J , ' P. Taylor of the B. & M. reports an incldont of mobt commend able bravery and , forethought upon the part of an Omaha switchman named T. U. Egan. A few "ifriys ago a traiu of reight cars was backing along the B. & VI. between Gibson and this city on the ; rack which runs down to the river bot- ; om. Egan was upon the head car , the ono most distant from the engine , when 10 saw a little four year old child upon the track some few yards ahead. Quick as n Hash ho descended the ladder , swung himself around upon the brake beam and throw his feet under the cars until ho secured a hold upon the trucks with them , then , holding on with his foot , ho lot go with both hands and reached out and grasped the child as the train bore down upon it at the rate of ton miles an hour. It was a bravo act , at tended with great risks , and it was all done in a moment. Mrs. F. Liango's Buildings. Worunion are busy moving away the old frame buildings on the southwest corner of Thirteenth and Jnokson streets , in which Louis Hcimrod's saloon and feed atoro have been situated. They are also taking away the barn on the corner of the alley immediately south , and on both of thcso places Mrs. K. Lang intends to erect three throe-story brick stores. That on the corner of Jaakson street will bo occupied with a bank. It is not yet known to what uses will bo put the building on the corner of the alloy. The intervening buildings , two stories high , will bo raised ono story higher. The half block will bo thus furncd into a row of buildings of bcauti- till design. Messrs. Gcorgo and Louis Hcimrod will occupy the two middle stores. The plans have been designed by Mendelssohn & Lawrie. Omaha vs Union Paclflos. The Omaha team will open a scries of three games with the DCS Moincs team on the grounds of the latter to-day. The Omaha club will bo home on Sunday morning and on Sunday afternoon will dedicate the new ball grounds at the cor ner of Twentieth and Lake streets in a game with the old Union Pacific nine. The clubs will probably bo positioned as follows : * OMA.IIA.S. rosmoif. u. rAnrics Krclimeyer c Handle O'Leixry p , Salisbury HrlmDlecom lit Dwyer Swift S l Uorkwell Itourko , IU | ; McKclver Ger.lns .tit Walsh Under 1. Funlcliouscr Housemam liu liranilt Uoodenoughr.r. . . . . Anderson A Furnltuyx } Factory. Secretary Nattineqi1 of llio board of trade has received \ \ letter from Prof. H. C. Long , of Moborty , fdo. , relative to the starting of a furniture manufactory in Omaha. Prof. Lon is the patentee of a new improved bedstead , which promises well. Ho desires a Jtt lo encouragement in the way of subscriptions to a stock company which ho j'l'oposoj to organize for the manufacture.of tins especial arti cle of furniture , touotlier with a general lino. Ho ha ? been invited to tlio city to make a showing of his scheme to thu manufacturing committee of the board of trade. Assault , Yesterday morning in Judge Borka's court , Willie Easton swore out a war rant for the arrest of Madscn Erickssn , for assault and battery. The on'enso was committed a few dujrsago at Washington Hill , the accused , it is charged attacking Huston with a hammer. A. O. 1L On next Friday evening A. O. II. No. 3 , of South Omaha , will give a grand party which will be largely attended by mem bers of the order from this city , For tlio accommodation of tbo latter a special train will leave here at 8:30 : in the eve- nice , returning anout.mldnight. THUKK WEEKSA GOVKUNOK. low Mr. Ilnxtor of Wyoming tlccaino Executive and Then Stopped Hown. Among the passengers who went west ward last evening wai George W. Haxtor , of Choyounc , and Ins family. Mr , Baxter cnjoya the distinction probably of being n territorial governor with thn shortest crm on record. After President Cleveland > coamo settled comfortably in the big arm chair at the white house , Iho demo cratic "war hossos" of Wyoming ro- olced with great rejoicing. They had ilways been under republican admlnls- rations and consequently had always tad republican officials to bow down bo or o and worship , as it woro. The olco- ion of u democratic president was , there fore , to thorn , a nuw dispensation. Can didates became at once as numerous as ho iack rabbits of the fertile valleys of ho North Platlo. But the rosy-huud an- icipations of tlio long-suffurring democ racy wcro not reali/.od ns promptly us had been expected. It was Iko pulling tooth to got the republican appointees suspended. Francis E. Warren - ron , the governor , hold on most severely and tenaciously. As the months rolled > n nnd , despite most earnest work at Washington , no complaints were listened to , apparently , by the president , the icmocrats of the territory became wrathy nnd they prayed dally for some opportunity to supplant the genial iVarron with a hido-bouud democrat. Sir. Baxter , who was a candidate , finally hit upon the idea of having a complaint sent to the land ollico regarding Jovornor Warren's fences around public and. With that as 'an excuse , Warren was suspended and Baxter , who had se cured influential southern support , was appointed. But ho scarcely had time to qualify before information was in the lands of the commissioner of the gen eral land ollico which tended to show lint it was n case of kettle call the pot ) lack , only more HO. The now governor mil fenced in more public land than thu ) ld governor had over dreamed of unclos- ng ; and ho had done it , too , after thn order of the president forbidding such jnclosurcs , while whatever olYcnso of the dnd that had boon committed by W.irron KU ! boon long before thu land officials had paid any attention to the matter , ind when it was not deemed an improper hing for the owner of adjacent suctions of railroad land to do. In two weeks after being appointed Mr. Baxter's lame was withdrawn , nnd that of Thomas Moonlight , the present gov ernor , was substituted. Mr. Baxter was governor jut three weeks. Ihe NRUS at McCook. McCooK , Neb. , April 12. [ Correspond ence of the BEK.For ] the past twelve lours rain has been falling incessantly and it is still raining at this writing. ThiH abundance of rain insures prosper- ty for southwest Nebraska this year. The Lutherans held an Easter egg croaking last night at the M. E. church , which is pronounced a grand success by all present. The receipts were $35 , for two and one-half do/on eggs. Such eggs are rare in thcso parts $14 per dozen. The winds of the 8th and Oth were ter rific , unroofing one house and scaring the inmates ot many others. Work on the now Lutheran church will jegin next week. It will bo a fine struc ture whpn completed. Real estate is changing hands at ad vanced prices and many now buildings are under contract. Preparing to RnlliJ. The brick house on Farnani street , opposite the Millard property , which has 3eon occupied as a residence by Dr. Womcrsloy , is being torn down nud re moved. Mr. \ \ , F. Swcosy , who owns lie property , is preparing to commence at once upou the erection of a live story business building , 05x133 feet in dimen sions. Mr. FranK Smith , who owns the sixty-six foot between this property and the now chamber of commerce will also erect a business block on his property this sooflon. _ Started For 'Frisco. The National opera company started out last night at 10-30 o'clock and are now whirling toward San Francisco. They bore their delay of nearly a day here with remarkable good humor. The ballot girls danced with Station Accent Hanoy and Officer Duff Green ( so the boys say ) when business was quiet around the depot , and the female chorus went over to Kesslor's hall during the after noon and made the welkin ring. nrcvltlos. Kalian Franko Sunday night , April 17 , in Boyd's opera house and bounfit tor Jean Baureis. The arrival of a largo number ot re turning California excursionists is daily noticed at the dopot. , The republican city central committee has been called by its chairman , F. W. Gray , to meet on Saturday afternoon. The work of constructing the slago- lithic sidewalk around the now chamber of commerce was commenced yesterday. Mr. Charles B. Wcstrcn received the sad nowsjyestcrday morning of the death of his father. , who was one of the pioneers neers of Michigan. , On next Thursday evening the choir of tlio Swedish Lutheran church will give a sacred concert iu their building at the corner of Nineteenth and Cass street * * Notice 'to advortlsora. All adVor- tigomcnts iu Tue BEK want columns , such as for sale , lost , found , sit uation wanted , help wanted , otc. , uro published in both morning and livening edition of Tim BKE , appearing in over 14,000 papers every day. Tlio young people of the South Tenth street Al , E. church will give an Easier sociable next Thursday evanins' , April 14 , nt the residence of Andrew Harmon on Piercn street between Eighth and Ninth. A cordial invitation is extended to all. John McCloary , an expressman secured a warrant in Jiulijo Stonbortj's court yes terday for the arrest of F. W. Billiard on the charge of assault nud battery. Me- Cleary claims that ho went to do .somo 'hauling ' for ono of Billiard'a tenants whim Uullard'a entire family got after him aud drove him away from tlio place. Fanning & Sluvun , the firm which has the contract for cleaning the streets , swore out a warrant in police court .yesterday morning for the arrest of Stuht & Hamol the contractors. Thcso defendants arc accused of carrying dirt through the streets in wagons winch -fro not properly provided with end gates no ns to prevent the dirt from dropping out upon the streets. _ Persona ! Parneraptii. W. L. May. of Fremont' , is in the city.Louis Louis James and wife ( Miss Wainritjht ) are at the Paxton , O. F. Davis and family departed for Wuukosha last evening. Dean Gardner , of Trinity cathedral , left for Chicago lat : Gvcninir. C. M. AnthonV , of Poorta , heavily in- Jlcrcsted in cattle in Iho western part of the state , is at the Paxton. Sister M. Casia , formerly MK * B. O'Connor , nnd Sister Henrietta , botli ol the Sisters of Charity. Chicago , have boon iu this city several days uttunding Mrs. James , sister of the ft rat nauiod , who 1ms boon very ill. Alexander St. John , of Hardln county , la. , well known in Omaha , has been ap pointed a Pullman car conductor on the Union Pacific route and left for Den ver 'ast ' night. Mr. St. John was fiix years in the United States mail sovico and was lately removed for "pertina cious political activity. " A BTABTLINa FACX. It Is not commonly known that a large proportion of the rheinatism and neuralgia extant is traceable directly to the dlscaicd condition orlmpcrfcct action of the kidneys and liver : thercfoic n remedy which cures the resulting disease must have found and smitten the first cau c. Many persons uninp Athlophoros for ilu'iimntistnnm ! neu ralgia have been surprised to find that jhronic diseases of the Ihcr nnd kidneys lave also been greatly relieved anil they lave written for an explanation , The fact s , that the remedy nets directly on these organs , cleansing them from all irritating -ubstanccs nnd regulating their action. Taken in connection with Athlophoros [ 'Ills this is , without exception , the most valuable kidney and liver remedy in the world , and will cure a large proportion o | hose uho have these diseases. Charles F. Griffin , Stuart , Iowa , says ; 'I have not had an ache or pain ol rhcuma- istn since I used the Athlophoroa , which is now over a year ago. For three months my store was closed , not being able to nt- cnd lo my business nt all. My joints were swollen nnd there did not seem to be nny laitof my body that did not ache. After suffering in this way until the pnln was nl- nest beyond endurance , I went to CotCax Springs to try the elfectR of the water. The dav I left home I had to be carried down stairs. Alter remaining at the Springs a nonth I came back , being some better. After being home a few weeks I had a re- apse. It was at this time that I learned of Athlophoros. I sent for a bottle of it and in iftecn minutes after I had taken the first dose I felt its effect ) : , and whert I had fin- shed the third bottle I was well. I have not had any rheumatism-since. Every druggist should kcop Athlopho ros and AthTophoros Pills , but whore hey cannot bo bought of the druggist ; ho Athlophoros Co. , 122 Wall St. , Now York , will send either , carriage paid , dn receipt of regular price , which is $1 per > ottle for AthloDhoros nnd OOc for the Pills. For llror nnd kidney dlsonsen , ctrspopsltt , In digestion , weakness , norvoimloblilty , discuses ) f woman , constipation , liendaoho , Impure Jloocl.etc. . Athiophorns I'ills nro uncqiiiillod. many other complaints cured by EVIDENGEJF 1887 A Prominent Buffalo Physician says : ) . N , V. . Feb. U. 1M7 Drrlorno , C.ilCMO , 111.Dear Sir : It II somothlnu uniiftunt for ono or iho moillcnl profo slon to Indorio AnmlverlHoc. arllclei yet I tnk ploamiro In Inform- na ynti that ono ot your Klovtrtu Uults cured mo of rheumatism , from wliloti I hud suffered 2 year * . I iinvo rocoraraondfd your Invention to at Itttit forty of my piitlenta BUiTorlnff with chronic dlROn OAof ra- rlon kind * . V7 | | I'ulpttutlon oftha heart. nrraut debility , upllcpiy , rnenmnllMu. pain In tlio hack and klclnoyetc. . . etc. , via All nnvo purchuard mid worn them with moat gratifying ro im . 1 can blgbly rccomannd your Klectrlo Ut'lti as possessing great morlt. Krnloriiiillr jrnnra. I , . l . McMiritAM , M. U. SI NUgtra-st A Chicago Phisician Says , Ir Homo Dcur sir : Ilmruusod nUTcralklndi of mncnotlonnrt Klectrlo Hells nn piiilonl-innd inriolf. I can honortlr give the profernncj toyourn. by all odds. Honca I ctnamldo recommend yours over all othcrit. Yours fraternally , J. II. Joitiiov , M U , JHU II , IbSu omco.vs ; Slatc-nt. , Clilcno A Physician Says. All of My Patient are Satisfied. QKN-BVA. Nun , Jan 31 , 1W DrW.J. Homo , Inventor Dear Sir : I rooommcnl your Bloililc Hell * to all who ituirer with uny norvou * trouble , nny chronic liver or kidney dlsaaton. All of my patients that art uslim jour Klectrlo llolti are tatlsllod. Vrnicrnullr. M. I'UUPHT.M 1) , rhyslcljn nnd Burgeon A Minister of the German Evangelical Church , Says : IjCiniiTo.v , Allognn Co . Mich. , FcbS , IW Dr. W. J. II > rnn , Chlcnzo. Ill l > c r Mir : Vonr Electrlo Balls do all you claim. One of them helped meof dyapvpda , conitlpatlon anil frcncril debility. I would Ilko to Introduce your uoodn lioru. Will you lot mo have the money forllila towniuliiTl'loaia ; lvo yourtarmi. Inmtlienilnlitrrnf thu ( lorman Uringollcal Church of l.eljjhton. Hcipretf ully. IlKV.LtlUIHlIUUMM , Hosldence.MI(1llnrllle. ( Hurry county , Mich. Neuralgia of the Stomach Cured. CmSTXUT , la , . , Jan. 01 , 1337 Dr. Ilorna Dear Sir : 1 was luffcrlim neural trie Uclu.KOt It nail put It on. ana hiivn't hail the IcaU symptom of naunUla since. Intn well pleased Yours truly , A. Q. HAitcouivr. Dr. W. J. HORNE , 191 Wabash-avenue , Chirago. Pole Invcntnr , Proprietor und Mnnufucturar. k end ntimp tor ciit lojao. KEYSTOME MALT WHISKEY DUtllUd for Medicinal He * . THE BI8I TONIC ! UNEOIMLEDfarCONSUMPTIOI WASTING DISEASES ind GENERAL DEBItlTY. PERFECTS DIGESTION DB. XDrT. L. WALLING , Bur ( on In CUttf , National Qutii of N.J.wrlt.s : "Mr attention wu eallnd k your fcejlluni Malt Wlilsktv b ] kr. Ilor , Drugilit , of Trwiton and I h v ui d a f w botlUi with far L Ur effect than any 3 hmTK hail. I am incommandlni arllclt tn tnj pracllc * , aid Soar tl Y ry iMUUelorv. " IU1TATIGXI. rnutlai tn tk < 8niiu ! tlSXIR * MUDI ef Bjttll. * ! ' b ' - EISNER j&MENDELSON , 816. 318 and 330 Race St. Philadelphia. Fa. Goodman Drup Co.Gonl.AjrontsOmnha Nebraska. ORSEt SOMETHING NEW. Warranted to neither bronk down 01 roll up In woar. Igui Cfnclni vltli-nt KtSO t r H I"1'4 * r C""l Try 111 II "III ml t" MlLI " ' ' rrpr . pl < . CHICAGO CORSET CO. CHICAGO. HEW YORK. _ WEAKJEN ll.Ullllr. l.-rU at ' ' " ' " ' ' ' ' " " ' "a u KAT" ! H'HT" ) S'"T i'i KAT'j'rKNMl' . ' : : MADE STRONG * ltTil rfw'iU It fjnrwtlon ofTalu * to U m . MAR6TONKEMSOYCO MeiitlonOmnha BM. A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. With the approach of spring nnd the increased interest man ifested in real estate matters , I am more than ever consult ed by intending purchasers as to fnvorablo opportunities for mvestmeut.and to all such would say- When putting any property on the market , and advertising it as desirable , I lmra invariably confined myself to a plain unrar nished statement of facts , never indulging in vague promises for the future , and the result in ev ery case has been tliat the expec tations of purchasers were more than realized. I can refer with pleasure to Albright's Annex And Baker Plact as sample illustrations. Lots in the "Annex" have quadrupled in value and are still advancing , whlto a street car line is already building past Baker Place , adding hundreds of dollars to the value of every lot. Albright's Choice was selected by mo with the greatest care after a thorough study and with the full knowledge of its value , and I can- conscientiously say to those Book ing a safe and- profitable invest ment that Albright's ' Choice offers chances not excelled In this market for a sure thing. Early investors have already reap ed largo profits in CASH , and with the many important improvements contemplated , some of whioh are now under way , every lot in this splendid addition will proyo u bo nanza to first buyers. Further information , plats nnd prices , will bo cheerfully furtmii- ed. Buggies Ready at All Times to Show Property , . Uuspectfully W.G. ALBRIGHT . . , SOLE OWNER , . 218 South 15th Street Branch ofllte t5outh Oma/m JV. .11. rnportv / r < a < In oil partiof Uu ttty.