THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. : SIXTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA. THURSDAY MORNING. APKIL 14 , 1887. NUMBER 300 RILLED ON THE RACE TRACK , Alfred Torrance Makes His Last Mount tuid Bides to Death. A TRAGIC EVENT NEAR PARIS. IllH Neck Itrolccn By n Kick From n Fallen Horse Oermnn Histori cal Libraries 1'urchnscd For American Collcgca. An Amotlcan lllder'a Dnnth. ( CopyrloM I9 ? buJitma Cordon ll'.nnctt. } I'Aiiifl , April 1 ! ! . fNew York Herald Cable [ Special to the Bnr. . I A shocking accident occurred yesterday at Crolx do Bc'rny , when Mr. Altred Torrance , tliu well known Ameri can gentleman rider , fell with his liorso dur ing a race and was instantly k Hied. Crolx do Bcrny Is ono of the most picturesque * spots In the environs of Paris. It Is a few miles west of the Bols dc Boulogno and has long been celebrated as the scene of the yearly cross country meetings of gentlemen riders , which constitutes the most fashiona ble and most select turf event In France. Crolx do Berny Is to the Grand Prix what the Sandown park meetings ore to the Derby. Yesterday long rows of mall coaches and smartly appointed nrlvato equipages were drawn un opposite the weighing paddock. All thn grandea armos ot the Fauberg Saint Germain , radiant In spring toilets ; hundreds of officers in the dazzling sky-bluo and scar let uniforms of the French cavalry ; members ot the Jockey club ; in a word , all that makes up the ultra-fashionable world of Paris , were there. It wasabaautlfulday. The sound ot popping champagne corks resembled the steady roll of distant musketry , and was only Interrupted by the soprano notes ot the young ladles as they offered to lay dozens of pairs of gloves on their favorites. The .ex citement was at its highest pitch when the bell rang for the third race a steeple chase handicap for 0,030 francs over a course ot 5,000 metres with very stlft obstacles. HOW TUB ACCIDENT OCCUIlltUD. Mr. Torrance had as n mount the mare Gabjlo , who was second favorite In the bet ting , the odds being threeto ono azalnst Gabjle. Eleven horses ran , and of those iivo fell or balked before the last jump from homo was reached. Mr. Torrance was riding beau tifully and was rapidly gaining on the first horse and seemed certain to'win the raco. At the last ditch , Clovls , ridden by Mr. Brockwcll , fell , and Gabjlo , coming over Im mediately behind , was also brought down. Mr.Torranco fall so that unfortunately ho lay sandwiched In between the two horses. His chest was crushed by the force of thu shock , and this was not all , for Clovls began klcktnz and his off hind hoof struck Mr. Torrance In the back of the neck , breaking the vertebral column. M. Torrance was soon to raise his arms and plaso his hands to the back ot his head , but before his friends , who" rushed from thn weighing paddock , could reach him , lite was extinct. Ho must have boon killed instantly by. the crushing of his chest , and the movement ot his arms tothe back of his neck was probably a nervous - ous contraction of the muscle caused by the breaking ot the column. All his ribs were broken and his breast was like ono mass of jolly. Ills head remained attached to his body merely by the skin and tendons , and when the body was raised from the ground by the stewards , the head fell and hung down the back as If it wore held simply by a string. The sight was most ghastly. The utmost consternation prevailed In the stands and seven ladles fainted away. TUB BODY KF.MOVED. Mr. Torranco's lifeless body was taken to n county Inn near the course and placed on a bed , whence It was brought to his apartment' ' In the rue Cambon In Paris this afternoon. The body will bo embalmed. Mr. Meredith llowland , Mr. Torranco's brother-in-law , ar rives hero to-day from Cannes. Mr. Tor- rancn was only thirty-six years ot age. Ho was a nephew of the late W.H.Vauderbllt by marrlago , behaving married ono ot Mr. Yan- dorbllts nolco.s , from whom ho was subse quently divorced. As a horseman ho had few equals In Europe. Ills seat was perfec tion and ills pluck knew no bounds. Many and many a time ho was warned by bis friends about his reckless riding , but his In variable answer was , "Wliero a horse can go , I can go too. " His tragic death , however , was not duo to recklessness , but purely to accident. JUST nKFOIlR HIS DEATH. 1 had a conversation this morning with the Frlnce de Sagan , president ot the steeple chase association of Franco , who , In behalf of the jockey club , especially notified Mr. McLaln , the United States minister , of the death ot Mr. Torranco. The Prlnco de Bagansald : "Why , only halt an hour be fore his death I was talking with him. He vras smoking a clearctto and complained of his getting too stout. Ho said : 'I can't work myself down below sixty-throe kilo grammes , and I take turklsh baths three times a week and have given up all farina ceous food. ' "I said to him : 'Don't you find It pietty hard work heroV o "Torranco said : 'Yes , lam going to give . up steeple chasing altogether. It Is too great a strain on my system to keep up the con stant training. ' The fact Is this will probably be the last race 1 shall over ride. " "Poor Torrance. Neither lie nor I dreamed ot the tragic significance these worda have now. " The Prince do Sagan concluded the con versation with mo by saying : "When you cable the news , don't forgot to say that * Mr. Alfred Torrance will bo remembered in the annals ot the French turf as one of the finest and most intorprld gentleman riders who ever crossed a saddle. " OTHKll SKRIOU3 ACCIDENTS. Another serious accident occurred at Crolx do Burnoy yesterday. M. Plerredou , a lieu tenant of cuirassours , broke a leg In a fall from his inaro Marqmso In the military steeplechase. Mr. Torranco's victories on the French turf have been numerous. Last year only , atDIcppe.'he won the Prix Duquesno on his horse Percy , and his two representatives , Yictolro and Percy , were first and second In the grand International steeplechase in 1SS4. IIu won thn Prix dei Lions at Chantllly on Iceberg , after a bad boat with Tartar. In tlio same year no met with a serious acci doni ot Vlncennos , In the Prix Soumur , when M. . M. Torcho and Andre Voubort were also InJured Jurod , and he never thoroughly got over this # Injury. . . _ _ _ _ ASIEIUCAN INVKSTMUNTB. Three Important German Lilbrarlei 1'arohaicd hy American College * . ( CoVvrt'jM 1SS71 v Jams j Oonl-w J ) < imcM ( BKULIN , April 13 , tNow York Heralc Cable Special to the BKE. ] Reports regard Ing the sale to an American college ot tin Great llauke historical library have beet llyltiK around Berlin for the last six months but they have been and ntlll are a llttlo pre mature. Negotiations for the sale are so fai advanced , however , that an agent for Prof Bouoett of the Garrett Biblical Institute oi Xvanston , 111. , has , It Is ialdverbally acceptei the library at the vrlco asked by the Kunki hclrji. Tog tJOWt Idea ot the cottdltlon o 7 - k M. affaire , I saw to-day nt the military orphan asylum nt Potsdam Pastor von Uanko , tlio eldest son of the dead historian , who has charge hero of bOO small boys , sons of dead soldiers. Speaking of the library the pastor said : "My father died on May 23. On May 2.J I got a cable oiler for the library from Pro fessor Bennett , an old pupil of my father. Von see the Amef leans lose no ttrno In busi ness matters. Well , wo thought the Prussian government would buy the library , but It re fused , so we closed with the American otter. Them are about fifteen thousand volumes In the library. I understand that Prof. Bennett proposes to till out the library by adding the missing volumes , etc. , as well as new bindings. The library of course con- sl.sts mainly of French , German and English historical works , but it is also rich In philos ophy and many old Venetian manuscripts. Another library Is also on the point of being landed In America , namely , that of the German philologist , Schorer , whoso "History of German Literature" was largely worked out of the volumes It contains. Adclbeit college , Cleveland , takes the whole of this library. I'heard rumors also of a third smaller libiary which Is expected to go from Germany to America. It OOCH to Syracuse. CHICAGO , April 13. [ Special Telegram to the BKC. ] The report from Berlin that the great library of Von lianko had been pur chased for the Garrett Biblical Institute , Is repotted to bo untrue. The prize , It is said , Is secured 1 > y the Syracuse ( N. Y. ) univer sity. The purchase was made by Kcv. Dr. Chatlos W. Bennett , who is pro fessor of. Historical Theology in the Garrett Biblical Institute. Until about two years ago Professor Bennett occupied the chair of Historical Theology In the Syracuse univer sity. Among his acquaintances lu Now York state was a wealthy gentleman , who had been given to understand that at the death of Historian Von Itanko his library would bo for sale. Professor Bennett was once a pupil Von Kauko's and " had " of "has an oyo" on the great library for years. Last summer Proiessor Bennett decided to go abroad. Be fore sailing ho had an Interview with the wealthy gentleman , and was requested tn "look up the Von Kanko library and buy it. " As soon as the news of Von itanko's death reached this country , Professor Bennett communicated with his friend in New York state , and negotiations were set on foot which liavo resulted in the purchase of the library for the Syracuse university. The identity of Professor Bennett's friend has not been divulged yet. TWENTST L1VKS LOST. The Channel Packet Victoria Wrecked on the Hocks. [ Copyright ISSThy Jiimca Oordnn JJsmtelt , ] LONDON , April 13. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the BEK.I A dispatch from Dieppe says the packet steamer Victoria is ashore on the rocks near that Iclty. She stranded dur ing a fog. Several of her passengers attached life belts to their bodies and then jumped overboard and were carried out to sea. Tlio others liavo been safely landed. The Vic toria , at the time of the accident , had ninety passengers on board , twelve of whom were drowned. The steamer is completely sub merged. Midnight Tlio latest Intelligence from the channel boat Victoria , of the line running between New Haven and Dieppe , which was wreckedolf Varongovlllo , Is as follows : At ten minutes past 4 a. m. , as dawn wa * break ing and when the steamer was close upon the coast , a dense fog prevailed , and as the fog horn signal at the light house was not soundIng - Ing , those on board had no ipdicatlon of the peril they were in. The fog horn , Indeed , did not sound until some tlmo after 'the vessel had struck. Considerable alarm was felt by passengers after the first shock , but the olilrers , believing the vessel would bo safely carried elf by tne tldo , assured them there was no cause for anxiety. As the time passed , however , and the Victoral | remained firmly fixed , tlio excitement Increased , and when , at a quarter past 5 , the captain ordered the boats to bo lowered , many women pas sengers were in a state of abject panic. The officers did all in their power to allay their fears , but In the case of most with but slight success. Unfortunately , during the lowering of ono of the boats , a lady's cloak became entangled In ono of the davits , with the result that the boat was almost Immedi ately upset. The whole of Its occupants wore thrown Into the water and tlio air was rant with the terrified shrieks of the * women and children. Every effort to rescue them was made , but in spite of all that could bo done several were drowned. Three bodies of women and that of a child were washed ashore this evening , but no others up to the time of telegraphing had boon recovered. The ontlro number of lives lost is not known , but is thought not to be over twenty. Boats containing thirty- seven passengers have reached Tecamp In safety and another landed several more at Dieppe , where they now remain. Captain Clarke stood by his vessel till 11 o'clock. He is one of tlio oldest and most experienced offi cers In the sorvlde. The vessel is a total wreck. The Dieppe life-boat has been for a long ttmo ongnged picking up what luggage Is still floating , but the creator part has been lost. There was no bullion on board. The names of the drowned have not yet been as ; certalned , for no passenger list was kept. Among the passengers was Mrs. Brain Stoker , who , however , was saved. Most of those drowned are of French nationality. ' Uclsinu Workmen DJ-sncroe. 'iCopi/rli/ht 1SS7 la Jiimes Gonlon IScnnctt.l BKUSSKLS , April 13. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the BKR.J The working- men's congress met on. Monday and yester day at Charlerol , to discuss the question of a general strike and other questions of the same kind , but a serious disagreement Im mediately arose between the most advanced and the more moderate bodies. The major ity having decided to expel Do Fulsseaux , the socialist pamphleteer , from the party , on the ground that ho preached but did not act in the worklugmen's Interest AH Do Fus- soaux's friends loft the hall under protest , an * the congress-was unable , consequently , to come to any decision. It has been ad journed to Whitsuntide , when It will meet at Mous. Meanwhile , a iood many Belgian workmen , especially the glassblowers , are emigrating to America. Criticism on Stanley. iSSJ tin Jama Gordon BRUSSELS , April 13. [ New 1'ork Herald Cable Special to the llEE.-A ] portion of the liberal press hero violently attack the ar- range-rant by Stanley with Tlppu Tib on be half ot King Leopold. They compare U to the conduct of Napoleon In employing the famous criminal Vldocma as the head of the Paris secret police , and assert that Tippu Tib Is merely nominated governor of Stanley Falls to supply the Conzo Free State with slaves for the construction ot a railway. * * * i T- > i Jiiit to Alarm Germany. BKRMN , April 13 , The Berlin Post pub lishes a plrlted articletoday on the rela tions between Germany and France. Refer ring to the French cavalry evolutions al Lunovllle , In the department ot Meartho el bays : ' Tueseand tlmllar mill tary preparations along tb frontier beat tui character of provocations and appear to pro ceed entirely from the wish to aggravate and alarm Germany. " I. I KatfiolT Can't Go. ICojiyrloM tfST by Jamex Oontut Dennett. ' ] ST. Pinr.nsiiUKo , April 13. | New York Herald Cablo-Spoalal to the Unc.J-Tho czar to-day refused to allow M. Katsoff , the t-dltorof the Moscow Gazette , to leave Kussla In order to pay a visit to Paris so that ho might have a talk with General Boul.ingcr , nshohad Intended. The Cznr IB Scnrcd. ST. Pr.TEiisnt'iio. April 18. The royal family has abandoned the proposed journey to Crimea owing to grave reports from the Interior. Two hundred and sixty political arrests were made at Odessa Easter Sunday. Five persons wore surprised in a collar en gaged in filling bombs. Protesting ARnlnst Coercion. DUIH.IN , April 13. Afchblsbop Croko , of 'asliel , and all the priests ot his diocese , ilgned a memorial against the passage of tno cw coercion bill , which the document al- [ gcs to be n measure calculated to lead to reatcr crime. Bccchor's Kuloglst. LONDON , April 13. Kov. Dr. Joseph Par- : cr , pastor of the city temple , will sail lu .lino for Now York , to deliver a eulogy on iluv. Henry Ward Beecher. A Now HuBsInn Loan. Br.nx.TN , April 13. Tlio Issue of a new HUB- Ian loan for a hundred million roubles Is mtnincnt. ON TI113 DIAMOND. St. Louis Again Defeated Bv the Chicago cage Club. CINCINNATI , April 13 , The St , Louis club kvcnt Into to-day's championship game badly liandlcappcd. Caruthers and Foutz were both disabled , and Boyle was put in to pitch. After ono disastrous Inning ho changed places with Foutz and the latter pitched n trong game despite his lame arm. Fully 9.000 people were present. The following was the score : St. Louis 0 00103000 3 Chicago a 13000000-0 OTlir.U OAMKS. At Philadelphia-Athletic , 4 ; Philadel- phlas-1. The game was called at the tenth Inning on account of darkness. , At Baltimore Washington , 8 ; Balti more , 0. At I'ittsburg Fittsbnrz , 15 ; Buffalo , 0. At Now York Boston , 0 ; Brooklyn , 0. A Canadian Minister Talks. MoNTrtcAi , , April 13. JSpeclal Telegram to the BKE.J At a banquet last night to J.A. Chapleau , Dominion secretary ot state , the French Canadian minister who took such a firm stand In favor of the hanging of ferrlng to the fishery question , said : "The fishery question Is a trifio for Americans , but of immense importance to us. I. would feel Inclined to argue the question If there were not so many Americans who understand just as wo do and take the Canadian view of It. Instead of going Into arguments which would not convince the persons who nro in terested , I prefer expressing the hope that public opinion will rcnct .against exigencies of electoral engineering and induce the American Government to refer the whole sub ject to an arbitration board as was done In the case of the Alabama claims. " ( Cheers. ) Of thd imperial federation he said : "I need not toll you whore wo would drift with a mixed system of protection and frco trade. You would sco Canada turned -into a slaughter market for English manufacturers until your industries would have been driven to the wall. " Want the Law Enforced 1 FAinnAULT , Minn. , April 13. Some forty delegates representing the smaller towns of Minnesota are in session hero for the pur pose of devising plans for the enforcement of the provisions of the Inter-state commerce law. An organizations was formed to bo known as the Minnesota Business Men's asso ciation. E. M. Pope , of Mankato , was made president and empowered to go to Washing ton and resist any proposition made to the inter-state commerce commissioners to sus pend the operation ot tlio law In Minnesota. Itesolutloiis were adopted to the effect that the provisions of the Inter-Blato commerce law tend to establish rates which give small towns equal benefits of transportation with larger ones. The Mexican Constitution. CITY OP 'Mr.xico ( via Galveston ) , April 13. The joint committee of congress has re ported in favor of the repeal of the amend ment to the constitution forbidding the im mediate re-election of the president , and it Is generally believed in political circles that the measure will pass through congress ana co to the state legislatures for their ratifica tion. President Diaz absolutely refuses to commit himself in the matter , and all the statements regarding his attitude are the merest guesses. Opening the Dominion Parliament. OTTAWA , Ont , April 13. Various Informal mal proceedings In connection with the openIng - Ing of the sixth parliament of Canada took place thls'afternoon. The governor general's speech will bo delivered to-morrow. It Is understood that a hope will bo expressed by him for an amicable settlement of the fish eries question , but nothing more will bo said of the present state of fisheries affairs except that the assurance will be given that steps have been taken to protect the Canadian shore fisheries. A Grocery House Assigns. ' MILWAUKEE , April 13. Goodrich & Wayne , successors to Ball & Goodrich , the oldest wholesale grocery house In Milwaukee , made a voluntary assignment to-day to B. K. Miller , who furnished bonds in the sum of $170,000. Tills sum-represents the assets. The liabilities are uuknown.A. _ _ member of the firm bays that the assignment was brought about to settle n disagreement between the partners and not owing to t\io \ pressure of creditors or poor business. Plenty of Ruin lu Texas. ST. Louis , April 13. Aaviccs from differ ent sections of Texas note tlio fall of copious rains for rxw miles along the line of the Texas & Pacific railroad west ot Morkel and In the country north of that road. In many places In Texas rain has not fallen for nearly a year. Diseased Cattle. Killed. LANCASTEII , Pa. , April 13. Secretary Edge , of the state board of agriculture , and Dr. Bridge to-day killed five cattle infected with plouro-pneumonla on the farm of John Frye , in Manor township. The supervisor has been instructed to keep all cattle off the highways. Weather Indications. For Nebraska : Local rains , followed by fair weather , slight changes In temperature , variable winds. For Iowa : Local showers , cooler In eastern portion , stationary temperature In western portion , variable winds. , . . , . . Michigan Women Refused Vote , LANSING , Mich. , April 13. Yesterday af ternoon , In the house ot representatives , the bill giving women the right to veto In mu nicipal elections was defeated. A Woman SufTraeo Victory. IlAiiitisuuiio , Pa. , April 13. The senate to-day finally passed the Joint resolution proposing a woman suffrage constitutional amendment yeas , 27 ; nays , 10. The ladles' gallery was crowded during the vote. Labor Trouble * . BAT.TIMOHK , Pa. , April 13. The strike of laborers at the rolling mills ot the Baltimore Iron and Steel company was * Inaugurated yctterday , Seven bundred men are out. DRAWING NEAR TUB CLOSE , The Defendants in the Haddock Murder Oase Growing Herrous. PLEADING ) BEFORE THE JURY. Counsel For Aronsdorf Bitterly De nounces the Proflcctitlon Mus- tcrly Address FOP the Htato By Attorney Marsh. The TwcntT'Ilrst Dny. Sioux CITY , la. , April M , S. F. Lynn , of counsel ( or the ( Intense in tlio Haddock mur der case , opened the nrgumcnVon the twenty- first day of tliu trial tills morning. The at- tvndanco Is again on the Increase's arid nsMho closing hours arc approaching oven the de fendants , hitherto assuming .Indifference and casual Interest , show signs of exceeding nervousness. The plea of Lynn was ex ceptionally bitter on two Important state witnesses Lcavltt and UlsmarcK and , In fact , the cntlro array "of witnesses and law yers for the prosecution were so- erely arraigned for assisting In the persecu- lon of Arcnsdorf. In the afternoon , S. M. Marsh , county at- ornuy , opened the second argument for the tate. As during several days past the wlfo of the accused and the swidow of the mur dered man , sat quite near each 'other , just back of the chair of the dofondant. Marsh opened by a briet rovlew of the condition of ho city and community at the line of the murder. The good reputation of John Arensdorf was men- lonca ; his life-long following of the business of a browcr ; his having his all In the busi ness , knowing no other business , having no other property than that which was enlaced n this business. Plainly , no ono had a mo tive to wish George C. Haddock dead , excapt- ng the saloon element , none so great a rea son as John Arcnsdorf , the brewer. Good character Is not a defense. It Is n proper ev idence in defense , but It does not prove the accused guiltless. It is not to be taktm as higher evidence than the evidence of onn who saw and hoard. Had Judas lived In this day ho would not liavo gone and hanccd himself he would have plead pre vious good character as better evidence than the evidence of the eye and car. Public feeling It would bo n strange community In which such an occurrence would nut reuse public lecling a community composed of such as these , who lay in watt for Haddock. The defense asks why the state did nut put on FritFolgcr. . The answer Is that the state was afraid ho would not tell the truth. The defense asked why wo did not put on the wife of Bismarck. Because all she would prove had already been proven If the wife of Bismarck would have told a dltfercnt story , why did not the defense put her on ? 'Iho story of Mlunlo Kosnltskl the child who Is said to have been .moulded by counsel for the state is confirmed in every essential point by witnesses for the by Nepner , by Franclscus , by Arensdorf himself. It would have been more manly for the able counsel to have not abused the little Klrl when all the essential points In the evi dence of the little girl was confirmed by their own witnesses. Counsel then took up the defense's eye witness to the killlnu' and ridi culed an array of legal talent that would pre sent witnesses testifying to directly opposite conditions and circumstances attending the moment of the shootlrii ? , . , But ono motive was apparent , and thst AVAS an attempt nt confusion. Marsh \vjlltjoceod with , his ar gument in the morning. Protest Against a Crossing. DKS MOINES , la. , April 13. [ Special Tele gram to the BEEJ The liumcstou & Shenandoah - andoah railway company have tiled a protest with the , railroad " 'commission against permitting' the Chicago , St. Paul & Kansas City ( Diagonal ) road to cross their road at a certain point In lilriggold county. They state that the ' .point proposed for a crossing Is situated so as to make great dan ger of a collision , and they ask that the Diagonal road ho compelled to cross at a different place. The commissioners will in spect the location before deciding , A Missing City OITlclixl. DES MOINES , la. , April 13. [ Special TeIo-4 gram to 'tho Bin : , b-lt. is rumored to-night that a prominent city ofllcial has left the country with several , thousand dollars belonging - longing to the city , llo has not been seen since Saturday , when bo represented that ho was going to Omaha , but instead wont to Chicago , and It Is now thought that lie Is in Canada , llo was back In his accounts before leaving , and until an ofllcial examination is made it cannot bn told whether he Is an em- bozzlcr or not. The police are very reticent and his wife 1ms been in hysterics since re ceiving a letter ffom him to-day. Failed to Agree. INDIANOLA , la. , April 13. [ Special Tele gram to the Br.u.j Late this evening the jury la the trial of Dr. Schooler , of DCS Molnes , for grave robbery , reported that they were unable to agree after having been out thirty hours. This is the case that created so much excitement In Des Moines Christmas when the doitd body of a young girl from Carlisle was found on the dissecting table of a medical college therov Of which Dr. Schooler is dean. He was arrested lot' grave robbing and the trial has just tlosed with the results named above. _ Iowa UruKKiots Fined. DES MoiNESf la. , April 13. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE.J'-Tho pharmacy commis sioner was informed to-day that George F. Kills , registered pharmacist of Cedar Kaplds , had been convicted of violation of the phar macy law and lined 850 and costs ; also that J. Uoss Cameron and 11. C. Smith , of Man chester , had been convicted as acting as druggists without being registered and were lined 100 and costs each. BIuHcntlno Encouraging Railroads. MUSCATINK , la. , April 13. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. | The people of this city have taktm steps to promote Its prosperity by encouraging railroad enterprise. They have decided to levy a tax ofK cents to bo paid as a subsidy to any trunk line that will build Into Muscatlne. This will raise SCO.OOO , a handsome bonus'for some road that will ac cept the conditions , ; A Religious.Gathering. . PELI.A , la. , April p. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. | The cliwea of Iowa of the lie- formed Church of America is in session at this place since yesterday and will continue through tomorrow. About twenty pastors and elders of different churches from abroad are present. Uer. A , Stezman , ot Harrison , Dak. , delivered the cJ wolcal sermon to-night to a very large audlet oe , A Bachelt tfs Suicide. Four DOUQE , la , prll 13. [ Special Tele gram to the BEK.J C reqn .Roberts , a bache- lor of about fifty year rcsldlne eight miles southeast of this city , pommltted suicide yes terday by hanging. As ll ° was m Rood cir cumstances he Is thoi gbt to have committed the deed while laborfcis under a temporary lit of Insanity. . ; Froelioh Ajfaln Convicted. CEDAB llAnoO1APr11 13. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. 1 Pete Froelich , tlio murderer of Mundbrood , has been convicted azaln of manslaughter In the district court at Maaion. lie was granted a rehearing by the supreme court on a technicality. Ills sen tence will probably bo the same as before , Carried Off Mortgaged Property * IOWA CITY , la. , April 13. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE/l-t-Constable Blyler , of Des Molues , arrested AH > crt Nceber and G. G. Bennett here this morning for running away from Des Molnes V/lth personal property mortgaged to Ben Cohen. . FATAti ACCIDENT. A Bancroft Ilutchcr Crushed to Death While at Work. F.'iKiiSw. * , Neb. , April 13. [ Special to the BIE. : ] Yesterday evening Paul Doftln , a butcher of Bancroft , went to Cone's sheep ranch , about a mlle and a half southeast of Bancroft , to kill a beef. Ho bad n derrick with which he raised the carcass from the ground to facilitate the operation of skin ning and had rolscd the , beef up , when the hook holding the pulley gave way nud the heavy block , weighing about seventy pounds , fell , striking him on the head and killing him Instantly , Ho leaves a largo iamlly and considerable property. Now Conl Company VIIKMONT , Neb. , April 13. [ Special Tele gram to the 1IKC.1 The Deer Crook coal company was organized hero to-day with a capital stock of 5500,000. The olllcors elected are : Congressman Dorsey , presi dent ; E. W. Barnard , treasurer ; K. J. Baker , Cheyenne , secretary. The mines of the company are located in Wyoming , on Deer creek , thirty-two miles west of Dons- lass. The vein Is seven and ono-hnlf feet thick , and the quality of the boal the best In the west. The voln was discovered a year igo In October , by William Nuttnll , the dls- joverer of coal at Hock Springs , who will bo nanagcr of the mine. The company has 1,000 acres , and will begin developing at once. North Nebraska Veterans Reunion. NonroLK , Nob. , April 13. [ Special to the BKK.J-Colonel W. V. Allen , chairman of ho North Nebraska Reunion committee , has ssuod a circular calling attention to the 'ortliconilnjc reunion of veterans to bo held at Norfolk August 23-27. Ho says : "We have every assurance that this reunion will be ono of the most successful and brilliant affairs of the Kind ever held In the state. No effort to make It such will bo omitted. The ground occupied by the camp will bo the name as last year. " Ho has named the following an the reunion committee : Comrades L. C. Washburn , W. 11. Widaman. II. C. Matrau , M. Waterman. N. A. Italnbolt , Norfolk ; I. M. Belknap. WakolieldC.Stler.Crelghton ; General Wlillard Slocum , O'Neill. A Jail Break. BEATIUCK , Neb. , April 13. The jail break Monday night , by which six prisoners , gained heir freedom , was the work of export crook ? . They removed the stone roof of the privy , and cut a hole through the tin roof .argo enough to crawl through. The jail being a onu-storv building , enabled them to reach tlio ground without much difficulty. Three ot the prisoners wore charged with raiding the house and assaulting Kev. Father Quick , and the others robbed the Pacilic liouso a few weeks ago. Officers are scour- ng the country for them. Rain at Norfolk. NOIIKOT.K , Neb. , April 13. [ Special to the BEK. ] Haln has been falling hero since yes terday afternoon and has greatly encouraged farmers. The dry weather , however , has not affected small grain seriously. - ' v Honking Hams In Kansas. OnEitr.TN , Kan. , April 13. [ Special to the BEK. | It has been raining here all 'day and _ s still coming down heavy. Kaiu Is general all over northwestern Kansas , The Burlington's Wyoming Extension. CHEYENNE , Wyo. , April 13. [ Special Telegram - gram to the BEE. | The Burlington tiled articles of Incorporation of the Eastern Wy oming railroad company In the county clerk's office to-day. Ills an extension of the.Grand Island * Wyoming Central and runs from the eastern boundary line of Wyoming Ter ritory , In Laramie county , beginning at a point on the North Platte river , directly west through Laramle , Albany , Carbon , Sweot- water-nnd Vlnta counties , to the western boundary of the territory. The principal of fices of the company will bo in Choyenno. The live trustees of tlio company are G. W. Holdon. J. G. Taylor , O.-D. Dorman , W. A. lllygins and C. J. Green. The Store Moulders' Struggle. FIT.TSIJUIIO , April 13. The war between the stove moulders and "manufacturers has reached Pittsburg , and frord ihe present indi cations there will bo a general strike , in a few days. The manufacturers have formed an alliance known as the Stove Founders' National .Defense association , which will conduct the warfare on the part of the manu facturers. To-day member-of : ) the defense association In this city received a Confiden tial circular from D. M. Thomas , secretary of the defense association , which states' that patterns ot the boycotted St. Louis firm Bridge , Beach & Co. will bo sent to all man ufacturers In the country , and that on a cer tain day the firms will bo notified by , tele graph to have mouldings made from tlicso patterns. The moulders in this city say they will refuse to mould from these patterns and that any attempt to force them to do so will precipitate a strike In all the foundries of the country. The general'executive committee of the National Dcfento association is now in Session at Cleveland arranging details for the coming right , which seems inevitable. CLEVELAND , April 13. The beginning of the great stove moulders' strike is postponed for one1 day qt least. . The stoye. manu facturers admit that they have'no hope of averting trouble and before the end of the > week they expect that at least 0,000 men will be thrown out of employment and by this time next week that fully 18,000 men will ho idle because of the great lockout. The exec-1 utlvo committee- tlio Third district , com prising the states of Ohio , Michigan , Indi ana , Kentucky , Tennessee , \Vest Virginia , that part of Pennsylvania west of the Alio- giionys , and the southern states , wont to Louisville Monday , to Cincinnati Tuesday , and live members arrived In Cleveland this morning. They mot at 0 o'clock , but did not take any definite steps concerning the strike , on account of the absanco of several membeis who wuro Interested In a wedding at Detroit to-night. The Rush of Emigrants. QUEENS-TOWN , April 13. The arrivals here of emigrants on their way to the United States are at present enormous. The rail ways are tunning special trains to accom modate this class ot travel. The number of emigrants now awaiting steamers to carry them to their destinations Is already greater than can bo housed In tlio hotels and board ing houses. Fltteen hundred embarked yes- , terday. Three thousand are expected to ar rive .Saturday next to take steamers hero. ' Amendment ! * Voted Down. , BANFKANCISCO ; , April 13. The three con stitutional amendments voted on by the state yesterday were all defeated. The first provided a method of selection of chief jus tice of the supreme court ; the second , for.'an Increase of salaries of supreme judges and certain superior judges ; the third , that cities of over ten thousand population be empow ered to make their own city charter. The proposed new charter for San Francisco was also defeated. Steamship Arrival * . NEW Yonif , AprlUS. [ Special Telegram to the BEE.J Arrived The pteauier'Kliyue- " ' T" * " ' land from Antwerp. * GiAsao\v" April 13. Arrived The steamer Ethiopia from N.ew"Y9r'k. ' ' ' * LONDON , Ap"ril 13. Passed ttie Lizard The steamer Nebraska from New 1'ork. Blalno Improving. ST. liouis , April 13. The Post Dispatch's special from Foit Gibson says Blalne is still lmprovr ! : . Ho was much refreshed this morning after a ( Tostl night's rest and Is gaining - ing strength rapidly. A Fatal Prize Fight. NAPA , Cal. , April 13. Elijah Walkers and T. Wagner engaged In a bare-knuckle tight last night. In the first round Walkan was struck on the head and fell unconscious. He remained so until this morning , when he died. T11K 1'ANIIANDLK UOIUJKUS. Kvldonco AcoumulnlltiK Showliig the Knormlty of the UobbcrlcH. PiTrsnunn , April 13. The accomplices of the railroad thieves are resorting to threats to Intimidate the Panhaiidlo railroad authori ties. Twomoio arrests were made shortly after midnight. John Barth and C. W. Smith , brakcmen , supposed to DO Implicated In the robberies , wore surprised at their homes. Barth was discharged from the PanHandle - Handle a short tlmo ago and has since been working on the Baltimore & Ohio. John Nlmmo , chief ot the Brotherhood of Braketncn on the Pauhaiulin road , called upon Deputy Mayor Gilpp anil stated ho had boon employed on thu Panhaiidlo road for months. Dm Ing that time ho had never seen anything crooked among the employes. Tlio brotherhood , ho said , would employ counsel to defend the prison ers , and if possible establish their Inno cenco. If proofs are shown of their guilt , however , the brotherhood would assist In their conviction. It was thu intention also to proceed against the company tor damages if the charges against any of the men under arrest are not sustained. The United States authoiltlos liavo de cided to piocecd against tbu Panhandle plunderers lor breaking Into government bonded cars. Investigation is now In prog ress and the matter will then bn laid before the department lor further action. The Pennsylvania company announced to-day that live , d.iys would bo given to the people having In their possession goods stolen from the Panhandle trains , In which to return the same. All these packages must bo addressed to the superintendent of the package room , union depot. Pittsburg. No questions will bti asked , and no further Investigation will follow if the goods are re turned. Evidence Is continually accumulating that the peculations on the Panhandle railroad have been much larger than reported , by the officials and others , who are perhaps Inter ested in placing the losses at the lowest fig ures. It has been stated by parties In a de tective bureau of this city that the stolen goods stored iu thu rear ot Gllkeson's private olllee contain S100,000 woith of valuables. Further evidence of tlio magnitude of the theft is contained In thu statement of John Hampton , who 1ms been attending to the legal end of the case , llo says If the officials of the Panhaiidlo road deslicd the arrest of all ot the road who arc directly or Indirectly concerned with thu robberies , It would have been necessary to stop thu operation of tbo road. Assistant District Attorney Fagan stated that there were at least 100 informa tions containing an average of three pei&ous each. School Methods In Now York. NEW Yomc , April 13. [ Special Telegram , o the BEE. I The Ladles' Health Protec- Ivo association hold a largely attended neotlng in the parlors of Mrs. Fay Pearce , No. 7 East Thirty-first street , last cvf-nlng. Miss Julia Thomas , who had been selected to visit the public schools and Investigate the sjstem of physical training used , reported hat the system Is far from bencfitting iho children , and tended to contract their chests. To emphasize- her views Miss Thomas brought before thn association a'llttlo ton- rear-old girl , who attends the public school , and made her go through the motions used n the school. The ladies watched the llttlo ; lrl , and the conclusion reached was strong that the present system was wholly Inelll- clent. Miss Thomas spoke strongly on thn subject. In detailing her oxpcrlenco at the various schools , Miss Thomas said that she Had encountered a strong feeling of discon tent among the tcacners and pupils In mixed publla schools because of the presence of colored children. The pupils made trouble because they had to sit In classes with them , and the teachers taught them witn repug nance. The speaker's remarks were greeted with sllonco at first.Then the mem ber who sat next to the president said with emphasis : "I declare that 1 am an abolition ist and my fattier was before me , but I think the law that permits black and white chlM dren to mingle together is an outrage on white children. " There was a hum of ap- prpval which followed this outspoken con fession of opinion. It was qulcklv followed by other remarks of a similar nature until the president was'obllgod to call a halt , which | was only secured .Hiter much persuasion and loud talkmg. The matter was dropped for the time being , but it is understood it will be taken up again. Ills said by some of-.the * teachers that the remarks made but faintly portray the state of feeling on the part of the whites in regard to this question. John T. Raymond's Iimnral. t NEW Yomc , April 13. When , bnlya , fcw weeks ago , the f uqoral of Samuel Colvlllo , ' late .manager of the Fourteenth 'Street theatre , took place at "Tho llttlo church around the corner , " John T. Ilaymond , . standing1 ! ! ! 'the church yard , said" to'his friend , Fred Maader , the playwright , ' "Well , Madder , I guess I'll be the next. " ' Today his own funeral was held at the samp church. Tho"attcndanc'n was enormous , both professionals and outsiders. The plain , black 'cloth .covered coffin. > was almost hidden from sight by.a heap' ' of floral designs. A largo wreath1 from Mrs. Langtry was received. "For Papa , " u pretty llttlo design , was froma surviving child , a llttlo daughter. The ser vice at tlio church began at 10:30. : o'clo'cU. llev.Dr. Houghton rcad-tho Imrirnsslvo burlflll service of Episcopal church. Thero'was no sermon. After the concluslon , * < of the coro- monlcs , the remains woro'taken to Greenwood - , wood cemetery and placed In iho receiving' ' .vault until Mrs. Haymond fixes upon a per manent resting place. Boodlors Arraigned For Trial. CHICAGO , April 13. The branch of the cilmlnaUourt presided over by Judge Suloy was crowded thls'foronoon by the announce ment that the county ' 'boodlers"would bo arraigned for trial. After hearing the state ments of courfsol for the defense Judge Suloy the defendants until granted tomorrow row to plead and they will appear before the bar of the court to-morrow forenoon for that purpose , lu the case of William J. McGari- gie , warden ot the county hospital , held under numerous indictments for conspiracy and bribery , his counsel stated that they would ask to-morrow tor a change of venue .to some court outsldo Cook county. Sawdust Swindlers Arrested. , _ NEW Yomc , April 13. A don of a gang of sawdust swindlers .In full operation was raided hero to-day and the , gang , four In number Joseph Llttlo , W. Jt Brown , ( eor4o iW.Leeson and George P. Lotts were locked up. The police sol/.od over 83,000 In now ; , bank notes , genuine , and many express ; packages ot alleged bogus money and six1 dry/goods bqxes/.filled'.wltlr addressed stamped en velopei , most of them to southern ana western points. LIccTnan Legislation For Michigan * . : LANHINO" , ' Mich. ; April 13-Fifry fobubll- can members of the senate ana house met in caucus' last'nlght to take counsel on liquor "Wlslatlo'ti. * The souse of the caucus was .that tto | , committee on the liquor tratllo shoujd prepare a.bll . | for higher license and local option wherever any county would so rote. After soino'dlflc'usslon It was decided that drnu stores wishing to sell liquor should pay the same tax as saloons. t , . Custom .Fphtnis Charged. - FmuADEM'mA 13. In ' , . , April to-day's Isaue of the bulletin of the American Iron and Steel association complaint Is'mado of the gross undervaluation of imported Iron and steel winked at by the custom house offi cials at leading ports of entry , thus nullify ing the plain Intention of congress to pro tect domestic producers from foreign compe tition. The attention of Secretary Fulrchild is called to thu alleged flagrant mismanage ment of the Now York custom hoiuu In par ticular. _ An American Huriorml. \VA5J5JJfOTON , April 12. Dr. J. W. Hoff man , ot the American bureau oC Kthnolo'y , baa been named by the king of Portugal a chevalier of the order oC Bt , James ono of tlio uiodt ancient orders of CtirlsS-.u < lom. ' OFFIC.SEEKERS MUST WALK * , . Tbo I' ' "Stato Oommoroo Law Puts 4 Stop to Their Pilgrimages. i A DECREASE IN APPLICATIONS * A Number of Contracts hot For Mall Homes In Nebraska \ Brlilo of a Day National Capital News. A Chanuo to Count Tlos. WASHINGTON , April I1) ) . [ Special gram to the Bisn.l The cessation lutholssua of railroad passes has an appreciable effect on the Inflow of otllco-seeker.s. Slnco thd Inter-state commerce act went Into effect the ) number of personal applications for appoint ments under the administration at Washing ton has diminished very materially. At thd Interior department a reporter was Informed ] ( to-day by an official that there has been A marked falling of In the number of callers from various states and territories. "Tha withdrawal of railroad passes has pretty effectually stopped the coming ot delegations and Individuals to urge appointments and press claims here , " said an official. " "Bo- fore the inter-state law wont Into effect thcro wasn't n day passed that wo didn't have delegations and individuals hero for ono purpose or another. They would come from the Pacific coast and tliu far northwest. But now , since the free passes have been can celled , wo don't liavo many such callers. " NKllllASKA HTAU-ltOUTK CONT11ACT8. Contracts for carrying mall on the star routes lu Nebraska for three years from July 1 , 1887 , to July 1 , IbDO. hav been let as fol lows : From Adaton to Bordeaux. 10. N. Gar- thcr , nt $140 a ycnr ; Albion to Bartlett , Joseph Walcorn. S3.5S ; Bassett to Perch , Gardner Cowics , 8110 : Biz Springs to Lenox , J.S. Coates , Sill ; Buchanan to Fox Creek , J , U. Plggs , SSO ; Concord to Logan Grove , V. 11. Pease , SW ) ; Divide to" Loup City , J. Schwonz , SU3 ; Dover to Mlneisvillu , Joseph Wnlcoiu , SG'J ; Kloru to Buswick , J. A. Fulls , S&3 ; Kwing to Harold , C. A. Downing , S145 ; Friend to DenvcrJ unction. J. K. Owens , 8124 ; Uuxley to Mason City , C. K. Downing , S1BO ; Ivanhoe. to Walton. Joseph Walcorn , 873Joy ; toltav , B. W. Bcedy , 80S ; Klmball to Mitch ell , W. U. Warner , 84-J7 ; L-iwn to Cailyle , J. It. Owens , 8148 ; MabctH to Alnswoith , J. It. Owens. $74 : North I'latto to I'hebe , J. Jt. Owens , 826U : Noi th Platte to Watts , J. 1 { . Owens , 551 ; O'Connor to Acme. J. It. Plgg , 8155O ; alallaUil'hcbo , 1. F. Fisher , S'JIS ; Pekln to Norton , J. It. Owens , Sill ; Plum Cicek to Vette , .1. U. Owens. SH'i ' ; Kcd Cloud to Bale , J. Walcorn , S'JI ; Hcdiiiiiton to Livingston , J. Walcorn , Slii'J ' ! Itushvlllo to Masher , C. K. Downing , 81'M ; SarRcnt to e.stervlllo , J. Walcorn , § i : 0 ; Stanton to reston , F. S. Smith , S1U ! ; Stiutton to Jacobs , P. 1) . Cassellman , 8315 ; Sunlight to Klmwood , J. Walcorn , SH8 ; Wnlworth to lionet. J. U. Owens , SSI : Xenla to Spring- Hold , J. Walcorn , Sb9. A lIHIDi : OP A DAY. The morning panels to-day , under the head of "ilairiago1 ! , " announced the wedding y < s terday ot lioutley F. CnlhountoMlssKleanor M. Homines. Under the head of "Died" ap peared the announcement of thu death oC Bordley F. Callioun. Mr. dilhoun was fl o youngo&t son of Kenr-Admlial K. It. Cal- homi , at whoso residence ho died yesterday after a brief Illness. Yesterday moining Dr. Bromwoll , the attending physician , told his patient there was no hope of his recovery. Thu dying man Rent immcdlatoly for hlft father ami torn him that for three years past ho had been enquired to Miss Kleanor M. Semmes , the oldest daughter of Mr. John II. Sommes , and asked his father's consent to an Immediate marriage. Miss Semmes wna sent for , and shortly alter 1 o'clock in the af- tcinoon Uev. Dr. Berry , 'of St. Andrew's1 church , united the dying man to thu Woman lie loved , lu a few short hours thu bride ba- came a widow. , NKIiUA8KA AND IOWA I'KNBIONfl. Pensions were issued to-day for Nebrasltans os follows ; Josiali Plutte , Hlverton ; Franlc llubor , McCook ; William Buttcrlield , Fairfield - field ; Max Lcnso , Omaha ; Charles Potts , At kinson ; Kllsha B. Beers , Wllbor. Pensions for lowans : Hose S. , widow of : Wllllftm 11. Itoberto. Ackloy ; 'Hiner .Dor- man , Slgouruoy ; Charles 'B. ' 'Gold wood , DubuqiiQ ; Samuel A , Hayes , Mor'aVInt "Jin- crease ) ; ticorgo E. Davis , Worthlnston ; William A. Atkins , Anita ; Isaac Kenney , Curlew ; Charles W. Cramer. Corning ; Jes sie Warner , Mames" Thomas , -Hnyward , WarIiair5 ! " .Crmrles < L'onhdsboiTy , " Albloit ; Wesley Carter , CnYIow > Dald > Brtcki W Wt f George A. Arvjllr Corning ; Isaac Kerr ; KookuK. Kol.ssucs : Johli'.Shobcrt , "Mar- slmlltow.n ; John K. CIo veneer ; fBudlOrd ; mlliam E , Brown , UnioimiUu ; Jasper Ha vens , Des Moinoi. - CAI'ITAI , . Kcpresentattvo-oJect'McSllanp. of Omaha , Is hero at work in tlio departments. " - ' > i John H. Koo/of Kearney , ' arrived to-day. ( E. W. Campbell , ot Dos Moines , called on President Cleveland to-day. It is stated-at the capltol postoffico that there are thirty senators and twenty repre sentatives now In the city. Uaneral ynu Wyck-wJH bo amonif-tho speakers .forKtue/flcleht ; cause nt' the mass meeting to .bo ? hold Masonic , temple to- morrow'tilght/ will oppose coercion : , . ll'ho followlng lowapostmasters > vfflro 'ap pointed to-day : Chas. K. Fleahbaclc : .Moore.- vlllc , Tama count v , vice John U. Williams ; resigned ; John W. Kockholts , Munn , Cedai county , vice Frank Lacamp , rt'&lgnud. ' , A Druplccn Woman's Dncd. ( ITHACA , N. Y. , April 13. Julia Lawton , of Mlhna , tlio woman _ arre3teil Monday charged with being Implicated lii causing the lire which burned Mathcw Massick anit thrco children , at Myers Point , on the nlehf of March 28 , Confessed that she set ilia to tha .barn' adjoining Masslck's house whllo light- lug tier pipe while under thu Inlluonco of opium and' whisky. It Is'ndt bulltvedtho wo- man' hail "any illotlvo" for Belting lire to tha building. ' ' ' The Texas Drongtit Broken. , SAX ANOKLO , Tox. , April 13Tlu | , drought whlchMms prevailed for 'so1 lo'nK a tlmo in weUern Tox'as Is' . at last broken , Thcro was a heavy rain fall throughout tills section lest night , which began after dark and lasted during the. ontlro night. Tcle eraphic advices from distant pans show that the rain was.ono ot the most general that has ; fallen hero in years.Tho confidence of far * mei's and block men Is fully restored. t - ' . ' ' " ! - - ' * . , Increased , Postal Uoaolptu. , WASHINGTON , April 13. The" gross postal i receipts at.thjr.ty of , the J.ftfger postolllces In ' yearf-or 7-10 per cep.t ; Ho'll Teil'VligTrT Ijater. VAsiii.vaTONT Hl 13. A delegation lu- .cludlui.Sj > np\grsMnind \ | Hawley waited 'dnlliSprcslueWt 5rftfternoon- Invited Ihliiu td > bo"p3 > rese'ffft at the dedication ot tlio ' " - ' " WNow Hayun , .Conn- , nt informed them thie i a definite auswer ITlf The Evidence All In. " Monnis , Ill.-'Apriri3.-AH the ovldrnco In , * ' ' thu'trlal.of'Bfakcmen Schwartz and Watt f ( s ' the robbery and'murder ' of Kxprcs ? Mcssenj ger NicholsSvas completed this evening. Tl j testimony agalnbt thu. prisoners has boon - i purely circumstantial. ArKiiments will begin/ to-morrow. Tnocnso will probably " - " ' to the Jury Saturday. the Inillun War. . Mox. , April 13-CnJone , lh Vngtn Indian chief , was captured yesterday by General Martinez , at H ranch ten uille * from Guayma.s. where ho Imd been hldini two months. This capture ends the war be twecn tlie VngulH and HIB Mexicans , ' I has been wagwl in Sonera two years.