Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1887, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEEtf MONDAY. APRIL 11. 1887 ; M3TTI3K M8T. List of letters remaining uncalled for in the posloflico for the week cndhuc April 7 , 18S7- Note rurllug calling for llicso letters will pleasu say "Advertised , " giving the clatu : it thu head of the list , nnd Inquire for saints at the "Ladles' lclicry Win dow. ' ' To avoid mistakes liavo your mail ad dressed to street and number. OKMLEMKN'd U3T. Avrcs E Almudl It Allen I ) AinlnrK J lj Arnold O Anderson KO Adams F\V Allen Kl ApitK K Apin | N U Adams U Adams It J Able K (1 Attcrbiirs 0 E Anderson D Anderson S E Anderson A Bodrcau U Darker E UOVCP B Hover J Holly J .U Dtillls K M Bauer A V . Buiruum A N Boll W M Blodcctt J 0 Butler J W Hoycf K H Bciiftcn ( } llowcr ( > Beulcrschopp E I * Brown F 8 Blckels F 1 ? Brltt V Boyce F liarlow F Bonchcrtt F Biair L U Bailey J W liurten J 11 Barber E U Blades J Barkholt J liio.idwoll FD Baker./ / Burton J D Band W II Bradfnid I1 Brltt M U Brady UJ Dull J BovlcrU UIlllnes-H ' Barker 11 Boulter K Bower U Broclvway U K Bollne A J Baldwin A E Baker A M Bradford A S Brcen E J Beckburn 0 U Bran nock J 0 Beck W Ba.ltV . It Bostrom N Bias&araNBrown BrjantJ Brown Coylo J O B Clarence F B CarpirV I ) Caswcll W Carltou A F CiimmiiiK A Clnten A O Carter W A CaMiiJV CowlltC Collins C 11 Codding C Can oil C B Connolly J Connfoith B Calvert W B Ciulv U L Cook J Cochcan I N Carder U J Clements U K Cook E Cn still KM Cannon F8 Collins K L Callahan E B Cuorans J Collev O Chanter F B Chisolm E B Carlton F B Cookloy M Cook \V S Clark H Chidcster F Cook 11 T Collins U Crlaor 0 Carter S Chapman S Cooper S Cox Chemical Co Coy 1) A Crane U Cott H Crow 11 W Con ley N J Clifton N M Colon O F MCunlpy J Davis A U Dempster F Diamond Dick Davidson K O Davis 1 O Daley J F Desmond J Dixon J M Daniels J Dobson G 4)avls U Doss 0 D Dolbold C M Dorsol 0 Dawloy 0 U Dobbcrsteln E A Dixon A T Darcan A i' DauKhorty O Dunn E J Diess 11 U Douglas K U Dunworth J Dawson L O Delta U Dawson U P Dexter It Dowiter E Erhart F Eazard J Edwards J M Elllcott E wellJ A3 Kbrllch A _ ricUson li Evans C E ICrlckson 1 > Ennls J D El more J M flllsJ L II EatsE ester N K Fiabo Folly M Franklin J Krearickson V A Jfoley J .fryer K Faire O ; tauKher & Son Forbes 1) ali m D 11 Fulllnu'ton A orest W II Fen n &U ill leaglo W II Flemlnir W F Frisk U K Fleming W I FlemiiiK A M Fleldman II Fraser U Franklin GD Fetlifrlv G FiUAllen J J Flynu J Foreman J lirat & MuQcuber Gross B Garner M D Gllkty N 3 GoodU Gardiner M Ouberlch P A Heist JD ClnrnerJV Uuuuer J 11 Gilmattln D 2 Graham J T Glen B Grantham 0 P Giles J C Golt F GarruttJF Gates A Gant C U Garat W E GOSH WE Goranson A GolhelreKA Giady F Gorhoart F A Grcn A Graves A D Greentlcld II 0 Oilman 11 W Grlswold G U Graham J T Greene J W Goodfellow J F ° a "u9ey"B Do " " Haley M llansen J Ilniashty J llodson J 9 Hudson J 2 Hess V Harvey U llnbbard E Hart A J JlagcrtyJM llowley O Jlaincs L U Hartwell F J Harper V Harris F W Hanllnir L HllzertL r Harris U Hull O L ila Uolsten O W nnrvpy A S Hunter W Iloock W Hoye W W Henry W A Hunt A J Henston TV Hunnon JT Harrold J HaleJ Heger W Harris W 3 lloward F Hell H llaesselbarth 11 Hlnzo F Harmon A Honeck A Hartley A U Hlser F Hlnkle O K Herdman W Q Hodson T Herding K Hart F Hanson F Hulslzer G Heurlckson N Henderson M Hcwett M Holland M Hoover J Hochhelmer J Holthorne J Hyncs J Hurton L A llolshartJ Hollu E Inden W F Jones S Jacobs P Jansen P Johnson B JetleisonE Jonea li Jensen J Johnson J B Johnson A F Jackson 11 M Johnson G T Johnson 11 II i JollllbOU 0 Johnson 0 & Co Julsteuberg Klewltt P Klnoey W Kelley 0 A Kelly J King M F Keen F KtlKoroV 8 K ranter C 3 Kulu J KusokV Wetter J Kellry J 11 Kelsey J W KalLeyJ U Keller J Keys J Kelley J Kunuey . LJ Karsbersou E Leach J U Lain J Leslie J Lane E R J.ynch T H Louck T Lmvel T Larkln .1A Larkiu K L LarhenD F laulere J LcCompteJ S LorvF Laru F U Lawalt F Lewis A J Lewis A W D 3 Leroy G P lioypjoy 0 K Lattlmer G U Llndit I ) Larsen M Lanman M J Leary D LlndburK O Lcphard J Maryallz U C MaKiiott IIG Mauratt F Max J 3 Slodena Merrill OE- Wyerhoft A F Madison J 7 Marrah J Maxwell D'O ' Moran T 3 Messersmldt 1 Mulvlhlll & Clark MiUcaltJ1 JlllorCE Moore kllllJU Martin TV" T i Jlller C Murphy FII , aoycrhort A F Molannv J Norton O MoiarlcJ ) HarbloV E Melchor P ; ttahoney P II Malley G O ! McDonald J A McUornUok J McCrony i B MonullleKE McDulTBA MoKeuaov L KcKcnna Ma ] McCann F McKenscv F S McDanlel D McLiaimhlln J McMecklo J JleNulley J 3 McCouna U A i Icllroy A MullrUlo 0 : JcKcnnev 8 Mciee J Icllride W Murphy L ; XealIIU-3 NoUlnA , Sorth U J Nclkirk H T { ormore H A Nicholson C K fewman J Noiu O O 4t tor A H Nlchcrson J F , forcom V Neergorth F ifewtonJ Nacaneiist K ; s'orton J Naitt Wm ( elson a A i ) verhalt C12-3 OedenM Otiroll J O Overtoil A * Co Oston A H Ocdou O J Orchclds A - Oullvle 4 u r ders u U PetteeJ Potter 0 Porhov P I'nttcrson 0 Pilak M Parsons K Piper J W Phleirer 1 * Petterson (1 PiBicott H Photnrr.1 II I'ratt J Pratt N 11-3 Pea re on F. Phillips W B Painter PiperJ W Piindcrson J W Pierce J P.iyne ( } 11 Peterson G Peterson A Page 0 Pcnfold C O Hlxl ) Hohrhouzh M KunnlvllloCK Itodttcrs U A Hood U W D Hauch U Ho s C Hhodcs 0 HO\N J A Houcrts P Hoe P Hlchiuild & Bros He ) nolds V D nice U Iteiiny L - However W 3 Hntledie ; L W Hees A Hohlrson AV Itoblns'on V ItnstJ HookW Kleiner J llelOcrU Smith A 0 Strawn C Sclierl ) P Snoonnr I hweney I' Stu-rloy O Siiurt.1 J W a Hprlnir E M Simpson F L Snjder J U .Shearer A O Smith A J Slinaii7lkF Snelton T L StalnberL' Hmytho J W hteera W P Slvan W D Salsbury M StutoftM .Strickland W hhlnu J M Simmons J btevens M Small B F bumtier E Sutplicn E J hciopp 7 T Stevens \V .V ShrotcrV Stromsvlllo U bleetor 11 Hodor U SprlnKKato U TJ S \\artz II Thelndargt H ' 1 remane E Tompktns D W Tiirhl F U ' 1 elicit W Tobias E F Turner D Thurlber E Therlkeld T R-3 TOIKJ S P Ihnrsh U Thomsen J Tcrranco J M Tomllnson J Thomas J E Tomllnson E Tandell 1' Y Traphajrcn J II Vrany L Vance O VlnondW Welson J Wordrurl J O Wood J WynantJ R Wood A Williams A Weivor C M Walsh F 8 Weed F D Wcldy E Wood E Woodward. ) W Wood E Wonlert'ti C Welson C L W heeler T W Wcndt K WilRhtmanOA Wrfcht O B Wentworth F Wlllhern U Weaver W-3 Witters W Webbli-r W E Wludle W Wiles WU Wondtant Wholan SI Wetico M A Wallace T 0 Windslilp F Williams H Waynick N E Wilson II-W YoutiK 1 > Yatcs G A Zimmerman Z LADIES' UST. Ay res K B Adnins mrs G Anderson J Anderson A Atkinson C Alli-n \ > Arnold mm 11 M Anderson O Blngham J Buento S Bowers E Barker J Dronton uira Block L Black mrs O Brandon mrs M Bergs C A licll mrs 11 D Botliwell mrs S C Butler N Black mrs I/ lirnwn .1 Homier mrs M R Dennett II Brandt M Balls mrs E IJakci mrs B Coburn M Cogan mrs A Clark E Carson mrs W T Carllton mrs A Clark mrs U ChlckorliiK M Cusack M Cullen mrs W Crawford mis J 0 DyertJ Dufnermrs A Dean N D DeHoy N Davis M Davis C Kerroll I Fleming F S Falrchlld A Forstenson 11 Freeman mrs J L Fryar mrs J E Frost L FlHliero mrs G Gran helm C GrlHln M Gillette mrs 0 Grlnnell mrs P GrlfllUi 8 Hasten F Hough N Hell M llobhs J Harris mrs IIG lleartstone E lleston mrs C II lUmmund mrs F llasklns mrs li llaivey mrs D J llermon M Helnes mrs K UuKhes mtsa L llary mis Jansson mrs AU Jones mrs K James mrs J Jnckman mrs C N Jones inrs II B Johnston mrs T T Jones mrs 11 Johnston uirs M Kelley M Knel J C Knapp mrsE Kelley M Kennedy M Lane mrs E 0 Look mrs 0 Lord M Larson h Lyman M Lester N Jlullcr uira L May uirs T Mackenzie mrs B Marx K Morgan E Murphy M Mullcr 1 , Myers mrs O F Martin M S Murphy M Morohouae mrs A Manrell A bloody mrs D Monahan E McDougall mts II McLaln U McUim mrs J. McCorrnick K McCanne A McllridoK Norrls 0 A Najlor tnrsM Oils T Olvcr mrs Pratt mra J S Pettengale mrs J A Perry M Pearson mrs E A Pearman mm H Petterson ( } Petaransk } 11 1'ritchett K I'rlcomrsE Patterson F Pettuian mrs E Penny mrs' ! ' Pulse E Patton M S Blchards mrs A E lioynolds mrs S A Kansono N F Itlce B Uortgors mis N Itced B Ueynolda mrs S A llicliardson mrs O Boed mrs U U Klmres J Smidcnburc ; A Shunnan mrs E Stiles mrsy bhear mrs A Stephens E Sherman if Snarlcy mrs G Smith N Smith mrs M J Tibbies mra M M Teull J Tubbs mrs J TookciursH Tliayer mrs E H Vogt A O Walsh mrsE Woods miss L Woodward mrs A G Walters B Warien mrs A Wilkms mrsM Wafklns I M Wise L P Wlnotrard mrs L Wayne M Wilson A Wyllo mrs W M Wlneard inrs 0 Woods J Wheiland mrsJ W Warren mrs A. C. T. COUTANT , FostmaJtor. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS Saturday , April 0. General Produce. 37ic/olIoiHnfj prices are for round lota of proifiicc , t * nlcl on the market to-aa/ ] . BuriKii There has been very littlechanR in the situation lu the butter market since H vtcokago. The receipts continue very llehl and the supply falls short of the demand , The bulk ot tno receipts Is very poor quality auu n considerable portion ot the bettet crades comes in ouch poor bhapo that it haste to bo sold at n dlsad\antace. There is an occasional package ot fancy butter that sells above the quotations given below. Choice country , IBQiiOc ; fair to good , MQlCcjconi uion , 10l2c. DHISI-ED : PouLTnv The warm vreathoi is making It morn dlfllcult to handle dresscii poultiy to advantaco , commission mon belut compellcil to sell on arrival \\lietliertlioy gel their price or not. The receipts , however , of all kinds of poultry have been so Until that most anything would sell quickly. . .Uholce fat chickens have sold quickly al 10@llo , and fancy stock has broudit even uore. By reason of the li ht receipts ol chlckons. turkeys have been soiling falrl ) well at He and ducus at about the same price. Dressed poultry la practically out of season and the present hlpu prices are duo largolj to the scarcity ot live poultry. lavs TOUUTIIY There Is a Kood demand tor live poultry. Chickens are selling readll ) on arrival at $3.0 < xa3.60 accoiding to si/o Largo fat bens are In the best demand am fancy stock might bring a shade more thai the quotations. Large and cholco ducks sol at $3.00@3..w , and small varieties nt SJ.75 8.00. 8.00.OHKCSK Full cream cueddars.slnKle.14Kc loll cream flats , twins , licU ; YOUIIK Amorl cas , 15c : fancy Swiss , lotalTc ; Swiss , iui ported. USc : Limburper , lie : brick , 16C416& BKAKS-Inferlor8tock.75 ( 81.00good ; cleai country , I1.00C41.25 ; modi lira , hand picked JUOQl.W ) ; band picked , navy. il.UXil.eo. PnovisioNS Him , 12/@l3oj breakfas bacon , rib. I0o : breakfast bacon , plain , lie dry salt sldos , Bkas ot drl xl beef , regular lie ; dried beef , ham pieces. He ; lard , 60-11 cans , 7J'o : 20-lbcans. Fairbanks , 7Jfc ; 10-11 cans. Fairbanks. 7Ko ; 6-1& caat , Fairbanks 8c ; 8-lb cans. Fairbanks , BVc. I'OTJLTOKS-There Is stllf a larce supply ot band and stocks are moving rather slow oj t at account. There Is very little or no do raand tor car lots in bulk , add coirtmlssloi healers arc forced to stpre tbe receipls aft ] te WP111 a tte" * * -81 lltB { b than a week aro. There lert T Jadopotatocft durtuE jM | rl rho week which loUt e&f at fi- bushel. An occasional shipment of sweet potatoes Is received , but they are virtually out of the market and It Is dinicult to till orders. New potatoes are coming In and soiling at lower prices than a week aco. Homo grown , bulk , 40Ci&Oc ; homo grown , In sacks , 4.Vi 55j ; sweet , per IblQJc ; now po tatoes , southern , per bit , S3.0J. CAIIIIAOK The markut is well supplied. California cabbage , choice , purlt > , DC. UAUUPLOW r.n 1 here Is a lair supnl ) on the market. Cuullllowcr. per dozen S1.60 < 3 1.75 , AiM-i.ns The market U weak and trade Is not heavy. New vegetables and fruits arc bun in n int ; to take the place of apples. Kast- crn stock is out of the market and all that remains Is Missouri stock. Cholco Missouri slock , 8I.OOQI.M ; common Missouri stock , J.00 3.50. NKW VKOKTAiiT.r.s The market Is a little more actlwi and stocks are moving mote freely on account of the weather becoming warmer and more settled. Spinach , per bbl , 8J 0003.25 : top onions , per do/en bunches , 3540c : California celery , per doyen. OOc ; radishes , per doen bunches , 33(3lOcj ( lettuce , 40c ; pie plant , per Ib. be ; California beets , Ib , 2c ; California carrots , per Ib , ! ! c ; nllfornln nMpnctis , per lu , 15c ; cucumbers , perdo/en , Sl.2o ; southern string beans , per Vbu box , 8l.fiO ! ; soutlicrn peas , perK-bu box , S3..10 : Bermuda onions , per bu , 37.00. OvHTK.ns HorstSshoo brand , Soc ; stand ard , > c ; selects , 30c ; extra selects , U3 ; N , V. counts , 40c. GAMK Mallard ducks , per dozen , 82.00 ; teal , per do/en. SI.SO : mixed , per dozen , SI.50 < yi.75 ; geese , per dozen , SJ.OO@j.r > 0 ; brants , per dozen , S'J.OO. LKUOXS Stocks are beginning to move more freely and hleher prices arn antici pated. Messina , choice , per box , 5.00 ; do. fancy , per box , SVX ) . CHANGES Trade has been improving dur ing the past few days and a great many more orders are com I nt : In. California , Hiver- sUle , per box , 84.00 ; California , Los Angele.s , per box , S2.750M.OU ; Mediterranean sweets , J37.Xit4.00 ; Mcusina Imperial , fancy. 5 50 ® 0.00 ; Man Gabriel , slnclu box lots , $3.00 ; San Gabriel , r box lots , $2.85. STKAWIIEUUIKH The receipts have not been heavy and the market Is fairly aetUi- . Strawberries , Tier at , 40ffl45c. MAI.AOA GBAPKS The supplr on the market Is not heavy. Hegnlar slzo casks , (5.00 ; large slzo casks. 5.50 < yG.OO. PtNKAi'i'i.KH A few pineapples have ar rived on the market and are In good condi tion. Pineapples , per do/ , S4.00@'i.OO. BAM ANAS , per bunch , $2.00 @ 3.00. OLD VKOKTAnLKS The demand Is llhgt for most kinds of old vegetables and stocks arc moving slowly and mostly In a small way. Unions are not bilnglng quite as much as thny wore. Unions , choice stock , per bbl , 5n..riO@t.7."i. Ucots , carrots , turnips , etc. , per bbl.SK7M2.00. NUTS Afow black walnuts are coining In from the country and are slow sale at 7. > c per bushel. Thn following are the wholesale prices at which orders from the ontsldo are tilled : Almonds , 20c ; pecans , targe polished , I4c ; IllbertM , l4cUrazlls ; , 14cwalnutsNanles ; , t'Oc : walnuts , Chill , 14c ; peanuts , H. P. Vir ginia , tic. FLODR AND MILMTUFFR Winter wheat flour , best quality patent , 82.75 ; second qual ity , 3U.OO@2.50 ; best quality spring wheat flour , patent. S2.40@2.t5 ( ; bran , 70c percwt ; chopped feed , 75c per cwt ; white corn meal , foe ; > ellow corn.- meal , 80i90c ( per cwt ; screening , 50rtJ75c per cwt ; nomlny , 51.50 shorts , 70i ! percwt : graham , 81.75 ; hay , In bales 87.00 per ton. GnAix Corn.27c ; wheat. No. 3 , 57fiOc ; oats , 2Sc : rye. 45c. Grocer' Mat. PicKr.ns Medium. In bbls. 88.00 ; do , In half bbls , 81.50 ; small. In bbls , 80.00 ; do , lu halt bbls. S5.00 ; gherkins , In bbls. 810.00 ; do , In halt bbls , S5..VJ. Sun AU Granulated , 0 V@OXc ; conf. A , r@ OXc ; white extra C,55Jic ; extra C , 5V ® 5Kc : yellow C , 4J4c : cut loaf , ox@flc ; powdered , fitTc. ( COFFKKS Ordinary grades , r > @ir Kc fair t5H@l'c ' ; prime. 10 > ic ; choice , I0 < ai7jfe ; fancy green and yellow. 16@17c : old eov- ernment Java , 20(3200 ( ; Interior Java , lOXidi 20c ; Mocha , 2324o ; Arhucklo's roasted 21c ; McLaughlln'rf XXXX roasted , aic ; Silworth's. 2 > Kc : Kcd Cross , Sic. CANNRD Gooi > s-OyHtersHtandardper case , SU5 ; ( < ? 3'i-i : strawberries , a Ib. per case. SidO ; raspberries , a Ib , per case , 82.2.V California pears , per case , 84.50 ; apricots , per casj , 84.00 ; poaches , per case , 85.00 ; white cher ries , pur case , 86.00 ; plums , per case , 83.5' ) ; blueberries per ease , 81.85 ; etcR plums , 2 Ib , percaso. S2.50 : plneapplos , v 10 , per case S3.20 < 25.75 ; lib mhckerel. per doz , 81.10 ; 1 ID salmon , pcrdoz , 81.50(41.55 ; 2 ID , goose berries , per case , 81.75 ; 2 lb string beans , per case , 81. < 5 a Ib lima beans , per case. 81.00 ; 2 Ib marrowfat peas , percaso , SiSOWi 00 ; 2 lb early June peas , per case. 83.75 : Sib toma toes. .Ti.5Mit3.fiO : a lb corn 83.40fi3i3.50. MATCHES Per caddie , 25c ; square cases , 81.70 : mult * square , > SYRUP No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , 81.25@1.2S ; New Orleans per gallon &K$4ftc ; maole syruu , half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , 70c ; 1 gal lon cans , per doz , 810.00 ; hall gallon cans , per doz , 85.50 ; quart cans , 8o.0u. CANDY Mixed. 8Kllo : stick. 8 00 0. CRACRKIIS Uarneau's soda , butter and picnic. 5 > $ c : creamsa > io ; ginger snaps , S ) < o ; city soda. 7k. STAnoii Mirror gloss , 1 lb , Cc ; mirror closs , 8 lb , 5Jfc : mirror gloss , Olb , Klngsford's pure , 3 lb , 5Xc ; Klngsfords bulk , 4c. Soli's Kirk'a savon Imperial. 83.70 : Kirirs satinet. 83.00 ; Kirk H standard , S3.O > ; Kirk's white Ilusslan , 81.00 ; Kirk's whitecap - cap , S0.50 ; dome , 83.85 ; washboard , 83.10 ; White cloud. 83.75. General Market * . "VARNISHES liatrels , per gallon ; furni ture , extra , 81.10 ; furniture. No. 1. 81.00 ; coach extra , 81.40 ; coach , No. 1 , 81.20 : Da- mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japin , 70c ; .asphaltum , extra 85c ; shellac , 83.50 ; bard oil liuiah , ilKAVY HABDWARE iron , rate 83.80 ; plow steel specIal'cast,4Hc ; cruclble steel , 0 > f c ; cast tools , do. 12@lto * ; wagon spokes , pet set , S100 ( < 2X60 ! ; hubs , per set , 81.25 : felloes. Baweddrj.Sl.50 ; tongues , eacli. 80c : axeK each. 75c : square nuts , per lb. 0101710 : roll chain , per lb. 6 21:0 : ; malloablob@li'c ' ; nun wedges , 6c ; crownars , fie ; harrow teeth , 4Xc , spring steel. 7@9c ; Burden's horseshoes , > 4. 15 ; Burden's mule shoes. SX75. Barbed wire. In car lots , 84.09 per 100 Ibs. Nails. rates. 10 to & 0. 81.10 : steel nails. Sl'JjI Shot , * , UU : ; buckshot , 81.00 ; Had powder , kegs , 85.00 ; do. half kegs , 82.75 ; do. quartan kegs , 81.50 : blasting , kegs , 83.105 fuse , per 10 fcet,65c. Lead bar. SI * , DRY PAiNTs-WIUie lead , 7o ; French zinc , 12c ; 1'iirlj whiting. 2Kc ; whiting , gliders , 5fc ; whiting , com'i , l c ; lampblack , Ger- manstown , 12c ; lampblack , ordinary. 8c ; Prussian bluo,55oultramarlno ; , IScj vandyk- brown , 80 ; umber , burnt 4c ; umber , raw , 4c sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; 1'aru green. Keuulno. 25& 1'arl.s green , coin mon , 23c ; chromo proon. UN. Y. . 20c : rermlllion American. l c : incnar raw and burnt umber , 1 n > cans , i2c ; raw anc burnt Blenna , 12c : vandyke brown , 13c ; re lined lampblack I2o : coach black and iron black , IGc ; drop black , lOc ; Prussian bum 40c : ultramarine black. 18o ; chromo ernon.L , K A D. . ICc ; blind and shutter green , U. M * D. , I8c ; Paris green , 18o ; Indian red , I5c Venetian red , IV ; Tuscan , 22c ; Amorlcar Tennllllon , L. A D. , SOo ; yellow ochre. 2o ; L M. & O. D. . ISo ; good , ochre. iCe : naten dryer , 8c : training color , light oak , dark oak. wstlnut. chestnut and ash. 1'Jc. ' DnuoiAND t.iiEMioAi.8. Ao d carbolic , TOO ; acid tartarlc , 5'te ; balsam copaiba , pei u > , .wo ; bark sassafras , per n > , lOo ; calomel per Ib , 78o , chlnchonldla , per oz , 40c ; chloro form , per lb , , ' 0o ; Dovers powders , per Ib 1.25 ; epsom salts , , per lb , &Xo ; glycerine pure , per lb. Sue ; lead , acetate , per ft. Silo oil , castor , No. i , per gal. , 81.50 ; oil castor No. 2 , per gal , 81.40 ; oil ollvo , per gal. , 81.40 oil orlirauuum. 50o ; opium , 81.00 ; quinine P. A W. and K. AS , , tier oz. 70e ; polasslun lodldo , ] Kir Q > , $ .1.50 ; salloln. peroz. 40c ; sul phate morphine , per ox. 3f 5 : sulphur , pei & .4cstrjehnlne. ; \ > tr oz. ) . * JfArNT8 iff Otr. White lead. Oraaha.P P. white lead , St. Louis , pure. < o ; Mai Bellies green , 1 lb cans , 'Jo ; Frenoiiunc croon , seal , 12o ; French zinc , red seal , lie Trench zinc , in , varnlili aast , WoFoncl tlnc.75o : Terrallllon , English , In oil , 75o red. 10c : rose pinkHo ; Venetian red , Cook eon's , 2ta > : Venetian rod , American , iwc red lead , 7Ko ; chrome yellow , genuine , ace chrome yellow , K. 12c ; ochre , rochelle , lie ochre , rrencb , 2 c : ochre , American IKc ; Winter's mineral , 2 " ! Lehlgh biown SKo ; Spanish brown , 2Xo ; wince's mineral US proof , 83.20 per wine nllon. iledlstllia whlikles , 11.0001.50. Gin , blended. SI.&OG 2.0U ; Kentucky Ixmrbona , 12.0000.00 ; Ket - - - - - - - - tucky Ider irted. per ease. p rc B. liaooiaio. . EII Green butchers , 6X@6o ; rreei | flnt UQlSo drv talt oS)10o ) Torr : , ; , tilT aklni , ej bj' dama d aw * two-third * prlco. Tallov l c. Orease Prime whlto.3 c > , yellow , -3jfc ; brown , IJf bhcep Pelts. 23 < a75c. rtrns. AND &KI.V Ino 'following prices are for prime , well handledxklns : Beaver , prime , clean per pound . SI-.BOSUOO ; fallS1.2.'i (312.00 ( ; mcatvanct inferior. S1.00@l.2. % . Uear. blown and grUzly. 85.0008.oo ; rubs niid jcarllnes , 5J.OoV4.00. ( Badger , W&Wc. Cat , wild , 20 ( < iiOc : domestic , black. I0al5c ( ! : do mestic , sundry colors , 5i < c. l-ox , red. SI. 00 < ai.U5 ; cross , fc2.ooc * .oo ; grny , 40 < $ : > oc ; slUer , 8lo.ooQjo.oo. Fisher. Si.twaa.oo. Ottor.54.00 (30.00. ( Martin. Sl.00l7' , > luscrat.MU tcr. large , lOc ; fall , 5c ; Kltts , Mink , largo dark , sS40c ; small and pale , ' 15 ( < # 0c. Bac- coon , largo prime , 40fi50o ; > 3inall andlnferlor , 20@.TOc. Skunk , common , I5@j5c.V ( lf , largo grey , 81.50 2.50 ; coyotp or prairie 75 ® OOc. Deer and antelope , winter , per pound 15c ; fall nnu summer , per pound 20c. Dry Lumber. DIMCNS1OX8 AND llOAltlKS. No. 1 , com , sis 810.50 No. 2 , com , si s 17.50 No. 4 , com , sis 13.50 FT.NCINO. No. 1,4 & 0 In , 12 & 14 ft , rough $10.00 No. 3 , ' " " " " 15.00 SIDING. A , 13,14 and 10 ft 887.03 B , " " " 30.50 C , " " " 15.00 D , ' 13,00 CKIUNO AND PAim-riOtf. 1st com. , 5C In White Pine Colling $34.00 Clear , -tf in. Norway Pine Colling KJ.OO . A 6 Inch , white nine 835.00 C " 2 < ) .0o K" " " ( SelFen'R ) W.OO STOCK noAiins. A12 Inch s. is S4".00 No. 1 , com. 131ns. Is. , 12. & 14 20.00 " ' 10ft 19.0J No.2 " " ' " 13 & 14 ft , . . . . 1S.OO ' " " " " 16ft 17.00 1st and 3d. clear , lj { inch , s. a s $50.on M , clear , 1 Inch. s , a s S4 > 1 # , Uf , 3 In 45.00 B clear , 1 inch , s. 3 a : ) : lflK,3ln 37.00 HUHLAI' . No. 1 , plain , Sand 10 in SU'.OO No. 1 , plain , Sand 10 In 17.00 SOUTIir.IlN YKLLOW PINE. Com. 4 and 0 In. lloorlm ; S18.0) Clear in. coillnit Bl.U ) "Cleai A In. partition v.5.iO ( Clear ° < ln. partition ! M5. ) Clear , llnish , 1 and H { In. s. 3 s 39.0U " corrugated culling , 4 In 2.1.0 11ATTKNS1 riCKETS. O. O. Balls , 2K In. . 70c ; k.s.3 | , s. 1 s 4in ) Pickets , D and H flat S31.0J SIIINULKS , LAT1L XX clear. 83.00 Extra * A * VU5 * A * standard 3.75 * All.B. fcB 'J.5U 5 in cl 1.73 Oln , clear 3.00 No. 1 1.50 Lath 3.50 POSTS. White Cedar , 0 In. . HS , 13c ; 9 in.qrs..Uo 1.I.MK , ETC. Quinov white lime ( best ) 81.00 Akron cement \ \ 1.C5 Hair _ . yo DIRECTORY 320 South loth street * Omaha. SLABAT7OH fcffcANE , Room 25 , Paxton BldWc , Omaha. W. J. CONNKLL , 313 South 14th Street. L. D. HOLMES , -A.ttom.ey at Itoom 8 , Frcn/er Hlook.Opposite Poitofnce. PHYSICIANSL DR. EMMA jr. DAVIES , laiomoepatli. , Room 322 N . 16th t , , O-nalia. Office hours 9 to 11 a.m. , 2 to 4 p.m. CHARLES BOSEWATEB , III. D. 214 S. 12th 8t. , cor. Farnam , Iron Bank Building. Office hours , 2 to 4 and 7 to 0 p. in. 10 to 12 on Sunday. Telephone,504 O. S. HOFFMAN , M. D. , Fliysiclazx and. Su-rfjoon , Office , N-W Cor. Uth and Douglas. Office Telephone 405 ; Res Telephone , 42 W. J. GALBRAITH , Siirg-eon and. Fiiysiclan , Office , N-W Cor 14th and Douglas st. Office Telephone , 463 ; Res Telephone , 5G8. JAS. H. PEABODY , M. D. I b.ysician and. Sing-eon , Kcsldonco , Xo. HOT Jones street. Olllce , With * nell llloclt. Tolopliono. residence Ii3 , olllto 51J. DR. JAS. BECKETT , E'liyslcian and. tSu.rgreon , Office and residence 724 X. 16th St B. W. CONNELE , M. D. Hom.o3opat3a.lcit , Office , 313 S. 14th st. Telephone , 68D. DB. J. W. DYSART , Surgeon and Physician Office , Crounse Block , Room 5 , 10th and ' Capitol Avenue , Omaha , Neb. Residence 2010 Webster street. Telephone No 351. INSURANCE. tf. D. BATO1IER , General Agent , Proitdent SaYln s Lih Assaranoi Co of Now York. Mlllard Hotel "lock , Omnha. The strictly ' 'Natural I'ramlura Plan. " Aetna average yourly cost during IS J , 1SJI ana 1M5. at ago 7 tor llO.iXW , wus r FINE JOB PRINTING. -j-a- REKJi PRINTING CO. , Printers , Bools Binders And Blank book Manufactur ri. Not. 109 and 1063.Hth street , Omaha.Nob. J.I' . Fair Ho , Bupor- intendont Ulndorr. TolopUoh < > No. U3J. PACIFIC HOUSE , 2111 North TRCU TEXELproprietor. . Former proprietor of Northwestern house Tue opening of ray novr hoilsfl enables mo tc odor the publlo nice rooms , clean beds , and 01 oellcnt kitchen , at low prices , im. j. v. Physician and Surgeon 1807 Lalce-st. , Omaha , Neb. Lake Street Drugstore. RUPTURE CURED. BrDr. Snedlktr * ! mctbod. No operation ! No Palni No Detention from builncii. Adapted to children well u Brown people. Hundred * ot autograph tlmonltli on file. All boslntu itrlotlr confldea tUO. CONSULTATION FUKB. PROF. N. O , CO K , BoomG , ISUUouglaaSt. , Omuba , Neb ' F CHIC AGO AND MORTH- WESTERN RAILWA. The only ronfl to tnke for Dos Mnlncs Mar- hnlltown , Cedar Rapids , Cllaion , Ulxon. Chlca. o.Mllwnukoe nud all points cunt. To tlio poo- ilo of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyomlnfr , Utnh , dnho , Nevada , OrCKOn , Washington and Call * ornia , It oilnrs KUporlor advantages not poul- ble by any other lino. Among a few of the numerous polntl of u- icrlorlty enjoyed by the pnlronn of this rend jotwuen OmatiR and rlilcnKO , are Its two trnlni adny of DAY OOAOHU8 , which nre the finest hnt hnmin art and Ingenuity van create. Itl 'AT.ALESr.EKPINC. CA113 , which nro models of comfort and olefrnnco. Its I'AULOll DUAW- NO KOOM CAU8 , unsurrm o1 bv nny , and Its widely celebrated PALATIAI. DtNlNG OAKS ho oijual of which cannot , bo found plenwhere U Council DlutTs the trains of the Dnlon Paulflo ty. connect In Union Depot with those of the Chicago & Northwestern Ky. In Chicago the rains of thu line ranko eloso eonnoctlon with hose of all eastern llnea. For Detroit , CnlumbiM , Indianapolis. Clncln- mti. Niagara Falli , ButTnlo , i'lttsburg/Foronto , rlnntrerxl , Boston , Now Yoru , Philadelphia , Baltimore. Washlngtou and all points in tbe ooat , ask for a ticket via tbo 11 NO HTHV HSTBRN. " If you wish the best acoommodatlon. All ticket agents sell tickets via this lino. ILHUOHITT , K.P.WILSON , OcnL Manager. Oonl. Pasi'r Agent Chicago. III. W. M. llABrOCK , L n. HOLLES , Western Awont , City I'ass'r Agent , Omabtt , Nobruslio. THE RA1LWATIME _ TABLES , OMAHA. , Leave Leave Q.P. BltinUETKAINS. Transfer. Omaha. CHICAGO SHORT LINE - OF THE - ChicaoMilwaulee&St.PaulR1 ( | , . } The Best Route from Omatia and Council Bluffs to T.HH3 E.A.ST Two Trains Daily Between Omaha , Coun cil mulls Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St , Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapidi , Rock Island , Freeport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport , Elgin , Maiiison , , Janesville , Bcloit , Winona , La Crosse , Anil all other Important points East , Nortbnnit and Southeast. For through tickets call on the Ticket Agent at l 0t Fnrnam street , ( In Paxton hotel ) , or ot Union I'nclflo Depot. Pullman bloopero and the finest Dining Cnn In the world are run on the mainlines of the CIIICAOO , MILWAUKEE & ST. I'AUJ , UiiLvrAr , and every attention U paid to pantagera \ couiteous employes of the company. It. MILLUI , Qonernl Mnnnvor. J , F. Tucicxn , Assist an 1 0 onor l Manager. A. V. It. CARPKNTER , General I'auonKor end Ticket Agent. Or.o I : , HF. VFTOUD , AEiUtant General P * lenger and Ticket Atftnu J. T. OUAUK , General Buporlatoudont. DREXEL & MAUL , Successors to Juo. G. Jacobs , AXD E91BAL.XCK9 , Al the oldstand. 1407 Farnam st. . kytelcpfapb solicited and promptly at- UndetTto. ' Telephone Mo. 235. Omaha Jobbers' Directory. Agricultural Implements. PARKER , Vfholviiftlo Dealer In Agricultural Imiilcnipnts , AVnjjons , Curlagrs ncJ llugglrr. Jonp < Mrtct , between 9U ] umllUlli.Oinnliii.ygl ) . LINING ER c MKTCALF co. , Api'lctiltural Implements , . llueeln , . Kto. , Wholctalr , Omha. LEE , FRIED tC CO. , Jobbers of Himlwnro and Nails , Tlnwuro , Phcel Iron , Kto. A tent * for Howe Scatal , anil Mliml I' , wderCo , Omn l.Nrb. P ARLINO KENDO IIF if MARTIN Vholoialol > cil ri In Agricultural Implrincnts , ITagonniml Uugglta. 'Jll.ya.vpl nml'.X ) ? . Jon * t Artists' Material. A. HOSPE , JR. , Artists' Materials , Pianos nnd Organs , Builders' Hare/wart and Scales. JlIMEnAUGH TAYLOR , Bnlldcrs'Hardwnrc&SculoKppalrShop Uochdulos'Tooltand lluffalo Scale * . 1100 Dougl U , uninlia , Neb. Boois and Shots. AMERICAN HAND SEWE SHOE COMPANY , U&nufictnrcrs mid Vf boltttUOttlen In Boots nnd Shoes , Complclo slock of Rnblitr Qoodi | W T on hai 60S B. 13tli St. , Omxha , Neb. A. T. Auttln , Agent. jr. r. HOUSE c co. Jobbers of Hoots and Shoos. 1111 Farnam it , Omaha , Neb. Manufactory , Bummer ( treat , Uo Um. Z. T. LINDSEY d > CO. Wholesale Itubber Hoot * anil Shoes ltuit ! > or nuil oili'd Ulolhln > r imd Toll lloota anil Shoes. Southeast Corner 14th and Douglas. Beer. M. KEATING , Agt. for Anheuser-Hnsh Brcwlnp Ass'n Special Brandt , rauit , Hndwelscr and Krlancer. STORZ cO ILEIt , Lnffcr Beer Brewers , 1M1 North 13th Street , Omaha , Neb. Butchers' Tools. LOUTS HELLER , Butchers' Tools and Supplies , Sauime Casing * of all klndB nlnajs In Block. I3U JoneBBUOciBba Coffee , Spices , Etc. CLARKE BROS. < C CO. , Omaha Cofrco and Spice Mills. TMB , OnfTret , Spires , linking Powder , Flavoting Ba > tracn , J-auudry UIu , Ink , Ktc. UH-16 lUraey Btrett , Omaha. Neb. GATES , COLK d ) MILES , Home CofTeo and Splco Mills M'f ' Co. CnlTca Ronnters and Spice Orlndera , Manufauiirurs of Baking I'owder. KInrorln Extract } . Bluing. Kto. Trrone cane of our lpiukiigo Homo Blend lloi'ted OotTao. lUWflownnlsl.Omniiii. Nob. Cornice. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Epencter , Prop. Manufacturer of Oalranliod Iron and Comics. M Dodge and 103 and IQi N. 10th Bt. . Omaha. Neb. RUEMPING BOLTE , Manufacturers of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Window * . Finals. Melnllc 8k jllght , etc. 3108. _ Htn t. Omaha. _ WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Specht , Prop. Qalrantced Iron Cornices , etc. Spect's Improved Pat ent Metallo Skylight. MB iindSlO S. 12th t .Omaha. Carpets. Jobbers of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Basra , Llnoleumi , Mattlngi , Ete. lill Doailai itrcet. S. A. ORCHARD , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mattings , Curtain Ooodi , Kto. 1O3 Inrnaui Btrert , Omaha , Nob. _ _ Crockery and Notions. ' \y. \ L.'WRIQHT , Af ent for tbo Manufacture and Import * of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Clilnmeys. etc. Office , 317 South 13th at , Omaha. Neli. _ _ f Commission and Storage. D. A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing1. Bnttar , EiHtaand Produce. Consignment ! solicited. Ueadqtmrlcra for Btwiewaro , llcrry lloics nud Urapo llnskcii. 1414 Dodge street , Umaua. PEYCKEBROS7 Commission Merchants. Frnlts , Produce and ProTlilons. Omaha , Neb ; W. E. RIDVELL , ' Storaffo and Commission Merchant. Bpcclnltlos Iluttar , Eggs. Cheese , Poultry , Game , Oyster * , Etc. , Etc. 1U South l < lh alr ot. WIEDEMAN < S > CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , Butter , Home , Fruits , ate. 230 8. lithfi Omaha. Neb , Coal ana" Lima. Qlu. K. IJAIIAUII , 1'res. C. F.BonnuAN , V.Pitis. J. A. HUNDRHI.AND , Beo. and Treas. OMA1IA COAL , COKE A LISLE COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. X ) South Thirteenth Str ct , Omahn , Neb. J. J. JOHNSON cC CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime , And Hhlppors of CoM and Coko. Cement , i'laiter , Umo , HAlr , nru Brick , Drain , TIK find Sewer 1'ipo. omco , Pazinn IIutHi. Farnum St. , Omntia , I ub. Tplophono bll. Confectionery. p."jFuir7r < Manufacturint ; Confectioners , Jobbsrs of rrults.Nuts nnd Clears. 1211 Karnsm SU. Omnba. Cigars and Tobacco. MAX MEYER tfCO. . , Jobbers of Cljfars , Tobacco , Qunt and Ammunition , 2Ii Io23 S. lllh St. , 1030 to llCi harnamdt , Oin hnN b. WEST < FRITSCHER , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wholcnale Dealers In I.cnf Tobaccos , Not. 108 and 110 N. 1llh street , I ) n aim. Dry Goods. M. E. SMITH 0 CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions 1102 and 1101 Donulns , cor. lltli tit. , Omaha , Neb. Distillers. Distillers of I.lqunrs. Alcohol and Hplrlti. Importer * and Jobbers of Wlnesand I.lquora. WILLOW SPUING SII ( > TILLE' CO. and JLKIt A CO. , Importers and Jobhert of Fine Wines and T.tnnnrm , Eolci m nnfieturernof Kennedy's Knot Indln lilt' tcrs nnil Domrstlo I Iquora. 1112 JUrney M. Drain Tile , Etc. A. II.BAtiKii.rr" . J.W.Hcnronn.Sec.&Treai K. J. CA1I10N. V.l'rw. and KupU THE UNION HYDRAULIC DRAIN TILE CO. , Office > I3 8. luh Bt. Omaha , Nob. Maclilnf-trnni Supplies for Manufacturing Cumont I'nlti Tile. ELEVATORS. W. noneus , D. B. BAUIIIOB Pen. saTAnr-Tinm 1875. Vioo-l'ro O31AUA ELEVATOR anil CiJtAIA COMPANY , Jobbers and Store'rs ol Grain. hlpmemsDC < li itiMiji i it 11 it 4 utlon sTUtrantced. Orobaa Ncli. furniture. VEWEY cC STONE , Wholeiale Dealers in Fumitare. r ra it-Cimtha. ! 'eb. Omaha Jobbers' ' Directory. Groceries , . f XTON , GA LLA Vholpsalo ( Jrocerles nud I'rovlslons , Noa. 7UitQ7. TOT anil til H. 10th Bt.OmHlm. Xtb. MuVO ltnB.UADYQ CO. , Wholcsalo Grocers , I'tn and I.cavonwottli tj.O1u li t. Hardware. , * s W. J. Hcnvy Hardware , Iron nml Steel , Brrluiia , Wngon Ntock , Hardnaro Lumber , etc. 1101 nrt Ull Hanifjr H , Onmlia. EDNEY iP GIltliON , Wholesale Iron and Stool , Waeonnml Carrla o Wood Slock. Ileurr Hardware Etc. 1317 and 1315 I.tnvcmrortli it. , Oinatm , Nab , ' MILTON ROGERS .f SOUS , Stoves , Ilaiiffcs , Furnaces , Tiles , M nllOiUrntc , UruMOocHln. 1311 and 13J3 rarnta titrott. Iron Works , VIERLING Iron Works , Wrotuht and Ca > t Iron Bullillng Work , Iran Btttra , lolling , Ilearai und ( Jlnlpristenni Knilnu. Urup WorkU ) > ner l ITounilrjr. Mficbln * ml Illncisml * Work. ODlce alWork .U. 1' . lly. nditii U u F. U. UcMANUS. 0. SULUVAN. OMAHA WIRE C IRON WORKS , tlniuifnctiirors of Wlro and Iron KallinijH , Desk Rails , Wlndnw Ou rd . Flower Rtumli , Wire Blint. Rt IWN. 1CIU. Onloro br mall prompllr UetidoJto. Lumber. OMAHA TUMIiER CO. , Dealer' . All Kinds of BalMliiff Material at Wholes Io. llth Street and Union Paclilo Track , Omaha. " LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lnmbcr. Lath , Lime , Sash , Xrars , Kto. Yards Corncr7th and Douglas ) CornW Vth and Douglas. CHICAGO LUMBER CO. , Wholesale Lumber , 114 S. 14thstreetOmahaNtb , r.Colpetier , Uanater. CTNTDIETZ , ' Lumber. 13th and California Streets , Omaha , Web. FRED W. GRAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Kte. , Etc , Cor.Mb and Douglas iti Omaha. N ! > . HOAGLAND , Lumber , " T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. Offlea. 14M Farnam street. Omaha. CHAS. It. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Oarptti and Parquet Flooring. Mh and Donjla * " JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. Imported and American Portland Cement. StaU Agent for Milwaukee llyrtroullo Cement and Best gulncy White Lime. Lire Stock. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. Limited. John T. Boyd , Superintendent. Lin Stock Commission. M. BURKE cC SONS , Live Stock Commission * _ . . Oao. Burke , Manager TJnlon Stock Tards. B. Omaha. Trttphone 881 SAVAGE cC G'REEN ' , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Shipment ! of any and all klndi of Btook solicit * * . Union Stock Yard s. Omaha. Neb. Millinery and Motions. I. OBERFELDER & CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Millinery and Notions , 1313and 12IS Harnoy Sheet , Omaha , Ntb. Notions. VVIioleiala Deiilon In Notions and Furnishing1 Goods , 40.1 and 403 8. Tenth St. , Omaha. Overalls. CANFIELD MANUFACTURING COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , Joani 1'aiiU. Shirts , Ktc. 1102 and 1104 UouzUi SlrMi Omahn , Nob. Paper Boxes i7. L. WILKIE , Manufnctnror of Paper Boxes , 8.14th HI. . Om t > , Ndbrmka. Urdon br m lUUMaad wllir4W lT4ipr a t atUaUoa. Printing. REES PRINTING COMPANY Job Printers , Blank Book Makeri , And Book Uludora. 10 ! and 1W South Fourtaaatll itroat. Omaha , Neb. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNIO29 Auxiliary PnlillHhors. Doilorf InTjpo. I'rciaoj nml Printers' Suppll . Ut South Twelfth Street. Pumps. BROWNELL C CO , , Manufacturers and Dealer * lu Engines , Hollers & General Machinery Blioi-t Iron work , .Htomu l'umi . Saw Mills , Aciua blinding , ModKO Wouil pllt I'ulliiyi , llsltln ; , ate , Also WHiions. Bcrupcn , mid bjletlcs. Tcnirorili st. Omahn RECTOR ,0 WJLinSLStYCG. , AVIiolrsalo Hardware. \V strm n cMiti for Jcffer un Stcnl Nulls , Anttlq ToTTderCu , Kalrlinnk * vundnrd Hrales. Corner lOlli nntl Unrnor. Omxhn. CIIURCiriLL PUMP CO. , 'Wholesale Pumps , riiii'.rittinps , B ton m nml Water Huppllt-s. llcadquarlors fur Mad KojilCo'sQoa'lii. lllirarmiru t..Oinahn. Noli. A. L. STRANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes nnd Engines. Bteun. Wntor , rulltrar ami Mllllni : Hopnllce. KM , KXI , nund let rarnuiu tt , Dmalm , rlcl. U. S. WIND ENGINE and PUMP COMPANY. nnl' > dnTVlni1 Ullut nlenm tnrt Wfttcr Pnppllei , ' . Ilolllnir. Hoi ? . Vlf ) and VM mm si. , Oiunlia. H K. rHlon , Mmn cr. 'Jylepbuliu fo. 110. Safes , Etc. P. BOYER cC CO. , Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s1 Fire and lltini > r Proof Kafiti , Tlnm lx > ck , Vault * _ ud J ll Work. IUJ ) Unmin itri'Ct Omihi , Neb. G. ANDREEJf , Omalia Safe AVovlis. lliniifneluroiiior lire nnd Ilarslarl'roofSaffi , Vault Doors , \Vork.Uhutieri nud Wire Work. Cvr. " _ lull jinlJack tnBH..tlniKlia. Nab , SttSf Doora' te' > ' ' ' _ _ M. A. DISBIIOW cO CO. , tVUoIt lo Minnfneturtrt ol Sash , Doors , ItllnilH nml Ur nch oilc , 12U ) and liar J tU OsJ VOJIN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Monld'iit.JltulrWcxkiiDd Interior Herd Wood Flntob d. W. K , cor. found Lomroawurtliljli. 6m b , Heb.