THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : . MONDAY. APKIL 11. 1887. 5 THE LINCOLN MUNICIPALITY. Already a Oloud Upon the Horizon of .tho New Oity Administration. THE MIGHTY AGAINST THE WEAK It Will Bo n Cold Dny "When Cooper In Appointed Chief of Police i A Bolter Fired Capital City News. ( rnoMTitK IIKB'B MNcor.x nunnxu.l On Tuesday of this week the now city government of Lincoln will tnko the ruins and conduct the n flairs of the city for the coming year. At the meeting of the old administration to-night the vote of the city election will be canvassed , the result announced and the certificates to the fortunatos will be issued. There is ulready u cloud on the horizon for the new mayor in the shape of the ordinance introduced increasing the saloon license from $1,000 to $ 1 , 500 per year. There nro & few of the stronger fealoons , financially or in patronage , . ! ! ! the city that either favor or are indlfluruiit to tlio increase , while the others arc opposed to the pro posed change. The doyen saloons that fought side by side with the prohibition- Jsts for the election of Mr , S.ivyer arc Bomewhnt perturbed over the sudden in troduction of increased ficense , and it looks as though one of the lirst clashes the now mayor would have to meet would be the question of standing by his saloon supporters and the old license or stand with his prohibition support and assist In inceca'jiiig tlielicenso. With these two clas-ics of election day charmers con fronting the mayor lie evidently feels how happy he could bo with either were the other dear charmer awuy. Some of Die saloon interests have been anxious to nave the old administration issue the li censes for the coming year , but that under the new law is an impossibility , nnd oven could it be done the retiring ad ministration would not trench upon the rights and prerogatives of the new in questions of this character that shape the policy of the administration. Under the new chnrlcY the number of appoint ive positions are both increased in num ber and importance. The board of pub lic works is one of the additions , and while Mayor IJurr a short time ago sub- mined : i list of name ? for these places the council has deferred confirmation that the now mayor could exercise - ciso his own judgment in select ing a board under the admin istration. The only mcmber'on Mayor Burr's list that is anxious for a place on the board and who will presumably bo appointed is Mr. 8. McConiga , and the miggcstion of his nnmo meets but httlo comment either way. The appointment of chief of poliec is thought to be closely to the door of I' . II. Cooper , the veteran democrat and ice dealer of this city. This combination may seem somewhat strange , but the fact remains that Mr. Cooper Is a democrat and deals in frozen water. The organization of the council in se lecting a president promises to bo inter esting. The council is about us evenly mixed in republicans , democrats and prohibitionists as could well bo. and what it will evolve is doubtful. N. C. Brook , the present president of the coun cil , is understood to bo a candidate for rc-clrction , but his fast and loose game ngainst his own party will not commend him to the republicans and the demo crats and prohibs will probably have a man of their own. History i& repeating itself In Mr. Brock's case , and in the cam paign just past ho has rode as many horses as ho did a number ot years ago , when ho ran for mayor , took two or three nominations and then was defeated. But the most agony exists in the police de partment , and in this branch it is be lieved that all In the police force will bo left and the department reorganized en tire. Petitions of applicants are lloating through the streets daily cu route to the ollico of the mayor-elect. FlrtlNO A. UOLTKK. The republican city committee met in business session Saturday evening to make linal settlement of thn campaign woric. Mr. Allen W. Field , the member of the committee from the Fourth ward who bolted the Uokijt after it was nom inated and after he was made a member of the committee , was not present , but the committee without any hesitation proceeded to declare his place vacant on the committee on account of his leaving the party , and Mr. John 1) . Knight was appointed to the vacancy. Mr. Field has been greatly honored by the republicans of Lincoln in the past , being a member of the legislature , -speaker ol the house and at the present time city at torney under a republican administra tion. lo was also u candidate for con gress last fall and as such invoked the support of nil republicans , while six months afterward hn can as calmly as the oldest mugwump in the land turn his back upon the party that has honored him and support a radical democrat whenever never in his lifa lost sight of the party to which ho belonged. The republicans of the city will approve the act of the com mittee in decapitating one of the fathers of the lawyer propaganda , and if the committed will go further and loix < J a good challenger with a stuffed club and stand 4 him at the polling place at the next re publican primary in the fourth ward to attend to the case of Gcro and Hathaway if they attempt to call themselves repub licans and vote , they will only do their duty to their party organization. AUK T1IKV FORFEITING THU LEASE ? Aell known attorney of the city calls the attention of the Br.E to the lact that the stock yards company , ns .alleged , is unit has been , violating its louse with the Btatn lands , and is in n condition that the attorney general could , through the complaint of any taxpayer , commence proceedings against them in their con tract. The violation complained is that the company are in their manufacture ol brick digging out the valuable clay banks nnd destroying acres of ground which the lease only gives them u right of occupancy. -member of the legis lature , who visited the grounds in ques tion when the scheme was on to buy the land through the bill in the house , no- ticrd the havoo that was being wrought and freely commented upon it. It is suggested that it would bo an excellent plan tor the state board of public Inmle and buildings to visit the leased ground in question and determine for themselves whether tlio Icaso is being violated anil the property of the stat * sustaining dam- INTERNAL WAKFAKE. It Is freely stated that all la not peace nnd harmony among the actiro partici pants in securing ; the location of the Methodist university in this city , and that some of the parties have attempted n speculation on laud donations that is routine the wrath of others and produc itiK mutual recriminations not nt nil tending to harmony. In the furnishing of H bonus to secure thn college a num bor of tracts of land were turned into tht general fund at a stipulated prlco and the rumor is afloat that parties are attempting - tempting a speculation on the priro for which some of the land was put in the gftncial budget and the price upon \vhlofi is to bo transferred to tho'collcgo fund or committee that has it In charge Rumor further has It that both sides in i controversy of this nature have cituci consulted attorneys or havn alreadj tested their coaei with them nnd 5t need not bo surprising if n genuine broad sided law suit is entered of record be fora amenities are restored. AtiOCT THE CITY. The announcement is made that Mr. A. E. Toiiznlm has a force of surveyors at work platting the bulk of his thousand acre purchase , six miles east of the city , which new town will bo called Havelocfc. This tract Is In the vicinity of the Hag sta tion Newton , on the mam line of the B. & M. cast , and while many consider it a great boom for Lincoln others raise tlio question whether a new town six miles away will help the city proper , especially if it means the locating of industries at that point. In connection with the plat ting the stale tale of the B. Ai M. moving its shops to the new town is revived , all of which careful men consider not worth attention. If the platting means more than a suburban town It has not yet been divulged. The Herdman case evidence that has held district court for four days , was all in Saturday night , and the judge with holds iiis decision in the case for future promulgation. This morning a short ses sion of the court wijl be held to hear a few motions , after which final adjourn ment for the term will be taken. The most serious question confronting the city of Lincoln at the present time is the wholly inadequate water supply , the water supply running so low that the mayor has issued n proclamation calling attention of citizens to the fact of the necessity of using no more than is absolutely neces sary. The way the city is growing at the present time the present source of supply will not bo adequate to one-half meet the demand in six months' time and a water famine is imminent at almost any time. Work on sewer construction is being pushed now nignt and day , nnsl in the eastern part of the citv the work was being crowded ahead"j'cstcrday. . The contractor has experienced great difli- culty in securing good permanent men to work , and every hour's time is being , . Easter Sunday was observed with special services at all the churches in the city , a number of them being handsomely decorated with lloral oll'erintrs , and the discourse of the. pastors being appro > t late to the day. 'I see a fitnr , Eve's lir-st born , in whoso tram" 2omo the dump twilight that bringeth pain. For achus of head , neuralgia , cut nnd bruise , Try Salvation Oil , those will you lost ) . "How can Mrs. Smith wear such n landsomc velvet coat ? " "My dear child , lon't vou know her husband saves doc tors' bills bv using Dr. Bull's ' Cough Syrup for the"children. . " HEAL ESTATE. Transfers Filed April 8 , 1H87. George B Lane and wife to David T Mount et al , 00x133 feet beiiiR Inlets lots Capitol add.wd 515,000 Cora H Slonian and husoand to Jonn Ledwlck et al , lot 3 and 10 blk 7. Kil- by place , wd 2,500 Alexander SIcUavockand wlfoto I'aul Getsclmm , lot 13 , Kivcrvlew , w d. . . . 1,500 Frank II Tanner etal to Win M Har ris et al , w i ) feet ol lot 1 and all of lot 2 blk 5 Heed's 3d add , w U 4,000 Gee U Ayres and wife to Victor 1' Alussleman , lots 1 , 2 , 3.4 , 5 , 0 , 7 , 8 , 'J , 10 , In Byron aild , w d 2,500 Eiasttis A Benson aud wife to John llobbs , lot 1 blk 9 , BrlsKS place , w d 1,000 Howard A Worley , trustee , to Sny- niotir i : Williamson , w 23 feet of o aJG feet at s w cor o Faiuam and 33d st 25x140 feet , w d M.500 JIary A Elliott et al to Soymmir E Williamson , lot 20 blk 9 , Slmll's 2nd add.wd BSOO , Marcus P Mason and wife to Seymour E WlWamsan , . lot 19 blk 4 , Kllby place , wd 1,200 A S 1'otter et nl to (5po U Smltli , lot 2-1 bile 3,1'ottci & Cobb's add to S O , wd 223 John J MnckeJou and wife to Kverett E Vex , lots BO , 27 , TutUe's subdiv , qc 1 Ossle Pearson to Frank A Ontens , lot clO blk 15 , Bedford place , w d 6uO Chsw F Lindqulst and wf to Mollie D Campbell , lot 4 blk A. Lowe's lat ad wd 2,000 Everett U Fox to John J Mackeclon.lot 27 Tattle's subdiv , w d 6.000 Jas A Gibson and wife to llenry S Ukue , lota 5 , 0,7 , 8 , Crescent park , wd 7,400 Chas L Van Came and wltc to Ellen Barrett , part ot 34,15,13 , w d 400 Month Omaha land Co to Mrs Anna Fay. lot 0 Oik 40 , S O. w d 550 SanuK Uogers and wife to Gco E Ber- trand , n % ot lot 4 blk 5. S E Rogers' add , wd 700 John P Simpklns to the public , plat of Golden , a subdiv of lot 3 , sec l'J-15 13 , dedication Cyrus D Kelley to C E Mayne , lots S , U , blk 3 , Belvldere , w d 900 Jos Cooper to Martin Quick , lot 0 blk 4.W. 15.131 20 In 45-1,2 in 455,12 In i'JJ , 10 In 470,1 In 480 , also 1 share In Spring place aud Stone Quarry res. , In Grand view , q c 50 Omatia & S W It U Co to Omaha & North riatte Hll Co commencing at a point on main line of said Co.'s H It near 10th st depot of K & M it II s w to union stock yards. 4K miles , wheru it connects with the Omaha tfc North I'latto U K , deed 370.000 John Saunders to Win JJarrier. w 3 feet of lot 3 blk 48 , Valley , w d. . . . 200 Fred'k U Blake to Gee G Squlics ct al , lot 7 blk 8 , Joromn park w d. 3,700 A U Incliram and wife to Alfred Fore man , lot 1 blk 4 , Leavenworth terr- racc , wd 1,600 Ezra F Itlngor et al to David P Lane. lots 5 and 0 blk 4 , Portland place , w l 1,000 South Omaha Land Co to Marc A U | > - ton.lotlJ and nX lot 11 , blk 87 , S Omaha. w < t 337.50 Jos M Swetnara to Bartholomew Lynch , lot 5 blk 4 , Hartford place , wd 800 Dennis H Andrews to Jas Neville , w MUof lot 3 blk im , wd 10,000 Albert T Kouyon to W AL QTbbon.sH of blk 5 , Cote Brilllante , wd 3,000 South Omaha Land Co to Jas M Swet- nam ct al , lot 7. blk 53.9 Omatia\v d , 710 South Omaha Land Co to Cecelia keeper , lot 5 blk 7'J , S Omaha , w d. . 225 Felix J McCarthy to MJScanlanet al , lot 3 , blk 20 , llan&com place add , wd l.COO A S Killings aud wife to Wilson O - BridKPS. w 8 ft ol lot 7 , and e 10 It of lotOblkiyfl , wd 5,100 A W A L Gibbon , trustee , ct al to tlio public plat of Lafayette J'aik , belli ) ; a subdivision ot blk 5 and lots 12. : i , 0 , 7 , 8 , 9 and 10 blk C. lots IS , 2. 8 , 4 nnd 5 blk 4 , lots 7. 8 , 0 and 10 blk 3 , Oote llrllliaute , dedication Alexander McGavock and wlfn to John Fogarty , lot 11 , Ulvervlew , wd J.600 diaries SliiRer and wife to Charles W Hayes , lot 8 blk 4 , Klrkwood add , wd. 1,200 Clara Kant man and husband to Ed- rlcK LKaton , west Ib5 feet of lot 0 , blk 3 , Konntzo& Ruth's add , wd. . . 18,000 Eliza Louis and husband to Marc A Uptons.4 lot 11 bli : SO.iJouth Ouia&a qc 1 Marc A Upton and wife to Eli/a LouK nH lot 11 Mk bO , South Omahn , n c. 1 Lew WHIILto llenry M Wler et al , lot 2 hi 1C 4 , Omaha View , wd 1,200 A S Totter et al to Willis Vau Valkenbunrh , lots IS and U > blk9. and lot 2 blk 4.1'otter & Cobb's 2nd add to South Omaha , wd 1,800 A S 1'otter et al to James LUott , lot S bk ! & 1'otti'r & Cobb'n 3nd add to South Omaha , wd 600 John 1 Kedlrk and wife to Lucy It Luce , s } ; of west 33 feet of lot 6 blk ISd , wd 8,200 A S Billings and wife to Willard Scott , ea t 24 feet of west 50 foot of lotCblk ! ' . , w d 5,100 James O'Connor , trustee , and St 1'hllonieuas Church to Jacob Market , est Ibfl feet south 175.00 feet west ISO feet north 174.17 feet beginning 54 feet east of Jf section corner ou west line of 22-15-13 , w d. . 10,740 Far better than the harsh treatment of medicines which horribly gnpo the pa tient and destroy the coating of the stem ach. Dr. J. II. McLean's ChilU and Fever Cure , by mild , yet effective action will cura. Sold at 50 cents A bottle. SPIRITUAL SPECIALITIES. "Knookings" That Commenced in Hydes- ville , N , Y. , Forty Years Ago , SINGULAR TABLE STRIKINGS. Tlic Fox Misters Their Rochester Knocking * Vlilt to Cincinnati Tlio Imtu Convention Won derful Psychometric I'ower. Cincinnati Commercial Gazette : Early in 1813 the family of John U. Fox , at Hydesvlllo , a small village in Wayne county , N. Y. , was disturbed by myster ious rapplngs , wkich were heard mostly in one of the bedrooms. Efforts to trace the noises to a tangible causn were fruit less , but after discovering that the strange presence could converse by answering to the call of the alphabet , the members of the Fox family were startled by its de claration that they were talking with a spirit. The announcement of this fact pro duced great excitement at llydojvillo , nnd the neighbors flocked to the residence of Mr. Fox to investigate for themselves. The wonderful presence continued to manifest itself by raps and wns persis tent in the declaration of its spiritual na ture and occult powers. It was at length ascertained that the raps came only when the two younger daughters of the family , Catharine and Morgaretta , were present , nnd then the fame of the "Fox girls" spread faa and wide , because they had "a familiar spirit. " Soon after these occurrences the Fox familv removed to Rochester. N. Y. , in which city the mvsttrious manifestations continued to accompany them , and they were soon known everywhere as tlio "Rochester Kuockings. " It was hero discovered by rappinz out the letters of the alphabet 'that different spirits were apparently usiiig this channel of commu nication , and that almost anyone , on coming into tlio presence of the two girls , could get a message from what purported to be the spirits ol departed irictuls , the same often being accom panied by tests whicli satisfied the inter rogator of the spirits identity. in a few months a new phase of the presence was observed in the Movement of tables and other ponderable bodies , but still only while these young girls were in the loom. Such manifestations , all the time growing more and more re- markablo. attracted numerous visitors from fur distances , and the phenomenon crc long began to probagato itself , and to be witnessed in other families at Rochester and elsewhere , while , as coin ciilcnt circumstances , susceptible per sons would sometimes fall into apparent trances , become clairvoyant , and re- allirn these raps and physical move ments to bo the production of spirits. The public meeting ; held at Corinthian hail , at Rochester , in November , 1841) ) , was called at the request of the alleged spirits , for the purpose of submitting these phenomena to the investigation of a committee to bo selected by the audi ence , with a view to the publication of a report concerning their nature and chums , whatever the decision resuocting these might be. The phenomena were freely manifested through the Fox sisters , and were submitted to many tests , and tlio committee , after having continued their investigation for several days , re ported that they were unable to trace them to any earthly source. Upon the announcement of this conclusion the ex citement throughout the country was in tense , and everywhere the men marveled greatly at that which was very generally regarded as a new revelation. In May. l&oO , the Fox sisters visited New York city , nnd then these peculiar manifestations through their mcdiumship became the subject of extensive news paper discussion , and it was in the speech of Americans everywhere. The facts were published far and wide in many tongues. Mediums through whom similar manifestations were said to occur sprang up in different parts of the coun try , and were soon multiplied by hun dreds and since that date spiritualism has been a prominent theme of public discus sion by popular writers and thinking men and women. The manifestations in New York were sometimes accompan ied by phosphorescent lights and noises liko.electrical explosions , and as all the particulars were given in the newspapers from day to day , excitement of the people ple increased daily and reached fever heat. . In 185Uthese weird sisters , as they were then thought to be , visited Cincinnati and held a number of seances at the Bur- net lioubc , A gentleman who was prcs- nt some of these gives us some interest ing particulars. Besides himself there wore nine in the circle , and ho enumer ates them as follows : Benjamin Urner. Mr. and Mrs. Chirk Williams , James ana Samuel Goodwin , the two mediums , their mother , and a gentleman with whom ho was acquainted. The names mentioned are sullicicntly familiar to old citizens. The rappings instantly began and Mr. Urner said to our informant : "Now ask if there arc any spirits prcs- that will communicate with you. " Such a question ia always a poser to the neophyte. It appears to him that he 14 merely interrogating the empty air , and that the reply can Tie nothing more than the echo of his own voice , and ho hesitates. Our friend hesitated , but fin ally nerved himself to the occasion and repeated the question as suggested. The number and variety of raps which in stantly followed were a surprise to him. llu was greatly cmbarasscd , and Miss Margaret i-ox , observing this , told him to write his questions , or , if he could concentrate his mind sullicicntly , to ask them mentally. Ho chose the latter method and Inquired : "Is the spirit of my mother present ? " Answer , "Yes. " "Is the spirit of my daughter Eliza pres ent. " Answered affirmatively. He asked his mother several common place questions , which were answered correctly , and then : "Mother what was the ago of my daughter Eliza when sLo died ? " The rapuings immediately became regular. The lacontour did not know they wore to bo counted , but the others counted them. "Twenty-two ? What was your ques tion ? " they asked. Ho said he had asked the ago of his daughter at her death. "Well , " asked ono of the company , "was twenty-two right ? " Ho said it wns , for she was within a month of that age when she died. But , like all anxious inquirers , he wanted still another test. "Mother , what was your ago when you died ? " ho asked. Distinctly and unequivocally ninety- seven raps were given , which was the correct answer. lie asked several additional questions , all of which he said were answered as only his mother could have answered them. From the very beginning of the inter rogations ho felt something striking his knee , like a ball of wool. This ho thought very queer , and determined to say nothing about it Ho several times peeped under the table to see if it could bo some person doinir it , and continued to foci the soft blows from something wholly invisible to mortal ken. They numbered about sixty per minute. 'There were raps on the table which he did not understand , and ono of the me dium * announced'that thp alphabet WM called for. Through Its aid this question ; was asked : ' "Why don't you tell ? " "Tcli what ? " Inquired one of the circle. "Tho knocking oa your knee , " was spelled out. Our good friend wits astounded. Someone ono asked him : "Did you feel knocklngon your knee ? " "Yes , " ho replied : ' but I intended you should know nothing of it. " "Which knee ? " was asked. The alphabet answered , "Tho right knee. " ' Ho attended another circle a few evenings following that upon which these incidents occurred , and not only received correct answers to every ques tion he propounded , but his chair while occupied by him was shoved about the room , backward nnd forward , moro than a dozen times , without the visible touch of any power ! Such was the experience of the gentle man who , upon visiting this first circle , had determined to erect from his own ignorance a throne of judgment upon which to condemn these manifestations , but instead of this ho found his skepti cism suddenly cured. We do not Rive the incident tor its intrinsic merit , for it is but ono of the hundreds of thousands of the same kind , but its value consists in its early date nnd connection with those original expositors of a doctrine whoso natal day is now being celebrated in most of the largo cities of the United States. It is natural for the average reader to say that he docs not admire the assur ance of any one who expects him to believe - lievo in the occurrence as above related , and it is proper to reply that he is not expected to believe in them till evidence of their truth is presented personally to him from the original source. Then be lief will not bo necessary , for ho will know. Xeno declared the existence of a criterion to establish the truthfulness of man's knowledge , and the spiritualist proves to himself the soundness of Zeno's position. But he cannot prove it to his neighbor. The manifestations of spirit presence must conic to every one direct. Through an intermediate mortal they are of no force or value. Whatever the actual foundation of spiritualism may be , It has undeniably increased in &trcngth from year to year from its beginning , and in plt'.co of the wild-eyed , unkempt and generally dis trait disciple of its earlydays , we now find among its believers many alert busi ness men and lirst class citizens. They scout the term "believer"andinsist that they walk by sight , without the least re gard to faith. The best of them admit that many impositions have been prac ticed under the name of spiritual mani festations , but state that in the majority of cases fraud could not have been palmed off even if designed , and that in other cases there could be no possible motive for deception , as the investiga tions were carried on in private families , with their own sons and daughters for mediums. \VondcrfuliWork. ti A special dispatch to the St. Louis Globe-Democrat dated March 28 , status : At the spiritualist convention of the south , at its session this afternoon , the lion. A. C. Ladd. of Georgia spoke. Ho is denominated a normal speaker , that is , one that speaks not in a trance state. He spoke on ancient and modern spirit ualism and the effect upon the human race. He hold that 'spiritualism ' was established as true by more perfect tests than even the Christian religion. It af forded tlio only absolute evidence of the immortality of the soul , whereas specula tive theology was founded on hearsay evidence only. No evidence of a future existence of the soul can bo greater than that of the return to us of our friends after death. Mrs. Edith E. R. Nicklcss of Chicago , through the little Indian girl control , Lit tle Sunflower , gave some tests in a trance stato. She talked in broken English , as it is supposed an Indian would talk , and pointed out persons in tlio audience and made observations about them. To a man iiway back in the audience , she said : "You are in the midst of troubles and you think there is no way out of them. " "That's so , " responded the man. "But there is , " responded the medium. The gentleman said this was the first time he had ever seen the medium , nnd that ho was not a spiritualist. A lady was called up and told that a spirit friend ob jected to her wearing black clothes now , just as much as she had objected to it while living. The lady said that she once had just such a friend , who was now dead. Sl'IHITUALISTIC EDUCATION ADVOCATED In the evening Mr. George Colby spoke on the theme' liWhat lack wo yet ? " He assumed that spiritualism has robbed death of its1 terror and the grave of its gloom , and had brought the sunlight ol hope into the lives of millions , but that millions to whom it had made this revela tion had not yet become spiritualists because - cause they tailed to comprehend the philosophy of it. Ho advocated the education of children in spiritualism tlia they may escape becoming a prey o bigotry or blank infidelity. On this point he expatiated at some length. Mrs. Isa Wilson Porter , of Chicago , the daughter of E. B. Wilson , deceased , of Cincinnati , gave a series of psycho metric readings. . . Her method was to road the history of several lives by hold ing In her hand some familiar object o their property , such as a handkerchief a bunch of keys or a ring. These read ings wont into details of personal his tory , and were in every instance pro nounccd correct. To a lady whom she heard walking in the hall a few yards she said , talking rapidiv : "You are very positive , and you rule your own household , and I urn glad you do. A short time ago you gave certain parties to understand' just what yoi thought of them , and you did perfectly right. You ought to have begun ot them six months sooner than you did The 17th of last December was a critica time in your history. The answer 'Yes conies to the question you are now ask ing. Two months ago you closed a door that you ought to have loft open. " COKUKCTNKS3 OF THE' STATEMENT The lady in question said she had no closed a door that she should have lef open. The medium amswerpd that thi expression was used metaphorically , and the incident was not in her own home but in ouo in which she was as deeply in tcrested. The lady assented to tlio cor rcctness of the statement 'throughout. ' Her last test was experimental. It was standing blindfolded 'while some ono walked in a natural manner down the aisle , after which she was to describe the person. She stood blindfolded , with her back to the audience. < > n a brilliantly lighted stage. Mr. L. MrBartlett of com mercial college note , of Cincinnati walked UP and down life aislo. After ho had returned to his seat she said : "You are a man that holds ticht your purse strings. You are' more liberal to others than you are to those of your own family. You will go a mile out of your way to help a needy one and never le anybody know what you have done. You are satisfied with yourself , and don't care a bit what others nay about you. WONUEKFDL rSYCHOMETIHC POWEK. "Three times in your life you have been better financially , and you are more careful now. You hare been over whelmed in waves of sorrow , and the waves of an angry stream bereaved you of your two boys. I see the figures , Juno 7 , 1879 , and tbo figures 14 and 10. Tha data was an eventful and sorrowful ono In your life. 1 see sanctity symbolized by a loaf oat In three parts.1' This las symbol she did not explain. Mr. Bartlett arose and Mid that every word was true. Thofaotfc that two o Mr. Bartlett's sons were drowned on June 7,1879. Dr. Nicholas then addressed tbo meet ng and said ho wanted them to flub- crlbo to the stock in the .spiritualist iropcrty on Lookout Mountain. Ho said hey proposed to build a college there , \nu they must consider that matter in bis convention. The enterprise of in- estment there was n profitable ono and ull of promise , and it was worth foster * ng. The meetings are held in Greenwood tall , which was brilliantly lighted. The stage Is Hooded with light , and tlio mo- Hum stands about the middle of it. Tha attendance has been good. About six uindrcd people were present to-night , xml their attention was perfect from irst to last. MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared with rtriet regard to Purity , Strength , ani lleahhf ulnesa. Or. Price's Diking Powder contains co AmmoniaLtoe.Altiin or Phosphite * . Dr.Prlca'a xteacu > , VaolU * ! l/naoo , etc. , flivoc rMtfit"nrfr BALL'S ' CORSETS BONED WITH KABO. The ONIjY COIISET made that run be returned br IW purchaser after TlillEE W.EKH.1 * WEAK If not found PERFECTLY SATISFACTORY In every respect , and Its price refunded by seller. Made In a variety of tles and prices. Sold bjr nrst- rlaes dealers everywhere , llotrnro of worthless Init iations. None Rcnulnowlthout Ball'scamo on box. CHICAGO CORSET CO. , 02 FRANKLIN STREET , CHICAGO. 4OS Broadway , New York. Embody the Mgnett < ties in * lni ] > tUnrf , comfort and durability tuid are the reigning favorite * In / * i/itonabf < * circles. Ournameis I J. AT.COUSI N3 , eiery sole. ) NEWYORK. THE WIRE GAUZE OVEN DC03 is THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT ON TH It produces Practical Eeinlts in Baking and Boat tin ? never before attained in any Cooking Apparatus , and will MtttiaiiiawftesiBlMrthflii of Cooling ITS Is , that all Food Bakrd or d.thouM h * In fresh air fnelr admitted to the oven. TLIelsdona nbstlutlnclor It B door containing a sheet ol Win Oauce neaHr as large as the door tuslf. Throntrb this Qauza Door the air freely Circulate * , facilitating Uw process of cooking , anil nrodoelaz too * that is unequalled In fls or and no- trltlon.and actually cooked with i consumption of f ael than in an ovsn with & closed door. It makes an enormous taring in the wel ht of meat. Xtalao produce * ) Iar rIx > Te8 of Bread , reaalne leu attention trom the cook , aad promotes this health of the family br Uu ICfaUUOtt QOaUlZ OV 2UB OOD OOOKED M IT. OPINION OF AN EXPERT. Maa-AUnT 11. WELCH , Toarhsr DomeiUe Koonamy. Iowa State Unlrcrsltr. tars : "My deliberate Judgineat is that the orn ot the Kange , as oompanid with othsn. is not only more eqaillr heated In everr rart-lrpnt as well as rear-batasareraltof f Is sar-srlor Tentilttloa IEHO FOR lUUjmnO CIRCULARS AMD PUCE IIST EXCELSIOR HAKF'C CO. . ST. LOUIS. CHABTEK OAK STOVES and EAKGKS are SOLD IN KEBB&8KA as follows : MILTON ROGERS 8 : SONS . OMAHA. P. KBNNEY. . . GORDON. DALLAS & LKTSON , . HASTINGS. K. C. BREWER , . HAY SI-FINOS. H. AtRD & CO . NEBRASKA CITV. W. F. TKMPLETON. . NELSOK. I. n. STURDEVANT &SON . ATKINWW. 1.KASS& CO. , . CHAUBOM. KRAUSE , LUBKER & WELCH , . . . .COIUMBUS. OLDS BROS . , . EDBAL. TANNELL& SWEENEY , . FAISBUVV. GETTLEA FACER . FKANKLIM. N.J.JOHNSON . NORTH CKND. I. J. McCAFrERTY , . O'Niuu. CJT . R. HAZLEWOOD , . OSCEOLA. I. S. DUKE . PLATTSMOUTH. A , PEARSON , . STEKUKC. 1 G. GREEN . STKOHSTOKC. 1. A. PADDEN & SON. . St'ruKIOR TIMMEKMAN & FRAKER . VLUDOW "PENNYROYAL PILLS "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " tionulae. B h aai alwaTl BtUtblt B vu a weHklMM Inluliool. ledliponiabte u LADIES. Asa jo l > ru al t tor "CaWkMler * . ( U > sol U a. * ta < r , w liilo.i It. ( Unix ) U * > ' l rUcs' ' f M MUr kr retara mall. NAME PAPER. ' Ul"la * Ver Caw-WU O. . . 5fIy | Uill. . < i arel' Uail fteU br DruoUt' eTtrrvket * . ilk fw 'f as a KasjUaV t aui roral FUU. T.M WEAK , UNDEVELOPED .PARTS oftustoilr emarieilandttitnithtotd. Yull particulars tent ( sealed ) ( re * . EB1B MEDICAL CO. . llnSalo , ti. T. Notice. fTlHE Norjolk Street railway will recoiropro J. posals for the Iminodluo construction and oqulpmunt of eire and one half mlloi of stro-j railway lu the cttjr of Norfolk. Nebraska 1'ro posala received at the office of the aecret ry o company al Norfolk , Nebraika , until the 2Mb dar of April , IB8T. H. C. HROMR , apr'tois _ becrctarr. ' ' ' ' i . . p \ Carbolic Smoke Ball Cures sclentiilrallit.spcctlilii ami permanently Catarrh , Asthma. Jlroii- cliiul and Throat jtfj'cclont ( > , llctnlavhc , t'i'oun , ColtlLnng Diseases , etc. OM UIA , . , MRr. ,6,188T. Carbolic Smokp Unll 00. Gentlemen 1 tnko pleasure IA rocoimnomllnir your remedy , UIP Carbolic Smoke lull , for I tlolloUl It lia * SAVED MV LtV . Ilmvuhecn Iroubloil for year * with wnut v tu consldrml to b nil lucurnblo citfc of eatarrh. Ilnvp t'cen under trcnlment ot Pdvernl mill known plijtlclKBn or Oiuuhii , but coulJ rccolve no l > oii llt from tlioin. Mr conJI- tlon continued to crow worse , until nt last tlio disease began to KAT Tintornu TUG NKM- l.n.VNEOCTIIE XO1K AMU MOUTrt milking tlio breath very offcn * 11 % o nn < l causing novoral t > l oM of dioayoil bono to come from my mouth. I luul clrcn up all hope * of over roooivhiB B euro , lint dcohltxl to try 3 our rempdf ' for n tolluf. 1 not only received rollof hut nmlmpprtottntotuat 'i. I am almost entlrrly otircO. I Imvi ) bocu ushiK the rumekjr tor about two mouths : my general . lull.'i. urn satl < niHl thn Sraoko ball will untlruly euro mo. \ cry rosii'y , .Miii. c. A. NMTMAN , llo . Cor. 27th S Ciimlng gt NOlT. TliklRdy URS many frlenils In Omntin who will testify to her condition before usiugtlio Smoke lull. To all callers at-our office parlors from 9 n. in. to 8 p. tn. One "Smoke Ball , " lasting from one to three months , generallv sufficient. Price | 2. Our "Debellator" package , unequalled as a blood purifier , -which should be used in Catarrh -when there is a diopping of imicuous matter in the throat , or stomach disor ders , aud in all case * of Asthma or Hay Fever. Price $1. Unequalled as a cleanser of the system. MAIL ORDERS receive careful and prompt at'cntlon. ' State clt- t case and 53 mptoms in writing. Smoke Halls scut on receipt of price , $2 , and 4 cents in . "Debellator" . stamps. packages , fl. CARBOLIC SMOKE BALL CO , , liooin 11 , CrcigMon ItlocH , J,7ft. / . , Kcxt to 1'ostofllce , Omaha , Neb. JVof for sale & / tlrnggistit , cwiuvis.scr.s or peddlers. Lawrence Ostrom & Co. FAMOUS "BELLE OF BODRBON. " la Death to Consumption , Malaria , Sleeplessness , Chills and Fevers Or Insomnia , anil Typhoid Fever , Dissimulation , Indigestion , Ot Food , Dyspepsia , Ten Years Old , Surgical Fevers No Fusel Oil , Blood Absolutely Para , The GREAT APPETIZER This will certify that I hare examined the Belle of Bourbon Whisky , received from Lawrence Ostrum & Co. , and found the lame to be perfectly tree from Fusel Oil and other deleterious substances and strictly pure I cheerfully recommend the tame for Family use and Medicinal purposes. J. P. BARNUM , M. D. , Analytical Chemist , Louisville , Ky. For sale by drugKists , wine merchants and grocers everywhere. Price $1.25 per bottla If not fpund at the above , half-dor , bottles in plain boxes will be sent to vny address in the United States on the receipt of six dollars. Express paid to all places east of Missouri River , LAWRENCE OSTROM & Co. Louisville , Ky Wholesale and Distributing Agents. RICITARDSO1T DRUG CO. , and \ JtlLEY t DILLON , Wholesale Liquor Dealer * , f Omaha. Families supplied by GLADS1ON& BROS. tCCO. , Omaha. a. T. CLARK DllUO CO. , Great Auction Sale A At Oriental Parlor . * , I 1618 Capitol AvemieS Which we will open Tuesday , April 12th , for exhibition , and s ll at auction , Wednesday , April 13111-at 11 o'clock a. : n. , and continue the fairs daily , morning , afternoon and evening until the stock is closed. This is really the finest selection of genuine Tuikish Daghistan , Circassian , Shirvan , Buckliard , Kourdistan , Anatolian , and Persian Rugs , Carpets , Porlier- , Hangings , Embroideries , etc. , all of which was imported by Sahag Courian , direct from Turkey. This will be a fine chance for lov- eis of art to obtain these goods at their own price , as the stock will be sold without reserve to the biggest bidder. D. S , M , FRETWELL , Auctioneer The G. . Mayne Real Estate and Trust Co. N. W. OOB. ISth AND HABNEY , OMAHA. Property ut trory deicrlptlon for ale m all parta of th city. Ivinds ( or sale in very county in Nebraska. A COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACTS O/Titles of Doiiglaa county kept. Mips of the city state or county , or ant oth o iaformation tieairca furnished tree of charge upon application. WoodbridgeBrothers STATE AGENTS KOK THE Decker Brothers OMAlIA. NEBRASKA. rnrr I'm I NCRVITA , IP- ? ' > LULL lUIKI in 'Mi r ? cui i , IfilAI NtrT.u. rnrr . I IlinUI urji/y , , , . ! . A. B. OM * CO. . No. l t W..k' . | . t 111 1.00 per Vailtrc * hUJorei.o . 1887 Spring Valley Stock Farm 1&87 & , OMAHA. Wfia George Wilkei 519. Record 2:23. : Mcksurea tiy 2.30 , Ilio 2:25 : and tlm2'll : sUml art ; wastbe irrentcst that ever llrotl. nann ? now & 5 on und daughters In the -31 list < own to ZiUi * . The onlr > n ot Oeonre Wllkes In the State of Ncliraawn. 3641 Block Wilkes 3541 Standard , Sircxl by George Wilkea cia ; 1st darn Fanur tlell , ilreu by Confederate Cblof , own broil-nr to VVoodford Chluf.:2ii4 : : 2nd dnu > IlytdyVi Jlamblctonlan. Will stand for mar PS HI tb kbovofarm at KB tlieenasoa , cash lime of nor ? vice , with | irlvllr of rolum ehnultl m rci prove In foci. Limited to 20 mare * besides ray own. Reason commenrr- * roll 1st and ends Anguit UM&SV For further j > rloulur W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. $2.50 SHOE fcifiiHH the f-1 , Mi'i n htJter. tif.ort by oluer ttrraa. O" $2 STJOR FOIl IIOVS HTM rreat Mtlnfuctlon All IhCkUivuin m l.t lu liullou. CnnKiwa and \Mn * . YJ'S'Jf',1of ' tof , S M liy-J.lKiO-dralrre thoiwtumt Ilio U. R If TOUT do ikj i\nn \ not li jn tlim. n tirt naro on portal to W. L , . IHMXiL.Vs. til ocklon , MUKK. BEWARE OF FRAUD.d fe'Tat' ° . ,5. nn cnimlouriealnrs ] are ufttrlm ; otlKT Roods aa mlno.Miiil wli < n Mlciol liv inrMsiiip Is not on Inn Khor > < . KUtn ( but 1 liitvn cliwonllmuil Its UMI. Til IS 18 J'Af.SK. Taku nnnn rr | > rca nliil to IM tha "Vf.L. IKmtflAi Shixt. " imliM iiuniu , irurruntra nnn price nro xlHinnnl on Imltnm of each alum. W.I JM > Uif.AS. llroLktou , MM. For sale by Kelley , Stlper & Co. , cor. Dodffo and l-itli-ats. ; Henry Sargent , cor. riowanl and Saitiulev * ts. w : > rNi.ii4TiT vriiKNu.rir- glttK T Ityillr.uitl.r'.uiU , ' ' , ' ' - * . * . . sU er viai VMS ! ' a , Mrtt , , : " , ' f flhtn pu T7i ljhF ; ii ) n > vicrouillrr tili J C rr.i.i V- ritlo.UM'T r earfn Ofttlt it InpronnMOtsort r s'l otKtr btlli. n rciitlurtdlo I'lrMpmctki. tr IM rireptUKt. IUBID Tba&indMEUctriaCa. ie9U8 llcil > C ! ea < ul