Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1887, Image 1

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Friends Present the Irish Leader's ' Biido
With a Magnificent Gift ,
Tlie Presentation Speeches Fccllntily
Hcpllna to l > y tlio ItcclplontH
1'nsnlon Week Observances In
Vienna Oihcr Foreign News.
Kantcr Tlnin.
( Copiirttiht 1"7 ty James Gordon llcnnttt. ]
DUIILIN , April 10. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to the BIK. : ] Thn events ol
the week here Imvo been the presentation ot
magnificent wedding gifts tu Mrs. Mlcliicl
Davltt. Her husband on this Easter day
must , by contrast , recall tlio several dismal
Ka'ster day.s ho spent between prison walls ,
as described In his published recollections.
Few American tourists visit this city without
making excursions by railway or by tlio turn
pike road that skirts the const southward to
the Bray. During their short Journey , and
about nine miles soutncist from Dublin , they
would pass the villa residences ot the su
burban liallybock. liallyLiook looks out upon
Klllarney bay , and to the south of this , a
panorama of beauty , the Slianganagh valley ,
which Is crowned by the Sugar Loaf moun
tain and Brayhead. Among residences
was a snuggery , appropprlately named Eden
Hill cottage. Quietly and unostentatiously
a committee Mlchrcl of Davitt's friends col
lectcd funds to buy that property , not for the
father of the land Icairuo , whoso dellcy as to
gifts is well known , but as a weddlncpresent
for his bride. The committee tastefully fur
nished Eilon Hill cottage from roof to collar.
They relald thn lawn with turf and sham
rock ; they studded the terrace with bulbs and
flowering plants "for bridal blossoms , " Bald
James Urchin , of Cablnetorly , a prominent
coinmlttccman. The kitchen garden was not
neglected , nor were the small fruits and the
miniature hot-house. In Mrs. Davitt's bor
dolrthuy placed an American piano ; In her
husband's library tlio crayon picture which
Boston had sent and of which Dully was the
artist , as ho was of General Collins' portrait
that hangs In the National league headquarters -
tors in UpporO'Connoll street. Allot this
havlngbccn perfected , the-commltteo escorted
the happy couple to this their new home.
Mrs. Davitt's delight was evident as the car
riage was driven out of the roadway Into i
branching avenue lined with trees , Hanked
by shrubbery , and past the garden wall , cov
ered with red blossoming vines. The sub
scribing ladles and gentlemen , somewhat In
the fashion of an American surprise party
wore awaiting their hostess and host In the
cozy drawing-room. .Mr. Michael MacEnorny
a barrister , holding the title deeds In his
hand , nt once made the presentation speech
Then Miss Kate O'llellly , blushing will :
eagerness , handed an Illuminated address
referring to the piano , and finally Dr. Duffy
on behalf of Bostonian friends , uncovered
the picture after a few oplgramatlc sen'
tences. This concluded , Mrs. Davitt , holding
her husband's hand , responded.
Mr. MacKnery , barrister , when delivering
the title deeds , said : "We feel assured thai
Mr. Davltt has told you that ever nearest and
dearest to the Irish heart la the thought ol
homo. Around it our hopes , fears and at
fectlons are entwined as Inseparably as the
evergreen Ivy which you have seen , after a
lapse of couturlos of storm and change clings
BO closely to the old castles and round towers
of this land. As there is no man living who
has done so much as he to save the homos ot
our poor people from destruction , wo believe
you will recognize In the form of the gift
offer you tlio spirit which prompts us when
wo take the liberty ot presenting you with a
cottage homo In harmony with his simple
tastes and situated In a locality endeared to
him by many tender associations of friend
ship and by the recollection of his fruitful
labors on behalf of the cabin homes of Ire
land. "
The womanly address accompanying the
piano included these sentences : "knowing
your husband's deep and tender love for
music , and having heard with delight ot your
eminent accomplishments In that art , we
think the most appropriate gift is this Ameri
can cottage piano. You may have been told
that the daughters of Erlu are bright exam
ples ot all womanly duties. Wo beg to assure
you that wo regard as foremost our duty to
our beloved country. The mystic spell of
this devoted land makes all who come to
dwell among us more Irish than the Irish
themselves , and wo fool assured in you this
historic saying will receive a new aud illus
trious proof. As the wife of Michael Davltt ,
as a daughter of the h me of freedom , it will
bo pre-eminently your duty , as we believe
your pleasure , by your gentle persuasiveness ,
under his loving guidance , to lead us in
moulding the manhood of Ireland to the glori
ous form of freedom known In America. "
Dr , Duffy remarked : "I know that to the
wish and prayers expressed hero to-night for
your future happiness and that ot your dis
tinguished husband , I can add those ot the
Irish race In America , aud especially your
hosts of friends In lioston. "
juts. JJAVITT'B iinri.Y.
Mrs. Davltt modestly , but with graceful
.eclat and self-possession , responded. She
wore an Irish poplin dress , trimmed with
Irish lace , and all who saw Amolrca
can well imagine how proud and happy she
looked. In the course of her very heartfelt
remarks she observed : "I wish 1 were
gifted with the power of expressing In words
all which my heart is throbbing to utter this
moment. Valuable RS Is the unique and
splendid present which you give mo , It does
not call forth the same extent of gratltuo as
does the silent manner In which the testimonial
menial Itself has been prepared , or the
true spirit ot hospitality In which
it has been presented. In this respect your
too generous gilt is In keeping with the nets
of the warm , generous welcome I have ex
perienced at the hands of the people of Ire
land since my arrival la the land which I
have longed to make my homo from the time
I tirst learned to lorn It as the birthplace of
my parents. I know quite well , In present
ing me with this lovely cottage home , which
you have furnished with every luxury and
embellished with such admirable taste , you
liad In the end the future comfort of my dear
husband. Your motives In thus considering
his future welfare are In keeping mlth my
highest ambition , which is to make that fu
ture , as far as 1 possibly cau , a contrast with
the trials aud sutTcrlnga which have sur
rounded his life In the past"
Turning to the ladles , and referring to their
Sift , she continued : "There Is no work which
you could wish me to do for the freedom of
Ireland , no sacrlllco which woman could bo
expected to make , that I would not cheerfully
tender to see an end put to the tyranny oxer-
cited by the English rule In this country , and
to win for the Irish people a government as
free as that which the exiled portion of our
race enjoy in tar own native land. "
Next , In expressing her thanks for the pic
ture , she asked Dr. Duffy to "convey to these
Wuo b v sent to ru UiU magnificent per
trait from Boston my slncorcst thanks for so
acceptable a present , which I think the most
perfect likeness 1 have seen. " In conclusion
Mrs. Davltt most aptly added : " 1 do not
think 1 shall bo acting contrary to your
wishes , or these of my numerous friends who
co-operated In this expensive work , If I pro
pose to change the name ot Eden Hill to that
of Land League Cottage. "
This was greeted with the heartiest chorus
of ' ' . "
'Aye , aye.
Every one now regarded Davltt , who then
got up. As he did so there w.\s only one
thing lacking to make these Incidents and
the tableaux entirely dramatic thn picsenco
In the background of the judge who sen
tenced him and of the barbarous wardens
who superintended his Imprisonment , so
that they might observe and point as a lesson
from the passing scene whether coercion
could do what Halfour claims it can toward
extinguishing Irish patriotism. Davltt stood
quietly a moment , and then almost sobbed
out the few words that some day will become
as memorable as many now quoted from
Emmet and Flt/.ircrald : " 1 cannot odd
anything to what my wife has al
ready spoken. These splendid testimonials
are a too gouerous recognition of these
humble services of mine In Ireland's btnurele
arc so many moro nroofs added to these
over and over iriven of the exaggerated call-
mate which the Irish people have been pleased
to form of my part In tlio national movement.
I only hope that In the homo which has beun
provided for me and mine , aud so lavishly
adorned by my many kind friends , both In
Ireland and in America , I may gather new
strength , the better tu continue my share of
lie fight for achieving the social and political
cdemptlon of our fatherland. "
Then followed a momentary silence , which
was more eloquent in Ita elTects than the
ihoprs , embraces and handshaking which
Vienna Entirely Absorbed in Observ
ing Passion Week.
ICnpi/rfoM l > u James Cordon flenncit. !
VIKNNA , April 10lNework Huiald
! able Special to the UHK.J Politics and
ilcastiro have been much neglected here
luring 1'asslon week. The Viennese take
.heir religion as they take their music In
arnest and for the moment Katilhars sei'tns
o be forgotten. All the week the churches
ivero crowded. Thousands have thronged
ho cathedral of St. Stephen , the Church of
, ho Minorities , St. Peter's church , and the
other fashionable places of worship. The
grim gothlc Christs and virgins , wtilch adorn
he outer walls of the cathedral , were crowned
ivlth tawdry wreaths. Some had paper roses
hrust between their cold , stone lingers. In
side the cathedral there has been a constant
patter of feet and a hum ot prayerful voices.
To-morrow the \\olner kinder will make
amends for their piety in countless cafes and
beer halls. On Maunday Thursday , agree
able to ancient custom and } remembrance
of tlio last .supper , the emperor went throug
ho form of washing the feet ot
.welvo deserving old men In one of the hall
of the imperial palace. Tlio ages of the vet
erans on this occasion aggregated 1074 years ,
Four were none enarlans. The old men
clothed In the traditional costume and bare
footed , were seated on a line of benches.
The emperor passed before them , escorted
by a suit of his household dignitaries , and
poured a little water from a silver pitcher on
each outstretched foot. He dried it afterward
with a towel. Every veteran was then pre
sented with a small bag of money and some
food. Usually the empress completes the cer
emony by washing the feet of the twelve de
serving aged women , but this year the func
tion tud to be omitted , as her majesty Is away
on one of her eccentric pleasure trips. Th
old ladles got their bounties all the same and
were perhaps spared some twinges oithoihcu- ;
The opening of a new link of the strategl
railway system of Austria-Poland has been
made a pretext for a small autl-Itussian man-
fostatlon by several leading Austrian papers
One or two pointedly hint that the new lin
Is not only available for defensive purposes
but may also be useful offensively , shoul
circumstances ever compel the dual mon
archy to Invade Russia. As matters grad
ually quiet down in liulgarla , complications
thicken In Vienna. In the political elides
of Vienna It Is taken for granted that the
next great news will como from Herat. If
war In Bulgaria is avoided fnw politicians
doubt there will bo war In Afghanistan.
Tno miserable end of Dr. Margensteln , the
so-called Talmud Hussar , who thing himself
into the canal the other day , has removed
one of the most active agents ot the antl-
sometlc movements , which made new baitIng -
Ing Pastor Stoecker so unonvlably notorious.
Itellglous persecution docs not seem to profit
the persecutor much more hi German-speak-
in' : countries tlmn In France. The chief
leaders of the French antl-monahtlc crusade
are dead , disgraced or exiled. Of the German
heroes who had hoped to annihilate Judlaism
in Europe , Stoockcr is discredited , Dr. Bre-
nian and Dr. Totklnson have been sent to
jail , and Dr. Margousteln has committed sui
The latest theatrical novelty In Vienna Is a
screaming farce , in four nets , by Karl Laufs ,
entitled "Ein Teller Elnfall , " which had
made a decided hit at the Carl theater. The
plot , as the title suggests , Is of tlio maddest
and merriest description. It hinges on the
misdeeds of a hard-up medical student , who ,
being temporarily entrusted with the charges
of his uncle's apartment , hits upon the In
genious Idea of lettln ; It out In beds to
lodgers. 1'ho complications which result before -
fore tlio play Is wound up by pater families ,
with a jealous wife and a hankering alter a
pretty woman , might almost have been writ
ten expressly for Lewis. The untimely 10-
turn of the uncle Is extremely amusing , but
would take too lone In telling. The farce is
like Augustln Daly's ,
Ihe little Hungarian town of Funfklrschen
has just been the scene of a dreadful tragedy.
A married woman named Katherlno Kowach
and her lover , an employe of the ministry ot
linanco , were found dead In their bedroom
the other morning. On inquiry It was ascer
tained that the unhappy Katherlne , driven to
distraction by the discovery that her para
mour had grown tired of her and was medi
tating leaving her , had enticed him to her
lodgings and shot him dead In bed while he
slept. She had the presence of mind after
the murder to lay lib body out , then she lay
down on the sofa , loaded the pistol and shot
Vienna Is very empty at present. Business
seems stagnant. As a shopman recently re
marked to me , "there Is very Httlo money
flying about here. " Gold Is scarce and silver
is scarce. Even paper Is a rarity.
A Mlsstatciucnt Corrected.
[ Copj/rfuM ISS7 t > iJcimci Gonloif Ucnnclt.
LONDON , April It [ New York Herald
Cable Soeclal to the BEE. | One of the
great books of the day Is the autobiography
of Count Von Beust , edited by Baron Henry
DeWorms , who Is a member of parliament
aud a member of the Salisbury ministry ,
which was published yesterday. The boo ) :
may be said to set forth the late count as an
Austrian. Grcvlllo wrote an Introduction
of 10J pages , which Is perhaps the most In
teresting part of the two bulky volumes.
It IB published by the Remingtons.
DeWorms , who was the most
Intimate friend of the great
statesman , is an eminent author and pub
lisher. Tlio book Is made further Interesting
by the fact that It contains a letter of as recent -
cent a date as March It from John Jay , cor
recting a most egregious mlsstatcmont about
Count Von Beust , made by James G. lilalne
In his book "Twenty Years of Congress , "
second volume , pages C.29 and CIX ) , and allud
ing tolui unfair reference to the count's di
plomatic position. In referring DeWorms to
Blalne's book Jay somewhat qul/.ilcally tolls
him that "it Is a volume you will doubtless
Ilnd In the British museum. "
Scolding President Cleveland.
ICopurtuht 1SSJ by Jiimcs Oonltn Utniittt. ]
LONDON , April 10. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to the BIE. : ! The Ob
server was scolding President Cleveland
to-day In the following manner : "The Can
adian fisheries dllliciilty still continues un
settled and President Cleveland , doubtless
with half an eye to the fall elections , has
published an exceedingly high and mighty
declaration on the subject as to the necessity
of vindicating the honor , dlu-nlty and Integ
rity ot the nation. Thn question Is a some
what tangled one , although the legal right of
the Canadians however antiquated or ob
noxious It may be , Is attested by Urn un
willingness of the American government to
reter the matter to arbitration. Neither na
tion could be so deficient In good sense as to
put itself in the wrong by refusing sucli an
invitation. "
Important Movements on the Stock
Exchange Higher Price * .
NEW YOIIK , April 10. [ Special Telnjram
; o the BEE.J- Taken altogether the week on
ho stock exchange may bo set down as ono
f the most impoitant for a lon-c time. The
nil movement made further progress and
ho highest figures of the year were recorded
n many Instances , dealings at the time hav-
ng been on a largo scale and attended with
nuch excitement. The specialties continued
: o lead in the rise and this class of stocks
scored an improvement raniIng ! up to 10
joints , with a number of shares heretofore
dormant quite prominent In transactions.
The feature of tlio week was the free par-
iclpatlon in the activity and the improve
ment of a number of dividend payers and
other usually active stocks , speculation in
which had previously hung flro to a greater
r less extent while specialties were moving
ip. Of these the anthracite roads were con
plcuous , rlsine anywhere from 2JJ to4J
points. Tlio leaders on the bull side took
iidvautazo of the buoyancy to loallzo with
ho idea of bringing about a substan
lal reaction , and their example
was followed by traders. But It was subse
quently discovered that the market had
broadened more rapidly than they had caten
ated upon and absorbed their stocks without
running all much , whereupon they started
n to buy back the shares they had parted
with , which operation , In connection with
iberal purchases by commission houses
whenever the market weakened , resulted In
quick rallies. There were some favorable
factors at woik , such as largo gains in rail
way traffic , the advantage of tolls on coal ,
the establishment of closer relations among
thn Pennsylvania , the Heading and the Jer
sey Central companies , liberal burin * by
London , further progress In some of tlio re
organized schemes , ami reports fiom Wash
ington that Secretary Fairchlld intended to
buy a largo amount of 4 and 4U per cunts
when all of the 3 per cents shall have been
retired. But , above all , was the decision ot
the Inter-state commerce commissioners tem
porarily suspending , on the application
of the Southern Jiailroad and Steamship
association , the "long and short haul" clause.
So sudden and liberal an interpietatlon of
tlio act in laver of the common carrying traiio
took tlio street by surprise and led operatois
to believe that the same liberty might be ex
tended to roads in other sections of thn coun
try which claim the siiuo grouuds for relief ,
The business in ralhoad bonds was on ,1
larger scale than for some time past and the
rcxlval of activity brought with It n inucl :
stronger market. The rise In stocks affectei'
their Kindred bonds , and In addition tlio lat
ter were influenced by favorable tralllc re-
tin us and lupnrts in regard to the new tralllc
agreement. The Atlantic & Pacific Incomes
wjro especially active , the enormous gain in
the earnings of the company for the lirsf
quarter of the current year stimulating pur
chases , in which Boston bouses wcio quite
conspicuous. The bonds weie heavily traded
in and rose over a points. Some of the
other issues advanced even still more , Sheu-
andoah Valley general selling up 0 , St.
Joseph & Grand Island Incomes 5 , New Vorl
city and Northern firsts 4 } , Jersey Cen
tral debentures 4 , and Green Bay In
comes 3f points. Brokers who do
an investment business report Incicas-
Ing orders for railway mortgages
from their client ? , who always pay in full tor
their purchases and take the bonds from tlio
street. This absorption Is steadily decreas
ing the supply or regular intoiest-paylng
issues , a number of which are positively
scarce. The feature of the week in foreign
exchanges was a widening In the ( inferences
between lone and short storing , the. former
advancing whilu the latter remained sta
tionary and was financially weak. Money
in tills market was accessible to brokers dur
ing the L'reat'ir part of the week at the legal
rate , and some times below it , although on occasions call loans advanced tem
porarily to 7 and b per cent , anil just previous
to Good Fiiday holiday there was n
little Hurry in which rates ran up as high as
15 per cent for a moment or two. The cur
rency sent to the middle nnd eastern states
to assist in tlio April settlements is slowly
returning , but at the west exchange Is still
against this center. The oxtromu hidi rates
made tor money were artificial , bning gen
erally the result of minlpulatlon for specula
tive purposes.
lie Scores Three More.
LITTLE HOCK , Ark. , April 10 ( Special
Telegram to the BEC.J A dispatch from
Texarkana savs that Walter RIdgelny , a
farmer living eight miles north ot there , was
lured from his house last night by three mem
bers of the Murphy family , who attempted to
assassinate him. In the tight that ensued ho
killed alljthieo aud received half a dozen
wounds himself. A month ago he killed
two of the Murphys In a dispute about ex
torting money from a drummer. A few days
latter no was ambushed and his horse killed ,
but he succeeded in killing two more of the
family. The score now stands seven to
naught , but Rldgeiey will doubtless die , nav-
Inif received live balls from rifles In the hands
of the Murphys.
FlendUh Docd of Convicts.
NASHVILLE , Tenn. , April 10. [ Special
Telecraui to the BEE. ] A llendlsh attempt
to murder H. H. Wilkinson , the keeper , and
some half dozen guards at the county farm ,
was discovered last night. A conspiracy
was formed among the convicts to murder
the lessee aud guards , and thus make- their
escape. Arsenic was put In the drinking
water and the lessee , four guards and live
trustees were stricken down. Two are fa
tally and others seriously ill. The ring lead
ers of the conspiracy have been caught , nnd
ono of them has made a full confession.
Blnino Moro Comfortable.
bT. Louis , April 9. A dispatch from an
ofllclal source , dated Fort Gibson , to the
Associated press agent here , dated at 10
o'clock this morning , says : "Blaluo's fever
continued throughout yesterday , but last
night he was moro comfortable and nowhla
pulse Is 70 , soft and natural. The bronchitis
Is much better and the pneumonia process
has not extended. This Is tlio report of the
attending pbysclans , " .
Chicago's Appraiser of Customs to Bo
Brought Before the Administration ,
Washington lluslness Sic a Talking
Up n Schema to Defeat the
Sunday IMW National
Capital News.
An Offensive I'nrtlsan.
W.VSIIINCITON , April 10. [ Special Tele
gram to thu Bin : , ] Francis A. HotTman , ap-
piaiscr of customs at Chicago , is likely to bo
called to account for an exhibition of ex
treme offensive partisanship. It scorns that
lloirnun took quite a prominent part In the
rcceut local election at Chicago , picsldtng
ml making speeches at meetings of the
oclallsts. Tlio attention of the president
as been directed to Hollman's conduct by
ic newspapers , but no action will be tatr > n
y thu authorities here until the matter has
jeen presented In ofllclal form. If thu Civil
'CivlcoKefonii ' league of Chicago , or any
ther responsible parties cognizant of the al-
escd ofTenso of Hoffman , will prefer the
ecessary charges they will Oa referred by
iic president to the nttornny general , as was
one in tlio case of United States Attorneys
tone of Pennsylvania and Bjnton of Mis-
ourl , and the result will doubtless be the re-
noval of HolTmau. Senator Vest Is ono of
ios < : who don't believe that there will bo a
lalled session of the Fiftieth congress. It
fould be better , Mr. Vest thinks , to purchase
per cent bonds at market rates In case the
tirplus should become distressingly large
Iter the 3 per cents arc redeemed than to
all an extra session. An extra session
vould not insure a reduction of taxation.
\s matters now stand In congress , " said
Ur. Vest , "Mr. Kamlull and the democrats
> utlng with him can unite- with the republi
cans and prevent anything reforming the
ariir from being taken up. It may bo that
1010 amicable relations will exist between
Mr. lUndall and tiio next chairman of the
vays and moans committee of tlio house than
hose between Mr. Kandall and Colonel
lorrison , and that some compromise may bo
fleeted between the opposing forces. But
Ills Is hardly to bo expected. In my opinion
ur lirst duty as democrats Is to settle this
lOinestlc trouble , and tbo only way to do It is
o enforce the will of the majority , If the re-
uit takes from us one-fourth of the paity as
t is now constituted. "
It was announced early in the week that
he authorities of the Dl.stiict had determined
o enforce ihe old blue line laws which aio
.till . on the statute books nnd that not only
ialoons , but business houses of all dcscrip-
Jens would be closed up by thn police to-day.
The saloons were closed up tight and only
' .he most favored friends ot hotel proprietors
ivere able to obtain anything ot an Intoxicat-
ng nature , and even these found the way to
he bottle so tortuous that they did not cave
o make the attempt very often. The law
ivhlch iixes a penalty for keeping open anv
) lace ot business other thanan , apothecary's
> r an undertaker's shop was not enforced.
The commissioners announced last night
tnat ono moro week'of . grace would bo
allowed , out that on next Sunday the police
will be Instructed to .arrest all who .leave
.heir store door open. , .The subject of the
blue laws and their propsed enforcement
forms the subject of the leading editorials In
all the Sunday papers to-day. The Capital
advocates their enforcement to the fullest
extent , oven to the suppression of the prlnt-
ug and sale of the Sunday newspapers. On
.his editorial there has been a great deal of
llscussion , and it is likely that the outcome
ivlll bo an attempt to compel the authorities
.o insist on compliance with the strict letter
of the odious law. There Is talk to-night of
a combination of cigar dealers and other
business men interested in Sunday trade to
compel the commlssioneis by mandamus to
enforce the law even to thostoppaiieot hank ,
stioet car , telephone , telegraph and railway
service. It is said that If thu authorities per
sist In tlio enforcement of any part of the
, iw they will be compelled to enforce It all.
The president's selection of a commission
to investigate tlm accounts of the Pacific
lallroads is not regarded as at all unfriendly
: o tlio loads themselves. Every candidate
for an appointment on thu commission
xiinwn to be inimical to the corporations was
jiado to take a back seat. There was Gov
ernor Abbott , of Now Jersey , who was
warmly pressed by Senator Mcl'herson and
was actually once on the slate , was set aside.
'Jarl Sehur/ , put forward as a most perslst-
Jiit investigator by the Wall street bears ,
.ailed of recognition at the hands of the
president. Henley , of California , author of
thu law piovldlng for the commission ,
was urged upon Cleveland , by
Spilnger , of Illinois , Senator .Mcl'herson , of
New Jersev , and the Wall street men , but
he , too , was allowed to drop out and General
Bragg , of Wisconsin , who would have been
like a wasp to the railroads , stinging them
richt and left , fared no hotter. Governor
Paullson , one of tlio appointees , Is a well
meaning but harmless man , who , during his
term as chlet executive of the state of Penn
sylvania , never once had any controversy
with the railroad. Anderson , another of the
commissioners , is a county democracy man
put forward by Dorshoimer , editor of the
New York Star , who was at one time promi
nent as a railroad attorney. Littler , It
is true , was recommended by Senator
Cullom , but while Cullom Is the
author of the inter-state commerce law , or at
least tlio essential features of It providing for
a commission , hu Is regarded as opposed to
the railroad companies. Littler Is a brother-
in-law of Governor Oglesby , a resident of
Springfield , the Illinois capital , where ho has
been what might bo termed n door of smair
work a sort of ironeral utility man in a po
litical sense. Not ono of the three commis
sioners know anything about practical rail
road business. All are classed rather as
small fry politicians.
Column's Recommendations to the
Governors of Several States.
WASHINGTON , April 10. The following Is
a copy of a letter sedt to the governor of New
Yoik :
INGTON , April 7. To Ills Excellency David
H. Hill. Governor of'the State ot New York
Sir : I have the honor to enclose herewith
for your consideration a copy of an act of
coiuress approved May1 , IbbG. es
tablishing a bureau of animal in
dustry and of tlio appropriations made by
the last congress for carrying out Its
provisions , together with n copy of
a proposed bill to bo enacted by the state
legislatures for co-operating with the bureau
of animal Industry In suppressing nnd extir
pating contagious cattle diseases. It Is Im
portant that the legislation of the several
states for -suppression of pleuro-pneu-
monla should be as nearly uniform as possi
ble , and as this proposed bill has been passed
by the legislature of the state of Virginia
exactly as submitted to you , and its
provisions are similar to the law of
Michigan of June 10,1875 , It might receive
the tavorablo attention of your legislature.
You are no doubt aware that contagious
pleuro-pneumonla is now prevalent in cer
tain sections of the state ot New York , moro
particularly In the cities of New York and
Brooklyn and on LonfC Island , and that ad
joining states have quarantined against cattle
tlo from New York state. Thlsdepartment Is
desirous ot stamplugout thodUeasa promptly
and If this bill , or a similar one , were passed
by the legislature of New York state It would
greatly aid us In accomplishing this purpose ,
and would probably prove the most efficient
form of legislation. Very respectfully ,
Commissioner of Acricnlturo.
Letters of like purport , varied only accordIng -
Ing to the circumstances In the several states ,
have been sent to governors ot the
states where legislatures are nowin
session. These are.New Jersey and Penn
sylvania , where pleuro-pneumonla 'has ex
isted and against whose cattlo- quarantine
1ms I been established In other states : Dele-
ware , whcro the disorder lias existed bvt has
been t eradicated , and Wisconsin , where it
has not vet been Introduced. The pro
posed bill aiithorl/es the governors to
accept , In behalf of thu state , the nilcs and
regulations of the commissioner of agrlcul-
tui.e. It confers upon Inspectors of the bu
reau of animal Industry the right of Inspec
tion , quarantine ami condemnation , and
uuthoiUcs them to call upon .slieriil.-i , consta
bles aud peace ofllccrj for assistance. It pro
vides thatallnxpenses shall bo berne by the
United States.
TEXAS FOR fltomnlTlON.
Senators Maxcy and itcngnn Declare
For the Amendment.
FOUT WoitTir , TPX. . April 10. ( Special
Ti'li'unun to the Bii.J : : The democMtsof
the state have been tieated to two surprises
In two days lirst , the Hat-footed statement
ot Senator Kc.ican , favoilng prohibition and
protesting against having the democratic
party known as thu champion of whisky ,
and , second , to-day by 11 letter from Senator
Maxey to ex-Lieutenant Governor Glbbson
the same subject. Gibbs reqvested Maxey to
come out against the prohibition amendment ,
classing It as sumptuary legislation , etc. In
reply Senator Maxoy states at some lencth
that ho does not regard it as such , and con
tinues : "As the people of Texas have law
ful power In tlio mode and manner pre
scribed by the constitution to adopt or reenact
act tlio pioposed amendment , I propose , as a
JelTersonian democrat , to abide by what Mr.
Jefferson laid down as a cardinal principle
of democracy , to-wlt : absolute acquiescence
In the decisions of the majority , the vital
principle of republics , from which there
Is no appeal but to force , which Is tlio
vital principle and Immediate parent
ot despotism. " Mr , Maxey says : "Tlio
democratic party should not stiller Itself to
bo dragged Into this controversy. The onlv
real question Involved in the proposed
amendments is : Is Its adoption expedient'.1
The democratic party , as such , has nothing
and ought to have nothing to do witli the
question. As clti/.eus , lot every man exer
cise his best judgment and vote according.
I propose to exercise my right as a clt)7en ) ,
and while 1 do not have the confidence which
some have In the elllcieney ot the mcasuio to
the full extent claimed for It , 1 will , in the
Interest ot good morals , peace and prosper
ity , resolve thn doubt In laver ot that side
which seeks the greatest good to the greatest
number and vote tor the amendment. "
Senator Coke and Representative Mills
are the only Texas statesmen of national
repute who have taken sides In the present
issue. Botli are anti-prohibitionists and both
carry many votes wltli them. Senator Maxey
and Senator-elect Reagan are popular all
over the state , and old politicians claim they
will carry thousands of votes for prohibi
A Witness In the Kawson Divorce
CaHo ConfesscH I'erjury.
CHICAGO , April 10. [ Special Telegram to
the Bir. : . | Interest has been revived in the
recently closed sensational suit of Mrs. M.
L. liawson for separate maintenance against
her husband , Stephen W. liawson , n promi
nent bank president of this city. John B.
Payne , who has been acting as counsel for
Mrs. Itawson , claims to have unearthed evi
dence which is startling If true. In Septem
ber last Mrs. Kawson began suit against her
husband for soparaco maintenance , alleging
desertion. Mr. Itawson filed a cross bill for
an absolute divorce , alleging adultery on the
part of his wife , and to prove his allegations
produced 'depositions of two witnesses ,
named Troy Brown and Edward Levy.
Brown testified to being a porter on a sleepIng -
Ing car on the Alton road , and that May 14 ,
1880. he saw Mrs. Itawson In the company of
a man who was not her husband , and lur-
ther testified that she did not occupy her own
berth in the sleeping car. Levy , who
was a waiter In the dining car ,
corroborated the testimony of Brown.
It is now stated by Mr. Payne that Brown
appeared before him yesterday to make a vol
untary confession In iclatlnn to the case. Mr.
Payne said : "Brown made a written con
fession to mo , which is now In my posses
sion. He swears that the deposition ho made
was false , and that he was Instructed in the
matter by a detective who workcit on the
case in the employ of tlio husband. Ho
swears that this detective came to him and
requested him to make his deposition as ho
should dictate. Levy was taken into thu com
bination , and tlio detective , teaching them In
falsehood , descilbud accurately the man
whom they were to swear they had heon with
Mrs. Rawson. Ho fuither swears that money
lias been paid to him since that time , and
also to his wife by different persons. "
Mr. Payne proposes to make a thorough In
estimation and promises to make public
_ ; omo sensational developments. Ho is al
ready preparing to institute actions against
thu witnesses for perjury.
Hci'Illusbiind's Family Pleased at Her
NEW iortK , April 10. | Special Tele
gram to the BEK. | The indications amount
to convincing proof that Mrs. James Brown
Potter Is estranged from her husband's fam
ily and that her failure as an actress In Lon
don Is rather pleaslnz than otherwise to them
Their silence Is perfect , but they will not
deny that such Is the case. Her husband
went to London just before her debut to dls-
suado her from the adventure , and especially
to protest against her making use of tbo
Prince of Wales' favor. There has atnotlm
been the slightest disposition among her so
clal acquaintances hero to construe th
prince's patronage unpleasantly , but it was
thought that with tlio general public the ef
fect might not bo so kindly. Mr.
Potter put up at another London
hotel trout that In which his wife
was staying , an d his seveial visits to her
weie quite formal. Ho departed before her
debut and was on the ocean at the time of
that event. Friends sav that nls mission
was a failure and that Mis. Potter , contident
of professional success , would not listen to
his advice. She had already declined similar
counsel from her uncle-in-law , Bishop Pot
ter , in whoso company she had gone to Paris
and In whom the family influence was con
centrated for use upon her. She was bound
to bo an actress. Their hope now Is that her
failure will cure her and gossip Is busyness-
Ing at tlio extent of the difference be
tween her and Mr. Potter , who declines
positively to make any explanation.
Arresting Montana Farmers.
BILLINGS , Mont , April 10. Upon In
formation made by an employe of the Crow
agency warrants have Just been Issued for
the arrest of nluo farmers of then Yellow
stone valley between Billings and Park
City. Those arrests will be followed by
many others. Their oll'ouse is cutting tim
ber on the Crow reservation. Nearly all the
timber In this neighborhood Is on the reserva
tion , and during the late severe winter
farmers along the river were obliged to cresson
on the Ino for their supply of fuel. Though
closely watched they were not interfered
with , mit tally was kept , and now deputy
United States marshals and other officials
will reap a ricli harvest from wholesale ar
rests. The point at which these farmers cut
timber Is seventy-live miles from the agency ,
round which the Indians are collected.
Honored For Ills Liberality.
ST. Louis , April 10. At a meeting of the
members of the Temple ot Israel tills after
noon a proposition to subscribe 3300 to the
Henry Ward Beechor monument fund was
unanimously adopted and the following tele *
gram sent :
To the Board of Trustees of Plymouth
Church , Brooklyn , N. Y. The Temple of
Israel of St. Louis subscribes 300 to thu fund
for bulldine a monument to Henry Ward
Beccher , prompted by the love we gratefully
owe him lor the sake of that divine princi
ple of liberal thougut he Immortalized by bis
blessed llfo.
( .signed : ] B.U. SojjNje6JupiN.
A UR | Uow In Clilouiro On Aouotutt of
Anarchist Sploa.
CIIICAOO , April 10. A setback was given
to day to the frlonds of August Spies , who
have been endeavoring to enlist the moral
support of the Turners here for him and his
condemned comrades , but the anarchist's
sympathizers retuso to acknowledge them
selves defeated and declare that thay will
carry their efforts before the- highest author
ity In the order and make the issue a na
tional one among the Turners. Splc.s was a
Tuincr , and a prominent ono , bofora his In-
caicerntlon. A friend of Spies , Chairman
John Gloy , and members of the Turners' ex
ecutive board of this district , issued n circu
lar to all subordinate Turner societies In this
vicinity requesting ttiem to notify the board
whether they favored the adoption of a reso
lution declaring tlio verdict against the an
archists unjust and asking lor a new trial.
The result was n storm of protests against
the action of the board. Glov then Issued a
letter advocating support lor Sple.s , and
this was followed by nngry de
mands for his resignation and
those of his fellow members
of the board. To day a district convention
of the Turners was held for thn purpose of
deciding on the- question of Impeaching and
deposing thu district executive board , and
especially John Gloy , the chairman , for over-
stepplnc authority and dlsira < 'lni : the office.
Eveiy Tinner society within fifty miles of
Chicago was repiesented. Max Hern made
a long , earnest addiess denouncing the ex
ecutive board and tlio anarchists generally ,
which was answered by Gioy at length. At
last a motion to depose the executive board
was carried 1" to 85 and the chairman im
mediately declared the board deposed. Gloy
announced that lie would appeal the case to
the national board. In the conference fol
lowing this declaration a largo number of
societies withdrew from the hall headed by
Gloy. The grew louder and the chair
man threatened to have the- hall cleared by
the police. Gloy reappeared at this juncture
and qiilc'cd tlio audience , sayingan outbreak
should bo avoided. A now district board was
provided for by the remaining delegates and
the convention quickly adjourned.
The Only Colonel Sellers Suddenly
Stricken Down.
KVANSYILLI : , Ind. , April 10. John T.
Raymond , the actor , died hero tills morning
at-o'clock , the result of a complication of
diseases. Mr. Raymond came to Kvansvlllc
last Fiiday to fill an cniagemcnt , but wns
unable to dose on account of illness. The best
medical aid was called In to attend him , and
ho seemed to Improve until 0 o'clock last
night , when ho suddenly grew worse. The
company started this evening with the re
mains for New York , whnie Mr. Itaymond's
"uinily icsidcs.
[ John T. Raymond was a man of about
Hty years of nge. For the greater partof his
ife lie was a stock actor , playing only sec-
ondaiy parts. For the past few years , how
ever , ho has been ono ot the best known men
on the stage. When Mark Twain and Charles
Dudley Warner's book "Tho Gilded Age , " ,
, vas dramatized , John T. Raymond was cast
n the part of Colonel Sellers. In this role ho
jiiadu an Instantaneous hit and tumped at
once to the position of a star. With peculiar
"oico ho portrayed the characteristics of
he visionary colonel the American Mleaw-
ber and through this ci cation secured both
Tame and fortune. Colonel Sellers at once
.nijame a national character , and the names
if Raymond and Sellers were Inseparable.
In no other lolo did the * actor appear In his
full strength. Although his repertoire In
cluded several ' 'taking" parts , it was only as
Sellers that the public received him with
open arms as one of the greatest ccmedlans
in the country. In his other plays he will
not bo sorely ] missed , but with his death
comes that of the character which he has
created ana which the amusement loving
public will part with In sorrow. ]
'nrdlnal Tascheroau Suspends His
Kdict Anal nst the K. of li.
Qucnr.c , April 10. The following circular ,
bearing on the Knights ot Labor question ,
ivas lead in tlio different Roman Catholic
churches to-day :
Archbishop of Quebec , April B.-In Sep-
.ember , 18S4 , the holy see , consulted by me
on the society ot the Knights of Labor , con
demned it under pain of uiovious sin , and
charged the bishops to deter tliolr diocesans
therefrom , as 1 did in my circular letter ( No.
lll-of ! ) the ! M of February , 18s5. Alter
representations made by their lordships , the
bishops of thu United States , the holy sea
has suspended until further orders the effect
of that sentence. In consequence , 1 uu-
hori/.o the confessors of the diocese to abso-
ute the Knights of Labor on the following
conditions , which It Is your duty to explain
to them and make them observe :
1. That tlmy confess and sincerely repent
of tlio grievous sin which thev committed by
not observing the decree of September , 1SSI.
B. That they be ready to abandon this so-
lety as soon as the Holy See shall or
dain It.
9. That they sincerely and explicitly prom
ise absolutely to avoid all that may cither
favor Masonic and other condemned socie
ties , or violate the laws either of justice ,
charity or of the state.
4. That they abstain from every promise
and Horn every oath by wnich they would
bind themselves cither to obey blindly all the
orders of the directors of thu society , or to
keep absolute secrecy even toward the law
ful authorities ( see "Discipline , p. 'J17) ) . In
behalf of these penitents only , nnd by virtue
of an Indult , I prolong the time ot paschal
communion until tlio feast of Ascension In
clusively. Please accept , sir , the assurance
of my sincere attachment.
X. K. A. GAUD TASciiEiinAu ,
Archbishop of Quebec.
Drought-Stricken Texan.
OAI.VKSTON , Tex. , April 10. The past
week has been ono of expectancy and disap
pointment by tlio people of Texas. No rains
ot any consequence have fallen throucliou
the immense area now sutlcrlng from
drought. Dispatches and letters to the Galveston -
veston News , San Antonio Kxpross and
other papers of the state continue to dctal
the widespread and threatening character ol
tht ! drought , tno severity of which has perceptibly -
coptibly incieased since the last report. The
drou.'ht now extends from tlio far-west graz
ing lands across the state for a distance ot
800 miles Into the pine- regions bordering on
Louisiana , but decreases in severity as it approaches
preaches the pineries , from which section
complaints are of recent date. The whole
sale houses of this city are oalllntr thcli
diummers off the road , as the country mer
chants refuse to buy , pending the uncer
tainty of the crop outlook.
Stopping Sunday I'.ano Ball.
LONG ISLAND CITY , N. Y , , April 10.
About sixty deputy sheriffs In three divis
ions , under command of Sheriff John J.
Mitchell , Under Shorilf Goldncsand Captain
Kavanaugh , visited the various parks used as
baseball grounds In the villages of Mospcth ,
Mlddlevillo and Uld.'nwood. Queens county ,
this afternoon and stopped the ball games In
progress. At Atlantic park , where the Cuban
Giants nnd Newarks were plavlng before
about 4,000 spectators , Captain Kavanaiigh
and his fifteen deputies were surrounded by
a crowd aud for a time It looked as If there
would be trouble. Some of the crowd urged
the players to pioceed wlih thn game despite
thu proscnco of the officers , and others picked
up stones , threatening the officers' lives.
Finally the mob was driven oil and the play
ing ceased.
Joseph Smith Denounces Polygamy.
CLIVF.LAND : , April 10. Tnero was n
largo attendance of outsiders at the confer
ence of Latter Day Saints In Khkland to-day ,
the attraction being the hcrmon by President
Joseph Smith axalust the Mormau doctrine
of polygamy. Mr. Smith bciran his sermon
bo the emphatic declaration , "I have no belief -
lief In this philosophy of polygamy. 1 am
Identified with people many of whom have
gone over with the extremists and cast their
lot with the advocates of plural marriages. 1
desire to state publicly that 1 aui not of
that number. " The speaker wont on to say
that the Latter Day Saints stood committed
to tub doctrines of sltiglo marrlajes.
Nebraska Towns Suffer Extensively by tlfc *
lucurjioa of the Flames , ,
$20,000 LOSS AT BERTRANth'
The High Winds Make It Impossible $
to Stay the 1'roieross of the Coii
llnf-rntlon Cattle Uanchca
Flro nt Itcrtr.ind.
llKmrrtAND , Neb. , Apill 10. ( Special til
the ltac.1 Bertram ! has been visited trilj
last days of the week with a most dlsaslroui
Hie. The lirst warning of Its approach was !
seen Thursday nlirht , when dense clouds ofj
moko were swept over the place liom the )
south and east. The lire reached the town
about midnight , and the llrst buildings to bo'
consumed were the residence and barn o
John G. Italian ) , which were completely do *
stroyod In an Incredibly short time , In splto
of the efforts of all the citizens to control the
flames. The llro then spread , destroying the
barn of F. W. Bcrgqulst , the blacksmith
shop and contents ot C. A. Bromandcr ,
J. A. Vnncamp's barn , J , M. Koopplo's sta
ble , 0. H. HeustU' poultry house , John O ,
Hendrlcks' stable , containing a large amount
of hay and grain and ono calf ; 1 * . 0. Sehroe-
dcr's barn , Wort & Knapp's elevator , coal
sheds , corn and cribs ; Frees & Hoehnell's
coal shed and contents , Dr. Harrington's1
stable , h'ay and grain , Smith & Bruce , 5,000
bushels corn and cilbs ; W. L. Hinds' barn
and other thlnes , W. Ward's dwelling house ,
John A. Ilobcrts' stable , granary , 150 bushels
of wheat , oats , corn , four hogs and one calf.
During the tire an extra train loaded with
ties and Iron undertook to run past the lira
In Wort & Knapp's elevator. The ties were
burned under the track and the engine was
ditched and rolled over on Its side and the cab
and three cars with material were consumed.
The estimate loss in all Is 525,000.
It Is hard to tell who did the most or worked
the hardest to save the proueity from de
struction , but there were quite a number of
ladles who dcsorvo great pialso for their
presence of mind and unceasing efforts In
battling with the lira fiend. It was almost a
miracle that so much of the town was saved ,
as there were < iuito a number of buildings
that took lire , but by prompt action on the
part of individuals the llamej were ex
tinguished. The wind was blowing u calo
from the south and carried live coals of fire
nnd burning shingles from 103 tOuOU yards.
Fullerton Threatened.
FtiLLKfiTOX , Neb. , April 10. [ Special to
the Bir : . | An Immense- prairie lire has boon
raging south of Fullerton , dolnc extonslvo
damage. Tom Millar's cattle ranch , InchuN
Ing a line house and contents , was destioycd ,
The loss will probably exceed S10.000. Some
fears are entertained for the safety of the
city. A strong south wind Is blowing.
rtulldinc'4 nnd Stock Dcfltroycd ,
Pr.ATTi : CINTKR : , Neb. . April 10 [ Special
Telegram to the BKU. ] William I'-bor , living
live miles north , lost by a prairie tire all tbo
buildings , grain aud BOIIIO live stock on his
Tarm. Ho had all ho could do to save th
lives of himself aud family. Loss about
The Mnumoo Plant nt Toledo Entirely
TOLEDO , April 10. At 9 o'clock to-night
tlio Maumeo rolling mills , located on the
cast side of the Maumeo , wore discovered to
be on lire. The entire structure being frame ,
the flames spread rapidly , and before the lire !
department could reach tlio spot the whold
mills were wrapped In a sheet of lire. The
mills were erected In 18S3 , but have not been
run regularly until the boom In iron caused
them to bo started up. About " 00 men were
employed at present , but arrangements were
malciii'- employ ttio full complement of COO
men. Tim rolling mill building and ma
chinery Is a total loss. The ollleo , machine
shop and blacksmith shop were the only
structures saved. The loss Is estimated at
$300,000 , according to the statement of the
president of the company. Tlio Insurance Is
said to bo only 5 ,000. It Is Impossible at
present to ascertain the names ot the cornea-
mes. The capital stock of the company Is
8250,000. The heaviest stockl-oldcr Is Henry
Worthinpton , of Covlngton , Ky. , who holds :
8100,010. It Is the presumption or the officials
of the company that the mills will bo rebuilt
at once , to be tun by natural gas , which will
be piped hero tfom the Flndlav held and bo
ready for use bv June 1. though this will not
be decided until Worthington arrives. ,
11. S. Walbridgo , president of the rolling V : "
mill company , has just made an Inspection
of the ruins ana believes that a largo amount
of the heavy machinery has not been Korl- j
ously injured. If his opinion proves correct ) *
ho says the damage caused by the lire ean be
made good at an expense of SIMOX ) , al
though the burned property originally cost a
far higher figure. A meeting ot the directors
will bo hold to-moirow to decide whether to
Lord Lnnsdowno Scared.
OTTAWA , Ont. , April 10 [ Special Tele
gram to the Ben. ! There Is much excite *
mout here over an official notice to the elTcct
that during the presence of Lord Lansdowuo
In the senate chamber at thu opening of par
liament , on the Mtli Inst. , the galleries ot the
senate will bo closed. This Is the first time
in the history of the Dominion that such a
step has been taken , the gallert es of the senate - *
ate always on such occaslns being open to
the public , who are admitted by ticket. Thq
explanation Is given that it will prevent con
fusion. The opinion is that his excellency
has received letters , the threats contained In
which ho Is afraid will be carried into effect
if a crowd Is permitted to enter the nailery of
the chamber while ho Is npnnlng parliament.
Kxtra precautions have been taken to Insure
blR safety while passing from Uldeau house
to parliament.
Enrlliqunko Shookn In Vermont.
UUIII.INOTON , Vt. , April 10. Two shock !
of earthquake occurred here tills afternoon.
The llrst was rather light , about 2:1)0 : ) , and tba
second ten minutes later. The second
shock was very heavy , resembling the con
cussion from a large gun , followed by n jar
ot fifteen seconds' duration. Doors and windows
dews rattled , and those living In the third
story of blocks say the buildings seemed to
sway to and fro. People ran Into the streets !
in a panic , many supposing that a terrific
explosion had occurred near by.
Mtennmhlp Arrivals.
NKW YOIIK , April 10. | Special Telegram
to the BKK. ] Arrived The steamers Ser-
via and India , from Hamburg ; iho Arcadia
and Athens , from Mediterranean ports ; the
Normandle , from Havre.
LONDON , April 10. Tlio steamer Ktrurla ,
from New York for Liverpool , arrived at
Queanatown to-day. La Bretaune , Irom NCT
York April 2 , arrived at Hiivio. ThoLesslng- ,
from New York March iil for Hamburg , ar
lived at Plymouth to-day.
Appointed Hy thn 1'roildeut.
WASHINGTON , April 10. The president
yesterday appointed Eugcno Sample , ot
Washington territory , governor , and Samuel
I ) . Shannon , ot Cheyenne , to bo secretary of
NnlmiHkn nnd Io\vn Weather. *
For Nebraska : Light rains , colder , fet *
lovveu by rising temperature In northern per
tlon , variable Winds. .
Iowa : Local rains , Variable winds ,